Voter Education Project |L\Rr, Secured for North Carolina Durham Man Is Named To
Watts HillPredicts New Era Negro Colleges In NCC Address '*\u25a0 A. L "? " (i 'S TrMflr"- . Voter Education Project |L\Rr, Secured For North Carolina Durham Man Is Named to \u25a0 <3? </* Director Post ?3it Carpila The formation of a North administrators and of trustees, Watts Hill Jr., Carolina Voter Education Pro- COMMENCEMENT PROCES- cession of VOLUME 44 No. 21 DURHAM. N. C. SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1967 PRICE: 20c SION?Dr. Charles W. Orr, left, trustees to the college's gym- \u25a0 speaker and chairman of the ject, with John Edwards of an- marshal at North Carolina Col- nasium. Among those shown State Board of Higher Educa- Durham as director, was lege's 56th annual commence- are, in foreground. Dr. Bascom tion, and William Jones, col- nounced here this week. ment Sunday, leads the pro- I Baynes, chairman of the board I! lege vice president. The NCVEP has received a one-ear operating grant from 13 Homes Of Burned Project Negroes the Voter Education of the Southern Regional Council. Higher Education Head Atlanta, Georgia, with which N. C. begin to its work. The NCVEP will be a state- In Haywood County, Tenn. wide organization with pre- Sees End Unequal Education cinct, county and congressional Says Gap of Negro district representation. It is similar to the South Carolina No Protection And White Colleges Voter Education Project, which Mrs. I. Stephens Owens to Get has operated successfully for Will Closed several years. Be non-partisan organiza- From Police The Watts Hill, Jr., chairman of tion will have three major mis- the North Carolina State Board Ph.D.
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