Archan – The Publisher -2019 Cover Image: “Wild Flowers” – Author Unknown. (PD-ART)

The Book of Traditional Magickal Plants & Herbs

Tom Long

The Seal of the OLR i Copyright © Tom Long. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, scanning, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the author and the publisher.


Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material published. The publisher can accept no responsibility for the veracity of any claims made within this eBook. The material contained here describes processes and activities that may be hazardous environmentally, physically or mentally. Readers who choose to ignore this warning and attempt any of these activities do so entirely at their own risk, but be aware of the potential risks involved in these processes and activities. The author and publisher of this eBook shall have no liability nor responsibility with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused by reading or following any of the instructions in this eBook. The information is used for research, study purposes and at your own risk.

First Publication Date: June 2013.

Corrected and Updated: January 2019

Long, Tom

The Book of Traditional Magickal Plants & Herbs / Tom Long

Includes biographical references

3.. Plants 2. Magic. 1. Title

ISBN Number: None – Electronic Book. (eBook)

PLEASE NOTE: These notes on the use of herbs have been compiled for general interest and are not intended as medical advice, for which you should consult a professional herbalist, or your doctor.

Published by: Archan – The Publisher


Disclaimer. The Author or Publisher cannot be held responsible for the effects on a person or persons taking advice or instructions from the information in this eBook or accuracy of the information, if you are pregnant or breast feeding or have a pre-existing medical condition always consult a qualified medical professional before taking ANY herbs.


Chapter 1 Introduction 1

Chapter 2 The Plants 2

Chapter 3 The Doctrine of Signatures 66

Chapter 4 The Moon and the Garden 67

Chapter 5 Potions, Lotions, Definitions & Preparations 68

Chapter 6 Storage of Herbs and Plants 70

Chapter 7 Magickal Preparations 71

Chapter 8 Herbal Magickal Items 78

Chapter 9 Herbal Beauty Preparations 79

Chapter 10 Herbal Wines and Ales 83

Appendices 85

Biography & References 90

“Man, at work in herb garden” – Woodcut by Hans Weidig – (PD-ART)

iv 1.0 Introduction

We all live a fast-paced environment, with little time to do what we most want to. This applies to tramping around the countryside looking for specific plants and herbs. Also, modern herbicides are destroying our natural environment and many of our native plants are becoming scarcer.

What do most magicians do? Many grow their own plants and herbs? Or use a reliable occult supplier, who can guarantee their products as authentic? Considering these questions when I decided to write this book, I made the decision not to put a description of the particular plant in the listing, mainly because there have been cases of mis-identification, so unless highly accurate photographs of each plant is shown, and this, in my case, was impossible due to the potentially end product cost.

So, I have only given a description of the plants medical and magick properties, common names, and parts used, together with planetary and elemental association.

For those who tread the traditional magickal path I have tried to stay true to medieval plants (circa 1600's), those which were to be found in the countryside during the time when traditional magick and witchcraft was practiced. So non-European plants have been excluded from the listing, unless they were known, and used during this period* for this I have extensively used Culpeper's Herbal as a reference.

A word of warning, some of the listed plants are known to be poisonous, and have been identified as such. However, the reader must make sure for themselves the properties of any and all plant material listed within this eBook, as to their safe usage, internally or externally.

Plants are magickal, to quote the late Scott Cunningham, who so elegantly summarised the power of plant magick as:

"Herb magic, then, is the use of herbs to cause needed changes. These plants contain energies—each as distinct as a human face. For maximum effects the herbs chosen for a spell should possess vibrations that match your need......

Herb magic is easy because the powers (i.e., vibrations) lie in the herbs themselves. No outside forces need be called into play, for the power is resident within the organic matter."

Finally, to balance everything I give instruction on how to make process your herb/plants, how to use the plants in herbal magickal items, beauty products, wines and ales. So, let us look at the plants first.

Tom Long.

* These have been identified as American = Native to America and probably known or used in Medieval England during the 1600's, due to trade between the countries.

1 2.0 The Plants


Acacia -Acacia senegal (AKA: Acacia Gum) Parts Used: Bark, Flower and Acacia Oil.

General protection, psychic development, divination, meditation, and spiritual enhancement. Acacia Oil is also used in anointing and blessing rituals. Acacia may be mixed with and burnt as incense for protection, or mixed with Honeysuckle and Moonwort and again burnt as incense when developing clairvoyance. The plant is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Air.

Acacia senegal. Franz Eugen Köhler 1897 – (PD-ART)

Aconite - Aconitum napellus, Aconitum anthora, Aconitum lycoctonum - (Poisonous) (AKA: Wolfsbane, Monkshood). Parts Used: Not Recommended

Traditionally used to ward off Vampires and Werewolves. It also is an ingredient in witch's flying ointment which consisted of fat of an animal in which you simmer with the juice of jimson weed, water parsnip, aconite, cinquefoil, and deadly nightshade. The plant is sacred to the planet Saturn, and the Element of Water.

Agrimony: - Agrimonia eupatoria - (AKA: Liverwort) Parts Used: Shoots, Leaves and Flowers.

Useful as a tonic to help with sleep and in the treatment of liver complaints. According to Conway it is also of value for treating dry coughs. Herb for magical protection, so should be incorporated in protection spells, and placed in your home for home protection against malicious magickal spells. In oil may be used as part of a healing ritual.

Psychic Protection Incense using Agrimony

1/4 part Broom 1/2 part Agrimony 1/2 part Basil 1/4 part Cranesbill 1/2 part Oregano

The plant is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Air.


Alder - Alnus glutinosa - (AKA: black alder, European alder or common alder) Parts Used: Bark and Leaves.

Medically it is said that Alpine farmers use the alder leaves to alleviate rheumatism by placing a heated bag full of leaves on the affected areas. Also reduces nervousness and anxiety, as Alder gives you the confidence to respond to challenges, and face the things you do not want to. It is also was believed that Alder allows you to access the fairy realms. Use also in Spells to aid success in your business and academic ventures

Beloved by the Celts, and according to Irish legend, the first human male was made out of Alder, and the first woman was made out of Rowan.

The planetary associations are numerous and no firm alignment can be given, the tree has been aligned to The Moon. Venus and Neptune and the Elements of Fire and Water.

The Alder - Wikipeadia – (PD-ART)

Alfalfa - Medicago saliva – ((AKA lucerne). Parts Used: Whole Heb in Flower).

Use the herb in rituals designed to bring good luck, money, or prosperity. Traditionally used to restore energy and delay hunger. Place some seed under the rays of a New Moon on a Friday, and call upon the Archangel Anael to empower the seeds with prosperity. Place seeds into a small clean glass jar and place in any cupboard of your house. By doing this it is said that your will ward off poverty. Also use the sprouts and seeds, in incense, during rituals involving love.

The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Earth.

All-Heal - Prunella Vulgaris - (AKA: Hercules Wound Wort, Prunella, Hook-Heal, Slough- Heal) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Culpeper recommends that the juice used with oil of roses to anoint the temples and forehead is very effectual to cure a headache, and the same mixed with honey of roses cleaneth and healeth ulcers in the mouth and throat. The tea of all-heal also aids relaxation

From a magickal perspective you may aid your mediation by rubbing the leave on your forehead. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

3 Alkanet - Anchusa Tinctoria - (AKA: Orchanet, Spanish bugloss, Enchusa, Dyer's Bugloss.) Parts Used: Root.

Use in purification and prosperity rituals. It should be mixed with frankincense to create pleasant smelling incense. It may be mixed with soap to make a face wash, but beware your skin may be dyed purple! Culpeper indicates that it should be mixed into in wine and drank, as it strengthens the back, and eases the pains thereof. It helps bruises and falls, and is as gallant a remedy to drive out the smallpox and measles as any is; an ointment made of it is excellent for green wounds, pricks or thrusts.

The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Alkanet - Anchusa sempervirens. Evergreen Element of Water. Alkanet. 1824- (PD-ART)

Allspice - Pimenta officinalis - (AKA: Jamaica Pepper, Myrtle Pepper, Pepper) Parts Used: Dried Fruit.

Use this in rituals which involve attraction, health and wealth. Burn allspice with frankincense during Jupiterian rituals and as a general incense to attract wealth. A poultice of crushed allspice fruits cooked to a thick paste is said to give relief from rheumatism if applied to the affected area and then covered with a clean cloth. The plant is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Fire.

Almond - Prunus amygdalus - Parts Used: Tree Leaves, Almond Fruit, and Almond Oil.

Wealth and Wisdom are to be gained by using the power of the Almond, by combining its power in prosperity spells to the planet Jupiter. Cunningham gives an interesting incense recipe:

Take equal parts of Cloves, Nutmeg, Lemon Balm, Poppy Seed, and Cedar Bark. Moistened with a few drops of Honeysuckle Oil and Almond Oil. Make this incense mixture on a Thursday during a Waxing Moon.

The tree is sacred to the Planet Jupiter the Element of Air.

Aloe - Aloe vera Parts Used: Wood, Leaves, and juice from the leaves.

The juice from the leaves is used in Southern Africa as a treatment to sunburn, and burns in general. Magically it is used as a constituent of anointing oil, in rituals to the Moon, being added to or compounded into Moon incense. Not to be confused with Lignum Aloes, which is used in the Bible and in many ancient writings to designate a substance totally distinct from the modern Aloe Vera, namely the resinous wood of Aquilaria agallocha tree. Dry the leaves and hang over a doorway to prevent evil entering. It is also said that to burn the dried leave on the night of a full moon it will bring a new lover by the next New Moon. The plant is sacred to the Moon and the Element of Water. 4 Aloes, Wood - Aquilaria agallocha - (AKA: Lignum Aloes.) Parts Used: Wood.

Primarily used in incense mixtures for Love, Protection, Money and Riches, and Spirituality. The wood has specific vibrations which will attract love if worn on the person. Lignum Aloes perfume 4th, 11th and 28th lunar mansions. The tree is sacred to the plant Venus and the Element of Water.

Alsonia - Alstonia scholaris - AKA: Bitter Bark, Dita, Devil's Tree) - Parts Used: Bark and Seed.

Renowned as an aphrodisiac in India, the seeds are used in tantric magick to prolong an erection and delay orgasm. The leaves are used to make a tea to relieve menstrual cramps. The leave has no aphrodisiac properties. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Fire.

Alyssum, Sweet - Lobularia maritima (AKA: Madwort, sweet Alice, Seaside lobularia,) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Protection and harmony spells. Place a few flowers in your home to bring harmony and dispel negativity.

Angelica - Angelica officinalis, Angelica sylvestris - (AKA: Long wort, Archangel, Angelica Root. Parts Used: Root, Leaves and Seeds.

Medical uses include an aid to digestion. If the powdered root is put onto open skin ulcers it promotes healing.

Tradition indicated that it should be gathered when the Sun is in Leo, and the Moon well aspected in the hour of the Sun or in Jupiter's hour. Angelica is a very powerful protection herb - protects against negative energy as it also attracts positive energy. May be use in healing and exorcism incenses; scatter for purification, protection, and uncrossing. It is also said to bring back a lost love, if burnt as incense.

The plant is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Fire.

Angelica- Wild Thomé, Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz 1885 – (PD-ART)

Anemone, Wood - Anemone nemorosa (AKA: Meadow Anemone, Pasque Flower, Wind Flower) Parts Used: Root and Leaves.

Used to cure headaches, tertian agues and rheumatic gout. Magically the plant may be used to invoke the Element of Air, by burning incense made from anemone flowers, mixed with white sandalwood. Infused in oil, this makes excellent candle anointing oil. The early Celts stated that to gather the first anemones in spring, they would act as protection if dried and kept in the home. It is also said that fairies sleep in the folded petals of the plant. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire. 5 Anise - Pimpinella anisum - (AKA: Sweet Cumin) Parts Used: Seeds and Root.

For cleansing, clairvoyance, and divination rituals, so an incense of Anise and frankincense may be burnt when practicing divination rituals, it also has the reputation of averting the evil-eye.

The Greeks used Anise seed and Narcissus to make an ointment which was rubbed onto the male genitalia as a cure for impotence. The plant is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Air.

Anise . Franz Eugen Köhler 1897 – (PD-ART)

Archangel - Lamium album (AKA: Dead Nettle, White Dead Nettle, Blind Nettle, Dumb Nettle) Parts Used: Whole plant.

The plant is used in rituals involving Mars, particularly revenge spells. Its main ritual use is to generate protection, or to remove a curse. To make this effective Cunningham suggests that a poppet, in the image of the person who is cursing you, be stuffed with nettle or carry some in a cloth sachet. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire

Arnica - Arnica montana (AKA: Mountain Tobacco, Leopard's Bane) Parts Used: Roots and Flowers

Care must be taken with this plant as it can be poisonous to some, and should never be used internally or externally. However, Arnica Oil which some suggest can be used as an aid to mediation. I would not support this due to its possible toxic effects. As incense it is said to help increases psychic powers and give protection from spirits. The plant is sacred to the planet Saturn and the Element of Water.

Ash - Fraxinus excelsior (AKA: Common Ash, Weeping Ash) Parts Used: Leaves and Bark.

Ritually used in healing spells. One of the sacred Druid trees together with oak and thorn. A solar wand is traditionally made from the Ash Tree, and so are witches besoms. Ash wood magically aids in communication, intelligence, and wisdom. The tree is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Fire.

If you place 13 leaves from the Ash Tree under your pillow, it is said that you will experience prophetic dreams.

Aster - Aster amellus - (AKA: European Michaelmas Daisy or Italian Aster) Parts Used: Whole plant, especially Flowers.

Used in love rituals and to the Goddess Venus. The plant is sacred to Venus and the Element of Air.


How to make an Herbal Witch Jar.

Fill a small jar with the ash leaves, dill seeds, and fennel seeds, rosemary, pins and needles and some red wine. When complete say over the jar: "Pins needles, herbs and wine In this Witch's Bottle of mine; Guard against harm and enemies So all is fine." Put the lid on the jar as tight as possible, Drip wax from a red candle around the seal of the lid. Traditionally you should bury the jar at the threshold of your home, or as close to the front door as possible. The Witch's Bottle reputedly averts negativity energy and repels evil witchcraft. The pins and needles impale evil, the wine drowns it and the herbs send the evil far from your home.

Woodcut shows garden planting - Thomas Hill’s Gardener’s Labyrinth (1577) – (PD-ART)

7 B

Balm - Melissa officinalis - (AKA: Sweet Balm. Lemon Balm) Parts Used: Whole plant and Oil.

Paracelcus recommended it as a tonic to raise spirits and lift the heart. According to Culpeper it expels melancholy. Recent research has shown that it can help significantly in the treatment of cold sores.

A woman who wears a sprig of Balm around her neck will be beloved.

Finally, if you wish to live to a ripe old age, every morning drink a balm tea mixed with honey!

The plant is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Water.

Melissa officinalis . Franz Eugen Köhler 1897 – (PD-ART)

Lemon Balm Dream Pillow

2 Parts Rose Petals Sew up into a small sachet and sleep on it to 2 Parts Lemon Balm have vivid dream 1 Part Costmary 1 Part Mint 1 Part Clove

Scott Cunningham

Balm of Gilead - Commiphora opobalsamum - (AKA: Tree, Poplar Buds) Parts Used: Buds

Sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of water, is used to promote healing, protection, love rituals, and psychic manifestations. May be placed in a love sachet; also carried for healing. In incense it is traditionally burnt to attract spirits.

8 Barberry, Common - Berberis vulgaris (AKA: Berbery. Pipperidge Bush) Parts Used: Bark and Root.

The berries are dried and added to incense used in rituals involving Mars. A hedgerow shrub, scarce now in Britain, for most of it has been eradicated by farmers. So, if you see it save some seeds and plant in your own garden. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

Barley - Hordeum distichon. Parts Used: Seeds.

Barley water mixed with rue, and strained, is said to ease eye infections, and you may remove a wart by rubbing the wart with the sheaf of barley and then throwing into a fast- moving river. As the sheaf decays so will the wart. The seed is sacred to the planet Saturn and the Element of Earth.

Basil, Sweet - Ocymum basilicum (AKA: St. Joseph's Wort) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Pound a handful of Basil leaves in a mortar and pestle, mix with an unscented light cosmetic cream. The final product should have a strong smell of the Basil. Once achieved, you may rub some of the "Basil Cream" on both temples and your third-eye (between your eyebrows). This is to assist in achieving a deep meditative state. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire

Basil, - 'Herbarium' by Leonhart Fuchs. 1543 - (PD-ART)

Bay Tree - Laurus Nobilis - (AKA: Bay Laure, Sweet Laurel, Sweet Bay, True Laurel) Parts Used: Leaf and Bay Leaf Oil.

Use to ease bladder pains and expel wind. Magically burnt as incense for purification of your home, and also in the blessing of houses and businesses. According to Cunningham the leaves mixed with sandalwood can be burned to remove curses and evil spells. Use also in spells of prosperity.

The tree is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Fire.

Bedstraw (Ladies) - Galium Verum - (AKA: Our Lady's Bedstraw, Yellow Bedstraw, Maid's Hair, Petty Mugget, Cheese Renning, Cheese Rennet.) Parts Used: Leaves and Flowers.

Medically is said to ease aching feet caused by running. Make a lotion of leaves and flowers in warm water. Ritually used in love and lust spells. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water 9

Beech Tree - Fagus sylvatica. Parts Used: Leaves and Oil of the Nuts.

The oil is used internally as an expectorant for bronchitis, or externally as an ointment for various skin diseases such as sores and ulcers. It brings unconscious wisdom, healing and a sense of connection with the earth. To the Celts the beech is the tree of learning, wisdom and the written word. The tree is sacred to the planet Saturn and the Element of Earth.

Betel Nut - Areca (AKA: Areca Nut, Pinang) Parts Used: Seed.

Used in Tantric Sex Magick as a mild stimulant and is ideal in all forms of meditation. To the Hindus the nut is sacred to Laksmi, the Goddess of wealth and Ganesha, the God of wisdom. Finally, said to have aphrodisiac properties. Long-term usage may affect teeth and mouth lining. Sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Betony (Water) - Betonica Aquatica, Scrophularia aquatica - (AKA: Fiddlewood Brownwort, Bishop's Leaves) Parts Used:

The plant is sacred to Jupiter and the Element of Water.

Betony (Wood) - Betonica Officinalis - (AKA: Common Betony) Parts Used: Whole plant.

A protective plant which may be kept in the home to keep evil out. Also, a good secondary defence if scattered around your Magick Circle. If a leave is chewed before retiring it is said it will keep away bad dreams. The plant is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Fire.

Historical Victorian Print. Wood Betony Flower Plant C1880 Botanical – (PD-ART)

Birch - Betula alba (AKA: No common name found) Parts Used: Bark and Leaves.

The traditional broom, or besom of witches, which was made of birch twigs. The tree is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Bistort - Polygonum bistoria - (AKA Snakeweed, Dragon Wort) Parts Used: Root and Leaves.

Medically used as a mouth wash. magickal properties include the attraction of money utilising the root as a personal talisman. Also burnt in incense to develop clairvoyant powers. Sacred to the planet Saturn and the Element of Earth.

