HEWLETT PACKARD Management Topics HP 9800 Series HP Support ................................... 3 HP 9826Al9836A Applications Software ............. 12 Information Gathering for OEMlSystems House HP 9915A Shines in Run-only Control Applications .... 12 Capabilities Guide ............................ 3 OEM Shields HP 9845B Model lxx .................. 12 HP 9845 Tops Comparison ........................ 12 HP 80 Series Introducing HP's Premier Personal Computer ........ 4 Systems Remarketing Introducing CPIM* On Series 80 ................... 5 Introducing The HP 3000 Series 33R ................ 14 HP-85lHP-87 Compatibility ....................... 5 Back by Popular Demand HP 3000 Re-Marketed Systems .................................... 15 Introducing the HP 3000 Series IIIR ................. 15 HP 125 Series The HP 125. Some Discoveries .................... 6 Word on the HP 125 and the HP 3000 ................ 6 HP 125 Split Personality .......................... 6 New HP 2382A Carrying Case ..................... 16 HP 2623A Graphics Software ...................... '6 Special Option K45 for the HP 2626A ................ 7 HP 250 Series HP 2629 OEM Discounts ....................... 'l7 7? Fourth Annual OEM Conference ................... 7 Highest Ratings for HP Terminals .................. 17 Improved HP 264X Data Comm .................... 17 Printing Capabilities of the HP 262X Family .......... '8 HP 1000 Series Another HP 2382A Success Story ................... '9 New Real Time Computers For OEMs And System HP 2621AlP and HP 2629AlB Obsolescence ........... 19 Designers ................................... 8 Reactions To RTE.6lvm ...., ...................... 9 Enhancements to HP.?Sl1000.IV.- . .................. 10 Peripherals New Plotter Brings Affordable Quality to Your Customers .................................. 20 HP 3000 Series Invitational Computer Conference Stimulates Interest in Series 64 Shows Outstanding Benchmark Performance . 11 13287A TPM .................................22 Query13000 New Release Means Free Enhancements ....11 HP Series 64 Console Cable ........................11 On the Cover: HP introduces two new members of the HP 1000 family of real-time technical computers .the A600 Microcomputer fL) and the A700 Minicomputer . See page 8 for more information. Computer News OEM Edtlon 2 March1982 Management Topics HP Support Information Gathering for OEM/ At HP, supporting our customers and our systems is Svstems House capabilities very important to us. The Computer Support Divi- sion constantly develops innovative services to better support our customers. We now have 160 offices in 37 Information gathering for HP's new OEMISystems countries and over 6000 people who are trained to de- House Capabilities Guide begins this week with special liver these support services to you and your custom- data collection kits being sent to more than 800 com- ers. We encourage you, our OEMs, to learn more panies throughout North America. These kits are de- about these various services. We also encourage you signed to gather information about software products to include them as part of your sales presentation. and services offered by HP systems houses and Based on our experience,we find that setting proper OEMs. Responses will be entered into a large data customer expectations is key to the success of a sale. base at HP corporate headquarters, organized by in- Clearly defining responsibilities ensures a smooth dustry, application and machine type and reprinted and successful installation and eventually a happy in a new catalog format. This catalog will be exclu- customer. sively for OEMs and systems houses and will not con- For more information about the available support ser- tain software from software suppliers. It willbe vices, consult the following brochures: updated regularly to include product enhancements and new software as it is brought to market. Hezulett-Packard Computer Systems Support Data Book (5953-3318) To complete the first edition of the OEMISystems House Capabilities Guide on schedule, we must have This data book describes all of HP's support ser- all of the forms back no later than April 15. Sample vices. Hardware services include remote diagnos- data kits and special instructions have been sent to all tics, site preparation, assembly exchange service, HP sales representatives responsible for supporting disc pack exchange service and comlputer supplies. OEMs and systems houses. Our local representative Software services includes customer training, will be happy to answer any questions you may have software consulting and phone-in-consulting. A about completing the necessary forms. Chi wide variety of services are offered and they can be tailored to suit the specific needs (of your customers. Hezulett-Packard Computer Systems Support Services - Travel and Office Directory (5953-7167) This gives a directory of the worldwi.de Service Re- sponsible Offices, Field Repair Centers, Distribu- tors and Customer Training Centers, It is HP's objective to support