,. ffiffie %i €&ffim,WK ffiffiffi ffi ffi,ffi ffi;

VSLIJME. 9lio, 11 ( rpn l?RrvATE crnculAtroiii our,r) Novu{BER I9B3

D l6nrj Trevor KLr€horirr t1,6 Stlrllng Cqescent, $ootland lane, Horsfbrth, Ieeds 18 IEA.LIUAS; - Co11n Hunter, Residence 3, Hieh Royd.s Hospital, Henston, I1k1ey. TRIPS 0RG4NISER r- Stephen Ri6g, 35 Bromley Mount, Sandal, Wa.kefleld. tngASUnER/imTSIzuA c- Joiu ltunt, 13 Sl!"verda1e Grange, Gulseley, Ieeds IS2O 8PX SECREIARY I - Chrls hlarn, 1 SDrlngfielcl C6urL, Kelghley BD20 5JP.

11, !:icklethwaTte, !5 LesLle Avenue, Yeadon, Leetts IS19 nlH. Te1. na$don 50?60_4 J. Cloggh, 29 lloorslde Cd.rdens, Eccleshl11, tuadford 3D2 3RE. Tel. hadfod 539197

FORI HCO}{ING }4ET]I iliIGS Iieetings to be he1d. at the Yorkshire Aeroplane Club, Leed.s/Brad.ford. (Yeadon) r'iinporb, by the eourtesy of. the Direetors, commencing at 1,4,30 hrs,

D:IICE]}.IBER 4th 3 Uncle Christopher's Bumper itiever to be Forgotten Christmas Quiz. o83o' JATIUARY Bt,h 3 " Brazil - Slide show and. commentary by Chris Warn. Certainly not to be missedS i g ' FEBRUARY 5th ! Annual Becognition Contest o MARCH llth ! And.y llarker will be showing a seleetion of slid.es of Airllners & Blz-jets taken over the years a+. Leeds/Brad.ford., plus a similar selection taken in sunny Callfornia.

ED]TORIAI At a Group Cbmrnlttee neeting on 2l+lh.November, Chris Warn reluctantly announced. that he would have to r.esign as Secretary at the end. of this year, dire to hls having to nove to the I'lanchester al€a 1n the Sprlng ot 1984. Chris' enthusiasm and hls interest in Air Yorkshire will be sadly mtrssed, but we obvlously wlsh hlm every future success ln the frirtfrerance of hJ-s car€er. No doubt he will occasionally grace our tneetlngs as a Guest Speaker, and we d.o belleve he has sonethlllg exotic lined up for us nerL year sonetine - aE herq off on hls tra,vels a6ain! ! However, thls now Leaves the Group without a Secretary, and. therefore - we ask any menber'tho rnay be lnteresteal in helpittg wlth the runnlr€ of the Gf,oup and oganislng neetlngs ete., to contact any nenber of the Cornrnl-tte

nP i -i (r,i (l'.,-1J1,'Vrl Ilrr G-l3t,GP Cussna t77 rv_/- <'; Boeing 737 L35g 1500 tl-*BAiR Cherckoe :5+O .i i;'lE G.AI,'EL T. Conanche L54o LToo 'tZj:'., :1'>\ ,l--A1iXG Ce.Setra L 72 120C G-BrUI Cessna tJZ t204 t2+L :1 t 1nP ;,=,1IUl uherckce L755 "l+?3 Lz- -l,.iI'i.'j^ Cherokee 13oB 1356 C* ilil'rifT' Tr:bago l.liB:t126 G-EAiS Ceesna L77 L35t '143jl -1-"r riHE tsoeing 737 730 5 ! 50:, G-i{ALI( Cessna 1f2 7312 L 50t+ I -T';-ii.il Seninole 1457 t730 G-I'iICK Cessna L72 t 522 151i .]-'lr"CII ilisccuirt L6ai rc39 G*iUC{ Pup n/ s 1616 ):"t C-.IIEK ioCel DR.t050 oE01 oB33 G-AZAV Cessna 33? tt/r 14 t.i G-IIIN:; Tomaha'.rk 1?11 1647 G-tr{E}D Arrcit L22o L?lL G.-IRJ F Boei-ng 737 L355 "I525 G-BiT}f CseEna L72 Lti+j 16t+5 'l,sCg G.-BDYF Cessna +ZLC 771,6 G-BKiiE Bcei-ng 737 ??

