Committee: Cabinet Date: 16th March 2009 Agenda item: 10 Subject: Financial Report 2008/09 Lead officer: Grant Miles Lead member: Samantha George


A. That Cabinet note the financial reporting data relating to revenue budgetary control, capital reporting, miscellaneous debt and savings progress as at January 2009 and consider any relevant action that they wish to take in respect of variations. B. That Cabinet note that Spend Control will be switched on from April 2009 in order to assist with budgetary control. C. That Cabinet agree the Capital virements shown in Section 7 relating to Controlled Parking Zones, Bridge Repairs, Eastfields Youth Centre and Telephone PABX, totalling £613,408.

1. Purpose of report and executive summary

1.1 This is the regular financial monitoring report for 2008/09 presented to Cabinet in line with the financial reporting timetable. It is based on expenditure and income as at 31st January 2009 and represents ten months of the financial year.

This financial monitoring report provides:-

• The latest budgetary control information on revenue expenditure and income; • An update on the capital programme and detailed monitoring information; • An update on Corporate Items in the budget 2008/09; • Income and service indicators – impact of economic downturn; • Debt reporting and collection statistics; • Progress on the delivery of the 2008/09 revenue savings

149 2. The financial reporting process – changes to Proactis and improvements in financial control

2.1 In addition to streamlining of the purchase order to payment process, a key driver to the purchase of PROACTIS was the improvement of procurement practises. A key component of this is the prevention of overspending against budgets.

2.2 Proactis can be set up to perform a real-time check of available budget when raising an order. This is known as Spend Control. Currently, when an order is raised the person entering the order into PROACTIS is warned if there is insufficient budget. If the order processor submits the order for authorisation the authorisers are also warned before they accept the order.

2.3 From 1st April 2009, Spend Control will be tightened: if there is insufficient budget, the person entering the order will no longer be able to submit the order for authorisation. Clearly there is a need to strike a balance between enforcing budgetary control and virement rules and enabling normal business to be conducted as efficiently as possible. With this in mind, the level at which available budget will be checked is at a slightly higher level than that at which budgets are currently monitored, i.e. the budget at summary subjective level, rather than at code level, will be checked. In addition a streamlined virement request process will be introduced.

2.4 Initially the check will be against full year available budget, but there is scope to further tighten control to profiled available budget to date.

2.5 Special arrangements will be made available to waive these rules for critical service provision e.g. for urgent care package approvals for vulnerable clients subject to the specific approval of the Director of Corporate Services.

3. 2008/09 Forecast Outturn based upon latest available data

3.1 The revenue budgetary control information contained in the table below summarises the corporate position using the latest available information as at 31st January 2009.

3.2 Executive summary - As at January, there is a forecast overspend for the Council of £499,000. (£519,000 overspend in December).

The table below summarises the position and Section 3 provides Chief Officer commentary on the pressures and variations.

150 Summary Position as at 31st January 2009 Department Forecast Forecast Management Use of Forecast Variance at Variance at Action Contingency Variance year end year end Proposals to at year (December) (January) date end before Management Action £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Chief Executive’s 224 205 (205) 0 0

Corporate Services 316 340 (403) 0 (63)

Children, Schools and Families 976 1,002 (695) 0 307

Community and Housing Adult Social Care 957 844 (259) (585) 0 Libraries & Adult Education 0 0 0 0 0 Housing General Fund 30 20 (20) 0 0

Environment & Regeneration 856 950 (694) 0 256

Corporate Provisions and Income Contingency (1,000) (1,069) 0 1,069 0 Inflation 330 330 0 0 330 Other (424) (331) 0 0 (331)

Total General Fund 2,265 2,291 (2,276) 484 499

Housing Revenue Account 0 0 0 0 0

3.3 It is essential that the Council does not overspend its approved budget and where there are signs that this will be the case, positive and meaningful action must be put in place to avoid such overspends. Chief Officers, together with Departmental Financial Managers and budget managers are responsible for keeping budgets under close scrutiny and ensuring that expenditure within budgets which are overspending is being actively and vigorously controlled and where budgets are underspent, these underspends are retained until year end. Any overall overspend on the General Fund will result in a call on balances.

4. Departmental Summary of Current Position

4.1 This Section of the report provides a brief summary of each department’s current budgetary control position.

(i) Chief Executive’s Department

Overview: Although the departmental budgetary control position remains tight, there are no adverse variances to report at this stage.

151 Pressures: The Authority is aware of the following budgetary pressures, however, these are expected to be offset by current vacancies within the department :

1) Chief Executive’s Office: current forecasts estimate that there will be an overspend on subscriptions of around £102,000 due to an increase in the annual subscription to the London Councils Joint Committee and expenditure in relation to internal communications and initiatives.

2) 2nd floor Athena House: as part of the lease agreement, there will be repair and maintenance work to bring the condition of the building back to its original state. A schedule of repair works compiled by the leaseholder indicates that this work will cost around £48,000. However, the Council has made a counter proposal of around £25,000, so the final figure is still to be finalised. Although we are nearing the end of the financial year, the Estates Surveyor still considers there to be enough time to close this case. The funding for this is still to be determined.

3) The Place Survey : Merton has a statutory duty to conduct the Place survey, and will do so as part of a consortium arrangement through London Councils, to keep costs down. The tender process has now been completed and the survey is expected to cost Merton in the region of £13,000. There is currently no corporate contingency remaining as this has been earmarked for the Social Services demographic growth. Therefore, the cost of this survey will be funded from existing budgets within the Chief Executive’s Department.

4) Corporate Communications : as at the end of January, income relating to corporate sponsorship, advertising and filming was around £42,000 below its year to date target, if profiled over the year. However, as a new initiative, it was always anticipated that the first six months of the year would be used to set up systems and processes and agree an overall strategy. Income generation was therefore expected to be more successful in the second half of the financial year, but it would now appear that this has not materialised as hoped. The overall income target for 2008/09 is now unlikely to be met.

Management Action to date Officers are monitoring the financial position of the areas identified above and will identify compensating savings as required.

152 (ii) Corporate Services Department

Overview Although the departmental budgetary control position remains tight, there are no adverse variances at year end to report at this stage.

Pressures 1) Legal Services – due to an increase in activity and a lack of current permanent staffing resources, counsel fees and external legal costs have increased significantly this financial year. As at the end of January, the current overspend in these areas stood at around £144,000. Current forecasts suggest that without compensating action, the year-end overspend will be in the region of £149,000. Compensating savings from elsewhere within the Corporate Services Department have been identified to offset this current level of forecast overspend.

2) Local Land Charge Income – as at the end of January, income levels were below the target budget by around £68,000. Income levels have also fallen below the monthly target for the seventh consecutive month, with January showing a shortfall of £22,000. Due to private sector competition and reduced activity, the income target for this area will not be met. Compensating savings have been identified to offset this current level of forecast overspend.

3) Mayor’s Office – due to a backdated job evaluation and other Mayoral expenditure, such as regalia costs, the section is expecting an overspend of around £14,000. Of this figure, £10,000 relates to the re- evaluation and to recruitment drag.

4) Members Services – expenditure in relation to refreshments at meetings and photocopying and telephone charges are leading to a likely overspend in this area of around £60,000, which have also been heightened by associated savings implemented in this area for this financial year.

5) The Risk and Insurance Budget is under pressure from two areas: a) Specific risks have been identified that should have been covered by the Authority’s insurance provision, whilst other premiums are expected to increase e.g. terrorism. The insurance contract has recently been re-tendered, which will include the additional insurance cover necessary. b) The cost of agency staff on the section is much higher than the cost of permanent staff. This has been mainly due to the fact that the Risk and Insurance Manager’s post, which has high technically specialist requirements, has been unsuccessfully

153 advertised on a number of occasions. As stated above, the insurance contracts have recently been re-tendered and the interim manager is managing the process. Once this is complete, the post will be re-advertised. As at the end of January, the overspend on the employee budget was around £50,000 (£49,000 last month).

6) Progress on Savings – whilst there has been slippage on the progress of some staffing savings that require redundancies, it is envisaged that any shortfall will be met from staffing vacancies, until the redundancies are implemented.

7) Corporate Items – it is currently envisaged that redundancy costs will be below the threshold to permit capitalisation and therefore, the costs will impact on the Authority’s revenue budget. As at the end of January, the forecast impact is approximately £93,000.

Management Action to date Management action totalling £403,000 has been identified to offset the expected overspend of £340,000. It is therefore expected that the net position at the end of the financial year will be an underspend of £63,000.

(iii) Children, Schools and Families

Overview Based on known information as at the end of January 2009 the following projections are made to the year-end for the financial year 2008/2009.

Total Projected Management Net Projected Overspend Action Overspend £000 £000 £000 Local Authority Budgets 980 (673) 307 Dedicated Schools Grant 22 (22) 0 Total for Children, Schools and Families 1,002 (695) 307

Local Authority Budget Pressures The “Baby P” case continues to have a significant impact on the work of Childrens Social Care. Referral levels and activity on current open cases continues to increase within the Access and Assessment, Children in Need and Looked After Children Teams with a consequent increase in demand for Family Support Services. The negative media coverage of social workers and social work managers working within the field of child

154 protection has had an impact on our ability to recruit both temporary and permanent staff and has led to specialised training being given to staff in these teams. Senior Management have put some additional capacity into these significantly affected teams, and this will need to remain in place until the longer term issues are resolved: a) Residential Placements – i) Looked After Children – one new placement has been made into a residential home plus three new fostering placements in January. Further fostering placements are expected to be made before the end of the year. ii) Mother and Baby Units - these 4 placements have now ended. iii) Secure Accommodation - the young person placed in secure accommodation has now completed her 6 month stay and has been placed in a residential home. iv) The implementation of the public law outliner is also having a significant impact on service delivery. The time taken in proceedings has lengthened and expectations of what the local authority has to provide prior to court proceedings and in terms of service response remains high. This budget continues to be managed very tightly. b) Children in Need – there are two young people being charged to this area as an alternative to care placements for twelve weeks. c) Children Looked After – an additional Assistant Team Manager and an additional contact officer are in post. Increased costs are being incurred for daily supervised contact which is often directed by the Court. The cost of placing one young person in secure accommodation has also had to be met. d) Court Assessment – specialist assessments and additional work is required for Court assessments. e) Senior Management – it is envisaged that the recruitment of a new director will result in a £60,000 overspend on this budget at year end. f) SEN Transport – it is currently projected that this service will overspend by £260,000 (£208,000 last month). Officers have been reviewing the transport arrangements for the client base and have made some reductions in expenditure, however, this is not at the level originally envisaged and the year-end overspend has been increased. This overspend will form a budget pressure in 2009/2010. g) Professional Development Centre – based on a lower take-up of rooms by Merton Adult Education and increased utility costs, it is envisaged that the service will overspend by £28,000 (same as last month).

155 Management Action:

In total, £673,000 of management action has been taken : a) Ensuring that the educational elements of placements are correctly charged has identified action of £645,000. b) Officers continue to review the appropriateness of SEN Transport Provision, and these savings are automatically built into monthly transport charges. c) Senior management continue to review the appointment of temporary and permanent staff to vacant posts. Social Workers and Social Workers Management are subject to a separate process. d) Schools Standards and Quality have been able to identify sufficient in- year savings to offset the projected overspend on the Professional Development Centre. This budget continues to be managed very tightly.

Dedicated Schools Grant Budget Pressures Changes in the way that early years pupil numbers were calculated as part of this year’s funding model led to a shortfall in pupil funding of £312,000. This funding shortfall was made up from retained budgets for Special Educational Needs (SEN) Placements and Speech Therapy. The budget reduction in SEN Placements has exacerbated the year-end overspend for this area which is currently projected as £492,500, which constitutes the bulk of the year-end overspend. This overspend will be offset by underspends in Schools Admissions, Therapy in Schools, Sensory Team, Language and Learning, Full Day Nursery and SEN/Schools Contingency.

The ongoing impact of SEN Placements will be built into future year estimates and considered by the Schools Forum when setting the 2009/2010 budget.

156 (iv) Community and Housing

(a) Adult Social Care 1. Summary 1.1 The projected overspend of £844,000 within Adult Social Care is summarised in the table below:

Pressure £000 Committed external placement cost up to January (3) Transfer of Internal Homecare to External Provision to date (233) Estimated additional cost based on past year trend data 770 Expected placement overspend for the year 534 Provider contract increases 224 Under-achievement of income 329 Under-achievement of savings 253 Utilities 50 Concessionary fares/freedom passes (546) Total expected overspend 844

1.2 The estimated year-end overspend has been calculated using the most up to date information available to officers, and as additional information becomes available the estimate will be adjusted accordingly. Paragraphs 2.2 to 2.6 provide additional detail of the information and trends analysed to make this projection.

1.3 The information contained in this report is being utilised to project trends in income and expenditure forward for future years as part of the budget setting process.

1.4 The current projection is based on the average package values from CareFirst data.

157 2. Breakdown of placements projected to year-end for 2008/09

2.1 Using monthly financial data and past demographic changes from June 2006 up to September 2008, trends have been projected forward to the year end. This gives a year end projected overspend of £534,006 when compared to the available budget.

Service Increase in Projected Available Projected number and Expenditure Gross Variance intensity of based on Budget 2008 Packages in Financial 2008 Trends £ £ £ Mental Health 18 2,295,367 2,146,390 148,977 Physical and 2 2,969,146 2,803,690 165,456 Sensory Learning 19 9,334,619 8,942,030 392,589 Disabilities Older People 88 17,235,651 17,502,990 (267,339) Discretionary (28) 65,637 72,100 (6,463) Payments No recourse to 2 500,786 400,000 100,786 public funds Total 101 32,401,206 31,867,200 534,006

2.2 The estimated overspend in the table above is made up of three items:

a) The predicted overspend for adult social care packages at the year- end based on January commitments on CareFirst is expected to be £3,000.

b) The Merton Reablement Team commenced on 20th October 2008. As Merton is planning to outsource its internal homecare function, all these packages will eventually be transferred to external providers. Internal homecare salary budgets will transfer across to external homecare placement budgets. The full year cost is expected to be £398,000. To date, 81 clients have been transferred, which equates to 418 hours, or £233,000.

c) As a result of analysis undertaken with managers and the use of trend forecasts for placements data, officers estimate that an additional £770,000 of costs will be incurred to the end of the financial year as additional placements are made.

2.3 The estimated outturn excludes any inflationary increases in contract prices as officers are currently working to a 0% uplift in contracts this financial year. Provider contracts documentation includes provision for an RPI uplift based on February data. The RPI for February 2008 was 4.1%.

158 Providers have been notified that there will be a 0% increase in 2008, although it is expected that we will not be able to contain the 0% with some providers. To date we have consented to inflation increases to the value of £224,000. The total inflation could amount to £1.018m for the year if inflation was agreed for all providers.

2.4 Adult Social Care Activity Data – Number of Care Packages

Activity Data – Care Package No of Care No of Care Increase/ Numbers Packages as at Packages as at decrease Service Area Dec 2008 Jan 2009 since Dec 2008 Mental Health 194 185 (9) Physical and Sensory 230 219 (11) Learning Disabilities 285 283 (2) Older People 1,597 1,491 (106) Substance Misuse 9 5 (4) No recourse to public funds 64 68 4 Total 2,379 2,251 (128)

2.5 Income 2.5.1 A full review of income in January showed an under-achievement of expected income of £329,000. This is mainly attributable to a £425,000 under-achievement on placement income offset by a one-off £119,000 over-achievement on health income due to backdated charging as a result of the Learning Disability funding transfer review.

2.6 Underachievement of Savings 2008/09 2.6.1 Officers are currently estimating a £253,000 under-achievement of savings for 2008/09. The table below shows the shortfall in savings as per the RAG analysis adjusted for overspends separately identified in this report to avoid double counting of issues.

Description £000 Under-achievement of savings from RAG analysis 666 Part of savings already identified in provider contract increases (224) Part of savings already identified in income shortfall (189) Under achievement of savings 253

2.7 Utility Costs 2.7.1 Increased utility costs are estimated to cause overspends of between £40,000 and £80,000. Although the utility overspend is reported corporately, we include the figures in this report as it is expected that we would need to find departmental management action to offset this pressure.

159 2.8 Concessionary fares / freedom passes 2.8.1 Money was set aside for a project to issue concessionary fares through libraries. This system would provide various benefits to Merton, including increasing the footfall in libraries. Some authorities have already implemented this new scheme with positive results. Government has decided that this scheme should not go ahead and that concessionary fares should continue to be distributed through Post Offices. As a result, the money for this scheme has been released along with clarification of funding requirements for 2008/09. This will result in an underspend of approximately £546,000 for the year.

2.9 LD Transfer 2.9.1 The transfer of Social Care Funding from the Sutton and Merton PCT to LB Merton to include Orchard Hill is currently under discussion. Officers have had meetings to discuss the transfer and another meeting will be arranged for the end of February 2009 between LB Merton, LB Sutton and the PCT. This meeting will aim to agree the funding to transfer to the two authorities from the PCT and is currently estimated to be £6.756m for LB Merton.

2.10 Management Action to date 2.10.1 The following management actions have been identified to mitigate any possible overspends or non-achievement of savings:-

Description £000 £000 Funded from contingency 585 Control appointments to vacancies 159 Use the Learning Disability S31 Pooled Budget 50 underspend Supporting People Grant 50 Total 259 585

2.10.2 The division will continue to maintain a control on appointments to vacancies. The division is currently operating a vacancy factor of 9.08% (equivalent to £917,000), to maintain expenditure within the available budgetary provision (this excludes in-house residential homes such as Riverside Drive, Meadowsweet and Dolliffe Close). The vacancy control will increase this provision.

2.10.3 As at 31st March 2008 the balance brought forward on the Learning Disability Section 31 Pooled Budget was an underspend of £599,000. In accordance with the Section 31 agreement, the pool manager has considered the current funding levels and will be able to release £50,000 of the in-year underspend to contribute to the overall overspend within Adult Social Care.

160 2.10.4 The Supporting People Grant has ceased its funding of Bradshaw Close (£145,000) and Mascot (£13,000). Officers have identified £50,000 to offset against projected pressures on the budget during the year. This grant is expected to become part of the Area Based Grant in 2010/11.

2.10.5 Further work continues to find additional management action to offset the under-achievement of savings.

(b) Libraries and Heritage and Adult Education

Overview At present it is envisaged that the outturn position, although very tight will be within budget subject to holding vacant posts.

Pressures The division will endeavour to contain the increase in utility bills within its existing budgetary provision. The estimated increase in cost as at January is £22,000 provided bills are received during this financial year.

As at the end of January, income was under-achieved by £3,000. Income to date of £232,000 represents an 8.3% reduction on last year’s figures. The current trend still shows a slow down in customers using income generating services and/or smarter on fines and late returns.

Management continues to review pressure areas and is making every effort to attract more customers. Difficulties are being met given the current financial climate.

Merton Adult Education pressures The current fee income is on target at £425,000. The Learning and Skills Council (LSC) continues to review actual achievement targets for the academic year 2008/09. To date, the LSC have identified targets not being met in some curriculum areas. As a result there is a potential risk of a £10,000 reduction in funding this year (£76k for academic year to July 2009). This reduction could be recovered subject to achieving targets as agreed with the LSC by the end of each reporting quarter.

Management is currently monitoring all potential risks and continues to monitor courses offered and the enrolments and courses mix to attract maximum funding from LSC.

161 (c) Housing General Fund

Overview The Housing General Fund includes services that are statutory and demand led, e.g. Homelessness and Temporary Accommodation Services.

Pressures The position regarding homeless and temporary accommodation remains relatively unchanged. However, we have recently seen a reduction in the number of households occupying temporary accommodation provided by the Council. There are a number of known factors which have influenced this position and these include: • Less private sector evictions • Increase in re-housings into the private rented sector • Active affordable housing programme Whilst we welcome the reduction in the numbers in temporary accommodation the position remains uncertain. We have no way of knowing if this position will change although we suspect that the recent economic downturn may lead to increased homeless episodes as a consequence of mortgage repossession.

Management Action to date Overall, the Housing General Fund is likely to break even in 2008/09. This is mainly a result of an anticipated £20,000 overspend on the homelessness and temporary accommodation budget which is reduced by potential underspends of £20,000 on the overall Housing General Fund.

(d) Housing Revenue Account

Overview The Housing Revenue Account (HRA) is the Council’s landlord account where all expenditure and income relating to Council Housing is recorded. It is separate from the General Fund i.e. it is a ring fenced account. When setting the budget it must balance to nil.

Pressures As at January, the HRA is expected to break even at the end of the financial year.

162 Management Action to date Managers are continuing to monitor their budgets as part of the normal monthly budget monitoring process.

(v) Environment and Regeneration

Pressures A number of budgetary pressures have been identified within the department, mainly relating to the wider economic situation. Three sections in particular are likely to be significantly affected.

Parking It has been reported for some time that the planned removal of the Hartfield Road Bus Lane will lead to a significant reduction in Parking Enforcement income, estimated at £270,000 for a full year. In addition to this, the parking income figures for December and January indicate a significant downturn in activity, particularly within off-street parking. A significant income shortfall is likely - bringing the estimated net overspend for the section to £700,000 (£606,000 last month).

Building Control Building activity and the level of income to the Section has dipped dramatically over the last three months. A net shortfall of £190,000 is currently forecast at year end (same as last month).

Development Control Income levels from planning application fees are reduced compared to the equivalent period in 2007/08 and there is a risk that the saving of £60,000 (as last month) agreed as part of the 2008/09 estimate process will not be achieved.

Likely Savings/Management Action Waste Management Due to economic factors, as well as expansion of recycling activity, there is likely to be a significant underspend on this budget heading, currently estimated at £500,000 (£450,000 last month).

Bringing Forward of 2009-10 savings. Wherever possible, savings agreed as part of the 2009-10 process have been brought forward to January 2009. The effect of this is estimated at £54,000.

163 In addition, savings against budgets are expected in a number of areas due to managers restricting employee and other spending wherever possible. The total saving achievable is currently estimated at £140,000.

The current forecast for the Department at year end is therefore a £256,000 overspend (£300,000 overspend last month). This is less than the effect of the Hartfield Road bus lane closure. Options for additional management action to reduce this further are being reviewed.

5. Corporate Expenditure and Income (incorporating technical issues)

5.1 Technical Issues - Pay and Price Inflation 5.1.1 The MTFS for 2008/09 includes 2.5% for the 2008 pay award, 1.5% for general prices and additional amounts for extra inflation provision for those areas of high inflation (e.g. transport, care homes).

(i) Pay: There has been no change to the interim arrangements agreed pending the results of arbitration which were previously reported. The local government employers have agreed to the union's request for a 2.45% pay rise for staff, with an extra £100 for the lowest paid, backdated to April, as an interim measure. The NJC Trade Union Side submitted evidence to the panel of ACAS arbitrators appointed to resolve the 2008- 09 NJC pay dispute within local government on 9th February. In submitting their evidence the Trade Union Side stated :

”We hope that we have reinforced the merits and rationale of our 2008-09 claim ….. It was for: 'A one-year increase on all pay points of 6% or 50 pence an hour, whichever is the greater, with a view to making progress to a bottom rate of £6.75 pence' ”We believe the employers’ offer of 2.45% has not adequately rewarded or met the financial needs of our members during 2008/09. Indeed, it has further increased the financial hardship they have found themselves in as a result of a series of below-inflation pay awards in recent years.”

The date when the outcome of arbitration will be announced is not yet known.

(ii) Prices: CPI annual inflation, the Government’s target measure, was 3.0% in January (December 3.1%) with the same factors as for the RPI having an effect, excluding housing factors. RPI inflation was 0.1% in January, down from 0.9% in December and the reduction was mainly due to transport costs where fuel prices (petrol and diesel) fell, along with car prices and maintenance and repair costs. Air fares also fell. Upward pressure came from recreation and culture costs in the form of toy and

164 games prices, newspapers, books and stationery and holidays abroad. There was a large reduction in mortgage interest payments and house depreciation which are excluded from the CPI.

5.1.2 The outlook for inflation As advised in paragraph 5.4.1 below, the Bank Base rate has been reducing since January 2008 and on 5th February 2009 it was reduced to 1.0%. In its February 2009 Inflation report, the Bank of England advises that “in the central projection, CPI inflation falls well below the 2% target in the medium term …..the near term path of inflation is uneven. That reflects two further factors: first the marked fall in energy prices which drags down sharply on inflation during 2009; and, second, the direct impact of the temporary cut in VAT, which pulls down inflation during 2009 but briefly pushes it back towards the target in early 2010. The balance of risks around the central projection for inflation is judged to be slightly on the downside.”

Quarter 4 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 CPI Inflation 2% 3.75% 0.5% 2.25% 2% Source: HM Treasury: Pre-Budget Report 2008

It is expected that RPI inflation is likely to turn negative for a period in the early part of 2009 which reflects the impact of measures taken to reduce housing costs and mortgage interest payments, but could increase rapidly if the strategy of quantitative easing is introduced.

5.2 Utilities 5.2.1 The overspend of approximately £0.330m, previously reported, is still anticipated for this financial year The Cabinet report on 15th December indicated that as a result of the reduction in oil prices in recent weeks, officers had reviewed utilities cost projections for 2009/10 and proposed that the estimated increase in budgets for 2009/10 could be reduced by £0.275m to £0.776m. There are no further contracts to renew before 1st October. Wholesale utility prices seem to have stabilised at around 70% of the levels that were prevailing at the time of previous renewals in the summer and it considered that the provision for inflation on utilities can be reduced further by £0.180m to £0.596m. The utilities market remains a very volatile area with wholesale prices subject to wide fluctuation dependent on a variety of economic and political factors.

5.2.2 The MTFS previously reported included provision for utilities costs above 1.5% in leisure centres of £0.185m in 2009/10. This has now been reviewed and it is unlikely to be required.

5.2.3 For 2008/09, regardless of the actual level of pay award agreed or CPI inflation that prevails, the budgets set are cash limited and budget managers are expected to contain expenditure within agreed budgets.

165 5.3 Technical Issues - Contingency provision 5.3.1 The budget approved for 2008/09 includes a contingency of £1.6m. However, in setting the budget, the adult social care budget was identified as having a potential need to call on this for additional placements costs. A comprehensive review of demand including demographic trends in relation to Adult Social care was undertaken to assess the potential pressures on this budget during 2008/2009. In addition, a comprehensive review of contracts indicated that additional inflation would be required to cover inflation in excess of that provided. Cabinet decided that £1.56m of the contingency should be set aside to meet the additional costs if these pressures materialised.

5.3.2 In paragraph 3.1.1 (iv), the current projection for Adult Social Care shows that there is currently a call on the contingency of £0.585m at this stage. It should be recognised that demand is affected significantly by seasonal factors and as shown in the information provided it is expected that net placements will rise as the year progresses, in line with the projection.

5.3.3 The use of contingency will be kept under review on a month by month basis.

5.4 Technical Issues - Single Status 5.4.1 There is an earmarked reserve to fund this expenditure. An agreement in principle was reached with Staffside on 2nd May. Discussions have been ongoing with the unions regarding the implementation of the draft agreement. The Council will be implementing the draft agreement in relation to Single Status, and a report is being presented in March.

5.5 Technical Issues – Treasury Management: Progress to date 5.5.1 Regular updates on treasury management have been provided during the year and a report on a comprehensive review of investments was presented to Cabinet on 8th December. The authority’s borrowings and investments are under continuous review. 5.5.2 Previous reports identified the movement of the UK and world economy into recession, and the impact of the ‘credit crunch’. With regard to the ‘credit crunch’, LBM has not suffered immediate adverse effects. Long- term finance remains available from the Public Works Loans Board (PWLB), and short-term temporary borrowing has been available to the Authority at exceptionally low interest rates. The Authority has not suffered deferred repayment or capital loss from its current cash deposit investments, which currently are spread across ten institutions of the highest available credit rating.

5.5.3 The economic background has though prompted a substantial reduction in the UK Base Rate, and in due course this will impact on investment income. The Bank of England has reduced interest rates seven times

166 since January 2008 . The base rate has reduced from 5.25% in February 2008 and on 5th February 2009 it was reduced to 1.0%. There is currently a consensus among economic commentators that the rate could fall further, even to 0%. Whilst it is inevitable that such a dramatic reduction of interest rates will affect investment income in due course, the implication of this scenario for investment income in 2008/09 has been mitigated by treasury’s strategy of placing fixed rate deposits for extended periods. There is also some protection for the first quarter of 2009/10, but thereafter, reinvestment will be exposed to whatever market rates are at the time, and this is forecast to be significantly below where investment rates have been in recent years.

5.5.4 Unfortunately, reductions in the Base Rate do not feed through to borrowing cost in the short-term; since virtually all long-term finance is on effectively fixed rates.

5.5.5 Against this background of largely fixed debt costs and falling investment returns, the key strategy tool to support the treasury budget is the redemption of debt. This can remove both relatively high debt costs, and, in using hitherto invested funds to finance the redemption, reduce the amount of funds under investment and exposed to low and prospectively falling interest rates. However, this strategy requires the use of capital receipts to finance redemption premiums, and the programme for realising these receipts is delayed; (to an extent because of the deteriorating economic environment).

5.5.6 Against this background, the key issues with regard to treasury management and its budget performance are:-

(i) Cashflow Management Cashflow management is not seen to be problematic. Cashflow remains reasonably balanced, and for the foreseeable future, temporary borrowing facilities will be available to LBM at economic interest rates.

(ii) Long-term borrowing No new long-term borrowing has been undertaken to date in 2008/09. In a scenario of low investment returns it has been more economic to use invested balances to finance capital expenditure. However, looking forward, current long-term borrowing rates are at historically low levels, and at some point, whether or not in 2008/09, it may become appropriate to secure such finance for long-term benefit. The latter would only be pursued when the present strains on the treasury budget allow. (iii) Annuity Finance Annuity finance is the established means of financing short-life assets such as vehicles and IT equipment, (as opposed to leasing, which in recent years has been overall more expensive). To date in 2008/09 no

167 new annuity finance has been arranged, (any expenditure being covered by cashflow and invested balances). Whether or not annuity borrowing is undertaken before financial year-end, the economic effect on the budget is not significant.

(iv) Debt Management At £155.7m, long-term debt remains comfortably within the 2008/09 Prudential Indicators for Operational Boundary, £187.5m, and the Authorised Limit, £ 217.5m. Prospective debt maturities in 2008/09 remain below the established Prudential Indicator Limit of 12% of total debt. The average cost of long-term debt is 6.63%, and for the foreseeable future this is a stable rate.

No variable-rate debt is being carried, and lender’s option loans at risk of exercise are below the Prudential Indicator limit of 50% of total debt. At current market interest rates, the exercise of a lender’s option loan, and consequent repayment would be to the Authority’s economic advantage.

(v) Investment The balance of funds under investment has been running at circa £100m or over; supported by positive cashflow. Currently there are two investments of over one-year’s duration, totalling £10m, and as such fall comfortably below the 33% Prudential Indicator limit for deposits of over one-year maturity. The average interest rate for the total portfolio of deposits is 5.22%, which comfortably supports the overall 2008/09 treasury strategy and budget.

About 60% of the current portfolio is at fixed rates maturing in 2009/10, and this provides some support to investment income in that year. However, whilst efforts have been made to find adequately secure counterparties for longer deposits at appropriate interest rates, (and so protect the portfolio against falling rates), a worsening of the ‘credit crunch’ scenario has precluded this. The Council’s approved Treasury Policy requires compliance with DCLG guidance, and this requires security to be prioritised over yield. The problem of maintaining security whilst achieving investment advantage is confirmed by the Government’s provision, on 19th January 2008, of further support to the major banks.

(vi) Net debt/investment position The net amount of actual debt less all investments is currently around £61m, which is comfortably below the forecast Capital Financing Requirement (CFR) ceiling of £149.6m for 2008/09, and so is compliant with the Prudential Indicator that requires net debt to be below the CFR. Even if debt was at its Operational Boundary, (£187.5m), or the Authorised Limit, (£217.5m), the current total of funds under investment would produce a net debt position compliant with the Prudential Indicator.

168 The net forecast revenue position for the treasury budget has been affected by the limited and delayed progress on debt redemptions in 2008/09 to date. Whilst further debt redemption should be progressed if this becomes possible, prudence suggests that it is not appropriate to anticipate significant savings in 2008/09. However, investment strategy in the earlier part of 2008/09 was able to exploit relatively high interest rates when they were available, and this has allowed a better than budget performance in this area. It is therefore expected that the previously forecast revenue surplus of £0.224m for 2008/09 outturn will be secured. Given the present market situation and the dramatic lowering of interest rates, it is not considered prudent to assume that further benefit will be achieved.

5.6 Summary of Technical Pressures 5.6.1 There are a number of pressures and unknowns which will continue to be carefully monitored. The main concerns are:-

That the contingency provision is almost entirely committed to cover for continuing volatility in adult social care budgets but there is increasing concern over the implications of the credit crunch for services;

There will be continuing pressures into 2009/10 which will need to be addressed as the budget 2009/10 and MTFS 2009-12 are developed;

The failure to achieve capital receipts as scheduled has curtailed the debt redemption programme, and this precludes achievement of the debt management savings expected for 2008/09.

6. Impact on the Local Economy as a Result of the Economic Downturn

6.1 A sustained economic downturn will have a significant adverse impact on Merton’s local economy and on the Council’s financial position.

6.2 In line with national data, Merton is experiencing increases in worklessness, falling house prices and falling house purchases.

• The number of workers claiming job seekers allowance has increased in January by 5.6%. • Local house prices and sales are falling, with Merton house prices falling by 1.6% between November and December 2008.

169 6.3 In order to monitor this, a set of indicators, both local and national, and the impact on income streams most at risk from the downturn, are shown in Appendix 1.

6.4 Over time, we will refine and improve the presentation of these indicators.

7. Capital budget monitoring as at 31st January 2009

7.1 Capital Expenditure to date

7.1.1 The following table summarises the expenditure that has taken place as at 31st January:-

Capital Monitoring at Budget Expenditure Committed Unspent Projected st 31 January 2009 2008/09 to date Expenditure Budget Year End 31/01/09 31/01/09 31/01/09 Variance (under)/over spend £000 £000 £000 £000 £000

Approved Programme 58,483 26,448 0 32,035 (14,000) including Slippage

The detailed schemes are set out in Appendices 3 to 9. A summary of schemes by department is shown in Appendix 2.

7.2 Capital Schemes Progress

7.2.1 All schemes are measured against five levels and the colours of green, amber and red are used to differentiate the status of each scheme against each level. Green = Level fully achieved, Red = Level not achieved, Amber, which should seldom be required, indicates a degree of achievement.

7.2.2 Progress on the Capital Programme as a whole has slipped back since last month. The projected year-end underspend is based on the pattern of monthly spends in previous financial years. This now projects the year- end underspend at £14m, compared with £12m last month.

7.2.3 There has not been a problem in previous years in carrying forward unspent external grants and this is not expected to be an issue for any grants at the end of 2008/09.

7.2.4 As was the case last year, the issue of carrying forward the unspent capital budgets funded by borrowing into 2009/10, will be considered when the accounts have been substantively closed.

170 7.2.5 Appendix 9 lists those schemes that are slower in progress or are significantly underspent or are overspent. At this time there continue to be no overspendings which departments believe they cannot absorb by underspendings elsewhere in their capital programmes.

7.3 Virements

7.3.1 The previous Financial Report considered by Cabinet was for November 2008. Since then several virements have been agreed by CMT and now need to be agreed by Cabinet. However, these are technical virements between essentially the same types of work, where two or more codes have been used for the same scheme or similar schemes.

These virements relate to: • Controlled Parking Zones £200,500 • Bridge Repairs £162,908 • Eastfields Youth Centre £150,000 • Telephone PABX £100,000

The detailed changes are as follows:

Controlled Parking Zones £

CPZ - Holne Chase/Torrington Way -200,500 CPZ - Mitcham Park Ext (MT) 4,000 CPZ - Other Waiting Restrictions 5,000 Darleston Road Area W6 CPZ 11,000 CPZ - Review of P1 & P2 7,000 CPZ - Disabled Bays 25,000 CPZ - Agency Staff 112,000 CPZ - Other Small items 5,000 New Raynes Park CPZ 5,000 Kohat Road CPZ 1,500 Southdown CPZ SD 2,000 Motspur Park CPZ 1,000 Poets CPZ H2 1,000 Kingston Road Pay & Display 9,000 B411 LANDSCAPE WKS CANNONS REC 11,000 Colliers Wood CPZ Review 1,000

171 Bridge Repairs £ Bridge Repairs General 162,908 BRS Rd Parapet Replacement -45,000 BRS Rd Parapet Replacement -13,908 Bridge Strengthening 03/04 -104,000

Eastfields Youth Centre £ Regeneration of Former Eastfields Youth Centre -150,000 Eastfields YC Surrounding Land 150,000 Telephone PABX £ PABX 100,000 Telephone PABX -100,000

8. Debt Collection and Management

8.1 A comprehensive report by Department of miscellaneous debt arrears has been prepared and is shown in Appendix 10. In short, this highlights arrears outstanding of £6.0m as at the end of January 2009 (£5.7m in November). Appendix 9 provides a comprehensive report highlighting the reasons for the arrears, the variances between November 2008 and January 2009 and the remedial action being taken to reduce debt levels. Also provided is a full debtors aged trial balance. Annex 1 to this appendix provides additional information on Council Tax, Business Rates, Housing Rents and Parking. Annex 2 shows a breakdown of all transactions relating to miscellaneous debt for the current year. It shows the balance outstanding at the end of each month this financial year.

8.2 The Council budgets on the basis of a 97% collection rate for council tax. The table below shows the collection rate for Council Tax and Business Rates as at the end of January 2009, compared with the collection rates as at the same time last year.

31 Jan 2008 31 Jan 2009 Council Tax 89.76% 93.38% Business Rates 97.42% 96.91%

172 9. Progress on delivery of savings for 2008/09

9.1 The budget package for 2008/09 included an increase in the budget to meet inflation and a number of technical adjustments. Also included were growth proposals of £2.275m for 2008/09 and proposed savings totalling £8.874m.

9.2 Appendix 11 shows the savings proposed for 2008/09 and provides service department comments on the progress made in delivering these savings in 2008/09. In general, savings are being delivered, however there is some work in progress and Cabinet are requested to consider each department’s response in the schedules in Appendix 11. This Appendix also shows the savings achieved to date and the status of the savings – red, amber or green. For January, there has been no change in the status of any of the savings.

10. Consultation undertaken or proposed

10.1 All relevant bodies have been consulted.

11. Timetable

11.1 In accordance with current financial reporting timetables.

12. Financial, resource and property implications

12.1 All relevant implications have been addressed in the report.

13. Legal and statutory implications

13.1 All relevant implications have been addressed in the report.

14. Human rights, equalities and community cohesion implications

14.1 Not applicable

15. Risk management and health and safety implications

15.1 Not applicable

173 16. Appendices – the following documents are to be published with this report and form part of the report Appendix 1 – Income and Service Indicators Appendix 2 – Capital Expenditure Summary by Department Appendix 3 – Chief Executive’s 2008/09 Programme Appendix 4 – Environment and Regeneration 2008/09 Programme Appendix 5 – Children, Schools and Families 2008/09 Programme Appendix 6 – Corporate Services 2008/09 Programme Appendix 7 – Community and Housing 2008/09 Programme Appendix 8 – Externally or Grant Funded Schemes 2008/09 Appendix 9 – Schemes with Minimal Progression or Low Expenditure Appendix 10 – Miscellaneous Debt January 2009 Appendix 11 – Savings Progress 2008/09

17. Background Papers – the following documents have been relied on in drawing up this report but do not form part of the report

17.1 Budgetary Control files held in the Corporate Services department.

18. Report author

− Name: Grant Miles − Tel: 020 8545 3458 − email: [email protected]


Income and Service Indicators

1. Land Searches

Indicator Reason for inclusion Income from land searches Significant income stream to the Council directly related to strength and movement in the property market and therefore at risk. Activity generated a total of £2.9m in 2007/08.

Land Charges Income

90 80 70 60 50

£000 40 30 20 10 0 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

2007/08 2008/09

This period Comments Trend Property sales are running at about half the level of the previous year to January and this decline has resulted in a loss of income of about £0.7m to date.


2. Building Control Income

Indicator Reason for inclusion Income from building control applications. Major income stream of about £800,000 annually

Building Control Income

160 140 120 100 80 £000 60 40 20 0 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

2007/08 2008/09

This period Comments Trend


3. Penalty Charge Notices

Indicator Reason for inclusion Income from PCNs. Major income stream of about £3m annually. Potential proxy indicator of local economic activity as it shows pressure on available parking spaces and propensity to park illegally.

