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UNITED MATIONS WAR CRIMES COMMISSION (Research Office) 16th December, 194-6* INDEX t o WAR CRIMES NEWS DIGEST Nos. I to X. ^ (+) It is hoped to issue Indices, in succession, for every ten nuribers of the Nev/s Digest,- R.O. PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/c1c2bd/ INDEX TO WAR CFTMES NEWS DIGESTS N o b , I to X» NOTE; Tho Renan figures refer to the serial number of the News Digest; the Arabic figures to the number of the page. The sign / refers to the heading of a sootion.- R.O. AHETZ, Otto, handed over to the French I H f 2. ALLIED CONTROL COUNCIL: laws No. 8 and No. 9 IV , 4 . Law No» 10 published (Crimes against humanity) V, 2. Law No. 10 in concise form. V I, 4» law No. 11. VIII, 2. AIMELO: trial in preparation I I , 6. trial and sentences .... •• III, 7. AHBERGER, Karl, tried at Wuppertal . X , 9. ANTQNESCU, Marshal, preparations for trial • V I H , 5* ARREST, of War Criminals: jievised resolutions concerning / ; submitted to United Nations V II,17» AUSTRALIAN Trials: first trial at Morotai III ,10 further trials IV, 9 V,11 :: V I ,14 ' • ; VIII, 7. AUSTRIA) first list of major war criminals (for trial) IV , 2. list of Nazis awaiting trial . V, 2. prosecution of Nazis before the people*s Court VI, 2. second List of major war criminals V H , 2. People's Couts set up in Linz, Graz and Innsbruck V III, 2 Inter-Allied Court to meet in Graz re trial of 30 murderers V I H , 2. trials before People's Courts; arrests IX, 2. arrests in U.S. zone. ; . • . X , 4. BAK3C, trial V, 5. sentenoo VI, 8. execution, ■ X,12. BANFF!, Baron: sentence and execution V U I , 2. BARRAGA. Felix, Dr. trial and sentenoo in absentia. VIII, 5* PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/c1c2bd/ «* 2 BARDOSSY, trial n , 3 . appeal against sentence IV , 4 . execution V I, 8. BASCH, Fprana trial and sentence X,12. BASSEWITZ-BEHR, Homing v . , General; arrest 11,10. BEI2EN CAMP: trial •I# 5. findings and sentenoes I I , 4- comments I I , 4 - 6, 14 I I I , 3 - 7 . execution of ZODEEL (sentenced in the "first" trial) IV , 5. oonfirmtion of sentenoes; executions IV , 5- further comments IV , 6. BERNHUBER, Maximilian, Dr. handed over to Italy for trial V II , 5. BEST, Werner, appears beforo Danish Court V I, 3. oonoemed in murder of prominent Dunes V II , 3. to appear as witness at Nuremberg • X , 5. BLASKOWITZA (Gestapo Prague), trial I , 5- BLOKZIJL, Max (Dutch “Haw-Haw"), trial and execution X,13- BIBLIOGRAPHY, Logil Literature I I ,16 IV , 15-18. V ' 1Z V I, 18 X, 21. BORKEN, : war crimes trials at V , 4« i # * . BORKUM ISLAND trial for "death-naroh" V I I I , 3- trial continued IX, 5* »entenoes X, 6. BRAHBCHITSCH, v ., Fieldmorshal under arrest at Dachau . X, 8. "BREENDONCK Camp Schmidt (commandant) handed over to Belgian authorities for trial) IV, 2. BRUNNER I I trial X, 2. BRYANSK t r ia l V , 7 . V. PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/c1c2bd/ - 3 - BUCHENWAID Camp trial 1ji preparation I I , 8. BUEHLER to be extradited to Poland X, 13 CANADIAN TOTATfl of NEITZ X , 9 JUNG, and SCHUMACHER X , 9 HOELZER, WEIGAL and OSSENBACH X,10 MEYER; see under MEYER, Kurt. CANNIBALISM not a crime under EngLish ariminal code; death sentence on Japanese war criminal commuted v i n , 8. CHANNEL ISLANDS ATROCITIES case against perpetrators complete HI, 