Bitter sweet - Solanum dulcamara - (Poisonous) - (AKA: Woody Nightshade, Felonwood., Felonwort) Parts Used: Woody stalks.

Said to remove any curses conjured using witchcraft. The Plant is sacred to the planet Mercury and the Element of Air.

10 Blackberry - Rubus fructicosus. Parts Used: Root and Leaves.

Use the root and leaves to make a mouthwash that is said to heal mouth ulcers. Blackberries are also considered to protect against earthbound spirits and vampires. If planted near a home, a vampire couldn't enter because he would obsessively count the berries. Tea made from the blackberry leaf is reputed to be an aphrodisiac. The Fruit is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Rubus fruticosa - Blackberry. A.A Newton 1800s and early 1900s. – (PD-ART)

Black Pepper - Piper nigrum - (AKA: Piper) Parts used Corms.

Ground pepper may be used in the incense of Mars and as a protection if sprinkled around your home against psychic attack. The corm is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

Blessed Thistle - Compositae - (AKA: Holy Thistle) Parts Used: Whole plant.

As with most plants sacred to Mars the Thistle is used in rites for protection. It is also the herb of vitality and if placed in your home it will strengthen the spirit and renew vitality. The thistle also offer protection to the home if planted in your garden. Placed in a muslin bag and suspended in your bath water, it will purify the body. As already indicated the plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

Blood Root - Candensis - (Poisonous) - (AKA: Tetterwort, Red Pucoon, Red Root.) Parts Used: Whole plant. Used in rituals for protection. The plant is sacred to Mars and the Element of Fire.

Bluebell - Scilla nutans, Hyacinthus nonscriptus - (Poisonous) - (AKA: English Bluebell, Auld Man's Bells, Ring-o'-Bells. Parts Used: Dried and Powdered Bulb.

Referred to by country-folk as “fairy thimbles" Magickal properties promote personal strength, good luck, and anyone who wears the bluebell can only tell the truth. The bulb in its fresh state is poisonous. The plant is sacred to the Moon and the Element of Water.

Bog Myrtle - Myrica gale - (AKA: Sweet Gale, Bayberry, Dutch Myrtle) Parts Used: Branches and Leaves.

Take a handful of leaves and make a standard infusion. This will lift your spirits, reduce depression and improve the memory. 11 The leaves are often dried and placed in linen to give the cloth a pleasant smell. You may make dressing oil for candles by steeping the leaves in olive oil, which may be used in rituals to promote prosperity, the plant is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Earth.

Borage - Borago Officinalis - (AKA: Burrage) Parts Used: Leaves and Flowers.

Ritually used to increase psychic powers. Also used in ritual to the planet Jupiter who rules matters of fortune. Medically the herb is beneficial to the digestive system. The plant is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Air.

Broom - Cystisus scoparius - (AKA: Broom Tops, Irish Tops, Basam, Besom) Parts Used: Flowering tops and seeds.

Broom tea is a diuretic, and an infusion not only of flowers, but also stems and roots, has been used in Norfolk for many years by country folk. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Air.

Cytisus scoparius -. Franz Eugen Köhler 1897 – (PD-ART)

Broom, Butchers. Ruscus Aculeatus - (AKA: Kneeholy, Knee Holly, Kneehole, Jew's Myrtle, Sweet Broom) Parts Used: Plant and Root.

Medically this plant helps the body produce perspiration releasing toxins through the skin, and is also a diuretic. Use in spells involving divination, protection, and the development of psychic powers.

Burdock - Arctium lappa - (AKA: Lappa, Fox's Clote, Thorny Burr, Beggar's Buttons, Cockle Buttons, Love Leaves. Parts Used: Whole plant.

Medically the seed are use to treat sciatica. It is a blood purifier and has had effective results in the cure eczema, either taken alone or combined with other remedies, such as Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Burnet - Pimpinella saxifraga - (AKA: Lesser Burnet, Meadow Pimpernel, Sanguisorbia, Solbegrelle, Saxifrage.) Parts Used: Plant and Root.

Used for protection, and in witchcraft the consecration of ritual tools. Also used to magically treat depression and despondency. The plant is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Fire.

Butterbur - Petasites vulgaris - (AKA: Langwort. Umbrella Plant. Bog Rhubarb. Flapperdock. Blatterdock. Capdockin. Bogshorns. Butter-Dock.) Parts Used: Root.

Culpepper says: 'It is a great strengthener of the heart and cheerer of the vital spirits. Other areas it has been found to be effective increases urine output, sores that are hard to cure, asthma, migraine, and menstrual cramps. Magically it is used in solar incense. The plant is therefore sacred to the Sun and the Element of Fire

12 Bryony, European White - Bryonia alba - (Poisonous) - (AKA: Black-berried White Bryony) Parts Used: Root.

Bryrony, White - Bryonia dioica - (Poisonous) - (AKA: English Mandrake, Wild Vine, Wood Vine, Wild Hops, Ladies' Seal, Tetterbury. Parts Used: Root.

The root is used in ritual incense mixtures; both plants are sacred to Mars and the Element of Fire.

Medieval Woodcut - Artist Unknown - Woman in an Herb Garden – (PD-ART)

13 C

Cabbages - Brassica Capitata, Brasssica Oleracea, Brassica Marina - (AKA: Colworts) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Plant is used in rituals involving Moon magick. The plant is sacred to the Moon and the Element of Water.

Cactus: (All Cacti) Parts Used: Depends on cactus, but use leaves, or whole plant.

All cacti plants are sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

Calamint - Calamintha officinalis (AKA: Basil Thyme, Mountain Balm, and Mountain Mint) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Medically is used as a tea to relieve the discomfort of wind and indigestion. Reputed to be an effective treatment against depression. Not recommended to be used by females as the herb proves to be too strong. Magically a sprig of Calamint is said to protect the home if hung over the front door. The plant is sacred to the planet Mercury and the Element of Air.

Calamus - Acorus calamus (AKA: Sweet Sedge, Sweet Flag, Sweet Root, Sweet Rush, Sweet Cane, Gladdon, Sweet Myrtle, Myrtle Grass, Myrtle Sedge, Sedge) Parts Used: Root.

Powder the root for use in Moon incense. Grown in the garden bring protection to the home. The psychoactive aspects of the root’s constituents, in small quantities creates the effect of a stimulant. The plant is sacred to the Moon and the Element of Water

Camomile - Anthemis nobilis (AKA: Common Camomile) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Chamomile is known as an herb of purification and protection, and can be used in incenses for sleep and meditation. A simple incense to promote relaxation and sleep is to take 1-part poppy seeds, 1-part Camomile, and 1-part Willow leave. The dried flowers may be used in to make a sleep pillow. Chamomile Tea is an old-fashioned but extremely efficacious remedy for hysterical and nervous affections in women. The plant is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Fire

1774 Antique Botanical Print Regnault's Wild Camomile. - (PD-ART)


Campion, Wild - Silene dioica (AKA: Red Campion, Bachelor's buttons) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Use in love spells and incense to the planet Venus. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Candytuft, Bitter - Iberis amara (AKA: No common name found) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Candytuft is not only a soother for the eyes but behind the beauty lays the qualitative power of this plant. The roots, leaves and stem possess great medicinal value along with the effective seeds. Used as an aid to treat rheumatism, gout, and various other diseases like cardiac hypertrophy, asthma, and bronchitis. Homeopathy describes it to be of great help in curing nervousness and muscle soreness.

In magick it is used in spells of love, and lust. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Carrots - Daucus carota (AKA: No common name found) Parts Used: Seeds and Root.

The seeds have a carminative, stimulant effect and are also used to treat in flatulence and wind. The dose of the seeds, bruised, is from one-third to one teaspoonful, repeated as necessary. In ritual the carrot represents a phallus and therefore used in ritual of lust and fertility. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

Caraway - Carum Carvi (AKA: No common name found) Parts Used: Seeds.

Magically you may use the seed in protection spells. They also have the ability to lift mental powers and general health if taken as a tonic. So, may be used in dream pillows. Interestingly the seed are also said to prevent theft from your home or person. Scatter a few seeds around your home or include with frankincense to make a protection incense. The plant is sacred to the planet Mercury and the Element of Air.

Caraway - Friedrich Gottlob Hayne, Published ca 1820. – (PD-ART)

15 Catnip - Nepeta cataria (AKA: Cat Mint, Catnep) Parts Used: Whole plant.

This herb which eases digestive problems, and is a sleep tonic. According to Cunningham, Catnip is used in love sachets, usually in conjunction with rose petals. If you hold catnip in your hand until it is warm, then hold anyone else's hand; they will forever be your friend, as long as you keep the catnip you used for the spell in some safe place. Grown near the home or hung over the door attracts good spirits. Also reputed to be an aphrodisiac. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Carnation - Dianthus carophyllus (AKA: Dianthus) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Carnation is used as an ingredient or substitute for magick spells and formulas related to solar matters, such as healing, illumination, magickal power, physical energy, protection, success, and legal matters. Burn as an incense to enhance creativity. The plant is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Fire.

Celandine - Greater - Chelidonium majus - (Poisonous) (AKA: Common Celandine, Garden Celandine) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Traditional used to remove warts. Squeeze yellow juice onto the offending skin protrusion. Be careful the juice is toxic, so do not put on any other part of your skin, except the wart, or use internally. The plant is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Fire.

Celandine - Lesser - Ranunculus Ficaria - (AKA: Pilewort) Parts Used: Whole plant.

As its common name suggests the Lesser Celandine is an old remedy for piles. Pilewort, a name originating from the 'Doctrine of Signatures' in medieval times which prescribed cures according to physical resemblance of herbs to parts of the body - the celandine's tubers are said to resemble piles therefore the plant was used as a cure for this particular ailment! Celandines are also reputed to have magical properties - if picked on the morning of St. Peter's day (29th June); the plant would give protection from imprisonment. The plant is sacred to Mars and the Element of Fire.

Celery, Wild - Apium graveolens - (AKA: Smallage) Parts Used: Whole plant and Seeds.

Celery seed is a carminative stimulant, diuretic, nerve tonic, and has also been used in treating hysteria, promoting restfulness and sleep. Burn with Orris root as an incense to increase psychic powers. Witches supposedly ate celery seeds before flying off on their brooms so that they wouldn't become dizzy and fall. The plant is sacred to the planet Mercury and the Element of Fire.

David Conway- The Complete Magic Primer - Witches' Flying Ointment - This salve induces a pleasing numbness of the body and a sweet languor of spirit which are conducive to both medication and the perception of astral forms. Base: almond oil, Apium graveolms (wild celery), Aconitum lycoctmw.m (wolfs bane - poisonous) Populus balsamifera (poplar - the leaves andresinous buds).

16 Century - Centauriumvulare - (AKA: Centaury Gentian, Red Centaury, Filwort, Christ's Ladder, Feverwort) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Medical used as an aromatic bitter, stomachic and tonic treatment. It acts on the liver and kidneys, purifies the blood, and is an excellent tonic, also used as a mouthwash. Robinson indicates that it should be powdered, and mixed with honey and add it to the lamp oil, or rub it on a candle. As the light burns, those within its shadow will have strange feelings and inexplicable thoughts. Use as an aid to meditation and when burnt as an incense helps increase psychic powers. The plant is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Fire.

Chervil - Myrrhis odorata - (AKA: Sweet Circely, British Myrrh. Anise) Parts Used: Whole plant.

The leaves can be infused in water and used as a skin freshener, and infusions made with Chervil are also used to lower blood pressure. Useful for coughs and flatulence and general a good all-round tonic. Traditionally used to comfort the recently bereaved. Magically, Chervil is ruled the planet Mercury and is a key ingredient in incense for those who are planning Mercurial rituals. It is said that witches use sprays of flowering Chervil on Air altars to help them focus their energies. The plant is sacred to the planet Mercury and the Element of Air.

Chestnut Tree - Aesculus hippocastanum - (AKA: Horse Chestnut) Parts Used: Leaves, Bark and Fruit.

To attract prosperity, carry a Chestnut "Conker" with you. The wood of the Chestnut tree has the properties to bring success and love. The tree is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Fire. From the medical perspective a regular tonic made from the leaves of the Chestnut help with poor circulation.

Chickweed - Stellaria media - (AKA: Starweed, Star Chickweed) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Aids digestion and good for stomach conditions. Compounded into a fragrance-free light skin cream it is ideal in treating cases of eczema, haemoid, skin ulcers and general skin complaints. Chickweed was used to promote fidelity, attract love, and maintain relationships. Chickweed can be beneficial in any Lunar or Moon based workings. The plant is sacred to the Moon and the Element of Water.

Chickweed - Artist Unknown. – (PD-ART)

17 Cinquefoil - Potentilla reptans - (AKA: Five Finger Grass, Five-Finger Blossom, Sunkfield, Synkefoyle) Parts Used: Whole plant.

A sedative and a throat gargle. Used in purification rituals in incense form. A traditional recipe is: mix 1-part Bay Leaves, 2-parts Cinnamon part Rose Petals, 1-part Cinquefoil, 2 parts Myrrh and a pinch of Salt. The plant is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Fire.

Clary, Wild - Salvia sclarea, Salvia verbenaca - (AKA: Clary Sage, Common Clary, Clear Eye, Vervain Sage, Oculus Christi) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Clary may be used to make a drink which if taken prior to retiring to bed will help create very vivid dreams, and help in recalling those dreams. Clary oil is well-known for its aphrodisiac, sedative, antiseptic, regenerative, and antidepressant properties. The plant is sacred to the Moon and the Element of Water.

Cleavers - Galium aparine - (AKA: Clivers, Goose grass, Catchweed, Bed straw) Parts Used: Whole plant.

The dried plant is often infused in hot water and drunk as a tea to treat insomnia, and a face wash is helpful for painful sunburn. A valuable diuretic, it is often taken to treat skin problems such as seborrhoea, eczema and psoriasis. The leaves and flowers added to a hot bath is said to make women successful in love. The plant is sacred to the Moon and the Element of Water.

Coltsfoot - Tussilago Farfara - (AKA: Coughwort, Hallfoot, Horsehoof, Ass's Foot, Foalswort., Fieldhove, Bullsfoot) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Fresh leaves made into a tonic is said to be helpful in easing coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. a simple wealth ritual involves taking the leaf of the Coltsfoot and wrapping it around a piece of paper month, and write on the leaf in ink what you wish to achieve. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Coltsfoot - Thomé, Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz 1885 – (PD- ART)

Comfrey - Symphytum officinale - (AKA: Knitbone, Knitback, Consound, Blackwort, Bruisewort, Slippery Root, Boneset) Parts Used: Leaves and Root.

Comfrey is traditionally a money plant, were the root is used in money rituals. A protection plant for those that travel, place a piece of the plant in your suitcase to protect the traveller. A valuable tonic can be made by making a tonic from the plants leaves, which should be taken everyday. The plant is sacred to the planet Saturn and the Element of Water.

18 Coriander - Coriandrum sativum - (AKA: No common name found) Parts Used: Leaves and Seeds.

Used as part of a martial incense in rituals of revenge or destruction. Formula: Coriander, Basil, Ginger, and Black Pepper. the seeds are a stimulant, aromatic and carminative, excessive use they have a narcotic effect. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

Cornflower - Centaurea Cyanus - (AKA: Bluebottle, Bluebow, Blue Cap) Parts Used: Flowers.

Making an Infusion of cornflower flowers is effective in treating conjunctivitis and as a wash for tired eyes. The cornflower in powder form is an effective protection plant. Sprinkle the powder over the threshold of all doors which allow entry to the property. Also sprinkle it in the corner of every room, including the corners of all your cupboards. Place fresh flowers over both eyes, this is said to aid clairvoyance. The plant is sacred to the planet Mercury and the Element of Air.

Cowslip - Primula veris - (AKA: Fairy Cups, Herb Peter, Petty Mulleins, Primulas) Parts Used: Whole plant.

The plant acts as a sedative, mildly narcotic and antispasmodic, so aid sleep. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Crowfoot - Ranunculus acris - (AKA: Buttercup, Butter flowers, Gold Cup) Parts Used: Whole plant.

According to ‘Grieves Herbal’ the juice of the leaves takes away warts, and bruised together with the roots will act as a caustic. In violent headaches where pain is confined to one part, a plaster made of them often affords instant relief, and they have been used in gout with great success.

According to Charubal, the effectiveness of the herb is increased if you draw the Sigil of the plant, place the plant on top of the sigil and invoke the spirit of the plant by reciting its name eight times, slowly.

Cuckoo-pint - Arum maculatum - Poisonous (AKA: Lords and Ladies, Arum, Starchwort, Adder's Root, Bobbins, Friar's Cowl, Kings and Queens) Parts Used: Root.

All parts of the fresh plant are poisonous, although when the root is baked it is edible, nutritious and harmless (not recommended) The bruised fresh leaves were once applied externally to relieve rheumatism. The plant is sacred to Venus and the Element of Water.

Cucumber - Cucumis sativa - (AKA: No common name found) Parts Used: Whole Fruit and Seed.

Due to its phallic shape this fruit was thought to promote sexual feeling. The plant is sacred to the Moon and the Element of Water. 19 D

Daffodil - Narcissus pseudo-narcissus - (Poisonous) - (AKA: Daffy-down-dilly, Lidelillies, Primrose Pearls) Parts Used: Whole plant.

The plant is associated with good luck and love. A good plant to include in your garden to repel evil in all its forms. The plant has little medical value. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Daisy, Common - Bellis perennis - (AKA: Bruisewort, Day-eye) Parts Used: Whole plant.

If you perform rituals designed to increase your luck or love, then wear a daisy, it will enhance the power of the ritual. Medically used to improve circulation. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Damiana (American) - Turnera diffusa - (AKA: Mexican damiana) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Used as a tonic for the nervous system and an aphrodisiac. Is said to strengthen the sexual organs in both men and women. Magically use in rituals involving lust, sex magick and to attract love. A traditional aphrodisiac tea; put 2 heaped table spoons of dried leaf in one cup o boiling water, leave to brew for 5 minutes. Enjoy! Long term use may be toxic to the liver!

Dandelion - Taraxacum officinale - (AKA: Blowball, Cankerwort, Lion's Tooth, Priest's Crown, Puffball, Swine Snout, White Endive, Wild Endive, Piss-a-Bed. Parts Used: Root and Leaf.

Medically the Dandelion is an excellent tonic for dyspepsia, and is also used to ease constipation, and help to heal skin wounds. Although many consider the Dandelion as a rampant weed, if they appear in your lawn you may consider this to be an omen of good luck. There are many spells involving the Dandelion seed ball. You can blow on a seed ball and count the remaining plumes to determine, how many children you will have. Or on a more practical level blow the seed ball on the night of a new moon to health a friendship quarrel, by visualizing your being re-united with your friend. The plant is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Air.

Dandelion, botanical print. – (PD-ART)


Devil's Bit - Succisa pratensis (AKA: Scabious) Parts Used: Whole plant.

It makes an excellent tea for the treatment of coughs, and an infusion of the flowers treats menstrual conditions in women. The plant is also use in the rituals of exorcism, love, protection, and lust.

