The New Zealand Gazette

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The New Zealand Gazette 3474 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 64,162 Bain, James, Farmer, Waipahi, South Otago. 64238 Gunn, W., Labourer, Toiro. 64163 Baker, John Henery, Trucker, Don Cafe, Manchester St, fl42H9 Hardy, William Henry, Trucker, care of Mrs .•1. Hay, Christchurch. Neodle St, Kaitangata. 64164 Barclay, Bertie Wilfred, Coachbuildol', care of .T. (1richton, 64240 Hassett, David, Farm Labourer, Moneymore. Balclutha. 64241 Hathaway, Arthur, Labourer, Railway Hotel, Mosgie!. *64165 Barclay, William Waddell, Shepherd, Dunrobin. 64242 Haugh, Matthow, Farm Lab"urer, Dunrobin, Tuapeka. 64166 Barrett, John Thomas, Flax-miller, Beaumont, Dunedin. 64243 Haugh, William, Farmer, Crookston, Otago. 64167 Bateman, John Edwards, Cleaner, 418 Anderson's Bay Rd, 64254 Hay, John Henry, Cleanor, Needle St, Kaitangata. Dunedin. 64244 Heath, Oharles Arthur, Farmer, Moa Flat. 64168 Bates, Samuel Perry, Sawmill Worker, Balclutha. *64245 Houston, William, Y1iner, Roxburgh, Tuapeka. 64169 Beccard, Charles Jack, Farm Labourer, care of .T. Km'r, *64246 Hunter, Albert Newman, Winchman, Kaitangata. Waipahi. 64248 Ireland, D.1vid, Sheep-farmer, Rongahere. 64170 Bennie, Boyd, Miner, Exmouth St, Kaitangata. *64249 Isteed, Alfred ]<'ahey, Farm Hand, Tapanui. 64171 Bennie, DJ.Vid, Miner, Eddystone St, Kaitangata. 64250 Jackson, Tom, Lahourer, Tapanui. 64172 Bichan, Frank A., Labourer, Balclutha_ 64251 Johnson, Robert, Baker's Assistant, Lawrence. 64173 Blacklock, Walter Lorraine, Shepherd, Teviot Station, 64253 .Iohnstone, D"vid Edward, Blacksmith, Beaumont. Miller's Flat. 64255 Kear, Frederick James, Farm Labourer, Hillend, Bruce. 64174 Bloomer, D .. niel, Blacksmith's Assistant, Dunollie Hotel, *64256 Kennellv, William P., Mill Hand, care of A. Wells, Milton. D 1 .ollie. 64257 Kenny, 'John, Paratai, near Kaitangata. 64175 Bolton, Michael Thomas, Miner, Waipori. 64258 Kermode, George Edward Charles, l{ailway Guard, Edievale. 64176 Booth, Frederick James, Cook, Irvine St, Lawrence. 64259 Keys, William .John, Farm Labourer, Toiro. 64177 Bowles, William Henry Albert, Cheesemaker, Tahakopa. 64260 Kilgariff, William, Milton. 64178 Briddock, Isaac Thompson, Salvation Army Officor, No!"sc' 64261 King, Arthur Vornon, Farmer, Ulydevale, Cluth". wood. 64262 King, Leonard George, Jockey, Wingatui, Taieri. 64179 Brock, James Oswald, Shepherd, Merino Downs. 64263 Kirk, William, Farmer, Greenbank, Kelso, Otago. 64180 Brown, D.wid, Ploughman, Crookston. *64264 Latta, Hobcrt Sidney, Temuka. 64181 Buchanan, Victor Reginald, Labourer, Beaumont, Otago. 64265 Laverty, Ezekiel, ]<'armer, Taieri lleach. 64182 Bungard, Andrew, Ploughman, Taieri Beach, Bruco. *fI4l9l Lawson, Christ an, Labou'("I", MiL< n. 64183 Burke, Tobias, Mill Hand, Chaucer St, Milton. 64266 Le Fevre, John Marston, Clerk, Stirling, Otago. *64184 Cairns, Frank George, Baker's Vanman, care of Mrs. Uairns, 64267 Lilburno, David '.rhomas, Horse·trainer, Tokoiti, Milton. 411 Cumberland St, Dunedin. *64~!l8 Lowerv, L'hatles .James '.l'. A., Foreman Juiner, Edward St, 64185 Caley, Robert Victor, Farm Labourer, Purokireki, Clutha. ~iiiton. 64186 Callanan, Patrick Joseph, Farm Hand, Manuka Creek, Bruco. fi4270 LyIlJI, .John Petrie, Build("r, Balclutha. 64187 Carruthers, Andrew, Dairy-farm Manager, River Bank, *1>4271 McArthur, Arcilibald, Farmer, Clinton. Balclutha. *64272 McRido, Alexander William, Musterer, Munison'., via DUll· 64188 Carson, Robert, Farm Labourer, Kaitangata. back. *64189 Cartwright, Robert Hen ,ry, Miner, Waronui, Milton. 