,. ffiffie %i €&ffim,WK ffiffiffi ffi ffi,ffi ffi; VSLIJME. 9lio, 11 ( rpn l?RrvATE crnculAtroiii our,r) Novu{BER I9B3 D l6nrj Trevor KLr€horirr t1,6 Stlrllng Cqescent, $ootland lane, Horsfbrth, Ieeds 18 IEA.LIUAS; - Co11n Hunter, Residence 3, Hieh Royd.s Hospital, Henston, I1k1ey. TRIPS 0RG4NISER r- Stephen Ri6g, 35 Bromley Mount, Sandal, Wa.kefleld. tngASUnER/imTSIzuA c- Joiu ltunt, 13 Sl!"verda1e Grange, Gulseley, Ieeds IS2O 8PX SECREIARY I - Chrls hlarn, 1 SDrlngfielcl C6urL, Kelghley BD20 5JP. 11, !:icklethwaTte, !5 LesLle Avenue, Yeadon, Leetts IS19 nlH. Te1. na$don 50?60_4 J. Cloggh, 29 lloorslde Cd.rdens, Eccleshl11, tuadford 3D2 3RE. Tel. hadfod 539197 FORI HCO}{ING }4ET]I iliIGS Iieetings to be he1d. at the Yorkshire Aeroplane Club, Leed.s/Brad.ford. (Yeadon) r'iinporb, by the eourtesy of. the Direetors, commencing at 1,4,30 hrs, D:IICE]}.IBER 4th 3 Uncle Christopher's Bumper itiever to be Forgotten Christmas Quiz. o83o' JATIUARY Bt,h 3 " Brazil - Slide show and. commentary by Chris Warn. Certainly not to be missedS i g ' FEBRUARY 5th ! Annual Becognition Contest o MARCH llth ! And.y llarker will be showing a seleetion of slid.es of Airllners & Blz-jets taken over the years a+. Leeds/Brad.ford., plus a similar selection taken in sunny Callfornia. ED]TORIAI At a Group Cbmrnlttee neeting on 2l+lh.November, Chris Warn reluctantly announced. that he would have to r.esign as Secretary at the end. of this year, dire to hls having to nove to the I'lanchester al€a 1n the Sprlng ot 1984. Chris' enthusiasm and hls interest in Air Yorkshire will be sadly mtrssed, but we obvlously wlsh hlm every future success ln the frirtfrerance of hJ-s car€er. No doubt he will occasionally grace our tneetlngs as a Guest Speaker, and we d.o belleve he has sonethlllg exotic lined up for us nerL year sonetine - aE herq off on hls tra,vels a6ain! ! However, thls now Leaves the Group without a Secretary, and. therefore - we ask any menber'tho rnay be lnteresteal in helpittg wlth the runnlr€ of the Gf,oup and oganislng neetlngs ete., to contact any nenber of the Cornrnl-tte<i as soon as posslble. Don't folget re are aLso neeclilg a P.8.09 (Tenporerl1y, Steve Rigg has volunteeted to co- ord.inate }ionthly lJieetlngs and la;rt Iv)orton is to take ninutes of meetlngs. ) You will see above, that we now have two young sub-edltors for the }ll1ltary sectlon. They are very keen to expanal this sectlon, so please. back them up by sending in details of your sightings, show reports etc. Wil1 all contrtbutors note that all infomation is to be ln my poasesslon by ll}th of the nonth letest, so