HEWLETT PACKARD Management Topics HP 9800 Series HP Support ...... 3 HP 9826Al9836A Applications Software ...... 12 Information Gathering for OEMlSystems House HP 9915A Shines in Run-only Control Applications .... 12 Capabilities Guide ...... 3 OEM Shields HP 9845B Model lxx ...... 12 HP 9845 Tops Comparison ...... 12 HP 80 Series Introducing HP's Premier Personal Computer ...... 4 Systems Remarketing Introducing CPIM* On Series 80 ...... 5 Introducing The HP 3000 Series 33R ...... 14 HP-85lHP-87 Compatibility ...... 5 Back by Popular Demand HP 3000 Re-Marketed Systems ...... 15 Introducing the HP 3000 Series IIIR ...... 15 HP 125 Series The HP 125. Some Discoveries ...... 6 Word on the HP 125 and the HP 3000 ...... 6 HP 125 Split Personality ...... 6 New HP 2382A Carrying Case ...... 16 HP 2623A Graphics Software ...... '6 Special Option K45 for the HP 2626A ...... 7

HP 250 Series HP 2629 OEM Discounts ...... 'l7 7? Fourth Annual OEM Conference ...... 7 Highest Ratings for HP Terminals ...... 17 Improved HP 264X Data Comm ...... 17 Printing Capabilities of the HP 262X Family ...... '8 HP 1000 Series Another HP 2382A Success Story ...... '9 New Real Time Computers For OEMs And System HP 2621AlP and HP 2629AlB Obsolescence ...... 19 Designers ...... 8 Reactions To RTE.6lvm ...., ...... 9 Enhancements to HP.?Sl1000.IV.- ...... 10 Peripherals New Brings Affordable Quality to Your Customers ...... 20 HP 3000 Series Invitational Computer Conference Stimulates Interest in Series 64 Shows Outstanding Benchmark Performance . . 11 13287A TPM ...... 22 Query13000 New Release Means Free Enhancements ....11 HP Series 64 Console Cable ...... 11

On the Cover: HP introduces two new members of the HP 1000 family of real-time technical computers .the A600 Microcomputer fL) and the A700 Minicomputer . See page 8 for more information.

Computer News OEM Edtlon 2 March1982 Management Topics

HP Support Information Gathering for OEM/ At HP, supporting our customers and our systems is Svstems House capabilities very important to us. The Computer Support Divi- sion constantly develops innovative services to better support our customers. We now have 160 offices in 37 Information gathering for HP's new OEMISystems countries and over 6000 people who are trained to de- House Capabilities Guide begins this week with special liver these support services to you and your custom- data collection kits being sent to more than 800 com- ers. We encourage you, our OEMs, to learn more panies throughout North America. These kits are de- about these various services. We also encourage you signed to gather information about software products to include them as part of your sales presentation. and services offered by HP systems houses and Based on our experience,we find that setting proper OEMs. Responses will be entered into a large data customer expectations is key to the success of a sale. base at HP corporate headquarters, organized by in- Clearly defining responsibilities ensures a smooth dustry, application and machine type and reprinted and successful installation and eventually a happy in a new catalog format. This catalog will be exclu- customer. sively for OEMs and systems houses and will not con- For more information about the available support ser- tain software from software suppliers. It willbe vices, consult the following brochures: updated regularly to include product enhancements and new software as it is brought to market. Hezulett-Packard Computer Systems Support Data Book (5953-3318) To complete the first edition of the OEMISystems House Capabilities Guide on schedule, we must have This data book describes all of HP's support ser- all of the forms back no later than April 15. Sample vices. Hardware services include remote diagnos- data kits and special instructions have been sent to all tics, site preparation, assembly exchange service, HP sales representatives responsible for supporting disc pack exchange service and comlputer supplies. OEMs and systems houses. Our local representative Software services includes customer training, will be happy to answer any questions you may have software consulting and phone-in-consulting. A about completing the necessary forms. Chi wide variety of services are offered and they can be tailored to suit the specific needs (of your customers. Hezulett-Packard Computer Systems Support Services - Travel and Office Directory (5953-7167) This gives a directory of the worldwi.de Service Re- sponsible Offices, Field Repair Centers, Distribu- tors and Customer Training Centers, It is HP's objective to support all of its computer products in all countries that have HP sales and rjupport offices. Hezulett-Packard Customer Training Schedule (5953-7177) This shows all of the customer training classes offered by HP in North America. It provides a very practical way to acquaint your end-user customers with HP equipment. Please contact your sales rep for copies of these brochures.

COMDLTO~[News 3EM Edt~on March, 1982' 3

HP Computer Museum www.hpmuseum.net

For research and education purposes only. HP 80 Series

Introducing 7 keys for 14 soft- And if you couple the HP-87 definitions that default at power- with HP's new, low-cost, high- HP's Premier on to the most commonly used performance 7470 Graphics Plotter

Personal Com~uterI typing aids. and 829058 dot matrix printer vou The HP-87 also has a built in HP-IB have an unbeatable coLbination The HP-87 is the newest addition for today's analytical professional. to the Series 80 family of comput- interface and a built in Mass stor- ers from Personal Computer age ROM to facilitate the connec- Division of HP. Compared with tion of mass storage, printers, the HP-85, the HP-87 has a bigger and other devices and screen, a larger memory, and a leave all general ports free for larger package. While the HP-85 additional memory or other will continue to be the first choice interfaces. for those who need a portable, The HP-87 is offered in three sys- integrated system, the HP-87 will tem configurations with a different be the choice of those who need a mass storage device determining more powerful system. the System. System 5 combines the The HP-87's larger display accom- HP-87 single flexible disc drive modates the industry standard 80 providing 270 Kb. Most customers characters by 24 lines of alpha text, will want the System 10, which and also offers higher resolution consists of the HP-87 and the graphics (240x544 dots). Add to 82901R dual flexible disc drive and that more memory - user memory provides 540 Mb. And for large may be expanded from 32K bytes mass storage requirements, Sys- to 544K bytes! Top it off with some tem 30 includes the new HP-9135A major enhancements to the Series Winchesterlflexible disc which 80 BASIC language, and you have gives you 1.2 Mb. an extremelv ~owerfulsvstem. The HP-87';dpwards cokpatible superset of the HP-85 BASIC includes: String Arrays - the HP-87 sup- ports one or two dimensional string arrays like: A$(2,20) = "column two, row 20". Multi-character variable names -variable names like ANGLE are more meaningful and ease programming and debugging. L~neLabels and Line Label Calls -these make it unneces- sary to keep track of line numbers. Indented program listings - for easier comprehension. Multi-parameter Functions - like: A$ = FNAS(X,Y,ZS) Multiple Binaries - up to five binary programs may be in memory simultaneously.

