Oregon, t lir» I’nrafllsn «>f i armor*, Substance. But One ricmontnry jfild, equable clirpato, certain and abundanl necessary to hold, and General Grant, team- with hts was ECHOES OF THE LETTER. believe that dovvTi stock Gonoral Grant, aids, rapluly DELUGE, THE CRONIN MURDER, FASHION Analogy forbids us to crops. Bestfruit, grain, grass, country Tip- that was threatened a force that we fre Address ing Oglesby by them in dimensions n the world. Fullinforvoation getting |K>Mtion. and to a certain limit of i Springtlnlc of rebels from Item* mid Incidents of In- for Wool Tollcts-Ncw is thr-. The iioa~d. Columbus, determined to ! Luke saw no of an On the Melancholy Rage of matter Immigration Fortland,Oregon sign enemy. The Confession of Woodruff Im* call molecules, the constitution Oregon raako a move terest in Connection willi the Over* Allecoil and Stylish which would detract them i wasa li< ki of tall corn, the Lovely Material—Ueautlful from that whicn PUBLISHED EVERY right overhang- Alexander Sullivan, Detective of a different sort FRIDAY. from wlu'Iining Disaster in tlie Fononiougli pllmtlng wholly it man has a natural right to do Oglesby. blades of which would conceal ob- nud Continues. the molecules Evkrt ing any — »nd Two King The Situation From a Coughlin Otlioro, on subdividing in tha For a month Valley .Military appears ho \vill3, provided that Colonel Smart’s regiment | from view a dozen rods away. [Special New York Correspondence.] that all whatsoever SPRINGDALE. ject Foint of View. Falrburn.tu the Crime—Captain scliaack is an incredible assumption ho not on tno ARKANSAS. had been at for equally join^ thereof infringes equal lying inactive Cairo, and, with I Before them was a hill, covered with what Thero is a both horo and abroad arc so many in- Jtmo l’oremptortly Kemovcd for Trying t° rage atoms of tho same element of any other man. many of the Luko was im- IlAitmsinnu}, Pa., 4.—Adjutant- but others, growing j seemed a dense growth of timber, but wool toilets, not alone for utility uses, alike in every rights General sent the fo!- Shield Coughlin. dependent creations exactly patient. a formidable Hastiugs yesterday for bridal increas- has been made for which was really nbattis, com- for occasions for ceremony, as our knowledge Dobbins’ Electric Soap METAPHYSICAL. On tho lowing to C. K. Chicago, Juno evidence respect. Then, morning of t'.io Oth of in such a it dispatch Diehl, manager 5.—Startling for livo o'clock teas tho chemical Each sales have increased. November, posed of trees felled way that wear, church, visiting, tho distinctions between »4 years. years “ ho had taken his of the Postal at this was before (he coroner’s in the es, b-n- You c:in not speak 1861, company as usual out for men to Telegraph Company given jury and fetes. There are many new less marked ami sales wero 2,?" s ; when the “ Better Inform Governor- Beaver that tills ©master” called. He testified that i l)o ynu Try it first ray to st<-al quarters adjutant told him to ro- We’re a been foolin’ about here so and them are Venetian cashmeres not as iso made this possible. began long among are to appear, Across the at the Colonel’s morning's reports give the number lost at the day that tho grand jury took up tho They beginning garden where talked. ]M>rt headquarters. lie that the Rebs tirno t’ rein- as soft as velvet and as line an 1 delicate a net- they hevgot plenty Johnstown at lated but as links in complex deli::-s lovo as found most of tho commissioned officers of between twelve and fifteen thou- case the prisoner Woodruff, alias King, with units, A Boston voung lady “Is :t Max. as India Those are bordered an unbroken eon loo deep for fo’ce,” growled Corporal sand. The greatest disorder The vailing. which presents accompany d with out- words-too high, tho in the “ prevails. sent for him and confessed that he drove work, “an iuexprosibility loo regiment Colonel's tent. .Silence in ranks!” devices in silk in old rose, recent of ’’ sad, too of “ place Is tnfesied with thieves and vandals, who embroidery The study ward ailoverishuess. bad—your thought me? \\ e’vo got niarchiu’ orders at tho wagon with tho trunk that contained tinuity throughout Come last,” But Max was correct. The had been ere the strawber torra doubt he!her now, take courage, frankly l.y delay robbing dead and appropriating every ry, the rarer earths leaves us in 1 said Colonel his faco with Cronin's body from the Evanston avenue are to the o spook Smart, glowing unavailable, it is true, it made it so can their hands on. cotta, moss and of ant I purity imparted your mind. Bo sa;d she. yet long thing they lay These peo- we have an indetinite number elements, Fkksiinfsi bravo," excitement, “lie iu readiness to tho catch-basin. lie (Venn’s to go aboard after that the soldiers and trars* ple are eating almost in the cottage opened and manifesta- by Sulphur Soap. daylight every thing shape golden green or one under unnumbered complexion n,c to be true?'' the Iwmts of the confession that he was in a only and Whisker Dye, ;>0 cents. he sighed. to-night.” Belmont were discov- provisions sent here for the flood suITerers. by saying reseda. This e m- Hill's Hair °u Ido ports lauding above and tho later results of spectrum “Ami brave?" and ‘•\\ here are we ?” one the officers Tell Governor saloon on Division near Franklin, tions; “Yes—bravo goin’ of and the Confederates made Beaver that you can reach us street, forms tho that, true.” asked. ered, prepara- brohlery seem to indicate quite clearly more oa the engage- direct and any thing lie wish to communl one with two men named and analysis Tnn lover spends tions to them a warm may day, King vest, panels, dlrec- sun and the “But if the truth should hurt that’s a give reception. nt the of the on his wile in a your pr do, “O, secret with Grant and Mo- cato with parties here will receive prompt at- Fairburn, when a stranger entered and high temperatures ment ring than ho spends And to The army at last began to ad- toiro re vers and elom ’>its he brave would and attacking tention from ns. fixed stars, many of our terrestrial anger you?” Clenmnd,” yet with a knowing wink took King aside. He produced a roll year. skirt border. _ vance in two long lines big Tailor a mathematical lie added: ‘‘I’ll bet I extending through The are From She smiled with gentle know where we're present intention of the Governor of money, and gave some to King and made of these decomposed. tolerance. a part of the eorn-iield and the tall bottom gowns of tho OrunwaUl main- Yorcan’thelplikingthcm.theyares »very “That I have faults bound; get .your men in readiness with is to send no to but some to Fairburn. When he had analysis spectra, I quite well know; The rolled