Ordinance a Good Idea Forum Like Most Other People

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Ordinance a Good Idea Forum Like Most Other People ;z e ~ -~ I' WA YNE COUNTY S OLDEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER .. ESTABLISHED 1869 ...... ~-'M ..... FIFTY CENTS_ \'01 120.No 22. Four seclioQS. 46Pages, Plus Supplement~ TIIL'RSOA Y. DECEMBER 1. 1988- NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN .ill Ii! Plan to Schools' back formnew • authority ·tax capturmg 8y BRENDA DOOLEY Board President Jean Hansen told Northville City Manager Steve proposed Singh Development Company's Walters and Mayor Chris Johnson proposed project (or the city's after the board made its decISion. ·..··M'aln/Centre comer received the In (lnanclng. the parking structure, By 80B NEEDHAM support o( the NorthvUle Board o( the city proposes the sate 0($1,120,000 Education Monday, allowing crucial in bonds to be repaid over a ten·year The 35th District Court has financial backing for construction of period. An annual coSt of $170,000 developed a plaJf which would create a parking deck. would be spm between Singh - who a formal authority to operate the School board members unanimous· would pay $65,000 - and captured court buUdlng In Plymouth. • Iy endorsed a proposal that calls (or taxes at the amount o( $105,000. A eontract which would make the the city to capture taxes to finance a Because ihe school district change ISnow In the hands of local of· parklng.deck for Singh's plan to buUd receives the largest portion o( the ficials (or consideration. If approved a four·story retail/apartment total tax revenue (rom the city, the by all five governments In the court building on' the site o( the old Nor' bulk o( the bond payback would come district, control o( the building and thville Lanes. (rom school dIStrict resources. grounds on Plymouth Road wllJ shift Trustee Glenna Davis was absent According to the proposal, Singh from the City o( Plymouth to the new (rom the Monday night meeting. also will spend $196,000to create and authority. "ThIS should not be looked at as surface 90 parking spaces. District Court JUdge James setting a precedent for recapturing Garber said local municipal at· taxes (or other city developments," CODllnued OD13 tom~ys have raised some minor pro- blems with the proposed contract, but nothing major. The court stands on land donated Eight Mile is site from the City of Plymouth, and was built with bonds sgld by the Plymouth Building AUthorily. Technically, the City of Plymouth now leases the building from Its own Building of flve aCCl ents Authority. "Il gets very convoluted. And what Four people. were taken to the ticketed (or railing to yield at a stop we're trying wllo-b-elean it 8Uup," hospital as a result of tlve different sign. Garber said Monday. aCCidents on a three-mUe stretch of The other driver reported no in· Plymouth does not want to be Eight Mile Road over the holiday junes and was not ticketed. responsible (or the court forever, weekend. Less than an hour earlier. someone Garbtt eAplaUled. And with the Northvllll' city and to....nshlp police else ....,,~ il·)::.i/II:lllZt'lt as ~e result Il( bonds being fPpald, It·s gelUlng to be reports showed five accidents on a colliSIon at Eight Mile and Center time for a change. ~ Eight MUe between Center Street Street. "At some pomt, the City of and Haggerty Road during the time A Plymouth resIdent was dnving 'J Plymouth wants out," Garber said. from Wednesday to Saturday. In one west on Eight Mile and began a left "At ~me point, somebody's going to . accident Friday evening, three Nor· turn onto Center Street. without have to own (the court's) building. thvUle youths were treated and yIelding to Eight Mile traffic, a city And that somebody ISnl)t going to be released from the hospital. Another police report said. A second vehicle the CJty o( Plymouth. " person went to the bospltal after a hit the first during the turn The 35th DIStrict Court Is unusual different accident that afternoon. The driver of the first car went by for Michigan In that It serves several According to a city police .report. a ambulance to 8t Mary Hospital, and govelJlDlenls - the clties of Nor· car carrying three people started to was treated and released. PoUce thvUle and Plymouth, and the cross Eight Mile on- Novl Street - ticketed that driver for faUlng to townships of Northville, Plymouth R.corQ/THOM DOUGHERTY without obeying a stop sign - at yield the right of way while making a and Canton. llle ttve governments Son~s of the season about 5:40 p.m. Friday. Another car, left turn. have representatives on a court ad· driving on Eight Mlle. ran into the Last and in The driver or the second car was _ vlSory board, which IS now an essen· Sunday shoppers passerbys the' Meads MUlCboI\lS. All were under the direc- first. not Injured and not ticketed. the tlally powerless body. downtown Northville were treated to a tion of Mary Kay Price. Above, left, Stacie Salas, An ambulance took all three people report said If the governments approve the Christmas concert courtesy of the combined 13, and Kristi Rhodes sing along. In the first car to St. Mary Hospital In In the other mcldents. talents of the Northville High SChool choirs and Livonia, where they were treated and Cootlnued em 11 released. The driver of that car was Continued 00 11 Electrical fire hits floor of VFW Hall By B08 NEEDHAM Wiring and .stu(( lilte that - that hap- pens." he said. An .early-morning fire Tuesday Fire fighters, construction destroyed a good deal of the Door In workers. and people associated WIth the Northville Veterans of Foreign the VFW cleaned up and