Computer News : 4 March1981 HP 80 Series

Introducing CP/M* CP/M software availability for the *CP/M is a registered trademark of On Series 80 HP-87 will be an ongoing process Digital Research, Inc. in the HP-PLUS software program. The 82900A does not require The HP-82900A CP/M SYSTEM* PC0 will qualify software sup- any enhancements to be used on provides the HP-87 with a means pliers who have software products an HP-87. The minimal system to execute standard CP/M soft- under CP/M and include these configuration is: ware. The product contains: packages in the software catalog. HP-87 a plug-in module The goal of this program is to ensure that there are software HP-82901 Flexible Disc a pre-recorded 5Y4" disc 82900A Introduction to the CP/M products formatted for the HP-87 System available at reasonable discounts CP/M Reference Manual for dealers from software sup- CP/M System Pocket Guide pliers. These products will also be available directly to the end cus- The plug-in module contains a tomer from the software suppliers. Z80A CPU with 64K bytes of RAM, Packages which are currently a bus translator, and an on-board available for the HP-125 which do driver ROM. This module is the not use machine dependent fea- same size as an HP-87 memory tures, will work on the HP-87 module. The serialized disc con- with the CP/M System. tains a copy of CP/M Version 2.2 modified for the HP-87 and a bi- HP-85IHP-87 Compatibility nary program which enables the HP-87 to automatically load the Although there are many differ- At this point, the user may store CP/M operating system and enter ences between the HP-85 anti the converted program and sub- the CP/M environment. The docu- the HP-87, we have gone to great sequent loads will not require mentation which is included has lengths to insure upward cornpati- conversion. been designed to meet the needs bility, both in software and in Some further editing may be nec- of the CP/M sophisticated user and hardware. essary to improve the appearance the novice who wants to use a par- All the Series 80 interfaces are of graphics, such as changing scale ticular CP/M software product. completely compatible. The com- parameters or moving SPLOTs. The CP/M System Reference Manual mands used to communicate More editing may be desirable to is designed for the advanced CP/M through the interfaces are also take advantage of added capabili- user. It provides information con- identical. Other interchangeable ties, such as 80-column alpha, cerning the CP/M operating hardware includes the ROM graphics line types, etc. system similar to the HP-125 Drawer(*), System Monitor, and Because the system architecture is Reference Manual. The Introduc- Programmable ROM Drawer. different in the HP-87, HP-85 bi- tion to the CP/M System is designed Disc mass storage is also highly nary programs will not work on to be a friendly introduction for the compatible. Both machines use the the HP-87. Assembly language user of the CP/M System which 82900 series flexible disc drives and programs are similar, but major provides the essential infor- 5%" double-sided double-density changes have been made in CRT mation to use CP/M on the HP-87, discs. An HP-85 can catalog or control, memory access, and string especially to use CP/M software covvL 2 an HP-87 disc. and vice variable handline.U packages. versa. Data files on disc are fully interchangeable, including Visi- OEMs who have had the opportu- The CP/M System supports the nity to run their existing HP-85 following hardware: Calc files. Software have been very favorably HP-87 An HP-87 can usually load and run impressed with the program trans- HP-IB Disc (e.g., 82901M, 9895, an HP-85 BASIC program. l:l~eHP- portability between these 9115) 87 recognizes an HP-85 program, products. HP-IB Printer (e.g., 829068) says PLEASE WAIT, and automati- Parallel printer via 82949A cally begins to convert it into HP- *Note: HP-85 ROMs are not com- Serial printer via 82939A 87 code. With long programs, this patible with HP-87 ROMs. RAM can take several minutes. In order modules for the HP-85 and HP-87 It will not support general HP-IB are not compatible. devices (e.g., instruments), 8CD, to perform the conversion, the HP- GP10, and CRT graphics. The HP- 87hust have all the HP-87 ROMs 87 operating system and BASIC necessary to support ROM state- language are not accessible from ments used in the HP-85 program CP/M. Cor,c~.-rrNews OEM Edton March,1982 5 HP 125 Series

The HP 125 - solution will be found but until it HP 125 to the HP 3000 using Some Discoveries is, here are two work-around pos- LINW125. sibilities. Instruct the customer to HPWORD to WORD1125 - Using The HP 125 is regarded as a power- either write to a different file HPWORD, convert the file to ful contribution to the microcom- name, or purge the file name just ASCII format. Next, transfer the puter market. Two of its attributes previous to writing to it. file from the HP 3000 to the HP 125 are its compatibility with off-the- As we come up with more new dis- using LINW125. Then use WORD11 shelf CP/M software packages and coveries, we'll make them known. to insert any necessary output its ability to read and write IBM In the meantime, the HP 125 will control commands. formatted disks. However, there continue to grow as a powerful fig- The compatibility between WORD1 are a couple of points which may ure in the microcomputer market. 125 and HPWORD is another im- be of interest: portant step toward bringing the w Some off-the-shelf CP/M appli- Word on the HP 125 office together, and another step cations may require modifica- and the HP 3000 forward for HP. tions before installation on the HP 125. A question frequently asked by HP 125 Prices Cut w A difficulty has been discovered customers who use both the HP has reduced prices up to 21 in writing IBM format to discs. HP 125 and HP 3000 is: "Is there percent on its personal office com- compatibility between the WORD1 Modifications may be required on puter and introduced a new model 125 and HPWORD?" In other capable of handling far more infor- some off-the-shelf CP/M applica- words, can a file be used by both tion packages since screen ad- mation and processing it faster and word processors? The answer is more reliably than previous HP dressing escape sequences have Yes. The two word processors were models. been developed on microcompu- designed such that files can be ters which require 8 bytes or less to used and transferred between The HP 125 is a low-cost office define all screen addressing se- them. computer for word processing, fi- quences. Thus, a maximum 8 byte nancial calculations and graphics string may be allocated in the code. Keep the following points in mind: production in an easy-to-use desk- The 125, on the other hand, has a w WORD1125 stores and reads top system for use by office screen addressing sequence which ASCII format files. HPWORD professionals. requires up to 10 bytes. For in- has the ability to read and store ASCII format. The Model 30 HP 125 comes with a stance, to place the cursor at row 5Y4-inch Winchester hard disc. The w WORD1125 uses output control 110 and column 55, the following sealed Winchester disc provides commands (i.e., ".e", ". y"). is used on the added reliability, as well as high 125: "(esc)&a55cllOR, a 10-byte HPWORD doesn't. HPWORD stores files with an speed and far more data capacity, message. If more than 8 bytes are for more complex office applica- needed to perform some screen explicit carriage return designa- tor at the end of lines. WORD1125 tions such as accounting, data- addressing, the application code base management or transaction may have to be changed to allocate has the ability to do the same. LINW125 is used to transfer files processing. Information is stored a bigger string. "on-line" on the computer, too, so Memory requirements may vary between HP 125 and HP 3000. (See the LINW125 manual for it is easy to store dozens of pro- between microcomputers also. grams for quick retrieval at the details about transferring files.) With its range of peripherals, the push of a button, rather than 125 operating system requires To share files between the two changing flexible discs. 13.25K of memory. Some other mi- word processors, the following cros require 8K. Since the 125 con- steps should be taken: The HP 125 personal office com- tains 64K of processor memory, if a puter Models 10 and 20, intro- WORD1125 to HPWORD - Using duced last August, have been program uses greater than 50.75K, WORDl125, strip the WORD1125 trimming of the code will be reduced in price 21 percent and 19 file of all output command and all percent, respectively. Ed required. imbedded display enhancements. It has come to our attention that in Then, store t& ffie with the "11" some cases, a difficulty occurs option to add a carriage return at while writing to an IBM format the end of lines. disc. The lasr sector of a file is Example: WRITE FILENAME) sometimes lost when writing to an filename .extll existing file name on the disc. A Now, transfer the file from the HP 250 Series