and troops Johnstown, gone beautiful textiles nro a re- their action is so perfect, (ine pill a three rations an’ grass. fog rapidly away, tains and his conclusion by small and Yet spea r—for truth's sake Iwillchamo days’ forty rounds, an’ ho has requested that the Fourteenth Woodruff asked King who it was, considered tho supports Bittlo Liver Fills. Try them. we’ll see.” the burnished arms of the blue-coats glit- height of confirmatory measure- de.se. Carter’s Or shaft or blow. bo in readiness to move and ho is markable array slinging hurting in the morn- Regiment kept replied: “That tho great of no tered with dazzling brightness stylish elegance. that t!i« remarkable solar spectrum Though positive information had es- to 1 lie scene of ments *‘\\ the disaster. lawyer, Alex Sullivan.” Woodruff went There nro also Vene- well- a looking-glass is a sign of hy should not soul respond to soul from ing sun. line called helium, and the eqita ly To break caped headquarters by which they General “Have ou to that ho was hired Detective before the year Without,” sh" said, “this wretched art? Before t ho foot of the hill was reached a Hastings telegraphed: say by tian cashmeres on come from death in the furniiy could determine the intent of the marked line of the sun's corona, closes.^ These possibly good organization; don’t think it neces- fur the sum of dol- tints In poor pr -tenses that control halt was made and skirmishers deployed. Coughlin twenty-five pale, lovely of gas, the first c ommanding officers, it was understood to two constituents hydrogen The earnest impulse of the bea-t?” yet his entire sary call for troops. Be assured that lars to go to the cottage and get tho monochrome, and in la t that the Captain Mason with company of which is somewhat heavier and the expedition was either upon Bel- every tiling will be done within trunk. The two men boforo referred to and was thrown forward upon the skirmish possibility magnolia lilj’- Pro! Josiuh They paused. He seemed as one mont or Columbus. to far lighter than hydrogen gas. distraught, in then relieve the survivors and care for the accompanied him. They first drove wliitc are mado And as he drew line. He ilrst. deployed platoons, they Science Monthly. qu etly near. Going to his tent Luko hastily penned a dead.” P. Cooke, in Popular in and each inuu a rod through Lincoln Park, where the trunk up with blouse fronts And stooped Ins head, she merely thought few lines to her of tho fours, finally placed Lillie, informing Sheriff McCan dlcss of Coun- was taken and to tho and accordion lie meant to w in her from of the others. Allegheny out, again returned plaited Happy Homes. hisper ear. dangerous expedition on which wero any they ty telegraphs as follows: Tiieu drove to tho catch- skirts of China silk to tho wives »nfl tlio mothers about to All was quiet. A peculiar solemn hush buggy. they Ili»r •’« n health no engage, lio would come out sit in our households to-day; But such thing the villain meant, hoping fallen over tho “llavo just returned from Johnstown. basin. After the body had been or soft lustrous gros Who if he seemed to have scene, placed ureirlad who they brighten for others “Words,” ho remark’d, in thoughtful sale; uia not no had the glorious con- The situation is such that it is silk. Who broken by tho crushing tread of some positively therein and tho trunk droppod by the grain Natty The hours that go drifting away mood, solation of for his only the lightol the .a 11: dying country. to send at least four or five drove to a where suits for afternoon Slnv theireye* ke-p “ his tho necessary wayside, they barn, they ess of h iss Too often fail or tlioir soldier making way through tangled Tlieir hearts hold tho fulli intent. The troops were in readiness that wear gotten thicket. Luke to half believe that regiments of the National Guard to pre- washed and fixed up. Coughlin, lie wont are made of That banishes shadows ami sadness And are, at b03t, misu ulerst od. began this/ evening, and tho with their vent and And wluit nood we usk more than transports the had deserted the camp. pillage, robbery bloodshed.” ou to say, told him several days before- decks and enemy can this bo kept 1 “In that I think and yards fenced in with logs The Fourteenth and that he had a for with But—how happiness feel for you brought A crow, cawing loudly, was soaring above Eighteenth rogi- hand job him. On tho vailing plnltecl those in close to shore. What shall protect those wo love,- (Forg vo me), act on must The soldiers wero mus- the inents were to move with cars and afternoon of t he came to him and skirt waists of faille of a like and the the tree tops, doubtless annoyed by ready May who make a Heaven of the Homo, from All in tered to an hour speech being frank and true.” quarters after dark, and warriors. A rations, and the coun- said: “Now’s the it’s to ho Hungarian jackets, short all around, show- worse than presenco of tho advancing Adjutant-General night got ravages of disease that is often Bo kissed her squate upon the lips. marched down to tho river. The the loose fall of tho silk not f gang blue jay chirped and screamed as it flitted termanded the orders. done. If you don’t get out before three ing blouse, death,—that is, in fact, a hn/rrhm death wero s planks thrown out, and they went General Snowden that the o’clock it will bo no use.” At i only in front, but at tho back below tho is answered : 1 >r. Pierce She turned away with cheeks allamo, from bush to bush and tree in front of tho telegraphs, nine o’clock l'hequestion easily aboard. Luke’s regiment took on First is to to tho he the waist line. White camel's hair, white Favorite standard reniodj With angry tears—he saw them fall— quarters advancing skirmish line. Brigade ready respond got wagon. Proscription—the tho and line are those diseases to which “Men, men," she “ararrif upper deck, whero tho men stacked Ins an call for at and General beach cloth, French serge, for all of peculiar sobbed, the same.” Luke was pressing way through duty Johnstown, After Sehaack had conclude 1. “Major” be relied arms and sat down. j m ule in this fashion and be- women are is what must She did not blaino herself at all. when a shot his to re- also, appear subject almost impenetrable jungle Wiloy telegraphs willingness Sampson, a man well known in tho police ! tho health of wives and moth- The night was dark and but sides in gowns with accordion jn to preserve foggy, they out on his left. It was the lirst sound spond to any demand made on him. annals and at the testified that1 plaited and it err* And yet the chances are that he. had rang Bridewell, ers. It prevent* those diseases, experienced pilots who knew every to Bush skirts, bordered at