Theological Studies, Inc
Theological C 4- ι Ι /H ¡ O C SEPTEMBER 1983 «3 I U vJ I \Z D VOL 44, NO. 3 Published by Theological Studies, Inc. for the Theological Faculties of the Society of Jesus in the United States TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLES Developments, Reforms, and Two Great Reformations: Towards a Historical Assessment of Vatican II John W. O'MaUey, S.J. 373 Leise Treten: An Irenic Ecumenical Hermeneutic Robert Kress 407 Divine Reverence for Us: God's Being Present, Cherishing, and Persuading John R. Stacer, S.J. 438 CURRENT THEOLOGY Arius and the Arians Charles Kannengiesser, S.J. 456 NOTES The Mandate To Teach Theological Disciplines: On Canon 812 of the New Code Ladislas Orsy, S.J. 476 The Teleology of Proportionate Reason John R. Connery, S.J. 489 BOOK REVIEWS DRAZIN, I.: Targum Onkelos to Deuteronomy 497 PETERSON, D.: Hebrews and Perfection 498 MEEKS, W.: The First Urban Christians 499 HILL, W. J.: The Three-Personed God 501 BRUNE, F.: Pour que l'homme devienne Dieu 502 VAN Roo, W. Α., S.J.: Basics of a Roman Catholic Theology 504 WALLACE-HADRILL, D. S.: Christian Antioch 505 PLACES, E. DES: Eusèbe de Cesaree commentateur 507 CHASTEL, Α.: The Sack of Rome, 1527 508 PESCH, Ο. H.: Hinfuhrung zu Luther 509 GOGAN, B.: The Common Corps of Christendom 511 BARTH, Κ.: The Theology of Schleiermacher 512 HORST, IL: Unfehlbarkeit und Geschichte 513 Papal Infallibility (ed. T. J. Tekippe) 515 SUTTON, M.: Nationalism, Positivism and Catholicism 516 O'CONNELL, R. J., S.J.: Teilhard's Vision of the Past 518 MINNERATH, R.: Le droit de l'église à la liberté 520 TALLÓN, Α.: Personal Becoming 522 DUSSEL, E.: A History of the Church in Latin America 523 BROWN, J.
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