US 20160331922A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2016/0331922 A1 HOLADAY (43) Pub. Date: Nov. 17, 2016

(54) DISPOSABLE CONTAINER FOR AR Publication Classification HYDRATION (51) Int. Cl. A6M 6/16 (2006.01) (71) Applicant: John W. HOLADAY, Bethesda, MD A6IL 2/10 (2006.01) (US) A6II 3/445 (2006.01) B65D 7/00 (2006.01) (72) Inventor: John W. HOLADAY, Bethesda, MD A6M II/00 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. (US) CPC ...... A61M 16/16 (2013.01); B65D 71/00 (2013.01); A61M II/005 (2013.01); A61 K (21) Appl. No.: 15/107.825 3 1/445 (2013.01); A61L 2/10 (2013.01); A61M 2205/123 (2013.01) (22) PCT Fed: Dec. 22, 2014 (57) ABSTRACT The present technology relates to a device and method to (86) PCT No.: PCT/US14/71941 provide distilled water in pre-filled, disposable containers for use with humidifiers in assisted breathing units, such as S 371 (c)(1), continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) devices. The (2) Date: Jun. 23, 2016 technology also relates to methods for delivery of medica tions and inhalational and/or aromatic therapies through heated hydration chambers in CPAP devices and/or through Related U.S. Application Data nebulizers to be used to hydrate air in conjunction with (60) Provisional application No. 61/920,379, filed on Dec. CPAP devices. The present technology further relates to 23, 2013, provisional application No. 62/018, 100, convenient multi-packs of pre-filled, disposable water con filed on Jun. 27, 2014. tainers to be provided in conjunction with CPAP devices.

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DISPOSABLE CONTAINER FOR AR 0005 To help alleviate the drying effect of the pressur HYDRATION ized air, manufacturers of CPAP machines have engineered hydrating attachments that volatilize water by heating, and TECHNICAL FIELD the air is delivered over the vapors to become hydrated, and then to the patient through a flexible tube. These hydrating 0001. The present technology relates to a device and chambers typically involve permanent or disposable plastic method to provide distilled water in pre-filled, disposable containers for holding the water, with an aluminum base that containers for use with humidifiers in assisted breathing sits on a heating element. The plastic containers have units, such as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) pathways that divert the air from the CPAP machines over devices. The technology also relates to methods for delivery the heated water to the tube that carries the hydrated air to of medications and inhalational and/or aromatic therapies the patient. through heated hydration chambers in CPAP devices and/or 0006. Several hundred milliliters of water is poured into through nebulizers to be used to hydrate air in conjunction the hydrating chamber before bedtime use of the CPAP with CPAP devices. The present technology further relates to machine. Distilled water is normally recommended to be convenient multi-packs of pre-filled, disposable water con used in CPAP devices since tap water and some bottled tainers to be provided in conjunction with CPAP devices. waters contain minerals and other components that dry out in the hydrating machine. These contaminants bond together BACKGROUND OF TECHNOLOGY and stick on the surfaces of the humidifier water tanks, 0002. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by providing a substrate for the growth of bacteria and molds. recurrent upper airway obstruction resulting in breathing Continued contamination of the system will cause irrepa cessation (apnea) or reduction of airflow during sleep (hypo rable damage requiring the CPAP equipment to be replaced. pnea). The periodic cessation of breathing during sleep is To prevent contamination and to keep the CPAP devices in caused by tracheal muscle relaxation, which results in the good working order, distilled water should be used nightly narrowing and closing of the patient’s airway. This narrow in the CPAP devices. ing of the trachea causes the person to repeatedly awaken 0007. The advantages of incorporating humidification of during sleep, leading to chronic sleep deprivation. Chronic the air Supply to a patient are known, and respiratory Snoring is an indicator of OSA. Apneusis (cessation of apparatuses are known which incorporate humidifying breathing for various intervals) caused by OSA is diagnosed devices. Such respiratory apparatuses commonly have the by monitoring patient’s breathing patterns during their sleep. ability to alter the humidity of the breathable air or oxygen As many as 25% of people suffer from OSA. Failure to treat to reduce drying of the patient’s airway and consequent OSA is associated with significant cardiovascular, metabolic patient discomfort and associated complications. The use of and central nervous system disorders, and these debilities of a humidifier unit placed between the flow generator and the OSA are particularly exacerbated with aging. Present stan patient mask produces humidified gas that minimizes drying dards of care for OSA involve oral devices to bring the lower of the nasal mucosa and increases patient airway comfort. In jaw forward, thus opening the airway, or the use of continu addition in cooler climates, warm air applied generally to the ous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines where posi face area in and about the mask is more comfortable than tive airway pressure is applied to overcome airway obstruc cold air. tions and prevent the associated apnea and Snoring. 0008. Many humidifier types are available, including 0003 Respiratory treatment apparatuses involves the humidifiers that are either integrated with or configured to be delivery of a pressurized breathable gas. Such as air, oxygen coupled to the relevant respiratory apparatus. If integrated enriched air, or oxygen, to a patient's airways using a within the relevant respiratory apparatus the humidifier is conduit and patient interface device. Gas pressures generally formed in a separate portion of the apparatus to the employed typically range from 4 cm HO to 30 cm H2O, at blower to prevent water from entering the blower. While flow rates of up to 180 L/min (measured at the mask), passive humidifiers can provide some relief, generally a depending on patient requirements. For CPAP the pressur heated humidifier is required to provide sufficient humidity ized gas acts as a pneumatic splint for the patient’s airway and temperature to the air so that the patient will be in a CPAP device, preventing airway collapse, especially comfortable. Humidifiers typically comprise a water con during the inspiratory phase of respiration. tainer having a capacity of several hundred milliliters, a 0004 Assisted breathing units, such as CPAP devices, heating element for heating the water in the container, a provide therapy to a sleep apnea patient by delivering control to enable the level of humidification to be varied, a positive pressure to the airway, keeping it open when the gas inlet to receive gas from the flow generator, and a gas tracheal muscles relax. Most CPAP devices include a pres outlet adapted to be connected to a patient conduit that Sure source, electronic circuitry to control the pressure delivers the humidified gas to the patient's mask. Source, and tubing connected to a mask worn by the patient. 