Penalty Charge Income

350 300 250 200

£000 150 100 50 0 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

2007/08 2008/09


4. Car Parking Income

Indicator Reason for inclusion Income from Car Parking. Major income stream averaging £350,000 monthly in 2007/08. Potential proxy indicator of local economic activity as it shows visits to retail and commercial centres, and work places.

Car Parking Income




300 £000 200


0 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

2007/08 2008/09


5. Council Tax and NNDR Collection

Indicator Reason for inclusion % Council Tax and NNDR collected Approximately 50% of the Council’s budget is compared to the same period in the previous funded by Council Tax. Rising food and year. energy costs could impact on people’s ability to pay their household bills and lead to increased tax arrears. The level of NNDR collection is included as an indicator of the health of the business sector.

Council Tax and NNDR Collection (% change from last year)






0 May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan -1

Council Tax NNDR


6. Housing Rent Arrears

Indicator Reason for inclusion Amount of arrears on a monthly basis. Maintaining housing rental income is vital to maintain the housing stock and levels of service for tenants. Rising costs and financial pressures could impact on tenants ability to pay and lead to increasing arrears.

Housing Rent Arrears

4500 4000 3500 3000 2500

£000 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan


7. Benefit Claimants

Indicator Reason for inclusion Number of active cases for council tax / This indicator provides a potential proxy housing benefit claims. indicator of the health of the local economy and may help to predict changes in demand for other means tested benefits.

Housing Benefit Claimants

13650 13600 s 13550 13500 13450 13400 No. of claimant 13350 13300 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

2007/08 2008/09

Council Tax Benefit Claimants

13500 13300 s 13100 12900 12700 12500 No. of claimant 12300 12100 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

2006/07 2007/08 2008/09


Local economic indicators and national indices

1. Job Seekers Allowance

Indicator Reason for inclusion JSA – all claimants in Merton It is expected that unemployment will continue to rise and this will impact on the local economy and demand for services.

Job Seekers Allowance - Merton all claimants

3500 s 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 Number of claimant 0 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

2007/08 2008/09


2. Local House Prices and Sales

Indicator Reason for inclusion Average Merton house price; average These indicators show the strength of the London house price; number of sales local housing market and will have a direct impact on land charges income.

Merton and London House Prices

380 360 340 320 £000 300 280 260

7 8 -07 l-07 -07 r-08 -08 -08 y u p n-0 v ar-07 J a ay-08 Jul-08 ep Jan-07 M Ma Se Nov-0 J Ma M S No

Average Price London average price

Number of Sales

500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0

Jul-07 Jul-08 Jan-07 Mar-07 May-07 Sep-07 Nov-07 Jan-08 Mar-08 May-08 Sep-08


3. Inflation

Indicator Reason for inclusion Retail Price Index (RPI) – all items; The RPI provides a useful indicator of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) cost of living and is used as the basis for the changes in the majority of Council contract prices


220 112

215 110 108 210 106 205 104 200 102

195 100

190 98

r g p t r g p t p Jul u e c p Jul u e c Jan Feb Mar A May Jun A S O Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar A May Jun A S O Nov Dec Jan


184 Summary by dept APPENDIX 2


Total Agreed Slipped or New Net Variance 2008/09 Total Budget Approved Net Revised Managers' Year End Value 2007/08 Carry New Approval Virement External Expenditure to Forecast to as per Budget Report Spend Budget Forecast (Net) Forwards Funding Date Budget 2008/09

££££££££££ £

SUMMARY Chief Executive 133,000 0 133,000 133,000 11,516 133,000 0 -121,484 Environment & Regeneration 10,051,000 3,630,313 13,681,313 0 0 25,000 13,706,313 7,139,056 12,532,125 -1,174,188 -6,567,257 Children, Schools and Families 6,049,490 6,097,775 12,147,265 0 0 240,000 12,387,265 5,162,167 8,698,008 -3,449,257 -7,225,099 Corporate Services 4,445,910 2,858,389 7,304,299 28,076 -196,557 70,000 7,205,818 2,285,962 6,364,712 -841,107 -4,919,856 Community & Housing 2,720,000 69,202 2,789,202 2,789,202 54,467 2,730,420 58,782 -2,734,735

Externally or grant Funded 15,785,074 5,183,437 20,968,511 0 196,557 1,096,788 22,261,856 11,686,757 22,500,182 241,878 -10,575,098

39,184,474 17,839,116 57,023,590 28,076 0 1,431,788 58,483,454 26,339,925 52,958,446 -5,163,892 -32,143,529 185 Chief Exe 0809 Programme APPENDIX 3


Le Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; Le Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed.

Phase & RAG CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2008/09 Criteria SUMMARY OF OVERALL POSITION AS AT PERIOD - January Budget Expenditure 'Whole Life' Project Costing


Amended Scheme Scheme Phase & RAG 2008/09 Total Total Approved Slipped or New Scheme Scheme Agreed 2007/08 Adjustment of Allocation of Net Expenditure to Current Period Managers Year End Variance Forecast Whole Life Whole Life Criteria (see levels 1 Department Cost Code Description Cost Code Budget as per Net Spend New Approval Virement External Revised Budget Whole Life Notes Reference Carry Forwards Slippage External Date Projected Variance Forecast Net to Budget Net Net 5) Budget Report 2008/09 Funding Net Variance Funding Budget Forecast 12345 £££ £££ £ £ £ ££££ £

2008-2009 Programme Out to tender. Not expecting to spend whole budget by end of year, would GGRRR CE CCA7309 CCTV Equipment Programme CEA716D 133,000 133,000 133,000 11,516 -121,484 133,000 0 133,000 133,000 0 like to slip remainder.

Consolidated Total 133,000 0 133,000 0 0 0 0 0 133,000 11,516 -121,484 133,000 0 133,000 133,000 0 186 E&R 0809 Programme APPENDIX 4

Reporting Period January

L Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; L Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed.

Phase & CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2008/09 RAG Criteria SUMMARY OF OVERALL POSITION AS AT PERIOD - January Budget Expenditure 'Whole Life' Project Costing


2006/07 Scheme Scheme Phase & RAG 2008/09 External Slipped or New YTD In Year External Scheme Scheme 2008/09 Net Budget as 2008/09 Total Budget Agreed 2007/08 Total Approved Net Virements Accrued Net Expenditure to Current Period Managers Year End Variance Forecast to Whole Life Whole Life Criteria (see Responsible Officer Department Type List Of Schemes By Department Cost Code Description Cost Code Funding as per New Virements External Revised Budget Expenditure Gross Funding Whole Life Notes Reference per Budget Report as per Budget Report Carry Forwards Spend 2008/09 Already Agreed Expenditure Date Projected Variance Forecast Net Budget Net Net levels 1-5) Budget Report Funding January Received Net Variance YTD Balance Budget Forecast 12345 £££ £ £ £££ £ £ £ £ £ £ ££££ £

Committed Schemes 2008-2009 Programme

Traffic & Parking Management Further spend on agency staff & modelling work. Possible £10k GGGGAWaheed Alam E&R Approved Programme CCN7400 Wimbledon Area Traffic Study CGH355D 50,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 75,000 37,006 37,006 -37,994 65,000 -10,000 75,000 65,000 -10,000 slippage to be requested

G G A A A Mitra Dubet E&R Approved Programme CCN7401 Updating of existing 20mph Zones CGH356D 102,000 102,000 102,000 724,000 -70,466 755,534 32,000 32,000 -723,534 706,000 -49,534 755,534 755,534 0 Code holds total budget for 20mph schemes. There are 17 schemes Minor traffic / danger reduction measures R R R R R Mitra Dubet E&R Approved Programme CCN7402 Reduction measures CGH357D 150,000 150,000 150,000 -150,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Code not being used. Awaiting Final invoice for Rougemount scheme. £20k slippage to be G G A A A Paul Atie E&R Approved Programme Parking provisions CCN7403 Grassed islands/verges CGH358D 192,000 192,000 192,000 -74,000 118,000 41,956 41,956 -76,044 98,000 -20,000 118,000 98,000 -20,000 requested for Wideway scheme, Pollards Hill.

To be used for before and after surveys for 20 plenty also to fund Jacobs consultancy work. Anticipate spend of 35K in 08/09, 5K slippage G G G A A Mitra Dubet E&R Approved Programme CCN7404 Traffic surveys & Investigations CGH359D 60,000 60,000 60,000 -20,000 40,000 14,097 14,097 -25,903 35,000 -5,000 40,000 40,000 0 required in 09/10 to complete the surveys after implementation.

GGGGAMitra Dubet E&R Updating existing 20mph Zones CCN7401 Trinity Road Area CGH26RD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Expenditure be covered by vired budget from CGH356D GGGGAMitra Dubet E&R Updating existing 20mph Zones CCN7401 Staffing and Consultation Cost CGH27RD 0 0 70,466 70,466 70,466 70,466 0 33,357 -37,109 70,466 33,357 -37,109 Expenditure be covered by vired budget from CGH356D

Leisure & Parks Leisure (Level 1) - Leisure Services Condition of Parks & Open Spaces G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Abbey Recreation Ground CCN7232 Replace pavilion and toilets CGH374D 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 0 0 -8,000 8,000 0 8,000 8,000 0 Work underway but invoice not paid yet Work underway but invoice not paid yet. Underspend but in part G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Allotments CCN7232 Security fencing and gates CGH375D 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 6,360 6,360 -640 7,000 0 7,000 7,000 0 compensates for over spend in project CGH386D GGGGADoug Napier E&R Approved Programme Cemeteries CCN7232 R&M of Listed tombs CGH376D 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0 -5,000 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 Committed, commencement Jan '09 G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Green Flag CCN7232 Green Flag works for Parks CGH377D 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 21,950 21,950 -13,050 35,000 0 35,000 35,000 0 G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Multi-sports areas CCN7232 Essential refurbishment CGH378D 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 61,637 61,637 11,637 61,637 11,637 50,000 61,637 11,637 GGGGADoug Napier E&R Approved Programme King Georges Playing Fields CCN7232 External redecs & Windows CGH379D 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 0 -20,000 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 Orders placed, completion Jan '09 Waiting final invoice. £20k saving likely but need to transfer to Cannizaro mess room project GGGGADoug Napier E&R Approved Programme Morden Recreation Ground CCN7232 Renew Roof CGH380D 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 54,581 54,581 -20,419 55,000 -20,000 75,000 55,000 -20,000 below (CGH12CD) GGGGADoug Napier E&R Approved Programme Play areas CCN7232 Upgrading and refurbishing CGH381D 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 42,698 42,698 -7,302 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 Awaiting Final Invoice G G G A A Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Raynes Park CCN7232 Lighting Car Park area CGH382D 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 0 -30,000 30,000 0 30,000 30,000 0 Order placed with Dave Williams G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Various RGs / Parks CCN7232 Seats- litterbins- signage CGH383D 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 Works complete G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Various RGs / Parks CCN7232 Resurface / upgrade footpaths CGH384D 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 0 27,000 0 27,000 27,000 0 Works complete G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Various RGs / Parks CCN7232 Repair Bridge CGH385D 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 18,822 18,822 8,822 18,822 8,822 10,000 18,822 8,822 To be funded by underspends Leisure (Level 2) - Leisure Services Condition of Parks & Open Spaces Work underway but invoice not paid yet. Overspend but in part G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Allotments CCN7232 Water /General repairs CGH386D 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,873 5,873 873 5,873 873 5,000 5,873 873 compensated by underspend on project 9 above. Funding transferred Cannizaro Park (wall repairs - awaiting price). Risk R R R R R Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Donnelly Green CCN7232 Lighting CGH387D 20,000 20,000 20,000 -20,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of overrun into April & beyond GGGARDoug Napier E&R Approved Programme Garfield CCN7232 Teenage shelter CGH388D 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 5,535 5,535 -2,465 8,000 0 8,000 8,000 0 Awaiting final invoice G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Morden Park CCN7232 Footpath from Hillcross CGH389D 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 16,960 16,960 -40 17,000 0 17,000 17,000 0 Completed G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Raynes Park CCN7232 Dec of Hall and Lobby area CGH390D 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 20 20 -7,980 8,000 0 8,000 8,000 0 Final account in dispute G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Raynes Park CCN7232 Refurbish rugby changing CGH391D 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 8,910 8,910 -1,090 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 0 Awaiting final invoice GGGARDoug Napier E&R Approved Programme Joseph Hood CCN7232 Play area by car park CGH392D 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 1,715 1,715 -48,285 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 Commencement Jan '09 works imminent GGGGRDoug Napier E&R Approved Programme Various RGs / Parks CCN7232 Sustainability projects CGH393D 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 -10,000 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 0 To be used for Cannizaro Park wall repairs GGGGRDoug Napier E&R Approved Programme Various RGs / Parks CCN7232 Trim trial & Equipment CGH394D 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 23,010 23,010 -1,990 25,000 0 25,000 25,000 0 Awaiting final invoice Dependant on Mathathon Trust Funding (Jan) Expenditure includes G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Various RGs / Parks CCN7232 Condition of Parks/Open Spaces CGH891D 0 105,764 105,764 25,000 130,764 0 126,263 -4,501 130,764 0 130,764 130,764 0 CGH885D, CGH891D, CGH21RD & CGH89DD G G A R R Doug Napier E&R Repairs to Cannizaro Wall 20,000 20,000 0 0 -20,000 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 Additional Scheme (R&M). Awaiting planning 187

GGGGADoug Napier E&R Approved Programme Groundwork Trust CCN7346 Groundwork Trust CGH360G 47,000 47,000 47,000 47,000 47,000 47,000 0 47,000 0 47,000 47,000 0 Should all be spent by now. Billing / transfer issues. GGGGAChristine Parsloe E&R Approved Programme Leisure Centres - (L T R) CCN7415 Long Term Redevelopment CGH395D 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 15,805 15,805 -44,195 57,000 -3,000 60,000 57,000 -3,000 To be charged to revenue at year end. All of this budget will either be spent or works ordered for completion by the year end. To date £304,237 value of works is already ordered to be done and planned for completion in the next 3 months. Likely to carry GGGARChristine Parsloe E&R Approved Programme Leisure Centre Machinery CCN7405 Replacement of Plant and Machinery CGH367D 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 8,623 8,623 -341,377 304,237 -45,763 350,000 350,000 0 over £46,000

Highways G G G G G Andrew Edser E&R Approved Programme CCN7322 Maintenance Anti-Skid and Coloured CGH08TD 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 91,501 91,501 -8,499 100,000 0 100,000 100,000 0 Work complete, further £8k spend is on fees. Schemes developed and work underway as part of our yearly GGGGAAndrew Edser E&R Approved Programme CCN7322 Repairs to Footways CGH08ND 1,015,000 1,015,000 1,015,000 1,015,000 877,216 877,216 -137,784 1,015,000 0 1,015,000 1,015,000 0 programme footway works Schemes developed and work underway as part of our yearly GGGGAAndrew Edser E&R Approved Programme CCN7322 Highways Maintenance - Borough Roads CGH08LD 1,666,000 1,666,000 1,666,000 53,500 1,719,500 1,492,347 1,492,347 -227,153 1,719,500 0 1,719,500 1,719,500 0 programme carriageway works Highway trees inspection, data update and works G G G A A Andrew Edser E&R Approved Programme CCN7322 CGH090D 50,000 50,000 45,000 95,000 95,000 0 0 -95,000 70,000 -25,000 95,000 95,000 0 £70k commited for this year, £25k Slippage required. G G G A A Andrew Edser E&R Approved Programme CCN7322 Street Lighting Replacement Programme CGH08WD 245,000 245,000 152,887 397,887 397,887 22,043 22,043 -375,844 397,887 0 397,887 397,887 0 Programme now underway, awaiting invoices from EDF.

Demand for Surface Water Drainage - Flooding Schemes developed and work underway as part of our yearly G G A A A Andrew Edser E&R Approved Programme CCN7322 CGH08RD 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 813 813 -49,187 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 programme drainage works G G G G G Andrew Edser E&R Approved Programme CCN7322 Develop AMP - Highways Management CGH08YD 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 48,265 48,265 -1,735 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 Signs ordered, surfacing works to commence early March. JT requested G A A A R Lee Baldwin E&R Approved Programme CCN7322 Public Rights of Way Improvement Plan CGH08XD 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 0 -20,000 16,000 -4,000 20,000 16,000 -4,000 to charge agency costs. £4k slippage to be requested. R R R R R Lee Baldwin E&R Highway Repair to Footways CCN7208 Highway Repair to Footways CGH856D 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0

Bridges and Structures Scheme on hold. Feasibility study to be submitted to TfL with history of R R R R R Lee Baldwin E&R Approved Programme CCN7313 Bushey Road bridge repair project. No spending envisaged until TfL decide to fund new deck or CGH07HD 50,000 50,000 50,000 -50,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 not. Work in progress, scheduled for completion mid March. £40k slippage G G G A A Lee Baldwin E&R Approved Programme CCN7323 Selby bridge treatments CGH092D 50,000 50,000 44,000 94,000 94,000 15,993 15,993 -78,007 54,000 -40,000 94,000 94,000 0 to be requested Tender awarded, feasibility in progress, site works scheduled for early G G G A A Lee Baldwin E&R Approved Programme CCN7406 Wimbledon Bridge CGH352D 50,000 50,000 50,000 -4,000 46,000 0 0 -46,000 37,000 -9,000 46,000 46,000 0 March. £9k slippage to be requested Tendering inspection prices significantly lower than expected. 2 inspections not completed due to procuring Network Rail possessions. Cost estimate for remaining works in 09/10 is 16K, slippage to be G G A A A Lee Baldwin E&R Approved Programme CCN7323 Bridge Inspection CGH094D 25,000 25,000 4,500 29,500 -8,500 21,000 3,709 3,709 -17,291 5,000 -16,000 21,000 21,000 0 requested.

Vehicles G G G G G Helen Catling E&R Approved Programme CCN7341 Replacement of Fleet Vehicles CGH24ED 1,006,000 1,006,000 79,000 1,085,000 1,085,000 1,024,162 1,024,162 -60,838 1,085,000 0 1,085,000 1,085,000 0 E&R 0809 Programme APPENDIX 4

Reporting Period January

L Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; L Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed.

Phase & CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2008/09 RAG Criteria SUMMARY OF OVERALL POSITION AS AT PERIOD - January Budget Expenditure 'Whole Life' Project Costing


2006/07 Scheme Scheme Phase & RAG 2008/09 External Slipped or New YTD In Year External Scheme Scheme 2008/09 Net Budget as 2008/09 Total Budget Agreed 2007/08 Total Approved Net Virements Accrued Net Expenditure to Current Period Managers Year End Variance Forecast to Whole Life Whole Life Criteria (see Responsible Officer Department Type List Of Schemes By Department Cost Code Description Cost Code Funding as per New Virements External Revised Budget Expenditure Gross Funding Whole Life Notes Reference per Budget Report as per Budget Report Carry Forwards Spend 2008/09 Already Agreed Expenditure Date Projected Variance Forecast Net Budget Net Net levels 1-5) Budget Report Funding January Received Net Variance YTD Balance Budget Forecast Town Centre & Street scene Mitcham Town Centre Transport Improvements G R R R R Pip Howson E&R Approved Programme CCN7319 CGH084D 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 12,197 12,197 -47,803 60,000 0 60,000 60,000 0 Consultation underway GGGGRSue Tanton E&R Approved Programme CCN7320 Unlocking Development in Morden Town Centre CGH086D 80,000 80,000 8,500 88,500 88,500 51,632 51,632 -36,868 88,500 0 88,500 88,500 0 Planned spend before the year end GGGGRSue Tanton E&R Approved Programme Mitcham Town Centre Development CCN7407 M.T.C. Development CGH353D 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 3,077 3,077 -46,923 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 Planned spend before the year end

Total estimated spend in 0809 between this and the two schemes below is £34,700. 12 gates expected to be completed this FY, with another 80 identified in programme. Merton funds 40% of cost, with remainder GGGGRCormac Stokes E&R Approved Programme CCN7330 Alley Gating Scheme - Fly Tipping CGH09DB 50,000 50,000 43,362 93,362 93,362 24,813 24,813 -68,550 3,700 -89,662 93,362 3,700 -89,662 prefunded by residents, which can cause considerable delays. GGGGRCormac Stokes E&R Approved Programme CCN5231 Alley Gates CGH638C 12,430 12,430 12,430 12,430 12,430 0 12,430 0 12,430 12,430 0 See above GGGGRCormac Stokes E&R Approved Programme CCN7217 Alley Gating Scheme - Fly Tipping CGH865D 18,576 18,576 18,576 4,456 4,456 -14,120 18,576 0 18,576 18,576 0 See above Part of £2m prog. Town Ctr Wimbldon. Proposed to purchase 3 walk- Imp St.Cleaning off Broadway along Applied Sweepers, including 3-year maintenance agreement. GGGGRBrian McLoughlin E&R Approved Programme Street Scene Improvement Prog CCN7408 CGH02MD 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 0 0 -80,000 75,000 -5,000 80,000 75,000 -5,000 Part of £2m prog. Town Centre Wimbledon. Proposed to carry out as 150,000 part of pavement works programme. Work unlikely to be completed A R R R R Brian McLoughlin E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 Options to tackle chewing gum CGH02ND 150,000 150,000 -50,000 100,000 0 0 -100,000 100,000 0 100,000 100,000 0 during 0809. Bins in Town Centres + Map G R R R R Cormac Stokes E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 CGH02PD 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 0 0 -40,000 40,000 0 40,000 40,000 0 Part of £2m prog. Bin type identified and prices being sought. Part of £2m prog. First tranche of 30 bins ordered. Request £9.3K carry Recycling T.C.Friendly bins GGGGRCormac Stokes E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 CGH02RD 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 0 -25,000 15,700 -9,300 25,000 15,700 -9,300 into 0910.

GGGGADoug Napier E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 Parks Recyc Bins /composting CGH02TD 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 1,475 1,475 -13,525 15,000 0 15,000 15,000 0 Works order placed with Waste Services £52K spend on Borough Entry Signs - alternative funding is being sought. Budget to be used for town centre enhancments - awaiting scheme from Gillespies, now that Public Realm Strategy has been G R R R R Andrew Edser E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 Signs Welcome + Cast Iron CGH02WD 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 51,884 51,884 -38,116 51,884 -38,116 90,000 90,000 0 agreed. 38K or 90K slippage to be requested To be used for town centre enhancments - awaiting scheme from Gillespies, now that Public Realm Strategy has been agreed. 35K G R R R R Andrew Edser E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 Clarity of street signs CGH02XD 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 0 0 -35,000 0 -35,000 35,000 35,000 0 slippage to be requested

GGGGADoug Napier E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 Improve signage within parks CGH02YD 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 10,234 10,234 -9,766 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 Broxap sign due to go into Wimbledon Park. First stage of town centre enhancments - awaiting scheme from Gillespies, now that Public Realm Strategy has been agreed. 150K G R R R R Andrew Edser E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 De-Clutter Street Signs CGH04JD 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 0 0 -150,000 0 -150,000 150,000 150,000 0 slippage to be requested Legible London signage costed (£? Per sign) Opportunities in Wimbledon, Raynes Park, Colliers Wood, Mitcham. 60K slippage to be G R R R R Andrew Edser E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 Maps in the Town Centre CGH04KD 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 0 0 -60,000 0 -60,000 60,000 60,000 0 requested. Works to commence Summer 2009 (delayed due to gas works). £150K G A A R R Andrew Edser E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 Renewal of WTC Paving CGH04LD 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 312 312 -149,688 0 -150,000 150,000 150,000 0 slippage to be requested

2 benches already purchased. Remainder to be used for town centre enhancments - awaiting scheme from Gillespies, now that Public Realm G A A R R Andrew Edser E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 Better seating- Durable/Fixed CGH04MD 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 2,309 2,309 -7,691 2,309 -7,691 10,000 10,000 0 Strategy has been agreed. £7691 slippage to be requested

G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 Seats/Litter&Dog Bins/Cyc Rks CGH04ND 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 Works Completed

RRRRR E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 Highlighting Wim’s Heritage CGH04PD 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 -10,000 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 0

R R R R R Mitra Dubet E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 Evaluate Home Zones CGH04RD 200,000 200,000 200,000 -150,000 50,000 18,603 18,603 -31,397 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 Majority of Budget (£150,000) vired to 20 MPH Zones CGH356D

R R R R R Mitra Dubet E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 20mph Zones Traffic Calmed Rds CGH04TD 150,000 150,000 150,000 -150,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spend to be moved to CGH27RD To be used for town centre enhancments - awaiting scheme from Renewal Carriageway Markings 120,000 Gillespies, now that Public Realm Strategy has been agreed. 120K G R R R R Andrew Edser E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 CGH04WD 120,000 120,000 120,000 0 0 -120,000 0 -120,000 120,000 120,000 0 slippage to be requested Works in progress (EDF to invoice), all works to be complete by end Mar Replace Lamp Columns & Signs 50,000 09. 188 G G G A A Andrew Edser E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 CGH04XD 50,000 50,000 50,000 14,172 14,172 -35,828 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0

R R R R R Mitra Dubet E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 Minor Traffic/Danger measures CGH04YD 100,000 100,000 100,000 -100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spend moved to CGH27RD

250,000 4 schemes complete. Finals scheme, Grand Dr commenced 19/1/09 GGGGAAndrew Edser E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 Forecourt Local Shop parades CGH102D 250,000 250,000 250,000 124,919 124,919 -125,081 250,000 0 250,000 250,000 0 Part of £2m prog. 2 major schemes ongoing - anticipated max spend G G R R R Cormac Stokes E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 Graffiti Prevention Measures CGH103D 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 1,573 1,573 -18,427 15,000 -5,000 20,000 15,000 -5,000 this FY £15K. Request £5K Carry into 0910. Planning permission pending on Cannizaro exterior wall. Notified Jan 09 that party wall procedures need to be undertaken. Slippage into 110,000 09/10 now inevitable. Accrual necessary. Urgent need to carry over GGGARDoug Napier E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 Renew Park boundary fencing CGH104D 110,000 110,000 110,000 47,306 47,306 -62,694 85,000 -25,000 110,000 110,000 0 £25k.

Works complete, awaiting invoices from FMC and EDF GGGGAMartin Smith E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 Renew Lighting M Pk Access Rd CGH105D 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 5,587 5,587 -14,413 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0

R R R R R Sue Keay E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 Project Management Resources CGH106D 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 -50,000 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 Some for Jacobs to develop programme

R R R R R Sue Harris E&R Approved Programme " CCN7408 Contingency CGH02LD 75,000 75,000 75,000 -12,000 63,000 0 0 -63,000 75,000 12,000 63,000 63,000 0

G G G G G Pip Howson E&R Approved Programme Regeneration - Housing CCN7319 Mitcham Junction Station CGH24DD 0 935 935 935 935 935 0 935 935 Minor amount. Spend to be moved

Waste Services & Garth Road Planned Maintenance of Re-use/recycling Sites GGGGRCormac Stokes E&R Approved Programme CCN7347 CGH361D 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 10,477 10,477 -29,524 40,000 0 40,000 40,000 0 Full spend now committed. May be some carry-in to 0809. GGGGRBrian McLoughlin E&R Approved Programme CCN7339 Barrows and Bins Replacement Programme CGH09NC 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0 -5,000 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 Awaiting delivery GGGGRCormac Stokes E&R Approved Programme CCN7332 Replacement Of Recycling Bins for Flats CGH09FC 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 25,884 25,884 10,884 15,000 0 15,000 15,000 0 Overspend being investigated GGGGRCormac Stokes E&R Approved Programme CCN7334 Green / Purple Box Replacement CGH09HC 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 11,989 11,989 -13,011 25,000 0 25,000 25,000 0 Further delivery now received Litter Bin Replacement + Dog Bin Replacement GGGGRCormac Stokes E&R Approved Programme CCN7345 CGH09YC 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 2,582 2,582 -2,418 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 Budget spent on other code, will be journalled. Consultants asked to revisit and further design work being undertaken. Work may not be completed during 0809, or even proceed at all if cost effective solution within budget cannot be found. Current detailed E&R Approved Programme Amenity Way Reuse & Recycling Centre estimates are in £70K-£90K range. Original feasibility £30K estimate was in light of fire consultants advice. Any decision not to proceed will be taken in consultation with H&S Section. G G R R R Brian McLoughlin CCN7409 Fire Systems CGH368D 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 0 -30,000 30,000 0 30,000 30,000 0

GGGGRBrian McLoughlin E&R Approved Programme Amenity Way CCN7410 Safe Pedestrian Access CGH369D 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 15,444 15,444 -29,556 30,000 -15,000 45,000 30,000 -15,000 Work in progress, 60% complted. Request £15K carry-into 0910. The £249,461 spend relates to payment Re 0708 to RB Kingston under this code and needs to be taken out (!!). Latest RBK advice re 0809 is that circa £230K will be required from each Borough. GGGGRCormac Stokes E&R Approved Programme CCN7328 WDT - Contracts Costs CGH09BH 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 249,461 249,461 49,461 200,000 0 200,000 200,000 0 GGGGRCormac Stokes E&R Approved Programme Waste Disposal CCN7411 WDT Contract CGH370D 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 -100,000 30,000 -70,000 100,000 30,000 -70,000 See above. Request £70K Carry into 0910. E&R 0809 Programme APPENDIX 4

Reporting Period January

L Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; L Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed.

Phase & CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2008/09 RAG Criteria SUMMARY OF OVERALL POSITION AS AT PERIOD - January Budget Expenditure 'Whole Life' Project Costing


2006/07 Scheme Scheme Phase & RAG 2008/09 External Slipped or New YTD In Year External Scheme Scheme 2008/09 Net Budget as 2008/09 Total Budget Agreed 2007/08 Total Approved Net Virements Accrued Net Expenditure to Current Period Managers Year End Variance Forecast to Whole Life Whole Life Criteria (see Responsible Officer Department Type List Of Schemes By Department Cost Code Description Cost Code Funding as per New Virements External Revised Budget Expenditure Gross Funding Whole Life Notes Reference per Budget Report as per Budget Report Carry Forwards Spend 2008/09 Already Agreed Expenditure Date Projected Variance Forecast Net Budget Net Net levels 1-5) Budget Report Funding January Received Net Variance YTD Balance Budget Forecast Other This is the 40% LBM match funding that was agreed in 2008/9 budget setting process. The scheme is demand lead but likely to be underspent at year end. Expenditure is on CNE634G. Govt changed funding mechanism for 2008/9 and have allocated us a ring fenced contribution that is not repayable and this may reduce our need to use all of the match funding. NB On 10th February 2009 we were notified of a succesful bid for additional funding from GOL, of £25,000 which we can use to reduce the capital contribution by LBM in 2008/9. Confirmation is attached to the email with this return. GGGGRMike Barrett E&R Approved Programme CCH7205 DFG - Discretionary CNE725G 240,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 0 0 -240,000 240,000 0 240,000 240,000 0 Some spend on CNE633D, other expenditure will be incurred, exact Private Sector Housing Programme levels are unknown. Potentially an underspend but would look to carry it G G R R R Mike Barrett E&R Approved Programme CCH7204 CNE724G 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 0 0 -200,000 200,000 0 200,000 200,000 0 over HLF Funded. Any surplus needs to be rolled over as project is ongoing GGGGADoug Napier E&R Approved Programme CCN7318 Restoration of South Park Gardens CGH081E 107,000 107,000 107,000 107,000 163,183 163,183 56,183 163,183 56,183 107,000 163,183 56,183 ??? RRRRR E&R Approved Programme CCN7321 Climate Change Initiatives CGH08BB 121,000 121,000 120,000 241,000 241,000 0 0 -241,000 241,000 0 241,000 241,000 0 Projects delayed, mainly energy invest to save. This was for specialist procurement advisors in case of a new build at MPP, which is not happening now. Expenditure for Business Options Review being procured. Will request slippage into 2009-10 for works at A R R R R Christine Parsloe E&R Approved Programme CCN7412 Morden Park Pool CGH371D 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 0 0 -125,000 0 -125,000 125,000 125,000 0 Morden Park Pools Capitalise Project Activity to Regeneration Capital GGRRR E&R Approved Programme CCN7321 Programme CGH08CD 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 0 0 -35,000 35,000 0 35,000 35,000 0 Allocated at year end

G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme CCN7413 Trees for Cities Programme CGH372D 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 25,000 0 25,000 25,000 0 Contract payment to TfC. Work completed

G R R R R Pip Howson E&R Approved Programme CCN7321 Eastfields Station - Highway Improvements CGH08HD 200,000 200,000 60,000 260,000 260,000 203,343 203,343 -56,657 260,000 0 260,000 260,000 0 Part of larger project. Framework contract may delay implementation.

G G G G G Paul Atie E&R Approved Programme Parking management CCN2014 Controlled Parking Zones CGH202D 0 5,354 5,354 5,354 3,645 3,645 -1,709 3,645 -1,709 5,354 3,645 -1,709 Old code no further spend. Staffing costs to be journaled at year end. Budget to be used on GGGGRPaul Atie E&R Approved Programme Parking management CCN7311 CPZ - Holne Chase/Torrington Way CGH070D 380,000 380,000 380,000 -200,500 179,500 441 441 -179,059 179,500 0 179,500 179,500 0 schemes below. G G G G G Paul Atie E&R Approved Programme Parking management CCN7311 CPZ - Mitcham Park Ext (MT) CGH071D 0 4,000 4,000 263 263 -3,737 4,000 0 4,000 4,000 0 See CGH070D, above. G G G A A Paul Atie E&R Approved Programme Parking management CCN7311 CPZ - Other Waiting Restrictions CGH072D 0 5,000 5,000 4,428 4,428 -572 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 See CGH070D, above. Holding code !! All costs to be journalled to TFL code , TFR budget to GGGGRPaul Atie E&R Approved Programme Parking management CCN7311 Darleston Road Area W6 CPZ CGH135D 0 11,000 11,000 44,458 44,458 33,458 11,000 0 11,000 11,000 0 CGH138D GGGGAPaul Atie E&R Approved Programme Parking management CCN7311 CPZ - Review of P1 & P2 CGH136D 0 7,000 7,000 8,062 8,062 1,062 7,000 0 7,000 7,000 0 See CGH070D, above. G G G A A Paul Atie E&R Approved Programme Parking management CCN7311 CPZ - Disabled Bays CGH137D 0 25,000 25,000 26,125 26,125 1,125 25,000 0 25,000 25,000 0 See CGH070D, above. GGGGRPaul Atie E&R Approved Programme Parking management CCN7311 CPZ - Agency Staff CGH138D 0 112,000 112,000 109,469 109,469 -2,531 112,000 0 112,000 112,000 0 See CGH070D, above. G G G A A Paul Atie E&R Approved Programme Parking management CCN7311 CPZ - Other Small items CGH139D 0 5,000 5,000 6,125 6,125 1,125 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 See CGH070D, above. G R R R R Paul Atie E&R Approved Programme Parking management CCN7311 New Raynes Park CPZ CGH19SD 0 5,000 5,000 236 236 -4,764 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 See CGH070D, above. GGGGAPaul Atie E&R Approved Programme Parking management CCN7311 CPZ - 3E Review CGH19WD 1,000 1,000 -481 519 2,933 2,933 2,414 519 0 519 519 0 See CGH070D, above. G G G R R Paul Atie E&R Approved Programme Parking management CCN7311 Kohat Road CPZ CGH24FD 0 1,500 1,500 2,328 2,328 828 1,500 0 1,500 1,500 0 See CGH070D, above. G R R R R Paul Atie E&R Approved Programme Parking management CCN7311 Southdown CPZ SD CGH259D 0 2,000 2,000 1,566 1,566 -434 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 0 Project abandoned, consultation costs only. GGGARPaul Atie E&R Approved Programme Parking management CCN7311 Courthope Villas CGH182D 0 0 0 0 -2,246 -2,246 -2,246 0 0 0 0 0 See CGH070D, above. G G G G G Paul Atie E&R Approved Programme Parking management CCN7311 Motspur Park CPZ CGH19MD 0 0 1,000 1,000 451 451 -549 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 0 See CGH070D, above. Parking management - CPZ; disabled parking bays & waiting restrictions G A R R R Paul Atie E&R Approved Programme CCN7311 Poets CPZ H2 CGH258D 0 0 1,000 1,000 235 235 -765 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 0 See CGH070D, above. GGGGAPaul Atie E&R Approved Programme Parking management CCN7311 Kingston Road Pay & Display CGH24LD 0 0 9,000 9,000 10,639 10,639 1,639 9,000 0 9,000 9,000 0 See CGH070D, above. G G G G G Leisure E&R Parking management CCN7311 B411 LANDSCAPE WKS CANNONS REC CGH24HD 0 0 11,000 11,000 603 603 -10,397 11,000 0 11,000 11,000 0 See CGH070D, above. G G G G G Paul Atie E&R Parking management CCN7311 Colliers Wood CPZ Review CGH186D 1,000 1,000 313 313 -687 0 -1,000 1,000 0 -1,000 Spend to be moved

GGGRR E&R Approved Programme Replacement of parking machines CCN7414 Replacement of parking machines CGH373D 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 47,464 47,464 -2,536 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 Orders placed, expecting delivery early next year. 189 NOTE - NOW INCORPORATES CGH628D. Possible underspend on shop front improvments which require private sector match and implementation because of economic downturn and need to ensure good design in discussion with owners. Possible request for slippage G G R R R Sue Tanton E&R Approved Programme Regeneration - Sustainability CCN7318 Investment in Deprived Areas CGH082E 294,820 294,820 294,820 5,000 18,388 -276,432 294,820 0 294,820 294,820 0 into 09/10 as part of complementary initiatives programme Not an E&R budget. Front of house project. Responsibility of Chris R R R R R Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Regeneration - Town Centre CCN7320 Enhancement to area outside CC CGH088B 45,000 45,000 45,000 6,748 6,748 -38,252 45,000 0 45,000 45,000 0 Johnson. Before moving to CS. Investigate expenditure. To be charged to revenue - predict an overspend of £3,000. To be GGGGAChristine Parsloe E&R Approved Programme Regeneration - Other CCN7321 LC Contracts - Retendering CGH08EH 21,000 21,000 21,000 17,662 17,662 -3,338 24,000 3,000 21,000 24,000 3,000 offset from Cost Code CGH395D GGGGRDoug Napier E&R Approved Programme Regeneration - Other CCN7321 Wimbledon Park Lake Desilting CGH08FE 35,000 35,000 35,000 12,616 12,616 -22,384 35,000 0 35,000 35,000 0 Works have commenced. Awaiting final invoices. RRRRR E&R Approved Programme Regeneration - Other CCN7321 Investment in Deprived Areas CGH08JH 50,000 50,000 -50,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GGGGA E&R Approved Programme Highways CCN7215 Street Lighting Replacement CGH863D 4,758 4,758 4,758 0 0 -4,758 4,758 0 4,758 4,758 0 £41k invoice now signed off. Further invoices to follow £100k, possible GAAAA E&R Approved Programme Bridges CCN7323 Bridge Repairs General CGH095D 58,437 58,437 162,908 221,345 20,031 20,031 -201,314 160,000 -61,345 221,345 160,000 -61,345 £60k slippage. RRRRR E&R Approved Programme Bridges CCN7323 BRS Rd Parapet Replacement CGH096D 45,000 45,000 -45,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No longer required RRRRR E&R Approved Programme Bridges CCN7323 BRS Rd Parapet Replacement CGH096D 13,908 13,908 -13,908 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No longer required E&R 0809 Programme APPENDIX 4

Reporting Period January

L Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; L Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed.

