Object Oriented Programming in Java Introduction Object Oriented Programming in Java Introduction to Computer Science II I Java is Object-Oriented I Not pure object oriented Christopher M. Bourke I Differs from other languages in how it achieves and implements OOP
[email protected] functionality I OOP style programming requires practice Objects in Java Objects in Java Java is a class-based OOP language Definition Contrast with proto-type based OOP languages A class is a construct that is used as a blueprint to create instances of I Example: JavaScript itself. I No classes, only instances (of objects) I Constructed from nothing (ex-nihilo) I Objects are concepts; classes are Java’s realization of that concept I Inheritance through cloning of original prototype object I Classes are a definition of all objects of a specific type (instances) I Interface is build-able, mutable at runtime I Classes provide an explicit blueprint of its members and their visibility I Instances of a class must be explicitly created Objects in Java Objects in JavaI Paradigm: Singly-Rooted Hierarchy Object methods 1 //ignore: 2 protected Object clone(); 3 protected void finalize(); I All classes are subclasses of Object 4 Class<? extends Object> getClass(); 5 I Object is a java object, not an OOP object 6 //multithreaded applications: I Makes garbage collection easier 7 public void notify(); 8 public void notifyAll(); I All instances have a type and that type can be determined 9 public void wait(); I Provides a common, universal minimum interface for objects 10 public