2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

Please Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041 [email protected] CELL phone 3054345276 Copyright 2019

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Click Here ------New Amazon Paperback Book "Secret Files on the 2019 Windmill Car's" ------Click Here

Paperback: 548 pages ISBN-10: 1793855374 ISBN-13: 978-1793855374 Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1.2 x 11 inches.


Click Here... Amazon Paperback + Kindle link to WindmillCAR's and Gravity Engines in 2018

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http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 1/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

2-18-2019 Catholic Priests speak out on Moslems with 4 Wife's, Pope Francis is likely to be exploited by 4 Wife's into spending time and money on things he has never done in his life for the good of Humanity. 4 Wife's can inspire Miracles from God in Pope Francis the Priests know this.

2-18-2019 Not likely; Even Without Amazon, Tech Could Keep Gaining Ground in New York. No Way! There are 100's of protected islands off Key West the Fed's would be willing to trade to 'Tech' for a gravity engine and Time, Gravity as God Particles. And Exodus plans by the Jew Hero Driving the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's into Mecca and Manhattan.

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2-18-2019 Russian Flag Flies on Cathedral in English Town Where Ex-Spy Was Poisoned

2-18-2019 Russian Flag Flies at Alpha Centauri and Sirius decades after the English Town Where Ex-Spy Was Poisoned playing spy games with the Ruling Class British Oil Men... Poisoned by Alpha Centauri and Sirius Aliens we overheard thanks to a 1 Click Amazon IP Invention project.

Exodus; Off Earth “Today, Apple-Amazon is going to reinvent the War on Cancer, win the Pentagons War's World Wide Won with the 1980 Ford WindmillCAR's updated to 2019 Specs!

The Skinny of it all is there could be 4 billion people at Alpha Centauri the nearest stars and another 5 billion people at Sirius...

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The Skinny of it all is there could be 4 billion people at Alpha Centauri the nearest stars and another 5 billion people at Sirius...

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2-18-2019 Vets Really Are Baby Killers, not just in Vietnam but Today driving huge Diesel Powered Trucks spray painting the air the baby breaths in and the Top Brass keeps the Poison Particles in the air and in the Baby's DNA off the front page of the NY Times and Washington Post. "Republicans Already Are Demonizing Democrats, as Socialists and Baby Killers" By SHERYL STOLBERG Elite Jewish Warriors have know about this 'Jewish Baby Killer" in the air for decades and decades never thinking they would actually get charged with war crimes.

http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 5/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 2-18-2019 "Bill de Blasio: The Path Amazon Rejected" By BILL DE BLASIO Bill and another white man at 1984 HQ rejected the 1980 to 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's in the Path of Victory over Mecca and Money. Rejected NYC being richer than . NYC Subway free and looking like a Palace worth trillions. Amazon on the Path to 1 Click IP invention projects you can buy! "Just days before, I had counseled a senior Amazon executive about how they could win over some of their critics." 1,001 IP invention projects on 1 Click. Bill said Jeff Bezos — the richest man in the world. No Way about 1,001 Prince's in and Qatar are the richest in the world with $777 Trillion dollars in oil revenues censored by George Orwell's Times. Bill said; "The city and state were holding up our end. And more important, a sizable majority of New Yorkers were on board. Support for the new headquarters was strongest in communities of color and among working people who too often haven’t gotten the economic opportunity they deserved." These are the same winners driving the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's in our victory over Mecca and Allah Bill. A WindmillCAR could’ve opened a path to the middle class for thousands of families was scuttled by Oil Men in Texas, Alaska, and a Prince in Saudi Arabia and Trump Towers. "My fellow mayors across the country. We know the game is rigged... and deadly with spray painted Black Clouds of Diesel and fiery wrecks the Mayor's drive by without stopping to put out gas stations world wide, a !" In January, pledged $500 million to combat the affordable housing crisis in Seattle. Next January Microsoft will be put in the 'public domain' so humanity can get the code for 1,001 IP invention projects just like the 4 Trillion Rx Recipes all Trade Secrets and needed for the Rx Pink Latte at Starbucks that cures all Breast-Ovary cancers in 8 Days in all Stages. Oppenheimer would have gotten this Latte in 1947 if not fired by Generals! West Point Medical School with 25 Trump Towers will change the Art of the Diagnosis and give us the Gravity Engine along with Star Wars MRI's. Homeland MD Security a new name and new Art of the Diagnosis for everyone in the USA and the 200,000 from Saudi Arabia at the Doctors Office today.

