History of History of Transport 3500 BC 3500 BC

Fixed on carts are invented. River boats are invented.

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History of Transport History of Transport 3100 BC 2000 BC

Wild horses are tamed and used as transport. The first chariots are built

twinkl.com twinkl.com History of Transport History of Transport 312 BC 214 BC

Paved roads are built by the Romans. The Lingqu is built in .

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History of Transport History of Transport 1044 AD 1662

The compass is invented in China The first horse-drawn public bus is invented.

twinkl.com twinkl.com History of Transport History of Transport 1783 1801

The first hot air is launched. The first steam ‘road locomotive’ is run.

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History of Transport History of Transport 1814 1816

The first steam-powered railway train is built by George Stephenson. The earliest bicycle is made.

twinkl.com twinkl.com History of Transport History of Transport 1900 1903

The first successful is built by Ferdinand The fly the first motor-driven von Zeppelin. aeroplane.

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History of Transport History of Transport 1908 1935

The first of the DC-3 transport aeroplane The first Ford are manufactured. takes place.

twinkl.com twinkl.com History of Transport History of Transport 1942 1947

The V2 rocket travels a distance of 200km. The first manned supersonic flight takes place.

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History of Transport History of Transport 1957 1981

The first man-made satellite, Sputnik 1, is launched into orbit. The first flight of the space shuttle lifts off.

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