8. CHINA, Trials arrest and forthcoming trial of Takashi Sakai v, 10 demand for extradition of Jean Corccpino VI, 13 trial of Chen Kung-Po at Soochow; sentence X, 13 CONTI, Leonardo, Dr. arrest and suioido VIH, 5. CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY see; Allied Control Council(I a w No» 10) sterilisation as a / YIH, 4* CRIMINAL ORGANISATIONS House of Conmons statement I I I , 8. CHRISTIANSEN, Friedrich, General to be tried by the Netherlands V I, 9 DACHAU Camp trial II, 8 H I , 9 sentences • IV, 8 second trial of camp officials in preparation VII, 4 three sentences confuted, (see IV , 8) IX , 4 DALUEGE, Kurt to be surrendered to Czechoslovakia VII, 3 formally arrested at Czech Frontier. X , 5 appears as witness in PRANK trial X, 5 DENMARK official observer to bo sent to Nuremberg trial IV , 3 POSHER. Anton, General trial I , 7 w . DRANCY Camp trial of BRUNNER I I X , 2 BRAUZ, Richard trial IV , 8 PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/c1c2bd/ •* DUL\G, Luft "heated cells" trial in preparation I I , 6. trial and sentenoes m , 8 murder of RAF men divulged by defendants IV , 5 ENDRE, Laszlo awaiting trial H , 3 trial V, 5 sentence V I, 8 execution X,12 ENGERAU Camp arrest of leaders X , 2 ESSEN trial in preparation, H , 6 trial and sentenoes V, 4 EUTHANASIA ■ killing of 800 children at Steinhof'(Vienna) V I, 2 Berlin trial of 2 women re killing of asylum inmates (German court) X , 6 iEKEOEHiUitl -CZEYDNER arrest and surrender V , 5 FISCHER, Ludwig to be extradited to Poland X,13 ' *i **. # * FRANK, Karl Hermann depositions taken by Dr. ECER IV , 3 official Indictment published IX , 2 trial X , 5 PRENCH MILITAHY GOVERNMENT war crimes legislation V I, 7 r GEIGER, Josef (SS leader, Frankfurt area) arrest X , 7 GENOCIDE article by Professor R. LEMK3N X,26 GERMAN COURTS first trial under Law No. 10 I X ,11 Euthanasia case tried in Berlin X , 6 first largo soale trial (1938 pograas) X , 6 GLUBCKS, SS General Suicide reported IX ,12 i GOERING, Albeit (brother of Hermann GOERING) arrest n , 2 GOERING, Heinrich (nephew of Hermann GOERING) arrest VI, 3 GOERING Hermann Wilhelm interview with; Press criticisms V,13 GOODHART, L . , Professor, K-C., see under; INTERNATE0NAL MILITARY TRIBUNAL, NUREMBERG. PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/c1c2bd/ L , * ) M ^ « I GRAZ, mass murder trial X , 4- GRAZIANI, Marshal • handed over to Italy for tidal IX , 6 GREECE, first trial ofAxis war orindnals V I I I , 4 GREISER, Arthur to “be handed over to Poland for trial X,13 GRUMPELT, Gerhardt ____ tried VIII, 3 HADAH&B, trial I* 7 executions . IX,11 HANGQBL, trial I , 8 533 H/mmNN, Josef trial X,10 HAUSHOPER, Karl, Professor, suicide X, 8 ra HE33SMEYER,Professor. oearoh for (Neuengamma trial) X,11 f § - HEI14STEDT trial pending IV , 4 HIROHITO not likely to be tried • 11,10 iw Ü Japanese Conraunists demand trial ■' V U I , 7 may be called as witness IX, 9 m HQESS , Rudolf (Auschwitz oonmandant) arrest IX,12 confession X,11 HOEBMAHN, Albert arrest I I , 7 HOFEM/VNN, Paul (ttaidanek executioner) trial and execution V,6 HOUMA., Masaharu, General trial (Bataan death-*oroh) V,11 sentence and appeal to LJupreme Court, Washington; appeal rejected VII, 9 execution X,17 HORMC, Admiral release and re-arrest V I,11 PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/c1c2bd/ - 6 - OfflEDI, Bala trial