Jazzletter P-Q Ocrober 1986 P 5Jno;..1O
Jazzletter P-Q ocrober 1986 P 5jNo;..1o . u-1'!-an J.R. Davis,.Bill Davis, Rusty Dedrick, Buddy DeFranco, Blair The Readers . Deiermann, Rene de Knight,‘ Ron Della Chiesa (WGBH), As of August 25, I986, the JazzIetrer’s readers were: Louise Dennys, Joe Derise, Vince Dellosa, Roger DeShon, Michael Abene, John Abbott, Mariano F. Accardi, Harlan John Dever, Harvey Diamond, Samuel H. Dibert’, Richard Adamcik, Keith Albano, Howard Alden, Eleanore Aldrich, DiCarlo, Gene DiNovi, Victor DiNovi, Chuck Domanico, Jeff Alexander, Steve Allen, Vernon Alley, Alternate and Arthur Domaschenz, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Donahue, William E. Independent Study Program, Bill Angel, Alfred Appel J r, Ted Donoghue, Bob Dorough, Ed Dougherty, Hermie Dressel, Len Arenson, Bruce R. Armstrong, Jim Armstrong, Tex Arnold, Dresslar, Kenny Drew, Ray Drummond, R.H. Duffield, Lloyd Kenny Ascher, George Avakian, Heman B. Averill, L. Dulbecco, Larry Dunlap, Marilyn Dunlap, Brian Duran, Jean Bach, Bob Bain, Charles Baker (Kent State University Eddie Duran, Mike Dutton (KCBX), ' School of Music), Bill Ballentine, Whitney Balliett, Julius Wendell Echols, Harry (Sweets) Edison,Jim_Eigo, Rachel Banas, Jim Barker, Robert H. Barnes, Charlie Barnet, Shira Elkind-Tourre, Jack Elliott, Herb Ellis, Jim Ellison, Jack r Barnett, Jeff Barr, E.M. Barto Jr, Randolph Bean, Jack Ellsworth (WLIM), Matt Elmore (KCBX FM), Gene Elzy Beckerman, Bruce B. Bee, Lori Bell, Malcolm Bell Jr, Carroll J . (WJR), Ralph Enriquez, Dewey Emey, Ricardo Estaban, Ray Bellis MD, Mr and Mrs Mike Benedict, Myron Bennett, Dick Eubanks (Capital University Conservatory of Music), Gil Bentley, Stephen C. Berens MD, Alan Bergman, James L. Evans, Prof Tom Everett (Harvard University), Berkowitz, Sheldon L.
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