Venice and the Veneto Edited by Peter Humfrey Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-80843-9 - Venice and the Veneto Edited by Peter Humfrey Index More information INDEX S Albani, Caterina Bechi, 304 Barbarigo, Agostino, doge, 14, 38, 47, 60, 154; see Procession in the Piazza San Marco (Accademia, Albani, Francesco, 302, 304 also Bellini, Giovanni Venice), 45–6, 120–1, Pl. XIII Albani, Margherita, 304 Barbaro, Daniele, 173 Queen Caterina Cornaro (Szépmú´vészeti Albino, Sant’Anna, 305 Barbaro, Marc’Antonio, 85 Múseum, Budapest), 194–6, 196 Albrecht V,duke of Bavaria, 337 Barbo, Ludovico, 214 (with Giovanni), Saint Mark Preaching in Aldus Manutius, 188 Bardi, Girolamo, 51–2 Alexandria (Brera, Milan), 121, 121–2 Alexander III, pope, 40, 46 Baroncelli, Niccolò, 214 (with Jacopo and Giovanni), Gattamelata Alexandria, 122 Bartolomeo da Sossano, 264 altarpiece (fragmentary), 220–1, 221 Alfonso I (d’Este), duke of Ferrara, 320–1, 327, Bartolomeo, Fra, 334 Bellini, Giovanni, 44, 71, 110, 256 333–4 Basaiti: see Vivarini, Alvise Baptism of Christ (Santa Corona, Vicenza), Altichiero, 267, 271 Bassano del Grappa, San Giuseppe, 245 257–8, Pl. XVI frescoes in Oratorio di San Giorgio, Padua, Bassano, Francesco il Giovane, 85, 245 canvases for the Sala del Maggior Consiglio 209–12, 217, 211 (?) Autumn / Moses Receives the Tablets of the (lost), 44–6 Saint George Tortured on the Wheel, 213 Law (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna), Coronation of the Virgin (Museo Civico, Pesaro), Amadeo, Giovanni Antonio, 286 186 330–1 Colleoni Chapel (Santa Maria Maggiore, Meeting of Pope Alexander III and Doge Ziani Doge Loredan and Four Councilors (Berlin, Bergamo), Pl. X (Doge’s Palace, Venice), Pl.
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