the foot with many A Noted Divine Says: of an The men had really began Huidokoper, surgeon of the First tried to hire him some time It is a to women and there- Altho’ the garden walks were dim. foot of the enemy. Coughlin ago \ them. blessing Ianvo keen us 1itp; '*'« H '«• I.iv or i'iJlq river, and men and officers had the wires rows of moire ribbon. A sash of the rib- it ‘•1 Id ght have remained sane had she that they would find camp Brigade, that tho Hospital Corps is to and to lib- fore a National blessing, because gives V.c»K Stomach nut! quite the most in secretly hope ( slug Cronin, promised pay ; bon Is tho with for lt.vspsiu. implicit conlidenee them. of ■ twisted around waist long whom the of huvo Not too completely cornered h m. deserted. For a single instant the heart ready to go as volunteers. Colonel Keck, for the A mau named health to those about happiness Ci'StiwJi1w i t U tnliicli 2 ton^ One ©rally job. Billy j ends at the —Madeline delay followed another until it was the ! »f loops and drooping left side. home centers, and tho strength of a Nation ;tI i lift e«i. S. Br.dges, in Judge. the youthful Captain beat faster, while Wilkesbarre, states that his regiment Lyon corroborated this, and an adjourn- [ near before the The waist may ho in empire with is iu its homes. midnight, transports finally blood forsook his check. i i ready to do duty. ment was taken. style, happy off tucks from the throat to the and pushed and steamed down the river. three more shots iu Governor Beaver is in communication chest, spg Bang! bang! bang! The evidence taken earlier in the day ! Pr. Pierre’s Pellets, or Anti bilious Gran- The coolness of the men made some of the ti e sleeves tucked to match, or there may be a succession on the left pronounced with General Hastings, who is in Johns- that of tho Lake View ules iu onoadose. Druggists. LUKE officers quick was police officers [ with ; vials, 25cents; MASON. ashamed of their nervous uneasi- And now the music be- and jacket-front, mousipietatro levers skirmish as begun. town, giving necessary instructions. who saw the vehicle on gfipO ness. mysterious the1 and a folded tho net or lace * half a dozen shots vest, plaits Tits offensive habit of tobacco gins on ttie right. First, fatal and of the doctors who made spitting 11 The great black smoko issued from the n&roo Humlroi) Hmlu** DUcovorcd in the night laid diagonally, with half-long sleeves that as an illegal lead off. followed by a score, and then a juice has received recognition A Thrilling and Romantic tlie examination. _ Story S;i ml. post-mortem reach tho elbow in a full a of lill U s|i>* tall bv smoke-stacks, the engines puffed, and crow and blue point, Bishop offense grand jury Philadelphia. hundred. The jay flyaway, one Of tho Lato Civil War. the were set in June 3.—Three hnn- Late last t iglit Chief of Police Hubbard sleeves of net or lace coming from under That bodv has found true bills against ponderous paddles motion. and more eager for a shot Johnstown, l’a., A BLESSING. every soldier, an for malicious mischief in ARE SPECIAL Ere the were issued order this the fullness into a nar- John F." P>erg so long transports in tho middle forward. tlred bodies wore discovered this peremptorily removing point, gathered J ncvcrliailuD.i t Siiiiir lodo in c mini than prudent, pressed on the front of several of tho down Scliaack from tbe command ot row bond at the wrist. spitting doorsteps S rerrommeud them to ;»5I u stream, speeding the great his for a of the afternoon in the sand at ivernville, Captain tjooil. BY JOHN It. Luke strained eyes glimpse houses iu the northern part of the city. a not*.*’ MUSICK, dark river. the Chicago-avonuo district and also For summer toilets tho jflie l»esf motif fine i«» ov is? last rewarded a dark near the mouth of Sandy Creek. The sus-1 dressy evening Airmen of “Bkottieii Against enemy, and was at by Kev. F. K. OMiOOl), \e» York. PnomtH,” As him from This action was beautiful are made “ Luke gazed upon those men he leaves. can not bo and is pending duty. Neapolitan gauzes great “Helen Waiter Jinows- gallant about among the sight described, A numbkr of ladies in Boston arc leading Lakkman,” object moving based use these In began to wonder how of them would one of the most ever upon his unsatisfactory evidence of, golden green, buttercup a SOLD EVERYWHERE. 1'iELLt," Hanker of Beueoud," many Whether one manor a score he knew not, distressing; crusade against the practice of "docking” return from tho Seine were least five yesterday afternoon, anil upon the cameo, old rose, mag- horses1 tails. 44 31 !icw York. amj t .her Stories. expedition. for the bushes almost completely concealed witnessed. A crowd of at hun- opin- Oilico, uiT»y St., eating, some telling stories, and Arkansaw dred to ion that lie had bungled the case from the nolia white, salmon them. gathered around, endeavoring Dishonored Drafts. £21lAr."A2L£ CASS. Tom was start. He admitted to tho that he and rose. lying ui>on tho deck buried in in and smoko find the bodies of some friends or rela- jury English [Copyrighted, ISS3.] The ball opened front, fire, the tho drafts For two years I had sound as if ho his or had not asked Woodruff to describe Alex. 'J lmse textiles are fig- When stomach dishonors slumber, at home in the cen- tives, There were no coffins there at the so and leaden hail were upon made it rest it i' thrnmatfeai k.d that \ poured ured in upon by the of the system, CHAPTER VI.—Continued. hunting camp. aud the bodies had to be laid on the Sullivan amt in general demonstrated many ways. it disabled me for work ter of the Union skirmish line. The soldiers time, because its fund of strength is ‘‘flow can ho that ho had tried to shield to A w h i t e necessarily and confined me to On tho after the conflict in the sleep—when to-morrow ho and with wonder- A rain is now falling, but this Coughlin magnolia low. Toned with Hostetler's Stomach «?, my morning stood their ground fought ground. very bed for a whole may die?” Luko asked himself. The the hindrance of the investigation. gauze floriated in pale yiar, valley Luke, at the head of a dozen mount- young ful and coolness. does not interfere with the work. Most Bitters, it soon begins to pay out vigor in dump which time l desperation a Captain walked off and for irfew mo- The an yellow shows the of rich b < ed men, went up to a farm-house and de- gazed ‘•Why don't they reinforce us.” cried of the rescuing party have been up for police have important clew to shape pure, od, containing could not even raise niy ments on the of then shirred bodice with tho elements of muscle, bone and brain hands to and manded admittance. They were greeted by receding lights Cairo; Lieutenant Smith. “We’ro fightiu’ a hull two days, yet lliey work with a d itermi- tbe murderers. They have found the ex- my head, he descended to tho Greek and As n sequence of the new afferji d the for ,"j months could not half a dozen loud-mouthed after boiler deck, where he tion that i' wonderful. who hauled the murderers’ draperies, vigor dogs, but, army.” | pressman the bowels their func nio\ ■myselfinbed.wna was about, when someone touched above this a rich but Stomach, perform repeated pounding, tho door was walking A few moments later tho skirmishers No. Id, of which is goods from the building at No. 117 Clark r •diK'tir in 1! -*li from opened Engine 1‘ittslmrgh, of tions regularly, and the liver works like (■/ (*J Ins s! adder. He the sash 'J!