Introduction - Month 3

Welcome to the last installment of your swim training plan for the Henley classic, a 2.1 km swim upriver in the beautiful Thames. We hope you have enjoyed the sessions so far and are getting fitter, faster and stronger.

This is our final month of training for our swim so you are almost at the start line for the race, and then beyond that is the finish line for Henley Classic glory.

About the coach This training plan has been written by Jason Tait of South West Swim ( Jason is a level 2 qualified coach, teacher and open water ​ ​ coach (Swim England & STA), he is also Swim Smooth Certified specialising in stroke correction and open water .

Jason coaches many athletes in the pool and open water, from club juniors up to national level and adults from beginners to channel swimmers , Ironman athletes and everybody in between.

This training plan is aimed at relative beginners and intermediate front crawl swimmers looking to build their fitness, confidence and speed in time for the classic. The plan that follows is progressive and will work on building technique, fitness and pacing skills relevant to your upcoming swim, session by session. In this last month we also introduce some long swims, pure swims which aim to get you confident you can do the distance.

About The Plan

Our plan is based over 12 weeks, with a mix of session types throughout that period to get you building up your stroke technique productively, whilst building fitness, stamina and pacing skills. Presented here are weeks 9-12 which build on what you have covered before. The sessions that follow work on building your swim further, the session time will rise slightly for the first couple of weeks before easing off in the final week a little to rest you for the event itself (taper).

Consistency is key to developing your swim technique and fitness so we are still aiming to get you swimming in the pool 3 times a week. Once more feel free to add a fourth session of your choice (Both beginner or intermediate swimmers), or simply have time to train more often. To give you more encouragement train with friends, share the journey and make it fun and more interesting.

Open Water Specifics

The sessions in this plan are pool based, but we are continuing to add in the Open water skill of sighting during our last month, practice this in the sessions that ask you to do so, but also in the long swims. I would also encourage you to start looking at wearing your wetsuit for a session or two to get used to the ‘Feel’ of wetsuit swimming. You can wear a wetsuit in a pool, or the open water. If wearing in a pool ensure you rinse it off very well afterwards, and also do not spend too long swimming in the suit if your pool is warm, as you may overheat. As always keep hydrated whilst training.

The weather is warming up, and so to is the water temperatures so try and get into a body of open water. We would highly advise a coached session for your first experience of open water so the coach can put you at ease and get you into the water safely. Many coaches, including South West Swim, offer an Introduction to Open Water swimming sessions or workshops, which will show you the skills and thrills of open water swimming. Always train in open water safely, swim with friends or at an open water venue with safety cover and consider the use of a tow float for visibility. Never swim alone.

Don’t leave your first open water experience until race day, get in and get familiar with the environment, skills and feel of the open water before then. You don't want a shock on race day.

Recommended Swimming Kit

Swim kit is used in these sessions and would be an advantage to have, however you will be able to do all the sessions with a minimum of a pull buoy. We recommend the following kit: Pull Buoy - This is used to isolate our upper body, working on our catch and pull. We will ​ also be using the pull buoy for drills such as sculling, and timing work. Fins - These are great for developing your leg kick mechanics and ideal for performing ​ certain drills we will cover in the sessions, such as kick on side. Paddles - There are various types of paddle on the market but we use paddles to hone our ​ technique, and we steer clear of BIG paddles. Finis Tempo Trainer / Swim Watch - We use the finis tempo trainer heavily in our own ​ squad sessions but understand many swimmer would not have heard of them, let alone have on in the kit bag. These are a timing device that fit under your and are used in different ways. We will be using them to indicate blocks of time passed, you can also use a swim watch or stopwatch for this, or you can even use the pool pace clock.

All the kit is available from online retailers or directly from the south West Swim website at ​


I hope you enjoyed the few drills we have worked on so far. We are still going to stick with these fundamental drills through the last part of the plan so you get to practice and perfect them, and the skills they are looking to improve when pieced back into your swimming stroke.

Take a look back at Month 1 if you need a recap of drill instructions and images.

Perform drills deliberately and carefully, focusing on good technique in the movement. Do not rush through the movements. We have kept the drills as simple as possible, Initially selecting only 5 key drills and movements that will help your swimming. The drills will approach 4 technical aspects of your stroke: 1. Breathing 2. Body Position 3. Rotation 4. Catch set up

How To Read Our Session Plans

You will find our session plans laid out in the following way. We have done it this way to enable you to print these out and take them to the pool.

