Gary Groth,,George Lucas | 252 pages | 17 Jul 2012 | Fantagraphics | 9781606995358 | English | Seattle, United States Walt Disneys Uncle Scrooge: Only a Poor Old Man PDF Book

While many people in my generation may not know about him people they do know Of course, you know it's only a matter of time before teenyboppers start accusing the network of ripping off The Hunger Games , never mind that BR came out years earlier. When Scrooge tries to hide his fortune on a Pacific island, there's of course a fat native who no speak good English, and the natives of Tralla-law are colored yellow and drawn in clothing right out of The Good Earth , suggesting that Barks wasn't fully aware that not all of East Asia is Chinese and that's not even getting into the whole infantilization of the Tralla-laans as people too pure and naive to understand greed. They all explore the philosophy of currency and how a culture gives it its worth, and how human nature drives this. Best Selling in Nonfiction See all. Show More Show Less. Views Total views. First appearance of Scrooge's worry room. I particularly loved the one where Scrooge discovers Donald gave him a n This book collects the first six full comic books from to featuring the classic character Uncle Scrooge. Want to Read saving…. The story begins with Scrooge McDuck swimming in his money bin , speaking his now-famous line, "I love to dive around in it like a porpoise , and burrow through it like a gopher , and toss it up and let it hit me on the head! The writing is stellar -- hilarious, sly, thoughtful, and fun. Published on Dec 18, He's no longer the villainish foil to Donald; Scrooge is literally swimming in his money because he worked hard to earn it and genuinely cherishes every last dime, remembering exactly when he acquired it and the difficulties he pushed past to keep it. Everything that needs to be there, is there, in its proper place. These are stories about money. I must say all these years of ignoring this volume and Chasing after mediocre stuff like Dan Brown makes me feel stupid, well you live and learn. He is probably my favourite character in . Aug 08, Lauren Milewski rated it really liked it Shelves: read-harder More, please. Apr 08, Bonnie rated it liked it Shelves: humor , comic-book , no-flying-no-tights. Scrooge, who learned cormorant language while trading pearls in Asia , orders the cormorants to turn around and drop their bombs on the . Jun 10, John Porcellino rated it it was amazing Shelves: history , comics. This book collects the first six full comic books from to featuring the classic character Uncle Scrooge. Again, lots of these I didn't get a chance to read as a kid, so it was wonderful getting to read them now. Make an offer:. Third, the Beagle Boys use trained cormorants who first steal beakfuls of change from the lake, then carry napalm bombs toward the dam. Why not share! I remember reading it years and years before -was almost 7, 8 years old- and it was the Real reason for me being captured forever by that old man.. Show related SlideShares at end. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Every dollar less in price translates into more books into the hands of readers, and there are proportionately so few comic readers out there today one cannot justify the exclusivity that hardcovers translate into. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Jul 06, Mariama rated it it was amazing. Read my review on No Flying, No Tights. Add to Cart. Scrooge tells him to chase all the other fish downstream and then string a net across. Donald acts as his comic foil, a rube forever getting duped into g These are stories about money. Almost every story in here is a classic. American Comic Book Chronicles: The s. Scrooge, to his nephews' surprise, decides to admit defeat, and invites them to come along while he congratulates the winners. Hating it. Two other long-form classics in this volume include "" also known as the bottlecap story and "Back to the Klondike," in which we meet Scrooge's old gold-digging gal, Glittering Goldie. Jul 18, Russell Grant rated it it was amazing Shelves: owned. Other Editions 4. Don't confuse being suitable for all ages with being the same thing as dumb comics for kids, this is the good stuff! I always love when the comics introduce me to a new real world legend or mystery. Walt Disneys Uncle Scrooge: Only a Poor Old Man Writer