0009 Typically, the heating element is incorporated in a The CPAP pressure source, connective tubing and mask heater plate, which sits under and is, in thermal contact with create a closed circuit for airflow between the patients the water container. airways and the CPAP device. During treatment, a supply of 0010 CPAP devices have been known to cause several pressurized gas is typically supplied to the patient through a issues for users. Some of these issues include allergies, patient interface. Such as a nasal, oral or combination infections, and inadequately filtered particulates from the nasal/oral mask. The continuous flow of air from such CPAP delivered air. Also, a CPAP device with a humidifier unit devices can be irritating to the tissues of the nose, mouth requires frequent water replacement and cleaning. In some and/or throat of the patient. This irritation may result in cases, daily water replacement is recommended for the nosebleeds, increased mucous, congestion, and coughing or CPAP device with a humidifier. Such a rigorous schedule of Sneezing. cleaning and water replacement can be tedious for most US 2016/0331922 A1 Nov. 17, 2016

users. However, when the rigorous schedule is not main nebulizers. (Hickey, 1996). The efficiency of ultrasonic tained, the water in the CPAP machine may stagnate and nebulizers at delivering aerosolized medication to the allow for bacteria growth. The CPAP device may create an patient’s lungs has been clinically shown to be in the range environment for bacterial growth that subjects the user to of 81% to 91%. (Gessler et al., 2001). Ultrasonic nebulizers sinus infections, upper airway infections, conjunctivitis, and are more expensive than jet nebulizers. Overall, ultrasonic ear infections. The CPAP device also usually requires fre nebulizers are more efficient at delivering medication and quent filter changes that can be tedious and costly for a user. generate Smaller droplets of aerosolized medication. A lack of frequent filter changes, and a lack of bacterial/viral 0016 Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is currently a form filtration, however, can lead to serious health implications of standard care for patients Suffering from respiratory since the CPAP device supplies air directly to the patient. It insufficiency, sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary is vitally important that air is properly filtered and disin disease (COPD) and more severe acute and chronic respi fected so that allergens, viruses, and bacteria are not intro ratory failure. A common form of NIV is non-invasive duced to the patient by the CPAP device. positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) in which a mask or 0011 Patients using heated humidifiers without regard to other interface supplies positive pressure flow to the nose good hygienic practices in maintaining their humidifiers by and mouth. For less severe respiratory insufficiency and thorough cleaning and replacing their breathing tubes Support, low-flow therapy (LFT) through a nasal cannula is showed a dramatic increase in upper airway infections, common practice. In addition, high-flow therapy (HFT) has compared with those who cared for their equipment regu recently been introduced in which air or blended oxygen is larly. preconditioned with heat and water vapor (humidity) to 0012 Patients with OSA being treated with CPAP allow continuous delivery through a nasal cannula up to flow devices fitted with humidifiers may be aerosolizing bacteria, rates of 40 L/min. This approach is currently being applied putting them at risk for developing respiratory infections. In to treat conditions such as pulmonary edema, COPD, bron a study reported in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, chiectasis, and acute respiratory distress syndrome (post Vol. 3, No. 7 (2007), bacteria was recovered in breathing intubation). tubes of CPAP devices fitted with heated humidifiers with 0017 Patients receiving NIV typically have underlying water contaminated with Brevundimonas diminuta or Ser respiratory and systemic conditions that can be effectively ratia narcescens. treated with a range of drugs administered non-invasively as 0013 Nebulizers are commonly used for delivery of pharmaceutical aerosols. However, both in vivo and in vitro inhaled medications since they transform a liquid medica studies have illustrated that high drug aerosol deposition tion into a mist that can be comfortably and easily inhaled losses occur in NIV tubing and delivery systems, resulting in by a patient. The mist consists of a Suspension of many very low delivery efficiencies on the order of <1-7% in both miniscule liquid droplets in air and is created by the nebu adults and children. Aerosol drug delivery to the lungs via lizer rapidly, forcibly, and repeatedly disrupting the Surface NIV also employs conventional drug delivery devices (e.g. tension of the water and throwing droplets from the bulk nebulizers and metered dose inhalers) that generate aerosols liquid into the air. There are two types of nebulizers com with relatively large particle sizes (3-5 um). This large monly used for inhalation therapy: the jet nebulizer and the aerosol particle size results in high delivery system and nasal ultrasonic nebulizer. losses during NIV and may result in high variability in the 0014 Jet nebulizers use a narrow stream of pressurized amount of drug aerosol reaching the lungs. This is especially air to disrupt the surface tension of the bulk liquid in order problematic for therapeutic substances with narrow thera to aerosolize the liquid medication. The average droplet size peutic indices, and in fact, NIV may unfortunately not be formed by jet nebulizers is between 5 and 600 um, depend appropriate for many next-generation medications, some of ing on the nozzle used (Hickey, A. J. 1996. Inhalation which have relatively narrow therapeutic windows. More Aerosols: Physical and Biological Basis for Therapy. New over, high variability in delivery rates impacts the assess York, N.Y.: Marcel Dekker). A jet nebulizer creates a thick ment of clinical trial results since the actual dose reaching a mist allowing the flow of the air to carry the aerosolized patient cannot be consistently established. However, despite medication to the patient. According to Gessler et al. 2001, low efficiency and associated problems, this current standard Ultrasonic Versus Jet Nebulization of Iloprost in Severe of care is often preferable to the alternative of temporarily Pulmonary Hypertension. Euro Resp., 17(1): 14-9, the effi halting NIV therapy for 10-30 minutes up to 2-8 times per ciency of jet nebulizers in delivering aerosolized medication day for administration of essential nebulized medications. to a patient’s lungs is approximately 36% to 42%. There are 0018. There is a need for the convenience of pre-filled, other disadvantages of using the jet nebulizer, however, the disposable water containers for use in CPAP devices. There jet nebulizer is an inexpensive alternative. is also a need for delivery of medications and inhalational 0015 Ultrasonic nebulizers achieve a higher efficiency of and/or aromatic therapies through heated hydration cham drug delivery to the patient than that achieved by jet nebu bers in CPAP devices and/or through nebulizers to be used lizers. Ultrasonic nebulizers include a piezoelectric crystal in conjunction with CPAP devices. component that oscillates when an electric current is applied. The oscillations generate ultrasonic waves that SUMMARY OF THE TECHNOLOGY move through the bulk liquid before disrupting the surface 0019. The present invention comprises a disposable con tension of the liquid, and cause the liquid medication to tainer pre-filled with preferably distilled water for placement aerosolize into droplets. The oscillation of the piezoelectric within the hydrating chamber of a continuous positive component occurs at a frequency within the range of 1.0 to airway pressure (CPAP) device. The disposable containers 4.0 MHz. Droplet size formed from ultrasonic nebulizers is can be packaged in a convenient storage pack wherein a between 3 and 6 um. This size range for droplets is more disposable container can be removed from the storage pack clinically effective than the larger droplets generated by jet as needed. The disposable container can also be in the form US 2016/0331922 A1 Nov. 17, 2016