Session x - Week x

Session Introduction

The Session introduction will tell you about the session type and any equipment you may need / be helpful to complete the session.

This plan has Four different session types or focuses: 1. A technique based session. This session type will contain both Drills and swimming and should be considered a very focused set in order to feel the movements within your swimming 2. Time in the water sessions. This session type is designed to get you swimming for a bit longer in the water. These are either time block swims or distance block swims. 3. Pace development sessions. A mix of different distance swims, swum at various effort levels. The effort level you swim these sessions should be related to your swims in the time trial sessions. 4. Time Trial Sessions. This session type is exactly the same session each time you swim it, this is to give consistent results. This session type will give you base times to gauge your improvement and also reset your percentage efforts for your pace development sessions.

Warm Up

The warm up section will detail the warm up plan for the session. The warm up usually starts with some easy swimming and possibly some drills.


Some of our sessions will have a build section, some will not. A build section usually consists of some gradual swims increasing in intensity to raise the heart rate.


Some of our sessions may have what we call an interlude, usually some focused technique work.


This is the main part of the session plan

And Then

And Then sections are still part of the main set, but broken into a different section as the swim instruction or timings may differ. BAsically making the plan easier to read.

Cool Down

The last part of the session, consisting if easy swims or drills. The Cool down (or warm down) is designed to bring the heart rate down and stretch off the muscles.

Remember to perform some after pool stretching as well

Session Notes & Tips

This section will give the swimmer any additional information about the session performed.

Let’s get going

Below are your sessions for the next four weeks, our first week is our recovery week with only two sessions and then we move back to three sessions a week. We will also be introducing longer swims this month and there is a block of harder work around week 6/7. Try to leave 1-2 days between each session for recovery.

We hope you enjoy the sessions and find them a real progressive benefit to your training.

Enough talk, let's get you diving into month two.


Still unsure? Please drop me a line at [email protected] with any questions you ​ ​ may have.

Session 1 - Week 9

Session Introduction

Focus: Technique and Sighting Skills ​

Kit Recommended / needed for this session: Pull Buoy Fins

Warm Up

Beginners 200m / Intermediate 300m Relaxed Swim

Beginners 4x50m / Intermediate 4x50m Alternate between: 1. 25m Scull 1 and 25m Swim 2. 25m Scull 2 and 25m Swim

Beginners 2x50m / Intermediate 2x50m Fins Torpedo Kick into Swim for 25m then Swim for 25m - Think ”Swim Proud”

Beginners 100m / Intermediate 200m FINS 6-3-6 Drill out, Swim back

Notes: Main

Today's session is going to focus on breathing patterns and being able to breathe to both sides of your stroke (bi-lateral). The session is a repetitive session so you can really get to grips with your breathing and start to ‘feel’ this in your stroke. If you only breath to one side then breathing to the opposite side will feel idd and uncomfortable, but keep going! You never know when you may need to switch to your uncomfortable side in Open water and being able to do it is a very good skill to have in the swim bank.

Remember to always breathe out under the water consistently. Hum a tune, count your strokes or uses the bubble bubble breath mantra to aid this.

All repeats are Beginners 100m / Intermediate 150m 1. Normal Swim Breathing every 3 strokes (bilateral) 2. Pull Buoy Swim Breathing every 3 ro 5 strokes 3. Pull Buoy and paddles breathing every 3 strokes

We are now going to focus on isolating a single sided breathing pattern, try to breath every 4th stroke to the side indicated below. We are also going to practice our sighting in this block. Work in your sighting skills in the breathing patterns below, remember crocodile eyes! Only lift your eyes out of the water at the front of the stroke, do not try and lift your whole . Keep it smooth and try to “sight’ off of something at the end of the pool, such as a sign, bag etc (have something to look for rather than just going through the motions).

