ILGP Federal Candidate Questionnaire

Please return this questionnaire to [email protected] or [email protected]______. Please also provide, at your nearest opportunity, a professional quality, high resolution “head shot” digital photo of yourself and a link to your campaign website. (I will provide a picture and build a campaign website shortly)

Name: _Ellen Corley______

Complete Address: _1500 N LaSalle, 3D, Chicago, IL 60610______

Phone(s) and Email: cell 312-371-5078 landline 312-664-2631 [email protected]______

Office you wish to seek: _Congressional Representative 5th District Illinois______

Are you a member of the ILGP? x Yes No

Do you support each of the Ten Key Values—Ecological Wisdom, Social Justice, Grassroots Democracy, Nonviolence, Decentralization, Community-Based Economics, Feminism, Respect for Diversity, Personal and Global Responsibility, and Future Focus? x Yes No If you answered “No” please elaborate.

Do you meet all of the legal qualifications for this office? x Yes No

What primary ballot (if any) did you pull in the last general primary? _Democratic______

Why do you wish to hold this office?

• I have come to understand that both parties have been captured by reactionary Deep State transnational security state complex in the Peter Dale Scott sense of the word meaning they have essentially vetted only “captured” political operatives who they control with “controlled opposition” crises which they react to by suspending our rights for their invisible empire. I have been researching this since my family of origin’s $22 million estate was taken over by a sweetheart scam orchestrated by Republican operative Betsy McCaughey who conned my senile stepfather into backing her run for office on neoliberal Ayn Rand issues, which I learned in hindsight and research was an orchestrated pattern employed by the corrupt Giuliani/ Trump wing of the New York Republican Party and the Wall Street/ Mafia/ Big bank/ NGO/ Manhattan Institute/ Media captured and controlled FBI and District Attorney’s office. • The bottom line is the reason I want to run for public office is that I want to be in the strongest position I can be in order to effectively challenge what honest investigative researchers and journalists like Peter Dale Scott have exposed is a hidden/ covered-up/ “classified”, covert, state-sponsored, counter-intelligence “coup d’etat” they have captured through their neoliberal, neoconservative, neoFederalist, neoFascist, neoFeudalist, anti- progressive, extremist Constitutional “reforms” that I see has resulted in our country becoming a neoFascist, plutocratic empire rather than a representative democracy that most of us think we are living under. • My goal is to put myself in the best position I can be in to effectively restore representative honest government regulations against privatization of our public estate and our planet before it is too late and global temperatures have warmed the planet up 1.5 degrees beyond which catastrophic global warming cannot be reversed. • Ultimately, my goal is to do everything I can to stop the New World Order from staying in power in both major parties. 1

• In order to cure our democracy and economy from the cancer of this culture of corruption, my primary focus if elected would be to organize Congress to work with the media to mobilize every citizen and all branches of government to be honest about how corrupt politics must be prohibited by effective regulatory oversight and accountability to the law and ethics policies. • Ultimately, my primary goal is to stop this fifth column of corrupt incumbent politicians from the mainstream parties like Trump and Biden and Quiqley from continuing to get away with avoiding the telling of the truth - which is that the US government security complex is the greatest threat to peace on earth and the survival of the planet itself. • My goal is to speak truth to power in a way that will be heard across the planet and all united nations which is that the US, the UK, Israel, Germany and NATO “deep state” intelligence agencies are and have been the true criminal orchestrators of the false flag “shocks” of the current pandemic, the financial 2008 crisis, 9/11, the forever wars on the Third World in violation of Geneva Convention and Nuremberg Laws prohibiting war on peace and crimes against humanity and UN treaties prohibitions ecocide, torture, genocide, wars of aggression. • The bottom line is that my goal is to counter current incumbent candidates like Quiqley from being yet another captured Manchurian Candidate that is allowing the Deep State puppet masters who really rule the world from using the “elected” politicians to bring about their evil ends. • My goal is to stop the Deep State from getting away with turning our world into the Fourth Reich brought about through their invisible empire built on Big Lies covering up the reality of their spending our hard earned treasury and labor on their geo-political neoFascist militarized police state “forever war”.