of bottled disposable water in convenient volumes and 0033 FIG. 2 depicts the hydrating chamber of a packages. The disposable containers and/or bottled water Respironics CPAP device in which the present invention in can optionally contain aromatic Substances and therapeutic its various embodiments may be implemented. agents. The use of the disposable container thereby avoids 0034 FIG. 3 depicts an ultrasonic nebulizer in which the the problem of infection from using non-disposable contain present invention in its various embodiments may be imple ers that are improperly cleaned between uses. The present mented. invention also comprises the use of a nebulizer to hydrate CPAP air in lieu of a heated hydration chamber, and the use DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF ILLUSTRATED of the nebulized air delivery system to provide aromatic EXAMPLES Substances and/or therapeutic agents. 0035. The functionality of the various example embodi 0020. Thus, it is an object of the present invention to ments will be explained in more detail in the following provide a pre-filled, disposable distilled water container description, read in conjunction with the figures illustrating designed to fit in the hydrating chamber of an assisted the example embodiments. Turning now to the drawings, breathing apparatus. example embodiments are described in detail. 0021. It is another object of the present invention to 0036. As used herein, the singular form of “a”, “an', and provide a pre-filled, disposable distilled water container “the include plural references unless the context clearly fabricated from a heat-resistant material. dictates otherwise. As used herein, the statement that two or 0022. It is yet another object of the present invention to more parts or components are “coupled' shall mean that the provide a convenient Supply of individual pre-filled, dispos parts are joined or operate together either directly or indi able distilled water containers and/or bottles of approxi rectly, i.e., through one or more intermediate parts or com mately 200-400 ml each. ponents, so long as a link occurs. As used herein, “directly 0023. Another aspect of the invention relates to pre-filled, coupled' means that two elements are directly in contact disposable distilled water containers configured and with each other. As used herein, “fixedly coupled' or “fixed arranged to deliver water vapor to one or more gas flow means that two components are coupled so as to move as one paths defined by the housing of the humidifier unit of CPAP while maintaining a constant orientation relative to each devices. other. 0024. In another aspect of the present invention inhala 0037. In this specification, the word “comprising is to be tion therapies are added to the pre-filled, disposable distilled understood in its "open’ sense, that is, in the sense of “including, and thus not limited to its “closed sense, that water containers prior to placement in CPAP devices. is the sense of "consisting only of. A corresponding mean 0025. In yet another aspect of the present invention ing is to be attributed to the corresponding words "com aromatherapies are added to the pre-filled, disposable dis prise”, “comprised' and “comprises' where they appear. tilled water containers prior to placement in CPAP devices. 0038. The term “air will be taken to include breathable 0026. Another aspect of the present invention is to pro gases, for example air with Supplemental oxygen. vide a convenient Supply. Such as a six-pack or other 0039. The subject headings used in the detailed descrip multi-unit packs, of pre-filled, disposable distilled water tion are included only for the ease of reference of the reader containers and/or bottles in conjunction with the CPAP and should not be used to limit the subject matter found device. throughout the disclosure or the claims. The subject head 0027. Further, the present invention includes the addition ings should not be used in construing the scope of the claims of non-volatile antiseptic to prevent the build up of bacteria or the claim limitations. or fungi in the hydrating chamber of a CPAP device. 0040. The present invention addresses shortcomings of 0028. It is also envisioned in the present invention to the prior art by providing pre-filled, disposable distilled provide pre-filled disposable water containers for use in water containers for use in a humidification system for a conjunction with a nebulizer. CPAP device. 0029. Another aspect of the present invention is the use 0041 FIG. 1 depicts an assisted breathing apparatus of a nebulizer to hydrate CPAP air in lieu of a heated according to one particular, non-limiting embodiment in hydration chamber, and the use of the nebulized air delivery which the present invention in its various embodiments may system to provide aromatic Substances and/or therapeutic be implemented. agents. 0042. The present invention is used in conjunction with a 0030. Other aspects, features, and advantages of this positive airway pressure apparatus and associated methods technology will become apparent from the following for use in conjunction with positive airway pressure thera detailed description when taken in conjunction with the pies. The figures generally illustrate embodiments of a accompanying drawings, which are a part of this disclosure positive airway pressure apparatus including aspects of the and which illustrate, by way of example, principles of this present invention. The particular exemplary embodiments of technology. the positive airway pressure apparatus illustrated in the figures have been chosen for ease of explanation and under BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS standing of various aspects of the present invention. These illustrated embodiments are not meant to limit the scope of 0031. The accompanying drawings facilitate an under coverage but instead to assist in understanding the context of standing of the various examples of this technology. In Such the language used in this specification and the appended drawings: claims. Accordingly, variations of positive airway pressure 0032 FIG. 1 depicts the hydrating chamber of a ResMed apparatus for use in positive airway pressure therapies that CPAP device in which the present invention in its various are different from the illustrated embodiments may be embodiments may be implemented. encompassed by the appended claims. US 2016/0331922 A1 Nov. 17, 2016

