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-: •{- IN CttANEORD

'--—••— v-—•-•:—,•'-—.•->-.: ;— CRANFORD7NEW"JERSEY7 Ij9tli T^nLfor ing Approved to Permit To Start truction oj^Witeon Plant •At a special meeting last Friday the area had purchased their pfo'p- >rtight, •'the ToWnshTp1" CommUtee-wty from the owners of the Sperry '. •:• 1-.:•,'?".:•":t..• . "* . unanimously adopted On f>nal readT (tract with the understanding that ing an1 ordinance to rezohe from the area Would always be-a resi- Chuiriuun Reelected Mayor May Retire Residence' "A" to Industrial. area dontial sector. He said that con- Police School to Give I*ropose«l Figures for ~ jls Town Committee At End of Year the 34-aere" Sperry tract south of struction of the Wilson Company ,» • - i ,. . ' (to : '•'•/•'• ..' the Lehigh Vairey Railroad.- The plant, which is. scheduled,-, to be Course for Defense 1951-52 Year S1M»W During Tuesday night's re- action was taken following an hoUr Organizes for J951 built on the tract, wouUMnyolvc a A five-day course for instructors . organization meeting of the. Stresses Nee^Lfbr and aTiaJf hearing before a crowd ti affit Iiuzzard and^ would be" a Increase cf $52,686 tieorfie E; Osterheldt was- n _ J t. auxiliary police, conducted by Township Committee,' -"Mayor Qt property owhers.that filled thc Increases in teachers' Salaries as chairman of,the Tbwnship^, rncnacc to childreny<^ho it tend Lirt- theJUniori Goupty Chiefs ot Police George E. Osterheldt indicated Large Enrollment meeting rooms. " ., ' .fe^'i >r his,nineteenth con- coln"School on^XZcntennial avenue. Association, Will start.January 22 well as those of other i-chool em-' ' that, he will jot seek reelec- ih -reiiujinicss this Muwe term at the annual reor- Scheduled for construction on He said that.trucks rapidly arc re-in Cranford, it was announced. ployes will hike the 1951-52 school- tion at the conclusion of his opening on Sunday placing raijr'oads. and discounted JflLtion.meeting Tuesday^eve- the tra'ct.Ts a plajjit of .the H. A. Police Chief William A. Fischer, budget to-$821,600.48 or $52,686.43 " present term, which expires ! Civil 'Defense Re- Wilson Cbnipany of Newark' Tne" tlie fact that the Sperry tract - in the municipal building. December 31, 1951, alone with Drive, it was '-announced adjacent/to the Lehigh Valley Rail- association president" who will di- more than the total this year... , . factory's buildimj cosUis e?j 1 rect .thCiCCjursjE; siiid it was insti-< to the opening of the session. that of Adm. E. D. Stanley. . by Carroll K. SeUers, road !>&, declarihg that -.it i£ p'rob- These tentative figures were prV- Clerk. J. Walter Coffee, to be more than $l,000,-0od. ' The tutcd in the interest of civil~dc- ,. The mayor stated that the.. lan of the local council. The able^hat within 10 yearsthis rail- sente|d Tuesday' night at a' special norm/chairman, administered Arm manufactures thcrmostatic fcn.se and at the requestxof Colonel Township Committee, had a will continue, to Saturday l.controls. • •••'•..'.. -' road will, not be operating through meeting of the Board of Education.. oatH of office to, Fred P. An- . complete new "left side" this Cranford. - '. \ ' Charle's Hi -Schoeffic', superinten- January 13, when air raid The attack against the ordinance dent of State Police. Public hearing on the-budget will dersen and Clarence L, Fritz, whp year, referring _toi ^systeras-of.-all-.New- Jersey The' attorney derided the state- were elected in November. They was ledby—Waltet^JpLCoopei:,_an |—PoUctCofflcers -Of_2J_ coun j^ be held January 23 at 8 pi m. in Commissioner. Fred P. Ander- municipalities and 'industries will -eltorncy, who also is president of- ; •cped^ire Commissioner John. sen and- Fire Commissioner be- tested between .12 noon and nicipalities will attend the course Cleveland -School.- • „ Wan. who was defeated in the the board 61. Education. Pointing Board that construction "of a 'fac- from'9'a. .m.'to 5 p. iri.in Lincoln The new budget, allocates $482,- Clarence-L> Fritz, who sit, at t p. m.. . '. . • . • ' out that Jie represented hundreds tory won't affect reality values Jn Republican Primary,.and Finance his . left,, during committee School. Chief Fischer,safd. • . 985 for teachers' salaries, an in- of property owners in the area as the area.'Etc also attacked the^ar- .Commissioner John V; Nostrand, meetings/ Mrs: G. Holmes Williams.is in Men .who liave taken the 35-crease 6f $33,885 over the amount • charge of personnel during the well as the, Cranford Heights Asso- : fContinued o»~pa0c eight) hoii'i-' course/will return to their !vho.WB.s not a candidate for re- -•'Next year, -the chairtnan in 1950-51. Cains for teachers were . election. , driye. She will be assisted by 85ciationwth'e «Solum.bia. Association, own municipalities to instruct re- considered on 'the basis of incre- continued, we wifT. have a the WoodsidC" Manor,/Association, 1 Mayor Osterheldt's name was members of the five local Parent- .S«FV.C bfji<$crs in their departments, ments on the regular scale plus thd ','complejtely new center," ap- Tcachor .Associations, 17 of whom the S.unny Acres Association and 7 placed in nomination; for chairman parently indicating that he will, th6.cl>tef explained. . ^ . increase in cost of living,'Wallet . '*•'* '. will be on duty daily from Monday the Osceola Civic/and T Improve- Polio Drive E. Cooper, president of the. board; by Adm. E. D.Stanley, who likened retire at the conclusion of his For I"'.'••Iniftruetors in 'cmerccney police through Friday. •'.'.' ment Association, -he ;.sked the tpfimirig will be Lt. Thomas H. said. " , '•'• ••":/• ;'• / . ti^opcp —ptcsent-term.—• "•• '.— • : i"eason~for—the- pw.ner , having, the Lwoo"d»^sF-BI- agents, und: .members In addition, the board felrthat to a large business and stressed —ftegis\ratioii1bTaiiKs-wiirBc"plac- zorie 'changed. He said he doubted of. theStatc P.blice. school employes .should be/as well. the need for an experienced hea,d. ed in all local churches Sunday s rf .»••>• ••. Methodist Church the legality pi the-.move. in view of Colonel William Considinc, con- ^recognized as:4hP °. ' coinpiirable • He" said CranforiTwas fortunate ia morning and- residents attending 1 the fact ihat he'hadn't heard .of a sidered. ;,an\iutstanclinf; A-bomb .schools in other communities, l^lr'. having Available a man with 40 To Sponsor Annual services have ;.been' rc'ciueste'd" to / : Apprehends specilic • request being • made. and authority/win- give a••' three-Tiour "Choper.^stated, '•.' ' .' ' ._. years' experience- in-local-govtern- cjiieslibTiea^ffie^"pi'.bpi'iety~of '"the l to the municipal building, '..\ lecturer and" frlrn~showinij,7phieL T*he rise' in. the" ^che'iV" appro-' mint, "a man who knows the hist- Action. '.'•'.• '.••' ' .. . Fischer disclosed.. priation "will not/iHgo for salary S> of local properties and many "Our Duty to Our Fellow Man" Registrations alsp will * be ac- Mr. Cooper said arguments ad- /, Cranforil incrciises.^accorning to, the board of Its residents. While some may Vandals cepted in the township rooms from will be the theme of the annual vanced for- the change as rumored president..sFinuis also, will provide" u.iH. him at tirnpH. most 9 a. in. till noon and 1 to 3 p. m. Quota Is $3,'««"•, » uhdertakesxmajbr ing to Mayor Osterheldt and that able in the principal's offices of | weighed against school- children This .year's drive - was 'started, ....,-..,• !.-.'. ...^^a».r «_... .^.\._.. I repair work -in one school. xLiist • chairman deserves the praise township, were .apprehended -late Christians, can aid the state, and year, by v $17,640.15, Post»nil!\tcr yesterday after a day-long inves- each local school so that residents j the" township is reaching a pretty ten days curlier since the- former year between $8,000 and $9,000 was themselves in these aims, the Rev.' "ArtluiVF. Metz i-cv'ea'lt'd j 'not only of members of the cafh- tigation by Lt. Lester Powell. unable to get to one of the other low trend. . dates of January. 15 to 31 did not It'd .w&terday. spent to put the high school.in top mittee but of all residents of ''The pair entered, and ransacked Mr. AlUnger pointed out. '. registration stations may sign up The group, representative said leave enough time for completion ."• The Crtmford Post,it ,/OBlce re? condition, Mr. Cooper said; This I s community. . ., y. ''. • • . the hbirte of Mr. anbSajrs. Harry A speaker from the Child Adop- at the schools. A registration blank that home owners want to' retain of the campaign, Mr.. D'Arcy said. corded $130,002.12.'-receive•7 •• d in .'al• lyear, the board will:coricentrate/oii- also appears in todays' issue bf^The It is hoped that the additional repairs in Sherman School. • >.' In. accepting the chairmanship, R. Heins, 10 Hampton road^ who tion Center in Elizabeth ..will out- Cranford as a residential commun- types of -postal trajnfiactiohs at the line methods'at tlie first forum for Citizen and Chronicle which may time. gained by advancing the ; Mayor Osterheldt said, the commit- had left Sunday about.3J.p. ity and.that most home ;own.eys in end of the calendar year. Estimated.- district, taxes total itce is a harmonious group 'which helping unwanted or parentless be clipped and mailed. • ,• opening.date will enable the com- $707,429.41 next* year, as compared*: Ft.-Lauderdale, Fla., for a month's The latest gain represents more j endeavors to iron put its various vacation. \ ••'.-• children. Public meeting will, be- Mr. Sellers stressed the. need mittee to close its , books- earlier with' $648,293.1.9 this year.^Nb con- • gin promptly at 8 p. in., in the and' transmit the much needed than'double/the 1949 increase of (differences in caucus, He declared *: lUrs, Mary Polinko of Elizabeth, for^ aYlarge corps of volunteers, uble/ jectu're was made on how the rise educational^^building auditorium. funds to the treasurer of the Union in tiistrict taxfes would.J^fcct the 'that this year he will pass on some a maid, discovered the break and declaring'"there ,'will be work for $8,000. wKicIclh brought" totul .re- Discussion periods will follow. 1 County Chapter- of the National / tax rate, QatableH and surpluses in the duties and responsibilities notified police at 7:30 yesterday everyone in event of .an emergency ceipts ta $l21,261,O97 bkh he has* shouldered • in past On January M. aid to criminals in the metiopolitaii" area.". He Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, the.township would de'Uirmihe the • : morning. Lt. Powell," who made To Address he stated.. •• » . .The/tolul-has climbed steadily t-ate.'it was said. ' l ,yearsr.- Heins ^ at the. final January forum. • munities such as Elizabeth', Plaiii- 1950 Tux Collection* board ill state aid next year, Mr. tants and nurse's aids. There will Dorothy Waldo Phillips, youth Cooper' said.' . /.* Macing trying times. There wilbbe r._?^.vr and^ajquantitS^of valu- guidance lecturer,..next Thursday Held, Westllcld, Sumit, Unlpn and able jewelry. InclWedirr the loot To be presented February A isbe- scores of. other rposts to be Linden. :. •'• .Railway Valley .Joint' Meeting; This"• will Vnarlt the "second year riiessagc or' CTRnsfmas" c'jarlr with" John .w. Wehman. auditor, at anwhich the' juveniles hud strewn : chargc "of the children's bank di- 866.18; and 1951 taxes prepaid, f(|uiptneiit, which this year hud about, Exit was made through a that Legionnaires have collected the sender's nqrtic- and address. vision. . $6,962.80, .-.'•• an allocation of 535,174 will jump ..annual fce'of $2,300; tnx Collector toys for underprivileged children New Cliureli to Open, _ Jv B. Cnldw.aH, receiver of rents; living room door to a rear terrace. p He also requested that children —Elsewhere in this issue,-, .the to. $36,112.75.-. ' ••:'.- ... Mr. Heins was notified of thein Europe, tlthe. .Philippines and send ' toys which show that- the At Mass January 13 ' committee has published an 11- The debt service item decreased ;W. C Mc-Pherson,. managing agent r : 1 Puerto Rico. : ; ! of Cranford Veterans' Housing De- occurrence, but had not indicated rto Rico '' "'> »' •' giver is really sacrificing some- The new St". Michael'! Church; nionth breakdown of oipendituVes In School Race' frorn $67,847.50 to $67, tO2.5O. .ac- • . .« . ••••.' -.-,a velopment; Dale A. Gungaware, last night whether he would cut Michael Davis, chairman of thething quite special. The campaign' corner of AUleh and Miln streets, covering the period from January cording td the proposed budget short his vacation" ' drive, urged Cranford residents to has been arranged, solely foi^toys will be officially opened Saturday, 1 to November 30, 1950, When Capital-outlay, which includes im- ;n providing joy for many young- according to Mr, Davi>;. mass at 9 a.:m.,.it was antrouncedj December, the'total will result In and equipment for ifew classes, • • • •' •* Railroad Committee: and Patrol- this week by'the Rev. William B. •mniv.Johh.G. Ranhofer, clerk of College Club lla See sters. . •_.'..' j '. '" . —"- All > schools have- been asked : n substantial deficit for the county jumps, from $5,168.30 to $5,771.50 to designate .n day when children Donnelly,' pastor. ~ unit, Mr."D'Arcy' said. . ' for next year.- the municipal court. Film on Air Power .Acting as honorary chairman. .^...,Regular services will be held in Other (ippointmcntSD confirmed Mayor George_'E. Osterheldt has tha church after thut date* the A film, "Air Power Is Peace issued a proclamation colling at- rangements will be _made for . a '.were: Mrs; Jacob Stanley, Planning puslor announced. * To Take Pre-Sehool ; Power," will be,shown Monday at tention to the drive and rca.ucsring pick-up at .each school, the chair- ; Health Board Reeleets ••• i''. -.; Board, fi.yenr term; H. W. Fischer, while most of • the; heavy \york » InnninK Board. 5-ycar term; John 8H5 'P. m., during "the „ regular children and adults to support the man stated. • . • Ofiieers for New Term Blood Types Tomorrow morrtnly meeting of the -Cranford in the new .edifice hns beem>9«M- Hiach, Planning Board, 4-ycar Legion's project. Mayor George E. Osterheldt w»s ' Parcnts_who wishlto: haVc_thcir College Club in'Calvary Lutheran An appeal also has been made pleted, thelirsttll-wiDifiips a num- win: Mr. WarsUiscki, Planning b main-purposi e of the cam- rcqucstinfi- the cooperation of all fcelectcd. president of the Board of prc-school children blood-typed ilo.iul; .j.-. -. . , .^r _ Church." p p ber of small details'to 1be finished. wy "*dq so by arranging today^so eiH term J( nn f Nos h hild churches, Announcements of theThis, however, will not. interfere Health nt the annual norenni/a- ra Due to wide-spread interest in paign is to show children that their that the laboratory can make nec- ,' »'l. Local Assistance Board, 4- campaign will be made at all serv- with the regular church schedule, tion meeting Tuesday night folloiw- ( air power, members have'invited generation can build up a lasting essary accommodiiljon*. Vincent >'«ai'. jrm; Clarence .L,Trit'z, Local ices on Sunday. ihe Ilcv. Father Donnelly stated. inK the reorganization of the Town- their husbands to attend the meet- friendship in the spirit of good ship Committee. ••'•• Samowski. administrative assistant • .-.., •'!•. T-.i tnnce Board, rsyca^term; nnd ing. will and sacrifice, Mr. Davis said. Several local stores have con- in elementary schools, announced. A. G.'lnKalls, Library Board, • William P. Smith wus renamed The movie, released by Eastern Any foreign'child receiving a sented to net as repositories. In Blood-typing for pitr-school chil- •Special committees were named addition, tKe Casino- will be, open Red CrosH Plant) liciilth ofllcer and secretary and Airlines,.stars Eddie Rickcnbackcr gift from an American child's • — ' c dren is scheduled for. tomorrow ut £ follows: Tax Lien Committee— for anyone wishing Jo leave toys Wjllimn Gourley was reappointtjd with a cast of Hollywood perfor- Christmas stocking, knows that a Kef rewher Course ', plumbine 'jnspcetor. 1:45 p. m. lri.'Cleveland Schoo). • /Vr#ll 4r. Nostrand, John Lew, Louis mers. A history of flight, the film certain sacrifice was entailed, ac- there. • Ml smn, C. J. Ehmilng. L. D. Faunce , A refresher course for for- Fred P. ^hdersen and Clarence Parents must call the school to- wilt review the power of aircraft cording to the chairman. Members'of-the ajixilmry assist- day so that tli*: laboratoiy can en- utl C. P. Buckley; representatives; mer Red Cross First Aid In- L_ Fritz, new" members of the today and will show what might be :. The drive also will in\ '.te eorres- in the drive arc Mr.s. Margaret sure their child's being typed, M.»V .n. Hnhwny Valley Flood Control structors will be given in the Township Committee, vere wel- expected in th? future. . pondence among children on both I Knight, president: Kirs. Lester township rooms every rvciinu rAmed as new 'members of the SarnowKki said. -^ ;•-.' \ •mnmittee^E. D. Stanley,- Mr. Mr?^-S. Eliot Hume, chairman sides of the oceans ami this.ex-1" J' , "Mrs" . "Mari e Head.'--•', *••Mrs-. Rit""•-u " , Yt'sterdny, 82 more children had -Tiiill and Kenneth McGrath; Rcc- next" week, Monday through Board of Health. of hospitality, will be OKsisted by change -will, like a good ambassa- Fairwoll, Mrs. Viola Gruljau und Friday, January 8 to \2. Class- Meetings, will be held the Mon- WILLIAM J. BLA their blood types taken in Cleve- •ution Committee—H. ft. Jacobus. Mrs. Erwin Amick. Hontcwcs will dor, show foreign children how Mrs. Ruth Herzogi of 103 Holly street; otic of Win- land School. Blood-typing M s- Dow, J. Corcoran, Cyril Per^ es will be held from 7:30 to day nijiht - preceding the second be Mrs. Norman Brubuker and different the American way of life Workinjj with Mr. DHVJS arc 0:30 p..ni. with Robert Schtibcl, monthly meeting of the Township candidates who has announced Shcrmun • School pupils will begin Mrs..Jacob Stunleyj Mrai'Rob- Mrs. E. Allan Ticc. " for the•'four vacancies on the Monday. •Nicdruch, Richard MeFaddcn, In in comparison to that depicted Thomas Hamilton, co-chulrman; ,chairman of tbc First Aid iuful Committee. - - - by some propagandists abroad, Mr. D1-. Howard- R. "Best,"supervising Water Safety .Committee of the . Hoard of Education in the Pupils typed this week Will re- • J Charles Schillin^er, Pefcr Ny- February 13 school election. ceive their curds on Monday.--4-.: . 'lany p e, G. E. Osterheldt. Davis pointed out. principnl of Cranford ixhools; O. local chapter,., servin" as in- aK Reschedule Meeting J In selecting toys, the chairman Frank Ziminei^inn, principal 'of structor. . ' (likkenpox —Still! Mrs., Mnll'ic Redden, -inclim-- Cleveland School mothers Who Fritz and P. J. Grail; Veter- The Cranford Republican Club bent, is seeking election to a recommended contributions of Cranford High School; Walter. E. The refresher course will be Seven cases of chlckenpox were issistt'd with clerical arid other ' Committee•— G. N.will omit 'its January meeting threc-yenr term as ur'y Burton duties were: Mrs. E. A. Koycn, , • Foster, Charles M. smaller type toys since they arc Cooper, president of the Board qf followed by a course cj^n only reported to,'the Board of- Hcultb — T-. i scheduled for next Wednesday C. Belden and Mr. Blfflie-; IWrs. J. A. Munger; Mr* W. H. • White. C.L. Frit* and more suitable for packing. No Education; Arthur •Mctz, Fred Ca- to instructors 'in Westfleld. A during the past week, it was an- night, it was announced yestccdoy soni, Michael Kiirecki, Frank 1 nounced yesterday by Health Oftl- Myrlin L. Taliaferro, present Old. Mrs. EdWoid White IV, Mr?. -oeul Highway Traffic by President Hurry V. Osborne, Jr. guns or other '•w^r*' toys will .be representative of the National board member. Is running for accepted, he warned.' • . Massa. Riiy"O'Neill,. William Poor- Red Cross will be instructor cer W. P. Smith. One. person was*| B. C. Mctzncr; Mrs. T. Chiavarou, Next meeting of the organization a one-term uncxpircd term,'. (CoiiHuucd on page Committee — J. JB. Gifts must be wrapped securely (Continued on page t'lylit) for "this bourse. • ' bitten by u dog- during the week'. ^ . —.. Jiiuud o is scheduled for February 14. *' x A .: ^ ••••T'-''' :'V^s:;'v'"rV^--'T''.i1;-::-lV' -v--'^--";-"'';C^;;V*v-;''^ — y.•'.';''- ':•'.''.'' ' ••• •',.':::/••'* '":'"''':'' "'•".7(f';'vT : "•" •>' •'': '''^ '••'' ^'.'"r:'.'"':" "': •:>r';'^:"^?/':;i'#

