The Oxford Democrat
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— »!•■» fc. 4, iltft. .umtf Monaitrftwu, Tr**., July (f TV S»||| SpftiiK Co., Atlanta, (k: at Law. (inllfliM—Hw yrara if) I waa an rtn- Counsellor fntumir u to contract an eitmrwly Iwl V^rklfM, Mala# U« of IJrnd putMNi. Mr bnort nchrd *1*1 my muarlea l*x>n to awef! and mntrart. I n»A M 'HM <Wl». wmr, am« under treatment of the phyatrian from the Incepton of the dtveate until I l<«iad thai be onM da m ao £«l Then, it Councilor at />/*«, thresh the adfkr at a friend I be^an tab. Attonuy hflt 11. Vaur MdkiM — fid to kavu Part*. 1*U^. an immediate rffrrt. 1 unk mi tnttln, and waa ur *• Hl.lMM am auund and well. That two Mi NUMBER 4.J. three >*an ago, but I have awn no rridenuu VOLUMK LV. of the return (I the diaeate, n»1 I take thin «4URm ,, (. opfnrturutv to thank jmu I<«r what it b*»d«<n* D» lor me. It *amj my lift. You tan rc/cr Cot<n.«r//or at /,«»/% for IK* oifttril Haworrat u OXFORD H0R8E TALK. any one u> me. R. M \N all. 4tf()nrv tf AMONO THK FARMERS. Impure Wnt«r. which if rightly ulilitrd U irr**i*tibl* OLD or I • wnman|r«ttnn* fn» IkU >1»|Kr1«*«l abottkl nRlNe «n» ci not an 1 TIIK IIOUHK u th* of tb* ocean tide the I •veil. TbU J la »*w, perbapt awelling to A T MttiM. «o«tli l*aru. Mf Ftawtiirtt ie, To., June »». iMt. moat think ht»r beard ail thai Mai In Ik* (MMiatrr »i»H lh* #r*an (*Mi band of death. aid* and under >naa(>iind»a«w on i*r%rik<*l agr trail arm) lop p«op.r they Hjr your The Swift sprny Co., Atlanta, (a it ii Now Ion* iikI rt»«l II aland*; a. r*u*. l« li wllriM. AiLlnw «U ni*MHk«ll<Mi« c*n H* ■•M oa |l, tn 1 bo don faal If ar* ateam- a *m (kMllll altoal II lb* |tf*n hand th* of th* (ientbmen—The nvaher of mrruhar 1*1* tut tor IhU lO AaiKTU Vitkln* jour apoke* .IrparlUMMit had heard bat there la nead mare K«tiait«« < j Itfj enough; Uwi) far forward under the Theodore Thayer'a bay of r jr ftrm «u aft! ted with a c*r er-«ia at nuiKiiiMi>(iir«Huii)uiicuf,riUi,lli. of m u there It •«» much th* l*l*rt*)« ton-It ateering wheel; «f CouhmUot fsttn, iittulmi lo«| A ad lha »lrw« tkrmih hM (bowed heraelf to be a very aurceaa. ► *» on her fa*e for ai*>ut twenty jfjn. »n aa InmbU down what inrni'rtM to day wav* which ri»*e round th* <a management In this dlr»-t! Oh, twirling thr lew it UWJod Iwr .(mnnt *• will rluatar Mkl <l*all, in her rU»« ibe IHirnjj |m»i yean IHli'M Into*. ih»rr la at pr»**nt A man trav be care- cutwater. Iir« th* ram, th* moat ful performer during Plow th« Orchard. Aa In »i»» I lf| lo rabaaraa ahip'a verv m wh bv continued jam and itihing. of slmpto two rare* at Can. M> tofttu "ilrtu ful a»»oat n« Immediate •urroondini* Um tal*. co«td you »t ««k fum nmM toll. th* moat faUl of nil the enginr* put niioo, winnhg S> u^l S S * and the »wv ha* • gtwmm Much of iba popnlar toacblag bu bMi t*rrib|*, v«ir hla well, |t rovarad, aad clean It ool one at tbe Oiford fair, and ( »■ pap i) o«*«r io the orchard afWr keep What (hiirn har* n>m« la lb* ?*n thai of maritime warfare It ia the teak of ion, County divtppearrd ami u apparently weQ, hbuuld plow everv «r.1 th« water may Iw far, jr*t htv» I1«*n, one at where the won ia three k Unai uut will advtoe He if».i aava «tulor<1 coaaldrrable all* I th* hand which turna that little wheel to Oray, again. yuu. made at fit for na* in many way*. Homa Root* nfllif)* m«I aad of I ham «•' *•«! com. Iiu> condltl n. wln-l* an-1 uman her racotd to Verr truly, hfuli( "Tl« or irtr ID* An-1 Itara, it I writ*. lb* il|ti direct the fearful of tb* ram. •tnifht heata, reducing firmer* eicavata a tank I* hall* to- impact Vlablv A o." c«u t,f met of lb* root TtirtMitfti nrnai an I thy iltnp con- l*E^t>ixiDM, Knrr, pk»w growth." > iliy barayard t h «M wat> r, an<l lato thta they Think what the confided to on* She ia in greatly improved at Law. iba a lory g •«*, ••*».! worts great to <Uy. power I*uggiat*. Counsellor