Beginners 3 x 100m / Intermediate 3 x 150m Breathing to the LEFT hand side only every 4th stroke - SIght every Breath (or second breath)

Beginners 3 x 100m / Intermediate 3 x 150m Breathing to the RIGHT hand side only every 4th stroke - Sight every Breath (or second breath)

Beginners 3 x 100m / Intermediate 3 x 150m Breathing with a pattern of 2,3,2,3,2,3 etc - Sight every 3rd breath you take

What's the Drill? Scull 1 is a drill that is great for developing a good feel for the water at the front of the ​ stroke. It is performed with a pull buoy to isolate the arms, with your arms reaching out in front and moving side to side, mixing the water. It is not a breastroke action but the parting of the arms in a sweeping motion from side to side, just wider than the shoulder on the outsweep and back into the middle of the insweep. Finger tips should be around 20-30 cm below the water's surface. Your hand should be angled slightly backwards in order to move forwards whilst performing this drill. If your body does not move forwards your hands are likely to be flat, if you are moving backwards you are likely fingertips up. Think of hugging a swiss ball, or rolling over a barrel to get the concept of the correct position.

The images below show the hand position in the insweep (top) and out sweep (bottom) positions. We will always perform this drill with a pull buoy unless stated, this is so that we can focus on the hand position and propulsion in the drill. Images Courtesy of Swim Smooth

Scull 2 Scull 2 is the same movement pattern as scull 1 but the position of the hands is under the shoulder, or just slightly in front of the shoulder position.

Cool Down

200m Pull buoy swim, focusing on breathing

Session Notes & Tips

Session Distances Beginners 2000m Intermediate 2800m

Session 2 - Week 9

Session Introduction

Focus: Long Swim ​

Another long swim coming up now that you can perform in the pool or Open Water. If at all possible try to perform this session in an open water environment so that you get used to swimming outside, and also to the continuous aspect of open water swimming (i.e. there are no ends of the pool to rest or turn at)

Notes: Open water swimming can be very different to pool swimming. Please ensure you ​ are safe, never swim alone and use a tow float if you have one. If you have never been in open water before then it may be worth investing in a coached session with a local open water specific coach.

Warm Up

There is no swim warm up today, we are diving straight in (so to speak) for our swim, just like we would on our event.

However perform some dryside warm up exercises such as arm swings, leg swings etc. keep your warm up activities dynamic and avoid static stretching whilst your muscles are cold



Beginner & Intermediate Your aim is to swim the distance of 2400m straight today.

Time yourself for your records.

You have swum these distances in training before as total swims (and more). Remember all your pacing work and try and keep your pace on this swim to around 70% (nice and easy).

Remember to practice your sighting in this swim, even in the pool.

If swimming this session in the open water then try to work to a breathing / sighting pattern that suits you. I would suggest starting with sighting every 4th breath initially. If you start to go off course then shorten it to sight every 3rd breath, if you are quite straight maybe try sighting every 5th breath. Get into this pattern and practice it so it becomes second nature.

Cool Down

Stretch your muscles off with some easy dynamic and static stretching.

Session Notes & Tips

Session Distances Beginners 2400m Intermediate 2400m

Session 1 - Week 10

Session Introduction

Focus: Technique ​

Kit Recommended / needed for this session: Pull Buoy Fins

Today’s session is continuing the work we did last week on breathing and breath control. We ran this session in our squad a few weeks ago and it was a very popular session

Warm Up

Beginner 200m / Intermediate 300m Easy Front Crawl Breathing every 3

Beginner 150m / Intermediate 200m Paddle on the left hand only, breathing only to the right side (away from the paddle)

Beginner 150m / Intermediate 200m Paddle on the right hand only, breathing only to the left side (away from the paddle)

Beginner 100m / Intermediate 150m Pull Buoy & Paddles, Breathing left only on the way out, and breathing right only on the way back.


Breathing pyramid. We are looking at breath control in this session and these efforts are swim at around 70% pace. Relax and breath out under the water, using the tricks you have been practicing in previous weeks (counting, bubble bubble breathe etc). Avoid the temptation to speed up your arms and cadence to get to the higher numbers, this will lead to using more energy and is usually counter productive.

All repeats are 50m (Beginners, miss out breathing every 7 strokes). Use fins to drive your engine for this set. 1. Breathe every 2 to the left 2. Breathe 3 3. Breathe every 4 to the left 4. B5 5. Breathe every 6 to the left 6. B7 7. B7 8. Breathe every 6 to the right 9. B5 10. Breathe every 4 to the right 11. B3 12. Breathe every 2 to the right

Beginners 200m / Intermediate 300m Pull buoy and paddles swim breathing pattern of 2/3/2/3

We finish off with some rotation and positioning drills, but still focus on good breath control.