Fourth Annual 250 OEM Conference 4th ANNUAL On March 2nd and 3rd, HP 250 OEMs will be attending the 4th HP 250 OEM Annual HP 250 OEM Conference. In the past, over 50 OEMs have CONFERENCE come to Cupertino to exchange software, share business strategies and learn about the HP 250 prod- uct and merchandising directions. - Other highlights of the conference include technical workshops on project management, application software (OMII/FIN/MFG), OS4, in the HP Business Basic strategy. Other agenda items include: new product introductions and train- P+@ ing, OEM organizational group meetings, division update and di- rections, system support, OEM merchandising/advertising,HP management round table and OEM award presentations. This year, for the first time, we will be hosting not only North American OEMs, but also OEMs from English speaking interconti- nental countries as well as Spanish speaking countries. These last two intercontinental groups will ni ;:F',Y:: be conducting their own separate OEM meeting on March 4th as well. It should be a most produc- tive and exciting conference. Ud

Coma A-erNews OEM Edton March "982 7 HP 1000 Series 3 New Real Time Computers For OEMs And System Designers Two new members of the HP 1000 family of real time technical com- puters, the A600 Microcomputer and the A700 Minicomputer, pro- vide unrivaled pricelperformance. The A600 processor is a powerful two-board microcomvuter de- signed to provide maximum per- formance for minimum cost. The A600 microcomputer is the ideal "engine" for applications in nu- meric control, process control, communications, automatic test and energy management. With an execution speed of one million in- structions per second, memory ex- pandable to 4 Mb DMA transfer

the ~600'provides a ioGerful virtual-memory-for-data feature engine to run the complete line micro-paraphraser, a Pascal-like of existing HP 1000 minicomputer high-level language which simpli- allows user programs to address software, that includes ImageIlOOO fies writing and documenting of up to 12.6 megabytes of data as Data Base Management, DS11000- microprograms. In addition to if it were all in main memory. This IV Distributed Systems Network- user microprograms, A700 perfor- gives programmers a simple, yet ing, and Graphic11000-II2D and mance can be greatly enhanced by powerful, method of accessing 3D Graphics. The A600 processor the CAP which combines a high huge data arrays for applications is available as a two-board set with performance floating point proces- such as simulation, matrix calcula- either 128 Kb or 512 Kb of mem- sor (based on three custom floating tions, and 3D graphics. All capabil- point chips), with scientific and ities of RTE-A. I can be accessed in ory, 20-slot rack mount box com- puter, a desktop computer system, vector instruction sets on a single a multilingual programming envi- and two fully integrated rack board. Computation intensive ap- ronment that supports FORTRAN 77, Pascal, BASIC, and Macro- mount systems. plications can be sped up by as much as 80 times. The A700 pro- Assembly languages. To speed The A700 processor is a powerful cessor is available as a 20-slot rack- development, RTE-A.l provides minicomputer with all of the fea- mount box, and in fully integrated multi-user program development tures of the A600 processor, plus rackmount systems. features such as a powerful inter- the additional features of user mi- Both comvuters are offered active screen editor, a program croprogrammability, a Computa- 1 debugger, a fast relocating loader, tion Acceleration Processor (CAP), with the powerful, new real-time operating system: RTE-A. 1. The and fast system generation. RTE- and error correcting memory for A.1 also supports all features of perforrnance critical applications. The modular desien" of RTE-A. 1 allows users to match the system configu- HP's DS11000-IV Distributed Sys- A700 vrocessor can tackle comvu- tems Network, IMAGE11000 tation intensive applications such ration to their applications. A wide range of configurations from Data Base Management, and as data acquisition and reduction, GRAPHICS11000-I1 software. high speed test, and interactive small, memory-based, operator- graphics. Using the powerful mi- less, execute-only stations to full, The A600 and A700 processors croprogramming package, a user disc-based systems with program also support a large variety of HP can optimize system performance development capabilities are peripherals, interfaces, and instru- or create custom instiuctions for possible. RTE-A.l operates in as ments. Customers have a choice specialized applications. Micro- little as 128 Kb of memory, but can of five CRT terminals and several programs can be developed manage system applications up to disc drives, including the recently quickly and easily using the new four megabytes. A demand-page announced 4.6 megabyte 5Y4"

Computer News 3iLl !:-IT 8 ics; HP 1000 Series

Winchester Disc, or 16-, 27-, and 64 Mb Winchester Discs with cartridge tape back-up. For more information, ask your sales representative for the bro- chure "Fifteen Reasons Why Hewlett-Packard Should be Your OEM Real-Time Computer Vendor" (PIN 5953-2827).


Key new features of RTE-6IVM- new capabilities at no performance Virtual Memory for Data, Share- penalty. Reactions to enhanced able EMAs, and Extended Code performance features indicate they Space, allow HP 1000s to address provide significant productivity new or expanded applications in benefits; for you, the OEM, markets we were previously un- that translates to valuable able to penetrate. Increased capa- opportunities! bilities in factory automation include: Large Data Transfers TolFrom EMA and VMA Areas W Automation Control - More data acquisition stations, and Large data transfers tolfrom EMA Reactions To larger statistics and control and VMA areas are accomplished RTE-6/VM algorithms. with new commands VMAIO, After talking with many customers W Process Monitoring and Con- VREAD, VWRITE, and EIOSZ. trol- Larger memory resident Unlike RTE-IVB which moves data about the RTE-6IVM operating sys- indirectly into Extended Memory tem, we realized there are more process tables, and faster reac- tion to out-of-limit conditions. Areas, RTE-6IVM allows the pro- than a few features, many of them grammer to determine the maxi- subtle, that excite "hot buttons." Computer Aided Testing- More complex testing programs, and mum guaranteed buffer length This article reviews some of the ap- available with the return from plication areas of interest and the simple large data handling capability. EIOSZ and then do a read or more subtle features that deserve write between EMAIVMA and attention. Data Analysis -Faster access to large data areas. files or I10 devices using that buf- It is important to reiterate that fer length. It is possible for the RTE-61VM has introduced these Ccr-CL-er News OEM Ed~ton March 1982 9 HP 1000 Series r, buffer to equal all of available on any cartridge means they no What do these new features mean physical memory! longer have to squeeze and micro- to you and your customers? First code their programs into a limited of all, the new A-Series microcom- Automatic Track Switching space. puters broaden the selection of Automatic track switching allows RTE-6/VM is also eliciting unani- Hewlett-Packard devices that can multiple-track disc I10 transfers mous approval and hearty en- communicate in an HP-DSN envi- whereas RTE-IVB transfers one dorsement from SEs as they attend ronment. These new microcom- puters provide low cost nodes track at a time. Along with a nezu training courses - some of the swap algorithm which transfers 31 most enthusiastic reactions to a capable of performing the com- pages at a time, this means com- new product we've ever seen. The plete range of powerful DSl1000-IV pilers execute faster, system over- FORTRAN 77 and RTE-6IVM com- services. Secondly, support for head is less, and programs load bination is an extremely powerful DSNlX.25 widens the range of con- and swap faster. Programmers offering from Hewlett-Packard. nection schemes available for DS/ need fewer RTE EXEC calls in their 1000-IV: point-to-point multidrop, programs and can accomplish The time is now to upgrade or be- and now X.25 packet switched large (31K word) READ requests in gin new applications with the fab- networks. In addition, X.25 net- one statement. The operating sys- ulous complement of features works provide cost savings for tem has less EXEC processing, in- available in RTE-6IVM - the most customers with geographically terrupt processing, and driver powerful RTE operating system dispersed nodes with medium net- execution to perform. Implemen- ever. work traffic. Thirdly, the new com- tation of these features is transpar- Enhancements to munication capabilities - A/L ent to the programmer! Series to HP 3000 and multiple HP HP DS11000-IV 3000s per single HP 1000 -allow Faster and Smarter D.RTR you to better match your custom- Directory Track Manager There are five important new er's applications with HP supplied enhancements to HP DSl1000-IV. The D.RTR directory track man- solutions. And lastly, support for fl ager is faster and smarter, provid- Support for the new A-Series V.28 standard interface cards al- ing improved file access speed. Its microcomputers running lows leased line communications buffer size is increased from 6K to RTE-A. 1 in European countries where this 8K words which is especially help- Support over X.25 Packet standard is required. ful when accessing the directory Switched Networks Support for HP 1000 AIL-Series Together, these five new enhance- track on HEf925 disc drives. An ments make DS/1000-IV more - .P.XL*. to HP 3000 communication improved algorithm keeps the car- powerful than ever, giving you tridge list in memory and has at Support for HP 1000 connection to multiple HP 3000s an even greater competitive edge least half the number of disc ac- in 1982. Ed cesses. These enhancements mean Support for the V.28 Modem in- a user at a terminal, or programs, terface standard for European will see dramatic increases (as countries. much as 48%)in the speed of re- turn from accessing files.