Why do you feel you are qualified to run?

• To be honest, I feel this is a “sword in the stone” kind of moment for me in terms of it being my time to take on the current establishment. I feel like it is almost as if everything in my life has led up to this moment both objectively and subjectively. • Objectively, this unique opportunity to be on the ballot as the Green Party candidate 5th District Congressional Representative against incumbent Democratic Congressman Mike Quiqley without having to mobilize a team to stand in the streets to get the thousands of signatures seems to be a miracle in itself in that I tried to run for Mayor and then narrowed my candidacy to seeking to be 27th Ward Alderman in the 2016 and yet I still didn’t get enough signatures to get on the ballot, but ran for Alderman anyhow, mainly because I believe that running against a corrupt entrenched candidates gave me the focus I needed to at least let them know there is a smart, progressive, honest, white lady from a privileged and prominent Southern and New York family background who is standing up for the estimated 30 thousand wrongfully convicted innocent men and women of color who are languishing in corrupt criminal justice system in Chicago where I have lived for the last 25 years. • I also officially submitted my application for Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department in January of this year because I wanted to be able to stand up and tell the men and women of the Police Board that I know and they should know that their process of selecting a new Chief of Police is not transparent or fair and is in fact an opportunity for them to put into power yet another Richard Daley/ Rahm Emanuel/ Lori Lightfoot Machine Puppet who they can count on to enforce the code of silence they need to continue their state-sponsored racist political crimes against the people of Chicago for the last hundreds of years • Specifically, my goal is to bring the light of transparency needed to officially expose the cover-up of the media and the government’s and the court’s and the police department’s failure to fairly investigate and stop their pattern and practice of wrongfully convicting their political opposition. They are basically using the power of the state to shore up their own


financial empire which, as a result, has become a Kleptocracy/ Mafia State like the Russian Ukrainian Mafia that is pulling our government’s strings. • The fact of the matter that is being covered up in our media-imposed revisionist history is that police departments and prosecutors offices and judges are being trained by the Israeli Defense Forces to treat minorities like they are the enemy or the “other” like the Zionists treat the Palestinians and the Nazi Fascist power elites treated the whistle-blowing communists that tried to expose them in the 20’s and 30’s up until today. • Subjectively, I am basically a “Progressive” in the model of Socrates, Rousseau, John Dewey, Jane Addams, Dorothy Day, Alice Paul, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King, Ghandhi, Tolstoy, Paul Wellstone, and those Green Party candidates I know of Ralph Nader, Chris Hedges (Nader’s speechwriter who I went to undergraduate college with at Colgate), Cynthia McKinney, Jill Stein and Howie Hawkins – who I got to know a little bit when they were lobbying for Green Party at the International Socialist Organization conference which I have attended for the last six years. • I have two Masters degrees - a Masters in Education (MED) from Georgia State University and an MBA in Marketing and E-Commerce from University of Illinois Chicago – where my primary focus has always been on pursuing an understanding of the truth about modern times and how to address our problems through a dialectic historical process of teaching and learning and integration of knowledge through honest, open public discourse guided by philosophy of science, social justice, sociology, historiography, and communications research, understanding of the healthy and destruction power of unregulated mass media in modern cultural history. • I just turned 65 on May 7 of this year. 2020, and now being lucky enough to have inherited enough money that I don’t have to work, I have spent the last five to ten years focusing my investigative research on trying to understand what is driving our social, economic and political problems and have come to the conclusion that our problem is that radical monetarist reactionary power elite puppet masters are literally and deliberately using our media, social media and government institutions to cover up evidence that they are allowing foreign criminal actors to steal our elections, privatize our public estate and cover-up the evidence of their own anti-humanitarian, unconstitutional treason, tyranny, and otherwise impeachable abuses of power. • My conclusion is that we need to expose the corruption of their conspiracies and collusion and I have come to see that the only way to expose the real problems and build awareness of the need for reform and right regulation is to get exposes of their wrongdoing into the media and the headlines by running for office and ultimately getting Green Party candidates into office around the progressive public interest, public integrity issues the Green Party stands for.

