Newsletter January—February 2020 edition 68 10th Market Day Success Congratulations to organiser Pauline Simpson for another great Market Day on Saturday 11th Good weather, nearly 60 stalls and hundreds of locals and visitors made for a great atmosphere.

Some local participants…...

Marilyn Dunn and Pauline

Oriel Wilson and Esther White

Rona Williams and granddaughter Mykaelah, admire Esther’s stunning pottery.

KP Community Group sausage sizzle. At back: Oscar Dunn, Ken Stephens. Front: Greg and Wilma Jacqui White and her Ryan and Carolynne Stephens popular coffee cart This edition generously sponsored by Lisa and Chris of The Point Café and Bar 1 Market Day….

Sara Sutherland, of World Travellers, a regular supporter of this KP Newsletter

Bruce McLachlan and his pony cart with Gina Gardner, Piper Povey (on Mum’s knee), Quinn Povey and Willow Beatie

Henare, The Velvet Voice

Merchant, was a big hit

Raising funds for the KP Hall by serving delicious morning tea, are Rosa McPherson, Kelly Gregory, Jocelyn Blakely and Katie Button. who makes the genuine clotted cream. Below—Jossy Blakely brewing yet another cuppa

A great setting for Tony, who travels the country with his partner in their house bus, following the markets with his home made items some created using old totara gates and posts.


An Open Day afternoon on Sunday 1st March @ 2pm – 4pm at the KP Fire Brigade - all the family are welcome, with fire truck rides as part of the event!

The Kaka Point fire brigade are calling for new volunteers to join their small team of seven!

All our volunteers are busy working people with families of their own and have been part of this amazing crew for some time now, so new volunteers are needed to sustain and support this great resource we have in our very own Community!

When the siren goes in an emergency and with only 7 volunteers to call on, sometimes they go to a call out with a minimum of 2 (which is not ideal), as this is all who are available at that time. Ideally, it would be great to get a total of around 14 in the team, which would really help and support numbers and give an opportunity for more to attend emergency call outs at any given time.

The KP Fire brigade are having an open day afternoon to give an opportunity for you to come along and have a look around and see what is involved so you can make an informed decision before becoming a volunteer Fire Fighter.

The current crew (along with some of their partners and children) will be at the open day afternoon to answer any queries you may have, including what is involved being a Fire Fighter volunteer and the time involved - whether it be from a 'Fire Fighter' perspective or from a ‘Fire Fighters partner's ’ perspective, as there is a important contribution from both which makes this such a great team to be part of!

For more information on the event or if you are interested in supporting your community in becoming a volunteer Fire Fighter, please contact:

Lisa Biginato Ph 4128777 [email protected]


Glen MacPherson Ph 4128203, 0273066648 [email protected]

3 Kaka Point Bowling Waitangi Day Tournament

We would really like to see as many locals and holiday makers as possible join us for a fun afternoon, where bowls experience is not important and anyone who has played may bring a non-bowler or two.

It will be 3-bowl triples, starting at 1 pm. Flat soled shoes are essential, and whites are not required.

Please be there by 12.30 with teams or if you don’t have a team we will organise one.

The day will conclude with the presentation of a specially made trophy, which will be revealed on the day, followed by a barbeque. Bowling Club members, please bring a salad.

Any enquiries to Bowling Club members Photo Pam Hannah

A Peter & Plate night

At the Kaka Point Hall. Dance to 70 and 80’s music.

So keep 15 Feb 2020 free.

7.30 Start. $10.00 double. $.5.00 single. Tickets from Bronwyn Bichan 027480753 Derek Paterson 027295164

Miro and Tarata Steet Bush Walkway

Gerry reports that Saturday 18th January saw quite a few locals start work on the track. It is swiftly becom- ing walkable over a few sections—branches have been cleared, a culvert placed and weeds removed. A further working bee happened January 25th.

Next working bee is Saturday 1st Feb at 1pm.

For further details contact Gerry Essenberg Phone 027 224 6597

[email protected] KP Community Group Next meeting is

19th February 7.30pm

Bowling Club rooms. All welcome.


Kaka Point Surf Life Saving Club and Johnstone Electrical welcomes you to our 11th annual Bridge to Beach event. The Bridge to Beach has a range of race options including running, biking and walking sections and is achievable for

Kaka Point Craft

Has started meeting again for 2020. Tuesdays 10—12 at Lyla Jones’ place 9 Wood Street.

Bring whatever craft you are doing and enjoy a chat and a cuppa

If you don’t feel like doing anything yourself, just come and enjoy the com- pany.

Does anyone have small glass sauce bottles, like mint or chilli or ‘bit on the side’—any small sauce bottles? Drop in to Lyla or ring her on 4128 831

Owaka Mainly Music begins for the year on Monday February 10th at 10 am at the Grace Presbyterian Church , 3 Campbell Street (beside the garage)

$3.00 for the first child and $2.00 for more children in the same family All very welcome to attend

The Clutha Foundation is welcoming applications for funding from groups and organisations that meet its current priorities of Youth, Health and Education.

Application forms can be downloaded from its web- site or from in- [email protected]

The closing date for applications is 10 February 2020.

for further information phone Fiona Hancox 027 217 3960 or Kerry Seymour 027 437 2586

5 Some historical photos from the archives Marilyn Dunn has collected and preserved.

A good photo of the Nuggets fishing camp 1973. Boats from left; Wren, , Snipe, , Falcon, Nuggets Bay store about 1904 and Beverly Pearl.

6 Christmas Party held by The Point Bar and Café 22nd December Winner of the Light Up KP Competition was Ricky & Renee Shaw -11 Entries and 50 voters. Marilyn Dunn won the Spot prize. Very happy with the number of entries and voters. Can only get bigger in 2020!

Photos Marilyn Dunn

Our Australian bush fire smoky morning, around 11 am on 1st Jan 2020

Tony Somerville out on his SUP (stand up paddle board )

Glenys Gardner took this stunning photo

7 Kaka Point Bowling Club Boxing Day Tournament Report By Ken Stephens

The Tom Sheppard Memorial optional fours tournament was held at Kaka Point on the local green, starting off in fine sunny conditions, and stopping for a good shower for half an hour early afternoon. The weather soon cleared and we just completed the tournament before it rained again.

Fourteen teams enjoyed a day of bowls, with lots of laughs, which is always a good sign.

The winners on the day, after being placed 4th, 3rd, and 2nd twice in the previous four years, was a Green Island Dave Inder, skip of Tom’s Team team skipped by Max Grey, an old school friend of the late Tom’s, and which also included Pam Hannah included C Harris, L Rance, and Allan Bates, who incidentally is a (Tom’s daughter, ) Ali Storer and direct descendant of the Bates family who lived for a long time at the Ray Hopkins beach, where their father, the late Fred Bates was a fisherman.

Second place went to Dave Bichan’s team, which showed a good deal of promise for the future, followed by Noel Ryan (Gore), Maree Rhodes, and Tom Dallas 5th.

We were then treated to a lovely afternoon tea, made by the local ladies which finished off a good day.

Tom and Joy owned a holiday house in Matai Street, 100 metres from the Bowling Club, and Tom personally named this gate "Sheps Entrance" Pictured: Ken Stephens

8 Some background to Tom Sheppard

By Ken Stephens

Tom Sheppard dairy-farmed on Paretai (he hated sheep), after working at the Paretai dairy factory and other dairy farms. He started playing bowls for Kaka Point while still on the farm and was elected Club President in 1999, 2000 and 2001, which was the 50th Anniversary of the club. Tom enjoyed leading, and won the first of several club titles in the pairs with long-time bowler, Ken Jones, in 1994.

Tom was a dedicated and loyal Club man, and after his sudden death, the Club unanimously decided to dedicate the Boxing Day Tournament which had been running for several decades, as The Tom Sheppard Memorial Tournament, in his memory.

Winning team and Sheppard family members:

L to R Mark Sheppard (son), C Harris, M Grey, L Rance, Craig (son) A Bates

Front: Pam Hannah (daughter) and Joy Sheppard

9 From Marilyn Dunn and the Nuggets Road.

Puff the magic dragon has been freshened up with a few sparkles for the summer.

Oscar has made me a driftwood tree which I have placed at my picnic area on the Nuggets road. Lots of tourists taking photos of it. They wait until the NZ flag is flying sideways to go with their photo.

Lovely plants are showing a lot of colour on the side of the road just now

Some big cows and calves down the Nuggets road.

Bill and Marie Pierson's lovely pohutakawa trees out in full flower today 18/Jan They are two different species, one having variegated leaves

10 From Marilyn Dunn and the Nuggets Road.

Willy and Pauline Simpsons new house at Nugget Lodge being built.

Lovely wedding cars parked down the Nuggets road.

Stoats Our clever puss Tiger has been doing a good job killing the stoats downour way who like to eat the penguins eggs. At least this last one was dead. Others he has brought inside alive. Not really entertaining when we had one running around the top of the curtain rail. The stoat stole some venison off the bench so a trap was set with raw venison bait. It was caught but very hard to kill. They pretend they are dead and then run away. I worry that the stoat might kill our cat as they can kill very big rabbits and hens. Bronwyn Bichan has lost 5 hens to stoats lately.

11 Thank you to our Surf Life Savers

Paid patrol during week days are finished now for season Left: AJ Kell, Callum Craik & Kate Pryde (our other Paid Patrol Member was Jayden Cochrane)

8th Jan Callum rescued a child who was swimming with a boogie board outside of the flags and was caught in seaweed and was being washed into rocks. Great work, Callum.

Thank you to the many volunteers who will continue watching the beach in the weekend until March.

Sunday 12th January a couple surfing at Bates Beach were caught out by the surf conditions and wind. Luckily one made it back to shore and was able to flag down a passing police officer who alerted our volunteer life guards on patrol. The very tired surfer was happy to see Daniel Haar and Olivia Richardson. who came to her rescue in an IRB.

Message from the KP Surf Life Savers Club

"It's a wrap" from the lifeguards who have been working at the beach on weekdays over December and January.

A huge thank you must go to the Council who fund our paid guards over this period to ensure our community is safe at the beach.

Our volunteer patrols will continue at weekends through till March.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer lifeguard, we'd love to hear from you.

Pictured: Maia Pryde, Kate Pryde and Elliott Budge

Editor: Lots happening in our vibrant community over the summer and I appreciate people sending in articles and photos to share. I may manage another newsletter towards the end of March depending on what news there is. Thanks to everyone who supports this newsletter.

If you no longer wish to receive the delivered hard copy of the newsletter please email me with your name and address and I will arrange that.

Moira Spicer [email protected] Ph 03 4128 184 or 0274158707