Many other features - such as US- ing a full 32-page extended back- ground partition for user code, on- line driver replacement for install- ing custom drivers, indexes for li- braries to speed up program loads, and a new command to provide in- teractive definition of command parameters - brought out smiles of approval and sighs of satisfaction from customers. One customer re- marked that having up to 800 tracks per system cartridge and the ability to put executable programs HP 3000 Series 0

Series 64 These very general observations QUERY13000 need to be reviewed for their ap- Shows Outstanding plicability for any particular con- New Release Means iiguration and load. Be SURE to Free Enhancements 1I Benchmark go over your requirements with Performance your SE if you think you need the A new release of QUERY adds performance of a Series 64. We the following significant enhance- For the past six weeks, the Pre- u will continue to distribute any ments to the database inquiry Sales Technical Support group in information about this exciting facility: the Business Computer Sales Cen- new system as we get it. 8 Multi database access and ter has been running benchmarks update for particular high-potential sales HP Series 64 Multi data set access and update situations for the HP 3000 Series Hierarchical FIND command 64. More detailed results are being Console Cable Ability to create a Self Describ- I sent to HP sales offices as they be- A few months ago, we strongly ing data file come available; they require some recommended that a modern port 8 Subitem access and reporting analysis to avoid misinterpreta- controller be used for the system Generic search with pattern tion. But here are a few key console, because of the desire to matching i findings: provide remote diagnostic capa- 8 Security beyond IMAGE 8 The processor is a real hummer! bility to the system. Correspond- 8 Editing of fixed and floating CPU times are typically half that ingly, we included a modem cable point numbers of the Series 44. (13232N) with the HP 2642A Up to 10 levels of sorting for 8 With up to 8 Mb of memory, it is Option 964 Series 64 console. report generation. fairly easy to configure a system Since that time, we have found a All of these new features and more which has basically no swap- few situations where the customer are included in the latest release of ping; this reduces system over- preferred to direct connect the QUERY. Look for it soon from your I head and increases throughput. system console. If the customer field Software Coordinators. K*d 8 The single most critical parame- chooses this alternative, he will ter of performance is the design have to order a separate cable for of the application and the place- connection to the system. The fol- ment of files on disc. Very high lowing table specifies the cable I10 rates can be achieved if which must be ordered for each many different users are access- type of direct connection the cus- ing data on different discs tomer may otherwise desire. which can be overlapped (i.e., ,A % . masters, not slaves). However, SERIES 64 if all accesses are to the same SYSTEM CONSOLE CABLES disc-and especially to the same ATP Direct file-the Series 64 will spend Connect Order Cable just as much time waiting for RS-422 13232 I serial disc requests as any other RS-232C 13232 X HP 3000. 8 If a Series 44 or Series I11 is not If direct connect is specified with- being overloaded, it is unlikely out ordering the appropriate cable, that an improvement will be a delay in the installation will uc- seen by upgrading to a Series 64, cur. As before, we continue to except where advantageous con- strongly recommend the use of figuration changes can be made the modem AIB for console (e.g., more 7925 Master discs). connection. 8 So far, we have been unable to load the Series 64 to the point of finding the "knee" of the performance curve, where performance degrades dis- proportionately with the in- crease in load.

CCP-CL-IC,Uevis OEM Editon Morch. 1982 11 HP 9800 Series

HP 9826Al9836A HP 9915A Shines The shielded models will offer a new "Star Wars" look, but final Applications Sof Ware in Run-only Control units will be tempered with a tra- In keeping with the idea of having Applications ditional HP 9845 paint job. Should you or your customers be inter- a well-rounded package at the in- The HP 9915A is being successfully troduction of the HP 9836A, we are ested in this latest fashion in de- used in run-only control fense, be sure to give your HP introducing the top selling applica- applicatons. tions packages. Sales Rep a call. SNS support for these packages Recently a company ordered 40 will be available May 1, 1982. units for run-only control applica- The requirements for running this tions. The company is a manufac- HP 9845 Tops software are an HP 9826N9836A turer of specialized process with Option 011 or 711 (2.0 BASIC) equipment for organic chemical and 256K bytes of RAM. Shipment synthesis. The 9915A will be used The chart (see page 13) shows the will begin in March with about a with the 3497A Voltmeter to moni- major distinctions among the six-week delivery. tor and control a process that three HP 9845 alternatives. breaks down complex proteins These application packs have been into basic elements. The 9915A fits As you read the chart, be aware popular on the HP 9845, and we the application perfectly. It calls for that there are three different anticipate similar interest on the run-only control and little human 9845BlC graphics ROMs. These are 9826136. interaction with the computer. as follows: Programs will be stored EPROM HP 9845B Graphics ROM 98810A VisiCalcB for program security, increased re- (98411A or 984118)-This ROM liability, and fully automatic ships with all 9845B Model lxx 98815A Graphics except Model 100 Presentations operation. 98817A Project OEM's who need low-performance HP 9845C Graphics ROM Management computational power to automate (PIN 98770-65501) -This ROM previously shipped with the 98818A Forecasting their systems, but who do not have the time or money to develop with 9845C Model lxx; it has been 98820A Statistics Library discontinued 98820B Statistics Library a microprocessor or a single-board computer will find the 9915A will Enhanced Graphics ROM (PIN Part I 98780-65501) -This ROM ships 98820C Statistics Library be the perfect solution. The 9915A can be integrated into a system with the 9845B Model 2xx and all Part I1 9845C models. 98821A Numerical quickly and easily. Analysis Library For more information about the For upgrades, you must remember 98825A AC Circuit 9915A, call your HP sales rep. that the 9845C Graphics ROM and Analysis the Enhanced Graphics ROM re- 98826A Linear Systems quire certain unique operating sys- Analysis OEM Shields tem ROMs. Therefore, upgrades 98826A Waveform must include a service call to Analysis HP 9845B Model lxx switch internal parts. Eil 98828A Digital Filter The 9845B Desktop Computer has Design been engineered for commercial and industrial environments. SVisiCalc is a trademark of Personal Software Inc Many military applications require special shielding to reduce electro- magnetic radiation in order to pro- tect computer system security. The Honeywell Signal Analysis Center in Annapolis, Maryland, has suc- cessfully shielded the HP 9845B Model lxx for certain defense applications.