What are the most important issues you feel need to be addressed?

• If I were in office or had the ability to influence those in office, I would start with organizing another Church Commission/ Iran Contra type of hearing on corruption of our 17 Intelligence agencies starting with the Justice Department and William Barr’s and the Republican Party’s use of Inslaw PROMIS, PRISM, PTech, Systematics, Hadron, Palantir/ XKeyscore/ other wiretapping Trojan Horse software these corrupted pirates of the PROMIS software have sold to criminal rogue states who are using it to seize illegitimate state power by spying on, infiltrating, and terrorizing estimated thousands of citizen whistleblowers and activists and political opposition who the bad political state actors use the intelligence agencies and police Fusion Centers to illegally target with their unconstitutional covert “counter-intelligence” digital phone and Internet and social media tracking systems. • In other words, we have to get rid of corrupt Republican and Democratic operatives in the Justice System and the Judicial system starting with those who were exposed as corrupt through their “conspiracy of silence” relative to use of illegal campaigning practices like wiretapping their political opposition and covering it up in the media and use of the media to misinform the public with public relations and propaganda which was made illegal through 3

the Gillett Amendment in 1913 (making it illegal for Executive Branch to do Public relations or Propaganda out of Executive Branch) and the FCC Fairness Doctrine of 1947 which required corporate broadcasters and mass media to only use broadcast media in a way that aligns with the “public interest” given that the media is given to the major media for free and therefore the information communicated needs to be accurate, fair and balanced so that citizens can make informed decisions about who to elect and why. (The Fairness Doctrine was thrown out by Reagan’s FCC chair in the eighties based on the anti-science rationalization that it was no longer needed because cable television had replaced broadcast media, which we can now see in hindsight has led to more, not less, consolidation of competitive options in the mass media making it harder for citizens to get objective, honest information on which to form their opinions.) • If it seems I am overly focused on the way our democracy is being captured by the media monopoly, this is only because through my research and analysis of scholarship on the media, I have come to see that it is only through a fair, balanced, accurate and fact checked news media and social media that we can educate our people with the truthful fact checked information, arts and sciences they need to determine who to vote for and who to vote out and why. • Overall, my focus as a Congressional Representative would be to create and/ or restore the right kinds of regulatory policies and agencies needed to protect our rights to a healthy sustainable environmental ecosystem where global warming/ climate change can be addressed on a Marshal Plan level so that we can be 100 percent sure the temperature will never rise above the 1.5 degrees that we know will otherwise lead to catastrophic destruction of life on the planet as we know it and obviously thereby destroy the ability of most of the next generation to survive at all. • I think if we tackle the institutional corruption of the corporate capture of politics and the media first, and then focus 100% of our military budget on solving the problem of impending environmental catastrophe second, and pull the plug on war on so-called “national security” and surveillance/ spying/ policing spending altogether, then a healthy economy, healthy media, healthy schools, healthy, humanitarian, self-actualizing culture will follow naturally.

How many hours per week can you contribute to campaigning? 40-100______

Does your partner/family support your run for office? xYes No • I have a boyfriend, Luke Matthews, who I have been with for the last 19 years who is very supportive of my progressive political activism.

Will you agree not to accept contributions from corporations or corporate PACs? x Yes No

Will you agree to share your donor and volunteer information with the ILGP? x Yes No

Do you have, or will you open a campaign bank account and set up an online donation method? x Yes No • Will set one up

Do you have, or will you have, a campaign manager? x Yes No If you have one now, please provide name and contact information. • Do not have one yet. Would probably do it myself and would be open to suggestions from party as to who a good manager would be and what best practices are regarding how much to pay them and how. All of what I have done in the past is pay from my own savings, mainly because I sensed there would be a corrupting influence if I had “been run” as Clerk in the Cook County Democratic Party as one consultant was proposing.

Do you have, or will you have, a campaign treasurer? Yes No xNot sure If you have one now, please provide name and contact information. 4

• I would be open to it. I mostly would want to work with volunteers and keep expenses as low as possible. Much can be done for free using media and social media and reaching out to bringing already existing coalitions who are concerned about issues together around the issues.