>2*oNi I •. and a turned, and, f r- street to the Carlson simple empire _ Wi.-lrtat- tliin-visaged, snllow-complcxioned by light were reinforced, and gallantly pressed playing a stream on the tire at the stono cottage. According clock Work. Malaria has no effect a if ( vj r upon r*"i**&■ 1 bc-t .■ great discerned the soft silk edged V \ ... by 1'hy :ans, woman glared at them from a of furnace, ebony the Confederates back two has it now almost to the expressman the fellows in yellow thus reinforced. J pair green- ward, pushing bridge, extinguished, belong system «. t<> w rse. fare of the colored fireman. with a deep knotted only prow mi u dark eyes. hundred or more up tho lull, where and the fire is about out. to-morrow Chicago, and he has seen both of thorn Finally I took .Swift's Specific, and soon be an to “Don't paces By and tied in im- “What ver yo know me, inassa?” he asked. ifringe, Tit rt loading New York have Aft* r n v 1 iie v. is at ni and f >r tlio want?” she asked. they made another stand. tlie task of getting out the bodies under frequently since he hauled their goods. hotel-keepers improve. work, “What! Blaekhawk? arc mense at tho combined to set a office which wist five in*milts have bc-n a * well as I c\ er was—all Luke answered. What you doing Tho last time he saw them was last Sat- loops up printing “Breakfast.,” A roar of musketry met the advancing tho burning piers will be commenced in from the of here?” back. Stylish young is to furnish the printing and stationery effects Swift’s Specific. “Yer aberlition Yankees; an’ wush’t I skirmish line, and the woods seemed ahvtj earnest. urday. The expressman’s description ot Jnnx massa.” ladies at the summer needed for the hotels of that and other liar, ina" die if it here.” “Firin’, one of Jan. 1SS9. Ft. ye git with leaping flames. The bark flew from the men tallies closely with that of cities. S, Wayne, ind. “When did you comer* I'lio Funerals Ilenun —t’verv Man Ills Own resorts will have “Oh, yes, we will,” Luke answered, push- the shattered trees, limbs, twigs and leaves Simons, who bought the furniture from Books on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. “Two weeks ago.” CnITi n.Maker, among their charm- ing the door oj>en and forcing his way in. fell in showers, and bullets whistled like llovell & Co., and of Williams, who rent- Pnitiomo Headache and Neuralgia; cold Swift Si’EclFto Co., Atlanta, Ga. “Did you run away from your master?'* June —The coffins ing changes of co “Git out’n my house ur I'll scald yer eyes rain about the ears of tho soldiers. Johnstown, Ida., ed the cottage from the Carlsons. The hands and feet, and a general derangement ime a number ol “I s Irvin’ ter save dis Union, massa. are now to and on t if the out!” The man on Luke’s was beginning arrive, pi#.co believe the two men are still in system, including impaired digestion, right killed, full short in of “Stive hot water to make lie Thought I’d do all I Inn, an’ eomo down streets on the hillside aro skirts, with torpor the liver, Item ami corded Kindle a the necks of tho chick- and a man can bo fin-sly plaited belt Antidote for Malaria would tire, wring stand alone before theenemy. eoflin-maker, many lcnberger’s cure for TRIP, “Blackhawk, what is this wonderful mys- Bilk skirts made full and simply gath- them at once. Soid the ROUND ens and do whatever is required; hut do-no ‘•Cap, 1 be cussed ef we hain'tgottor seen here and there claiming what re- Ten Million l’lollars In I’roporijr lie by Druggists. about do follow me? ered to a belt With these skirts will be to the property unless she is stub- tery you? Why you out o’this,” cried old Arkansaw mains of his house in which perhaps lie Hlroyid, anil the People Destitute ol git Tom, A or a Who are you, any way?” worn any number of fancy corsages. chick partridge runs around look- born and refuses to prepare our breakfast.” at this moment. “We're fightiu’ has found the remains of a loved one, and Food. “Ye’ll know all ’bout coming up them will a Homan bodico ing for ii.s meat as soon as it has shaken it, mebbe.some day, is it with nails Among appear Tirkrts o?t Sol** *flint* Stli, I**t!i U lino o’ battle.” lmsily patching together Haiuushuko, Pa., Juno 4.—Governor lac 'd under the itself loose from its living prison, but an massa; but I can’t told ye now, mas.-,a.” low on the shoulders and GOOD RETURNING UNTIL JUNE 21st. ties some moments be- aud or available t hold owlet does no; or Luke had realized hoops any thing Beaver has been sitting by a Western lured fora month more know and Blackhawk coal into arms, a Hessian cuirass corsage up 1 )\ »u 1 1c Da i S 1* a i* began shoveling but had held Ins soon the of some dear member of his which foot to put out tint. ly *o]>i!lii-X fore, ground hoping body Union operator the past two hours direct- worn with the great furnace. the back, sleeveless, pointed and Service* l *roni St. ! iOiiis. to be reinforced. The fire was so heavy family. Funerals are now taking place ing movements at Johnstown, giving in- Luke returned to where his men wero a Hessian chemisette of transparent net, Call on « r ndtlr.■-> IT. C. Towns! m>. Central 1’ the soldiers had to in the of the town. The I)o not suffer from sick headache a moment that begun fly. upper portion formation to President Harrison as to the shoulders ami Ticket .\ .'