2-18-2019 Best Case Scenario the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR Driven in London; "In a worst-case scenario, BP Oil granted another $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues the Bank of England calculated in November that Brexit could shrink the economy by 8 percent and send house prices plunging by 30 percent. The 2019 Ford WindmillCAR worth $777 Trillion. London 'Serf's' windfall of $777 Trillion confiscated from Prince Salman for War Crimes!

2-18-2019 Trump can win a Nobel Prize on his own for 'Sanctions' on Tobacco! Unlike Jimmy Carter who's Nobel Peace Prize is a scam that gave Prince Salman $777 Trillion from Miami, Cuba gas stations. Shinzo Abe Won’t Say if He http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 6/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Nominated Trump for a Nobel Prize. Such an nomination would be in keeping with the Japanese leader’s careful courting of the president. Critics said it would be “shameful for Japan.” Oil Revenue War Crimes by Japan today will be a lot more than shameful!

2-18-2019 India + Pakistan Ruling Caste fire bombed the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR again! "Kashmir Militants Strike Again, Killing at Least 4 Indian Soldiers in Pulwama" after killing 44 last week.

2-18-2019 $777 trillion worth of Turm-oil... Memorial Sloan Kettering’s Season of Turmoil! Bone Saw Conflicts of interest for 9 million with cancer and no cure only Crude Oil. Oppenheimer has a good reason he was fired by thousands of West Point Generals.

2-18-2019 Star Wars Over the Counter updated - out with the old in with the New Rx cough syrups, antibiotic cream with pain relief. "Evidence is sorely lacking for the value of any over-the-counter remedy to treat most coughs."

2-18-2019 Verizon Cell unlimited and WiFi ready, Apple is not ready for this yet, so that's not too much of a surprise! "TF Securities' Ming-Chi Kuo predicts Apple will launch "three all-new design products," including a new MacBook Pro laptop with either a 16-inch or 16.5-inch display, a new 31.6-inch 6k3k monitor and a Mac Pro, according to the Feb. 17 note. Apple has already confirmed that it's building a new Mac Pro desktop computer, so that's not too much of a surprise." iPhone iDash Cam iTickets... Apple is not ready for this yet.

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2-18-2019 The Caribbean island offers a trade of $777 Trillion Prince Salman has for $777 Trillion fish in the Caribbean... grin!

Rift between Time + Money in a New Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies...

Oil Flows into the Ocean's via Gulf of Mexico Oil Rigs today, leaking millions of gallons.

Oil Flows into the Ocean's via Gulf of Mexico Oil Rigs today, leaking millions of gallons.

2-18-2019 The Caribbean island offers a trade of $777 Trillion Prince Salman has for $777 Trillion fish in the Caribbean... grin!

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2-18-2019 Political, economic, bureaucratic, geographic and historic machinations now at work will determine where the next giant telescope or next big particle collider will be built. Laptop-toting physicists have been crisscrossing the oceans between Japan, China and Europe, for the last decade trying to cajole colleagues and their governments into pouring many billions of dollars into the future of physics. By the time particles start zinging around any such machine, many of these scientists will have retired. As Frederick Bordry, CERN’s director of accelerators, said last year, I should have been spending Prince Salmans $777 Trillions of dollars not $777 Billion dollars on the gravity engine not smashing Top Quarks for peanuts of Higgs. Jimmy Carter must be here! Jimmy Carter could of been President at the time of the Gravity Engine invention. If not for .

2-18-2019 As Frederick Bordry, CERN’s director of accelerators, said last year, “I’m working for the Prince Salman who owns Lake Geneva and Geneva.” $777 Trillion is a lot of money that's why the Prince wants another $777 Trillion from Miami, Cuba gas station hold ups.

2-18-2019 Amazon's 1,001 ways to get 1 invention... coming soon as the Yale Key West Medical School get's the Admirals Cut Bridge built at Margaritaville Resort.

2-17-2019 2019 Tax Return Question, does anyone in Saudi Arabia pay income Tax? Hell No all taxes given to Saudi Arabia are from Gas Stations in Miami, Cuba.

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2-17-2019 Filing Taxes on your iPhone, Amazon 1 Click for Filing Taxes has AI and access to all your income and expenses. This is truly 1 Click @ Star Wars.