Phase & CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2008/09 RAG Criteria SUMMARY OF OVERALL POSITION AS AT PERIOD - January Budget Expenditure 'Whole Life' Project Costing


2006/07 Scheme Scheme Phase & RAG 2008/09 External Slipped or New YTD In Year External Scheme Scheme 2008/09 Net Budget as 2008/09 Total Budget Agreed 2007/08 Total Approved Net Virements Accrued Net Expenditure to Current Period Managers Year End Variance Forecast to Whole Life Whole Life Criteria (see Responsible Officer Department Type List Of Schemes By Department Cost Code Description Cost Code Funding as per New Virements External Revised Budget Expenditure Gross Funding Whole Life Notes Reference per Budget Report as per Budget Report Carry Forwards Spend 2008/09 Already Agreed Expenditure Date Projected Variance Forecast Net Budget Net Net levels 1-5) Budget Report Funding January Received Net Variance YTD Balance Budget Forecast

Scheme complete apart from retention, possibly one more invoice to be GGGGRBrian McLoughlin E&R Approved Programme Amenity Way CCN7324 Digital CCTV Recording CGH097C 53,000 53,000 53,000 30,291 30,291 -22,709 53,000 0 53,000 53,000 0 paid from this budget. Underspend to be investigated. Scheme largely complete. Final works being carried out in 0809 Q4. GGGGRBrian McLoughlin E&R Approved Programme CCN7327 Swipe Cards on Weighbridge CGH09AC 4,000 4,000 4,000 2,353 2,353 -1,648 3,500 -500 4,000 3,500 -500 Scheme complete apart from retention monies due to be paid in 0910. GGGGRBrian McLoughlin E&R Approved Programme Amenity Way CA Site CCN7329 Concrete Floor Replacement CGH09CH 91,000 91,000 91,000 91,000 91,000 0 91,000 0 91,000 91,000 0 GGGGR E&R Approved Programme Reduce Environmental Nuisance CCN7340 Graffiti Removal CGH09PD 15,743 15,743 15,743 15,743 15,743 0 15,743 0 15,743 15,743 0 £1573 Overspend Journalled to CGH103D GGGGR E&R Approved Programme CCN7341 4 Vehicles for Response Teams CGH09RC 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 -50,000 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 Awaiting invoice Awaiting legal agreement for spend to go ahead. Should happen in next GGGGRMike Barrett E&R Approved Programme Mortuary Improvements CCN7343 Contribution to bill CGH09WH 250,000 250,000 250,000 0 0 -250,000 250,000 0 250,000 250,000 0 few months. R R R R R Brian McLoughlin E&R Approved Programme Amenity Way File Store CCN7344 Conversion to Office/Replace CGH09XB 65,000 65,000 65,000 0 0 -65,000 65,000 0 65,000 65,000 0 Scheme not going ahead at present Works delayed (with FM). Possible Accrual required. Budget required is £90k with a total of £97.7 available comprising: £15k from this capital sum plus £15k rolled over from 07/08 capital budget. (Leisure budget, CGH12CD), plus £47.7k rolled over from 07/08 capital budget (FM budget, CGRM83B), plus £20k from Morden Rec roof savings. GGGGADoug Napier E&R Approved Programme Cannizaro Park CCN7351 Mess Room CGH12CD 15,000 15,000 15,000 0 0 -15,000 15,000 0 15,000 15,000 0 G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Green Flag CCN7355 Green Flag works for Parks CGH12GD 237 237 237 237 237 1 237 0 237 237 0 Work Complete G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Lavender Park CCN7357 Multi Sport area CGH12JD 52,135 52,135 52,135 116,836 -70,000 46,836 -5,299 40,000 -12,135 52,135 40,000 -12,135 Marathon Trust funding received of £70k. GGGGADoug Napier E&R Approved Programme Play areas CCN7359 Upgrade/ Refurbish Play Areas CGH12LD 49,160 49,160 49,160 49,160 49,160 0 49,160 0 49,160 49,160 0 Work Complete G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Ravensbury Park CCN7360 Pathway works & Entrance Imps CGH12MD 7,652 7,652 7,652 7,202 7,202 -450 4,793 -2,859 7,652 4,793 -2,859 Works have commenced. Awaiting final invoices. G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Ravensbury Park CCN7360 Interactive Water Play CGH12ND 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 Work Complete G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Various RGs / Parks CCN7361 Refurb Tennis Crts Multisport CGH12RD 18,940 18,940 18,940 18,876 18,876 -64 18,876 -64 18,940 18,876 -64 Work Complete Possible underspend but no shortage of projects at this site that could G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Wimbleldon Park CCN7363 Paddling Pool Works CGH12TD 9,202 9,202 9,202 2,862 2,862 -6,340 9,202 0 9,202 9,202 0 benefit. This sum has been carried forward from 2007/8 having regard to DFG being demand led. We may not require this money. Expenditure is on CNE634G. Govt changed funding mechanism for 2008/9 and they have allocated us a ring fenced contribution that is not repayable and this may reduce our need to use all of the match funding. G G A A R Mike Barrett E&R Disabled Facilities Grant CCH7201 DFG Mandatory 07/08 CNE721G 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 -50,000 0 -50,000 50,000 0 -50,000 The £200,000 above should be sufficient. This £150,000 was agreed G G A A R Mike Barrett E&R Regeneration - Housing CCH7204 Private Sector Housing Prog CNE724G 150,000 150,000 150,000 0 0 -150,000 0 -150,000 150,000 0 -150,000 carry forward but we could return it to the corporate pot. GGGRR E&R Approved Programme Regeneration - Sustainability CCN7318 Wind Turbines - Domestic Prop CGH083C 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 0 -25,000 25,000 0 25,000 25,000 0 Project Under Review. Wind turbines now out of favour £27,204 Journalled to G00550EH95 Re Kitchen Waste Scheme GGGGR E&R Approved Programme Wheeled Bins Feasibility Sty CCN7221 Wheeled Bins Feasibility Sty CGH869D 3,426 3,426 3,426 3,426 3,426 0 3,426 0 3,426 3,426 0 payments to LB Sutton

G G G A A Lee Baldwin E&R Approved Programme Selby Bridge Treatments CCN7227 Selby Bridge Treatments CGH875D 36,000 36,000 4,000 40,000 165 165 -39,835 38,000 -2,000 40,000 38,000 -2,000 2K Slippage to be requested

GGGGRBrian McLoughlin E&R Approved Programme Portacabin Accomm Garth Road CCN7231 Portacabin Accomm Garth Road CGH879D 17,800 17,800 17,800 0 0 -17,800 24,000 6,200 17,800 24,000 6,200 Planning approval to go ahead; Overspend can be funded from revenue G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Joseph Hood CCJ6128 Refurb Showers/Changing areas CPG636B 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,700 45,700 700 45,700 700 45,000 45,700 700 Completed

The allocation to this budget head was 50% of allocation to Canons Leisure Centre, which was not linked to likely spend. The overspend in this area will be reflected in an identical underspend in project ref cost G G G G G Christine Parsloe E&R Approved Programme Canons Leisure Centre CCJ6141 Wet Change Development CPG43CB 157,062 157,062 157,062 170,328 170,328 13,266 170,328 13,266 157,062 170,328 13,266 code CPG43DB. ACCOUNT NOW CLOSED The allocation to this budget head was 50% of allocation to Canons Leisure Centre, which was not linked to likely spend. The underspend in this area will be reflected in an identical overspend in project ref Cost GGGGAChristine Parsloe E&R Approved Programme Canons Leisure Centre CCJ6141 Plant Room Works CPG43DB 157,062 157,062 157,062 48,423 48,423 -108,639 143,796 -13,266 157,062 143,796 -13,266 Code CPG43CB. The allocation to this budget head was 50% of allocation to Wimbledon Leisure Centre, which was not linked to likely spend. Account now closed awaiting final invoices to come in. Note : This budget needs to retain £10K at year end for Slippage to GGGGAChristine Parsloe E&R Approved Programme Wimbledon Leisure Centre CCJ6142 Wet Change and Health Suite CPG43FB 145,678 145,678 145,678 114,246 114,246 -31,432 145,678 0 145,678 145,678 0 pay Retention Fees on Creatability Works The allocation to this budget head was 50% of allocation to Wimbledon Leisure Centre, which was not linked to likely spend. It is anticipated that all will be spent by end of year on Cost Codes CPG43FB and

190 GGGGAChristine Parsloe E&R Approved Programme Wimbledon Leisure Centre CCJ6142 Plant Room Works CPG43GB 145,678 145,678 145,678 82,788 82,788 -62,889 145,678 0 145,678 145,678 0 CPG43GB

The allocation to this budget head was 33.33% of allocation to Morden Park Pools, which was not linked to likely spend. Underspend of GGGGAChristine Parsloe E&R Approved Programme Morden PP CCJ6143 Contribution to Dryside Scheme CPG43JB 114,737 114,737 114,737 30,556 30,556 -84,181 56,923 -57,814 114,737 56,923 -57,814 £57,814 to cover overspend in Cost Code CPG43KB. The allocation to this budget head was 33.33% of allocation to Morden Park Pools, which was not linked to likely spend. The overspend in this area will be reflected in an underspend in project ref Cost Code G G G G G Christine Parsloe E&R Approved Programme Morden PP CCJ6143 Wet Change Refurbishment CPG43KB 114,737 114,737 114,737 242,551 242,551 127,814 242,551 127,814 114,737 242,551 127,814 CPG43MB. SPEND COMPLETED

The allocation to this budget head was 33.33% of allocation to Morden Park Pools, which was not linked to likely spend. Underspend of GGGGAChristine Parsloe E&R Approved Programme Morden PP CCJ6143 Plant and Ceiling Works CPG43MB 114,737 114,737 114,737 31,781 31,781 -82,956 44,737 -70,000 114,737 44,737 -70,000 £70,000 to cover overspend in Cost Code CPG43KB. GGGGRDoug Napier E&R Approved Programme Rock Terrace Trust Fund CCJ6144 Playground Equipment CPG43NB 0 0 0 6,030 6,030 6,030 6,030 6,030 0 6,030 6,030 Funding from Rock Terrace Trust Fund

G G G A A Lee Baldwin E&R Approved Programme Bridge Strengthening 03/04 CCN4104 Bridge Strengthening 03/04 CGH464D 167,500 167,500 -104,000 63,500 40,765 40,765 -22,735 63,500 0 63,500 63,500 0 GGGGRBrian McLoughlin E&R Approved Programme Amenity Way CCN7389 Site Recycling CGH26GD 39,000 39,000 39,000 2,838 2,838 -36,162 19,000 -20,000 39,000 19,000 -20,000 Linked to CGH361D. Request £20K carry-into 0910. G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Ravensbury Park CCN7360 Play Area CGH12ND 17,000 17,000 17,000 0 0 -17,000 17,000 0 17,000 17,000 0 Works finished September 2008, awaiting invoice Incorrect cost code for this budget. The code for this scheme (Tamworth Lane Pelican Crossing, PFI Funded) is CKD082B4G & the budget of £62K should be on this code. Scheme is now complete, total spend GGGGAJames Geeson E&R Approved Programme Tamworth Lane CCN7390 Pelican Crossing CGH26HG 62,245 62,245 62,245 0 0 -62,245 62,245 0 62,245 62,245 0 £43K, £19K remaining is not required. GGGGRSue Harris E&R CCN7250 Public Realm Strategy CGH91KH 50,000 50,000 12,000 62,000 49,305 49,305 -12,695 62,000 0 62,000 62,000 0 G G G G G Brian McLoughlin E&R Maintenance Recycling Sites CCN7202 Maintenance Recycling Sites CGH850D 2,443 2,443 2,443 2,443 2,443 0 2,443 0 2,443 2,443 0 £875.65 Overspend Journalled to CGH26GD above G G G G G Brian McLoughlin E&R Maintenance Recycling Sites CCN7203 Equipment CGH851D 37,385 37,385 37,385 37,385 37,385 0 37,385 0 37,385 37,385 0 £1299.63 Overspend Journalled to CGH26GD above

£5k still due from HLF plus £20k already received from EA. Any surplus GGGGRDoug Napier E&R Cannon Hill Common CCJ7103 Cannon Hill Common CPG703B 3,941 3,941 3,941 12,090 12,090 8,149 12,090 8,149 3,941 12,090 8,149 needs to be carried forward.

R R R R R Doug Napier E&R Streets For People 05/06 CCN6105 SFP Lavender Fields Completion CGH716D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 Not a Greenspaces project. RRRRR E&R CCN6115 Highways Infrastructure CGH762D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Old code, not required

0 Inusurance reimbursement of £264k and other income (FM Budgets) G A A R R Doug Napier E&R Cannon Hill Common Pavillion CCN7117 Insurance Works CGH955D 0 0 17,976 17,976 17,976 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 not yet accounted for. This project will roll over into 09/10

0 Funding from MSJCB Amount to be confirmed. Possibly more to be G R R R R Doug Napier E&R MSJCB CCJ6137 MSJCB Cemetery Extension CPG605B 0 0 55,889 55,889 55,889 55,889 55,889 0 55,889 55,889 spent on site survey/ investigation work regarding proposed extension. Funding from MSJCB Amount to be confirmed. £30,785 earmarked for G G G R R Doug Napier E&R MSJCB CCJ6137 Data Capture & Storage CPG611B 0 0 0 392 392 392 392 392 0 392 392 Database work. GRRRR E&R Stouthall CCD7312 Stouthall Dilapidations CKD957D 0 0 72,921 72,921 72,921 72,921 72,921 390,000 390,000 0 Funded from provision in 2007/08 accounts GRRRR E&R Stouthall CCD7312 Stouthall CKD958D 0 0 15,720 15,720 15,720 15,720 15,720 10,000 10,000 0 Funded from provision in 2007/08 accounts

GGGGG E&R Width Restriction CCN7421 King George VI Avenue CGH21TD 0 0 36,147 36,147 36,147 36,147 36,147 0 36,147 36,147 Spend to be moved

Schemes under investigation G G G G G Brian McLoughlin E&R Enhance Civic Amenity Sites CCN5226 Enhance Civic Amenity Sites CGH626D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0£332.94 Overspend Journalled to CGH26GD above

GGGGG E&R Streets for People CCN7420 SW Business Area (Lombard Rd) CGH21JD 0 0 0 1,039 1,039 1,039 0 0 0 0 0 Spend to be moved

G G G G G Doug Napier E&R Wimbledon Park CCRM136 Bowling Green access CPRM77B 4,519 4,519 481 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 Project complete

RRRRR E&R Cannon Hill Common CCN7352 Dredging and aeration works CGH12DD 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 Expenditure to be investigated

Consolidated Total 10,051,000 0 10,051,000 3,630,313 13,681,313 0 0 25,000 13,706,313 0 7,069,405 -70,000 7,139,056 -6,567,257 12,532,125 -1,174,188 14,126,313 13,732,588 -393,725 CSF 0809 Programme APPENDIX 5

Reporting Period January

L Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; L Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed.

Phase & CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2008/09 RAG SUMMARY OF OVERALL POSITION AS AT PERIOD - January Budget Expenditure 'Whole Life' Project Costing Criteria


2006/07 Scheme Scheme Phase & RAG 2008/09 External YTD In Year External Managers Year Variance Scheme 2008/09 Net Budget as 2008/09 Total Budget Agreed 2007/08 Carry Total Approved Net Slipped or New Accrued Net Expenditure to Current Period Whole Life Whole Life Criteria (see Responsible Officer Department Type List Of Schemes By Department Scheme Reference Cost Code Description Cost Code Funding as per Budget Virement Revised Budget Expenditure Gross Funding Forecast to Whole Life Notes per Budget Report as per Budget Report Forwards Spend 2008/09 External Funding Expenditure Date Projected Variance End Forecast Net Net levels 1-5) Report January Received Budget Net Variance YTD Balance Net Budget Forecast 12345 £££££££££££££££££ £

Committed Schemes 2008-2009 Programme

GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme CCD7309 New Pupil Places - Garfield CKD954D 1,269,000 1,269,000 630,499 1,899,499 1,899,499 2,021,238 2,021,238 121,739 2,300,000 400,501 3,500,000 Reported last month GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme CCD7307 SEN - Melrose CKD952D 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 0 -30,000 30,000 0 30,000 30,000 0 Expenditure on CKD756D

G G R R R Bisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme CCD7303 Regeneration of Former Eastfields Youth Centre CKD948B 150,000 150,000 150,000 -150,000 0 0 0 0 150,000 150,00000 0Linked with CKD948D Being spent on CKD727B. LA SEN - St Ann's Special School (pls Finance to Planning Committee approval given, G G G R R Bisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme CCD7306 buy Land) CKD951B 1,926,000 1,926,000 1,322,000 3,248,000 3,248,000 0 0 -3,248,000 0 -3,248,000 11,340,000 11,340,000 0 GOL approval sought. SEN - Cricket Green, West Wimbledon, Cricket Green and Wimbledon chase GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme CCD7308 Wimbledon Chase CKD953D 666,000 666,000 197,850 863,850 863,850 547,497 547,497 -316,353 863,850 0 863,850 863,850 0 completed Expenditure on other codes (CKD761- GGGGRBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme School Meals / Kitchens CCD7101 School Meals / Kitchens CKD641B 264,000 264,000 264,000 264,000 212,945 212,945 -51,055 264,000 0 264,000 264,000 0 764D and CKD 641D) Expenditure on other codes (CKD761- GGGGRBisi Ogunbambi CSF School Meals / Kitchens CCD7101 School Meals / Kitchens CKD764D 227,590 227,590 227,590 227,590 53,817 53,817 -173,773 227,590 0 227,590 227,590 764D and CKD 641D) Expenditure on other codes (CKD761- GGGGRBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme School Meals / Kitchens CCD7305 School Meals / Kitchens CKD950C 207,590 207,590 207,590 207,590 4,205 4,205 -203,385 207,590 0 207,590 207,590 0 764D and CKD 641D) G G R R R Bisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme CCD7315 Pupil Growth CKD744D 280,000 280,000 280,000 280,000 263,110 263,110 -16,890 280,000 0 280,000 280,000 0 Some expenditure on CKD953D G G R R R Bisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme CCD7315 Pupil Growth - Wimbledon Chase CKD791D 0 3,010 3,010 3,010 3,010 3,010 0 3,010 3,010 Part of Pupil Growth to be funded by G G R R R Bisi Ogunbambi Holy Trinity expansion CCD7321 Holy Trinity Expansion CKD963D 240,000 240,000 207,548 207,548 -32,452 240,000 0 240,000 240,000 0 Flood grant GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Modernisation Works CCD7100 Haslemere - New Boilers CKD715B 0 6,121 6,121 6,121 6,121 6,121 0 6,121 6,121 Being Investigated RRRRRBisi Ogunbambi CSF Modernisation Works CCD7101 Melrose - Gas/ Water Main CKD719B 2,077 2,077 2,077 2,077 2,077 0 2,077 2,077 Being Investigated

Schools Modernisation Discretionary GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Modernisation 0809 CCD7300 Lonesome - Asbestos in roof CKD746D 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 32,538 32,538 2,538 32,538 2,538 30,000 32,538 2,538 Awaiting Final Account £20,000 Expenditure included in GGGGRBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Modernisation 0809 CCD7300 Morden- Drains (kitchen) CKD747D 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 0 -20,000 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 kitchen works on CKD 641B GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Modernisation 0809 CCD7300 Wimbledon Park - Heating pipes CKD748D 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 106,716 106,716 6,716 106,716 6,716 100,000 106,716 6,716 Being Investigated some expenditure re-imbursed from Uftons Insurance cheque for £12,420 GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Modernisation 0809 CCD7300 Cricket Grn Flood prevention CKD749D 39,656 39,656 39,656 39,656 21,930 -12,420 21,930 -17,726 39,656 0 39,656 39,656 0 received GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Modernisation 0809 CCD7300 Hatfeild - Flood prevention CKD750D 82,000 82,000 82,000 82,000 9,149 9,149 -72,851 83,000 1,000 82,000 83,000 1,000 Invoice received to be processed GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Modernisation 0809 CCD7300 Lonesome- Improve drainage CKD751D 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 20,747 20,747 -19,253 55,000 15,000 40,000 55,000 15,000 Invoice received to be processed GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Modernisation 0809 CCD7300 W Wimbledon -Tarmac playground CKD752D 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 27,628 27,628 -12,372 30,000 -10,000 40,000 40,000 0 Awaiting Final Account GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Modernisation 0809 CCD7300 Melrose - Pitched Roof Cover CKD753D 109,601 109,601 109,601 109,601 60,147 60,147 -49,454 70,000 -39,601 109,601 109,601 0 YE Forecast to be confirmed GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Modernisation 0809 CCD7300 Aragon - Roofs Flat coverings CKD754D 39,000 39,000 39,000 39,000 27,348 27,348 -11,652 35,000 -4,000 39,000 39,000 0 Awaiting Final Account GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Modernisation 0809 CCD7300 Links - Resurface playground CKD755D 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 30,980 30,980 -9,020 33,000 -7,000 40,000 40,000 0 Awaiting Final Account GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Modernisation 0809 CCD7300 Melrose - Replace 2 boilers CKD756D 49,275 49,275 49,275 49,275 50,301 50,301 1,026 62,000 12,725 49,275 62,000 12,725 YE Forecast to be confirmed GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Modernisation 0809 CCD7300 Hollymount Resurface playground CKD757D 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 39,072 39,072 -13,928 42,000 -11,000 53,000 42,000 -11,000 Awaiting Final Account GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Modernisation 0809 CCD7300 Retentions CKD758D 4,468 4,468 10,000 14,468 -6,731 -591 7,146 7,146 7,146 -1 7,146 0 7,146 7,146007/08 retentions GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Modernisation 0809 CCD7300 Abbotsbury Flood Prevention CKD760D 0 42,000 42,000 42,000 3,357 3,357 -38,643 38,000 -4,000 42,000 42,000 0 Invoice received to be processed GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Modernisation 0809 CCD7300 Cricket Grn Mech Heat Source CKD932D 0 0 245 130 375 375 375 0 243 -132 375 375 0 07/08 retentions GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Modernisation 0809 CCD7300 St Mark's - Playgrounds CKD940D 0 -28 -28 -28 -28 -28 0 -28 -28 07/08 retentions GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Modernisation 0809 CCD7300 Stanford Roofs Flat Coverings CKD941D 151 151 151 151 0 151 0 151 151 0 07/08 retentions GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Modernisation 0809 CCD7300 Cricket Green Mech Heat source CKD933D 2,450 2,450 2,450 2,450 0 2,450 0 2,450 2,450 0 07/08 retentions GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Modernisation 0809 CCD7300 Lonesome Electric Power wiring CKD937D 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 0 3,300 0 3,300 3,300 0 07/08 retentions GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Modernisation 0809 CCD7300 Sherwood Ext Windows & Doors CKD942D 585 585 585 585 0 585 0 585 585 0 07/08 retentions

191 GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Modernisation 0809 CCD7300 Hillcross Pitched Rf coverings CKD935D 330 330 1,867 1,867 1,537 1,867 1,537 330 1,537 1,207 07/08 retentions - Being Investigated RRRRRBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Modernisation 0809 CCD7300 Pelham Mechanical Heat source CKD939D 131 131 131 131 0 131 0 131 131 0 07/08 retentions

G G R R R Bisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Building School for the Future (BSF) CCD7316 Feasibility work CKD745D 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 0 -20,000 37,000 17,000 20,000 37,000 17,000 Fees of £37,000 agreed 0 0 CSF 0809 Programme APPENDIX 5

Reporting Period January

L Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; L Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed.

Phase & CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2008/09 RAG SUMMARY OF OVERALL POSITION AS AT PERIOD - January Budget Expenditure 'Whole Life' Project Costing Criteria


2006/07 Scheme Scheme Phase & RAG 2008/09 External YTD In Year External Managers Year Variance Scheme 2008/09 Net Budget as 2008/09 Total Budget Agreed 2007/08 Carry Total Approved Net Slipped or New Accrued Net Expenditure to Current Period Whole Life Whole Life Criteria (see Responsible Officer Department Type List Of Schemes By Department Scheme Reference Cost Code Description Cost Code Funding as per Budget Virement Revised Budget Expenditure Gross Funding Forecast to Whole Life Notes per Budget Report as per Budget Report Forwards Spend 2008/09 External Funding Expenditure Date Projected Variance End Forecast Net Net levels 1-5) Report January Received Budget Net Variance YTD Balance Net Budget Forecast New Grant Funding Approval 0 GGGGRBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Youth Capital Fund CCD7106 Youth Capital Fund CKD731D 98900 98,900 98,900 98,900 65,332 65,332 -33,568 98,900 0 98,900 98,900 0

GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme LA Devolved Formula Capital CCD7301 LA Devolved Formula Capital CKD946D 00 0 0 0000000 Expenditure transferred from G G G R R Bisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Targeted Capital CCD7302 Targeted Capital CKD947D 2,966,000 2,966,000 2,966,000 424,337 424,337 -2,541,663 1,750,000 -1,216,000 2,966,000 2,966,000 0 CKD727B G G R R R Bisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Regeneration - Sustainability CCD7303 Eastfields YC Surrounding Land CKD948D 150,000 150,000 150,000 300,000 199,676 199,676 -100,324 200,000 -100,000 300,000 300,000 0 Linked with CKD948B

GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Schools Access Initiative CCD7304 Inclusion CKD949D 0 38,580 38,580 38,170 38,170 -410 38,580 0 38,580 38,580 0 Expenditure Journalled to CKD775D GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme SEN - Melrose CCD7307 SEN - Melrose CKD952D 00 0 0 0000000 GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Age of Transfer Professional Fees CCD1013 Hillier Parker CKD133B 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 Under investigation G G G R R Bisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme SEN - Centre of Excellence CCD7102 Former pupils of St Ann's CKD727B 306,060 306,060 306,060 4,231 4,231 -301,829 0 -306,060 306,060 0 -306,060 St Ann's to be c/fwd GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Schools Access Initiative CCD7105 Bishopsford CKD730D 45,000 45,000 -11,000 34,000 22,038 22,038 -11,962 22,038 -11,962 34,000 22,038 -11,962 Scheme completed GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Approved Programme Youth Centre Buildings CCD7104 Youth Centre Buildings CKD729B 169,786 169,786 169,786 136,632 136,632 -33,154 169,786 0 169,786 169,786 0

GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Age of Transfer-Secondary Schl CCD1011 PFI Schools CKD082B 45,000 45,000 45,000 36,876 36,876 -8,124 45,000 0 45,000 45,000 0 GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF All Weather Pitches CCD3014 Ricards Lodge Pitch CKD333B 4,000 4,000 4,000 3,779 3,779 -221 4,000 0 4,000 4,000 0 Includes Pupil Growth Feasability GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Primary Capital Programme CCD7317 Feasibility CKD790D 50,000 50,000 50,000 55,969 55,969 5,969 55,969 5,969 50,000 55,969 5,969 spend 0 0 GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Imps. Smart Centre (PRU) CCD5004 Imps. Smart Centre (PRU) CKD557B 0 0 0 2,072 2,072 2,072 2,072 2,072 0 2,072 2,072 Under investigation

G G G R R Bisi Ogunbambi CSF New Pupil Places CCD7103 New Pupil Places CKD728B 00 0000000 GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF School Meals Kitchens CCD7101 Melrose CKD761D 27400 27,400 27,400 27,400 27,400 27,400 0 27,400 0 27,400 27,400 0 Linked with CKD764B GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF School Meals Kitchens CCD7101 Morden CKD762D 217010 217,010 217,010 217,010 150,996 150,996 -66,014 217,010 0 217,010 217,010 0

GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF School Meals Kitchens CCD7101 St John Fisher Governor's 10% CKD763D 19000 19,000 19,000 19,000 11,806 11,806 -7,194 19,000 0 19,000 19,0000School to submit invoice for payment Spend on CKD953D, will be moved. G G G R R Bisi Ogunbambi CSF SEN CCD7308 West Wimbledon CKD771D 0 0 750 750 750 20,000 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 Tenders due back 2/3/09 RRRRRBisi Ogunbambi CSF SEN CCD7309 Contingency CKD772D 0 0 0 6,760 6,760 6,760 6,760 6,760 0 6,760 6,760 Under investigation GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Schools Access Initiative CCD7105 Ricards Lodge CKD773D 49,580 49,580 -27,580 22,000 0 0 -22,000 22,000 0 22,000 22,000 0 Awaiting invoice of £19,635 GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Schools Access Initiative CCD7105 Rutlish CKD774D 50,000 50,000 -18,000 32,000 15,212 15,212 -16,788 32,000 0 32,000 32,000 0 Awaiting invoices of £30,550 Expenditure Journalled from GGGGGBisi Ogunbambi CSF Schools Access Initiative CCD7105 Wimbledone Chase CKD775D 60,000 60,000 18,000 78,000 78,000 78,000 0 78,000 0 78,000 78,000 0 CKD949D 00000000 To confirm:- Grants agreed and to be G G R R R Bisi Ogunbambi CSF Early Years CCD7319 PVI funding CKD960D 0 0 0 2,923 2,923 2,923 500,000.00 500,000 0 500,000 500,000 allocated GRRRRBisi Ogunbambi CSF Raynes Park S106 CCD7320 Raynes Park Sports Pavilion CKD962D 0 0 1,750 1,750 1,750 5,500.00 5,500 0 5,500 5,500 Under investigation Requires investigation as code not recognised FMIS indicates that this is an advance unclear what it is an GRRRRBisi Ogunbambi CSF Specialist Schl-Ricards Lodge CCD6109 Specialist Schl-Ricards Lodge CKD959D 0 0 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000.00 100,000 0 100,000 100,000 advance for. 0 Consolidated Total 6,049,490.00 0.00 6,049,490 6,097,775 12,147,265 0 240,000 12,387,265 0 5,162,167 -12,420 5,162,167 -7,225,099 8,698,008 -3,689,257 22,079,766 18,968,412 388,645 192 CS 0809 Programme APPENDIX 6 L Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; L Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed. Phase & CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2008/09 RAG Budget SUMMARY OF OVERALL POSITION AS AT PERIOD - January Expenditure 'Whole Life' Project Costing Criteria RAG Phase & A YTD In Year Scheme Scheme 2008/09 Net Total Approved Virements Slipped or Net Current Period Managers Variance Scheme RAG Responsible Scheme Agreed 2007/08 New Adjustment m New Expenditure Whole Life Whole Life Department Type List Of Schemes By Department Cost Code Description Cost Code Budget as per Net Spend Already New External Revised Budget Expenditure to Projected Year End Forecast to Whole Life Notes Notes Criteria (see Officer Reference Carry Forwards Approval of Slippage e Virements Gross Net Net Budget Report 2008/09 Agreed Funding Date Variance Forecast Net Budget Net Variance levels 1-5) n January Budget Forecast

12345 £ ££ £ ££££ ££ £££££ £ Committed Schemes Committed Schemes 2008-2009 Programme

GGGGR Alison Park IT Approved Programme Key Enabling Systems CCIT700 Document Management - Contractual CNIT02C 100,000 100,000 66,963 166,963 101,838.42 101,838.42 -65,125 100,000 -66,963 600,000 600,000 0 Project progressing according to plan Original project not going ahead - To be used for ILM - Tender about to be awarded. Move budget to CNIT20C and then Suppress this code. GGGRR Richard Warren IT Approved Programme Infrastructure Improvement CCIT701 Server Monitoring - ILM CNIT48C 50,000 50,000 -50,000 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 GGGGG Richard Warren IT Approved Programme Infrastructure Improvement CCIT701 2nd SSL Box CNIT49C 25,000 25,000 25,000 24,990.89 24,990.89 -9 25,000 0 25,000 25,000 0 Project complete, code can be Suppressed. Further expenditure to filter through via the SRF GGGGR James Morrissey IT Approved Programme Infrastructure Improvement CCIT701 Network Edge Switch Replacement CNIT33C 78,000 78,000 78,000 21,856.15 21,856.15 -56,144 78,000 0 78,000 78,000 0 system + journalling. Project complete ILM is pending the supplier selection 31.01.09, implementation to start approx 01.03.09. This project is linked with CNIT48C, CNIT78C & GGGRR Richard Warren IT Approved Programme Infrastructure Improvement CCIT701 Information lifecycle Mgt CAIT20C 200,000 200,000 140,000 340,000 22,500.00 22,500.00 -317,500 200,000 -140,000 340,000 340,000 0 CNIT21C. Move the budget to Relates to ILM CAIT20C and GGGRR Paul Biggs IT Approved Programme Infrastructure Improvement CCIT701 Tape Drives CAIT21C 40,000 40,000 -40,000 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 suppress this code. Quote has been received for £20,635, (cost of specific parts /equipment is £14,000). facilities are recommending proceeding on a single quote basis. Work to be completed by 20th March 2009. Second part of works for £10k to be tendered for separately GGGRR Paul Biggs IT Approved Programme Infrastructure Improvement CCIT701 Condenser replacement CAIT12C 33,000 33,000 33,000 0.00 0.00 -33,000 33,000 0 33,000 33,000 0 Project completed - in budget - code can be GGGGG Paul Biggs IT Approved Programme Infrastructure Improvement CCIT701 Batteries for UPS CAIT13C 10,000 10,000 -35 9,965 9,703.52 9,703.52 -261 9,704 -261 9,704 9,704 0 Suppressed. Project completed, contractor expenditure still to be GGGGR Steve Ostler IT Approved Programme Business Sys Enhance / Replace CCIT702 XP Upgrade for Housing CAIT14C 40,000 40,000 40,000 34,233.00 34,233.00 -5,767 40,000 0 40,000 40,000 0 journalled £8000 has been comitted to date. Mark Pond has raised an order for Paul Whiteman to authorise. Further Capital expenditure will be incurred in order to achieve the mandatory requirement for a network intrusion detection system. James Morrisey and Mark Pond will be preparing a detailed specification to invite quotations. Mark Pond does not expect to complete project before 31st March 2009, so the budget will be requested to be rolled over into 2010/11. GGRRR Mark Pond IT Approved Programme Business Sys Enhance / Replace CCIT702 Connect to N3 Netwrk NHS Spine CAIT15C 100,000 100,000 100,000 8,000.02 8,000.02 -92,000 100,000 0 100,000 100,000 0 New Project Manager has been appointed Lucy Hill. Meeting to be held end of this week to decide GGRRR Paul Whiteman IT Approved Programme Business Sys Enhance / Replace CCIT702 Children's Centre Info Sys CAIT16C 42,000 42,000 42,000 0.00 0.00 -42,000 42,000 0 42,000 42,000 0 on hosting of the system. Bid was withdrawn- Funds to be released. Caroline Holland may wish to keep this for Corporate RRRRR Paul Whiteman IT Approved Programme Business Sys Enhance / Replace CCIT702 Contact Point (See note 1) CAIT17C 25,000 25,000 25,000 0.00 0.00 -25,000 0 -25,000 25,000 0 -25,000 Services use. Suppress Code Pilots still underway to be concluded by end of Nov 08. Project starting up, equipment has been GGGRR Gurmel Bansal IT Approved Programme Key Enabling Systems CCIT700 Corporate mobile working CAIT18C 80,000 80,000 50,000 130,000 1,040.52 1,040.52 -128,959 80,000 -50,000 80,000 80,000 0 purchased. Original project withdrawn - Funds to be released. Carolline Holland may wish to keep this for RRRRR Paul Whiteman IT Approved Programme Business Sys Enhance / Replace CCIT702 Electronic Common Assmnt Fmwrk CAIT19C 75,000 75,000 75,000 0.00 0.00 -75,000 0 -75,000 75,000 0 -75,000 Corporate Services use. Suppress Code

RRRRR Grant Miles CS Approved Programme Capitalisation MTFS includes an equal credit CEA706H 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 45,264.40 45,264.40 -1,454,736 1,500,000 0 1,500,000 1,500,000 0 End of year Journal A report is being reviewed in relation to SAN 193 equipment element of the budget. The Wifi project of £100,000 to no going to proceed. Further expenditure to filter through on GGGGG Gurmel Bansal IT Approved Programme IT Equipment CNIT44C 476,000 398,349 874,349 874,349 317,000.84 317,000.84 -557,348 874,349 0 476,000 476,000 0 remainder of project.