lajarr all klada or rabbiah and •■Imal mat- I »** tbar* a hrl<to, In har ralmanl of akIU, from •bat ihe waa U*t and tha tr««« damp man'a hand muat b*—12,000 toca of dition year, Hattar far to top draaa or pu- liafora Ik* Imaia I it at* now rami, *inim+. I decay and hrcom# lit for plant (bod| eon ft Jence Three lamb mailed fraa on lura to ah«* tad ut tb« tro«a reraala In a l>ta«r, Knl|hl, forward th* fran- level-headed and having appiicatton. JiNCiltrM p In dn* llm« WMto lo hM lo*r», gallant deed weight driven by being aad aa water flnda Ita level ab* bar band gras* Miwt wllilnglf al»»a of bore* in her driver, aha d«iee not get rattled THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., B. MkMMira. there la too marh probability that th* tk energy 12,000 power, plung. IWWI It H»r w%a oar lark to b* on tha pop- AixI lb* with kind, l»aif»l hot vacaam In the wall will ha from <!«•(, af*d paraata, and th* when cloaely in company. l/rawer ). Atlanta, Gn. \ alar »ld«. too* rfMon wa aappllad ing aurging along through yield- pinched For alwaya »>»> aeven and her lb* higher water In theae tanka It la wall Uunl <mi thai fair -1au(ht*r an-l ami lad; wavra a ten f**t in She ia now yeara old, at baaa to look u and ing at of every I Lawt oa, opportaalty off'ra, a* aba had* ib»» apeed A bachelor, wao hate. lit- Attorney known tbat drnlna fonr M deep take the Aa«l llta kind mot bar aal-l, which u a* follow a, (bow* that particularly »* bow tb« work a. That boasiaoaa aecond, and with a momentum eo hog* breeding, atked as author*** If abo lain*. tblaf waur from tba noil from aeveral roda (onlkw, erary women, ■ftMi • lo r hll I'" to be a trot, ropa of applea cbb ba grown with tha •l»h air' ha y* good «ay that th* mathematical which aha ia entitled level-headed eould throw any light »« klaalng. "I away, aad aa It la a ml* of pract'ral engi- Ora on. naw* nmia* <>f I ha Intal etpreeeion tors ib r»*« w» bava aaaa At yaar |<*im wm c- at tirti f proeed. ba oil ao anral to the mind con* ter. She got I«one Star, aid." aald abe, looking archly bin, » neer* tbat tba depth of dralna abonld Thai rant* Ibalr kla-l haarta, purport* to repreeent it by 2:.1rt|. tba aamt lima w« have aoled far mora of thaw lb* fair child lb*y our* lufal ao "hut I think It'a better In the i«rn Inrreaee t wltb th»lr dlatanc* apart. It la It talla no idea to an be by by King | aaccaaa, a ®»re roaitnnoae aa-t boaaiirnl veje intelligence incapable by lUmpton, Jupiter, fair to that a well twenty #»• fret wall, (•lend lllarkhewk, Andrew Jackann, at Law. of abtri tha orchard waa r«pr«t Thay will aaa on aartb Mutaim of a eo vaat. To by Attorney |>'wlBill'>B frail, of commaalcatloa apprvciatiag conception A DKL'QGI.HT HATH. «t Hum deep trill btvechannela eon llaahaw. ft-—«. »M«ee %fiy, I lowed aa<1 nan a Mil Ib frtqaaat rotatloa. air kit aaa an-1 dn*lb and trout.1* aa<t rara receive a blow from th* ram ia death— of imported Hampton'* w« wltb wat*r at a great dlatance. Marvin C Brown. Druggiat, Meredith «'»•» I* —*■<«!■ g ib are eappllea i In «»"ar It* w<-m Ihraahold, a > »»!■ y« of u'*aer?aUoa, aa.1 a imelblag raap th* irretrievable of a a dam waa Kildare, thor. aokl Tbe water fa)iD *lnk«p>ut* where It la da- Anil lo*al imaa ar* t>*rna (brooch Ita low cataatrophe ahip bj impirted Village, N. II. aayai I bar* your *•%»•. •>f «&p*rUBC«, w« conn 'rally claim aa Star'* dam waa r. p<>*!ted la th* aim* place for maay yaara ■malaii career To deliver aueh a blow ia cer- oughbred. I/>ne by Mnlphur RitUra for feara. contrary POWDER orchard will ebow bo from lo*aal nan a** pa la an-l ao mill, lajary proper fna-l to I* liable to (at lato tb« well If It la aa near the and llomrr'a Katinitia'e dam to 01 »at mediclaaa, I never nold a bottin || bat, ob U« tbat oa lan.l Thai hatar a htaalb ran fan thai* to III*. tain victory. It ia with captain, Hrandywine. at Imw. Pure. plowlag.