•. •/ A>TD THVRSOAY, JANUARY Page.Thnie. place in the Tiouse so Creative Art Group •natcly 2,700 veteran, patients-were they can be, enjoyed and throw iMt Uv&i IR luiUiif Wtriri'i Mifhtltst Stairway (ili:.:at;'<2'E *'ir«t-t.;j,j« Willis I'.-. . ts 1. . ..TBE cnANrdnb CTTITEN AN6 'crmoNiCLE; THURSDAY, JAJttJAitY 4, 1931 v Parents 01 pre-school,'children. , :"' admitted to Federal hptuitol, 412 them away*vwhen.4he Jast of their F.W, alKfi;;Wiri.'. Convalescing Aft« RMMf Htaty Pot ter I960 Tai Shan To Start New Term ,c Bird i^r have.been inyited'to attend a mpet- .',.-y•••'"'Sil.^ Chemicals That ElimlnaU Traffic Lithtj in 1914 :»' *b municipal. an4 state hospitajls, beauty-has gone. -.-"''-' of l^n. Plash --The honey pot of^ the nation I* I'.- The ''.Craniord ^Crejtiv.r Ait • f; Etcht><« * Brockiidt: place to ing Wednesday at 8:15 p. m°.. In the '' J -•^•-'•IS Injury «t Korean md 688 tp private hospitals. Dur- Bbit for those who hate to throw • _Th«> ivnrld'* Group will start i'U ^eeuiitl ,:-f:ncs-; \^c:j-! l^ l Poison Ivy Without Damagt AbdlfthOd a* Unnoootttry. |hg-this same period, representa- again full to overflowing. A prelim'-, t:\iibi-,'tr.X"c\rr* aRrW. climbs Tal Irnrnc t*f Mrs-'N. Kerzmai»l 229, lions Further Plans Into Stt Water Eiilainol A KENILWORTH -• CpL inything away and want to experi- ter today in'the Casino: |-*-' •Columbia aVenue. The.topic' will' Offers Courses There are. two chemicals that w Traffic, sign* and signalg s have tives' of-'the Veterans Administru- inary report of th> U.S. department S'-nn. h'r'"-;' of -Ivnn's five jarred About. 60 .-species of flowering ot the Hoesly. 22 years old, son -,« ment with. their Christmas • gift of agriculture estimates that nearly Through error it was repotted 'r. J>'e. "Ajjts -aritl StaHe^'-' Persons in- - For 25th Anniversary (f«t rid' of^iplso n Ivy withouithtt hthurting]i , become sucji a necessity.,i : in modd- sued, bp th< lon throughout thc^state had ap- nr'tym'jih'f- Taj Sl>an. in bcleseuered plants hov« "gone to sea." .tike' and Mrs, Ralpti Hoesly of. ^6 poinsettias, the following procedure 230 million pounds of honey "will be ihese columns'that Leslie Cr.tinp! * . '•• '. ..- tercstetl iu atttndnnK are asked to • Off Jack J. Forester. Lion Gov- the' soil. First, there is. ainmatel 1 C'n'rnl ShantV'rti;., is 2S mijes south the whates .;andi-th* -seals among ern, life, that the™National Si'ety tion- - Twrtity-iirAt street, is cpnvalea*;- o*roxirh'ately..4.50,e00 personal in- may bg^tried^After the leaves are harvested from the beehives of tlie ernor, who spoke on "Lionlsm" at By Residents, whlch..l» used, at the r.ate of 3J.Q' » Council has. conducted a "Signs* of total;.;cf UBS ar-end statistical-review. of T.«Q|ng 1 spectes;. of. mouth. N.Hv He suffered stomacji Locts.with veterans and .theTrTahT=4 _ fitalyre is between est crop on-record. In addition, the cembcr 4. .. - •the.Coach nnd Four.".will be the d". on wwhen h. "tin Is 'shining.'. public' understanding of them. sects, known cimfly Io Jbe ceocral. ihat New Jersey vete'r-. by Co!nmun,is$ forces after a. thre*- nasta .thu marine orjta'nisms.i. For therojp!'' injuries -anS frost-bitfe of both ilies.'. • ;'« -, i . '••'••' • *6 degrees and . 50 degrees F. 500. billion bees were sufficiently The instiuctcr fnr the".'seoont* • principal speaker at the twenty- VJCFaeuliy •Intest*, tills killed- from"90 to 95 'JBut.^o'nly 38 years ago an'electric public as pests tail to - - ill be Albert Bins.-; off fifth ahuivorsary celebration of the The '"Wcstfielu" 'Atiult School. 1 per ct-nt of th'e poison Ivy..depend- traffic signal was a Curiosity, not Insec.-.-t beha-rio..... -c 'as -aiaaoc « disability cbmpensatipn. Wednesilay clue' •professional fireman: lcw water. " •.-. •'•'• Uvitics, Mr. "O'Hfcrn 'jplso-. pointed Joil seems dry, however, do not let they gathered from the' flowers' of \je sonri* 6.T00 sjone steps Summit; : ing upon how thoroughly sprayed, a ne"t«ssity., The, first electric traf^ gn-Manchurian boraer^ -. . -)» ^ ^educational parties aro^j 1st IJI. EJonnor LOU Sutton'.'Army • "'" " 'conscious,. Crai»f«»rd Lions Club, it was an-which Wc-yman O. rernarfcablkbi e comqpgekaqpfes of socijls l e*o- >ut that the VA staff in .New Jer- t bogorrle th» fl»M« nnH't'r^oii«nffli'l>n't nectar in Tai Shan's shanks'-mare escala- 33irar___~' lljj*;>yaj^n=_, , __,. _, a rn' 6cp- iiKnc^ntcpl»iifd_.up —.ibe mi n»itiil_ wn&. flownTT^TnTTZMg'sriLn»n—AccordiBS-tu-' p • Niirsr,I whrr-Hkrft • Dtit-ewbe ,nouncef 31 courses 'aWti.2.4-WU U of which HftUi.fui erattd by a policeman m a ;oo6lh Tlr. SM$-4•' growing. sisteil -l>y .ti.p Creek, Mich. She is the daugh- s,'lChief aVenue, Union, on. January 23. Hi' life, such Br.algae, and fungi, ijSeO.356 below.payments made which come along so rapidly whepjl have struggled to the 5.069-foot sum- 84 Raritan. road to Edward Kusky not kill poison ivy. ,'. . ••>" however, the signals were removed thorities art tnTcises. Be not only in the Air Force is-stationed in hat is, moist all all the way Miss Khn ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Sut- appointed by- Clarence Fritz! Jnnuiiry 29. . . can have lived "always In the seas. 'A iiew hbrrhotie.' quite' similar to Kg the P.«vious year for these individual, queens can lay 1500 eggs mit' to worship "nearest Heaven."' for Florence Murth'b; :i bun^ali-tu; j nw..^..: said yesterday. because s they wetb unnecessary. has mad* eMcaaiipe taOee&aaM. buBongt , Wash. ' i Ihroiigh, and bring- the plant into a ton of 140 Ilillcitst avenue. '. Vnder ."direction' of Dr. Zot- >G. But the marine migration of the 2.4-D, known as'2.4,5-T Is a.tio' •^.benefits. • . .,.. -'. a day and. keep that job - up day Confucius in his day (500 B.C.)at 15" Wall, street, William Lyf^c \jxvAxttd i.:Ls, tho faculty of Union Jun- consisted of. towers In the mlddjt* Of the luSCCtS ^IBIWimJra W**^ flf t&£ ' m md leaves will develop. It may be 1 Dayton Regional- High SchouJ one day off in seven. . grirns have,' caused the 'winding were as conscientious ertior . introduced the. ior Collowvof.'Cranfnr'd • T>as, t'b- taht part in" the economy of. fipa —the est'erong fprm of 2.4-D > and, .2. of feifth averiue.i New' York City, involving disa^ilitj 3iit, .pot and all, into the garden r ,_,|^-lifo. Efl grass, v abundant' every- Springfield, flrtd enlisted . in". Hi route t6 become ever more lined Moritolaif 4.S-T in about ..equal quantities-^, "and in Detroit. The lights were not and pension were; luring the summer, lifting it when : Leading areas of production this ijlre safety as their juniors ChCharlea s j^ operatt.'d fo make possibtt" an tin- '• The- ca&«' «Wes tie '%*ite'; Marine Corps four years ago. Hoi with holy temples and towers, and . .,. ... , j-... , ._.. •• «h»re along temperate shores, is mn!:es an excellent' poiscfn ivy-or. used to guioje vehicles directly, but by the New Jersey Reg- cool weather arrives in the. fall and year are the north central states., I'oiid prlcr^ arr pwvrrnrd by huppljr. jr fire loss, totals in this club was % visitor. The mot-tint; uusual course in ••liiVJt\^i.CI;>SMCs. I .,.---•• ...... -;.%•-. , 4 . . • ants"—• ^d miwiwiw-a new- neenlisted a yea^ agb and was sc with tea houses and huts to cater was tonduc'eiclf by August ' Ther- U . . .*-?:..:..,j.:x ! the favorite .food of, waterfowl. An- brush killer. Iii fact, exccllentissuc- to relay instructions to other: ' familj- tree, and , s*%wr»l fcilherlo 41'• Office of the Veterans Ad- before frost. . ' notably Minnesota. Iowa. Ohio and \Vh«u kU|ipfir« Itrc plentiful. pricr.» could be cut in'half over- ' other mier/mf from the land fur- ce.HS has been had with both the cs- .to. Korea spori'iifter the butbroalj to the swarming humanity. Peace- niann. Jr., president.. Kach of, iivo 'instrifctnis has wlcci- towers. The colored lights had dif- unknown and' fimoc'arad fossil arid the number of A mimeographed' leaflet giving Michigan, which produce 'Heht^col- i&jrv^Jltiw 1 uhrll hUppUk-* *r? kcarar, • nishes the food of the manatee, or _terone. form and the combination of of war. • . ' ored delicately-flavored honoy from time visitors in the spring have oft Itrit-r1. arc liiph. And-ricHI .now, lhr»r.. r speaking, school chil- ula literary -work in. his li«5lrt ferent meanings, too. In Newgenera a«d. species aie BftefA. Tbe ; received educational Many Chtriatmiis gift plants, love- dotaile.il instructions on"'caring for . sea cow. an essentially "vegetarian these two In killing both poison ivy 'i'ork. red stopped all traffic, green Married, his wife Is the I Clover, and sweetclover; and theen nurnb,cred 10.000 a-day! Ahhua.l- Undi. Altt; plrnlitul .. . ..and tkry'te in fire prevention and which was considered' ;v . lasting wood! eaten -aie. Bast dniefcf re- v each month" averaged y as "they are on the morning of Poinsettias in' the' home may be Sunny Acres ('li)h animal. Most of these plants grow and brush." . meant,stop for north-bound traffic;, Miss Phyllis Blake' ot Hampton] : Western area, including California. ly on October 10. .Chinese Repub- prlrra RKAI.. I.OW. They're y»ur be«l ion. They think it is" contribution to world t literaturev . lated to tbe cockroaches 'ani- tbus The Q. I. loan guarantj Oece'mber 25, can look as bedrag- obtained ~t"rce by sending u postal The scle'c-tisi.. c«t!isics"*V. iH be dis- in .dense?' patches In submarine and amber meanf go for nortb- N.'Y. The "couple were ma'rrloVI oni -Texas, Colorado, Wyoming and lican day. every school 'cliild'x*cvcr.y bu>:4.. So Uulld -your n>euu« ground ixm mi, .They are willing t6 nc-iTo See <»arileh Views It seems that there.Is alwavs one ; cap trace tbetr Imr—r- to Che .earl- UIll .continued-:-Us: upward iled': in a few- yveeks as- last year's sard to A«iiculfural Agent,,Court cussed in this order .by,.i5(e. follow^ fields, affording shelter for .many sl'outh traiflc.' : ' '•• ' , the e\re of his departure for Karca] . Idaho; with a wide range in flavors- soldier for miles around joins the Ihrnl. tin your l>a.Vrt wllll Ihc.f Uw drawback- to everyithing. • so -we iest kxuMnjt £Bsects''»* "' *ri f , '.•Iairien;yrc probably .the most dim—' Draft Board to Call TJle true'pilgrim first worships at p u( cverythlDC, including low 1. for precautions against Union County parks and gardens ahd Prejudice"- by. Miss Ann" a B."' cSme accustomed' to salt-impreg- : vterseciions were, controlled, from ..« in approving th^se. loans, eyery county In the country, and will by shown b.V Mr^'. Fr.inuc Dick- the grass under' the" poison ivy. it old >asd has amdetsaiDe.' extensive For Cub Pack 178 $103,- .ut popular • Christtnus plants to ancient Tai Temple, in the walled price*.' • \ -• they start aixt. by being Murphy, '-"••••---*•WaWcn- • by Tl>eodor.e H. nated'sbi! near the shore for Count- will corrode a cheap spraj>" pump. .centiyal point. • .-••... 1 30 Men for Physicals the 500.00Q beekeepers of the nation • village of Taian. He then passes to follow these precnu- ert at a ni.eeting Tuesday of-the 20 tlm«s w.dj, notjjntiricly eliny owners'' should lobk beyorjd feed that Mrs. M. Marino wilt be 1 s and 59,000. treatments in V-A" arid Surtimit.' • ... ' native ground-nesting bees are not Temple of Fatry-.-.. Dreams., Lotus ments' will be offered, by "Mrs: Mother for .a new den^to bo .formo quite in the class of the buffalo and .'tray- • .. ' .'• ' mlislon to medical ichooli. Dr. Inate . the. ^traces of this material.. and water to find the cause. If It - No ,mcn were required to report Flower Peak', and Cliff of thcLove ; have been told that- Donald O.. Anderson of Chicago, Frarii-os JE. Wisiirieiv nationally ac- .Therefore it would be much better were . possible- to^trace the. infec- it feas hetm: a .Ounese- in' Kenilworth. the mourning dove in sctfrcity. clean of Life. •'•••.'•"" credited flower'^ show /judge and or induction ori December 22 or. 29, cultivation along fence rows and the secretary, of the American Medica.1' to have one spraver thnt^du would. Dliring the holidays,-40 cubs pnrJ 1 i all violations of common •"' >1 tion. says!' a • veterinary medical popula^d cttj-'tonr erEftMries. tbe Na-, > j * ' • '' the board'said. .'.' • : tire, safety. But 'if ,nothii\g' aisocl^^ion's council on medical ed- presUlent"..of the Cranforti Gafcleh - Wallpaper us'e'oYily fo.r A'mrhate and 2.4-D. _nl- bulletin, it usually would be found tiotialists* Bear seatt «S Bu»«inuioeul ''.ticipatedr ih a bus trip, to the-UayJ increasing, use of insecticides are so .if no bififlrc develops, ucation arid hospitals, i&ys. Accord- Club. ' " ' -.'•••/• • .' .' When first used, wallpaper wil thoush you ,can use this sprayer' to that it .got started through the skin; on 'the island fimnWss ti SVsraaosa is; den Planetarium'. where they su,\J rapidly reducing their .numbers that . Henistration in the spring toiw they can no longer be depended up- Small Homis Ceundl Offtn ngsters begirt to cet.ns '•cal- Ing to a recent report, to the couri- the poor man'i' tapestry. Later .spray corn and othj^r useful plants rather than .through^ the .stomach, 'largely • pemtoctto* JajsuSese the Star of Bethlehem panoramn'.'! Office Opportunities For Local Girls Varmers' Biggest Customer -. cil, 10 per cent of f tude'nti admitted which, is-^ipcii "}<> Crahford re*i that arc resistant "toj this _ hormo.no. The' cubs collected1 toys for diilJ on for the efficient-pollination which _ careless as Iheirclders. wealthy people also adopted it vto jileopjng sickness and swarnp-.fever ; . The baker is the farmer'sblggesi S«mt Valuable Quality Meats to medlc^T~KB6aii-iir-thB^iJnHediBlthUHe* r dents, wiTI Ce/Ticcoprctf^jy rrrai supplant the slllr. afrdTvelvet wall are both caused by^^ylruses^ whTcfi —^AT — Industrial'customer, ariniially"buy- they once performed for the legume ne day a real fire strikSsT . • ' \"~ States during the academic .year w*?ct 10 . dirj-s and on can survive, in feed Vnd drinking lnent 13: crops. •••' »,'•"•.•»•'• . The lowest-cost/house can be itt eomes to tire safety," durinu tho rn^xt 10 d;rvs .and on i " , . . ... , _ -^Senate DoM$ Up , .aiad age. Farris Swackhamer of Ing close to $1,000,000,000 worth of 1M9-18S0 had pa. better .than a. C- January 15; V<'*istr»tiA'i niuht. M \ %?^,£*"»£?• ^ .f urppe,un-J water. bu^'resenrth'itosS^hbwn that and tnttseqzns^, BOYLE MIDWAY, Inc. as livable and as^Successfully-decor- Schindler said, '"no, ytfuttv th The (^ Senate".arifl house-' chambers bninDlt Hern ing ayenue delivered the 'arm-produce.- .:. •••:• •:. '•'•"• plui; scholastic average In premedl- the W^Ji»i..r Hiuh SchaM; .•*H.,. ?. W\ . ^Jnese.^ha it is extremely'- rare for\horses to. ated "as a largy^hbme'; declares the txation tVbes a better job jh.iri : Were In Washington were Wot the only eooJtjrol. A for Christmas: Office located TJ« Hale Street, GwHiford, hear cal college work.' Many other!. Dr. - • •. accordiiu: to'Mr.Steen-"! '*» ««t people to .us. papfer. get • either of these dis.ea.scs through T . small homes^^qun.cili ajt'the Univer- _ uts.' Scouts; have a real ro- f _ . •. . j uere also the first,to Tiat. it .«as ." areas of'the Capitol to receive, dec- den-,,] .' ,Th|?(.paclt held-jts annual Chtis;( Hif Ii Friquiiicir Sound Wavps r Anderson pointed out. had B aver- the digestive ;tract. In most.cases Briaiori«y";«i(r.,., —.-^^ _-rv^,-..,...., ... ^v, . .s B. & O. Crossing on Sputh Avenue.' > sity of Illinpis in issuing a revised .1'loir fire a.^d you; sfcldttm. if grafe. * wall decoration. . ;'...{ orative attention, recently. The r tify it as Tianokta. its JapipcseseJmae i mass party ininSt*Michael''. St. Michael'ss SCIKKI v . '.'..'• • '"ir1 the' virus'-is intrcSttUced into .the Utt4 In Gall Stont Illnm edition of/its circular on "Interior l-'hear. of an individual 'Senut ages. j rotunda hadn't been painted for name in this periui. «-':. lcubs |as well as their younijcJ V* S, BUHNO.49 ^ CRANFORD^S SUNDAY . .. • . • m v 19 years and it. took' five days of blood streifm by biting trisects or Deslgn.V .' " ; ^ '' •full troop b'einK responsible careless . use of'-surgical in'stru- I brothers and. sisters '.enjoyed rc-1 A new technique for breaking gall- . It points out that "interior^dc- .RfV N. J. dusting to prepare it for lts"*new \ freshments and received gifts f BILLING TYWST DRUGSTORE SCHEDULE stones by high frequency, sound BOARD OF coats of- C616r. It nqw has un lvury iianva i_ia(is, . _ .. • •.——— slgn /ni)ist scrvp thp liriny in. an 11-year-pld youncsfci- of /you and your family:: t satisfy n Tenderfoot, he has to ceiling,' a...maize -Center seqHon, a K«£ce ois l^luuc Buenos - col. deeply Fast and accurate oh Electromatic Typewriter 7? Experiments,--which have been re- NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING ' deep brown' frieze, nnd a stone into the laraCtt • fcimm. the Uryiri \ ' ^—' , '—~^~T- " ' your ideas of comfort, besuty, cco- ... rate knowledge, of fire $150.00 Moutk to Start — Advuiie'enienl OPEN THIS SUNDAY stricted to. anesthetized rabbits and tiomy, and ease- of .maintcnaiic.c; principles. As he qimlitles -• Notice is hereby given to-the. lecal voters of the School District of the Township colored lower section..' '. . - Nation's Fire Bill flock, t^jtitij pradocets do mot real- Book Review 'a dog, open up the possibility that r ize that lice is •r^ir*'-*^; Ibss of ecss and satisfy the'broader standards M>nd'Class and First Class', ofCranford, in the Courity of .Union, that the Hoard of Education tins-'prepared'the • Fires burn nearly $2,00(\000-a day • A review of the book,'"The Dis- .gallstones may some day be treated/ :<•'(• until ttie e^sT povihlicttsiini i^»^^. a b3f FILE CLERK of good desigk).'-' to give1 added proolNif. his following budget for the -School Yoar July 1st, 1951 to June 30th,'1952: • in homes, office buildings,-valuable enchanted,'" by Bud Shulberg wil without surgery. If gallstone; can be Budeet Proponed New Optical timber land, foodstuffs and other re- drop. t£ce wony the" boss apd the be given Tuesday at a1 meetinK a 0"%"B«.-M« ^slmlaliiig Car ' ' . j Saliiries SupervrKini! Piiucipal, Bil|>orvTsoi-s S 42.5OO.nr» infrared (heat) rays; of extremely should be repeated ia It to 12 days. Evening Interviews Can He Arranged. abdominal incjslon and directed.on ••• .'•.. iind Principals : :.".'.•.. '. ..:.'.. $ any relaxation in the fire-safety home of Mrs. W^M. Comric, 2ll . Place tables and lamps near : 15.650.00- long wave lengths. These two char- so that the .ytrnm* Kce that have the gallstone/ without damage to "A to InMlall New , " Salaries Clerks ....._ :..-..... :, . ' 1G(275.OO . precautions. •'.,•..".'. • , Walnut avenue. V '• • ' chairs and sofas. Where possible. |"2klt0.OO acteristics, may make the glass the surrounding tissue of the-ani- Hor at Ceremony Other Expenses ..„. " ' highly-useful. mals. . /.~' . make a table and lamp serve two ;$ 65.025.00 Dorothy .Johnson will be $(>0,410,00 Thus/far, doctors have limited or more seats. . ''.:•... ".. Hang pictures at eye level. • ,. at coundlor of Harry I). Instruction Proper — ...... $449,100.00 $482,985.00 '"• The Unbeatable tHeir research to tbe proof of two. V Council 123, Daughters of ••' Siilaries Tcuchcrs ....;....- 7.970.07 7,976.97 bask/points: first,, that gallstones Furnishings should be similar In s, at a .public ce.rcmony Textbooks ,...'. 1K.237.S3 14.756.67 can/be fissured or fragmented by. scale to adiicve harmony. A small. Instructional Supplies 1.300.00 " ultrasound; and second, that live at thti Masonic Tern- Other Items •..'! ... i..;:'' „ 700.00 spindly end-table looks out of place-, Mrs. Irene Lbwis of Ro- KENILWORTI4 Vnlmal tissue surrounding the gall- beside a large davenport. $474,007 .loyces.; L$ 33.950.00' $ 37.9C2.OO • SUPER MARlfiET present. ., Jli 3,000.00 - Strive for ease of maintenance. 3.0F THEiH^iT THWFTY ment. It should include milk: a pro- Before.attempting to make a back- _ nprovement Association, will Inspector, Dental Inspector.' .. ; Armour's •• .'.• teln-rlch food such as cheese. efiRS. yard skating rink by flooding there Tuesday at the home of Mrs. untt Nurses ...... ,;....~.-.'. :.... $ , 9,050.00 $ ' 9,n35.00 16o z s should be several inches of frost on . 1.401,98 SHOPPERS WHO^ ^AILiP THEMSKliVES OF THE lb; 55e V(^m& BfiANS.. 2 -» 21c > meat or fish; a fruit or vegetable . Koyen, 215 Miln street! Civ. Other Expenses 1,59C.!M>' CHUCK ROAST (preferably both)";" whole-gr"ain or the ground, with the air tenipera-" *ne> will be Mrs. Walter Ru- $ 11,236.98. Fresh Jmey \- enriched bread; and butter or. mar- ture \rell below.freezing. 25 degrees • and Mrs. P. B. Alger. •.. - - __ . •"••"••$ 10.64C.9fi Tlu! garine, An effectively administered or even lower. The first water, -Auxiliary Agencies —r * " vib )alf euns should be spread 'very thinly, so' 3.630.00 $4,015.00 .PORK LOINS • 11). 35e \4A\ CLEANSER ... 2 school lunch program not only pro- it kink • • Salary Librarian .- $ 1,760.00 • V . -IV MI' .' , . • that it will be quickly cooled. If Milk-Fed Lcjjs or . vides children with well-balanced reukstuhe's jf CafetQr» 4,000.0m " ' • .«' -nnt,-th«-heat-in-the ..water may thaw Is the most Impor-' ..: 1.400.00 : lb. 59« .'and nourishing meals—It can alsd -Sliced • Slww-Cheeie •2 •'III K Transportation ....:.. : ; ...3.000.00 3.000.0J You Still Have Time To Partiripale In This Great rt VtAL ..".> ROYAL GELATINE (ull llavols) 3 pkga. 19o the ground in one spot, and the rest j-rrr-- protective measure that, <408l56 atlCVAi BACOKx •.., lb. 40c STK'AVt'BKRItY I'RESfettVpS .... 12-oz. Jar 20c .1 many a child will cat and like food is danger of such milk-born* \ -' .'• " " ^$11,928.45 that he refused to touch, at home: tabllshcdi apply about an uich- of Satisfy Completely Each Inciividnars Taste. ; 1 l ks: as undulant fever, typhoid Fixed Charges — •> • • . -, , • $ 1,000.00 Fresh 'Jersey • \ • water and lot It. freeze on'top pt Krart: ' ' . ' . •'. _ " - txlra. FaiM-y Southern • • -Tuition ; , .-. .' ,...„.."...$ 2.000.00 Del Monte.. -.. : ,_iU00J)0_ DROP IN TODAY AN0 . SPARE RIBS..,,,.;,,.,,')...... '...... tb.-' i$c the-first Jdycr. 'Repeat - this until. losurliHRT ...... 7:^.~r....::...'.:...:.~..,,,7.'.v .....^^.r.-...... 3.3MCM10 I'lNK.U'l'MB Cill'NKS can 25c it is .thick .^enough to .cover/any Vdveel*...... —- ' -."""-».- YAMS>..;:.....,...^.....:."2 Over, one^half. of-the milk' -Ji 51«.7fi / * 2,400.00 Grecorlau - Calendar ' <• ' j . "~ by personsjilvlng in com- l\'nsio»>s. lp Employees' l...^..:...... *,.x. ..-« '" *»'*»•»*' .Ruth's Ulack' Hawk • \ : grass or other stubble thnj/inlRht V'.'-r •" ••••• . Japan adopted the Gregorian cal- 'Tuscan Dairy j ' . -YtiioW-- •" ' "o ' "' ' •' __»-under ICOeff^ttPPUlatlon $ 5J11 $ 7,COO.OO REAP THE BENEFIT OF THESE SUPER-BARGAINS! SKINLESS FRANKS .: 1 lb. ttllo' 5S« Suiuiiin.e endar, in 1873; China and Turkey stick through. Apply as lijtltvwater H». box 29c as possible at one time^ .flftgidon't. Milk homo. 23c"-^— \ . not pa«UurUed.'vbut wa^ raw •Gcnciino Sprilifj. H«I«>'V CUACKKRS ... only two decades ago. The Soviet TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSES $634,361.77, •$(183,«4i.l8 Union, adopting it in 1918. found let It run very long on any one. spot Br%EAST OF LAMB ... lb. Viv the anniversary of its celebrated of the ice. . ' REPAIRS ANI» REPLACEMENTS i Pan l!e;itly - BAUV .*.'. ~.:; ^ 10 Jars »7c October Revolution shoved into. No- Motlonolly Adwrfiktd Brandt . IUWH Cwit|M > -t ' nuild!rtR- 3Sc. • • Educational •K'»"i«rw. .iit .,..:...... ; :....'....,/(•—>••• 5,395.4.0 girengtb •> Haterlala •t a holfday- party, you can NATURAL1ZER arW LIFE STRIDE and calendar, the Hebrew calendar and Snow Crop s..-- I Clans X , m your ChrUtma« corsage' to SELECTED SMELTS .:....;.,1.'.-, .TTB. '29c ... lb bov* 18c — z |b. box 33cf others follow the ancient- Babylon- New basic information dealing 4 with the irregularities of atomic ar- 43c Apricot Nectar --•.23c fe B bar* shoulder with cellophane Fonnetlv $9.95 & $10.95 _ NOW $7-85 \l J Jan_ rather than the Egyptian pat- Strawberries . MANVAL TRAINING ._', ^ • -••:•«•. . ' f . • f.inKcments in solids—believed to be . It can be tastenei) to th« Frtsh CIt\iii>j Dirty IIDIUIS' tern. They .give heed to the moon- ,v-<«-' ' ." t <:aji 1 tame way; , .' •'' '" Salaries Teachers ....< ; /..,.....:. :...$ 21,400.00 $ 231850.00 njonth ot 29V4 days, and the year the key to the study of the strength "•Snaw tr«P > - ••-'•<.-•••••.• 3.531.00 :iO Mule Team BORAXO 8-ox. tail 16c Supplies ;.,...... '.r...... :... /.. i 3.-221.29 1 lb. can 29c of 12 moon-months, or 354 days. of materials—may soon be greatly Jjroccoli Spears 29c Vegetable Juice Equfpmtmt and Other Expenses ,,'„, , 1.741.19 JBS They then intercalate (insert) a increased as a result of recent Rul- i;ers university research. Austrian- Snow Crop' $ 2B.9ir2.55. CHILDREN^ SHOES very short month every year or" a - ••'• ..-.'- . .'.., $ 2C,3(52.48 ON ALL MEN'S J 262 PAIRS and near-average month every few born D^ Alfred J. Rcis, research Asparagus Spears --: Pork & Beans m:nT SERVICE / years to balance lunar and solar specialist io the state university's S 43.000.00 $ 44,000.00 Former Values to, NOW $4-85 years. ' -'' •:.""" • • •' [ bureau oi engineering research, and . . Seabiitok farms Redemption of Hoiuls FLORSHEIM SHOES : 24.1147.M) 23.102.50 BEANS lb. Sigmund Wcissman, his associate, 21c ": Tomato Soup Interest on Bonds. ril,.itv Ul,,lu, " have used X-rays.to produce more Cut Own • ' •< ;--v> BABY GOl'l»A CHEESE each 45c •* . ••••._ $ (17,102.50^. Juicy Florida ill Plan Cotton' accurate and complete pictures ot Seabrook Farms 300 PAIRS OF^~ ORANGES.. ,;. tloz. ' 3«Jc\ thc.ee irregularities than ever made CAPITAL 354 PAIRS demand for a com- before. The work is being spon- Peas 23c " Tea Bags W '1,751.55 $ 1,000.00 20c modity purchased with Marshul) I . Improvements to Buildings anil Sites !$ sored by the office of naval re- - 4,771,50 1 Seubruok Farhw -Equipment for 'New' Claysvs ..'..'..., .....~...~.?.:. 3,,4lt!.75 CASUALS I'.GUAI'EFltUIT » for 19c plan funds during 1949 was-for cot- search. TEEN-AGE SHOES N ton, the economic cooperation ad- F Ti:sc;m Dairy T.inns- '• , ,J 23c Evaporated Milk 1 $ 5,771.50 NOW .85 . 2'n.'.v Fioiidn mlniatratipti 'disclosed ' recently. Spinach ' ' $ 5.16B.30 o Formerl $5*5 rrg. M- 22c - homo, it, iZe U (or During the year cotton purchase Birds Eye ' , - "]' • 3 I'kCK.' GRAND TOTAL :.. .'. :..:$768,914.05 $R21,UOO:48 approvals issued by ECA for West Popularized Gift Watch DINNER BLEND' Nupoleon's Josephine pupularizea 45c . Dessert. & 23c S£U * v< of this amount ;is rcturntkl to the "" ••H. BRKAKFAS1' BLEND orn Europe totnllcd $575,900,000 j Orange Juice ., ' • of Education h» State Aid.. Complete Line of Men's; Women's Machinery .and/ equipment was the jivatch as a gift for sweethearts. In 1QD0 she received from Napoleon SOURCES Or REVENTE lb. 75c second wUfrfiUKI.OOO.OOO; bre.fd • grains, third/$427,300,000; and |ic a wutch studded "with 1,741 pearls m 1950-1951 1951-1952 and 158 turquoises on the case. He roleuni anif products, fourth, $420, : Actual Ksttiimtctl HOUSE SLIPPERS $ jtO.691.31 100,000. THo 1949 ECA figures In- even went to the point qf having State Aid „ $101,735.43 $ 94,587.429.41 cluded: $r,86l,906.00: :.';'.•,'• " •'•• • - , /•'•. >''• V<1. •.'.'. 'VV'' '.•'•."• '.;\ .'r- '.••-•'• :•'•••:'."••/ - . ^ '. •'.-•; -*:"-\.-"' -;:'• . '. •!' - -•''•• "•'•-.':;"'."; ''-';' --•-:"iiJ^MA^MW^' ..i- ' ..-'•"'•': ••.-•"•' ! V \.,--•'.'.. .•.••'.,.-. TTO CIUUm^ <*n^ •' - ;. .••^.•^- ;;:• . ---. •:"'" •;. •' •/}'±... "' '.••"." • . • ^.•••' Page'Ifcwe' -4, ourpalleSt ^mic^. •• anj approxi- a prominent place in" the House so .Oealive Art Jtiroup fTir CI)ir)'lcs"M7~Xii(Iers<»ii; ji Z-fam- Miiratltn of LanTPIaafe ChemlMh That ElimlnaU nately 2,1tiO. .veteran patients •yi they can enjoyed .and throVv Im In Wf rW't MlgMlitt Stairway 'il.v.at'. 12 R«i<)sevell• jtj-oet to'WjIlis TraHic LlthU in 1914 Convalescing Afte admitteadmittedd , to'Fdto' Federal l "IKBpilaTKRlt 412 > Lions Further Plans Ca)a4«|t I.MJ SiKits them away thin the last of their RtMfiHMtyPotftrlS|50 Ciimbs Shiintuiijft. tai Shan To Sliirl New Terni C.Jaicd for Willhm^-F. WViikur; Wm. Parents ol ,pre-scho«il- children (fir. -,-.- Offers Courses InUSeaW-itfExvliinH ; Poison Ivy Without Damagr Abolishad as Unntetuary V o municipal and siate hospiials. beauty-has P. Ktch.ison co-operating, Tahd a have t>een invited tq attend a mfset- : Art For 2,54b Anniversary * ' . • ' >r • ' ' ' •*-» ••' In jury at Korean Fi The 'Cr^nfahi. - Creativ ,Thtii»-are two 'chemicals that will 1 A compl«t«i catalog and ta Are ind ;688 to private hospitals. Dur- The honey pot.of the nation-Is - Th' n'orid's EtvTo'l - ."tairway, vacant lot at BrooksiJe' place to ing Wednesday al 8:15 p. m., in the - About • «K species of flowering t But for who hatelo throw Grouj> will stjrt its svvo'i'ul " Trafflfc signs " and signals have of the termites world has been, it KJEaWLWOR^H'— Cpl. again full to overflowing- A prelim- Dr. Jack J. Forester, Lion Gov- plants biva "gone to sea." Like, jfet rid of poison Ivy without BUrting become such a netessity in mod- ing, this sair.e ptritxi, representa- anything aw; and want to expe*i- plrtbc ira''p!f CVnVs five yarred crnori who spoke on •'"Uonism" at the ^whales and the -seals among- tho>-soll1_',.JFirst. .tliere is amniate' ment.VKith eir Cl^-iFtmas gift Through err >r it was Sihinal. co-opcru'tiitti-' CoVuthbia avenue.' The topic will ern, life that the National Safety tion. • : •...';'. .jti..,,.- .' • - '. \ , and Mrsi Ralph Hoesly of. 5? of agriculture entimatei that nearly' raw. the Tuesday 'evening'meeting in. ^ntmair, they-"-have; abandoned the vvhlch ijTused at the ^a'te of Vt of-a. Council.htis conducted, a] "Sigrjs" of. r Wer in 1950 ion throdghout"the stale had ap-poinsettibs, the following procedure jT^o'ip'-iij^ 'Tai Sl'no. In bVleBtttiere'i tjicse column th;>t Ix' Cninrp lie, "Anes and'Stagcf-."" Persons in,- Hie. Coach arid Four,,,will be the po(md to a gallon ofi water and. If lists «*«|lfand total ..'of 1;M2Twenty-first street, is .com proximately 4!>0,q00 personal in- 230 million' pounds of honey Will be cn'raf Snanti-nt!. Ji 2S- mile's soOth ,-land and Jb^bme -thorough-going Life" campaign to promote better maj- be tried: jWtet the leaves are .h*rvc«tod from the beehives! of the would lecture! to the {group tiidiiy.i ' tewsted 1u attendii>c are' asked to principal speaker at the twenty- %}C Fatuity sprayed on wherVUle Siln;is shinihgT! specie* of these Wood-eating In- ing in a Marine hospit'al in Tr-its year-«nd statistitol review, lerviews,'telephcuie ant{ letter con- of T-"inan. Shaiitims'ii.double-walled Postpone Canasta call Mrs. A. W. Kirestine of 261 -,y marine organisrns. For- the- mo*i public understanding' of( them.. gone set Ihe plants in a; cool stor- nation this season, the.secondJarg- Mr. CrumpVlocturc w;is ort,-t>u- In test?, this ^killrd from 90 to 95 mouth, N.. H.. He suffered sti • Veteran^, Administration, has victs with veteraxis ^nd' their fain- a«»d moated canltal ^crcently tnken 1 •a .0 professional • fireman: fifth anniversary celebr'atUtln o[ the,,,' The iWfstficld Adult j part-they havV\reniained in shalj sects, known chiefly to the general ige where temperature is between : I 'ifhe'Trinity'.Churcn. .dessert cn- Bloornihydale avtcnuc. •' . ' .per cent: of -the poison ivy. depehd- But" only 36 years ago an,electric- injuries and frost-bite of ' f-tha't'-New- Jersey veter- est crop'oh record. In addition, the by-Communist foretfs-Trtrcr'S' three' ccmbcr •4," '.'.'j .Who is more flreisafety "conscious, Craiiford Lions Club, it .was ttn^\Oiticli -\froyman O. Steenjffiife > of low water. \ • . ' public.sis pests-but to students of jlies. ^ ""•-'•... ./ /. , ' - W degrefcs and 50 degrees >. 500 billion bees were' sufficiently ]n;is|a piiiiy, usually held the llrst ind np-on how thoroughly sprayed. traffic signal wa; a curiosity, not' legs while in combat at" the ived more than $102,000,- month siege. ."" • /.The instrujelor' f<|r th'c.'s 1 youngsters or adults?, and I'll wa- nouriced. „. ' • • . The higher-,, plant, even more insect behavior' as among the most , -In suirirr.arizirt^^the year"? ac- Gradu^llyl withold water until the busy during their short, lives so'that j Wednesdciy of the month, has bticii 3"!) Lincoln avenub is di.<%tor,"wiil Then, a follow-up spraying in S(!n- a jneiessity.- The,first electric ,trrf- an-Manchurian 'border. in disability compensation. •&mcster willVbe A'ibert Bross of r'Oiai n.ih'e times out ''of ten the Robert Ln ier will be muster '61 than.the jnammal, seems to he tied™ ' fiei lights were placed in operation remarkable examples of social evo- tivities. I.fr." O*H«'ra ckso poin:eo »il seetnsldry. however, do not let they gathered from the flower* of There, are iome 0.700 stone steps I p.ostjW:ii«?d to.next Wedne^diiv due Army Nurse^ • : " '•*, fnirly ynrly ,in ' and educational benefits ; Summit. \ , '" I7H pco- iAgiBImi3lnCJeyetotO rutloti. Th* work is by Vt. Thomas The corporal was :>ut' that the VA ttaA in Ne^- Jer- it hr.-f>n-H bone^-dr>v ' '-i • '• ;' - ->hMi*ld«-and-Ucoi iii(ficlrnt nrrtar in Tai Shan'it shanlcs'-mare escala- ! to the~liiJ.lidrtj.-ij.,'. '.The parlies are Is't Lt. Eleanor Lou Sutton, Artny y 7,tnlgWyp»its •i'lll ujiiallykilrilfor aoodrTherels R'Snyder • ot~the^departmeht"of fi I950r-Acalso 2.4-D of which the tsterone form agriculture's bureau of entomology 1 .'O'Hcrn. maiiaeer of the f(ew- •_.. Along in.April or May, cut the risrs of the mountain's 15-milex P»n Sells 3r^ flipe safety-pointers." Chief Howard, r for tlu- suriftg'' term which 0|>A»s' salt water. "Only- lower orders of era ted. by a'"policeman in a. booth mouth on 'Christmas day. .|jis 1950, and that the number of ,VA pounds of 4>oney *>'r more *.o tr.ke. of tho TTr+nity CKili. Prutieecis .ire Vdrt-Sam Houston, San Antonio, pinion, on Japnarv 23., Ht 1 and plant quarranttnsO Dr.. Snyder L Rcgional.Office, this figure rep- jlants back to about 3 inches from. t •i.n. or Pilgrim-Way/ Untold nr>iltlona Qj-Er"HgwTat^l; i.;c':iitnr, -. GC, Schiridler said yesterday,'. ••. ";, -was appointed by Clarence Fritz, JanUiiry'29: • . "-••> . plant life, such as algae and oh the corner. After a short- time, brother; Pvt. "Jolm Hoesly', 20 .vc.uJ ytie Creek, Mich. Sne'js the daufih-. Tsajjns, the faculty of Union Jun- 2.4-D.' known as 2.4.5-T Is also ef- haVmade extensive cdllections but Vin" tfic' previous year for these •hat\ is!, moist, all all the way mit to worship s'h'eare!>ti Heaven.y ' country were ns conscientious land plant j has. played an Impor- Bong, Wash- ,' individual queens can lay -lStid^eggs for FiorenceAlur'tha;. a bun;:;do\v Mrs,. KiriCsleyf Lawroncci Miss flan ter "of Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul.A.Sut- icrnpr., intrOduceitl' -the speaker. ior College of Cranforrl has co- fective, and the two used together Tho next step in traffic" signals has studied the habits and .control •trough, and bring the.flant into a about "lire safety as their juniors Cj«arles Rwb of.,the Montclair tant part fn the economy, of sea consisted of towers in the middle ^ >Cpl..,. Hocsjy, attended JonawV;' ivanSier place and new branches a day. and keep that job up day Confucius IH his day (5tX) B.C.Vi at 15 Wall Mrcyt, William .LyfkcK;iy and Miss" Edith Cold.we.ll? tou of 14U Hillciiesf avenue. operated to make possible ,an un- •life.. Eel grass, abundant every- —the esterone form of 2.4-n and 2. of theNpsects through most of;; the HVU- •O'Hern added that more than ore.- our .(Ire loss totals- in this yiixl) was a visitor. The meeting L of.,,Fifth' avenue. New •York" City, western ,hemisphere. ' Dayton Regional High SchoiJ ind leaves'will develop! U rfiaybe after day without even asking, for. •was one of their number), The pilA usual course in '-Living Classics." W'her6 ' aiding temperate shore*, • li 1.5-T In about' equal qiiantities— ( UoOO cases involving^ disabilit> country could Uc cut in, half overi w;is condue'ed by August-., Ther- 'Each of livv instructor* has. select- mal;'es an Excellent ppison ivy orand (n Detroit, The lights were not Springfield, and . enlisted in wt pot and all, into the garden one day off in seven. grlms have . caused the - winding the favorite food of waterfowl; An- used to guide vehicles directly, but ^he^ catalog gives thW''whlte Lpcnsatiwi and -pension were Leading areas of production this route to .become ever more Unfed night. : ' / mann, Jr., president. ••' ' • ed a literary* work in . his- field, 1 -.brush"killer. Iri (act. excellent-suc- A Marine Corps four years iigo. Ifc! luring the summer, lifting it when other migraVit frbm the land , fur- arits"—a ,bad misnomer—a new Ldlcd by the' New Jersey Reg- with holy temple* and toyvers. and "Generally speaking, school-chil- which was c'ohsjjJcVed a lasting •cess has been had *l(h both the es-'to relay ihstructibns;. to' other reenlisted a year ago and wns .son'fjj cool weather, arrives, in the fall and '•' year -are the north central ^tates. nishes the food of the manatee, or towers. -The colored lights had dif- family ' tree,; arid( several : hitherto LlOBlcc of the Veterans^ AtT- with tea houses and; huts to cater, I-'>HJ«1 tiri«-fs jrr' euvrrnrd by supply. ..dren believe in llre.preveritior/ahd contribution to world liteiatcn'v. •' terone form, nnd the combination, of to Korea s66n after-4he oulbivntl be/ore frost. "••'.. . v. * notably Minnesota. Iowa. .Ohio and Siliiny Acres Clnh sea cow, an essentially, vegetarian ferent' .-meaning's;'" 'too.'. In . Neife unknown- and living and ,fossil tiHislVation. and the number o to' the-rawarmlng humanity; PcacV W'hoi kU]ip/irk jttc plmlitul. pi ice* flre protection. They think/ it is The, selected .classics will be dis- ihcsp.'two In,killing Tboth pdison Ivy genera and species are listed. The of war. ••. • . • t ' '3 A mimeographed leaflet giving Michigan, which produce light-col- . animal. Most of tftes.e plants grow york. red stopped all-traffic, green- Etoians ,who received educational Many Christinas gifi ii?an?s,_love-. . oreil delicately-flavored honey frohl time visitors in the spring have oft- a.*V- li.v ; ulirn supttlli-k irr kt-arer, important. They arcwillinR'-'to ac- To' See (*arden Views cussed in this.ordi'r by ihc'follow- In dense patches in submarine attd brush. -• , ' ' •.•"'.• •''}••> wood "eaters are most closely re- Married, his. wife is the detailed instructions on caring for prl4-r' arr Itiflf. And, right fiuw, thri,e : meant stop for horth-bound traffic, y as they are on the morning oJ clover and -jiweetclover; and theen numbered 10.000 a day. Annual-, •?'•.. v- cept flre as a very real 4»\d very jng 4»vstru'ctor«: t'Trojah' IWorhen" "• I?.sfeoms jhat-thereis alwavs -flne lated to the cockroaches and thus Miss* Phyllis Blake o£ Jcrto'iils. - each' month averaged Poinsettias in the home may, be r..ii.K Alii: p-lririirul . . .and (iiry're- Slides :of the DuPont estate, in fields! affording; shelter for many and amber meant go for - north- "Jocember 25. can \ look as bedrag- Western -area, including California, ly on October 1Q. Chinese Repub- . sneaky enemy:. In school nnd^oth- by Dr. Tsirgos, "Don Quixote" by drawback -to. everything, .so we ujv, Sn liuild .your Mirll-u^ urontl'd '.Mrs. Donald Ettinger andviews of |V > Idaho. With a wide range in flavors loldler' for miles around, joins the and .Prejudice" by Miss- Anna' B. . The first": electrically Interlocked the ancient forests at least 23.000,- 1C1K he said, d'nd it was estimated Christmas iree-»if they are kept too House,' Elizabeth 4. . Ihi-ni. rill yi.ur IliiWkrt wllti Ihcwe low. the .need for" precautions against Uniop County parks and'gardens . 'the' Water." Presumably they be-, "hiate:|9 tha t.while It is not poison- from aromatic orange and thistle to worshipers and_ sightseers climbing' flre. and $,thej; start out by,, being Murphy-, "Walden" b9 Theodore R. ous, and doesn't In cloth or huYt: signal system waa (installed, in 000 years ago. The termite order hat 29 000 home, bUsiness and long under ordinary house~ i rosl funds mill kr^ h.,u- inurh rarlhrr will'be Shown b'y Mrs. Frank-Dick- came "qccustomod to salt-Impreg- : Named Den Mother full-flavored alfalfa and cotton. •'.Tal Shan. .. • " • •' 'JL '• ' .'• ' •'•\- yuur inniiry goe* ul ('HAS. KIKT/. Motan; and "-Anna Karenina" b.V the grass under tho poison ivy. it Houston. Tcx..Mn 1922: Nine in- itself is at least 30.000.000 years •MIII loans were apprbved during. Tions. PoinsetLias,. begonias and cy- willing to"'follow these . precnu- crt at a nieeting Tuesday of the nated soil near tHe shore?'for countr tersections were controlled from' a' However, bees are to be found in' MAHKl I—lhr mitrkrt (hJtl's full and ; tions... .''.'. "y ' ' •' . .. Sunny Acres.Garclen Club, Arnold J. Keen. '.'. . . . less generations before . venturing will corrode a cheap spray purhp. old and has' Undergone extensive Fdr Cub Pack 178* |950; Ifi approving «Wse.. loans,. clamen ai'e probably the most difli- Draft Board to Call •The true pilgrim first worships at ; central point. ,.-,-, .•ut ; popular Chiistmis. piints to every county in the country, and ancient Tai, Tempie.Xin the walled, plt-iitv of rvrrythiug. Including, law '-..''. 'Then, all t<¥> ofteh.'they notice r Mrs. r^aul Richtcr and Mrs. Emil farther. ' . ' So.bo sure to wash yoir sprayer out evolution, although some, of the f Virginia deStephanis.;of n IA Ruurantc^d "rnore than $103,- 50 Men for .Physicals Mrs. Thomas Ammirato^ of Cran- . .thoroughly after usflngut.; The red nnd green lights finally rrtost primitive forms 'still aref in •92 000 of approximately $194,782',- keep.in the home. •• . the 900,000 beekeepers of the nation village of'Taia^i.;..He\ then passes .(hat their pj^ors are not. always sol Tobler will be hostesses;-The meet- South ' Union" avenue has 'b»i;J .are scattered very widely. ford Will^offer a beginners' course ' '. There is shme evidence that the used in controlling street traffic, • existence. .'"' • • •' |oo'lc\it by banks and\ other m- The average hotnt hat plenty of :,'•' Fifty men wijl be called tomor- through the North GatV to start thi fire-coiist'iolis us they should be ing will be held in- Mrs. Dickert's plants which went to make' up the The 2,4-D solution nasr a -very named Den Mother for pen Jt'i in Chirtii*. Painting, 'il<.>'igne( ai Temple, the Temple pf the nivinj lege' work ii not. required for. ad- the seaward migration pf the high- When . horses . come down ' with ing two( years.. ; Cranford. Ga*wood, Westfield or other legumes f6r which honey- • an ash tray. • .. . : A course in Flower Arrange- . foi; even -washing thu" sprayer out markable social organization. ' lotaicd over $540,000. Iri"addition, lWierc -and"" "rather h»sh humoidily. bees are rapidly becoming the prin- Employee, the two Halls |of Bright-' •mliilon" to medical ichooli. Dr. ments will be 'o.ltcrccl by Mrs.e.r plants took place. ; • • • • IS or 20 times will not entiicly elim- sleeping sickness or' swamp, fever, Announcement has., been • made! Plainfield. Scotch Plains, FanWood. er Vision, the Tower of lOiOOO Fa/r- ' . "Youngsters haire been~tnld that owners should look . beyond - feed Ictcrons received 12b,000 e^amiria- Rather than try to nurse these cipal means of.pollination. Although Donald O. Anderson of Chicago,' ' Frances E. Wismeri nationally ac- inate the traces of this nnatcriai. that Mrs. M.sMarino xviU'bo o,J plants along why^ not put them in New Providence, Berkeley Heights ies, th^ Heavenly TeappfTrtovfcr, the these are All violations of- common and water to find the cause. If it- Mother for a new den to bolfni'iieiil liotis and 59,000 treit'meuls. in VA native ground-nesting bees are not 1 tecretary of the American Medical credited' flower show judge nnd Therefore it wo'lild be much bettdr Jap Planned and Summit,; '; , • ' , .Temple of Fairy preaml/ Lt^tus sense, -fire safety, • But if nothing association's council on medical ed-' were possible tp trace the inftc- in Kenilworth.7 " '•- >. quite in the class of the buffalo and president of the Cranford Garden to bave_otie_srjraver thnt yo\i wihild .Although It has been a" Chinese- ; N ^ r if'"•"••• •' spect for tire and you seldom, if Anderson pointed out. had B- aver-' were also the first to use It as a it is extremely rare for horses to 50 years of Japanese ' confrol.' A foi ChVistmns. >..'.' -\. ••' •.. • -I as'livable and as successfully grafe. wall decoration. . areas of the Capitol to.rbceivo dec- get either of these diseases through Office located oh ijiale Street, Clranfprd, near alcd. as a large ^ ever, .licnr of an ..individual. Scout •BM... •' "- -'• »• ''• ".".' , ' . orative - attention, recently. The majority .of. current -maps -still jden-< •-.The paefc,held, its ahhtkft ChVisUU the digestive tract: .In most cases. ; small homes council at the UnivW- or. a full troop^ being responsible rotunda hadn't been pointed fo'r tify 'it' as Talhoku.. its- Japanese, 'mas; partyiinT sC Michael'si Se.lwi^i B. & Ov (>o»8«ifi: on South Avenue. Hifli.Frtqinney Spund Warn i for p fire. '.. < •.."''• the virus i« inroducc' d into the sity .of'lilinols in/ij«iiing a rev-isVd p-.';'"'.-'0'.' • 19 years and it look fiyo days of name in this period.' •" ~ '•••• * "CMbjs iEfs"yell .'.as 'th'eir^ UmijiicV j "Whc'nNin 11-yenr-olH youngster blood strenm by biting Insects or CKANFORD'S SUNDAY Utitf In Gall Stom llhiass;./' edition of i&< clrf ul'ar on "Interior BOARD OF EDUCATlOlCcRAlNFORD, JN; J. dusting to prepare it for its new careless , use surgical! instru- brothers and-sisters enjoyed re-1 p bf A new technique for brcakiifg gall- Design;" • ""-•• becomes' n Tenderfoot, he hliH to coats of color. II now his an i\rory mentg. Lice L«wer Profits) freshmerits arid rfeceived gifts fit.ml lli nKt i-nVitn»l fni-Hnn ' . Santa Clntis. l-ii ; BILUNG TYPIST DRUGSTORESCHEDULE •tones by high frequency sound It points oujjthat "intorior dc •(' V. Lice, on laying- nens.. .cut. deeply w«ve» hai begii duvtluped. rnii ideas of c nfi^rt, beauty, eco- iJ^ School Year JtiVy 1st, 11151 to June 30th, 1952: •--——T" Fircs'burnnear $150.00 Moiilh to Start!.—- AilvanrViiienl stricted to anesthetized rabbi{iTancl nomy, and cas ability to cope with thivnt of lire! y,$2,poo,o( lz«l that.lice U causing loss of eggs a dog, open Up the possibility that ij of \mninteqance; ,:^.- ;..,... Jij. 19 in honrfys. office, buildings, valuable unill the egg production takes a big A, review of the book, "Tht Tvis-I and satisfy the broader standard's >When he .begins to woi;k on merit Budget Proposed . New Optical Glass FILE CLERK * gallstones may some day be treated ; Current Budget ' timbeAlimd, foodstuffs and other n drop. Lice Worry the hens and the eiichahted," by Bud Shuiberif J of good design; I;OIN . •' badges, he gets mor.thorough train-. A Northwestern university phycl- be given .Tuesday at n meetinc- htl without surgery. If gallstones can be " i\ ' -'Y ...I Year Ensuing Year sources What arc Virtually irreplaC< nervous reaction .will cause tfie egg On I. B. M. Tiibuluting Cartls — Begiiiner W A. V M. Text pHhe nb half . ii j't- -inn irrtlrt' prevention and lire con- 1951-1952 clst has developed a new typo glass able. Ufc'cording to the Nation^ 8;30 p. m. of the Wcstficld;-Cnin-I successfully fragmented by high fre- ( , i. by Pfof. PORK ROAST production to drop. Lice is toneo f " " ' •"-• • ^ which may make important -coni | Fire. Underwriters.! A lotd Section of the National'Coim-I $130.00 Monlli to Start — Atlvanci in. nl J p. SL t« : quency sound waves, or ultrasound, James R. Shipl w of th?, art depart- * . .. : •/ • rr Board |f the easier formsjof poultry) para- rncnt: designs tributlonsl to the world of science thbugh|',mj * losses dipped sligb •cil. of Jewish Women at thpf the small, broken pieces-may then "A goo«l Scout is,the best .'illy, n Administrations- . , ^^ through iis'use In research instal- sites to confrol. The producer can by William S. flfc department has. We "need U),<'i*i Solmol Elections : ...... ;...... ; : ; ..^^^^^ ann.oo $ 310.00 list yeriW for the; first time Ai of Mrs. Philip Schneck, 10 Girls with Goo«l Ex|M»rieiiee Cunsitleretl ) pau into the intestines and be ex- ments. X)j. Rudolph Frerichs. *bo treat the roosts with a nicotine sui- creted through natural elimination. Council' artist. . badly. •-.And- we. wish a lot of Sahirics Dist. Clerk, Clerk & Ciistaditrti^Tr^TT. JR.55O.qO 0,405.00 1M2.' tho st of Wamaged Ame^ic fate compound jusi before time for. avenue. The book' club .will'bo inl CLOSED 1 came (16 ' the .United States from At Higher Ralejs. Among suggi lorisyprcs Erown-ups had as much-llre.scnsi Other Expenses ,...... v...:...,^,<...... 2.300.()0 1—2,1275.00 gmpcrtyj-l me w $687,536,' charge of the program. (High.frequency sound waves are Germany two years ago, recently e'hens' to go to roost. This com. THIS SUNDAY Don't clutter jar roon "~ns those yonngslers do," the Chiff hitheshiht t ffoW waves which vibrate with a fre- l^.iooioo 11, 90.00 discovered how to produce th»-first pound Will - be. evaporated, by • the. 5 Day 3^ Hour Week — Cafeteria — Vseations much. furnlturi declared. " warmth, from theIbens and. the quency too high to be audible to the Instruction Supervisory. — ' - ,: ; glass whl h can be easily molded! To human ear).. . - .. Keep convcr lonal •',•.' Sahiries Supervising -Principal, Supervisors ~\'' ~•'' •", • fumes, going-through thauteatherg, 7 Pai«l Holiday* — Qlliec Benefits 1 v and.also;hU the ability to transmit: |p The Cranford Woman's Club will] from lines of •affic. , chairs PORK. LOJM. CHOPS -.' and Principals ...l.,.i...s.....:'. ..,.: .$42,500.00 4(l.i 140.00 will kUl the Uce. Ifhis treatment Iii these experiments, the ultra- D of A to Install New infrared!' (hbat) • rnys of extremely 14.00(M Should not be a sig^t fo meet Tuesday, at 1:30 p. m. in'the YeU'phone-Pct'sonnerDept., CRanfo'rcl 6-3900r for I. Ibtkway's sound was introduced, through an outTJo? far co]irs;- \\ chairs Salaries Clerks ..-. ;. ,...,.. 15,050.00 16.: 75.00 long waye lengths. These, two chnr- should be repeated lit 10 to 12 days Evening-Interviews Cim; Bc.^Avrangcd. Councilor at Ceremony Other Expenses. ...,...... ;.,... ..;..,..' 2,'2(iO.OO 10.00 so that the young lice that'.have home ot Url W. M. Comric, 21i| . abdominal Incision and directed, otf together. acteristics nay make the' glass the gallstones without damage' to Mrs. Dorothy Johnson* will; be higWy_uscfu '\ •Just hatched will be killed.: Walnut avenue. Place table installed as councilor of Harry D. -00,410.00- r~$ 05,025.00 -the. surrounding tissue of\ the -anl- chnirsand • Instruction Proper —• mals. •. • " -^-** / make.a. "table ' Johnson Council J23j. Daughters of Salaries Teachers ..., : $449,100.00 $ l82.0fl5.00 1 ••-• •• America,, nt a public""ceremony o^more seats, b~ -Textbooks v : ...'.:....'...'. 7.970.07 7.97B.97 " Thus far. doctors have' limited Wednesday.. nt the • Masonic. Ton-' ' Instructional' Supplies ...... :. .-.. 10,237.53 • 14,756.07 atable their/research.to the proof of two , Hang picturi at\ eye/evil, A .pie. . . ——%— i~~r"~. T™6UieV Items.....:...... 7OO.|IWJ 1,300.00 basic points: first, that gallstones Furnishings bi SlrnilaV-\in s\-..' > -".: Deputy Mrs. Irene Lewis of rto- can be fissured or fragmented. by scale to achievl sclle will be fhe__iinfitaUln(! ohlc'cr '$474,OO7.B0 $507,018.04 '.ultrasound; and second, that live .spindly end-ta out of; Operation — : X, tunt\ state., offlcers nhd deputies animal tissue surrounding the gall- beside a larg ort, Salaries Janitor* and other Employees ,^L. i. $ 33.050.00 $ 37,962.00 stones need not be damaged during i' will be present. ,'-"••''..•' : Supplies 3.000.00 3,0O0.0u ' Diagonal pi in Corners GREEN CIRCLE I I' Mrs..-Gladys. Johnson 'fmcl 'her ... Fuel. .,: •.',..; 12.000.00/' 12,000.00 SUPER MARKET the . brief exposure: to ultrasound.. space. committee Will lie in'cha'i'gerpfjhc 10,0(IO;00 c ' Light, Water iind Power ^, 10,500.00, »' ./• Strive for ie\of- faintcnortce) installation.' ' ... Telephone and'Telegroptf^. lrioo.oo 1,500.00 Eliminate b ia-brac, cScccssW !' 400.00 ' ChlUdrea'a Noon Meal APPLE! Other Expenses""^".....:;...'...>...... ,..; L...~^ 40C'"*' 100% SEli SERVICE SPECIALS! carving, .and "- ——X Whether a child eats in the school VTA Board $ (10,450.00 $ (!5,3fi2.00 : V : : :r: : lunch room, comes home for lunch makes cleanlr J -•.li-/:..'?ll^Z~ ^.A-:'i:.:/'- -''~&::-'-' ' ''...': '' "' FFEE The executive board;of Jhc Vil- Co-ordinated Activities— '•' ' • or carries his lunch, his noon meal Inge Improvement Association will Salaries Attendance Officer,, Medical : . should supply .him with at least a D ; Home U* ihcet Tuesday nt the hpme -of Mrn. • r Inspector, Dental Inspector ' .- I icM Smite Mcai Sppni* * *|ftirffy Sped* third of his daily, nutrition require- • and Nurses ; j,™r..\ ;.....;...... $ 0,050.00 $ ' IW135.00 can . E. A. Koyen, 215 Miln street. Co- l ment. It should include milk: a pro- Before nttei 79c ' Other Expenses .JJ!rtv.-..'...r...... J.7 1,590.90 1,401.98 .Armour's •• ' • "'••" •••''.'*.• • •' CawpbeH's •) ''.-.' ... • "••. . '' •. hostesses will be Mrs. Walter Hu- SHORPE^S OFTHE l cans tein-rich food 'such, as cheeke, eggs, "yard skating fflrik ty flVodlnk there, mger and Mrs. P,. B. Alger. $ 10.04G.90 $ ri",23C98 miJCK ROAST ,;...lbl 55c IH>RK & BEAKS v 2 f-* 2Ic meat or. lish; a fruit or Vegetable should be sevflal iAchei of flost Aux41jary Agencies — (preferably both); whole-grain or ..the ground. #Ui tHp *\ tempera- "*".• "'"•-' * "~ 1111"".'*" '"". "."~"" • .*"~*T" , ,-;/ ... ',.";. Safegiwrt far '.. Salary Librarian ...$ 3,050.00 .«„»"'$ 4,015.00 "Fresh Jersey '.. • ' ."..•• .' ,'•,"•.' ; ^J'^ -^i ,n™iser' •"'•-'•'•'' •'"•'• enriched bread; and butter or mar- ture well bclol Yrcedn tlbhM >"?XFarm-Frc*h Produce fc .: % Pasteurization is the' most impor- Cafeteria ,..,,....; "' lOOOO.OOO 1,7<>0.00 1 garine. An effectively administered or even. Jow|-.\ TWp fl)fst Transportation-, I..../.,;.... t ' 1,460.00 4.000.0C* ONS ON FINE FOOTWEAR PORK LOINS ' Ik 35c 21c I"' r •*';-, .' taot single protective measure that school lunch program not only pro- should be sj . " Athletics ;;,.—^r,..;.«-.. :;.',.;...... _, „ - 3,000,00 3,000.00 & 'ir.-i, '"-. ~ -ean"be taken against disease germs; jed Lt'iir or :. ..".' .. ;. ' ... . vides children^ with well-balanced that it will I JJs\ (julcklV coV>led.\ Breakstone's . , "•; 8-uz. ;.; Pxtrji I'.nicy CuliCorulu Other .Expenses .;.. . :'..,'. ...,.,:..f!?...,'..'. . ,2,2.7vH,45 . 2,033.5(5 Vow .Stjill mve Tin^e To Participate In This Great and nourishing meals—it can also .:•'..' : to' milk. Without pasteurization. RUMPS VEAL ;..«...... ,... ..';4 ...' UOVAL GELATINE (all flavors') 3 i>kc«. l»c not, the heat |Vth\ wat\r rn>y tti -•....' ••.;•••••.- Saying Eyeii|t , QulvStock ','fes Wg . - $ 5,Bin.7fi '••• ; % • Ij. Velv :31c .'"•«•• '•• consumed by persons, Hying In torn- $ 7,«oo;oo . Itatto Blmft Hawk • "• ' , ' , "SBArTUE .CHUNKS ^...^ e*« 25c Gregorian Calendar it is thick enough-to i ; ; | YAMS...:...... grass or other stubble .thai might . . :• •': * ; munltles und.er 10.000" populatli •OTAb"~CURRENT EJCWEN'SES :....».....w...... $(i34,3fi,l.77 THE BENEFIT OF THESE SUPER-BARGAINS! SKINLESS FRANKS :,. | Ib. idl« 55e Japan adopted the'Gregorian cal- >,• ' Tuscan Dairy $.qA3,n4i..'i8 sdtfcliii* ' .• ' .'. '- ' \"' -' Yellow • •- M ''. .-' ,' .was not p*iteurl»ed, but was fiw \ endar in 1873; China and Turkey- stick through. Apply as little, water* |] Milk j homo. 23c 1 .' 't • ' •.. _it£. -* • .^ . > • l.'GeiHiincSi)riiiK-'." - r' • • ' • ' past. 22c I,;; . - FaiteBlog €oi— — ... -RfcPAllW AMI* HE1'LA( KM^NTS—-, KWs>Pf. CRACKERS .-'. Ib. box,' 29c only two decades ago. The Soviet asTTjiossible at-one time and don't rr TV- w I BREAST. Of'LAMB 1; ,..:...... Ib. Vte- -let it run very long on any one spot W you wear a !|houiderles« for- nuildinftM and Grounds / ,..'...;.. .'$ 29,77fi.(i0 - : ;1 V .' ' '. '' " " - Union, adopting it' in '1918. found mal at a holiday party, you can "Educational Equipment -.,;,\.M. ».,<.., .'..,. ..5,305.40. 6,038.55 ...JMH^S, SHOES ft»n Ready-..,' •' .•; . " " ' the anniversary of its celebrated of the Ic'o4 - - secure y pur Christmas corsage to ' FOODS ...r^T.. 10 Jars 9tc October Revolution shoved into No- ( : <; NAtORAUZER aniUFE STiSiDE" HtfcSH MACKEKKL ,. ..' ...Ih-. 35e - Nallonallr Ad»»rti»»d Brandt ;.;. *;- -p.- • - ' -. „ ' "' ' •" . ' r $ 35,174.00 '•' $ 9B,\ 12.75 vember by the change. China's-bid your bare shoulder'with cellophane • •i!il tape. It can. be fastened to th» Formerly $9.95 & $1^.95 NOW Formerly $9.95 & $10.95 SELECTED C»> My.te Tv.am • . .: calendar, the: Hebrew calendar and ' Strength «r Materials ' ~*»«^ . ,^L "". ' MANUAL TRAINING ^ ' ; ' " Ib " lill Snow Crop'"^ •"' l'kc. :•: Heart's Delight wrist the. same way. '" •. ;• : .....IB. » lMki:.\Xt ...; Ib box 18c r— 2 Ib. box 33c others follow the ancient Babylon- New basic information dcallnR Salaries Tcacficrs .: ...... J...... ^..'....^..., .:„.$ 21,400.00,•• •$ 23;850.,00 with the irregularities of atomic ar- ?• Supplies ,...*,,>...,.;,...... :. ;.: .^:. ;... 1 ,t,22l.2»; V. ' S.531.00* Ian rather than tho Egyptian pat- fi] Strawberries """• Apricot Nectar .:,-... 23c ill Equipment nhd Othct,Expenses'..:....-....,....:.....:...... :.,;. , 1,741 J9 \ Garden tern. They give heed to the moon- rangements in solids—believed to be : l.'sbo'.ns," Vi Mule Team ROUAXO 9-ox. cut 16e , month of 29Vi days, and the year the key to the study* of the strength ..< 'Snow Cmp .. v-s . * «£e c'siwi fj Si- •.•'P- 85 %• ^0,3(52.48 '' •< " $ 28,»7i.55 CHILDREN'S SHOES 1 Ib. can 29o of 12 moon-months^>or-'"354 daysr of materials—may soon be greatly' I Broccoli. Spears , Vegetable Juice 23c. 1™ 15% (*H's • , • 262 PAifei ' 'LKT-riiCK ;,....:. Redemption of nonds : w !^4af.000.00 $ 44.OOO.0O e. IILUII Kc near-average' month every -. few uorn Dr. 'Alfred J. Rcis, research Interest..'on Uonds , :...,. .'....,....'..,, ,'. 2j>,H4.7.5Q 23.1-02.5.0-' Former Value* to $6.95 ^ NOW'85 I .AsparagusSpears' Pork & Beans FLORSHEIM SHOES Fancy Flyrithi'" il.in years to balance lunar and- solar specialist in the state university's bureau ol engineering research, and 1 /• yea,rs.' ' ; r! ,' Kra'brtMik I'arins Caiiiiilwirs . . ' : . _'"-•'• % " . $.67,847.50 $,07,102.5.0 ,.. *..,. Ib. I itv Slgmund VVcissman, his associate,, ^ -"••"* CAPITAL OUTLAY Juk-y 'Flmiila ' BABV tiOriJA CHEESE :..:.... each 4Sc have used JC-rays to produce more IPJ .Cut Corn- ,.-•••. • Tomato Soup. 354 PAIRS OF : C -••,-•- 300 PAIRS OF . •. •"—' i. • - -, Improvement* to Buildings nnd Sites ;... $ 1,751.55 $ 1,C.'K i3-:J«>'-'(Fi''ins ' - ' ' •. ' / toni the economic cooperation ad- GRAND TOTAL ...,..,..„ : ,....$788,914.05 Formerly $4.95 & $5.95 NOW $O.85 ••: SpinacK 23c * \* of this: amount is retiinied to the Board .TANGERINES. U for 25 MILK -O 'W». qt Jjc ^- home, qt ,33c ministration disclosed recently. - of Education, in State Aid. ' '•' v- ,During< the year cotton purchase H -Birds Kye Evaporated Milk ..^.12c| •it HLKND approvals,issued by ECA for Went popularized Gift Wtftch k ' : .•'••• SOURCE'S OF REVENUE ivy *^ Complete Line of Men's, Wornen'et aniA Children's Napoleon's Josephine popularized crn Europe totalled $375,900,000 HI Orange Juice 1949-1950 1950-1951 1951-1953 »/79c Machinery and equipment was the watch as a. gift; for sweethearts. Desserts & Puddings .._.. 23c I . ' Arlual second with W1»S,000,000; bread In J800 she receive*! from Napoleon ryot State Aid r. $101,735.43 . , $ 94,5«il;22 $ 90.B91.3l HOUSE SUPPERS (Trains, third, $427,300,000; and |>c a watch .studded with 1,741 pearls District TdXt

