Fiscal Year 2017 Annual Report Letter from the Executive Students Having Fun at a Director Queens School Daffodil Planting

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Fiscal Year 2017 Annual Report Letter from the Executive Students Having Fun at a Director Queens School Daffodil Planting Great PEOPLE make great parks Fiscal Year 2017 Annual Report Letter from the Executive Students having fun at a Director Queens school daffodil planting ecosystems, and create a sense of While continuing to strengthen Dear Friends, community and civic pride. From the our research, advocacy, and community release of our 15th Report Card on partnerships, we have our eyes on At New Yorkers for Parks (NY4P), Parks, to the creation of new resources the horizon to expand our role we believe that great parks make a like our Clean & Green guide to park as an important convening voice great city. But I always like to add maintenance, we continue connecting for open space advocates, as we that it’s great people who make local parks advocates with the data simultaneously develop a tactical great parks. Community advocates, they need to improve and maintain five-year business plan. industry professionals, and generous their green spaces. Through our Civic supporters alike—we are ALL New Action Tracker, we showed how parks It has been an incredible first year Yorkers for Parks and I am excited and open spaces are also critical to with NY4P. I am proud of our accom- to share with you what we have the architecture of democracy. We plishments and excited to see us grow achieved together this year. expanded our reach with new advo- even more in the next year. cacy software, workshops, and webi- I would like to begin by thanking my nar technology, while simultaneously Thank you to all of the parks support- predecessor, Tupper Thomas, for her growing our signature public program: ers who are with us in this work. dedication and the accomplishments The Daffodil Project, which celebrated during her tenure that have laid the its 15th anniversary this year. Go parks! groundwork for our continued efforts today. NY4P is at the beginning of a In this important local election year, we Sincerely, new and exciting chapter, poised to worked with everyday New Yorkers build off its reputation as a stalwart and park advocates to craft a campaign supporter of parks for over 100 years. platform that conveys the vital impor- tance of parks and open spaces in our Lynn B. Kelly In fiscal year 2017, our efforts revolved city: the Public Realm Bill of Rights for around a central theme: parks and open New York City. This document and its space as critical city infrastructure. accompanying video have become the These spaces fuel economic develop- bedrock of our work, particularly in our ment, enhance public health, support focus on communities themselves. 2 ✿ NEW YORKERS FOR PARKS WE SHARED WE GREW Our online resources 1,400 were accessed nearly more people got to know 4,000 us this year times WE EDUCATED WE ENGAGED Over 600 With the help of people came to our 23,000 workshops, trainings, Daffodil Project volunteers and webinars across all five boroughs WE INSPIRED WE UNITED 15,000 Special thanks to our kids participated in Daffodil 25+ plantings citywide partner organizations FISCAL YEAR 2017 ANNUAL REPORT ❁ 3 We shared resources online nearly DATA-DRIVEN RESEARCH remains a staple of our support of parks and open spaces for all neighborhoods. By developing engaging, 4,000 informative reports and resources, both in print and online, NY4P seeks to ensure that all New Yorkers have the ACCESS AND times UNDERSTANDING TO APPLY THIS DATA to their communities. Clean & Green How do our parks stay clean? We answered this question with a Civic Action Tracker visually-driven, plain-language guide The 2016 Report Card on Our parks and open spaces are about how our parks are maintained. Parks: Spotlight on the not only our everyday recreational It’s already a most-requested item Community Parks Initiative spaces—they are the architec- by local park advocates. In Clean Our fifteenth Report Card returned to ture of our democratic rights of & Green: Who Takes Care of Our Parks?, our roots of independent analysis assembly and protest. But is New we show why some parks get cleaned of conditions, this time focusing York City adequately supporting these every day, or have a dedicated mainte- on neighborhood parks, sized actions through its funding, permitting, nance team, and why some don’t. between 1 and 20 acres. Tracking the and capital processes? In early 2017, we We introduce the entities that aren’t impact of a key mayoral parks initiative, started to track civic actions occurring NYC Parks who contribute towards we limited our analysis to parks within in public places within the five boroughs park maintenance: nonprofit park part- the priority improvement zones identi- of New York City. Our Civic Action ners like conservancies, and groups of fied for the equity-focused Community Tracker recorded