Repair and Maintenance Budget to be agreed, hence no work GRRRR Mark Humphries CS Approved Programme Energy - Invest to Save 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 undertaken to date. GGGGG Mark Humphries CSF Approved Programme Colliers Wood Community Centre CCRMD54 Colliers Wood Community Centre - Sanitary fittings CKRM72B 5,000 5,000 25 5,025 5,023.41 5,023.41 -2 5,023 -2 5,025 5,023 -2 Job Completed GGGGG Mark Humphries CSF Approved Programme Pollards Hill Community Centre CCRMD55 Pollards Hill Community Centre - Flooring replacement CKRM73B 10,000 10,000 -25 9,975 9,202.00 9,202.00 -773 9,202 -773 9,975 9,202 -773 Job Completed GGGRR Mark Humphries E & R Approved Programme New Wimbledon Theatre CCRM115 New Wimbledon Theatre - Studio Theatre Roof CPRM9SB 20,000 20,000 20,000 0.00 0.00 -20,000 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 Job ongoing - Awaiting invoices

Scheme deleted. Approval agreed by Cabinet to use funding for Pollards Hill Library Lottery RRRRR Mark Humphries E & R Approved Programme New Horizon (Pollards Hill) CC CCRM147 New Horizon (Pollards Hill) CC - Former Toilet / Bus Shelter CPRM9YB 5,000 5,000 -5,000 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Scheme. Vired to CRRM96B Suppress Code Ongoing Works across all Corporate GGGRR Mark Humphries CS Approved Programme Asbestos Risk Assessment Works CCRMA60 Asbestos Risk Assessment Works CERM31B 15,000 10,446 25,446 25,446 22,032.28 22,032.28 -3,413 25,446 0 25,446 25,446 0 Buildings. Ongoing Works across all Corporate GGGGR Mark Humphries CS Approved Programme Water Risk Assessment CCRMA63 Water Risk Assessment CERM36B 25,000 25,000 25,000 5,178.02 5,178.02 -19,822 25,000 0 25,000 25,000 0 Buildings. See also CER56FB below. GGGRR Mark Humphries CS Approved Programme Civic Centre CCRMA64 Civic Centre - Replace sliding doors CERM39B 7,000 7,000 7,000 0.00 0.00 -7,000 7,000 0 7,000 7,000 0 Choice of door to be agreed. GGGRR Mark Humphries CS Approved Programme Civic Centre CCRMA64 Civic Centre - Replace intruder alarm panel CERM40B 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.00 0.00 -5,000 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 ADT on site Jan 2009 Order placed with CSS. Due on site Feb 2009, GGGRR Mark Humphries CS Approved Programme Civic Centre CCRMA64 Civic Centre - Replace card key security Sys. CERM41B 75,000 75,000 75,000 0.00 0.00 -75,000 75,000 0 75,000 75,000 0 subject to staff attitude survey GGGRR Mark Humphries CS Approved Programme Gifford House CCRMA65 Gifford House - Internal lighting /Asbestos wk CERM42B 32,000 32,000 32,000 0.00 0.00 -32,000 32,000 0 32,000 32,000 0 Awaiting Asbestos Method Statement

GGGRR Mark Humphries CS Approved Programme Worsfold House CCRMA66 Worsfold House - Internal lighting /Asbestos wk CERM43B 35,000 35,000 35,000 1,638.65 1,638.65 -33,361 35,000 0 35,000 35,000 0 Awaiting Asbestos Method Statement

£500 overspend to be funded from R+M Budget (Stage GGGGR Doug Napier E & R Approved Programme Colliers Wood RG CCRM138 Colliers Wood RG - Renew Roof CPRM78B 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000.00 3,000.00 0 4,135 1,135 3,000 4,135 1,135 5) Work Practical Completion, awaiting Final Invoice. GGGGG Doug Napier E & R Approved Programme Holland Gardens CCRM147 Holland Gardens - Mess Room Refurbishment CPRM79B 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.00 0.00 -3,000 3,000 0 3,000 3,000 0 Job completed. Awaiting invoic

GGGGR Doug Napier E & R Approved Programme Joseph Hood RG CCRM130 Joseph Hood RG - External cladding reprs & Decs CPRM80B 11,000 11,000 11,000 7,163.09 7,163.09 -3,837 11,000 0 11,000 11,000 0 Works nearing completion. Balance will be spent. GGGGR Doug Napier E & R Approved Programme Commons Extension CCRM139 Commons Extension - Refurbish Kitchens CPRM81B 15,000 15,000 15,000 8,755.00 8,755.00 -6,245 15,000 0 15,000 15,000 0 Work progressing on site

GGGGR Doug Napier E & R Approved Programme Long Bolstead CCRM140 Long Bolstead - Boundary fencing CPRM82B 32,000 32,000 32,000 23,262.08 23,262.08 -8,738 32,000 0 32,000 32,000 0 Works nearing completion. Balance will be spent. No longer needed - Project deleted Funds to be RRRRR Doug Napier E & R Approved Programme Morden Park CCRM141 Morden Park - Fencing renewals CPRM83B 5,000 5,000 -4,200 800 0.00 0.00 -800 0 -800 800 0 -800 given up Suppress Code GGGGG Doug Napier E & R Approved Programme Morden Recreation Ground CCRM117 Morden Recreation Ground - Boundary fencing CPRM84B 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000.00 10,000.00 0 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 0 Job completed. Final payment being processe

GGGGR Doug Napier E & R Approved Programme Raynes Park Sports Ground CCRM118 Raynes Park Sports Ground - Window replacements CPRM85B 15,000 15,000 15,000 1,956.00 1,956.00 -13,044 15,000 0 15,000 15,000 0 Works nearing completion. Balance will be spent. GGGRR Doug Napier E & R Approved Programme Sir Joseph Hood MPF CCRM142 Sir Joseph Hood MPF - Window replacements CPRM9KB 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.00 0.00 -10,000 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 0 Work starting on 23rd March GGGGG Doug Napier E & R Approved Programme Various Parks CCRM120 Various Parks - Footpath works CPRM9LB 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000.00 5,000.00 0 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 Work all completed

GGGGR Doug Napier E & R Approved Programme Various Parks CCRM120 Various Parks - Toilet refurbishments CPRM9MB 32,000 32,000 32,000 6,094.40 6,094.40 -25,906 32,000 0 32,000 32,000 0 Works nearing completion. Balance will be spent. GGGRR Doug Napier E & R Approved Programme Gap Road Cemetery CCRM145 Gap Road Cemetery - Mess Room Refurbishment CPRM9NB 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.00 0.00 -5,000 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 Work completed. Awaiting final invoice

GGGGG Mark Humphries E & R Approved Programme Canons RG CCRM146 Canons RG - Dry rot works to Old House CPRM9RB 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000.00 32,000.00 0 32,000 0 32,000 32,000 0 Job Completed. Final A/C & Retention outstanding Scheme deleted. Approval agreed by Cabinet to use funding for Pollards Hill Library Lottery RRRRR Mark Humphries C & H Approved Programme Wimbledon Library CCRMB73 Wimbledon Library - Brick and stoneworks CRRM88B 35,000 35,000 -35,000 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Scheme. Suppress Code Scheme closed apart from £5130 spend on Fees but balance approved for use on Pollards Hill RRRRR Mark Humphries C & H Approved Programme Wimbledon Library CCRMB73 Wimbledon Library - External Redecs CRRM89B 65,000 65,000 -59,870 5,130 5,130.00 5,130.00 0 5,130 0 5,130 5,130 0 Library Lottery Scheme Suppress Code

ECH commissioned to undertake drain investigatio GGA RR Mark Humphries C & H Approved Programme Mitcham Library CCRMB68 Mitcham Library - Boiler CRRM90B 44,000 44,000 17,001 61,001 0.00 0.00 -61,001 44,000 -17,001 61,001 44,000 -17,001 in conjunction with parking bay layout design GGGGG Mark Humphries C & H Approved Programme High Path Centre CCRMB74 High Path Centre - Floor structure & covering CRRM91B 6,000 6,000 -300 5,700 4,329.00 4,329.00 -1,371 5,429 -271 5,700 5,429 -271 Job completed GGGGG Mark Humphries C & H Approved Programme High Path Centre CCRMB74 High Path Centre - Boundary Fencing CRRM92B 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,760.00 2,760.00 -240 2,760 -240 3,000 2,760 -240 Job completed Scheme deleted. Approval agreed by Cabinet to use funding for Pollards Hill Library Lottery RRRRR Mark Humphries C & H Approved Programme Pollards Hill Library CCRMB75 Pollards Hill Library - Roof Renewal CRRM93B 66,000 66,000 -66,000 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Scheme. Suppress Code CS 0809 Programme APPENDIX 6 L Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; L Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed. Phase & CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2008/09 RAG Budget SUMMARY OF OVERALL POSITION AS AT PERIOD - January Expenditure 'Whole Life' Project Costing Criteria RAG Phase & A YTD In Year Scheme Scheme 2008/09 Net Total Approved Virements Slipped or Net Current Period Managers Variance Scheme RAG Responsible Scheme Agreed 2007/08 New Adjustment m New Expenditure Whole Life Whole Life Department Type List Of Schemes By Department Cost Code Description Cost Code Budget as per Net Spend Already New External Revised Budget Expenditure to Projected Year End Forecast to Whole Life Notes Notes Criteria (see Officer Reference Carry Forwards Approval of Slippage e Virements Gross Net Net Budget Report 2008/09 Agreed Funding Date Variance Forecast Net Budget Net Variance levels 1-5) n January Budget Forecast

DDA Access to Buildings 2008/2009 GGGGG Mark Humphries E&RL Approved Programme Canons Old Hse Heritage Centre CCRM146 Canons Old Hse Heritage Centre - Induction Loop CLRM09B 2,000.00 2,000 2,000 939.00 939.00 -1,061 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 0 Job Completed. Further invoices expected

Work part completed. Remainder to be procured later in the year. Tenders awaited from ECH. See also next GGGRR Mark Humphries E&RL Approved Programme Cannizaro Park CCRM149 Cannizaro Park - Access pathways CLRM10B 20,000.00 20,000 20,000 10,927.00 10,927.00 -9,073 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 item. 35k balance of combined total to slip to 2009/10 GGRRR Mark Humphries E&RL Approved Programme Cannizaro Park CCRM149 Cannizaro Park - Access to Italian Garden leve CLRM11B 25,000.00 25,000 25,000 0.00 0.00 -25,000 25,000 0 25,000 25,000 0 Being tendered with item above GGGGG Mark Humphries E&RL Approved Programme Colliers Wood RG CCRM150 Colliers Wood RG - Access pathways and seating CLRM36B 15,000.00 15,000 15,000 14,965.00 14,965.00 -35 15,000 0 15,000 15,000 0 Job completed and paid. GGGGG Mark Humphries E&RL Approved Programme Dundonald RG CCRM151 Dundonald RG - DDA compliant seating CLRM12B 2,000.00 2,000 2,000 2,000.00 2,000.00 0 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 0 Job completed and paid. GGGGR Mark Humphries E&RL Approved Programme Figges Marsh OS CCRM152 Figges Marsh OS - Access pathways and seating CLRM13B 25,000.00 25,000 25,000 0.00 0.00 -25,000 25,000 0 25,000 25,000 0 Work completed. Budget will be spent. GGGGR Mark Humphries E&RL Approved Programme Holland Gardens RG CCRM148 Holland Gardens RG - Access pathways CLRM35B 8,000.00 8,000 8,000 7,370.00 7,370.00 -630 8,000 0 8,000 8,000 0 Work completed. Budget will be spent. GGGGG Mark Humphries E&RL Approved Programme Open Spaces CCRM153 Open Spaces - Access pathways CLRM14B 17,000.00 17,000 17,000 17,000.00 17,000.00 0 17,000 0 17,000 17,000 0 Job completed and paid GGGGR Mark Humphries E&RL Approved Programme Ravensbury Park CCRM154 Ravensbury Park - Wandle Trail /Disabled Parking CLRM15B 7,000.00 7,000 7,000 0.00 0.00 -7,000 7,000 0 7,000 7,000 0 Work completed. Budget will be spent. GGGGR Mark Humphries E&RL Approved Programme Sir Joseph Hood MPF CCRM155 Sir Joseph Hood MPF - Access pathways (Woodland) CLRM16B 10,000.00 10,000 10,000 0.00 0.00 -10,000 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 0 Work completed. Budget will be spent. GGGGR Mark Humphries E&RL Approved Programme Wimbledon Park CCRM156 Wimbledon Park - Disabled toilet refurbishment CLRM17B 5,000.00 5,000 5,000 0.00 0.00 -5,000 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 Work completed. Budget will be spent. GGGGG Mark Humphries CSF Approved Programme Phipps Bridge Youth Centre CCRMD56 Phipps Bridge Youth Centre - Adapt DDA toilet to add shower CKRM74B 20,000.00 20,000 -3,950 16,050 16,841.82 16,841.82 792 18,389 2,339 16,050 18,389 2,339 Job Completed ECH commissioned to undertake drain investigation in GGGRR Mark Humphries E&R Approved Programme New Horizon Centre CCRM147 New Horizon Centre - More Disabled parking bays CLRM18B 4,000.00 4,000 4,000 0.00 0.00 -4,000 4,000 0 4,000 4,000 0 conjunction with parking bay layout design GGGGG Mark Humphries CSF Approved Programme Lavender Park Childrens Centre CCRMD57 Lavender Park Childrens Centre - Automatic doors CKRM75B 6,000.00 6,000 6,000 4,759.00 4,759.00 -1,241 4,759 -1,241 6,000 4,759 -1,241 Job Completed GGRRR Mark Humphries CSF Approved Programme Lavender Park Childrens Centre CCRMD57 Lavender Park Childrens Centre - Disabled parking CKRM76B 700.00 700 700 0.00 0.00 -700 700 0 700 700 0 Prices being sought from Conway GGGGG Mark Humphries CSF Approved Programme Lavender Park Childrens Centre CCRMD57 Lavender Park Childrens Centre - Reception counter CKRM77B 500.00 500 500 0.00 0.00 -500 0 -500 500 0 -500 Job Completed as part of next item CKRM78B GGGGG Mark Humphries CSF Approved Programme Lavender Park Childrens Centre CCRMD57 Lavender Park Childrens Centre - Colour contrast decorations CKRM78B 2,500.00 2,500 2,500 1,130.00 1,130.00 -1,370 1,130 -1,370 2,500 1,130 -1,370 Job Completed

Scheme deleted. Approval agreed by Cabinet to use funding for Pollards Hill Library Lottery RRRRR Mark Humphries C&H Approved Programme Pollards Hill Library CCRMB75 Pollards Hill Library - Disabled Toilet CRRM94B 18,530.00 18,530 -18,530 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Scheme. Vired to CRRM96B Suppress Code GGGA R Mark Humphries CS Approved Programme Civic Centre CCRMA64 Civic Centre - Disabled Shower CERM44B 5,000.00 5,000 5,000 0.00 0.00 -5,000 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 Work underway on site GGGRR Mark Humphries CS Approved Programme Civic Centre CCRMA64 Civic Centre - Canopy to rear disabled access CERM45B 20,000.00 20,000 20,000 0.00 0.00 -20,000 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 ECH progressing GGGRR Mark Humphries CS Approved Programme Civic Centre CCRMA64 Civic Centre - Accessible kitchen CERM46B 1,000.00 1,000 1,000 0.00 0.00 -1,000 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 0 Awaiting decision on which floor Awaiting final decision & discussions with CSS GGGRR Mark Humphries CS Approved Programme Civic Centre CCRMA64 Civic Centre - Powered doors (3rd Floor) CERM47B 2,000.00 2,000 2,000 0.00 0.00 -2,000 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 0 (Card Key) GGGRR Mark Humphries CS Approved Programme Civic Centre CCRMA64 Civic Centre - Disabled Bays CERM48B 3,000.00 3,000 3,000 0.00 0.00 -3,000 3,000 0 3,000 3,000 0 Decision awaited from CMT GGGGG Mark Humphries CS Approved Programme Morden Park House CCRMA67 Morden Park House - Evacuation Chair CERM49B 5,000.00 5,000 5,000 0.00 0.00 -5,000 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 Awaiting invoice GGGGG Mark Humphries E&R Approved Programme Colliers Wood Community Centre CCRMD54 Colliers Wood Community Centre - Induction Loops Reception CKRM79B 750.00 750 1,600 2,350 2,292.00 2,292.00 -58 2,349 -1 2,350 2,349-1Job Completed. GGGGG Mark Humphries CSF Approved Programme Insight Youth Project CCRMD58 Insight Youth Project - Induction Loops Meeting room CKRM80B 750.00 750 750 280.50 280.50 -470 395 -355 750 395 -355 Job Completed. GGGGG Mark Humphries E&R Approved Programme Sth Mitcham Community Centre CCRM157 Sth Mitcham Community Centre - Induction Loops Reception CLRM19B 750.00 750 750 0.00 0.00 -750 395 -355 750 395 -355 Job Completed. GGGGG Mark Humphries E&R Approved Programme Sth Wimbledon Community Centre CCRM124 Sth Wimbledon Community Centre - Induction Loops Meeting room CLRM20B 2,450.00 2,450 -2,020 430 97.50 97.50 -333 2,026 1,596 430 2,026 1,596 Job Completed. GGGGG Mark Humphries E&R Approved Programme Sth Wimbledon Community Centre CCRM124 Sth Wimbledon Community Centre - Induction Loops Meeting room CLRM21B 2,250.00 2,250 -1,665 585 0.00 0.00 -585 2,026 1,441 585 2,026 1,441 Job Completed. GGGGG Mark Humphries E&R Approved Programme Age Concern Merton CCRM158 Age Concern Merton - Induction Loops Reception CLRM22B 750.00 750 750 0.00 0.00 -750 430 -320 750 430 -320 Job Completed. GGGGG Mark Humphries E&R Approved Programme Athena House (1st Floor) CCRM159 Athena House (1st Floor) - Induction Loops Reception CLRM23B 750.00 750 750 0.00 0.00 -750 740 -10 750 740 -10 Job Completed. Expenditure = £740

RRRRR Mark Humphries E&R Approved Programme Athena House (2nd Floor) CCRM160 Athena House (2nd Floor) - Induction Loops Reception CLRM25B 750.00 750 750 0.00 0.00 -750 0 -750 750 0 -750 Work not now required - Funds to be given up Suppress Code GGGGG Mark Humphries Leisure Approved Programme Cottenham Park Recreation Grnd CCRM161 Cottenham Park Recreation Grnd - Induction Loops Meeting room CLRM26B 2,100.00 2,100 2,100 0.00 0.00 -2,100 1,826 -274 2,100 1,826 -274 Job Completed. Awaiting Invoices GGGGG Mark Humphries Leisure Approved Programme Dundonald Recreation Ground CCRM162 Dundonald Recreation Ground - Induction Loops Meeting room CLRM27B 2,100.00 2,100 -1,610 490 0.00 0.00 -490 490 0 490 490 0 Job Completed. Awaiting Invoices GGGGG Mark Humphries Leisure Approved Programme Gap Road (Wimbledon) Cemetery CCRM163 Gap Road (Wimbledon) Cemetery - Induction Loops Meeting room CLRM28B 1,900.00 1,900 -200 1,700 0.00 0.00 -1,700 1,628 -72 1,700 1,628 -72 Job Completed. Awaiting Invoices GGGGG Mark Humphries Leisure Approved Programme King George's Playing Field CCRM164 King George's Playing Field - Induction Loops Meeting room CLRM29B 1,900.00 1,900 -1,900 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Job Completed. GGGGG Mark Humphries Leisure Approved Programme Merton & Sutton Joint Cemetery CCRM165 Merton & Sutton Joint Cemetery - Induction Loops Meeting room CLRM30B 1,900.00 1,900 1,900 0.00 0.00 -1,900 1,825 -75 1,900 1,825 -75 Job Completed. GGGGG Mark Humphries Leisure Approved Programme Merton Hall CCRM166 Merton Hall - Induction Loops Meeting room CLRM31B 2,100.00 2,100 2,100 0.00 0.00 -2,100 1,826 -274 2,100 1,826 -274 Job Completed. GGGGG Mark Humphries Leisure Approved Programme Wimbledon Park CCRM156 Wimbledon Park - Induction Loops Meeting room CLRM32B 750.00 750 750 0.00 0.00 -750 0 -750 750 0 -750 Job Completed. GGGGG Leisure Approved Programme Wimbledon Park CCRM156 Wimbledon Park - Induction Loops Meeting room CLRM33B 1,910.00 1,910 1,910 0.00 0.00 -1,910 0 -1,910 1,910 0 -1,910 Spend included in CLRM32B2N 194 Mark Humphries GGGGG Mark Humphries C&H Approved Programme Taylor Road Ethnics Centre CCRMB76 Taylor Road Ethnics Centre - Induction Loops Meeting room CRRM95B 1,910.00 1,910 1,910 0.00 0.00 -1,910 1,657 -253 1,910 1,657 -253 Job Completed. GGGGG Mark Humphries Leisure Approved Programme Ecology Centre CCRM167 Ecology Centre - Induction Loops Meeting room CLRM34B 1,910.00 1,910 1,910 0.00 0.00 -1,910 1,910 0 1,910 1,910 0 Job Completed. GGGGR Athena House - 1st Floor CCRMA58 Induction Loop Meeting Room CER61NB 600 600 200 800 1,033.00 1,033.00 233 1,033 233 800 1,033 233 Job Completed. GGGGR Athena House - 2nd Floor CCRMA59 Induction Loop Meeting Room CER62PB 2,000 2,000 -200 1,800 581.50 581.50 -1,219 1,800 0 1,800 1,800 0 Job ongoing - Awaiting invoices

GGGGR Chris Johnson CS Approved Programme Civic Centre refurbishment CCA7301 Civic Centre refurbishment CEA707B 400,000 400,000 -190,258 122,492 0.00 0.00 -122,492 122,492 0 327,105 327,105 0 Budget vired out to schemes below GGGGR Chris Johnson CS Approved Programme Space in Civic offices CCA6104 Space in Civic offices - Improvement To/Better Use Of CEA61HC 0 11,682 11,682 3,918 71,350 71,166.52 71,166.52 -183 71,350 0 71,167 71,167 0 see above GGGGR Chris Johnson CS Approved Programme Space in Civic offices CCA6104 Space in Civic offices - Improvement To/Better Use Of CEA61EC 0 0 1,900 1,900 1,899.95 1,899.95 0 1,900 0 1,900 1,900 0 see above GGGGR Chris Johnson CS Approved Programme Space in Civic offices CCA6104 Space in Civic offices - Improvement To/Better Use Of CEA61GC 0 0 27,600 27,600 27,570.92 27,570.92 -29 27,600 0 27,571 27,571 0 see above GGGGR Chris Johnson CS Approved Programme Space in Civic offices CCA6104 Space in Civic offices - Improvement To/Better Use Of CEA61NC 0 100 100 23.80 23.80 -76 100 0 24 24 0 see above GGGGR Chris Johnson CS Approved Programme Space in Civic offices CCA6104 Space in Civic offices - Improvement To/Better Use Of CEA61RC 0 0 715 715 713.62 713.62 -1 715 0 714 714 0 see above GGGGR Chris Johnson CS Approved Programme Space in Civic offices CCA6104 Space in Civic offices - Improvement To/Better Use Of CEA61VC 0 0 450 450 446.80 446.80 -3 450 0 447 447 0 see above GGGGR Chris Johnson CS Approved Programme Space in Civic offices CCA6104 Space in Civic offices - Improvement To/Better Use Of CEA61WC 0 0 70,500 70,500 70,424.10 70,424.10 -76 70,500 0 70,424 70,424 0 see above GGGGR Chris Johnson CS Approved Programme Space in Civic offices CCA6104 Space in Civic offices - Improvement To/Better Use Of CEA61XC 0 0 80,500 112,000 111,922.92 111,922.92 -77 112,000 0 111,923 111,923 0 see above GGGGR Chris Johnson CS Approved Programme Improvement Council Buildings CCA6105 Improvement Council Buildings - Accomodation Strategy CEA808B 0 0 100 100 74.33 74.33 -26 100 0 74 74 0 see above GGGGR Chris Johnson CS Approved Programme DDA - Civic Centre CCRMA38 DDA - Civic Centre CER38JB 0 0 3,475 3,475 3,429.50 3,429.50 -46 3,475 0 3,430 3,430 0 see above GGGGR Chris Johnson CS Approved Programme Civic Centre - Expenditure should go agaiCCRMA56 Civic Centre - Refurbish Floor Areas CER59KB 0.00 0 1,000 1,000 918.29 918.29 -82 1,000 0 918 918 0 see above

Replacement of Atrium Roof at Merton Replacement of Atrium Roof at Merton Civic Centre - Replacement of GGGGR Mark Humphries CS Approved Programme Civic Centre CCA7310 Atrium Roof CEA717D 289,000 289,000 28,076 317,076 224,593.78 224,593.78 -92,482 317,076 0 317,076 317,076 0 Work on site. Completion due Jan 2009 CS 0809 Programme APPENDIX 6 L Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; L Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed. Phase & CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2008/09 RAG Budget SUMMARY OF OVERALL POSITION AS AT PERIOD - January Expenditure 'Whole Life' Project Costing Criteria RAG Phase & A YTD In Year Scheme Scheme 2008/09 Net Total Approved Virements Slipped or Net Current Period Managers Variance Scheme RAG Responsible Scheme Agreed 2007/08 New Adjustment m New Expenditure Whole Life Whole Life Department Type List Of Schemes By Department Cost Code Description Cost Code Budget as per Net Spend Already New External Revised Budget Expenditure to Projected Year End Forecast to Whole Life Notes Notes Criteria (see Officer Reference Carry Forwards Approval of Slippage e Virements Gross Net Net Budget Report 2008/09 Agreed Funding Date Variance Forecast Net Budget Net Variance levels 1-5) n January Budget Forecast Software problems now resolved, final testing being performed. Invoice should be paid by end of Feb 09. Invoice is £25k. Report being submitted to request using some of the capital funds being submitted as savings to cover this overspend. CH does know the history on this project and had initially stated that this commitment should be presented as an overspend. The re-allocation of capital funds will therefore cover this. GGGGR Angela Wint IT Approved Programme I T 06/07 Programme CCIT500 IT Service Desk System CNIT58C 0 4,820 4,820 4,820 0.00 0.00 -4,820 4,820 0 4,820 4,820 0 On-going work being completed on laptop Network Outlying Offices 0 GGGGR James Morrissey IT Approved Programme I T 06/07 Programme CCIT600 CNIT68C 22,453 22,453 22,453 0.00 0.00 -22,453 22,453 0 22,453 22,453 0 encryption

Remaining budget to be moved to CNIT02C. This code can then be suppressed. GGGGG Gurmel Bansal IT Approved Programme Key Enabling Systems CCIT600 Document Management CNIT77C 0 66,963 66,963 -66,963 0 0.00 0.00 0 66,963 66,963 66,963 66,963 0 Suppress Code Project funded from also from contributions and 0 GGGRR Richard Warren IT Approved Programme Key Enabling Systems CCIT600 Virtualisation CNIT95C 45,293 45,293 45,293 0.00 0.00 -45,293 45,293 0 45,293 45,293 0 used to buy additional SAN when required GIS - Part of E-Gov Projects Expenditure recoded/moved to CNIT05C - CLOSE GGGRR Gurmel Bansal IT Approved Programme Key Enabling Systems CCIT600 CNIT80C 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Suppress Code

Expenditure recoded/moved to CNIT44C - CLOSE RRRRR Gurmel Bansal IT Approved Programme Key Enabling Systems CCIT600 Wireless Pilot CNIT91C 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Suppress Code Project progressing according to project plan, 0 further expenditure to be journalled regularly. GGGGR Gurmel Bansal IT Approved Programme Key Enabling Systems CCIT700 Scanning in-house development CNIT03C 183,243 183,243 183,243 60,379.56 60,379.56 -122,863 91,621 -91,622 200,000 200,000 0 (Backscanning). Relates to CNIT90C - progressing according to 0 GGGGR Gurmel Bansal IT Approved Programme Key Enabling Systems CCIT700 e-procurement CNIT04C 135,945 135,945 135,945 271,890 104,994.36 104,994.36 -166,895 135,945 -135,945 271,890 271,890 0 project plan Move the remaining budget to CNIT04C - this code 0 GGGGR Gurmel Bansal IT Approved Programme Key Enabling Systems CCIT700 e-procurement CNIT90C 135,945 135,945 -135,945 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 can then be suppressed. Suppress Code GGGRR Gurmel Bansal IT Approved Programme Key Enabling Systems CCIT700 GIS CNIT05C 0 17,947 17,947 17,947 5,807.13 5,807.13 -12,140 17,947 0 25,000 25,000 0 E&R to advise re remaining expenditure To be merged with CRM-Self Service to puchase 0 GGGGR Gurmel Bansal IT Approved Programme Key Enabling Systems CCIT700 Complaints Phase 2 CNIT06C 21,730 21,730 44,019 65,749 10,151.00 10,151.00 -55,598 21,730 -44,019 0 0 0 additional licences. Move budget to CNIT06C CRM-Self Services and 0 GGGGR Gurmel Bansal IT Approved Programme Key Enabling Systems CCIT700 CRM Self Service CNIT07C 44,019 44,019 -44,019 0 0.00 0.00 0 44,019 44,019 44,019 44,019 0 suppress this code 0 Budget moved to CAIT18C-can be suppressed RRRRR Gurmel Bansal IT Approved Programme Key Enabling Systems CCIT700 Mobile working Support CNIT08C 50,000 50,000 -50,000 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 GGGGG Gurmel Bansal IT Approved Programme Key Enabling Systems CCIT700 Performance Management CNIT09C 0 60,626 60,626 60,626 57,236.73 57,236.73 -3,389 60,626 0 60,626 60,626 0 Project complete. Code can be suppressed. To be incorporated into the Disaster Recover 0 RRRRR Gurmel Bansal IT Approved Programme Key Enabling Systems CCIT700 People & Property Data Base CNIT10C 50,000 50,000 -50,000 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 project - CNIT35C. Code to be suppressed Suppress Code Contractor now in place. Works to begin shortly. GGGRR Gurmel Bansal IT Approved Programme Infrastructure Improvement CCIT701 6th floor comms room CNIT31C 0 65,000 65,000 65,000 8,318.00 8,318.00 -56,682 65,000 0 65,000 65,000 0 Report now been approved by CMT but with a request to provide further information. Exception reports for VIP and Philips, Budgets, 2009/10 & 2010/11 prior to confirming programme of works.CNIT82C also refers to same project. GAARR Gurmel Bansal IT Approved Programme Infrastructure Improvement CCIT701 PABX CNIT34C 0 51,515 51,515 100,000 151,515 2,400.00 2,400.00 -149,115 51,515 -100,000 151,515 151,515 0 GA RRR Gurmel Bansal IT Approved Programme Infrastructure Improvement CCIT701 Disaster recovery CNIT35C 0 64,512 64,512 50,000 114,512 214.24 214.24 -114,298 64,512 -50,000 75,000 75,000 0 Corporate decision still awaited

The Project is progressing according to plan. Currently working on Bank Rec. discrepancy problem, card charges and server resilience phase two, approx completion dates are (respectively) March 2009 but depending upon Civica, April 2009

195 and May 2009, this date may be postponed due to other commitments taking priority. The Project is expected to be complete within budget. GGGGR Gurmel Bansal IT Approved Programme Infrastructure Improvement CCIT701 Internet Payments Resilience CNIT36C 0 46,978 46,978 46,978 24,244.85 24,244.85 -22,734 46,978 0 46,978 46,978 0 GGGGR James Morrissey IT Approved Programme Infrastructure Improvement CCIT701 Remove BT frame from basement CNIT32C 0 13,590 13,590 13,590 0.00 0.00 -13,590 13,590 0 13,590 13,590 0

Currently the other London Boroughs at the forefront of implementing a permit scheme have hit a snag and their application to the DfT to introduce a scheme has been thrown out. They are currently reviewing their permit scheme but will probably hav to go out to consultation again and therefore whilst they had hoped to have implemented their scheme by now it is more likely to be next Summer. Consequently our own application if we decide to proceed with a permit scheme will be behind theirs and therefore I would not expect us to make an application to DfT much before Summer/Autumn 2009 either. Consequently it is unlikely that we will spend the capital allocation in 2008/9 and will wish to carry it forward to 2009/10. Thre may well be some expenditure towards the end of this year on a new CONFIRM mapping system, additional computers and screens for staff engaged on permit or notice approvals in preparation for permitting. GGGGR Gurmel Bansal IT Approved Programme Business Sys Enhance/Replace CCIT702 Confirms Streetworks - Permits CNIT43C 0 50,000 50,000 50,000 25,819.75 25,819.75 -24,180 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 Code to be suppressed RRRRR Gurmel Bansal IT Approved Programme Business Sys Enhance/Replace CCIT702 Corporate Firewalls Systems CNIT46C 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 Suppress Code Any Overspends to be journalled to E02140-DG02 as relates to revenue costs associated with this capital Project - HR to fund. Code can be GGGGG Gurmel Bansal IT Approved Programme Business Sys Enhance/Replace CCIT702 HR On-line Recruitment CNIT47C 0 35,350 35,350 35,350 36,000.00 36,000.00 650 35,350 0 35,350 35,350 0 suppressed. Huw Davies had to tweak Proactis in order that Christopher Jeacock could use the code and I coul authorise the orders. An order has now been placed with CM2000 Ltd following the receipt of GGGGR Mark Pond IT Approved Programme Business Sys Enhance/Replace CCIT702 Replace Providerlink / Homecare Rostering / Scheduling CNIT41C 0 85,000 85,000 85,000 54.80 54.80 -84,945 0 -85,000 85,000 0 -85,000 quotations Part of ILM. Budget moved to ILM CAIT20C. GGGRR Richard Warren IT Approved Programme I T 06/07 Programme CCIT600 2nd Storage Area Works CNIT78C 0 50,000 50,000 -50,000 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Code then to be suppressed. Suppress Code Report now been approved by CMT but with a request to provide further information. Exception reports for VIP and Philips, Budgets, 2009/10 & 2010/11 prior to confirming programme of works. Budget moved to CNIT34C and code to be GAARR James Morrissey IT Approved Programme I T 06/07 Programme CCIT600 Telephone PABX CNIT82C 0 100,000 100,000 -100,000 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 suppressed. Suppress Code Project complete - contractor costs still to be GGGGR Richard Warren IT Approved Programme I T 06/07 Programme CCIT600 Remote Software Delivery CNIT83C 0 5,340 5,340 5,340 0.00 0.00 -5,340 5,340 0 5,340 5,340 0 journalled GGGGR Richard Warren IT Approved Programme I T 06/07 Programme CCIT600 Server Performance Monitoring CNIT84C 0 50,000 50,000 50,000 28,415.98 28,415.98 -21,584 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 Project progressing according to project plan Project complete - still be some more expenditure to GGGGR James Morrissey IT Approved Programme I T 06/07 Programme CCIT600 Network Edge Switches CNIT89C 0 79,830 79,830 79,830 46,396.48 46,396.48 -33,434 79,830 0 79,830 79,830 0 filter though. Project commenced but expenditure not expected until Stage 3 which is still some time away. GGGGR James Morrissey IT Approved Programme I T 06/07 Programme CCIT600 Legal Case Management CNIT92C 0 49,476 49,476 49,476 1,960.00 1,960.00 -47,516 49,476 0 49,476 49,476 0 Product chosen, order raised for £26,000, part payments to start soon, first workshop held with GGGGR Gurmel Bansal IT Approved Programme I T 06/07 Programme CCIT704 Audit Software CNIT45C 0 33,000 33,000 33,000 5,400.00 5,400.00 -27,600 33,000 0 33,000 33,000 0 supplier 25/11/08


GGGGG Mark Humphries CSF Approved Programme Brightwell Boilers CCRMB15 Brightwell Boilers CRRM15B 0 28,400 28,400 28,400 22,808.12 22,808.12 -5,592 28,400 0 28,400 28,400 0 Job Completed Revenue expenditure for maintenance. To be GGGGG Mark Humphries C&H Approved Programme Ravensbury Store CCRMB64 Ravensbury Store - Access Reinstatement CRRM77B 0 2,189 2,189 2,189 0.00 0.00 -2,189 2,189 0 2,189 2,189 0 transferred to G00075-DG15 ECH commissioned 6 Aug 2008. Cost Feasibility GGRRR Mark Humphries C&H Approved Programme Eastway D.C. Kitchen Equip CCRMB36 Eastway D.C. Kitchen Equip CRRM36B 0 3,244 3,244 3,244 0.00 0.00 -3,244 3,244 0 3,244 3,244 0 expected imminently Work funded from Service Delivery. Job GGGGG Mark Humphries C&H Approved Programme MAE Canons HouseLone worker alarm syCCRMB50 MAE Canons HouseLone worker alarm system CRRM57B 0 3,390 3,390 3,390 0.00 0.00 -3,390 0 -3,390 3,390 3,390 0 Completed CS 0809 Programme APPENDIX 6 L Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; L Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed. Phase & CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2008/09 RAG Budget SUMMARY OF OVERALL POSITION AS AT PERIOD - January Expenditure 'Whole Life' Project Costing Criteria RAG Phase & A YTD In Year Scheme Scheme 2008/09 Net Total Approved Virements Slipped or Net Current Period Managers Variance Scheme RAG Responsible Scheme Agreed 2007/08 New Adjustment m New Expenditure Whole Life Whole Life Department Type List Of Schemes By Department Cost Code Description Cost Code Budget as per Net Spend Already New External Revised Budget Expenditure to Projected Year End Forecast to Whole Life Notes Notes Criteria (see Officer Reference Carry Forwards Approval of Slippage e Virements Gross Net Net Budget Report 2008/09 Agreed Funding Date Variance Forecast Net Budget Net Variance levels 1-5) n January Budget Forecast GGGGG Mark Humphries C&H Approved Programme MAE Coham CourtDoor entry system CCRMB51 MAE Coham CourtDoor entry system CRRM58B 0 3,390 3,390 3,390 1,584.00 1,584.00 -1,806 3,390 0 3,390 3,390 0 Job Completed

GGRRR Mark Humphries C&H Approved Programme Merton Adult Centre 2004/05 - Renewal oCCRMD26 Merton Adult Centre 2004/05 - Renewal of Tarpaving CKRM26B 0 36,538 36,538 36,538 0.00 0.00 -36,538 0 -36,538 36,538 36,538 0 To CKRM58B below GGRRR Mark Humphries C&H Approved Programme Merton Adult Centre Roof Renewals CCRMD42 Merton Adult Centre Roof Renewals CKRM58B 0 48,949 48,949 48,949 0.00 0.00 -48,949 85,487 36,538 48,949 48,949 0 Over budget, further survey required GGGRR Mark Humphries C&H Approved Programme Mitcham Library Boiler Controls CCRMB39 Mitcham Library Boiler Controls CRRM39B 0 7,413 7,413 -7,413 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 To CRRM90B GGGRR Mark Humphries C&H Approved Programme Mitcham Library Replace Internal Doors CCRMB39 Mitcham Library Replace Internal Doors CRRM40B 0 9,828 9,828 -9,828 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 To CRRM90B GGGGG Mark Humphries C&H Approved Programme Mitcham Library CCRMB68 Mitcham Library Internal Redecorations CRRM81B 0 12,808 12,808 240 13,048 13,046.06 13,046.06 -1 13,047 13,048 13,048 13,048 0 Job Completed GGRRR Mark Humphries C&H Approved Programme Taylor Road Day Centre Disabled Toile CCRMB49 Taylor Road Day Centre Disabled Toile CRRM56B 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,522.00 1,522.00 -478 3,369 1,369 2,000 2,000 0 Job completed Approval agreed by Cabinet to use funding fo RRRRR Mark Humphries C&H Approved Programme Wimbledon Library - External Doors ReplaCCRMJ56 Wimbledon Library - External Doors Replacement CLRM56B 0 2,157 2,157 -2,157 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pollards Hill Library Lottery Scheme. Suppress Code GGGGG Mark Humphries CS Approved Programme Explore CO2 Savings at CC CCA7302 Explore CO2 Savings at CC CEA708B 0 35,958 35,958 -4,600 31,358 31,278.39 31,278.39 -79 34,000 2,642 31,358 31,358 0 Job Complete GGRRR Mark Humphries CS Approved Programme Civic Centre CCRMA64 Civic Centre - Car park marking CERM37B 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.00 0.00 -3,000 3,000 0 3,000 3,000 0 Decision awaited from CMT Overspend has been investigated. £3,500 Credi received currently shown against CEA713B GGGGG Mark Humphries CS Approved Programme Civic Centre Drainage CCRMA44 Civic Centre Drainage CER44QB 0 6,500 6,500 6,500 0.00 0.00 -6,500 6,500 0 6,500 6,500 0 Journalled back. RRRRR Mark Humphries CS Approved Programme CC - Heating Controls - Phase 1 CCRMA31 CC - Heating Controls - Phase 1 CER31BB 0 10,413 10,413 10,413 8,634.00 8,634.00 -1,779 8,634 -1,779 10,413 10,413 0 GGGGG Mark Humphries CS Approved Programme Corporate R&M Building Condition SurveyCCRMA55 Corporate R&M Building Condition Surveys CER57GB 0 25,076 25,076 -25,076 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vired GGGGG Corporate R&M Building Condition SurveyCCRMA55 Water Risk Assessment Works CER56FB 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Amalgamate Budgets for Condition Survey GGGGG Mark Humphries CS Approved Programme Corporate R&M Building Condition SurveyCCRMA52 C.C. Emergency Lighting CER52BB 0 10,010 10,010 10,010 0.00 0.00 -10,010 10,010 0 10,010 10,010 0 Final Invoice Received - Mick Mills GGGGG Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Morden Recreation Ground CCRM117 Morden Recreation Ground - Renew Roof CPRM55B 0 53,580 53,580 53,580 47,203.60 47,203.60 -6,376 53,580 0 53,580 53,580 0 Job Completed. Final A/C & Retention outstandin GGGGR Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Various Parks / RGs Various Parks / RGs - Redecorate/ Refurbish Toilets CGRM81B 0 7,347 7,347 7,347 0.00 0.00 -7,347 7,347 0 7,347 7,347 0 Work completed. Budget will be spen GGGGR Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Raynes Park Sports Ground CCRM118 Raynes Park Sports Ground - Internal & External Decs CPRM56B 0 14,470 14,470 100 14,570 14,569.94 14,569.94 0 14,470 -100 14,570 14,570 0 Job completed. GRRRR Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Various Parks / RGs CCRM120 Various Parks / RGs - Refurbish tennis courts CPRM59B 0 30,000 30,000 -3,000 27,000 23,263.00 23,263.00 -3,737 30,000 3,000 27,000 27,000 0 Job completed. GGGGG Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Various Play Areas CCRM121 Various Play Areas - Upgrade/Refurbish play areas CPRM60B 0 40,000 40,000 70,000 110,000 106,431.15 106,431.15 -3,569 106,431 -3,569 110,000 110,000 0 £70,000 of Marathon Funding received GGGGR Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Wimbledon Park CCRM122 Wimbledon Park - Replace ticket hut building CPRM61B 0 9,759 9,759 1,014 10,773 10,773.00 10,773.00 0 9,759 -1,014 10,773 10,773 0 Job completed

To be undertaken as part of rebuild following fire. This project is ongoing and so we need to safeguard any associated monies and roll it over. High importance, Project delayed at GAARR Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Cannon Hill Common CCRM128 Cannon Hill Common - Access Ramp CPRM68B 0 35,000 35,000 35,000 200.00 200.00 -34,800 35,000 0 35,000 35,000 0 design / costing stage - Doug Napier To be undertaken as part of rebuild following GGGGG Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Joseph Hood RG CCRM130 Joseph Hood RG - Access to play area CPRM70B 0 12,020 12,020 12,020 12,020.00 12,020.00 0 12,020 0 12,020 12,020 0 fire. GGGGG Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Joseph Hood RG CCRM130 Joseph Hood RG - Disabled toilet CPRM71B 0 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000.00 14,000.00 0 14,000 0 14,000 14,000 0 Job completed Big Lottery Project. Budget will not be spent this Financial Year and needs to be slipped (See GGGRR Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Pollards Hill RG CCRM134 Pollards Hill RG - Access to play area CPRM75B 0 40,000 40,000 40,000 0.00 0.00 -40,000 40,000 0 40,000 40,000 0 Amanda Doherty) Work expected to start in next 2 weeks, but budge will not be spent this Financial Year and needs to b GGGRR Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Cannizaro Park Replace Messroom CCRMN82 Cannizaro Park Replace Messroom CGRM83B 0 47,700 47,700 47,700 5,603.93 5,603.93 -42,096 61,000 13,300 47,700 47,700 0 slipped GGGGG Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Lynmouth Gardens Repair Bridge CCRMJ86 Lynmouth Gardens Repair Bridge CPRM86B 0 13,954 13,954 3,000 16,954 16,930.98 16,930.98 -23 16,931 -23 16,954 16,954 0 Job completed GGGGG Doug Napier E&R Approved Programme Morden Recreation Ground Replace gatesCCRMN73 Morden Recreation Ground Replace gates - Replace gates CGRM73B 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 6,516.23 6,516.23 -13,484 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 Job completed GGGGG Mark Humphries E&R Mitcham Library Roofing CCRMJ8F Mitcham Library Roofing CLRM8FB 0 4,650 4,650 4,650 4,099.46 4,099.46 -550 4,100 -550 4,650 4,650 0 Work started GGGGG Mark Humphries CSF Chaucer Cen Renewal Tarpaving CCRMD36 Chaucer Cen Renewal Tarpaving CKRM36B 0 135 135 450 585 545.68 545.68 -39 546 -39 585 585 0 Job Completed GGGGG Mark Humphries CSF Phipps Bridge Youth Centre CCRMD50 Phipps Bridge Youth Centre - DDA Compliant Intercom CKRM68B 0 3,000 3,000 -1,000 2,000 1,912.78 1,912.78 -87 2,211 211 2,000 2,000 0 Job Completed GGGGG Mark Humphries CSF Pollards Hill Youth Centre CCRMD51 Pollards Hill Youth Centre - DDA Compliant Intercom CKRM69B 0 3,000 3,000 -900 2,100 1,912.78 1,912.78 -187 2,211 111 2,100 2,100 0 Job Completed GGGGG Mark Humphries C&H West Barnes Library CCRMB41 West Barnes Library CRRM42B 0 14,951 14,951 -3,487 11,464 9,032.44 9,032.44 -2,432 9,032 -2,432 11,464 11,464 0 Job Completed GGGGG Mark Humphries CS Approved Programme Corporate R&M Building Condition SurveyCCRMA62 Corporate R&M Building Condition Surveys - Contingency for demand le CERM35B 0 60,000 60,000 25,076 85,076 79,715.57 79,715.57 -5,360 60,000 -25,076 85,076 85,076 0 Job Completed