2-17-2019 Karl Marx’s Tomb in London Is Splashed With Red Paint, no Splashed with Crude BP Oil and money is pasted on the Oil. Russian Oil + Russian Flag Is Unfurled on Cathedral's in London. Residents See a Morbid Prank that gives birth defects and cancers to those in London. This stunt came two weeks before the anniversary of a Russian nerve-agent attack on a former spy in the English city. BP Oil Nerve-Agents are a mass murderers plague on London today and Yes Orwell would write about it but couldn't get the Nobel Novel pass Observers at 1984 HQ.

2-17-2019 1 million Land Minds in Yemen, 12 Trillion Galaxies in our New Universe! In Hairan, Saudi-backed Yemeni soldiers showed off what they said were Houthi land mines disguised as small boulders. The fake rocks are armed with motion detectors that detonate the explosive when someone approaches. Key West Motion Detectors on your Bike, Trike that call 911 as they are also armed with Motion Detectors... well they would be for the bike thieves in Key West are more than a million, grin. Orwell Lead Cops can't arrest even one Bike, Trike Thief in Key West. Saudis + , have committed war crimes by conducting airstrikes on Hospitals. Key West also on the Yale Key West Medical School with 25 Trump Towers and 25 Hospital Ships. “This is due to lack of capabilities,” Key West + Yemen. Lack modern 'Mind' detectors such as 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects spelled out with specs and genius tutors. Starbucks Yemen and Key West without the $12.5 million in iMac's in the Coffee Shop. Lack of modern 'Mind' detectors is a mine field to Dr. Lisa Sanders in the Art of the Diagnosis. Geneva UN employees must have gotten the wrong diagnosis for decades same as Key West residents. From a dislocated shoulder to triple bypass. Bypassed today is the gravity engine and Rx Recipe for the Pink Latte at Starbucks. Million mines there in Yemen and a million breast-ovary cancer dead in the USA the last decades without the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR Exodus to Invention Madness! Dynasafe, which had brought in experienced specialists from around the world. No not for Pink Cancers but mine's not Minds of famous British-American inventors no one can think of in their minds reading this.

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2-17-2019 With Trump’s Tough Deterrents, Many Universe Exodus Seekers are Giving Up at NASA and Jew Hero HQ. Nation of Jews are all POW's via Jewish Ruling Class instigating a War with Iran not a Exodus War Mobilization that will bankrupt Mecca + Iran. Trump’s Attempt to Circumvent Alpha Centauri and Sirius; how far into uncharted nearest Stars can we expose the Crimes against the Universe? American Volunteers Fighting ISIS in Syria Worry About a U.S. Pullout, not what is out there in 12 Trillion Galaxies. Risking Hell for money by those who's Dark Matter has not been exposed as Scam News. NASA is not published in Arabic for Saudi Arabia.

2-17-2019 U.S. Military Starts Flying Aid for Venezuela to Colombia when the Generals following orders know Venezuela has $777 Trillion in oil revenues... Critics of letting them get another $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues are stopped by land minds!!

2-17-2019 Rejection of Amazon. Rejection of a MD Wife. Vegas is your City or Yale Key West Medical School is your City. The Least Vegas Neighborhood in Vegas. The most Yale Medical School City should be New Haven not Boston. 10K medical school students on the New Duval Mall replacing alcoholics and obese Restaurant addicts. Journalists Mandy Miles in Key West tops off Trump at 273 lbs. Will the Yale Key West Medical School Students arrive in Key West in Time for Mandy Miles triple bypass and diabetic one leg Pirate Fantasy Fest? "A Man Discovers He Has a Disease Most People Thought No Longer Existed" By LISA SANDERS, M.D. Alcoholism will no longer exist in the USA when the 2019 Ford WindmillCar is driven to the Yale Key West Medical School. Well when it's driven to New Haven + Boston.

2-17-2019 Rejection of Amazon's 1 Click links to 1,001 IP invention projects with specs and genius tutors to help you get started inventing!

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2-17-2019 What are India's options against Pakistan after Kashmir attack? Decades of Kashmire attacks and the highest Caste still drives the gas engine cars from England not the 2019 Ford WindmllCAR's from the USA. India Options against the Ruling Class Defy the Oxford Class in London fueling India with Oil and Gas in the Age of the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's. A war crime all the world knows about but can do nothing about.