Two other long-form classics in this volume include "Tralla La" also known as "the bottlecap story," in which Scrooge's intrusion has terrible consequences for a money-less eden and "Back to the Klondike". Yes, George Lucas cannot even write an introduction to a book without retconning it. Carl Hiaasen Hardcover Books. I can't wait to read more Scrooge tells him to chase all the other fish downstream and then string a net across. The action's always clear and the background's well rendered, but it's like watching a movie from the early s when sound equipment was massive that the camera couldn't move. I like the way the content here is organized better than in : Lost in the Andes which put all the long adventures together at the front followed by all the 8 page stories and all the one page gags at the end. Sure, one could argue that they have some pretty negative stereotypes sometimes, but I think it is best to keep the time these were written in view. Plus, his artwork, especially the backgrounds, are often stunning. Back to the Klondike: Scrooge's memory is failing and he returns to the Klondike, the source of his fortune, to rekindle memories. Bill o'Reilly's Killing Ser. Home Explore. Add to cart. And yet, however good the reproductions are, the art itself isn't always the greatest. Are you sure you want to Yes No. Be the first to like this. They were at the bottom of my bottom pile of comics and on the bottom of the Disney pile lay Uncle Scrooge. Brand new: Lowest price The lowest-priced brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging where packaging is applicable. Still, with his money on the bottom of the lake, Scrooge begins to miss his daily swim in the coins. The Menehunes. Show More Show Less. However, many readers recognized Barks' work and drawing style, and began to call him the Good Duck Artist, a label which stuck even after his true identity was discovered by John and Bill Spicer in View 2 comments. Realizing that the Beagle Boys have found out where he hid his money, Scrooge immediately calls his nephews to help him guard the lake. I love Uncle Scrooge. To ask other readers questions about 's Uncle Scrooge , please sign up. In this collection you get Back the Klondike classic , the Journey to Atlantis classic but one I don't love as much as others do , the Tralla La bottle cap story classic and a tale of the Beagle Boys - Only a Poor Rick Man fun but not classic , the Horseradish delivery Classic , and another tale of the Beagle Boys Hawaiian island caper. George Lucas Introduction. While looking through the window, Scrooge is alarmed to see that the Beagle Boys have bought the lot next to his money bin. When his nephews ask how he can dive through the money while the Beagle Boys couldn't, he admits, "it's a trick. He's also a Disney Legend. They decide to take a dive in themselves — and end up bashing their heads on the hard, unyielding surface of the coins. Get A Copy. The Beagle Boys turn to Plan Five: breeding super- termites. Then he goes on to compare Barks to Jamie Hernandez for using this layout style. See all 4 brand new listings. Newly recolored in a version that Descriptions 3. The Secret of Atlantis: Scrooge's attempt to make a quarter rare and valuable backfires in a spectacular way. Walt Disneys Uncle Scrooge: Only a Poor Old Man Reviews

Thanks for telling us about the problem. As silly as the statement may sound, Uncle Scrooge is a character with more depth than Donald. The slightly muted colors reminded me of books from the library when I was younger. Read my review on No Flying, No Tights. This is a great collection with several entertaining stories. View all 3 comments. Scrooge buys the lake, then empties a load of money every time a truck drives by. Loved it since I was 8, It's really smart and got a twisted ending. About this product Product Information This volume starts off with "Only a Poor Old Man," the defining Uncle Scrooge yarn in fact his first big starring story in which Scrooge's plan to hide his money in a lake goes terribly wrong. Nearly every comic in this volume is fantastic, from the longest to the shortest. The Horse-Radish Treasure: Due to an ancestor's mistake, Scrooge stands to lose his fortune if a shipment of horseradish from a sunken ship isn't delivered. Scrooge, who learned cormorant language while trading pearls in Asia , orders the cormorants to turn around and drop their bombs on the Beagle Boys. More filters. Upcoming SlideShare. Yes, George Lucas cannot even write an introduction to a book without retconning it. They will be unconscious for months, more than enough time for Scrooge to transport the money back onto his land. Gary Groth Editor ,. Jul 18, Russell Grant rated it it was amazing Shelves: owned. Nov 05, Geoff Sebesta rated it it was amazing. As works in this genre, they are very good, but they don't quite match the level of the best "Donald Duck" comics. Learn more. Whether it's in Duckburg, on the high seas, or under the sea, Scrooge and his family are always ready to face any adventure. These are stories about money. Open Preview See a Problem? While looking through the window, Scrooge is alarmed to see that the Beagle Boys have bought the lot next to his money bin. The story notes add occasional worthwhile tidbits. You may also like. Books by Carl Barks. Worrying that the mud at the bottom of the lake will ruin the banknotes, he has the money brought up loads at a time and the banknotes placed in glass jars before being re-sunk, which was a lesson he learned when exploring a sunken Spanish galleon that had documents which were still readable. Back to the Klondike: Scrooge's memory is failing and he returns to the Klondike, the source of his fortune, to rekindle memories. Trivia About Walt Disney's Unc Aug 05, Matthew rated it really liked it Shelves: comic-books-nonsuperhero , books-for-kids.