:lJ" G-l,lTVC Cesc:ra 4.01+ OEt* 090& G-BBI(A Cessna 1, J0 nf s 0g2L E |-ELI l(i:rg Air '1026 t?1"2 G-MZF Tomahawk 1247 1355 D-GDIi{R Seneca n/s 3.)tt5 c-Eiitr'r Cess,na 1J2 r435 t 528 G*3m[C Ecureu-: ]- i (?1. 1 r(i l+27C -JJ:*J-,.. G-Br-i,ix C:ssr,a Yt t608 G*EiisF AA-5A 1 635 i-7 52 G-BAZG Bceing 737 1650 1816 "i.)A:i- Pil-DMJ King Air L9!-pi4 Cl.BBDU ltava.j o ? ,*g ylg Cctober fhe ncnih startotl ln style wlth Gul-fstree;n I!.1 N263C o$ the 1st a.nd 2nC, Jolned a:: ti:e ist bJr Cessna 182 00-EII{ and 01: Lhe Znd by Ces*a q21 F-FPY. Another US 312- Jet was Cltatlon NIJAI,I cn ihe l;d. &1 the 5*;h we Here lnvadeal by the flve Fokker S-l.i's of the "Schlphol Flyers" reg:.s+-e:ed I.:],-lCl/ Cn't/ UW/ttOIVtOf, who were on a p::ono+-iona1 tour, they night Etoi)iici. and d:-.i a, tlcnc the foll-orln8 day. Also on ttre 6th w:rc lT.avajo SE-IAC whlch tf = ar'A Cltaii-cn D-iAEC whl-ch dltln't. AfterLhat ihlngs quletened dcwn a bLt, Ceesra 43iC D-ICYd on ihe 8th r,ras folLowed. by Klng Air F-GBIi] on the i.oth anal Cesr.lna 4?5 Nlrz5lJ c:r tho 11th. 0n the 13th Cessna 182 N5243N came Ln fron Gaaston for radlo wo!k, it Ctct not stay but ls due to becone PH-HCII when t!.ellvered to Ho11and. Or *he 1-l;h Acr Li-rgus enea.hetl ln the BAC 1-11 f,E.r,rjs/BRADFOnD MOvg'mIIS nEVIEIJ ( Contd. ) EI-ANF lasteatt of the Shorbs ll0. Ol the 18th SE-DEV was a Citation II. Elret Nigerian reglstration sedn at LBA was the Cessna 4O4 ,{-AI{A cfn OB$, on the 2lrd. which hacl nothing at a1l- to do with Northalr. Hoffever Conguest M207G on the 2&th ditt vlsit Norlhair. Two regd.ars were Rockrell 590 D-IMWI on th6 24th anit 25th antl Aztec EI-3NV on 1.,he 25+"h. Ano",,her Rockwell 690 was 0Y-BEJ on the 27th a,Iotl flnlshlng off the mon',h on the llst were I(lng Alr EI-BLI, King A1r PH-IMJ and Seneca DGDIIR c/n 34-?9?OUl8. The Mlutary have been ln evldence a6aln wlth the US U-21 's 18011 on the 4th and. 18027 on the 18th. The Royal NaW sent ln Heron XM2)6 on the 5th ancl the Ar:ny operated Lynx XZ6J) on the 8th. 0n the 2llth the latest Slingsby Flrefly G-SFTY n'as visiting TI,A for C of A work. P.lenty of actlon at NorLhair this nonth. 0n the 2nd G-PBES the Conquest had becone N455SC and lt nas delivered to Dolphln Avlation in Miaml on the 15th. Cessna fllJzT G-3KI,IY a:rived on the 4th and was dellvered to Marshalls at Cambridge on the 21st. Cess a 421 G-BCSV arrlved baeh fron Ga:nston on the ?th ln a new colour Echene lrlth a styllsed MIIS on the taiI. Cessna Tl0l G-3IO(I was alellvered to Kelgrove Hold.lngs 1n Guernsey on the /th and Conquest I G-BKSA aflrlved on the Bth. Cessna 110 G-3KSB went to P. I(ir€ also in Gu.ernsey on the 1lth. Cessna trtJ2 G-3JVJ ca.me back from Ga.mston on the 20th and was alelivere(l to t{arshalls at Camtrrldge wlth G-BIOIY on the 21st. Final.ly Cessna 421C G-3KWX c/n !222 arrlved. vla Prestrlck on the 31st. Callslgn tie-ups !- 3d. G-3BDu/Thursrvcn 1012, c-BHHA,/ 804i 4th. G-BX{HV fffifigbg/Ni+e 3zbc; sLh, c-McB/Lwlo5, xwzd6/Naw ?zg1 5th. c-Br-ot/ Kl1roe 02, G-BI{J1,1/Bentalr LB2-), c-ASMY/Thuxston IOJZ, D-IAEC/1011-928' ?th, G-3CnP/LEC 2, C-BtON/Klkoe 02, G-VAUN/Peacock 011 8th. c-Pof,o/crosvenor Ol, X2653/ALary 630) 10th. G-ESFL/(1tr.oe 02, G-&i?U/lucline 486A; 15th. c-BFON/KIlroe 6i 17th.. G-BFON/Kilroe 02r LBL\, tgoz?/Nlte JJA-81 21st. G-FJKI/@651, a*CALTI Atr Llnks 1211 Z?nd, 1,..vttuffi/Peacock 01 ; 25th. G-MCEo/CoIt 01, c,-AzTz/cfi531 25th. G-3tsDu/Thurston 1080; )1,t+,, *-wtvc/ Peregrlne 9Ol, c-B3Du/Thurston 10!J. Overshoots:- }td. XWtlI 5/ffiJ5 Jet Pr.ovost, XS734/FYN0 6 (L5,1 il Donlnie; 4th. mW y-I5o(1,2.45) Iiawkl 13rin. xxtgg/Fttlz(lt,2o), xs?)6/TtNS4(1,5.00) Donlnle, rxL6?/vfi4?(1.6.50) uauk; I?'dh, v,xtq6/w1o(15.05), xxt9g/Fnq($.20)t 18th. xrl434/cEr?6(09.10) Jet provost, xx5oo/Fw12(!3,o5), xxLtBS/FyrB1(14.50)i 19th. }Jt+96/Fw9jG,9,ttil, xs?3!/Fyt{05(11 .30) Doniniei z6rh. xs?3u/Fyn1e(i6,2o) Dorntale, xxt+82/Tw95G?,t+ilt z?L;,, xs?39/trNo5(15.20) Dorinie; zBLh. xs3?2/IFJU+ Jet P.rovost, LS?3?/FYN06(L5.JJ) Do;ninrel 31st, xWAgl/CFT2o (0S.55) Jet Provost, xs?30/ Frttu? (11 . 05) Doainie, xx 5oo/ wig 5GL . )o), xx49z/ Fyr1 o( 1 3. 00 ), xxlqz/ FlfI}4. (15.00). trYon & To:- 1st, M53C F Wick.T Luton, 00-ELIv1 F/T Au-brverp,. EI-BDP T Dubilln; 2na1. M63C F Luton T 0s1o, F-BpPY F/T Dinard ry's3 3rd. N15All F/T luton and Later F Luton T Norbholt; 4th. 1BO13 r uordtrolt T liverpool; 6trr, r,u-Cnv/uoK/HOL/ A&/Ee !' Hunbers5.de, "Sch1po1 tr[Lyers", SE-IAC F Esbjerg ry's T Makro, D-IAEC F ftLtnburgh T.llanburgI Bth. D-ICW F/T Arnsbe€, EI-BNV T Dubli:r; 1oth. F-GBLU r/t Of;on n/si 11th. NI+z5DJ F/T Brussels; 13th. N62II3N F Stansted T Gamston; 15th. N455Sc T Glasgowl 18th. SE-DEV r/r coteborg; 23r.d. 5I\T-AWA F/T Lutons z4r'"t,. NLaO?C F/T &usseIs, D-II.I}JT F Bimi.nghanr T ieecstd.e ry's; 25th. EI-BW F/T Dublin t l1st. EI-3II F/T, Dublin, D-GX,tlrA F Perth, PH-DIvIJ F Amstezrila"la T Luton. HelleopJer Actlvlty:- 1st. c-Htr Y/l4exboroush (15.45)l 5th. c-Bl{IR/ ftTidfi-ZtE=;iitvlcattedck(tr'.oo), c-cJm,/u[ini66'(it.oo); eth. c-rnrfl Halifax area(14.20)1 12th. c-BlilR/Doncaster( 11 .10), c-3tsB,t/carf orth llercurry uotel(14.00)t 13th. c-3KFts/3at1ey(12.45); 18th. c-Jl,co/sheffield(14.10), c-NonM /unrruroor(16.Lilt t91h, G-Nofiirl/Ilarrosa+e(og,zo)/aotherhan(11.z5)/South teeda(fz$J) 21st. G-MARc/i{etherbr,(14.45); ?znd,. c-H