2-17-2019 Perversions of the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ go to 'Stomp' on your soul and Universe. ‘Stomp’ Turns 25. Here Are 10 Things You Didn’t Know. There’s more to the show than banging on a can. Ask George Lucas, Hillary Clinton — and the performer who’s been doing it for 20 years. Perverted 10 invention projects you should have been brainstorming the last 25 years. Perverts have immunity today. Why would the ruling class buy into these perversions?

2-17-2019 Remember Lee Radziwill Jackie Kennedy's sister drove a gas engine car into Death. Her road is paved with Oil on Earth in a Universe we know nothing about. Her stats as in the ruling class who gave us 'Animal Farm' and destroyed the WindmillCAR for the mass of humanity yet the NY Times is 'Remembering Lee Radziwill' without her buying the most expensive Ford WindmillCAR for Kennedy's! Wellness diagnosis to the Rich + Famous points to Bone Saw Doctors who are not really MD's but a Prince in Saudi Arabia who lives next door to Lee Radziwill and the NY Times Editors.

2-17-2019 Men Who Can Do More Than 40 Push-Ups Far Less Likely To Develop Heart Disease. A new study finds that men who can perform at least 40 push-ups in one attempt are much less likely to suffer from heart disease and other dangerous ... Invent a 1 Click Amazon link or iPhone App to get you started doing 1 Push-Up going for 40.

http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 12/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 2-17-2019 Trump Declares a Star War's Invention Emergency; "You’re Addicted to Plastic. Can You Go Cold Turkey?" "9 Ways to Cut Down on Plastic" by the NY Times Greg turns into 9 ways to invent plastics. First think of all the new ways Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts could use plastics then advance to Whole Foods. You just invented Star Wars Plastics, Ha! All Microwavable of course. Bread in a Plastic Container right into the microwave. What else? Plastic plywood and 2x4's. Concrete Blocks made of Plastic. Roof. Sink. Bike and Car Tires. iPhone.

2-17-2019 Warrior Medical Emergency; Dr. Sarah Huckabee Sanders MD boss of the White House Admiral MD's. Can you listen to her conversation of what she diagnosed in their Warrior's Brain Cancer that counter attacks the cure of Breast- Ovary Cancers.

2-17-2019 Trump Declares a National Emergency; Monica Witt, a former U.S. Air Force intelligence specialist. West Point Academy and Generals are not Soul-Mates of Humanity. “At some point, she took an ideological left turn to become aligned with the Persians.” Monica Witt, a former U.S. Air Force intelligence specialist not a MD wanting to cure breast cancer. Dr. MD turned to become aligned with Rx Pink Recipe to cure Breast-Ovary Cancer Rx Recipe Cure hacking 4 Trillion Rx Recipes all trade secrets not AF intelligence secrets but the cure for breast cancer. Has Greg turned any George Orwell women to become MD's instead of Generals and Admirals to cure Breast-Ovary Cancers? Ms. Witt, who was born in El Paso, enlisted in the Air Force and entered active duty about eight months after her 18th birthday, in 1997, just after the death of her mother. Slender, with straight brown hair, she was quickly assigned to the crew of an RC-135 spy plane — a jet packed with reconnaissance equipment. Assigned to the Yale Key West Medical School and the Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD Los Alamos Breast Cancer Manhattan Project. She first deployed to the in 2002, when she was sent to Saudi Arabia. Does Gina have video of her in Saudi Arabia? She began a roughly seven-month tour in Qatar. “She would talk about how she couldn’t sleep at night, the stuff she saw and was a part of,” said Mr. Ellis. Ms. Witt, he remembered, would mention drone strikes, extrajudicial killings and atrocities against children, all of which she claimed her colleagues in the military would brag about. She seemed distressed by what she called “gross incompetence” by her superiors during her time abroad. Upon her return to Washington, she delivered her capstone presentation before a panel of professors. Panel of Yale Key West Medical School professors out of work here since 2011 when Greg flew into Key West with $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues. , a former Democratic senator from Alaska who attended the conference and himself met three times with Iranian intelligence officials. Alaska's $777 Trillion in oil revenues and spray painted black clouds of diesel in the traffic ahead. Ms. Witt did not make much of an impression http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 13/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat on some others who met her in Iran. Impression on the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ who have driven by fiery wrecks world wide without stopping to end gas stations on Earth driving the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR into Mecca + Manhattan. Windfall of 100's of Trillions for Manhattan not Mecca and they still would not Drive the WindmillCAR. A War Crime! In the months after the 2013 conference, Ms. Witt was in close touch with Ms. Hashemi as she traveled to and elsewhere, while she struggled to get a visa to return to Iran. Finally, on Aug. 28, when the visa came through, Ms. Witt sent a message with a smiley-face emoji to Ms. Hashemi, just as she was preparing to fly to . “I’m signing off and heading out!” she wrote. “Coming home.” Follow Alan Blinder, Julie Turkewitz, Adam Goldman on Twitter: @alanblinder; @JulieTurkewitz; @adamgoldmanNYT. Home @ the Yale Key West Medical School with 25 Trump Towers and 25 Hospital Ships all paid for by money from Prince + King Salman they got from Miami, Cuba gas station hold ups. Mar-a-Lago Medical School with another 25 Trump Towers. Trump will donate his brain to Einstein Medical School. Monica Witt, a former U.S. Air Force intelligence specialist not a MD, why?