Beginners 100m / Intermediate 150m FINS 6-1-6 Drill out, FC with favourite breathing pattern back ​

Beginners 100m / Intermediate 150m FINS 6-3-6 Drill out, FC with favourite breathing pattern back ​

Beginners 100m / Intermediate 150m 6-5-6 Drill out, FC with favourite breathing pattern back

Cool Down

5 mins easy mixed swim and drills

Session Notes & Tips

This session is swum at an easy/moderate pace so you can focus on your breathing technique, timing and pattern, but it's still a demanding session.

As with our session last week breathing to the ‘Wrong’ side may be quite a challenge but please do go with it and perform the session as written. Being ABLE to breathe to both sides is a key open water skill as you ever know when you may need to switch to breathing to the other side (chop, waves, a splashy swimmer, to keep track of another swimmer etc).

Distances: Beginners: 1700m plus Cooldown Intermediate: 2200m plus Cooldown

Session 2 - Week 10

Session Introduction

Focus: Pacing and Speed Development ​

Kit Recommended / needed for this session: Finis Tempo Trainer Pro / Sports watch (such as a garmin) / Pool Clock

This session is based around the Swim Smooth Session called a Goldilocks set.

Warm Up

Beginners 200m / Intermediate 300m Front Crawl Swim - Easy pace with Pull buoy

Notes: Really focus on good form in the warm up swim. ​ Main

All the below are swim, no training aids required today. Swim this session at 70% effort and take 30 seconds rest between each repeat all the way through.

Try to match your times on each 100m repeat in every repeat.

Beginners 4 x 100m / Intermediate 4 x 100m

200m Beginners 3 x 100m / Intermediate 4 x 100m


Beginners 2 x 100m / Intermediate 3 x 100m


Beginners 6 x 25m / Intermediate 8 x 25m - Swim as fast as possible, 10 seconds rest in between each 25m.

Cool Down

5 mins easy swim cooldown

Session Notes & Tips

This is a tough session if swum properly.

Try to match your 100m times throughout to gain a good understanding of pacing and put in great efforts in the longer swims, holding form and pace through these too.

Ensure you ONLY take the 30 seconds rest, no more and no less.

Session distances Beginner: 2150m Plus cooldown INtermediate: 2500 Plus cooldown

Session 3 - Week 10

Session Introduction

Focus: Technique ​

Note: This is our biggest and longest technique session so far in this program. PLease ​ allow extra time in the pool. If you don't have extra time cut the session short and perform the first half of the pyramid only. You can then repeat this session another time if you wish following the second half of the session.

Why is it so long? We want to challenge your technique today so try to hold good form throughout the session.

Kit Recommended / needed for this session: Pull Buoy Paddles Fins

Warm Up

Beginner 200m / Intermediate 300m Easy Front Crawl or own choice swimming to prepare you for today’s session

Beginner 150m / Intermediate 200m Pull Buoy and Paddles (Optional) Swim breathing in a pattern of 3/2/3/2


Beginner & Intermediate 4 x 75m Swim these lengths at different paces in each direction of the pool as easy and fast, and keep the same pattern. So on set one you would swim easy-fast-easy and set 2 would be fast-easy-fast etc 10 Seconds rest in between sets only, this is a lung buster.


Technique pyramid with two halves! The first half of this technique session will work on kick and alignment, the second half starts to focus on your catch.

Beginner 3 x 100m / Intermediate 3 x 150m (20 seconds rest) Torpedo Kick into Swim Drill on each length - good body position and make yourself as long as possible in the water.

Beginner 2 x 100m / Intermediate 2 x 150m (20 seconds rest) FINS Kick on side drill - Kick on your side for 25m, rest and then swap sides for the return length. Focus on good hand position at the front of the stroke, fingertips lower than the wrist , wrist lower than the elbow, elbow lower than the shoulder.

Beginner 100m / Intermediate 150m (20 seconds rest) FINS 6-3-6 Drill on the way out, front crawl on the way back. Focus on all aspects of the kick on side drill you have just done but add in your 3 strokes to swap sides. Strokes should be very focused and precise, breathe AFTER the third stroke before going back on your side.

Beginner 400m / Intermediate 600m (20 seconds rest) Swim at 70% max effort focusing on good kick technique

Beginner 3 x 100m / Intermediate 3 x 150m (20 seconds rest) Pull Buoy and paddles - Focusing on good hand entry into the water, making sure our alignment is good (as practiced in the kick on side drill). After reaching forward get the feel of lightly pressing your fingertips down against the paddle. This will hopefully start to get you tipping the wrist slightly and enabling a much better catch setup.

