List of Public and Private Sector Partnership Contracts

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List of Public and Private Sector Partnership Contracts LIST OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTOR PARTNERSHIP CONTRACTS Period – contracts concluded until 1 January 20211 No. PPP contract Form of Area of PPP Object of Private Entry Contract End of a End of a PPP implementing PPP contract PPP partner into extension contract contract contract authority contract contract force date date date after term in date of contract years the PPP extension (together contract (if with the extended) extension if extended) Local government PPP contracts 1. Akmenė Concession Utilization, recycling Utilisation and PI Šiauliai 24 May 28 31 December 31 December 20 Municipality and management of management of Region Waste 2006 December 2020 2025 waste waste services Management 2020 in Akmenė Centre Municipality 2. Birštonas Concession Health infrastructure Transfer of “Korio vaistinė” 1 October 31 August Municipality municipality UAB (later 2000 2011 enterprise “Apotheka “Birštono vaistinė” UAB) 1 Note: contracts that are terminated or invalid are indicated using Italic font. No. PPP contract Form of Area of PPP Object of Private Entry Contract End of a End of a PPP implementing PPP contract PPP partner into extension contract contract contract authority contract contract force date date date after term in date of contract years the PPP extension (together contract (if with the extended) extension if extended) vaistinė” to concessionaire 3. Biržai District Concession Energy, including Renovation and “Litesko” UAB 1 August 30 April 2034 31 Municipality heat and electric modernization 2003 energy, oil and of Biržai natural gas heating supply extraction, system objects transmission, and heating distribution, supply supply to Biržai, Nemunėlis, Radviliškis and Rinkuškiai 4. Biržai District Concession Energy, including Construction, “Lenauda” UAB 5 October 5 October 30 Municipality heat and electric maintenance 2005 2035 energy, oil and and natural gas administration extraction, services of transmission, heating supply distribution, supply system objects and heating supply to Pabiržė Secondary School and 12 multi-apartment No. PPP contract Form of Area of PPP Object of Private Entry Contract End of a End of a PPP implementing PPP contract PPP partner into extension contract contract contract authority contract contract force date date date after term in date of contract years the PPP extension (together contract (if with the extended) extension if extended) buildings in Biržai District, Pabiržė 5. Druskininkai Concession Culture, sports, Installation of UAB 15 June 16 June 2034 25 Municipality leisure facilities, the closed „Druskininkų 2009 equipment and other mountain ski sveikatinimo ir poilsio centras infrastructure area in AQUA“ Druskininkai under technical project and carrying out of economic activities therein 6. Jurbarkas Concession Utilization, recycling The Tauragė Region 15 June 16 April 30 April 2019 1 May 2027 18 District and management of concessionaire Waste 2009 2019 Municipality waste is assigned to Management be the operator Centre UAB of the municipal waste management system in Jurbarkas District No. PPP contract Form of Area of PPP Object of Private Entry Contract End of a End of a PPP implementing PPP contract PPP partner into extension contract contract contract authority contract contract force date date date after term in date of contract years the PPP extension (together contract (if with the extended) extension if extended) 7. Jurbarkas Concession Public transport Organisation Jurbarko 29 August 1 August 2010 District infrastructure and autobusų parkas 2005 Municipality implementation UAB of shuttle transport to school, home, other places where informal education activities are organised in Jurbarkas District 8. Kalvarija Concession Energy, including Objects of “Didma” UAB 24 31 May 2024 15 Municipality heat and electric heating December energy, oil and infrastructure 2008 natural gas extraction, transmission, distribution, supply 9. Kaunas City Concession Roads, bridges, Design, „Čiurlionio tiltas“ 6 6 November 25 Municipality tunnels, parking and construction, UAB, „Šilutės November 2031 other road transport maintenance automobilių 2006 keliai“ UAB, infrastructure and exploitation „Hidrostatyba“ of the transport laiduotoja UAB unit of the left No. PPP contract Form of Area of PPP Object of Private Entry Contract End of a End of a PPP implementing PPP contract PPP partner into extension contract contract contract authority contract contract force date date date after term in date of contract years the PPP extension (together contract (if with the extended) extension if extended) bridgehead of M.K. Čiurlionis bridge 10. Kaunas City Concession Culture, sports, Administration PI Kauno 4 March 4 March 2035 25 