actions including volunteers. With funding from Council Parks Initiative, which guides key capital protests, rallies, sit-ins, die-ins, and Members Brad Lander and Mark Levine, and maintenance spending for NYC marches, held in any public place, from we’ll follow up by analyzing data Parks under Mayor de Blasio. The 2016 parks to plazas to streets and sidewalks. about park maintenance resources Report Card on Parks found some clear In March, we released an interactive citywide next year. areas for improving maintenance and online map showing data about each conditions, as well as amenities that are civic action, and identified hotspots. consistently well-managed and main- We’ll continue to collect this data so “NY4P CLIPS” TURN 6 tained. Drinking fountains and athletic that by early 2018, we’ll be in a position fields were major areas of concern, Did you know that NY4P to issue findings and recommendations exhibiting a variety of issues related to creates a daily email of for enabling New Yorkers to continue deferred maintenance that may escalate compiled news relevant to exercising their democratic rights in capital repair problems. Conditions of parks and open space? our public realm. park trees, pathways, and playgrounds, Parks professionals and by contrast, were often found to be advocates have depended acceptable and well-maintained. on this daily resource for six years. Interested in learn- ing more? Please email us at [email protected]. 4 ✿ NEW YORKERS FOR PARKS From a new overarching open space campaign platform, to grassroots engagement in community rezoning discussions, and easy-to-use advocacy action software, WE ARE EXPANDING OUR REACH AND EMPOWERING MORE NEW YORKERS TO BECOME PARKS AND OPEN SPACE ADVOCATES. 1,400 more We grew people got to our network know us this year Empowering Communities By providing open space data and A New Way to Reach The Public Realm Bill of advocacy tools, we strengthened our Our Public Officials Rights for New York City outreach to community advocates With generous funding from the In anticipation of the 2017 elections, facing rezoning changes in their commu- Booth Ferris Foundation, NY4P was NY4P worked with everyday New nities. The affordable housing-focused able to acquire advocacy software Yorkers and park advocates to craft our rezoning of East Harlem gathered that will help us connect New Yorkers campaign platform, the Public Realm Bill steam throughout the year, providing directly with their elected representa- of Rights for NYC. Based on feedback us with a targeted opportunity to tives. Our recently launched advocacy we heard from advocates during our build on our research with direct module gives us the opportunity to 2016 “How’s Your Park?” and 2017 advocacy. Our work centered on create petitions, letters, and calls to “NY4P: Boro x Boro” borough meet- boosting the findings of the East Harlem action sent directly to decision-makers. ings, as well as years of on-the-ground Neighborhood Plan in the public review We piloted this new software in the research and data collection, NY4P of the official East Harlem Rezoning. In spring during the city’s budget negotia- created this five point platform to Brooklyn, we presented initial results tion process, and used it as an opportu- speak to the broad issues concerning of our Brownsville Open Space Index nity to work with our constituents to NYC parks and open spaces today: to the Friends of Brownsville Parks, directly message the City Council and Access, Infrastructure, Health, and worked to link local leaders to the mayor’s office to push for an increased Environment, and Funding. Within broader citywide open space move- budget for parks. Almost 200 New each area, we laid out a vision for the ment. We’ll continue to support our Yorkers signed the petition, baseline standards of open space pro- local partners in these neighborhoods influencing a $9.7M investment by vision that the city should follow. The to ensure that open space is not lost the City Council to preserve 150 aim of the Public Realm Bill of Rights in the rezoning conversation. critical Maintenance and Opera- for NYC is to provide a roadmap for tions staff lines. We anticipate using the incoming City Council and mayoral this software for campaigns and issues administrations for achieving ambitious as they come up in the future. improvements to parks and open space – for instance, we call for a new goal that every New Yorker live within a 5 minute walk of some kind of Watch our new Public Realm park, garden, or green space, and Bill of Rights Video online at that park improvements and mainte- nance should be primarily funded public-realm-bill-of-rights with public dollars. FISCAL YEAR 2017 ANNUAL REPORT ❁ 5 NY4P continues to provide TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE to park advocates and community members across all five boroughs, providing the tools and training to CREATE CHANGE in their communities.
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