Charubal indicates that This plant, like several others of the vegetable tribes, is one of many virtues, virtues far more numerous than the Botanists of the past ever summarized or dreamed of. I will here point out, one other terrible affliction for which this plant, if rightly applied, is the antidote. It is what I designate, a soul blight; the result of psychic parasites (Psychic attacks). The sigil to be drawn and invocation of the plants spirit must be repeated over the plant, which is kept on your person till the condition improves. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Dill - Peucedanum graveolens - (AKA: Anethum Graveolus) Parts Used: Seed.

In the Middle Ages, Dill was one of the many herbs used by magicians in their spells, and charms against witchcraft. Typical; incense mixture would be: 2 parts Fennel seed, 2 parts Dill seed, ½ part Rue.

Culpepper tells us that: “Mercury has the dominion of this plant, and therefore to be sure it strengthens the brain.... It stays the hiccough, being boiled in wine, and but smelled unto being tied in a cloth. The seed is of more use than the leaves, and more effectual to digest raw and vicious humours, and is used in medicines that serve to expel wind, and the pains proceeding therefrom....”

May be used in an herb sachet to promote protection against negativity. The plant is sacred to the planet Mercury and the Element of Fire.

Dittany of Crete - Origanum dictamnus - (AKA: Cretan Dittany, Hop Marjoram) Parts Used: Whole plant.

The herb is used by modern witches in love potions and for divination and contact with spirits. When using it as incense, it is cautioned that spirits materialize in the smoke. Also, small doses of the herb are believed to enhance one's ability to perform astral projection, separating the consciousness from the physical. Additionally, Dittany of Crete is one of the few well-known etheric condensers. In Hermetic practice, its primary use is to provide sufficient ether to allow for the construction of a physical body for spirits summoned via rites of evocation. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.


Dock, Common - Rumex obtusifolius - (AKA: Round Leaf Dock, Common Wayside Dock, Butter Dock) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Used in money spells and rituals of prosperity. All children in the UK know that if you rub a dock leaf onto a nettle sting the stinging sensation is relieved. This also applies to burns and scalds. The plant is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Air.

Woodcut – Unknown artist – (PD-ART)

22 E

Elder - Sambucus nigra - (AKA: Black Elder, Common Elder, Pipe Tree.) Parts Used: Bark, Leaves Flowers and Berries.

Reputed to give protection from demons. A tea made from elder flowers is good for coughs and colds. From a cosmetic perspective the flowers mixed with a pure base non-scented cream is good for the complexion and your hair will shine if rinsed in water the elder flowers have been steeped. Besides the flowers are used to make wine, also a good altar flower to keep away evil spirits. The tree is sacred to Venus and the Element of Water.

Elecampane - Inula helenium - (AKA: Elfwort, Scabwort, Elf Dock, Wild Sunflower, Horseheal, Velvet Dock.) Parts Used: Root.

Cough medicine is made by powdering the root, and taking with food, or making into sweet syrup. The powdered root may also be mixed to form an embrocation this rubbed onto sciatic or rheumatic joints. The plant is sacred to Mercury and the Element of Air.

Elm, Common - Ulmus campestris - (AKA: Broad- leaved Elm, English Elm) Parts Used: Bark and Leaves.

Tonic, demulcent, astringent and diuretic. The tree is said to be the hiding place for fairies. Charubal indicated that "There is no man or woman, young or old, rich or poor, learned or unlearned, but may derive a special blessing through the study and contemplation of the Elm tree."

The Sigil and invocation of the Elm Tree Spirit is given by Charubal, is shown on the right.

The tree is sacred to Saturn and the Element of Water.

The Alchemical Sign for Water

23 Endive - Cichorium intybus, Cichorium endivia - (AKA: Chicory, Wild Succory) Parts Used: Root and Seeds.

The seeds are used in love spells and sex magick. A root used in Juperian incense, and as a substitute for coffee. A salve or ointment may be made which can be applied to skin ulcers, swellings and sores. The plant is sacred to Jupiter and the Element of Air.

Evening Primrose (American) - Cenothera biennis - (AKA: Tree Primrose) Parts Used: Leaves and Stem.

Oil made by steeping the leaves in olive oil makes excellent rubbing oil for arthritis. The leaves together with the stem bark and the flowers and the seed oil are said to be to be the valuable parts. They have been used in the treatment of gastro-intestinal disorders, whooping cough and asthma. A tea made from the roots is also used in the treatment of obesity. Magickal uses include love and attracting faeries. Use in ritual baths to increase inner beauty & desirability. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water

Evening Primrose - Elizabeth Twining - The Natural Orders of Plants London 1868.- (PD-ART)

Eyebright - Euphrasia officinalis - (AKA: Euphrasia) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Sew into a linen bag; Germander Speedwell, St John’s Wort, Vervain, Eyebright, Mallow, Yarrow and Self-heal. This is a potent charm against all this supernatural. Carry this herb to increase psychic ability. Make an eye wash for conjunctivitis with eyebright. The plant is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Fire.

Tree Planting - Woodcut - Sarum Horae - Jean Richards 1491- (PD-ART)

24 F

Fennel - Foeniculum vulgare - (AKA: Sweet Fennel. Wild Fennel) Parts Used: Seeds, Leaves and Roots.

A diuretic and reliever of trapped wind. Fennel tea, is also a carminative, and may be made by pouring half a pint of boiling water on a teaspoonful of bruised Fennel seeds. The seeds steeped in wine is said to improve your love life.

Fennel make a good cleansing and protection incense for the home: 2-parts Fennel seed, 2- parts Dill seed, and 1/2-part Rue. And also gives protection to the home if grown in the garden. The plant is sacred to Mercury and the Element of Fire.

Fenugreek - Foenum-graecum - (AKA: Bird's Foot, Greek Hayes) Parts Used: Seeds.

Used in spells involving communication. An attraction bottle may be made using Fenugreek seed. Obtain a small attractive glass bottle with a stopper. Fill with the seeds of Fenugreek, Poppy, Corn, Dill and one Star-Anise. This will attract luck to the house. If you are seeking love, the fill with Fenugreek, Barley, Cardamom, Lovage Seeds, and a handful of red rose petals (Dried). The plant is sacred to Mercury and the Element of Fire.

Feverfew - Matricaria parthenium. - (AKA: Bachelors Buttons, Featherfew, Wild Camomile)

Feverfew is relaxant and stimulant, ideal for relieving migraine attacks. It also is used has effects on the skin, uterus, nervous system and kidneys, if taken as a warm tea. Growing this plant around the outside of your home is said to prevent illness from entering. Place a small dried piece in your wallet or purse to provide protection against accidents wherever you go. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Feverfew image - artist unknown. – (PD-ART)


Figwort, Knotted - Scrophularia nodosa - (AKA: Throatwort, Carpenter's Square. Kernelwort) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Reduces skin swellings, eczema, psoriasis and any skin condition where there is itching and irritation, also burns. The plant should be applied as an ointment. The plant is sacred to the Moon and the Element of Water.

Flag, Yellow - Iris pseudacorus - (AKA: Iris Aquatica, Iris lutia, Yellow Flag, Yellow Iris, Fleur de Luce, Dragon Flower, Myrtle Flower) Parts Used: Root.

Oil made from the roots and flowers of the Iris, if rubbed into muscles and sinews is said to strengthen them, and is good for cramp. The plant is sacred to the Moon and the Element of Water.

Flag, Garden or Blue - Iris Versicolor - (Poisonous) (AKA: Fleur de Lys, Blue Flag. Poison Flag, Flag Lily, Liver Lily, Snake Lily, Dragon Flower, Dagger Flower, and Water Flag) Parts Used: Root.

The root is used in spells to increase prosperity or to obtain money. The plant is sacred to the Moon and the Element of Water.

Foxglove - Digitalis purpurea - (Poisonous) (AKA: Witches’ Gloves, Dead Men's Bells, Fairy's Gloves, Gloves of Our Lady, Bloody Fingers, Virgin's Glove, Fairy Caps, Fairy Thimbles) Parts Used: Leaves.

A protection plant to grow in your garden to protect the home. Other that the visual value and protective value do not use this plant in any incense, oil or ointment mixtures. The plant is sacred to Venus and the Element of Water.

Foxglove, Digitalis purpurea, botanical plate - 1885 – (PD-ART)

26 Fumitory - Fumaria officinalis - (AKA: Earth Smoke, Beggary (Parts Used: Whole plant.

Medically used as a blood cleanser. Also used as a digestive plant, reliving wind, nausea and a general tonic. Can act as a laxative in large amounts. Compounded into a cream this is good for skin complaints such as eczema. Mixed with a little frankincense and burnt on charcoal is powerful incense that will keep evil away. This incense may be used prior to a major ritual in order to clear the place and astral. The plant is sacred to the Planet Saturn the Element of Earth.

A Wealth Incense

Mix: 1 part: Camomile 1 part: Comfrey (Root) 1 part: Fumitory 1 part: Honeysuckle 1 part grated and dried Orange Peel 6 parts: Frankincense

27 G

Garlic, Common - Allium sativum - (AKA: Poor Man's Treacle, Stinkweed) Parts Used: Bulb

Syrup made by grinding a garlic clove with honey is said to assist in relieving rheumatism. A good antiseptic, compound with light oil or lanoline, it makes an antiseptic ointment for cuts and wounds. Magically used in rites of exorcism, protection, and countering spells cast against you. Place a few cloves around your home it adds strong protection to your property against evil spirits. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

Garlic Protection Incense:

½ part Frankincense Resin ½ part Basil ¼ part Dried Garlic ¾ part Rosemary 1 part Sandalwood ½ part Myrrh Resin a pinch of Sulphur

Gentian, Field, Spring and Marsh - Gentiana campestris, Gentiana verna, Gentiana pneumonanthe - (AKA: Bitter Root) Parts Used: Root.

A tonic herb, use to decrease exhaustion, increase appetite, and as a stomach tonic. Make a muslin bag containing Gentian root and infuse it in your bath, invigorating. Used as incense, will give protection against evil. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

Geranium, Rose - Pelargonium - (AKA: Geranium) Parts Used: Leaves.

Used in rituals for love and protection, and for banishing evil spirits. Medically used to relive stress and anxiety if taken as a tea. Use the leaves place in a muslin bag in your batch this is a great mood enhancer. True geraniums in the UK include Herb Robert or cranes-bill. Whilst Pelargonium's are referred to a storks-bill. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Ginkgo Biloba - Ginkgoaceae - (AKA: Maidenhair Tree) Parts Used: Leaves and Seeds.

Reputed to be an aphrodisiac and a fertility herb, but must be taken for at least 6 months to see the effects. Also use to improve the memory if taken as a tincture. As incense used when attempting to contact spirits, and also in love spells. The tree is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Air.

28 Goldenrod - Solidago virgaurea - (AKA: Aaron's Rod, Sweet Goldenrod, Woundwort) Parts Used: Leaves, and Flowering Tops.

The leaves are an astringent, stimulant and also have a carminative effect on the body, and a tonic for indigestion. A lotion is good for the skin. From a magickal perspective this is a prosperity herb and if grown near to your home will attract good fortune. Although a plant sacred to Venus it may be used in spells prosperity and money spells and also as an element in incense when practicing divination techniques. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Air.

Goldenseal - Hydrastis canadensis - (American) - (AKA: Yellow Root, Orange Root, Yellow Puccoon, Ground Raspberry, Wild Curcuma, Root, Indian , Goosegrass) Parts Used: Root.

Traditionally said to point to buried treasure, and beneficial in business dealings and matters of finance. Work into any charm or spell to increase its power. The plant is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Fire.

Groundsel, Common - Senecio vulgaris - (AKA: Grundy Swallow, Ground Glutton, Simson, Sention) Parts Used: Whole plant.

The plant is used in ritual to improve health. In the UK it is used as a food for caged birds, and a poultice of the herb is said to heal a boil. Make an amulet containing Groundsel and you have an effective protection against the evil eye.

Culpepper says:

'This herb is Venus's mistress piece and is as gallant and universal a medicine for all diseases coming of heat, in what part of the body soever they be, as the sun shines upon: it is very safe and friendly to the body of man, yet causes vomiting if the stomach be afflicted, if not, purging. It doth it with more gentleness than can be expected: it is moist and something cold withal, thereby causing expulsion and repressing the heat caused by the motion of the internal parts in purges and vomits. The herb preserved in a syrup, in a distilled water, or in an ointment, is a remedy in all hot diseases, and will do it: first, safely; secondly, speedily.'

As indicated the plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Groundsel, Common - Senecio vulgaris – (PD-ART)

29 H

Hart' Tongue Fern - Scolopendrium vulgare, Asplenium scolopendrium - (AKA: Hind's Tongue, Buttonhole, Horse Tongue, God's-hair) Parts Used: Frond.

Culpepper says:

'It is a good remedy for the liver, both to strengthen it when weak and ease it when afflicted.... It is commended for hardness and stoppings of the spleen and liver, and the heat of the stomach. The distilled water is very good against the passion of the heart, to stay hiccough, to help the falling of the palate and to stay bleeding of the gums by gargling with it.'

Use in prosperity rituals. The plant is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Fire.

Hawthorn - Crataegus oxyacantha - (AKA: May blossom, Quick. Thorn, Whitethorn, Haw) Parts Used: Fruits (Called Haws).

Hawthorn is effective for tonic for heart conditions, and also for curing insomnia. Sometimes used to resolve impotence problems. Magically, the leaves are used to make protection sachets a it is thought that it will give protection against witchcraft spells and if kept in a house it will repel ghosts and evil spirits. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

Hazel Tree Nuts - Corylus avellana - (Filberts) Parts Used: Nuts.

Use the branches to make a divining fork, or as the wood when making your wand. Hazel nuts hung in the house are said to bring luck. The nuts are rich in vitamins E and B. essential in maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails. May improve heart conditions as they contain heart-healthy fats. The plant is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Air.

Heartsease - Viola tricolor - (AKA: Pansy, Wild Pansy, Love-Lies-Bleeding, Love-in- Idleness, Butterfly Flower) Parts Used: Whole plant.

As its name implies Heartsease is good for the heart, and has been used in treating heart conditions. As an ointment used to treat eczema and other skin troubles, it has also been suggested that it is an essential ingredient in love potions! The plant is sacred to the planet Saturn and the Element of Water.

Heather - Ericaceae - (AKA: No common name found) Parts Used: Flower sprigs.

A tea made of heather blossoms is used to suppress coughing and as an aid for sleeplessness. Also used for treatment of nervous complaints, cardiac palpitations, migraine, and problems associated with menstruation. Traditionally White heather is the luckiest heather, as sold by gypsies. Make a sachet containing heather and place under your pillow it will bring dreams foretelling good fortune. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

30 Hellebore, Black - Helleborus niger - (Poisonous) - (AKA: Christe Herbe. Christmas Rose) Parts Used: Root.

It should never be taken internally and even handling the plant may have certain dangers. Use in magick in incense to Saturn and a favourite ingredient in Flying Ointments. The plant is sacred to the planet Saturn and the Element of Water.

Hemlock - Conium maculatum - (Poisonous) - (AKA: Herb Bennet, Spotted, Poison Hemlock, Poison Parsley, Spotted Hemlock) Parts Used: Leaves and Seeds.

As with Hellebore above, it should never be taken internally and even handling the plant may have certain dangers. Use in magick in incense to Saturn and a favourite ingredient in flying ointments. The plant is sacred to the planet Saturn and the Element of Water.

Henbane - Hyoscyamus niger - (Poisonous) - (AKA: Common Henbane, Henbell) Parts Used: Fresh Leaves, Flowering Tops, Stems and Seeds.

As with Hellebore, and Hemlock above, it should never be taken internally and even handling the plant may have certain dangers. Use in magick in incense to Saturn and a favourite ingredient in flying ointments. The plant is sacred to the planet Saturn and the Element of Water.

Herb Christopher - Actaea spicata - (Poisonous) - (AKA: Baneberry) Parts Used: Root.

As with Hellebore, Hemlock and Henbane above, it should never be taken internally and even handling the plant may have certain dangers. Use in magick in incense to Saturn. The plant is sacred to the planet Saturn and the Element of Water.

Conway lists a recipe for magickal oil (Oleum magicale) as follows:

Lycopodium clavatum (Wolfs claw spores the part used) Euphorbium (Wolf s milk - native to Morocco and poisonous) Clematis vitalba (traveller's joy) or Convolvulus arvensis (cornbind) Sambucus nigra (elder) Artemisia absinthium (wormwood) Conium maculatum (hemlock) or Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade)

Fumitory and red-spur valarian may be substituted for any of the first six plants Henbane may be substitutes for either of the last two plants.

Herb Robert - Geranium robertianum - (AKA: No common name found) Parts Used: Leaves.

Traditionally an unlucky flower, but has value in its ability to treat gout, as a skin conditioner when applied as a decoction to the skin, and the ability to cure stomach ulcers. Used in love spells. Herb Robert is a member of the Geranium or Cranesbill (Geraniaceae) family. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and The Element of Water.

31 High John the Conqueror - Convolvulus jalapa, Ipomoea jalapa - (AKA: Jalap, Bindweed) Parts Used: Root and Seeds.

The root has is a strong laxative property if taken internally. Used in sexual spells of various sorts and it is also considered lucky for gambling. This plant is of the same family Morning Glory. An all-round prosperity plant may be used to attract money, love, success, and happiness. Gamblers, just before going out to play anoint their hands with prosperity water made from the root of this plant which is boiled water. The pant is sacred to Mars and the Element of Fire.

Success Incense

¼ part Frankincense Resin ½ part Sweet Woodruff ½ part High John the Conqueror Root 1 ½ parts Vetivert ¼ part Angelica 1 part Sandalwood

High John the Conqueror - Franz Eugen Köhler, Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen – 1897- (PD-ART)

Holly - Ilex aquifolium - (AKA: Hulver Bush, Holm. Hulm, Holme Chase, Holy Tree, Christ's Thorn) Parts Used: Leaves, Berries and Bark.

Plant in your garden to give protection to the home. Gather 5 holly leaves and group on your altar. Place a red candle on the centre of the grouping. This makes an excellent protective shield around your home; a door sill of holly wood ensures that evil cannot enter the house. Traditionally used as a Christmas decoration.

Winter Solstice and Yuletide Incense:

1/2 part Mistletoe 1/4 part Holly 1/2 part Oak 1 part Pine 1/2 part Cedar Few drops of Pine Oil Few drops of Cedar Oil

Medically an infusion of holly leaves is said to relieve the effect of rheumatism. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

32 Hollyhock - Althaea rosea - (AKA: No common name found) Parts Used: Flowers and Leaves.

Medically the boiled roots are said to ease chest problems. Keep some flowers in your home, fresh or dried, and they will increase success in the material world, and increase flow of money. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

Honeysuckle - Lonicera periclymenum - (AKA: Woodbine, English Wild Honeysuckle) Parts Used: Leaves, Flowers and Seeds.

Culpepper says the honeysuckles are cleansing, consuming and digesting, and therefore no way fit for inflammations. Take a leaf and chew it in your mouth and you will quickly find it likelier to cause a sore mouth and throat than cure it.