Do you have, or will you have, a campaign fundraiser? x Yes No If you have one now, please provide name and contact information. • I don’t have one but would like to have one. I had a highly motivating police torture survivor activist named Mark Clements work with me as my manager for a week in my brief idea of running for Mayor before I decided to scale down to Alderman in order to get the number of signatures needed.

How would you describe your current base of support? • I actually have several recently freed, but not yet exonerated wrongly convicted friends I know who are all inspirations and managers for me. I have one staying with me now because he would otherwise be homeless and it is people like him who have been treated so unjustly that really inspires me to be in a position to get truth to power and ultimate “get power to the people”. • My other sources of support include: My 93 old father and stepmother and friends in Georgia and New York where I grew up, friends I meet in my Episcopalian church here in Chicago, Saint Chrysostom’s and my activist friends I have made over the last few years in the Chicago Alliance Against Racist Political Repression, in Refuse Fascism, in Organizing for Action, Indivisible, ACLU People Power, and through online friends I have made mostly with Deep State investigative research journalists like Peter Dale Scott, Mark Crispin Miller, Christopher Bollyn, and others like Chris Hedges, Cynthia McKinney, Howie Hawkins, Jill Stein, and other Green Party members who I would like to know better. • I also have a strong and supportive community of friend in AA which will have kept me clean and sober for 20 years on July 31, 2020. I have always been very open about my spiritual awakening through the AA 12 Step Program and actually completed 10 courses needed for an Advanced Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor certification in 2014 through Harold Washington Community College and Kennedy King Community College in Englewood where I was one of very few white students – something I really enjoyed, though wasn’t able to get a final internship in due to politics that have taken over that institution as well.

Please describe any volunteer experience you have with the Green Party.

• Unfortunately, I haven’t had the chance to do any volunteer work with the Green Party though I have found myself more and more politically aligned with it on the issues. I did get to have coffee with Howie Hawkins and Jill Stein at an International Socialist Conference a few years ago and I actually think I would be a good Vice President candidate/ running mate with Howie Hawkins if you have that in the Green Party. Actually, I think Chris Hedges, who was Ralph Nader’s Speechwriter when Nader ran for President in 1999 would be a better VP candidate since he is a well known public intellectual who has often referred to his work with Ralph Nader. I actually saw that Chris Hedges was speaking with Howie Hawkins on YouTube yesterday so maybe this idea is already in development. • I did go to an organizing event at a coffee shop near University of Chicago for the Green Party last summer but never followed up formally, although I did verbally support one of the Green Party volunteers when he gave a talk at a College of Complexes Free Speech forum I attend regularly on his plan to petition that the Chicago electric company be run as a Municipal entity when its charter came up in the Fall. I offered to help him on this since I worked for two years as a Senior Analyst at Peoples Gas where my job was to evaluate pros and cons of strategic initiatives including their plan for deregulation of the commercial market. • One idea is I could help organize a presentation of Green Party candidates at the College of Complexes which is a Free Speech forum that has been a good place for issues to be 5

debated since it was formed in the 1940’s. I have been a “regular” at the College of Complexes for the last four or five years which has be a good way for me to practice speaking on public issues. I have given several talks on our need to expose the Deep State in order to stop their takeover of our Democratic government and institutions and I could attach any talks if others would like to see my stand and background sources on these issues. • I would like to be more involved with the Green Party and I know that once I know that I am on the ballot, I will be more focused on organizing and mobilizing for the Party. • I learned about this opportunity by a friend, Larry Redmond, who is the General Counsel and an activist with the Chicago Alliance Against Racist Political Repression and I have already expressed my interest in working with him and other candidates to share lists and organize fund raising events, teach-ins, door knocking strategies, letter writing events, lobbying events, article writing, etc. I also joined the National Green Party online earlier this week and registered to donate monthly. I think I still need to officially join the Green Party at the state level online.