YORKSHIRE POST NEI'ISPAPERS have klnd.ly given us prlor information of the lntentlon Boeing 7l+7 flight off the extend.ed L. B, A, runway as soon as possible after its completion next year. YORXSHIRE POSI NE{SPAPENS (Contd, ) Negotiations rlth British Airlrays anal the Jolnt Alrpor{ Cornmlttee for thle fllght have been concluded, and it w111 Last for apprcxlmately one hour aacl cover &rglanil, I?eland, and l,lales. Each passenger wiLl receive a corntDemoratlve certlflcate of thls hlstorlc f1lght, plus associated-.pR naterial and a glas6 of free cha,mpa6e on board. lt 1s plannetl to take a souvenlr plcture of;11 400 plus passengers aLongside the alrcraf! r and posslbly a1low members of the public not on the f1lght to na&e a "wa1k throughrr of the aircrafb for a minirnun charBe i The estlmated seat charge is tJO per person ln Econoqy anrt f?0 per perEon ln Flrst CLass (no reductions for chlldren or pensioners). ])aasengers 1n the latt€r class will get unlimited champa6ne canapes and other goodlesi Itlany thanks to the Yorkshlre Po6t for this early notlflcatlon. SRIDLIIGTON (Grldqale) MovHi{EllIS - ocbbber Znd. G-BAZS C.1.50/G-ATXO 1IPA}OS/G-AZFL DA-z8/T?gOg (C,-ANON) T. Moth F/T Sherbur.n, C.-BDWB RaUye r/f foonfr:-ff . c-Aycz Jodel F/T Bagby,_ G-AYHA AA-l F/T Carnaby I 3rd. G-SALL C.150 F/T Hmbersiate r 5th. c-BAcB 5F,260 Ffi WA, C,-mlU Pazrnany F Newty U16ke T Skegnesp; 5th. G-mLI .c,I5A F Teessld.ei fth. G-ATDZ Zl::rr )26 F Llttle gnoring i l1th. G-AVYJ PA-28 F Toesslde; 20th. G-SAIL C.150 F Hr:rnbereide T Skegnees; 21st. G-3KEi? C,L72 F Usworth, G-BDOU C.150 F Abbotsley, G-RLIIA C.172. F Hunbersid.e T Skegness; 22nd.. G-IB,IH F Sourrr, }-RIJ:,A O.1,?2/1-*UJ C.L5O F/t HunbersLde i 23rd. G-BBYB PL-18 F Sherburn T BaAW, G-Btr(IR Jodel F Crosland lloor T kgty, G-BAHE PA-28 F/T Sleapr 25th. c-AlI.AtI C.1,fr F/T SproatLey, G-ARMR C.172 F/T Humberslde, G-BDWB Ra11ye F/T Boonhill ry's3 28th. G-RA.DE C,zlO F/T trbnland, G-BCRn M-5B F/T Sproatleyt 29f\,G-AXIII C.150 I/T Sproatley; ]oth. G-BIPU AA-58 f/T Uettrerttrorpe, G-BIIfi C,L?2 Fft Fentand. G-SIllE departed to Glenrothes on the 2pth after an appror. 4 reeks stay.