' ^.---' lit *A^-:;:-~.:,» •-•^ia^K^aa^^^^^ : ; ::; ; 1 : 1 : : ; v : r : > : f'?••.• '•;;•-'•' r-' - ••-..•-''.'•'. -•••'" . -v. j--v-^'.' •:''' ;-•':'' '•'..'.' „, 'fy. ,.- ''-';; • •.'•''. .V. . ••" ' .'• ~"2J0=z-'-' "*' •• Y-.'' ''•Y'""'^';^^-"^.'' ' ' ''''••'' ''•"''•)'''?''' - •'••'•••'• K,''--:--'^''-^""'-* "' YZj'—:V /^ ".'•'••- •-" '2LJVT-.H L •...,-' • •'•*•'•'•'.•"•v ••, '<-'- ••'•-'•- ' '•>>'••.'••• ;-^-.- •>- .-' ' .;.- ":•• "•' «^- CR***&-'cmzx&'fa itAT . •"'" " • .'•,''•'.'• • '. ' ' ^ ' I '' '• ''.••' '/" '';'.. ••'-•••.... i^ai^miiH^H-i

Robert Pegg to Wed three join Holiday Betrothals Rosette Park Girl '' Collegians' Miss Sue i • ./• i • '- iGortriysca of 232/ •r avemtr. jetm lMsiia*iat\ of Kir. nncl Mrx -Miuthu Mqatk JiMui F. Lat'iuui o( 207 ICliu stn)Pt, Rtfsclfc ^ Robert" Charles MARY GR ACe COfcEMAN was humc for the < holUltiys fnmv --„„, , Mr. and Mrs J.*il Huler C9»1CKC Trenton. j Pegg c^: 214 Be^ch streA, was an* — •;;...:.,:. ^jl... nounceH Christmas Day-. •.:--.' Itun ictut'iwd i« IIOSH«HI llwi IWo'll'iiwIJiMtiliiill i ofKos- mnn «frifu:~ tnnr.-.s j> Takes Harrison Bride " Miss Gorczysca is a graduate of Davis and Elkin^ CalleitCi Klkiloi. t'ulil'tiiiiiti iiufl Mi.ii Battin Iiigh School. Elizabeth, and W. Va.'.~ alter, tt luilidtt.V viuiilion She U.thi' lidiii < »>f Mr. tintlJVlYs. It- A. -t'l»;inri r.j" &t.R.!Ut r *Fl:\\ii&W*<7- f College. She U with his 'mother. Mr*. Miiry Ci. Un>- empioyicd by tho Jl^J.lAiiiilliiiL Uv^mii:.!-. -rr^~ ^— si'-r^id^N m.*^. tVrs: u. »'rj. , -i^; . R:.,!>u.^.u TTT^*^ ini h/ Vr Banking Company. 1 Mr. Pegu is an alumnus of Cran- '• Miss- Marilyn Link, duunlilfr of -"Diihiiiil- KN'KKi H"i> nfMi'-i -i ford " High • School and MichiRan Mr 4md:T4r>. J. Flank Uiikof-Jia Mis, • J. M. lVt!« of '.Vl-I 'ii< State j College. A Navy veteran. Elm 'strofl, spent her va-I\- i'.i#iV-\l>n*r only....until It lij Airs 'Car'• Sr»hr. rti •<'*-v Ui-ii butler. *k ?:iiiiisi. ^VTI'.!.. rrietirt ••rw fjynv.'ir T (."!'(•!imiiri. hr.">:hc:- •. Schenc-ctady. N. Y. Simon Dollvm- "li kluiwu Hour; vUr< uu')l T>oi: Tir.rsy or. >cn«;rriy\ ,.... Mr, and Mrs. Louis P. Stuckle of "Liberator of Voiui ' -(;.,I,I| Kut liits" au4 "(Soot fur-You" ininr, - . " . . ... :, •••. 51 Palisade road. Linden, have an- William t.C«les of 25 .West Hi»l- MARJORIE McKAV i wort (i., mint: brou'n nounced the engagement of their lysircel temporarily has been upr daughter. Alma Louises to Michaet pointedpriv;ite first CIJISS, CMrs. Michael t. Tpma- Mr. and Mrs. James R; McKay of Varley.., ' '.. '"- ' L't" -Mr. and MrS;_ James R. Langston y Joseph Daubert, a jynior ut Holy it- y -goud- d<-al to do 9 " ,_i]v>, oi; .4(iD\.E.lm: street 'have sm- 530 Harjrjson street," Rahway, an- . -Miss Stuckle, a graduate of Lin- tijaf tiiost I niadc au »,Ic»'" 'speclak' out* in awliilt; just tlidtrt : cf 26 East Wtstfleld #treet. Roselle C»CoUeg has returned tcv Customers "- TV.IT G.:rdriipr- n: :. ho!- Camiii^ky if- u tu>nriPi'd-lh«-\-eriBaeernent- of their nounce, the engagemerit Of'lheTrr Beh THrgTT School/ isi ,ftwpr. Bi-own In ci.u-d.thut a.typt'-lui*; WuiiiijtM-teis tut n»y total food bill «nougli lo he- wortli aU tiit- liuie and etiergy* .•'.'-- ••i v- Park, formerly of Cranford,, have Woivesifer. i ••-.•!-.'„ • • Hurrisnn. HlCli'.&htvnl 1- Marie.'.to" Charles daughter, Marjorie Walker," to the Singer .Manufacturing Com- . H***ou with Chopped jLJ.Mr Spread '„ or iiliont S ' i/'j 1 V'." ' - » the- holidays with his .father,. Jos- it,toot; to Iraci: tiJeiii dowc. 1 discovered tliaf' I .could SUM-, U Jot-"tiioiy .,. • £ lot easier ' -V; * ' S. Mct.V,. ,«inW Mr. .. ahd • Mrs, Ji.nnounce'- d the engagement.of their Frederic W. Thomas, Jr:; son of pany. -Mr.. Varley attendwl Ro- - tulcn »nd took 1b. v«**J, bt*f, % Up,, nalt \'i iuwb vr.pork 'v .avenue. ' •• .'*•.• T"t.Vl''-"J £•';' • '• "•• i.\"enue. Arinoiiri^ement -was made den place. . Study.Center in Cranford. Dur- I,,. bn!:i'il atidfrH with" 1 at* priced low every day.io-uie weeic and aQverlJM;tl price--.iitv puuitainted iar'"*i full Haisch; son.of Mr. and Mrs! Elm.er ,-.- • ' • —•—:•. •• • ' '••••'•• rtrt-ter hue vlb'j i'ti":<.-'..i, tin n-.-.-JU: . A* yuu knov, A&P ha* led tW Sr.iur(lii>' at1 a {jir^y given In hpn- Miss McKay is a graduate of ing World War-II. he scared two Miss Barbara Kaiser, n juiti'br }.Vr iViiist'»-l'ft!cti.vr fi/.t- v.'Sit1 .l'j'.'tid j, I.1; fc •'. ' i-r f.l ih<- couple Jiaisch of 11 Sylvester street. ' MV in Mwing tbul «v«r5 it«m you ' . week, e^«i tbyiipli wb^olpsaie prices°f[o up. lieiifcyt-'HMJ, tin-s-iivjiif;- I rn:tkf tiuii isay ijre : ith the Kv:irr.>' ttiirr^wjire Ctirh- Sahway High School and Muhlen- years in the Navy, spending mosl at Bouve-Boston School of Physir • • -ui*llt«d'' iv Uj-lO-pwiit iyi>v. u'iiioii.i'U!i! -i.b'iut;! Miss l^angston. a graduate of e.raiiwd Liver Cr«ol« ; pur<-iui«e'iia« the Janice iilarkcd on it. r, suustanlial Wiir don't voutrV-. it, loo??*'' \ aj'^y, yinan-.y. ' :.*•• Miss Tfrrr.iisulo if\^ graduate, of berg Hospital SchooL of* Nursing, of-that time in.the. Mediterranean cal Education,. MeHfOrii,. M:is^,, 2in*>diuni onions I>ittic«» I.'t -'liiift t j tlw -v«-rlie;il,'.iiit'h-. Kott; \ •% • '"!»• 1 . Dv you t»oh. fi>r llie-te price u iriy. .V T*-'- .'Cnititf.rd High'" Sch\»ol and • theCranford High School, is a clerk area. He is employed in the-tin- c'f or pork Bait C bard cooked: -•'.' 7 •.?'.' ' • • '"' ' ••'"..-' '. '-.'.' ' -. Ml.-r.rA.Mr-- K '-Strfi. "oViUr Fnllowmt *-h»- Plainfleld..- She> is' n6w' 6n the bbT spent the Chrisitntas holidays with ,1 luri-er and stiililtae "iyi*. u.'ii'.-'.iii-f •' Kfirtht-iiBU'ifi •Sfci'ttanai Institute." at. the Simmons Company,'Eliza- den Post Office. •,," • i j.'1'ic'.tiS in (iti-tmUiim-'.er 'or iu'^i's-r I . marking* and compare theiu tvith NKIC: awmn rntclt:imer at j. ir" y-'ai--ht-lti-ui the iicirnt: tii stetrical staff of Rahway Hospital. her parents,* Mr.' and Mrs. Georuc ' x '. frhtx**homm fcerrgttarantemd'fhuri., Jan. 4, ihruugli P.nL, Jaii. IV. " ; : beth. Mr, ftaisch.also a Cranford . i; . cbopped' J' '••• : Yoa -'.-Wi. for:> Ur(\lf. guest ihi hrittr.'V brother "uric; siKi<-.r-in^ Shi- if ^rr.pltij'ed by ti^c Magnus Mr. Thomas was graduated in P. Kaiser -of 3'J Munsec drive. . • J>roj> liv*r Klic*g io w th* price$' listed on yvjbr coah mgi*-' Chcir. irii] Ccaripany, High School graduate; is with: the fl.jur onion \\im Crjinr:c\i•Kosell) •Part; . . -Dr.' and M <•.- "m*-r 5 mljjut*»; drain- ter receipt?, '. _ •,,."-" 19'44 from The Hill School, Pd(ts- Helen Oliver Bride-Elect i. m rt •y.y. M-ott,- .a graduate>\»f-Cranr Standard Oil Development Com- i tiji|». il"> r ' 2 cui)u cooked food cbopprn. Chop oulou* and,, t. niov.-iti. ,L .. .. towji. Pa. He! attended Stev: Among local; ptudents who re- pany, Bayway, Linden. "'... I/MJIIB. _.-• . or canned -.' // tor ever fail to piric#-mark an AtlnriUt'.£-r.y, ihi i-tmpje will re* kirri-H.ip.h Sehotirl. attcndl?d\rerrjile Institute of Technology and'/ Of David EJ. Korman bard cooked Crisis. CotuViiie turned yesterday \ to . Duke U»i- H-'ilt tomalotB iU*.tri, or make a miaiaki'in tlie price fur minr X -H C".ray. ."h.. 1 l"r/':vcrr.:--y, Philadelphia.''"AXrr.em- -* \TMDE II. " " 1 ceived a bachelor's degree, in > Mrs. HelenJpltver of 9 Carpenter ycrsity, Purham, N. C., were the tVirr X.j"The-tu' KlipP' Phi Iratesriitj-. 1 - J*JJI lh-i?r u41ce». in' flour. Browo charged, the men and wottw.n in . •••® .i\'tini( c.ntfi- Bird-Bennett Troth neering at ""-Brown University " Misses Mary Lib Coffee, Patricia tu. v-iil ]fav«' -shortly, for trailing: place has announced the beiraiflal ill li'if nhoitMlltiif"; 8«a>on With salt mold: chill.thorouicblyj Turn out on -)••0B Majie Carpett in Fdl. •H our AsScP wani to know about it. ' • nnt: 1947. Mr.. Thomas was awarded a of her daughter. Blanche Helen. Roagers and Elizabeth L- ; .', iiiliih. t'in;oi'fer and cook -ISioine. a -iiJticb«'O!i uif al, .ovvn_ to t-ie t f -14\ I , Thr .. .. avenue announces the .engagement School of Commerce and ^Finance, den Apartments. Pbinfield,- .iand . . loii'.M-r or until liver 1» ttndtr undj on toauf'or cruc.ker*, or zo&k« itotp.. tnarkin^: - vytttem «crt e you better FOR 25_ WORDS tilt ^iiliovv*''"*"' £.'•!•'&<•'?:. ' . . . . : N I s 1 :r i l t > 1 1 Ajiptzatc.. oi 'VIA HilIcreirt f her daug'hter. Miss Marilyn'^liz- •University; of Pennsylvania,., in the late Mrs. Kormap. : .'"" . ".-. . John F.. Deacon, son of Mr. rind ' '' * ' •..-Yield,: I eiip*.. " ' ' pleuhe i«l tit, know. PRs*»e vritr: -. i J-.// • ".'.i'..>..'•.-•..... :••, -."' • •...' ^M ^>-"^i ''1 rr - F.I?- -- I' "?? ?- art-.^'•t«nd Jfiss Oliver, daughter .of Hairr Mrs.- F. "t. Deacon. of llJtSpririg j-tf.rf-. J>'i .ii.'l" .. ..ii hon'iA o!-"- he: ;:il«'th-. 'KOH' 'vA .. irfom-IBIS.tt>"iMB the ptssengtt fieid, to Archie Gregory Bird. Jr.; injured' m. at. the p j Ct«TO!«EK-KELAlTO!«JS DEPT- : He is a member of Delta Ti^u Oliver of MiUburn, is a graduate of aGrdeti. street, left, by planSW "StnV- "'i~~£-- '."•.-.'"' '.' ' '••'''.,..'' ' 'HpularitT, Ail' caj* afiorci.'ti'' stjl tiichi'ai. W pneei. ' . .;-'. ' .'. ' , ••'.."'• I rtiiUiintr:' li.-ii-.lecr.': lhiri-iNmrth":^ ami I cnsuulty rute (iatitlitiei and .iu- soriNof Mr- and Mrs. Bird of. 530 Delta fraternity and of ihe Echo v Killer Injured . b'US operator, Johri' W. Gordon bf field's 'of gvftiti- cioti: c^'J, i^tu'Libi*- • A&P Food Store* Cranford High School and the Vil- day for Jowa City where *h^\ is a The Cranford trast; i juries oJ -all kinds) oi\ the Arineric«B Orchard street. .. • -. Bound Brouki •Was^uiihuitV. BOUJ v-her. panel it!.. Mr. Lake Country Club; Westfield. ) ttiqd Academy. Newark. She is a student at the University of Iowa. In ll?:xi' <»fLAMB 6! «-1'fJ r:r.nitnrt-: ^-Iiuli Schonl.:. Shi i; eni- ! miles. -In 'tiie" surne period,-, the fca»-' ployed b^Household Finance Cor- ployed at the headquarters'office he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 5 AM»EV ST. C-GOOO I 1 ian4:r- n ttu-i' nomtXl:' granddaughtejr^ of Mr. and Mrs. -i.i!; UJ.'I' v'.'horV thrown irotn ii bus :)lov«i t>> t!u T'lVHHi Cniinty Triw • unity rote, lor railway'employee* lizabeth. Mr. Bird,: a of the Otis Elevator Cprinpany in Mozrarelljij a toft rennet chtes« Codfish'. - ci «i?ne-- hdlt nvcriuv. ;: tininv. oi thc^ i on -duty wati. reduced from SI to John Kovac of S Carpenter place. SL Adlcr, sciit by ;i collision. Tuesday at jt- ihe -omptn;\. Elis-abcth n . . 'erad.uate of^Cranfor d High School, \-Htvj York City. V . made from cow's inilk, is the. f»y- puer:. Tiriljer: SiaiiBon of Edmon\ ,;7.5. "per l.ono.pDO aian-hours., When . Her* fiance is a graduateW North j). iii. The Public Service vehicle Shoulder* ctf Lamb Smoked.Beef ToniiuW* lorcr***. k.»i: I\h Citteiv..h l^ruduutc- ni Ttitimii! is employed DJ( Bird's Dairy in Ro- "•A spring wedding is^jgjanried. r-orite type used to sprinkle « less flight pructit>d "by -i^aw^o! | Corlon*B.Fibred Codfish . , <(»;,- Caiiiidu.-U'JU- i: "115^111; o! -ttu- •! the.cusuliKy rate for employee! i* Plainfleld High School »nd at- v.:is l:it. head-on-'by-a car driven 1 :Wf'ip:.itimiul uiu'. Tfcht.ii- selle, >'. "'-• pkza pie ... i • . many species -iliraypii ' i^t-f' ihi-t I . •_ ' • '• ' Vprl. lloyer.- i cotiEidered in relBtidtj to the vd- tended :Rutgejr? University.' He isj \i], K';t:i:<:ih Dennin. 53 years' old. 1 BreaHt of Veal ...... '. fc HS Smoked Pork SlmulcWf Snsrt to* fc 44c .! Hich. School. Eltail.u'th, i! . No date has be\n set for the wed- Miss Barbara'Kaiser of 29'-Mun- man w;us eti.rtiibound. -»Cc\v!v hmci,. |. Pini; Salmon - .' CoWSfrwn . 'lib", .1 unit of" freight and paKpencer traf- employed .as freight'agent in Al- nf Kljx.iUnh, who was cut on the •' E^Dyeinj Print* ed rpidwr" .po»t-:r *tri inrtint-; ior ' •' ' •' '. '•'•'-. > :: fal'ti military wirviws.. 1 see .d.rive was hostess at a New ding. •••••• " OIL 11 Leg or Biunp of Teal . .- . . fc Tj •| lie moved • by the railroads, th* dene-' for the New, Jersey Central COAL — 'fiiichf:'i-as:f their 'Cyirip j ' v o\ttif VilUiEt . l.nip [ when orcmiised. safety work begaa Miss,Claire Kiesewetter, Richard Plate and Xavel Btref fr«o^-tor boiin^ • fc J ;: uiifU'! liuppe! 'ai.-ht: -homt-• "liist Through Thin Ic Fires burn nearly $2,000,000 a day V/.'JS, iiivc'tiyatfd. by Lt» GtoVjjc cannot be removed aad:.j»'ill shbw " V«B*tabl« ih 1 b car S6c ' -3 fe Fresh Sjiar*; Ribs. ^ ^. • » , . iir will" not n«H!t Mniicinv •on tlj.e' ruilrnads. Merwartlj, Miss Patricia Rodeers LiUian-..Forte, 8 yearsNpJd,. and th homes, office buildings, vahuhl* Hoi-v-iK-fiili.', -who issued' :i surnomns ; _^ a.1 sciieciiii^tl. Mru Churlw. CTU'ti- a.nd George Akerhielm, al) of Crari- throiigh"iven '• \ihen dyed . black. Boneless Briiet Beef f~» »• eomd fc ''• Sucfc results were acpttnTplished htr brother, Ronald, 6 Ve^rs old. timber land, foodstuffs and other re- to 'Mr.' l.Vpnin for careless driving; Darker dye-colors are -recommend ..-'..-Climb-fij: to- s.'Wch-p;ii^t tiri 11 ,IJelrldb Mar^axine Cbbmd lit cm 38c Fraiikfurierf; . ' stmieK $•""•'" ord; Thomas Anderson, Miss Miirir anmVuncud tha*- IIK' by'EpepiuJ urcunlzbd.and coiitinuou* sources that .are virtually irreplace- Rankm and Jahn Coal Company | iiiiil (liivinu Without a license in .clod or'.bliide .of-prts?: ilit rpiciur- Mri irj< K.crznvat\ ami ed by the bureau. therefow'."i6 M meetinp- dat\ iia.'.. t>e<;>i Kttcnt'iotl to-.Battty. The. .railroad! lyn Amdt and Edward Arndt of able, according- to the National ling spir:R i ihiVirptc.i'^jntr- ;:'.r.a:icl *:' .ami with Alfred Colaj>eri, -Jr., I2\ears las to subordinate the original priot Uncle Ben's Rice w™ ©kB20c a»a.pi : u dcliliite pfar't uf the railway pr«>-, of Brooklyn. .Miss Betsy Conk- ' last year for the first' time since ciipiopstl flidiy erirrip in _the throu-d j Rix-er near Droescfter's dam lei. CK. «-«f34 YARD ii tin iuSha;iy: \yi.ti'i he: par rai•siyenufoiiuti .'atSfiUestj'.las', wwk, ; crum-iis fur "back at IBIS.. In 1921, lin of Camp HilL-.Pa., and Miss 1942. the cost of damaged American >for the brter.M.t'o wtfi. the-V-trjr.SE- Tuesday afternoon while skating. ent:.; Ji^. uiu ^iri• Jostpl; /tTipaiu i the American railway Bsso'ciatiaa,. • Spong of Ardrtiote, Pa.- property came to $867.5381000, the ter sc»oa 'hi-.V*i;p»'urd pull vnui-pb t& . They climbed out of 'the water ^a ; •••:•• •• '• "' .-i^ ••./•:'. •."••• I'Pii.. her robnimiiU- V'- Susqueiuiri- j predecessor of.'-the UKSocifction ttf highest for any country in the world. COAST TO COAST MOVERS carrj- him oti. Flight cur'i be sticie- Cod Fillet? fc 3^ Shrimp u*. t 69c before police, notified by a pedes- Sliced Pickled Beets G^w^oot!* iii.br 16c Mrs. Jamei.,y.ri?.. o!. 2'/.Berkeipy f'lin CoUfcjjc. Se'hnscrcVe. PH.. auti j'Awjericun. ruiiroads, arenni^ed • Mrlr: and Mrs. Robert*" Borvchp-' The National Board camions that •wfait c.anii'Qilfrd by 'hcyiir.j'. ir: orMM1 ! trian, arrived. Sgt. WiJliam Gass- piiitv Hiimiuntti «eT.-:bfidiM-"j:Y6ui> Hdt-v<. o" %li»>"flower Hole!. W-ashmt'iDi:. iX> for and. use tlie-raUruads. Th»-iif*- Springfield ax'enu'e entertained ALLIED VAN LINES, Inc. record of1 Uie ruuroadt fduricg with a supper, party last Thursday A yeterinnry ifit-dicnl liirUtftitfT •. tender Jia'rlnan.. MtiK:... iornierl> of Cr^.r ±i, last ThumiiiJ- w. honor ul pi*!:- -^reproof Starmire ) r«*kl«r » CnttAt » 8#ecfattr I-;--.:-ioru, •'.hitli'i -opeii'-'htiuw • tin Kiev.' Williani .ftiMiUiomery ol \\w past 35 yean; has beengreatbr evening- for the following 'guests; ports that rwctrch vetwinariccs I «n£tlirihik priced! JiZl^ UP a result • of diliCent I-'; li.r tot- Cranlort; irmst.i:.. : c|ji. Mutual, Insurant*- Cum- Charljitt'e Peer, Patricia Castaldo, for\Tommerclal M< Ftthiitw Given Fvwrty HiidVuiilnmuuE efforts to promote ^. CurtinussimifT Fntv i; muli- Yvonnt Berg, Dorothy Seholz, Mar- a vtccinc trcntrryrat lor paoperpot. vwpetabb or wspstan Kiife 6pttdiiioM>, sufe .methods, and ion Kaye, Dbrece Hann, • Jonelle \ __ «ns sick with Nfv.T.r.P-Jc Grated American . . • • Mr ant' 11 r;.. V C agvr o! th«- Nf^waik brant-l),-.of.-.ihc •.safe tK^ikinfi aniJ. ectitm. • Smith, Carol Koyenv John Peter- The-tre-atrnrirt is credited with-re-- , Onrots _ mati, and Bobby O"NeilL dtith-lcissf-f nt'trly 50 ptr Chocolate MaIIom Gruyere * .« j L ; Can Fertiliser yt is nn? yet kncuT. whf'.h<-r f.ii^ajieii iul M.- rec>n;u'iii2aL o;) sie n;-.. u: tin- ol .:Ut' -kiirtb r • Krispv 1 the ffchnique . Wivjid. be useful QRtut OomriiiftUM.-. ^Jiiiverai tnu- avenue, easi. eiitertamVii. u-rtli "i-. CDHSuanptKlt) irf TUtrosen fertilizer , V- . . . jjl!. ufliiuai: »(«);>»• anioiii! tiw supper purty .UIIC opcr; IIDUM1 JUS1;. atainst the.AmeTitan lorm of this Florida Oransres i the XJnitedvB'.atet ic MOW, BION There is no r«*Kin for uv part CriSpO Cookies Pippin or finappy Roll « • • ;u.. •. • •.'••' . • • : iliy ftvtmuj:' lor tiu Ufl- •iv, twice t'lirVrevrur level and is sf the ijiom* io remmin dull- ftnii Is Part of Hie; Man - i guesls: Titf^MisiM;; Muriiiji, exp«^:ied to L'tmtiuue rising over th* uniolerestifig. Mo pl*c« on «arth also tia\ e found Xhi4 they cur:- zz.vc J •the lives of jria'fiy 1 irJfc'tt'd thick? Nectar Tei Dom»tti^-te: prahnj . fc .'MBIHW Pi< Jaiuts. ttiiilipi.'.not: UtiiK.'ciiarlotU- Pec. next le* yenru. Tjherf it a • brick' ic too reunite or too barred for n» ; 1 % GIRL IN THE WOR «iTnply'by 'I;ood nursir.p jind ht.nd- Table Celery; to' «..• *wni» _ • _ w*-. 27c a' ilr iimi Mr; Gerald E .Phil- Jan*-Diitikel, .loan IX x.U-t, demund lur nitroeeV \a the tJniied ture to-give it color.' The sieiteias Worldly wise\nen recognise the mark. ? Slalci uud' if eomnvtu'cial priiduc- feedinJe.. T>ut to thf- u-jT.krtf'S!- snd qt.Kind 47«--»aj(.wfl:-co"n«t.4». lip.'. o| N;TCili|> •rt«*ei..wJli' arj"iv<- Sclioij.. 4'oiielh• Ji.riults;'Ciiri>l Kojr •nd'umben with which paints arc 1 1 1 1 riervousnrsi: ::;v.-'"-r..-.:-vi'ic r SV. - Velio*- Turnips ' ^ « •*». ?««*• . '"''*>• 4* Ca!-, lor ;> e-n. Doti:-Wall. lioivtv Haiyi. tii - tion ahouid increase "irvwouid prob- .tinted come from the earth itself, of distinction a\Stopt$tan gives. Eor.q Evaporated Milk • ,Whi**H»ui' 'i.iiew.2 ably • be taker. bV- the \aVrrier* to Some-bf the loveliest, softest shades .. .the most magnificent symbol cfiftl* attack, n-.r.«y c-hicU.t^nrp un- • lU-uuv HaViicu C\isv,iiui( anV' j ; tins country. Otil^ amkl able Jo cc*-K>fw d sn.-i U,;.'LT;-. t:-; uj:.!!..' Yellow Onion* t £ »te : end*'. it 5c it-rrfti u ? j- Jtiarriow n. SairitOruw.-U'^ssellt. for wtji* and woodwork, are b6r- of lasting devolion for any gift Tomato Juice / ' :U>h»- oi L-onitti^tciul jitoduclt w\uld b« ' rowed from' safebruit, the (leiert stroll on tlie arenue>+ or a business Undo-r Ihc-ir invri )yivf-r. -..Thf'vf f^uit >'lJt»ICItiC-( . ' : "I .'•-.. —«- let*, los1 ejepurt 'unless -B!1 occasion ... a star-bright «lia- isthjt shi t th?i if ( ':• ; Mr. aii(' Mt'i.. liaroit'. sand, and the gVajr of lava. Even . V-8 VesetakiW Jmce . I; \niire instituted' or« contains rich piirpki and .reds. ' mondl ring from our fabulous - it's -ay. quality^' hat .for t'iftn .tnd dfhycirjiiuin r.-.thrr k>'. tin Ch ^ Vl'tss' £iu; •.'tU(_'rl;unt.-( ol thf .•'i^t-.'.pf. iliy: a! ,li«'-ttotii' o!. All aiifi Air; collection. Come in and let ut IMPORTANT men. _ Marcal Paperf Napkins' ?•» •WW «* M 12« ,'V'i.- rtH^rtu- lJuv-ii i3(' OJI.. iuiit wti- »ii.ciutU?ci"M: help you selectthe ring that will An MHO liati. ill.... bulll'l: Uoill-H KitchenChanm WavedPa|jfcr os'*:>»«22e Wave* ip- Litjoi.^ Mr.iini. Mif lioinf" li'iim- make her happiest..'.and satisfy - •' "Van! |OT"! lbs! tar iooik M«ir.*! be Mr; . Iia What.- r-happr-ns whp'n " h.jrri-p.iu-- '>' Avww.':. Mi aiic 'Ait: i lif.iini Aii- Boraxo • /i:Gu»iim'4irtv K»mk _ • «.«>».-« 17cv Try' T your budget requirements to & u;lc turnfd or. n B rjamv 'of liusi'lii i'.c.i: Air iuijt- . ko 18c "Mr IsitC Mr;-. JiJlitti iV lltt'i: iUlt: Towiisiiij.', Mis- Mavjuff- "}'i-iii iv<- i loit. ^ o! UlliUi.'l: thf licjuid hrifK r.nd /^nh s ivj.Ili>in Plum Preserver . m m %' m' ik },?* •Air.W Aii: Hii't,>pw»-. tin- 'par. : Alt .^uc ivli: top- quality Fruit of the Loom, Pvp per ell, tin:cf.a SiMwu-rw^hAi (ow iwono i ' t a .- ElJiiiHrlu w)ai»'] Urank'n.. M; 'iinc" Mir H';i' tiri'lef that of f:!•.•4^•it^•. If* Ihrrf if * »»L27C 01. Crabapplf JcMy. , * • • c«, (.ri j rju wa: w. iri|' vim. i AIVJ«I. u! _tijniun' unti \IUtica and Dan River Sheets pud pillow- Cases, jas dis^iMwd in 'the liqi.i.i,- l\ay / I Mi1:, tiiw'iin.. Niinw I.I' I'liu KVibWoJ- .'.1 tho pnf (iM-rn ,';nd ih'f-n Dash food • . . ' ifc.a»iL2w27/ Grape Janv • • • • « • lib u*I Cqnnon Toyels, Imported Linen Dish Towels with & violent hsmiv^rinj: Oranfre Marmalade * • * » ana\Pillow Ticks with zippers* etc. (fftir|-J»li!1.C • (MV^lilTC Of of |v>im>*U pfr ^Cl'ii!'' Prepared Spaxrhetti . «w« inch nnol tempcrntur^ tif » t'.'vi Apple Pie We have the ideid Showery Birthday M ) Sparkle Podding « •* tit-e<{. In a rc-usable- 1 hnvc « v-ifiinii": f)oj?nrr. •pie ttin . ' We're two jumps ahead when it, comes to iir.ijivnr.r ip jv.m- hriuvo'.' V*i>«hfcf you measure your Beautiful," flawless diamonds priced from If y.Vi • «1a. itro you m.'.Umc i'lf 4 smart, fashionable fabrics of well - known most officiant ilsr «^f u" iy.--:iir,(; s iW i iti peaiam or dollars if doeao't mat- $85.00. Charge your purchase and pay I ClhhkRtAn - pk0 «< ] 2 'or 2.V brands at np higher cant. Our' htifie assort- a, tit. ter. The important thinf « to gee tbc as $1.00 weekly; there is no ejrtra, •JMly jnjent^oljturdy fabrics in their richest colors this service. ' - . 1 1 JiABJT ~ NOW - H£R£, t\f .prflOlio^. ' Kill . fiVQiii" :;! UT ol *n Serve wilt make you proud to sew your own ward' nfw *^ni|MV>rril is the .Mily w .".> s rolpe. . . * ••'• :' . . .* \ . - you'll t> l y^ix' "i^Anry's vv^irii '' Thr Cmt At^mric (1st-JM«*IVH is Wy ut-.nj', it f.v Apple Twmox-or* • •" • *** *' 5 fe FORD TRUST -a >.lVii t is 1V1MY C u'il M'iri*. iv .}lilivs iiioiy KCKI. it' IW sj>ii-t> Pineapple Chce^f Oaic«.. . ; *•"* r |i.is>-;Hl« IVi* M CENTER Cormvl I»»M 'l) SimpUdtvandMcCallPattenn Goldberg's Men's Shop Hum Hash Vienna S 14 U-U MOWni AVE, W. Own FrMmy Evening*. Gran. •-BMJ. STORE ALSO IN TF1ELD •( NoriU AVo.,

10S MILN STOEET IW Oftht) [y:y:.-I.M

•' 'Wii^t^Mn^S^^-^^^.^^ " a^fc4;a:.ii.a*fla'i>y^/-^^

;'/*' •"•'V/.•.•••.••'••.••••'•".i>"1. ••••••'•'.••;•;'"'•'i-r "-W- .'•'"'' .'••••••: '• ••• •".•• •. ••^•.'•'.••;.';':"T-;-.v•;';"• ,'v;:.... '••••••' > ;•..'>;••••••• .. .••i ] "••}(: • "• ., •.'"•":'f-: ••' -.'•.':;