Please briefly describe any other relevant experience you have had, including employment, working on other political campaigns, or other volunteer efforts:

• I have a lot of experience as a strategic marketing research analyst and I actually have lists on paper and electronically of all the people in the 50 Wards of Chicago. I have a great deal of training professionally and through my MBA program from UIC in Marketing and E- Commerce in developing B2C and B2B surveys that would lead to better targeted communications. I have the software knowledge to administer these surveys which I believe would be a valuable “strategic listening” medium in itself. • Most of the organizing experience I have has been around mobilizing around the progressive issue of stopping police crime and Justice Department and Prosecutorial misconduct, malicious prosecution and other forms of corruption more than supporting candidates. In other words, most of my work has been focused on finding evidence of corruption and getting it into the hands of progressive activists to support their effectiveness in building opposition to corrupt candidates, judges, prosecutors, police, etc. • I still am one of 10 people who were picked to be founding members of Obama’s Northwest Suburbs Organizing for Action organization NWSOFA in 2014. This experience was what got me into organizing around the issue of stopping gun violence and I continue to learn from three of my OFA Fellows group, Afika Porter, who is the daughter of John Porter who marched with Martin Luther King, Janice Forte, an African-American mother on the Southside who lost her child to gun violence without any investigation and who is active in Father Phleger’s Purpose over Pain group, and Sue Friedman, a Public Health nurse who has been like a Saint with us in terms of her “Stand with Women” advocacy of all of us. • I must say, however, that I lost respect for Organizing for Action when I realized how connected it was to the Cook County Democratic Party which I perceive as being very corrupt. On a personal level, also, I was disappointed that the Democratic Party was not more encouraging in terms of nominating members of our team to be candidates on the ballot. I actually came to believe that this was evidence of the way the two main political parties in general are corrupted by always keeping their incumbents on the ballot – even if the candidate is not at all effective or progressive or conservative or democratic on any of the issues as is the case with the incumbent I would be challenging, Mick Quiqley, who I plan to research in depth and hopefully will be able to effectively beat in the election through public speaking and writing on the issues.

Have you previously run for and/or held a public elected office? If so, please describe.

• I ran for 27th Ward alderman in 2016, but was not able to get on the ballot – partly because the process is very stacked against new candidates – especially given how gerrymandered


the Wards are which limits one’s ability to find registered voters who are in one’s ward who are also in one’s own community organizations. • A political consultant suggested to me last summer that I consider challenging Quiqley in the 2020 election since he said you don’t need that many signatures to run for Congress, but in the end my experience with the Democratic Party led me to distrust that party in general which is why I decided not to run this time. • Another reason I came to distrust the Democratic Party is that when I suggested to a Democratic Party leader I met through NWSOFA that I would like to challenge Quiqley for Congress, he said their policy is not to run anyone against the incumbent. Clearly this has led to the Party being a very conservatives and defensive “groupthink” type of party, which is why it was not able to even beat an “insane clown presidential candidate” as evil as Trump. • My sense is the Green Party is much less “corrupt” in this respect and I actually said at the Green Party meeting I went to last summer that I was interested in challenging Quiqley and the feedback I got then was that I should, but I would have to wait until the 2024 election. • This opportunity to run in the 2020 election is much more appealing since I know that I can dive right in focus on this 100% without worrying about the signature problem which is the way I usually approach school, work, or whatever project I take on.

Please provide any other general information you feel may be appropriate.

• I would be happy to provide any information you need and hope you are vetting candidates as thoroughly as possible.

Please briefly describe your position on the following issues:

Campaign Finance and/or Election Reform

• As I said above, I am strongly for challenging the way Citizen’s United and other corrupting “reforms” have led to the corporate capture of our democracy. My top priority is to challenge that by lobbying in Washington and writing, speaking and organizing events to strategize for ways to overturn Citizen’s United. I believe one good idea would be to make a explosive documentary exposing how corrupt people like Roger Ailes and David Bossie of Citizens United colluded with Antonin Scalia and other Federalist Society judges to push through Citizens United. Most people don’t know that Roger Ailes of worked at Citizen’s United in the 90’s to produce the racist corrupt Willie Horton ads. Another scandalous fact that needs to be more widely reported on or exposed in a documentary is that Rahm Emanuel and Chuck Schumer lobbied Congress after Citizens United to convince Congress not to require that the NRA reveal its contributions since the NRA gives so much money to training and arms to our police departments. This is exactly why the NRA should not be allowed to give so much for arms and training to the police departments. This is basically what allowed Rahm Emanuel and Chuck Shumer to turn our police departments into surveillance Fusion centers for the Israeli Mossad who sold Inslaw Promis software to the Ukrainian Mafia who sold it to the Russian KGB, Osama bin Laden, Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia and has led to the capture of our democracy by the two major parties which hold power through their “controlled opposition” on wedge issues like right to abortion vs right to life, gun control vs gun rights, black lives matter vs Blue lives matter, social distancing vs opening business.