TEESSI!$ M0VEMENIS. - Oetober 1 Ifi.}iAF Chieftain G-BI{IW Cessna 404 G-rcTv tugrte 737 2 EC-BIP DC-9 : IT3BD Learjet G-AZXC Cessna ts} G-RUIA Cessna 172 G-AOHM Vlscount 3 G.B}WP Island.er G-BIFZ P.5BC I,DBD Learjet l+ OY-AZN ITavaj o OY-BSD Cessna 414 G-BKJW Aztec G-AWAI Baron G-BRE[il Chleffain G-AI{LL Jetranger OH-KIIE Diamond. G-I'IAIR Cessna 42L9 C-BHFY Baron G-BECO Bonanza G-UBHL Kir:g Alr 200 G-IIHL Chleftain G-BKNH Boeing 737 G-AYFT T. Comanche 24ML T39A Sabreliner B G-P0t0 Chieftain G-BKHO Boeing 737 G-BFVB Boelng 737 10 HB.VHI Citation F-8,\0L Kine Air 200 1t PH-HET Cltatlon IN-PAD King Air 200 G-BIEZ Klng Air G.BBNO Aztec G-BBSN Aztee G-INDC Cessna 303 L3 PH-HtrI Cttation G-JAKY 'Navajo G-BHOH S-61N .LtZlB G-BBOB Cessna G-I'ISH Cqssna 310 ' G-BBIFI Jetranger Lll G.FIVE H5,725 G-RUSS ,Cessna 1?2 G-AVGA Comanche

L5 EC-Br}I DC-9 : I7 OY-BSD Cessna 414 G-BRIfi Seminole c-BrOH Bel1 4? Cr-RVIP Band.eirante G-BCKO Aztec Ig LN-NPH F-27 G-BHFY Baron G-BllSM Jetranger TEEssIg$ Movnerrlrrs ( cohl,.d".) 'i.r:... .,- ,r: ,,. 20 F-BRAS Navajo G-OSKY Cessna 1/2 G-BIHL Chleftaln G-AtltIN Jod el DR. 1051 G-BFGG Cessna 1J0 G-BFGZ Cessna L 50 21" F'-BIltf Fa1con }OC G-ASVO Herald G-BHPY Cessna 1J2

22 EC-CTS DC-9 l G-BKI{A Cessna I}Ol+ G-AVGZ Jodel DR.1O50 G-BHHM Cessna 1J2 G-BKI,IS Boeing ?37 G-ffiNI^I Boeing 737 zLL F..BVJK Aztec G-OFBL King Air G-BBSIN Aztec 25 D-IMhlT Command,er 59On OY-DLL Command.er 6B0FL G-JDSI Chleftain 27 F-BVJK Azlee G-H(PLI HS,t25 G-BKBA H5,1,25

1st. LN-NAF f/T frlettansanal 2ntt. N38D F E{Ilnbllrgh T Heathrow ancl retulzr on 3rd I 4,th. OY-AZN F EsbJerE T Glasgon, OY-BSD F f, Esbjerg I 5th. OH-KNE F Hqatfpow T SonderbelE r 10th. HB-VI{I I'Maastf,tcht T Haflardenr F-D(oL F/T Le Soureet ,{* l1th, lT{-Hm r/T Heathrow, lN-P. AD F Oslo T Rlngray I t3th. PH-liE{ F Stornonay T Rotterdanl 1.9th. IN-l{,]H F 0s1o T Stavanger; z0bh. F-BRAS F Rouen ry's T Ll.vergpol l 21st. F:',BIllI F/T I€ SourBet 3 24tch. F-BVJI( F Calais T Hurnbersltle 3 25th. D-I4m F/T IEA, OY-DLL F Esbjerg T Glaegowl 2?th. F-BVJK F Le fouquet T Calate.

SHERBURN I.i0VB.,IU{IS - october

2nti. G-A0RII Chipnunk F NetherLhorpe; 3rd. G-BATV P. A-28 T. lJlclcenby; 5th. c-AYlO( . Jetranger F/T Uhlnmoor; ?th. G-BFEH C.337 F LBll; 13th. G-XIAB C.t5Z pft HumberoLle i 1?th'. G-BEZ:I? ?A-32 F Tollerton T Bookeri 20th. G-AVEZ Jodel DR.10J0 F/T Sutton Sank; 21st. G-BFGII C.1ji0 ['Hunbe:rslale T Skqgness; 22nd. G-BFTE C.152 F/T Doncaster, C-BE {H ll4Z f/t Topcllffe, Z3r1a. C-ACCj rA-Za f/t Tee66iale, G-AXGZ Condor F/T Stuzgate;. .261h, G-BGJ -PA-28 Teesslde T Ueworth 3 29th. G-BIAM Tobago F Blggln H111, G-ATKF C.1j0 F'/T Doncaster.

