,C/z eafuiu €dMiru Community Guide il't U October 2018 Calendar Tuesday, 2 October Sunddy, 74 October Sundoy 27 October Mr Yipadee Show South Dunedin Dance Group Labour Sunday 10 am (see advert) 1-4 prn, at the Owaka Community Owaka Yacht Club, Catlins Search and Rescue Centre. Socialand Old Time Dancing 1.pm Hina Hina Estuary very welcome io come along 7.30 pm, Meehng Locals laggerTrophy and watch or participate. Owaka Craft Group Mondoy, 22 .October _j.. 1.30-4.pm at Owaka Baptist Church Monday , 75 October Labour Day Holiday ^} -:S+ie.."- Wednesday, 3 October schoolstarts for Term 4 Tuesday,23 October Y t Catlins Kids Holiday Programme Owaka Lions club ;;;j;;;-",,;" 'sql 1.30 3.pm, Owaka Grace Chur.h 6.30 pm, Tea Meeting at the Comrnunib/ Centre Notei Road closures. Referto U-- Karen Bradfi eld, 03 4158377 Supper Room, www.cluthadc.govt.nz Owaka Plunket Coffee Morning Owaka Mainly Music Wednesday, 24 October 10am-midday, For mothers, babies and 10 am at Owaka Grace Church ( next to Owaka toddlers at Owaka Plunket Rooms Motors) Owaka Book Discussion Group Owaka Outdoor Bowling club 7.30 pm, Phone Carolyn,03 4158880forvenue 7.00 pm, Meetrng Tuesdoy, 76 October Owaka Plunket Coffee Morning South Otago Pony Club - OWAKA Catlins Search and Rescue 10am-midday... for mothers, babies and toddlers at owaka Plunket Rooms Opening Rally. 7.30 pm, Training at Club Rooms Targa Rally (Car Rally) McGill's Farm, Newhaven at 2pm (see Advert) Wednesday, 77 October Note: Road Closures, Refer to Thursdoy 4 october Owaka Plunket Coffee Morning www.cluthadc.govt.nz The catlins Kids Holiday Programme, 10am-midday, for mothers, babies and toddlers at south otago Pony club (owaka) 7.3a-3pm, owdko Grace Church Owaka Plunket Rooms McGills Farm, Newhaven at 4pm Karen Bradfield, 03 41s8377 South Otago Pony CIub (Owaka) Thursday, 25 October Friday, 5 Octobet McGills Farrn, Newhaven at 4pm Owaka Playcentre Catlins Senior Citizens Thursday, 78 October 9-15am-12.30 pm 1.30 pm, Community Centre Supper Room Catlins Historical Society Friday , 25 October Saturdoy 6 October 7 pm, Meetjng at Museum Owaka Youth Group owaka Golf club, Owaka Playcentre 7 9 pm, At Owaka Presbj,terian Church, Tee Off 1.pm 9.15-12.30 pm, Stads forTerm 4 Soturdoy, 27 October Sundoy 7 October Owaka Golf Club, Fridoy, 79 October Owaka Yacht Club, 1 pm Tee Off I Opening Day 1.30 pm Hina Hina Catlins Senior Citizens Puketiro 6un Club Estuary 1.30, Community Centre Supper Room- A- 9.30 am, Sponsored shooi ... .1- Soturdoy, 20 October Prizes Tuesdoy, 9 October f Labour Saturday Sunday 28 October Catlins Promotions Patchwork 7.30 pm, at St Johns Rooms Owaka Golf Club Owaka 6roup 1pm, Tee Off 9.30anr 4.pm at ihe Community C€ntre Supper wednesday 70 octobet Owaka Museum Market Day owaka Garden club 9am -1 pm Community Centre (see advert) Puketiro Gun Club 1,30 pm, Comrrunity Centre Supper Room Owaka Swimming Baths Opening 12 rnidday Thursday, 77 October Mondoy 29 October Owaka Library Book Club owaka Mainly Music 10 am, at Owaka Grace Church ( next to Owaka 2 pm, at the Library Motors) Saturday, 73 October Wednesday 37 October Owaka Golf Club, South Otago Pony Club Lpm Tee Off -OWAKA Mccils Farn, Newhaven at 4pm Tbe Cailias ConnstioD is rlublished mo.thly- lnfomado. or eldts froh .ll Callis o.gmiztions mut bc submitted before the 20th of e&h nonth to Gldd. or Held_May- cl€orh Lrodetb, 03 4158 t 19 or 027 2736314, cj8slddrelh@email-com Helen-Mry Bu.gesE 0:l4i58259 or02? 