GGGGG Mark Humphries C&H Mychell House (No 1) CCRMB70 Mychell House (No 1) - DDA Compliant Intercom CRRM85B 0 0 0 2,050 2,050 2,048.44 2,048.44 -2 1,813 -237 2,050 2,050 0 Amalgamate Budgets for Condition Surveys GGGGG Mark Humphries C&H Chaucer Centre CCRMB45 Chaucer Centre Lift CRRM49B 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 7,681.83 7,681.83 -2,318 7,682 -2,318 10,000 10,000 0 Work started GGGRR Mark Humphries C&H Chaucer Centre CCRMB45 Chaucer Centre Induction Loop Meeting Room CRRM51B 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.00 0.00 -3,000 3,936 936 3,000 3,000 0 Job Completed GGGRR196 Mark Humphries C&H Chaucer Centre CCRMB45 Chaucer Centre Ramp CRRM48B 0 2,538 2,538 -450 2,088 0.00 0.00 -2,088 546 -1,542 2,088 2,088 0 GGGGG Mark Humphries CS Corporate R&M CCRMA55 Corporate R&M - Asbestos Risk Assessment Work CER55EB 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 CLOSE Suppress Code GGGGG Mark Humphries CS Civic Centre CCRMA56 Civic Centre - Energy Management Liighting System Controls CER60MB 0 8,898 8,898 4,600 13,498 13,490.00 13,490.00 -8 13,490 -8 13,498 13,490 -8 Job Completed GGGGG Mark Humphries E&R Sth Wimbledon Community Centre CCRM124 Sth Wimbledon Community Centre - DDA Compliant Intercom CPRM63B 0 3,300 3,300 114 3,414 3,337.40 3,337.40 -77 3,414 0 3,414 3,414 0 Job Completed GGGGR Doug Napier E&R Vestry Hal CCRMN71 Vestry Hal CGRM71B 0 887 887 887 644.14 644.14 -243 887 0 887 887 0 Job Completed GGGGG Doug Napier E&R Various Service Tenancies CCRMN77 Various Service Tenancies - Replace Windows CGRM77B 0 4,823 4,823 4,823 3,700.00 3,700.00 -1,123 4,823 0 4,823 4,823 0 Job Completed 0 GGGGG Doug Napier J I Historic Restoration Plan CCRMJ88 J I Historic Restoration Plan CPRM88B 0 3,950 3,950 -1,454 2,496 873.60 873.60 -1,622 874 -1,622 2,496 2,496 0 Works completed awaiting invoices RRRRR Mark Humphries Merton Heritage Centre CCRM168 Cannons - Roof Works CPRM9XB 00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 CLOSE Suppress Code GGGGG Mark Humphries Colliers Wood Community Centre CCRMN83 Lift CGRM84B 0 0 0 3,950 3,950 3,923.04 3,923.04 -27 343 -3,607 3,950 3,950 0 Job Completed. Spend is Retention Payment GGGGG Mark Humphries Surestart Nursery/ Pavillion CCRMN85 Disabled Toilet CGRM88B 0 3,790 3,790 3,790 418.78 418.78 -3,371 419 -3,371 3,790 3,790 0 Job Completed. Spend is Retention Payment GGGGG Mark Humphries Wimbledon Park Sailing Club CCRM113 Induction Loop Meeting Room CGRM9RB 600 600 1,665 2,265 2,262.00 2,262.00 -3 2,262 -3 2,265 2,265 0 Job Completed GGGGG Mark Humphries Phipps Bridge Community Centre CCRMD43 Heaters Replacement CKRM59B 34,220 34,220 34,220 533.88 533.88 -33,686 534 -33,686 34,220 34,220 0 Work started GGGGG Mark Humphries Activity rooms roof panels CCRMB63 Activity rooms roof panels CRRM74B 28,750 28,750 28,750 21,844.21 21,844.21 -6,906 21,844 -6,906 28,750 28,750 0 Job Completed

GGGGG Mark Humphries E&R South Mitcham Community CCRMN87 Induction Loop CGRM8BB 300 300 300 280.50 280.50 -20 281 -19 300 300 0 Work started GGGGG Mark Humphries E&R S.Wimbledon Community Centre CCRMN88 Disabled Toilet CGRM8DB 0 0 1,323 1,323 1,323.43 1,323.43 0 1,323 0 1,323 1,323 0 Job Completed GGGGG Mark Humphries E&R Cottenham Park Rec - Pavilion CCRMN96 Induction Loop Meeting Room CGRM8YB 2,000 2,000 2,000 85.00 85.00 -1,915 85 -1,915 2,000 2,000 0 Work started GGGGG Mark Humphries E&R Dundonald Rec Gnd - Pavilion CCRMN98 Induction Loop Meeting Room CGRM90B 0 0 1,610 1,610 1,607.00 1,607.00 -3 1,610 0 1,610 1,610 0 Job Completed GGGGG Mark Humphries E&R S.Wimbledon Community Centre CCRMN88 Induction Loop CGRM8EB 1,500 1,500 420 1,920 1,918.00 1,918.00 -2 1,920 0 1,920 1,920 0 Job Completed GGGGG Mark Humphries E&R S.Wimbledon C.C. Annexe CCRMN89 Induction Loop CGRM8HB 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,929.50 1,929.50 -71 1,930 -70 2,000 2,000 0 Work started GGGGG Mark Humphries E&R Age Concern - 277 London Road CCRMN91 Induction Loop Meeting Room CGRM8MB 2,030 2,030 2,030 1,884.00 1,884.00 -146 1,884 -146 2,030 2,030 0 Work started GGGGG Mark Humphries E&R Gap Road Cemetery - Chapel CCRMN99 Induction Loop Meeting Room CGRM92B 3,500 3,500 3,500 1,492.50 1,492.50 -2,008 1,493 -2,007 3,500 3,500 0 Work started

GGGGG Doug Napier E&R K.Georges P.F. Pavilion & Flat CCRM103 Induction Loop Meeting Room CGRM99B 0 600 600 1,900 2,500 1,522.00 1,522.00 -978 1,522 -978 2,500 2,500 0 Job Completed GGGGG Doug Napier E&R Garth Road Cemetery - Chapel CCRM105 Induction Loop Meeting Room CGRM9BB 0 1,500 1,500 200 1,700 1,690.50 1,690.50 -10 1,691 -9 1,700 1,700 0 Job Completed GGGGG Doug Napier E&R Merton Hall CCRM106 Induction Loop Meeting Room CGRM9CB 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 427.00 427.00 -2,573 427 -2,573 3,000 3,000 0

Scheme deleted. Approval agreed by Cabinet to use funding for Pollards Hill Library Lottery RRRRR Mark Humphries CS CCRMB71 Counter CRRM86B 5,000 5,000 -5,000 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Scheme. Vired to CRRM96B Suppress Code

Scheme deleted. Approval agreed by Cabinet to use funding for Pollards Hill Library Lottery RRRRR Mark Humphries CS CCRMB68 External Redecs CRRM83B 5,000 5,000 -5,000 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Scheme. Vired to CRRM96B Suppress Code

Schemes under investigation GGGGG Mark Pond IT Approved Programme I T 06/07 Programme CCIT500 Carefirst Interactive CNIT62C 0 0 0 35 35 34.68 34.68 0 35 0 35 35 0 Job Completed GGGGG Mark Humphries CS Morden Pk Hse CCRMA57 Morden Pk Hse - External Redecorations CKRM57B 0 0 0 300 300 296.69 296.69 -3 297 -3 0 297 297 Job Completed GGGGG Martin Nolan CSF PhippsBrdgeCC Roof Replace CCRMD01 PhippsBrdgeCC Roof Replace CKRM01B 0 0 0 1,900 1,900 1,880.06 1,880.06 -20 1,880 -20 0 1,880 1,880 Job Completed GGGGG Mark Humphries CSF Chaucer Centre CCRMD46 Chaucer Centre - Heating Emitters & Pipework CKRM64B 00 0 0 -1,102.50 -1,102.50 -1,103 -1,103 -1,103 0 -1,103 -1,103 Job Completed Mark Humprhries has investigated and this is a genuine overspend, will look at method of GGGGG Mark Humphries E&R Vestry Hall H W Pipeworks CCRM114 Vestry Hall H W Pipeworks CPRM51B 00 0 0 7,417.29 7,417.29 7,417 7,417 7,417 0 7,417 7,417 funding GGGGG Doug Napier E&R Various Parks / RGs CCRMN75 Various Parks / RGs CGRM75B 0 7,120 7,120 4,200 11,320 11,300.00 11,300.00 -20 11,300 -20 0 11,300 11,300 Job Completed GGGGG Doug Napier E&R King Georges Playing Fields CCRMN78 King Georges Playing Fields CGRM78B 0 0 0 340 340 340.00 340.00 0 340 0 340 340 0 Miscoding cleared GGGRR Mark Humphries CS Wimbledon Theatre CCRM115 Ext Works & Roofing (Lease) CPRM52B 2,845 2,845 2,845 2,649.64 2,649.64 -196 2,845 0 2,845 2,650 -196 Awaiting Retention payment

Revenue expenditure Licence / Maintenance 0 Journal to a revenue code needed Revenue expenditure for maintenance. RRRRR Gurmel Bansal IT PARSOL front end CCIT415 PARSOL front end CNIT27C 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transferred to G00075-DG15 Suppress Code GGGGG Doug Napier E&R T F Rec Grnd Multi-sports Area CCRMJ95 T F Rec Grnd Multi-sports Area CPRM95B 0 760 760 760 679.80 679.80 -80 680 -80 760 760 0 Job Completed

RRRRR Mark Humphries Provision of Staff Showers CCA7306 Provision of Staff Showers CEA713B 0 0 3,801.25 3,801.25 3,801 3,801 3,801 0 3,801 3,801 Revenue expenditure journalled to E14367-DG54. RRRRR Gurmel Bansal IT Broadband for Councillors CCIT305 Broadband for Councillors CAIT05C 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Suppress this code. Suppress Code

Consolidated Total 4,445,910.00 2,858,389 7,304,299 28,076 0 0 -196,557 70,000 7,205,818 2,285,962.19 2,285,962.19 -4,919,856 6,364,712 -828,058 7,410,270 7,227,806 -182,464 C&H 0809 Programme APPENDIX 7

Reporting Period January

L Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; L Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed.

Phase & RAG CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2008/09 Criteria SUMMARY OF OVERALL POSITION AS AT PERIOD - January Budget Expenditure 'Whole Life' Project Costing


Amended Scheme Scheme Phase & RAG 2008/09 External YTD In Year Scheme Scheme 2008/09 Net Budget as 2008/09 Total Budget Agreed 2007/08 Total Approved Net Adjustment of Allocation of Slipped or New Net Expenditure to Current Period Managers Year End Variance Forecast Whole Life Whole Life Criteria (see Responsible Officer Department Type List Of Schemes By Department Cost Code Description Cost Code Funding as per New Approval Virement Revised Budget Expenditure Gross Whole Life Notes Reference per Budget Report as per Budget Report Carry Forwards Spend 2008/09 Slippage External External Funding Date Projected Variance Forecast to Budget Net Net levels 1-5) Budget Report January Net Variance Funding Budget Forecast 12345 £££££ £££££££££££ £

Committed Schemes Committed Schemes 2008-2009 Programme


Expenditure on stock is ongoing throughout the year; with major spend before Xmas and over winter. Current spend approximatly £200k. Transfer to capital at year end. The carry forward is covering this G G G G G Ingrid Lackajis C&H Approved Programme Media Fund CCB6200 Media Fund CRB602C 350,000 350,000 58,782 408,782 408,782 0 0 -408,782 350,000 -58,782 408,782.00 408,782.00 0.00 year's FRID project manager costs.

Tenders received 3 Dec 08; contract award sighn off mid Feb 09; implementation programme in 09/10 so bulk of spending will be in that year. 08/09 spend will be on Introducing Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) project management (£60k) AND £94k G G G R R Ingrid Lackajis C&H Approved Programme Introducing Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) to libraries CCB6202 to libraries CRB606B 280,000 280,000 280,000 280,000 54,467 54,467 -225,533 280,000 0 280,000.00 280,000.00 0.00 initial spend on contract Schemes funded by HRA borrowing Programme on track, to be journaled at GGGRR C&H Approved Programme CCH7211 Schemes funded by HRA borrowing CNE731H 2,090,000 2,090,000 2,090,000 2,090,000 0 0 -2,090,000 2,090,000 0 2,090,000.00 2,090,000.00 0.00 year end. GG R RR C&H Improving Information Management CCB3005 Improving Information Management CRB305H 10,420 10,420 10,420 0 0 -10,420 10,420 0 10,420.00 10,420.00 0.00 Carefirst/Millfow

Consolidated Total 2,720,000 0 2,720,000 69,202 2,789,202 0 0 0 0 0 2,789,202 54,467 54,467 -2,734,735 2,730,420 -58,782 2,789,202 2,789,202 0 197 Externally or Grant Funded APPENDIX 8

Reporting Period January

Le Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; Le Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed.

Phase & RAG CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2008/09 Criteria SUMMARY OF OVERALL POSITION AS AT PERIOD - January Budget Expenditure 'Whole Life' Project Costing


Scheme Scheme Phase & RAG 2008/09 External Managers Variance Scheme 2008/09 Net Budget as 2008/09 Total Budget Agreed 2007/08 Carry Total Approved Net Adjustment of Amended Allocation of Slipped or New Net Expenditure to Current Period Whole Life Whole Life Criteria (see Department Type List Of Schemes By Department Scheme Reference Cost Code Description Cost Code Funding as per Budget New Virement Revised Budget Forecast to Whole Life Notes per Budget Report as per Budget Report Forwards Spend 2008/09 Slippage External Funding External Funding Date Projected Variance Year End Net Net levels 1-5) Report Budget Net Variance Forecast Net Budget Forecast 12345 £££££ ££££££££ ££ £

Section 106 Section 106

Town Centre & Street scene RRRRR E&R S106 S106 Amendment of Parking Bays CCN7418 B479 Parking Bays WTC CGH107D 3,000 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 307 -2,693.13 3,000 0 3,000 3,000 0 GGGGR E&R S106 S106 Transport Mobility CCN7419 B480 & 481 Scooter Scheme CGH108D 50,000 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 49,900 -100.30 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 0 0.00 GGGGR E&R S106 S106 Town Centre Impvs CCN1005 S106 Town Centre Impvs CGH015G 89,383.00 89,383.00 89,383.00 20,066 -69,317.50 89,383 0 89,383 89,383 0 GGGGR E&R S106 S106 P4 Site CCN5215 S106 P4 Site CGH614D 0.00 0.00 0.00 109,365 109,364.97 109,365 109,365 0 109,365 109,365 Bids for S106 Funding to be made. GGGGR E&R S106 S106 Miles Road Incubator Ctre CCN5241 S106 Miles Road Incubator Ctre CGH657H 47,892.00 47,892.00 47,892.00 20,765 -27,126.95 37,108 -10,784 47,892 37,108 -10,784 GGGGG E&R S106 S106 South Park Gardens B346 CCN6136 S106 South Park Gardens B346 CGH829D 38,481.00 38,481.00 38,481.00 17,335 -21,145.73 46,837 8,356 38,481 46,837 8,356 Under investigation GGGGR E&R S106 S106 Recycle a Cycle CCN7366 S106 Recycle a Cycle CGH169D 20,175.10 20,175.10 20,175.10 5,716 -14,459.24 6,500 -13,675 20,175 6,500 -13,675 Not a capital project, to be transferred to revenue cod RRRRR E&R S106 S106 - Repair WTC Clock CCN7381 S106 - Repair WTC Clock CGH254D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 H01171BA06 RRRRR E&R S106 B329 Figges Marsh youth shelte CCJ6107 B329 Figges Marsh youth shelte CPG615B 0.00 0.00 883 883.00 0 0 0 RRRRR E&R S106 S106 CCJ6109 B336 Lewis Road Toilet Block and LandCPG617B 3,791.00 3,791.00 5,275 1,484.00 5,275 1,484 3,791 5,275 1,484 Under investigation RRRRR E&R S106 S106 CCJ6115 B345 Joseph Hood Improvement Ass F CPG623B 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 Wrong code spend moved to CGH21RD RRRRR E&R S106 S106 CCN7370 S106 - Raynes Park Sports Ground CGH15DD 20,000.00 20,000.00 9,921 -10,078.72 9,921 -10,079 20,000 9,921 -10,079 RRRRR E&R S106 S106 CCN7377 S106 - Durnsford Road CGH188D 14,141.00 14,141.00 6,072 -8,069.27 6,072 -8,069 14,141 6,072 -8,069 Project progressing RRRRR E&R S106 S106 Bid 378 Canterbury Road CCN6142 S106 Bid 378 Canterbury Road CGH838D 6,800.00 6,800.00 6,800 0.00 6,800 0 6,800 6,800 0 RRRRR E&R S106 S106 Ravensbury Park CCN7371 B447 Enterance Gates CGH15FD 10,820.00 10,820.00 10,687 -132.88 10,687 -133 10,820 10,687 -133 RRRRR E&R S106 S106 Queensmere Road B429 CCN7244 S106 Queensmere Road B429 CGH91CD 4,500.00 4,500.00 958 -3,542.20 958 -3,542 4,500 958 -3,542 RRRRR E&R S106 B340MOSS rpt (land Rutlish Rd) CCJ6112 B340MOSS rpt (land Rutlish Rd) CPG620B 815.00 815.00 5,265 4,449.70 5,265 4,450 815 5,265 4,450 RRRRR E&R S106 B483/B484 Upgrd fpath POW ph CCN7388 B483/B484 Upgrd fpath POW ph CGH17GD 19,520.00 19,520.00 17,398 -2,122.06 17,398 -2,122 19,520 17,398 -2,122 RRRRR E&R S106 S106 Holland Gardens CCN7373 B486 Lndscp Ctnhm Pk Hlnd Gdns CGH24RD 0.00 0.00 2,425 2,425.00 2,425 2,425 0 2,425 2,425 RRRRR E&R S106 B482 Eastfields Stn CCN7386 B482 Sustainable access CGH17ED 0.00 0.00 74,970 74,970.00 74,970 74,970 0 74,970 74,970 RRRRR E&R S106 B490/491 Figges Mh/Tamwrth Rec CCN7387 B490/491 Figges Mh/Tamwrth Rec CGH17FD 0.00 0.00 6,505 6,505.06 6,505 6,505 0 6,505 6,505

GGGGR CE S106 S106 CCTV Digital Recording CCN7248 S106 CCTV Digital Recording CGH91HD 65,267.00 65,267.00 65,267.00 63,154 -2,113.32 65,267 0 65,267 65,267 0 GG R RR CE S106 S106 Raynes Park Town Centre CCN7253 S106 Raynes Park Town Centre CGH91VC 7,694.00 7,694.00 7,694.00 194 -7,499.68 7,694 0 7,694 7,694 0 GG R RR CE S106 S106 CCTV Incident Mgt Sys CCN7249 S106 CCTV Incident Mgt Sys CGH91JD 0 0.00 217 217.00 217 217 0 217 217 Overspend

Affordable Housing

198 St Catherine's School site St Catherine's School site RSL is yet to enter into a build contract for this scheme. RRRRR C&H Approved Programme CCH7209 CNE729G 1,963,000 1,963,000.00 1,963,000.00 1,963,000.00 0 -1,963,000.00 1,963,000 0 1,963,000.00 1,963,000.00 0.00 Delay in work commencing on site is anticipated. Scheme is on site and 50% of funding would be claimed b GGGGR C&H Approved Programme Broadway House site CCH7210 Broadway House site CNE730G 990,000 990,000.00 990,000.00 990,000.00 0 -990,000.00 990,000 0 990,000.00 990,000.00 0.00 the RSL in January 09

Commitments to the value of £43,700 have been received to CEA715H date with works underway. Full budget expected to be spent GGGRR CE Crime Reduction, ASB & Drugs CCA7308 Crime Reduction, ASB & Drugs 0 2,322.14 2,322.14 58,401.00 60,723.14 21,203 -39,520.60 60,723 0 60,723.14 60,723 0.00 by year end.


Principal Road Renewal Scheme replaced by A217 Bishopsford Road. Expenditure t Merton Road RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Principal Road Maintenance CGH033D 292,360 292,360.00 292,360.00 292,360.00 0 -292,360.00 292,360 0 292,360 292,360 0 be transferred. Scheme replaced by A217 Bishopsford Road. Expenditure t Merton High Street RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Principal Road Maintenance CCN7306 CGH034D 291,628 291,628.00 291,628.00 291,628.00 0 -291,628.00 291,628 0 291,628 291,628 0 be transferred. RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Principal Road Maintenance CCN7306 A219 Hartfield Road SCB to WB CGH06AD 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,000 27,000.00 27,000 27,000 0 27,000 27,000 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Principal Road Maintenance CCN7306 Kingston Road CGH06ED 0.00 0.00 105 105.00 105 0 105 105 This scheme replaces both Merton Rd and Merton High St. and is linked to BSA (Mer.11) and Greenways (Mer.01). Works GGGGA E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Principal Road Maintenance CCN7306 A217 Bishopsford Road CGH39FD 0.00 584,000.00 584,000.00 241,226 -342,774.45 241,226 584,000 241,226 -342,774 commenced 8th September.

Local Safety Schemes Local Safety Schemes

£15,000 transferred to Martin Way May 08. Spent £1,000 and Borough Wide Safety Measures looking at feasibility of spending additional £29,000. Projections may have to be reduced to accommodate overspend. GGGAA E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Safety Schemes (LSS) CCN7300 CGH01AD 50,000 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 11,066 -38,933.66 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 Scheme progressing well. £25,000 transferred to London Visual Information Screens GGGGA E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Safety Schemes (LSS) CCN7300 CGH01BD 35,000 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 21,076 -13,924.40 35,000 0 35,000 35,000 0 Road/Cricket screen May 08 £20,000 Carry over requested and approved 27/2/08 London Rd jnctn with Morden Rd GGGAR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Safety Schemes (LSS) CCN7300 CGH01CD 20,000 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0 -20,000.00 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 Maintenance is required prior to coloured surfacing. Leonardo doing design. Surveys have been done. Invoice to Croydon Rd/Windmill Rd GGGGG E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Safety Schemes (LSS) CCN7300 CGH01DD 31,000 31,000.00 31,000.00 31,000.00 4,999 -26,001.38 31,000 0 31,000 31,000 0 follow. No Construction. Preliminary design required. Land required to wide Parkside/ Cannizaro Rd GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Safety Schemes (LSS) CCN7300 CGH01ED 40,000 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 0 -40,000.00 40,000 0 40,000 40,000 0 carriageway. Land ownership in dispute (with legal). Leo's costs looking at proposals. Traffic surveys have been London/Streatham Rd/Locks Lane GGGGG E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Safety Schemes (LSS) CCN7300 CGH01FD 20,000 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 3,832 -16,168.20 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 done. Cost £1,200. No construction.

Feasibility study ongoing. Full detailed pedestrian and traffic Western Rd surveys completed (£3000). To be combined with scheme GGGAR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Safety Schemes (LSS) CCN7300 CGH01GD 6,000 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 5,475 -525.00 6,000 0 6,000 6,000 0 below. Feasibility study ongoing. Full detailed pedestrian and traffic Western Rd/Lavender Ave. surveys completed (£3000). To be combined with scheme GGGAR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Safety Schemes (LSS) CCN7300 CGH01HD 12,000 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 2,600 -9,400.00 12,000 0 12,000 12,000 0 above. Full detailed pedestrian and traffic surveys completed Haydons Rd/South Pk Rd. (£3000). Design done. Consultation done. Safety Audit issues. Being dealt with for final design. Once finalised GGGAR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Safety Schemes (LSS) CCN7300 CGH01JD 45,000 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 0 -45,000.00 45,000 0 45,000 45,000 0 construction can commence. GGGGG E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Safety Schemes (LSS) CCN7300 Wim Hill Rd Jct Alexandra Rd CGH01KD 60,000 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 983 -59,017.06 60,000 0 60,000 60,000 0 Leo's time. Signals works. No Construction. Original allocation agreed £60,000 plus agreed carry over of Western Rd jct Church Rd £45,000. Waiting on TfL approval for new signals (Liberty GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Safety Schemes (LSS) CCN7300 CGH01LD 105,000 105,000.00 105,000.00 105,000.00 916 -104,083.70 105,000 0 105,000 105,000 0 Ave.) Rename scheme London Road Upper Green West. Surveys London Rd/Upper Green East and Accident data done.Design pending. Await Stage 1/2 G G A R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Safety Schemes (LSS) CCN7300 CGH01MD 35,000 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 0 -35,000.00 35,000 0 35,000 35,000 0 Audit No work planned. Other scheme in the area LBPN which will Merton High St GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Safety Schemes (LSS) CCN7300 CGH01ND 33,000 33,000.00 33,000.00 33,000.00 0 -33,000.00 33,000 0 33,000 33,000 0 take priority. Possible transfer to other scheme. London Rd/Lavender Avenue GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Safety Schemes (LSS) CCN7300 CGH01PD 4,000 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 1,200 -2,800.00 4,000 0 4,000 4,000 0 Trafic surveys £1,200. Traffic signals likely to be required. Full detailed pedestrian and traffic surveys completed (£3000). Design done. Consultation done. Safety Audit Haydons Rd issues. Being dealt with for final design. Once finalised GGGAR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Safety Schemes (LSS) CCN7300 CGH01RD 27,000 27,000.00 27,000.00 27,000.00 2,153 -24,847.03 27,000 0 27,000 27,000 0 construction can commence. Externally or Grant Funded APPENDIX 8

Reporting Period January

Le Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; Le Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed.

Phase & RAG CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2008/09 Criteria SUMMARY OF OVERALL POSITION AS AT PERIOD - January Budget Expenditure 'Whole Life' Project Costing


Scheme Scheme Phase & RAG 2008/09 External Managers Variance Scheme 2008/09 Net Budget as 2008/09 Total Budget Agreed 2007/08 Carry Total Approved Net Adjustment of Amended Allocation of Slipped or New Net Expenditure to Current Period Whole Life Whole Life Criteria (see Department Type List Of Schemes By Department Scheme Reference Cost Code Description Cost Code Funding as per Budget New Virement Revised Budget Forecast to Whole Life Notes per Budget Report as per Budget Report Forwards Spend 2008/09 Slippage External Funding External Funding Date Projected Variance Year End Net Net levels 1-5) Report Budget Net Variance Forecast Net Budget Forecast

Future Scheme Development Will look at schemes later in year in the light of latest acciden GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Safety Schemes (LSS) CCN7300 CGH01TD 40,000 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 520 -39,479.55 40,000 0 40,000 40,000 0 data. Agency person to be appointed. No Construction cost. RRRRR E&R Future Scheme Development TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Safety Schemes (LSS) CCN7300 CGH057D 40,000 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 263 -39,736.80 40,000 0 40,000 40,000 0 Meeting with TfL agreed that £15,000 would be initially allocated to this scheme(transfer from Borough Safety) 28 May 08. TfL / Merton working together to design scheme. Tfl have agreed to fund scheme although this is likely to be next GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Safety Schemes (LSS) CCN7300 Future Scheme Development CGH05BD 40000.00 40000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 12,001 -27,999.33 40,000 0 40,000 40,000 0 year. Surveys completed. Design ongoing. RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Safety Schemes (LSS) CCN7300 Visual Information Screens CGH052C 0.00 0.00 2,655 2,654.60 2,655 2,655 0 2,655 2,655 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Safety Schemes (LSS) CCN7300 Church Road CGH16TD 0.00 0.00 3,155 3,154.64 3,155 3,155 0 3,155 3,155 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Safety Schemes (LSS) CCN7300 Carshalton Road, Mitcham CGH05AD 0.00 0.00 0.00 -15,238 -15,238.03 -15,238 -15,238 0 -15,238 -15,238

20 mph Zones 20 mph Zones RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 20mph Zones CCN7101 Upper Green East (Mitcham) CGH13MD 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 20mph Zones CCN7301 Edge Hill / The Downs, Wimbledon CGH05DD 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 20mph Zones CCN7301 Belvedere Area (Wimbledon) CGH05ED 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,950 3,949.62 3,950 3,950 0 3,950 3,950 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 20mph Zones CCN7301 Moreton Green Area CGH05FD 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 20mph Zones CCN7301 Seeley Road & Links Road CGH24CD 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,899 1,898.90 1,899 1,899 0 1,899 1,899

Belvedere Area (Wimbledon) Change of name to Lake Rd Area requested via 1st Bi G A R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 20mph Zones CCN7301 CGH397D 100,000 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 9,277 -90,723.11 100,000 0 100,000 100,000 0 Monthly. Design completed. Members to approve design. G A R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 20mph Zones CCN7301 Hillcross Avenue CGH398D 180,000 180,000.00 180,000.00 180,000.00 15,216 -164,783.63 180,000 0 180,000 180,000 0 Survey done. Informal consultation taking place. £60,000 Carry over agreed 27/2/08. Formal Consultation to Upper Green East (Mitcham) GGGAR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 20mph Zones CCN7301 CGH399D 60,000 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 -928 -60,928.10 60,000 0 60,000 60,000 0 be done. Awaiting Stage 1/2 Audit

Education, Training and Publicity Education, Training and Publicity GGGGG E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Education, Training, Publicity CCN7302 Pre-Learner Driver Skills CGH007D 0.00 0.00 6,526 6,526.33 6,526 6,526 0 6,526 6,526 GGGGG E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Education, Training, Publicity CCN7302 Driving Skills Elderly Drivers CGH008D 15,000 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 11,212 -3,787.69 15,000 0 15,000 15,000 0 GGGGG E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Education, Training, Publicity CCN7302 Theatre in Education CGH009D 48,000 48,000.00 48,000.00 48,000.00 27,167 -20,832.67 48,000 0 48,000 48,000 0 GGGGR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Education, Training, Publicity CCN7302 Theatre in Education CGH05HH 0.00 2,604.85 2,604.85 2,604.85 230 -2,374.85 2,605 0 2,605 2,605 0 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Education, Training, Publicity CCN7302 Pre-learner Driver Skills CGH05GH 11 10.61 11 0 11 11 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Education, Training, Publicity CCN7302 Theatre in Education CGH05JH 13 12.85 13 0 13 13

Walking Walking GGGGG E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Walking CCN7416 Kerbskills CGH02ED 17,000 17,000.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 17,000 0.00 17,000 0 17,000 17,000 0 Pedestrian safety training Funds have been fully committed. P.O. raised £8,000 Pollards Hill Pedestrian Survey and Audit GGGGA E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Walking CCN7416 CGH02FD 20,000 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,280 280.00 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 Audit £12,000 Morden T.C. Audit. 199 Cycling Cycling GGGGG E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling Non LCN+ CCN7303 Cycle Training Initiatives CGH01WD 48,000 48,000.00 48,000.00 48,000.00 48,133 133.46 48,000 0 48,000 48,000 0 Will be spent by end of financial year. Contributed to cycle Cycle route Eastfields Station GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling Non LCN+ CCN7303 CGH01XD 20,000 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 8 -19,991.80 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 element of Station Access scheme. RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling Non LCN+ CCN7303 Cycle Training Initiatives CGH05LD 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0

Cycling LCN Cycling LCN GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 Mer 29 CGH02KD 0.00 0.00 93 92.82 93 0 93 93 Hopeful candidate for TfL Trial Zebra site. Allocation reduced to £70,000 agreed at 9th July with Mer.11 Camden. Not yet confirmed by CCE. Implementation unlikel GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 CGH03RD 120,000 120,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 26,219 -93,781.49 70,000 -50,000 120,000 70,000 -50,000 this year. LB to discuss with PT. Mer.12 GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 CGH03SD 50,000 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 62 -49,938.12 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 Design only. Scheme progress subject to signal scheme. G A R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 Mer.13 CGH03TD 50,000 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 62 -49,938.12 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 Assumed January committee approval. Loss of parking would be contentious. Spend assumes Mer.14 GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 CGH03WD 30,000 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 62 -29,938.12 30,000 0 30,000 30,000 0 committee not required. G A R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 Mer.15 CGH03XD 5,000 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 62 -4,938.12 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 Allocation agreed at 9th July with Camden. Not yet confirme Mer.16 A A R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 CGH03YD 1,000 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 162 -838.16 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 0 by CCE. Allocation agreed at 9th July with Camden. Not yet confirme Mer.17 A A R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 CGH04AD 15,000 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 1,931 -13,068.89 15,000 0 15,000 15,000 0 by CCE. Allocation agreed at 9th July with Camden. Not yet confirme Mer.20 A A R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 CGH04BD 2,000 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 438 -1,562.08 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 0 by CCE.

Mer.22 Allocation agreed at 9th July with Camden. Not yet confirme A A R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 CGH04CD 50,000 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 293 -49,707.12 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 by CCE. Some risk as Members may not approve.

Mer.23 Allocation agreed at 9th July with Camden. Not yet confirme A A R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 CGH04DD 10,000 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 221 -9,779.50 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 0 by CCE. Some risk as Members may not approve. Scheme subject to SRN approval and committee approva Mer.24 G A R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 CGH04ED 75,000 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 3,462 -71,538.42 75,000 0 75,000 75,000 0 Possible stats this year. Hopefully Committee by February. May not construct this Mer.25 G A R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 CGH04FD 30,000 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 135 -29,864.83 30,000 0 30,000 30,000 0 year. G A R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 Mer.27 CGH04GD 75,000 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 25,309 -49,690.60 75,000 0 75,000 75,000 0 Subject to LBPN scheme progressing. GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 Mer.28 CGH04HD 40,000 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 1,303 -38,696.51 40,000 0 40,000 40,000 0 Safety scheme will cover some elements. (RM) GAAAR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 Link 276 A217 Bishopsford Road CGH07LD 0.00 0.00 16,969 16,969.27 16,969 16,969 0 16,969 16,969 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 Link 149 Raynes Pk / Bridge Sc CGH07ND 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 Link 150 Western Road CGH07XD 0.00 0.00 624 623.84 624 624 0 624 624 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 Link 152 Francis G/St Georges CGH163D 0.00 0.00 9,535 9,535.00 9,535 9,535 0 9,535 9,535 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 Link 276 Kenley Gate (M H Pk) CGH164D 0.00 0.00 59,020 59,020.00 59,020 59,020 0 59,020 59,020 G G R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 Link 150 Western Rd L Ave Jct CGH21KD 0.00 0.00 3,385 3,384.91 3,385 3,385 0 3,385 3,385 G A R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 Link 152 Alt Gve to Dund'd Rd CGH21LD 0.00 0.00 93 92.82 93 93 0 93 93 High risk due to land issues. G A R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 Link 152 Green Lane CGH21MD 0.00 0.00 2,343 2,342.95 2,343 2,343 0 2,343 2,343 Possible £80,000 expenditure in 08/09. To be reviewed. G G R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 Link 148 North Road CGH21ND 0.00 0.00 8,033 8,033.22 8,033 8,033 0 8,033 8,033 To be increased to £15,000. If preferred scheme is approved Link 152 Leopold Road the cost is likely to be around £25,000. Funding will be G A R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 CGH21PD 0.00 0.00 203 203.49 203 203 0 203 203 sought. RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 Asset Management CGH26CD 0.00 0.00 1,343 1,342.74 1,343 1,343 0 1,343 1,343 G A R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Cycling LCN+ (CS) CCN7314 Mer.33 CGH396D 50,000 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 9,537 -40,462.60 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0

Bus Stop Accessibility Bus Stop Accessibility RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Bus Stop Accessibility (BSA) CCN7310 Schemes not completed 07-08 CGH036D 30,000 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0 -30,000.00 30,000 0 30,000 30,000 0 Implementation being programmed for 3 stops. Stop mino Durham Rd GGGGR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Bus Stop Accessibility (BSA) CCN7310 CGH037D 48,000 48,000.00 48,000.00 48,000.00 17,638 -30,362.23 48,000 0 48,000 48,000 0 problems being resolved.

Cannon Hill Lane G G R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Bus Stop Accessibility (BSA) CCN7310 CGH038D 60,000 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 15,715 -44,284.61 60,000 0 60,000 60,000 0 Detailed design completed. Consultation completed. G A R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Bus Stop Accessibility (BSA) CCN7310 Martin Way CGH039D 62,000 62,000.00 62,000.00 62,000.00 27,141 -34,859.24 62,000 0 62,000 62,000 0 Detailed design completed. RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Bus Stop Accessibility (BSA) CCN7310 Queens Road CGH16AD 0.00 0.00 60,564 60,564.49 60,564 60,564 0 60,564 60,564 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Bus Stop Accessibility (BSA) CCN7110 Wimbledon Hill Road CGH17TD 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Bus Stop Accessibility (BSA) CCN7110 Mitcham Town Centre CGH18HD 0.00 0.00 2,443 2,443.47 2,443 2,443 0 2,443 2,443 17617 likely to be funded by frontage development.Other BS 17616 (WB) & BS 17617 (EB) GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Bus Stop Accessibility (BSA) CCN7110 CGH06PD 0.00 0.00 3,868 3,868.00 3,868 3,868 0 3,868 3,868 stop not designed, but may be S106 funded. Externally or Grant Funded APPENDIX 8

Reporting Period January

Le Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; Le Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed.

Phase & RAG CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2008/09 Criteria SUMMARY OF OVERALL POSITION AS AT PERIOD - January Budget Expenditure 'Whole Life' Project Costing


Scheme Scheme Phase & RAG 2008/09 External Managers Variance Scheme 2008/09 Net Budget as 2008/09 Total Budget Agreed 2007/08 Carry Total Approved Net Adjustment of Amended Allocation of Slipped or New Net Expenditure to Current Period Whole Life Whole Life Criteria (see Department Type List Of Schemes By Department Scheme Reference Cost Code Description Cost Code Funding as per Budget New Virement Revised Budget Forecast to Whole Life Notes per Budget Report as per Budget Report Forwards Spend 2008/09 Slippage External Funding External Funding Date Projected Variance Year End Net Net levels 1-5) Report Budget Net Variance Forecast Net Budget Forecast

GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Bus Stop Accessibility (BSA) CCN7110 BS 17618 (WB) & BS 18725 (EB) CGH06RD 0.00 0.00 3,868 3,868.00 3,868 3,868 0 3,868 3,868 Detailed design complete. GGGAR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Bus Stop Accessibility (BSA) CCN7110 Boroughwide - DDA Works 1 CGH155D 0.00 0.00 8,818 8,818.00 8,818 8,818 0 8,818 8,818 Complete G A R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Bus Stop Accessibility (BSA) CCN7110 Boroughwide - DDA Works 2 CGH156D 0.00 0.00 2,308 2,308.00 2,308 2,308 0 2,308 2,308 GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Bus Stop Accessibility (BSA) CCN7110 Bishopsford Road CGH39AD 0.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 17,088 -17,912.00 17,088 -17,912 35,000 17,088 -17,912 Detailed design complete.

Bus Priority Bus Priority Work in progress. Lower Green West toucan commissioned.Temporarily delayed due to legal issues on GGGGR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 London Bus Priority Network CCN7312 Cricket Green CGH03AD 255,000 255,000.00 255,000.00 255,000.00 76,781 -178,218.74 255,000 0 255,000 255,000 0 Commonside West scheme. All approvals received. Implementation to commenc following completion of Southern Gas works currently in GGGRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 London Bus Priority Network CCN7312 South Wimbledon Transport CGH03BD 90,000 90,000.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 14,568 -75,432.10 90,000 0 90,000 90,000 0 progress. S278 works nearing completion. Development of further BP GGGGR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 London Bus Priority Network CCN7312 Plough Lane/Durnsford Rd CGH03CD 25,000 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 1,451 -23,549.20 25,000 0 25,000 25,000 0 schemes to await completion of developer's works. Wider Wimbledon TC studies may delay progress on this scheme. Scheme brief being submitted for 3rd quarter. (20 GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 London Bus Priority Network CCN7312 Alexandra Rd/Wimbledon Hill Rd CGH03DD 45,000 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 6,080 -38,919.65 45,000 0 45,000 45,000 0 Aug)

Consultation completed. Analysis in progress. LBM target G A R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 London Bus Priority Network CCN7312 Recreation Way CGH03ED 50,000 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 9,794 -40,205.76 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 committee November 2008.

