RVB ENTREPRENEURS With microfinance, help promote economic ventures in the slums and remote, undeveloped regions. ENTREPRENEURS CMJN With microcredit, savings, and training, Entrepreneurs du Monde helps thousands of underprivileged men and women in developing countries to establish their own income-generating activity. 29, rue Ladmirault – F-86000 Poitiers - Tel. : +33 - Fax : +33 Internet : www.entrepreneursdumonde.org - Mail :
[email protected] RVB ENTREPRENEURS 2 “Granting loans to the poorest people provides them with an opportunityENTREPRENEURS to CMJN develop an economic activity, which helps them recognise their own ability to generate income, shows them that success is possible, and puts them on the path to economic, social, and human development.” RVB ENTREPRENEURS 3 ENTREPRENEURS CMJN Entrepreneurs du Monde (“Entrepreneurs of the World”) is a French-based international solidarity organisation created in 1998. We intercede in developing countries to enable the poorest families to develop a small economic venture by giving them access to loans and savings. Our directors and administrators, as well as most of our employees, come from the world of business and call upon efficient, durable methods that are indispensible to the success of development programmes. The Situation In the slums of developing countries, the poor have few opportunities to develop an economic venture. Excluded from the traditional banking system, they resort to loan sharks whose interest rates frequently exceed 20% per month. What’s more, often with little education, the poor cannot find employment in the formal sector and they lack self-confidence. However, they are all driven by a profound determination to take action in order to improve their daily lives.