4184538, [email protected] QtAru Coaaealloa South Otago Pony Club - OWAKA Opening Rally. Support the Owoko Museum & Wednesday 3ra October, 2.00pm have d great day out at the Cotl in s Historical Societyk McGill's property. I Any queries to Heidi Stephens 027 415 8196. Annual Marke Labour Day Weekend Please advise Denise McGill if you require a mount Saturday 2O October 027 223 1757 ...... Al1 welcome. 9am - lpm Owaka Community Centre Stall boowngs now opq BOOK LAUNCH sites: S2o 5tngle S3o double lo3) .1 5 a*o d.mBanr@*i:@ THE CATLINS AN[' THE GREAT WAR 7974-7978 by Mike and Anabel McPhee at the Have you visited your Owaka Memorial Community Centre on locol Museum lately? Saturday 10 November 4.00pm to 6.30pm (100 years since the end of the war) Owaka Museum Exhibition Commemorating with stories and photos, over 400 men and women from the Catlins district, "Celebrating 125 years since (Chaslands to Glenomaru), who served during the War women in the Catlins and the lnfluenza Epidemic which followed. $45.00 per copy gained the vote" (NO EFTPOS AVAILABLE) Guest speakers Viewing until the 31 October Mayor Bryan Cadogan & Lt-Colonel Magnus Latta Museum entry: Adults ... 55.00, Allwelcome! Senior Citizens ... 54.00, Children accompanied by an adult ... free. lf you would like to sponsor on edition of The Catlins Connection, $iliililliit' Pleose phone Glenda 03 4758779 or Helen -Moy 03 4158259 The Cutlins Community Directory Otago Youth Adventure Trust Owaka Play Centre For Emneryenc0es @[[ Owaka Grace Presbyterian (Tautuku Outdoor Education Rachael Landreth Fellowship nllt Ph: 03 4$8a18 Centre) Next to owaka Motors Alan Dewe, warden Catlins Medical Centre Owaka Swimming Baths Sunday Services: 10.:!0 am Ph: 03 4158035 Ph:03 4158006 [24 hours) Raewyn Martin Owaka Outdoor Bowling Club Ph: 03 4158751 Gavln Landreth Phr 03 4158117 catlins Health and Gifts Tom Dallas Owaka Hall Committee Pharmacy Depot Ph:03 4158308 Debra Hollows Owaka Youth Group Open 9.30am-5.30pm Mon-Fri Ph:03 4158428 Owaka Golf Club Campbell and Dellys Brown Pr€scription collection point EverySaturdaytee off at 1pm Ph:03 4158274 f.om 4.30pm Owaka 6arden Club Murray Hewitson Meets 2nd Wednesday o, month Phr 03 4158935 Papatowai and Districts Com- Ph:03 4158109 Community Centre Supper Room munity Association (PADCA) Owaka Ladies Golf l.30pm, Liz Gray Centre Ph: 03 4158415 Catlins lnformation Tuesdays, Kathryn wilson Ph:034749664 Steph Brunton Ph: 03 4158282 Owaka Craft Group Ph:03 4158371 lenore Kopua Pounawea Picnic Group Owaka Rugby Club Linda Ma5on Owaka Museum Pht O27 4517797 Sam L3ndreth Ph:03 4158332 Massi Urbano (Director) Ph:03 4158818 Owaka Patchwork Group Week Days: 9.30am-4.30pm Puketiro Gun Club Owaka Comblned Sports Meets last Sunday ofmonth at Com- Weekends and Public Holidays: munity Centre Supper Room, Chrls Bennett 10am -4pm Bodies 9.30am-4pm Ph:0341.58513 Ph: 03 415a323 Nathan wilson Marion Leslie Romahapa School Ph:03 