••tit. or any of the Company's a -cents. quartered lost in wonder and mystery, thin enough to show through longer. It-is not necessary, farter’s Little “Como on, Cap; fur (iod's sake don’t coffins are conveyed to the cemetery in the condition of affairs in the flooded dis- while the vessels down the river, con- its meshes. There are sleeves of the same, Liver Pitls will cure you. Dose, one little sped cried old or stand thar ’n be killed,” Tom, wagons, each one carrying two, three tinct, and news from various Small Small veying those bravo men to Belmont, car- getting full at the top and shirred at the wrists. pill. price. dose. Small pill. seizing his arm and trying to drag him more. Few mourners follow. There is of the .State on the Ho re- and death. parts subject. waists are made of nage smoko of buttle had French imported away. Tho dense no time for mourning. ceived a long from tho mayor Those i which engage us dispatch summer velvet in “art" shades, these cut thing merely by settled about among the wo. ds, rendering anil other citizens of show- their novelty can not attract us fee' any CHAPTER VII. Anollior In N ••«*, isso. RU \l»:i KI.I> Klt.l LVIOU ( O. All ..V.MA,(iA awful to the scene. The awe-in- shouting: that actual want and solemnity that a been prevails, is no lace in CATTLE—Native Steers.f 4 00 5 in soi.i) bt Ail. or wires, stating moetiug had pleated “Surrender die!” C( ^HI3 1'APIE silence of those thousands of blue- that is urgent- >TTON—Middling. .... IP pT/Vl ir«7 tiocyauvnti. spiring “ held in that afternoon at prompt support the neck, the velvet Not a Arkansruv Torn, city yesterday coats was intensified by an occasional by jugful,” yelled needed. The loss of lumb u FLOUR-Winter Winrat. 3 47 (,t, r> it 1 which the was authorized to bo ly Intend d to > following WHEAT—No. 2 He a .... Nl and quick as flu h be b’ nrht bis gun to his alone is estimated at Other ftfl Hi1 you waul whisper. j-o.iKin.ilOO. contrast with » n leveled it at bis heart. issued to the public: directly CORN—No. 3..’. 41 V<6 It »l»t the One one the of out shoulder and done by lights Cairo went damage by the flood will exceed that the white neck of the OATS—Western Mixed. 2i >5 3) But as his the “The city of Williamsport has been like the of and Luke just finger pressed trigger ami tint. to the l’ORK—Mess (new). 13 13 50 m S a OlJlv bright hopes life, Owing unprecedented wearer. If lmr neck .HIGHEST Luke struck the with bis sword sorely strikeu by the most severe flood \r;ivl*:T i*Kl« KSf .r a .♦?. il- "h*** P» stood the silent statue-like up gun the to feed ST. LOUIS. gazing upon State of high water, necessary supplies is not while, she is Hhij. C. (’. |> VLV .V to. Li '!o-'k and sent tho bullet ever known in the Pennsylvania. COTTON—M HP forms of the soldiers, who were in flying harmlessly the sufferers can not be obtained at Will- iddling. Pli 1 >\ National >t< < Yard*. K ■T ST Lori III. sitting num- recommended to dis- the air. All have suffered groat lo.s. Large HEEVES —Export Steers. 4 no 'll I 27 EXPF.KT Salesmen from Ion- **x:" ♦Mice. I S' \ It- rows upon the deck. Growing tired of re- through The Governor has iamsport. telegraphed with the _ 3 r> 4 I L.ISIS i:i> SKY !.NTi:i:\ * I \ Fromt il-3 “Dod burn it, what’d do thet furl” bers of our citizens are wholly destitute pense Shipping & ICS. ■ in one ho went to tho bow. ye to r.ii-i r«*?urns. l’LKK maining place. to Mayor Fitler of Philadelphia aud “French" bodice even HOGS—Common Select_ 3 !U I 3) WIUTK FOK MAHKi.r KK- for shouted and for the necessaries of life. PUKT.S. or wire once. Hero a the “Iky your life,” Luke, push- suffering SHEEP—Fair to Choice. 3 00 H Inquire?* by letter answered **255%* stood solitary man, with shoul- Mayor Kennedy of Heading to dispatch if it is in ldirh votfuo. the scout down the tbit and Those of our aide so to do, are FLOUR—Patents.. ■4 3 > U 1 n A 11UOOM. of a his arms folded ing starting people, 8Hi; SEIZED der-straps General, food trains to \\ illiumsport, and in re- The of XXX to * MONTH a a ret what hut .are unable to array lovely Choice 2 till '•a 3 21 ^ after turn. But, black behind t giving they can, C7Ra v" v' J inn lorn*. .A : t n tvp across his his fixed on the object to a of WHEAT—No. 2 1 V ».)fc ; breast, eyes sponse the danclno dresses is Re Winter .■ woman throw in a chair in request Governor, '•'•‘i IS furnish a li»•r-** and their whole t t. ««k. Tlte herself arrested his attention. It was that mvs furnish the r dief needed. We appeal to 2 in pivo river. It. was so dark that his features I CORN—No. Mixed...... 31 ♦ ! President Harrison has had a similai something sumptuous ••t11* 0 In* Inkiness, Sp;«r<* moments n.ny l*<* pi -Hint ivoni- corner of the room nml Vr to sulk and name of God to s pan tcrious old Blackhuwk, who had a generous in the OATS—No. 2. •’•-i * ao \ t.*\v \ |li:i :ici»" 11 lots o- :ii:i| rill* were hardly recognizable, and ho did not negro, public train started from which is and 's i'lnvo.t nl*o. t.Ve themselves. Washington, delicious, Main M Li. imi moI.Vi Lvd, while soldiers busied been a to him from childhood. us. L°t thing ho sent to the 2. ft* •10 F..fofiNsi>N «!:<•«»., every > know him until he turned and said: puzzle | help .V /?. /'/' use strife omt I' •' s i fi' < <•*< .Yri r made a expected to pass this thi; and silver TOBACCO—Lugs (Missouri).. 1 05 80 cj\vrir Ik lire in the cook-stove, another through city striped tf* ! at />' / •/ (£' 1 > are to see some Blackhawk had got away from tho boat, mayor of Williamsport.” ruin tbnnt smiling imp for rrpllf. Yeung man, you likely afternoon. pauzes, tne daintest Leaf, Hurley. :> 30 o. 7 ,H 1 ">3jpht water and ethers were useful in found a and came to lie was service.” lie him now as Gen- gun fight, IIAY—Choice Timothy 10 (I I ** ii :>o \ She recognized The I.cgion of “I’liknowii.” of tinted crepe h'*"'- ways. did not move until she behind a his leveled at MUTTER—Cho.ce Dairy 12 1! eral Grant. kneeling tree, gun June t.—Two hundred with Vicrchickens and, Johnstown, Pa., Debris Ten Feet High at I.cwiston, textiles, litfurod EGOS—Fresh. 10'/, 0 11 squalling, spring- I came for that busi- the young Confederate whose life Luke had ays>' &ca y mi '■JtJ*"' y W £ “Yes, General; PORK—Standard Mess new.. .. and fifty bodies were received at tho shadowy borders in 06 12'* air* 1 yier feet, sho seized a broom and saved. j Lewistox Pa., June 5.—The in every county. Shr«*w?l men t ness.” Junction, HACON-Clear li *' v railroad floral devices in soft b. ova 'a in our Sf.’r. : S-rs i I p rien.* ».u n* \ut into the to defend her fa- black fire and I Pennsylvania depot yesterday, LARD—Prime yard The General into “You scoundrel, dare you situation in the town of Lewiston, which Steam. .. ft* UrannanDctectoeBureauCo. 44 Arcade, Cincinnati.0. She again relapsed silence, i After being washed they were placed in faint, natural tints, WOOL—Choice had raised her to Tub. .. weapon and stood down that will run you through,” shouted Luke, plac- has been cut off from the rest of tho world (-4 gazing into impenetra- and in rows on the nets, and fisher’s net in Korn!I Aim hincs Leu Luke seized her arm, and said: of | caskets arranged long pearl-dotted silk, CHICAGO. Sowinx ing the his sword against tho sieve is thus de- Sr a n > a > i; is < ble darkness into which tho boat was plung- point l Friday last, briefly in colors of blush straw- NEEDLES, mi ooi 'niy IviIt sa ve chickens and otlier for identification. Duly heliotrope, rose, CATTLE—Shipping.. 