Detailed design complete. Scheme being prepared for G A R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 London Bus Priority Network CCN7312 Jnct of Streatham Rd/London Rd CGH03FD 50,000 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 1,248 -48,751.70 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 implementation. Awaiting Member approval to implement. PBA have considered this as part of Ridgeway scheme GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 London Bus Priority Network CCN7312 Wimbledon Village CGH03GD 50,000 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 377 -49,623.00 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 (Mer.04). Will be discussed with Members shortly. RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 London Bus Priority Network CCN7312 Church Rd/Western Rd CGH03HD 50,000 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 0 -50,000.00 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 Investigating with department if reprofiling necessary Target committee now January 2009. Spend unlikely by end GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 London Bus Priority Network CCN7312 Windsor Avenue/Liberty Ave CGH03JD 45,000 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 0 -45,000.00 45,000 0 45,000 45,000 0 of March. LBM considering parallel initiiatives scheme here. Baxter ad GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 London Bus Priority Network CCN7312 Kingston/Hartfield & Dorset Rd CGH03KD 20,000 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 947 -19,053.13 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 coded here £569.87.

London Bus Priority Network Sir Cyril Black Way Scheme to be reviewed following decision to remove Hartfie GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 CCN7312 CGH03LD 20,000 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 1,131 -18,869.00 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 Road bus lane being ratified at September committee. London Bus Priority Network Wimbledon Pk Rd/Church Rd GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 CCN7312 CGH03MD 20,000 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 700 -19,300.00 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 Camera now operational. London Bus Priority Network Church Rd G A R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 CCN7312 CGH03ND 40,000 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 1,021 -38,979.25 40,000 0 40,000 40,000 0 Bus stop BP3581 to BP3586 improvements. RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 London Bus Priority Network CCN7312 Borough Admin Fee CGH03PD 15,000 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 13,126 -1,873.95 15,000 0 15,000 15,000 0 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 London Bus Priority Network CCN7312 Cricket Green - Phase 2 CGH075D 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 39,106 39,106.00 39,106 39,106 0 39,106 39,106

200 GGGRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 London Bus Priority Network CCN7312 Hatdon's Road CGH07ED 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,165 8,165.06 1,562 1,562 0 1,562 1,562 Works in progress. Fully funded RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 London Bus Priority Network CCN7312 Borough Administration CGH16LD 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 154 154.40 154 154 0 154 154 G G R R R E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 London Bus Priority Network CCN7312 Mitcham Town Centre CGH199D 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 9,310 9,310.30 3,592 3,592 0 3,592 3,592 Continuation of 07-08 support. PBA report recommends three small schemes which will b London Bus Priority Network Ridgway discussed with Members before anything further is done on GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 CCN7312 CGH078D 0.00 0.00 1,481 1,481.35 1,481 1,481 0 1,481 1,481 this. GGGGR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 London Bus Priority Network CCN7312 Commonside West CGH16HD 0.00 0.00 8,555 8,555.30 8,555 8,555 0 8,555 8,555 Minor land acquisition in progress. RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 London Bus Priority Network CCN7312 Wimbledon Hill / Woodside CGH24MD 10,453 10,453.00 10,453 10,453 0 10,453 10,453 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 London Bus Priority Network CCN7312 Centre Court Shopping Centre CGH27WD 1,517 1,516.60 1,517 1,517 0 1,517 1,517 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 London Bus Priority Network CCN7312 Worple Road Bus Stand CGH39BD 420 420.00 420 420 0 420 420 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 London Bus Priority Network CCN7312 Kingston Rd (Minor Arm) CGH39CD 420 420.00 420 420 0 420 420

School Travel Plan School Travel Plan RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Safer Routes To School (SRtS) CCN7304 STP Dev Marketing & Promotion CGH05TH 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Safer Routes To School (SRtS) CCN7304 STP Engineering - Schools CGH16PD 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 512 512.42 1,115 1,115 0 1,115 1,115 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Safer Routes To School (SRtS) CCN7304 STP Imp Engineering CGH14ED 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 GGGGA E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Safer Routes To School (SRtS) CCN7304 STP Imp School Travel Advisor CGH02GD 18,000 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000 0.00 18,000 0 18,000 18,000 0 GGGGA E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Safer Routes To School (SRtS) CCN7304 STP Dev Marketing & Promotion CGH02HD 6,000 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 3,038 -2,962.00 6,000 0 6,000 6,000 0 £17,000 agreed at meeting. Baseline adjusted awaitin STP Dev Teacher Supply cover GGGGA E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Safer Routes To School (SRtS) CCN7304 CGH02JD 3,000 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 6,320 3,320.00 3,000 0 3,000 3,000 0 confirmation. GGGGA E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Safer Routes To School (SRtS) CCN7304 STP Dev Feasibility & Design CGH043D 16,000 16,000.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 464 -15,535.91 16,000 0 16,000 16,000 0 GGGGA E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Safer Routes To School (SRtS) CCN7304 STP Imp Small Grants-schools CGH044D 50,000 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 7,255 -42,744.53 36,000 -14,000 50,000 36,000 -14,000 £36,000 agreed. Baseline to be adjusted GGGGA E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Safer Routes To School (SRtS) CCN7304 STP Imp Theatre in Education CGH045D 14,000 14,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 11,600 -2,400.00 14,000 0 14,000 14,000 0 Exploring possibility of rescheduling programme. GGGGA E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Safer Routes To School (SRtS) CCN7304 STP Imp Grants Indep Schools CGH046D 15,000 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 10,840 -4,160.00 15,000 0 15,000 15,000 0 £25,000 agreed. Baseline to be adjusted GGGGA E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Safer Routes To School (SRtS) CCN7304 Schools Transition Pack CGH047D 100,000 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 70,000 -30,000.00 70,000 -30,000 100,000 70,000 -30,000 £70,000 agreed. Baseline to be adjusted GGGGA E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Safer Routes To School (SRtS) CCN7304 Walk to School Week CGH048D 5,000 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 7,191 2,191.07 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 £11,000 agreed. Baseline to be adjusted GGGGA E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Safer Routes To School (SRtS) CCN7304 STP Engineering CGH154D 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,466 8,466.23 110 110 0 110 110 £102,000 Funding agreed GGGGA E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Safer Routes To School (SRtS) CCN7304 Walk on Wednesday CGH049D TBA 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,516 16,515.75 5,860 5,860 0 5,860 5,860 £30,000 agreed. Baseline to be adjusted RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Safer Routes To School (SRtS) CCN7304 Improving Signage for Schools CGH16MD 0.00 0.00 603 603.00 603 603 0 603 603

Travel Awareness Travel Awareness Mitcham Carnival / Try Cycling Programme among PCT & Bike Week Merton Surgeries staff total cost £5,600. ((3,948.60) GGGGA E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Travel Awareness (TA) CCN7305 CGH018D 10,000 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000 0.00 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 0 processed July. RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Travel Awareness (TA) CCN7305 Walk to School CGH065D 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 486 486.00 486 486 0 486 486 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Travel Awareness (TA) CCN7305 Walk on Wednesday (WOW0 CGH067D 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 -162 -162.10 -162 -162 0 -162 -162 GGGGA E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Travel Awareness (TA) CCN7305 Travel Awareness and Promotion CGH019D 10,000 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 6,111 -3,889.48 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 0 Overtime costs for Wimbledon Park Festival to be coded here.

Local Area Accessibility Local Area Accessibility £60,000 agreed. Baseline to be adjusted. To be fully spent b Local Area Accessibility Prog GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Area Accessibility CCN7417 CGH010D 40,000 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 0 -40,000.00 40,000 0 40,000 40,000 0 March '09 RRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Local Area Accessibility CCN7417 Scootability CGH39GC 0.00 0.00 14,963 14,963.00 14,963 14,963 0 14,963 14,963

Parallel Initiatives Parallel Initiatives Junction improvements in the 3 main areas (Western Rd Parallel Initiatives 08/09 Grand Drive junction with Bushey Rd and Hartfield Rd). GRRRR E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Parallel Initiatives CCN7307 CGH035D 90,000 90,000.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 0 -90,000.00 90,000 0 90,000 90,000 0 Funding for study works.

GGGGA E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Borough Support Training CCN7308 Borough Support Training CGH06HH 8,119.16 8,119.16 8,119.16 10,091 1,971.59 8,119 0 8,119 8,119 0 Projections to be reviewed.

Bridge Strengthening Bridge Strengthening

GGGGA E&R TFL Grant Funded-Group 1 Bridge Strengthening CCN7313 Bushey Rd Bridge (Interim) CGH006D 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,930 1,930.00 1,930 1,930 0 1,930 1,930 For Bridge surveys and inspection. Allocation will be spent.

Other Externally or Grant Funded APPENDIX 8

Reporting Period January

Le Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; Le Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed.

Phase & RAG CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2008/09 Criteria SUMMARY OF OVERALL POSITION AS AT PERIOD - January Budget Expenditure 'Whole Life' Project Costing


Scheme Scheme Phase & RAG 2008/09 External Managers Variance Scheme 2008/09 Net Budget as 2008/09 Total Budget Agreed 2007/08 Carry Total Approved Net Adjustment of Amended Allocation of Slipped or New Net Expenditure to Current Period Whole Life Whole Life Criteria (see Department Type List Of Schemes By Department Scheme Reference Cost Code Description Cost Code Funding as per Budget New Virement Revised Budget Forecast to Whole Life Notes per Budget Report as per Budget Report Forwards Spend 2008/09 Slippage External Funding External Funding Date Projected Variance Year End Net Net levels 1-5) Report Budget Net Variance Forecast Net Budget Forecast

Disabled Facilities Grant - DCLG RRRRR E&R Grant Funded contribution CCH7201 D F G - DCLG Mandatory contribution CNE721G 360,000 360,000.00 360,000.00 360,000.00 0 -360,000.00 360,000 0 360,000 360,000 0 Expenditure on CNE634G

RRRRR E&R Small Repairs Grants 05/06 CCH6103 Small Repairs Grants 05/06 CNE633G 0.00 0.00 0.00 88,954 88,953.93 0 0 0 0 0 RRRRR E&R DFG Mandatory 05/06 CCH6104 DFG Mandatory CNE634G 0.00 0.00 0.00 494,725 494,725.36 0 0 0 0 0 All DFG expenditure on this code RRRRR E&R Universal Cold Busters 05/06 CCH6106 Universal Cold Busters CNE636G 0.00 0.00 0.00 377,837 377,836.53 0 0 0 0 0 Descriptons altered as are current year schemes RRRRR E&R Empty Homes Grants 05/06 CCH6107 Empty Homes Grants CNE637G 0.00 0.00 0.00 23,414 23,414.44 0 0 0 0 0 Descriptons altered as are current year schemes GRRRR E&R Mitcham Market Garden Project CCN7349 Mitcham Market Garden Project CGH081D 39,668.00 39,668.00 39,668.00 4,094 -35,574.04 39,668 0 39,668 39,668 0

GGGGA E&R Car Clubs in Merton CCN7374 Car Clubs in Merton CGH181D 0.00 0.00 0.00 582 581.57 582 582 0 582 582 Car Club exp Prg Funding £17,400 RRRRR E&R Car Clubs in Merton CCN7374 Car Club Expansion Scheme CGH39ED 0.00 284 RRRRR E&R Bus Priority 05/06 CCN6112 LBPN Design Costs 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 RRRRR E&R Bus Priority 05/06 CCN6112 LBPN Design Costs CGH761D 0.00 0.00 -5,456 -5,456.49 4,947 4,947 0 4,947 4,947 RRRRR E&R Other Funded Areas (TFL) CCN7114 SWG Joseph Hood Rec Ground CGH173D 0.00 0.00 0.00 -722 -721.90 -722 -722 0 -722 -722 RRRRR E&R Other Funded Areas (TFL) CCN7114 SWG Morden Park CGH175D 0.00 0.00 0.00 52,000 52,000.00 52,000 52,000 0 52,000 52,000 RRRRR E&R Other Funded Areas (TFL) CCN7114 SWG Spur to Green Lane via LM CGH176D 0.00 0.00 0.00 677 676.50 677 677 0 677 677 RRRRR E&R Other Funded Areas (TFL) CCN7114 SWG Morden Pk to B'gh Boundary CGH177D 0.00 0.00 0.00 31,213 31,213.00 31,213 31,213 0 31,213 31,213 RRRRR E&R Other Funded Areas (TFL) CCN7114 SWG J H Memorial Playing F'ld CGH178D 0.00 0.00 -1,647 -1,647.24 -1,647 -1,647 0 -1,647 -1,647 G G A A R E&R Other Funded Areas (TFL) CCN7114 Bishopsford Rd Cycle Track CGH157D 0.00 0.00 17,476 17,476.37 17,476 17,476 0 17,476 17,476 LB to discuss with PT. Additional £100,000 agreed LCN GAAAR E&R Other Funded Areas (TFL) CCN7114 Bishopsford Rd Bridge CGH158D 0.00 0.00 1,819 1,818.78 1,819 1,819 0 1,819 1,819 funding. Awaiting CCE approval. G G R R R E&R Other Funded Areas (TFL) CCN7114 Wandle Trail Signing CGH159D 0.00 0.00 455 455.09 455 455 0 455 455 RRRRR E&R Other Funded Areas (TFL) CCN7114 SWG Project Management CGH15LD 0.00 0.00 2,063 2,062.50 2,063 2,063 0 2,063 2,063 Scheme name to be amended to Wimbledon Park. TfL have G G R R R E&R Other Funded Areas (TFL) CCN7114 SW Greenways - Wimbledon Pk Rd CGH21AD 0.00 0.00 5,577 5,577.49 5,577 5,577 0 5,577 5,577 been advised. RRRRR E&R SWELTRAC CCN7112 SWELTRAC CGH19HD 0.00 0.00 2,446 2,446.00 2,446 2,446 0 2,446 2,446 £39,600 agreed PBA invoicing Ricmond direct. NG seeking RRRRR E&R SWELTRAC CCN7315 Eastfields Station CGH21ED 0.00 0.00 10,631 10,630.80 10,631 10,631 0 10,631 10,631 further allocation for Merton costs GGGGR E&R SWELTRAC CCN7315 SW Greenways - Westside Common CGH21BD 0.00 0.00 6,703 6,703.47 6,703 6,703 0 6,703 6,703 GRRRR E&R Other Funded Areas (TFL) CCN7114 SW Greenways Spur -Green Lane CGH21CD 0.00 0.00 62 61.88 62 62 0 62 62 Being investigated RRRRR E&R SWELTRAC CCN7315 MP 1 Ext CGH21GD 0.00 0.00 15,038 15,038.42 15,038 15,038 0 15,038 15,038 RRRRR E&R Other Funded Areas (TFL) CCN7114 SW Greenways - Morden Par CGH26KD 30,685 30,685.14 30,685 30,685 0 30,685 30,685

GGGRR C&H Approved Programme Major Repairs Allowance CCPHRAM Major Repairs Allowance Various 4,424,000 4,424,000.00 4,424,000.00 4,424,000.00 1,995,496 -2,428,504.13 4,424,000 0 4,424,000.00 4,424,000.00 0.00 201

GGGRR C&H CCG8A04 Door Entry Schemes Council Hsg CRB604B 500,824.00 500,824.00 500,824.00 605,773 104,949.32 500,824 0 500,824.00 500,824.00 0.00 GGGGR C&H CCH7207 HIV / AIDS Housing Project CNE727G 430,000.00 430,000.00 339,000.00 769,000.00 1,108,000 339,000.00 1,108,000 0 769,000.00 1,108,000.00 339,000.00 Fully funded by grant. GG R RR C&H CCH7105 Gypsy/Travellers Site 0607 CNE706G 130,242.65 130,242.65 130,242.65 116,034 -14,208.81 130,243 0 130,242.65 130,242.65 0.00 RRRRR C&H Merton Adult Education E-Learning CCH7208 INVESTMENT IN E-LEARNING CNE728G 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 1,480 -13,520.05 1,480 -13,520 15,000.00 1,479.95 -13,520.05

GG R RR C&H "Big Lottery" funded project CCRMB77 Pollards Hill Library CRRM96B 778,086 778,086.00 89,000.00 867,086.00 196,557 1,063,643.00 183,502 -880,141.28 700,000 -363,643 1,063,643 700,000.00 -363,643 £196,557 = LBM Contribution via virements APPENDIX 9


Le Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; Le Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed.

Phase & RAG Criteria Budget 'Whole Life' Project Costing

RAG Scheme Scheme Phase & RAG Scheme 2008/09 Net Budget 2008/09 Total Budget Agreed 2007/08 Total Approved Net Slipped or New Net Expenditure to Current Period Managers Year End Variance Forecast Whole Life Whole Life Criteria (see Department Cost Code Description Cost Code Virement Revised Budget Whole Life Notes as per Budget Report as per Budget Report Carry Forwards Spend 2008/09 External Funding Date Projected Variance Forecast to Budget Net Net levels 1-5) Net Variance Budget Forecast 12345 £££££££££££££ £ Chief Executives Out to tender. Not expecting to spend whole budget by end of year, would like to slip GG R RR CE CCTV Equipment Programme CEA716D 133,000 133,000 133,000 133,000 11,516 -121,484 133,000 0 133,000 133,000 0 remainder.

Environment & Regeneration

Code holds total budget for 20mph schemes. G G A A A E&R Updating of existing 20mph Zones CGH356D 102,000 102,000 102,000 653,534 755,534 32,000 -723,534 706,000 -49,534 755,534 755,534 0 There are 17 schemes RRRRR E&R Reduction measures CGH357D 150,000 150,000 150,000 -150,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Code not being used.

Expenditure be covered by vired budget from GGGGA E&R Staffing and Consultation Cost CGH27RD 0 0 70,466 70,466 70,466 0 33,357 -37,109 70,466 33,357 -37,109 CGH356D GGGGG E&R Replace pavilion and toilets CGH374D 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 0 -8,000 8,000 0 8,000 8,000 0 Work underway but invoice not paid yet GGGGA E&R R&M of Listed tombs CGH376D 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 -5,000 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 Committed, commencement Jan '09 GGGGG E&R Essential refurbishment CGH378D 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 61,637 11,637 61,637 11,637 50,000 61,637 11,637 Orders placed, completion Jan '09 Waiting GGGGA E&R External redecs & Windows CGH379D 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 -20,000 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 final invoice. GGGAA E&R Lighting Car Park area CGH382D 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 -30,000 30,000 0 30,000 30,000 0 Order placed with Dave Williams GGGGG E&R Repair Bridge CGH385D 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 18,822 8,822 18,822 8,822 10,000 18,822 8,822 To be funded by underspends Work underway but invoice not paid yet. Overspend but in part compensated by GGGGG E&R Water /General repairs CGH386D 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,873 873 5,873 873 5,000 5,873 873 underspend on project 9 above. Funding transferred Cannizaro Park (wall repairs - awaiting price). Risk of overrun into RRRRR E&R Lighting CGH387D 20,000 20,000 20,000 -20,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 April & beyond GGGGG E&R Dec of Hall and Lobby area CGH390D 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 20 -7,980 8,000 0 8,000 8,000 0 Final account in dispute GGGGG E&R Refurbish rugby changing CGH391D 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 8,910 -1,090 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 0 Awaiting final invoice GGGAR E&R Play area by car park CGH392D 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 1,715 -48,285 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 Commencement Jan '09 works imminent GGGGR E&R Sustainability projects CGH393D 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 -10,000 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 0 To be used for Cannizaro Park wall repairs

G G A R R E&R Repairs to Cannizaro Wall 20,000 20,000 0 -20,000 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 Additional Scheme (R&M). Awaiting planning GGGGA E&R Long Term Redevelopment CGH395D 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 15,805 -44,195 57,000 -3,000 60,000 57,000 -3,000 To be charged to revenue at year end. All of this budget will either be spent or works

202 ordered for completion by the year end. To date £304,237 value of works is already ordered to be done and planned for completion in the next 3 months. Likely to carry over GGGAR E&R Replacement of Plant and Machinery CGH367D 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 8,623 -341,377 304,237 -45,763 350,000 350,000 0 £46,000 £70k commited for this year, £25k Slippage GGGAA E&R Highway trees inspection, data update and works CGH090D 50,000 50,000 45,000 95,000 95,000 0 -95,000 70,000 -25,000 95,000 95,000 0 required. Programme now underway, awaiting invoices GGGAA E&R Street Lighting Replacement Programme CGH08WD 245,000 245,000 152,887 397,887 397,887 22,043 -375,844 397,887 0 397,887 397,887 0 from EDF.

Demand for Surface Water Drainage - Flooding Schemes developed and work underway as G G A A A E&R CGH08RD 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 813 -49,187 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 part of our yearly programme drainage works

Signs ordered, surfacing works to commence Public Rights of Way Improvement Plan early March. JT requested to charge agency GAAAR E&R CGH08XD 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 -20,000 16,000 -4,000 20,000 16,000 -4,000 costs. £4k slippage to be requested. RRRRR E&R Highway Repair to Footways CGH856D 0 000 00000 Scheme on hold. Feasibility study to be submitted to TfL with history of project. No RRRRR E&R Bushey Road bridge repair spending envisaged until TfL decide to fund CGH07HD 50,000 50,000 50,000 -50,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 new deck or not. Work in progress, scheduled for completion GGGAA E&R Selby bridge treatments CGH092D 50,000 50,000 44,000 94,000 94,000 15,993 -78,007 54,000 -40,000 94,000 94,000 0 mid March. £40k slippage to be requested Tender awarded, feasibility in progress, site Wimbledon Bridge works scheduled for early March. £9k slippage GGGAA E&R CGH352D 50,000 50,000 50,000 -4,000 46,000 0 -46,000 37,000 -9,000 46,000 46,000 0 to be requested

Tendering inspection prices significantly lower than expected. 2 inspections not completed due to procuring Network Rail possessions. Cost estimate for remaining works in 09/10 is G G A A A E&R Bridge Inspection CGH094D 25,000 25,000 4,500 29,500 -8,500 21,000 3,709 -17,291 5,000 -16,000 21,000 21,000 0 16K, slippage to be requested. GGGGR E&R Unlocking Development in Morden Town Centre CGH086D 80,000 80,000 8,500 88,500 88,500 51,632 -36,868 88,500 0 88,500 88,500 0 Planned spend before the year end GGGGR E&R M.T.C. Development CGH353D 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 3,077 -46,923 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 Planned spend before the year end Total estimated spend in 0809 between this and the two schemes below is £34,700. 12 gates expected to be completed this FY, with another 80 identified in programme. Merton funds 40% of cost, with remainder prefunded by residents, which can cause considerable GGGGR E&R Alley Gating Scheme - Fly Tipping CGH09DB 50,000 50,000 43,362 93,362 93,362 24,813 -68,550 3,700 -89,662 93,362 3,700 -89,662 delays. GGGGR E&R Alley Gating Scheme - Fly Tipping CGH865D 18,576 18,576 18,576 4,456 -14,120 18,576 0 18,576 18,576 0 See above Part of £2m prog. Town Ctr Wimbldon. Proposed to purchase 3 walk-along Applied Imp St.Cleaning off Broadway Sweepers, including 3-year maintenance GGGGR E&R CGH02MD 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 0 -80,000 75,000 -5,000 80,000 75,000 -5,000 agreement. Part of £2m prog. Town Centre Wimbledon. Proposed to carry out as part of pavement works programme. Work unlikely to be ARRRR E&R Options to tackle chewing gum CGH02ND 150,000 150,000 150,000 -50,000 100,000 0 -100,000 100,000 0 100,000 100,000 0 completed during 0809. Part of £2m prog. Bin type identified and GRRRR E&R Bins in Town Centres + Map CGH02PD 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 0 -40,000 40,000 0 40,000 40,000 0 prices being sought. Part of £2m prog. First tranche of 30 bins GGGGR E&R Recycling T.C.Friendly bins CGH02RD 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 -25,000 15,700 -9,300 25,000 15,700 -9,300 ordered. Request £9.3K carry into 0910. GGGGA E&R Parks Recyc Bins /composting CGH02TD 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 1,475 -13,525 15,000 0 15,000 15,000 0 Works order placed with Waste Services To be used for town centre enhancments - awaiting scheme from Gillespies, now that Public Realm Strategy has been agreed. 35K GRRRR E&R Clarity of street signs CGH02XD 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 0 -35,000 0 -35,000 35,000 35,000 0 slippage to be requested APPENDIX 9


Le Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; Le Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed.

Phase & RAG Criteria Budget 'Whole Life' Project Costing

RAG Scheme Scheme Phase & RAG Scheme 2008/09 Net Budget 2008/09 Total Budget Agreed 2007/08 Total Approved Net Slipped or New Net Expenditure to Current Period Managers Year End Variance Forecast Whole Life Whole Life Criteria (see Department Cost Code Description Cost Code Virement Revised Budget Whole Life Notes as per Budget Report as per Budget Report Carry Forwards Spend 2008/09 External Funding Date Projected Variance Forecast to Budget Net Net levels 1-5) Net Variance Budget Forecast 12345 £££££££££££££ £ First stage of town centre enhancments - awaiting scheme from Gillespies, now that Public Realm Strategy has been agreed. 150K GRRRR E&R De-Clutter Street Signs CGH04JD 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 0 -150,000 0 -150,000 150,000 150,000 0 slippage to be requested Legible London signage costed (£? Per sign) Opportunities in Wimbledon, Raynes Park, Colliers Wood, Mitcham. 60K slippage to be GRRRR E&R Maps in the Town Centre CGH04KD 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 0 -60,000 0 -60,000 60,000 60,000 0 requested. Works to commence Summer 2009 (delayed due to gas works). £150K slippage to be GAARR E&R Renewal of WTC Paving CGH04LD 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 312 -149,688 0 -150,000 150,000 150,000 0 requested 2 benches already purchased. Remainder to be used for town centre enhancments - awaiting scheme from Gillespies, now that Public Realm Strategy has been agreed. GAARR E&R Better seating- Durable/Fixed CGH04MD 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 2,309 -7,691 2,309 -7,691 10,000 10,000 0 £7691 slippage to be requested GGGGG E&R Seats/Litter&Dog Bins/Cyc Rks CGH04ND 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 Works Completed RRRRR E&R Highlighting Wim’s Heritage CGH04PD 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 -10,000 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 0 Majority of Budget (£150,000) vired to 20 MPH RRRRR E&R Evaluate Home Zones CGH04RD 200,000 200,000 200,000 -150,000 50,000 18,603 -31,397 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 Zones CGH356D RRRRR E&R 20mph Zones Traffic Calmed Rds CGH04TD 150,000 150,000 150,000 -150,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spend to be moved to CGH27RD To be used for town centre enhancments - awaiting scheme from Gillespies, now that Public Realm Strategy has been agreed. 120K GRRRR E&R Renewal Carriageway Markings CGH04WD 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 0 -120,000 0 -120,000 120,000 120,000 0 slippage to be requested Works in progress (EDF to invoice), all works GGGAA E&R Replace Lamp Columns & Signs CGH04XD 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 14,172 -35,828 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 to be complete by end Mar 09. RRRRR E&R Minor Traffic/Danger measures CGH04YD 100,000 100,000 100,000 -100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spend moved to CGH27RD Part of £2m prog. 2 major schemes ongoing - anticipated max spend this FY £15K. Reques G G R R R E&R Graffiti Prevention Measures CGH103D 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 1,573 -18,427 15,000 -5,000 20,000 15,000 -5,000 £5K Carry into 0910. Planning permission pending on Cannizaro exterior wall. Notified Jan 09 that party wall procedures need to be undertaken. Slippage into 09/10 now inevitable. Accrual necessary. GGGAR E&R Renew Park boundary fencing CGH104D 110,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 47,306 -62,694 85,000 -25,000 110,000 110,000 0 Urgent need to carry over £25k. Works complete, awaiting invoices from FMC

203 GGGGA E&R Renew Lighting M Pk Access Rd CGH105D 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 5,587 -14,413 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 and EDF RRRRR E&R Project Management Resources CGH106D 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 -50,000 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 Some for Jacobs to develop programme RRRRR E&R Contingency CGH02LD 75,000 75,000 75,000 -12,000 63,000 0 -63,000 75,000 12,000 63,000 63,000 0 GGGGG E&R Mitcham Junction Station CGH24DD 0 935 935 935 935 0 935 935 Minor amount. Spend to be moved Full spend now committed. May be some GGGGR E&R Planned Maintenance of Re-use/recycling Sites CGH361D 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 10,477 -29,524 40,000 0 40,000 40,000 0 carry-in to 0809. GGGGR E&R Barrows and Bins Replacement Programme CGH09NC 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 -5,000 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 Awaiting delivery GGGGR E&R Replacement Of Recycling Bins for Flats CGH09FC 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 25,884 10,884 15,000 0 15,000 15,000 0 Overspend being investigated Consultants asked to revisit and further design work being undertaken. Work may not be completed during 0809, or even proceed at all if cost effective solution within budget cannot E&R be found. Current detailed estimates are in £70K-£90K range. Original feasibility £30K estimate was in light of fire consultants advice. Any decision not to proceed will be taken in consultation with H&S Section. GG R RR Fire Systems CGH368D 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 -30,000 30,000 0 30,000 30,000 0 Work in progress, 60% complted. Request GGGGR E&R Safe Pedestrian Access CGH369D 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 15,444 -29,556 30,000 -15,000 45,000 30,000 -15,000 £15K carry-into 0910. The £249,461 spend relates to payment Re 0708 to RB Kingston under this code and needs to be taken out (!!). Latest RBK advice re 0809 is that circa £230K will be required GGGGR E&R WDT - Contracts Costs CGH09BH 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 249,461 49,461 200,000 0 200,000 200,000 0 from each Borough. GGGGR E&R WDT Contract CGH370D 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 -100,000 30,000 -70,000 100,000 30,000 -70,000 See above. Request £70K Carry into 0910. This is the 40% LBM match funding that was agreed in 2008/9 budget setting process. The scheme is demand lead but likely to be underspent at year end. Expenditure is on CNE634G. Govt changed funding mechanism for 2008/9 and have allocated us a ring fenced contribution that is not repayable and this may reduce our need to use all of the match funding. NB On 10th February 2009 we were notified of a succesful bid for additional funding from GOL, of £25,000 which we can use to reduce the capital contribution by LBM in 2008/9. Confirmation is attached to the email with this return. GGGGR E&R DFG - Discretionary CNE725G 240,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 0 -240,000 240,000 0 240,000 240,000 0 Some spend on CNE633D, other expenditure will be incurred, exact levels are unknown. Private Sector Housing Programme Potentially an underspend but would look to G G R R R E&R CNE724G 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 0 -200,000 200,000 0 200,000 200,000 0 carry it over HLF Funded. Any surplus needs to be rolled GGGGA E&R Restoration of South Park Gardens CGH081E 107,000 107,000 107,000 107,000 163,183 56,183 163,183 56,183 107,000 163,183 56,183 over as project is ongoing ???

RRRRR E&R Climate Change Initiatives CGH08BB 121,000 121,000 120,000 241,000 241,000 0 -241,000 241,000 0 241,000 241,000 0 Projects delayed, mainly energy invest to save. This was for specialist procurement advisors in case of a new build at MPP, which is not happening now. Expenditure for Business Options Review being procured. Will request slippage into 2009-10 for works at Morden ARRRR E&R Morden Park Pool CGH371D 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 0 -125,000 0 -125,000 125,000 125,000 0 Park Pools G G R R R E&R Capitalise Project Activity to Regeneration Capital Programme CGH08CD 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 0 -35,000 35,000 0 35,000 35,000 0 Allocated at year end Staffing costs to be journaled at year end. GGGGR E&R CPZ - Holne Chase/Torrington Way CGH070D 380,000 380,000 380,000 -200,500 179,500 441 -179,059 179,500 0 179,500 179,500 0 Budget to be used on schemes below. GGGGG E&R CPZ - Mitcham Park Ext (MT) CGH071D 0 4,000 4,000 263 -3,737 4,000 0 4,000 4,000 0 See CGH070D, above. APPENDIX 9


Le Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; Le Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed.

Phase & RAG Criteria Budget 'Whole Life' Project Costing

RAG Scheme Scheme Phase & RAG Scheme 2008/09 Net Budget 2008/09 Total Budget Agreed 2007/08 Total Approved Net Slipped or New Net Expenditure to Current Period Managers Year End Variance Forecast Whole Life Whole Life Criteria (see Department Cost Code Description Cost Code Virement Revised Budget Whole Life Notes as per Budget Report as per Budget Report Carry Forwards Spend 2008/09 External Funding Date Projected Variance Forecast to Budget Net Net levels 1-5) Net Variance Budget Forecast 12345 £££££££££££££ £ Holding code !! All costs to be journalled to GGGGR E&R Darleston Road Area W6 CPZ CGH135D 0 11,000 11,000 44,458 33,458 11,000 0 11,000 11,000 0 TFL code , TFR budget to CGH138D GGGGA E&R CPZ - Review of P1 & P2 CGH136D 0 7,000 7,000 8,062 1,062 7,000 0 7,000 7,000 0 See CGH070D, above. GGGAA E&R CPZ - Disabled Bays CGH137D 0 25,000 25,000 26,125 1,125 25,000 0 25,000 25,000 0 See CGH070D, above. GGGAA E&R CPZ - Other Small items CGH139D 0 5,000 5,000 6,125 1,125 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 See CGH070D, above. GRRRR E&R New Raynes Park CPZ CGH19SD 0 5,000 5,000 236 -4,764 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 See CGH070D, above. GGGGA E&R CPZ - 3E Review CGH19WD 1,000 1,000 -481 519 2,933 2,414 519 0 519 519 0 See CGH070D, above. GGGRR E&R Kohat Road CPZ CGH24FD 0 1,500 1,500 2,328 828 1,500 0 1,500 1,500 0 See CGH070D, above.

GRRRR E&R Southdown CPZ SD CGH259D 0 2,000 2,000 1,566 -434 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 0 Project abandoned, consultation costs only. GGGAR E&R Courthope Villas CGH182D 0 0 0 0 -2,246 -2,246 0 0 0 0 0 See CGH070D, above. GGGGA E&R Kingston Road Pay & Display CGH24LD 0 0 9,000 9,000 10,639 1,639 9,000 0 9,000 9,000 0 See CGH070D, above. GGGGG E&R B411 LANDSCAPE WKS CANNONS REC CGH24HD 0 0 11,000 11,000 603 -10,397 11,000 0 11,000 11,000 0 See CGH070D, above. GGGGG E&R Colliers Wood CPZ Review CGH186D 1,000 1,000 313 -687 0 -1,000 1,000 0 -1,000 Spend to be moved

NOTE - NOW INCORPORATES CGH628D. Possible underspend on shop front improvments which require private sector match and implementation because of economic downturn and need to ensure good design in discussion with owners. Possible request for slippage into 09/10 as part of complementary initiatives G G R R R E&R Investment in Deprived Areas CGH082E 294,820 294,820 294,820 18,388 -276,432 294,820 0 294,820 294,820 0 programme Not an E&R budget. Front of house project. Responsibility of Chris Johnson. Before RRRRR E&R Enhancement to area outside CC CGH088B 45,000 45,000 45,000 6,748 -38,252 45,000 0 45,000 45,000 0 moving to CS. Investigate expenditure. Works have commenced. Awaiting final GGGGR E&R Wimbledon Park Lake Desilting CGH08FE 35,000 35,000 35,000 12,616 -22,384 35,000 0 35,000 35,000 0 invoices. RRRRR E&R Investment in Deprived Areas CGH08JH 50,000 50,000 -50,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GGGGA E&R Street Lighting Replacement CGH863D 4,758 4,758 4,758 0 -4,758 4,758 0 4,758 4,758 0

£41k invoice now signed off. Further invoices GAAAA E&R Bridge Repairs General CGH095D 58,437 58,437 162,908 221,345 20,031 -201,314 160,000 -61,345 221,345 160,000 -61,345 to follow £100k, possible £60k slippage.

204 RRRRR E&R BRS Rd Parapet Replacement CGH096D 45,000 45,000 -45,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No longer required RRRRR E&R BRS Rd Parapet Replacement CGH096D 13,908 13,908 -13,908 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No longer required GGGGR E&R 4 Vehicles for Response Teams CGH09RC 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 -50,000 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 Awaiting invoice Awaiting legal agreement for spend to go GGGGR E&R Contribution to bill CGH09WH 250,000 250,000 250,000 0 -250,000 250,000 0 250,000 250,000 0 ahead. Should happen in next few months. RRRRR E&R Conversion to Office/Replace CGH09XB 65,000 65,000 65,000 0 -65,000 65,000 0 65,000 65,000 0 Scheme not going ahead at present Works delayed (with FM). Possible Accrual required. Budget required is £90k with a total of £97.7 available comprising: £15k from this capital sum plus £15k rolled over from 07/08 capital budget. (Leisure budget, CGH12CD), plus £47.7k rolled over from 07/08 capital budget (FM budget, CGRM83B), plus £20k from Morden Rec roof savings. GGGGA E&R Mess Room CGH12CD 15,000 15,000 15,000 0 -15,000 15,000 0 15,000 15,000 0 Possible underspend but no shortage of GGGGG E&R Paddling Pool Works CGH12TD 9,202 9,202 9,202 2,862 -6,340 9,202 0 9,202 9,202 0 projects at this site that could benefit. This sum has been carried forward from 2007/8 having regard to DFG being demand led. We may not require this money. Expenditure is on CNE634G. Govt changed funding mechanism for 2008/9 and they have allocated us a ring fenced contribution that is not repayable and this may reduce our need to G G A A R E&R DFG Mandatory 07/08 CNE721G 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 -50,000 0 -50,000 50,000 0 -50,000 use all of the match funding. The £200,000 above should be sufficient. This £150,000 was agreed carry forward but we G G A A R E&R Private Sector Housing Prog CNE724G 150,000 150,000 150,000 0 -150,000 0 -150,000 150,000 0 -150,000 could return it to the corporate pot. Project Under Review. Wind turbines now out GGGRR E&R Wind Turbines - Domestic Prop CGH083C 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 -25,000 25,000 0 25,000 25,000 0 of favour GGGAA E&R Selby Bridge Treatments CGH875D 36,000 36,000 4,000 40,000 165 -39,835 38,000 -2,000 40,000 38,000 -2,000 2K Slippage to be requested Planning approval to go ahead; Overspend can GGGGR E&R Portacabin Accomm Garth Road CGH879D 17,800 17,800 17,800 0 -17,800 24,000 6,200 17,800 24,000 6,200 be funded from revenue

The allocation to this budget head was 50% of allocation to Canons Leisure Centre, which was not linked to likely spend. The overspend in this area will be reflected in an identical underspend in project ref cost code GGGGG E&R Wet Change Development CPG43CB 157,062 157,062 157,062 170,328 13,266 170,328 13,266 157,062 170,328 13,266 CPG43DB. ACCOUNT NOW CLOSED The allocation to this budget head was 50% of allocation to Canons Leisure Centre, which was not linked to likely spend. The underspend in this area will be reflected in an identical overspend in project ref Cost Code GGGGA E&R Plant Room Works CPG43DB 157,062 157,062 157,062 48,423 -108,639 143,796 -13,266 157,062 143,796 -13,266 CPG43CB. The allocation to this budget head was 33.33% of allocation to Morden Park Pools, which was not linked to likely spend. Underspend of £57,814 to cover overspend in Cost Code GGGGA E&R Contribution to Dryside Scheme CPG43JB 114,737 114,737 114,737 30,556 -84,181 56,923 -57,814 114,737 56,923 -57,814 CPG43KB. The allocation to this budget head was 33.33% of allocation to Morden Park Pools, which was not linked to likely spend. The overspend in thi area will be reflected in an underspend in project ref Cost Code CPG43MB. SPEND GGGGG E&R Wet Change Refurbishment CPG43KB 114,737 114,737 114,737 242,551 127,814 242,551 127,814 114,737 242,551 127,814 COMPLETED APPENDIX 9


Le Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; Le Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed.

Phase & RAG Criteria Budget 'Whole Life' Project Costing

RAG Scheme Scheme Phase & RAG Scheme 2008/09 Net Budget 2008/09 Total Budget Agreed 2007/08 Total Approved Net Slipped or New Net Expenditure to Current Period Managers Year End Variance Forecast Whole Life Whole Life Criteria (see Department Cost Code Description Cost Code Virement Revised Budget Whole Life Notes as per Budget Report as per Budget Report Carry Forwards Spend 2008/09 External Funding Date Projected Variance Forecast to Budget Net Net levels 1-5) Net Variance Budget Forecast 12345 £££££££££££££ £ The allocation to this budget head was 33.33% of allocation to Morden Park Pools, which was not linked to likely spend. Underspend of £70,000 to cover overspend in Cost Code GGGGA E&R Plant and Ceiling Works CPG43MB 114,737 114,737 114,737 31,781 -82,956 44,737 -70,000 114,737 44,737 -70,000 CPG43KB. GGGGR E&R Playground Equipment CPG43NB 0 0 0 6,030 6,030 6,030 6,030 0 6,030 6,030 Funding from Rock Terrace Trust Fund Linked to CGH361D. Request £20K carry-into GGGGR E&R Site Recycling CGH26GD 39,000 39,000 39,000 2,838 -36,162 19,000 -20,000 39,000 19,000 -20,000 0910. Works finished September 2008, awaiting GGGGG E&R Play Area CGH12ND 17,000 17,000 17,000 0 -17,000 17,000 0 17,000 17,000 0 invoice Incorrect cost code for this budget. The code for this scheme (Tamworth Lane Pelican Crossing, PFI Funded) is CKD082B4G & the budget of £62K should be on this code. Scheme is now complete, total spend £43K, £19K remaining is not required. GGGGA E&R Pelican Crossing CGH26HG 62,245 62,245 62,245 0 -62,245 62,245 0 62,245 62,245 0 £5k still due from HLF plus £20k already received from EA. Any surplus needs to be GGGGR E&R Cannon Hill Common CPG703B 3,941 3,941 3,941 12,090 8,149 12,090 8,149 3,941 12,090 8,149 carried forward.