4158599 Ph:03 4158588 Catlins Historical Society Mark Preddy, Principal Mike McPhee Owaka Lions Club Owaka Cricket Club 03 4128849 Ph: 03 4X58519 Karl Burgess Starts in october South Otago Pony Club Ph: 03 4f8a45 Francis Pajker Catlins lnformation Centre (owaka) Owaka Ph:o27 a24BA7 Volunteers writing Group Wednesdays 4.pm at Mccill's Farm Jenny O'Connell Meets last Wednesday of month in Owaka 5t John's Committee PhtO3 4L2A717 different homes at 1.30pm ,,ohn spicer Denlae McGill Carolyn Deverson Ph:03 4128184 Phr 03 4158358 Catlins Senior Citizens Ph: 03 4158880 Terry Johnston Owaka St John's Ambulance South Otago Forest & Bird Owaka Going Forward Com- Ph:03 41s8836 Volunteers RoyJohnston mittee Ph:03 4191319 Catlins Search and Rescue Jlm Young Aileen Clarke Phr 03 4158532 Greg Ramsay Ph:03 4158558 Tahakopa school Ph:03 4158437 Owaka Volunteer Fire Bri- Katrina Hampton, Principal Owaka Book Discussion Ph:0341s808s Catlins Promotions gade Group M and F Sutherland Mart Cuthbert Meets 4th Wednesday of month in Ph: 03 4158502 Ph: 03 41585U, The Catlins Area School ditrerenl homes at 7.30pm Kate Stanif ord, Principal Catlins Community Company Carolyn Deverson Owaka Swap Shop Ph: 034158035 Warren Burgess Ph:03 41s8880 At rear oI Owaka Community Centre Ph:03 4158019 Open: Mondays 12-1pm, Owaka Mainly Music Fridays 2.30-4pm Xaka Point Ramblers Heni Landreth, Ph: 03 4158117 Annette Patterson Hdve we got your (Walking Group) Ph: 03 4158491 Owaka Library Book Club Every Monday XOam Meets 2nd Thursday ofmonth at Owaka Yacht club informotion correct? Margaret Rae 2pm at owaka Library Hina Hina Estuary Ph:03 4158933 Steph Brunton Mark Preddy For any additions or correc- Katea lndoor Bowling Club Ph:03 4158371 Ph:03 4128674 tions please contact Glenda Barry Gray Owaka Plunket Owaka Presbyterian Church Ph: 03 4158415 or Helen-May before the Stella Smith Sunday Sewices: 10.30 am Ph: 0273392185 2oth of next month. CampbellBrown Ph:03 4158274 The Cotlins Connection is an initiotive of the Owoko Going Forward Committee. Zle Qthar Caateattoa I.-r,rE The Catllns Area School Prize Giving Mr Yipadee 6.3O pm at Owaka Community Centre lfurt rt ourrtlr Seaen Deadlg Sf,unts A circus show for f,amllles and people of all ages. A NZ Arts on Tour Show brought to you by Catlins Promotions SrErttrlOlffi Come along and sse an intematDnat besr- selting Musicln snd alrrhor Mr (Deano) Mike and Anabel McPhee's Book Tuesday 2"0 rhere (see w rb€ tun si.glng danc,ng taughter Oct Launch advert) end a hrtarious tm. tist€nlng io m, y,pade€. xd,'llh.'gd9$d, rro.bFloffi There rs arso a crsalrve worksho! tor s.hoot age 510 gyearsafter the show Lftrred a.ld 6h d.in6 E c4 spaces rvailabte contafl St€[a 027339 Bird i85 lrirg Photographic Exhibition by . , di b'd*.r' h tn ] Craig McKenzie Silrday, 17 November Owaka Swimming Baths Fundraising Event. Dine and Dance Musical Cabaret Book on Facebook-'Owaka Heated Pool' Or https:/tickets.dkcm.co.nz-show-the-midtown-boys This edition of the Catlins Connection is sponsored by Landreth Farms Contracting Chris 03 4158119 or O27 27363L3 or Gavin 03 ALSaLLT ot O27 4493984 For oll your seed sowing requirements.
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