Computer NetdvsZFPh 501'1on 12 March, lBY? HP 9800 Series

HP 9845 Tops Comparison Chart Name 98458 98458 9845C Model lxx Model 2xx Model xxx Colors Green and white 17 shades of green 8 line colors 4913 fill colors Light Pen No Option Option Simultaneous No Yes Yes Alpha &Graphics Vector Drawing About 600 vectors per sec About 5000 vectors per sec About 5000 vectors per sec Speed (Actual) Alphanutneric About 950 characters per sec About 1500 characters per 9845C Graphics Speed sec ROM: About 750 characters per second. Enhanced Graphics ROM: About 1500 charisec. Rubber banding None Built into ROM. 9845C Graphics Auxiliary memory in top. ROM: Software utility sent No data destroyed. with each unit. Enhanced Graphics ROM: Built into ROM. One memory plane is destroyed. Dump Graphics to an exter- DGRAI'H binary in Utilities Built-in ROM Built-in ROM nal printer I1 software. PIN 09845- 10200. Number of pens 98411A: 4 pens Enhanced Graphics 9845C Graphics ROM: PLOTTER IS "HPGL," ROM: PLOTTER IS "HPGL" defaults to 8 pens. and PLOTTER IS "9872" de- PLOTTER IS "9872" default faults to 4 pens. to 4 pens. Can use PLOTTER IS Use PLOTTER IS "HPGL", "9872", .025,8 for 8 pens. .025,8 or PLOTTER IS "9872", .025,8 for 8 pens. Enhanced Graphics ROM: See Column to left. Data Tablet tracking Slow. LJses end-of-line Fast. Graphics cursor is able 9845C Graphics interrupts. to track the 9111A at the ROM: slow. Uses end-of- speed of user hand motion. line interrupts. Uses hardware interrupts. Enhanced Graphics ROM: Fast. Graphics cursor is able to track 9111A at speed of user hand motion. Uses hardware interrupts. Graphics Language Subset of 9845B Model 2xx. 9845C minus color. Top of line. Compatibility & Incompatibility

NOTES: GSTORE and GLOAD differ in array size!! Graplrics binaries are nearly always incompatible!!

Zc-o,+?r hew5 OEM idton March 19d2 13 Systems Rema rketing

Back by Popular Demand HP 3000 Re-Marketed Systems On November 1, Hewlett-Packard with excellent upgrade paths avail- The expandability of the Series IIIR established a new operation called able to larger systems as require- extends the life of your invest- the Systems Re-Marketing Opera- ments increase. The re-marketed ment. The maximum configuration tion (SRO). This new operation systems are ideal for: of the Series IIIR allows memory to will participate in the re-sale mar- .~i~hl~ price sensitive situations be expanded up to 2 h4b and al- ket for HP computer equipment. where the re-marketed systems' lows a total of 96 simultaneous Our fundamental goals are to: expandability and performance users. The Series IIIR also sup- Make it easier for customers to is within your customer's ports a large number and range of purchase add-ons and requirements. peripheral products which include upgrades. At the low end, the Series 30R the HP 2680A laser printer, the .Improve the satisfaction of cus- and Series 33R offer the advan- HP 7935H 404 Mb disc drive, and tomers who buy used HP equip- tages of industry compatible the 7976A 625011600 bpi tape drive. ment by providing our standard tape drives and disc drives with The HP 2680A, 7935H, and 7976A pre-sale and post-sale services. removable media. This makes require a 30341A HP-IB converter .Broaden system product lines these systems ideal for situa- for Series I11 operation. and offer customers more tions where fast back-up is As computing requirements con- choices from HP. required and where there is a tinue to expand, applications are We will offer customers standard, need to exchange data between easily moved within the HP 3000 price-listed trade-in credits toward computers conveniently. computing family. Excellent up- the purchase of specific new HP .OEMs that have developed grade paths are available for the products; and ship the traded-in added value which is model Series IIIR to larger HP 3000 sys- products to SRO's facility in specific. tems. This insures a smooth and Sunnyvale or to HP's factory in Give your HP Sales Representative orderly transition to increasingly Boeblingen, West Germany, for a call and ask about Re-Marketed powerful systems as your custom- ins~ectionand re-work as neces- Svstems. er's computer needs continue to sari. Then we will sell the prod- grow. ucts to new customers through- Introducing The The Re-Marketed Series IIIR's are our HP sales force. HP 3000 Series IIIR available now in the US, Canada, and ICON. Give your Hewlett- The re-marketed products will be The HP 3000 Series IIIR is a subject to standard HP terms and Packard Sales Representative a re-marketed system that offers call. Quantities are limited. conditions of sale, including instal- proven performance and reliabil- lation and warranty services and ity. Already accepted as a success- purchase agreement discounts. ful system solution, the Series IIIR These systems are fully discounta- is a powerful entry system that ble under OEM agreements, and represents an excellent value. As are eligible for functional unit with the other members of the credit. HP 3000 family, the Series IIIR Our first introduction consists of runs the same MPE IV operating three re-marketed systems: the system and performs well in a vari- HP 3000 Series 30R, the HP 3000 ety of applications. These applica- Series 33R, and the HP 3000 Series tions include on-line transaction IIIR, in US, Canada and ICON. processing, word processing, and database management. SRO Marketing With this introduction the HP 3000 product line will include seven systems offering a broad range of choice in price, performance, ex- pandability, and peripheral con- figurations. These re-marketed systems are ideal entry systems

14 i'nryrputrr Nrur Zil." 31crl I'Jlorch, 1982 Systems Remarketing

Introducing The HP 3000 Series 33R The HP 3000 Series 33R is nc~w Along with the Series 33R, re- available establishing a new low marketed peripherals with proven price point for an HP 3000 system. performance are offered as The re-marketed Series 33R'~price options to the main product provides an ideal entry-level sys- number (32412CR). tem for mall businesses or opera- option 920 is a re-marketed, HP tions of larger companies. 7920M 50 Mb disc drive while op- Already a proven product with tion 925 is a re-marketed HP widespread customer acceptance, 7925M 120 Mb disc drive. For the Series 33R offers a number of tapes, there is Option 970, an HP advantages to your customers. 7970E're-marketed tape drive in a One of the most important of these new double bay upright cabinet. is that MPE IV is supported on the All these peripherals are 60 Hz Series 33R. MPE IV gives your master devices and come complete customer all the new software with HP-IB interface and cables. available from HP including The re-marketed Series 33R was TRANSACT13000 and INFO RM/ introduced February 1and is now 3000. You can make full use of the available for sale in the US, Canada productivity increasing tools with and ICON. to o ti ti^^ are limited confidence because the Series 33R so call your ~~~l~tt-p~~k~~d offers the software protection of representative today. Pa demonstrated MPE compatibility. with larger HP 3000 syst'em:j.