•••:•! ...... ".".>. // ;^^ THE . CRANFOBP ••' CITIZEN AMD 11/: THURSDAY. JANUARY 4. 1851 h. 5 1 1 h I *" ** > thf league January 27 Wt M. Hau-moh,."Wirs. Walter ancej/er perfo'hmiig iri' crorit«rt^, Methodist Men '6-Mo6-M m. , in the highi«h schooschll audidli- W> Stwit, <,,W A J th^/coupl^ jtr* ut home t'iihw . in Service League Benefit Hoirie !uhd/Mrv J. ii-.v. JB./Mit* A .myIvaiylo' or'/ i»C C'a 1 i, theij- A Mr* Charles A. Speer. ways wid on the committee \nc\t , Iwive iu, five. " ; | B. S.cken 'W«j .Mrs: Tium.ii: "Chi- i '' ^'^^ luhcheon.'ww.) : mean* chairman of ih« Junior j / ll v ToInstall The '}»* ovUrou; Vjaauarv'2ti:. •.«„'.-.• G:!/';V"» *'V ^'HH>f Cufa Pack flfc../ ;',4 Service League, beads tbe com- V iV: niiit u I Holn i»; Willi ' *&;" i1 "'• U' < l •' •,' llly jiitrti'.'ipatinjf. were Qralg . . . v,5'J Icy /ty •*) t JlJta (]U&rtcr &nd » >NA* ••'•'•^•^F -"•»•;-~"~- ^— 1 mittee in chftrteol the Morley and II,.,. . /".' "»*»*r-_ijguu"•:•-•* hi;-"•iu;,v(i..iis, i-iWAJ»«-.'Donaldr- ^ rosT orncc . t r ,.to -.._-:_;_.;. 1.80 171 134 Regiortpl's CliL, Kwi»etfc ion's.Esso t«am Jed by Ray Mdleen, Kuaanr. f O A AtServiee dj-ot. oil Ior Childit-iiV Moviyf-; _Satur-;V.' ' toa let •• ,•„.,;..; . i4ip"' 19Q 18(6 28 as high maf- • ,v . • mocrats who had a-186 game V9 the second i«7 Holt ....IZZI-l- 17» "iflO 1 " "('.iiV* Will, lor Our Churcli.in JO help hii teammates »'in. that , !«»-_ 107 181 | Donovan 1—_• 120 : • ' as 3 games in U»e win 8tev*m. c -— ; i si DUIIRO. • —-x ^ t o . a ' tj>;-,j*•' f/\n be'lHe Rev. Albert Al one. '• . ~ . , " ...,'•;•' '•" _.« single loss, followed Boertmatia .y?.'..,;,C'..—i..— • 142 DJTullla. • -_- •". The •remaining match, brought by rRahway with 2 wins and a loss. -a ,i. . t Ijn(j,.r's n.ossu'ge at Sunday room 785 J 7B5 Alumni ;.;_ i o ' 1. Plaiofleld has a .5(10 average in 2 - ' ' • • jand_p ct.vm tit -..!/ * 1UIIJ11CAU nap a .uwv •»w*,«—^m, «r - 31 .u/woi'sriip service* in Cranford -3BX by a WUCbotlr wllli 2^ lowca, JOrgrt-, the Peppermint.. Tto6m :. 138 ^.O 1 -r- Gold Ball League Van Hirtum sparked the 181 jDescnhardt .'..... _ 118 i*2 games,,and Linden leads" "Craiif6rd Zabcl. • f .1 /• Miarii "Pluihf '), -- —-—;-..-* Fool • •_^.__,.-_..>.— Quintet Wins at Home; «i( 3 winners with a 584 series as, his ShahM.1 170 Scheller ,.„.„.;_ 130. j 162 ford lost, previously lo Hahw^iy.' J3 rllowtt; : 141 f >189 TbnMMtU. I - i.y IVler .tcamroatts took two faints trorr. — • Hofpnann 153 168 Is Smashed "in Big ilmmer. f -~ .,..i .-». J "I- '3 • ..36 Smith, e « 4 ia "• by James • for the the briotfiners. Emil Fi!si.ngedr-with.j Pfeil. I .-.. ._ „ 0 -* 0 Nylen, Sets Caines MoUon. ( -.....'..-. r MacQrccot. c by 885 Five Tilt by Regional Herman. • ~~ : 113 I l',,,:;i'liiH(> will be plnye* by Mi1f.. a 267 game -in the first helped his 838 Kunow. ( ••'•••-.. ".... o 2 The 12-team Gold Ball Basket- —"O— Murray...... _„: s' i «•/ 1 boys save thai game: Oliver Carey *T"lPhe CH^ Varsity led its alumni, JuraceK,' I •••• ..;. ii 0 ' F / ^ tt^ ' Kwu'v uonruooD <•> •5 0 0 0/ ball League, will, open next week ' (i,MiK«' F. Rothwerter, Jr., organ- Chronide, Builders. tired a .558 series to no avail. ail the way in last Friday's home Kern, c "•• ..«.• o Cjmeillk. •lt™_ „ -3 . 0 ^ •• K. Kotte ±: -JOT ISO 13'g <* '"' 'EKMCO'TKUI .INC Root, c 0 0 in the Cranford High School B.v«n, Scores vif 200 or better during the Errlcd" : '154 169 157 bisket.baW agme, pilng up 13 points Rrinhart, c .... o 0 with three games scheduled f«i Arnold & Heirs League - 165 lift 137 . 147 •118 •3 37 the fmal. period.-'to win 45-2d. Sicveq*. t •••••••• .... 3 Craal»r*V "Cni*nnnatibn class, members wll past week areasfolows.: Filsirtcex, M. K»i«1n' _.~ '— 16* 1** ' ' • f... 178 147- isiii Mlchmeli. a 3 Monday night arid ^three for Tues- 204 165 '."','.I' Uto ,!• i ; Bj ARTHUR 267; Marshall, 226.. 2U. 206; Dtsl- B -N»WI ..;.._ .160 137 , lsi 181 The vie/cry reversed the situation DcTullio. ( a day niaht, it was ^announced this, ))<• •inti'-iiJJiiced to the'congregatioi 100 , 100 .... 3 OOclWb: .Wot. Hoa»lam» • P.-JSsleV ...-•-... -—•.• 1-73 . , 100' DIMarco. g~: ...; • a The ,Ci-:inlorri Bowling. Gandio, 203; Smith, 202; Burnett.• 133/ . 139 c f last AVe«nefday,( when Regiona/ week by. Peter Nvlen. Cranfora ,,t Uiu!»: .) season sched- 224; Maloney, 201; .'Spfrcht, 200; •77*- 728 714 mounted Id the top oi the JBlg/i/e 12 11 45 Recreation Committee renPesentii- - wo 776 800 (JAM! vois of 1 he Methodist Men will be ule, marked * burt:n<:r nifihl" ,hy HM. 22."!; thermann. 2£>6; Kari ice - by jirm. 5(an t .«ALL'MNI tive in charge of the project; BVUJttBS- L/»>" 148 209 It Is nthtr Mnr in an allM to witnessing a hich-sroniiK. slajn- Knierim.,207; Schulz, 200rJoe Had- ..._' t« 118 9R 123 ' iifii. tz....J.. .* |< inslii.llt'rl »t the 16:50 service. •'.... 150 '^17rf ' 144 .139 bMMM-a ettlna o«,.tto UnlUd Schedule for the initial week's ' bang nuijeh- between Xhc ftepub- ciiicf. 2rV200; A.'JJemarco. 200; 1C3 H. Hobblc./( .i *. ItobiTt.-i Gei'ger, Joan Hackmann, l&SfM .its-- • •163 172.1 157. ,n4/Hi, |Sche 'Walters. l/..».:..l...:...:../..... St«tM. pMwiMl h» eaa prove lagal games follows: •/ ; 'bean Club «nd their Democratic Fred DeMarco; 211 ;.Ray'Mead, 'Sr..'. tvrr«-tl '• : 100 100 | MM 7 M;ui:iiii)i" UiB.u«e,' Carol. Jane Lew- aind OauUert. t 'k....i.-i. ' tfas eouatry. Qualific** . MulWAY / .,; „ • J RxVXMi .'.I..2O0 • ••iw '215 ./w 28 28 7 n.nV.—Le«lon/v»rLocal'/-»4 .i'tfvaU; lait Fridny nif-ht Marshall, 203; Bcuch'200; Butler. • 220;. Aus- a 1 . is, (;i"»«ie Martin, Beverly Paff- '". /' J/iflW withiW —» aMtlhUd. art: 3D ytan 8 p.m.—ri«-KlcU..v«. lloupiiera. * . 1 . 690 1 liitli, Kluine Schweizer , Mary Ann '..'• anchor man, • 'bf' the- Democratic !in, 203; Stupali, 212; Fulcher. 203; i in i •< aatjor over at ttw ttm* «f fUlag • p.m.' —Trianslea v«. 4Oo» team, sparked his' bowler* to a Kmrtt>v2,33, 201; Sicko, 204; Leieh- f Burns, c , ,/ TUKttDAV »AIKIIVWS. ynd Stephen B^yer wll /'/ .„ • / / Barnra. c ' • twij^ganu'i^jnn over Frod Dellcr's 7 p.m.—Indian* v». Art Itooucy's Pionc.is l;e presented nl the early 'service. I"'-./ • • tofl. 210', 2.09; D'Alcssandris, 211. ARKET (S) //' ?he- alumni usc4 ^M WehrenbcrS S p.m.—Hawk* V«. .Blue* ' -" / poys. who art now in Irorit of'the McCulloucH, 201 .. v... 154 135 Delia Salla 9 p.ro.—Hurricaner *». Blue ShlrM . . '- Al«'>c Kvnneth Foster. Jaffierf v route '/(•a n/crTo/i.-'to stop the t Bilhcy. a th* «Ute race or-diiB*M 1 SB Or NTOKI "-• 177. HIKISHH, Martin Matth)6w«, Robert ' • lcajrut- by the m:ir£in d ji smelt O 179" Pace. S __b« a dUctndant of raca* : Dtn'mitr.U 161 qumtet,//\^osc / Charley •/Stevens game." Burnett rolled well lor the Si. n*4<:Koar>r . 2 150 Schultz, IliUL-, Ruvid Paul, George. Walsh Cur v * • ici i»» lit' coiitribtltei 9 i^Pfcil 6 balonc to th* iratten} h«ml- 1 Orart. _: „ ~ 143 164! Burnett, Nlckjtl compound* are uiad ta Otiii ^.' Wiihkmueltcr, Richard von- ..'.., ;.lpscrsi! • • • ' . .-•. • . •";. lllcllcv ' ••• W7 •• 'poiints/toward ' Walker,/ •ucfa as Am«Tieaa Indians, ••. . • No less than lour ''sweyp" lU . Bi»!X* .:_ '.._-':.„.. 1O0 /804 Bill 7744 Caruuf/lt large quantities for •leetro-plaUng' Clci'sdorlf, Donald. Rosehkranz, : 1S3 14.V 1 6* iAIBY (IV ' eV taking i and Aleutians. H* must W 7 / •• '• and In- a variety of other processes IJdi'is I'ofltier, Anita Connell.and ': matches turrietl up on lasi Friday's 2«7' I'.i . 178 147 •141i/' 14S 10. to apaak English and write Handicap :v irt 145 •'Mr Showing such aa vitreoua enameling and fit . • card, the most spectacular • of ' 15 JUWOU AMI 199 17l/ Vanity ...//i..:: IS- «•, . .» his nwn« ta th» alphitteUea] chkr- ' it'lchni'd Voiing. . . 1SS , 1 112 •is/. I5C feir/,ir»/he fivs quarter. Alafaml .#...... _7 « II hardening..' •: .';;-• ••-.' •'. .; •_. .• which was the Cranford CitizenV.. AS2 7S3 IU \v>/ j .127 1 omclilt; Hoaglmd. Mop«lck actors of any on* language. v Eli't-tod fti positions in the Methr BOOM <:> •'1**'!-' 200 161) 14? iee ytli , ilkcd yup upset of the Methodist- Men's Club 1M 179 • 143 ddist 'Men ..are: President .1 tWlln SalUi ... U7- 16S 16J 13 "•-^ in every 1A© 175' •1M' .'13 ' combine, ' in-. Her!) McCullouph C IVlUi Sallu .. ]1C ! ".134 f\Z ' 1 i Lniiis O. Kraius; first vice-presir , 171' • 1U1- 211 J— ' ./ / /' : . US 1M 15.1 T- aetr 705 edited a nice..530Bscries;'' to move llruk-'r 13* 128 /771 /// |/(loiil, -Charles C. Robert*; second 1 Cnj.ikny.vki .'. . .176 143 until he ,his team. lVom.the second division . 1M.. 1M .' IK tWe lasi vii'i'-iiri'Kident", Joseph •' -"• Talciftt 161 171 819 823 1,1 all the wsiy UJJ to tenth sp.ot iiv third vici'-flreslaent, A!- B. -Davis • •••& ' Handicap .-..',.. .»•-.;•' u fouVjil vice-president, KiraeSmithii the. stancuncs Thf Builders' Gen- • **> i 78S 821 B2S mpctjm^nos .cral teurr.. anchored by 3 fie Haddad Jitv'-s ix*cir ' roiled _ with only four men...... 178 170 TrciiMmiiiit Kooivi ; • I /oi/its great program qi research fo/ the preventipn and 7 Jack Ran'hofcr hail a 1-BB Blind -mo" "ipo; BetnUfDi jkfflcllency 4 i-v//y// rw.i.:...... i / ;.,.-. ..}. 22, •5:30. J.'iivd 7 o'clock, ^i^enior High- Blind ...... 100 as -ciuMrdl Shoe J:.ai- ile cUit| of this virulent' disease, has earned the overwhelming Ft-'iovi'ship. and Odds arid /Ends the. Pqhccroeii in_ the last fiame E. Dehmcr . .36' A spic and "span kitchen thaf V5+- ciMdlBotJi-i- Clu b ...; t which they lost by only four pint;. ' . Handlejp •".'.'.:. so 17-/AriVold. mid So( of the Ameripdin people, .and / . ..-".'. M. Fellowship mfeetings/ A film strip, beautiful as wcU as Efficient \ 25 V u 1 trimmed legs of.,Jamb, lt>. 73c-r^rv^quol value, in The Mcn'i; Leac.ut . ttjitii .rolled well, C2C 74B cabinet surfaces palntea a way oi;KW-Un/ifvl 7 Ci BvnngpTi^m" will he Ib. 26—Erfico 'TrurkitW WHEREAS th*/March.of Uirries, conducted annual^ by The theilatter groUp."- •sparked-by Chris ButWi and hit coral.' The floor is covered In .deep 21 -M^tliodUt Meii'n Club ., 22O.ganie, to beat Tohy-Tmeo and: J»CENCT < i > blue liholeufh arid wall suVfacis 22— Pdllcc Dcparlinent :.^... Srd Committee,/ beheld People'S' Choir.. __ his; VJ.W. team. ; . uri-tm.i( \s '.:-.._ 1.6 161 that show betweei the.upp/r and Z-l^-K^M-her'g Mafkct ..'...:.../ hcarse'tonight^at 7 o'clock* and the 1 HG8 155 ' Other -mttiche'fi 1:V.* Friday saw -X... 1*6 • 159 lower tier* of cab. nets are/a light- Boy Scoutsswt'tfVneet- at ihe "same CHEF BOY-AR-DEE 2nd to ' . / / • Sunny 'Acres'.' led by utifHormari tt tone of. the i ame^-AY NIG11T'8,8C hour. Senior Choir .Rehearsal will Chun King . M.. !ui;iirtt ™..'.'I W4..r. 3Y0 Bud Fulcher's 567 isiries/tuke t'he ; , 21 '• . •• • blue. The celling and th»>waU.iur. ./M. |ie at 8 o.'clock., •. Cfr:\lxtor<\ Shoi y». »l)»h< \licncy. be it Tesolved that all citizens are urged tij first two .-ga'mej;. f)"ni -Shaheen face above the top cabinets u ( , Oil Saturday, confirmation-class- ••• tst 6 rite, 7-inth cut So tender, so juicy, Vbx ameoJ fit for aking!- ClBP : 9:1 itary Cf\ii>l vs. B " '«-'i enpral. ietti & Meat Balls . Agehcy, but Minton Hams imd his painted cloud gray. .:' „ Sunny ,Acri ford CommtteCommitteee — March off /Dime p s Campaigpgn es, will meet at 1.0 and 11 p.-m. Pre-Cottked B4E KM) 547 ; OtMOCTRATlC B I:I 'T ^.Xne Methodist Men will - meet . 'ktclers; Willed.' u U21. nanle 'tevtiike. an /Club; : Giif-iir-k- _—l^--....: • 171 ^ in coilectipi^ boxes set iip by the C^mmitte LambChops^LT:-\ *^89c Pjfd^Beef S» •• 29c Really dejicious. Special for one week only!. Buy now^and save! the •nishtcup.'.Thv .Commuters, hid 1B2 173 IB3 Skctsrt , , ^ 136' • j • • Lanoy iliBinf; , • / /. Me TKUckln nts, or to" send theih r coiin cardds to liocaLll CKafr CK-| "rU>xt Monday .nrght.".at 8 o'clock. b Rice 'fe 18c nclGlllldi 203 154 RjunJUn ~ .v 193 in'sb by Harold Knihey v'rth o tt(iirhpin£ m Use a mediciinie dropper; fc* itill(tl>rf'. Oti-Tuestiuy^the-Woman's-Society SUN Hurmi :.....•.... 131 14S 1S5 ^T i tj*jjf "„ —" 37€ 7 Loin Lamb Chops •- 95c ^resh Ground Beef 65c measuring liquid food coloring whtn Market of CMirirtian Service wiri hold a ' 602 serieti, delejiteclthi' Post. Office Muralmll''.' .,-,...... :. 206 211 Fulchrr. ~1_ .'-.._• 370 man. eld R & R Boned Chictten tT 69c Prune Juice ^ J 29c nian't j5V ./ • : ^1* as Howie Holt and .hi< maihneo M&rtuo ..".'.....'. r....v 141 HuxUap ••- :..:-•—• making candy. ItJ'maVeS, posslbe limrhcon- and progrqm a,t 1 p. m. Fresh Pork Butts - 53c Stewing Lamb * 29c an 'accurate measurement oi tt|e Chicken Broth -* rolled rjoorVy; Ttye xoarmc Lions 8B6 . 824 •07 B74 951' 820 .Prcdit.. Union {?a.yirms,.anji.Loans S31c Apricot lie ai»ct nunib»T of 41-ODS desired. Codfish X 18c Club,, tiow in. third plucil; won t\yo I wijl lio open Jr«im 8 to:4 p: m. Chicken a jwme£ Irom the SnoctsmanV, Shop Prayer circlbs will meet wfth kardsUy JO-ex, ton lean 53c Tomato Juice as John Hall rolled-o Ml^senw •/ / •'•"'"/ Mayor WMICE Mrs. Thorlief Barsness of 20 Hill- Meat Balls MAD '•• ibr-the* Lions. Hank Speeht with I- ar/d'7 ' -'"• ~£U;st, avenue and Mrs. Joseph Codfish "•» 20c £T 29c Appte Sauce" **.* »••••:• Serve Acme fresh Frosted fish! • 'Si pins over hit averaue.Volledwell 5 : .Simpkins of 253 Walnut avenue at 1 : : M^ktMmt . 10b-oi. am ior t.he Sportshian-Prank LeiiHiton " Honorary Chairman,' •'-. Sauce 20c :.fniitCocktail""SLi 1 I(J a. tin. Wednesday. ' : •' JH. modern woy lo^y .>iM^fcRlletS<: '-:v 'pj »C* HEINZ / rifled n 56? series us the XJnumi Committee —^T March of Dimes Campaign. fish — no fins; no muss 7^ all \ ^ j-.,, .• *• ; i" *» Sauce bbwlep;' ,-took ;i pair froni. ,En:ico Pineapple JO-oi. can Allocates Funds for food, no WQst..;>Ev«^d|oy-'\.V«Oa>rM.!0t : 'P£.3/C KETCHUP * it is fish day at Gold Seal Rice the "second" division alter'bemC in God'Steaks * 29c Grapefruit ! i(; PtA Bookshelf-', 10 sixth place in Ni>vembettJ '* hei''s Carolina Ricelt "" £19c Peaches 27c 14 Market'took' two names' troni the The .High School PT A executive Petemen Dairy tnilendcrs.u* E. A- fD A HAND-NQW!!! boflrcl-*tecommende(l participation Petewcn rolled well' (or the milk- in n bpokshelf at Cranford Public HEINZ \ Library nt its meeting yesterday FRESH FRUIT &VE6ETABIES men..The Rotary Club look til the alleys with two new. hu>n. Paul POUO CASES FOR 1950 . in the home of Mrs. J. B. Waddill. Cream «* Tomtrto v Selt).V and Ed Dehmef, Paul rollint; :o •••' -^ New, .Cases I, '....- '....: 66 ^Ten dollars from the PTA's edu- • if nice 546 series to beat the Bin-' cational fund was set aside for the COOKIES ASD.CnACKERS • ' Deaths .•...;...•.,;.-.:.•::.., : :.:..„....."..:.:.: :..!.....:....—3'. .purchase of books. Mrs. Roy Tipl e Fionaa urange s <^en Heinz Beans ^> 2 . ' ._• Respirator Cases •. ,..'...., 5 • ton was .appointed to select books Plenty of j^fce in these Jorge siXe^Rpridos:i Featured at all Acmes. uookies NU« i3«. pock-. Sx en such topics as child guidance Play Boy Heinz Spaghetti i Trees Taken Down V 49 Children '•hntl. psychology. : • r r ' 17 Adults * Piansjm- the regular PTA meet- DOG FOOD ing next Thursday night were pre- TulM Owt sented by Mrs..John'Duryee. p'ro- : Ji-M. A1X. WORK GCAEAMTCOV CASES ACCORDING TO TOWNS ^ Emm Chairman,"Mrs. Dorothy Wal- the sunny groves of Florida at the-p^oksof-^heir gbodfnfess!'. 37c iy CMtnl ••.•- : do Phillips, "guidance director, will Vinegar .^TJ^t 13c*iT23c 'By. '..^.. ,Cranfdrd...;...... » :.;>.•....'*.. 1 . " • ' • ' be Rdost speaker. • • . : Mimn v •' Elizabeth .....:.....- :, •....:,;; 20 , • • Flag Pussy Tomato Sauce - t£ 7c ' fimmt *r Hritt • A.meeting of the parent educa- California Carrots ;%i"-"*^;19c 1 . . • Fahwood ...... ,..* .U.'.T...... ,.'.'..,'....,... tion group wiil.be held January 22 So so tender, such value! California.carrots ore unroqtchable., At oII Acmes!. Car Food Cafsupr^^ "^^ Licorice nr ArV.BOYD • " rGarwood ..'. ;.....:. : * .-. nt the home-of Mrs. Bruno Metz- % 19c ' 1114 N. Olhr«r Biraat . ner, 807. West End place, Mrs', Tip- lt-ei. Hamburgers^* ii««.» 57c Licorice Babies v KAHWAT, N.1. • •• "'..•Hillside :..,...: ;..:..•... ;...•:.:...:..,,• 'on. cha'irrrinn, announced. George 10c TeL EAbwat 1-lMt . -' Linden •..'...•.•..:...'..'...... : ;..:.. Saner, local attorney, will conduct cyCortland Apples 4^ 29c Tuna Fish S^l^ ^ ... 43c " Spearmint Leaves t£K2 the^meeting, The program will be 10,000 GANS OF ASSORTED . ' Mountainside. ••••.; \.. 4-lb. an's a continuation of the discussion on icpti •Green Split P^s*2^ He thocoldtes ^ 59c , . New Providence ...:.'..-...,.„...- .'.; „. ynuth standaiids- presented at .the ancy Mel ntosh Apples Borax Soap FOODS'— ALL STANDARD BRANDS. • •/" ... Plainfield...... :...,: :.:.:....,. PTA .meeting in September. / 21c Marshmallows & 33c _• -1 •'-,' 'Rahway'- '...:..:...•..: :...::.,.. A reporl on the sale of calendars. jyans for a fqsiiion show and a 3 tT 25r ~^. - •. Roseiie :-. •.: : •travel bridge was giveiybV Mrs. All ?**T ^ v bant • *M?V • , ' onne \V iiltcii INSURANCE ALL MARKED BELOW COST! Scotch Plains , !.:... . chairman. caker on me Brown Mild Colored — WITH -r be held in Lim Presto Cake Flour • :. J." Winfield' -..:...., v.'..i::..-:....: MOU$ *"»-ncc24-PlATPc ouAiir** v Grape Preserves EXPENDITURES JAN. 1st TO NOV. 36, 1950 (il Months) ThePTA.will.beresponsl for i-* 25c 1 Cheese ^ 49c 25c BeansT-rS^ ^;«. 17c URESENTATIVE -'it clistributtoiv ' of appl 6a t Ion Week-end special! ..Regularly 30c. .Our SHverplate Evap Milk ST T > Nursing Service (Hospital) and Treatments $ 5,860.97 V ,lm, foiMl.'ACivn Deferts^eoun of the week! Try It V 12c Tomatoes ££? 2 ^ 29c 1 own make, home style. Best you've ever . Appliances (Braces, CruUJu'.s, etc.) ...... :..•:..!: :..-. 1,756.48 v at Cianford's (wo banks and tasted? •'*. , Ideal Tea Bags ALL SAIJES FINAL '••«' township rooms on January 12. Del Monte Peas 2'L^25c . Shoes ...:.• ..• ••..'• :.'..:.-. ! .*. - V85.97 -MIS. F,-ecl Uaumann said. Gold-N-Rich Cheese-65c 4 k Ideal Instant Kirkman's Granules *£ 32c . • Hbspitaiization :..! ..,.,,...... :... 24,268.94 Mi's,.!. a Stearns was appointed Almond-Filled Ring 39c Transportation •. '.'.,: ,... •..'. .-,..•..: .....,.'....:. v 3d.OO ' nil;'"499 1^2 cases — 17 deaths — still carrying 22 cases '»;« -ww, c!«r«aUnu~the Sotbi Large sliced loof, Try a leaf noWi IL 1950 ,-••• 66 cases •— 3 deaths — still carrying 48 ca»es t «,"' i;«l!"'«. «»-1o 58. Joe Duff Still carrying from previous years 44 cases

tll"/:•"." »'« "fill Club .o'rrrvl Number of cases still being, cared for 114 cases • •" JLvit»«ton Sjituiduy iiiuht 6-2474 ;"- OPEN8 A. M."ui 6 V. M. IUILV UNTIL S'HMX IS SOU! $ > 49 Respectfully submitted, WITM CARD SacaadFkMr 11 EASTMAN STREET CRANFORD SARA C. MOLLOY, Acting Secretary, Union County Chapter , ^inliiywnmun from Un- 16-piecfe starter set only $3.9^ i k ...,•-' March of Dimes. ,, ,'' "»' .v. will speak on. "New ^.^Vjwith cord. Beout.iful "Sprlnfl- s jlme" patterrunow on display ot Mil v tench F^ oH Acme Markets! ' '. •V ••»:•.••'/• Van |vii, .j| CORNER OF ALDEN AND MILN STREETS

• w, ;^ _ . • '•••• .:..:•• .;i." ••••.••'• .••-.'^'.••-•••.'"••"••• . •'••-/•;••. ..•.•-.•.'.;•••.••••""•'

•', r ••'. '..'.'' . .'. '' •• '••'.,. '. 7'' ' •'•'•"•••,"'•''•<' •'», • • ' ;.:.;— . •'" '-.y • •":•': ,--j'^'''^ : : •*?> ?' :-;-. .-U- .-• ; •.'.• ^ . -•'••• '..•:'. ' THE CRANFORD CITIZEN APiDT CHRONICLE, THURSDAYTHimSDAY,, .jAJWARY «, 5IS51 -.' - ''I •'''.•"• Page Nine L./J—t- THE CRANFbjHD ' dlTIZEN AND i •• • -'.Vail*- paid was on rdU call unanimously chaining Committee,, "authorizing Police Term Weslfield f e Records adopted., . purchase of a J850 Buick for the om Following commuhlcat%ns were Sheriff's Office., less trade-in of a,Man Careless, Abusive. Thursday til 9 Pi M. Rezoning to Permit c Dog Po»olatio« •! U.S., received "and ordered filed: •'. ' 1848 Buick Super Sedan, at a new •«: ough of Garwood for use of theLegipfi To Conduct M«tlw Sickitu i^wrence ^W. Pemenway, ,30 L9th Term for local ijiimlcipall dumpd s lof r $50$500"0 .rf Has-Eariy Ara«riMi HistM^ City of Rahway — requesting cost of $89l».6O, was on roll .«all rs old. of Westfleld. was re- year and use of the police radio of Toys'' Locating Wilson Plant the County to establish and main- unantmously adopted. . 1 .The recent census;,i« giving • Few .person* "suffer leased in $25 cash bail by Court service for $180 a year. . (Conii»'ui-H /ruin pflfl* one) ' (Qontfriiti'U from page one) Uncle Earn a reiiabTb (igtire for the gieUness. but those who, do find tairi a Play Area M the park at the (4) — Freeholder Pearsali fo Clerk Johrjf 6. 'Ranhofer last Fri- man. WilliurA Ilerzpg, E Calytn; intersection of Madison Ave., and v igument of the Cranford Business jumber of people in ^ the United only misery In travel. Committee on. Bridges, day for" araignment Monday -on JTolf; W. -A^ Fischeri. £ J. tirall, Shire and Edward Read. ' •'. Jefferson Avenue, was «eferred to and. Flood Control, authorizing'this r States. But nobody yet has come( Alcohol taken before a trip di*: charges ot carelessTdriVing and dis- Carles J. Stevens and Dr; Howard TerTaktf fir«-Scli<»ol Also, Harold ,G4ovlcr; Fred Association that the factory means u know where your money ^load Committee. . ' . - Board to petition the Department up with a deflHiteVoa'nt l^**niBtf• poses one toward motion lickneM orderly conduct. ... . t. Best;' Real Fstate Committee -^ Smith. Lester Baxter, Lee Farrin, ar'C "business Slid- questioned this . rtfolish fluestioh in these of the Army, and N. ,J/Dept.. of Blood Types Tomorrow best'friend." the dog- in, »ny;"0f-it* forms. People who Board of Education of the Bor- •AA. Lester Powell and Patrolman Andersen. Mr. Dtlicr.. Mr. Charles Schneider, Stanley Gray- group's interest™ the miitter since, iOf rising prices, observes^rt. Conservation-' and Eoefnomic -De- ijr. ' (Continued"JYoin-' jlflf><* -orte)-."•«* Some estimates of Xhe-. current think they, will nor be sick if they* ough of Roselle — asking for the t&wrence Bonnell said that after ii and Mr. Coffee. son, Thomas Albans, Ira Dorian, he chi<4{ed, many of' them do not canine population of the O.S,-go-as empty, stomachs when embarking Anderson, extension,, home use of, seven voting machines for velopment, for permission to main- Kn ' rranfnrH Trust Company. Mrs. G. .F! Zirrtiiherman and Mrs.Charles Christian, F.red £aul and reside, m Cranford. .He said the high as- Vr million, or more. Others on a flight, a rail trip, an auto- gement specialist at Rutgers school Election • on ~ February, 13. tain bridges pve the Elizabeth they/ssued a. surtmons tp a driver ^>n-Nor-tn-avonUrought to America Is still r the 'second and . fouitTiTnesday /lii-en'setags. Twenty-two tags were- est crop on record. In addition, th* thing." ."-•..- ,t here and there fdr recreaUon, age throughput the in front of her home; was treated .•y is needed for municipal services a mystery, however. • The cause of motion sickness, rk system, At Children's Party flights of the month,_H<'-T-tti>l:ii!H'(l issued dming'the first two days. 800 billion. beei wpre sufficiently Prosperity jtnd Peace! .,: ~. cs, lialr cuts, laundry and caused by the rain and Wind storm by Dr. T. Austin. She was released jnd schools in- a-growing' munici- Anthropologists find no definite like the cause bi the common cold, More than 35 children andgrSnd- that this matter was covered in! busy during their, short lives so that behold suppliei s ThesTh e iitemt s of November 25, 19S0; was referred lroln Muhlenbcrg Hospital, Plain- pality and that increased ratablcs evidence that dogs were associated has. neveV'been -pinned down to an children of members of the/ Cran- the-recently' eiiafl^l 10S1 Code of Poip they gathered from the flowers-of ount up fast, but the tfmount ac- tb Finartce C6mmtttee. > field, on Saturday after an over- is the ans\«4er. He said,construction with the first men believed to have ultimate source. Some authorities ford Rotary Club were guests last .. (General/ Ordiiwin-es. • A" regular- Porcupines. naturalists observe, 'the fields and trees sufficient nectar 1 [ally spent is often pretty vague. Dr. Leon-J.^Anson of Carwood, night stay." . .. sometimes return year after year to.'produce 6n added 500 mlll\on of 170 hornes in the area^would immigrated ' to America—the ; "red bejieve motion sickness results Thursday, at the club's annual meeting will*be held next Tuesday 1 The answer to where the money calling attention to' Summit Road to feed on a given trfe*. Each an- pounds of honey or more to Uk»-mean approximately $34,000 .in ^Mongoloids" - from • Siberia-. _ Prob- •from a confusion between the eyes hristmas party at the Howard BEEF! scan be-found in an account OBDINXNCI; NO. SI-»O ably, it is suggested, the 'first dogs from Highway No. 29 at Moun- .' ,--J- : nual 'tn&Kta'. 'Miad^-WoVe/'tht ifare of their own needs'. It taket laxes, whereas the new. plant and the; body's jtabilizatlort mech- Johnson Restaurant, Route 29-. !. Invocation was offered' nl the the rowln in America. also_ from.-Siberia, k kept daily and studied at the tainside/to Summit, through' part AN OnDINANeE.To Amend An-Ordin- earlier one» yntll K « • lot of honoy to feed the baby bee» lyould bring in about $35,000 :ilr anism. Others believe that abnor- Horace Corbin, Jr., chairmari of ance th? SHort Title of Which 1* "Zon"- outset of the meetjiifi by* Riibb'f were later acquisitions by the CHOICE „ of. each month. Accounts. in atchung Reservation, was y^stfi -•••- wound causes the tree to die. Which come along so rapidly when most free .and clear tb.uso for other mal motion, such, as the swaying the youth service committee, was iniJ Ordliumcb". ' . • ' j '* Jordan I. Taxmf or Temple Bcth- transplanted savages;' after they of ah automobile or the pitching emselves wont, make irtoney ref*)pred to Rqad Committee.-- ""'" HBEE vUT^OKDAINE OHDAWKa D bbyy lh the eTownaw Townahlp t Individual queens can' lay 1500 egg* Services. He urged the governing 1 tn Charge of 'the program, Which Committee of the Township of Cranford, • El. Several" townspeople were prt's- had become more settled. of a ship at sea. affects the organs or; " -pre plentiful, but they wiU show H. Harding 'Brown, calling at- Ncw a day and keep that'"job up day.body. v to approvt -the ordinance. included . communityNsinging o£, -Jersey: _.;_.'...... * ent at the meetiiiK, including For-r ' • " • Collete C«ur»e» I vouare spending for what you tention to a condition existing on A Twentieth Century Fund survey after day wlthetrt even asking for The bones of dogs .baye been .un- of balance. -,,. . . , . X^j. * Section 1—That Section 1 of the ord- mer Mayor 1?. C, Alcffiehwho com- John Ackerm.in, 14 Samoset covered by archeplogists in the. Porterhouse lally need and 'want most. It's; property of Dominic- Mdschctte' at ChriStmas carols UnderNJirectlOn Inoncc.cntillcd -An Ordinance to regulate nhows that the traditional college one!day off in seven.- • ' •'..'.' There is no question that appro of the' Rev.r Robert- G. Lo and limit the height and bulk nf bulldlne^. plimented the • committee ""on- its' :'O:KI, anpthci' opponent of the ancient Ohio Indian'mounds,, for hension plays a large part> in-many Lrprising how quarters, dimes aj»a 57 South Ave., Fanwood, was re- to renulntc and determine the areas of courses of- theology, law. andLeading areas'of production thli measure, said the township would with Mrs. Oscar Ebner at ^ yarda. courts and other open spaces, and past v/aty. ' •; w medicine have steadily lost in instance, and' early colonial ac- cases. But.one's physical condition L,, the alrnost forgotten njckel ferred to the Road Committee.. year are the north central itatei; {ain'about $1.75 per capita in taxes counts' mention such animals in dinto dollars you.might want to aho. Santa. Claus,' impersonate o reculatc"and rc>.lrlcU the location'of '. Resolutions were adopted re- popularity to.oourses in- education, is perhaps more important at any. Twp. of Scotch Plains, asking by Sgt. William Gassman, distrib- " lines designed for specified USCK, and 1 notably Minnesota, .iowa, Ohio and from the factory. He charged the' the domestic life of the Indians of! elsewhere. Account keeping location of trades and industries; the •' newing agreements, wit',1 the Boi' -, commerce and engineering. " ; Michigan, which produce light-col- given timev Alcohol, greasy foods. CHOICE .,'. ••••>•: this Board to give consideration to uted gifts to all the little visitors. of bulldliiin designed - for Kpec- larh^ that; would,result-ttf residents the south . and elsewhere, before sipprenhetSion and morbid physical ;cvcn reveal, that your spend- taking over that portion < of Old Illcd iT5»s nnd for such purposes to di- ored delicately-flavored honey from in trie area would far outwpigh the advent of the .white man'* President Cyril Perley-conducted vide the Township of Cranford into dis- clover andussweetclover; and the"1 condition predispose the traveler has been wise, aiv^'that alone Raritan Road extending west from' the meeting. • • .:. tricts rfo a«>o promote tho public health, such,small benefits. poultry, horses, and cattle. <" ••,-. safety and KoiWal welfare,'with leuson- Suits toward illness. 'ould.be worth the^ffort you put-TerriU Road- to the Township Western area, including Callttrnla., nble- conslderatidtv ampng ottior thiiiss, V ; Among ot+iers Whor spoke against Prime Rib Roast Ib. account book. boundary line, an a County Road, to the iftbst desirable lisc for which the Texas, -Colorado, • Wyoming and x ito an i(lo|>tion of the . ordinance were Along with New YearV resdlu~ was referred to Road Committee. nnd nf each district may be adapted, the Idaho, with a wide range in flavors, : Grease Pan Ignites; . .peculiar suitability for pWicular use or a from aromatic oranga and thistle to I. E. Schrarrt, .8 Yarmouth road; WasU DisMul Pr*bUm CHOICE.^-,^'-'-;•-••• •'•" • January 1. 1951 is a good Twp. of Scotch Plains, asking district, the conseivallon o1U>ropurty val- •*/. W. E. Cooper, Jr., 93 Centennial HtwttChKk Ions; Smoke.Fills House ues ond the direction of buildimr dcvcl(ip- fiill-fiavored alfal|a and cotton. Studiid by U. C. Eriginurs •m,,,,et .to sUyt4i family or personal that we include work on a bridge mciil,, lit accordance *,vilth a w*41-consld- However, feezes are to be found In avenue? W, C. Closterman, -42 Quality, tlTorfcUfc ccbunt system. How you do this Firemen "responded with three cred plan and also to establish f)«nal1lcs Because the disposal of rubbish^ on Hunter Ave., in our .program ve every county in the country, and Cranford Terracei; M. L. Tuttle,...4 CHUCK ROAST pieces of apparatus'to 319 North for the violatloi) of these- rcCuilatiotvK. " Is of vital importance to metropol- SamsOn's strength Was in Ms i-ill depend on what you want to for the. coming year, was referred Btrlc'.loni)'. dctcrnilnatloha and limitation the 500,000 beekeepers of the nation .Vfohiiwk drive;- Raymond pow- r Inow'about your spending habits. to' Bridges/ Drainage and Flood Union avenue, the home of Mr.adopted November B. 1022. as amended ire scattered very widely. . . ,lerthwaite,' 7' Cherokee road; Ar- itan areas., the engineering depart- hair; that s a well-known fact Un- and Mrs.. Bedford; H. Lydon last be further amehded by adding at the end ment of the Los Angeles campus like- Samson, the. strength' of j/ a good ,-iccount Nhook with Control Committee..' , • ' ' v' thereof a ncw_Pflragrai ihur Weridelkepj .33 Algonquin Friday morning. .*.''-, ""*' • lows: Chanec fr.onv. reading • as. fol 1 of , the':Uriiversity Of California .is Turkish towel ,1s in- the. backbone piigh columns andr, spaces for a State Highway Dept., advising •c •In 1949 a much KreaterlipprecU*' hlye; Herman Hitter , 1 IS Mohawk '• -A, pan -of grease, which ignited triot to Industrial ".District the. tract ol lend tlon has .been evident than former- undertaking a study of waste dis- or ground weave of tjie towel. That's IcscnptioTj oty'our purchases. Or that the Cbminiss^oner* has allotted '.hive; and N. Roden, -39 Iroquois up a notebdok. with Unes and- On a.gaS stoV.e, Was removed ftofil. flescribcd as • Bct.ln.nJnB- at'ty westerly posal via inclnefatocs.' .*./.• '. ." ' lOmething jnany women dpii't know. lX the 1951 Municipal AiC^jnds to • k . . ^ . • ' • terminus of the south-easterly line of | - the amazing new ly of tjie yalue of bees In pollination, •oi«l. Th'ey cited the possibility / A. IT. Bush, "assistant professor ' Women with no knowledge, of this' oadings/ • •" • - .. .s, ; ' .. \ the house,-but riot before, some Wall Streeti-t-Kunninit' Ihence southwestj ond thousands of colonies have been .hat a precedent'js being- estab- the municipalities as set-forth, was alonu a westerwesterlyy contlnitlttlniiatUi U m off id of' engineering, Js 'in charge of the,hidden towel strength fail to ex-. ccount dally and' smoke damage occurred. ' g, placed In of near, fields of alfalfa Islied with the- likelihood th'at referred to JRoad Comrq^tee. llini e cff, W'lW'nlff StreeSt t 1:19.4(1 feet to landa of or .other legumes for which honeys incinerator studies. , acnine the fabric underneath .the JERSEY DRESSED, Full Cut IliPlKfN ontirlue to r;lon npproKlmMtclv 2823 lect. home, was unaware of the over- tn V II Ili f Thlh VV cipnl mesns oLpolilnatlon. what beeomea- el ee-rrespwdenee • don't-|>ut down fqr-a-1950-Buiek Automobile-, Mcd- mnllH-rlv Unr nf T^hltfh Valll 1 heated grease" until after the fire Kallroad; thencu alonii«ald line of B native ground-nesting bees are not "spokesman.safid the .area south of you toss in the waste basket or weave. Yet, it is'this-ground or L"::';," ••" • ^ '.l;»*,:aaai^l' n .the "personal" column one week cl 41D for the Sheriff, less trade- Valley ^Railroad In an trastcrly direction •.he Lehigh.".Valley Railroad is not how ^branches trimmed from trees underweave, which btst indicates, department was .alerted by her1101.SO feet to. line of lands formerly of quite In the .class of the buffalo and nd In the "recreation" column the in of a 1948 Buick Super Sedan, Rpciry: thehcA wuith 45 dciirecs 15-min- the mojrnlng dove In scarcity, clean ill a fringe area niu} thiit'residents in yp'rds and parks are disposed of. hpw well the towel will wear. icxj, time. And don'.t include soap making' a net cost of $899.60, and neighbor. , • . . . utcs 07 ^ecomls east nlouB said Spc-rry )f that section are "proud df their But wben'you multiply this by sev- What this underweave does is to line 10M.2B fewsjo the. bctinnlnB. point: cultivation ,along fence.rows and the ; lid other household supRy<* jn, recommending purchase of same mid amend the Unlkllnii Zone Map to.dcs- 'lomes; like it \here and want to eral million, it becomes of vital, hold , the towel loops in place, take iKiiHtc.nalt chanBo.N. : . . increasing use .of insecticides are so T he food column just because you from Endrcss Motors, • Inc., of Retires from' 's rabidly reducing their numbers that Hay there. concern to a metropolitan area the the strain of pulling which accom- lought them in" a food market. Aft- Section a—This ordinance shnll take ef- size of Los Angeles, Bush points out. Plainfleld, N. J., was referred to fect Immediately ns.provninl.by Statute. for less than rental they, can no longer be depended up- A plea was ihnade to thc.jeommit- panies .towel use: and act in the 1 Ib. CALVES LIVER • all, .vou don't cat soap. the Purchasing Committee. John A. kutsera/of G3 Osborhe While cu.t-ahd-fill - methods are capacity of a sponge in absorbing, place retired Sunday after 43 years CKrtltCB K. OMTKRHELIvf. on for the efficient pollination which '.ec to. permit a rcferentlum on the Yen ca'vgcf a New Jersey Home County- Engineer,; advising that- ' • Chairman TowushipXoiumlttw. one of the easier methods of tak- -water from the surface loop's. Only of service Wijth/Siriger M.nnufactur- AttMtJ - . \ ' they once performed for the legume '.'v'xoning, When querletr as to the ccoimt Book frorn the. Union Frank Buza, Jr., Bridge Operator ; ing care of the problem, space is J. WALTER COVFEE. N crops; ' • •' , • '• •. •overning board's »easoii for mqk- an underweave which is firm to ing Company at its Elizabethport Norefill* at a -premium. Hundreds of thou- % SLICED BACON bounty Home Agent for a small at the Baltic Street bridge, Eliza- Toivnshlu Clerk. •i|g the ..'chmigCi. Mayor' George K tKe- touch, closely and' lightly wov- urn. She also has two bulletins, plant', jyi/.: Kutsera,"; who is 66 ' »rolon(ed Farrewlag sands of tons of.refuse daily soon en, will impart strength to a Tu"rk-. beth, New Jersey, died December years old, was group leader in; the Tile fWtCAlnc nnMnnnro «s< adf>|ited on or tanks Dsterheldt said the primary . coh-i fill up areas that are close enough your Spending Plan," and "Where 27, 1950. Friday,-December 29. ip50. IT'S AUTOMATIC A new /explanation •,has b«W ^derations wore the 'fuel that Ish-towel'and hold the Idops secure- |)ocs Our Money Go," both of them shuttle departments A luncheon J. WALtKIt COirrKB, . Wear them note, uear thei fo change offered for some heretofore baffling to ' make hauling ecoribmlcally ly. •••..: Monthly, report of the Auditors for^lS employes who retired was ••-,••• Township: Clerk or tb« pig deaths.'A veterinary medical .lomes. in the urea'might be a lisi- feasible. •-J-'tj- ".'••<;.'•'•*•»•••..• i-iorjtbe-askiuti^A*—_~. --P adoption of' the measure. points out. Improper combustion the ocean bottom? A great deal of VEAL CUTLETS |lour— Freeholder Herlich for rowing^Jis prolonged or delayed, th* jvere E. J.' Shahcen, realtor, who makes excessive smoke and may Following is asy nopsis of nifn- Finance Committee, authorizing this price! Tops in quality . r . top* in the ocean floor Is covered with' sedi-: w • •' - • • • ' > ; X /bulletirt..points out. " ' . , i.iid the owner has been trying tutton.... single breasted health of a tree as vitamins are to filled with sea water which wa> hursday,. Elecember 28, 1950 atBanking Co., Elizabeth, in the name a human being. If these elements* ind other reasons; W. C. Johes,'41 ,trapped when the sediments were LECSOFLAMB |:3a p. m.:. •;'.'•• v of the "County of^Unipn, N. J. Miinsec"Drive; and J. II. McMahon, depositcd.'SubseqUent biological ind ireasUrer's Account" was on roll models with thfiir patch pockets and their •re deficient in the soil, a tree's life ; •. Swarm Prevention, Director -VlcMane presided., Roll processes begin to slow down. One 115 Ilctftn'd avenue. -. • 'Chemical activity may often have all sliowcd all members'-'presqnt. call unanimously adopted. u Former Mayor It. C.;Aldrich.said Swarming, an inherited instinct of modified such water so that it dif- , at ease" tailoring, every single stitch. of the first manifestations is chlor- the honeybee, is means of preserv- Minutes of the meeting of De- (2J|" —I Freeholder Herlich for osis, a yellowing of the leaves .be- ne had seen several &\iet». meetings, fers from' that in the ocean above. ing and propagating the.«species. Where' there is no sediment,, as on mbei' 14, 1950, were approved Fi«ianco\^Committee, authorizing tween the veins due to non-forma^ -luring the past 30' years where This instinct is stronger; in jpme 1$ per printod copies on memBei-s^ transfers of various appropriations, Choose from a trio of distinctive shades tlon of the .green plgmefit called jroperty owners thought their iri- the edges of continental shelves', and 29 Alden Street Cranford races—even, within certain strains' sks. -, •' '.- ...""• ,was;*on roll call .unanimously chlorophyl. .••;.•,* .ereslH- welxs beingyadvei'sely af- isolated banks and ridges, the sea Come into Arthur Murray's of the same • race—than In others. hottom may consist of solid rock. ; JlesolutiftnK. that all bills..; adopted., -.. .teal blue, cocoa hrmen, beige, poicder i'ueted'.. Experience has shown, he The tendency to swarm can be re- Here .the penetration of the* water SMOKED HAMS Ichietl for payment be tjidercd (3)—Freeholder King for Pur- now and learn tbe stcrtt of mid; that things which people dilccd to a'certain extent, therefore, blue, for the dqy/*round, year 'round, all .liiiik arc goirtg to bo bad are not by. a careful selection 'of breeding may vary .'from fraction of an inch to several feet,, depending on,, the good rlmts and popularity I) bad and that the Township stock. Chief.' among the many .fac- .. 'round suit favorite, * Committee usually decides'- such tor, which contribute to swarming porosity and ..permeability of the THE in just one lesson! flatters i'aiiiy. He urged fiivorable »re overcrowding in the* broodiest.. rock. H ' '.'.'. •'iction on the ordinance.,: lack of storage space, presence .of • You'll be amazed and thrilled old queens, lack of ventilation in the Strictly FrcWCiUed RAPPS PHARMACY Htirry Vj.Gsborne, Jr., 110 Hom- Atom First BnttuheJ how easy it is to become a pop- Sixes and models for off . . i Regulars ing iivenue, declared many resi- hive, and confinement of the colony ROASTING CHICKENS ular dance partner the Arthur letitlnl towns .lire headed for to the hive during a.honey flow: by. Experiments made with elements cold oj, rainy days. Hike radium discovered in °1898> (4>4-5 lb. ave.)» Murray Way. Thanks to his baste (35 to 46); Shorts (35 to 42); Longs lankriiptey unless they- acquire in-, discovery, ''The Magic Step To lustrlal eatables. It is not a ttues- showed that these spontaneously break up into other elements, with. ArmOurV Ooverbloom Popularity" all dances are simple •.lon of whether Cranford' should 3 07 to 46). •'- '•'. lave industry, but rather a if lies- : •-Comoro Islands the liberation of various-atomic par- FANCY FOWL, <* •»••««*«•) ^ . |o master. And, best of all you ticles .and radiation. ,Jn 1919. with can learn.this secret in just one jion.'of how miich industi'y. , He That 'tireless ; geography teacher, particles emitted from radium. Sir ;irged the committed to net favor- the postage stamp, is all set to call 36* lesson."So don't be a "sideline Etnest Rutherford, at Cambridge^ A ./ ably oh tlie Wilson plant, which attention to. another little known' 'university, succeeded in producing titter"... come to Arthur Murray's *}e described as. a good ratable, part of the," world—the Comoro is- ^changes In the nuclei" of nitrogen and you'll be. the most sought-; rather than wait and -take one lands. The Comoros dot the north- atomx. The first successful "atom iS READY TO $ERVE YOU after partner in your scL. Which is not 's6 desirable..., ern "entrance 'to the Mozambique Channel,, between Africa'and Mada- smashing" with artificially pro- DAIRY SPECIA Queried by 'one "speaker as tfi gascar. In railing the first, set. of duced particle's came in'1932 when Day or Night, Swday or Holiday •why ,l}e hart, changed his' position stamps In-Its'history,, the Comoro two other. Cambridge scientists. J.' : ARTHUR MURRAY .\ri the matter, 'Mayor Osterheldt b.-Cdckroft.aml E-f-.S. Walton, TLEM1NGTON GRADE A ^ •.ii 1 group will be exercising some of 101 HALSEY ST.. NEWARK MA 3-5151 itatcd that he had' sinft fount! the new independence granted- jt used 'nuclei of -hydrogen atoms k Rtt. Plurw. Ji ••Oitv it>fe tHn 24 km a y Fire Commissioner Jnhn W. United Nations puts Into effect the cial reason for squealing. The rea-, ARMOUR'S STAR BACON ">• Jorun. Both- metv-were attending, newly authorized programs for tech- son, it 'seems, is that they're suffer- heir ilnal meetings as committee nical aid to underdeveloped areas; ing from ulcers of the stomach. AU species of large domestic animals, M0WSE AROUND men. . • With an economy still overwhelm- t ingly pastoral, the long isolated "Se- as well as pets, ar.e susceptible to ENGLANDER 1WNERSPRING MAHRESS Prior.to the discussion, ,n letter cret Kingdom'' needs a large 'the type of stomach ulcer's that af- CREAM CHEESE WE ARE NOT SPEAKING vas read from the Planning Board measure olsueh assistance to carry flict human beings. However, there Standard Lumber & Supply Co. I FULL OR TWIN SIZES ecommendinu that the Sperr> tlirouRh long-term plans to provide are.fewer cases in farm animals CREAMY - .: MEANINGI),ESSLY.-.VJ ^ ract be rezoned for industry. Its people with hard-surface 'high- than in people,'due to environmental .) Offer* youvthe service* arid knowledge 7 IHJILT FOR VOUR COMFORT. LONG "Also, 4icloptcd on lYnal leadings w ays, new Industries', modern .factors.-and to the apparent ulcer* i. Unite 4imr ml Ored vithout public comnient, were or schools and hospitals. - - preventive effect -of fresh green COTTAGE CHEESE ' In our store of a million articles it will be a ATTRACTIVE COVERS. Hnances establishing salaries ft) feeds. _^ ' of more than^a quarter of a century of pleasurejor you to browse around. Therri (Jwnship.onU'ials and providing for BLUE BONNETT .!!•»• M?*ymtnt. piractical building experience jan^ **kiipw ;.., ^.atelAo^W^ny^tc^iti^SUjdj!;,?^^^ •(instruction -of a sanitary sewer "H«u«e-for-$afc" • i-v fv --i.vj^r t "merchandise to see. • . '.' m c inifiuttinnntttiitimlutfifi THIS IS TRULY .in Carpenter place. There would be little to distinguish "C.a* Rule" In CWWreu 35c How" in. y<6ut—^instruction problems. urge. ¥•« s?my % yftlaypr Oostei lieldt, public Work between a modern houae-'for-sale ad ''Ctang rule" Is never stronger MARGARINE A $39.95 VALUE 1 'oYnmissioner E.^U. 'Stanley ami and,that of a wealthy - Roman's than in childhood. The wise parent who wants to combat an undesirable ARMOUR'S , FurriisHing our customers with" quality "; . .and remember you are un'dfer no obliga- ••oljoi; Commissioner J, Edward house in about 30 A. D. The tion to make a purchase. Hays, % ••Days, •Volf paid tribute to,the. tworetir- latter would read something like group influence on his child can. use- 21b. building materials and service has been THIS IS BUT ng members ,of thcicumniittco. this: "Spacious 30-room stone house, this Very strength of the "gang" to :— o < '.'••'•••..-.'•• hot air' furnace", running water, his own advantage. His job is .to AMERICAN CHEESE 89c ONE OF OUR kitchen with' _JjiiiU-J|L,.oven, land- redirect the- interests of the entire our motto for mdre than 30 years, SO COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND . Apple, that Heal scaped central court with pool." The group .into wholesome ch MANY Children afflicted with stomach -Roman probably7 .would assume rather-than to forbid hi* child OUTSTANDING disorders such as diarrhea have that .you kn«w he had glass win- play with others.'In doing so, he been cured with raw apple or apple do.vpanes and artificial lighting^- achieves a lasting victory."and one SPECIALS! powder. Apples—mellow apples-^' provided by oil lumps. ' of community benefit,- ' '*"«. Craufort Heat Lumber & Supply Co. are peeled, cored, t'.nd grated into, FURNiTURELAPPLIANCES apple • pulp. It .takes three to IS FRANK VODRASKA Lumber - MUltcork - Mason Material* •pples of medium size dally. Apple Care ol Heilr Ranja CRANFORD PAINT & HARDWARE PLAINFIELD Cort Prico to Church «nd Civic r FHONES: CBanfard •••SM —f-Z4«7 0 Plenty of MM flMNWMmCS f%* HAPTY M0MB3 pulp,' blus weak tea, U given for Sparkling new range in the house? Too hjgh. temperatures WhO* two day». a.-; mjtch as ^«-child will FREE PARKING Keep it that way by never Scouring itonlng may damage tiyloal Bepeat- / OUK ^TOKE GUMEH ALL DAT MONDAY ** HIGH STREPT /CRANFORD EASTMAN ST. AT NORTH AVErCRANFOftD take. TesU Were made »i the West the porceliln enamel surface with cd ironing^ 'at high . t*mp*ratui* v •; Virginia . agricultural experiment ^ends to caui« yellowing of whit* Adj^ent To Store O»». Theatre — C>. C-1MM. • harsh, abrasive. Uie "gentle baking 11 WALNUT AVE. Cfiiniord 6-1113 . ttation. <.-'•-, Sod* sprinkled on a damp clotk. nyloa. " " < : -V'V^- •,••• .•„••-.•,•• '-.-,. . •-*•>^.r; "T?y,yr.r* ; ! : r *?ff9yp^^y ^^ Y '& .. .Y>'.t.'.,..-j-\'J,!" •. •.••..'.-