AIRLI}.E REVTEW BRITISH have reserved. the registratlon sequence G-BKYA/N for the leased. Boelng ffi,sthataretorep1acethea6eingTrid.entsfron1.gB6.Boe1ng74?c-nn[u has been re-registered. G-BD(L and ls to be used. by Alrtorlrs. BRITISH CAIXDONIAN have registered the first two A310's as G-BIffT/U. Alrcraft recently offered for sale include 1 x B7O?, 2,:x DC10 and 4 x BAC 1-11, the later 6 alrcraft belrrg ex-Laker. They have also annoulced. an ord.er fot ? Alrbus L32O to replaee thelr BAC One Elevens BRITISH IVIIDLA,N.D have aequired a 75?" stake ln Loganair. They hope that thls wllI lncrease thelr chances of obtalnlrrg a llcence to operate Glasgow - New York by means of showlng trafflc d.emand by Loganalr feed.er services to Glaqgow. The CAA and Brltj-sh Airports ptrefer transatlantic traffic to use Prestwick. The alrltne will contlnue to operate under the Loganalr name. The two ex Tanzanla F27's q$F AIR TOIJRS Viscount G-AOHV has been leased to E\rroalr. G-AOYI has been re- painted. with Guernsey Airlines titles. G-BBDK has been acquired. to operate the Guernsey - uK paper contract and for Ad. hoe eharter work. DAN AIR are to replace the BAe !M-1,00's by Seri-es 200's, the lOO's golng to an unnamed Amerlcan alrline, If the Heathrow - I{anchester licenee applleation 1s suecessful, it will be operated by BAe.LltS and, se:rrices from to Scandlnavla wouId. be consld.ered.. They are to lease two B?3? to E4A to use Heathrow to Scottrand routes. ArRLrlE REVTEW (conrd, ) JIIR.SEY itllR0.lEAtl The two FZ?'s on ord.er are ex TAT F-GOi{R and are to be delivered. TEFraa7nN re sn e ct lve 1y. iAq IA$ have been Blven a llcence to oaerate l{anchester - Selfast }Iarbour on a twlce daily basls. li€$ qr" now usine a D1lC6 (ex Sraceg:rand?? ) on Iilacktrool - lOIl serylceB.