64273 l\lcUallum, John, Farm Labourer, Waipahi. 64190 Casserly, Patrick Joseph, Labourer, Tokoiti, Milton. 64274 McCaw, George, Farm Labonrer, care of T. l\lolTisoll, Puke­ *64192 Christie, W. Cheyne, Ail.. nt<m. rau, Southland. 64193 Clarke, Robert, Farmer, Lovell's J<'lat. !l427.j McCurmick, COil, Labourer, 790 Colombo :';t, Uhristchurch. 64194 Cocks, Ernest, Ploughman, Lovell's Flat, Bruce. *64276 McGaw, Hugh .John, Farmer, Clinton. *64195 Colby, William, Labourer, Lawrence. *04278 M.cUill, John. Rabbiter. Bttrick. 64196 Connor, James, Ploughman, care of Burnett alld HiLbs, *64277 McGrath, ."James, Miuer, Club Hotel, Kaitangata, Bruce. Glenore. 04279 McIntyre, Hugb Young, Farm Assistant, The Point 1!'arm, *64197 Cooke, Ronald Douglas, Clerk, Kaitangata. Kelso. 'l'uapeka. *64198 Costello, John, Farm Hand, care of A. Cordner, Sh"rman St, 64280 ~icKay, Andrew Emest Davidson, Farmer, Park Hill. Waimate. 642111 l\:lackinnon, Roderick, Uoal·miner, Kaitangata. 64199 Conlter, Samuel Paterson, Storekeeper, Kaitangata. 64282 l\lcLaren, Gordon Peter, Farm Hand, care of Post-office, *64200 Cound, Alfred William, Farm Teamster, care of W. Spencer, Owaka. Edievale, Otago. G428:l McLeod, Hugh, Uarrenter, Tapanui. 64201 Cowie, Robert, Farmer, Berwick, Bruce. 64284 MeMaEter, Cieorge, Farm Labour"r, Owaka. 64202 Cox, Robert Lowe, Farmer, Baumont Rd, Lawrence. 64285 MeNah, David, Gardener, Ylilburn, Bruce. 64203 Cranley, Philip John, Farmer, \Ve.ltherstone. 64286 McNeil, John, Farm LalJourcr, Mogola Estate, Heriot. 64204 Crawford, George, Farmer, Conical Hill, Waikoikoi. 64287 McNoe, Samuel, Farmer, Milton. 64205 Crossan, Colin Garnett, Farm Labourer, Roxburgh Bast. 64288 l\le.l:'hersoll, .James, Sheep-famler, Balcrogie, Hillend. 64206 Curphey, Wilfred, Dredgemaster, Miller's Flat, Otago. 6i:!1l9 McRae, Farquhar, Ploughman, Hawea .Flat, Vincent. 64207 Curtin, Edward Joseph, Labourer, Waitahuna. 61290 McTainsh, Albert EJ w"rd, Engine.driver, Tautuku, Catlin'", *64208 D .. hren, Herbert, Miner, Kaitangata. Clutha. *64209 D~hren, John, Miner, Nightcaps. 64291 Magon, Karl, 1!'arm Labourer, Romahapa. 64210 D.1vidson, George Renwick, Farm Laboure!', Waitahuna 64292 Main, Alex. Pearson, Fam",r, Hartsiue, Milton. West. 64294 Marshall, David, Dairy·farmer, Otanomomo, Port Molyneux. 64211 D.1vis, Arthur J., Labourer, care of J. Garden, Waiwora 64295 Martin, James William, Bushman, care of Post· office. South, Clutha. Kahuika. 64212 Dalon, Edward Richard, Farmer, Heriot. 642tl6 ;\lason, Peter, Fanner, Katea. 64213 Donaldson, Andrew, Shepherd, Roxburgh. 642\17 l\Ipalley, Patliek, Fanner, Rongahere. 642H D.)llnelly, Arthur, Miner, Roxburgh Ea;st. 6429!) Mitchell, Alan Edgar. Farmer, Clydevale, Otago. 64215 D:ummond, John Edward, Coal·miner, Pomahaka. *(ii:{OO Moil' ..John Patel""n, Fal'mer, Hillend, Balelutha. *64216 Dryden, Wtlliam Joseph, jun., Sawmill Hand, Owaka, Clutha. 04293 :\Ioloney., Contractor, 143 Daniel St, Wellington S. 64218 D~nlop, George Adam, Blacksmith, Ulydevale, Otago. 64301 .\lOO1·C, Donald, Farm Le,bourer, Pukepito, Bruce. 64219 Danlop, James, Farm-manager, Chaslands, Clutha. 64302 .\lorgan, Daniel Welsh, School· teacher, Papato"ai, Catlin's. 64220 Dusting, Alfred Henry, Policeman, 8 Rose St, Eden Terrace, *64:10:1 .\Iorrison, Archibald, Fanner, Lakeside, Kaitanrata. Auckland. 64306 }lyers, Isaac Itsey, Trucker, care of M. Myers, Kaitangata. 64221 Dyer, Edward, Conductor, 270 Main Rd, North·east Valley, 64307 Nicol, Walter Donald, Fal"m Lahomer, care of Mr. T. H. Dunedin. Edward, Tapanui. 64222 Edwards, Stanley Bell, Farm-manager, Waiwera South. 