“Stronger Together”
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“Stronger Together” December 2017 Dear Parent / Carer You are invited to the Annual Parents’ meeting, which will be held on Monday 12th February 2018 at 4.30 p m in the School Hall. At this meeting the Governing Body will present their Annual Report and following the report you will have an opportunity to ask questions of the Governing Body or raise issues of concern in relation to the school. A summary of the Annual Report is included with this letter, though full copies of the report are available on request from the school (please see the list of content on the last page). If it is your intention to attend the Annual Parent’s meeting would you please complete the slip below and return it to the school reception. Yours sincerely R A Seabourne Mrs R Seabourne CHAIR OF GOVERNORS ________________________________________________________________________ To be returned to the school reception: I / We will attend the Annual Parent’s meeting on Monday 12th February 2018. Signed: ____________________________ Print name: ______________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Ty Gwyn Way Fairwater Cwmbran Torfaen NP44 4YZ www.cwmbranhighschool.co.uk 1 GOVERNORS’ ANNUAL REPORT ADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOL Y LLYWODRAETHWYR SEPTEMBER 2016 – JULY 2017 MEDI 2016– GORFFENNAF 2017 CHAIRPERSON: HEAD OF EDUCATION SERVICES: CADEIRYDD: PENNAETH Y GWASANAETH ADDYSG: Mrs R Seabourne Mr D McChrystal C/O Cwmbran High School, Torfaen County Borough Council, Ty Gwyn Way, Civic Centre, Fairwater, Cwmbran, NP44 4YZ Pontypool, NP4 46YB Tel: 01633 643950 Tel: 01495 762200 2 ‘Stronger Together’ Cwmbran High School is an English Medium School in Torfaen County Borough Council. Our aim is to continue to develop Cwmbran High School into a high achieving, academic school. We are establishing a culture of high expectations, challenging targets and ambitious goals for every pupil. The outcome of these improvements will give our pupils the best skills and qualifications they can possibly achieve to improve their life chances. Pupils, parents / carers, staff and governors are prepared to raise their expectations and drive standards up. Achievements in the classroom are matched by success in a very wide range of other areas. Pupils have the opportunity to participate in Music and Drama, with a School Production, and choral and orchestral performances. Team activities are a strength in all major sports with clubs at lunchtime and after school encouraging still wider participation. The Sports Academy continues to give our school a distinctive identity and profile within the community. There is a wide range of extra curricular opportunities including Charity Work, Clubs and a wide variety of school visits / trips. A further breakdown of achievements is provided within this report. 3 Governor Information PARENT GOVERNORS END OF TERM OF OFFICE Ms K Edwards Sept 2019 Mrs G Evans Sept 2019 Mr J Powell Mar 2020 Mr P Kindred Sept 2019 Mrs T McDonald Sept 2019 Mrs C Moses Sept 2019 TEACHER GOVERNORS Mr D Baribeault Sept 2019 Mr A Lewis Sept 2019 SUPPORT STAFF GOVERNOR Mrs D Cornes Oct 2020 LEA APPOINTED Cllr D Daniels July 2019 Cllr M Owen July 2019 Cllr K Preston May 2021 Cllr P Seabourne July 2019 Cllr B Wellington July 2019 COMMUNITY GOVERNORS Mr J Davenne Oct 2019 Mr M Poulton (Vice Chair) Oct 2019 Mr P Schofield Oct 2019 Mrs R Seabourne (Chair) c/o Cwmbran High School, Ty Gwyn Way Oct 2019 Fairwater, Cwmbran, NP44 4YZ Mr M Ward-Jones Oct 2019 Clerk to Governors: [email protected] 4 School Session Times Registration / Assembly 8.35 am – 8.55 am Lesson 1 8.55 am – 9.55 am Lesson 2 9.55 am – 10.55 am Break 10.55 am – 11.20 am Lesson 3 11.20 am – 12.20 pm Lesson 4 12.20 pm – 1.20 pm Lunch 1.20 pm – 1.50 pm Lesson 5 1.50 pm – 2.50 pm Lesson 6 2.50 pm – 3.50 pm (Year 11 only) PSE / L O R I C DAY (PSE / LORIC Day is every Wednesday) Registration / Assembly 8.35 am – 9.15 am Lesson 1 9.15 am – 10.10 am Lesson 2 10.10 am – 11.05 am Break 11.05 am – 11.30 am Lesson 3 11.30 am – 12.25 pm Lesson 4 12.25 pm – 1.20 pm Lunch 1.20 pm – 1.50 pm Lesson 5 1.50 pm – 2.50 pm Lesson 6 2.50 pm – 3.50 pm (Year 11 only) 5 School Planning 2017 — 2018 Our overall aim is to continue to raise standards of pupil achievement so that we are one of the top achieving schools in Wales . Our priorities for the coming year are: Continuing to improve standards across all areas To continue to develop pupils skills, specifically in Literacy and Numeracy To continue to improve the quality of Teaching and Learning, and therefore the standards within lessons To continue to raise pupils’ expectations so that they become ambitious and have a ‘can do’ attitude Attendance Information 2016 / 2017 93.5% was the target set for 2016 – 2017. 