Energy Policy

• I am a supporter all of the Green Party’s stated positions on this including the “Green New Deal” or similar major federal initiative to support clean energy, sustainable transportation, and other strategies to combat global climate change, a ban on fracking and new oil pipelines; eliminating fossil fuel subsidies, phasing out of nuclear power. 7

• In order to accomplish this, we need to provide incentives to consumers and business to move to renewable energy solutions now as proscribed by scientists in order to guarantee we do not raise temperature any more. We must make this a priority and the economy will follow. If Bush has not stolen election in 2000, we probably could have dealt with climate catastrophe by now.

Climate Change and other Environmental Policy

• Ultimately I want to support Green Party programs like a “Green New Deal” or similar major federal initiative to support clean energy, sustainable transportation, and other strategies to combat global climate change by exposing and removing the hidden propaganda campaigns that have been preventing these policies from getting approved in Congress or the Senate. • I believe that because of my background as being what I call “an Adult Child of a Republican Family”, I could be a very influential voice in Congress for speaking out against the climate change denier cartel that currently has bought almost all of the current political candidates in the other three parties. • For instance, I know from my own experience as the stepdaughter of the co-founder of the leading right wing think tanks like the Manhattan Institute and the American Spectator Foundation that these right wing research institutes that have established themselves as 501-C4’s are the leading funders of fraudulent scientists who they publish in order to perpetrate the myths that there is no such thing as climate change or racial profiling or racist policies or a hidden policy of politicians having been captured by billionaire and Wall Street cartels since the end of the progressive era in 1913 after the covert privatization of our Central Bank – the Federal Reserve. • Specifically, my stepfather, Charles H. Brunie. along with the UK “Johnny Appleseed” of neoconservative / neoliberal think tanks and 501 C-3’s, Antony Fisher, and William Casey, Reagan’s head of the CIA and Chief of Staff and funder of Iran-Contra and orchestrator of the Dirty Wars in Chile and the takeover of ABC through Capital Cities using his position as head of the SEC, who co-founded the Club for Growth, the Manhattan Institute, American Spectator Foundation, and other extreme right wing, “conservative” and “libertarian” policy promoting think tanks formed for the primary purpose of misinforming the public about the need for deregulation policies that benefit the “supply side” free market capitalists, corporations and banks who created them for dismantling civil rights-protecting regulations over the environmental destruction, management exploitation of labor, the right to honest government, fair trials, affordable housing, etc. • Basically, all of Trump’s policies come out of this neoconservative, neoliberal, AIPAC lobbying cabal which is why I have been writing to expose this for the last ten years on Facebook, , etc. but have never been picked up on by an official government investigation. My hope is that if I am a Candidate for Congress, I will have a better platform from which to tell all I know about the destructive effects of this hidden Fascist Deep State cabal that my stepfather was sadly taken in by.

