SPORTS, PAGE 6 NEWS, PAGE 7 NEWS, PAGE 3 Athlete of the week: UWRF modifies course evaluation process Animal and Food Taylor Eldred in effort to up response rate Science Department at UWRF receives top teaching honor University of Wisconsin River Falls TUDENT OICE AprilS 28, 2017 V Volume 103, Issue 24 UW-River Falls Hunt Team Student body riders qualify for nationals president Katie Galarno candidate removed
[email protected] from ballot Two members of the UW-River Falls Hunt Team, part of the In- Natalie Howell tercollegiate Horse Shows Asso- ciation (IHSA), have been named
[email protected] among the best in the country and As students fill out the revised ballot for the Student Govern- will be taking their talents to na- ment Association (SGA) election, one name will be left off due tionals in May. to violation of election rules. Hunt Coach Rachael Walker At the Oversight and Rules Committee (ORC) meeting on said that this season has been the Monday, April 24, it was decided that Bryce Krull, current Stu- best she has seen in the time since dent Senate CAFES senator, will be taken off the ballot for the she started coaching the team ap- student body president and vice president positions, in which proximately seven years ago, he was previously in the running. topped off by athletes Alaina Kelly This decision followed the submission of two complaints and Juliann Tetschlag qualifying that Krull had violated the SGA election rules. In these com- for nationals. Both riders took first plaints, it was claimed that Krull had made comments about in their respective classes at zone his opponents that violated the election rule that candidates competition, making them among may not deceive the voting public.