Conos7erNews OEM Ed~ton March,1982 15 New HP 2382A HP 2623A HP GRAPHICS11000-I1 GRAPHICS11000-I1 consists of two Carrying Case Graphics Software packages - the HP 92841A Device- All 22 pounds of the HP 2382A The new HP 2623A low cost graph- independent Graphics Library Office Display Terminal and ics terminal is well suited to both (DGL) and the HP 92842A Ad- keyboard can be neatly packed business and technical display vanced Graphics Package3D into a new deluxe carrying case graphics. The 2623A is HP's lowest (AGP-3). DGL is a powerful tool (PIN 13269B). priced graphics terminal and it fea- for developing 2D high-perfor- The vinyl case has a detachable tures a 512 x 390 dot resolution, mance graphics applications. shoulder strap and the terminal built-in graphics hardcopy and is AGP-3 is a sophisticated interac- keyboard slides into an internal supported on HP's business tive 3D graphics tool based on the side pocket for protection. A Racal- graphics software, DSGl3000, and SIGGRAPH committee "CORE" Vadic VA 3451 size-modem (ap- the technical graphics package, proposal, and is helpful for devel- proximately 12" x 6Y2" x 2Y2") or a GRAPHICS11000-11. The 2623A is oping interactive graphics applica- 13265A modem pod can be tucked also compatible with other third tions on the HP 1000 computer in alongside the 2382A as well. party software packages including systems. TEKTRONIX PLOT-lo@and ISSCO'S DISSPLAO, TELL-A- GRAFa. This third party software is de- The combination of HP and third signed to satisfy a number of party software provides the 2623A graphics applications. The PLOT- user with a versatile choice of 10 family is based on FORTRAN graphics solutions for many dis- subroutines and satisfies the play graphics applications. graphics needs of programmers A brief description of each of the and non-programmers. software packages that work with ,? the 2623A follows. DISSPLAa/TELL-A-GRAF@ DISSPLA consists of FORTRAN- HP DSGl3000 based graphics subroutines and is HP Decision Support Graphics1 designed primarily for use by com- 3000 is an interactive data display puter professionals. TELL-A- capability on the HP 3000 com- GRAF is used for business display puter systems that is designed for graphics by both programmers both the non-computer profes- and nonprogrammers. sional and the programmer. DSGI TEKTRONIX, PLOT-10 are regis- 3000 is ideally suited to producing tered trademarks of Tektronix business charts from HP 3000 data Corporation, Beaverton, OR, files. Telephone (503) 682-3411. ISSCO, DISSPLA and TELL-A-GRAF are registered trademarks of Inte- grated Software Systems Corpora- tion, San Diego, CA, Telephone (714) 452-0170. Terminals

Special Option K45 Highest Ratings good, 3 to 5 acceptable and 1 to 2 for the HP 2626A for HP Terminals inadequate. The 2640 received the highest "Ter- Users familiar with the ASCII (bit- The following terminals, HP 2640, minal Average" rating of 8.6. All paired) keyboard of the HP 264X HP 2645 and HP 2621 were the the DTD terminals were rated terminal family may prefer this highest rated terminals in a May above 8.0. Only the IBM 5251 at keyboard layout to the typewriter 1981 user survey by Data Decisions. 8.4, DEC VT 100 at 8.1 and the IBM layout provided with the standard Interactive display terminal users 3278 at 8.0 received a rating of 8.0 HP 2626A keyboard. The 2626A were asked to rate several attl-ib- or greater. HP's performance, Option K45 provides an ASCII utes of the terminals they were us- along with the average for all ven- keyboard layout similar to the ing. Terminals from all the major dors, is shown in the table below. 2621AlP Option K45. vendors were represented, includ- ing DEC, IBM, Lear Siegler, and The results of this survey are con- Tektronix. A rating of 9 to 10 was tinuing evidence that our termi- considered superior, 6 to 8 very nals have achieved excellent user acceptance.

HP HP HP Ave. All Terminal Attributes 2621 2640 2645A Vendors Keyboard Features 6.8 EditIFormat 7.0 Features Display Features 8.0 Communications 8.2 HP2629 Terminal Features 7.5 OEM Discounts Reliability 8.4 HP offers OEM discounts on the Vendor Service 8.1 popular HP 262X series of termi- Terminal Average 8.1 nals through the HP 2629 OEM discountable terminals. Each 2629 terminal is identical to its 262X se- Improved HP 264X ries counterpart, except for the front bezel label. Most of the 262X Data Comm line is included: The HP 264X standard data com- board December 1,1981. The HP2629A - HP 2621A munications PCA is changing from 2649A (when ordered with the HP2629B - HP 2621P PIN 02640-60086 to PIN 02640- 13206A) began shipment with HP2629D - HP 2626A 60239. Many of you will recognize the new board January 1,1982. HP2629E - HP 2622A the new board. It is the data comm European Sales Note: The new board HP2629F - HP 2624B board of the HP 2642A and adds to (PIN 02649-60239) is not yet ap- HP2629G - HP 2623A 264X capability: proved for modem connection in HP2629L - HP 2621B Supports the 13265A modem Europe. Submittals are in process. HP 2629W - HP 2626W pod. The results should be known by The options available on each 2629 Supports hardware handshak- the third quarter 1982. The 13206B, terminal are the same as for its ing on the HP 1000. C and Dare presently licensed for counterpart. Supports 9600 baud with hand- Europe. shaking (due to 1 character With the OEM discounts on 2629 buffer). All 264X (except the HP terminals, you have a tremendous 2649A) are presently shipping opportunity to take advantage of with new board. The 13206A be- the popularity of the 262X series gan shipment with the nevi terminals.

Cer cs-ecUews OEM Edt~on March 1982 17 Terminals

Printing Capabilities Graphics Printing: The screen can HP 2626AlW (Integral or External be dumped to the integral Printer as Well) of the HP 262X Family printer. When using a plotter, it Data Logging Modes: Here, the Have you ever been confused by is recommended to configure it limitation of 80 characters per all the different ways you can print in eavesdrop mode -the plotter line does not apply since work- data sent from a host computer to is connected between the termi- spaces can be up to 160 charac- an HP 262X terminal? Here is a nal and the host computer. ters wide. This mode is resume: therefore more flexible to use HP 26248 (Integral or External than Pass Thru Printing. HP 26218 (Integral Printer) Printer as Well) Pass Thru Printing: (same as Data Logging Modes: Data has to be Data Logging Modes: (same as above) displayed on the screen to get above) Dual Data Comm Capabilities: printed, and the easiest way to do Pass Thru Printing: (same as With this unique feature, one so is to set the terminal in "log bot- above) can achieve similar results to the tom". Each new line displayed gets Record Mode: (same as above) terminal bypass. For example, a automatically printed. The sim- Terminal Bypass: This applies user can work on one workspace plest way to print data. only to an external printer and displayed on the screen, while when the 2624B is in a multi- data is sent to the printer via an- HP 2622A (Integral Printer) point configuration. The printer other workspace (not necessar- Data Logging Modes: (same as is addressed as an independent ily displayed.) If the printer is above) multipoint device and can be external, the only data comm Pass Thru Printing: Lines can be used as such. The great advan- line left will have to be switched printed without being dis- tage of this is that the terminal to enable the user to communi- played. There is no longer a limi- can be used when the printer is cate with the CPU when the tation of 80 characters per line! operating and a low cost point- printer ends its job. (e.g., 132 characters in com- to-point printer can be used as a In conclusion, the 262X family of- pressed mode.) One escape se- multipoint device. fers many ways to match you and quence is needed before each your customers' printing line and keyboard is locked dur- avvlications. ing printing. HP 2623A (Integral or External Printer as Well) Data Logging Modes: (same as above) Pass Thru Printing: (same as above) Record Mode: Once this mode has been set, as much data as is needed can be sent to the printer without any special commands. All formats of the printer can be used (e.g., 132 characters per line) since the display is by- passed and the keyboard is locked as long as record mode is on. The benefit over Pass Thru Printing is that no escape se- quences have to be inserted be- fore each line (just one at the start of the operation!).