Cunningham indicates that if you ring green candles with honeysuckle flowers it will attract money, or place them in a vase in the house for the same purpose. Lightly crush the fresh flowers and then rub on the forehead to heighten psychic powers. If a honeysuckle plant grows outside near your home it will bring good luck, and if it grows over the door it will keep fevers at bay for the household. The plant is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Earth.

Horehound, White, and Black - Marrubium vulgare, Ballota nigra - (AKA: White Horehound, Black Horehound, Black Stinking Horehound) Parts Used: Whole plant.

In magick it is usually the White Horehound, Marrubium vulgare that is used, and is compounded into incense which is burnt for protection and the attraction of wealth. Taken internally as an infusion it will clear your mind and promote quick thinking, as well as strengthen the mental powers. Internally the pant acts as a laxative. Medically it can be taken for indigestion and minor stomach conditions, and also aid sleep. The plant is sacred to the planet Mercury and the Element of Air.

Hops - Humulus lupulus - (AKA: No common name found) Parts Used: Flowers

Make slumber pillow by stuffing it with dried hops, this will help you to gain a restful sleep. Make an infusion and take if you are feeling low and down. It is an excellent pick-me-up. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Air

Horseradish - Cochlearia armoracia - (AKA: Mountain Radish, Red Cole) Parts Used: Leaves and Root.

Chilblains can be treated by grating the root and applying to the affected area, securing with a bandage. How about this Welsh rheumatism cure: shredded horseradish in a bottle of whisky, which was then buried in the ground for nine days. Then the dose was three spoonfuls daily. The root carries a strong masculine energy that vitalizes and purifies both body and soul. Use in rituals involving Purification, or Exorcism. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

33 Horsetail - Equisetum arvense - (AKA: Shave-grass, Bottle-brush, Paddock-pipes, Dutch Rushes, Pewterwort) Parts Used: Whole plant.

According to Culpeper, it stays laxes or fluxes in man and woman, and heals the inward ulcers. If taken in wine it promotes urine. Made into an ointment, horsetail will help to heal skin wounds and sores. Use in fertility rituals. The plant is sacred to the planet Saturn and the Element of Earth.

Hound's tongue - Cynoglossum officinale - (AKA: Dog's Tongue) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Made into an ointment this herb heals skin burns, sores and tumours, and painful haemorrhoids. Legend has it that if the leaves are laid under their feet, it prevents dogs from barking, hence the name. Hound’s tongue is weakly poisonous and should be taken with care. Include this plant in your mercurial incense. The plant is sacred to the planet Mercury and the Element of Fire.

Houseleek - Sempervivum tectorum - (AKA: Common Houseleek, Roof Houseleek, Jupiter’s eye) Parts Used: Leaves (preferably fresh).

The plant has been traditionally thought to protect against thunderstorms, lightening and witches! And grown on house roofs for that reason. The association with Jupiter has also been derived from a resemblance between the flowers and the god's beard. Used as a burn ointment. The plant is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Air.

Illustration from Otto Wilhelm Thomé, Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, 1885 – (PD-ART)

Hydrangea - Hydrangea arborescens - (AKA: Common Hydrangea, Wild Hydrangea, Seven Barks) Parts Used: Flowers, Dry Rhizome or Root.

According to folklore, if a witch put a curse on an unlucky man or woman the hydrangea could be used to break the curse. Mix with frankincense and burn to clear bad influences from your home. If you move into a new home, place some Hydrangea flowers in water and sprinkle around each room to remove any bad influences. The plant is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Air.

34 Hyssop - Hyssopus officinalis - (AKA: No common name found) Parts Used: Whole plant and its volatile oil.

Hyssop may be added to your bath water in sachets, or made infused in spring water and used to cleanse ritual objects, and your temple. So, Hyssop is a purification plant, and may also be hung up in the home to purge it of evil and negativity. Hyssop, when burnt as incense, enables you to draw on natural magickal power. It is an excellent gargle for sore throat. Generally, the plants properties are stimulating, carminative and it promotes expectoration, and may be used to treat chronic catarrh. The plant is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Fire.

Hyssopus officinalis – Artist unknown - (PD-ART)

35 I

Ivy, Common - Hedera helix - (AKA: No common name found) Parts Used: Leaves and Berries.

Ivy is still used to treat whooping cough, it brings relief in cases of whooping cough by reducing the amount and severity, it also has a mildly sedative effect. It can be used for other chest complaints as well, including catarrh, and bronchitis. Caution, Ivy is thought to be poisonous in large qualities. Traditionally women would carry ivy to aid fertility and general good luck. Wherever Ivy it is grown or proliferates, it guards against negativity and disaster. The plant is sacred to Saturn and the Element of Air.

Ivy, Ground - Glechoma Hederacea (AKA: Alehoof, Gill-go-over-the-ground, Haymaids, Tun-hoof, Hedgemaids) Parts Used: Whole plant.

No to be confused with Common Ivy indicated above. The juice of Ground Ivy may be applied to bruises and 'black eyes.' If combined with Yarrow or Chamomile Flowers it is said to make an excellent poultice for abscesses, gatherings and tumours. The plant is also used to treat bronchitis, specifically chronic bronchial catarrh, tinnitus, diarrhoea, haemorrhoids, cystitis, and gastritis. Magical uses included promoting sleep, meditation, healing, friendship and love. It is said if you scatter the leaves around your home it will promote serenity and peaceful dreams. The plant is sacred to Venus and the Element of Air.

Lady and the Flower, Medieval Woodcut – (PD-ART)

36 J

Jasmine - Jasminum officinale - (AKA: Jessamin, Jessamine, Yasmin) Parts Used: Leaves and Flowers.

Medicinally used in cough syrups. Burn the flowers in an incense to draw wealth and money. Jasmine oil is used to attract love, help one to relax, and sleep. The plant is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Water.

John's Wort. St - Hypericum perforatum - (AKA: No common names found) Parts Used: Flowers and Plant Tops.

The leaves infused in olive oils are good for burns and sores. If the plant is fixed over the front door it is said to keep evil out of the house, a good protection plant, providing it was gathered on St John's Eve (June 23rd). Mixed in a standard incense mix (See below) it is used in banishing spells. The plant is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Fire.

Standard Incense Mix

A fairly common base incense mixture which you can use for all ritual operations. All you need to do is add the appropriate plant, herb or wood to the mixture to align it to the correct planet, spirit or intention.

1 part Frankincense 1 part Myrrh 1 part Oak dried chips

1 part of your unique plant or herb.

That's It!

Juniper - Juniperus communis - (AKA: Enebro, Ginepro, Gemeiner, Gin Berry) Parts Used: Dried Leaves, Berries and Oil.

Some say that the berries crushed and smoked have a Hallucinogenic effect, and that if an infusion of the berries is taken this will enhance sexual performance. A sprig of juniper near the door of your home will ensure that your valuables are safeguarded. The oil of juniper is for stomach ailments and has a carminative effect on indigestion, flatulence, and diseases of the kidney and bladder. The plant is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Fire.

37 K

Kidneywort - Cotyledon umbilicus - (AKA: Penny Pies, Wall Pennywort, Wall Pennyroyal) Parts Used: Whole plant. Root and Seeds.

Use to dissolve kidney stones. Culpepper tells us that:

“the juice or distilled water being drunk is very effectual for all inflammations, to cool a fainting stomach, a hot liver or the bowels; the herb, juice or distilled water outwardly applied healeth pimples, St. Anthony's Fire (erysipelas) and other outward heats.”

The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Knapweed, Greater & Common Knapweed - Centaurea scabiosa, Centaurea nigra - (AKA: Common Knapweed, Hard Irons, Logger Head, Horse Knops, Mat Fellon, Bottleweed, Bullweed.) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Traditionally used in love charms, by placing the plant under your pillow, a girl was supposed to dream of her husband. The plant is sacred to the planet Saturn and the Element of Earth.

English Botany. Centaurea Scabiosa, Knapweed J.Sowerby. 1899.- (PD-ART)

38 L

Lady's Mantle - Alchemilla Vulgaris - (AKA: Lion's Foot, Bear's Foot, Nine Hooks) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Use in love potions and incense to Venus. Reputed to increase fertility and the retention of the unborn till term. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Antique Botanical Print C1890 Lady’s Mantle – (PD-ART)

Lavender - Family Labiatae - (AKA: No common names found) Parts Used: Flowering Tops and Oil.

The oil is effective as a restorative tonic against faintness, palpitations of a nervous sort, weak giddiness, provokes appetite, raises the spirits and dispels flatulence according to Culpeper. The dose is from 1 to 4 drops on sugar or in a spoonful or two of milk. The scent of lavender particularly attracts men, and lavender water or the was worn by prostitutes several centuries ago to both advertise their profession as well as to attract (through magic) customers (Cunningham). The plant is sacred to Mercury and the Element of Air.

39 Lettuce, Common Garden - Lactuca sativa - (AKA: Strong-scented Lettuce, Green Endive, Lettuce Opium, Bitter lettuce, Acrid Lettuce) Parts Used: Leave and Sap from Leaves.

The dried leaves if smoked have a mild narcotic and analgesic effect. According to Culpeper, it abates bodily lust, represses venerous dreams if it is applied to the male testicles in which a little Campire (Lawsonia alba) has been added to the lotion. When performing ritual to the Moon anoint your temples and forehead with the juice of the lettuce. Also said to aid sleep. The plant is sacred to the Moon and the Element of Water.

Lettuce, Wild. – Lactuca virosa – (AKA: Lettuce Opium, Compass Plant) Parts Used: Dried Leaves, Root, Resin or Sap.

Mildly narcotic and analgesic used to produce vivid dream states. The leaves may be smoked. Used in Sex Magick. The plant is sacred to Mars and the Element of Fire.

Lily, Garden - Lilium candidum- (AKA: White lily, Maddona Lily) Parts Used: Plants Bulb.

Used to treat sores and burns if in an ointment form. Fertility, renewal, rebirth, marriage, happiness, and prosperity. To break a love spell that has been cast involving a specific individual, wear or carry fresh lilies. The plant is sacred to the Planet Moon and the Element of Water.

Lily of the Valley - Convallaria majalis - (Poisonous) - (AKA: Convallaria, May Lily, Our Lady's Tears, Jacob's Ladder, Male Lily) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Stop gossip and to ensure a long and happy marriage. The plant is sacred to the Planet Mercury and the Element of Air.

Lime, Tree - Tilia - (AKA: Linden) Parts Used: Leaves and Flowers.

A nerve tonic and sleep aid. The flowers are used in love spells. The tree is sacred to the planet of Jupiter and the Element of Air.

Liquorice - Glycyrrhiza glabra - (AKA: Lacris, Spanish Root) Parts Used: Root.

A well-known ingredient in cough medicines, notably for the treatment of bronchitis (liquorice, cinnamon and fennel). Said to be an Aphrodisiac, chewing the root is said to make you passionate, so traditionally liquorice is added to love and lust sachets, carried to attract love, and used in spells to ensure fidelity. The root is sacred to the planet Mercury and the Element of Air.

Loosestrife, Purple - Lythrum salicaria - (AKA: Willow Herb, Spiked Loosestrife, Flowering Sally. Blooming Sally) Parts Used: Whole plant.

A good eye lotion for tired eyes. An ingredient of love spells, its scent is said to attract men. Also, a protection plant if grown by your home. The plant is sacred to the Moon and the Element of Earth.

40 Lovage - Levisticum officinale - (AKA: Cornish Lovage, English Lovage) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Said to be an aphrodisiac, but should not be used in any love spells. Gypsy tradition classes lovage as a protection herb, both physical and psychic. A good around protection incense which contains Lovage is as follows:

¼ part Frankincense Resin ½ part Mistletoe ¼ part Lovage ½ part Bay leaf ¼ part Ginger Root (ground) ½ part Sandalwood

Carry the root to bringing good luck, and give protection during travel. According to Culpeper it aids digestion, if the dried powdered root id taken in wine. Also, he recommends it as an eye wash (to reduce redness), and removes spots and freckles from the face. The plant is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Fire.

Lovage - Old Print – (PD-ART)

41 M

Madder - tinctorum - (AKA: Dyer's Madder) Parts Used: Root.

Limited usage today as a medicinal plant, but traditionally used to treat jaundice. Said to clean the kidneys and urinary organs. Made into an ointment using the leaves and root has been used as a skin cleanser. A cleansing and purifying plant used in incense mixtures dedicated to Mars. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

Maidenhair Fern - Adiantum capillus-veneris (AKA True Maidenhair) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Culpepper states that 'This and all other Maiden Hairs is a good remedy for coughs, asthmas, pleurisy, etc., and on account of its being a gentle diuretic also in jaundice, gravel and other impurities of the kidneys’. All the Maidenhairs should be used green and in conjunction with other ingredients because their virtues are weak.' Used as a lotion on the scalp is said to stop you loosing hair! Use as a pot plant in the home to remove evil influences. The plant is sacred to the planet Mercury and the Element of Air.

Mandrake - Atropa mandragora - (Poisonous) - (AKA: Mandragora, Satan's Apple, English White Bryony) Parts Used: Whole plant.

The root is reputed to resemble the human body and one of the traditional aphrodisiacs. The powdered root being taken in wine, less than 30 grains of root should be used. It also produces lucid dreams. The plant is the same family as Belladonna and should be used with caution as it can be toxic. It was the Middle Ages that Mandrake became popular as a magical plant, and was hailed as a miracle talisman, capable of curing just about anything. It was the root in particular that emanated this mysterious power to fascinate and entrance people. Today it is used as a talisman or amulet; aphrodisiac, love magic, good luck in business or gambling, counter-magic, protector, warding off of evil spirits or spells, invincible against any kind of weapons, flying ointment.

The magicians of old would call-up the Spirit of the Moon by the use of a Mandrake. The root was to be drawn from the ground during the night of the Full Moon. The dried powdered root was mixed with Convolvulus Flowers, Poppy Seeds, and a pinch of Sulphur. This was made into a paste using the blood of a black cat, and then burnt. If you wish to try this use this invocation substitute the cats' blood with Jasmine Oil.

Marigold - Calendula officinalis - (AKA: Pot Marigold, Marygold) Parts Used: Flowers, and Leaves.

Ointment made with the plant relieves and treats open sores and ulcers on the skin. Generally used for Its action as a stimulant and diaphoretic. The flowers are used to a respect and generate good luck in court and other legal matters. The plant is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Fire.

42 Marjoram - Origanum vulgare - (AKA: Origanum, Wild Marjoram, Common Marjoram) Parts Used: Leaves and Oil.

Oregano is related to the herb marjoram, for which it should not be confused with. Use Marjoram in rituals which involve spells of harmony, love, peace, protection, or psychic development. Medically the plant is used to relieve headaches and according to Culpeper the tops made into a conserve is good for disorders of the stomach and bowels. The plant is sacred to Mercury and the Element of Air.

Marshmallow - Althaea officinalis - (AKA: Mallards, Mauls) Parts Used: Flowers, Leaves, Seeds and Root.

Has been used as an aphrodisiac in love and fertility rites, as an alter flower draw in good spirits or incense mixture. This is also a protection plant traditionally used against disease. to enhance fertility and ensure the easy delivery of healthy children. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Meadow Sweet - Spiraea ulmaria - (AKA: Bridewort, Lady of the Meadow) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Protection against evil, promotes love, if scattered around the home it promotes balance and harmony. A sacred herb of the Druids. Place meadowsweet on the altar when making love charms and performing love spells. But the love affairs are usually short-lived. If you suffer from ulcers, do not take this plant internally. The plant is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Air.

Mint, Wild - Mentha sativa - (AKA: Water Mint, Marsh Mint, Hairy Mint) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Medically tea made from mint leave is good for stomach complaints. Mint in tea form aids upset stomach problems. Also used to improve the respiratory and circulatory systems. Its leaves are use in money and prosperity rituals. An all-round plant used for protection; healing; prosperity; fortune; and justice. The plant is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Air.

Mint, Spearmint - Mentha viridis - (AKA: Garden Mint, Garden Spear) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Spearmint, as with its relative Wild Mint is a healing herb and used in rituals of that nature. According to Cunningham, to rid a place of evil, sprinkle salt water with a sprinkler made of fresh sprigs of mint, marjoram and rosemary. Medically used in respiratory disorders. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Mistletoe - Viscum album - (AKA: Birdlime Mistletoe) Parts Used: Stems, Leaves and Berries.

Caution the berries can be poisonous.

43 Plant is sacred to the Sun and Jupiter and the Element of Air.

Hang some Mistletoe over your bedroom door, or place it under your pillow, said to promote restful sleep and pleasant dreams. Burnt as incense it protects against evil influences.

Mugwort - Artemisia vulgaris - (AKA: St. John's Plant) Parts Used: Leaves and Root.

It was once commonly used to flavour drinks, hence the name "mug" wort. Gathered on St. John's Eve it is said will give protection against diseases and misfortunes. Also used for its dream- inducing properties as well as supporting astral travelling and psychic development. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Earth.

Mugwort - Artemisia vulgaris - Thomé, Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz 1885- (PD-ART)

Mullein, Great - Verbascum thapsus - (AKA: Mullein Dock, Our Lady's Flannel, Velvet Dock, Blanket Herb, Velvet Plant) Parts Used: Flowers, Leaves and Root.

A cleansing herb. May be used in prior to any ritual to cleanse the area. Placed under your pillow or use in dream pillow it is said to guard against nightmares. Burn as an incense to banish bad influences. Mullein is used to see manifestations of spirits, to see into the otherworld, and to commune with the spirits and deities who dwell there. The plant is sacred to the planet Saturn and the Element of Earth.

44 N

Nettle - Urtica dioica - (AKA: Common Nettle, Stinging Nettle) Parts Used: Whole plant.

The Nettle is an anti-asthmatic. If you mix the juice of the roots or leaves, with honey or sugar, it will relieve bronchial problems. In magick the plant is used as a protective and will dispel fear. Stinging nettle tea is a great spring tonic and a good addition to the diet of anyone recovering from a long illness or who has chronic weakness, fatigue or anemia. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

18th Century English Woodcut – (PD-ART)


Oak - Quercus robur - (AKA: Common Oak, Tanners Bark, English Oak) Parts Used: Bark and Leaves.

Used to treat chronic diarrhoea and dysentery, and as the bark has astringent effects is also used to treat haemorrhoids. Pick the leaves before midsummer or gather the inner bark of twigs or root bark all year for internal and external use as medicine. Magically it is use in fertility amulets, and a small branch of Oak leaves placed in the home will protect the home from evil. The tree is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Fire.

45 Onion - Allium cepa - (AKA: No common name found) Parts Used: Bulb.

If you place some onion slices around your home, they will absorb negative energy. Said to increase libido. Used Magically onions can promote prophetic visions and dreams, if placed under your pillow. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

Orchid - Orchidaceae - (AKA: Orchis, Salep, Saloop, Sahlep) Parts Used: Root.

Used in love spells and rituals. If you keep a small piece of the root in your wallet or purse it will give you protection, and will bring you good luck. If attending a job interview ensure you have your root with you! The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element Water.