0.043 A positive airway pressure apparatus in accordance recognized by those skilled in art upon review of the present with aspects of the present invention include at least a disclosure. The humidification port may be located any housing, a blower, a humidifier, tubing and a mask. The where along the air delivery passage and/or within aspects of positive airway pressure apparatus is configured to position the air pressurizing assembly. a mask in communication with the airways of a user to 0046. In certain example embodiments, the disposable provide pressurized air and/or other gases for positive air water container may include a vent or valve, such as a way pressure therapy. The therapy may provide continuous one-way vent or valve, which permits air into the chamber or variable positive airway pressure to the airways of the of the water container. user as will be recognized by those skilled in the art upon 0047. An adaptor or connection means may be used to review of the present disclosure. connect the pre-filled, disposable water container with the 0044) The humidifier unit of a CPAP device is configured humidifier reservoir of the CPAP device. In some embodi to release moisture into the pressurized air passing through ments, the nebulizer is connected in series with the air the air delivery passage to humidify the pressurized air stream. In some embodiments, the nebulizer is connected as delivered to the user. The moisture provided by the humidi a Y to the air stream, such that the nebulized droplets are fier may be in the form of water vapor, liquid water droplets, introduced into the airstream at the Yijunction. mist, micro-droplets, fog, or various combinations of liquid 0048. A humidifier heater may heat the water and/or water and water vapor. The pressurized air may be humidi therapeutic agents and/or aromatic Substance contained fied for therapy, comfort, or other reasons, as will be within the pre-filled, disposable water container seated in the recognized by those skilled in the art upon review of the reservoir to facilitate their introduction into the pressurized present disclosure. The humidifier may be secured to or air within the air delivery passage for the comfort or therapy within the housing of the CPAP device. The humidifier of the user. In certain aspects, the humidifier heater may includes at least a humidifier reservoir and, in certain provide a rate of evaporation adequate to humidify the air configurations, a humidifier pump, humidifier heater and/or delivered to the user. a nebulizer. The humidifier may add moisture and/or thera 0049. In an alternative embodiment, an ultrasonic or jet peutic agents to the air delivered to the user. For exemplary nebulizer may be used to aerosolize the hydrating water with purposes, the humidifier includes a humidifier reservoir or without therapeutic agents and/or aromatic Substances. secured within the housing into which reservoir or chamber The moisture from the pre-filled, disposable water contain a pre-filled, disposable water container of the present inven ers seated within the humidifier reservoir is mixed with the tion is placed. In some embodiments the device, such as a aerosolized therapeutic agents and/or aromatic Substances, CPAP device, further comprises a UV light source config and delivered to the user via the air delivery passage. The ured to illuminate the hydrating reservoir or chamber, use of a nebulizer may be in addition to or as an alternative including a disposable pre-filled water container of the to the heated water chamber. If in addition to a heated water present invention. The use of UV illumination is used to chamber, after the humidified air passes out of the water sterilize the water in the reservoir or chamber of existing chamber, it then passes through the nebulizer and mixes with hydration reservoirs or in a pre-filled, disposable water the aerosolized therapeutic agents and/or aromatic Sub container of the present invention. The UV light source can stances. If the nebulizer is an alternative to the heated water be configured to illuminate when the CPAP device on (or chamber, the air from the CPAP device goes directly to the when it is not in use, for example using a timer). An aperture nebulizer for hydration after filling with the pre-filled dis accessible by a user may be provided on the humidifier tilled water, and can be used with or without therapeutic housing for placing the pre-filled, disposable water container agents and/or aromatic Substances. In some embodiments of within the humidifier reservoir. The pre-filled, disposable the invention, the nebulizer is a piezoelectric device (for water container seated in the humidifier reservoir typically example similar to an ultrasonic cleaner or an inkjet head) contains distilled water and/or therapeutic agents and/or configured to deliver small microdroplets of distilled water aromatic Substance to be introduced as part of the user's and/or therapeutics capable of infiltrating deep into the therapy. The pre-filled, disposable water containers of the lungs. Small microdroplets are particularly useful in deliv present invention may contain distilled water in Volumes of ering Substances, such as therapeutics, for example drugs at least 100 ml, at least 150 ml, at least 200 ml, at least 250 and/or surfactants deep into the alveoli of the lungs. ml, at least 300 ml, at least 350 ml, at least 400 ml, at least 0050. After the contents of the pre-filled, disposable 450 ml, or at least 500 ml. In certain example embodiments, water container are depleted, the disposable container may the disposable water container may be designed and con be discarded, thus eliminating any need to clean or dry the figured to fit generally with a variety of existing CPAP humidifier after use for Subsequent use or packing. devices. Alternatively, the disposable water container may 0051 Alternatively, the pre-filled, disposable water con be specifically designed and configured to fit one or more tainer may be disposed of after emptying its contents into the specific CPAP devices. That is, the disposable water con humidifier reservoir. tainer may be custom fitted to one or more specific CPAP 0.052 While the technology has been described in con devices. nection with several examples, it is to be understood that the 0045 Depending on the particular configuration, the technology is not to be limited to the disclosed examples, but humidifier reservoir may be in fluid communication with a on the contrary, is intended to cover various modifications humidification port to introduce moisture from the pre-filled, and equivalent arrangements included within the spirit and disposable water container within the humidifier reservoir Scope of the technology. Also, the various examples into the pressurized air produced by the blower. The humidi described above may be implemented in conjunction with fier reservoir, with the pre-filled, disposable water container other examples, e.g., one or more aspects of one example seated within the reservoir, may be resident on the housing may be combined with aspects of another example to realize or may be positioned remote from the housing as will be yet other examples. Further, each independent feature or US 2016/0331922 A1 Nov. 17, 2016