TRI ir llE, )Cm l/,anchester /rir Traffic Control Sul:-Cen"tre and Toi+er Our groua are.ived Dunstl'a11y at Airr:rorL Infomation e"l, 19 ,T on lYlday 14th octoler, ,LIe were met b;r the watch suDervisor and escortecl into the tralnlng/lecture room useal by the C'.A on the 4th floor of the tower block. After a short lr:troductory talk we were escorted^ J:nto the cortrol rbom where the control of all of norLheri tr}'rg1and. fron lllrmlnqham to Scotlarrd, and across the water as far as 3elfast, j-s controlled ua to Fl 110. As FYi.day evening is not esDeclally busy ln October the consoles were strlit .lbst of nmber 1 and lunber 1 to the }Iest, wlth control belng oi:erated. or: 721!-2 and. !2.1-55, Al-onp,:side these controllers 1s the Manchester Approach controller. Desj)lte the heavy workload the controlLers found time to assj-st us and answer and erDlaln nany thi €:s which were out to them, even, pro- iluclng saare headsets for Llstenin€.{ 1n and connectlng the outi:ut lnto speakers for us all to joln in lrlth the golngs on, It would be 1m?osqlt].e not to be lnpressed \r the comruter controlled radar dlsplay rhich Blves the posltion, ldent1ty, hele'ht, destlnatlon of every al-rcxafb f1ytug whlch j,s Siving a mode C sq.,;alh. tt was while watching this dlsplay that SU345B was 6een crossin€ mn, FL35O - the ftrst ( perhaps) SLr fllSht for about )5 days, The trlps lnto the tower were mede in tro grourrs, each of stx. (You really do get a good vlew from u? there). Here the flnal aDDroach, landlnei, taxLir€, start-up6, alrways clearances, groujrd vehlcles are all controll-ed. Ur a team of foux. pack dormstairs the radar showed two A1r Ii{ f].i6hts, one outbounal fron l€ed.s and the -pasied. othef inbound.. Ti.ne verX' qulckly and 1t was tlne for out vislt to end. before the watch changed over. A most interesting trlr: for tho6e who went, (our second. vlslt this year), and. i know there w111 be many who awalt the opportunlty to vlsit the centre a€ain - l-t can be ar:rar{red as long as the generous attitude of the CAA ard lts offlcers stays so he1!fu1 and obliglng. !'IYO@ - lhe !q! llpe! The lcst Aeroflot fl1qht for a rhl1e was seen on Sertenber 13th when Sl153O1 went along iilue 1 towards Shannon and across the water. Thls fhght numb€r 16 usually .: used by vI"' fllghts and w111 hoBefu]'ly prove to be a different aircraft anil thus a gair fiL1er. SU5301 was also seen on the 1st of the nonth, One to set your watch with at present is the Cubana fllght on Tuesday, CLt1479 crosses OIR at 17.00 nlus ot mlnus J mlnutes. CYr Tueoday September 6ih it crossed OIR at the_ same time as i.Ii'?!20, a Tu1l4 on a charber lnto [iCR, a:-ld slx nlnutes later DDR-SCj'r and . CIJ!2?? were both ful, clear vlew together, a cout:lc of raret s16hts in our ekie6. Ib1day lth September saw a 'newr y?l+? on the QF servlce lnto HCR, Vli-EBR made a change from ii, I, J, ii whlch hold about 10O" of the fllghts up to norl. A surprlse on 22nd was Tll6p goin6 home torard.s Beinrt at the helght of the ffurhtir€; there. Setter sighttngs th16 nonth have lncluded sone of the ner Swlssalr '816 Top' 3/lll, Beveral AZ Wl+7's whlch are larer on Amber 1 than the DC10 alrcraft, Ar:.sta .(AD) DCB, Caoitol (Cf,) ana Overseas National with a DCf., whlch coul-d ?rovide .inteiesi as 0V seem to be orreratin€{ a varlety of aircraft. -t; Bi;z Jets 4th 1i:22?5L G2 FL3g0 Amber 1 19 ,1" 5 15th i:,,1,2Jt IJet FL330 '.0LDCS L5 "47 Hoil ' 19th ' 1 50.llil Falcon 50 CLII.I,B 19,21+ 27th i|'221lG C2 DCS L?,13 HOTV FLYOUERS October Some clear d.ays 1n October resulted ln qulte a good set of lntereStlrg slghtlrgs: - ,)OL 7th NgOllD Gulf 2 FI&30 15,50 DCS 17trr jN-AOC Lear 2J i,"1410 DCS 1l+,1B HON 22nd HB-VFZ Lear 35 FI&10 DCS 16,00 gT}I Z)rd IT5LC 1-11 FL350 l?OL (*r) DCS i\757Rv 8727 FL330 DCS t2,04 EI}I 9V-li{GA 8727 ,200 FL310 oTR t3,Lto for I{CR 24Th VR-BJD Gulf 2 FIA10 BEL 08. 00 :POt OB12 CIR HB-VGU Lear climbing DCS 10,30 BIN 'ti{747 )J zgL]r- Falcon 5A FL350 DCS IL"59 HON IT81BTF" c550 DCS !2.29 BP" K N30R? Gulf 3 FIA10 DCS 17,23 BIlS The SJ.ngapore reglstered W2?, wal a welcone slght. I know nothlng about the alr- crafb hut I an Bure of the call slgn. 0f the others I could not see Fblcon 50 because of haze but the rest were clear and bright ln the sky. The Sermudan GuIf 2 1s falrly-regular along R4 golng to lts European base at Schlpol. 0n the airllner front the Eteady flow of SU IL52's is wlth u6 a€ain, there belng over ten fughis thror.gh Shannon in eaoh djrectlon and 60 on some tlay6 at least thlee alrc1"aft can be seen along B[ue 1. Sunttay z]rd all eastbountl Sll3l+2 07.20t SU348B 11.451 5U334 L3,L5, A Thurstlay has been knorn to yleld four:- SU342 early t SUl01 lunchtlne; SUlll Late afternoon; SUI4J arouncl 5 p.m. Iglost weLcome has been the routlng of several -Anerican Tran A1r fllghte up l$ber 1 although only one has been seen T261B on Flontla.y 10th, lOL 17.31 DCS, 0n the 2lrd. LY8?5 was seen along R4 routlng tosarrils OIR ultt aftenxoon, Thts was notetorttgr as 1t wa6 nostly nalnted real and 1s presumably 4X-AXZ whlch had been leasecl to Avianco, The I,T. season is slowlng down and this often causres aone more interestlng alrcraft fron SaLkan and Taron, who substltute Tu134 or IL18,s for the blgger Tul Jl+ used in pealr season. 3747SP's a.re zare but shoulil be nor€ common over the winter with t,A operatlng these into LHn on the PA1OO and PA10 fughts, and the fllghts on l,tonday only. "A124/tZ5 The l?47-300 31c TOPS are to be seen on most SR fIlghts now, and KIli also have one although lt ls used. on dlfferent fllghts and it ls very hard to chech the size. of the blue lump against a blue sky at lJr000 feet9 Tle-ups for any f,Lyovers you nay see' can be obtalned, coutesy of Alr Scotlanti, ty- wrl-tlng to rne encloslng a stawed addressed envAlope for retuzn.

