The New Zealand Gazette
3474 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 64,162 Bain, James, Farmer, Waipahi, South Otago. 64238 Gunn, W., Labourer, Toiro. 64163 Baker, John Henery, Trucker, Don Cafe, Manchester St, fl42H9 Hardy, William Henry, Trucker, care of Mrs .•1. Hay, Christchurch. Neodle St, Kaitangata. 64164 Barclay, Bertie Wilfred, Coachbuildol', care of .T. (1richton, 64240 Hassett, David, Farm Labourer, Moneymore. Balclutha. 64241 Hathaway, Arthur, Labourer, Railway Hotel, Mosgie!. *64165 Barclay, William Waddell, Shepherd, Dunrobin. 64242 Haugh, Matthow, Farm Lab"urer, Dunrobin, Tuapeka. 64166 Barrett, John Thomas, Flax-miller, Beaumont, Dunedin. 64243 Haugh, William, Farmer, Crookston, Otago. 64167 Bateman, John Edwards, Cleaner, 418 Anderson's Bay Rd, 64254 Hay, John Henry, Cleanor, Needle St, Kaitangata. Dunedin. 64244 Heath, Oharles Arthur, Farmer, Moa Flat. 64168 Bates, Samuel Perry, Sawmill Worker, Balclutha. *64245 Houston, William, Y1iner, Roxburgh, Tuapeka. 64169 Beccard, Charles Jack, Farm Labourer, care of .T. Km'r, *64246 Hunter, Albert Newman, Winchman, Kaitangata. Waipahi. 64248 Ireland, D.1vid, Sheep-farmer, Rongahere. 64170 Bennie, Boyd, Miner, Exmouth St, Kaitangata. *64249 Isteed, Alfred ]<'ahey, Farm Hand, Tapanui. 64171 Bennie, DJ.Vid, Miner, Eddystone St, Kaitangata. 64250 Jackson, Tom, Lahourer, Tapanui. 64172 Bichan, Frank A., Labourer, Balclutha_ 64251 Johnson, Robert, Baker's Assistant, Lawrence. 64173 Blacklock, Walter Lorraine, Shepherd, Teviot Station, 64253 .Iohnstone, D"vid Edward, Blacksmith, Beaumont. Miller's Flat. 64255 Kear, Frederick James, Farm Labourer, Hillend, Bruce. 64174 Bloomer, D .. niel, Blacksmith's Assistant, Dunollie Hotel, *64256 Kennellv, William P., Mill Hand, care of A. Wells, Milton. D 1 .ollie. 64257 Kenny, 'John, Paratai, near Kaitangata. 64175 Bolton, Michael Thomas, Miner, Waipori. 64258 Kermode, George Edward Charles, l{ailway Guard, Edievale.
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