Tommy Shaw Has ‘Positive Attitude’ for MTV Concert B Y BOB VONDERHEIDE Shaw Could Take Bryan Adams on and MARK WORSCHEH Any Day in a Live Performance

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Tommy Shaw Has ‘Positive Attitude’ for MTV Concert B Y BOB VONDERHEIDE Shaw Could Take Bryan Adams on and MARK WORSCHEH Any Day in a Live Performance HPC - page 3 Tommy Shaw has ‘positive attitude’ for MTV concert B y BOB VONDERHEIDE Shaw could take Bryan Adams on and MARK WORSCHEH any day in a live performance. ” Senior Staff Reporters Approximately 600 tickets for Shaw’s concert were distributed last T.J. Miles didn't expect much last night, and tickets will be available week when he went to meet Tommy from 7 to 9 p.m. today and tomor­ Shaw at the singer’s Niles, Mich., row in the Chautauqua Ballroon at farm. But the meeting sure changed Notre Dame and the Haggar College the Dillon freshman’s tune. Center at Saint Mary’s. Tickets are “He’s straight-forward rock n’ roll free. with not a lot of technopop,” said Miles accompanied Rock Alike Miles, who finished third in Notre winner Kevin Herbert and campaign Dame’s Rock Alike contest as Bryan co-chairmen Aline Gioffre and Vince Adams. Shaw’s music is “not Bruce Willis to meet Shaw before the band Springsteen and it’s not Bryan left to begin a two week Southern Adams. It’s unique, but it’s not tour. dressed-up." “Tommy Shaw is an excellent Shaw, who will give a free concert stage performer, and he promises to April 27 in the ACC, returned to be entertaining, ” said Herbert, who Niles to help publicize Notre Dame’s will impersonate Bruce Springsteen victory in the “Millions Against MS” in the Rock Alike competition inter collegiate campaign. before the concert. Herbert is When Miles first learned that MTV hoping for a rousing reception for selected the former Styx guitarist, he Shaw, one of the judges of the Rock said he was disappointed, “like Alike contest, because he stands to The Observer/Vic Guarino everyone else. ” win an summer internship with Cool guys “But after meeting him and his MTV. Members of the Cavanaugh Country Club, BillDame and Saint Mary’s students were guilty of band, they’ve all got the biggest posi­ Jerry Kramer, Shaw’s agent, prom Lytle, John Coyle, John Keegan, Don Montanaro, taking in a few rays during the past few days of tive attitude, ” Miles said last night. Jerry Garcia, Sam Sangster, and Mike Kelley relax nice weather. The same is expected through the “The bassist told me that Tommy see SHAW, page 4 in their "Care Bear" pool yesterday. Many Notreweekend. Little change off-campus noticed by police, bar owners Editor’s Note: One year ago dents and administrators when the Another fear last year was that if Payne’s mother, who is employed neighbors complain. When we get a today, the University’s new alcohol alcohol policy came out was that students were forced off-campus, an at the bar, said “We’ve always had complaint, w e’ll come and quiet the policy was announced. This is partmore students would go off-campus increase in assaults, hit and runs, someone checking ID s at the door, party. And it is illegal to drink in the one o f a series o f articles examining to party. This fear has been proven drunken driving, and underage and underage drinking has never state of Indiana if you are under 21, the policy and its effect on Notre wrong, say local bar owners. drinking arrests would result. Again been a big problem.” whether in your own house or not. ” Dame student life. “There has not been much of a the facts refute this. B y KEVIN YOUNG change Chris Houck, manager of The increased raids on bars and Both the police and the bar “There has been no increase in al­ News S ta ff parties over the past couple years managers agree that there has been cohol related accidents, ” said Lt. have prompted some to wonder if an increase in responsible drinking Larry Blume of the South Bend Traf­ Last year, the party ended. Some Alcohol: the alcohol policy is to blame. Wil­ this year. “People are getting less ob­ fic Bureau. “In fact, there has been a said it would just move off-campus. liams said, “We regularly patrol the viously drunk,” said Houck. One year decrease in drunken driving arrests In fact, according to Lt. Norval Wil­ bars. The alcohol policy at Notre this year. ” Blume attributes this to liams of the South Bend Police De­ Dame has nothing to do with it. ” Williams feels “the alcohol policy later the Alcohol Action Project the state partment, the off-campus scene has has something to do with the re­ adopted in 1983. changed little since the alcohol “The new drunk driving laws and sponsible drinking we re seeing. policy was announced one year ago Bar owners disagree that un­ general alcohol awareness have However, the stricter drunken today. Bridget’s. The employees of Nickie’s derage drinking has been a problem brought on the raids. But there driving