YiY'^w-^V,, '•••' '^'2'','' '•'!•'§' ''£'';•'''''.''.- ',y':f'i. .''r.-''"y':^y-:'-\ '"'.'''" "''.-' ' :-'"'^:'-.""'i-''r.k',,',i*if;'' '.''•;'"' .'"•'•'.'* Y- *•.',!''•'' '.y^"'r> ';"'-''' OTIZIW AND CHRONICLK, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1951 ; r 1 | ' i —»•„, »--*-• :;X'^¥^:'-<::'y'J^'^-':^yy:.'.:•-%':''-: ,'••.'./ .•>:.":••":•". >;i ' •;:r.\---- -Y; - ;/• . • v,•;:,;:•. V..•' -":" ...-.V:"-. ••-. r.'--^';---'*•:" <•• •<•• '•' WAITED.— KfcMALE IIEI> WANTED—MALE : r v ESTATE rOK SALE '. ;•':';.;'':. ': '• •••":' '-./.• • Y" '-...• •'.-;• '". •% — •••;,;. - . •.•••.;."• '•'; ymt r°**rmp email AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, VrMALE'. .HELP WANTED—Call VETS — YOUNG MEN; 18 YKS'.'UP \IAI.E , COJJVALBSCE^t waitU room. ^ 1-4' M '' 'J- .' " —MMm 1-^—'•—| rran-TTTi—MM—i faiaw. •' <«•<•••» ' ' —• • M—^—•—"^** ?™—^1—IS1—^^—^^^-l 1951 :7"i'S7>7pTriT^d.'•'"^'"•«.tV..YoiJV""TOP. -_.". |„.,M. 1 W,ar- home. CRanUrdt 1-W venient (MeL Carton of 9 U>o tl -«- , p.'.«(>, l.a-.-iK-a N'u.th SUf :md H>rnu»*i cu IIOUSECI-EA.VE11 aiid r;mt. iivailublu. Active' membcrn u| THE. CTAMFORD CIT1ZEM AND CHBOMICLE, THURSDAY; JANUARY V livt-red, G. E.- Trubcnbsch. Crsnford ironer, Mondays, Wednt-sday^. F' unit will not be foidlvidunlly recalled political leader of Cranford ancUjJnlon/Tourtty forj t-ciil.ilK' <»n. t>c-ttuMiiil lavue plol.i + l^iriir 9 to 3 ot' 1 to B. Ht-fi-l'tMU'c:,. CH Feend di'iiiiu room, Kliclien hai rwo riOOMS and bath unfurnished. Tappan ranse. ^Extr.a^ lur^e. screened fULL-TIME'W llv.-.ln help. tpyr wck UnoW. uild .with fjinillar ' equipment' at services held New Year's Day, , '' •< cents refund for- Jug'. Cltapla'i Sport otW.y 'I'tMlr'anins ^..\d bnth. siufplni!- l>t>i"ch, . Deference* ple^^c. Bi>K 484. c u Cill- Earn now h'iiher pay for meetings—-ue KENILWORTH—3-room apartment. «h»re THE ^fiy Emergency. ^ . oil hot watag heatY 3-cjir- K^ri'iie. zen and Chr.onlclv. • retirement credit:;—be prepared! DON"1 Peter Englese 23 years old, of 2#4 •". „,.... Shr>p, opcosfte tne (nrmw. . TcL •• Location A-l' • I'UT IT OFF!'. Kehtember,,'n'nee-" >•»«:, bath. heat. tt>*. electric. Cill alter 4 You dan help your Mayor George E. OsleAeldtW urtanimjig CRaji(t>td C-I5C9. ' - •• . tf • Jtoosevelt School Section • . li»*ve rect-tved your "Greetjnai", wr p.'m. ClUnford 6-482S. . - .... l-»» •avenue, Garwood, became this district's first,pet 1,1 BRAND NEW 6-ROOM HOME Merl!> Sidr. wt-'il-muintalni'd, cenfor-'iaH WOMAN with car til -drive tw.i n, i;»i»o fi'in'l liolp you! Call Cant. A. T. Bouts. reelected chairman of the Towns*'" Otmmittee for j Light Bulbs, General D«etne hemu VI:h ativ*»c^iVe whtto buck' lire*- aftcrnofins » . ivcik In m-jr violnliv. (Citizen an* draftee.when. he-Jeft with three vrjluntejecR i'(ir Features are >ll-nmi. hot-water -B"»* wi 1 CKoitfoid .6-U311, or write 15 ParkWaj KIVE-K0OM DUPLEX apartment. «100 a comrrjunity by ^nrollirig next week i Maids AH. St«-«. A i A Hardware. 'ray heat": breakfast bar and ttoves. ncr, vp^ciouk living room, dining room, Uox 481. c o. Cfiti7i.'r) rmd ChWinicK . montU. 2"-y.car leaie, March 1st occu- CHKONICIX, D«ECW>«. «I« NEW "W>; . . „ the fourteenth consecutive year te nation's armed forcest*VoUit>. \t 'Niir^h Avcniir, West. . . [ U l Village. WO IT NOW!! Cranford Civil •Defense' organization. •ll-metal G. E. kitchen "cabinets/ elec- —-'' • kitchen. 4 bv-d?ooiui with un- GIRLS for dry CUJMIISU sloii'. stcady pnpey. CRanlord 6-1900. residence do New Jersey people feel about keeping . reorganization meeting, K. Kristoff, 23 years old, of Clmi;; U:NET1 AV BLINDS.' nr> in Sfi". wnltc and! tric range, dii-hwuher. linoK'iun. and ^^rcc cloiirts, llnell closet, izuest ClUnlorcl 6-1053.. . ron PIT, (tiding'--loset doom ihru out. "PULL- -.<( 2 i-\tr» h:ill closvtu. OJ1 stvaiH work, n^» experience . ncc'csttar>', lllur !* Red Chinese^osive is torclng U. N. administered the , 22 years old of. 510 Foujrth aviv -ivbry. S3.49. Immediate delivery, A»- r Ribboti ClcKu'i^' lind Dyt'K. 10(1 North 1IELP WANTED—Male or Fcmalr ; .R UAN TYPE" windows And »rr*en«. 2S- h^»t. .-ovniiiss. voiieUaji bllttdi, .nearly (Combined in ,1921) jarwooa; and Oscar M. Huzen, 21 yearsulii, urdware, 109 N. Union Ave. b ja>akcs> mancsL'• ssgsW *ay lli»«l : Ave.. Gurwo'cd.'.... WHITE I.AIlOnATOUY, INC'i.'5'r.iaii' powi- li'.-nrtOM. APARTMENT. «80 a month, 2- Alt foot. built-in sarage recreation room new I'oiif. ' ' . • . tlons open' imw in'piit'klnu, inaMiifactur- agree with former President Hoover. G. Sykes. The tf B««i 'SWSML' It^rfceA F. Smac Jer- and cnr)o«ed' bojemt nt lavatory. Col- yrur leave, January 1st occupancy, will. Services Rendered Do Blake avenue. It was the second general m- YOUNG WOMAN—Rrluil stor.-j sijiiw t,vi>- liut ' and'Tiltic.t* for Kt'iulwiti'th plan! diH-nn.tc. CRanfoid 6-1900. ncsidence «ffi FOB SALE sey Wtadta Semee. 1*1 BUBcnat A«e. ' ored Uled bath and 3 bedrooms. Grad- : NOTHING ELSE pKE IT in-^ and filing. Crunfoid aroii. Ku'f-i!.^" ich«;(Iul''i1i to np< n in ihv :.pii>it!. WorU his CRali- ". ClUciovd MM ' U ln« wdlM' r.hrilbbfflV. SCTVUiO WaUcH 'CRdnford fl-1053. '--n — i, - - —*»nija;^ilt—nl;mt—mut uulll ' " »ndh|ird-surface-driveway.- ybii Wiint. to pay. we wouldn't otfer^you ..,., ivn;onnrlr^ll3 feel that our boys $58,608,287 was set in 1940, RELIADI.E TRUCKINO CO. WOMAN to collate papers "TliurKday \ind Finance Commissioner.., — R»»oni2ble. Storage — Price. *16.S0O . n dupllcnte of thi« hon:e at any pilcr. n\(irnlHkiJ Apply. CitUen ti i tci , Chriifi- i Will street. .Nuw.nk i>car East of the'cost? . D'Arcy reported^. Six-day cancellation of. Estimates — Contract or Hourly Conventional Mortsage »11.700 Cash S4.BO0 It's brick' —"It's spacibtit. Living room iclc ofllce, 21 Aldi-n kireet. 'u? line <»r- tiU-phoire Iliimbold EDWARD G. • McMAHON, PUBLISHER r — SALES AMD SBSrVsck — , ' mrf mi«t>r hfHm.im i-nrh spproxlmatery 14- after serving their HrV ~ii|itl fHirti frnm rVftrifmbgr 1ft tn ?4- nho set a .--I--3. rooms (17:90 f. • . j8 CHARLES.M. KAY, LIHTOH tlclliu n-i-.'i-v. •-•"7 --T - ; ; - - "7= ; TT past ivui weeks -gives some idea as to how NfcW- ^g i 4 rnoins S20.00 Senfc* w, all snasstsi 10 x 14. Other roqirw in proportion in- nOOKKEEPER-STENOG R AIM I El!. st.Miiv record with 214,310 pieces of outgoing mail. < .Realtors cluding a full size tiinintf rnom and..' yet CURIItNT Jersey Voters feel on this _yll-important matter. • . .-•' 5 rooms $25.no" Bietend fuel *H,*atowr*m 1 it't not r BIG HOME with all the work work'. Call, for appointment. Kiu-1 .Oil ...... x..... INSTRUCTION H$aye fellow residents as members of the 1 own- 14,000 pieces over the previous year. A $2,000 in- ' nctrlseratpn moved S3 and up ' IS North Ave., £. Vhone CR 6-1900 Supply. CRanfo.-d 6-i:«M). :. 1-11 DIVIOKNO . Results of Ihe survey show that a substan- crease during the holiday season "over Deceinlui,, rt,> %»»i». ran. ac SOTTLY. inc.' 1 that goe* with big honied It's modern i!. « HEWNETT. Te»civr of Piano. Late»' •siiip Committee for -terms of six and five Ah loads Insured — CRanforrf 6-ISM . wi'h 2 bathj both tiled, one with a stall method.'!. negliltieri and advance) here., tial majority of the people- in this state favors keep- sss ausssi *•&*£&£&• 1939 sales helped put the 1940 total over the top. hower, tile fir*t floor lavatory, .a tile WORK WANTED — FEMALE cmiisis. Sp«-clal Ctnr.so for .-idult l(ecln KOnBINS & AI.MSON. Inc. 6-ROOM HOME, lavatory 1st floor, gas years, respectively. ? - ' ing our .troops in Korea, even if it means World The" engineer's office disbursed $25,708.80 for 213 Smith Ave...E.. CRantbrd «-089a' '<-lenc2 kitchen, delightful red brick 'GIRL• wishes day work. Tuesday, -Wi-d- • I*T>;. LciKoiu at your home, *ib8 Dtina) War HI.. .'•.'.. ••' • :• .• ''.;.'.'•• ' '-c. Y heat, open' porch, attached garage fireplace, immaculate in condition. Ex- ( Riiad. TcL UEKtiicld 2-S396 . I earn The gerteral public is prone to forget Irt tv [| labor and $11,427.20 for n^aterials, according to tin iociSV'S,fAT|^h'io^. -La'li"- nl,ld MOVING '— STORAGE — PACKING llS.OOO OO. tremely well bulU. dellshtful grounds n uiV'.' it ut>, protect your investmenl Entered,at"the Post Ofllce at Crunford, N.J. the home.floWs eventually into the **£%*£*'• move up to 4 rooms of furniture to cxtrart'-^Vnost clniicts nre cedar lined and ,.v,.i| .. r,~-i'o< p.>r~ir-i-|y of cm- their, time and energy to the running of PT ... U. N. troops• withdrawiv'-from Korea. . At the annual Christmas carol service tor the For details on these and others call — have lights,.bteel beamed cpm^ruction n:id 1( .fnVil i:n'e one y^ar of popular Inrttruc- w .:•;.- which flooded adjacent and *»$SSi"™J&J?Z'- slv.iro <>r inDuhtaiiK. Llclit haulms, IF y^n* pfaA in w^—.h ford. WEstneld 2-2855-R5R. . .. .tf. ' tinns ai)d lie will always play, HcMilt." with . '•'• .jis Second Class Matti-i'. • iiit following verbatim comments sum up the' majority. View- Trinity Church school, a stained glass window and hour, day or Contract Loads tasuredL skctsbm. C*H T. JOHJtsaa*. «OS Oca RICHARDS - SWACKHAMER other features that only- n;i Ihspection cHii the local municipal government, the New building valuations in WBJJJW » •. Realtors reveal. Ni. Wi' can't i!lv~ you the address. RESPONSIBLE MOTHCU will cut: Un uuiilantr-t). Home instruct loin. Wll- Published Thursday at 'Cranford. Nt>w Jerst-y, by »-ilb-»??T; JJ* • 214 Columbia Also allies, cellars and yards cleaned. tr»l AwuiCCSjnlbnl «-SS«a. • • . * Ii. m lsa:.c. CRitnford 0-S579. - tl ' «l ^21 541 a new record, according to Eugene E. bronze tablet were unveiled and dedicated i» CRjmforri 6-2929. " ' 4 Alden Street, CR 6-1122. -0991 or -0476but.if you wnnt. a qualify hr»*ie and h:ive children. Call allter 5 'p- m. C'R»nf»rH nmANNUM The Cranford Citiwni arid Chi'ojiii'lt'. Inc. Olllrial ir other local govern- P°»>- ."AVc're in there now; let's stay, there," Newark businessman. IS:5buildinngeTnspecto;.The.^t^^ memory ot John Ross'-BateS.^who was for many ditiun-/ «-,'•'**- •' ,.o . n TRUCK CR.UCE awl T-D,-* nuUdmter it half-hour to spare, you will enjoy in- 6-4H.V. SAFETY loni / tii U aid when you nre through yo,u pape^Ior : Cranfotd. Q:i>\vin«l :ind , KciiilWorthV .. :. : ,,,j .(nr nil." Bavonne interior decorator. approved was the Jonnson hnd Johnson Bai>y years senior church, warden* and for .30 yiMr'^ SAKGENT'S MOVING AND STORAGE for ture. S. W. Olnwc. Inc,-CRanford FLOOIl SKKVICE it',.-' 1 now Inadinc household (,>oodt tr> all 4S «-J15a *** Undsasi «-•»•**. *jfl i i' l bi t u 'pi'lct* WOMAN WISHES IRONINGS to do at S^ROOM DWELLING built six years with | "'mU1 "Tilrt" "ii"il " ~"V Bi"u ?A~I " "^ ll. MKNZF.l, — Tctephnne r.K to- dlscur Accounts Insured to $10,000. Subscription Rates $2,50 it .Year in Adviini't* i, Mercer County, potato Products plant for $899,781. church school superintendent.- . Staler and Cmiada. specializing in New 2 bedrooms, tiled bath. ga. heat. Early ' y: J*. "«, ?• * 'S \ '? home. CRanford 6-6911. • tf MASOKBV — CtsuU w»sain and attw»- b ovl your niior-problemn. Floor Keraplnji ivaf OFFICE: 21 AUli-nSt.: Tel." CHiin ford (i-0000 r.y . A new tax collection record' was achieved in England, Florida, and California ship- v possession. — W300.00. .. .'*•?' *' rcnlacement cost. Deposits before 10tn of month ments. Sume van. to destinatton. Let ,tjn«s. S. R- Jonlark. 3W Souta. i ri'MiuuhlMk' >f old noors^tt, specialty . Pol - „«" World War .. veteran, was appointed 1940 when more than 85..per HBenT**b^lhe year's taax. C&uKwd. TO. Jtwilni H lulunu, also wuxinrj. Ksnniate"* cheerfully credited with comings from barely pay, jpr <: us estimate your next move. UNITED THOUAS UacMEEKIN. Realtor, | ' "HOME COOKING" Make Ltgibimy Tests (iv.-n. Phone CKaufnid H-KMS. ril'Ellz Department. budget was collected, Township TreasttVcr H. I!. VA>J UNES. Ted Sareent. * IS AWen Street (upsUlrsl(upstairs).. Cranford, N.,J. ullwilll be fun In tht U eule kitchenc. . PlentPlenty lh» 1st. y Jf. Carsley was ; Winckler announced. In 1939, 81.7 pet' cent was Icld 2-3O33. ' • • . . ~ , •> « • . I . of-'in'odci'otv modernn cabineU,. Inlaiinlaidd ' llnolcUllnolcUm Room S i bi'eakrasl room, livlnu room, 2 bedroom? Of Sundry Printed Matter •» active duty after 40 months .with th* . collected,-the highest amount then received. N'OTU'K Trt CKKII'.TOHS SEND FOR SIGNATURE CARD —3 -land tiled hath, in Dili ' Tf sts of the 'legibility of printed He served as acting chief of PIANO TUNING MULTIPLE UST YOUR PROPERTY | ' PART BRICK BUNGALOW ESTATE OK ANNIE I.. SMITH. t|iceas.ed Deposit or withdraw BY MAIL those in public office. - Save for the • Fifteen Years _ PIANO Timing- and itcpiiirlne. Warrenfl'srren I. I Fenced in :0urd for . th>», children.' Large rnatter, as measured, bv ipeed in Ilii-Kuant to Hie -order of CHAItI.ES A >W' WITH A LOCAL REALTOR I plot, plenty of extras such an Morm doorw OTTO. JR.. Sinroitate <>f the Cn'imty. .0 army,, he was a- p*«»«.M~».-B ^.^f..-. , W. Groff, "for 25 •years WestOeld'*' and I . reading, indicate that no'great dif- , legal for Trust funds 0 Civil Defense of serving one's fellow man and helping ,Korea. About For the 26th consecutive year, Township. Clerk ' screenii, inmilation, popper plumbing, onlv Union. niHile on tb«r twentS'-thlid d»v 'o' here for five years. He planned to resume practice, Alvan R. Denman ailed, as temporary-Ohairmim of Ci'aninrd's foremost piano tuner." 3441" 'Co... ' 5 year's old flnd locnted In a "rl^lihorr I December A. O., 1B50. upon the applica ^ wa focrats say, JPTIAN BUNDS In stock. 23' to 38 .Walnut Street., Westfleld. Tel. WEst-L ferences exist, nmong most ot the to arrive ,at fair and equitable decisions. devoting his time to general medicine and der- the Township Committee and-called the-organiza- m -.-nniHv stock blinds, all '.BRAND NEW 4Mi BOOM, BRICK-FACED hood where o.thcr'".hnmiw are well hialn jl*o!i*(»f tin? un*loVsif;i\t'tl, ii<. E>ciH'iitor .0 • •..• Next Week has been designate* . .Hold 2-2325. Member of New Jersey r- type 'faces in pomtnon use. As be-' ff- i?nt;itu i>l Mild d«".MK'fl. notice Is here there." matology. •••.''" . Y . . tion meeting to order. Personnel, of the corrprutteo A«\ocbllon..of F.ano Tuners: , ti [ ACCWXSTIXG. TAX Hfci bungalow with i-HOT,. WATER HEAT. service on such boards is a thankless job. visstm. sys-J expansion attic ^an andd attacneattachead uruegarage. . i —BROKER CO-OPERATION twecn material printed in all-cap- dy 4!ivi'n to..tli:> cii'(lll of said deennsed i>s Civil Defense Recruitment* Wei Henry J. Shaheen, widely known. building remain^! the same as for the preceding •Jteur u-itli TVRXS. ka : o exhlhit' ti;nl'-'.pd expects. CRanforti Ptano | ilV:i'!m:linn their claims aiul dc;najidri contractor, was elected president Of the 'New Jer- JK-. AtivKj»^»ut and' Aaditor. 307 Oi- deal for the Veteran who.-Is Ibng on, ARE VOU-LOOKINO FOR the results show a superiority of 12 ii!»n'.st lli of snirl ul'iv.'^'Pil wltnln j throughput New JerWey by proclamation will furnish fhe.bullc.ojf the fighting forces In' case of an all-out except for Dudley J. Croft, who succfieaed~Edmunil Cr they will hi- fi»rrv.>r burred from of Governor Driscoll. regular meeting nights, which members older people j- thtisc 45 years and older. More than, three out of every . Property damage by ftrejn1935 showed a GO AXtt VACUCM CLXANEBS ttut Is required by a qualified Veteran. I|IKAT. 4 RF.DHOOMS "AND AN EXTHA or more properly loWcr-case type. ' irokectitiiiii or n.'cove'i'1|>K the KiindYicalpst • composed of more than 200 builders and allied v HAROUJ J. BURNS i LARGE LOT. If so you can «top InoU- he •^uha'n'H'r .' live of the. two -younger groups favor staying'in Korea", whereas qply nnEssMAKsisic;. ALTERATIONS\ r wc .' The Cranford Civil Defense Council of the! Township Committee and Board 1 trades representatives in 11 North Jersey counties. , per .cent reduction^ underXiat of; the preceding ... »._.•_ «' .5 . * J ' i ' . ' Ins- have it with, all \he cxtias. <»f a The greater legibility of -lower- alxmt < nc in two of'the older group holds this opinion. ' :•'... S^ssJ^Ll EXPERT Ai/TEPATIONS on women's aiv " TIIUST -,..., : CHS cagers ended a five-game losing streak year. Fire Cqmmissiorieryir. Edward W'olf^ repealed 110, North Ave., West CRanford 6-4671 a-vcr-olt! hnine «Bth- ••.« cnmblnalion case is due to the fact that jit la J of Education are called upon to meet to .And people who have college educations, are somewhat more pat'M. Mivi. Niuhnlas DITulin,' 300 Myr- 1 , I plumlnum . «creens -nnd ittnfm windows, ' Executor., has made plans to recruit'till indivitKials and gained their first-Victory of the season over in his annual report. The total fire loss in 1935 WHS tlp Avuiiile, Gurwood. Entrance qiv East •S EEia sued. WSatskrU more familiar to the eye and that Tc«i»*'iii*' K. Siiiim', Ei-a-'.'-, • In favor of keeping cur troops in Korea than are ..those with less edu-r WANT TO RENT vonctlan blind*, science kitchen, hard- •; N'nVh Av.v. Cl.inim4VN. J. iron ;put various problems which con: $8,360 while damage'' was estimated at $21,490 in (h house l'« fluaiitllii*.' M'. ttirlc. . '' ' it n/ a top-notch North Plainfield quintet. 44 to 40. ' ,'t* CKANFOKD Kr ratio TaovJl Serv- fl OrS d the letters have more distinctive i;nvJll' Keen «» ••' interested indoing theif.part in/the local cation. Two out of^evcry three college trained people i^uestioried" in Morale was boosted by the return of Tom MuldroW, '! 1934. There'wepe^ fires reported in 1935. . - M.Nnrlh LADHl^rKlTh out .of. action with a broken arm IIL COMPOST.. $5 a • yard,' delivered oi'dev; al^o - ultcrutlon^ . Specialize it} tty Union County. CHaniord 6-0047. 1-4 | store n{id n-r<«nn apartment. KUitablc for ences in size, and thtv-like. For ex- So we salute Commissioners Doran •Kon-a compared to only 55 percent of. those w.ith no college training restauranjs^and delicatessen stopcsiind :arhendinK - wctldim: r>;nvn». Cull Mrs. Hiuid. CKan- TeL CBoford «-17U. " ' 15|iy retail IIBC. cninr^nnltv..center. urll since'the middle of the football, season. Coach ford (1-2452.^_^ " . U r ample, tho i's and h's are f' T , istration blanks available in all local who siiid this'. . '.* . , • . "" • Seth Weekley's boys finished the half with a 23- s" of the health code to rrinke .them biilH bulldl'ifi with ci-ntral lieatlnc. taxi'K and Nostrahd this week folf their splendid In other groups measured in' today's survey, approximately three ELECTaiCAL Oosmsntia^ ltouw.miring ^ FOB SALE o-ilv Stan. Full price-*D,000. CAtL YOUR than the m's and *'s. These du orts«lor 1935 as reported at the annual oi-ganizn- ''JLf'M •'•'••• I»XlNTIXG AND DECOCAIiNCi •t«KKi-.» fc^f uiwiit iaui»<, repftin «nio LOT25 W 156. 8 South Ave. E., Cranford. OWN BKOKER OR — . • enccs in size, shape, and serifs give Archie S. Darroch and Albert Gill were in- T. A. CHANE—Palntlni: liri'd 'DccoraUrig. Business property, center of ' town.' ie people in all city sizes'and occupations. ' ' ."•' .' stalled Borough Council members for full council "lion meeting. Mayor Osterheldt was reelected Dlrtlulays and* AuniVciS;, SmL Td (Stanford ««S2t. Reasonable. Wire owner. Felix DlFablo, the letters something for ,the eye ' rooms, local" banks and each school has •. Their services have hot and wijl not be• '••: When "the New Jersey poll staff reporters put this question to a president of the -board; William J- Willsey WHS 220' Jlillh !>t. Tel. Cltorvford 6-0083. 3*96, Hollywood, Florida. . ' -. HOWI.AND '- HEALTOn terms at the reorganization meeting in Garwood. MAGAZINE^ for futnii.iti's. • . tf MASON COMTJtACT«MB ' Wehcstnul Street nOselle 4-10*0 to "catch;" Further, they help to/ rcprcst-ntntive Fampic, in'all .walks of life throughout the state: _^ r reappointed health officer, ^secretary and .deputy l ! t olu : vbcfn .given a particular day""whjen- vpluh- forgotten by their. fellow townspeople. Councilman Albert F. Brittain was installed fo - ,V HENEWAI- »« >« ^|' ' !-' Susrwatks. "* i •*•- — Voric fSance Build- CHANPOHD AVENUE—60 )C 190 ft.. 500 matte a word, rcpocnizable *t^• .• "" . >Soiti(? 'people'any. the United Nations should slop . . registrar'; Mrs. Florence Smith was .r'eup.pointtHl '. Guy. CHanford 6-0O15. M1CHAEI, M. nAIUCH; ' Intc'rinr.. exterior >»•- -Khctt •»«*. OilM- Wanes'. Praafing. feet from Claremont Place.' Call CRan- •» one-year unexpired term towh[ch he was elected j glance. Thai is imj ortant^fdr fast teers- will be- on duty, to - accept registrar It is'to be hoped, that ttieywiil;-continue • fwhtitifj. hud take hpTt?66p§'itHt.of Korvato avoid a third Johrt F. Rlchardsorv also; took, the oath of offloirfor registrar, and "Frank Jahn' was reappointed p\unit- and'. ' -• • •• - '— " • Cttaitfon) " 6-3743," ..'••••", ' •' tf Mr. Hr-vold- Wilson—PR. A-I0V.4 •'..' u'ofid. w>*r. Other iH&plc say wo. should Keep, our troops -•/. ing inspector. " i ••' .' '.'••'•'•• ,'•'•'•' '. '..Mrs.'MJriam Nnvllle—CR. reading, bedause the rpifder does' ..thftir infetest iti.mMBijcipfil affairs and yirill collector-treasurer until 1&49. Mayor L. Tftorhas" Mr«. Gertrude Nunn—CR. 6- not spell out the words letter 'by let- ;••';. )io»ta of residents iii- thosesparticular areas. ihrn'vvr'n if it docs rtiea'nhipptld war; what do )joi(your-'' " Daub |litl,^l Illtll X. E V I T I.N A>G E N C V -other fontuiosr- ^ILU. uijii1i..i ofTayf « Undecided— li pel' tent • »nn>'ri inctnllofi in TIOW •!•.-••.•„-. 7 .„ f»-<^ -*~r —•-his Open 'cvfcnlmjsll - T — siinauya .* - Council. l,eroy Glendenning was sw6rn in for his accommodated here if ice were cleared., '•; . or write U A. MrKee, 13 Arlington U Men's and ,Woiticn*B' Garments JrSOOTH AVKNUE. .-.-... ' "•,' '••' „ The, New Jersey Scoreboard ' Rojd. Cranford, N: J. Tclcphouo Cllan- Expert workiriatishlp—Charges reasonable 1'he leneth of the pVtaUd line, rescue squads, medical, health and wel- •second term as collector-treasurer. /Mayor Benin Building/improvements during 1935 tofalod PAINTING AND TAP'. ..., Estimates Cheerfully Given.. CJl 0-4200, if no. answer CR 0-3404. , The spirit of Christmas, with, its I 8-1185. • Quality niiiti'ilal&i corcful workman- _w . 1 cleaned or width of the typo body on the ' Tlesults of accurate surveys reported ducing the'past four- made committee and municipal appointments and - $232,881,501, 'the largest figure for four* yeaiji, ship, NeakoiV'.Mc "rates. Prompt terv- witti electric sewer tmiriitne. Cuaran- ' MAYFAIR TAILORS • ,. fare services, demolition and clearance, t^IJETlAN BLINDS, inclosed rtlla- m.Qiilmby St.. Westfleld • p^gc, has a good deal to do with giving of gifts, should remain with Msi, _\v«»ks' show the following: . . . - delivered his annual message. Eugene E. Steele, building inspector, reported. 1 pi - •"S the'finest In ,th« world, custom Ici' Ciill Ctt.mfoid B-ni4o.•„ * tf I(M. Edtaald G- Lr*fcn" Jk Son. Tel LOST .-'••-• — IBftu Ue *-OK v4 CB.Tifonl " ' WEstflelil 2-1538 . tf easy "legibility. Tests have- indU When you borrow toad clearance, transportation, •communi-v "1." Factories, on Full-time War BnsiSr—Five out'of every six . •' Ten Years Ato, proVements represented in 159 • building, per.mits Msdr pll colors. For free estln.B.eJ BANK BOOK NO. MKIl of the Cr.iit throughou't the year. For ma"ny unfor- reflected a $97,239.50 increase over 1934. - * •Son" WE«tflcld 2-4S88 before •! V1TSCIIICE & ni.UNCK -- r-.ilntn rcouest. inU .ind panCrhanfilnB. Estimates clieter- tnotoiv. Imdas aHo HpiiicJ. OoBey"s. It never pays to rush blindly into debt this year pr-in many previous years. • ' " . •" ing. ... : ':/ ... I WrSe mall your liiqulrle. and orders full.v - BivelL'' Phone cnanford *-IfMS. 29 Alien $u*e(L TcL CR*nfmtl >-«!. tf 1W-^EVROLET,- very good rtmning I FURNISHED BOOMS FOR RENT [ metrr line also affects the results, Ide'ntihvation Tags-^-Nine out of every ten in'the state are taMl« C.B. Weldlii. 226 Engle street v 81 'F.IL'iibHh Avenue. CHamprd.. 'V tf H. F BEYKOUfS. Bauty speriallst Oil RTABLE furni Cranford Council, has pointed ou,t that So that children-in foreign countries 'if.the opinion !hal every New-Jersey resident should.be required by In mcrQory of James/E. Warner, civic and J Totally..N^ :'•*•• ' > condition, and dependable,, new • .paint.I COMFORTABLE ^urnlshcd^jvom. HOj.Thc most effective size was found burner aenraoe on all -braes Vacuum Avolule, Wc>it. Often, though, a well-planned loan— might.be' cheered by ilieiir little friends Itiw-to cj.rry Dn-identi(lcatiori'"ta(! giving his name, residence, and liiANOS~tI«<»»HHIoiied' and guurantccd WILLIAM liOKSEL. lnterlr>r*and Exterior •I or ratal furnaces. Con- job. 4 new recapped tires. sH5.com- '"" "' : to be 10-point type, wliich runs about •—'there'will be places-i«vailable in the loeak blrt<\d tyiie to t>e used in case of an accident or si* bomb attack.- ' I iron" »75 to S105. easy t«rmi<. Brimc! Palntini:. SklUed liu-chaivira. personal - any pl»cc.- Call RQsellc 4-8890-H. HOOMS for tent by day'or werk. Rea- supcrvlnlon, 30r> Columbia Avenue. rlr_ TW CSanfart (V21M. U 7.2 lines to the. vertical Inch/Bolli " an economical loan—is the sensible in America, Cranford Post 212, Anieri- 4. Possibility of A-Boinb Attack—Noarly three out of every five 1 H™w wonderful sp'lnati'.' W the .best sonable rates.. Call Cltnnford 8-0832 j larger and srn^Ucr type, whether organization for all -adults, regardless of lcM in Ml». J. Cr.mforcCr.infordPial Piann o •*""• Cranford. Call CHanfoid fi-:rtl'5 M ' ' ' CRANFORD HOTEL can Legion again this year will hold its •in tho stole see a distince, liltelihood of nn atOrn bomb attack against, TunlnC SIM. rcbuildine iupcitMn, 3 JUMBLE STORE printed in 80-millimetcr or longer physical condition or age. rfENILWoirrHpWarm'.comfoi-tabllENIL.w6nTH—Warm, comfortabloo roimroomi way to solve, a money problem. When then particular corhmuhlty if Ihcre is an all-out war!' •).* Avenue, East, cnantord B-1720. NTJKSI^G SERVICE HAVE YOU ROOM' in''your house for next to bath and shower In. privute or. shorter lines, • result in less , "Tide-of Toys'*"drive. , . . :; The Cranfurd-Citizen and CTironicld presents Ihor v«pdrts of (ho NeVPli'rsW' those old clothes and toys and the new home, for gentleman, Tolcvlslnn' pirlvl- '——Crahford is sd situated that it f§ Ht-SH or rotted cow tnunure, top soil iRANKOnn V. -N. A. lor Ccnerul Nurg- bezooias or- ivy.' wbieh bead over • -\ r->ll exrliiKivrly li| Ilils nfca. Tho New .Jursny Poll Is a'weekly leat'urV spbnsore|i land, blue Kiftne and cinderM. spread II tnc. Vial's, llypndermlrs. Maternal and Christmas ones too? The Jumble Store leccs. buses pass door, breakfast np- you need cash for any necessary pur- "V Yotirigsters are asked to contribute a or partially break oH. nay be could use the old ones. For collections' likely to feel the effects, at least, of any liv 3 liniiiii <>( huteiuMKlv'tt New Jciscj' newspapers. . ''!"'.-"'I" • .•> dnlrcd. Al llacsnle. 013 En*.t Broac' IntJiu Ciiro, Htjltli Education. The tionul. Cnll- after &, all day. Saturday Joy with a niessage or a Christmas card. Street, corner' Wooillanrl A^'onue, Wei.1- Visiting Nill-^e Cm) Help You- Nominal mended by «rapplsc around with call CRanford 8-0222. and Sunday. CRanford 0-205U. pose, stop in at our bank and talk ii oyei bombing or.other catastrophe 'Which tnay , Princeton, New Jersey. .. . . ••'..'"''. Telephone 3176 field. Call WEstneld 2-01139 after t Ft*. Tel. CRi'iifoTd G-0757. or consult cellophane tape. This "will help only: LARGE SINGLE^~ROOM, olf heat, stony befall the metropolitan area. U is the•Gifts will be received next week in the .. • .iCnpyrliihl, 1050, by Princeton Research Servlcey • , p. in. or J-5720-W any time. ti Telephone Directory. '--'.' - u it the stem is not completely brok- TILING windows, pleasant euiroundines, near •rfUNGER ROLLS FOR WASHING X1A- en' ott. . • " ' STEEL tile for bathrooms and kitchens' transportntion. CHajiford fl-0991.. ">•' il-'Tr Casino and in several local stores. • I CHINES—Rolls It) stock for any tvp< ' installed over present walls. Beautiful, WOMEN responsibility of this community to hivVe TUTORING IN PniVATE HOME—Pr-lvatc suite of 3 1 wringer, tlrlnir In your mM one, w. permanent; economical. Terms if de- roomK and bath for 1-2 bublne**;' per- will duplicate It: white rub-jcr. .rUTOUING—Hi'ith School and Colleite sired. Mr, Mnynard. Vernsal Tile Co.. Carbon: monoxide is an odorless 1 sons,-convenient* tralm, tuscii. Urc(\k- $1 per hour salary paid .you to . COFFEYS , vubjecti.' C.->roliu T. Clark. B. A. (Vale*. CRanford 6-368% CR 6-567X . tf TialsT Of CuirUim Monoxide l1 Melis fnit If desired. CRanlord 6-077H./ ™ "'W»lorle«. gas and victimsjan •The House That Service" Built*- I.I'.. B., Ed. M. 33<] Mountain Ave.. West- learn telephone salcs^ work. IVwaro <>i' carbon . mohoxidc 9 Aldcn Street -. CRunford 6-222) Held Cull WEstHeld a72?-:i-W. U Rales ii COMFORTABLE ftirrnshed"'loom, three Hours 9 to 1, 5 days a week. ^ overcome without even suspec- INSTRUCTION exposures, next. to bath, private hall, fumes.(Jurinu cold weather,' driv- iimuuiuiwu — Furniture rrp;il>> MATHEMATICS - -TUTpR Gradoate- If it weren't for. the mold's di»- Opportunity for increased ^in- "tf. the ,prestfnce ot the fumes in I draperies,'klip covers, Venetian blinds MARILAMD NURSERY SCHOOL close to t'enter of town, lid Eastman come and advancement to c5i- ers wove warned yesterday by Kfcy-" Tcachcr Individual mifructlmi In Alse- regard for'the ' ndes ot ebemistry. • Experienced' Staff Street. CRanford. 1 Nice cliofce ot fabrics. F. Kautncr * ' hrj.'Qcnmetrv.'Triifonoknetry atldf Cftl- • transportation - Provided ccutiVe position.- Write fuflyi stone Automobile Club. • declaced. Old. cars are especially 1 Son. 120 South Ave. E., Tel ClUnforn • -etiltn. Call or write for appointment we might not. h*ve the uizacnloua RO 4-0888 1-4 George E. Parheh 14 Preatou Avenue. Flih Drink giving your age, education/ The club advised operators not aangerous in'that respect, they •ntibiotics with us today, according experience, and phone number Phono CKa.nlord 6-0939 ,. U •o Dr Donald J- Cram, assistant Recent experiments by two zoolo- BSTASLisHr.o/i.«*«;.. to wtiVm u'iv motors in closed gar- s.aid( becaUse of leaking: exhaust "'ptRTAlNS I • .•'.• STATE OF NEW JERSEY to Box 483, c/o Citizen ,and ac<;s and'not to run .the motor of- gn^'brdketi floor boards.' professor of chemistiT «s"the !«• gists at the University of Chicago Chronicle. MEM11E1! FEDEltAL DEPOSIT/INSURANCE COUPORATION ; pipcs ,UIITA1NS lautideVcd it-Jiome. Call Machinery Bells oi State showed that fish drink. The scien- V-sia't.in'nary vchicle-for j>ny. lcnjjth i em check-ups nnd [cainfoid B-M!.10. ... ^ t< Angeles campus ' ot the University ExhaMs syst Too much .tension, strains belt« UWIWKXII. OF DISSOLUTION tists .put tiny particles of • radio- •\imCr.__, '• ";• '. ••'•.-, • •'• '• «he habit of always-driving with, SHOt REI'AIRINO and. causes rapid wear oq pulley To all to whom these presents may come. active chemical In the • tanks of Even "during, thfe coldest weath- at least one par .window partially Almost aU etrcanisms In nature Greeting: ki:8 SHOE IMPAIRING, 11)6 N. Union shaft bearings.' On the other hand, .synthesize •'compounds—derived ' WHEREAS, It' appears to my iiatisfac- fresh-water fish. After a few hours, or, one -window " should be. 'kejjt open will help greatly in cuttinr ~ '*-. fur quick khoe repair service. t' tlon. by duly authenticated record ol the too little tension produces a flappy. from sosars and proicins—whidi the chemical was found in the Intes- ojvL'n slicnny_while drying to per- down tKts danger^ of monoxide if : |proceedJhfis - for the .voluntary dissolution unsteady m6tion which results ia eertform to certain pattetm. But thereof by the unanimous consent of all tines of the fishsh.. To sge t there, thrfyy mit entrance'of enough fresh air poisoningr the Club concluded. DKIVING INSTRUCTION excessive slippage, loss, of power, the stockholders, deposited In Iny cilTidc, •'.•'• ACE AUTO' SCHOOL I molds.,frora trbidt^weset pcBidl- that "SHERIDAN HOMES. INC.", a cor- must have swallowed it tonlla — IIS — FULL. COURSE — SIS rr and much belt wear. I tixt. sttrepUsmjftin. and qtber anti- poration of "this State, wmtse l>l'lnclr)al drtaktaf. Uubcth 5-B27S any. hour day or nl«ht. biotics, fcave a habit of turxung out'!loRlce Is situated at No. 330 Centennial '^s-isaa; LI 2-24W; O O. m. to B p. m. Avenue,. In the Township of Cranford, peculiar molecules, ^riueh do HotCouniy of Union, State of New Jersey - K' a X UNUSUAL•-. •Victor D. Shaheen, bclne the, aBcnt confttrm to the patterns estaUided therein and In charge thereof, upon whom ie does^wit MOVING — STORAGE SPARE-TIME OPPORTUNITY by natuit*. process may be served), has compiled with Regardless of what ITS S AFf, aEAN, re, the toqutrementa of -Title 14, Corpora- the rest ot their sprli pies. «nlt .—:AI, and tmtiim-wldo ntnvlntf tu iiiici'ujv'own.Vault bus-inessj. National 5 iterafe. Accnts for Allied. cimi't'iiiV libt;ral. nitnnclal. a^sUtance ,Ttus nxAntfiCatctuzv oC'tnisfit tion;. General, of Revised Statutes of kept for'' the brecdlnrbdl / herd h ntetkod of self preservmtlon. I bunner at rcalsouuble .^.^. ^scllini;. riuii.-,.int work ilcliverlni: mer- NOW THEREFORE. I. thrr Secretary of plenty of water jftfil minerals .and HOBUINS Si AIXISON s eoropete «riih bapteria for. State 61 th« State of New Jersey, Df THE CITIZEN and CHRONICLE ' , »:»-Bouth Ave., t'haiulixi? to' a votrte, of sensational new .Hereby Certify that the Bald corporation enough grain ta^kcep them coming No other type of automatic t Cltanfoi-d 8-OROH , amiiHement nifrclumclisln^ . niachin'es.- and the competition is stiff. did. on the Twenty-first day of December along nlc'cly^V little pi^cin supple- 5 Alden Street ... I'n.sl cuinhinotlon o> this1 kind.to hit riiir molecules produced by (1950, file in my oftlcc a duly executed and heat offers you a&many •uui- the niarKi't. Makeup t» S7.1.00 week attested consent In wrlfintf to the disso- ment conj^ming animal' protein is Cranford, N. i. ROOFING -/flEl'AlUING or itio'-e for spJic llii'ie. Full tin« are sajar-and amino-aiclrl lution of said corporation, expeuted by very important to help them be- •';"-''• "',•' \," ' ineadyattiages as fuelxnU! It's 1 ; SrCClKLTlES. leader iiiul li'i - more. Thin IH an I'XCfHent opptirtuiu'ty * deHvcd substancebt s similaiilrr to thosthose all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceed- come good producers thoroughly eafe...clean and' ICH uf repairs. -Cliaitford ioi' a l'cUnblo' party that ha* car ^atid" used ia the metabolic chains ol 1 . • GENTLEMEN:. .. ' ' . - "'.";,* 12- VI lne« uiorcsilrl are now on flic in my sale T Mm& healthful. i. completely auto- uoiiil'references'. AnniMd S1.49O cash' bacteria pick them up. as if they office as provided by fnw. rcqiilitvi now. Fully secured. Don't Please insert tno following Classified AiJverliscrncnt for tinirs bcgirir »••••• slutv, tile, asphalt shiKKW Vere ncrtnal sucar and amino acid IN- TESTIMONV" WHEREOF, I.'havi. matic! Just as important— .Leaders and Butters, mew anil \V>'»ie iciiir> mul our time unless you hereto set .my hand and ufnXtd iny ofllcia d. Wjilier Schubert, Spriniflluld qiiiillf.v.- GiVy asr. phone, f«ir UK'al iti- rno^cules. However, there is just seal, at Trenton, this Twonty-Qrait day o ning Vx'ith your tesuc of ; :....;...... : lyider/thc olassiftcation |toosta. you tea than stay other WcHl»eld. mtotfleld 2-0041.' lurvivw wltlV (UL'tory nuiii. Wiltc Mui\«-' December, A. D. one thousand nine nun- l 7 enough chaaSe ia the tonficuration December, A. •••'•' • ->-.-• '' • ' • ' ivivr Q. W,.'lBjix 110. Blnoiiiiicld. N. ty automatic heating fuel! So for • E MAKE A SPEClALTY"of nil typti et tfce- ecnr.po«to night. Cllanford «-3474 Kitght have t«Sen by tJje-yayskle ...and you're right when tone ato.B the iv-alutiomary'battle, OPPtR LEHICH COAL , CI49CKS KEPAIUED doctor eT sun.-i.vaL XMr. Cram points ont. uiLKS -• Sprint! wound' or 'elrtJtrlr Nut or $tove $20.45 3 uiId with wood! •I'itiU'd und repaired. E. P. Clmmber- ""••JlVwhcn yoii Juivo"a lire ur Pern *,..; 1M§ RENTALS WIH. Cll.uiford W-J207. tl an. accidont or MMIIO nlHur kiutl HOURLY, FOlt THE L. J. Cr. Buckwheat '...... 15.15 There's p.. r ihfmMol America's liaaiMu* ,;„„ FURRIER •' ' '• o£ ucciclt-tit — that is- \vlictt you DAY OR LONGER -Wood. "WooA bright foe horn* comtroctldft. Mobilhftat ia oil heat you cant ibaatT . f'.Ii • -T.NEn" Ncw c<\«'» and scurfs Ioi nucil us niiiat. Stoker Rice V 13.95 I Ji18:'1 Jloiiodellntf and reBairliic hid BRENDAN &TOYE 320 Washington Ave. It's jne time^tested building nuterial...nothlng is , IfB' pM-tented for your furnace to I^^IM Walnut avenue, ~ give clean» efficient^ combtuUon... Those things ahyay:; conic as bin*; — Heating 515SOUTH AYL,! ELIZABETH N. I. tl of liveable than t friendly bom* of wood. has maximum heat unita to keep Kiel u shock. You waivt 'bonit'orjc ) bilU low. And Mobilheat Service ia HLKCTRICIAN ' "•. handy und on-tlie-^pot to help t Timiing - 6-15161 EL 5-9819 Whtn y?«'r« r*ody to build «r ' dependable—•keepa youmipplied auto- DANUX J^IIKYBURN. », ts • '-Jf •».„'"• ••IC.ENSF.rj — I you. - • . ! iwnovoto y*wr pr*s«nt heusv l«# matkallv aU winter lomtf, Call us for nA^.^nicAL CONTRACTOH' You're in no condition to , Attlasoalic Oil BnntMt us siipplyyoM with th« material*. _ ^ PrompJ, Friendly Service Y. BumSRl!-1. "OTonsALnEPAtnED wrilu a letter to somo fiiuiwuy » BUltNblDb AVK. _ CKANFORD 8-5601 - E- CKANFOstD I insunmvu cmnpauy., You wantant '» - QUICK SERVICE CLASSIFICATION'S a.'frionci lifiltt here, .close, .to :. Hsli> Wa»l«4 »>mal* \ for »Sl« . | Rtsl K.lsL t.t Bsl* altciul'to the hain.Uu!!.; nf yuui" ELECTRIC MOTORS AND PUMPS . BCGGESTION8 WUHICJ MaU ! Wau^l) U Huy : K«al KkUU WSBU4 . Opeiv All Day Sundays insiii'.iitV'o cWtni wtihunt fuss, WILBCR COON VsilU>k<4 K*«sss IIOMK-MADK SWKKT,* HOT botlior in- delay. Well, we tan i I—WrIU or print J»'« be that friend. ' SHOES ITALIAN SAUSAGE i your offering (ully. MEAT HALLS REPAIRING^ uieauiu front your ad CUTS WALTHERM. LEUSCHNER GO. ' MacBEAN ANDREW CJUSANTI Between Sprin«field RoadL and -Mlchigmki Ave. on Route 29 LUMBER — TRIM — MASONHY — 8CRESM8 ' ..'.•..•' ~'" UNION,.K. J. , _•.. i.';' ' STORM SASH — HAHDWAHE — PAINT* Italian and American I : | - INSULATION — CRO8LEY APWJARCES . - "DEPENDABLE, TR1KNDLY SERVICE SINCE 192S" . IM Bkrni* Afe4 &. Cr. »-SM p.1-., 1m GROCERY • I Loweirt ttatts Obtainable UNionville 2>-S673 il'r'i ,' K,;,' ' YOUNGSTOWN STEEL IITCHDfA OFFICE > YARD BP ' 1 Ave., E.» Cranford r w lli'.'.'•'."I 336 Centennial Ave. Cranford ^-0505 ,Cor. North & llnidb Aves. Lexington Ave. nt L.V.R.K• m Imfis.^.J mmmm^^ *%#:ya

' •• • *

h •>;•

THE German Music Theme :%»jp>fc>«frfc New Term Pla ^ Township Talks Enrollments Taken for Of Club's Program John G.lforncy WOM p , The January - meeting ..of- TW Eximinatlons for it* nw «**»»»with » prMllJk'nf* P'« llrtd "' School at Union Junior £»Uef* w«l sttrt Westneld Musical. Club' will be the t«m Henry J. MJneur recclvod n in 1 ,-if is( !.'/*' fUi'-'.i "ti . ;• Cieir. N\ .-^irv C Milter of Rut- held Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. InJanuary 1« «rf the-««>d ' pin Tu«?»d»y jit '.li f^ht: uv.vf cuxttronD itVs Vr..iv<-rsj:y -CjpUejSt announced the. home of Mrs.' Elbert Brown. Will • h Th«' iiwrtpfitlitw, thtftiCfr,' .tir/t vtif> ->•-;;. -/•• •.•.-,•tr-'.^ -.-a..^^ «-v-*?ewUy Chat 'it will b« possible By ALEXANDER G. SPENCER l/y ,t\tK President' of> the Urv*;ne rr.er. arid wocn#n io begin German music will be the them« ss Xitf fuel t/>*t r./> •--.<-.'r vv.iVc*. «uci*s.in the Fr&ru- ton diamond seems best Even if of the program under direction of -r>.'wj£r.":r. '.he Tver.sng D.iVision.s Here are fivefive questionquest s on theIUI .UlUliivtu* mas recess: , . Jt»Oons. v ! Th flight is fair declarer, takes the firstfirst tricktr, ,yo yu I Mrs. J. A. PfalT, Mildred Jameson, »u»jr thanked f si- n Matt. n . i ~r.<- S:s'.t .University. opening lead! Three flight is fair, will soon gqin theh'' lealdd witithh th the e I^ast Thursday more .than 400« **. icir cooperation during to" four ;is good and. five puts you in pianist, will play "Fantasia in C began 'yesterday n1 trumps and can probably alumni gathered at tha, goMtge *— «?ur. Installat Ion of' oflU i-v • iit- 1'iMi'' • . . •• v-- IV* f—- --- 1T4JII1 • oiMi(t •' -*-.— — - -,- >UK-.tT.-.i rr.Lisi have, had their whieh. .- Chnicuu, Moitn- urn, ut»ij*iru' •'J/i-ii ii>'"\ *'••''•*' •-..•' J^- ('•'••'> '•'• i'1/ v |J9 6'3_Z .'. so you can ruff a diamond, Mendelssohn. Dorothy Hill, ylolin- t v..'w.AP"t rvA-o\i if they are to tci tl.' •C.J 10 "2". only three trumps it pays to try for ist, will-play—th«s-''Adagid" from transferred to'senior. ( v&rti'A in lift-Cirri it.:irtrf It'i.k i:t". '-'•-...# '•rv...rtnRit:e- . ..rijM'.e Jn '.h< next lerfn's -for 11 * • • • -*^ F.vuil rcs^stration closes 0 8 ; , a ruff, as you will never take a na-Bach's ''Sonata HI in E." accom- tion arA taibahtium ••-Wlll««-tn!. tural trump, trick with your little panied by-Anna Mun'day.. .. ^ir> i~ G: r.cvir. •u.iiK second * J 7 6 4 . .. . Rev. William H, NORTH EAST SOUTH .WEST ones. . , .-'• Friedel ,Gref, -soprano, will be w the- olrf Dui ytxd *erye m •-"<"v;y w;j-> - cliises b«fsihnirtg January 31^. I in the college library. lUnsed tnetfitsers to attend the* Im 1 aSS 3. The ten of spades is clearly heard in a group ot songs by Ger- W.P,A,,flurir»si; •irtm" ^n '«• Ui-t rrc«f tr* r.eu coujpes offered - . P i V "**" var during th«r indicated. When you doubled the man composers. • Beatty will Earlier in the evening the -|of Prayer sei-viec Sunday nt -1 ::n O»M." prifit«-ri r •i'r.-ff.TS-. x:~e in February at the pass ' 2 * . pass pass sity basketball teain defeated an pass •..'•••"•.• [ opening-btd^of.pne spade, you ex-be accompanist. The program will '.' .•..branch . " v ,^r^rivc«'will • be r«-ciTere many of u* are expected to lead a trump. The of Elizabeth- Traffic sign* and signals h»v« uny part ha'JI b**r> li f J l • ~-.^T.: --;7 "- -* -'* idea is to prevent East'from ruff- MM such a. necessity in mod- of juil. .. '' ''''••• .'•mendtd. ' , -•ei-.e-i 'cr ;he «««•.*' lime because •.'OR-rH • EAST ".-.' SOtfTH WEST tality. ; ;. . _ ; ing with his little trumps. With w,u life that, the National Safety ,,l, hc»w*vcr, there I* a re» The first ott-p in public.- •;c-?'-r«i'J«t* ireer. teachers and oth- i ':" . able .. pass 2 0 [To Speak on Shrubs i :'„'(.;( of law which,has to pass'. 2 A -..pass .3 1fc: the. trump lead your partner can Cooncil Jba* conducted a "Slgn.iiif then; wa» •fr; i.Titene-stip-d " ia political science u Miss Schafer^s Pupils lUtr campaign to promote better (l.-jit-, with'The govemmirnt . '.Air,'. Raid _ v soon run East out of-trumps and Albert Ftemer of the P "tin, i" acttnenUnr-parts'thcrwjf were . '° Ccoise* rriay be started ih""iatitor pass ,,' 4 4 pass pass public undemanding of them. „ |W'ri'i;hi'i>-.'«nd.'our'ri|{hl» arid and Hotwing /'I »• Trartip««talic« ctiTrenx economic mrvi;,) pass y . • ,. • then your high' cards' will take Entertained at Parties Nursery. Springfield, w in,force and^thisi v/a* W i rV&'«•?*. CTJirrenteconomi c theory r n elec ,.,iionVwith rwpect to it and to s ej finance; discussion and I What do you lead? ' several tricks. .. Two - holiday" parties were • held illustrated talk on But only 38 ye« « *S° « f,.]|,,v.' fiti;/en8. That limited . All \'.f li'fi •'.''•»'::!•.'.5i»r«'.: • "-".rri'.jr.iT" ii iin: i...,,^. two of hearts, not the Shrubs," at a meeting Wednesday atflc signal was a curlqslty. not to the 162C Code wt-rc- liitt'i --.roduc-.wi to philosophy, *3. You are South and hold; st Week for pupils of Miss Edna r, (fwi-rid by the new 1951 literiiure. college algebra. . A 10 9 . ' ochafer nt her home, 60 Burnside of Crane's Fold Gardeners. . The" .necessity. !*• *!«t electric traf- • of Giiienil Ordinancoi which studied. All ...non-Kcn'tral E--.?.i*.-i ir jaclcand'two little ones of part- 7 -' '.r.e'rat.urei business or-j ' iy A Q J i, ' . avenue. Participating were Jehn group.will meet in the home of e lights were placed in operation hi-cix pipparcd- and enacted. ancex were liiti/ ler's bid suit, your'lead against a Mrs. William F. Foorman. 47 in August. 1M4. in Cleveland. O. of the olii Ctfl': ind Ker.M-ii, 1 the uurpuM of .this- supple- , prin- 0*A'JM6 6 • • • 11 Baker, Arlene Smith, Judy An- _, aice^street Mrs- John H. Bucher The rod and «reen lights "were op- It nCHif. Talfes found trt-'havfe' -ix^r;- ' fat ; nZ. ar.d eighteenth ... * A 9 3 ,' ; '• -7•**,<• •st- of th6 suit. . etter, Bobby Davis, Marguerite will be co-hostess, ." • crated fay a policeman, in abuuTlv specifically repealed,- DiffiCJii> trr._r5 JThe bidding goes': ' • . • JSSihatte- chapter by - i V NORTH leclarcr from getting two tripks 1 on the corner. After a short time; camt where ordinJj.rw^T^difJ tftA TJ . t»eir. Mrlier' foresees an.unus- CAST : SOUTH WEST Hoefele, 'Jay Banker, Steven Ah- chJiijUtf- •" iht. hoi>c that «i wider Have-you e^ er passed a Frrtt;.Aii'.Oj i!r*e - ass pass in that suit which he might get ifderson, CaroV Stewart, Vincent however, the signals were removed ••peciftcally tepez\ ariy i>r«.-vi<>u«. tr.- Say, why do*'tf* sen* ('- •-«»'. if i'3- n. •fc'air C^-i".- -Wiftni-r- j'.:V Urge r.irr-.t«r ol new appli- 1 A dble . P ,,n,I,.|-,t:imiin« • of .ftur firdinanceii ,'oa led' your, honor. In this case., r Vtc'sniti they were unnecessary. ' actroent )>ut merely p'rwiAbti Hfiit, reicetved a certificate> It JO. give '(k* c: i spr^vg '.errr. programs risr pass Guerriero and Carol Ann Lfee. , There's troubW ahead «bta ,n.,v r(.ffMc<" thwc-'ploas- of Vig.- What do you lead? 'or example, if East holds The next step 4n" traffic sicnals ."Any ordinances or put'J. of ifc faithful observance, * Q 6,4 . iind you'lead the jack, )ic wins Van Horn, Carol Newman, Robert Calves- under six months of as* am hereby 'repealed." or Eiriniiar laji- '..•lauife,.. .ttllhriirttil. itiw-munc *K E' c-VS and in Detroit The lights wire nut IM\-j;"f'nir. to«/hnn all-around tet- \n (event of ei^eTgerrcy,, .rsiv© yoa b ' a 1 1 with the king and "his ten-threo- unabl* to> state lante aiiwwij «l RUajJf. This meant a search throti'Sh" - . ?Hir.re«v- rantjnsrr- ' StiatftSiWRj-.-' ' this _ :. ••• •'•^••J T.2.. George, Gaylc Waddill, Marianne to guide vehicles directly, but tcr pl:/M- to live and to enjoy 'a dcuce wijl still stop the suit. But grassu due to 'tiMwroevejto|wnem cs all previous or-.<.- i',.'.'/. atm'.".' ilcui.;. . ..-Si** v.J s«:i.'" JV V..1: heart and "your jack, sitting over trienU in the volume needed tar ferent meanings, too. In New b(.'"I:j(l to •make corrections-. If any dwm:i :i • "jl~i-- v-iiw.. .!»*;. -i.".:ijiil, . Torfc. red stopped all traffic, green being a matter :of'interpretation,-it' :he ten spot, will hold East to one ' MarahmU rka CMHM , rapid (rowth. The result, tonally, is opit'.if.ns >f\i. {• •./•„ ..- meant stop for northbound trtifficr .{>, debute their, as it is' not my de-I is readily stren what a field riaj* for '.jr rhe SI-JV; .'Zvtr. "I-.*' Hospital Staff Member :rick4n.the suit. •'.."'•' The greatest demand tor • eom- that .the yauncster* scaur, and tea gency' bousing -• beds - . TVV.-.'M -*>'•-!. to gain weight espeicialSy if they and amber meant go for north- •<-,,-t.)*!'i:t.fcr controversy. Above lawyers is pnovideO -.by thai r.rni J v/j^; Feiio '•• 5.'"Wheh you have bid a suit and. mbdity 'purchased - With HarduOl .of "sloppy" logislati/irU Ewo the i garwl to-.': .. r,'* . • •' ..' ...... - /' • \ -*J T« AdHre»» League. Hit' up on grass and relnt* cram.' sooth traffic \ • II it^ift be "uiYderstooy that '•.'••_' bedding \^.^:,.^:. ,..'..• ••• \ ••" •.-' - •'• •: partner's only bid is .a double of plan funds'during 194S wai torcot - The first electrically Interlocked 1926 C(>de did ro-j i~, E. E." Griharr. ,0! Lyojis the opponents* ho trump cohtrqe't, ton, the economic cooperation ad- ••Towiv-hi-p Trilk:;" Jft-ft wholly un- .us..-^.rsv,.if.IminT^ *. -:_.i/jii. -Slut ' ^ ajajnal' system was Installed in ••i,llici;i'l.' Tl>e'y do" • not' pretferid; to anything that/wc-hfjSefc*t*,-'- • •|''f/jrj!i«.- ., Are • ydu' • available .a* • a • Qofi& doncr-1 .ifc nmuft: .'•. y'f.i -n 'Susii/'ti v'tu~ >V~ he .i^" .demanding that you" bpen ministration diacloied recent^r Houston. Te*:. in 1922. ^ Nine,in- Workablt- copied v/ffe'-thfrri made |-!he>t; .?;•.'- aa ••.".;j_-:.:.- S?rv.i« l*as your suit.. Your correct lead 'is During the year-' cotton purchmy* : '•;\H-,ik l«r the Township Cwrfmit- : •S3M ittteiuet!,- "tiK. 7^:' 3«'.;i'-i.T ,,,. ^Tf tfty ffrnwTt*t^"^T »T*li*t^te tint tersections were controlled rtrom a f the remaining; "Jiv«r portions emergency- • '- • ' -'-/ . • :: '. -;-r ; U-r rr>5*"..mg Tuesday .v Z:3(J».p. ir^ yOucJoury? best heart,' the six -spot. approvals issued by ECA for-West - i,.c. c,r.'thi> newspaper: The alittrOr UTit. "Jt-'W -p In a city ot tjmjm pewaas; lha central point ' «-. ipd these parts assembled t>y the its oiivic^ _r. tiit hart d itr-J-J-.-Branch Dar- The probabilities, are that part- ern E'lrope totalled' $575,900,000. cost of private .car travel yearly. Mono is itsponsible.- ' I' IK**>;ii T : cut and paste-" process in'.fr pro- | ;.-ib)ec.iu • Has your Uood been tyj* ~leasl Uiree heaEts, iii^ -Mjchlnwy and—«^"'p"i4nt ' iwit The red and green lights .finally her h6ids:nt Tnar-mWIiMi iWlats. HA only. It nsed in contwUing street-trailic .isional chapters, constituiini. V'-i. •ecbhd with $493,000,000; bread million dollan fis* ^prTt floe txadc- plants the lf|20 Code of General i?r"iss ii- - -~WJ»- • 1' eluding a high honor. He may were adopted from the signals ill- lirst draft of "a rigvist-d Covlc'- These —»j--. 'w..I ce iioi?:ec by Mr?. A5- grains, third, $427,300,000; and pe- less trolley, motor bos' and street- • Oi-'iiiiancf-s, 20 amendments thc-re- hold little else, but that should be troleum and products, fourth, $420.- leady in lise by the railroads. tn,-ami ..iboiit 55 ordinances of gen- Jrafts were gofie over v/ith Tov/ri-_ • a.? many cjuesdoas as you '-.<>•?. ."ciT-iio.-.. ?<'ri-'E. J. Ixr3r.ger. car riding. ;Uip officials anci others rr.^st cU&i- .".-. Wrr.Tiv^.r-Mi-Xii*--. 3trs. J..C. . •sufficient to ens'ure. the defeat of 400,000. The'1949 EGA figuresIn - •rum the form over between January 7 ao4 ly concerned, to bring the provis- f.r. thi-ie- 5iir.; -Tr.-'r ?.;;<•'::- !5. «•-:!:.•:•-,: Mn-L K. Mem!!.' ; ^^ P^5 the\ no trump contract. , • • cluded: $1,861,900,000 for industrial pass items; $1,823,400,000 for food and • ' onniVAKf'ti'S>o.'sn-so" ons in line with currc-rii' practice, 1931, to the personiieMn "cfcarge, or'scar! to: Hrl. ?... H :Uc*ey..Jr.. ar.d M.rs. i V**^ ' ••• ' DAY Chapter Initiates AN' OliniNANCF. PrAvlcllna for the Con-und rtomcnClature. In . nurricrouj - t--, -.—;'^.-j' •«.•••;*-^,o> • • • ' ""..- •• • '' • / •''* • . •-.•.•• ••> 4 sirilciliM' "( a.' Sanitary Stwcr. in Car- 1 PACKAGE! 800,000 for ocean, freight; and pellllT I'l'.'-l'. '-.'., cases it was found 4hat the proce- 'a'G'ii'.iorS' art- Or E1E Four New Members , % CKAIRMAN OF CI\TL DEFENSE ir-.r,:iv .-; •• V- p.^r. ir. the-jion?* I •„ "• The jack'of hearts. With four. tl5.500.00O for technical services. Art Supplies Make •|!E IT l)MDA!N'ED by thc ToWnshlp dures and requirements of the eld c!c-ar;v irrora Ciiiinniti'.i- of tVii'-Townnhlp ot CtanUird Unity Cha'titer 59, Disabled Code had been altered, apparently «-=.".:.•-S:r.ic Tfcg^ - " • . ' /TownsKip Rocms ' ' if Strj. H:.;*" Aii'.rf.f. 3Z- Xcrth W-sr.Gre trumps it is generally bet- American Veterans . has accepted in. itn- r.k.mtr' (if Union: *» Vr. :ri *i~r.-ir-'Jt": " I'-ter to force declarer to ruff.rather "ui'itiin i Tlrji an H inchpipt' sanitary by corh'rrion consent but without pal Cci.'ci rr.ar.::- Walsh, commander, announced. fin.v'; Koiii.* rlv .f"n- :i tli^t.-inct* o{ atipraxi- 1 are to be placed on a polished Excellent Gifts! Second drafts ft-t-Ve- then matie , V .'•. ' • ••/' -• "- -'•-.'• •-'-•• - r • .» * ' o - »• * ' **W. s*> the lead of the singleton They are Irwin Rader of Cranford, 'wii'.i;iv ;i2.i (i-.ri.- Said.xcivrr Is to lx? coh- : Lvtubltn fainting - dlair.ond would be a bad lead. If floor, "cut pieces the size Of a quar- , iinii'ifil m j:nrd.ii'.ri' with1 the plan* and checked for legal conformity, and J If ,eae r.ip .rc-5 Marvin Groves of Rpselle >.P.ark, iiniiik-j-aii.:. |>vc[>arrd. lot same by the •>Carne~ ./• ' '. . ,- /\'.••——-,"• ;'- l!_i:! H*i-Kr. S_ Bs.s^ K-- 2i Sp'ricgT Vyou .keep shooting hearts at East Abe N. Cohen of Millburn and ter of. a half-dollar from an. .old r»t» N*'hi;i.KMi^!si'cr und uou' on'ntr \n the : ! Whether 3rou aie a professional artist^ a teacher or ' -£.i ii-ivejs."jfr «xj-.;b;-i*i a paJntir.g he will have toi ruff once'or twice Charles1 Kosty of Rahway. felt hpt and glue them to the bot- >nv/iii tin* Ti'Wnship. Cleric. tom of the chair and table legs. K.-r|ifni i!.-»The1 " t-unMrurtlon of . said r '., :i 3rJ*tci_ Baaioiir'ii! *>.« JMlfci in--"Shd you Will set up sonje trump The chapter will elect officers student, or an art hobbyist'»~ .we invite you to come cucr sh:il{ In mult'rtpki'n as a 'U»c-al Imr Addxeis i«n«.uiiin. Stt»ft us e cniat jw»'aa JC JL«l. ••»/•-: ''" v-tricks for your side, and possibly next Thursday, January 11 at 8 This Will -prevent their •• scratching ii»vC!v-Nil imri tl!i> r(i»t thj-rmf shaVl bo WE GO ANYWHERE! x the floors. jssi'.vi.c.i iij:.,ni~l ill.' lands siktislly bcW- »-&* heldj-Sjome.rhe^r'"" — t-—t- tricktrickss " \qpi« . p. m..'in Cleveland School. in, browse around, see the complete Upe of art 'iitcd UuTt-h'. ni Ihi? luannt-r 29 aT 2. Now the. lead of the singlc- TetNo i—Tn defray thn -cswt materials iwe've assembled for you. ' • 11 tlic sum of $1400.00 TAXI SERVICE I-In ,'i|>prii|imt«l/ - A...dow.o payment of •.- . • " * • • • '.-•.•>'•' '. • "• r .' '' iiwi.hu in tin-. t-K'Mlne canital improvo- THOMAS E. PAREOTT. T>rop. ' -" . . v.y.rr f.liici. jhv«ni' M-is*. Basi has j iiiHul .fuivl. )•;' vino ht-rvby uppropViat«l. REBUILT :*t£. s-.^tru'iir.t-' *-"•* hiciidays. wi'iS • •••. ARTISTS: on, COJLOR TUBES AND SETS- S'ci"(iii'J4-. *0> (liianftf said appropriation 1 l-.hv :-/*: rx'-.-^-cirry ••&• tif.suuftw. tw>nd dnttrlpatlon'note* of xhe Limousine Service for Weddings or Funerals* • rrf-.r. ;.vrr.-"->- -'. 'BrJi.zl Highlaiids. j • ARTISTS' WATVR-COLOK TCBE8 AND SETS T.'Wi^liip ;iri' tu'reby ntithorized tp. IH» £1. &^i.'h/ti. *?.'s? •*'a4 * harbor • AsYnSTS* ROtCSHES. rALETTES. EASELS. ' i4md 11* .in .ittiri'u'ati'jamoi'iit not excc*d- By Hour, Day oV Trip. i-.^.-.eJ::: she- cch^r. ._ • \- T.-J* S:c.-^fi >:£ ?:~s-j^nrt:cz =JS. %V Inj'Vud npprri[ilion, «o bear lntcr«t ati iW*.;.-tir-,t.tl^i.* l-jciix'y-' • •• . » nsMnsG'Thitms, rvsens. INKS 3 r.iti; nrir i-\i-ivdinu 6 pt'r, ccntunt- xk r ^ • ' a •'•'>•'• • ARtlSIS" rASTEL SETS ' ••'•.-•' i.rii'-uiii ar.d to iinatiirt* in 1 y«n.r. •*•• For Service, C*U -Srctinn .V -1| U hereby determined and |i DeSOTOS AND PWM(>UTHS 1 •mitt "*.•• • CANVAS. CANVAS BOARDS . diTlarnl that tho probabit ' period.- of ii*e- 11 lulrcsj nf said imoroveihrnt.U IS yearf;"+4 CRANFORD 6-3280 • .' ' ' """ ' * .. • rOSTCR COtlORS ~ ' . tlul the tiippTtmratal debt utatemrnt le- 11 ;• ' FOR; IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • ARTISTS' ACCESSORIES fliiiivil-by ttaiutie ban be*n made and nt<|d; 11 I that lhi> i.lilieJtim-.s lii-n-lh authorized to be •lii'd jr>> willilnall le|!al debt llnWH pre- class:fit. S«Jc»>& Service rilwt! liy suiinc; and thai the Kro«» debt I iht* Township' will.be increaseubUrati>»t nftn |.Hii;'l'p.i4^i'.''.'iii pnivlijed by stotutc. - * TOOK AUTHORIZED DeSOTO-PLYMOCTH DEALER CO. FtWays Tin 9 1*. M. CKOIIfiB t. OSTeitllKUVr. WE ALWAYS HAVE A TINE SELECTION OF GOOD USED CARS (.'lulrmati Towiulilp t'omtultte* OfTKESLTTLY iHHt: • • • Lawn Care Starts Now! NATIINAL RAHWAX, N. J. OUnford &2540 J. WALTEIt **0»TBE.. 446 ST. GEORGES AVE. „ . ' » YAWIIIAIIP CIrtk.'•• IF* LAWNS* ARK CLEAR OF" SXOW QKXCE I WL X > i 69** Evenng» an* Sundays LIMESTONE & PL.4NT FOOD; which ~ui-ic ii . Th« fi'r«eiilnr 'ori^nnwc* Wa« id»pt»d «• .IV a-sc?". -as is ;3 *= *«fe visScSy -4-0H I Frjibv, Doci-Milior >26'.)05O, • . • SHOILU BE APPLIED EARLY F6R BES,T Ri'-SI J. VVALTtili WVTSK. T.»n«hli> t'lfrk nf the I - •> TVMHulitp nf Crmufird. X. J cmcay I DMnli nrrrinlirr 29. IBM'.. ::-. ..par:.

v ; GRAY MEMORIAL ? /• . -' !<:: .*.::v Hovf Much Should a RESERVATIONS Amiduf s reen • • • • o w cu- . Cruises "Tour*. ..',-•; WILL MELPi tO MAKE YOtRS THE' SERVICE! ">"Hoiela ' Resorta " Srr BEAITIFI'L l_\\\ N , No-Wi\:li:uii ca«f iK.**^^ so** Steamship Bu«" qiuatum* Airlines . Rcdlroads, t • *'i'i« Om 'Jt&rpe /*r * ftuurai is th* uvn* tthrthrt the The Caroli Travel Bureau rtt\£ {-.luiWA All'- • ww*-^.' -- fmmrrwt jt» 1*44 im the family tmm*^ tha Church or. (y inc., .offer* residents of~€panford and IVS4? 113 X'nrth Avn« Plalnfleld WILD BIRD SEED WWttt^ ".v WWIwl ,CTt ....' '. PLG-2B13 PL '«-«390 ouUtanding fnneral home, complete SUEirT,\KES^-SlNFLOWER SEED ... . uJmlmum tluMst* that funeral* t:o& On Cleair, Sunny Howvwr. with air conditioning* organs large light rooms for J. '.» LOANS to \ 4*1(1*4 hf- (*tmf* lme~, are uithut thf m+att* of rrvry *Wperatur<^ \\* A *0 "^ 7sW ***UA iiutMM or* for adult* only. Child your etery convenience. ,' . ^ WINDOW " SPRAY, with SCALECIOE «r#v. #f **mr*+i l**M txp*n*iz+* • The'fnmnlelr ltarnuHt,,Sj)!-.iy'i'«r -.-•-*- SHADES TREES — 'SilRlWS — VINES H0LtANl» MAUlSQNf l.^J No Parking Problems Here sn- Cf G&AY, BUI, " (UB to 30 Inch) _ Just Drive In Rear of Store — FREE ! fin our own display room in WettfieM, 25 ts-JW tK-1 to CMS CtOTII 1.20 s»v KftJto M M 12 SPRlWCflELD AVENUE, CRAHFOKD PS. We Have Rock SaW feat U&i'fa SMO. tmkeUare ahtay* oi display -*-' M plainly marked ON YOUR ROLLER '.V - UIHJ feat VUf\to ffO O hem. «t6l ,to. S7f«- 22 _24" STSO as to cost* FLOYD E. REYNOLDS 1 UNION" COUNTY White or Ecru - " v .' • ' - WM« 26\— 28" — 30' _ - ^\\r\y^y^lj Plumbing and Heating Contractor .r.-i.v.* »-*•:* TRUST COMPANY N PROBtKMS EUSABTTH We have been serving people of M denomina- IJOHNSTQN PROMPT RKPAIR tU$ r***rr& *»f tnlt r.harg* In thr firm *AINt SHOP 'tan 31B E« Biofldl Btr##t furmhh a udUfartory nrriee tion* in this eommnmity /«r mmer S3 years. 1... W W««ifl«UL N. I. M'-» N. UNION A1T1. > SOlVll AVIt.'R. CRA^VfcO WE. M143 116-118 SOUTH AVE., E. CRanfocd

•[•• •-•;!< .•'.•',: •


"• - '•' ••'. I . .''•'•." v.. •''.• "•.«»

1 .. ' .' • • , • ' , • . .-.".• •'. ;•.'.'' .(' , ' i; x • :'•::: • -••-••••• y • '•;'•• •-• ' •• • '''•-•-" • " ••• •=•••••••• •• •"•• ••••-• --••••-'•••• •••* •..'•, 's^' •-•».-• •••••.'••• •.,• ,, ;'•>":;-^:f^^pTf*? W^W'^^^y^r. '^l'^^-- ^FW^^^'."1 THE CSAKFORD .CITIZEN ANP CHftONICtE, THURSDAY. JAftfrAftY 4, Ifli51.