Orchid - Orchis militaris - Thomé, Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz 1885 – (PD-ART)

46 P

Parsley - Carum petroselinum, Petroselinum crispum - (AKA: Persely, Persele, Petersylinge, Giant curled, Moss curled,) Parts Used: Leaves, Root and Seeds.

Eliminates wind in the bowel and stomach, also used for insect bites you can squeeze parsley juice onto the sting for quick relief. Chew the leaves for halitosis, protects the home; and increases your prosperity, financial status, and luck. Said to provoke lust and fertility. The plant is sacred to the planet Mercury and the Element of Air.

Parsley Money Spell Gather some fresh Parsley during the Waxing of the Moon. Obtain a Green Candle and holding it in both hands visualize in your minds-eye what you wish the candle and parsley to achieve i.e. increase in money. Anoint the candle wick, and full length of the candle with some fresh parsley juice, anointing from wick to base only (not up and down). Place sprigs of parsley around the base of the candle once it is securely fixed in its holder, and then burn it. Do this on a Wednesday if possible.

Pennyroyal - Mentha pulegium - (AKA: Pudding Grass, Lurk-in-the-Ditch, Stinking Balm) Parts Used: Whole plant.

In the Magical tradition the plant is used in protective and purification magic, and as an aid in exorcisms. Carry a small piece of root when dealing with negative vibrations of any kind. Used for treating flatulence, gall ailments, hepatitis, and gout. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Fire.

Peony - Paeonia officinalis - (AKA: No common name found) Parts Used: Root.

Although not a native to Britain has been grown since the middle ages. as an aid against sorcery and protection against evil influences, useful for the traveller who it will protect, especially on sea voyages. Said to induce passion in those who imbibe an infusion of the root. The plant is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Fire.

Pepper, Black - Piper nigrum - (AKA: No common names found) Parts Used: Dried fruit.

Use in protective incense mixtures to clear the home of any evil influence. Used medically to stimulate the circulation, treat dysentery, diarrhoea and if mixed with a neutral cream base may be used to treat nasal congestion or sinusitis. The fruit is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

47 Periwinkle - Vinca major - (AKA: Blue Buttons, Lesser Periwinkle, Myrtle) Parts Used: Flowers and Leaves.

Taken as a tea it improves memory Use in Love spells to increase passion, and the flowers are said to protect the home, so plant near your front door. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Pimpernel, Scarlet - Anagallis arvensis (AKA: Adder's Eyes, Poor Man's Weatherglass, Shepherd’s Barometer) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Display the flowers in your home and traditionally it is said that the plant will prevent illnesses and accidents. Ritually used in operations to gain the power of clairvoyance. Pimpernel is a healing herb that is used to treat depression. The plant is sacred to the planet Mercury and the Element of Air.

Scarlet Pimpernel - Anagallis caerulea - Botanical illustration by Otto Wilhelm Thomé, from "Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz", 1885.- (PD-ART)

48 Pine, Tree - Family Pinaceae - (AKA: Scots Pine) Parts Used: Resin, Cones, Leaves, and Pine Oil.

Cunningham states that Pine needles are burned during the winter months to purify and cleanse the house. Scattered on the floor they drive away evil, and when burned, exorcise the area of negativity. They are also used in cleansing baths. Pine needles are burned to reverse and send back spells. The tree is an external symbol of life and immortality. The needles are a symbol of life and renewal so keep a bowl of needs in your bedroom. The oil may be used to eliminate nasal congestion. Place a small amount in hot water and inhale through the nose. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Air.

Plantain - Plantago major - (AKA: Common Plantain, Englishman's Foot, Ripple Grass) Parts Used: Whole plant.

In ointment form the plant has been used to treat inflammation of the skin, and skin ulcers, and it will help all forms of rashes, wounds, cuts, swelling, sprains, bruises, burns, eczema, cracked lips, haemorrhoids, and blisters. The leaves, seeds, and roots are antibacterial, antitoxin, astringent, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic. Plantain is brewed as a tea to enhance divination and give vivid dreams. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Earth.

Plantain - Plantgo Major - Botanical illustration by Otto Wilhelm Thomé, from "Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz", 1885. – (PD-ART)

Poppy, Red - Papaver rhoeas - (AKA: Corn Poppy, Corn Rose) Parts Used: Flowers and Seeds.

Slightly narcotic, so used as a sedative and painkiller, to calm hysterics, lighten melancholy and diarrhoea and persistent spasmodic coughs. It was also considered to be a powerful aphrodisiac, by the ancients. The plant is sacred to the Moon and the Element of Water.

Poppy, Red - Papaver Rhoeas - Thomé, Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz 1885- (PD-ART)

49 Primrose - Primula vulgaris - (AKA: No common name found) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Promotes love and is said to protect the house and also attract faeries. Use in ritual baths to increase inner beauty & desirability. Traditionally used to discover secrets, and revealing the truth. The plant is slightly narcotic and so aid sleep and rest. Not to be confused with Cowslips, which has similar properties. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Earth.

Privet - Ligustrum vulgare - (AKA: Common Privet, European Privet) Parts Used: Leaves.

An infusion is used internally to treat diarrhoea, bladder disorders, stomach ulcers, indigestion, as Culpeper indicates it cools the stomach, as well as to enhance appetite. As the plant is sacred to the Moon it may be used in all ritual related to that planet. The plant is sacred to the Moon and the Element of Water.

Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thomé Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz 1885, Gera, Germany Permission granted to use under GFDL by Kurt Stueber – (PD-ART)

50 Purslane - Portulaca oleracea - (AKA: Geen Purslane, Pig Weed) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Grieve says Purslane was an anti-magic herb, and could be strewn around a bed for protection, against nightmares and psychic attack during sleep. Medically the plant has been used to expel intestinal worms, and if mixed with honey is used to treat a dry cough and shortness of breath. The plant is sacred to the Moon and the Element of Water.

18th Century English Woodcut - Man with Garden Rake – (PD-ART)

51 Q

Quick Grass - Agropyrum repens - (AKA: Couch Grass, Dog Grass, Witches Grass) Parts Used: Rhizome, Fresh Leaves and Root.

As a tea, if taken daily it is a good all-round tonic. To bring love and happiness, sprinkle under the bed to attract a new lover, and then tie roots in a knot to bind your new loved one. The plant is sacred to the planet Mercury and the Element of Air.

Medieval woodcut – Peach - Artist Unknown –(PD-ART)

An Herb sachet is a small cloth scented bag filled with herbs, potpourri, or aromatic ingredients. It is also defined as a small soft bag containing perfumed or sweet-smelling items also referred to as an ascent bag, scent bag, sweet bag, sachet bag, sachet de senteurs, spiced sachet, potpourri sachet, scented sachet, perfume cushion, smelling cushion, scented cushion, fragrant bag, pomander and "dream pillow."

Scented sachets are made from the winter savory, lavender, rosemary, tops of hyssop, chippings of cassia ligna, cedar, and sassafras. This type is not only used to make garments sweet smelling but keep away destructive insects and worms. Sachets with dried moth-repellent herbs like wormwood, southernwood, costmary, lavender, pennyroyal, lemon verbena rosemary, rue, sage and tansy are called "moth bags


52 R

Radish - Raphanus sativus, Rosa rubra - (AKA: No common name found) Parts Used: Roots and Seeds.

Medically used to counter many stomach or digestive conditions, as it stimulates appetite and the digestive system. Magically used as a protection plant, the root may be carries to ward of evil influences and utilised in all rituals to Mars. The plant is sacred to the Element of Fire.

Ragwort - Senecio jacobaea - (AKA: James-wort, Ragweed St, Staggerwort, Stinking Nanny, Stinking Willey) Parts Used: Whole plant.

The plant is toxic if taken internal, but can be used externally to stop bleeding. A protective plant. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Raspberry - Rubus idaeus - (AKA: No common names found) Parts Used: Leaves and Fruit.

Used in an herbal spiritual bath by women who do not want them man to wander! Culpeper recommends the fruit juice to remove tartar from the teeth. If the juice is made into syrup, by the addition of sugar and boiling, the resultant is a general stomach treatment. Due to its association with Venus it is an ideal addition to Venusian incense or as an altar decoration. The plant is sacred to Element of Water.

Rhubarb - Rheum rhaponticum - (AKA: English Rhubarb) Parts Used: Stems and Root.

For protection, love and fidelity. Acts as a laxative is taken in large doses. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

Rose, Red, and White - Rosaceae - (AKA: Tudor Rose), Five Petal Rose) Parts Used: Petals and Rose Oil.

The traditional rose used in magick is the five-petal rose, which is sacred to the plant Venus (Star of the Evening or Evening Star), and whose scent of roses can reach within to lift depressive moods and create a feeling of well being and serenity. Naturally should be included in all Venusian incense.

Fact: Red roses proclaim “I love you.” They are the ultimate symbol of romantic love and enduring passion. Florists can’t keep up with Valentines Day demand for red roses, which makes them especially expensive in February.

The second rose is the white rose, sacred to the Star of the Morning, the Masculine side of Venus.

"All roses were originally singles, composed of five petals, with the exception of one four- petaled species. As natural mutations occurred that replaced stamens and pistils with additional petals, semi-double and double roses appeared. These growing oddities (at the time) were saved and propagated by gardeners." (Marin Rose Society -

53 Rosemary - Rosmarinus officinalis – (AKA: Compass Plant, Compass Weed, Polar Plant) Parts Used: Whole plant, and Rosemary Oil.

Rosemary burnt as incense, produces cleansing and purifying vibrations, ridding a place of negativity, which is extremely powerful if done prior to performing and ritual or rite. It is one of the oldest incenses. Also burn for protection, exorcism, purification, promote healing if mixed with juniper berries and burn in a sickroom to promote healthy recovery, to cause sleep, to restore or maintain youth; to bring love and to increase intellectual powers. Hang a bundle over your front door to keep harmful people, like burglars, from entering. Excellent tonic for those who suffer from chronic fatigue relieves migraines and a headache caused by stress, massage some rosemary oil to the temples, and it is a good mouthwash for halitosis. The plant is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Fire.

Rowan – Pyrus Aucuparia, Sorbus Aucuparia – (AKA: Mountain Ash, Rowan Tree) Parts Used: Bark, Twigs and Fruit.

Considered sacred by the Druids, twigs of this very magical tree are used for healing, protection, success and psychic power. Decoction of the bark is used fro the treatment of diarrhoea, and the ripe berries made into a gargle for sore throats and inflamed tonsils. The tree is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Fire.

Rue - Ruta graveolens – (AKA: Club Grass, Garden Rue, Goats Rue, Herb of Grace, Herbygrass) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Rue may be worn to ward off bad luck, illness, and evil spirits. It is also used to open the third eye and enhance inner vision, protect against nightmares and safeguard you on your astral travels. Rue can be toxic and may even cause dermatitis if handles, so it is not recommended for internal use. It is also a powerful abortifacient and must never be used during pregnancy. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire

Goats Rue - Flora von Deutschland 1885 – (PD-ART)

54 S

Saffron – – (AKA: Crocus) Parts Used: Flower pistils.

It is beneficial in the treatment of several digestive disorders. Used to strengthen the heart, and as a cooling agent for the brain. It has been found beneficial in the treatment of urinary problems. Finally, has been found to be useful in the treatment of mild to moderate depression. Helps to develop and strengthen your psychic awareness if taken as an infusion. Magically used in Love and lust spells. Caution is given in the internal use of as its effect may be toxic, and it should not be confused with Meadow Saffron, Colchicum Autumnae’s whose bulb in extremely poisonous. The plant is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Fire.

Sage – Salvia officinalis – (AKA: Common Sage, Garden Sage) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Sage incense will clean a house of negative energy. Take a Sage leaf and write your wish on it, hide the leaf under your pillow for three nights, if you dream of your wish it will come to pass, if not then bury the leaf. To attract money, carry sage leaves in your wallet or purse to promote financial gain. The plant is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Air.

St. John’s Wort - Hypericum perforatum – (AKA: No common name found) Parts Used: Plant Tops and Flowers.

Is enjoying popularity as a natural anti- depressant, however, there is some controversy concerning its usage. To be safe consult your doctor before using this plant internally. Magically the plant protects against all types of evil spirits and daemons. The plant is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Fire.

St John’s Wort - Wayside and Woodland 1895, Edward Step and F. Warner. – (PD-ART)


Sanicle – Sanicula europaea – (AKA: Self-Heal) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Treatment for all chest and lung complaints, chronic coughs and catarrhal affections, taken as an infusion, it is also sometimes used externally to treat skin eruptions. One of the 13 magic plants together with basil, lovage, sage, hyssop, mistletoe, valerian, sweet mint, monkshood, wormwood, bugleweed, fern, and poppy. Herb of relaxation, place a leaf under your pillow for a peaceful night’s sleep. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Earth.

Savory, Summer – Satureia hortensis - (AKA: No common name found) Parts Used: Whole plant.

The plant assists with the development of mental powers, it is a plant of the mind. Use the plant in all elemental magick of the Air. Reputedly attracts males, happiness, and Virility. The plant is sacred to the planet Mercury and the Element of Air.

Savory, Winter – Satureia montana - (AKA: No common name found) Parts Used: Whole plant.

The plant is reputed to be associated with the spirits of the forest, Satyrs, who loved sex, drink and merriment. Reputed to be an aphrodisiac and used in sex-magick. The plant is sacred to the planet Mercury and the Element of Air.

Saxifrage - Pimpinella magna – (AKA: Greater Burnet) Parts Used: Whole plant and Seeds.

Greater Pimpernel is a European perennial plant; reaches a height of 3 feet generally the plant has the following medicinal properties: antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, diaphoretic, and diuretic. A, infusion is good for a gargle to treat a sore throat, colds, bronchitis, and inflammation of the larynx. The plant is sacred to the Moon and the Element of Water.

Saxifrage – Pimpinella saxifraga – (AKA: Small Burnet) Parts Used: Whole plant and Seeds.

The Small Burnet is antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic, stomachic. The powdered rootstock used for articular rheumatism, gout, bladder stones, and kidney inflammations. The infusion taken cold is good for dyspepsia. The plant is sacred to the Moon and the Element of Water.

Scabious – Scabiosa succisa – (AKA: Blue Devil’s Bit. Blue Buttons) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Made into an ointment it is used to treat skin disorders. Made into an infusion it makes a good hair rinse after shampooing to control and treat dandruff. Use in incense to the planet Mercury and the Element of Air.

56 Scammony – Convolvulus arvensis – (AKA: Cornbind, Greater Bindweed, Field Bindweed, Hedge Bells, Hedge Bindweed) Parts Used: Root.

There are some safety concerns regarding this plant, however, people take greater bindweed for treating fever, urinary tract problems, and constipation; and for increasing bile production. The nature of the vine with its binding and choking characteristics is used in magick for the same situation, binding a person or spell. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Hedge Bindweed - Convolvulus arvensis 24th July 1848 – (PD-ART)

Scullcap - Scutellaria galericulata – (AKA: Greater Scullcap. Helmet Flower. Hoodwort) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Scullcap is used in rituals and practices which involve fidelity, meditation, and relaxation. Make a tea of Scullcap, which is said to prevent nightmares, and have a restorative effect on the body after a spiritual or magical assault. Medically the plant is used for nervous headaches, neuralgia, and inducing sleep. The plant is sacred to the planet Saturn and the Element of Water.

Senna, Bladder - Colutea arborescens, Colutea cruenta – (AKA: Red Flowered Bladder) Parts Used: Leaves.

Magickal uses include all matters of lust and love. Enhances tact & diplomacy. Bathe with your partner in an infusion of Senna to ensure faithfulness. Cleanses the stomach and remove melancholy, according to Culpeper. The plant is sacred to the planet Mercury and the Element of Air.

Shepherd’s Purse – Capsella bursa-pastoris – (AKA: Shepherd's Bag. Shepherd's Scrip. Shepherd's Sprout. Lady's Purse. Witches' Pouches) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Used to treat bladder complaints, as it promotes the passage of urine. Use in charms concerning pregnancy and child-birth. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Snapdragon - Antirrhinum magus – (AKA: No common name found) Parts Used: Leaves.

Protection against witchcraft, so place a place a vase of snapdragons in your home for protection against malicious Magick. The plant is scared to the plant Mars and the Element of Fire.

57 Snowdrop – Galanthus nivalis – (AKA: Fair Maid of February) Parts Used: Bulbs.

Treat chilblains with an ointment made from Snowdrop bulbs. Strangely enough, however, it was considered bad luck to bring snowdrops into the house. An old myth states that Adam and Eve were driven out of the Garden of Eden into the natural and hostile world; however, an angel changed snowflakes into snowdrops for them as a sign of better things to come. So, the plant is a sign of passing that things will come to an end. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Air.

Solomon's Seal - Polygonatum multiflorum – (AKA: Lady's Seals, St. Mary's Seal) Parts Used: Root.

Used a treatment for bruises. A protection plant used magically to remove negative influences from your homes. Once considered an aphrodisiac and therefore used in love potions. Incense made of Solomon's Seal root can both be used to drive away negative vibrations and malicious spirits. It can also be used to summon helpful spirits and elementals. The root can be carried as an amulet to ward off malicious spirits and to increase wisdom. The plant is sacred to the planet Saturn and the Element of Water.

Sorrel - Rumex acetosa – (AKA: Garden Sorrel, Common Sorrel) Parts Used: Leaves.

A decoction of the root cleans the veins and kidneys, according to Culpeper. The plant is used in ritual of love and lust. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Earth.

Sorrel - Oxalis acetosella – (AKA: Wood Sorrel) Parts Used: Whole plant.

It may be used to treat fevers and catarrhs, haemorrhages and urinary disorders. But caution is suggested against large quantities used internally. An ointment made from the leaves is good for skin sores, boils etc. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Earth.

Speedwell – Veronica officinalis – (AKA: No common names found) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Speedwell is best known for its curative properties in dealing with coughs and skin conditions. It works well as an expectorant, clearing phlegm from mucus- clogged breathing passages. May be carried as a protective charm.

1815 P Turpin Veronica Corn Wall Speedwell Botanical Hand Coloured Engraving Pierre Jean François Turpin (1775-1840)- (PD-ART)

58 Spikenard, Ploughman’s - Inula conyza – (AKA: Cinnamon Root, Great Fleabane, Horse Heal) Parts Used: Whole plant.

To improve your love life, burn some Spikenard. To enhance sexual fidelity of either husband or wife, burn Spikenard. The incense is also a good insecticide. In a decoction apply externally to bruises, as a tea for difficulty of breathing, and as a general all-round tonic. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Storax Tree – Liquidambar orientalis – (AKA: Liquid Storax, Balsam Styracis) Parts Used: The Balsam extracted from the tree’s wood/bark, and Bark Chips.

A stimulating expectorant for coughs, catarrh and hoarseness. Add bark chips to the standard incense mixture, see page 37, and use in solar rites and rituals. The plant is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Fire.

Strawberry - Fragaria vesca – (AKA: NO common name found) Parts Used: Leaves.