2-17-2019 Trump Declares a National Emergency; and Provokes a Constitutional Clash, decision incited Ford at the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR HQ in a Federal Protected Island off Key West.

2-17-2019 Inciting Prince Salman at Vail or Aspen which ever home he is in today. Lauren Lovette to Be Artist in Residence at Vail + Aspen. Inventors in Residences at Vail + Aspen working on getting the Jew Hero a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR to drive into Vail + Aspen. NY Times and Washington Post Editors know or have seen Prince Salmans homes in Vail + Aspen without reporting this.

2-17-2019 Why have a Public Library that is not a Starbucks. $12.5 million dollars worth of iMac's in Starbucks all waterproof and crumb resistant, grin!

http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 14/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

2-16-2019 Trump’s Emergency Declaration Is the First Since 9/11

2-16-2019 Trump Declares a National Emergency; CIA told him Kim and Putin are working to invent the Gravity Engine!

2-16-2019 Pope Francis Declares a World-Wide Emergency; Gas Oil Money and he Pope Francis Defrocks Theodore McCarrick, Ex-Cardinal Accused of Sexual Abuse. The move by Pope Francis, announced by the Holy See on Saturday, was the first time a cardinal or bishop in the United States has been laicized when there should be 10's of thousands of Defrocked Priest + Bishop's just in the USA let alone World Wide, millions! FBI Crimes Against Children have not been doing their job for decades and decades because of Oil Money in the Trillions of dollars $$$.

2-16-2019 Hospital Ship Emergency; 'America's first millennial submarine' is also its deadliest hunter-killer ever — step inside the USS South Dakota. Dakota was built by the shipbuilder General Dynamics Electric Boat, whose workforce is more than half millennial and should have been driving a 2019 Ford WindmillCar not a Nuke sub. Navy Top Brass bombing Hospital Ships by building the USS South Dakota. $$$. Laying down mines, the South Dakota not Einstein AI Minds to sail the Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies. Rear Adm. Leonard C. Dollaga, commander of the Undersea Warfighting Development Center said he sunk the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's and Yale Key West Hospital Ships. Sonar or radar ping can reveal a sub's location, so the ships need to sit and listen quietly to safely line up a kill. Jewish Aliens were killed by this Admiral. "60 Minutes" at CERN on Time is a God Particle.

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2-16-2019 Warrior Medical Emergency; Dr. Sarah Huckabee Sanders MD boss of the White House Admiral MD's. Can you listen to her conversation of what she diagnosed in their Warrior's Brain Cancer that counter attacks the cure of Breast- Ovary Cancers.

2-16-2019 Trump Declares a National Emergency; and Provokes a Constitutional Clash, decision incited Ford at the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR HQ in a Federal Protected Island off Key West.

2-16-2019 Inciting Prince Salman at Vail or Aspen which ever home he is in today. Lauren Lovette to Be Artist in Residence at Vail + Aspen. Inventors in Residences at Vail + Aspen working on getting the Jew Hero a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR to drive into Vail + Aspen. NY Times and Washington Post Editors know or have seen Prince Salmans homes in Vail + Aspen without reporting this.