repaired all Wars Hall, byt ij)e head of the group day Tuesday Although the damage hopes it will only be a couple of weeks Was fairly extensive. the group IS In· before they can meet there again. sured for Its loss. .. A passing driver reported the fire "Fortunately. it was confined to at 7'00 a m Tuesday, but It had pro- the basement area." VFW Post 4012 bably already been burning (or Commander Butch Hubbard said several hours. Northville Fire Chief The group's irreplaceable Items - Jim Allen said. Fire Department In· like plaques and trophies - were vestlgatlon showed the fire probably upstairs and suffered only some started electrically, In.the basement smoke damage. ceiling. Hubbard said the first guess at the The Door Joists were burned out (or repair cost was $30,000 to $50.000. All a 15 or 20 foot sectlon when the fire the damage should be covered by In· fighters arrived. "It had been bum· surance, though ing quite a few hours," Allen said. The group mostly lost things like The FJre Depariment had the Damts tables and chairs - a lot or things under control within 15or 20 minUtes w~ich had just been bought In a re- o( their arrival, he added. cent renovation project Allen said there was really no way "All the members (eel bad about II the f1re could have been avoided "It was just one of those things - old CoI'ltlnued00 4 Inside: 'tis the Season ... Calendar 2A Christmas Classifleds 38 Trees Fresh cut, delivered Editorials 18A or cut your own See Classification 116 leiters 19A in the Green Sheet __ ...... ..-.-~ _4 _____ Green Sheet Goodfellow drive ObltU8r18S 11A Action Ads Theannual Goodfellows' paper sale will be held tb1I saturday thvUle Civic Concern group and will go toward the trad tional Pollee Blotter 4A Get Results throughout the Northville· area. Goodfellowa thla year wID In- Goodfellow goal- "No cblfd without a CbriItmaa" . 1be IX'-''P la (313) 348·3022 clude NorthvUle Rotary members, memben of the T;2 boplng that lbey will be able to surpass lilt year's I0Il as tlh.:' Sports c police and fire departmentl aad the City ~ IDd fire • are a major conbibutor to the Civic CoDcem orpalza1ioD. _._-- lments. Money r~laed by the Goodfel1oWl WIll'be UIed by the or- ........_..._...._--_.._-----_ ...s _-_...t _-------------------~----<"'----~--- • • • • • .0 4 a • e , 2 ..2;A- THE NORTHVILLE ~ECORO- Thurl<llY. December 1. 11181 l~ommunity Calendar , . ::'Mill Race Questers to gather for Christmas cocktailparty '. j I I TODAY, DECEMBER 1 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6 .. PARENTS' SUPPORT GROUP: Northville Youtb I , AllIIlstanc:e Parents' Support Group meets trom 7 to 8:30 : 'QUESTERS MEET: The MUI Race Chapter or GOODFELLOW PAPER SALE: The Annual p.m. In room 21 at Moraine Center. For more lnfonnaUOO AD~lSORY COUNCIL MEETS: NorthvUle Youth call Mary Ellen KIng at 344-1618. ! Queaters wUl meet at 7 p.m. al the home or Jan Juhw ror Goodfellow Paper SaJe will take place at locallntenec- AssIstance Advisory CoWIeU meets at 8:30 a.m. at 1 ~Cftrtstmas CocktaU Party tiona by the Northville Rotary Club willi Ule beJp of tile Moraine Cen~, Northville City and ToWDlblp Police and FIre Depart. SALEM BOARD: saJem ToWlllblp Soanl meeta .t 8 1 : EMBROIDERERS' GUILD: Mill Race Chapter or the menta. The GoodfelloW' will leU coplel or tbe Northville SENIOR VOLLEYBALL: Area seniors are blvlted to p.m. at townhaJl. " 1 Blilbroiderers' Guild ot America will meet al7:30 p.m. at Reeonl to make sure DO chDd 11witbout a CbrIItmu. pl.y voUeyballlDd otbtr Indoor sporta.t 11:30•. mJt the : the IeCODd Ooor banquet room or the FraternaJ Order or NortIIville Community Center, 303 W. Main Street. For VFW MEETS:' NortbvUle Post No. 4012, Veterans ot ; 2.... 113 center. All levels or stitchers are welcome. more IJIl0rmatioo call Karl Peten at 34904140. Foreign Wars, meets at 8 p.m .• t the poat home.
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    Policy Board Meeting Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuary Program 10:00 am – 3:00 pm May 17, 2012 Green Square 217 W. Jones Street Raleigh, NC Draft Meeting NOTES Board Members Present: Tom Allen (ECU), Kirk Havens (VIMS, via telephone), David Knight (NCDENR), Wilson Laney (USFWS), Brian Long (NCDACS), Todd Miller (NCCF), Tony Reevy (UNC-CH, Institute for the Environment), Linda Rimer (USEPA), Marjorie Rayburn (CAC) and Jack Thigpen (UNC Sea Grant). APNEP Staff Present: Dean Carpenter, Bill Crowell, Scott Gentry, Jim Hawhee, and Jimmy Johnson. Guests Present: Erin Thompson (APNEP intern), Linda Pearsall (Office of Conservation, Planning and Community Affairs), Taylor Pool (NCCF Stanback fellow), Kelsey Ducklow (NCCF Stanback fellow), Ashley Duplanty (NCCF Stanback fellow), Zachary Fasking (NCCF Stanback fellow), Melissa Dowland (N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences), Janine Nicholson (Office of Conservation, Planning and Community Affairs) 10:04 a.m. Call to Order Todd Miller, Chair Todd called the meeting to order and reminded everyone of the conflict of interest policy. He welcomed Secretary Freeman to say a few words of welcome. 10:05 a.m. Welcome Dee Freeman, NCDENR Secretary Secretary Freeman welcomed the Policy Board to the facility and noted how proud they are of the facility, and how they are walking the walk, not just talking the talk. He expressed appreciation to the Policy Board for its commitment to the coast, and for keeping it a treasure. He noted that he was talking to the choir. He noted that it can be a challenge across the street when speaking to these issues, because the point of view there can be quite different.
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