that i.t nay be lncluded in that. particular nonth's lssue of the naeazine. The Annual Photoeranhic Competition is with us a6ain, two categories - prints or @, an.i remernber rhe phoros musr have been taJ<en 1n 1!81, . Ertries can be handecl in to any conrnittee members, or at the latest, at the Janua,rry. peoting. fiesults will be given at the FebrualX, rneeting ! so that gives you plenty of tlrne to sort out those "rea1ly good" ones. Sglqgriptlons If you have not renewed. your me:nbership, wi1l you ?lease do so as soon as possible - promp-L renewal will be much ap?reciatetl by the ReglstLar. And. final1y, a very l{eruXr Chrl,stmas from the Committee to aL1 our nemberas. LEE'DS/ER},DF0RD M0VEME}IIS -, gctop_gr 1gB" L uZ53c Gulfstream 3 L03g L05z 00-EU'i Cessna lBz tlw t 552 G-HELY Agusta A,109A 1250 t 5Lg G-OAKL King Alr 200 t3L3 1401 EI-BDP Cessna tt.,z 1350 G-A0YP Viscount t6og 164g G-liELY Agusta A.10gA 7633 1656 G-BADP Boeing 737 L754 2000 2 G-AA{V Cond.or 0902 G-R00K Cessna 772 1AZt G-BJCU Boelng Z3Z 1220 1,3L4 G-BJZK Cessna 303 n/ s L23t+ 152?(5) G-BAXY Cessna L?Z n/ s 1254 1526(1,3) G-AZW Cherokee L3og 1448 G-AyFp Jod.el D.1ltO n/s 7323 G-BATll Cherokee L32t G-AZFI. Arrow 1347 1355 G-mlW Boeing 737 t35I L 532 'G-BJI{R Cessna 3tO 1356 G-&IXL Boeing ?3? 7t+27 L 552 G-AZBC T. iomanehe 1,431, t877 G-SALL Cessna L 5A 1lr/lo L 530 N263C Gulfstream 3 ilna 1,522 F-B?PY Cessna 4t4A n/s t?30 tL22(t+) 3 G-BIED King Air 0Bt2 0820 G-OSLA Boeirlg 73? 0817 0936 lfl5AIit -;G-ttation 1004 to 53 G-JGCL Cessna ULI+A {Ltg 1128 G-BIED KinS Air LLLW 1653 G-BBDU }Iavaj o 1,243 1815 N15AW Citatlon 15ta 7854 G-BH}{A Band.eirante l'51+B L60b G:,DODD Cessna LZZ t 552 1743 G-0SI-,A Boeing 73? 7705 1805 :'citation ' k'lG- Bclst: oB2B 0go8 G-CSIVA Cessna 421,C agt6 1232 18013 u-21A L2t6 1242 G-BAZG Boelng 737 L245 L+17 G-BFZH Amow L4L5 L63t G-OSLA Boeing 737 7 y.? 1634 G-BFGH Cessna 337 t 559 G-BHHA Bandelrante L6LIB 1?O? G-BG:lr'K AA-58 1709 t747 G-BCIO{ Cltati-on L7I7 t733 G-BID(Z Areher 1734 1815 G-Bifi{Y Cessna 1J2 Vt 2010 5 G-BBEB Arrow 0810 agr6 G-AZGB AzLec 0827 t 525 G-AXIJX Travel Air n/s 1t 01 G-BlfiR Jetranger 11.26 t24B XM296 Heron t20t+ 1,LW G-lliAtA, Archer t20L 1,252 G-AVXX Cessna L7Z L247 1649 G-BJFH Boeing 737 L30g L4L7 G-BGPK AA-58 TtlW L 5IA 6 C-nroli lTavajo 08,56 0932 G-BKJtl Aztee L024 t 6sl G-BIO(I Cessna 303 1019 .|)H-GRY F'okker S.11 n/,s L027 1 wsQ) IH-HOK Fokker S.11 n/s Lo?z ro35Q) PH-HOL Fokker S"11 1027 pl{-ACG n/s tw5Q) Fokker S. t1 n/ s L027 rc)5Q) IH-HOG Fokker S.11 n/s 702? 