component of any given assembly may constitute an addi butter, jasmine, labdanum resinoid, longoza extract, mastic, tional example. In addition, while the technology has par myrrh, narcissus extracts, olibanum (), opo ticular application to patients who suffer from respiratory ponax, peru , storax balsam, tolu balsam, tonka bean disorders and/or OSA, it is to be appreciated that patients extract, tuberose extract, Vanilla extract, and violet. Extracts who suffer from other illnesses (e.g., diabetes, cystic fibro of animal origin may also be included among these: amber sis, COPD, asthma, pulmonary infections, pneumonia, lung grease, castoreum, musk, and civet. cancer, morbid obesity, stroke, bariatric Surgery, Alzhiem 0058. The fragrances also include individual or natural or er's etc.) can derive benefit from the above teachings. synthetic odorants (“uniform odorants') of the type of the Moreover, the above teachings have applicability with esters, ethers, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, hydrocarbons, patients and non-patients alike in non-medical applications. terpenes and cyclic compounds. They are known to those 0053 Aromatic Substances skilled in the art from relevant handbooks, e.g.: S. 0054 The fragrance according to this disclosure may Arctander: “Perfume and Flavour Chemicals’, Montclair, comprise one or more fragrant materials or materials that (1969) or K Bauer, D. Garbe: “Common Fragrance and provide chemically active vapors. In one embodiment, the Flavor Materials”, VCH, Weinheim (1985). As fragrances it fragrance can comprise and/or include volatile, fragrant is also possible, it will be appreciated, to use mixtures of the compounds including, but not limited to natural botanic aforementioned substances ("perfume compositions'). extracts, essences, fragrance oils, and so forth. As is known 0059. Therapeutic Agents in the art, many essential oils and other natural plant 0060 Substances (e.g. drugs, therapeutic agents, active derivatives contain large percentages of highly volatile agents, etc.) that may be delivered as described herein scents. In this regard, numerous essential oils, essences, and include but are not limited to various agents, drugs, com scented concentrates are commonly available from compa pounds, and compositions of matter or mixtures thereof that nies in the fragrance and food businesses. provide some beneficial pharmacologic effect. The particles 0055 Exemplary oils and extracts include, but are not of the invention broadly encompass Substances including limited to, those derived from the following plants: almond, “Small molecule' drugs, vaccines, vitamins, nutrients, amyris, anise, armoise, bergamot, cabreuva, calendula, aroma-therapy Substances, and other-beneficial agents. As canaga, cedar, chamomile, coconut, eucalyptus, fennel, jas used herein, the terms further include any physiologically or mine, juniper, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, orange, palm, pharmacologically active Substance that produces a local peppermint, quassia, rosemary, thyme, and so forth. ized or systemic effect in a patient, i.e. the agent may be 0056. The fragrances may also include the essential oils active in the lung, or may be delivered to the lung as a Such as elecampane root oil, amyris oil, angelica seed oil, gateway to systemic activity. angelica root oil, aniseed oil, araucaria oil, arnica blossom 0061. In some embodiments, the site of action of the oil, artemisia oil, atractylis oil, Valerian oil, basil oil, bay oil, substance that is delivered may be the lung itself. Examples bergamot oil, birch tar oil, bitter almond oil, savory oil, of Such agents include but are not limited to agents for boldo leaf oil, buchu leaf oil, cabreuva oil, cascarilla oil, anesthesia; treatments for asthma or other lung conditions; champak blossom oil, cistus oil, costus root oil, cubebs oil, anti-viral, anti-bacterial or anti-fungal agents; anti-cancer davana oil, dill oil, dill seed oil, noble fir oil, noble fir cone agents: C-1 antitrypsin and other antiproteases (for congeni oil, elemi oil, tarragon oil, eucalyptus oil, fennel oil, pine tal deficiencies), rhDNAse (for cystic fibrosis), and needle oil, galbanum oil, galangal root oil, geranium oil, cyclosporine (for lung transplantation), vaccines, proteins ginger grass oil, grapefruit oil, guaiac oil, gurjun balsam oil, and peptides, etc. Other examples include bronchodilators helichrysum oil, ho oil, ginger oil, iris oil, cajeput oil, including albuterol, terbutaline, isoprenaline and leval calamus oil, chamomile oil, camphor oil, kananga oil, car buterol, and racemic epinephrine and salts thereof, anti damom oil, carrot seed oil, cassia oil, spruce needle oil, cholinergics including atropine, ipratropium bromide, tia conifer oil, copaiba balsam oil, coriander oil, spearmint oil, tropium and salts thereof; expectorants including dornase caraway oil, cumin oil, lavender oil, leleshwa oil, lemon alpha (PulmozymeR) (used in the management of cystic grass oil, lovage root oil, lime oil, Litsea cubeba oil, laurel fibrosis); cysteine, cystamine, or cysteamine (used in treat leaf oil, mace oil, marjoram oil, mandarin oil, balm oil, mint ing cystic fibrosis); mannitol (a mucolytic used in treating oil, musk grain oil, myrrh oil, myrtle oil, clove oil, neroli oil, cystic fibrosis); corticosteroids such as budesonide, triam niaouli oil, olibanum oil, oregano oil, orange oil, osmanthus cinolone, fluticasone; prophylactic anti-asthmatics Such as blossom oil, palma rosa oil, passion fruit oil, patchouli oil, Sodium cromoglycate and nedocromil sodium; anti-infec peru balsam oil, parsley seed oil, parsley leaf oil, petitgrain tives such as the antibiotic gentamicin and the anti-proto oil, pepper oil, peppermint oil, pimento oil, pine oil, pen Zoan pentamidine (used in the treatment of Pneumocystis nyroyal oil, rue oil, rosewood oil, rose oil, rosemary oil, carinii pneumonia), and the antiviral agent ribavirin, used to savin oil, sage oil, Sandalwood oil, Sassafras oil, yarrow oil, treat respiratory syncytial virus e.g. in young children and Schinus mole oil, celery oil, aspic oil, star anise oil, tagetes infants. In another example, it may be desirable to target oil, tea tree oil, terpentine oil, thuja oil, thyme oil, verbena areas for the lungs to delivery of therapeutic agents. In this oil, Vetiver oil, juniper berry oil, wine yeast oil, wormwood example, anti-infective agents may be required to treat oil, wintergreen oil, ylangylang oil, ySop oil. Zdravetz oil, localized lung infections within the airways. Targeting to cedar wood oil, cinnamon oil, cinnamon leaf oil, citronella specific regions within the lung and delivering drug aerosols oil, lemon oil and cypress oil. with high deposition efficiencies is possible with this inven 0057 The fragrances also include extracts, resinoids, and tion. Once a target region has been identified (through . Such as tree moss extracts, , boronia, clinical examination), an aerosol would be produced that Canada balsam, cassie flower extract, rosin, copaibabalsam, would have a final particle size suitable for deposition in that dammar resin, daphne extract, oak moss extracts, elemi region. In some embodiments, a therapeutic agent is a resinoid, fig leaf absolute, galbanum, gurjun balsam, orris treatment for CF. Such as a surfactant or an agent to remove US 2016/0331922 A1 Nov. 17, 2016

