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NTC 9-26-08.Indd North Texas Catholic Bringing the Good News to the Diocese of Fort Worth Vol. 24 No. 12 September 26, 2008 Pope celebrates Mass, tells Lourdes “It took each teacher, each staff member, as well as each student and each parent, working pilgrims that Mary leads to Christ very hard, to take us to this level of academic achievement.” By John Thavis — Dr. Cindy Cummins, St. John’s principal Catholic News Service LOURDES, France — Pope Benedict XVI celebrated Mass Dept. of Education names for 150,000 international pil- grims at the Marian sanctuaries of Lourdes and told them that St. John’s only Tarrant humble prayer to Mary was a true path to Christ. County Blue Ribbon School The pope said Mary had The U.S. Department of Edu- appeared at Lourdes to invite cation Secretary Margaret Spell- everyone who suffers, physically ings announced Tuesday, Sept. 9, or spiritually, to “raise their eyes 320 schools as 2008 No Child Left toward the cross of Jesus” and Behind – Blue Ribbon Schools. St. recognize a love that is stronger John the Apostle Catholic School than death or sin. was the only Tarrant County “The power of love is stronger school, public or private, to than the evil that threatens us,” receive this award in 2008. It is he said Sept. 14. among four private schools and The pope traveled to Lourdes, 26 public schools in Texas to be a town in the French Pyrenees, to named, and one of 50 private celebrate the 150th anniversary schools in the United States to of Mary’s appearances to St. Ber- receive the award. nadette Soubirous, a 14-year-old St. John the Apostle School peasant girl. was selected due to academic After days of rain and cool excellence under the category of St. John the Apostle Pre-K students weather, sunshine broke through “schools whose students, regard- signal that their school is “#1” the clouds over the pilgrims less of background, achieve in the who fi lled a grassy eldfi near top 10 percent of the nation on academic achievement.” the sanctuaries. They applauded nationally-normed tests.” Joanne Levie, 30-year staff as the pontiff processed to an “We are thrilled to receive this member, cried when the an- altar covered with a sail-shaped wonderful news,” says Dr. Cindy nouncement was made. “I’m so canopy. Cummins, St. John’s principal. proud. This just confi rmed what In his sermon, the pope placed “It took each teacher, each staff I knew all along.” himself among the pilgrim popu- member, as well as each student Students began to cover the lation, saying he, too, had come and each parent, working very campus with blue ribbons im- to pray at the feet of Mary, “eager hard, to take us to this level of SEE ST. JOHN’S, P. 15 Pope Benedict XVI blesses a pilgrim during his fi nal Mass at the Lourdes shrine to learn from her alongside little in southwestern France Sept. 15. (CNS photo/Regis Duvignau, Reuters) SEE POPE, P. 15 USCCB Pro-Life Activities spokesperson McQuade to address two seminars on Faithful Citizenship at Most Blessed Sacrament, Oct. 16 Deirdre McQuade, assistant plement the bishops’ message in effective and compassionate. No director for policy and com- parishes.” A continental breakfast RSVP is required, say organizers, munications for the Secretariat will be provided. Those wishing to and all are invited to attend. of Pro-Life Activities for the attend must RSVP by contacting Deirdre McQuade serves the U.S. Conference of Bishops, will Josie Castillo at (817) 560-3300 ext. USCCB as the assistant director present two seminars on Faithful 255 or at [email protected] by for policy and communications Citizenship, Thursday, Oct. 16, at Monday, Oct. 13. for the Secretariat of Pro-Life Most Blessed Sacrament Parish, McQuade will present a sec- Activities and is their primary 5819 W. Pleasant Ridge Rd. in Ar- ond seminar from 7 p.m. to 9 spokesperson on abortion and lington. The seminars, sponsored p.m. Oct. 16, “Truth, Dialogue related life issues. In addition by the Diocese of Fort Worth’s to event organizers. Up.” After each talk there will be and Jacob’s Well: A Scriptural to overseeing the Second Look Offi ces of Adult Catechesis and The fi rst seminar will be for an opportunity for questions. Ac- Model for Faithful Citizenship.” Project and other multi-media Respect Life and the Catholic priests, religious, and parish staff cording to a news release on the This presentation will be open to ad campaigns, she has appeared Pro-Life Committee, Respect members and will run from 9:30 presentations, “This seminar will the general public. McQuade will in Catholic and secular media to Life Ministry of the Diocese of a.m. to noon Oct. 16. McQuade’s give an in-depth look at Faithful use the powerful story of Jesus’ speak up for the sanctity of all Dallas, will be offered to deepen fi rst talk, “Faithful Citizenship: Citizenship and how we as Catho- encounter with the woman at the human life. understanding and awareness Living Out Our Baptism in the lics can have a positive infl uence well as a context for describing For questions or more infor- of the unique and profound ties Public Square,” will be followed in the public square through our the practical and spiritual tools mation contact Lucas Pollice at between our civic and moral by a short intermission and a sec- voices and our vote. It will provide needed to be persuasive in the (817) 560-2452, x 260 or Chanacee obligations for the upcoming ond talk, “Building the House of priests and parish ministers the public square through dialogue, Ruth-Killgore at (817) 560-2452, election and beyond, according Human Rights from the Ground tools to effectively teach and im- witness, and action that are both x 257. Page 2 NORTH TEXAS CATHOLIC, September 26, 2008 Diocesan We approach fall with gratitude for saints who have gone before us in faith, remembering the gift of life Dear Friends in the This poster is part of the Diocese of Fort Worth, October brings us also to materials for the U.S. would Respect Life month, and bishops’ 2008-09 Respect like to the North Texas Catholic Life program, distributed by the Offi ce of Pro-Life of- I will be carrying more on Activities, which has fer some this, including a letter as its theme “Hope and refl ec- Trust in Life,” centered by Dallas Bishop Kevin around Pope Benedict tions for Farrell and myself for XVI’s message during the month Bishop Kevin W. Vann his celebrated visit to the both of our dioceses for of September based on United States in April. some of the Saints’ feast this important month. (CNS) days in this month and the upcoming days. eralate”) is located in the Church of practiced penance while living in the programs or retreat/spirituality Saints Cosmas and Damian in Rome, world. He died in 1226” ( Liturgy of the programs are served by someone of On Sept. 3 we celebrated the feast on the edge of the Roman Forum. On Hours for Oct. 4). the Franciscan family in our diocese, day of St. Gregory the Great. He was this day, let us especially pray for and There is much interest in St. Francis please thank them and thank the born in Rome around the year 540. A thank the TOR Friars for their ministry these days because of the current inter- Lord for them. brief knowledge of the history of this and presence in our diocese. est in ecology and the environment. St. Francis himself says “O how time tells us that this was the time of Sept. 27 is the feast day of St. Vin- Important as these may be, we should happy and blessed are those who love great chaos in society with the fall of cent de Paul. He was born in Gascony, never overlook the fact of the life of the Lord and do as the Lord himself the Roman Empire. The only force in France, in 1581 and died in Paris St. Francis as an intense love of Christ, said in the Gospel: You shall love the that offered any strength and stability in 1660. The Liturgy of the Hours notes which resulted in a true spiritual re- Lord your God with your whole heart was the Church. St. Gregory was re- concerning his life that “He founded form of the Church. and your whole soul, and your neigh- luctantly elevated to the See of Peter the Congregation of the Mission to It was important for Francis to have bor as yourself. Therefore, let us love on September 3, 590, and the Lit- supervise the formation of priests his fi rst rule approved by the Bishop of God and adore him with pure heart urgy of the Hours notes that “he was and to give support to the poor. With Rome, so that his “Little Brothers” and and mind.” (From a letter written to elevated to the Chair of Saint Peter the help of St. Louise de Marillac, he their way of life would be a part of the all the faithful by St. Francis of Assisi.) and he proved to be a true Shepherd also founded the Congregation of the Church, and never apart from her. October brings us also to Respect by carrying out his offi ce, helping the Daughters of Charity.” His descen- His emphasis on penance, the love Life month, and the North Texas poor, spreading and strengthening dents today, the Vincentians and the of the Crucifi ed Christ, and the pres- Catholic will be carrying more on this, the faith.
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