Comoutcr New 3I\1 Is*?n I8 MU~C~.19;: Another HP 2382A HP 2621A/P Success Story and HP 2629A/B With its compact size and office Obsolescence styling, the HP 2382A provides a unique solution to office automa- With the rollover to "B" models tion applications. As such, the now complete, and the extended 2382A offers a tremendous oppor- keyboard options scheduled for in- tunity for OEMs selling office sys- troduction on May 1, we will be re- tems. One recent success story moving the HP 2621AlP and HP deals with such an opportunity 2629AlB products from the May 1 and how the 2382A met a custom- HP Price List. The HP 2621Bl2629L er's needs. offer more features, comply with RFI regulations and exhibit higher Interactive Systems of West Cald- reliability at a lower cost than the well, New Jersey, is an OEM that old products. builds systems providing elec- tronic mail capabilities based on Tandem Computers. The system designer saw HP's "Try It on for Size" ad in one of the computer publications that was accompanied by a life-sized picture of the 2382A. By standing the picture up on his desk he was able to see that the 2382A would take up little more room than a typical telephone. The SR handling the account brought in a unit for a demonstra- tion. He pointed out that despite the compact packaging, the 2382 offered many capabilities condu- cive to office applications, such as the 8-user definable softkeys, block mode and a full 24 by 80 character display. The OEM was particularly impressed by the high quality of the display itself, as well as by HP's reputation for reliable terminal products. Since the beginning of the year, In- teractive Systems has purchased 100 HP 2382A terminals and plans to buy 100 more in the next couple of months. We feel that as Interac- tive Systems continues to expand their offering in the office automa- tion field in the near future, the 2382A will continue to be their number one choice for an Interac- tive Office Display Terminal.

Car-cl.-er News OEM Ed~ton March,1982 19 Peripherals

New Plotter Brings Affordable Quality to Your Customers HP introduces the new HP 7470 low-cost, high-performance graphics plotter. The 7470 stands far above the competition in price- performance comparisons, and is the best entry-level plotter for your cost-conscious customers.

Customers Waiting for Low-Cost Plotter The 7470 is the perfect plotter for those who must keep down total systems costs, or whose use would not justify the price of an eight-pen plotter. There is one common de- nominator for all these people: they see the need for low-cost hardcopy graphics.

7470 Outperforms the Competition The new HP 7470 graphics plotter produces As you can see from the Competi- high q~inlltycharts at a 1ou1price for your tive Analysis Chart shown here, cost-cor~sciouscustomer. the new 7470 stands far above the competition. The 7470's perfor- mance exceeds that of all other Competitive Analysis Chart 8.5"x 11"Plotters Price Resolution Veloc? Intelligence Product U.S. $ mm (in.) Pens cmlsec (i sec) Features Bed Comments HEWLETT-PACKARD HP-7225 Flat 'High PriceiHigh Quality HP-7470 Paper 'Low PriceiHigh Performance1 move High Quality None Flat 1 'Low PriceiMedium Quality Some Flat * Strong U.S. Competitor Some Fiat I Some Flat 'Includes Control Panel Some Flat 1 MAURO MP-250 None Paper * Low PriceiMedium move Quality with no internal intelligence STROBE Model 100 None Drum 'Low PriceiMedium Quality with no internal intelligence- WATANABE Miplot .10 (.004) 1 5.1 (2.0) Some Flat * New entry in U.S. * Established competitor in Japan and Europe Peripherals

Configuration Guide

Computer Configu~ration 7470A Interface* Comments HP-83185, 82937A HP-1B Module, 882936A ROM drawer HP-IU ROM drawer not required for 9915. HP-83185 9915 and 00085-15002 plotterlprinter ROM required. (Option 002) Gra hics Presentations Pac (00085-13038) ..s 7478~su ort to be announced. Software 3 requires !%K memory module (82903A). HP-IB interface standard. 82936A ROM drawer HP-IB HP-87 Graphics Presentations Pac (00087- and 00087-15002 Plotter ROM required. (Option 002) 13002) supports 7470A. Software requires 64K memory module (82908A). 7470A can be used with a number of non-HP personal com uters Software support is provided by &rd-party suppliers and non-HP computer manufacturers. 9825AlS 98034- required. 9821E)A or 98216A Plotter HP-IB ROM recommended. (Option 002) 9825BK 980Wrequired. Plottcrr ROM standard. HP-IB (Option 002) 9826A HP-IB interface standard. Graphics su ort is HP-IB 9826136 Graphics Presentations (PIN 98815A) also standard in HPL, BPSIC, and P~&L (Option 002) produces horizontal format hardcopy on 7470A. 9835AlB 980Wrequired, 9833:'AiB Plotter ROM HP-IB recommended. (Option 002) 9836A HP-IB interface standard. Graphics su HP-I B 9826136 Graphics Presentations (PIN 98815A) also standard in HPL, BhSlC and PASKO:is (Option 002) produces horizontal format hardcopy on 7470A. 9845BlC 98034A/B required. Gra hics ROM 98411AiB HP-IB recommended for 9845~0~tionlCC-series. (Option 002) *B Enhanced graphics Rob1 standard on 98458 A Option 200-series and 9845C computers. V) HPl000 59310B and DVR37 required. GRAPHICSl1000-I1 HP-IB GRAPHICSl1000-11 support for 7470A planned 3 M,E,F (92841A and 92842A) recommended. (Option 002) for 2213 PC0 release (April, 1982). Contact DSD Sales Development for current support status. 12WA and ID.37 required. GRAPHICSl1000-II HP-IB GRAPHICSl1000-11 support for 7470A planned L-Series (92841A and 92842A) recommended. (Option 002) for 2213 PC0 release (April 1982). Contact DSD I;: A-600, Sales Development for current support status. A-700

HP-IB interface standard. GRAPHICS1125 HP-18 (455324) required. (Option 002)

DSGl250 (45150A)recommended. GPU250 RS-232-C Planned support date will be announced

included in standard op~eratinp."2svstem. (Option 001) DSGl3000 required. FolLowing are supported Planned support date will be at next release of environments for 7470A: DSGl3000 (tentative1 scheduled for June 18, 1982). Contact BCG %es Development for current support status. Eavesdrop (computer-plotter-terminal) RS-232-C (Opt. 001) and eavesdrop adaptor (Opt.016)

Direct (computer-plotter) RS-232-C (Option 001) Not recommended. Plotter speed at 60% of eavesdro direct throughput rate due to I Shared Peripheral (computer-26471 HP-IB termina&~,ttrr handshaking overhead. 13296A I &plotter) (Option 002) terminal Shared peripheral iiiterface required. ( . A I HP-IB Planned su ort date is March 1,1982. (Option 002) ~ulti~loti~fr~~roduces horizontal format hardcopy on 7478A. Two-pen operation with no screen messages to change additional pens. -- - - 'The 7470A is not supplied with an standard interfacing cables. When required, order 10833AiBlCiD HP-IB cable extensions for 7470A 0 tion 002 configurations. Except for HP 300Jeavesdrop configuration (Ophon 018, all RS-232-C 3170A (Ophon 001) configurationswill require mare-to-male 25-pin RS-232-C cable (8120-3258).