bacterial biofilms, such as Nitric Oxide (for example as a oxazolindiones (linZezolids), ranbeZolid, streptogramine carrier gas or component thereof) or others. In some A+B, pristinamycin a A+B, Virginiamycin A+B, dalfopris examples for treating CF, the drug is Pulmozyme(R), which tin/qiunupristin (Synercid), chloramphenicol, ethambutol, is a synthetic protein that breaks down excess DNA in the pyrazinamid, terizidon, dapson, prothionamid, fosfomycin, pulmonary secretions of people with cystic fibrosis. fucidinic acid, rifampicin, isoniazid, cycloserine, terizidone, 0062 Anti-Infective Agents ansamycin, lysostaphin, iclaprim, mirocin B17, clerocidin, filgrastim, and pentamidine; antivirals, including aciclovir, 0063 Examples of anti-infective agents, whose class or ganciclovir, birivudin, Valaciclovir, Zidovudine, didanosin, therapeutic category is herein understood as comprising thiacytidin, stavudin, lamivudin, Zalcitabin, ribavirin, nevi compounds which are effective against bacterial, fungal, and rapirin, delaviridin, trifluridin, ritonavir, saquinavir, indina viral infections, i.e. encompassing the classes of antimicro Vir, foscarnet, amantadin, podophyllotoxin, Vidarabine, tro bials, antibiotics, antifungals, antiseptics, and antivirals, are mantadine, and proteinase inhibitors; plant extracts or penicillins, including benzylpenicillins (penicillin-G-So ingredients, such as plant extracts from chamomile, hama dium, clemizone penicillin, benzathine penicillin G), phe melis, echinacea, calendula, papain, pelargonium, essential noxypenicillins (penicillin V, propicillin), aminobenzylpeni oils, myrtol, pinen, limonen, cineole, thymol, mentol, alpha cillins (ampicillin, amoxycillin, bacampicillin), hederin, bisabolol, lycopodin, Vitapherole; wound healing acylaminopenicillins (azlocillin, mezlocillin, piperacillin, compounds including dexpantenol, allantoin, Vitamins, apalcillin), carboxypenicillins (carbenicillin, ticarcillin, hyaluronic acid, alpha-antitrypsin, anorganic and organic temocillin), isoxazolyl penicillins (oxacillin, cloxacillin, Zinc salts/compounds, interferones (alpha, beta, gamma), dicloxacillin, flucloxacillin), and amidine penicillins (me cillinam); cephalosporins, including cefazolins (cefazolin, tumor necrosis factors, cytokines, interleukins. cefazedone), cefuroximes (cerufoxim, cefamdole, cefo 0064 Active Agents tiam), cefoxitins (cefoxitin, cefotetan, latamoxef flomoxef), 0065. Additional active agents may be selected from, for cefotaximes (cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, ceftizoxime, cef example, anti-Alzheimer's disease agents, hypnotics and menoxime), ceftazidimes (ceftazidime, cefpirome, sedatives, tranquilizers, anticonvulsants, muscle relaxants, cefepime), cefalexins (cefalexin, cefaclor, cefadroxil, cefra antiparkinson agents (dopamine agonists), analgesics, anti dine, loracarbef, cefprozil), and cefiximes (cefixime, cefpo inflammatories, antianxiety drugs (anxiolytics), appetite doxim proxetile, cefuroxime axetil, cefetamet pivoxil, cefo Suppressants, antimigraine agents, muscle contractants, anti tiam hexetil), loracarbef, cefepim, clavulanic acid/ infectives (antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, vaccines) anti amoxicillin, Ceftobiprole; synergists, including beta arthritics, antimalarials, antiemetics, anepileptics, broncho lactamase inhibitors, such as clavulanic acid, Sulbactam, and dilators, cytokines, growth factors, anti-cancer agents taZobactam; carbapenems, including imipenem, cilastin, (particularly those that target lung cancer), antithrombotic meropenem, doripenem, tebipenem, ertapenem, ritipenam, agents, antihypertensives, cardiovascular drugs, antiarrhyth and biapenem; monobactams, including aztreonam, amino mics, antioxicants, hormonal agents including contracep glycosides, such as apramycin, gentamicin, amikacin, ise tives, sympathomimetics, diuretics, lipid regulating agents, pamicin, arbekacin, tobramycin, netilmicin, spectinomycin, antiandrogenic agents, antiparasitics, anticoagulants, neo streptomycin, capreomycin, neomycin, paromoycin, and plastics, antineoplastics, hypoglycemics, nutritional agents kanamycin; macrollides, including erythromycin, clarythro and Supplements, growth Supplements, antienteritis agents, mycin, roXithromycin, azithromycin, dithromycin, josamy vaccines, antibodies, diagnostic agents, and contrasting cin, spiramycin and tellithromycin; gyrase inhibitors or flu agents. The active agent, when administered by inhalation, roquinolones, including ciprofloxacin, gatifloxacin, may act locally or systemically. The active agent may fall norfloxacin, ofloxacin, levofloxacin, perfloxacin, lomefloxa into one of a number of structural classes, including but not cin, fleroxacin, garenoxacin, clinafloxacin, sitafloxacin, limited to Small molecules, peptides, polypeptides, proteins, prulifloxacin, olamufloxacin, caderofloxacin, gemifloxacin, polysaccharides, Steroids, proteins capable of eliciting balofloxacin, trovafloxacin, and moxifloxacin, tetracyclins, physiological effects, nucleotides, oligonucleotides, poly including tetracyclin, oxytetracyclin, rollitetracyclin, mino nucleotides, fats, electrolytes, and the like. In specific cyclin, doxycycline, tigecycline and aminocycline; glyco examples, an "agent' is an agent for the treatment of peptides, inlcuding Vancomycin, teicoplanin, ristocetin, Alzheimer's disease and/or OSA (obstructive sleep apnea). avoparcin, oritavancin, ramoplanin, and peptide 4: polypep In one specific example, the anti-Alzheimer's agent is Done tides, including plectasin, dalbavancin, daptomycin, orita pezil, which has been shown to improve obstructive sleep vancin, ramoplanin, dalbavancin, telavancin, bacitracin, apnea and Alzheimer disease, see Moraes et al., CHEST. tyrothricin, neomycin, kanamycin, mupirocin, paromomy 2008:133(3):677-683. cin, polymyxin B and colistin, Sulfonamides, including 0.066 Examples of other active agents suitable for use in Sulfadiazine, Sulfamethoxazole, Sulfalene, co-trimoxazole, this invention include but are not limited to one or more of co-trimetrol, co-trimoxazine, and co-tetraxazine, azoles, calcitonin, amphotericin B, erythropoietin (EPO), Factor including clotrimazole, oxiconazole, miconazole, ketocon VIII, Factor IX, ceredase, cerezyme, cyclosporin, granulo azole, itraconazole, fluconazole, metronidazole, tinidazole, cyte colony stimulating factor (GCSF), thrombopoietin bifonazol, ravuconazol, posaconazol, Voriconazole, and (TPO), alpha-1 proteinase inhibitor, elcatonin, granulocyte ornidazole and other antifungals including flucytosin, gris macrophage colony stimulating factor (GMCSF), growth eofluvin, tonofital, naftifin, terbinafin, amorolfin, hormone, human growth hormone (HGH), growth hormone ciclopiroXolamin, echinocandins, such as micafungin, releasing hormone (GHRH), heparin, low molecular weight caspofungin, anidulafungin: nitrofurans, including nitro heparin (LMWH), interferon alpha, interferon beta, inter furantoin and nitrofuranZone; polyenes, including ampho feron gamma, interleukin-1 receptor, interleukin-2, interleu tericin B, natamycin, nystatin, flucocytosine; other antibiot kin-I receptor antagonist, interleukin-3, interleukin-4, inter ics, including tithromycin, lincomycin, clindamycin, leukin-6, luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH), US 2016/0331922 A1 Nov. 17, 2016