CRANPORD CITIZEN compared with recentiy" enaReff| Transfers of ;<•; JK^lm, prprt. Exams Scheduled for iwanians Present •ndinances t>f otliyer municipalities, Land Company.. • •''"*' • •frpet. W3.5ti..fee( from Lexington rman Music hird drafts were generally neces- Real Estate . Mr. and Mrs. Paul W^-Thomen. vumt. . . . . New Term,at UJC to Prjesident-Efert Township Talks ,5>ry to iron cut" "ciiffeijenrces. Jn CIVIL DEFENSE QUESTIONNAIRE 6 Air. and Mrs, Paul S. Settle, Jr. —Norman,Blum apd Martin Dub-' Enrollment* Taken for . The "followinn^cjieeds have bceh' Of Qub's Program John fe^Hanjey^ was pntpa ome cases reference to State offic- - TOWNSHIP C>F CKANFOKb. N.. J., lot 41. section 2 map of Eddymont. J;T. partners.'-to ' Mr. and Mrt. Rutgers' ^Jight School Examinations for the "new term Friink X. Sippj, property knojvn ai OBITUARY- The January, meeting 'of The at Union Junior College win start with _ president's pin and Dr. By E. D. STANLEY ials was nfece—sary. J^or same chap- ecorded in the ofnee of County Park. __,> ,- ;, ' Dwm Norman C Miller of Rut- Playing The Cards Westfield Musicat Clwb wUI be Henry J. Mlneur received a past ers four or five drafts were neces- ..:, ; V^; , _: ,. Register Herbert J. Paseoe in the Mr. and T^irs. Hprold Snydor, to 5} ElUabpth aveaue. « • '•.-•'., held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. in January 16 and the second term foTd; six" RraTidchUdrefi and 10 1,'crs University College announced. will begin on' February 5,. it was president's pin Tuesday at ;hc era! nature'passed since that-date. sary before consideration by 1hi 1 -ourf House, Elizabeth! Mr. an;l Mrs, _rw|n. G. Andcr- . t itilra. Laid* A. .TariMrt great-grandcfiildieiw • . ' ' . ves^raay that it will be possible the home of Mrs. Elbert Brown, [luncheon meeting of tKe Kiwnnjs, TowpsKip Comir.tttec of .The Whole'.' - -TKjC -j^oclamatipn of a state of emergency . Canine AnemU, "By ALEXANDER G. SPENCER announced by Dr. Kenneth C. Mac-: , CODE. The. eompelline,' though .not/the, '. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Paul Irany •tM\, lot's 327 arid -328. block 7.73v .>'•' Funeral services were held Tues- Uit'young-men dnd women to begirt 614 Bpuloyard, Westfield. . Club in the Coach and Four. Rithi \'M role, reason for enacting a new reerhents tfeiv niarie olten re- by the President «f tKe- United Stetesacttvates Simple anemia prodjiced bxjjletd-. Kay, dean. The college resumed .^normc* '» the &* excuses to Mr. and Mrs. .Stanley D. Bich- map of Cranford knolls. " ln( can be tolerated by the adufi dog ' m-.,, day at.i p.y.*0'- frotn the Dooley Harvey S. Lane their.college studies in the'Febru- German music \ir»ll bfe'TKe. theme ard McFadden -made the prcsw\. Code was the' fact that ho copies of quired another cfaft for similar classes Tuesday -after the Christ- •S^olthatallnienkriowthe the forces of - Gyil' Deiens*. and . makes it •Jllr. andrMrs.-Stanley Fr;Gray-_ continuously during, i*-, entlra lif• , Funeral Home, 218 North avenue. Harvey SamOei Lang, 69 years i,ry term in the Evening Divisipns Hepe are five questions on Jhe of the program under direction of tatlons. '.'. ' , • . J • 1 the' Old Code. nor of "the majority iew before intlusion in • the nond. property in tuxedo place. declarer "takes' the first trick, you mas recess. ••/ : ^ ,.; •.;, i °- but because 'tis an excuse necessary to expartd its perspnnej as rapidly as votj to Mr. and -Mrs. John A. Beck-; hiitofy. Slmple'hypoproteln»mlt tQ : west, for Mrs. EdithTalbot, 64 old, died Saturday in.the home of ,fthe State University.: , ' [opening lead. Three right is fair, Mrs. J. A. Plan", Mildred "Jameson, Dr. .Mineur' thanked'mmbors uu of the later ordinances were avail- Code. Details'!, especially wj'h. re-. 100 feet from Lenox avenue. Will soon gain the lead with the .' Last Thursday' more than 400 1 I 'la*. , ;vi]1B iead, and "no man man Jots 757 to 759. "block 22, map be maintained in adult dogs for his ?on, William Harvey Lang of Uceistrations". began yesterday our is* good and five puts you in' pianist, wilt play "Fantasia in C for their cooperation during thr» able for issue to Township Officials, ! possible. ' ^ •- -•.•-••'•' _v"*years old. -of 9 Normondie .place. ce of trumps^nd can probably to wfute him." Thus ispoct tti tho,chapter'on.•"Traffic Butts Realty CoiVipany to Ursino 1(V1 Hampton street., Fuiicral serv he expert class. Miriofc;'V>by Mozart and "Duet*' alumni gathered, at the college for past year. Installation ot bfflcci's .of 288. idiots at Normnnriie -'Park years. However,, double depletion—- >'• cnri-^ni nnd new' students. All t i thKedFtlealead tihual^omacomirLg the Police, or the'eenpnil nnbHc. Parking" Werp coni-:^^)*' If you^wU_j^mtribuU!yont[»e Axil ices~wbre~ helri-ijunda.v- night—aT - a re ^ti, i^jn'tud' in ------1 - ___ _ —. fT^SongWitteu^ previously- scheduled—ior-Januiji y lew students rnusthavefhad"their e S so you can run0a diamond. With- which reunites graduates who have The authenticated'"' originals"TTof socf£ sdtESlions Sxrere Kelly street, S'.i9 fot-t ft'<)J'.i Mr. and 'Mr*. Oemld E. Phillips"!'» in . c^al defense, these'laws ore, of course, well pre- rna'tie by the Chict <*t "PoU*-? \i-iJhin ten ;iVi>mie. ' .- .'.• to Mr. and: Mrs.. Stanioy F. ClWiy-' be tolerated continuously only for •she was taken last Wednesday after nue, with the ftov-."RobertG . Long- i.'iitieipate" iri the . next terrp's J 10 2 ist wiliUl plal y ththe "Adagio" frofrom tainside, was canceled^ due to sctvecLin the Ordinance Book kept ui huur bWort in*!- piiepare-d questions listed below for purppsei of classifica- a run, as yoiLwill never take a na- all pans of the cpuntryryDr^MJMJ-- lef!l Mr. and'" Mrs. Paul p. Wcingn'rt son, lot 15, b'loi-k 5, map of U;il- • few months. . / - suffering o heart attack. lakpr, pastor of the.Fif'srPrexirvU-V- •lasses'. . Final registration" closed • 8 - Bach?~; "SonatSonata HI in iE,," accom- closing' of the.. re's'taurartt" for VM Wt\ •'» "" by the Township Clerk. There >vas .vas firtalty ^raipped up."' • • Rabbi Jordan I. Taxon of Tem- tural trump trick with your ljttle Kay and members "of the faculty tion and tabulation j o, ".:• to,Mr. und'Slrs. Robert,K. ltmvr: miei;e Park. . Church, oftlciatinti. AnWher (anuai'y. ^27-. at noon, 'with second • J764 pan'ied by,Anna Munday. pairs. - • .',• "'. . • ,v it is to condemn one available.one typewritten copy.of ihc lnn- -.. N(>ticr. or- HE AKIN p • ple Beth El officiated. InciricraT WEST ones. :•••'• greeted ^he guests at anbpen house pi'o'pt'rty in Munsec* drive, G7..443- Frank Vicci, wiiiower. to Mr, vi was • held yesterday from erm classes beginning Jantiary^l. !ORTH EAST SOUTH Friedel Grtf, -soprano,^ WiU be The Rev. William H. Niebnm-k for vj_the old Code prepared by the l Hoard <>r Adju»lm*nl — Xanlnf in the college library. cognizant; and the gua™e ahti ihe decimal • iiuhiber- Did. you iservc in the Gvilian Defense Corps and Mrs. Gerald E. Phillips, lots NnlU-.. u h.-icbj- Kivt-it tl-at-llie Board tion. followed at Rosehiil CreWa- the' Ritchie and .1'iuU ' Funeral 1 <2- ass 1 NT 3. The ten - of spades is • clearly heard in a group of songs' by Ger- .urged.members to attend'the \)i\y th >t fivm Mohawk Wwd. if pro- Among the new courses offered 1 A fl I tr»^^wlrenVer^lizethatpos- W.P.A. during boon-doggling days. nt»' of. the Cede. Fi>3!ov.-ing ihe 1(5 to 18, block A. map of Cainfm-il Adju-ilhUMit- IZi^niniSt ttl the Townnlilp \ tory. Linden. ' • Home. ,130 East Wheeling street, pass indicated. When you doubled the man composers.. Adele Beatty will Earlier in the evening the vaj- of Prayer service Sunday at'4:nil' during the last war:..„'.: If so, wJjat dticecS. Ciiiiiriixl, N J., In the County of Un- Dr (he first time in February at the pass 2 * pass .one percent of the One printed copy of the old Code rend in recent -y Jaws. Garderts. '. . / Mrs. Talbot was the wife, of Washington, J'a. Interment \v:is hi pass .-.-•• • . opening'bid of one spade, you ex- be accompanist. The program will slty basketball team defeated an p. m. in Temple Beth El. Hisjjufst 1 Mr. and Mrs. Aijbrev/l,., Welko i. will hold i public- h**ar!ii|C on . Slew ' Brunswick Division are mysteriously turned up. - None of tfort has been -mace to avoid.'in- "• -branch .....:.-...' ;.u.:.n::.:i ;;.:. :^._:.., • Elsie W. Iiutz to Mi. and; Mrs. MONDAY. JANt'AHY B. 1031 *Uwis A. Talbot. She was born in Vashineton Cemetery, i American renuissance, financial What do you lead? pected partner to bid his best suit. conclude with' the playing of Schu- ahimni . team at Regional- High at the meeting was the Rev. AUicit these copies has much mdre than to Mr, and Mrs. JRobcrf A. Carley. Il:l-\ 1>. M IES.TI til tin- Municipal I-41 volved lesal phraseology. -. Thero AH!f(l*M;ulalsz, properly-in ttarden lUlnuit't'oi*i>«.r rCortb AVcmtr and Aldrn ' Brooklyn and' had lived 25; years Mr. l-»ng came hc-re about three 2. You are South and hold: His pass converted*,your double mann's "Scenes from Childhood," School, Springfield, by a score of G. Dezso, pastor "of Osceola Pres- lots 20 aiii). 21, blot-K 465. ir.ap of 1 itntement analysis, and radio and , and local historic • value for. they are 'not are n^ two sections u-Wh ihe Ktuie Were you a Red.Cross worker?....-.....,. pliifo,' 2-10 feet from Cr:inf<»,i(i UT- stiV* t. Ci'tmforil,. K. J.. lit coitvidrr: in .Cranford. She was a member •years ago after his .retirement iis elevision advertising. - ' A A 0 4 from a takeout Rouble into a pen- and •'Cappricio in B Minor/' by 64 to 41. / byterian Church.. *''' annotated and there was, no way : Cranfovd place. I-M—Application'<>( Mr*, lleliy Chrln- •H ^^"the books together with •number and each. 5«cts«w 'number, race. " •. • . ' •'•••' tonst.n. Cut- a ,*UMlliV.'itio'i '*i ihv Zonltis of the "Woman's Club, Temple, Beth a mail carrier ,in 'Washington.' He * conduct a •El and the Woman's- Auxiliary of Traffic LtfM* In 1914 !>"""• :..j:..ioi infnrnretatfons Mi*?lm(l Mrs. Chillies Edwin Vil- was born in Greene CoiiMty, Pa. wnrli will bp re-offered . after 0'7 •'•• ,,--•' he has length in spades — at least Mary Lou Jones will discus's cur-t reunion were Dorothy pasorek, fect without searching, through, all burg to Mr' nnd'.Mf's.' lloiinai l.'piiiivv Slinp. S. W. coriu-r Alilen and It is hot necessary *°" refer U< ade tI H. Watchung Camp 37, United Span- Mr. L:»ng was a member'.of • the- .npse of fniHqt/ears', and the govern- five and maybe more, and you are rent events, in music. Mrs. B F. Frank Heiser and John Higglns, all Abtllshid at UnnMinary !i|(Snv7^c force of -tew., the subsequent enactments'"to find ii Check one of the following as to preference of - Sec. .16. Part-1. Art. VIII. Chapter Oemcke. property in Spruce street, eph Griffin, iSfbpei'ty in .Carpen- Hi-sidfiu'i- "A" UKtrict . ,, ish-American War Vetcrafis. First Presbyterian; ^Church and of ment '.of New Jersey, is being rc- The bidding goes: expected to lead- a "trump. The Patton will, be chairman of hospi- of Elizabeth.. iiei' is «hql so many ot-us are any part had been repealed or 300 feet from Tulip slroet. Al tin- llnit- and play* alx>v«> s(Dtrd all : Traffic sign* kml >lgnal» havt VIIk as iti the old Code but only, ter place, 120 feet from Nort|v ave- toi\.KU*d parties nVr tiwitpd 'to'lbe p«"i- • Also surviving are two daugh- .the O'ld Guard,'Wpstflcid... NORTH EAST SOOTH WEST idea is. to prevent East from ruff- tality. -.,'. ' .',••'••' ' • amended. service: Medical ,„..'...'...'..•. Nursing pciited for the Second time because become such a necessity' In mod- efg.. to Sec. 7:16>*Vih;ch L< to be| Mr. and. Mrs.- Waller A. Blaes nue. ' . '.•' "• . int, u'lu-n full opimrtunity tn -I** Ki»ard ' , ters. Miss Mildred Talbot, at home. Besides his son,.he is survived by 2 0 ing .with his little trumps. With iiSilv." l>owevert/there is a re- Will 111- I'lvi'H t(> Ill'i-itV. — of requests from teachers and oth- 1 ' Nursery, Sprlngfleld, will give an public understanding of them. vshi|> and 6ur rights and Wilbur orCraoford; a sister, Mrs. vf-iih respect to it anci to in force and this was no simple Revised Statutes, bu: i* is'not jitiur- and Housing . Transportation •.... •Robert-A."llomnrk and others to Bu.rnsitle avenues. ' Anthony G. .|Ii.|irlrl>. ••'•'.• Pa., and Mrs. J. S. Jewell of Pen-principles nf finance, discussion and What do you lead? ' several "tricks. : Two holiday parties were held illustrated talk - -on "Flowering ' But only 38 year* ago «n electric tpsk. All ordinances subsequent to Secretary. • . Cuirie^Mtfycrs >of Brooklyn, six ney Farms, Fin. citizens. Tliat limited ahteed that these. r>ffs When available? Day.../.': Night.:.'..v...rt diedjast Thursday'at her home ciples of marketing, and eighteenth o. ' •- ..4a A 9-3•"• ' '•_ .- 10 trump cbntraci'.is your, small- son. Arleen Mickein, Martin Trom- Spruce street. Mrs. John H. Bucher The. red add green' lights were 'o]> ordinances'- found ' to have bee'fi Tin- funeral «>f Mrsr-Eurotta-gield "Milford nvcnue7~NcWnrfcr-a*ter- ThlTbiddinB-goest rst-of-the sui£ pri>v<»i>t j^.,,....-,.. — ,___ such as those authorizing public ct'iiRiry ITtcralureT etter, Bobby Davis, MritMargueritee will be co-hostessr grated by a policeman specincally . repoaled. Difficult^ "Lucas, 78 years'old, was held Tues- a long illness.' She.and her hus EAS1T * - SOUTH ...WEST NORTH declarer from getting two 'tricks I cxpionvthnt Code chapter by Works g streets, ' Dean . Miller foresees an unus Hoefele, Jay Banker, Steven An-, on the corner.. After a short tim^ came, where ordinances djd ' not day at 2 p. m. from Gray Memor- band, the ' late Harry . Diamond 1 4k. dble' pass pass in that suit which he might get if however, the signals were removed ,h«.plcr inthe hope that a wider ; borid lAsites. and olhcrs oi tran- Have you 'ever passed'a Firtt Aid Course _.._ ually lnrge number of new appli d'ersgn, . Carol Stewart', Vincent . Bad far Calves • specifically repeal;any previous en- sient itttcrest--. It tioes not touch Say, ^ ial, 12 Springfield avenue. The were proprietors'f}>r 26 years of i pass "" -'•- . •• . • • •"-.• /oil,led your honor. In this case, because-they Were unnecessary. . •undcrstn'ndirtg ol cur: ordinances cjints for spring term programs ris- Guerriero and Carol Ann Lee. nctment but merely provided that, on those subjects .which properly received a certificate?, If so, give date; of Rev. George A. Aitcheson, D.D., confectionery store at the, corne" [hat'do you.lead? for example, if East holds There's trouble ahead when "The next • step 'in'.Jtraifie signal s •nav reduce, those pleas of /'tg- : ing out ot' the (act that cducationa Also, Norman-Zimmerman, Kay calves make pigs but of themttlvei "Any ordinances or parts ot ore!in belong in the Bui!din2. . Zoning. ,a pastor of the Cranford Taber- of Walnut;and South avenues.. • " YoU arc South arid hold; 'K'10'3'2 consisted of towers In the mlddla noraiicc of the law," and, by pro- •certificate :....;./*,..!...: '.'.....• : .':....': ;.....:,...;. privileges for many G. I.'s wil Eriglese, Jonelle Smith, Jo-Ellen on pasture!.' veterinarians warn. ances inconsistent with' this act are "Rlumbine.or Sanitary Codos. These tie Mffee with the richer nacle, officiated. Interment 'was in 'Funeral seivices wfere held Pii ,.4> QB4 and you lead the jack, ho Wins of Fifth aVenue, New York City, lapse unless und.citakeri in th F Vail Horn, Carol Newmanv Robert Calves under six months of age ant m(ltill? :,n»rc faithful bbservance. hereby repealed," or similar Ian also,badly need revjsionr -8 Faiiv'iew Cemetery, Mlddletown. d:'iy at the Goldsticker Memoria <"? J 7 2 . . .". ;, with .'the king, and ""his ten-three- •Hd in Detroit. The lights were not make our town an all-around bet- hi" event" of emerigency^ .have you available a spiinK of 1951r He expects thi George; Gayle Waddill, Marianne unable to store large amounts ol guage. This meant a search through But the princtpnl d 'reasos ''"'dle~tow.ii in 1872 when hei father, Mrs. Diamond was a chnrtc. SOUTH WEST heart and your jack; sitting over ferent meanings, too. In- New NOHTH EAST trients In. the volume needed for. be .-lad to wake correct ionsl. It any being a matter of interpretation, i' all knov.'w our 'res.! seversferi ',. Josoph_Flfcld, was years, old. 'memDci of the Ladies' Auxiliaiy.o pass 2 4> the ten spot, will hold East to one ifanhall Plaa C«4Ua rapid;growth. The result, usually, is. York, red stopped all traffic; green In case of a disaster could you furnish any emer-' ^ FARMER FLAGSTAFF' fiospital Staff Meirther 1 -QV 1 4k meant,stop for north-bound -traffic, opinions-'creep. iM will hot care is readily seen what a field day fo: is the State. 'Bvaz the i^w-eri; of * Hp liv*d to be 105. . ' t , Temple 4Je.th. El. After herhii; 3 NT trick in the suit. • .,• ..'.. .that the youngsters scour and fail to debate them us it is not my de- pass 2 NT ^ The greateit demand teacom- , and amber meant • go for. north- lawyers is provided by that sort our Federal gcvee-im—n't are '.' .r gency [housing :., beds ...,.'...... -.-.•.-. • '.' A resident of Ciainfoid'foi'the band's death sibout 18 yeartJ ag pass pass • pass 5, -When you.have bid a suit; and modlty purchased with "H«r«haU to gain weight,; especially if they fivotn foster controversy. Above of floppy" legislation'.'-Even-"h To Atldress League nil. up on grass and refuse grain. south traffic. ' • ,;' . . •gatyiito-it by t.ht-St-fe?.. The State it past.four, yeais/ Mrs; -Luoos was Khe moved to Newark. What do. you lead? -U partner's only bjd is'-a double of plan funds during 1949 wu for cot- nil it muM be, understood . that 1926 Go'cle did riot- specifically /-bedding • ..;...... •.:,.....:....::...,.•.•.• ;.....„..„ the widow af Jaines A. Lucas. She Surviving are two Slaughters,; Dr, %• E. Graham of Lyons- Vot- the opponents' nib .trump contract, The first electrically Interlocked may also, .dftci^ate. pmivrs tn iti; (.'riins- Hospital will address the "5. You arc South and hold: ton* th* . economic coopeVntlbn' ad- •••rwyiv-hip 'Talks" ai'e wholly qn- al/anythinfi ihat went.befcjre. '^^ • formerly lived' in" Elizn.beth Vvl\ftrc- Mrs. Fanhyc Stein of Rtfselle. Park he' is demanding lhat >you' open ministration v* xlliclosed lighal system. wasY installed 1 .counties and niunecip-lities. Junior Servicc_Leagu« at-tts regUr '• •• •• .. 4 JV'7 4 ... . ••• ofttc-inl. - They do not pretend it) Workable copies were the"n made Are" "y°u available as a blood donor, in an she attended' the . First ' Baptist and AATS. -Anna Keill of Newai'k, your suit. Your correict lead is During the year cotton purcha** Houston, Tex., in M22. ' Nine, in- these .-may' Jegkl-tfr <•«>'>" <»i .for meeting Tuesday-^t 2:30 p. m. ,<$ K 10 8 6 4 Traffle consultants estimate that •rpwik' for the Township Commit- if the remaining "live ih fe.rs..specitle_Wy .so oolf-jssied. It emergency ...'::...: „..,.;....,.;..„..., ...... ;...., , Church. ' and three-.sji.indchildren. your fourth best heart, the six spot. •approvals'iisued by EGA forWe«t - •In a city of. 1.300,000" persons, th« tersections were controlled from a l the home.ofMrs. J: Branch Dar- O A 6 2 •.„..' central, point. tee or this, newspaper. The author IKI these parts assembled, by the is obvious •tiui , tJtf-rt, are .'ir.a'ny I .Surviving are a son, Joseph F. CLKAN IAOI rVBCBAIIBD—White 01 .The probabilities arc that part- "ern Europe totalled $975,900,000. cost of prlvite car travel yearly y, 7 Central avenue. • 4k 9 7 •'••.•.. is responsible. to aved 1MIS. IH'I •Keep/. Jr.; tea that* Thn hlrirllng goes: cnlri conHOlUng street Iraldcl Corio rciscajs and sup- Mrs. Raymond. S. Price of Cran- Cmnfo*4 Cltlten and Chronlcla offlre KOUTK WEST NORTH EAST cludihg a high honor. ..He may wcond with. $403,000,000; bread" million dolUrV Is spent for track* Ihe 11)20 Code of General isionul chaptct's; cohstitutil^ the ion,-will be assisted by Mrs. Al- ...jre adopted from the signals ul-l H 14 pass 1 NT hold little else, but that should be grains, third, $427,300,000; and pe- less trolley, motor bus arid street- uiiuii.inocs, 21) amendmehts'theBe'- Irst draft of a revised Code. These form thtroughoui ihe ¥ .:i1o. Tlie ert Johnson, Mrs. E. J. Lftranger, 1 tf r ready in use by the railroads. 2 NT pass " 3 NT .sufficient to ensure the. defeat of troleum and products, fourth. $420,- car riding. t», uiuro'boiit !jji/ordinanccs of ftfcn- drafts'were'gone over Vith Town- State itttisfr-twriL- rnus".' lhr>»vfor<.' Answer as many questions as you wish and r,, Mrs. Taylor'Maxson, Mrs. J. C. pass" 400,000. The • 1949 ECA figures* In- reserve the "soft sr^j" - pass dble pass (the no trump contract. "* •• iiiip offlcials'-a*nd' others most close- pass _'•'-... '— '•"•'» : Munday and Mrs-. L. K. Merrill. cluded: $1,881,900,000 for industrial ly concerned, to bring the provis- en thosie-. 's»sbjert>. T>o Revised turn the form over between January 7 and 1 3, SPECIALIZING IN FILLING PRESCRIP1 IONS pass pass ',_ ••'* ' .• . .,•• ;"'•• •' •""•'• "• •'•••..•' • '•••• •" • • ". • • II Mrs. R. H. Lackey. Jr., and Mrs. p ^ p _ DAV Chapter Initiates items; $1,823,400,000 for food and OIIHIS'AN'CK NO. SB-SO ions in line with .current practice Statutes f><* th^ Si^Sje^rsal! volumes 1051, to the personnel in charge, or mail to: OF EYE PHYSICIANS - 'Henry Leon-will'pour. ' . • • What do you lead? . agricultural comrnoditlei; $27S.> •AN'OIIDINANCE 1'rovUllniJ for tW Con- and nomenclature. In numerous arid ihe annu^k. 5iRtncnler Place money, yauil cbeer -id* new Flmgsiaf bUh£ actually .ricW and tastmi : Walsh, commander, announced. When movable tables and chain .lu'illniOm: al Vuiniiieii Avenue and \\H\- any modilication of the law. . Any/tiippreliable utearec tti niurnc- ,','", Cranford, N. J. self, so the lead of the singleton ni'iii! imill'.d'ly (or a distance-of approxl- than ever before—(imagine that!) It's born of coffee beam specially n OPTICIANS,. They are.Irwin Rader of Cranford, are" to be placed on a* polished : y^. "hon'te-rule'" is iiist a miracc Palming diamond would be a bad lead. IT Excellent Silts! . cnivtrh' '.t!5 [mil. Riild Kowcr IK lo br con- Second drafts were, then' made, MaHlh Bid*. — Strert Floor Marvin Groves • of Rosellc Park, floor, cut pieces the size of a quar- sinirli'il in ..ircnrdiiiu'i' with the plans biid ihecked for legal conforniity, and f /one aspirfcs, «o kc*i?p up with •elected fro-i the eoVee capital* of Ihe wotld, then Uended for ixtr* Miss Helen..L. Bass of 24 Sprinj!- you. keep shooting hearts at Eas' ter of" a. half-dollar 'from an. old »incilk';ili.iii!i |irt'i>nred for same "by the : Abe N. Cohen .of Millburn and ' • iw~.. ' ' •..•', •*•'.'.•• :••'•••••' • • .•• • Tn»nsliii> I'MU'luii'i' Inul now on Hie In the Name • h4lddji 109 JEFFERSON AVE. icld avenue exhibited a painting hIHeJ wilWill havIIUWe tl\oj .v..ruff. oncu-.v^e or twic, __e _ ._ felt hat and glue them tb the bot- • Ploasc Prlntl and you will set up "some trump | Charles Kosty of Rahway. •ulliiv i.l ihi-Township. Clerk. ' Bristol Harbor, in the 54th' afti , torn of the "chair and table ligM. S-'cliiin 2 -Tlu' t-otiHtrnctlon of Kald . to ^hM momAattMj richer _av«rt JtM taste Flagstaff Coffee now— Whether you atre a professional-artist, a teacher or. 1 » 'ii»M.t ,M • r. jUinl exhibition, of Ihe Washingtort tricks for your side, and possiblyl .. The chapter will elect officers This will, prevent their scratching Fi'iiei shall I" "uiwloi'ljki.n -"UU 'a local im- becaute imttingis Relieving! -Buy h ne« time you're at your grocer't. «pMi''* A. M. Hi P. M. me heart tricks top.." ..'"•' ~[~next Thursday; January 11 at 8 tiMn'oiiu'in aiid tin"' «"n*l thereof Nhall bo ANYWHERE! Address Water Color Club which was held the floors.., ;...." • student, or an art hobbyist.... .we invite you to come iivawH, uKiijiiKt the'lnndtf specially bene- ' '• ' ''•/••.' . '•....". 'rom December'10 through 29 al 2. Now the lead of the single-1 p. rn:, in Cleveland-School. liilwl ihiTchy in the nianncr prescribed by slaliilc. ,, '.. Cranford, N. J.' . Tel. No;.-.:;. .,.....:.T.;. .he. TJ. VS National Museum in in, browse around, see the.', complete line of art •Ki'dlnn '.\-~Tn ilofray the cost of said .Washiniitori," D; C. There were 135" imiKiivi'Mit'iit tlu* stun of $1400.00 *•< TT TAXI SERVICE materials we've assembled for you. • , . - liv. ,i|i|ii'ui(l In mi ;IL.|:I'.'U.U|. amount no*'execed- By Hour. Day or Trip. vtecd''Statutes in the other. The Bbrough of Rutherford has scene from that locality. f • DRAWING PAPERS. PENCILS. INKS inV'viiil-:H)|iii>|irl:illon, to bear intejrest at In -building a Cod^Tt is not easy recently published a creditable ; ; ojily not"Vxrei'dinu II per. eenturn l«.'r For Service, Call homemade job on which it is said beSOTOS AND PLYMOUTH& •;"' t • • ARTISTS* PASTEL^SETS . •••" ''•:'' alinuin and to inatnrc.lrt 1 year. . .o determine-vufeat'ean be included • CANVAS, CANVAS BOARDS " Swtiim.ri -luij; hereby determined to have workeS for two years. It lirliiM lluil the probable perliul nf jiniitai debt statrjrirnt re- serably-.. "pt ^ separate ordinances : We Take Trade-lnM , "*'.••;•••'• 1 ' • ARTISTS' ACCESSORIES «l by statute has been m'o'dp^and (lied; srees of •delegation. These maybe passed during the last 20 years. ' S9i9 9*if~Ty i 9 *V6*99**999 : l|ir- obllualtims herein nlltlibrlrrd to be '"• •••-'• • • • .•• •; • • • '- *'••.•." classified roughly as follows: : Sde»& Service l^uid ,ii,i within till legal jUSbt limit* pre- ..*•'•' ' ' ADDING MACHINES^ ""* '. -/"• . '" You will be paid $l per hour With the exception of a few. re- " •; ' ' ' '•:< • ••' ' -• > irfihi-d hy stntuto; mid thrft the Rross'Cjcbt (a) 100% mandatory, which mu- '• ...'" '• ..». ' • - . f sulni'y while learning, a*, new nl II* TiiunsWii will. Ixf Increased by the cent ordinances which have .been RENTALS — REPAIRS V "f k.nld' o\MUaUon» by the sum nicipalities and citizens must con- business wmch can be carried I n[ JUOO.Od. . "/ bodily incorporated; the Cranford REGARDLESS OF TEMPEKATTKE firm to without option. , Code was entirely re-considered Commercial Stationery — Office Equipment on from your home after train- 1~TJ»w. ntdlnanrn shall take | ff(T. conditions. Its cost to date/ with- phone number to' Boic 482, , , , Cliilrmari Towiuhlp (o) Mandatory wi.th» discretion CRanford 6-2540 |.iltrti: •. ..,..•• •• Lap Care Starts Now! as to specified minor^ details and out printing,'is $90. • - ,--;.• nAllilNAL OFFICE SUPPLY co. c/o . Citizen andv•- Chronicle, 446 ST. GEORGES AVE. 107-5 N. Union Avenue WAWKH COVKEB.' •'*•" ^Towimlilp Cleik local conditions. • , . mi c*tua ___ , ,. ... Dtotributors of ROYAL. OFFICE TVPEWRITER 8 CranfoKd.N. J. ^y^ Open Evennrs and Sundays IF' LAWNS AWE CLEAK OF SXO* OK ire t Statammt (dV Optional,' which municipal- A productloh goal ol 18,000'ObQ 17 AWen Street T~~ Oanford, N. J. •TtiA.Ji.ri'eiilntr.nri.liiiiiiKw was nloptej en ities may adopt as a whole or not .balls of cottoij In 1951 h*« been set | Friday. niTfnihcr .29, 1050. SHOULLIMESTOND BE APPUEED &EARL PLANY FORT BES FOC>T KIJ«S :it. all.' . . • "• l ' by •eeretary of agriculture. Tb« ; Cnmford 6-9600 J. WAI.TKH COWTEK, • T.iWiuhlp Clvrk of 'th* (e) ' Optional, .which niay .be •OSDA h»» ilto declared th«t there Tnwnnlili. »T fr«liford. N. J adopted in part. "' . . frill bV no acreage allotmenti br rcmlwr 29, 1BSO. ^ matkeiin* ouotai- for "next year. (t) 100% optional,'.where the ontiro subject-is left to local legis- ORDINANCE NO. i IGRAY MEMORIAL AN. ORDINANCE FIxInB Snlarlcx. AN lation. '.'''.' BE IT ORDAINED, by the Towiuhlp flow MucJi Committee off the Township 'of Cranford, ' Examples at these will' be. ciied RESERVATIONS' New Jerjey: ' iis the various subjects are' ' -Section i—That the talarldt and com- WILL HELP TO MAKE VOURS THE pensation of the following enumerated Cruises > TounT' cxissed. '_ • ' ; office* and position! In Township of Crnn- 1 ford BIT Axed an followa: . Funeral Hotels ;. Resorts MOST- BEAUTIFUL LAWN It is hot •claimed that the new Collector of Take*, per -annum ..SSOOO.OO Code is perfect. No regulation can Township Ensineer.J'iier annum 7000.00 • •! StenuRrioiuT~tHe country. MuchTot y p ^paii- your home . •,•*?_ it is being done by a professional Cbalnaaa To«m«hlp QunmlUs* make it more attractive and convenient . .- .is availa_»le~ . -:-' SW-MENT OF COSTS OF 500 COMSEC0TIVE TREES—SHRUBSV-VINES company which will - contract to "JTWAITW corrra. ^ make and print a revision. Eliza- ,-^here at low rates. Repayment may be made in convenient" ADULT FUNERALS CONDUCTED IN l To-athlp O«r_ HOLLAND MADISON I.«S No Parking Problems Here .>eth recently had one done by this .' . Matoaaaat " • ""-'^ monthly Installments. So don't delay. Check the im- RECENT MONTHS BY GRAY, INC. company for $8,500, as did- East The tor*coln( ordinance was adopted Just Drive In Rear of Store — FREE ! Orange for $5<500. These are not on Friday. December M, 1050. provements you? home needs now. Get an estimate of. 26 Funncdt cost .....^...^. under $200- thorough revisions, however; but J. WAtTtB corm. the cost. Then come to this bank. 43 Funsrak coat from $201 (o $300 . tn our own display room in Westfield., 25 RK ••"."r," AVENUE, CRANrORD CLOTH simply a regrouping and reprint- - '- . _K#2siS *» Crtafwd, M.J from $301 to $400 Dated: December M. I ?Be Thankful You Can See!" 90 Fun«ial«, cost %:.'-' lion* in this community for over $3 yean. wumma, im*. FB 1M B»U AV«4 «.. Cra«»»r4 ' CNOBionL If* I* W.stt.ldN. I. and Federal Reserve Sustem ^ l\n for legs. . • ' • '• .•"••••;.'•-—_i' • « sorrn AVE.. E. CRANFORD OLMOtt WE. 10143 I*. UNION 116-118 SOUTH AVEL, E. OUnfotd 6-1661

'••-*;» 7"

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CHRONICLE. "THURSDAY, . • . ,-. .• • • • • •'••• ,.•..-. ;•'... •_.-__•••.;.';...•.... . -••'•-... • .-".V" "-.,..-'." . ••', •••••' >...-• ••'•- "•,' '-:>vi'.••'•-••. ' •-: - •'• ;•'" ^_ tTKB CRANFORD CITIZEFT AND CHBQNICI4!, Tffl^SDAY, - JAjtuAfcgi 4; 1951 Mayor Praises Fire 36 Twentieth street. pitted the course *at • the Union Dc-Freitas of 511 East'-StreS Service of Volunteers County polic^Chiefs' School. This Of Vital Ctncirn tt All eluded her brother and tister-: KENILWORTH — "I doubt if Wwli's Mlghfitsl Ste^f year again saw Garwood. signally Socials lw.'lVIr. and Mrs. Jtift'T their services could be duplicated CUMIM I"hpriorcd when'iieutenant Falzone While, sleep- ha i_. be en--an- Impor- of New York City.; y.' |t Jhey were on a regular basis." yhutaf's Tti SkM Was-seleclea to attend the Nation- tant part of the^jputlne of livlnc Mr. and Mrs. Joseph; Hum w'asTthe way Mayor Fred V. Pitten Th§ wprl*« gr • I Academy of the federal Bureau since the beginning of tirn>. very Mr. and Mrs. -Ralph Mann en- rat* tor thCM aito little' is actually known about it. tertained New Year'-s Eve at nht-ir of"'60 \ Center street entertained phrased his tribute to the Volun<- globe traveler* «free. eUmb* e ws of Investigation in Washington, D. a *fainify celebratioji-,New Y< leer Fire .DejSrtmcnt at the Bor-Sian.' hijhett of Chlna'f fhr* m D. I recommend that everyvmem- Science has' foiind that, during home. 317 Myrtle ait'aue. Guest# ; 10.4 ptr MM &» uas «• an sleep large muscles relax first, Eve, Approxinoately 20 guests' ough ' Council meeting . Tuesday mountains." Tal Shan, in belpM"*"* ber ol the department continues iucl'ucted - Mr. and* Mi >. -Henry Corner Store tiny ones last. .The power to make prere-nt from Hosclle, Scotch-PI nighl. •;• ;^;. -. .,'_: •"• ' ''"' central Shantunfc U 25.'rnlte* «w» lis education *. by^ attending the Crovtell of Elizibclri ^nd Ms. and Council Members conscious,.movements ami the sense Westfteld and - Orlando,'' Fla. Service^for New Proprietors The mayor, after hearing.the re- of Tsinan. Shantung"* douWefrtIM* '.Gaining sc'hools \vhich arc avail- Mis. Ht-nr'y Becbe of Roselle Park. UUtr. •»* or. looted at New Year's Day Meeting oit smell go first—then vision, hear- port of Chief lieon Tripodi, said and moated capital recently tataB able. . ...•'• y guot> <«f iho Kichard KENILWORTH — For the sec- ternal ing aild touch follow in that order.' he was proucTof theniemberj; who by tommunltt rloree* atter • Vitm- ond time in six'Trtbnths, tjje con-- en and •v' Garwood ' continuing growth in The metabolic rafe becomes slower. lUirpt-rs' iA &\6 if^fasi i venue in- .ect ioncVy—stor«—' at,-.- K.enTTvMsrttr >nonUJ-«Ug«l——-— i—— hiiU"'nership. in Tai Shan's «hanks'-mar* esc*I»- protective measures to see in anaesthesia at Harvard.-Medical layed. . • •.-••• * - -: • '—-—. • faot tflil Jiitepd Mr- and Mrs. Hyman Rosnos are tor. they ascend only thi steeper '.hat. they, gq. safely to" and from schools discovered that the transi- of likf Ariel. I»a. Former Civic. Leader Chief Tripofli reported that ill been • Seated he new proprietors of the corner rises of the mountain's 15-mile* Pus school;" At''present we have-.an' tion from ' wakefultmsa to sleep iiv- JS.Tr. vvi-» VV . Pr'Sl calls were answared by volunteers pttoUwrUoo of Take Office ;tore, known as .Jack's Confection- Ln.cr'Pilgrim Way. Untoldmfflions ortlcer on duty at the railroad and volvcs the shiftinc of^brain activ- Xuttcy weic Ki:t-.ula Raymond 1 o'clock from Gray Memorial, 12 and, while her husband, is a na- was one of their number. The pil- proportiOB Washington School, and one to were [uksii- Nt-w V«jarV Eve ui tht'jr dential, $2000; commercial, $ 1.011- However, what really happens , *Ev|»fcted' Services* Springfield a.venuc,! Cranford; for ive cf Newark and attended grims haye caused the winding Arkansas fet Program serve a Walnut'street ill tlie'corner lunfne mi Sjnucc avenue Id approxi- DEVIL:SV , DOORWAY. " •Toseph Shalicross', Sr., 72 ''years 800; industrial $200. route1 "to bVcome eVer more lined. Of Secpiu^avenue. When the Pa- during sfcep Is"not of nearly so mately .33 uifc=.£-; from Garwood, In TrrhnlroloT - - ' ., ' KENPltAVOimi — Earl ,T. Rar schools there. The couple formerly rupled.'* —Mayor L. Thomas llrltv llultnti — t'rrd Aitaire bid, who died Monday in his home, .' Unofficially estimated at a figure with holy temples and tower*, and rochial ScRool is completed I fur- great concern tc njost of us ajUostrUe !>..rk;.We»tSJeld. Cianford^ on. Democrat, touk'thc oath of of- JOHN B. STULTS was affiliated' with Sam's, Inc., of Malaria, long; a ivml; 'BrUnly the world- being able, to •»lecp restfully so "LET'S DANCE" 527 Springfield road, after an ill- in excess of $100,000 was the de-with tea houses and hiits^ to'c»ter ther ' recommend that 'we appoint Linden atwi' Plainiicld.. Dancing fice'for the first.time; jmd John IJ. Detroit, a department store which Nc\v'Year's DayAyhenhe that fatigue and tenrfioru can^be eli- "RIGHT CROSS"- _ ness of three years.,. • •'.'. struction, of the Gulden Furniture to the swarming humanity. Peace- has until recently had the largest cajsh term at Borough another special patrolman to serve minated from our lot of life's little was i'tijrt>eroper sleep li Kvrry Mondof »mnd Tueadmy ' his second- full term at the 'orga.ni- .resolve. «• , -- rnore failures than any other one othrw-yeai tenns. '.'" . - ' '. • ' • . will be front before 7 a.-m.' until KENILWORTH — The follow- • world war. ELIZABETH Mr. Shalicross, a native of Hyde, soldier for miles around' Joins the ner New .."Year's Day. AtViont! • .The -couiwilmoUt; both" elected in 10 p. m. on weekdays. The store ing deeds have been recorded at Once again' ft ijiyts me "ploasurc factor. ".. v • ' , England,'had lived more than 50 worshipers' and sightseers climbing •^'Strcssim; the need for an' ade- th««y [vrescnl Ai-tc Mrs^ Laura noons OPEN ' i>Aitv A. M. November, ' wci;e. '.congratulated will close at 2 ,p. m. on Sunday. the office of County' Register. Her- to report that tax-collections for To "set the stage"-' far rclaxinR years in Kcmlworth. Re was Tai Shan. ImiUte'iiiW'am of' civiL defense, Leibeivsbcrber of ihips Bottom, wafmty by 'Mayor F.i'ed V. Pitten In. July, 195Q, the storcwas sold bert J". Pascoe in the Court House, the year just ended were as high slumber pays great .dividends .in ' T6DAV Thru. SATURDAY brought to this country "at the age The true pilgrim first worships at \avor Daftb appealed . to every Frank Bcatly of Hrk!yn and Mr. v and. fellow members in turn,, .anci by Mr. and Mrs..Samuel Bro4sloy, Elizabeth: " . • lie health 11 to siKii up. for ^a, defensp as they have been in the past few health,..success and enjoyment of «• - 1st Showing .In -Elizabeth'-' ' : •nclcnt Tal Temple, in the | walled nnd "Mrs. Henry BcchJer of aMpIc welcomed to the group. _A i*aint of 6 .and lived in Philadelphia tie- Mr .arid Mrs. Allan W. Reyixolds states will L. THOMtAS DAUB BCRTON fe. DICKJEBMAN years. Not oftly does t6is rettect life. It must ' Start Wjth well Alec Guinness O who°had operated it* for 14 years'. village of Taian. He , then passes i .which, he said, might Shade. . . \ " Valerie Ilobson. Dennis Price vase of . flowers was presented tow coming to this borough. to Mr. and Mrs.-Frederick G. B|t.tK, mak* rapid upon the splendid efficiency of Tax constructed, comfortable bedding through the North Gate, to start th* I nui'Mvilfo • dilterencc between Jifp Lt.'attd Mrs. Fied«?rick Falzone . Founder and president of the property known .as 276 Liicoln •olutlan" t»* Collector John Richardson,-but it which .yieldsopropcr 'support, for KIND HEARTS ^CmlTTHImSrBTvrnrf^^'-rtie-K^ :mi>un ta i n a scent ,_ paitjj myriad | und"deatli. , . • , -... • - correcting fatigue posture. Good of 443 Pule avenue entertained at | ih Boris Mayer to _ .{jlso indicates the- people are. in- 'worth DoiniM-riitic Club. It if avenue. shrines with flowery names. At each He iLcnmtnencled' an-appropria- vcnfflatlon, quiet, darkness. loose_ p;irty orl Neu- Year's Eve. Prfcs, AND CORONETS at one time a member of the Bor-MapCampaign crested- intheir^local-gOvemment,- Wlieved tn ba the first time in nl- Mr" and Mrs-. Charles Vitalo, to he give's at least one coin. . , , for pmercency- purposes as WorM-Crisis Sharpens Need nlghfcio'thcl are other Impor.tanf ' ent Were ajppnuxiinatvlv 50 guests lcl .-, ough Council and the Board of . Scientists may.be. a step Edward Masterson . ~ and '.Iurther^ • it eliminates the ne- trci m Gartt'ood_- • „ .• •-Ea>t-.Orange — • '—-l r— , J?o- tiHi.st two' decades that a Dcmo- William P. Hoi'ivany. lots ,17, 18, to tOlvinj the ace-oU Boorstery of s tor the observance' -of "propS" for setting the stage. Challenge: To Lassie Education. " . There are' thcr Heavenly Book leastamkiRltrahsmit- l.wcll :i . GAHWOOD—Announcement has pessity of putting in a substantial elle t^.riw-JBosv'ile, pliiiboth and -crat.hfts been tented oi). council. 35, -26 and yputhcrly ojie-liaH' of bird micration as ~the- result' «C ex- '>• fiftieth anniversary in In Technicolor '" Active many years in the Repub- For Civil Temple, the .Temple of the Divin* been made of the engagement' of For Defense^ Mayor*Says rcscrvc.for uncollectcd taxes; South Uivtyr. Kjayor Pitten, who .returned from lot' 37, block 80, section 5, map ot periments conducted with radar ax vor Daub said -research on lican Club, he was a former mcmj Employee^ the two Halls of Bright* Miss Doiis Ann Mayer, daughter of The Frank Knishi.s of 90 Fourth •Florida' a few clays ano, said in his New Orange. the DeHa Vatcrbml Ktsewdi sta- |nta -Should be started (The jollowinu includes excerpts we band ourselves together and es- .Garwood was singularly forliin- v JAN. 7-8-5* b*er of the Twin Borough Lions er Vision, the Tower Qf 10,000 Fair t Mr. and Mrs. John. A. Mayer,- Jr., -of Salty Fart for Calvis liverwie "t nieJtamc-. Thomas Daub's aiiintai tablish for the protection'of our ate during the recent heavy wind Vi^ted the-Uesl Picture of 1950 [Club, Roscllc, and a member of m 812'Center street,'to Erfvarcl Frart- Eve at a famrtily Withering. ment hVkl eiidenvtircd to make.the Joseph Hagp, lots 15, 1G. 38. 39 andTerhple of Fairy breams. Lotus llaBasement inatitute ^ Mr. front WhMlt repodwd . shouU.l be appointed to '-set up address at the New year's Day own citizens, an adequate program storiih. itf that tlie damage we; suf- Savts Work in Ftriinfc . By the N. Y. Film Critics Azure Lodge 129, F. & A. M., Craiir L cis Masterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr.' and Mrs. Richard Harper Brttc Davis, Anne Baxter, b'ortuiirh ;i nicer 'j>luce in which to KENILWORTH^— Civil Defense northerly half,Of 37, block 80, sec- flower Peak, and Cliff of th* Lays James F. BeBof Mtafceapolis oo Ae celebration. . .-- \ organization mvellnO:of Borough of civilian defense. . • fered wjis slight in comparison to To save work in the daily fccdbR ..ford. •;•.•• ,'.,.:• '•• John Masterson 'of 501 Hamilton •e»v reivnlly callef with •ft -Mm EARL J. BARON 1 from Garwnod schools, Jonathan daily newspaper spotlights the this program ' has riot been ,par- Mr. and Mrs. John Hut/.• .enter- own and operate, an automobile. cil meeting. ' , • Smith, propdrty known- as 520 bi Catnmbas'Day ments still ar» in coeh aa sponded heroically in clearing up •on a method of mixing enough salt 13 Sonc Hits — 4 Name Bands more .services. and Dai'icl A. Murray. ....'*. Dayton Regional High School; fact that (his nation is very likely 1 icularly successful. In this,' Gar- ined at a famiily iwihoring-Ne'w In addition to the express business, Quinton avenue. , Various estimates have been mad* stag* that no pazticatar the damage. '•-.-. -. • with the meal to control the dailv said the will of the, people, Director Paul H. Van Dcr Zee, A 1c1Kj«>i':'r.y budget of,$41,050 Springfield, and Franklin School of 'facing the greatest crisis in-its his- wood is nbl alone-^it is a cordmon Year's Eve nf'Uicir liome, 4511 Sec- HOLIDAY jtHYTHM p cated b.v, DiilHcy H; Neville., .who. he .o.w'ned a school bus line until August Weber,and "others, etc., ccaa n b* placep d f e lllUi consumpttoiv With the right mix; by tlieiV inclination' 'tcf- l who urged, heavy volunteer re-' as to the population of the western •\his'aW>''\ cl ! •council -draws. tory. The enemy has not yet de-reaction throughout- the area. Ev- In. this the Street. Department U'EI».'"& Tll*rftS.. JAN. 10-11 -jnbvious by tlieiV inclination' 'tcf- was not reclectcd. . . • '• '••••.•' IHhcss' forced his retirement Ills to-Mr., and VMrs. Alfred Matthes, Ing reactions of tnicrating dyt* to Beauty. CiiUurcifEliz.abcth.i. She Is ture they fo(ind • that .the. calves und ax'timke, Gut-sts wero from Vtof, sponse during . the next Week.; hemisphere when Columbus ar- iip'-tb-.' l-oi^Jar. budget at a'n'al-' eryone appears, to be waiting for ii Fontaine y$i wtrwttrrii cd expense'sp , must ho* ..- Counctlrrtan Baron was.appoipt- sons now.operate the. express1.busi- v employed by the'Gai'wood "Beauty* clared open' war-'-but it hai< caused acted on the' same plane .of effic- would-,.eat apo.ut two' pounds of. st'lle. -GarwMHt an«l Union. stated -.the formal procedure' -was lots 23-and 24, bloclt. 150, section rived. These estimates range from radar beams, have' been noted. dav niccliiiR .lamiar-y.,2t.-' . •' yyaii. Zachary Scott • T ed chairman of1 transpdrtation-and Nook; ': ' - , ' its satellites t-o dra\V^us out, to coVir the Poderal oGvernmefit ;t6 set upiency ' 'WhicVi has' . characterized Mr.-ailtiil Mrs. Jusc-jih Shii'k\v of -itiet by "a UiX'inerease. The scljool' ness. 9, niapof Ne\v: Grange. * "••'•'.. about eight million to as many as d ; meal a day. The proportion of salt !)••.•••. requested in a communication to The • f(1l.l(vwihR*'ronppointmcrtts an over-all program^. :•'•• - budget wll .increase S135|0OO, hel Lpoor. Councilman Stults, who at He- anc} his. wife, 'who,is the from th* M.CJLT. was «scd last centrate miich of'-our strength in thenv throughout the yeqr. The to medi'had tp.be Watched and-ad- 42t Sccunil avenue wore '.guests BORN TO BE BAD him in line with Governor Dris- Pearl Bates to'.Raymond' Schcu- 75 mtlilon. However." a recent es- ' nuide by-.Mayor Pauls'and' Mr. • l\Tastersonr sittended . St. and other budget items the last-mcciiiK asked for a change former Miss Apolonia Friez, .ob- spring' to help trac* tbe miJtiatBOa far-flung . coiticrs of the.' globje, "Bu'f I'sayio.you, we'cannot wait. 'completion' of our oivn garage is justp'5 from, time to time. GeVierai- over the 4H»ltda>S; . WtHs.m of Mnlveme. L. I.. SOUTHSIDE 1 -ippO Mr. Van Uer-Zee said, and he Will; — selle. During World. War II, he department to work on equipment commended for jls work in paring also assumed chairmanship of ord- Also' surviving are' 10 of to Franklin Sailer Henry, prop- institution, arrives at the hemlr "reacted to sr ' :inri night behind the Iron Curtain to not wait. '.'•''..-.''. narrow ratio as one to three was Mr. and Mrs. Samu'rl cbuplc!s. 12 children. They include be the speaker at several groups \ylth tho; Nltith Division' In prepare* for the clay it is reatly to J—.- «/,., outlay to a minimuni in the cur- nance, printing and supplies. erty known as 14 Tulip court. sphere total of 15.590.000 in 1492. ebtamed at least a . Mrs. Elsie Stcffeh; So I. am starling 1951 by ap-dm 111); liiln.v days days' .which : rtn fact;:'up tt> John, Charles, Harry, Joseph, Jr., in the borough. . the EurDpcunjrhc'atre. l\1v. Ma'ster- rent school expansion program; Councilman Charles B. Wendle Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Frank boroiiRl] auditor,Nicholas Bozuyen; inaugurate World War III.. pealing to every citizen of the Bor- used to tie a complete loss. one pound of salt a day^has been tly tltnnt'-r. Amonu "iiiesis \v«^TMrs William, the Misses Etta and Mar-" The week will conclude with a son is employed. at Sonoco Prod- -^, '.'The position, of borough fin- was appointed: finance chairman, to'Mr. and Mrs/Wiliiahi J. Casn- brokav muchias it they had been lire chief, Thomas Britt'.un and as- •," .Judging fi'om past performance, ough to sign up now fbVa program The fact that Garwood has gone fed. Two pound's of cottonseed meal Miltruio's aunts. Mrs. Nary Mcil- •garct Shallcross and Mrs.. Ellen state-wide air aje.rt- at noon Sat- Spectacle-Making ucts Company and is president of ance is not clear, but preferable," and Councilman William Peterson Iin6, property, known ••as 27 Com- •hot ***** they hit the radar sistant lire chief. Leo ' Sealzadona, an open declaration of war before which could conceivably mean! the thrtthgh another year without any was just enough concentrated feed inger and'Mrs. K:*tht^in<- Heislor Henshaw, all of Kenilworth; Mrs. urday,, Warning" devices in th'e In the ea'rly day of spectacle- beam,** Hachbaum wpmrts. 1 Bayleaf Post 0807, VFW; Mayor 1'itten- said, pointing out was given charge of the. highway monwealth roac), , • all .-one-year ter-ms. the fact is-not likely.. We must face difference between life arid, death serious (ire damage is a tribute t6 to keep the calvbs in thrifty condi- nf New.Iiruitsivick uxw her mother, borough will be tested la deter- r 1 turd sewer departments, previous- Dorothy Vincent', Mountainside; making, inmates of jails and chil- NORRIS •Jiihies .'I . Leonard was- reap- the fact that we will only realize tion on winter pasture at the Great rs? Attna Zimnaei^tf R<»selle. .that the surplus is. a mythical "fig- Mr. and Mrs."" Fred G. MacKen^ for many of our citizens beforcthis our very fine volunteer Five De- and Mrs. Lily Rcgenyc, Union; two mine whether the sound is ade- dren 6f garrison soldiers were .put ure to'be Compared witli a 3430,UO() ly headed by Mr. .Stults. zie to Mr. and Mrs.' Edward John poinU'tl niiisiSt-r-a'te for a thrcQ-year Ann Haajiedoorn'$ ~ we are in an open war after a sneak year is over. Our initial program partment. Plains experiment station at Wood- Mr- anil Mirs^Jo^epij IVMKIOI* and WEST FIELD brothers. Hairy of Roselle Park quate for the borough's size. Which to work grinding lenses, in an ef- ward, Okla. Without the-heavy salt- famiily uere^tne ICt-w Year's Day debt." -\ ;•• ' .. •-.'.;,. '. . '••-' Councilman Joseph. Wolf, lot 5, block 158. ofllciak tax term and William CJilbcrt-• was att-ac'l* similar to Pearl Harbor,- calls -for the training,-particularly ; has increased greatly since'thc last fort to hind out a cheaper product. CHEVROLET A special word of thanks should ,"is named building and .health and William of Kenilworth; three A Twentieth Centocy Fond sarrry nnmcii ;i-inomber for five years of Betrothal Announced, but likely to take place within the ing of the meal It would have been ". and Mrs. James ? .Needed lax sources would not bo national emergency, the director atlas. . . Nowadays only highly trained ar- points out that China and- India. of police, fire' and medical units. be tendered.to the members of the TODAY — FR*. •—; SAT. chairman.'. " sisters, Mrs. ElizabcthFox of Cam- the board, of trustees for the Gar- GARWOOD—^Announcement has boundaries" of the ' Continental necessary' to feed the meal each Cirelto jj>n$ faisuly o^Kayonne. completed, in' -time to include them' of the defense council said. Florence M. and Percival S. tisans are allowed to fashion th*' with 40 ^er cent of the world's Any citiacn who .has had anyBoard of Adjustment — men who. day exercising care to allow each Fred Teipul was appointed butkl- den, Mrs. Eliza Salmon of Moorcs- XOKTH and CENTRAL AVES. wood Library.' been madCjOf the..engagement ,.of Unite. White l^iborn- lots 2 and 3, block 40, section 2, American spectacles, and yet their cent ot Its manofactartngr and M Long range bombers have mrfde 01' would like to receive training in beyond the stipulated duties of new way greatly simplifies the was named road working foreman, Somcrvillc, and 16 grandchildren. pared to other protective services, kkuled: Kunt'iintendent of (ire ap-daughter r>U Mrs. John Finvik of ttn'ies, niiw under construction, will map of New* Orange. cost is much fower than In bygons per eent ot its imposts ot wiatmt- the oceans, so effective a defense any. of these fields, is urged to reg-'their. of)lcci to help in fthu sale of feeding and permits, placing of bulk, "TO PLEASE A LADY" birth for. one year. such as police, lire, and rescue p';ir;ii\i's. -Ern'ost BeHncrt": superin- 425 Willow Avenue, and .the late be placed in surplus when received Charles Reich, Jr., single, to-Mr. ' centuries. factured goods 241220 in thc.days of our fathers, only u. ister NOW. Please contact Louis J. Borough-owned property. supply of the salti-mixture in Fo li»|iruvr Dump, Uiinibl .P.'Korr was named to a squads, which are accepted as it tt-ndent of the firm alarm-system, William A: Haslgedoo'rn, -t<}..Laur- ..'--— Hit No. 2'.— - in the latter months of 1951. Uiiion County Trust small hazard to a determined ene- Fontenelli who is cowmander of • Nor would it be fitting hot to feeders. Vhiee-year term on' the-Board of part of community life ivithout the llii.rolcl Griffiths-; supcrintcndviit.of (^nt A. Richards, son of Mrs,"Violet I ln'usiial .said. V dustrialized 'Communityj situated at this..time that a substantial ap- a private .group' and not a munic- mals. To "get the calvesyjfccuKtomed John It. Stulls assured the Boanl "TRIPOU" i:n the Locni 'Assistance'; Board. $240,662,97 from the Union County •Pyardi Fin- Commissioner Albert Miss 'Haagedoorn makes her within an area where Vial indus- lJrop'riation for emergency to the salty- fare, JHe two-pound- 'of Hfallh Jast vvetk 'that the Bnr- qpnditioqp n of haying wornout cquip- Response still Is slow, the civil ipal organization, nevertheless i i Gmincilmuh' Baron i was appointed Trust Company was accepted last ciu.^...... , • ; . lwime-with her uncle and aunt, Mr. try is concentrated, and near poses be included in the contiigency a-day" allowa.ncc of meal was fed••utlh Council jls ifonmuWting ^ilnns the defense director declm-ed. ,Hc ex- I serves the entire community. I am Ifaeh'ttiientV "HCand'need- a'equired, lo'r t«I"»Vpla«"th more equip-e ]}° tfssistunce board for one year, Wednesday by the Board of Edu- • Gc(ii'Re.-Corr was named a rncm- and Mrs. Alf Hein pt 81J Locust enough a primary target like New account in this year's budget. in ari introductory period with a to e:«re for ihcaarbiijif dump in a u pressed the wish that many more -referring to the First Aid Sctuad, SUN. — MpV, — TUBS. l l Gth . Josep'" h "•»*»"»o- , *••»-*'Frank M,,C.«.<:, cation for » $240,000 bond isyue ber-of the Board of Adjustment for street, RoseUe Pai'k. She attended dally increaso^in tht proportion of tirusent Obsolete model. . Growth will join to protect the borough and York City,, so that we would al- I am glad to report that thfs composed entirely of volunteers Ix-ttcr m.ittticr in 1951 und th;it re- William Hetman,. James Rcgo, to aid financing of', the Harding (me year.'tnjiill a vacancy, caused Roselle Park grammar schools pnd salt. Afternic calves had learned ti> lief " from a recurrent ' borough y the of Stanley was graduated from "Jonathan Day- c.a.t Jhe/rcquircd mixture, it wasproblem should be pioviileii. Health inside police transportation inatle> for even ill Kenilworth is not ii atomic bomb. brought up to full strength, and and are on call twenty-four hours Bette Davis in . tt'lli; Harvey Madsfen and Robert bidder pfTcred the lowest interest ton Regional High School, Sp.ring- easy io mix it in bulk and shovel ORtcor .\Vtlli3«i» J.. WilL^ey an- quate. He-recommended two po- focal point for an air attack. I Knowinu all this, it is vital that that thb new patrolmen have com- a day. Those.men deserve the Pare.Hu Were appointed marshals, rate, 2.io per cent a year, of three Frank Brown was appointed for • , *%^. it hko a sclf-fccder. Then the calves "ALL ABOUT EVE" lice cars-to replace the Wie older Mcjd. Miss Haaged6orn is employed >unet