S. Rlgg, 35 Bmmley liourrt, I'ia.kefleld WFl 5LNr.

},ILITARY i\]B,,iis

Flrst re have atlditions a"rral anendnents to two reports that aBpear€al in l"ast , month's butletin, Flnnlneley Open Day - 1/9/83 'Trantom FEl XTB76 should read XT867/1.1 of 111 Sqn. Additions - Statlc/I'Ii€ht Llnesr- XW)O?/ s J.trovost T5 (6FTS), XV?30 Hessex HAR (22_sgn), xz49/?L6 sea l{arrler FRS1 (899 sqn), xzsgl sea KlDs HAR 3 (202 sqn), x2964/P and. xzg?t/.t lrarcrier cr.1,s (z2j ocu), r333t+5/3u5 T-33 (c.t.e'.). Hanger 1 z- xR5ot/xR524/w6o1_ tresser( lIC2,s (zz sqn), xZ59o/xzgz/xZ59B/ZN,O5 Sea Klng IIARI's (ZOZ Sqn). llartger.2r- xs?.14/:, Domlnie T1 (6FTs), xwz96/q and, x\t306/y J. Drovost T5,s ( 6 FTS), xxAt3/F, xx6L9/8, xx62o/c BuLldos T1 ,s (r.UAs), J-620 E-L6B (3zz sqn Drtch AF). ulLrranv trmrs,( q,q.Eta,_) Finninel I Dispersed, A/ C c- XXUBZ/ J, Tx'Egl/r, xxtg5f c, xxt+gg/q Jetstream T1 's (5 m$), xs?lo/0, -v"r".,xszjl/ a, xs?j6/ s, xsZjg/r Dominie 11 's ( 6 mq ) . rrying onryi-'xl+za ra-(':o-sqn), ivigf Hlrcutee c1 (rfii), ivzlz/lz Nlmcod.. un2 1rrnro". \tLns), zALtn/.c vcto-re [roi sqn), aa-0555/an nr-+c'(to rR]r), 5B-0056/uH F-1118 (20 rrw); Xzjee sea Klns HAR3 QOZ sqn), xw326/L2o J.Provost T.5A (7 ITs), Vlnta6e Dair, and Jaguar'e an attack 4 in airfield " 41e94bur.y A1r Show - 24lq/83 F-4I. ?4,-l6t# should reaal 7tb06M/SJ, Addltions -:xv?53/Y arLd, xwgzz/R Har.rler cR3's (233 oCU), xT5?4 wessex HAR Z (22 sqn), oLW/oL545/otsSl/otS*/ot56l E-58's (5z?-TFrAs), N6)1ff/t+63zzL p-JlD Mustang and 66-?666/Dc F-4D (121TF5/nc-aNc). was in the hangar under naintenance following cleployment to Flnn1r€1ey in June - may be irrepalrable. Seen at liildenhall on the sane datee- : 91950 rcI6-(ffi), gt?tt KClo (2e,r), Ln6* crulB (43z,rAU), ?03fi E?B (sjr.Anlx), 11403 T43A ( 323FTlt) from Alconbur5r. KCIlJ's were 91lE? (fOOanS/rrfrnois ANG), ?2600 (Lz6AR9/washlngton erc), OOO25/ 80029 (6BARG), 23558 (95H,r), lZggl Qw). rfl35Q's on ctetachment wlti gsRI{ were 80086/800A9/aotz9/gtt$O/gtSto/gtyo, other ClJJ's on vtew 24111/nCI)5t, !AU) and. 14844/EC135v's a1l of 55sR1{. c-1 30H, s of 463 TAW were 41,660/ 41_66 5/ 4t582/ 4t 5e9/ 41 690/ 41692/ 42063, Visits rountl varlous airfieltls on t1,/rc/q produced the followings- cranwelL xwvzz/.), xa)36/6, xa354/?, xli,4zof}, xwj?3/tt, x1i,ttz3/ttt, xvthtl/L6, xw36z/t?, xN35B/18, yfr355/20, X:,tLn6/23, x]'Jtng/24, Xv36?/26, XW.?/28, X:vt321./29, XW3L3/30, Ntz$g/31, xwzgz/32, ru36+135, xu733/36, xw3?4/38, xw33t+/39, xu'zgo/4t, xil323/t* aI1 J. l?rovost T.Jrs of MFC. ConlnssbyXV4/ 3 Flt, CRz all .grey with no marks anyflhere, XVt+Ogf A) XVt+tZ/ n and, XV4).ZfT r'4 GR2's of 2! Sqn, xv3gl/A, Xv3g4/c, Xv3g6/D, xv433/F, xytlO6/R, XTS??/M, Xl89t+/p, xT9o6/s and xT89I/ z F4 cR2,s of 228 0cu. visttors were nu64/,fw and wc654/EH Canberra T.l/'s of J60 Sqnl xa?26/ot, xs456/m and XS415/DU tlghtning's of LTF. tLar an Zu6t3fo4 ard.ZA6|0/11 Tornado GR1 's of 2f Sqn, xH669/Xr-Lg2/xL23L/xL5L2 Victor Kz's of Jf Sqn, XLL51 victor K2 of JJ Sqn. visltors werc \Z)JI/E, Z9600/ R and, Xv785/ y Harrier'S of 4 Sqn, @-OOZ1/W F-111E did a touch and go. Honineton WV5?Z.and. XL574 l{unter T.7's of 23? OCU, XL3BB Vulcan IiZ, 2A365/365, zA368/ 368, 2A359/.369 , zA3?3/ 3?3 , zA3?4/ 3?4, zA3? 5/ 37 5; zt\oof 4oo , aAWV/ t+04, -rd--zt\55l/ 55L, 2A552/ 5J2 Tornado GR1 's of TI/trCU, ZAfig/D, 2A592/G and ZA56I+/5 Tornado GR1 's of 9 Sqn. Visitor \{J?31,/BK Canberra 82 (Zjt OCU) o/ s, XK525- Buccaneer on the gate, XK53t Buccaneer - these two have swapped dutles. WD499 ilastlngs C2 on fir.e d.ump. Also present nggg/X and XTgOt/y Ft+ Cne's of 55 Sqa took off; Xv3O6 c-130c1 LTr,r. rakenheath t6/t,6o/2, LI3/j, tz6/U, 1.45/5,24L/6, zB5/?,30o/a,3og/9, ?5/to, 97/Lt, 99/12 all Mystere IVA's (Fyench AF), N951L, N962L cessna lJO's, N14r95 Cessna 1/2, N43061,I .%-28 plus various F-111F,s. And seen more recently on 4/tt/B3t- Linlon-on-ouse .fi.4461/LL, Yr$6/L5, xmUn/D, xy,gf zo, xw514/zt, xt,4?zfzz, xyk?f/24, ffi'iltr=T64L/t+2, xNsti/tta,-xvlf,:g/5tr,'itr*L/ ss J. r)rovosr r,3's anr xwzg)/eo,'xizgs/62 x',{363/68) xW473/69, Xdt+28/?0 J. Drovost T,J's all of 1 FTS. Leenins vlsttors were 68-0039/uH F-111E, xa5tt/ t l,Iessex HCz (?z sqn), xx475 Jetstream '12 ( 561 fiJ) which stayed al,l of four minutes" nesldents on the ramp U5Z9/tt Bullttos u (nunrts), xtr:453/c, xnyg/y, xy,j\?/t, xtl3f,/t, xttltgg/t, xtni4fi/p, xv6o5/r J. Provost T,l's and xr,!ilrz?/ 56, xN433/67, xli.ttaL/(fi, xv4|5/ 69 J. .r'rovoet T.J's all of 3 FTS, R,A"F" UNITS For the benefit of those members who at present ,have 1itt1e- or- no .,knowledge of Military Aviation in the U.l(., we are hqpfng to Create:m6re lnterest in this ' subject within our membership by publishing a'series of,.articles giving basic inforpatlon on the stnleture of our 'nilitary air arms. 'As a starb, this month we are listing cur:rent nAF Squadrons, wlth their Bases and types of - aj-rcraft : operated. Ind,ividual Squad.rons may be dealt with in more d.eta11 in future lssues of the ma6azine i.oo Colour schemes, I'larkififisr r' 'nepr"sentatlve serials/cod.es & l.-T<'sof Aircraftr- ,_. ..__._._:. _ : Sqdn. Alrcraft Sqdn, Aircraft t', itittering Hami-er , - t+3 ..1 Leuchars , , "F6ffin 2 taaiuru"f, wg 47 Llmeham 3 Gutersloh WG Harrier 4s Losslemouth fiap].er 4 Gutersloh WG Harrier 50 Sca^mpton Vulcan 5 plnbrook Lightning 5L Wyt,on Nimrod O Co1tishall Jaguar '54 Co1tishall', ja,guar 7 0d.1ham Chinook 55 Itarham Vlctor B Lossiemouth Shackleton 56 Wattisham Phantom 9 Honington Tor:rad.o 57 Marham Vlctor 10 Brize. Norton vc1 0 60 Wild.enrath WG Pembroke 11 tsinbrook Llghtning 63 Chivenor llawk tLZ Lossiemouth Br:ccaheer 6t+' Conningsby l?hantom 14 Bn6gen ttG Ja6uar 7A Lyneham Hercules 1,5 Iaarbruch IIG Tornad.o 72 Benson ltessex . WG ti5' La.arbruch Buceaneer 79 Brawd.y Hunte:r ,