64301l Noble, John, Shepherd, Akatere, Bruce. 64223 Elliott, Thomas Wilson, Chauffeur, linion St, Milton, Otago. 64309 Nohelty, John, Labourer, cale vi McCann's Hotel, Tapanui. 64224 Fahey, Sidney Victor, Clerk, George St, Milton. 64:110 O'Connor, John ~ehael, FMmer, Moa Flat: 64225 Ferguson, Robert Herbert John, Farm Labourer, "Whiri. 64311 O'Connor, Patrick, Contractor, Adams Flat, GlenOJ'c. naki," Hokianga. 64313 Officer, J03n Allison, Farm Labourer, care of J. I. Hazlett, 64226 Foley, Thomas Irvine, Farm Labourer, care of Mr. H. E. Hillend, Bruce. Steele, Wairuna, Clinton. 64312 O'Hanlon, Patrick, Labourer, WaTepa, Otago. 64227 Ford, Samuel, Telegraph Employee, Owaka, Clutha. 64314 Oshorne, William John, ]<'armer, Sunny Slope, Owaka. 64228 Garabaldi, Harry, Carter, Balclutha. 64315 Park, John Shearer, Pipemaker, 34 Birkett St, Temuka. 64229 Garven, Robert, Trucker, Kaitangata. *64316 Parker, James, TlUcker, :Bridport St, Kaitangata. 64230 Gavin, Dellis, care of Mrs. A. Alexander, Kaitangata. *64317 PatterRDn, John, Labourer, Dipton, Southland County. 64231 Gilliand, Charles David, Engine.driver, Miller's Flat. 64318 Percy, Alexander Taylor, Gold·miner, Blue Spur, Lawrence. 64233 Glass, Thomas, Farmer, Ratanui, Catlin's River. 64319 Proctor, William. Miner, Christchurch St, Kaitangata. 64234 Glen, Alfred John, Farmer, Pukepito, via Balclutha. 64:120 Purvis, Thomas, IIIiner, Kaitangata. 64235 Going, Thomas, General Labourer, Tautuku. 64323 Redditt, James, Labourer, Tapanui. 64236 Graham, Archibald Moore, Farmer, Miller's Flat. 64324 Rcid, George Victor, Farm Labourer, care of D. McLaren, 64237 Grundy, James George, Stud-horse Owner, Forsyth. Caversham, Dunedin. .
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    Date Printed: 04/22/2009 JTS Box Number: 1FES 67 Tab Number: 123 Document Title: Your Guide to Voting in the 1996 General Election Document Date: 1996 Document Country: New Zealand Document Language: English 1FES 10: CE01221 E II~I6 866 ~II~II~II C - -- ~,~,- - --:- -- - 11 I E14c I· --- ---~--.~~ ~ ---~~ -- ~-~~~ = 'I 1 : l!lG,IJfi~;m~ I 1 I II I 'DURGUIDE : . !I TOVOTING ! "'I IN l'HE 1998 .. i1, , i II 1 GENERAl, - iI - !! ... ... '. ..' I: IElJIECTlON II I i i ! !: !I 11 II !i Authorised by the Chief Electoral Officer, Ministry of Justice, Wellington 1 ,, __ ~ __ -=-==_.=_~~~~ --=----==-=-_ Ji Know your Electorate and General Electoral Districts , North Island • • Hamilton East Hamilton West -----\i}::::::::::!c.4J Taranaki-King Country No,", Every tffort Iws b«n mude co etlSull' tilt' accuracy of pr'rty iiI{ C<llldidate., (pases 10-13) alld rlec/oralt' pollillg piau locations (past's 14-38). CarloJmpllr by Tt'rmlilJk NZ Ltd. Crown Copyr(~"t Reserved. 2 Polling booths are open from gam your nearest Polling Place ~Okernu Maori Electoral Districts ~ lil1qpCli1~~ Ilfhtg II! ili em g} !i'1l!:[jDCli1&:!m1Ib ~ lDIID~ nfhliuli ili im {) 6m !.I:l:qjxDJGmll~ ~(kD~ Te Tai Tonga Gl (Indudes South Island. Gl IIlllx!I:i!I (kD ~ Chatham Islands and Stewart Island) G\ 1D!m'llD~- ill Il".ilmlIllltJu:t!ml amOOvm!m~ Q) .mm:ro 00iTIP West Coast lID ~!Ytn:l -Tasman Kaikoura 00 ~~',!!61'1 W 1\<t!funn General Electoral Districts -----------IEl fl!rIJlmmD South Island l1:ilwWj'@ Dunedin m No,," &FJ 'lb'iJrfl'llil:rtlJD __ Clutha-Southland ------- ---~--- to 7pm on Saturday-12 October 1996 3 ELECTl~NS Everything you need to know to _.""iii·lli,n_iU"· , This guide to voting contains everything For more information you need to know about how to have your call tollfree on say on polling day.
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