To attract good-fortune, become lucky in love, and to rituals of lust. Make an incense mixture of strawberry, sandalwood, rose, saffron, vanilla. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

The following incense mixture which contains strawberry leaves is ideal incense to burn to welcome in spring. Mix equal quantities of:

Acorn, celandine, cinquefoil, crocus, daffodil, honeysuckle, jasmine, rose, strawberry, tansy, and violets.

Sweet Flag – Acorus calamus – (AKA: Calamus, Sweet Sedge, Beewort) Parts Used: Root (Rhizome), and Essential Oil.

It you intend to use this plant medically, ensure that you get the correct species; some commercial suppliers may not be giving you true Acorus calamus, but another species, which may be toxic. The root is chewed to relieve fatigue, and increase stamina. The plant is sacred to the Moon and the Element of Water.

Witches burning incense – Coloured Woodcut – Artist Unknown. – (PD-ART)

59 T

Tansy – Tanacetum vulgare – (AKA: Buttons) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Tansy improves the circulation, and said to be an effective treatment for gout, as a lotion can be applied to sprains and rheumatic areas. Do not take in large quantities internally as it may irritate the stomach. A protection and healing plant, placed a sprig in your pocket for safe travels. Place some in a pouch and keep near the part of your body which is giving you trouble, it is said to assist the healing process and finally hand a sprig over entrance door or windows to protect you from evil. The plant is also an effective insect repellent, Sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Tarragon – Artemisia dracunculus – (AKA: French Tarragon, Fuzzy Weed) Parts Used: Whole plant.

A banishing plant, also used when sewn into sachets for compassion love, peace, nurturing, and good luck. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

Teasel - Dipsacus sylvestris – (AKA: Common Teasel, Wild Teasel, Thistle) Parts used: Roots and Heads.

To lighten freckles, apply a lotion of teasel to the freckles. Place a bowl of the plant heads in your home to protect it from evil influences. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Thistle, Blessed - Carbenia benedicta - (AKA: Holy Thistle) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Will expel worms from the intestine. A protective plant is grown near your home. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

Thistle, Lady’s – Carduus marianus, Silybum marianum – (AKA: Milk Thistle) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Used in healing spells, and carried by men so they may become better lovers. Said to be effective against melancholy when worn or carried. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

Thorn Apple – Datura stramonium – Poison – (AKA: Jimson Weed, Devil’s Apple, Gabriel’s Trumpet. Stinkweed) Parts Used: Whole plant.

The leaves are smoked, and have a similar effect as Cannabis, however excessive smoking can be dangerous. Said to aid the experience of Astral Travelling. The plant is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Air.

60 Thyme - Thymus Vulgaris – (AKA: Common Thyme, Garden Thyme) Parts Used: Whole plant and Oil of Thyme.

Oil of Thyme, or a poultice of fresh Thyme leaves, is employed to treat rheumatism. Internally the plant is a general liver tonic. According to Cunningham Thyme is also a purificatory herb; the Greeks burned it in their temples to purify them and so thyme is often burned prior to magical rituals to cleanse the area. Thyme is also carried and smelled to give courage and energy. If you wear it you will be able to see fairies. The plant is scared tp the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Toadflax - Linaria vulgaris – (AKA: Brideweed, Churnstaff, Devils' Ribbon, Dragon-bushes. Flaxweed, Ramsted. Snapdragon) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Removes obstruction in the bladder, and is both a laxative and liver tonic. The plant may be used as an amulet against evil or any harmful Magick planned against you. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

Tormentil – Potentilla tormentilla, Potentilla. reptans – (AKA: Biscuits, Bloodroot, Creeping Tormentil, Ewe Daisy, Five Fingers, Flesh and Blood, Septfoil, Shepherd's Knapperty, Shepherd's Knot, Thormantle) Parts Used: Whole plant.

It is one of the ingredients in a Witches Flying Ointment. As a gargle for a sore throat and externally, a poultice of crushed Tormentil can be applied to dry up ulcers and sores. The plant is sacred to the Sun and the Element of Fire.

Blodrot, Potentilla erecta Dalla Torre. Carl Axel Magnus Lindman (1856–1928) Bilder ur Nordens Flora Stockholm – (PD-ART)

Traveller's Joy - Clematis vitalba - (AKA: Clematis, Old Mans Beard) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Effective at treating skin disorders, burns, shingles. Not recommended to be used internally, as some Clematis species are toxic, and if you cannot identify the correct species, then do not use. The flowers are said to banish ghosts and is said to be useful in magick to attain goals and achieve aspirations. The plant is sacred to Jupiter and the Element of Fire.

61 U

No plants listed.


Valerian - Valeriana officinalis – (AKA: All-Heal) Parts Used: Root.

A relaxant and narcotic used as an aid to sleep. Culpepper, 'The root boiled with liquorice, raisons and aniseed is good for those troubled with cough. Also, it is of special value against the plague, the infusion thereof being drunk and the root smelled. The green herb being bruised and applied to the head taketh away pain and pricking thereof.' Sprinkle valerian at the front door to deter unwanted visitors, or hang the leaves around the home to promote harmony amongst loved ones. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

Vervain - Verbena officinalis – (AKA: Common Vervain, European Vervain, Herb of Grace) Parts Used: Flowers and Leaves.

Vervain, is used as a tonic for its restorative properties, taken internally in the treatment of headaches, fevers, nervous exhaustion, and depression. A sacred plant of the Druids, and used in magick in rituals involving; love, protection, purification, money, sleep and general healing rites. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Earth.

David Conway gives an interesting love potion:

Gather the herbs on a Friday, preferably during the passage of the Moon through the first ten degrees of Taurus or Virgo. The Moon should also be well aspected with Saturn and Venus.

Verbena officinalis - Vervain Foeniculum vulgare – Fennel

Both herbs should be combined to make an infusion. Enjoy!

Violet – Viola odorata, Viola canina – (AKA: Sweet Violet) Dried leaves and Flowers, or whole fresh plant.

A calmative plant, and may be taken as a relaxant. Also used as a mild laxative. Sacred to the Goddess Aphrodite and therefore associated with love and love spells. It was also said that if you carry a pocket of Violets that this would attract a new love and/or to help a new change in fortune. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.

62 W

Watercress - Nasturtium officinale – (AKA: No common name found) Parts Used: Flowers, Leaves and Seeds.

Culpepper says that the leaves bruised or the juice will free the face from blotches, spots and blemishes, when applied as a lotion. It also improves the appetite. Watercress makes a soothing skin ointment. Used in salads or made into a tea, the dark green, shiny leaves are high in vitamin C. The plant is used in rituals to the Moons and in Sex Magick. The plant is sacred to the Moon and the Element of Water.

Willow - Salix alba – (AKA: European Willow, White Willow) Parts Used: Leaves and Bark.

One of the trees sacred to the Druids. Carry a couple of leaves in your wallet or purse to attract love. Use in your Moon Magick rituals, and all feminine rituals. To summon spirits, mix bark shavings with sandalwood and burn outside during the waning Moon cycle. Extensively used yester-year as a recovery aid to illness, when taken as an infusion. Willow bark contains Salicylic acid, used to make aspirin. The tree is sacred to the Moon and the Element of Water.

Witches Grass - Agropyrum repens – (AKA: Couch Grass, Twitch Grass, Twitch, Quick Grass) Parts Used: Roots (Rhizome).

Has been used as a tonic for the liver and kidneys. Magickal used in rituals involving; happiness, lust, love, and exorcism. Make an infusion and sprinkled around your home it will exorcise entities, and when the grass seed heads are worn, it will dispel depression. The plant is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Air.

Wood Betony - Betonica officinalis – (AKA: Bishopswort, Lousewort) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Excellent for the treatment of headaches both tension and migraine, and an all-round tonic for the digestive system. Do not use if pregnant or in excessive quantities. Used to ward off evil. The plant is sacred to the planet Jupiter and the Element of Fire.

Wood Betony Flower Plant Circa 1880 – Unknown Botanical - (PD-ART)

63 Woodruff - Asperula odorata – (AKA: Herb Walter, Master of the Woods, Sweet Woodruff) Parts Used: Whole plant.

The fresh leaves, bruised and applied to cuts and wounds, aid healing. The dried herb also makes a good insecticide. It is said if you put Woodruff into a green pouch it will attract money to you. in a white pouch will help you to achieve a victory in your endeavours, or as an aid to changing your personal life circumstances.

Wood Sorrel – Oxalis acetosella – (AKA: Fairy Bells, Sour Trefoil, Stickwort, Three-leaved Grass Wood Sour) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Used to treat fevers, catarrhs, haemorrhages and urinary disorders. But caution is given as the plant contains oxalic acid. The cut plant may also be place in the sick room to aid recovery. The plant gives protection against sorcery and ghosts. Betony is also use in the magickal healing rituals. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Earth.

Wormwood – Artemisa absinthium – (AKA: Common Wormwood) Parts Used: Whole plant.

Traditionally you would burn the plant at a graveyard, to summon the spirit of the departed. As incense it is said to assist in developing psychic powers. A protective plant if carried as it protects against bewitchment. The plant is sacred to the planet Mars and the Element of Fire.

The Alchemists – A Medieval Woodcut – Artist Unknown – (PD-ART)

64 X

No plants listed.


Yarrow – Achillea millefolium – (AKA: No common name found) Parts Used: Flowering Tops and Leaves.

The yarrow flowers if made into a decoction, and rubbed on the third-eye area helps to improve psychic powers. Also used to exorcise evil and negativity from a person, place or thing. You probably will recognise that yarrow sticks are also used in conjunction with the I Ching, where bundles of 64 long, sticks are used to read the hexagrams associated with this system of divination. Yarrow is known to help with high blood pressure, digestive problems, and as an antiseptic. Yarrow can help with varicose veins, and other circulatory disorders. It has a balancing effect on urine flow, and help to cure bedwetting. It is used to alleviate muscle pain and headaches infuse as a tea for digestive problems. The plant is sacred to the planet Venus and the Element of Water.


No plants listed.

Medieval Woodcut Gardeners – Artist Unknown – (PD-ART)

65 3 - The Doctrine of Signatures

The Doctrine of Signatures was an important concept within Herbal Magick. Developed from folk medicine in the Middle Ages, and is still practiced today. Often associated with the work of witches, herbalists and magicians, it drew upon the belief that natural objects that looked like a part of the body could cure diseases in these areas. Folk healers in Christian and Muslim countries claimed that God, or Allah, deliberately made plants resemble the parts of the body they could cure. For example, eyebright, a plant whose flower looks like bright blue eyes, was used to treat eye diseases.

This “like for like” belief became known as the Doctrine of Signatures after the appearance of a book by the German mystic Jakob Boehme called “The Signature of All Things” (1621). Another proponent of the Doctrine of Signatures, the Swiss physician Paracelsus, who stated that ‘Nature marks each growth according to its curative benefit.’

Nicholas Culpeper, an early English apothecary and physician continued this work. Inspired by the work of medical reformers such as Paracelsus, who rejected traditional medical authorities, Culpeper published books in English, giving healers who could not read Latin access to medical and pharmaceutical knowledge. Culpeper wrote and translated many medical books. But his biggest success was “The English Physician” of 1653 (now known as Culpeper’s Herbal), which was one of the most successful publications of early modern Britain and North America. “Culpeper’s Herbal” was an attempt to integrate ideas of the Doctrine of Signatures and Astrology into herbal medicine.

Implicit in the Doctrine of Signatures is a similar belief in the essential oneness with nature (Conway, 1985:27) For Conway; man has a special relationship with the natural world around us. This relationship extends to all plants, trees, flowers and stones. As man is the microcosm, he has a relationship the wider macrocosm, a macrocosm which he is a small duplicate of.

From a healing perspective the Doctrine of Signatures I think has had its day, just because a plant is shaped like a heart (Love-Lies-Bleeding), I would not trust it to have any beneficial or curative effects on my heart. However, this does not detract from the fact that there are aligned powers between the plant and the planets, which may be harnessed as a form of natural power, and it is this eBook that I will guide you to be able to accomplish this.

So, many plants, herbs, and flowers are used in meditative practices, magick rituals and spells and also for their curative properties. For example, in a money attracting spells, herbs such as orange bergamot, honeysuckle, mint, patchouly, pine, or vervain have been used. To instill peace and harmony in the home, gardenia, lavender, meadowsweet, morning glory, myrtle, passion flower, pennyroyal, or violets are used. Healing is promoted with the use of angelica, carnation, eucalyptus, gardenia, ivy, mugwort, myrrh, rosemary, and sandalwood. And matters of love basil, jasmine, juniper, maidenhair, rose, rosemary, and yarrow. The lists go on and on.

Finally, many of the names of the plants are common to the United Kingdom; you may find that these names are different if you live outside the UK, so please check any good plant reference book, or search the internet.

66 4 – The Moon and the Garden

If you are not new to the occult sciences you will already appreciate the power which is focused through the cycles of the Moon, with the Moon’s phases having an influence over all aspects of our lives. For those who are not familiar with the concept, from earliest times the Moon, riding serenely along in the heavens, from the invisible New Moon to horned, gibbous and glowing full, Moon, has been the most reliable emblem of growth, and from ancient times man has aligned his agricultural activities with its phases.

The New Moon marks the start of the lunar cycle and is reached at slightly varying intervals round a mean of 29 days, or a lunar month, during which time the Moon travels once round the Earth. This revolution brings her once again into the same position relative to the Sun and the Earth. When this occurs the Moon shines by reflecting the sun's light. At a New Moon her dark side faces the Earth, as she roughly between the Earth and the Sun.

As she waxes (or grows), more and more of the sunlit side comes into view, until at the Full Moon, when she is at the far side of the Earth from the Sun, the whole of her sunlit face is turned towards the Earth.

So, the period from New to Full Moon is the period called the Light of the Moon the period of growth? From Full to New Moon (the waning, wasting or decrease) is the period of decline in the Moons power. There is a period just before the New Moon (two days prior) is called Dark of the Moon when things shrivel and die. For this period, no one is immune to the Dark of the Moons effect, and therefore no Magick should be practiced during this phase, as it may have unexpected and unpleasant results.

The year's Moon also has seasonal benchmarks, traditionally the May Moon, in the northern hemisphere, is the 'Plant Moon' when trees and plants burst into leaf and this is a good time to plant your own herbs and plants.

The April Moon, again the northern hemisphere, is the 'germination moon', time for seed- sowing, the December or Christmas Moon when the sap is down and many plants enter a period of dormancy and finally the frosty January Moon whose phase only benefits turned soil.

Traditionally the best time to gather herbs/plants is on a sunny morning, when the dew has evaporated, in Spring and Summer, and when the Moon is Waning. If you require the plants root, gather when the Moon is Waxing.

Finally, do not collect your plant, in the wild, from beside major roads; country lanes are ok, but not roads that carry heavy traffic. This because the plants will probably be contaminated with toxic particles from the car’s exhausts.

For those of you, who may live in a flat, (for our American readers a ‘Flat’ in the UK is an Apartment) try to grow your plants in pots on the window sill. Select your pot, any size, design and shape, the choice is yours.

67 5 – The Potions, Lotions Definitions & Preparations

Before we move onto the various ways herbal mixtures can be prepared, let me indicate some definitions, as many people find such herbal compounds such a decoction, a little confusing. So below you will find some of the more common terms used in old and new books on herbal medicine.

Herbal Properties:

Antispasmodic - Used to relieve spasm of involuntary muscle.

Astringent - Causes the contraction of body tissues, typically the skin, used to reduce bleeding from minor abrasions.

Diaphoretic - Inducing perspiration.

Diuretic – Causing increased passing of urine.

Stimulant - A substance that raises levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body.

Herbal Preparations:

Decoction - The liquor resulting from concentrating the essence of a substance by heating or boiling, especially. a medicinal preparation made from a plant. So, it is the action or process of extracting the essence of something, usually in water. A decoction is the preferred method when dealing with plant roots. These should be simmered in one pint (570 millilitres) of water for approximately 30 minutes, the roots removed, and then the liquid reduced by boiling to approximately half the original amount of water. Decoction if stored in a cool dark place can stay fresh for up to 5 – 7 days.

Infusion -. A drink or extract prepared by soaking the leaves of a plant in liquid. One pint (570 millilitres) of boiling water is pored over the plant mixture or single plant. The quantity of plants is usually three handfuls of fresh material or one once (28 grams) of dried material. This mixture is left to for four hours before using. Infusion if stored in a cool and dark place can stay fresh for up to 3 – 4 days.

Lotion - A thick, smooth liquid preparation applied to the skin for medicinal or cosmetic purposes. May be made with water or a very light plain unscented skin cream. If properly seals in an air tight jar or bottle can stay fresh for up to 1 - 2 months.

Ointment – A smooth oily preparation containing plant/herb material that is rubbed on the skin for medicinal purposes or as a cosmetic. Also known as unguent, salve, unction, grease or pomade. The best method of making and ointment is to crush, using a mortar and pestle, the dried of fresh herbs, into a standard plain and unscented skin cream. Ointment if properly seals in an air tight jar or bottle can stay fresh for up to 3 – 4 months.

Simple – An infusion or Tisane of one plant/herb.

Tincture - A medicine made by dissolving a drug in alcohol. The alcohol is usually a white spirit such as vodka, or surgical spirits may be used. You steep three ounces (84 grams) of plant material in ¼ pint (140 millilitres) of alcohol.

68 Store in an air-tight bottle and keep in a warm dark place for a minimum of one month, shaking the bottle daily.

Tisane - An herbal tea, consumed especially for its medicinal properties. Like the infusion boiling water is pored over a teaspoonful of plant material in a glass or cup, left to brew for 5 minutes and then drunk immediately.

Oil – An oily preparation, containing plant/herb material that is rubbed on the skin for medical purposes. Mix four ounces (112 Grams) of the plant material into a bottle which can hold ½ pint (284 millilitres) of plain vinegar. Store in an air-tight bottle and keep in a warm place for a minimum of one month, shaking the bottle daily. The oil should stay fresh for at least 6 months.

Tonic - A medicinal substance taken to give a feeling of vigour or well-being. May be made as an Infusion of Tisane.

The most common herbal recipe quantities are the Standard Infusion:

A standard infusion is as previously given. One pint (570 millilitres) of boiling water is pored over the plant mixture or single plant. The quantity of plants is usually three handfuls of fresh material or one once (28 grams) of dried material.

The Philosophers Stone - Das Geheimniss der hermetischen Philosophie, Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1770. – (PD-ART)

69 6 – Storage of Herb and Plants

It is very useful to have a store of dried herbs/plants for future magickal rituals etc. Herbs intended for drying should be gathered on a warm dry sunny morning, not after rain, before the mid-day sun has warmed the leaves too much and begun evaporating the essential oils. Pick them just before they come into flower or, after flowering, but before the leaves start to toughen up. There are a number of ways you can dry the plants, here is your available options.

Air Drying Herbs/Plants:

Pick the herbs/plants and remove any dead or withered leaves. Tie in small bunches by the stems and blanch in boiling water for a few seconds. Shake off any excess water and leave to dry. Wrap loosely in muslin and hang up to dry in a warm place, such as over a cooker or in an airing cupboard.