3 21 I 25 The T'»*0‘l*» prop- negro's breast. depot platform scribed: river were all Nu|t»1lni. ing. Eight bridges and like hues and a HOGS—Good to Choiee. 1 27 5 4 (V) time to o few of the number were recognized— berry lovely these, host ft SHUTTLES, Sonrt lor wholesale price g.by devoting your prepar- have much liked to ask “He's a Reb, inassa, an’ I's lightin’ ter oue railroad SHEEP—Good to Choice. 3 7 I 1 .70 ll«t. Ht.KI.ocic M'K’u Co. Luke would very so as to be swept away. Only open more of the novel fabrics of the season, aro SO some were terribly disfigured SOU Hoc ii ing (iur breakfast.” free niv wife an’ little of the town are FL.OUR—Winter. 401 ft* 4 REPAIRS. .itst.St.LKJU18.SU General Grant some questions, but that po’ baby.” there. The highways in the artistic formation of new She was frantic with rape and swore rdie wholly unrecognizable. Tho waiting- employed Patents 4 To7.7 fa >0 Tills PAI AIl «t»r tai jri .Tit. silent an to “But lie was a good master to you, und | covered with debris ten fivt high. strange, man, leading army tho was done Many trow ns. WHEAT—No. 2 Spring_ raiita would “pizen ’em.” Some of the soldiers if harm turn 1 wilt kill lie rooms in which embalming battle, was not llest.ood you you.” of the population are being fed and shel- COKN-No. 2. 33 U P°r easily approached, a Human The elegant and ladylike summer silks fAPFNTS 'crtfi*ao'>"expeno’’1'! threatened to burn the house if she didn’t snatched the from presented sickening sight. OATS-No. 2 tlv« n.an erwoman to ... and for some time on that immova- negro's gun his baud tered in tho court-house. Th- waters rose White. ai vi jl i'lid anjra. -J gazed or cut or are as a rule trimmed with or - and live at hnma. a 15 go to work. and hurled him down the hill. forms frightfully burned pinked PORK—New Mess. 11 75 ftp) 11 80 SWAN TED’ *""iple Salarv | like to I nine feet higher than in 1*17. No lives * I promptly and ospacaea in ad-anea. Full ble, sphinx figure, seeming gain 1 a rose" ruches. Jet is still used KANSAS p.'.r-l “1*11 an’ I ter had bruised, were laid upon rough board fringed CITY. I ticularaand BTlr'.K. We inoa gityer breakfust, hope good- from his si- They not gone far before they met the were lost. The to can aampleeasa strength and confidence very damage property a lavish hand, lilaek what we Ntitniliiri) it’ll choke washed and confined. If they were With silk cord passe- CATTLE—Shipping Steers.... 3 27 <7$ 4 no BOAi A nvi any. Sllvirv iroj ness ye.” himself to bean advancing lines of the Federal army, and table, Lock Ito, tijOU, !toi lence. Feeling intruder he not yet bo estimated. are HOGS—Sales at. 3 o p i,u 4 ti-n. wish us thet bad not in a short time, menteries used upon light and white 17 *4 I^oALHUtY. ttOj. “Oh no, maw, ye don't the skirmishers quickly fell into place and recognized very they wheat—No. a returned to his company. of e use lava 73 on and taken to the gowns eery description. Great, is do said Arkansaw Tom. ail the eminence were placed wagons OATS—No. 2. l!i',,« a 1 find rWi Cure 1 luck, ye!” The boats were to travel pressed gallantly up ^__ compelled very Lots of Mini, lint No Dlstrest at Loch made of the Spanish lace scarfs and CORN—No. ° CoiiMJiu I !1 K “Maw! ye old white-headed sinner, don’t through tho felled timber. The terrible : A dams-street school-house, where they long 2. 21 Vi ao C." f /> r^TJCdP>TJCd ('on“Uiitption owing to the and intense dark- H.IVfll. Mario Antoinette helms both in black and NEW remedy for me maw. Yer old to be slowly fog will be as as and then ORLEANS. yereall enough thunder of contending armies made the kept loiyg possible •1010 11 ud to ness. Colonel Smart, during the w in summer Grade. 4 00 ** night, a tho hite, dressy gow ning. These, FLOUR—High ft* 4 __* 4 * clear thetin throat. mv gran’pap.” woods tremble. The Federals passed over buried in grave bearing legend Philadelphia, Jline5.—Superintendent came from the cabin where some of the offi- in will do full as a CORN—White. ft* .71 la! don’t think do | Pettit of the railroad, suc- sultry weather, duty “Oh yo so, ye? Why, the abattis of fallen tre“s, though many a “Unknown.” Pennsylvania OATS—Choice Western. 33 '<1 3.3' cers were, and told Luke they were going j graceful for a hand- ceeded in to the of Look apology wrap. Very HAY—Choice. 18'0 10 Pm only eighteen.” gallant soldier laid down his life in tho \s a Measure. getting edge tf* on to Belmont. Sanitary some brooches and PORK—New “Whut a lie.” Haven at Spanish long jeweled Mess. <& 12 “ it's too effort. Luko saw Eddie Reed, one of his June t.—A yesterday morning half-past We don’t dare tackle Columbus, PiTTfiTU'noit, Pa., and sabers are made use of in their ad- MACON—Clear Rib. 7 "i < ’n ’n a pins a •yT* \3uE Tilts r\\m; evert ••Ilerc, take a chaw pit pood company, with his in tho fork of nine o’clock. All the houses had from j strong.” lying body I was secured by tho Allegheny City coun- COTTON—Middling. .. Ci lot* six to ten feet of water in The re- justment. humor,” said ArkansawTom, takinpa huge “ a fallen tree, and. ho was en- them, LOUISVILLE. But Columbus is not far from Belmont, supposing ftlnieu’s committee yesterday and will tea gowns in artistic medkovai twist of tobacco from his and hold- went to water left considerable mud in Lovely WHEAT—No. 2 lied. BHViHT 6 STRATTON pocket the rebels there?” tangled, help extricate him, but he to tho Alio* ceding T8 ft* 7!) RSSJtSMiara may they not reinforce leave this morning explore are made of soft-tinted mate lasso Louis. Mo. lifts 800 HuJi'tite Ve.irlv. Uradualcs ar* to her. styles CORN—No. 2 Mixed.. .. 31' it tantalizingty close had a bullet in bis heart and was dead. streets and dwellings. Only one person i (6 ■'2' 2 ing asked Luke. i river far as (lit* Kiskiminotas satins. sleeves of and OATS-No. 2 Mixed •acceesful In tiettiuB poa.tion*. Meiul for Circular. more forcible than Tho Union gheny tip Antique every stylo 23',.6 21 With an expression “ forces drove back the rebel is known to have been drowned at Lock PORK—Mess AVc’ll lick thunder out o’ ’em afore they for dead bodies. The latter will be taken are added to thev> gowns with 12 2 > p» * it from his and them. As soon are variety pict- ilegant she struck hand, lines before as tho cleared Haven, but several lives reported lost HACON—Clear Rib 1,1, 7 lAfaSVITPri '.!