RRRRR E&R SFP Lavender Fields Completion CGH716D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not a Greenspaces project. RRRRR E&R Highways Infrastructure CGH762D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Old code, not required Funding from MSJCB Amount to be confirmed. Possibly more to be spent on site survey/ investigation work regarding proposed GRRRR E&R MSJCB Cemetery Extension CPG605B 0 0 0 55,889 55,889 55,889 55,889 0 55,889 55,889 extension. Funding from MSJCB Amount to be confirmed. £30,785 earmarked for Database GGGRR E&R Data Capture & Storage CPG611B 0 0 0 392 392 392 392 0 392 392 work. GRRRR E&R Stouthall CKD958D 0 10,000 15,720 5,720 15,720 5,720 10,000 10,000 0 Funded from provision in 2007/08 accounts

GGGGG E&R King George VI Avenue CGH21TD 0 0 36,147 36,147 36,147 36,147 0 36,147 36,147 Spend to be moved

Schemes under investigation

205 £332.94 Overspend Journalled to CGH26GD GGGGG E&R Enhance Civic Amenity Sites CGH626D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 above

GGGGG E&R SW Business Area (Lombard Rd) CGH21JD 0 0 0 1,039 1,039 0 0 0 0 0 Spend to be moved

RRRRR E&R Dredging and aeration works CGH12DD 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 Expenditure to be investigated

Children Schools & Families

probable GGGGG CSF New Pupil Places - Garfield CKD954D 1,269,000 1,269,000 630,499 1,899,499 1,899,499 2,021,238 121,739 2,300,000 400,501 3,500,000 under review overspend See main report GGGGG CSF SEN - Melrose CKD952D 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 -30,000 30,000 0 30,000 30,000 0 Expenditure on CKD756D Being spent on CKD727B. LA Planning Committee approval given, GOL approval GGGRR CSF SEN - St Ann's Special School (pls Finance to buy Land) CKD951B 1,926,000 1,926,000 1,322,000 3,248,000 3,248,000 0 -3,248,000 0 -3,248,000 11,340,000 11,340,000 0 sought. Expenditure on other codes (CKD761-764D GGGGR CSF School Meals / Kitchens CKD764D 227,590 227,590 227,590 227,590 53,817 -173,773 227,590 0 227,590 227,590 and CKD 641D) Expenditure on other codes (CKD761-764D GGGGR CSF School Meals / Kitchens CKD950C 207,590 207,590 207,590 207,590 4,205 -203,385 207,590 0 207,590 207,590 0 and CKD 641D) GG R RR CSF Pupil Growth - Wimbledon Chase CKD791D 0 3,010 3,010 3,010 3,010 0 3,010 3,010 GGGGG CSF Haslemere - New Boilers CKD715B 0 6,121 6,121 6,121 6,121 0 6,121 6,121 Being Investigated RRRRR CSF Melrose - Gas/ Water Main CKD719B 2,077 2,077 2,077 2,077 0 2,077 2,077 Being Investigated

GGGGG CSF Lonesome - Asbestos in roof CKD746D 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 32,538 2,538 32,538 2,538 30,000 32,538 2,538 Awaiting Final Account £20,000 Expenditure included in kitchen works GGGGR CSF Morden- Drains (kitchen) CKD747D 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 -20,000 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 on CKD 641B GGGGG CSF Wimbledon Park - Heating pipes CKD748D 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 106,716 6,716 106,716 6,716 100,000 106,716 6,716 Being Investigated GGGGG CSF Hatfeild - Flood prevention CKD750D 82,000 82,000 82,000 82,000 9,149 -72,851 83,000 1,000 82,000 83,000 1,000 Invoice received to be processed GGGGG CSF Melrose - Replace 2 boilers CKD756D 49,275 49,275 49,275 49,275 50,301 1,026 62,000 12,725 49,275 62,000 12,725 YE Forecast to be confirmed GGGGG CSF Abbotsbury Flood Prevention CKD760D 0 42,000 42,000 42,000 3,357 -38,643 38,000 -4,000 42,000 42,000 0 Invoice received to be processed GGGGG CSF St Mark's - Playgrounds CKD940D 0 -28 -28 -28 -28 0 -28 -28 07/08 retentions GGGGG CSF Hillcross Pitched Rf coverings CKD935D 330 330 1,867 1,537 1,867 1,537 330 1,537 1,207 07/08 retentions - Being Investigated RRRRR CSF Pelham Mechanical Heat source CKD939D 131 131 131 0 131 0 131 131 0 07/08 retentions

GG R RR CSF Feasibility work CKD745D 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 -20,000 37,000 17,000 20,000 37,000 17,000 Fees of £37,000 agreed

GGGRR CSF Targeted Capital CKD947D 2,966,000 2,966,000 2,966,000 424,337 -2,541,663 1,750,000 -1,216,000 2,966,000 2,966,000 0 Expenditure transferred from CKD727B GGGGG CSF Hillier Parker CKD133B 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 Under investigation GGGRR CSF Former pupils of St Ann's CKD727B 306,060 306,060 306,060 4,231 -301,829 0 -306,060 306,060 0 -306,060 St Ann's to be c/fwd GGGGG CSF Feasibility CKD790D 50,000 50,000 50,000 55,969 5,969 55,969 5,969 50,000 55,969 5,969 Includes Pupil Growth Feasability spend

GGGGG CSF Imps. Smart Centre (PRU) CKD557B 0 0 0 2,072 2,072 2,072 2,072 0 2,072 2,072 Under investigation

GGGRR CSF New Pupil Places CKD728B 000 00000 Spend on CKD953D, will be moved. Tenders GGGRR CSF West Wimbledon CKD771D 0 0 750 750 20,000 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 due back 2/3/09 RRRRR CSF Contingency CKD772D 0 0 0 6,760 6,760 6,760 6,760 0 6,760 6,760 Under investigation GGGGG CSF Ricards Lodge CKD773D 49,580 49,580 -27,580 22,000 0 -22,000 22,000 0 22,000 22,000 0 Awaiting invoice of £19,635 0 0 0 000 0

GG R RR CSF PVI funding CKD960D 0 0 0 2,923 2,923 500,000.00 500,000 0 500,000 500,000 To confirm:- Grants agreed and to be allocated APPENDIX 9


Le Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; Le Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed.

Phase & RAG Criteria Budget 'Whole Life' Project Costing

RAG Scheme Scheme Phase & RAG Scheme 2008/09 Net Budget 2008/09 Total Budget Agreed 2007/08 Total Approved Net Slipped or New Net Expenditure to Current Period Managers Year End Variance Forecast Whole Life Whole Life Criteria (see Department Cost Code Description Cost Code Virement Revised Budget Whole Life Notes as per Budget Report as per Budget Report Carry Forwards Spend 2008/09 External Funding Date Projected Variance Forecast to Budget Net Net levels 1-5) Net Variance Budget Forecast 12345 £££££££££££££ £ GRRRR CSF Raynes Park Sports Pavilion CKD962D 0 0 1,750 1,750 5,500.00 5,500 0 5,500 5,500 Under investigation Requires investigation as code not recognised FMIS indicates that this is an advance unclear GRRRR CSF Specialist Schl-Ricards Lodge CKD959D 0 0 100,000 100,000 100,000.00 100,000 0 100,000 100,000 what it is an advance for.

Community & Housing

Expenditure on stock is ongoing throughout the year; with major spend before Xmas and over winter. Current spend approximatly £200k. Transfer to capital at year end. The carry forward is covering this year's FRID project GGGGG C&H Media Fund CRB602C 350,000 350,000 58,782 408,782 408,782 0 -408,782 350,000 -58,782 408,782.00 408,782.00 0.00 manager costs. Tenders received 3 Dec 08; contract award sighn off mid Feb 09; implementation programme in 09/10 so bulk of spending will be in that year. 08/09 spend will be on project management (£60k) AND £94k initial spend on GGGRR C&H Introducing Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) to libraries CRB606B 280,000 280,000 280,000 280,000 54,467 -225,533 280,000 0 280,000.00 280,000.00 0.00 contract Programme on track, to be journaled at year GGGRR C&H Schemes funded by HRA borrowing CNE731H 2,090,000 2,090,000 2,090,000 2,090,000 0 -2,090,000 2,090,000 0 2,090,000.00 2,090,000.00 0.00 end. GG R RR C&H Improving Information Management CRB305H 10,420 10,420 10,420 0 -10,420 10,420 0 10,420.00 10,420.00 0.00 Carefirst/Millfow

Corporate Services

Further expenditure to filter through via 78,000 the SRF system + journalling. Project GGGGR IT Network Edge Switch Replacement CNIT33C 78,000 78,000 78,000 21,856.15 -56,144 78,000 0 78,000 78,000 0 complete ILM is pending the supplier selection 31.01.09, implementation to start approx 200,000 01.03.09. This project is linked with GGGRR IT Information lifecycle Mgt CAIT20C 200,000 200,000 140,000 340,000 22,500.00 -317,500 200,000 -140,000 340,000 340,000 0 CNIT48C, CNIT78C & CNIT21C. Quote has been received for £20,635, (cost of specific parts /equipment is 206 £14,000). facilities are recommending 33,000 proceeding on a single quote basis. Work to be completed by 20th March 2009. Second part of works for £10k to be GGGRR IT Condenser replacement CAIT12C 33,000 33,000 33,000 0.00 -33,000 33,000 0 33,000 33,000 0 tendered for separately.

£8000 has been comitted to date. Mark Pond has raised an order for Paul Whiteman to authorise. Further Capital expenditure will be incurred in order to achieve the mandatory requirement for a network intrusion detection system. 100,000 James Morrisey and Mark Pond will be preparing a detailed specification to invite quotations. Mark Pond does not expect to complete project before 31st March 2009, so the budget will be requested to be rolled over into 2010/11. GG R RR IT Connect to N3 Netwrk NHS Spine CAIT15C 100,000 100,000 100,000 8,000.02 -92,000 100,000 0 100,000 100,000 0

New Project Manager has been appointed 42,000 Lucy Hill. Meeting to be held end of this week to decide on hosting of the system. GG R RR IT Children's Centre Info Sys CAIT16C 42,000 42,000 42,000 0.00 -42,000 42,000 0 42,000 42,000 0

Bid was withdrawn- Funds to be released. 25,000 Caroline Holland may wish to keep this for Corporate Services use. RRRRR IT Contact Point (See note 1) CAIT17C 25,000 25,000 25,000 0.00 -25,000 0 -25,000 25,000 0 -25,000 Pilots still underway to be concluded by 80,000 end of Nov 08. Project starting up, GGGRR IT Corporate mobile working CAIT18C 80,000 80,000 50,000 130,000 1,040.52 -128,959 80,000 -50,000 80,000 80,000 0 equipment has been purchased. Original project withdrawn - Funds to be 75,000 released. Carolline Holland may wish to keep this for Corporate Services use. RRRRR IT Electronic Common Assmnt Fmwrk CAIT19C 75,000 75,000 75,000 0.00 -75,000 0 -75,000 75,000 0 -75,000

RRRRR CS Capitalisation MTFS includes an equal credit CEA706H 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 45,264.40 -1,454,736 1,500,000 0 1,500,000 1,500,000 0 End of year Journal A report is being reviewed in relation to SAN equipment element of the budget. The Wifi project of £100,000 476,000 to no going to proceed. Further expenditure to filter through on GGGGG IT IT Equipment CNIT44C 476,000 398,349 874,349 874,349 317,000.84 -557,348 874,349 0 476,000 476,000 0 remainder of project.

Repair and Maintenance G G G R R E & R New Wimbledon Theatre - Studio Theatre Roof CPRM9SB 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0.00 -20,000 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 Job ongoing - Awaiting invoices Scheme deleted. Approval agreed by Cabinet to use funding for Pollards Hill Library Lottery Scheme. Vired to R R R R R E & R New Horizon (Pollards Hill) CC - Former Toilet / Bus Shelter CPRM9YB 5,000 5,000 5,000 -5,000 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 CRRM96B

25,000 Ongoing Works across all Corporate G G G G R CS Water Risk Assessment CERM36B 25,000 25,000 25,000 5,178.02 -19,822 25,000 0 25,000 25,000 0 Buildings. See also CER56FB below. G G G R R CS Civic Centre - Replace sliding doors CERM39B 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 0.00 -7,000 7,000 0 7,000 7,000 0 Choice of door to be agreed. G G G R R CS Civic Centre - Replace intruder alarm panel CERM40B 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.00 -5,000 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 ADT on site Jan 2009 APPENDIX 9


Le Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; Le Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed.

Phase & RAG Criteria Budget 'Whole Life' Project Costing

RAG Scheme Scheme Phase & RAG Scheme 2008/09 Net Budget 2008/09 Total Budget Agreed 2007/08 Total Approved Net Slipped or New Net Expenditure to Current Period Managers Year End Variance Forecast Whole Life Whole Life Criteria (see Department Cost Code Description Cost Code Virement Revised Budget Whole Life Notes as per Budget Report as per Budget Report Carry Forwards Spend 2008/09 External Funding Date Projected Variance Forecast to Budget Net Net levels 1-5) Net Variance Budget Forecast 12345 £££££££££££££ £ Order placed with CSS. Due on site 75,000 Feb 2009, subject to staff attitude G G G R R CS Civic Centre - Replace card key security Sys. CERM41B 75,000 75,000 75,000 0.00 -75,000 75,000 0 75,000 75,000 0 survey 32,000 G G G R R CS Gifford House - Internal lighting /Asbestos wk CERM42B 32,000 32,000 32,000 0.00 -32,000 32,000 0 32,000 32,000 0 Awaiting Asbestos Method Statement 35,000 G G G R R CS Worsfold House - Internal lighting /Asbestos wk CERM43B 35,000 35,000 35,000 1,638.65 -33,361 35,000 0 35,000 35,000 0 Awaiting Asbestos Method Statement G G G G G E & R Holland Gardens - Mess Room Refurbishment CPRM79B 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.00 -3,000 3,000 0 3,000 3,000 0 Job completed. Awaiting invoice No longer needed - Project deleted Funds R R R R R E & R Morden Park - Fencing renewals CPRM83B 5,000 5,000 5,000 -4,200 800 0.00 -800 0 -800 800 0 -800 to be given up Works nearing completion. Balance will G G G G R E & R Raynes Park Sports Ground - Window replacements CPRM85B 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 1,956.00 -13,044 15,000 0 15,000 15,000 0 be spent. G G G R R E & R Sir Joseph Hood MPF - Window replacements CPRM9KB 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.00 -10,000 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 0 Work starting on 23rd March. Works nearing completion. Balance will G G G G R E & R Various Parks - Toilet refurbishments CPRM9MB 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 6,094.40 -25,906 32,000 0 32,000 32,000 0 be spent.

G G G R R E & R Gap Road Cemetery - Mess Room Refurbishment CPRM9NB 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.00 -5,000 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 Work completed. Awaiting final invoice. Scheme deleted. Approval agreed by 35,000 Cabinet to use funding for Pollards Hill R R R R R C & H Wimbledon Library - Brick and stoneworks CRRM88B 35,000 35,000 -35,000 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Library Lottery Scheme. ECH commissioned to undertake drain 44,000 investigation in conjunction with parking G G A R R C & H Mitcham Library - Boiler CRRM90B 44,000 44,000 17,001 61,001 0.00 -61,001 44,000 -17,001 61,001 44,000 -17,001 bay layout design Scheme deleted. Approval agreed by 66,000 Cabinet to use funding for Pollards Hill R R R R R C & H Pollards Hill Library - Roof Renewal CRRM93B 66,000 66,000 -66,000 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Library Lottery Scheme.

DDA Access to Buildings 2008/2009 GG R RR E&RL Cannizaro Park - Access to Italian Garden level CLRM11B 25,000.00 25,000 25,000 25,000 0.00 -25,000 25,000 0 25,000 25,000 0 Being tendered with item above GGGGR E&RL Figges Marsh OS - Access pathways and seating CLRM13B 25,000.00 25,000 25,000 25,000 0.00 -25,000 25,000 0 25,000 25,000 0 Work completed. Budget will be spent. GGGGR E&RL Ravensbury Park - Wandle Trail /Disabled Parking CLRM15B 7,000.00 7,000 7,000 7,000 0.00 -7,000 7,000 0 7,000 7,000 0 Work completed. Budget will be spent. GGGGR E&RL Sir Joseph Hood MPF - Access pathways (Woodland) CLRM16B 10,000.00 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.00 -10,000 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 0 Work completed. Budget will be spent. GGGGR E&RL Wimbledon Park - Disabled toilet refurbishment CLRM17B 5,000.00 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.00 -5,000 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 Work completed. Budget will be spent. 207 GGGGG CSF Phipps Bridge Youth Centre - Adapt DDA toilet to add shower CKRM74B 20,000.00 20,000 20,000 -3,950 16,050 16,841.82 792 18,389 2,339 16,050 18,389 2,339 Job Completed ECH commissioned to undertake drain 4,000 investigation in conjunction with parking bay GGGRR E&R New Horizon Centre - More Disabled parking bays CLRM18B 4,000.00 4,000 4,000 0.00 -4,000 4,000 0 4,000 4,000 0 layout design GG R RR CSF Lavender Park Childrens Centre - Disabled parking CKRM76B 700.00 700 700 700 0.00 -700 700 0 700 700 0 Prices being sought from Conway

GGGGG CSF Lavender Park Childrens Centre - Reception counter CKRM77B 500.00 500 500 500 0.00 -500 0 -500 500 0 -500 Job Completed as part of next item CKRM78B GG G A RCSCivic Centre - Disabled Shower CERM44B 5,000.00 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.00 -5,000 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 Work underway on site GGGRR CS Civic Centre - Canopy to rear disabled access CERM45B 20,000.00 20,000 20,000 20,000 0.00 -20,000 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 ECH progressing GGGRR CS Civic Centre - Accessible kitchen CERM46B 1,000.00 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.00 -1,000 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 0 Awaiting decision on which floor Awaiting final decision & discussions 2,000 GGGRR CS Civic Centre - Powered doors (3rd Floor) CERM47B 2,000.00 2,000 2,000 0.00 -2,000 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 0 with CSS (Card Key) GGGRR CS Civic Centre - Disabled Bays CERM48B 3,000.00 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.00 -3,000 3,000 0 3,000 3,000 0 Decision awaited from CMT G G G G G CS Morden Park House - Evacuation Chair CERM49B 5,000.00 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.00 -5,000 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 Awaiting invoice GGGGR Induction Loop Meeting Room CER61NB 600 600 200 800 1,033.00 233 1,033 233 800 1,033 233 Job Completed.

GGGGR CS Civic Centre refurbishment CEA707B 400,000 400,000 400,000 122,492 0.00 -122,492 122,492 0 327,105 327,105 0 Budget vired out to schemes below Replacement of Atrium Roof at Merton Civic Centre - Replacement of Atrium Work on site. Completion due Jan GGGGR CS Roof CEA717D 289,000 289,000 289,000 317,076 224,593.78 -92,482 317,076 0 317,076 317,076 0 2009 Software problems now resolved, final testing being performed. Invoice should be paid by end of Feb 09. Invoice is £25k. Report being submitted to request using some of the capital funds being submitted as savings to cover this overspend. CH does know the history on this project and had initially stated that this commitment should be presented as an overspend. The re-allocation of capital funds will therefore cover this. GGGGR IT IT Service Desk System CNIT58C 0 4,820 4,820 4,820 0.00 -4,820 4,820 0 4,820 4,820 0 On-going work being completed on laptop Network Outlying Offices 0 GGGGR IT CNIT68C 22,453 22,453 22,453 0.00 -22,453 22,453 0 22,453 22,453 0 encryption Project funded from also from 0 contributions and used to buy additional GGGRR IT Virtualisation CNIT95C 45,293 45,293 45,293 0.00 -45,293 45,293 0 45,293 45,293 0 SAN when required Project progressing according to project 0 plan, further expenditure to be journalled GGGGR IT Scanning in-house development CNIT03C 183,243 183,243 183,243 60,379.56 -122,863 91,621 -91,622 200,000 200,000 0 regularly. (Backscanning). E&R to advise re remaining expenditure GGGRR IT GIS CNIT05C 0 17,947 17,947 17,947 5,807.13 -12,140 17,947 0 25,000 25,000 0 To be merged with CRM-Self Service to 0 GGGGR IT Complaints Phase 2 CNIT06C 21,730 21,730 44,019 65,749 10,151.00 -55,598 21,730 -44,019 0 0 0 puchase additional licences. Contractor now in place. Works to begin GGGRR IT 6th floor comms room CNIT31C 0 65,000 65,000 65,000 8,318.00 -56,682 65,000 0 65,000 65,000 0 shortly. Report now been approved by CMT but with a request to provide further information. Exception reports for VIP and Philips, Budgets, 2009/10 & 2010/11 prior to confirming programme of works.CNIT82C also refers to same GAARR IT PABX CNIT34C 0 51,515 51,515 100,000 151,515 2,400.00 -149,115 51,515 -100,000 151,515 151,515 0 project. G A RRR IT Disaster recovery CNIT35C 0 64,512 64,512 50,000 114,512 214.24 -114,298 64,512 -50,000 75,000 75,000 0 Corporate decision still awaited APPENDIX 9


Le Level 1 Approved Business case; Level 2 Work Pages identified & invites for tenders sent; Level 3 Tenders received and within Budget; Le Level 4 Contract Awarded and Work has commenced; Level 5 Work is satisfactorily completed.

Phase & RAG Criteria Budget 'Whole Life' Project Costing

RAG Scheme Scheme Phase & RAG Scheme 2008/09 Net Budget 2008/09 Total Budget Agreed 2007/08 Total Approved Net Slipped or New Net Expenditure to Current Period Managers Year End Variance Forecast Whole Life Whole Life Criteria (see Department Cost Code Description Cost Code Virement Revised Budget Whole Life Notes as per Budget Report as per Budget Report Carry Forwards Spend 2008/09 External Funding Date Projected Variance Forecast to Budget Net Net levels 1-5) Net Variance Budget Forecast 12345 £££££££££££££ £ GGGGR IT Remove BT frame from basement CNIT32C 0 13,590 13,590 13,590 0.00 -13,590 13,590 0 13,590 13,590 0 Any Overspends to be journalled to E02140-DG02 as relates to revenue costs associated with this capital Project - HR to fund. Code can be suppressed. GGGGG IT HR On-line Recruitment CNIT47C 0 35,350 35,350 35,350 36,000.00 650 35,350 0 35,350 35,350 0 Huw Davies had to tweak Proactis in order that Christopher Jeacock could use the code and I could authorise the orders. An order has now been placed with CM2000 Ltd following the receipt of GGGGR IT Replace Providerlink / Homecare Rostering / Scheduling CNIT41C 0 85,000 85,000 85,000 54.80 -84,945 0 -85,000 85,000 0 -85,000 quotations Project complete - contractor costs still to GGGGR IT Remote Software Delivery CNIT83C 0 5,340 5,340 5,340 0.00 -5,340 5,340 0 5,340 5,340 0 be journalled Project commenced but expenditure not expected until Stage 3 which is still some GGGGR IT Legal Case Management CNIT92C 0 49,476 49,476 49,476 1,960.00 -47,516 49,476 0 49,476 49,476 0 time away. Product chosen, order raised for £26,000, part payments to start soon, first workshop held with supplier 25/11/08 GGGGR IT Audit Software CNIT45C 0 33,000 33,000 33,000 5,400.00 -27,600 33,000 0 33,000 33,000 0


Revenue expenditure for maintenance. To GGGGG C&H Ravensbury Store - Access Reinstatement CRRM77B 0 2,189 2,189 2,189 0.00 -2,189 2,189 0 2,189 2,189 0 be transferred to G00075-DG15 ECH commissioned 6 Aug 2008. Cost GG R RR C&H Eastway D.C. Kitchen Equip CRRM36B 0 3,244 3,244 3,244 0.00 -3,244 3,244 0 3,244 3,244 0 Feasibility expected imminently Work funded from Service Delivery. GGGGG C&H MAE Canons HouseLone worker alarm system CRRM57B 0 3,390 3,390 3,390 0.00 -3,390 0 -3,390 3,390 3,390 0 Job Completed GG R RR C&H Merton Adult Centre 2004/05 - Renewal of Tarpaving CKRM26B 0 36,538 36,538 36,538 0.00 -36,538 0 -36,538 36,538 36,538 0 To CKRM58B below From above CKRM26B. Costs received from ECH. Over budget, further survey GG R RR C&H Merton Adult Centre Roof Renewals CKRM58B 0 48,949 48,949 48,949 0.00 -48,949 85,487 36,538 48,949 48,949 0 required. 208 GG R RR CS Civic Centre - Car park marking CERM37B 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.00 -3,000 3,000 0 3,000 3,000 0 Decision awaited from CMT

Overspend has been investigated. £3,500 Credit received currently shown GGGGG CS Civic Centre Drainage CER44QB 0 6,500 6,500 6,500 0.00 -6,500 6,500 0 6,500 6,500 0 against CEA713B Journalled back. RRRRR CS CC - Heating Controls - Phase 1 CER31BB 0 10,413 10,413 10,413 8,634.00 -1,779 8,634 -1,779 10,413 10,413 0 GGGGG CS C.C. Emergency Lighting CER52BB 0 10,010 10,010 10,010 0.00 -10,010 10,010 0 10,010 10,010 0 Final Invoice Received - Mick Mills

GGGGR E&R Various Parks / RGs - Redecorate/ Refurbish Toilets CGRM81B 0 7,347 7,347 7,347 0.00 -7,347 7,347 0 7,347 7,347 0 Work completed. Budget will be spent.

To be undertaken as part of rebuild following fire. This project is ongoing and so we need to safeguard any associated monies and roll it over. High importance, Project delayed at GAARR E&R Cannon Hill Common - Access Ramp CPRM68B 0 35,000 35,000 35,000 200.00 -34,800 35,000 0 35,000 35,000 0 design / costing stage - Doug Napier Big Lottery Project. Budget will not be spent this Financial Year and needs to be GGGRR E&R Pollards Hill RG - Access to play area CPRM75B 0 40,000 40,000 40,000 0.00 -40,000 40,000 0 40,000 40,000 0 slipped (See Amanda Doherty)

Work expected to start in next 2 weeks, but budget will not be spent this Financial GGGRR E&R Cannizaro Park Replace Messroom CGRM83B 0 47,700 47,700 47,700 5,603.93 -42,096 61,000 13,300 47,700 47,700 0 Year and needs to be slipped GGGGG E&R Morden Recreation Ground Replace gates - Replace gates CGRM73B 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 6,516.23 -13,484 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 0 Job completed GGGRR C&H Chaucer Centre Induction Loop Meeting Room CRRM51B 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.00 -3,000 3,936 936 3,000 3,000 0 Job Completed GGGRR C&H Chaucer Centre Ramp CRRM48B 0 2,538 2,538 -450 2,088 0.00 -2,088 546 -1,542 2,088 2,088 0 GGGGG J I Historic Restoration Plan CPRM88B 0 3,950 3,950 -1,454 2,496 873.60 -1,622 874 -1,622 2,496 2,496 0 Works completed awaiting invoices Job Completed. Spend is Retention Disabled Toilet 3,790 GGGGG CGRM88B 0 3,790 3,790 418.78 -3,371 419 -3,371 3,790 3,790 0 Payment GGGGG Heaters Replacement CKRM59B 34,220 34,220 34,220 533.88 -33,686 534 -33,686 34,220 34,220 0 Work started G G G G G E&R Induction Loop Meeting Room CGRM8YB 2,000 2,000 2,000 85.00 -1,915 85 -1,915 2,000 2,000 0 Work started G G G G G E&R Induction Loop Meeting Room CGRM9CB 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 427.00 -2,573 427 -2,573 3,000 3,000 0 Mark Humprhries has investigated and this is a genuine overspend, will GGGGG E&R Vestry Hall H W Pipeworks CPRM51B 0 0 0 0 7,417.29 7,417 7,417 7,417 0 7,417 7,417 look at method of funding RRRRR Provision of Staff Showers CEA713B 0 0 3,801.25 3,801 3,801 3,801 0 3,801 3,801 APPENDIX 10

Miscellaneous Debt Update January 2009

1. Introduction

1.1 This report updates CMT on the latest position with regard to miscellaneous debt; specifically focusing on debt over one year old and the action being taken (or required) to reduce the outstanding arrears.

1.2 This is a detailed report, with a “quick glance” executive summary provided in Section 7, which highlights the overall position and main considerations for the Council.

1.3 A report is provided in Section 8, detailing the total amount of all debt owed to the Council.

2. Latest arrears position – Merton’s aged debtors trial balance

2.1 A breakdown of departmental net miscellaneous debt as at 31st January 2009 is shown in Table 1 below.

Table 1 – Debtors aged trial balance – January 2009

Department 6 months 39 days to 1 year to 6 £ 1 to 2 Over 2 Total months years years arrears November £ £ £ £ £ Env & 405,724 121,148 169,875 99,127 795,874 720,455 Regeneration Corporate 102,927 47,654 21,513 27,367 199,461 142,964 Services Housing 223,791 390,967 345,388 760,991 1,721,137 1,746,677 Benefits Children, 55,540 0 0 0 55,540 14,350 Schools & Families Community & 1,365,282 647,546 413,887 805,896 3,232,611 3,161,606 Housing Chief 0 0 0 0 0 250 Executive’s Total 2,153,264 1,207,315 950,663 1,693,381 6,004,623 5,786,302

November 2,093,404 1,098,750 949,794 1,644,354 5,786,302 2008 totals Variance 59,860 108,565 869 49,027 218,321

2.1 The net current level of arrears, i.e. invoices over 39 days old, is slightly over £6m, an increase of £218,000 compared to November, when the position was last reported. However, it should be noted that the majority of this increase relates to debts less than 1 year old and not longer term debts. It should also be noted that £1.8m (£495,000 in November) of this debt is due from the PCT – see paragraph 4.5.1 for


more details. The majority of this debt relates to invoices raised in Janaury.

2.2 The Corporate Services Debt Recovery Team has collected £4.7m of arrears since 1st April 2008. (November: £4.2m)

3 The process for collection of miscellaneous debt

3.1 In considering the current levels of debt, it is important to outline the process Merton currently has in place to collect its arrears. In summary, the process has 5 stages:-

Table 2 – the process for collecting debt

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Invoice On day 30, The debt is evaluated and If the debt The final issued by after two some debt is passed to remains stage is Service requests for collection agents for resolution unpaid then consider Department payment where it is the most efficient Legal/County ation of to debtor have been course of action. The agents Court action the debt and 30 sent, a final will collect debt or agree is taken. A for write- days for warning instalment arrangements for dedicated in- off if all payment is notice is repayment. The Debt Recovery house other allowed issued and team also pursue arrears and solicitor attempts the case agree payments terms with administers to collect passed to debtors. this process. the debt the Debt have Recovery failed. team.

4 Work in progress and update on debt over one year old

4.1 This section provides further information on the amount of net debt outstanding over one year old, analysed by Department.

4.2 Please note that Chief Executive’s, Children, Schools and Families and Corporate Services (except Housing Benefits), are excluded as the level of debt over one year old in these departments is not considered material for this report but collection efforts remain fully active.

4.3 Environment and Regeneration

4.3.1 The main elements of the total net debt over one year old for the whole department can be classified as follows:-

July September November January 2008 2008 2008 2009 Rechargeable £84,000 £84,000 £82,800 £81,000 Works Highways £96,000 £51,000 £69,000 £54,000 Estates £111,000 £142,000 £134,200 £134,000 TOTAL £291,000 £277,000 £286,000 £269,000


Rechargeable Works – £81,000. These debts relate to a wide range of various works carried out by Merton where the cost is recharged, including : - Repairs to street furniture after road traffic accidents - Emergency repair works to make safe utility board’s property, such as faulty stopcocks or electricity boxes.

• £10,000 of this debt is secured by way of a charge against the debtor’s property and will be paid in the fullness of time, usually upon sale of a property. • £7,700 is being pursued by the Finance Debt Recovery Unit • £8,300 is proposed for write-off • £55,000 is owed and disputed by Utility Boards.

4.3.2 Highways : £54,000 • No action had been taken by Finance Debt Recovery Unit to recover this debt due to ongoing unresolved queries with the various Utilities Companies. A change of personnel in Highways will enable progress to be made in settling disputes and it is envisaged that more of this debt will be collectable than previously thought, although write-off of older debts still remains a possibility. • £1,200 is being pursued by the Finance Debt Recovery Unit.

4.3.3 Estates : £134,000 • £20,000 is the subject of unresolved disputes and instructions are awaited from Estates on how to proceed; • £35,000 is likely to be written off due to tenant in liquidation with no assets; • £51,000 is proposed for write-off; • £28,000 is either being paid by long-term instalment arrangements, subject to forfeiture proceedings or legal proceedings in the County Court.


Summary position for Environment and Regeneration – debt over one year old

Table 3 Environment and Regeneration Department £000 Total net debt outstanding over one year 269 Of which:- Registered as a charge against property 10 Awaiting instructions from E&R Officers 73 Subject to dispute 55 Being pursued by Finance Debt recovery, being paid by instalment or legal proceedings in the County Court 37 Proposed for immediate write-off 59 Write off likely due to tenants insolvency 35


4.4 Community and Housing

4.4.1 Total net debt over one year old is £1.220m. The main elements of this debt can be classified as follows:-

July 2008 September November January 2008 2008 2009 Community Care £572,000 £547,000 £531,000 £516,000 Financial £88,000 £83,000 £83,000 £83,000 Assessments Home Care Gifford House £264,000 £207,000 £197,000 £195,000 Residential Care Russell Road £41,000 £19,000 £19,000 0 Residential Care Other (various) £341,000 £338,000 £344,000 £427,000 TOTAL £1,306,000 £1,194,000 £1,174,000 £1,220,000

4.4.2 Community Care : £516,000 These debts relate to provision of health services, meals on wheels and support. Of this sum: • £80,000 is proposed for immediate write off. • £213,800 is subject to settlement of clients probate affairs. • £25,000 is the subject of unresolved disputes • £30,000 is registered as a charge against the debtors property • £5,000 is due for payment via the Client Financial Affairs team • £162,200 is with Finance Debt Recovery Unit


4.4.3 Financial Assessments Home Care : £83,000 These debts relate to old home care cases where the charge payable is assessed by way of a financial assessment. Of this sum: • £20,800 is with Civic and Legal Services for attempted collection. • £2,000 is proposed for immediate write off • £60,200 is with Finance Debt Recovery Unit .

4.4.4 Gifford House : £195,000 These debts are for client contributions for residential care. • £73,000 is registered as a charge against the debtors property and will be paid in due course, when the clients property is sold. • £26,000 is due for payment via the Client Financial Affairs team. • £27,000 is proposed for immediate write off. • £69,000 is with Finance Debt Recovery Unit .

4.4.5 Other (various) : £427,000

4.4.6 Work continues to administer the effective collection of Community and Housing debts. All debtors with debts over £10,000 have now had some form of action taken and these debts will be monitored regularly and consistently in the future. Debtors with a debt between £5,000 and £10,000 are now being concentrated on with a view to achieving settlement. As well as this, the residue of old debts passed to the Debt Recovery Team, where no action has ever been taken in the past are now being investigated. The value of these debts is some £400,000 and it is thought likely that many of these debts will be written off. In some cases, these debts date back to the year 2000.

Summary position for Community and Housing – net debt over one year old

Table 4 Community and Housing Department £000 Total debt outstanding over one year 1,220 Of which:- Prepared for write-off 109 Payment due from Client Financial Affairs 31 Subject to settlement of probate 213 Under investigation or being actively pursued with view to full recovery by: Civic and Legal Services 20 Finance Debt Recovery 847

TOTAL 1,220


4.5 Sutton and Merton Primary Care Trust (PCT)

4.5.1 The total net amount currently due from the PCT is £1.8m (£495,000 in November) The majority of these invoices are new, having been raised during January. The £1.8m includes £580,000 which has been paid recently, and after this report was initially prepared.

4.6 Corporate Services – Housing Benefit debt

4.6.1 Total debt over one year old is £1.106m, which can be broken down as shown in Table 5 below.

Summary position for Corporate Services – Housing Benefit - debt over one year old

Table 5 Corporate Services – Housing Benefit £000 Total debt outstanding over one year 1,106 Of which:- Actively pursued by finance debt recovery 668

Proposed for write-off 12

Referred to the Department of Works and Pensions to be 252 repaid weekly by deduction from the customers benefit

Being actively pursued by collection agents 174

TOTAL 1,106

4.6.2 Action continues to be taken in respect of the debts previously raised in the Ash Debtors system. The level of debt over one year old has reduced by £34,000 since November.

Reminder and Final notices have now been issued in respect of all invoices raised in the Housing Benefit IBS system, with further recovery action starting to be commenced if no payment is received. Reminder notices etc. will continue to be produced on a weekly basis. There are some 400 invoices, 30% of the total number, which have outstanding queries to be resolved before recovery action can be commenced. Enhancements need to be made to the IBS system to enable action to be taken through the Courts.

The collection rate in IBS has improved from 32% in November to 35.2% in January.

4.6.3 Liaison continues between the Finance Debt Recovery Unit and the Revenues and Benefits Manager to ensure the accuracy of overpayment invoices raised and resolution of queries.


5 Collection versus Targets

5.1 Challenging collection targets have been set which are monitored monthly, as below. Since November, seven of the ten targets reported have shown an increase in collection performance, with two remaining static.

Table 6 - Collection targets vs. performance as at 31st January 2009

Change Invoices between Change Change Invoices less than one since one and two years since Invoices over two since year old Nov old Nov years old Nov

% % Net % % Net % % Net Target Performance Target Performance Target Performance Commercial Waste 77 87 ▼ 100 100 ▲ 100 100 ► Social Services 79 75 ▼ 98.5 96.54 ▲ 98.5 98.6 ► Commercial Rent 80 93 ▼ 99 96.52 ▲ 99 99.54 ▼ Housing Benefit 50 29 ▲ 65 49.26 ▲ 85 86.81 ▲ All Debt 75 n/a ▼ 98 97.07 ▲ 99 98.89 ▲

6. Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts

6.1 A provision has been made available for writing off bad and doubtful debts. Clearly, every attempt is made to collect debts before write-off is considered. The current level of provision is highlighted below.

6.2 The assumptions in the creation of the Council’s provision were agreed in consultation with the Audit Commission. Merton’s methodology is to provide for :- 10% of any debt under 2 years old and 100% for any debt over 2 years old.

Merton’s provision fully satisfies this requirement and the provision is considered adequate by the Audit Commission.

Table 7 – Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts

Department Less than 2 Over 2 years Total years £ provision £ £ Env & Regeneration 315,002 74,486 389,488 Corporate Services 61,452 20,287 81,739 Housing Benefits 30,072 1,175,426 1,205,498 Children, Schools & Families 159,311 0 159,311 Community & Housing 428,632 664,338 1,092,970 Chief Executive’s 337 0 337 Total 994,806 1,934,537 2,929,343


7. Executive Summary / Conclusion

7.1 Merton’s total level of miscellaneous debt arrears i.e. invoices over 39 days old, is £6m. The net level of arrears, when the matter was last reported to CMT in November, was £5.7m.

7.2 A debtors age trial balance breaks this figure down and can be seen in Table 1 and the actions being taken or required are detailed in the body of the report.

7.3 A summary position for all miscellaneous debt over one year old as detailed in this report is provided in the table below.