93.2% attendance was achieved. The recommendation for 2017 – 2018 is to set the overall target as 93.7%, with the unauthor- ised attendance target set at 0.74%. This has been agreed the by the Governing Body and Local Authority. Review of Policies, Procedures and Strategies All Policies & Procedures are reviewed by the Governing Body when required. School Strategies are reflected in our Policies & Procedures and Post Inspection Action Plan. School Prospectus Our school prospectus can be viewed and downloaded from our website: www.cwmbranhighschool.co.uk Hard copies are also available from the school. Premises The tennis court have been refurbished to provide a new multi-use games area. The food tech room has been refurbished to provide a state of the art food tech- nology teaching area. The lower school roof has been renewed. 6 Use of the Welsh Language All of our teaching is in English, but we try to use Welsh as much as possible to encour- age bilingualism and to increase the employability of our pupils. The Cwricwlwm Cymreig forms part of the work of all curriculum areas. Welsh Phrase of the Week A ‘Welsh Phrase of the Week’ is printed in our weekly staff Bulletin for staff to use with pupils at every given opportunity. This is closely linked with our ‘Thought for the Day’ programme used during Assemblies and Registration Periods. Healthy School Initiative We encourage a whole school community approach to food and fitness. The Head- teacher, Staff and Governing Body ensure that food provided in school, and advice given to pupils, promotes a healthy and active lifestyle. We are committed to providing high quality PE lessons and health related exercise, and we work in partnership with Healthy Schools, Hearty Lives Programme, PESS, 5x60 and other Community Sports organisations. The school takes every opportunity to encourage fitness and wellbeing by incorporating a number of the above programmes in our Health and Wellbeing Day (Sports Day) each year. Healthy School Objectives: To promote pupil participation and decision making in all aspects of food and fitness activities. To ensure that activities related to food and fitness, provided for pupils through- out the day, are consistent with curriculum guidance and Welsh Government regulations. To work in partnership with School Meal Providers, to ensure that consistent messages about nutritional standards and healthy lifestyles are given to our pupils. To offer a broad range of safe, stimulating indoor and outdoor sports, play and recreational activities. 7 School Trips A number of school trips took place during 2016 / 2017 MFL Paris Trip Ski trip to Bardonecchia, Italy University Visits PGL - Maths Residential Revision Trips English Revision Weekend Welsh trip to Llangrannog Youth Speaks Public Speaking Competition University/College taster days Geography fieldtrips Reward trips 8 Community Links & Pupil Engagement Families First We have a growing number of pupils and families supported by this organisation which promotes the development of personal skills and allows access for work with counsellors and education psychology. Communities First Communities First provide a target group of Key Stage 3 pupils with personal development skills, most specifically dealing with conflict and self-esteem. CHS Deaf Choir Performances Cwmbran High School Deaf Choir have continued to perform throughout the academic year. Last November they performed on the pitch during the pre-game celebrations for the Wales v Australia rugby game at the Principality Stadium. After their popularity with Aneurin Bevan Health Board events last year they were invited to perform at a training day during the summer term. The Choir also entertained at the Gaer Community Centre, Cwmbran Shopping Centre and local nursing homes. They have more events planned and enjoy visiting different places, teaching some BSL along the way. Youth Speaks Competition Ieuan Cooke, Megan Alys Jones and Emily Jones all took part in the Cwmbran Rotary Youth Speaks competition this term. Although they came runner-up, they had some great feedback from the judges. Their topic was ‘Is the Criminal Justice System just?’ The best news of the night was seeing the award of ’Best Chair’ presented to Emily Jones. Remembrance Service Ieuan Cooke, Ben Wolverson & Max Griffiths all volunteered to support Cwmbran Community Council’s Remem- brance Service on Sunday 13th November. They all provided valuable assistance in ensuring the smooth running of the event; their responsibilities included handing out the ‘Order of Service’ and ensuring those attended knew where to go. Ieuan read a piece, in Welsh, to the congregation and all three pupils were a credit to the school. Christmas Jumper Day The Sixth Form Charity Leader and other Sixth Form students organised a Christmas Jumper Day on the last day on term.