Co--~os:er hews 3EM Ed-ion March,:982 21 Peri phera Is *? *? high-quality plotters in its price Text can be written in any direc- Invitational Computer range, and is the equal of plotters tion, with or without slant, and several times more expensive. No in different sizes. Its symbol plot- Conference Stimulates other low-cost plotter can match ting capability and seven built-in, Interest in 13287A TPM the 7470's performance and line dashed-line fonts give flexibility of The Invitational Computer Confer- quality. design. ence, held at the South Coast Plaza Forty-two HP-GL instructions are Hotel in Orange County, provided 7470 Features Affordable Quality built-in, so the 7470 can generate the HP 13287A Thermal Print Graphics simple commands that perform Mechanism (TPM) with good ex- The 7470 is HP's solution to the a variety of complex operations. posure within the OEM market. need for permanent, high quality Software written using HP-GL Considerable OEM interest in the graphics at a budget conscious instructions for other HP plotters TPM, as well as the 2670 Series price. The small, low-cost plotter is easily adaptable to the 7470. Printers, which use the TPM, indi- uses high quality components and HP's newest plotter offers a choice cates that these products have paper-moving technology compa- of two interface otions: RS-232-CI enormous potential. rable to those found in HP's top- CCITT V.24, or HP-IB (IEEE 488- of-the-line drafting plotter. The 13287A is an 80-column print 1978). mechanism for high quality text Using low-inertia micro-grip tech- and graphics printing. The mecha- nology, movement of both paper Professional Sales Aids Available nism has been engineered to mini- and pens allows the 7470 to plot Designed for customer viewing, a mize OEM system design time. lines at speeds of up to five charac- videotape entitled "HP-7470 Plot- With its built-in smart controller ters per second. The 7470 is fast- ter" explains the history and sci- and 8-bit TTL interface, the HP maximum pen velocity with pen ence of computer graphics, and 13287A can be easily integrated down is 15 inches per second; with then highlights the features of the into applications that require pen up, 20 inches per second. 7470 and its varied applications in clean, fast convenient hardcopy. / Because of the 7470's outstanding all phases of business including Applications range from medical resolution (addressable step size of manufacturing, research and de- equipment and CRT display copy 0.025 mm or 0.001 in) and repeata- velopment, personnel, marketing, to test and measurement systems. bility, it plots straight lines and accounting, and quality control. The 13287A offers high through- smooth circles. Demonstration tapes and discs are put, 120 CPS, high resolution The versatile writing system in- also available for the 7470 with two graphics, three different character cludes two built-in pen stables to computers: the HP-85 and the HP- sets, and two print modes. All this make two-color plotting easy. 9826A. The dynamic paper move- adds up to a powerful offering for Multi-color plots on either paper ment, automatic pen changing and many OEM applications. or overhead transparency film can capping, and impressive graphics Where the TPM can't be inte- be made by inserting pens of other provide a natural introduction for grated, the 2670 Thermal Printers colors. Automatic features include explaining how the 7470's capabili- come to the rescue. With their low pen-capping capability to keep ties will benefit your customer profile and variety of interfaces, pens fresh and pen damping Software Supports the 7470 they become an attractive option devices to ensure line quality. for any OEM device. The 2671G An Overhead Transparency Kit HP software support is available has already proven itself as a com- (17057A) is available to provide now with a variety of HP comput- patible add-on to a spectropho- customers with all essentials ers as noted in the 7470 Configura- tometer built by a major medical necessary to make overhead tion Guide. Additional support supplier. transparencies. will be available soon. The 7470 has five internal character The new HP-7470 graphics plotter sets (English, Math, French and produces high quality charts at a German, Scandinavian, and Span- low price for your cost-conscious ish) which eliminate the need to customer. use software-generated characters.

Corr~putcrNeuaJs 3EM iz -an 22 March 1982 International Sales Offi'ces:

United States U.K. Sales Rexion: Canada Marketing ~yvision Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. East: Headquarters Hewlett-Packard Hewlett-Packard Limited 6877 Goreway Drive Mississauga, Ontario L4V 1M8 4 Choke Cherry Road (Pinewood) Tel: (416) 678-9430 Rockville, MD 20850 Nine Mile Ride Tel: (301) 258-2000 Easthampstead Far East Area Headquarters Midwest: Wokingham Hewlett-Packard ~erksh:re RGll3LL Hewlett-Packard Asia, Ltd. 5201 Tollview Drive Tel: 00441344613100 G.P.O. Box 795 Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 Telex: 84 88 05184 88 14184 89 12 5th Floor, Sun Hung Kai Centre Tel: (312) 255-9800 Northern European Sales Region: 30 Harbour Road South: Northern European Region Hong Kong Hewlett-Packard Headquarters Tel: 5-8323211 P. 0.Box 105005 Hewlett-Packard S.A. Atlanta, GA 30348 Uilenstede 475 P.O. Box 999 Tel: (404) 955-1500 Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Ltd. West: NL-1180 AZ Amstelveenl The Netherlands 3-29-21 Takaido-Higashi 3-Chome Hewlett-Packard Suginami-ku Tokyo 68 Tel: 0031120143 77 71 3939 Lankershim Blvd. Tel: (03) 331-6111 North Hollywood, CA 91604 Southeast Sales Region: Tel: (213) 3130 Southeast Region Headquarters South Africa Tel: 877-1282 Hewlett-Packard S.A. % 7, rue du Bois-du-Lan Hewlett-Packard European Headquarters: P. 0.Box South Africa (Pty .) Ltd. CH-1217 Meyrin 2 (Geneva) Private Bag Wendywood Hewlett-Packard S.A. Switzerland Sandton 2144 7, rue du Bois-du-Lan Tel: 0041122198 96 51 Tel: 802-5111,802-5125 P.O. Box Telex: 27835 hpse CH-1217 Meyrin 2 Latin America Headquarters Geneva, Switzerland Mediterranean and Middle Easi': Tel: 0041122183 81 11 Hewlett-Packard S.A. Hewlett-Packard Co. Telex: 22486 Mediterranean and Middle East 3495 Deer Creek Road Operations German Sales Region: Palo Alto, CA 94304 Atrina Center Tel: (415) 857-1501 Hewlett-Packard GmbH 32, fifissias Ave., Vertriebszentrale Paradissos-Amarouision Other International Areas Berner Strasse 117 Athens-Greece D-6000 Frankfurt 56 Tel: 808 03 37,808 04 29, Hewlett-Packard Intercontinental Tel: 00491611150 04-1 808 03 59,808 17 41 3495 Deer Creek Road Telex: 04-13 249 Telex: (21')6588 HPAT GR Palo Alto, CA 94304 French Sales Region: Cable: HEWPACKSA Tel: (415) 857-1501 Hewlett-Packard France Avenue des Tropiques AustraliaINew Zealand Z.I. de Courtaboeuf F-91947 Les Ulis Cedex Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd. Tel: 0033161907 78 25 31-41 Joseph Street Telex: 600048 f Blackburn, Victoria 89-6351

Comou'er News OEM Ed~ton March,1982 23 Published monthlyfor Hewlett-Packard OEMs by Hewlett-Packard's Computer Marketing Group, 3000 Hanover Street, Level BD, Palo Alto, California 94304-0890

Editor: Sheri Bebb Godshall Editorial Assistant: Tracy Wester