Municipality leisure facilities, and use of „Žalgirio“ 2010 equipment and other Kaunas Leisure rėmėjas infrastructure and Sports Arena in Nemunas island, Kaunas City 11. Kaunas City Concession Roads, bridges, Design, „Kamesta“ UAB 5 31 October Municipality tunnels, parking and construction, December 2031 (In 2018 other road transport maintenance 2005 the contract was infrastructure and operation terminated) of Vytautas Didysis bridge junction and the left bank of river Nemunas mounting 12. Kaunas City Concession Public transport Instalment of „Reklamos arka“ 9 9 September 20 Municipality infrastructure sheds for public UAB September 2035 transport stops 2015 in Kaunas City No. PPP contract Form of Area of PPP Object of Private Entry Contract End of a End of a PPP implementing PPP contract PPP partner into extension contract contract contract authority contract contract force date date date after term in date of contract years the PPP extension (together contract (if with the extended) extension if extended) 13. Kaunas City Concession Culture, sports, Administration „Sporto 2 July 2 July 2025 10 Municipality leisure facilities, and use of infrastruktūra“ 2015 equipment and other entertainment UAB, „Klaipėdos arena“ UAB infrastructure part of “Girstutis” Cultural and Sports Arena, Kaunas City 14. Kaunas City Authority- Improving the Design, „Nullus“ UAB 31 30 September 15 Municipality pays PPP infrastructure of construction, September 2035 educational reconstruction 2020 institutions and provision of services in Kaunas district schools and swimming pool 15. Kelmė District Concession Utilization, recycling Utilization and PI Šiauliai 20 17 31 December 31 December 19 Municipality and management of management of Region Waste September December 2020 2025 waste waste services Management 2006 2020 in Kelmė Centre Municipality 16. Kelmė District Concession Energy, including Modernization, „Litesko“ UAB 19 1 June 2030 30 Municipality heat and electric renovation of September energy, oil and heating 2000 natural gas infrastructure extraction, and heat energy transmission, supply of distribution, supply Kelmė district No. PPP contract Form of Area of PPP Object of Private Entry Contract End of a End of a PPP implementing PPP contract PPP partner into extension contract contract contract authority contract contract force date date date after term in date of contract years the PPP extension (together contract (if with the extended) extension if extended) 17. Kėdainiai Concession Energy, including Heating supply „Panevėžio 7 24 April 8 December 29 District heat and electric to Šėta, energija” UAB December 2020 2035 Municipality energy, oil and Gudžiūnai and 2006 „Panevėžio energija“ AB natural gas Truskava will take extraction, schools over the transmission, heating distribution, supply infrastructure of Šeta gymnasium and Truskava school as a property contribution for shares 18. Kėdainiai Concession Energy, including Heating supply „Sigma Solar“ 9 August Till 29,400 25 District heat and electric to Lančiūnava UAB 2002 Mwh heating Municipality energy, oil and village energy will be purchased natural gas extraction, transmission, distribution, supply 19. Kėdainiai Concession Energy, including Heating supply „Sigma Solar“ 5 July 28 April Till 24,937 25 District heat and electric to Pelėdnagiai UAB 2001 2017 Mwh heat Municipality energy, oil and village Council energy will be decision purchased natural gas No. TS-96 Invested and extraction, energy is a “Panevėžio No. PPP contract Form of Area of PPP Object of Private Entry Contract End of a End of a PPP implementing PPP contract PPP partner into extension contract contract contract authority contract contract force date date date after term in date of contract years the PPP extension (together contract (if with the extended) extension if extended) transmission, property energija” AB distribution, supply contribution was for shares transferred for shares 20. Kėdainiai Concession Tourist attractions, Granting of the „Investicinių 8 8 December District equipment and other permit to carry projektų December 2035 Municipality infrastructure out the vystymas“UAB 2010 (didn‘t economic enter into activities force)) related to the reconstruction of Apylaukis homestead manor and Apylaukis homestead tower, arrangement of Apylaukis park, adjustment of the mentioned objects for tourism and business, equipment of the museum and information No. PPP contract Form of Area of PPP Object of Private Entry Contract End of a End of a PPP implementing PPP contract PPP partner into extension contract contract contract authority contract contract force date date date after term in date of contract years the PPP extension (together contract (if with the extended) extension if extended) centre, hotels, restaurant (cafeteria), maintenance of all objects according to the terms
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