factor IX, insulin, pro-insulin, insulin analogues (e.g., mono lations described herein and that the use of the term "agent' acylated insulin as described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,922,675, in no way excludes the use of two or more such agents. which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety), 0069. In addition to one or more active agents, the aerosol amylin, C-peptide, Somatostatin, Somatostatin analogs particles/droplets may optionally include one or more phar including octreotide, vasopressin, follicle stimulating hor maceutical excipients that are Suitable for pulmonary admin mone (FSH), insulin-like growth factor (IGF), insulintropin, istration. These excipients, if present, are generally present macrophage colony stimulating factor (M-CSF), nerve in the composition in amounts ranging from about 0.01% to growth factor (NGF), tissue growth factors, keratinocyte about 95% percent by weight, preferably from about 0.5 to growth factor (KGF), glial growth factor (GGF), tumor about 80%, and more preferably from about 1 to about 60% by weight. Preferably, such excipients serve to further necrosis factor (TNF), endothelial growth factors, parathy improve the features of the active agent composition, for roid hormone (PTH), glucagon-like peptide thymosin alpha example by improving the handling characteristics of pow 1, IIb/IIIa inhibitor, alpha-1 antitrypsin, phosphodiesterase ders, such as flowability and consistency, and/or facilitating (PDE) compounds, VLA-4 inhibitors, bisphosphonates, manufacturing and filling of unit dosage forms. One or more respiratory syncytial virus antibody, cystic fibrosis trans excipients may also be provided to serve as bulking agents membrane regulator (CI-TR) gene, deoxyreibonuclease when it is desired to reduce the concentration of active agent (Dnase), bactericidal/permeability increasing protein (BPI), in the formulation. Pharmaceutical excipients and additives anti-CMV antibody, and 13-cis retinoic acid, and where useful in the present pharmaceutical formulation include but applicable, analogues, agonists, antagonists, inhibitors, and are not limited to amino acids, peptides, proteins, non pharmaceutically acceptable salt forms of the above. In biological polymers, biological polymers, carbohydrates, reference to peptides and proteins, the invention is intended Such as Sugars, derivatized Sugars such as alditols, aldonic to encompass synthetic, native, glycosylated, unglycosy acids, esterified Sugars, and Sugar polymers, which may be lated, pegylated forms, and biologically active fragments present singly or in combination. The pharmaceutical for and analogs thereof. Active agents for use in the invention mulation may also include a buffer or a pH adjusting agent, further include nucleic acids, as bare nucleic acid molecules, typically a salt prepared from an organic acid or base. vectors, associated viral particles, plasmid DNA or RNA or Representative buffers include organic acid salts of citric other nucleic acid constructions of a type Suitable for acid, ascorbic acid, gluconic acid, carbonic acid, tartaric transfection or transformation of cells, i.e., Suitable for gene acid, Succinic acid, acetic acid, or phthalic acid, Tris, therapy including antisense and inhibitory RNA. Further, an tromethamine hydrochloride, or phosphate buffers. The active agent may comprise live attenuated or killed viruses pharmaceutical formulation may also include polymeric suitable for use as vaccines. Other useful drugs include those excipients/additives, e.g., polyvinylpyrrolidones, deriva listed within the Physicians Desk Reference (most recent tized celluloses such as hydroxymethylcellulose, hydroxy edition). ethylcellulose, and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, Ficolls 0067. An active agent for delivery or formulation as (a polymeric Sugar), hydroxyethylstarch, dextrates (e.g., described herein may be an inorganic or an organic com cyclodextrins, such as 2-hydroxypropyl-p-cyclodextrin and pound, including, without limitation, drugs which act on: the Sulfobutylether-B-cyclodextrin), polyethylene glycols, and lung, the peripheral nerves, adrenergic receptors, cholinergic pectin. The particles may further include inorganic salts, receptors, the skeletal muscles, the cardiovascular system, antimicrobial agents (for example benzalkonium chloride), Smooth muscles, the blood circulatory system, synoptic antioxidants, antistatic agents, Surfactants (for example sites, neuroeffector junctional sites, endocrine and hormone polysorbates such as “TWEEN 20” and “TWEEN 80°), systems, the immunological system, the reproductive sys Sorbitan esters, lipids (for example phospholipids such as tem, the skeletal system, autacoid systems, the alimentary lecithin and other phosphatidylcholines, phosphatidyletha and excretory systems, the histamine system, and the central nolamines), fatty acids and fatty esters, steroids (for example nervous system. Frequently, the active agent acts in or on the cholesterol), and chelating agents (for example EDTA, Zinc lung. and other Such Suitable cations). 0068. The amount of active agent in the pharmaceutical 0070 General formulation will be that amount necessary to deliver a 0071. To facilitate an understanding of the principles and therapeutically effective amount of the active agent per unit features of the various embodiments of the invention, vari dose to achieve the desired result. In practice, this will vary ous illustrative embodiments are explained above. Although widely depending upon the particular agent, its activity, the exemplary embodiments of the invention are explained in severity of the condition to be treated, the patient population, detail, other embodiments are contemplated. Accordingly, it dosing requirements, and the desired therapeutic effect. The is not intended that the invention is limited in its scope to the composition will generally contain anywhere from about 1% details of construction and arrangement of components set by weight to about 99% by weight active agent, typically forth in the description or illustrated in the drawings. from about 2% to about 95% by weight active agent, and 0072 Also, in describing the exemplary embodiments, more typically from about 5% to 85% by weight active terminology will be resorted to for the sake of clarity. Each agent, and will also depend upon the relative amounts of term contemplates its broadest meaning as understood by hygroscopic excipient contained in the composition. The those skilled in the art and includes all technical equivalents compositions of the invention are particularly useful for that operate in a similar manner to accomplish a similar active agents that are delivered in doses of from 0.001 purpose. mg/day to 100 mg/day, preferably in doses from 0.01 0073. The mention of one or more method steps does not mg/day to 75 mg/day, and more preferably in doses from preclude the presence of additional method steps or inter 0.10 mg/day to 50 mg/day. It is to be understood that more vening method steps between those steps expressly identi than one active agent may be incorporated into the formu fied. US 2016/0331922 A1 Nov. 17, 2016

0074 The materials described as making up the various 8. The method of claim 1, wherein the disease or condi elements of the invention are illustrative and not restrictive. tion comprises asthma. Many suitable materials that would perform the same or a 9. The method of claim 1, wherein in the agent is similar function as the materials described herein are encom nebulized. passed within the scope of the invention. Such other mate 10. The method of claim 1, wherein the assisted breathing rials not described herein can include, but are not limited to, unit comprises a piezoelectric droplet generator. for example, materials that are developed after the time of 11. The method of claim 1, where in the assisted breathing the development of the invention. unit comprises an ultra violet light source to sterilize the 0075. The example components, construction, and meth Water. ods described in the embodiments presented previously are 12. The method of claim 1, wherein the assisted breathing illustrative, and, in alternative embodiments, certain com unit comprises a nebulizer and the nebulizer is connected ponents can be placed in a different position, combined with parallel or in series with the airstream to introduce droplets another component, and/or omitted entirely, and/or certain into the airstream. additional components can be added, without departing from 13. A method of providing a therapeutic agent to a Subject, the scope and spirit of various embodiments as defined in the the method comprising: placing a disposable water container claims, the scope of which is to be accorded the broadest in close proximity to the air intake of an assisted breathing interpretation so as to encompass such alternatives. unit; providing a therapeutic agent to the water container; 0076 Although specific embodiments have been passing air or gas through the flow path; evaporating a described above in detail, the description is merely for portion of the therapeutic agent into air being uptaken by the purposes of illustration. It should be appreciated, therefore, air intake; and providing the uptaken air to a subject. that many aspects described above are not intended as 14. The method of claim 13, wherein the therapeutic agent required or essential elements unless explicitly stated oth is selected from the group consisting of agents for the erwise. Modifications of and equivalent components or acts treatment of respiratory disorders, anesthesia agents, nucleic corresponding to, the disclosed aspects of the example acid molecules, anti-pain agents, anti-inflammation agents, embodiments, in addition to those described above, can be anti-depressants, mood altering drugs, anti-viral agents, anti made by a person of ordinary skill in the art, having the bacterial agents, anti-fungal agents, anti-cancer agents, hor benefit of the present disclosure, without departing from the mones, benzodiazepines, calcitonin, mucolytics, chemo spirit and scope of embodiments defined in the following therapies, and antiinfectives. claims, the scope of which is to be accorded the broadest 15. A disposable container for placement within the interpretation so as to encompass Such modifications and hydrating chamber of an assisted breathing unit. equivalent structures. 16. The disposable container of claim 15, wherein the disposable container is pre-filled with water. 1. A method of treating a subject with a disease or 17. The disposable container of claim 16, wherein the condition, comprising: water is distilled water. providing a disposable water container, wherein the dis 18. The disposable container of claim 17, wherein the posable water container comprises an agent for the pre-filled, distilled water is in a volume of approximately treatment of the disease or condition; 100 to 400 ml. placing the disposable water container in close proximity 19. The disposable container of claim 15, further com to an air intake of an assisted breathing unit; prising an aromatic Substance. passing air or gas through a flow path having an airstream 20. The disposable container of claim 19, wherein the of the assisted breathing unit wherein vapor and/or aromatic Substance is selected from the group consisting of droplets from the disposable water container compris natural botanic extracts, essences, fragrance oils, and essen ing the agent are passed into the air stream, thereby tial oils. treating the Subject. 21. The disposable container of claim 15 claim, further 2. The method of claim 1, wherein the the agent comprises comprising a therapeutic agent. an agent for the treatment of respiratory disorders, and agent 22. The disposable container of claim 21, wherein the for the treatment of Alzhiemer's disease, an ageint for the therapeutic agent one or more of agents for the treatment of treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, anes respiratory disorders, anesthesia agents, nucleic acid mol thesia agents, cystic fibrosis treatments, nucleic acid mol ecules, anti-pain agents, anti-inflammation agents, anti-de ecules, anti-pain agents, anti-inflammation agents, anti-de pressants, mood altering drugs, anti-viral agents, anti-bac pressants, mood altering drugs, anti-viral agents, anti terial agents, anti-fungal agents, anti-cancer agents, bacterial agents, anti-fungal agents, anti-cancer agents, hormones, benzodiazepines, calcitonin, mucolytics, chemo hormones, benzodiazepines, calcitonin, mucolytics, chemo therapies, and antiinfectives. therapies, and antiinfectives. 23. (canceled) 3. The method of claim 1, wherein the disease or condi 24. A disposable water container for placement within a tion comprises Alzhiemer's disease. compartment of an assisted breathing unit, the water con 4. The method of claim 3, wherein the agent comprises tainer comprising a closed top surface with a top fill aperture Donepezil. and walls sized to fit within the water chamber of an assisted 5. The method of claim 4, wherein the agent comprises a breathing unit. biofilm, a surfactant, or pulmozyme, 25. The disposable water container of claim 24, further 6. The method of claim 1, wherein the disease or condi comprising a heat-resistant bottom surface. tion comprises cystic fibrosis. 26. (canceled) 7. The method of claim 1, wherein the disease or condi 27. A kit containing more than two disposable water tion comprises chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. containers of claim-15. US 2016/0331922 A1 Nov. 17, 2016

28. The kit of claim 27, wherein the disposable water containers are packaged together in a group of six units. 29. The kit of claim 27, further comprising a non-volatile antiseptic. 30. The kit of claim 27, further comprising an aromatic Substance. 31. The kit of claim 27, further comprising a therapeutic agent. 32. A method of providing an aromatic Substance to a Subject, the method comprising: placing a disposable water container in close proximity to the air intake of an assisted breathing unit; providing an aromatic Substance to the water container, passing air or gas through the flow path; evapo rating a portion of the aromatic or aroma therapy Substance into air being uptaken by the air intake; and providing the uptaken air to a Subject. 33. The method of claim 32, wherein the aromatic sub stance comprises one or more of natural botanic extracts, essences, fragrance oils, and essential oils. k k k k k