List of Approved Security Providers DfT Aviation Security Compliance approved Security Providers The companies listed below are recognised by the Department for Transport as a providers of the aviation security functions specified by letter (a - i) and by location. The security functions included in the scheme are: a) The checking or searching of aircraft, and the controlling of access to aircraft; b) The searching and/or patrolling of the restricted zone ; c) The screening or searching by hand, of passengers, other persons or vehicles entering the restricted zone; d) The screening by x-ray or other equipment or searching by hand, of hand baggage; e) The screening by x-ray or other equipment or searching by hand, of hold baggage; f) Secondary screening of passenger and cabin baggage; g) The Accounting and Authorising of Hold Baggage for carriage by air (Triple A); h) Passenger questioning; i) The issuing of passes to persons, or in respect of vehicles, to access the restricted zone. DATE OF CONTRACTED DATE SECURITY EXPIRY COMPANY LOCATION DIRECTED COMPANY CONTACT DETAILS FUNCTIONS (AFTER PARTIES LISTED 5 YEARS) ADS Heathrow Heathrow a) h) Ethiopian Airlines Khudabakhsh Rafique Ltd. Airport T3
[email protected] 03/07/13 02/07/18 m Advance Warton a) b) c) d) BAE Systems John Berry Security UK e) h) i) 01/02/11 01/02/16 John.berry@advance Ltd Airport Barra Airport b) c) d) i) HIAL Inglis Lyon Management 27/07/09 27/07/14
[email protected] Services Ltd Airport Benbecula b) c) d) e) i) HIAL Inglis Lyon Management Airport 27/07/09