7.4 The Corporate Services Debt Recovery Team has collected £4.7m of arrears since 1st April 2008. (November: £4.2m)

Table 11 - Breakdown of 1+ year old debt for all Departments

All Departments July Sept Nov Jan 2008 2008 2008 2009 £000 £000 £000 £000

Total net debt outstanding over one year 2,944 2,629 2,574 2,644 Of which:- Registered as a charge 10 10 10 113 Being actively pursued by Debt Recovery 1,963 1,775 1,772 1,738 Awaiting instructions from departments 215 211 154 73 Registered under Deferred Payment Scheme 68 73 73 0 Being repaid by Client Financial Affairs 153 46 32 31 Actively pursued by Civic & Legal Services 106 51 51 20 Subject to proceedings or repaid by instalments # # # 28 Payment being received via DWP 204 204 254 252 Cases with collection agent 110 134 115 174 Prepared for write-off* 115 125 113 215 TOTAL 2,944 2,629 2,574 2,644 *It is possible that further write-offs will be needed following review of debts by finance debt recovery. A provision for bad and doubtful debts has been provided to allow for this – see paragraph 6. # included in ‘Being actively pursued by Debt Recovery’ figure

7.5 As shown in section 6 above, the Council has a provision for bad and doubtful debts which contains a full provision of £2.9m. This is considered adequate by the Audit Commission, and a breakdown by Department in shown at 6.2.


8. Total debt due to Merton

8.1 The total amount due to Merton as at 31st January 2009 is detailed in the table below.

September 08 November 08 January 09 Miscellaneous sundry £8,182,166 £7,385,842 £9,046,523 debt Note 1 Council Tax Note 2 £ 45,011,911 £27,029,392 £10,124,211 Business Rates £ 29,200,508 £15,826,043 £2,894,701 Housing Rent £ 1,886,329 N/a £1,118,639 Car Parking £ 1,872,781 £1,865,193 £1,777,158 Total £ 86,153,695 £24,961,232

Note 1 This figure differs from the amount shown in Table 1 as it shows all debt, including that which is less than 39 days old. Note 2 The Council budgets on the basis of a 97% collection rate for council tax.

8.2 Detailed breakdowns of the Council Tax, Business Rates, Housing Rents and Car Parking figures are shown in Annex 1 to this appendix.

8.3 Annex 2 shows a breakdown of all transactions relating to miscellaneous debt for the current year. It shows the balance outstanding at the end of each month this financial year.

9. Breakdown of miscellaneous debt transactions

9.1 Annex 2 to this appendix shows a breakdown of all transactions relating to miscellaneous debt for the current year, 2008/09. Figures for IBS have only been available since July/August 2008.


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2008/09 2008/09 Savings Savings 2008/09 Achieved to Achieved to Savings date date Requirement (December) (January) SAVINGS £000 £000 £000 Chief Executive's 128 57 57

Corporate Services 1,605 1,204 1,204 Children, Schools and Families 1,888 1,530 1,530

219 Environment and Regeneration 3,282 2,501 2,744 Community and Housing 2,271 1,597 1,605

Sub TOTAL 9,174 6,889 7,140 Less : One-off savings in 2007/08 (300) (300) (300) TOTAL 8,874 6,589 6,840

Savings Categorisation

A1 Income Increase B1 Savings Efficiencies - People C1 Savings Efficiencies - Process D1 Savings Efficiencies - Procurement / Contracts E1 Savings Efficiencies - Property F1 Changes in Legislative Requirements G1 Front Line Service Reduction APPENDIX 11

January 2009 Children, Environment Chief Corporate Schools and and Community Total to Total Dec Executive's Services Families Regeneration and Housing Jan 2009 2008 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000

R 25 62 0 0 657 744 744

A 0 97 478 60 330 965 965

G 103 1,446 1,410 3,222 1,284 7,465 7,465

Total 128 1,605 1,888 3,282 2,271 9,174 9,174 220 December 2008

Children, Environment Chief Corporate Schools and and Community Total to Executive's Services Families Regeneration and Housing Dec 2008 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000

R 25 62 0 0 657 744

A 0 97 478 60 330 965

G 103 1,446 1,410 3,222 1,284 7,465

Total 128 1,605 1,888 3,282 2,271 9,174 APPENDIX 11

CHIEF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTAL SAVINGS: 2008-2009 2008/09 2008/09 Savings Savings 2008/09 Achieved Achieved Type of Savings to date to date Saving Requirement (Dec) (Jan) Ref (see key) £000 £000 £000 RAG Comments Policy, Partnership & Performance & BEST Post deleted - savings fully CES1 Research & Projects Officer B1 35 29 29 G achieved Policy, Partnership & Performance & BEST Savings in supplies and services budgets, particularly reduced design and printing costs, for example because there will be no BVPP, and other documents may be only Savings will be achieved through CES2 produced electronically. C1 15 13 13 G the year Policy, Partnership & Performance & Best Savings achieved - LAA

221 submitted. However, yet to see guidance on what the 'refresh' of the LAA will look like. Will attempt Reduction on costs of LAA consultant once second (new to keep these costs mostly in- CES3 style) LAA is completed. B1 10 8 8 G house. Corporate Communications The appointment has been Appoint a Corporate Sponsorship, Advertising and Filming CES4 Post made and the person is in Staffing A1 (35) (29) (29) post. No additional income raised so far, but it was always likely to be in the second half of the year once the new person has become familiar with the role. However, income is still short of its target and saving is unlikely to Income A1 60 0 0 R be met. APPENDIX 11

CHIEF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTAL SAVINGS: 2008-2009 2008/09 2008/09 Savings Savings 2008/09 Achieved Achieved Type of Savings to date to date Saving Requirement (Dec) (Jan) Ref (see key) £000 £000 £000 RAG Comments Safer Merton There is an existing requirement to generate £20k making a total of £63k to be achieved in 08/09. Current commitments total £59k Additional income generated by CCTV charges, advertising for 2008/09 and SLAs are being CES5 income, bids for external grants etc. agreed to draw down the money. Current negotiations confirm that the £63k will be achieved.

222 Although the original saving states CCTV charges, this part of the saving is actually against Income A1 43 36 36 G Wardens and not CCTV. Total Chief Executive's Savings for 2008-2009 128 57 57 APPENDIX 11


2008/09 2008/09 RAG Comments Savings Savings 2008/09 Achieved Achieved Ref Description of Saving Type of Savings to date to date Saving Requirement (Dec) (Jan) (see key) £000 £000 £000 Internal Audit CSS1 Review of Internal Audit team B1 34 28 28 G Post deleted, savings made Service Review CSS2 Review of Performance & Development team B1 20 17 17 G Post deleted, savings made Facilities and Security Savings achieved and the R&M Saving on the Repairs and Maintenance of Corporate budget has been reduced by the CSS3 Buildings E1 58 48 48 G appropriate amount 223 Facilities and Security The lease for Apollo House has now been relinquished and the savings on the rental payment and repairs and maintenance budgets have been made on the CSS4 Relinquish lease of Apollo House E1 81 68 68 G budgets for this year Contractors Health and Safety Scheme (CHAS) CSS5 Increased commercial activity A12622 22 G Likely to be achieved Freedom of information, Data Protection and Legal Services Not yet known if this saving will Remove Inflation, Reduce Book Budget and Professional be fully achieved, but on target as CSS6 Memberships C1 900Aat end of January Freedom of information, Data protection and Legal Services Vacant Planning Lawyer post CSS7 Review of legal team B1 47 39 39 G deleted APPENDIX 11


2008/09 2008/09 RAG Comments Savings Savings 2008/09 Achieved Achieved Ref Description of Saving Type of Savings to date to date Saving Requirement (Dec) (Jan) (see key) £000 £000 £000 Electoral Registration No activity undertaken. Negotiations underway with Chief Executive's department to ensure support for the function from new CSS8 Reduce Promotion of Democratic Participation C1 18 15 15 G growth funded post. Registration Services Charges increased. The savings

224 will be achieved when income received reaches the estimate (assuming expenditure is Charges increased for approved room services and managed within budget estimate). citizenship ceremonies and increased volume of nationality This is a demand led service with checking following investment seasonal fluctuations and no figure can be securely allocated as a saving on a monthly basis. However demand for services so CSS9 far is good. Income A11600A Efficiencies-Process C1 12 00A APPENDIX 11


2008/09 2008/09 RAG Comments Savings Savings 2008/09 Achieved Achieved Ref Description of Saving Type of Savings to date to date Saving Requirement (Dec) (Jan) (see key) £000 £000 £000 Democratic and Member Services Present Budgets reflect the reductions which were agreed, which we are working to. Democratic Services gave up a surplus on the photocopying account. This saving reflects an accrued surplus over a number of 225 Various savings including reduction in Supplies Budgets years, mainly connected with ICT CSS10 and Members Training and Development C1 17 00Radvancements.

A catering management package is being considered and will be The package includes a number of small reductions in put before the Director. Member expenditure. Some will have little or no effect on services. Services, however, has been Others will require the support of members and will have an historically under-resourced in a effect on the services currently provided by Democratic number of areas, which might Services, Members' Services and Mayor's Office Teams. D1 17 00Rneed addressing in the future. Translation Services CSS11 Increasing Interpreting and Translation Charges A11916 16 G Translation Services CSS12 Charge External Customers for Travel Time A11714 14 G Post reduction has occurred. Likely full year savings to be Merton Link achieved. CSS13 Review of Merton Link B1 40 33 33 G Revenues and Benefits CSS14 Automated Council Tax and Benefits Telephone Services C1 35 29 29 G Service no longer used APPENDIX 11


2008/09 2008/09 RAG Comments Savings Savings 2008/09 Achieved Achieved Ref Description of Saving Type of Savings to date to date Saving Requirement (Dec) (Jan) (see key) £000 £000 £000 Revenues and Benefits Automated credit/debit card Encourage the use of Direct Debit payments to replace the payments no longer available and CSS15 more expensive Debit/Credit Card payments. C1 28 00Rincrease in DD payers Revenues and Benefits CSS16 Move payment date for Business Rate Payers C1 100 83 83 G Payment date moved Revenues and Benefits CSS17 Residual Budget of an 0.6 fte Policy and Training Post B1 9 77GImplemented 226 Revenues and Benefits CSS18 Delete Vacancy in Document Management Team B1 20 17 17 G Implemented Revenues and Benefits CSS19 Reduce Training Budget B1 5 44GImplemented Revenues and Benefits Revised Payment Cash-flow - Move payment date for CSS20 Council Tax Payers C1 150 125 125 G Payment date moved Student Support CSS21 Introduction of the National On-line Application Facility F1 3 22GIn progress Corporate Finance Restructuring delayed and full saving unlikely to be met. Vacancies being held to offset CSS22 Restructuring of Service B1 60 00Adelay. Departmental Finance CSS23 Remove Supplies Inflation C1 20 17 17 G Departmental Finance CSS24 Reduction in Supplies and Services Budget C1 11 99G APPENDIX 11


2008/09 2008/09 RAG Comments Savings Savings 2008/09 Achieved Achieved Ref Description of Saving Type of Savings to date to date Saving Requirement (Dec) (Jan) (see key) £000 £000 £000 Departmental Finance

A review of the Departmental Finance structure will take Restructuring delayed but saving CSS25 place to reduce the overall level of posts. B1 91 76 76 G achieved through vacancies Departmental Finance CSS26 Full Year Effect of Top Tier Restructure B1 30 25 25 G Departmental Finance CSS27 Reduction in Audit Fees due to less Inspections C1 100 83 83 G 227 Business Solutions CSS28 Remove Budget for Consultants B1 13 11 11 G Business Solutions CSS29 Removal of Seconded post for implementation of Proactis B1 26 22 22 G Accounting & Financial Reporting Restructuring delayed but saving CSS30 Restructure of Accounting and Financial Reporting B1 172 143 143 G achieved through vacancies Human Resources CSS31 Move to On-line Recruitment Efficiencies-People B1 60 50 50 G Achieved Efficiencies-Process C1 10 88GAchieved Efficiencies-Procurement D1 10 88GAchieved Human Resources CSS32 Recruit 1 Less Graduate (Sc 6) B1 13 11 11 G Achieved Information Technology CSS33 Reduce the Fleet of Vans from 4 to 3 C1 6 55G08/09 budget reduced accordingly Information Technology CSS34 Move all Bulk Printing to the Print Room C1 8 77G08/09 budget reduced accordingly APPENDIX 11


2008/09 2008/09 RAG Comments Savings Savings 2008/09 Achieved Achieved Ref Description of Saving Type of Savings to date to date Saving Requirement (Dec) (Jan) (see key) £000 £000 £000 Information Technology CSS35 Ceasing use of Mainframe and support for Microfilming C1 79 66 66 G 08/09 budget reduced accordingly Information Technology CSS36 Review of the Systems Development Group B1 51 43 43 G 08/09 budget reduced accordingly Information Technology CSS37 Deletion of support post B1 29 24 24 G 08/09 budget reduced accordingly Information Technology Reduce the Repairs and Maintenance Budget for PCs and 228 CSS38 Servers - budget reduction only C1 35 29 29 G 08/09 budget reduced accordingly

Total Corporate Services Savings for 2008-2009 1,605 1,204 1,204 APPENDIX 11


2008/09 2008/09 Comments Savings Savings 2008/09 Achieved Achieved Type of Savings to date to date saving Requirement (Dec) (Jan) Ref Description of Saving (see key) £000 £000 £000 RAG Business Support and Senior Management Reduction in the number of Heads of Service (and secretarial Incorporated in budget and ER1 support) from four to three B1 136 128 128 G expected to be met Business Support and Senior Management Supplies & Services efficiency savings following re- Incorporated in budget and ER2 organisation C1 20 15 17 G expected to be met Business Support and Senior Management Staffing efficiencies following from restructure within the Incorporated in budget and 229 ER3 Business Support and Performance Section B1 20 15 17 G expected to be met Business Support and Senior Management Incorporated in budget and ER4 Reduction in postage costs C1 8 67Gexpected to be met Waste Operations - Street Cleansing Incorporated in budget and Reduce gully vehicles operating in the Borough from two to ER6 one G1 46 35 38 G expected to be met Waste Operations - Street Cleansing Incorporated in budget and ER7 Remove Grab vehicle involved in fly tip collection G1 50 38 42 G expected to be met Waste Operations Improved management of staff resource and the use of Incorporated in budget and ER8 agency staff. B1 10 88Gexpected to be met Environmental Enforcement Incorporated in budget and ER9 Stop removing untaxed vehicles G1 83 62 69 G expected to be met Environmental Enforcement Contract and equipment savings in reactive graffiti Incorporated in budget and ER10 enforcement measures G1 153 115 128 G expected to be met Environmental Enforcement Incorporated in budget and

ER11 Reduction of 1 Level 3 manager post within Waste Services B1 57 43 48 G expected to be met APPENDIX 11


2008/09 2008/09 Comments Savings Savings 2008/09 Achieved Achieved Type of Savings to date to date saving Requirement (Dec) (Jan) Ref Description of Saving (see key) £000 £000 £000 RAG Grass Cutting and Street Maintenance Incorporated in budget and ER12 Reduction in Grass Cutting frequency G1 20 15 17 G expected to be met Grass Cutting and Street Maintenance Incorporated in budget and ER13 Reduction in Shrub Maintenance frequency G1 10 88Gexpected to be met Grass Cutting and Street Maintenance Incorporated in budget and ER14 Re-organisation of tree maintenance regime C1 10 88Gexpected to be met Highway Maintenance Reduction in planned footway maintenance budgets - offset 230 by capital funding. There will be a major impact if capital Incorporated in budget and ER15 funding is not available. G1 500 375 417 G expected to be met Highway Maintenance Incorporated in budget and ER16 Reduction in planned Street Furniture maintenance G1 136 102 113 G expected to be met Street Lighting Incorporated in budget and ER17 Savings in Electricity Supply Contract D1 25 19 21 G expected to be met Street Lighting Incorporated in budget and ER18 Reduction in the frequency of bulk changing of lanterns G1 20 15 17 G expected to be met Traffic & Parking Management Incorporated in budget and ER19 Surveys budget reduced by 15% G1 1 11Gexpected to be met Traffic & Parking Management Incorporated in budget and ER20 Delete half an engineering post. G1 25 19 21 G expected to be met Trading Standards Incorporated in budget and ER21 Rationalisation of Supplies and Service budgets G1 10 88Gexpected to be met Trading Standards Incorporated in budget and ER22 Reduction of establishment - 1 fte - redundancy G1 37 28 31 G expected to be met Environmental Health (Commercial) Incorporated in budget and ER23 Rationalisation of Supplies and Services budgets G1 10 88Gexpected to be met APPENDIX 11


2008/09 2008/09 Comments Savings Savings 2008/09 Achieved Achieved Type of Savings to date to date saving Requirement (Dec) (Jan) Ref Description of Saving (see key) £000 £000 £000 RAG Licensing Incorporated in budget and ER24 Restructure - Deletion of Section Head post B1 40 30 33 G expected to be met Licensing Incorporated in budget and ER25 Restructure - Deletion of Senior Administrative post B1 25 19 21 G expected to be met Building Control Introduce mobile working scope to reduce staff by 1 fte. B1 40 30 33 G May initially impact on delivering service whilst mobile Incorporated in budget and ER26 working is introduced. expected to be met 231 On and Off Street Parking Explore option for a partnership approach to parking enforcement. Implementation part way through the year. This will require market testing and the saving cannot be Incorporated in budget and ER27 guaranteed. D1 100 75 83 G expected to be met Parking and Traffic Management, Highways A review will be undertaken of the existing organisational structure in the above areas including the possibility of a Incorporated in budget and ER28 consultancy partnership arrangement. B1 55 41 46 G expected to be met Transport Planning Incorporated in budget and ER29 Reduction in the use of consultants G1 10 88Gexpected to be met Safety Education Incorporated in budget and ER30 Saving in miscellaneous materials G1 5 44Gexpected to be met Plans and Projects Incorporated in budget and ER31 Deletion of 1 fte - Design & Conservation G1 50 38 42 G expected to be met Plans and Projects A reduction in expert listed building and conservation advice Incorporated in budget and ER32 to DC G1 8 67Gexpected to be met APPENDIX 11


2008/09 2008/09 Comments Savings Savings 2008/09 Achieved Achieved Type of Savings to date to date saving Requirement (Dec) (Jan) Ref Description of Saving (see key) £000 £000 £000 RAG Plans and Projects Incorporated in budget and ER33 Deletion of 1 fte G1 30 23 25 G expected to be met Plans and Projects Commission internal (corporate) Research & Information for Incorporated in budget and ER34 Annual Monitor Report and evidence base G1 10 88Gexpected to be met Plans and Projects Scale down programme for Conservation Area Character Incorporated in budget and ER35 Appraisals and Management Plans G1 10 88Gexpected to be met 232 Partnerships Substitute Annual Grant to Merton Chamber of Commerce Incorporated in budget and ER36 with LABGI funds D1 36 27 30 G expected to be met Partnerships Incorporated in budget and ER37 Reduction in activities budget for business support D1 5 44Gexpected to be met

Voluntary Sector Funding (Including ALG Grant Scheme) Grants made directly to various voluntary sector bodies will Incorporated in budget and ER38 be frozen at 2007-8 levels - no increase for inflation will be D1 23 17 19 G expected to be met Property Management and Review Incorporated in budget and

ER39 Section reorganisation to enhance valuation/disposal service B1 5 44Gexpected to be met Leisure Operations and Lettings Incorporated in budget and ER40 Capitalising staff time working on schemes C1 34 26 28 G expected to be met Leisure Operations and Lettings Incorporated in budget and

ER41 Reduction in premises and supplies budgets (Development) C1 10 88Gexpected to be met Leisure Operations and Lettings Incorporated in budget and ER42 Reduction in premises and supplies budgets (Parks) C1 10 88Gexpected to be met APPENDIX 11


2008/09 2008/09 Comments Savings Savings 2008/09 Achieved Achieved Type of Savings to date to date saving Requirement (Dec) (Jan) Ref Description of Saving (see key) £000 £000 £000 RAG Leisure Operations and Lettings To discuss alternative working arrangements for MSJCB - Incorporated in budget and ER43 may not be practicable for 2008-9 D1 20 15 17 G expected to be met Leisure Operations and Lettings Ensure MSJCB are fully recharged for all office services Incorporated in budget and ER44 supplied by LBM C1 26 20 22 G expected to be met Leisure Centres Reduction in supporting expenditure underpinning client Incorporated in budget and 233 ER45 functions of leisure contract C1 19 14 16 G expected to be met Leisure Centres Incorporated in budget and ER46 Saving from new Leisure Centre contract D1 40 30 33 G expected to be met Arts Development Incorporated in budget and

ER47 Reduction in partner funding and delivery of Arts products. G1 13 10 11 G expected to be met Waste Management Approx increase of 10% for chargeable activities within Incorporated in budget and ER48 commercial waste collection A1 120 90 100 G expected to be met Pest Control Incorporated in budget and ER49 Approx 5% increase in Pest Control fees A12015 17 G expected to be met Waste Operations Approx 5% increase in ad hoc cleaning fees (Streets) to Incorporated in budget and ER50 various third parties. A1 30 23 25 G expected to be met Waste Operations Approx 5% increase in ad hoc cleaning fees (Buildings) to Incorporated in budget and ER51 various third parties. A1 21 16 18 G expected to be met APPENDIX 11


2008/09 2008/09 Comments Savings Savings 2008/09 Achieved Achieved Type of Savings to date to date saving Requirement (Dec) (Jan) Ref Description of Saving (see key) £000 £000 £000 RAG Environmental Enforcement Income from fixed penalty notices - increase relates to Incorporated in budget and ER52 volume expected. A1 3 22Gexpected to be met Street Markets Incorporated in budget and ER53 5% increase in fee levels A1433Gexpected to be met Highway Maintenance Incorporated in budget and Increase income from various fees within the Highway ER54 service A1 27 20 23 G expected to be met 234 Highway Maintenance Incorporated in budget and ER55 5% increase in fee levels - recovery of contractors costs A1111Gexpected to be met Rechargeable Works Incorporated in budget and ER56 5% increase in the charge for footway crossovers A1544Gexpected to be met Traffic & Parking Management Incorporated in budget and ER57 Review of TfL fees A11713 14 G expected to be met Traffic & Parking Management Incorporated in budget and ER59 Increased income from temporary traffic management A1322Gexpected to be met Traffic & Parking Management Incorporated in budget and ER60 Charge for traffic management at special events. A11310 11 G expected to be met Traffic & Parking Management 5% increase in costs for temporary traffic management Incorporated in budget and ER61 orders and related activity A1 1 11Gexpected to be met Environmental Health (Commercial) Incorporated in budget and 10% increase in the fees for food hygiene courses and ER62 similar A1 1 11Gexpected to be met Env Health (Housing/Environmental) Incorporated in budget and ER63 Approx 5% increase in fees for EPA and other related fees A1 3 22Gexpected to be met APPENDIX 11


2008/09 2008/09 Comments Savings Savings 2008/09 Achieved Achieved Type of Savings to date to date saving Requirement (Dec) (Jan) Ref Description of Saving (see key) £000 £000 £000 RAG Licensing Incorporated in budget and ER64 12% increase in discretionary Licensing fees. A1222Gexpected to be met Building Control Increase in projected income from BC charges and search Incorporated in budget and ER65 enquiries allowing 5% increase A1 41 31 34 G expected to be met Development Control Incorporated in budget and ER66 Increase the scope of pre-application charging. A14332 36 G expected to be met Development Control May now be difficult to fully 235 achieve due to the economic ER67 Increased Income from Planning Application Fees A16045 45 A circumstances. On & Off Street Parking Incorporated in budget and ER68 Revised fees for parking activity across all areas. A1 496 372 413 G expected to be met Plans and Projects Incorporated in budget and ER69 Charging for high level advice provided by the team A1433Gexpected to be met Vestry Hall Incorporated in budget and ER70 Further increases in income from tenants, lettings etc A1544Gexpected to be met Property Management and Review Incorporated in budget and Increase in fees for work undertaken within the Property ER71 Section A1 75 56 63 G expected to be met Leisure Operations and Lettings Incorporated in budget and ER72 Allotments approx 8% increase in the annual fees A1222Gexpected to be met Leisure Operations and Lettings Increase in fees for burial services (higher increases for non- Incorporated in budget and ER73 residents) A1 30 23 25 G expected to be met APPENDIX 11


2008/09 2008/09 Comments Savings Savings 2008/09 Achieved Achieved Type of Savings to date to date saving Requirement (Dec) (Jan) Ref Description of Saving (see key) £000 £000 £000 RAG Leisure Operations and Lettings Incorporated in budget and ER74 5% increase in fees for Leisure activities in Parks A12821 23 G expected to be met Leisure Operations and Lettings Incorporated in budget and ER75 10 % increase in fees for events within Parks A11310 11 G expected to be met Leisure Development Incorporated in budget and

ER76 10 % increase in fees for Leisure Development Programmes A1 7 56Gexpected to be met Leisure Operations & Lettings Incorporated in budget and 236 ER77 5% increase in fees at Wimbledon Sailing Base A1978Gexpected to be met Waste Operations - Refuse Collection Reduction of 1 Refuse Operative on both Patch 2 (North Incorporated in budget and ER78 Wimbledon) & 4 ( Raynes Park, New Malden) B1 36 27 30 G expected to be met Environmental Enforcement Incorporated in budget and Rationalisation of activities across Abandoned ER79 Vehicles/Graffiti B1 28 21 23 G expected to be met Waste Operations Incorporated in budget and ER80 Reduction in the cost of uniforms D1 7 56Gexpected to be met Waste Operations Incorporated in budget and ER81 Saving from July 07 WEEE introduction D1 10 88Gexpected to be met Waste Operations/Enforcement Incorporated in budget and ER82 Increased receipts from higher scrap prices A1 18 14 15 G expected to be met Waste Operations Efficiency savings in the publicity budget for commercial Incorporated in budget and ER83 waste customers C1 4 33Gexpected to be met APPENDIX 11


2008/09 2008/09 Comments Savings Savings 2008/09 Achieved Achieved Type of Savings to date to date saving Requirement (Dec) (Jan) Ref Description of Saving (see key) £000 £000 £000 RAG Waste Operations Incorporated in budget and ER84 Efficiency savings for wheeled bin maintenance D1 2 22Gexpected to be met Environmental Enforcement Success of the Alleygate Scheme led to decrease in the need Incorporated in budget and ER85 for Fly Tip clearance D1 7 56Gexpected to be met Waste Operations - Street Cleansing Rationalisation of usage of small street sweeping machines Incorporated in budget and ER86 and renegotiation with utility provider. C1 71 53 59 G expected to be met 237 Environmental Enforcement Incorporated in budget and ER87 Review of various animal enforcement issues. C1 4 33Gexpected to be met TOTAL Environment and Regeneration Savings for 2008/09 3,282 2,501 2,744 APPENDIX 11


2008/09 2008/09 RAG Comments 2008/09 Savings Savings Type of Savings Achieved Achieved Ref Description of Saving saving Requirement to date to date (see key) £000 (Dec) (Jan) £000 £000 Senior Management CSF1 Reduction in use of consultants and reduction in supplies and services. C1 91 68 68 G Community Support and Social Care Service CSF2 Reduce Family Support commissioning budget G1 50 37 37 G Community Support and Social Care Service CSF3 Commissioning budget savings G1 50 37 37 G Looked after Children, Permanency and Placements 238 CSF4 Efficiency in the use of Allowances budget for adoption, special guardianship and residence orders G1 30 23 23 G Looked after Children, Permanency and Placements CSF5 Reduction of fostering budget G1 30 23 23 G Looked after Children, Permanency and Placements CSF6 Removal of budget for secure accommodation G1 35 23 23 G Looked after Children, Permanency and Placements CSF7 Change in commissioning arrangements for children in care. The cost of their education will be appropriately met from general education budgets. C1 284 200 200 A Safeguarding and Partnerships CSF8 Reorganisation of the current roles for listening to children and corporate parenting G1 80 60 60 G Safeguarding and Partnerships CSF9 Cessation of trainee social work and employee based training routes B1 76 25 25 A Youth and Inclusion CSF10 Offsetting of proposed £81,000 growth in the youth service from the proposed Youth Service Grant G1 81 81 81 G APPENDIX 11


2008/09 2008/09 RAG Comments 2008/09 Savings Savings Type of Savings Achieved Achieved Ref Description of Saving saving Requirement to date to date (see key) £000 (Dec) (Jan) £000 £000 Policy, Planning and Performance CSF11 Delete Policy and Planning Officer post B1 44 44 44 G Joint Commissioning and Partnerships CSF12 Efficiencies in the supplies and services budget C1 3 33G Joint Commissioning and Partnerships CSF13 Reduction in level of training to support the rollout of 'Hear by Rights' in schools C1 7 77G Contracts Procurement and School Organisation 239 CSF14 Delete 0.5fte Admin Assistant post by use of efficiency B1 12 12 12 G Contracts Procurement and School Organisation CSF15 Third party payments in Premises and Contracts budget C1 17 17 17 G Contract Procurement and School Organisation CSF16 Delete 0.5fte Contracts Officer post B1 20 20 20 G ICT and Business Support CSF17 Transfer ICT & Business Support Manager (Schools) salary costs to appropriate education budget. C1 51 51 51 G ICT and Business Support CSF18 Delete 1.0fte Social Care Business Support Post B1 40 30 30 G ICT and Business Support CSF19 Efficiency in the supplies and services budget C1 13 10 10 G Extended Schools CSF20 Use of grant funding to subsidise posts G1 40 40 40 G Early Years & Children's Centres CSF21 Subsume Playcare miscellaneous rent into General Surestart Grant C1 8 88G APPENDIX 11


2008/09 2008/09 RAG Comments 2008/09 Savings Savings Type of Savings Achieved Achieved Ref Description of Saving saving Requirement to date to date (see key) £000 (Dec) (Jan) £000 £000 Early Years & Children's Centres CSF22 Subsume Merton Toy Library expenditure into General Surestart Grant C1 10 10 10 G Early Years & Children's Centres CSF23 Reduce LA funding subsidy to Lavender Early Years daycare unit in line with all other day care providers. G1 78 78 78 G Special Educational Needs CSF24 Deletion of 1.0 senior post in family support team B1 70 52 52 G 240 Special Educational Needs CSF25 Deletion of 0.5 post in admin B1 10 77G Special Educational Needs CSF26 Deletion of Inclusions Officer post. G1 30 23 23 G Special Educational Needs CSF27 0.5 Educational Psychology post B1 30 10 10 A Special Educational Needs CSF28 SEN Transport reduction C1 50 12 12 A Other Education Budgets CSF29 Post 16 SEN Transport C1 38 99A Across 3 Decision Packages under Social Care & Youth Inclusion CSF30 Forgoing of Social Worker's pay growth year 2 (300k already used to address the issue in current year) B1 300 300 300 G School Standards & Quality CSF31 Forgoing elements of growth in Improving Standards in G1 50 50 50 G Other Education Budgets CSF32 Forgoing growth - expanding Pupil Referral Unit C1 60 60 60 G APPENDIX 11


2008/09 2008/09 RAG Comments 2008/09 Savings Savings Type of Savings Achieved Achieved Ref Description of Saving saving Requirement to date to date (see key) £000 (Dec) (Jan) £000 £000 Other Education Budgets CSF33 Reduction of the Education Psychology Service down to only providing minimum statutory services from the LA budget. B1 100 100 100 G Total Children, Schools and Families Savings for 2008- 2009 1,888 1,530 1,530 241 APPENDIX 11

COMMUNITY AND HOUSING DEPARTMENTAL SAVINGS: 2008-2009 2008/09 2008/09 2008/09 RAG Comments Type of Savings Savings Savings Ref saving Achieved to Achieved to Requirement (see key) date (Dec) date (Jan) £000 £000 £000 Community & Housing Support CHS1 Reduce Community & Housing Support by approximately Specific budgets have been 4 posts adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly B1 90 90 90 G budgetary control. Learning Disabilities - Other CHS2 Management Restructure B1 45 33 33 A Delay in restructuring the service Learning Disabilities - Other CHS3 Officer Restructure Specific budgets have been 242 adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly B1 20 20 20 G budgetary control. Learning Disabilities - Other CHS4 Reduce Budget for Move On Equipment and Charitable Specific budgets have been Funds adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly G1 26 26 26 G budgetary control. Learning Disabilities - Placements CHS5 Reduce the numbers of people provided with Residential For 2008/2009 on target to reduce Care by 10 in 2008/9 and 30 in 2009/10 and reprovide with residential numbers by 10. supported living However, there is a problem identifying suitable housing properties. Although the budget is overspent, the corporate contingency has been earmarked D1 50 50 50 G for this. APPENDIX 11

COMMUNITY AND HOUSING DEPARTMENTAL SAVINGS: 2008-2009 2008/09 2008/09 2008/09 RAG Comments Type of Savings Savings Savings Ref saving Achieved to Achieved to Requirement (see key) date (Dec) date (Jan) £000 £000 £000 Learning Disabilities - Placements CHS6 Introduce Individual Budgets Placement budgets have been adjusted for this saving. Progress is monitored as part of monthly C1 50 00Rbudgetary control. Learning Disabilities - Placements CHS7 Offer zero uplift to contracts for inflation Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. There is a risk that inflation will need to be

243 provided as a result of contractual D1 50 35 33 A agreements. Learning Disabilities - Pooled Budget Merton Contribution to Day Care CHS8 Reprovide Transport to Day Opportunities Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly D1 100 100 100 G budgetary control. Learning Disabilities - Pooled Budget Merton Contribution to Day Care CHS9 Relocate Weir Road Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. Progress E1 20 20 20 G is monitored as part of monthly Learning Disabilities - Pooled Budget Merton Contribution to Day Care CHS10 Reduce staff across 3 centres by approximately 3-4 fte Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly G1 75 75 75 G budgetary control. APPENDIX 11

COMMUNITY AND HOUSING DEPARTMENTAL SAVINGS: 2008-2009 2008/09 2008/09 2008/09 RAG Comments Type of Savings Savings Savings Ref saving Achieved to Achieved to Requirement (see key) date (Dec) date (Jan) £000 £000 £000 Mental Health - Other CHS11 Review Housing Support Team Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. Progress B1 15 15 15 G is monitored as part of monthly Mental Health - Placements CHS12 Give back growth money for 2008/2009 Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly C1 204 204 204 G budgetary control. 244 Mental Health - Placements CHS13 Offer zero uplift to contracts for inflation Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. There is a risk that inflation will need to be provided as a result of contractual D1 50 50 50 G agreements. Mental Health - Vocational/Outreach/Rehabilitation CHS14 Regrade Team Manager Post Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly B1 3 33Gbudgetary control. Mental Health - Vocational/Outreach/Rehabilitation CHS15 Give back growth money for 2008/2009 Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly C1 47 47 47 G budgetary control. APPENDIX 11

COMMUNITY AND HOUSING DEPARTMENTAL SAVINGS: 2008-2009 2008/09 2008/09 2008/09 RAG Comments Type of Savings Savings Savings Ref saving Achieved to Achieved to Requirement (see key) date (Dec) date (Jan) £000 £000 £000 Older People - Day Care CHS16 Reconfiguration of Day Services Substitute: Original saving was replaced by reduction in staff cost. The budget was adjusted and progress monitored through C1 25 00Rmonthly budgetary control. Older People - Day Care CHS17 Reprovide Transport to Day Opportunities Saving was put against Older People transport budget and is 245 currently overspending by the full D1 25 00Rsaving amount. Older People - Day Care CHS18 Merton Mind Contract - Joint Tender with Mental Health Specific budgets have been Trust adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly D1 70 70 70 G budgetary control. Older People - General CHS19 Re-Engineering Care Management Processes Resulting Savings worth £69k still need to in Staffing Saving C1 100 31 31 A be specified. Older People - General CSH20 Voluntary Sector Grants NB: affects ALL care groups. Specific budgets have been Placed here for ease. adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly D1 85 63 63 A budgetary control. APPENDIX 11

COMMUNITY AND HOUSING DEPARTMENTAL SAVINGS: 2008-2009 2008/09 2008/09 2008/09 RAG Comments Type of Savings Savings Savings Ref saving Achieved to Achieved to Requirement (see key) date (Dec) date (Jan) £000 £000 £000 Older People - In House Home Care/Meals/etc. CHS21 Implementation of Reablement Service to reduce costs of Specific budgets have been Home Care and costs of Placement adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly C1 125 125 125 G budgetary control. Older People - Placements CHS22 Implementation of Reablement Service to reduce costs of Substitute: Reablement Home Care and costs of Placement Programme delayed. Saving will C1 70 70 70 G be generated from staffing. 246 Older People - Placements CSH23 Efficiencies in external commissioning Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. There is a risk that inflation will need to be provided as a result of contractual D1 300 84 106 R agreements. Occupational Therapy CHS24 Delete vacant posts Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly B1 50 50 50 G budgetary control. Physical Disabilities - In House Day Care CHS25 Reconfiguration of Day Services Substitute: Original saving was replaced by reduction in staff cost. The budget was adjusted and progress monitored through C1 25 00Rmonthly budgetary control. APPENDIX 11

COMMUNITY AND HOUSING DEPARTMENTAL SAVINGS: 2008-2009 2008/09 2008/09 2008/09 RAG Comments Type of Savings Savings Savings Ref saving Achieved to Achieved to Requirement (see key) date (Dec) date (Jan) £000 £000 £000 Physical Disabilities - Placements CHS26 Review all Residential Placements with a view to Placements are continually reproviding with more cost effective placements reviewed to ensure their cost effectiveness. Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as D1 70 70 70 G part of monthly budgetary control. Physical Disabilities - In House Day Care CHS27 Reprovide Transport to Day Opportunities Saving was put against Older

247 People transport budget and is currently overspending by the full D1 25 00Rsaving amount. Physical Disabilities - Placements CHS28 Offer zero uplift to contracts for inflation Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. There is a risk that inflation will need to be provided as a result of contractual D1 50 49 37 A agreements. Housing General Fund CHS29 Reduce the Directorate running costs Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly C1 6 66Gbudgetary control. Housing General Fund CHS30 Reduce grants to Voluntary Organisations Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly D1 4 44Gbudgetary control. APPENDIX 11

COMMUNITY AND HOUSING DEPARTMENTAL SAVINGS: 2008-2009 2008/09 2008/09 2008/09 RAG Comments Type of Savings Savings Savings Ref saving Achieved to Achieved to Requirement (see key) date (Dec) date (Jan) £000 £000 £000 Housing General Fund CHS31 Delete 0.5 fte Case Worker Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly B1 16 16 16 G budgetary control. Housing General Fund CHS32 Delete Development Officer Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly

248 B1 29 29 29 G budgetary control. Libraries and Heritage CHS33 Forgo growth from 2006/2007 Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly B1,C1 61 61 61 G budgetary control. Libraries and Heritage CHS34 Home Visits run by volunteers Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly B1 42 42 42 G budgetary control. Libraries and Heritage CHS35 Charge for Local/Heritage Enquiries Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly A1 2 22Gbudgetary control. APPENDIX 11

COMMUNITY AND HOUSING DEPARTMENTAL SAVINGS: 2008-2009 2008/09 2008/09 2008/09 RAG Comments Type of Savings Savings Savings Ref saving Achieved to Achieved to Requirement (see key) date (Dec) date (Jan) £000 £000 £000 Libraries and Heritage CHS36 Property leasing income Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly E1 6 66Gbudgetary control. Various Day Care CHS37 Inflationary increase (3.9%) in charges. Cannot gauge how much income will be generated until billing starts A1 4 22 22 G for 2008/09

249 Various Home Care CHS38 Inflationary Increase (3.9%) in charges. A1 65 00RReduction of 58 clients Mascot - Decision Package CHS39 Inflationary increase (3.9%) in charges. A11919 19 G Various Meals CHS40 Inflationary increase (3.9%) in charges. Increase based on assumption that 2007/08 budgets were A1 14 00Rachievable. This is incorrect. Various Nursing Homes CHS41 Inflationary increase (2.2%) - Nationally set in charges. Clients contributing have been A1 55 00Rreduced from 240 to 219 Various Residential Homes CHS42 Inflationary increase (2.2%) - Nationally set in charges. Clients contributing have been A1 68 00Rreduced from 387 to 374 Various Other CHS43 Inflationary increase (3.9%) in charges. Increase based on assumption that 2007/08 budgets were A1 5 00Rachievable. This is incorrect. APPENDIX 11

COMMUNITY AND HOUSING DEPARTMENTAL SAVINGS: 2008-2009 2008/09 2008/09 2008/09 RAG Comments Type of Savings Savings Savings Ref saving Achieved to Achieved to Requirement (see key) date (Dec) date (Jan) £000 £000 £000 Housing General Fund CHS44 Caravan Site estimated Rent Restructuring increase Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly A1 3 33Gbudgetary control. Housing General Fund CHS45 Other increases Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly 250 A1 1 11Gbudgetary control. Libraries and Heritage CHS46 Inflationary increase in charges, up to 5% Specific budgets have been adjusted for the savings. Progress is monitored as part of monthly A1 6 66Gbudgetary control.

Total Community and Housing Savings for 2008-2009 2,271 1,597 1,605