Walt Disneys Uncle Scrooge: Only a Poor Old Man Read Online

After calming down, Scrooge forms a plan: with his nephews' help, he installs a chute that allows him to empty the bin slowly. I particularly loved the one where Scrooge discovers Donald gave him a nickel and decides to make that coin worth a fortune by amassing every other nickel in circulation and dumping them in the sea where they land in the lost city of Atlantis whose inhabitants capture the ducks and refuse to let them go home until the introduce the Atlanteans to boogie woogie. Views Total views. You know, I was wrong. Like when my friends twenty years ago would try to get me into the Beach Boys, and I'd be like, "Sure, but it's still songs about cars and surfing! He founded Lucasfilm and led the company as chairman and chief executive before selling it to on October 30, Return to Book Page. Other books in the series. As works in this genre, they are very good, but they don't quite match the level of the best "Donald Duck" comics. What more could I ask. As silly as the statement may sound, Uncle Scrooge is a character with more depth than Donald. Carl Barks , Walt Disney. But Barks shows Scrooge's surprising capacity for kindness in the longer stories, making these jokes palatable. Archie Comics were next and again I was pleasantly surprised. I happened to enjoy the format of this particular item for some reason. Having it. Friend Reviews. Two other long-form classics in this volume include "Tralla La" also known as "the bottlecap story," in which Scrooge's intrusion has terrible consequences for a money- less eden and "Back to the Klondike". You can change your ad preferences anytime. Enlarge cover. What you get in this series of books is completeness. As a fan of the Ducktales TV series, I was hoping for more of the latter, but this book contains mostly the former. However, Lucas's "Star Wars" broke all box-office records and defined the basic terms of Lucas's legacy: Spectacular technical effects and a comic-book sense of adventure. I love this series by Fantagraphics reprinting all the Duck Tales by the comic legend Carl Barks who drew and wrote all of the stories in this volume. Eric Carle Hardcover Signed Children. But I think I liked "The Secret of Atlantis" best of all, because it's one of those stories that just marches in a ton of crazy directions, starting with Scrooge collecting a ten-cent debt from Donald, then deciding to make a random coin ultra-valuable by buying every other instance of that particular coin and disposing of them, then going on an undersea adventure to retrieve one of those coins and ending up trapped by the fishy denizens of Atlantis. Just the "action" plot wasn't that convincing for me since I may used to got more clever plots from Carl Barks. And I was amazed with George Lucas' Introduction for that comics books, he also grew up with the Carl Barks' amazing,smart and clever stories and rich comics. Lucas wrote the scenarios for the "Star Wars" sequels, "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi" , and later for the "Indiana Jones" films, but he handed over directing to others. Jun 10, John Porcellino rated it it was amazing Shelves: history , comics. Don't quite get all the excitement but enjoyed reading comics from a different age when a certain level of education was assumed and political correctness was not the order of the day. A treasure hunt with a dead line But the whole book is a joy. This is a great collection with several entertaining stories. Graphic Novels Comics. They will be unconscious for months, more than enough time for Scrooge to transport the money back onto his land. Carl Barks spent most of his life in Oregon. Fantagraphics Books.

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