1 w50) G-BJIR Citation 1205 1322 SE-IAC )Iavajo n/ s 7229 1 403( B ) G-BBEB Arrow 1,252 t341- G-EFVB Boeing 737 1356 1 515 G-ASliY Apache rt+t 5 t445 G-IKIS Cessna ?.L0 L43? 1 729, ' , g-'p1qH '33? ,n/, Cessna 1439 G-SALL Cessna L 50 t451, L 531 D-IAEC Cltation 1,61,2 1700 7 G-BCR? Aztec 0922 1.52L G-LONG Long Ranger Agtto t02tu G-/iVXX Cessna LZZ 7?48 1420 G-BFVA Boeing 737 tT5 1502 G-BFFE Cessna 1J2 1629 17OO G-BF0N Navajo tTLt t7 G-BKIJ 57 Cessna 404 tztw tB2L G-VAUN Cessna 3l+0 1Bl& 2008 G-AZOD Aztec n/ s L90? 0813(10) G-ORMC Klrg Air 200 n/ s L9 55 08lr,6( 8) 8 x2553 Lynx 'o\z,? oe5g G-.llOLO Chieftain 1001 rt22 D-ICVW Cessna VZ|C 1440 L 550 G-BKHF Boeing 737 1506 t61o l?Ii-TVP Boeing Z3Z L 5ag L6L4 G-APEX Viscount 160L L556 EI-BII]V Aztec t64g G-BKSA Cessna 425 N/T L730 G-BAZG Boeing Z3Z 1805 2010 G-P0L0 Chieftain 1953 2026 9 l,lo itovements, 10 G-BAZG Boeing ?3? 07 59 1,8L3 F-GBLU King Alr nf s 09 55 oB35(11 ) G-BSFL Aztec 09 57 1041 G-ROOK Cessna L?2 n/ s 1 038 1.220(LL) G-BAVC Cessna 150 1,146 1"?zL G-BFVB Boeing 737 14t2 L 528 G-BSFL Azlee nf s 1B1o oTr 6(11 ) G-H(PU H ,72J nf s 22t+tr L33B(LT) r,upjllsnApqonp_ MovmtEtq$ ( _cg$,.d. ) tl G-BGXK Cessna 310 0911 og45 G-BJDE Cessna 172 L$W Lt4ttz N&25PJ cessna &2J 1,306 1653 G-BAJR Cherokee Lfl? t8o2 G-BIZK Cessna 303 L stB L 545 G-BICU Boelng 737 L5tt8 L6t+2 12 G-BlmR Jetranger 0918 t}t+9 eFBBIc Cessna L?2 t{ s LLt? 1628(Ltr) G-BA)(N Seneca ry's t223 !?29$il c-B.IxL Boelng ?3? L*3 ttltt6 G-BAIX Azt ec rd s LBt+g 0826(13) c-cPPc Aztec L855 L9L9 13 G-BGXK Cessna 310 1031 LZtn G-AYAC Arrow 1101 1606 G-JGCL Cessna 41&A LL2o t13L G-BIWP Mooney M.20 L32g L8?2 G-BIZK Cessna 303 L353 L5L5 G-BFUB Boelng 73? 1356 1f,0 N62;+3N cessna 182 L 5Lt 5 L730 C-CPPC Aztee 15j,: r$a G-tsATX Ar,5ec 1804 t836 1ll G-BKFB Ecureull 0830 1o1g G-SA30 Azlec 09tll LZM G-I{ICK Parbenavla P. 688 L1.L7 It+52 G-ATfGA Comanche T33L G-OSLA Boeing 737 L35L L5o5 G-EMCA Klng AIr 200 L6fi L?25 t5 G-BF0N Navajo 0813 0835 Nll55SC Cessna lt41 LLO5 G-BKI{E Boelng 737 L450 L55L e,-Bf0N Narrajo ry's r8o5 0B1I+(1?) G-AOW Vlscount ?? G-BAZG Boelng 737 ?? 16 G-LI]{N Iance Lt+56 r 5t$. 17 G-BGYJ Boeirrg W 0841 0933 C=BffiV Cessna J10 1001 1020 G-BIZZ Cjrtatlon n/ s L3t? o728(r8) EI-ANF BAC T-T1 L320 t35o G-3GYJ Boeing 737 L?T 1831 G-BFON Navajo L9L3 Lg58 18 SE-DEV Cltatlon 07 50 Lt+53 G-JLCO Twln Sgrrlmel 0930 LW G-HtlBB P. artenavla P.6BB toao 1,341, C,-BBGTI AzLec 1.03t+ LO55 G-BECH Boelng 737 1247 t357 G-BIBI Cessna lltllA 1254 L330 G-BTZZ Citation n/s 131"4 o?35o9) G-JGCL Cessna l[l]A 1323 LnA G-IGYJ Bceing 737 Lfri+ L626 C'-JLC0 Twln Squlmel ISze I5t+3 G-BKGD luestland.
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