2-16-2019 Trump’s Emergency Declaration Is the First Since 9/11 to Authorize Military Action. Here’s how President Trump’s border wall fits on the list of emergency declarations.

2-16-2019 Trump Declares a National Emergency; violation of a presidential self- restraint. 1984 Society barred the NY Times and Washington Post from front page specs on the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's superconductive super cold -254 C electric turbine generators putting out trillions of volts and amps.

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2-16-2019 Trump’s Rationale for a National Emergency Is Based on Bone Saw Culture of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Emirates, Kuwait, Baghdad Oil revenues of $300 million a week when every Starbucks world wide needs $12.5 million for iMac's at every table. Dangerous to say the least about 12 Trillion Galaxies when you don't even know how gravity and time are generated.

2-16-2019 Trump Declares a National Emergency; Mr. Martin had worked at the Henry Pratt Company’s industrial warehouse where valves and control devices used in water and power systems are designed for about 20 years before he was let go two weeks ago. The police said they believed that Mr. Martin had lost his job even more recently, on Friday. Friday, killing five workers and injuring five police officers. Officials from Mueller Water Products, of which the Henry Pratt Company is a subsidiary, issued a statement late Friday expressing shock and sadness. “It’s a shame that mass shootings such as this have become commonplace in our country,” Mayor Richard C. Irvin of Aurora said. “It’s a shame that a cold and heartless offender would be so selfish as to think he has a right to take an innocent life.” This is Trump Declares a National Emergency!!

2-16-2019 Trump Declares a National Emergency; 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's; Supreme Court to Heard Case, this is why we drive gas and diesel cars, a war crime of course. Oil Men's Bone Saws limited advancements of 4 billion people for decades and decades. This crime is unthinkable.

2-16-2019 Trump Declares a National Emergency; West Point Academy briefing cadets on the Gravity Engine mobilization and what a Gravity Engine would mean for Humanity.

2-16-2019 Trump Declares a National Emergency; West Point Academy and its Oil http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 17/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Men Generals are Warriors paid by Prince Salman along with the teens in Yamen. Wary Wife's and Daughters Try Not to Get Burned in a fiery wreck. Trump may have the authority to throw away $$$ Trillions on a foolish Wall is itself scandalous when Mexico Oil Men could make Mexicans richer than Citizens of Qatar. Oil Men World Wide are not Soul-Mate of Humanity.

2-16-2019 Trump Declares a National Emergency; West Point Academy and Generals are not Soul-Mates of Humanity. “At some point, she took an ideological left turn to become aligned with the Persians.” Dr. MD turned to become aligned with Rx Pink Recipe to cure Breast-Ovary Cancer. Has Greg turned any George Orwell women to become MD's instead of Generals and Admirals to cure Breast- Ovary Cancers? Ms. Witt, who was born in El Paso, enlisted in the Air Force and entered active duty about eight months after her 18th birthday, in 1997, just after the death of her mother. Slender, with straight brown hair, she was quickly assigned to the crew of an RC-135 spy plane — a jet packed with reconnaissance equipment. Assigned to the Yale Key West Medical School and the Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD Los Alamos Breast Cancer Manhattan Project. She first deployed to the Middle East in 2002, when she was sent to Saudi Arabia. Does Gina have video of her in Saudi Arabia? She began a roughly seven-month tour in Qatar. “She would talk about how she couldn’t sleep at night, the stuff she saw and was a part of,” said Mr. Ellis. Ms. Witt, he remembered, would mention drone strikes, extrajudicial killings and atrocities against children, all of which she claimed her colleagues in the military would brag about. She seemed distressed by what she called “gross incompetence” by her superiors during her time abroad. Upon her return to Washington, she delivered her capstone presentation before a panel of professors. Panel of Yale Key West Medical School professors out of work here since 2011 when Greg flew into Key West with $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues. Mike Gravel, a former Democratic senator from Alaska who attended the conference and himself met three times with Iranian intelligence officials. Alaska's $777 Trillion in oil revenues and spray painted black clouds of diesel in the traffic ahead. Ms. Witt did not make much of an impression on some others who met her in Iran. Impression on the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ who have driven by fiery wrecks world wide without stopping to end gas stations on Earth driving the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR into Mecca + Manhattan. Windfall of 100's of Trillions for Manhattan not Mecca and they still would not Drive the WindmillCAR. A War Crime! In the months after the 2013 conference, Ms. Witt was in close touch with Ms. Hashemi as she traveled to Afghanistan and elsewhere, while she struggled to get a visa to return to Iran. Finally, on Aug. 28, when the visa came through, Ms. Witt sent a message with a smiley-face emoji to Ms. Hashemi, just as she was preparing to fly to Tehran. “I’m signing off and heading out!” she wrote. “Coming home.” Follow Alan Blinder, Julie Turkewitz, Adam Goldman on Twitter: @alanblinder; @JulieTurkewitz; @adamgoldmanNYT. Home @ the Yale Key West Medical School with 25 Trump Towers and 25 Hospital Ships all paid for by money from Prince + King Salman they got from Miami, Cuba gas station hold ups. Mar-a-Lago Medical School with another 25 Trump Towers. Trump will donate his brain to Einstein http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 18/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Medical School.