'' ", ' '.,-.;.••"•• '"::•••••• •" ••••^ ''.''. ••.- .''-•'•• ', •''" ."',-.'.;V „• .'. ...'•..•' •.-. ..• I' '.' ''" ':'I • •'IC\J^ •" V •" , ' ''/. •:• '' •;/ . • •" / ''..•.•'.,•.,.• '' ,',.;'•.,:.' I'.', •"..". '•-"••'.'•- :'?'•••'': .•/•"'•• :'.• ' .'. : , . , . • , .,'. :- -' "•'•'.•;' ' " . :.. ; .••::*:• :''•''• THE " CHANFOBD CITIZEN;. { • V « Program for the Week in Cranford Churches and v,. IN. CRANFORD BUY Thought for the Week JA.MARV IN CRANFORD GARWOOD ORD *' 7' _ pv TI.. art': WIIXIAM II. MEBANCK. fPaJitorr "Calvary—"Ltitneran-€'lMir«tt- Month psalm 'J0:U~ VIV sjii'nrf oat- i/cirs as n jrtlc that is told. , lieu: life'Sunday'will be ob- 'II. No, CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY. JANUARY II.' V95T 18 Pages;— FIVE CENTS \0rtrship ^Everyone is gi.vnv.tlw prfyi.lege of'writing a description of rvt-d S^inciay ai 11 a.m. in First IK Mil Sunday in Ihc Cranford Taber- his own character. Wall the passage of time a real autobiography =-. . • be'gins to take shape. 10 be. road i.lul setn <•! men. Whether life is esbyterian Church. -This Ls the" Drive Chairman nacle, the Hey. George A. Aitche- 'full or empty depends upon the writtm- The- opportunities and month of loyalty inrf re-dedica- To Appear in Concert sonr D.D., pastofwill Rive a cum- priwk'ges.^ci-.getting the rr.ost ouY of life are available. .-.-.. • uon, anti during the service of fel- '•"•', ". ',"7™"; .,{. _T 'V i f^.'f'Z'. '*•" • r/'-l Unfortunately many :.rc satis'i<-d with mediocrity. . That's 1 wn ship mUnion meditation prior to Iho ivship memberi- Will be asked to o why there .is always room 'for ir.-i(noveme'nt.. Were this- not ad '-'drje anew tht-tr Soyaliy to Christ. communion service.. 'The subject thete would be no ni-efi for Nc-w.Yoar's resolutions, for.they usually To Meet Emergency Needs T.he Rt-vl 'RokK rt G. Longaker> CIIEAPKK •KS; will ha the .Holy Spirit and the spe.-iknf ifniirovomtnt.'We begin a new year hopefully resolving tiVdosi-wiiy with the little evils uni! U'.irt lialiits thin ..ave plagued cssivse.' will ..-be -'Victory This •oFace The general plan for^ihe Doedkal, Physicians* Club and Cranford fc* Bride of Christ. . ,• • our last year. We look expectantly to the unfolding of another Year"; H::; text; ~N<»1 by might, nor treatment and evaeuatkn ot cas-l Dentists' Clu6 have already vpl- . The .pastor xVill • continue the chapter'in our lives that will be.better. Wo regret thft Tost oppor- by" jiiiwer. biit by My Spirit, ^aith .lalties in Cranford from on atomici|ta:teciieil their services. '~^ ' • series of messages . on prophecy tiiiuTTes, lo::t' forever. We regjet leaving undone.the things that the Lord." • , 09mb explosion was presented tol The medical supplied of local Set Record should have been done. Now \vv have another chance .— ?6->., o few Suit (he Medical Committee of the pharmacies are adequate to handle j Sunday at:'the! evangelistic- s'lfitf- djiys full of chanev*: This chapter'will-lie •better, .we resolve. V TIIF •M To Test Air kaid Recruitment Drive 1 The Chancel Choir will sine as Cranford Civil Defense Council by dhe initial phases of a mujor ca- But how ("an we make it.better? ' ict? at 7:30 p. in. The tnik' will be the moriting a:rthej«. Whitehead's Aitoruty Seek* Legal Dr. Edward M. Coe whe presided •tastrcpbe.'Samuel S.;Eisenberg re- Signals S-iturday Ends Tomorrow; Only • While wo say everyone has the privilege of.tolling his.own •.Pra'iis To The Lord." On Sunday t'*4:30, Members arc on Coiuinittec 8 ,Thc week-long Civil Defense Ycl .'to .Come'.Upon the World. ' •we use'' To mak'e ofti selves or IV-lloWir.en thV-judges would-ho The plan, as set "up. will use pruposcs- to maintain regional Is $16,235,94^1.11, 150 Residents Register - ur^ed. to atleiio \hc ctwnmuhity stockpiles of medical,, supplies, a "Recrujitment drive will be con- Music will be rendered•-. by the g to Rezone-Trart Roosevelt School, English Village, A Una" appeal to locnl .residents ;er;-ic^ •jl.Teirt.'pleUclh El. whic^i Rishl Sherman School, Lincoln School. Standarizcd stock of.. firs*ai d sta- Ciihi of $1,753,779 cluded Saturday noon with a choir and orchestra. • "" -=r». l to register for some phase of the! will'mark ihe «.|vcn:ng of the Uni- The' Township ° - Cranford, Johnson Sc Johnson and the High tion supplies; and surgical -instru- Time and demand deposits in test of the air raid alaim system- Civil Defense program was issued . The Sunday nil)l<; ^School will versal Week of Prayer.- ' hich has become involved in School as First Aid Stations!, andments to be shipped in a matter of Crahford's three financial institu- of all New Jersey municipalities hist night by Carroll K. Sellers, He knew tjiis and resolved early to make use uf every 'privilege lcgML'disputeS in the past and industries, C,. K. Sellers, • open?ai 9:30 a'.' nTTwith classes for At K:30 p. m, n\hc Geneva Fel- St. Michael's School, the VFWhours to a stricken community. tions totaled $16.235.94,4.11 on De- local chairman. The state-wide nil ages. Included am.Ong. trk-etii\iis andoppcrtlinity to do His heaveniy Father's will. lowship will met! in Mr, LonjJ- weeks than in the past sev- Home, and the Masonic Temple as Mil Schubei, in charge of medi- cember 31, 1950,; establishing a local chairman, has announced- • God has a purpose for our life too. As our-life unfolds we week's recruitment drive ends here* will be classes; for young business aker's study. Atl'v^-unS adulis are l years, apparently will shortly Clearing stations. The specific de- cal training." reported'"there will ne\V local recqrd and representing The local chaifcmaij stnted that tomorrow.. ihould not frustrate-God by. wotkinu'ajjainst His purposos. Huther, . B another law suit, according Saturday's signals will be for- girls'taught by Mrs. G. Ac-ken of let us resolve to be His instrumeli's indeed, fi.i: brinilinti about His ., ci'l toativnVl. ,A» 6:-15, the Sen- tails in setting up these stations be .12 first aid instructors available a gain of $1,753,779.13 pyer total Rahway. and a class for young-bus- a communication received by by tomorrow to begin -the teach- deposits here on December 31, , test purposes only and that no Up to last night, a total of 150 will on earth as it Is in Heaven. . • . . ' l'ii;-.-F«;lUuv.ih:t» will »«:jeet in ,the will be in charge of tog. Fletcher Jocal residents;'~ had filled out iness men utulcr.diioclinn of Ger- tU«ir r^ii.iit. Keai HirJxir.nwill be he Township Committee Tuesday Gilpin and R. H SchubeL B ing of first aid to all personnel 1949. AH -three 6U the local insti- Civilian Defense "personnel, will" ald Sharpe. The Rov. Dr. Aitc-hc*- Iht from Walter .E. Cooper, be caUcd out. Actual tests of questionnaires" and turned them in the' leader, and Iht- K.pic will bx.\ The ggenera l plap n ffor a Erst aid p=agned to the medical committee tutions reported substantial gains son is.teacheiypf th<». hum's class. : lewark uttorney and president of d.uring-_the jjast__ycar. MORLEV AND CEARHART personnel will be conducted.at at the township'rooms oV the local "U;fs SUuf iiiv New-Year Right'- station calls for a doctor, dentist. ?* banks, The chairman said returns ' 1 ro MAO. MNMB ie. Board of Education. , ?** basic Cr ss later dates.' « • i. At union prayer services to beTo Observe The topic. U-T he Junior Fellow- two registered nurses, four nurses As of the dldse. of .1950, deposits' here are running about -lcrmalwith ••WaSF wil! lor 18 h r ° Police Chief W. A. Fischer 'held'Sunday at 4:'3O"p. in. m.Ttfn- ship, which w>M' nuvt in the Ky Mr' Cooper advised that he aids, four clerks two raessengeis5 *"""*. ^ »u s. O»e in thle Beth EI.-the'Rc-V.'Dr, Aitch'eson Via! iurn. will be "Choosing The represents parties who claim to aiid 16 «iter hearing squads. The! • ^ ^ ^ totaled $8,632,097:26, made up asJunior League Regular < services will be he-Id Dr < arl will ..be stationed at various cient personnel, is nbt recruited on will be..guest speaker! • Junior .and : Trail." Tin si»- participating in."the ,'adversely affected by,the re- Named by personnel for a clearing staliori ^ ; ^ *?• Hanson and Mrsfollows. : pemand deposits,. $4,660,- Epiphany Sunday at ' Calvary Lutheran points throughout the commun-. a volunteer basis, it may be neces- Senior Alliance Youth Fellowships if. Will include'jean Bcldcn mt ordinance rezoning the Sperry Frank Foster have begi'.n plans to 357.96, and time deposits, $3,971,- Church. Matin:; will-be at will- consist of a. surgeon, obstrcti- "ity • to determine .whether the sary .to -conduct u house-to-house - will meet Sunday; at i>:'M p. m, tstatc, at bv near Hillside avenue cian, pediatrician and medical doc- conduct a blood typing 'program 739-30. On December 31, 1949 de- •a. m., Sunday •s'ehtM>l':.t !»:M and ; G.lil Brach, Glen Geddinjjs To Present Cranford siren or whistles or canvass. At Trinity and D«>II Sthaeffcr. ,. - ind Wall street,..,from Residence tor, two dentists, four registered for everyone' in Cranford. "The de-posits at this institution totaled • ] Regular mid-week prayer and the chief .-service at .11 a. in. The •A" to "Industrial" to permit the Red Cross sirens of' nearby communities ' Boy Scouts will distribute Civil ' •'praise'service wil.l be held Wed- Holy Eucharist, will be celebrated Lord's Supper will be iidministfi'ctl • Tuesday i-venir.t! :;t 8 "clock. the nurses, eight, nurses atdsC -sue isils of the plan call for volunteer $7,805,437.32, made up as follows: c ,H A. Wilson Company oj: Newark clerks, four messengers and 16 lit-kdedical technicians to perform the Demand deposits; $3,914,215.85, Piano Team can be heard' here. If not, it tnay Defense questionnaires at the sta- nesday at'8 p. 'rr.. A meeting of the Saturday at 0:30 a: m.'at Trinity ut both the R.'M and 11 o'efaxk regular immthly meeting'of th« be necessary to recommend pur- tion today arid tomprorw. Com- Session' will iw held m the chapel. to construct a ne,v/ million dollar ter bearing squads. typing with' local -physicians or and time deposits, $3,891,321.47. - Home Missionary Society will take Church in"coj£ftneinoratitiH- of the Services. . > plant here. -Mr. Cooper said he Channing Riidd Is Duo-pianists, Maffcy and Gcar- chase of additional sirens. muters have been requested to .1111 place today at,the home of. Mrs The'Mi-, and Mrs. Club will The WomanV -Association's all- The specific assignment' of per- nurses drawing blood. It was - de- . The • Cranford office of the Un ibri r 1 fast at the Epiphany. kill seek a judicial review of the hiirt, rwill lie presented Saturday, them out and return'them immedi- ^ "jrWa^rTerriTill.si(!e.--;The' ' choir mnot at thp.cTmrch Sat-urday jtviKht day. meetiim. will be helti Wctlnes- Chairman for Chapter^ sonnel to fill the position outlined cided to initiate this program be- County Trust Company reported January 27, by .the Junior Service. 1 Services'Suniday, .the 'first Sun- tpwrishifts' action. fore federal or . State aid watotas l deposits of $6,614,126.26 as of ately so that the* local council may will rehearse tomorrow at 8 p. m iTily' after Epiphany, will, be as at o'clock. Hi;<«liftilni{ Sunday < c;|[i1cer diess- The aUorney requested the' available because of the emergency- December 31, • 1950, as follows: fallows: Holy Eueh,a'rist, H a.'m.; the' Mr. arvl.Mrs. Cliili Will he..in 1951 Fund Drive rapidly as Volunteers sure available. ium. T.he pano team appears on Crnnford Post,. 212, American •i;t services 'lust Sunday morning. and sewing;. At 12 .noon, the township to. instruct its building Hhat exists. "A m.inimum Charge Demand dcpositss/$3,459,278.41, and, family worship MIUI church school, cha'fiia M a ijuriery class tlurim; Channing Ruddpf 218 Central •The members of the Cranfoitl Free! "Wnrinii's television'niid radio Installed Talks' were ( is a .composer" lias" wi'itteiv 10 a. ni., and choral Eucharist aiUl Lunrhcon will !>t- serve*! at .12:30 ford, it" are urged to have their, institution totaled " $5,808,486.15, civil-, defense service, and it is cx- from Roches- tend the- service may lleav e thhe and. that other officials not dochairman of the 1951 fund- raising 'many unusual orchestral -arrange*-- "blood typed at private laborator- pectccl-- -that other local service. ter, N.• Y,, and the'-Rev, W. W t~lliu tli.iii eh house v anything to -prejudice. the present drf^p. of the. Cranford-Garwopd- made, up as s; Demand de- ments. - .. ' The adult condrmation class will The business rj»«-t'Ui;ii situation. . posits, $,,$2,812,014.52, , and time cle- groups wjU follow their example. •Arnold of Freiuh ..West, Africa. they worship. Kehilworth Chanter." American to zone the com- .Virginia filorlcy and Livingston Mrs. G. 'Holmes Wiliams, Who is moot Sunday at'4 p. m. and .tho Tho.aniuial nice.tinu of the.c<»i- 1:30 and the worship service w.ill He also requested" copies of Hie positsi , $9$2,906.471.630 ; : The Rev. A. .G. Bollback, :II'K Red Cross,.it was announced this Into &thuul ui elct; Gcnrhart met- in Paris while'they Mrs. Dorothy Johnson in charge • .of personnel for the youny people's fellowship, at 7: !tO will - be held. Sttuwlay \>c led by Mrs. Steams. The pro- minutes of the special meetings.of ••Mrs: Bojlback,.have returned fi-nrr p. m. A muetinK of the childnui's gram wili^trc^n charge of Mrs. Week by Dr. H. R. Best, chapter lion distl-icts and make each zone Association reported total deposits were scholarship students at Fon- icciuttment'-' anve, Utlnouncud night,- January 14 at R o'clock. An-\ the Township £ornmittfce of De- tainbleau Conservatory.'..Prior to Heads Council 123, China where they served for sev-confirmation class, will "be held cember 18 and 29 at which the chairman. The' driVe . will get Responsible for their proportion" of of $989,720.59 ,on December 31, that .the. Colony Club and the. eral yehjs and now.aio.inc-hmfte < nual reports of all societies 'of the i' <,.,.» j Jt. In Dimes Drive workers is lihder consideration,. their meeting,, they had studied at At 3:3 underway March 1.. Wednesday at a: 30 pi m. in. •the church will be presented,...Omccvs . ° ™ V«fe»e«!ay. the open- ordinance was introduced and 1950, as compared with 8868,141.51 Public Ceremony Held Village ^ 1 mprovement Association • the pastorate ut the Christian and parish house. . Mr. Rudd, who served 'as chair- Dr. Coe, Dr. Jianspri, Mr. Schu- as of December 31. 1949. -.. . Mills College ' in California, and wi'l provide volunteers to tabulate H tho ehi.reh tor rt,eco m in..'-year >«B.«*«on ot the >pr.nu epmm.un- passed, the Board of Adjustment With completion of the minia- Robert -Casadcsus, Curtis Insti- Mrs.- Dorothy Johnson was in- Missionary Alliance Church ir .recommendation and the Planning rrian of last year's Red Cross/drive, hel and William Smith plan to at- the questionnaires Saturday morn- - The ^ Evening nrnnch • of. the win be eloeled. icants »-lassvviil i«c held lor young Here'* news! Tha* year we have not one, but two ture-replica of a child in an iron stalled as councilor of the Harry Chatham.- t . • . • has been a resident of Cranford tend a sj-rinposium on Atomic En- tute, and with Nad.ia Boulanger. Women's Guild-will meet Monday, people. IS yc.'Mirs of .IEC cr oycr..ThLs Board-recommendation. lung displayed in the window' of D.'Johnson Council 123, Daughters ing sit the township rooms,'-'* A R'roup froiii Ihe Tiibornack'at price reductions in our January White Sale—the low for the past 11 .years. He has been ergy arid its" Medical Effects at •;• The ways and means committee, at. 8 p. m. in the parish "house. • He-; class, will-'hi* ivccivcril i»rto church The letter was referred to The Citizen and Chronicle, office. Of America, last night at public in- Kenneth Iyersen, chairman of tended tho annual New Year's Daj active .in several local groups and nceton University this Sunday headed by Mrs. Charles Speer, is Ireshments will be served under g lVrmils membership :«4 ihc Holy Thursday sale-price-on each, piece and a new even lower •ale- Township Attorney. C. H; War- the second phase of yie local Sell Corner in charge of the concert. Mrs Speer stallation in the Masdnk' Temple. tlic council's public education Kally for the North Jersey Allianc sinski for suitable action. organizations and served as vice- and next Sunday. • * l chairmanship of Mrs. W. E. Post.- communion service. All young March of Dimes campaign e»t Mrs.. Irene .Lewis of. Roselle was committee, has announced that Youth Fellowships at ..the -StanW> (.ratiU'tl hy is'assisted by Mrs. D. Smead Ber- class wilt hold, a din- ncoplc are csc|>oclel tins class it ihey have not al- Campaign in 1947. ry, Mrs.'Al W, Bowling, Jir.^-Mrs. ner next Tliursdiiy at 7 p. m, Lloyd. Einhti'or'i huildinn permits for Textron aheeta. lution, fixing salaries of clerical, D'Arcy ^ chairman, announced yes- 12 Dav^ Left lo File S. H. Carsley, Mrs. C. F. Hansel, Others taking office were: Vice- provided for local organizations' ham...... ••'• .' . ready Iwccrcc costimunicant. mem- Structure Hi. Snydor of PlidnlleUl will C.ive nue-family homes were approved library, public works, department He was graduated from the terday. ^ • desiring to know what is expected bers -ill the ehruch. . For School Booed•-.-•/ Jr., Mrs. Robert M. Harmon, Mrs'. councilor, Mrs. Minnie Anderson; Mrs, Khtlvt«ryn MoVari was an Illustrated tnlk on }< recent, illness. 201, 2011, 20, C207, 20!), 211,"213. 215. Reg. 84c case*, 45x36__^_75e each_^_6 for feet westerly. The project is to becomptroller of the company. Saturday performance at the Alden street, was sold last week garet Haste.. some branch of- the program. Mooting undertaken as a local improve- three-year term and Myrlin Tal- , • Mr. Shepson was in charge'of 202, 204, 2flfi. Ufiil, 210, 212. 214. Mr.' Rudd is a. member of theCranford Theatre on completion of by Leonard Soschin of South Or- AlsOj, conductor, Mrs. Elizabeth Many local residedts, he said, do - the annual mectind of thec^ ment with, tho owners construct-. iaferjo. also a. member,' will seek • ia ..the junior-department in the ab- 21(1 and 2111. The other ueVmit was Kiwanis Club,, the First' Presby- the drive. Contents of. each bank ange to George. Friedman; of Band to Entertain at Stanford; financial secretary, Mrs. not yet realize the seriousness of euat ion of. Osceola Presbyterian' inR the walk. Public'hearing will election to a one-year unexpired 'issueij for 12 Wade avenue. LINENS, STREET FLOOB terian Church and is a director of must contain a minimum* cf one Washington, D. C. Jt" was an- Charlptte Caton; recording secre- the situation and of .the need to • '' Sence of Mi?s Welejie Austin.. The Church will be held Wednesday'at be held at thonext meeting, -which term. Edmund B. Faulkner, who nounced., this week by Max Tteger Canteen Open House ,A.lso approved were two permits the Cranfbrd-Garwood-Kenilworth dollar, Mr. D'Arcy said. tary, Mrs. Charlotte LeDuc; -as-have a well-organized defense unit • • birthday imnivcisiiry of Mrs. Ev-R p. m. Oflicers'will be elected and is scheduled for Monday; January is completing his first term, and & Co.,, Elizabeth realtors, who •for: one-family dwellings for the B(lood Donors, Inc. Distribution of coin, backs to Entertainment at CrSjnteen 'open sistant financial secretary, Mrs. in event of -a bombing tot other • .crctt- Glende|ining was observed. x of the church will here's a 22, instead of Tuesday, January 23. Walter E. Cooper, ending a 12-year consummated the sale. The sale Spruce Construction Company at The planning committee of.the local stores and schools will begin house Saturday hight will be pro-Melba Dohlmar; assistant record- area. . Mrs. Theodore Crane gave a New 'dive annual reports. .The meoi- membership on the board, will not price was said to be "iri excess of 411- Spruce street and 120 Beech The , committee*'' approved the local Red Cross, headed.by George shortly under direction of James vided by the "Jerseyland Six," aning secretary, Mrs. Margaret Warn- Another test drill was conducted Year's ta.lk in the intermediate de- I of the corporation will be ht-U) be candidates. $50,000." street with const ruction valuation -rmiinmemlatiftn of the Board of H. Bates, is at work preparing-for Johnston, assisted by P. NitzeL instrumental group composed of er; treasurer, Mrs. Carolyn Gibbs, in the "local schools- yesterday • 'nnrtrhent,'speaking troin First Cor- at the close of the conureRational Others in the contest arc Burton listed -at $7,000 each. STRAIGHT Adjustment granting permission to the forthcoming drive. Vice-chair- Additional coin, cards sjre avail- The four-story • building, con- CHS students. .., • • . and trustee,. Mrs. Haste; afternoon following receipt of a inthians, "Ye Are "in God's lluild- meeting for the purpose of electint; Mrs. Betty Chrlstensen to move Jc. and J. Blake. structed iri. 1902 by Thomas A- Mike Ferro will dance to the . ing.". A record- attendance ^xviis men, area captains and other sub- able at the' newspaper office. Also, outside sentinel, Mrs. Hel- "white", test . alarm from State new ti ustees; v her beauty salon to 115 Milh Sperry, houses the Cranford 5c band's accompaniment at the.Ca- .'noted-in the metis's,class.. It. Push • committees Will be announced The quota for this year's drive en Gilbertson; inside Sentinel, Mrs. Defense Headquarters. • The drill The Rev. Albert G. De^sn, pastor, STEER street. • . ... ' . shortly. '..-.'' is $3,000. Mr. D'Arcy asked resi- Realtors to> Speak and 10c Store.'.on the ground floor, sino. All high- school students arc '(,( Garwood presented each mem- Michael F,' Corcoran of lit Stella McCaskill; two-year rep- ran smoothly, according to Dr.; will attend thb Presbyterian, New Effective February 1, R. E. dents to send their contributions A nanel 'discussion .by member! the offices of Charles J. Stevens^ invited to attend Irom 7:30 to 11 H. p. Best, supervising principal. ber of the class'with ii copy of ".The Life School of. Preachlnfi-to be ford avenue, received u 3O-year Griniii was promoted' to Grade B Wilmar • Langc, den- resentative, Mrs. Florence Doo- as soon as ~ possible so ihait the oTthe Cranford Real Estate Boar'd p. m. >• little. an^J two-year alternate, Miss • Secret Place," a book of daily de- hold at Siimm.lt on Mondil»ntlN<1 Selling. SKetl Johnson and john^n- film.- "Hc'p urer; William Blake, and advisory chants to attend -the meeting has building for the past two. years.. Civil'Defense as well ns other time- Post, district deputy and state in- H»rlu(<4>ld Ay*nu«, anil '. Mlln Hir«*t SPECIAL SIM1ECTS: Wanted" ' was shown tc. demon- committee members Vktor Sha- ly mutters. The public has been side, sentinel; Miss Lillian Parscll KctdU* H.uWi. "l.VAIU.>Mt"Hliwol - ' "•.• JM'T to be hold at Teniplo tleth lnlfonsl«eC.P.A.Rwi«w,)»«:!« . been extended by the BusihYss Mr. Tieger announced Jhat the" ' tiuutUy, II a. in. Mx\UTE\ TOWKL ENSEMBLES strate first aid teihni^ues and an-heen, Charles J. Steven:. Clarence. >Associatiom~ invited to nt.tend the meeting. of the state legislative committee, Kl S.-. \iy altcriKmn nt 4:30. The •. Insurance Ptuclice and Biok«i«B«.Jan.l8 " (Contirluc.d on paye 'six) Scout Council ' Kuitday KcHttulf U::tu -i. HI. - • ' . •'• • • ' '. •••'••' •. . •'' .• ' •.'••••••'••' . •' • •• .' • *"" other film,; the 'Army's "First Aid Fritz and Joseph Laird. nnd deputies of district 10: State Wed.H*tdjiry-l£v*ttlMK, **:IA o'rlurk Tev. Dt/so will p.trticipate in I ho tidal F.stat« Practice and Biok«raj«.t«b.S Mrs. -Howard. K. Best was re- A«c«l«tol»ound condition, according io Mr. :; letter'to Timothy: '.'Now unto the »nd Sidney Smith. . Cranford and ir Bayohne minor, Richards, first vice-president;; Mi's. I'.orsai Day of 1'ra.yer si'i'.vico will[| "•••liii'h is expected to start Monday Laird. King 'eternul. immortal,.. Invisible, We will: WJieil you run your fingers over these towels-and note tueir sal« Three additional hours ot review were apprehended Friday by Lt.B. G. Bishop, second'• vice-presi- H^heM at '1'eiuplo Both El. '1'lu": .'"'•the school. ' Mr. Shahecn and Mr. Laird xt-iltf* i. the* only, wise God, be honour-nrid prices you won't be able to resist -them.! They're thick, soft, luxuriously ire «> planned for three successive Lester Powell nnd Patrolman Ru- dent, ahft'^Mrs, .Carrpll K. Sellers, ••"rvice w.ill be conducted by fht'^ Held basketball, basebsll. track Rlory Tor over and ever" (1 Tim- Twists wjji be needed during Vtondnys after school meetings dolph Klempt. and charged with treasurer. ., '' . "uinlxpl CU'rgy Council. Dr. -* absorbent; in snowy white with jiriglft borders *t blue, wlrte, green, "n-' afttrnnon. Others nre asked, tc and- football teams. Al Tineo, (fir-' •A- CWk ^rnSa Mb, hnkii beginning next Monday The. re- ransacking the home of Mr. .and Mrs. Dwight L. Copcland wiljl^ ' pthy 1:17). Ciir-.ii'f.** Ai.tcheson, pastor of. the ted, ye^ow. ' 't'P'il tci- the morning sessions mcr president, will mortage "each view, course was planned by-Miss Mrs, Harry R. Heins, 10 Ham,pton continue as' council assistant and .Readings from the Bible JKing "r:m|..;i \ Tabernai'lo will preach I AjetnliiTK should.'report as volun- sport in season. , .' • ._, lenkins, chairman, and Mr. Selby. L Mrs. ,R. Hoyt will aid. itt office James Version) include the First 1 -tceis t,, i\i,- . Wilt-dill. • road. Two local youths, taken into in tin. li'iiie "The Prayer.of Pow- ' Reg. 79c guest size, 59e each.- ^.6 for 3*40 s Jriutk Marts, super*" SJJC of secon- custody last Week, implicated the work. A committee was appointed pommandment: "Thou shalt h:iv> •'."." O!!w>r Cranford ' clergymen ' Reg. 39c wauli cloth, 29o each 6 for 1,70 The PTA wm cooperate with the dary education, assisted. Call for Honor Roll second pair. ' to confer with Carroll K. Scllcru, •, no other Rods before -me" (Exojliis vill alsn lake part in the servvee.. j '"«'l civil (tcfensc committee by The course has been arranged UU TfltPHONI UkOtAtOtMS Bayonne- detectives assisted In civile defense chairman, offering ,* 20:3). There will be special music b.v the*. 1 "iMrbR application blanks to- •n accordance. with recommendn- Families who have sons or ' . LINENS. STREET iLOOtt daughters in the service ate asked tracing tho fourth boy. At h.is home the services of the organization Jn .., •-• This commandment .is discussed :luiir of Temple Roth El. The pub- j * / * n«-'irow ,i.. the Cranford Trusl ions ot the State Civil Defense casc-of natiohul emergency. \. 'i . further in passages to be read 4 win 'ic h; Invited to attend. .-•'.• • Ujad taste. VSwiwnv, the Union County-Trust to get in touch with Mrs. Charles '.hey recovered a camera, a dia- Commission, the State Department mond ring set, with five diamonds The following chairmen and j' • "Science antl Health with v\y to FAH5-MATTHEWS,lne. Lnmpimv ;,iul in the Township J. Albury of 113 Eastman street, >f - Education, and the local valued nt $400, ri .22 calibre rifle, committees were appointed; Pro- the' Scriptures" • b.v Mary ,.n\kei IIIUISTIAN SCIKNCK /l M3*» E.J2KEY ^T. Rooms. School Health Coordinating Com- :haiimar> of the honor roll. Thle '('••• * Ubk tim It mow mtttm* gram • committee chairman, Mrs. 'Eddy, which include, the follownW BKOAIM'AKT criccmansnaja}s^a«W«>s snd photographic equipment,, and a ft* . j nir*siTM, M. j, - IL i-u>it ;' 'Assisti,1R" win be Mrs. L. L. Teet,- mittee. . Matthew D. Hall; community.scrv-. "paragraph: '"One infinite" God "I Shall Hc> Safe" is the sub", 17.98 KEIVWOOD BLANKETS location should be tornrarded to iirinll power di'ill set. " ^ Opu rtiurm. IvMiIng* U.lU IMI *l. Mrs. c. W, Rydlnsky.Mrs/H. Homes'of «'Postmi*stcr and Mrsic<\..Mi;s. . Channing Rudd and Mrs. • good, unifies men antl nations-", con- ieet of a .Christian Science racli/i "• I'l'inkmiHi. Mrs. Fred Baumann Mrs.' Albury. "^ "Ceoi-Rc Un^cs; pwggtm consultuitts,' stitutes the' brotherhood- of miin: orograni over Station WNUC, XiCw }t a >^B**V Mtwrt<»4 factor « 10 Meter Receipts Set Arthur F. Metz, 24 Stratford'ter- BATTER1FS tidmn, tone) '„;,"' "I'L-T'I' ". Mrs. F. W. Sar- race, and Mr. and Mrs.' Chester Mrs. Rrdlurrels and Mrs. M. A. Aids wars; - fulfils; the Scripture', Vork, Sunday morning, from/8:30 Record. Last Month . Shopard;. Juliette Low, Mrs. P. J. "love thy neighbor as thyself;' M\r ALL HEARING AIM ' l«.lus Miv E. w. schroedcr. Mrs New Night Phones Haynes 113 Severin court, wave o 0 o'eloek. . • '• J. P.m.),,, Mm, W. K. Schweitzer GilcJier; .special events, Mrs. E. C. nihiltitcs paiJan and Chrisiiim idol- s Parking meter receipts for thr entered Friday night and ah unde- ^," FA. Schrope. Mrs. Harold veek ending December 20 totalct' For Township Office* termined amount of valuables and Wolfurd, and Girl,Scout uniforms,'' ntry, — whatever is. wrong in s<|-- Special 7.9S |min , M.'.s. Conrad Johnson, Mrs Mrs. E. M. Coo and Mrs. J. Winter ial, civil, criminal, rpolitical,. ;i|d K Mfll 31, establishing a new locn Because the telephone switch- cash taken. Sergeants Hurry Page ^ | YOU MAY FININID» CCOMFORT< , IIAI'l'INESS uitd the WAY TO " KkC JANUAJKY OMY M •'• wLaiw;. Mrs. Otis Govc •veekly. record since the meter; CoiTeo. ' s codcu; tquhtixes the >!ex.es; n board in the municipal building and , William Gassmnnii and Pa- HKAtTIl throucBUfh 1IUICHIH1 C to xome of the foltowlti* ChvUtlui Kenwood'ti tamow all wool Motived are, liiK>atur«« of ' p "'«c Snucr, Mrs. J. P. Cur- were placed in operation Septcm- The troop organization was ar- the curse on man, Jiiul is closed nt nicht. new evetuni: trolman Myron •Qynibaluk Inves- cience radi^ proEritmn of thin vicinity: . Mrs. Fred Voojrhecs, Mrs. K- 'oicr.6, it \VAS announced this week ranged ns follows:: Chiilrinun, Mrs. lgave:! nothing thut can sin, suiter, •ur '51 vale. You save S.OUojriTViiigle purcliatfe, more If bhclclnn ' untl - Mrs. B. M. telephone numbers have been tigated.-' • . - Sy Xownship Treasurer, D. J Pi. II.. Lackey; Lincoln district, r punished or destroyed" (p. 340). MU. Wi/ V.5U ku) — Kv*r/'Hi»«iliy .:...; «:,l.1 it. »i.' you buy by the piiftJBitra long BUC 72x