The length of time the herbs will take to dry will vary according to the temperature and the draught. If considerable heat is radiating from the cooker, for example, and there is also a good draught, they may be dry in just a few hours. If left in the airing cupboard, where there is little draught, they may take 3-4 days. The drying process is complete when the main stems of the herbs crack, rather than bend, and the leaves are brittle.

Oven Drying Herbs/Plants:

If using large- leaved herbs/plants, first strip the leaves from their stalks. Otherwise you can leave them in sprigs. Pick over the herbs for any dead or withered leaves and then blanch small numbers of leaves (tied in muslin) or sprigs of herbs in boiling water for 1 minute. Again, shake off the excess moisture and spread the leaves or sprigs on trays. Place in a cool oven, at a temperature between 45°C/110°F/Gas Mark 0 and 55°C/130°F/Gas Mark 0. The herbs should be dried until they are crisp. This should be approximately one hour.

When dry crush the herbs with a rolling pin, discarding any stalks. If you want to reduce them to a fine powder, sieve them. Store in small airtight containers, fill the container well to preserve the fragrance. If stored in glass bottles, protect them from the light to conserve the colour.

Note: If drying sprigs or stalks of herbs in the oven, turn them over halfway through the drying period to ensure even drying.

Microwave Drying Herbs/Plants:

This is a simple and easy process but you do need to pay careful attention over what you are doing. Lay two sheets of absorbent kitchen roll and then put a layer of herbs down, then another layer of paper towel. Use the microwave on high for 1minute then in bursts of 30 seconds, moving herbs around and checking dryness frequently. The whole process should take no longer than 3 minutes.

Whole dried herbs last roughly from 1 to 3 years for leafy herbs, powdered or ground herbs will last 6 months. Dried herbs that have no or little colour and no or very little smell when crumbled in the palm of your hand are probably too old for practical use, and should be discarded.

70 7 - Magick Preparations

Magickal Anointing Oil

Ancient Egyptian magicians made small batches of magickal oils using handpicked herbs, roots, bark, flowers and minerals. These were added to either olive, the most widely used oil in the ancient world.

It is a common practice to use anointing oil in religious ceremonies. The Bible records one of the first formulas for making holy anointing oil, which according to the Book of Exodus, Chapter 30 verses 22- 25, God gave to Moses the specific oils required for this recipe. Some of the ingredients for these oils are mentioned in the Bible and include myrrh, frankincense, cassia and cinnamon.

As indicated the main ingredient in magickal oils is olive oil, which has religious symbolism for healing, strength and for consecration. The Catholic and Orthodox Churches use olive oil for the Oil of Catechumens, which is used to bless those preparing for act of Baptism, and Oil of the Sick, again used in the Christian Church to confer the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Olive oil mixed with a perfuming agent like balsam is consecrated by Bishops as Sacred Chrism, which is used to confer the Sacrament of Confirmation and the ordination of Priests and Bishops, in the consecration of altars and churches, and, traditionally, in the anointing of monarchs at their coronation.

Please note that olive oil, only has a shelf life of approximately 12 to 18 months if stored properly in a cool dark place. You will therefore need to compound a new oil every twelve months or so. And as you will be using only a drop of oil per occasion it is recommended that you only compound approximately 50ml at a time.

You may use any of the herbs/plants indicated in the book to make your anointing oil, either can use fresh from your garden or ones you have previously dried, also if you are using dried herbs/flowers, then treble the amount indicated. So, if the recipe asks for “1 part fresh”, use “3 parts dried”.

And for those who do not know, a “part” can be anything, a teaspoon, a tablespoon, and once, a kilogram. So long as the part measure is the same for all ingredients. For liquids, ‘drops” are self-explanatory.

Compounding your Anointing Oil

On the day and in the hour of the planet, spirit of the planet or archangel (See Appendix 1) you should start compounding the oil. Following the risen New Moon, (First New Moon Cycle) place fresh or dried herbs and other ingredients corresponding to the planet in a glass jar almost to the rim. Cover with pure olive oil. Put the lid on and store for one month in a cool dark place. If you have used dry herbs, ensure that you check the oil after a day or so as dried herbs may absorb the oil. If this happens just add extra olive oil, until the oil becomes deeply coloured by the herbs. At the end of the month strain the liquid through the muslin cloth into a clean jar, seal (ensure the seal is water tight) and keep the oil in the refrigerator until the day of the planet, spirit of the planet or archangel, the night following the next risen New Moon (Second New Moon Cycle). Your oil is ready to be used. But first it must be charged or consecrated.

71 Charging your Magickal Anointing Oil.

When using ritual oils for any form of magick, it is important that the oil is, if you like, is tuned to the frequency that will be invoked.

To do this it has to be charged with the influences that you wish it have, i.e. the spirit of Venus or Mars etc. This ensures that the energies of the rites are enacted, you consecrate the oil. So, your oil must now be consecrated, in other words dedicated to the Planet/Spirit/Archangel that you wish to work with, and this is how you do it:

On the day of the Planet/Planetary Spirit/Archangel, following the third New Moon cycle, take the jar of Anointing Oil in your right hand, you can go out into the garden to do this if your wish, call out the Planets/Planetary Spirit/Archangels name, whilst visualizing the power of the Planet/Planetary Spirit/Archangel’s power manifesting as a ball of pure white light hovering over your Anointing Oil bottle. Hold this image as long as you can. Whilst still retaining this image in your mind, say:

“I dedicate this oil to you ..... Name of the Planet/Planetary Spirit/Archangel....l may it act as a bridge for our conscious and unconscious communications. As I use this oil ritualistically in the future may it call you to my presence in joy and love.”

Visualize the ball of white light as strongly as possible, then see it descend down over the oil and be absorbed by it. Thank the power, wrap the jar of charged Anointing Oil in the cloth of white and store in a safe place until needed.


1 Decide the power that the oil is to be used with i.e. in the rituals of Venus.

2. Look through this eBook to find the most appropriate plant or plants, which align to the chosen power.

3. First New Moon phase, compound the ingredients and oil.

4. Second New Moon phase. Strain, re-bottle and expose to the Moons rays.

5. Third New Moon phase. Charge you Anointing Oil.

6. Store carefully until needed.

See cautionary Note in Appendix 3 concerning the use of oils.


Candle Dressing Oil

If you wish to practice Candle Magick it is essential (No pun intended) to use candle anointing or dressing oil. This is not the same as anointing oil indicated previously which is use to anoint the body prior to ritual work. Dressing oil is used to imbue the candle with your wish. This involves rubbing oil on your candle while infusing it with the magical energies you desire.

Dressing Oil can be universal oil dedicated to all the planetary powers; you do not have to make specific oil to each of the planetary powers, unless you really want to. If this is the case you follow steps 1 & 2 as indicated in the summary on the previous page.

Base ingredients to be used in all preparations:

Olive Oil. Small piece of loadstone. Astrological Herb/Plant essential oil.

In order to tie the oil to you, you need to add the essential oil associated with your Astrological Birth Sign. These are as follow:

Mars 21–Apr 20 Aries Mars Black Pepper Apr 21–May 21 Taurus Venus Rose Oil May 22– Jun 22 Gemini Mercury Aniseed Oil June 23–July 23 Cancer Moon Jasmine Oil July 24–Aug 23 Leo Sun Rosemary Aug 24–Sept 23 Virgo Mercury Aniseed Oil Sept 24–Oct 23. Libra Venus Rose Oil Oct 24–Nov 22. Scorpio Mars Black Pepper Nov 23–Dec 21 Sagittarius Jupiter Carnation Oil Dec 22–Jan 20 Capricorn Saturn Patchouly Oil Jan 21–Feb 19. Aquarius Saturn Patchouly Oil Feb 20– Mars 20. Pisces Jupiter Carnation Oil

If you wish to make dedicated oil to a particular planet, leave out the astrological essential oil and select an appropriate essential oil for the particular planet.

To make the Candle Dressing Oil pour into your oil bottle the base ingredients, and the select planetary essential oils if compounding a dedicated oil. Shake the bottle for approximately 2 minutes, and store the bottle away from the sun for 2 days before using.

If you are compounding a dedicated Candle Dressing Oil you should now dedicate it to the relevant planetary power. Use the same dedication as for the Anointing Oil:

“I dedicate this oil to you ..... Name of the Planet/Planetary Spirit/Archangel....l may it act as a bridge for our conscious and unconscious communications. As I use this oil ritualistically in the future may it call you to my presence in joy and love.”

Visualize the ball of white light as strongly as possible, then see it descend down over the oil and be absorbed by it. Thank the power, wrap the jar of charged Anointing Oil in the cloth of white and store in a safe place until needed.

73 It you are not dedicating the Candle Dressing Oil to a particular power, and then just store for future use.

Now your oil is ready to use! You can use it to anoint your candles when doing candle magic, or you can anoint yourself for extra energy.

Enjoy making you magical oils!

Magickal Incense

Making incense isn't really complicated, but you will need a bowl, some means of measuring the ingredients and a stirrer etc. If you can afford a good pestle and mortar, make it one of your investments. Try to get one from a laboratory equipment supplier these are cheaper and more robust that the fancy cookery type ones.

You must however avoid pestle and mortars made from wood, marble or other stone. All of those will absorb oils, and you'll never get the smell out. Avoid metal as well, as it will taint the incense with the wrong vibrations. Glass and plastic are also impractical, although you can use glass to mix, as it doesn't absorb oils.

You would be able to get away with a glass bowl, some spoons, and a knife to mix. If you need to crush gums, use a hammer or rolling pin with the gum wrapped in grease-proof paper.

All the recipes above consist of a combination of one or more of gums, , flowers, herbs, roots, barks, buds, petals, berries, leaves, stalks, seeds, oils, etc.

Start you incense compounding with any gums first, a list of appropriate planetary gums is indicated below. Then add whatever dried plant ingredients, then resins, then finally, essential oils if you have, see list below. If you find the mixture is extremely dry and loose you may add a small amount of Olive Oil to bind the mixture. But you do not want it to wet with the oil.

You can only practice. Remember put in a little at a time, as you cannot take out once you have added it to the mixture.

You may compound your incense on the appropriate day and hour, corresponding to the power involved.

See the dangers of incense smoke in Appendix 4.

Resins are classified into Natural Resin and Synthetic Resin. Natural resins are produced from some kind of trees. Mastic and Dragon’s Blood are known as typical natural resins. Balsam is a term used for various pleasantly scented plant products. So, when using these in your incense or oil compounds ensures that you only use Natural ingredients.

Resins In the restricted sense, are plant products soluble in alcohol, ether and ethereal oils, but not in water. , dragon's blood and mastic are resins and obtained simply by cutting the plant bark to enable the resin to seep from the wound.

74 Gums are mucilage obtained from the evaporation of vegetable juice and which is insoluble in alcohol or ether. A gum, in its narrow sense of, the word, is a product of injury to the plant.

Gum-Resins are intermediate between gums and resins. They include galbanum, olibanium or frankincense, myrrh and asafoetida, all used in medicine.

The addition of resin or balsam to your Magickal Oil or Incense mixture will imbue them with heady fragrances, that you will find stimulating and power enhancing.

The most common resins or balsam you will ever use in your Magickal compounds are:

Planetary Resins or

Acacia Gum Sun. Aloe – Lignum Aloes Sun, Moon, Venus, and Jupiter. Asafoetida Mars, and Saturn. Benzoin Sun, Venus, and Mars. Dragon’s Blood Mars. Frankincense All Planets. Gum Mastic Sun, Mercury. Kino (Eucalyptus Kino) Sun. Moon. Venus, and Jupiter. Myrrh Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mars. Opopanax Mars. Scammony Mars, and Saturn. Storax Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, and Saturn. Tragacanth Mercury.

Essential Oils

An essential oil is a concentrated liquid containing volatile aromatic compounds from plants. Essential oils are also known as volatile oils or ethereal oils. Oil is "essential" in the sense that it carries a distinctive scent, or essence, of the plant. Essential oils do not form a distinctive category for any medical, pharmacological, or culinary purpose.

Essential oils are generally extracted by distillation or solvent extraction. Generally used in the manufacture of perfumes, and cosmetics. Ensure that the essential oils that you use are not synthetic.

The most common essential oils that you may use in your magickal practices, to add to Anointing Oil, Incense, or to replacing a particular plant or herb, or adding to an incense mixture to attain the same aim.

The following list of natural oils which may be included in your oil or incense compounds, or a stand-alone oil.

Almond Oil Venus. Ambergris Oil Sun, Venus. Aniseed Oil Mercury. Black Pepper Mars. Carnation Oil Moon, Jupiter. Caraway Oil Mercury.

75 Clove Oil Mercury. Jasmine Oil Moon, Venus. Patchouly Oil Saturn. Rose Oil Venus. Rosemary Sun. Ylang Moon.

I cannot stress the importance of testing any oil on your skin before you use it in a ritual fashion. You may be allergic to the ingredients. Test and test again. You have been warned again!

List of Common Essential Oils:

• Angelica • Anise oil • Asafoetida • Bergamot • Black Pepper • Camphor • Cannabis flower • Caraway • Cardamom • Cedarwood • Chamomile • Calamus • Cinnamon • Citronella • Costmary • Eucalyptus • Galangal • Geranium • Hyssop • Jasmine • Juniper • Lavender • Lemon • Myrtle • Orange • Orris • Patchouli • Roman Chamomile • Rose • Rosemary • Rosewood • Sandalwood • Spikenard • Spruce • Star Anise • Thyme


• Valerian • Yarrow • Ylang-ylang

Albrecht Dürer, The Vision of the Seven Candlesticks from the Apocalypse of St. John (ca. 1497-98) – (PD-ART)

77 8 – Herbal Magick Items

Herbal Candles

Herbal candles are decorated with herbs and flowers that are pressed into the candles wax, and if you are making your candles yourself, then add some essential oils to the molten wax mixture before it is cast. Naturally using the correct plant/herb or oil which corresponds to the power which you wish to invoke.

When completed these candles do look quite beautiful and will add a wonderful scent to any room in your home.

To make an herbal candle, you will need: candle wax, your choice of essential oil, a wick, herbs or dried flowers of your choice, and two candle moulds. The two candle moulds you pick should be the same height but one mould should be able to fit inside of the other with room for flowers and herbs around it.

First, melt enough wax to make a candle that will fit into your largest mould. This project works best with an uncoloured wax but you can also get away with using a light colour. Add your essential oil to the wax.

Using this melted wax to make the smaller of your candles. Let the candle set and don't trim the wick just yet.

Put the smaller candle that you just made into the larger candle mode. Put herbs and flowers around the smaller candle only filling half of the way up the mould.

Now, pour in the remaining melted wax to fill up the larger candle mould. If any flowers of herbs float to the top take them off.

Let the candle completely cool naturally then fill any depressions with more wax.

Take the candle out of the mould and store till needed.

Remember that making and burning candles can be a fire hazard. Care is required in all stages of making, and supervision when burning!

Old Woodcut – Artist Unknown – (PD-ART)

78 9 – Herbal Beauty Preparations

Herbal Skin Preparations

The following herbal mixtures should be put into a bowl of boiling water and with your head over the bowl, cover with a cloth, this will ensure that the steam will penetrate your skin and pores.

Mixture for Dry to Normal Skin:

3 parts Comfrey Leaf (Symphytum officinale). 2 parts Calendula Flowers and Leaf (Calendula officinalis). 2 parts Chamomile Flowers (Matricaria recutita). 2 parts Rose Petals (Rosaceae). 1 part Lavender Sprigs (Lavandula).

Mixture for Normal to Oily Skin:

3 parts Comfrey Leaf (Symphytum officinale). 2 parts Calendula Flowers and Leaf (Calendula officinalis). 1 part Raspberry Leaf (Rubus idaeus). 1 part Sage Flowers and Leaf (Salvia officinalis). ¼ part Rosemary Sprigs (Rosmarinus officinalis).

The Queen of Hungary’s Water

Hungary water (sometimes called "the Queen of Hungary's Water") was the first (European) alcohol-based perfume, claimed to date to about the late 14th century. According to legend it was first formulated at the command of a Queen of Hungary, sometimes identified as Isabella but usually as Elisabeth, or in one document "Saint Elisabeth, Queen of Hungary" (Wikipeadia -

The oldest surviving recipes calls for distilling fresh rosemary (and possibly thyme) with strong brandy, while later formulations contain lavender, mint, sage, marjoram, costus, orange blossom and lemon.

The following mixture is a modern update of the recipe; however, you may stick to the original above if you wish.

6 parts Lemon Balm. 4 parts Chamomile. 4 parts Rose. 3 parts Calendula. 3 parts Comfrey Leaf. 1 part Lemon Peel. 1 part Rosemary. 1 part Sage. Vinegar to cover (apple cider or wine vinegar).


Additional – To be added after initial compounding:

Rose water or witch hazel extract Essential oil of lavender or rose (optional)

To make fill a glass jar with all the above plant material and fill with enough vinegar that it is an inch or two above the mixture. Cover tightly and let it sit in a warm, dark cupboard for 2 to 3 weeks. Strain out the herbs. To each cup of herbal vinegar, add 2/3 to 1 cup of rose water or witch hazel. Add a drop or two of essential oil, if desired. Rebottle. This product does not need to be refrigerated and will keep indefinitely.


Cosmetic astringents, or skin toners, are used to remove excess oil from the skin.

Take equal parts of: lemon balm, chamomile flowers, rose petals, calendula petals, comfrey leaf, lavender, yarrow, and rosemary and cover with organic apple cider vinegar.

1. Take a clean glass jar large enough to hold all the above herbs. Pour organic apple cider vinegar over the herbs until it reaches approximately 2 inches above the plant material. Note: If using dried herbs, combine equal parts of all of them to total no more than 2 ounces (57 grams). If using fresh herbs, combine equal parts of all of them to total no more than 4 ounces (114 grams).

2. Place a lid on the jar and shake well.

3. Place in a warm place, near a sunny window, and shake it at least once daily, for 2 to 4 weeks.

4. Strain mixture and discard the plant material.

5. Combine herb-infused vinegar with equal parts witch hazel. The mixture, if kept in a dark glass bottle, will stay fresh for up to a year.

Facial Masks

Facial masks are beneficial for removing dead skin, unclogging pores and helping prevent premature lines and wrinkles. Applying a facial mask once a week can dramatically improve your skin's overall health.

Cucumber Avocado Facial Mask

½ cup Chopped Cucumber. ½ cup Chopped Avocado. 1 Egg White. 2 tsp. Powdered Milk.

In a blender combine all of the ingredients until they form a smooth, paste-like consistency. You can apply the mask immediately or refrigerate it for 30 minutes.

80 Apply 2 tablespoons of the cucumber avocado mask to your face and neck in circular upward motions. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes, or until dry. To remove the mask simply rinse your face and neck with warm water, followed by a cold-water rinse. Finally, pat dry your face and neck.