Economic Policy (including fiscal and monetary policy)

• Ultimately, I am strongly for building support for policies like making the minimum wage a living wage ($15/hour or greater) and my way of doing it would be to expose the fallacy of monetarism and neoliberal economics in general. • As an Adult Child of a father who was head of Research at Oppenheimer Funds, a Wall Street investment brokerage and was a disciple of Milton Friedman, Ayn Rand, and Allan Greenspan, I now see that that their radical monetary theories which he was brainwashed with by his father no doubt were part of a deliberate Fascist plot to take over America for their Invisible Empire/ New World Order/ Fourth Reich through a “supply-side” economic theory. • Ever since my stepfather got taken in by corrupt Republican Party operatives, Betsy McCaughey and Bob Tyrrell and the Manhattan Institute and the Mont Pelerin Society, I 8

have been researching the corrupt connections between people like Betsy McCaughey and and Rudy Giuliani who essentially took my family’s $22 million estate in the same way they and the Trump Administration are now taking the public estate of $27 trillion in debt. • One of the “smoking guns” that I and other investigative researchers have recently uncovered is that it should be possible to prove that this cabal has been milking our public estate through their “winner take all” politics by getting the Justice Department and the FBI to officially investigate the way the Republican Party has been using the Justice Department operatives like William Barr, Ken Starr, Brett Kavanaugh, David Addington, Dick Cheney, Henry Kissinger, and various Goldman Sachs heads to finance dirty wars using stolen Inslaw PROMIS software Internet hacking system that enabled them to money launder funds through Credit Suisse to hid the way they were getting the CIA and the FBI to orchestrate organized crime connected dirty wars, drug trafficking, human trafficking, money laundering through the Inslaw PROMIS software the Republican Justice Department under Ed Meese stole from William Hamilton and then use to cover up their Mafia State operations. I have written extensively on this and spoke about it recently and could provide links to it if needed. • We must expose the Fascist banking conspiracy that has been taking trillions from Americans since a cabal of monopoly capitalists that the writer of a famous book on the subject, G. Edward Griffin, called The Creature from Jekyll Island, privatized our Central Bank, the Federal Reserve in 1913. • Having researched this in depth, I have come to believe we need a public banking system as Ellen Brown has shown. The key is to convince a majority in Congress, Senate, the Supreme Court, and the President that it is necessary so that the President who ends the Federal Reserve’s Octopus grip on our Treasury doesn’t get assassinated which is what happened to the four Presidents who tried ending Central Banking in the past.

Crimes and Criminal Justice (including drug policy and gun violence)

• As I said above, I am strongly committed to reforming our criminal justice system and I would start by showing how the Inslaw PROMIS software system was stolen from the Justice Department by the Mossad in the 1980’s and made into a Mossad, Russian Mafia, KGB, Saudi Arabia, Osama bin Laden, wiretapping system which has enabled our enemies to spy on us and buy our elections and cover up their CIA Mafia drug trafficking and political assassinations of our presidents and leaders. • Once we got all the information we need to put the state sponsored treasonous conspirators in jail and out of office, I would move to end the ability of corrupt Federalist Society and other so-called “conservative” think tanks to continue getting away with not being investigated or prosecuted for the state crime of using our public institutions – specifically the courts, the police, the military and intelligence agencies – to cover-up their state crimes against democracy – as conspiracy scholar Lance de Haven Smith and 9/11 research scholar David Ray Griffin have termed it.

Health Care

• Ultimately, I am for the Green Party’s stated goals of improving “Medicare for All” Single- Payer or Publicly Funded Universal Health Care System and maintaining federal funding for Planned Parenthood • In order to bring this about, my strategy would be to expose how the right wing think tanks have funded propaganda campaigns to get programs like Obama care overturned in the Supreme Court. Specifically, I would like to expose in major newspapers how Betsy McCaughey, the woman who took my family’s money by entrapping my senile Stepfather in a honey trap, former Republican, also orchestrated the campaigns against ’s plan to get universal healthcare passed in 1994 through writing an article in right asserting that Clinton’s universal healthcare plan was a Soviet communist 9

styled policy that would lead to there being no private healthcare if it went through – an assertion that was false yet published by the Martin Peretz-owned New Republic despite the fact that it was not true. • Overall, my goal is to expose evidence of how the Republicans have been using misinformation to undermine progressive policies and I hope that being a viable candidate for Congress under the Green Party would be a platform from which to get these incriminating scandals and evidence of impeachable political corruption into the public awareness.

