“ Y O U ’ R E H I R E D ! ” B U S I N E S S I C O N D O N A L D T R U M P I N V E S T S I N L A W M A K E R S By M A R K D I X O N T H E I N S T I T U T E O N M O N E Y I N S T A T E P O L I T I C S JUNE 3, 2004 833 NORTH MAIN, SECOND FLOOR • HELENA, MT • 59601 PHONE 406-449-2480 • FAX 406-457-2091 • E-MAIL
[email protected] www.followthemoney.org Flamboyant businessman Donald J. Trump has built an empire with varied real estate, casino and resort holdings. The Trump organization’s real estate holdings are most extensive in New York City, but include casinos, hotels and resorts in Atlantic City, Palm Beach, Chicago and Los Angeles, as well. Trump, a New York native and graduate of the Wharton School of Finance, is also chairman of the Donald J. Trump Foundation. His foundation gives annually to a variety of charitable and nonprofit organizations. Trump recently branched out into reality television and published another book, raising the profile of the Trump organization even further in the media spotlight. However, this rise to power was not made by business savvy alone. The Institute on Money in State Politics database shows that Trump has also made steady and strategic investments in lawmakers, candidates and political parties over the years.