: v v ::r f iprp; :•;-•• a-™Y '•:\- ; l^ : ;-"~ "yWBggg^^ s ' SHOP arid -: •{- IN CttANEORD '--—••— v-—•-•:—,•'-—.•->-.: ;— CRANFORD7NEW"JERSEY7 Ij9tli T^nLfor ing Approved to Permit To Start truction oj^Witeon Plant •At a special meeting last Friday the area had purchased their pfo'p- >rtight, •'the ToWnshTp1" CommUtee-wty from the owners of the Sperry '. •:• 1-.:•,'?".:•":t..• . "* . unanimously adopted On f>nal readT (tract with the understanding that ing an1 ordinance to rezohe from the area Would always be-a resi- Chuiriuun Reelected Mayor May Retire Residence' "A" to Industrial. area dontial sector. He said that con- Police School to Give I*ropose«l Figures for ~ jls Town Committee At End of Year the 34-aere" Sperry tract south of struction of the Wilson Company ,» • - i ,. ' (to : '•'•/•'• ..' the Lehigh Vairey Railroad.- The plant, which is. scheduled,-, to be Course for Defense 1951-52 Year S1M»W During Tuesday night's re- action was taken following an hoUr Organizes for J951 built on the tract, wouUMnyolvc a A five-day course for instructors . organization meeting of the. Stresses Nee^Lfbr and aTiaJf hearing before a crowd ti affit Iiuzzard and^ would be" a Increase cf $52,686 tieorfie E; Osterheldt was- n _ J t. auxiliary police, conducted by Township Committee,' -"Mayor Qt property owhers.that filled thc Increases in teachers' Salaries as chairman of,the Tbwnship^, rncnacc to childreny<^ho it tend Lirt- theJUniori Goupty Chiefs ot Police George E. Osterheldt indicated Large Enrollment meeting rooms. " ., ' .fe^'i >r his,nineteenth con- coln"School on^XZcntennial avenue. Association, Will start.January 22 well as those of other i-chool em-' ' that, he will jot seek reelec- ih -reiiujinicss this Muwe term at the annual reor- Scheduled for construction on He said that.trucks rapidly arc re-in Cranford, it was announced. ployes will hike the 1951-52 school- tion at the conclusion of his opening on Sunday placing raijr'oads. and discounted JflLtion.meeting Tuesday^eve- the tra'ct.Ts a plajjit of .the H. A. Police Chief William A. Fischer, budget to-$821,600.48 or $52,686.43 " present term, which expires ! Civil 'Defense Re- Wilson Cbnipany of Newark' Tne" tlie fact that the Sperry tract - in the municipal building. December 31, 1951, alone with Drive, it was '-announced adjacent/to the Lehigh Valley Rail- association president" who will di- more than the total this year... , . factory's buildimj cosUis e?j 1 rect .thCiCCjursjE; siiid it was insti-< to the opening of the session. that of Adm. E. D. Stanley. by Carroll K. SeUers, road !>&, declarihg that -.it i£ p'rob- These tentative figures were prV- Clerk. J. Walter Coffee, to be more than $l,000,-0od. ' The tutcd in the interest of civil~dc- ,. The mayor stated that the.. lan of the local council. The able^hat within 10 yearsthis rail- sente|d Tuesday' night at a' special norm/chairman, administered Arm manufactures thcrmostatic fcn.se and at the requestxof Colonel Township Committee, had a will continue, to Saturday l.controls. • •••'•..'.. -' road will, not be operating through meeting of the Board of Education.. oatH of office to, Fred P. An- . complete new "left side" this Cranford. - '. \ ' Charle's Hi -Schoeffic', superinten- January 13, when air raid The attack against the ordinance dent of State Police. Public hearing on the-budget will dersen and Clarence L, Fritz, whp year, referring _toi ^systeras-of.-all-.New- Jersey The' attorney derided the state- were elected in November. They was ledby—Waltet^JpLCoopei:,_an |—PoUctCofflcers -Of_2J_ coun j^ be held January 23 at 8 pi m. in Commissioner. Fred P. Ander- municipalities and 'industries will -eltorncy, who also is president of- ; •cped^ire Commissioner John. sen and- Fire Commissioner be- tested between .12 noon and nicipalities will attend the course Cleveland -School.- • „ Wan. who was defeated in the the board 61. Education. Pointing Board that construction "of a 'fac- from'9'a. .m.'to 5 p. iri.in Lincoln The new budget, allocates $482,- Clarence-L> Fritz, who sit, at t p. m.. '. • . • ' out that Jie represented hundreds tory won't affect reality values Jn Republican Primary,.and Finance his . left,, during committee School. Chief Fischer,safd. • . 985 for teachers' salaries, an in- of property owners in the area as the area.'Etc also attacked the^ar- .Commissioner John V; Nostrand, meetings/ Mrs: G. Holmes Williams.is in Men .who liave taken the 35-crease 6f $33,885 over the amount • charge of personnel during the well as the, Cranford Heights Asso- : fContinued o»~pa0c eight) hoii'i-' course/will return to their !vho.WB.s not a candidate for re- -•'Next year, -the chairtnan in 1950-51. Cains for teachers were . election. , driye. She will be assisted by 85ciationwth'e «Solum.bia. Association, own municipalities to instruct re- considered on 'the basis of incre- continued, we wifT. have a the WoodsidC" Manor,/Association, 1 Mayor Osterheldt's name was members of the five local Parent- .S«FV.C bfji<$crs in their departments, ments on the regular scale plus thd ','complejtely new center," ap- Tcachor .Associations, 17 of whom the S.unny Acres Association and 7 placed in nomination; for chairman parently indicating that he will, th6.cl>tef explained. ^ . increase in cost of living,'Wallet . '*•'* '. will be on duty daily from Monday the Osceola Civic/and T Improve- Polio Drive E. Cooper, president of the. board; by Adm. E. D.Stanley, who likened retire at the conclusion of his For I"'.'