Human Rights and Social Justice/Equal Rights and Opportunities • Overall, the strategy I would propose using throughout my campaign and office if elected would be to expose the corrupt way the current administrations are using propaganda and false flag events or, as Naomi Klein calls them, “shocks” to the system like the current Pandemic, the 2008 Credit Crisis, the stock market crash post 9/11, and other False Flag events to justify imposing polices that take away our human rights and Social Justice / Equal Rights and opportunities. • If we can get stories in the media that expose that it is corrupt government that is behind these neoFascist policies, I believe we could get passed Green Party policies including: • A Constitutional Amendment providing that corporations do not enjoy the same rights as people and that money is not protected “speech” • Reducing U.S. military spending and improving spending on education, health, social programs and modernizing our infrastructure

Immigration Policy • I believe in open borders as we had before imposition of immigration policies in early twentieth century. I think these border and walls are clearly violations of human rights designed to be a means of population control.

Civil Liberties, including Domestic Surveillance and Privacy, Police Violence • I am a strong advocate of the Green Party’s platform on Civil Liberties issues supporting: • Decriminalization of most drug offenses; treating drug abuse as a public health problem, not a criminal problem • Reforming the criminal justice system to focus on rehabilitation, restorative justice, education and teaching living and job skills, not punishment and “incapacitation” • Repealing the Federal Death Penalty

Foreign and Military Policy, including Globalization and Trade • I am a strong advocate of the Green Party’s platform on Foreign Policy issues supporting: • Ending U.S. military intervention in the Middle East, Africa and the Ukraine • Impeaching the president if he/she orders military actions in violation of international law • Ending U.S. Support for NATO, rapprochement with Russia and China; nuclear disarmament

Education Policy • I am a strong advocate of the Green Party’s platform on Educatioo issues and would strongly advocate for: • Cancellation or retiring of student debt • Tuition-free higher education at public colleges and universities • As a former teacher and a market research analyst who wrote a Business Plan for my MBA program for an online school which would be free for all, I would be a very strong position to advocate for free college education as a right for teachers and students of all ages. I believe there is a great deal of evidence that could be found to support that this would be a vital way of stimulating the US economy.


Please provide short answers, and any elaboration you think is needed, on these issues:

Equal Rights and Opportunities for All, Regardless of Racial or National Identity, Color, Sex, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity or Expression x Support Oppose Other

Legal Right to Choose Abortion x Support Oppose Other

Maintaining federal funding for Planned Parenthood x Support Oppose Other

Repealing the Federal Death Penalty x Support Oppose Other

Ending U.S. military intervention in the Middle East, Africa and the Ukraine x Support Oppose Other

Ending U.S. Support for NATO, rapprochement with Russia and China; nuclear disarmament x Support Oppose Other

Impeaching the president if he/she orders military actions in violation of international law x Support Oppose Other

Reducing U.S. military spending and improving spending on education, health, social programs and modernizing our infrastructure x Support Oppose Other

A “Green New Deal” or similar major federal initiative to support clean energy, sustainable transportation, and other strategies to combat global climate change x Support Oppose Other

A ban on fracking and new oil pipelines; eliminating fossil fuel subsidies x Support Oppose Other

Phasing out of nuclear power x Support Oppose Other

A moratorium on the introduction of new genetically modified organisms until their effects have been adequately studied and safe use demonstrated; informing consumers about GMOs in food products x Support Oppose Other

Legalization of cannabis and industrial hemp and immediate suspension of enforcement of federal cannabis laws in those states where cannabis has been legalized or decriminalized x Support Oppose Other


Decriminalization of most drug offenses; treating drug abuse as a public health problem, not a criminal problem x Support Oppose Other

Reforming the criminal justice system to focus on rehabilitation, restorative justice, education and teaching living and job skills, not punishment and “incapacitation” x Support Oppose Other

Cancellation or retiring of student debt x Support Oppose Other

Tuition-free higher education at public colleges and universities x Support Oppose Other

“Improved Medicare for All” Single-Payer or Publicly Funded Universal Health Care System x Support Oppose Other

A Constitutional Amendment providing that corporations do not enjoy the same rights as people and that money is not protected “speech” x Support Oppose Other

Making the minimum wage a living wage ($15/hour or greater) x Support Oppose Other