Road to Inland Waterways Transfer of Shipment

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Road to Inland Waterways Transfer of Shipment D.T2.1.2 Road to Inland Waterways Transfer 02.2019 of Shipment Road to Inland Waterways Transfer of Shipment Responsible Partner: PP3 The Union for the Development of the Moravian Silesian Region Contribution partners: PP1 Upper Silesian Agency for Entrepreneurship and Development Ldt. PP4 Transport Research Institute, JSC. PP5 University of Zilina Content 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1. Definition of the area of interest .............................................................................................................................. 3 1.2. Project aim ............................................................................................................................................................... 4 2. EUROPEAN CONTEXT ........................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1. EU white paper ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 2.2. TEN-T ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.3. AGN ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.4. Low carbon economy ............................................................................................................................................... 6 2.5. Smart and sustainable growth .................................................................................................................................. 6 3. NATIONAL CONTEXT ............................................................................................................................................ 6 3.1. Poland ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6 3.2. Czech republic ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 3.2.1. Government resolution ČR č. 368/2010 ............................................................................................................... 8 3.2.2. Transport policy ČR for perion 2014–2020 with a view to 2050 ......................................................................... 8 3.2.3. Transport sectoral strategies 2. phase ................................................................................................................... 9 3.2.4. The concept of freight transport for the period 2017-2023 with a view to 2030 .................................................. 9 3.3. Slovakia ................................................................................................................................................................. 10 4. WATERWAYS IN EZUS TRITIA .......................................................................................................................... 10 4.1. Oder watewrway .................................................................................................................................................... 10 4.1.1. Historical contexts .............................................................................................................................................. 10 4.1.2. Current state and perspective .............................................................................................................................. 11 4.2. Channel Gliwicki ................................................................................................................................................... 12 4.2.1. Historical contexts .............................................................................................................................................. 12 4.2.2. Current state and perspective .............................................................................................................................. 14 4.3. Channel Slazski...................................................................................................................................................... 17 4.3.1. Historical contexts .............................................................................................................................................. 17 4.3.2. Current state and perspective .............................................................................................................................. 17 4.4. Vah waterway ........................................................................................................................................................ 19 4.4.1. Historical contexts .............................................................................................................................................. 19 4.4.2. Current state and perspective .............................................................................................................................. 22 5. CHARAKTERISTICS OF WATER TRANSPORT ................................................................................................ 24 5.1. Transport costs ....................................................................................................................................................... 24 5.2. Speed ..................................................................................................................................................................... 25 5.3. Energy consumption .............................................................................................................................................. 26 5.4. Environment impact ............................................................................................................................................... 28 5.5. Safety ..................................................................................................................................................................... 30 5.6. Waterway operation ............................................................................................................................................... 30 5.6.1. Basic rules ........................................................................................................................................................... 30 5.6.2. Operational practice ............................................................................................................................................ 30 6. POSSIBILITIES OF GOODS TRANSPORT TRANSFER TO WATERWAYS IN TRITIA REGION ................. 32 6.1. Oder waterway, transfer potential, traffic flow intensity ....................................................................................... 32 6.2. Very large and very heavy products ...................................................................................................................... 32 6.3. Transfer of bulk material transport on shorter sections than 300 km ..................................................................... 35 6.3.1. Building materials ............................................................................................................................................... 35 6.3.2. Coal ..................................................................................................................................................................... 36 6.3.3. Waste .................................................................................................................................................................. 36 6.4. Transfer of container transport between terminals ................................................................................................ 36 6.5. Transfer of traffic due to bottleneck in other modes of transport .......................................................................... 37 7. TECHNICAL CONDITIONS OF GOODS TRANSPORT TRANSFER ................................................................ 37 Page 1 7.1. Sufficient traffic flow ............................................................................................................................................. 37 7.1.1. Czech republic .................................................................................................................................................... 39 7.1.2. Poland ................................................................................................................................................................. 39 7.1.3. Slovakia .............................................................................................................................................................. 41 7.2. Reducing financial costs when using a waterway .................................................................................................. 45 7.2.1. Czech republic .................................................................................................................................................... 45 7.2.2. Poland ................................................................................................................................................................
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