Beginner 2 x 100m / Intermediate 2 x 150m (20 seconds rest) Pull Buoy Swim - Take away the paddles used above but still focus on a good catch and pull in the water.

Beginner 100m / Intermediate 150m (20 seconds rest) Pull Buoy Scull 1 drill - Scull for 12.5m and then head to a nice easy front crawl. When sculling remember to focus on that feeling of reaching over a barrel, really getting hold of the water.

Cool Down

200m of easy swim down, using your choice of kit

Session Notes & Tips

Today's session focuses on two parts of your stroke 1. Kick and alignment 2. Catch and pull

These are separated by a bigger swim to truly focus on holding form. In each section focus 90% on the aspect of the stroke you are trying to improve upon, and try to add 10% of other areas of focus in your stroke just to “double check”

This is the biggest technique session so far, so allow a little more time in the pool Session Distances Beginners 2850m Intermediate 3400m

Session 1 - Week 11

Session Introduction

Focus: Long Swim with sighting ​

Another long swim session for you now to test your fitness.

In this swim session i want you to think about keeping a good stroke rhythm, breathing pattern and SIGHTING, yes even if you are doing this in the pool. Try to sight during todays swim at least once per length, preferably twice. Pick something at the end of the pool to look at so you have focus.

If you are doing this swim in open water, perfect! You're going to need to sight so get familiar with a pattern that works for you.


Warm Up

There is no swim warm up today, we are diving straight in (so to speak) for our swim, just like we would on our event.

However perform some dryside warm up exercises such as arm swings, leg swings etc. keep your warm up activities dynamic and avoid static stretching whilst your muscles are cold



Beginner 2600m straight swims

Intermediate 3000m straight swim

Time yourself for your records

You have swum these distances in training before as total swims (and more). Remember all your pacing work and try and keep your pace on this swim to around 70% (nice and easy). There is no rush on this one, just get a big tick in the distance box and try to complete it without stopping.

Why am I swimming further than my event distance? For longer events I would normally advise that you don't need to swim more than 80% of the distance in training. However as this event is 2.1km the race distance is not huge, but will be a challenge. This swim covers more distance than the race distance simply because you don't know what to expect on the day. Things like weather, flow, other people, equipment issues, going off course can put even the best race plans to the test. So we are swimming further to counteract this, and make sure you are truly race ready.

Cool Down

Stretch your muscles off with some easy dynamic and static stretching.

Session Notes & Tips

Session Distances Beginners 2600m Intermediate 3000m

Session 2 - Week 11

Session Introduction

Focus: Time in the water ​

Returning to a squad favourite, our time in the water sessions whereby you are swimming for time, not lengths or distance. These sessions allow you to lose yourself in your swimming and get some distance in, challenge yourself and focus on your stroke.

Warm Up

10 minute easy swim, half of which is swim and the other half using training aids of your choice focusing on what you feel is the weakest area of your stroke.



Block 1 - MAX Effort ​ ​ 8 x 1 min on / 1 mins off - Hold pace and get to the SAME point in the pool each time (or further)

Notes: Tempo Trainer or watch set to 1 minute, then take 1 minutes rest Then

Block 2 - MAX Effort 4 x 1:30 on / 1 min off - Hold Pace and Get to the SAME point in the pool each time (or further)

Notes: Tempo Trainer or watch set to 1:30, however ENSURE TO LOOK AT PACE CLOCK and take your rest, starting after 1 min

And Then

Block 3 - MAX Effort 2 x 3:00 0n / 1 min off - Hold Pace and try and get further EACH Swim

Notes: Tempo Trainer or watch set to 3:00, however ENSURE TO LOOK AT PACE CLOCK and take your rest, starting after 1 min

And Then

Block 4 - Mixed Drills 2 x 5:00 Choose between 1. Pull Buoy 2. Pull Buoy & Paddles 3. Normal Swim 4. Fins Swim

Notes: Tempo Trainer or watch set to 5:00, however ENSURE TO LOOK AT PACE CLOCK and take your rest, starting after 1 min

Cool Down

Few lengths of easy swim / pull to finish if time left over


Session Notes & Tips

Session 3 - Week 11

Session Introduction

Focus: Time Trial to gauge your current speed, fitness and technical ability. HAve yo got ​ faster?

