Layering PC-27 PC-27 PC-27 Tourmaline Tourmaline Tourmaline

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Layering PC-27 PC-27 PC-27 Tourmaline Tourmaline Tourmaline PC-2 Saturation Cone 5-6 Gold over PC-27 Tourmaline PC-4 PC-21 PC-30 Palladium Arctic Blue Temmoku over over over Layering PC-27 PC-27 PC-27 Tourmaline Tourmaline Tourmaline PC-12 PC-23 PC-31 Blue Indigo Float Oatmeal Midnight over over over PC-27 PC-27 PC-27 Tourmaline Tourmaline Tourmaline PC-20 PC-28 PC-32 Blue Rutile Frosted Albany Slip over Turquoise Brown* PC-27 over over Tourmaline PC-27 PC-27 Tourmaline Tourmaline PC-27 Layering Notes: Apply two layers Clay: AMACO® Buff Stoneware No. 46 over PC-33 of base coat. Apply two layers of top Firing: Test tiles have been fired to Cone 6 Iron Lustre coat. (Let dry between coats.) over PC-27 PC-27 Tourmaline Tourmaline Join the conversation vary may Color between printed copies. PC-34 PC-41 PC-53 Light Sepia Vert Lustre Ancient Jasper over over over PC-27 PC-27 PC-27 Tourmaline Tourmaline Tourmaline PC-35 PC-42 PC-55 Oil Spot Seaweed Chun Plum over over over PC-27 PC-27 PC-27 Tourmaline Tourmaline Tourmaline PC-36 PC-45 PC-59 Ironstone Dark Green Deep over over Firebrick PC-27 PC-27 over Tourmaline Tourmaline PC-27 Tourmaline PC-40 PC-49 PC-61 True Celadon Frosted Melon Textured over over Amber PC-27 PC-27 over Tourmaline Tourmaline PC-27 Tourmaline The Art & Creative Materials Institute AP (Approved PC-52 PC-62 Product) seal certifies this product to be safe for use Deep Sienna Textured by all ages. Conforms to ASTM D-4236. Speckle Amber Brown over over The Art & Creative Materials Institute CL (Caution PC-27 PC-27 Label) seal restricts this product from children under Tourmaline Tourmaline the age of 13. Older users must follow all cautionary labeling. Conforms to ASTM D-4236. WARNING (PC-32): This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. 11546W No. Reorder.
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