1,? : ' 5r'u$gen Ja,guar , 84. Akrotiri Cyprus Wess.ex.'- 1B Gute.rsloh lilG i Chinook B5 West Raynharn Bloo'dhound. L9 Uind.enrath l,lc -i?hantom 9? !ili1d.enrath WG Phantom 20 Bruggen I'lG Ja6uar 100 trIyton Canberra 22 F.inningley 1{essex 101 Iglize Norton VC1O K2 23 :)ort Stanley Falkland.s "Phantom 111 Leuchars Phantom 24 Hercules tl 5 Brize FTorLon ABd.over 25 tlyt,on Bloodhound. 120 i(lnloss I'ilnrod.

27 I4arham '-' . Tornad.o L5t Chivenor Hawk 28 Sek Kong, Hong Kong lilessex 201 Kinloss ltlirnrod 29 Conningsby .Dhantom ' ' 202 Finningley Sea King 30 Lyneham Hercules 206 Kinloss lTirorod 3t Coltishall Jaguar 207 iVorLholt Devon : 32 Irortholt And.over 208 BuCcaneer

33 Odiham : 230 Gutersloh ialG Puma 37 St ,lviawgan Nlmrod 234 Brawd.y Hawk 4t ColtishaU Jaguar 360 Wyton Canberra ttz St .lviawgan Nlmrod. 61.7 Harham Toznad.o For crelr eonversiCIn between typgs of aircraft, OBeratlonal ,Converslon Units exist as foLlows o'- : .: ..,.. ,: 226 Lossiemouth Ja6uar 236 St,Mawgan Nimrod. 228 Coningsby Phantom lloni4gton Buccaneer 237 'odilram 237 Wyton Canberra al+a ':i ' Clilnook-Puma \r V}CtOf 2l+I ,. Bfize htorbon VC1O-And.over

?33 ,l{ittering Harrier 2+Z Lyneham: , Hercules



T i,l Sykes . Elam " , D. Ri ?ozzard J. Lloyd-ltarbin trI. fi. Jord.an I,.D. 'Gordon ' S.til. Rigg F,]G i, Clor-lgh ll, Plicklethwaite D, Senior