Kit Recommended / needed for this session: Pull Buoy Paddles

Here we are then, nearly at the end of our program with an easier week to go before event day. This is our last time trial session, hopefully you have been keeping a note of your times and hopefully we will see a faster, stronger time (with less effort) in this final time trial.

Warm Up

Beginner 200m / Intermediate 300m Easy Front Crawl or own choice swimming to prepare you for today’s session

Beginner 100m / Intermediate 150m Pull Buoy and Paddles (Optional) Swim breathing in a pattern of 3/2/3/2

Beginner 2 x 50m / Intermediate 3 x 50m Pull buoy Scull 1 for half a length, into swim feeling a good purchase on the water at the front of the stroke


Beginner & Intermediate 4 x 50m Swim as first length Fast and the return length Easy 10 Seconds rest in between sets


Time Trial 1 - 400m (Beginners - if you feel you can't swim 400m at the moment then swim 200m) Swim 400m, ensuring you record your time for the swim accurately. ​ ​

Active Recovery 10 Minutes of easy swim to recover before the next time trial effort.

Time Trial 2 - 200m (Beginners - if you feel you can't swim 200m at the moment then swim 100m)

Swim 200m, ensuring you record your time for the swim accurately. ​ ​

Cool Down

200m Easy swim down of choice

Session Notes & Tips

Swim each timed swim as a best effort, moving forward we will be swimming some sessions on a percentage of effort, and this will be from your 400m swim time.

When performing the shorter swim time trial try and get a feel for the difference in pacing, as your will likely be naturally a little fast over that shorter distance.

Keep a record of your two paces so that we can gauge these in a later test. We will perform this EXACT session at the end of month 1 and then several times in the lead up to the swim.

Session Distances Beginners 1400m (or 1100 if performing the shorter time trials) Intermediate 1575

Session 1 - Week 12

Session Introduction

Focus: Long Easy Swim ​

Today we are starting to ease down our distances as we aim to hit our event nice and fresh this weekend. There are only two sessions this week. Both based on easy swimming, but technical focus

Warm Up

5 minutes easy swim, get your head in the game and focus on stroke technique


Beginner 4 x 400m / Intermediate 4 x 500m with 1 minute rest in between, all swam at an easy pace.

1st Set - Easy Swim ​ 2nd Set - Pull Buoy (focus on catch and pull) ​ 3rd Set - Fins Swim focusing on breathing. Use a pattern of breathing every 3 strokes OR ​ breathing a pattern of 3/2/3/2….. 4th Set - Easy Swim, using this last set as a cooldown swim as well ​

Session Notes & Tips

Swim this session easy, but if you are feeling strong go harder in the middle 200 of sets 1, 2 and 3 to introduce a little speed. Do not blow yourself up in this session though. Remember there’s not long to go until race day.

Session 2 - Week 12

Session Introduction

Focus: Time in the water ​

Today's session is simply getting you in the water and should be performed 2-3 days before the event. It is very simple, as it's simply just a 30minute swim at around 70% effort.

As with our time in the water sessions simply set your tempo trainer or watch to alert you after 30 minutes is up.

There is no water based warm up today or cooldown, but remember to perform some dryland warm up and a cooldown / stretches at the end of your swim.

Warm Up

30 minute straight swim at 70%


Session Notes & Tips

Session Distances Whatever you swim in 30minutes

RACE DAY - Week 12

Session Introduction

Focus: RACE DAY ​

Session Notes & Tips

It’s race day, get in have fun and do your thing in this wonderful event full of history and passion from the Henley Swim team.

The plan you have followed has given you a nice mix of training with principles of basic swim technique, pacing and fitness covered throughout. You have done the work, you are at the start line, now get to that finish line. When you arrive at the venue familiarise yourself with your surroundings and know where you are starting and finishing, where you are getting in and how you can get in.

If you can, take some time to acclimatise in the water before your swim. Enter the water gradually (if you can, depending on the entry point) and let your suit fill naturally with water through the zip (I personally don't recommend pulling the front of the suit down and letting ​ ​ water in). Splash your face with water whilst breathing out and float up on front and back to let water in the suit (again naturally).

When swimming remember to breathe out in the water and keep your breathing calm and natural. Remember all the practices we did with breathing patterns and also sighting, put the two things together and sight regularly to stay on course.

Pass the finishing line in style, head held high.

Let us know how you got on at [email protected]