Annual Report 2007 (English, PDF)
Annual Report 2007 Profile of the Hupac Group Profile of the Hupac Group Hupac is the leading rail transport provider of With a workforce of 443 employees, Hupac man- intermodal traffic through the Swiss Alps. We work ages a network of over 130 trains each day, con- hard to ensure that an increasing volume of goods necting the main European economic areas and can be transported by rail and not by road, thus the most important ports with mainland Europe. helping to reduce global traffic and protect the The aim of the company is to provide fast, regular environment. and reliable services for freight rail transport. Hupac was formed in 1967 in Chiasso. The Hupac Group is composed of ten companies based in Switzerland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium. The head office is based in Chiasso. Traffic development by business areas Traffic development by typology Road consignments in 1000 Road consignments in 1000 700 700 Shuttle Net Transalpine via CH 600 Rolling Highway 600 Transalpine via A Non-transalpine 500 500 400 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Year of incorporation 1967 Share capital CHF 20 million Shareholders 100 Capital structure 72% logistics and transport companies 28% rail companies Headquarters Chiasso Operational branches Basel, Busto Arsizio, Oleggio, Singen, Mannheim, Cologne, Duisburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Taulov, Warsaw Business profile Independent intermodal transport operator Business areas Shuttle Net (UCT) 126 shuttle trains per day 669,213 road consignments 11.7
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