Hair Shampoo and Conditioners

Choose from the following hair conditions that will suit your hair:

Dry: Avocado, Comfrey root, Elder Flowers, Orange Blossom. Normal: Dandelion, Clover, Horsetail. Oily: Lavender, Lemon Grass, Strawberry, Thyme, Watercress, White Willow Bark. Shine: Egg, Raspberry, Rosemary, Nettle, Vinegar. Manageability: Cherry bark, Beer, Yogurt. Softness: Cherry Bark, Burdock Root, Olive Oil, Marjoram. Dandruff: White Willow Bark, Birch Bark, Comfrey, Nettle, Peppermint, Rosemary, Vinegar. Growth: Basil, Onion Juice, Nettle, Rosemary, St. John’s Wort, Sage, Lightener: Chamomile, Marigold. Restores Colour: Parsley, Sage. Strengthens: Horsetail.

Basic Shampoo Recipe


2 tablespoons of base organic soap (see below) ½ pint spring water 2 ounces fresh herbs (2 tablespoons dried) 1 teaspoon almond or apricot kernel oil 2 drops essential oil (your choice)

The basic soap mixture is one cup of Olive Oil and ½ cup of Coconut Oil.

Grate a couple of 4 once (118 ml) bars of organic mild soap into a large pot with 1 ½ pints (950 milliliters) of water. Stir until the soap pieces dissolve then add 2 tbsp. (30 milliliters) of vegetable glycerin. Continue stirring until the glycerin has dissolved. Transfer the soap to a jar and cover. You can use this soap right away.


1. Place herbs in a clean ½ pint (295 milliliters) glass jar with a lid. 2. Boil the spring water and pour over the herbs. 3. Cover and let steep for 10 to 20 minutes. 4. Strain the liquid from the herbs into a bowl. 5. Add the liquid base soap and almond or apricot kernel oil and mix thoroughly. 6. Scent with essential oil and mix again. 7. Bottle in a plastic container with a spout or a clean recycled shampoo bottle.

81 Basic Hair Rinse Recipe


Apple Cider Vinegar (The amount depends on how much conditioner you need) Selection of herbs. See list of herbs under shampoo recipe.

1. Fill the glass jar between a quarter to halfway with the herbs/plants you have selected. 2. Heat the apple cider vinegar enough to fill the jar, Raise the heat to the boil. 3. Pour the boiling vinegar over the herbs in the jar, ensuring that the herbs are covered. 4. Let boil for 2 -3 minutes then let conditioner cool and place in refrigerator for two weeks. 5. Strain the mixture, and store in a cool place. Your conditioner is ready to use after shampooing.

Venus and Cupid (1566) woodcut by Titian & Nicolò Boldrini (Auckland Art Gallery, New Zealand). (PD-ART)

82 10 - Herbal Wines and Ales

Nettle and Dandelion Ale


1 handful young Nettle Tops. 1 handful Dandelion Flowers. 24 ounces (675gm) Sugar. 2 tablespoon freshly-grated Ginger. 2 Lemons, sliced. 15g yeast.


Add the nettles to a pan. Cover with 8 pints (4.5 litres) water, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Strain into a bowl and set aside.

Add the dandelion flowers to a pan, cover with 8 pints (4.5 litres) water and boil for 10 minutes before straining into the bowl with the nettle liquid. Stir-in the sugar and ginger and mix well to combine.

Transfer to a fermenting bucket, arrange the lemon slices on top and scatter the yeast over everything. Cover and allow standing over night then strain the liquid, bottle and store in a cool, dark, place for at least 3 weeks before consuming.

This beer is suitable to be consumed during rituals to Saturn and the Sun.

Rose Petal Wine


6 pints (2.5 litres) Rose Petals. 3 pounds (1.3 kilograms) Sugar. 2 Lemons. Wine yeast and nutrient. 1 gallon unchlorinated water.


Pour boiling water over the rose petals and cover and leave for 48 hours. Strain through a fine sieve and add the sugar and dissolve well and then add the lemon juice and yeast. Pour into a demijohn and fit an airlock and leave to ferment.

When fermentation has ceased, rack the wine into a clean jar and place in a cooler environment and leave for a further few months. Rack again if necessary and leave until the wine is clear and stable and then bottle.

This wine is suitable for consumption during rituals to Venus.

83 Lavender Wine


¼ pint (1.1 litres) dried Lavender Flowers (picked from the stems). Juice from 1 Lemon. White Grape concentrate. 2 ½ pounds (1.100 kilograms) sugar. Wine yeast. 1 teaspoon yeast nutrient / energiser. Water, unchlorinated) - to make 1 gallon of wine.


Extract the juice from the lemon and add to boiling water, together with the dried lavender flowers. Allow to cool and transfer lavender wine mixture to the fermentation bucket, standing for three days. Strain and add all of the other ingredients, stirring for three days.

Transfer lavender wine liquor into demijohn with airlock. Once fermentation has finished, rack wine and then after three months, transfer to wine bottles, allowing to stand for several months, or longer.

Lavender wine has an unusual, zesty flavour and is not always suitable as a table wine, although it is particularly refreshing.

This wine is suitable for consumption during rituals to Jupiter.

The Brewer – A medieval woodcut – Artist Unknown – (PD-ART)

84 Appendix 1 - Calculation of Planetary Hours of the Day & Night.

Depending upon the season the actual hours of daylight vary, therefore in order to calculate the correct hour you must take sunrise and sunset time to establish total minutes of daylight, and then divide by 12, this will give you how many minutes there are in each hour of daylight. From that information you can calculate when each hour starts and how long it lasts for. You do exactly the same for the night hours, except you need to calculate the total time between sunset and sunrise, again dividing by 12 to calculate the minutes in the hour.

If this is far too laborious be glad that we are in the computer age. Refer to Appendix 2 for software and website help that you will find will help with these calculations.

85 Appendix 2 - Internet Information Links & Software Calculators

The following internet links and information on calculators will make your life a little easier when calculating some information required in this Book

Internet Information Links

Physics and Astronomy Java Applets An excellent site containing many astrological applets including Ephemeris and Planetary Hours calculator. All things astrological, including a Planetary Hours Calculator.

Astro Dienst – General Astrological Site, but with the facility to calculate you Longitude and Latitude information.

Canterbury Weather This, for UK readers, you will be able to obtain Sunrise and Sunset time.

Archangels & Angels The site run by ArchAn Publishing, publish of this book. The site contains masses of Angelic information Font downloads etc.


1. Planetary Hours Calculator.

ChronosXP - is a free planetary hour's program for Windows. It runs from the system tray where it displays a glyph corresponding to the current planetary hour. If you double-click on the glyph, a calendar window opens up where you can see planetary hour times for any given day or location. ChronosXP currently supports the English, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese languages. It is limited to main capital cities only. Africa is not included in the options as standard you have to configure yourself, but this is relatively easy. There is also a very nice Moon phase's calendar.

Site URL: Download Link:

86 Appendix 3 – Cautionary Notes

The use of magickal oil does not hold any spiritual or mental danger; however, you may have a skin reaction to the oil, so it is highly recommended that you thoroughly test the oil, prior to using it in any ritual or meditative work.

There are two cautions; it is possible you may be allergic to the oil compound. As you will be anointing yourself with the oil, test your skin in a small patch before using it to be sure you won't have a reaction. Some people have had reactions to oils, which have resulted in skin irritation, and nobody wants to go about with itchy, scaly, weeping sores on them. You have been warned!

Next, if you anoint paper/objects with your oil please be aware that they may stain, leave oily residues and greasy marks on whatever you put them on. Keep this in mind if you decide to use the Angelic Oil, be sure you don't ruin anything precious or delicate.

Some of the herbs/plants are listed in this eBook, are therefore presented here as a warning, some plant are dangerous. The safety information here is based upon: Julia Lawless and Robert Tisserand, books on essential oils. If you are pregnant do not apply any of the oils to your skin. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Again you have been warned!

• Angelica-Phototoxic • Benzoin-Sensitizer • Bergamot-Phototoxic • Bitter Almond-Toxic • Arnica-Toxic • Basil-Possible Carcinogen • Bay-Sensitizer • Bergamot-Phototoxic • Birch (Sweet)-Toxic • Broom-Toxic • Calamus-Toxic Carconogen • Camphor-Toxic • Cedar, Atlas- Toxic • Cedarwood-Irritant • Clove-Irritant • Cinnamon Bark-Sensitizer • Deertongue-Toxic • Eucalyptus-Sensitizer, Toxic Orally • Fennel-Carcinogenic, Sensitizer • Garlic-Toxic • Geranium- Irritant • Ginger-Phototoxic • Grapefruit-Phototoxic • Horseradish-Toxic • Hyssop-Toxic • Inula-Toxic • Lavendin-Toxic • Lemon-Phototoxic, Irritant

87 • Lime-Phototoxic • Marigold-Phototoxic, Toxic • Mugwort-Toxic • Mustard-Toxic • Nutmeg-Possible Carcinogen, Toxic • Oakmoss-Toxic, Sensitizer, Irritant • Onion-Toxic • Oregano-Irritant • Parsley-Very Dangerous in Pregnancy, Toxic • Pennyroyal-Toxic, Carcinogen • Peppermint-Irritant • Peru Balsam-Sensitizer • Rosemary- Toxic • Rue-Toxic • Sassafras-Toxic, Carcinogen • Spearmint-Irritant • Tansy-Toxic • Thuja-Toxic • Thyme-Irritant • Verbena-Sensitizer • Wintergreen-Toxic • Wormseed-Toxic • Wormwood-Toxic • Yarrow-Sensitizer, Toxic

88 Appendix 4 – The Dangers of Incense Smoke

When using incense, it is natural for the substances used in the compounding of the incense mixture, to give off large amounts of smoke. Naturally this will vary with the particular recipe and ingredients included in the mixture.

We all know that excessive exposure to smoke, in all its forms, is not ideal from a health perspective, and incense is therefore no exception. If there a danger? We cannot say for certain, however we do recommend that you take some precautions.

We highly recommend that you limit your exposure to excessive incense smoke as much as possible. You can do this by a number of means:

1. Do not burn excessive amounts of incense during your rituals. Billowing smoke may look dramatic but will not impress the Angels that you are working with.

2. Ensure your place of working is well ventilated as much as possible. We all realize that during a typical UK winter this would probably be very uncomfortable.

3. Ensure you only buy your incense ingredients from a reliable suppliers/manufacturer who use only 100% natural ingredients and you know what these are (unnecessary additives and chemicals should be avoided).

4. If you are not happy with using incense at all then don't use it. Try an essential oil over an oil warmer.

89 Biography and References


Agrippa, Cornelius (Turner, Robert trans.), “Three Books of Occult Philosophy.” London. UK. 1654.

“British Wild Flowers” – Catalogue 2010 – 2011

Conway, David. “The Magic of Herbs.” Panther Books. London. 1985.

Conway, David. “The Complete Magic Primer.” The Aquarian Press. London. 1988.

Crow W. B. “The Occult Properties of Herbs and Plants.” The Aquarian Press. London.

Culpeper, Nicholas. “Culpeper's Complete Herbal.” Foulsham & Co. London.

Cunningham, Scott. “Magical Herbalism - The Secret Craft of the Wise.” Llewellyn Publications St Paul, Minnesota. USA. 1993.

Cunningham, Scott. “The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews.” Llewellyn Publications St Paul, Minnesota. USA. 1994.

Charubal. edited by A. R- Naylor. “Grimoire Sympathia - The Workshop of the Infinite.” I.H.O Books. Thame. England. 2003

Dunwich, Gerina. “Herbal Magick - A Witch’s Guide to Herbal Folklore and Enchantments.” New Page Books. The Career Press, Inc. Franklin Lakes, NJ. 2002

Frater El, “The Book of Flowers and Stones”. Archan – The Publisher. 2013.

Grieve, Maude. Leyel C. F. (Editor). “A Modern Herbal.” Penguin Books Ltd. 1976.

Miller, Richard, Alan, “The Magickal and Ritual Use of Herbs”. Destiny Books, Vermont. USA. 1972

Robinson, Daniel. “Potion Mixology.” Private Publication. Internet?

Roséan, Lexa. “The Encyclopaedia of Magickal Ingredients - A Wiccan Guide to Spellcasting.” Paraview Pocket Books. 2005.

Skinner, Steven. “The Complete Magician's Tables.” Golden Hoard Press. 2006

Tobyn G, Denham A. and Whitelegg M. “The Western Herbal Tradition – 2000 years of medical plant knowledge.” Churchil Livingstone Elsevier Ltd. London 2011

Watts Donald. “Dictionary of Plant Lore.” Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier. 2007

Zalewski, C.L, “Herbs in Magick and Alchemy – Techniques from Ancient Herbal Lore,” Prism Press. UK 1999.

90 Herb and Plant Organisations – UK

Association of Master Herbalists

Chelsea Physic Garden, 66 Royal Hospital Road, London SW3 4HS, UK

Ethnomedica - Remembered Remedies Professor Monique Simmonds Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Richmond Surrey TW9 3AB

The Herb Society & Herb Society Forum

The National Institute of Medical Herbalists Clover House James Court South Street Exeter EX1 1EE

Herb and Plant Organisations – USA

American Botanical Council 6200 Manor Rd Austin TX 78723

North American Institute of Herbal Medicine http://www.m

University of Washington – Medicinal Herb Garden Department of Biology University of Washington Box 351800 Seattle, WA 98195-1800

91 Seed suppliers – UK

Iden Croft Herbs, Frittenden Road, Staplehurst, Kent. TN12 0DH

Poyntzfield Herb Nursery Black Isle By Dingwall IV7 8LX Ross & Cromarty Scotland

Secret Seeds 39 Lawford Mews Waterloo Road Bristol BS2 0PN

Touchwood, 4 Clyne Valley Cottages Killay Swansea, SA2 7DU

Victoriana Nursery Gardens Buck Street Challock Ashford Kent TN25 4DG

W Robinsons and Son ltd. Forton nr Preston Lancashire

92 Seed Suppliers – USA

Alchemy Works 643 Newtown St Elmira NY 14904.

Mountain Rose Herbs

Po Box 50220 Eugene, OR 97405 USA

Richters Seeds

We are located about an hour northeast of Toronto. Preferred routes are north on Highway 404 or north on Brock Road from Pickering. We are a minute east of Goodwood, at #357 Highway 47.

93 Images

Man, at work in herb garden – Woodcut by Hans Weidig – PD-ART

All images, unless indicated are in the Public Domain and are the work of Franz Eugen Köhler, Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen. - 1897 and have been taken from Wikipeadia These images are is in the public domain because its copyright has expired. This applies to Australia, the European Union and those countries with a copyright term of life of the author plus 70 years.

Alder -

Alkanet - Watercolour painting of Flowering Plant. "Anchusa sempervirens. Evergreen Alkanet. Pentandria - Monogynia. Longnor June 1824." Unsigned. Green Alkanet Pentaglottis sempervirens. – PD-ART

Angelica- Wild Thomé, Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz 1885. – PD-ART

Anise . Franz Eugen Köhler 1897 – PD-ART

Woodcut shows garden planting - Thomas Hill’s Gardener’s Labyrinth (1577) – PD-ART

Balm - Melissa officinalis. Franz Eugen Köhler 1897 – PD-ART

Basil- From the 'Herbarium' by Leonhart Fuchs. 1543 – PD-ART

Betony (Wood) - Historical Victorian Print. Wood Betony Flower Plant C1880 Botanical PD- ART

Blackberry (Rubus fruticosa). Artist: A.A Newton 1800s and early 1900s. PD-ART

Borage Wayside and Woodland 1895, Edward Step and F. Warner. Scan of 2 d image in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US. – PD-ART

Camomile - 1774 Antique Botanical Print Regnault's Wild Camomile – PD-ART

Caraway - Friedrich Guimpel from " Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung der in der Arzneykunde gebräuchlichen Gewächse" by Friedrich Gottlob Hayne (1762 -1832), Published ca 1820. – PD-ART

Chickweed - Image - Chickweed - Artist Unknown. – PD-ART

Coltsfoot - Thomé, Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz 1885. – PD-ART

Dandelion, botanical print. - image in the public domain believed to be free to use without restriction in the US. – PD-ART

Evening Primrose - Elizabeth Twining - The Natural Orders of Plants London 1868. Feverfew image - artist unknown. – PD-ART

Foxglove, Digitalis purpurea, botanical plate – 1885. – PD-ART 94 Groundsel, Common - Senecio vulgaris - believed to be in the Public Domain – PD-ART

High John the Conqueror - Franz Eugen Köhler, Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen - 1897 – PD- ART

Hyssopus officinalis - Franz Eugen Köhler, Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen - 1897 – PD-ART

Knapweed - English Botany. Centaurea Scabiosa, Knapweed J. Sowerby. 1899. – PD-ART

Lady and the Flower, Medieval Woodcut - Artist Unknown - Image in the Public Domain – PD-ART

Lady's Mantle - Antique Colour Botanical Print C1890 Lady’s Mantle Botanical Print – PD- ART

Lovage - Old Print – PD-ART

Mugwort - Artemisia vulgaris - Thomé, Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz 1885.- PD-ART

Orchic - Orchis militaris - Thomé, Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz 1885.- PD-ART

Plantain - Plantgo Major - Botanical illustration by Otto Wilhelm Thomé, from "Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz", 1885. – PD-ART

Privet - Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thomé Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz 1885, Gera, Germany Permission granted to use under GFDL by Kurt Stueber. Wikimedia Commons – PD-ART

Scarlet Pimpernel - Anagallis caerulea - Botanical illustration by Otto Wilhelm Thomé, from "Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz", 1885.- PD-ART

Rue, Goats - Flora von Deutschland 1885. – PD-ART

St John’s Wort - Wayside and Woodland 1895, Edward Step and F. Warner. – PD-ART

Scammony - Hedge Bindweed - Convolvulus arvensis 24th July 1848 – PD-ART

Speedwell - 1815 P Turpin Veronica Corn Wall Speedwell Botanical Hand Coloured Engraving Pierre Jean François Turpin (1775-1840) – PD-ART

Tormentil - Blodrot, Potentilla erecta Dalla Torre. Carl Axel Magnus Lindman (1856–1928) Bilder ur Nordens Flora Stockholm – PD-ART

Wood Betony Flower Plant Circa 1880 – Unknown Botanical - PD-ART

Man, with Rake - 18th Century English Woodcut - Artist Unknown – PD-ART

Tree Planting - Woodcut - Sarum Horae - Jean Richards 1491 – PD-ART

Woman in an Herb Garden - Medieval woodcut - Artist Unknown – PD-ART

95 Witches burning incense – Coloured Woodcut – Artist Unknown. – PD-ART

The Alchemists – A Medieval Woodcut – Artist Unknown – PD-ART

The Philosophers Stone - Das Geheimniss der hermetischen Philosophie, Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1770. – PD-ART

Albrecht Dürer, The Vision of the Seven Candlesticks from the Apocalypse of St. John (ca. 1497-98) – PD-ART

Venus and Cupid (1566) woodcut by Titian & Nicolò Boldrini (Auckland Art Gallery, New Zealand). PD-ART

The Brewer – A medieval woodcut – Artist Unknown – PD-ART


Other eBooks which may be of interest:

The Book of Flowers and Stones The Book of Angelic Elements

Specific angelic rituals, magical tools and related information are always being reviewed for publication.

For more information on the angelic art, please visit the Archangels and Angels website:

© Archan – The Publisher