*1,,'inu*n- rti-dcc.H kin do t*,iat.” o of tho water ns a effect «»l b ■ 9kJ* 1 i» ifItcst t the house out at. the it sanitary precaution, uresque Airy fabrics, dainty tints, POTTON—Middling. t«rni>, plan; sent it across space wound the was a at Mill four miles from Lock Haven. \h 10 V tH*M i-nitli e. spinning The veteran of tho Behvont camp gained, Hall, fr* Mo. N 1'iiSJLltV CO.,i«uuia.aua,Mu. at expedition A message for the Chamber of Com- artistic and novel combinations of color, ioor. Arkansaw’s companions laughed charge was ordered, and a terrible hand to | Some of the who were THIS AllH «*»rj t mi jeu vriia. who chanco to read this narrative last from Gon- principal citizens, an alums' old Tom recovering Ins may merce was received night and unlimited uso of floral dec- his expense, and hand light ensued. Tho Confederates seen say there will here recall some of the emotions which ! for one thousand by Superintendent Pettit, are the of the AMPU S FREE as was after eral Hastings asking orations, prominent features a goose running it, numbered thousand, but General is no th s«.,a,-s. plug, just thrilled his own soul as he found himself eight suffering. Writ- now. woman. men with axes, shovels, etc. season's millinery. C. D. 1'. laughed himself at the infuriated Grant’s forces fell upon them with such im- picks, ;2Krat»sHCOT'I’, York Citjr, under drifting down the dark river, knowing fuM Getting IViwn to Systematic Work. Breakfast was prepared many that after a brief but tn Time. well that the morrow would u death petuosity desperate 4Vnrne«l Winded to T.carn Tclour:*.pliy, and the bring J une I.—This mora- PROBLEMS OF NATURE. Yftl’Mfi fyC^i 3ifaculties and quickly dispatched, struggle they broke and lied. A moment Johnstown, Pa., Juno 4.—-Stephen Col- Pittsburgh, Pa., 1 UU 11 li ITILIS Sitimti'M furniMn-’A.M£ THIS ,'ierj jtu vnto. visions, bade their unwilling and the stars and stripes mounted into their and made ar- were given for tho immediate transporta- and but. for the fog and intense ; arrived here yosterdav,' Tin: breath of flowers is their them in lower and hotter surprise, tion cars of dying well. She, wishing place. for of service to- of fifty provisions and HOC m jCERS and TUTORS darkness they would have succeeded; but rnngemouts resumption sweetest cured. slammed the door after them. Tho batteries at men, of whom are perfume. N») knifi*. lto.-k of pnrtic lar*» free. A !• regions, Columbus commanded West. thirty carpenters. 1 to not able to !»eo where to day East and clrcsH UtL a i owing being | The moth has a fur but the butter- K. Mow Hit. ImUannpoIi'*, 11. was reached. Hero the and Contractor lias abandoned all his jacket, ^ Next Cairo they position, General Grant knew ho Flyuu A 'I F. THIS 1’Ai‘Ml ever time t«i writ*. day land, the transports were forced to beat j The destruction Of life at East Coue- U. S. Grant with a consider- could not hold the Tho work in this and is trans- fly has not. round General J about until when ran in un- long camp. only i was loss than not more vicinity daylight, they maugh reported, when wood and iblo force. drew arms and uniforms, ] thingthat had protected the Union forces porting all his horses, carts, hoist- Leaves will attract dew, TO $8 A DAY. Sample* worth They der the banks, gang planks were thrown than twenty-five having perished. Tho $•’. 15 as be- machines all stone will not. FREE. Lnivs not nndi r ho' es' ft..i w tB producing a wonderful change, they from showers of shot and shell was the for three ing and engines and out, and the disembarkation commenced. | property, however, squares up lIUKHSTKKSAUni KKINlH)l.|iccitl.,lt«IH tlirL like soldiers. fear tho Confederate had of kill- gearing of that nature. All iff the up 0:1 his foro feet, and a A tlond Apiirttle Is essential to health ■t'XVMS THIS i'APJUt fan.to look gunners from the river, was totally destroyed. AnonsEgots (food ...», The officers received their commissions, ing their own friends, for the blues and tents of the National Guard will bo cow on her hind feet. Hood's Sarsaparilla is n wonrterf I medicine for About 4:2') p. m. Friday word was tele- A. N. K. B. under were so mixed that it was at once. One hundred and A comes down a tree head first creating an appetite, toning the digestion, and 1242. md the men were immediately put grays up rather 1 from South Fork that the dam shipped fifty SQrmitr.i, piv- graphed to tho whole to tell friend from cook-stoves and utensils will and a cat. tail first. tng strength system. Bo sate to get To anlitarv training and discipline. difficult foe. the necessary WHEN WRITING 1DVERTIKEUA I’l l \hb was breaking. Almost immediately Hood's were tired when Driven from their tho rebols tied also bo sent. All of men aro ac- with an Sarsaparilla. Prepared only by C. I. Hood alute thut jou am the Though the men enough camp, of locomotives were Flynn’s Cohn on the, ear is never found Adicrthcucat |n ihi, whistles several & Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. reached Cairo, a few days of camp life down under the hill. The Union customed to the kind of work they will uneven number of rows. they soldiers, blown so long and loud that tho people it to them, and they were flushed with became wild. Hither find at Johnstown. No volunteers will be made irksomo victory, rushed from their homes, and seeing tho Fisn, Hies and caterpillars may bo frozen be the march again. At and helter-skelter, rc | man will receive anxious to upon thither, they went, water fled to the mountains. accepted—ovory pay. soiid and still retain life. ATT< 'UN KY, WAttJIl\OTO\, tlio were l coming, Columbus and Belmont enemy gardless of military discipline, and seem Some stand erect in but H. Annual Convention of the Amalgamated plants daytime, JOSEPH 1 K.\.M0\ without DELA1. <1 to the passage of more like madmen than soldiers. Ai HUNTER, prevent ing lUib i Jib onxj uuo strongly They Ti»n 1.nry to Work —Too Cowardly to Association. hang their heads at night. •*VNAJU& you wnifl. Union forces down the Mississippi. and burned the and plundered camp Steal—To Mean to Live. Pittsburgh, Pa., Juno 5.—Tho annua) The cinchona tree loses its “malarial’’ “I don’t see why in thunder they don’t go cheered until they were hoarse. In vain Pa., June 4.