II, 3 execution IX , 6 INTERNATIONAL MILITARY TRIBUNAL, NURHJBERG: Judges, leading Counsel and accused I , 2 preparations for trial 1 1 ,1 1 opening of trial; indiotaaent and pleas 1 1 1 ,1 1 reading of Count II and conaaents 17,10 reading of Oount I and witnesses stsamoned by defence V,12 opening of Count I H VI ,15 French case for prosecution V II,11 • Professor G0CDElRTfs comments V I I,12 presentation of Soviet case V III, 9 prosecution's case agpinst criminal organi sations; requests to suasaon witnesses IX ,10 opening of defence I X ,10 publicity measures IX ,10 defendants' statements: GQERING, HESS, RIBBENÏR0P, KEITEL, KAI/EEUBRUNNER, ROSENBERG X,18 Professor GOCDEVRT's paper on Legality of Trial X,22 INTERNATIONAL MILITARY TRIBUNAL, TOKYO establishment ordered by General MaaArthur , V I,14 composition of tribunal; oounsel for defence V II,8 excerpts from Charter V I I ,14 nomination of Lord Patrick and Sir ffm. Webb V III, 7 additional list of criminals submitted by . Chinese Judge X ,16 INDUSTRIALISTS v *) •• •• "Big Six” arrest II, 9 arrest of76 industrial leaders H I8 , likelihood of trial before International Court IV, 3 further arrests IV, 7 WELKER arrested V , 4 1 , arrest of oil magnates - • ' V I, 7 trial of / after termination of Nuremberg tidal V II, 4 * " • . arrest of 33 bankers ■ * ] . IX, 6 v • (JOECKL) JABCKEL (Terezin commandant) extradited to Czechs VII, 3 appears as witness in FRANK trial . ' V -- X, 5 JAPAN, Trials s first to be held in Japan proper ’ v-.v, 10 trial of TSUCHIYA VI, 13 JAPANESE War Criminals . • * *. ' arrests ordered by General MaaArthor. : * n , 15 x z X ,10 .. new arres fcs ordered IV, 9 arrest of7 generals VI, 13 another 37 arrests ordered IX, 9 JAROSS trial V, 5 sentenoe VI, 8 JAVA, evidence on atrocities collected VII, 9 PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/c1c2bd/ - 7 - KALCHEV,Anton trial (soe also Greek trials) X, 12 KEMENY, Gabor trial and sentenoe DC, 6 exocution X, 12 KIEV Trial preparations V I, 11 findings and sentences V II, 6 KLAGENFURT, trial and sentences X, 4 KONOYE, Prince arrest ordered; suicide IV, 9 KUHPANIK,Karol (Cccnnandant, Auschwitz) triiU. and sentence v m . 15 DC, 6 IENINGRAD trial V, 8 VI, 9 LINEEHANN, S3. General trial and sentenoe V I, 9 LIST, Pield-Marshal surrender asked for by Greece I I , 2 L0HR, v ., General arrest X, 12 LOLLING, Dr. suicide reported DC, 12 LORITZ (Commandant, Sachsenhausen) / arrest VI, 7 suicide DC, 12 MAJOR OFFENDERS to be tried by German courts DC, 5 MANSFIEID, Justice (Queensland) arrival in England IV, 1 Press comments on his visit V I, 1 MAUTHAUSEN CAMP mass graves of comp victims- discovered V I, 2 preparations for trial -IX, 3 trial to begin Mar oh29 th, 1946 IX, 11 first days of trial X, 7 trial pending against Franz Doppelreit X, 3 (see also under ZIEHEIS) MEHNERT, Klaus (Nazi propagandist, Par East) arrest V I, 13 MEISSNSR, August, General handed over to Yugoslavia V I H , 6 to bo tried by peopled Tribunal IX, 8 PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/c1c2bd/ r m m - 8 - MESSINER, Paul, Dr* arrest V I H , 5 MEYER, Kurt, General to stand for trial I I , 7 trial jbegLna at Aurioh IV , 2 findings and sentence V, 5 sentenoe commuted V I, 5 M3HAILQVITCH, General to "be tried X,15 MINSK Trial preparations V I ,11 findings and sentences V II, C to i, otto (ss) awaiting execution .