all of its computer products in all countries that have HP sales and rjupport offices. Hezulett-Packard Customer Training Schedule (5953-7177) This shows all of the customer training classes offered by HP in North America. It provides a very practical way to acquaint your end-user customers with HP equipment. Please contact your sales rep for copies of these brochures. COMDLTO~[News 3EM Edt~on March, 1982' 3 HP Computer Museum www.hpmuseum.net For research and education purposes only. HP 80 Series Introducing 7 keys for 14 soft-function key And if you couple the HP-87 definitions that default at power- with HP's new, low-cost, high- HP's Premier on to the most commonly used performance 7470 Graphics Plotter Personal Com~uterI typing aids. and 829058 dot matrix printer vou The HP-87 also has a built in HP-IB have an unbeatable coLbination The HP-87 is the newest addition for today's analytical professional. to the Series 80 family of comput- interface and a built in Mass stor- ers from Personal Computer age ROM to facilitate the connec- Division of HP. Compared with tion of mass storage, printers, the HP-85, the HP-87 has a bigger plotters and other devices and screen, a larger memory, and a leave all general ports free for larger package. While the HP-85 additional memory or other will continue to be the first choice interfaces. for those who need a portable, The HP-87 is offered in three sys- integrated system, the HP-87 will tem configurations with a different be the choice of those who need a mass storage device determining more powerful system. the System. System 5 combines the The HP-87's larger display accom- HP-87 single flexible disc drive modates the industry standard 80 providing 270 Kb. Most customers characters by 24 lines of alpha text, will want the System 10, which and also offers higher resolution consists of the HP-87 and the graphics (240x544 dots). Add to 82901R dual flexible disc drive and that more memory - user memory provides 540 Mb. And for large may be expanded from 32K bytes mass storage requirements, Sys- to 544K bytes! Top it off with some tem 30 includes the new HP-9135A major enhancements to the Series Winchesterlflexible disc which 80 BASIC language, and you have gives you 1.2 Mb. an extremelv ~owerfulsvstem. The HP-87';dpwards cokpatible superset of the HP-85 BASIC includes: String Arrays - the HP-87 sup- ports one or two dimensional string arrays like: A$(2,20) = "column two, row 20". Multi-character variable names -variable names like ANGLE are more meaningful and ease programming and debugging. L~neLabels and Line Label Calls -these make it unneces- sary to keep track of line numbers. Indented program listings - for easier comprehension. Multi-parameter Functions - like: A$ = FNAS(X,Y,ZS) Multiple Binaries - up to five binary programs may be in memory simultaneously. Computer News : 4 March1981 HP 80 Series Introducing CP/M* CP/M software availability for the *CP/M is a registered trademark of On Series 80 HP-87 will be an ongoing process Digital Research, Inc. in the HP-PLUS software program. The 82900A does not require The HP-82900A CP/M SYSTEM* PC0 will qualify software sup- any enhancements to be used on provides the HP-87 with a means pliers who have software products an HP-87. The minimal system to execute standard CP/M soft- under CP/M and include these configuration is: ware. The product contains: packages in the software catalog. HP-87 a plug-in module The goal of this program is to ensure that there are software HP-82901 Flexible Disc a pre-recorded 5Y4" disc 82900A Introduction to the CP/M products formatted for the HP-87 System available at reasonable discounts CP/M Reference Manual for dealers from software sup- CP/M System Pocket Guide pliers. These products will also be available directly to the end cus- The plug-in module contains a tomer from the software suppliers. Z80A CPU with 64K bytes of RAM, Packages which are currently a bus translator, and an on-board available for the HP-125 which do driver ROM. This module is the not use machine dependent fea- same size as an HP-87 memory tures, will work on the HP-87 module. The serialized disc con- with the CP/M System. tains a copy of CP/M Version 2.2 modified for the HP-87 and a bi- HP-85IHP-87 Compatibility nary program which enables the HP-87 to automatically load the Although there are many differ- At this point, the user may store CP/M operating system and enter ences between the HP-85 anti the converted program and sub- the CP/M environment. The docu- the HP-87, we have gone to great sequent loads will not require mentation which is included has lengths to insure upward cornpati- conversion. been designed to meet the needs bility, both in software and in Some further editing may be nec- of the CP/M sophisticated user and hardware. essary to improve the appearance the novice who wants to use a par- All the Series 80 interfaces are of graphics, such as changing scale ticular CP/M software product. completely compatible.
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