—A boarding- convention of the Amalgamated Associa- properties in a healthy soil. Sown ’n take Columbus,” said Corporal did General Grant try to get them back to Johnstown, house crowd of twelve were arrested iu a tion of Iron and Steel Workers convened The odor of the blossom is more percepti- W. L. Max, whose propensity to grumble seemed the transports. They seemed bent only DOUGLAS i down at Morrelvillo in this city yesterday. Two hundred del- ble in wet than in dry weather. to increase. the destruction of the prop- body yesterday. upon enemy’s were E ; lmd been to the relief com- egates present. The istorn*lole- lx the Nortn buds have a of air- ‘•We haint ready yit,M Arkansaw Tom erty. Tbey going covering $3 SHOE CENTIME!!. “ himself ns gates are detained east of the on in Form Colonel mtttee and each representing breads tight scales, but do not have them the ItoHt answered. yer men,” yelled Smart, the railroad tracks. lii (h«> worlil. K's.nnino liiri of a were sup- Pennsylvania South. “Haiut ar’ wo wait till white with the head family, drawing So.OO fiEM IXK II ready, gwino’t growing fury. President Weihe’s address was \M)-SO\YKl> MirtK. “ had an brief. Fall m—fall ericd Mason. With thoso they opened The dragon fly can devour a dozen flies or IIVND-SKM Kl) \V l.l.T S1IOK. doomsday fore wc git ready.” in,” Captain plies. Ho said that tho scale* committee had and storo its own and the roi.K'K AM) Arkansaw Tom was lying on tho shady “Hurrah fur the stars arid stripes; Impromptu grocery clothing spiders, and then body, KiiniKICS’ SHOE. taken all matters into consideration dur- EVn; V VAl l a a business. live. r: CAM’ SHOE. side of a pile of logs, his hands forming we’re the boys that licked tho Johnnies!’’ and wore'doing thriviug head still ing its deliberations, and are prepared to MOUKIMJU W's sIIOK. while he up at the sky Corporal Mux, but a short distance The cow-troo grows on bare rooks, and pillow, gazed yelled a no (iOOI)AVI.Alt SIIOK. One present scale which manufacturer •S.OO “We’ve got ter git mo’ men, an’ 1hcv ’em away, swinging an oflieer's liquor-case over Twenty-Eight Vlcllms In Family. without receiving any rain for months will mill SI.75 wn S’ SO HOOT. SHOES. can ignore on grounds of pecuniary loss AE nia.ic iu ( 'better drilled.” his head. Pittsburgh, Pa., June 4.—Richard Mor- yet give sweet and nourishing milk. outruns Uutton anil Etcr. r on account of its adoption, neither will “Mo’ men, jiminy,” cried Corporal “Fall in—Max, fall in.” Not over half a l gau, of this city, lias received word that Electricity is visible only when it comes ~ ^ tlio suffer ’u we’ve * workmen because of the terms W. Max,“why,we’vo got mo’ men now TO' dozen men in Luke’s company were yet in liis brother, Joe Morgan and twenty* in r,he form of , and that then in L. DOUGLAS tents fur." “1’SB TKYIN’ TO SAVE 1)E UNION." the others ubout the at Johnstown. specified. got line, running camp. neven relatives perished -♦ • zig-zags, in place of going straight. be- A scene of confusion ensued. Officers S3 & $2 “They ain’t nuff t’ take them towns; The I To >il in tlie West llr.inoli of the Sus- Some horses are full of life and mettle, SHOES JSr,s. The first man whom saw ashore thero ■ »^1 i>' "i ii*1 ■« sides, we re not drilled.” Luko go frantically swearing, and here and One Hundred nml Thirty-Eight Dead quehanna. and want to ami and snuff the ''iji prance neigh .• “ how moro was that silent man of whoso a soldier to his while the .I.lloiiKh) 93.00 shoe, shown In rut he Drilled, w’y, la help me, much iron, very dragging position, Hollies to the Aere. Juno 4.—The flood on battle afar seem satisfied *• "f 1 Lewisburg, Pa., off; others lodrag M 5. 1"',l*f. <>n l.t •!- modelled for t hr fo.-t; si: a men »n«W« m want. I’ve wore out my legs presence seemed to inspire the with men seemed to have lost their wits and tho west branch of the was carts all their wap' hanil-M-witl slines. ami no taek» or wax thri drillin' d’ye Pa., June a Susquehanna lives. 91 to hurt shoulders his horse t he and like Johnstown, 4.—Yesterday tin-feet. pair warranted. my hands, arms an’ confidence. He >ed off gang- were whooping shouting madmen. unprecedented. Five of the rail into Kvr(y niarchin’.an’ corn of about an acre in extent at spans Some kinds of flics thrust their eggs blasted old and the where of smoke from one patch handlin’ that gun.” plank up steep muddy hank, A white puff curled up road bridge were away and the gas- the bodies of but in tK-'littoTO'nif Y". a iSinevab was dug over by a volunteer swept caterpillars, always CAUTION st^/XeiUsnl'llv .'^T 'I''"*" “ a let me a he waited for the o-f tho batteries at Columbus and a shell wush ter goodness they’d troops. works. water-works and mills fl ooiied such of the t hat when the larvae inferior ftoort*. 1 f vT-u/'.h '.il'er m'l 1 “ force and 138 corpse were uncovered, parts bod3r oll'-rs ami on y,mU'i,"f‘W ,MM (,‘ “I kin Fall commanded the Colonel. came the air. nrhe them, amt ays » u ":»«c rifle,” said Arkansaw Tom. in,” circling through It exploded out. Tho loss at this place is $7.">,000. are on the foster shall stamped the\ ,,«» T^ kept, my 'fhe manner in which the ghastly find was feeding parent they tteeelved thereby. Dealer- make do not be near inor. profit on I” every time with it, but fall commanded Cap- the camp and the soldiers to ! on the river from ex- -noc:^ ili.it are nv:k- out center “Company E, in,” brought A man Every bridge tJuubury not eat into any vital What is the ranted by anybody; therefore d«» not U-i, V >! .!",n not knock made was accidental. part. m<“' as a man senses. purely ti >n. those that liave w ,l,at have iu> a- blamed old musket it’s much lain Mason, and in a moment every their ! to Clearfield was washed away. of this marvel! Does the Buy only \\ 0 | irVii a ci' rep, with this over the field kicked at a planation fly on tlie clump rTaui|H*d bottom, ami you are -ure 1,1 n,U,r,H’,>rir<- side o’ abarn two hundred was in line. 8ome of them as wrent In less than five minutes lines walking •• t«i;et*fnnv..i.,la,i1,m t’ hit the they long of reason i mil\a|ue for ymir money. bargain c.f marl and overturned it, uncovering a Wal- ashore were making a breakfast of crack- men were filing down the Dili from tin Fears for the Safety of Mrs. Lew face. This indicated a ricli Axh£al natures differ; some arc like an had was last meal. woman’s find, lace. General U. 8. Grant superseded ers, which to be their camp. old Dutch of slow and around were called iu to clock, stately pendu- Luke’s at last to file down be and the people Indianapolis, Iud., June 4.—Mrs. company began [to continued.] lum, others like a little Waterbury watch, the narrow to the boiler and with the results above stated. Wallace, the wife of the author of “Ben stairway deck, assist, always in a hurry, aud so with plants; some, to climb the The shore the list of dead in Nineveh Hur,” was on odo of the trains caught iu up muddy burnt. It is the man who adjusts a ^abor strike This increases like the mushrooms, arc in haste to vege- a* was now lined with blue the valley. She has not been coats, bright caps quckly who is the saiartest tyc>up to 230. The new dead were found uudef Conemaugh tate; ot hors, like the century plant, “ w“ and nghver- may » «*** glistwuiug muskets. heard from and her friends are anxious. vi, L. DUUbLAo, Krutaias P»““ -Jl, Y. World >ibout four feet of alluvial deposit take many years to attain maturity. Brockton, Muss, d