••Iniftruetors in 'cmerccney police through Friday. •'.'.' ment Association, -he ;.sked the tpfimirig will be Lt. Thomas H. said. " , '•'• ••":/• ;'• / . ti^opcp —ptcsent-term.—• "•• '.— • : i"eason~for—the- pw.ner , having, the Lwoo"d»^sF-BI- agents, und: .members In addition, the board felrthat to a large business and stressed —ftegis\ratioii1bTaiiKs-wiirBc"plac- zorie 'changed. He said he doubted of. theStatc P.blice. school employes .should be/as well. the need for an experienced hea,d. ed in all local churches Sunday s rf .»••>• ••. Methodist Church the legality pi the-.move. in view of Colonel William Considinc, con- ^recognized as:4hP °. ' coinpiirable • He" said CranforiTwas fortunate ia morning and- residents attending 1 the fact ihat he'hadn't heard .of a sidered. ;,an\iutstanclinf; A-bomb .schools in other communities, l^lr'. having Available a man with 40 To Sponsor Annual services have ;.been' rc'ciueste'd" to / : Apprehends specilic • request being • made. and authority/win- give a••' three-Tiour "Choper.^stated, '•.' ' .' ' ._. years' experience- in-local-govtern- cjiieslibTiea^ffie^"pi'.bpi'iety~of '"the l to the municipal building, '..\ lecturer and" frlrn~showinij,7phieL T*he rise' in. the" ^che'iV" appro-' mint, "a man who knows the hist- Action. '.'•'.• '.••' ' .. Fischer disclosed.. priation "will not/iHgo for salary S> of local properties and many "Our Duty to Our Fellow Man" Registrations alsp will * be ac- Mr. Cooper said arguments ad- /, Cranforil incrciises.^accorning to, the board of Its residents. While some may Vandals cepted in the township rooms from will be the theme of the annual vanced for- the change as rumored president..sFinuis also, will provide" u.iH. him at tirnpH. most 9 a. in. till noon and 1 to 3 p. m. Quota Is $3,<KM) community forum seilos tit tin? for the addition bT'two new teach- • | people do agree with Mayor' Os- Monday through Friday; at the Cranfo'i'd's ' thirteentli. annual Cranford Methodist Church to be- municipality would gajn.'more terheldt's innate sincerity, honesty Two Minor Boys Cranford Trust Cpmpany, from 7:30 ratables and that the move woulaH 'March of Dimes" fund drive got" ^ . ;.. j. • y&t and fairness, Adm. Stanley'.said'. gin Sunday night, - • • a. m. to 1:30 p. m.-Monday through- Salaries^ for the • supervising eliminate}.-the possibility. of horned iJhderway Tuesday when 8,000 The nomination was seconded by Ransack Heins! Home; **F.ive, Sunday, evening .I lectures Friday and from 6:30 to 8:30 p. m. Business ^ principal, supervisors and' princiv' being built. in the area with \\hc coiiitards were mailed to residents all members of the committee .— InflictiHeavy Damage will explain how .secular agencies Monday; at the UnipniCounty Trust indication .that ultimatcJy there increase, from $42,500 to' | J. Edward'Wojf, Mr. Andersen and Company "from" 7:30 a. m. to 1:30 in .the township, William D'Arey, on the recf^ftized scale. Two minor Cranford boys, 16 and in the state care for several impor- would be more children for the Mr. Fritz. They •remarked that p. m. Monday through Friday arid school system to handle". He charg-" executive committee chairman, Gains $i7,0Q0 The amount 6f $29,'t74.2Q 'set 17 years old, who staged what tant social problems.- the Rev. Al- iiside for repairs and replacements, mijiny of Granford's brightest chap- from 0:30 tp; 8:30 p. rn. Friday;. 'ed that both' reasons, were, ilogical announced yesterday. The quota is police described as the worst case bert Allinger, pastor, said. Culmi- Postal receipts for 195p\ esd*-. i-s lower this yea. r.. by $6!)5.60. x . Each ters only can be written by referr The blanks also will be avail- I and said that .when'.. factories 'are $3,000. thfc bot d of vandalism'in the history of thenation of the series will show how- ceoded" the total of the previous I >'««"•, » uhdertakesxmajbr ing to Mayor Osterheldt and that able in the principal's offices of | weighed against school- children This .year's drive - was 'started, ....,-..,• !.-.'. ...^^a».r «_... .^.\._.. I repair work -in one school. xLiist • chairman deserves the praise township, were .apprehended -late Christians, can aid the state, and year, by v $17,640.15, Post»nil!\tcr yesterday after a day-long inves- each local school so that residents j the" township is reaching a pretty ten days curlier since the- former year between $8,000 and $9,000 was themselves in these aims, the Rev.' "ArtluiVF.
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