2-16-2019 Trump Declares a National Emergency; U.S. and Canada Oil Men Gas Station Owners Warn Against Travel to Haiti as Violent Protests Continue.

2-16-2019 A robbery at a T-Mobile store this week, which ended in the tragic death of a detective, is now as common as stickups at banks and bodegas. By JOSEPH GOLDSTEIN Joe Goldstein censored out gas stations. 71 robberies of cellphone stores in New York City. In some cases, investigators believe the phones are sold to fences who ship them overseas for resale. “We know they get shipped — it could be to China, it could be to the Middle East — we see them go to many countries,” Chief Shea said. There are signs that cellphone companies or retailers are beginning to do more to stop robberies. For example, a box containing a cellphone taken from a Verizon store in Queens during a robbery last April also held a tracking device. Detective William J. Puskas, who is on the federal robbery task force, said in an affidavit that officers were able to track the stolen phone to a car, which eventually led to an arrest.

2-16-2019 4 Wife's made legal by Trump on the Day after Valentines Day 2019 - Now Amazon has the idea of coming to the Key's. Buy a island off Key West or get one of the Fed's Protected Islands for free... How could Amazon get a Federal protected island off Key West, 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects a few the Fed's want for DOD or NASA etc. “For Amazon, the commitment to build a new headquarters requires positive, collaborative relationships with state and local elected officials who will be supportive over the long-term.” Gravity Engine invented in the USA has been sold to a few white men at 1984 HQ as they know Kim and Putin are working on this invention today.

http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 19/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 2-16-2019 Backlash Bone Saw Gas + Oil Senators; Amazon’s Exit Forces a Reckoning for N.Y. Political Leaders. Pressure applied by activists and many elected officials led to Amazon pulling out of Queens, but a political backlash may await them. By SHANE GOLDMACHER "For Once, Amazon Loses a Popularity Contest" By KEVIN ROOSE This was a staged act by 2 White Men at 1984 HQ the same 2 Who made Qatar the Richest City in the World not NYC. Look what George Orwell has done to your quality of life living with t e Bone Saw Prince all these decades of the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR in Queens also exited by Gravity's Forces into Oil not Exodus into another Universe with Alpha Centauri. A Valentine in Uncertain Times: as George Orwell didn't make marriage to 4 MD Wife's Legal on Valentines Day when 40K Wife's will die from Breast-Ovary Cancers in 2019. Mike Pence Lashes European Allies for Their Stance on going to war with Iran when the World has the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's ready for Victory over Mecca and Moslems in a One Day War (Drive) thanks to the Jew Hero! At 243 Pounds, Trump Tips the Scale Into Obesity. $777 Trillion dollars in oil revenue Tips, no Tips for 4 Billion People even with $777 Trillion dollars. Oil Riches beyond belief and they want to keep it all for themselves.

2-16-2019 Amazon best selling book; FBI perks; sex in Saudi Arabia + Qatar $$$. FRANK BRUNI "The Vatican’s Gay Overlords". A sensational new book mines the Catholic Church’s sexual secrets. Will right-wing homophobes exploit it? By FRANK BRUNI Amazon MD Yale Key West Medical School Sex book for Med Student's will have Syphilis, STD's, the stats and Who gave Syphilis to Who medical case history's published in this book.

2-16-2019 Trump Declares a National Emergency; Pope Defrocks Theodore McCarrick, Ex-Cardinal Accused of Sexual Abuse. He Preyed on Men Who Wanted to Be Priests. Then He Became a Cardinal. Men who wanted to become a MD were prayed on by Pope Francis as Men who want to become a MD also want a Wife to brainstorm MD conversations with.

