(iJ University of Missouri Environmental Health & Safety 180 General Services Building Columbia, MO 65211 PHONE 573-882-7018 FAX 573-882-7940 EMAIL
[email protected] WEB ehs.missouri.edu September 25, 2018 Mike LaFranzo Senior Health Physicist Region III - Division of Nuclear Materials and Safety US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2443 Warrenville Road, Suite 210 Lisle, IL 60532-4352 Re: Response to additional information required to continue amendment review of Pickard Hall Characterization -Reference ML No. 18138A148, Mail Control No. 586692, License No. 24-00513-32, Docket No. 030-02278 Dear Mr. LaFranzo: As requested in the May 1, 2018 decommissioning site visit, please see the attached updated Pickard Hall Site Characterization Plan (SCP) and Pickard Hall Decommissioning Project (PHDP) Radiation Safety Manual (RSM). Revisions to the SCP and PHDP RSM address the NRC's comments from the site visit concerning additional descriptions of radiological airborne controls and monitoring along with further elaboration of the licensee's audit program with regard to quality assurance and quality control monitoring efforts of the contractor while performing work with licensed material. Additionally, MU has included all commitments made in previous requests for additional information into the revised SCP and/or revised RSM. The revisions will supersede any commitments made in prior RAI responses. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (573) 882-7018. Felicity Beckfield, MS, CHP Radiation Safety Officer cc: Todd Houts, Director, MU Environmental Health & Safety encl: Attachment 1: Pickard Hall Site Characterization Plan Attachment 2: Pickard Hall Decommissioning Project Radiation Safety Manual • Attachment 1: Pickard Hall Site Characterization Plan • • ,, University of Missouri • Pickard Hall Site Characterization Plan Pickard Hall 405 S.