laws and the new alcohol “There has been no noticed in­ agreed. this year. aren’t any more raids this year than programs have opened everyone’s crease in off-campus activity this “Actually, there’s been a slight “No more underage people have last year,” said Houck. eyes. All of society is becoming year,” stated Williams." decrease of people coming here, ” tried to get in this year than in the Raiding private parties occurs more aware and responsible about One of the greatest fears of stu­ said Kenny Payne, owner of Nickie’s. past,” said Houck. when, according to Williams,“the drinking.” CLC has diverse membership SMC committee hopes Editor’s Note: The following issimilar to the present day Student by the administration, two faculty for president by 1986 part three o f a three-part series ex­Senate. The council initiated ideas members John T. Goldrick, associ­ amining the functions of different and proposals, then voted on the ate vice president for residence By HELEN LUCAITIS Kennedy, represents the College ad­ branches of student government. proposals to decide if they were to life, and Father David Tyson, vice N ew s S ta ff ministration and Thomas Nessinger Today’s installment focuses ontake effect. president for student affairs. The is a representative of the Parents the Campus Life Council. With the advent of the Student council is headed by the Student Saint Mary’s Presidential Search Council. Senate, the CLC has lost some of its Body President. Committee has begun its hunt and By JOHN GORLA According to Rob Bertino, last The Committee, appointed by the expects to end it by January 1986. Staff Reporter year’s student body president, the Executive Governing Board, will The 11-member group, with Dr. By the people, CLC had only three meetings this recommend candidates for the posi­ John Duggan, current president ser­ The Campus Life Council, com­ year. The chairman of the council tion to the College’s Board of ving as consultant, met for the first monly called the CLC, is the part of for the people? calls meetings at his discretion, Regents. The Regents will then make time last week to begin the selection student government responsible usually used to vote on any recommendations to the Sisters of Part three process, determining the exact for passing or rejecting proposals proposals initiated by the Student the Holy Cross, who will appoint the procedures for the search and speci­ that are initiated in the Student power: Now, the senate initiates Senate. new president. Senate. proposals, which are sent to the Tyson is the only non-voting fications of candidates. In the past, the CLC had a differ­ CLC for approval. member of the council, but he Appointed members include: The Committee will be placing ent form that was quite powerful The council members include does have veto power. Bertino said Anne Marie Kollman, Student Gov­ advertisements in the Chronicle of for a single branch of the student people from every aspect of Notre that this is “a paradox to what the ernment President-elect; Professors Higher Education and major news­ government, but has since evolved Dame. The council consists of five council intends to be,” adding Keith Egan and Dorothy Feigl; and papers as well as recruiting individ­ into a body having one specific student senators, one of three HPC “this is a weak point in the council Board of Regents members Jerry uals they would like to see apply for goal to accomplish. representatives chosen by the and should be eliminated.” Hammes, Mary Lou Leighton, Sister the position. About five years ago the CLC HPC, the director of the student Judith Beattie, Robert Welsh, Jr., An acting president will serve as was essentially a governing body- activities board, six rectors chosen see CLC, page 5 Sister Kathryn Callahan and Melissa Underman Noyes. Sister Francesca see PRESIDENT, page 3 The Observer Wednesday, April 17, 1985 — page 2 In Brief Hulk-o-mania infests TV sets across nation Arkansas students are organizing to Popular culture can get pretty strange sometimes. oppose student fee funding of a Gay and Lesbian Student Association, after the associated student government president vetoed a bill that Take the case of Hulk Hogan. He’s this huge blond­ Dan would have prohibited such funding. The United Students Associa­ haired professional wrestler who has suddenly become tion believes no student organization has the right to promote a full-fledged American hero. But the question many M cCullough homosexuality because it is against state law. It also opposes the Americans are asking themselves is, “Who is Hulk involvement of civil liberties groups in the campus issue. - The Hogan and why does he have a mania named after him?" News Editor Hulk, as he is affectionately called by his friends and Observer fans, leads the latest national craze for pro wrestling.
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