2-16-2019 Trump Declares a National Emergency; Dialysis Is a Way of Life for Many Older Patients. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be but you can't convince Trump to make this a National Emergency!

http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 20/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

2-16-2019 Trump Declares a Star War's Invention Emergency; "You’re Addicted to Plastic. Can You Go Cold Turkey?" "9 Ways to Cut Down on Plastic" by the NY Times Greg turns into 9 ways to invent plastics. First think of all the new ways Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts could use plastics then advance to Whole Foods. You just invented Star Wars Plastics, Ha!

2-15-2019 Backlash Bone Saw Gas + Oil Senators; Amazon’s Exit Forces a Reckoning for N.Y. Political Leaders. Pressure applied by activists and many elected officials led to Amazon pulling out of Queens, but a political backlash may await them. By SHANE GOLDMACHER "For Once, Amazon Loses a Popularity Contest" By KEVIN ROOSE This was a staged act by 2 White Men at 1984 HQ the same 2 Who made Qatar the Richest City in the World not NYC. Look what George Orwell has done to your quality of life living with t e Bone Saw Prince all these decades of the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR in Queens also exited by Gravity's Forces into Oil not Exodus into another Universe with Alpha Centauri. A Valentine in Uncertain Times: as George Orwell didn't make marriage to 4 MD Wife's Legal on Valentines Day when 40K Wife's will die from Breast-Ovary Cancers in 2019. Mike Pence Lashes European Allies for Their Stance on going to war with Iran when the World has the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's ready for Victory over Mecca and Moslems in a One Day War (Drive) thanks to the Jew Hero! At 243 Pounds, Trump Tips the Scale Into Obesity. $777 Trillion dollars in oil revenue Tips, no Tips for 4 Billion People even with $777 Trillion dollars. Oil Riches beyond belief and they want to keep it all for themselves.

2-15-2019 Amazon best selling book; FBI perks; sex in Saudi Arabia + Qatar http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 21/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat $$$. FRANK BRUNI "The Vatican’s Gay Overlords". A sensational new book mines the Catholic Church’s sexual secrets. Will right-wing homophobes exploit it? By FRANK BRUNI Amazon MD Yale Key West Medical School Sex book for Med Student's will have Syphilis, STD's, the stats and Who gave Syphilis to Who medical case history's published in this book.

2-15-2019 Oh FBI perks $$$ to keep them safe. Rule of Law has been ordered to sit! Gravity of the Expanding Universe in all Directions Galaxy's Fly into Space faster than the day before. FBI the ones who ride in chauffeured government cars, stopping at the Miami, Cuba gas stations. FBI officials can create losers on all sides as Jewish Aliens at Alpha Centauri and Pink Women Protesting at Starbucks for their Pink Latte Cure want the FBI's Blood Money into the Trillions of Dollars since they started guarding Jimmy Carter.

2-15-2019 FBI perks; sex in Saudi Arabia. F.B.I. Opens Inquiry Into Ryan Adams’s Explicit Communications With an Underage Fan. The musician denies that he had inappropriate online sexual communications “with someone he knew was underage.” Agents from the Crimes Against Children Squad will seek to interview the woman. FBI in Qatar, Agents from the Crimes Against Sex with Children Squad know Damn well they are having sex with the Prince. Prince Salman had sex with Children the day he meet Trump in Saudi Arabia. Gas engine of inequality with no iPhone iDash Cam iCops inside your car, iTickets, no DUI deaths as the engine will not start for drunks. Mayor of NYC Amazon’s said competitors have a great track record of seeing the future more clearly than Jeff Bezos. Mayor of NYC has a Swiss Bank Account marked Secret like the Secret file on the cover of Greg's Amazon books!

2-15-2019 ...Oil Men at 1984 HQ done tremendous damage,” “They should be held accountable for this lost economic opportunity.” NYC richer than Qatar via $777 Trillion. This is not science fiction or a Utopian Hemingway Novel but real cash of $777 Trillion. Starbucks + Amazon, they could have helped the city diversify its economy and leverage the power of a tech giant to help solve big problems with 1 Click Amazon links to IP invention projects and iMac Computer labs in Starbucks costing $12.5 million each store. