January 4,Ommentator 2019 Vol

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January 4,Ommentator 2019 Vol THE CATHOLIC PAGE 3 Spirit of Giving January 4,ommentator 2019 Vol. 56, No. 24 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF BATON ROUGE SINCE 1963 thecatholiccommentator.org C YEAR OF CHANGE New buildings, new construction Bishop Duca and renovations greeted parishioners at several churches throughout the year. Father Randy Cuevas, pastor at installed as St. Aloysius Church in Baton Rouge, blessed the parish’s new Pastoral Ser- vices Center. new shepherd At St. Joseph Cathedral, work was completed shoring the basement and repairing the drop ceilings in the By Bonny Van Blessed Sacrament chapel on the east The Catholic Commentator side of the building and the Mary cha- pel on the west side. The past year was momentous for the Repairs included updating the Diocese of Baton Rouge highlighted by electrical wiring, which had not been a change in leadership. Bishop Michael updated since the 1920s, the fabrica- G. Duca of the Diocese of Shreveport tion of corrective structural beams was installed as the sixth bishop for and additional beams to allow for the Baton Rouge diocese on Aug. 24 at lights to shine on the Blessed Virgin St. Joseph Cathedral, replacing Bishop in the Mary chapel and on the sanctu- Robert W. Muench. ary and tabernacle in the Blessed Sac- Bishop Muench had submitted his rament chapel. letter of resignation to the Vatican, At Our Lady of Mercy Church in Ba- as required by canon law, on his 75th ton Rouge, new construction and reno- birthday on Dec. 28, 2017. vations changed the church and the Prior to retirement, Bishop Muench school campus. A new 30,000 square- continued a number of his initiatives foot early childhood center was com- including the Racial Harmony Com- pleted and existing classrooms were mission co-chaired by Father Joshua renovated to accommodate a special Johnson, pastor at Holy Rosary Church education program. in St. Amant, and Father Tom Clark Also, a new gym is in the works. The SJ, pastor at Immaculate Conception improvements are part of the church’s Church in Baton Rouge. The goal of the Traditions for Tomorrow campaign. commission was to play a part in the Expansion is also underway for the healing process of the capital city fol- Bishop Michael G. Duca enters St. Joseph Cathedral in Baton Rouge at the beginning St. Vincent de Paul Society, thanks to a lowing racial strife stemming from the of the installation ceremony on Aug. 24. Bishop Duca is the sixth bishop of the Dio- $1 million grant from the city of Baton police shooting of Alton Sterling, an cese of Baton Rouge. Photo by Richard Meek | The Catholic Commentator Rouge. According to executive director African-American. Michael Acaldo, the grant has helped Father Clark was hopeful the com- throughout the diocese to engage in “That kind of dialogue moves hearts, fund a 36-bed expansion of the Bishop mission was the start of the community dialogue, to listen to each other and be moves people to action,” said Father Ott Center and day room. working together. He invited folks from changed by that dialogue. Clark. SEE YEAR PAGE 15 Community responds to Christmas donation program By Bonny Van up cars with donated gifts for Christmas. Among those The Catholic Commentator receiving gifts was Evelyn Johnson of Gonzales, who is still trying to recover from the flood of 2016. On Dec. 14, the office of Catholic Charities of the Dio- Johnson, who has four children at home, has also cese of Baton Rouge turned into the North Pole. been trying to help her mother recover from the flood. With a giant inflatable Santa welcoming visitors, vehi- “This is going to help tremendously because I didn’t cles lined up along the driveway as volunteer elves loaded SEE DONATION PAGE 16 2 The Catholic Commentator January 4, 2019 | DID YOU KNOW Starlight shines bright By Dina Dow that they seek in Israel, in the messianic light of the Star of David, the one who will be king The universe is vast, precise and infinite. of the nations” (The Catechism of the Catholic The more we seek to find the endpoint, the Church #528). Thus, Herod was “troubled” at more we realize the magnitude of space and the inquiry of the wise men, for instead of em- time is something to behold. We bracing his true kingship, he know who created the universe. invested time and money in As Catholic Christians, we begin Life-Giving building projects and power. the Creed with these words, “I be- FAI H St. Paul reiterates the grace lieve in one God, the father almighty, given by God through Jesus maker of heaven and earth … ” Thus, it Christ as “the stewardship of makes sense to look to the sky as a compass God’s grace for all.” As faithful Christians, for travel and time. Therefore, we begin the what are we to do with such grace? St. Pope new calendar year (the Gregorian calendar John Paul II continues, “The apostle’s task is year, based on solar and lunar measure- to spread the Gospel throughout the world, ments) with a star and the opening of heaven. proclaiming to mankind the redemption The Sunday Mass readings during the next wrought by Christ and to lead all humanity on two weeks illuminate the mysteries of Jesus’ the path of salvation, manifested by God on infancy in the Epiphany of our Lord and the the night in Bethlehem. The church’s mission- beginning of Jesus’ public life, his baptism. ary activity, through its many stages down the Mystery of Jesus’ infancy: Star light centuries, finds its starting point and univer- Approximately 2019 years have passed sal scope in the feast of Epiphany.” How do we since the heavens opened to reveal the glo- begin this mission? We start with the Holy ry of God in the Incarnation: God becoming Spirit and fire. Epiphany man. The seemingly quiet village of Bethle- Mystery of Jesus’ public life hem became the birthplace of the Christ, a “Let us be buried with Christ by baptism to place told by the prophets of old. “Rise up in rise with him; let us go down with him to be With the final needles of the Orthodox Christians celebrate the splendor, Jerusalem! Your light has come, the raised with him; and let us rise with him to be now parched Christmas tree ready feast day on Jan. 19. glory of the Lord shines upon you” (Is 60:1). glorified with him” (St. Gregory of Nazianzus.) to fall to their grave on the den Worldwide, festivities may in- Hovering above “the city of David” was an ex- The prophet Isaiah speaks of the chosen floor, the liturgical season transi- clude swimming in icy waters, ex- traordinary radiant star. St. Pope John Paul one of God, “who will be filled with the Spirit, tions from Christmas to Epiphany. changing presents and perhaps II writes, “In a certain sense, in pointing to bring justice, be a light for all nations, open Epiphany, celebrated Jan. 6, is even a parade. Some countries even the light the prophet is pointing to Christ. As the eyes of the blind, release the imprisoned the traditional day to once again observe Epiphany as a national hol- it shone for the shepherds seeking the new- and pulled others out of the darkness of dun- haul out the boxes from the attic iday. born Messiah, so this light shines today on geons” (Is 42:1-7). Henceforth shall those who and refill them with the Christmas Epiphany is known as Dia de the path of the Magi, come from the East to follow this Chosen One be blessed with peace decorations and outdoor lightings los Reyes in the Hispanic commu- adore him who was born King of the Jews” (Ps 29). Jesus came because of mercy. From that have been brightening the nity and in Mexico people gather (Homily, Monday, 6 January 1996). The star his ministry comes the power of the Holy homestead since shortly after San- to sample Rosca de Reyes (Kings points to an intersection of heaven and earth: Spirit to heal and expel evil, thus conquering ta paraded past Macy’s on Thanks- bread), which is that culture’s ver- God and man. sin and bringing salvation to all who accept giving Day. Christmas is officially sion of a revered south Louisiana The wise men represent the gathering his gift. So where is the beginning of our path over, minus the less enjoyable tra- tradition. In some Hispanic cul- of all humankind into the family of God. As to salvation? dition of opening the bills in Jan- tures, a baby Jesus is hidden inside the psalmist exclaims, “Lord every nation on Theophany & Epiphany uary and learning just how much the cake and whoever finds it is ob- earth will adore you” (Ps 72). The Jewish peo- Upon insistence, Jesus allows St. John the Santa cost. ligated to host a party on the Feast ple expected the Messiah to come. Even King Baptist to baptize him in the Jordan River, The word “Epiphany” is Greek of the Presentation, which is likely Herod, the Roman appointed “King of the the very same river Joshua led the Israelites and means “manifestation.” As more costly than buying a cake for Jews” during this period, was aware of the through as they reached the promised land such the Epiphany celebrates the your office mates next Friday. prophecy. However, he had to consult with (Jos 3:14-17). Jesus is far from need of baptism revelation of God in his son as hu- The Epiphany is often viewed as the experts of that day to help refresh his rec- of repentance for he is free from sin.
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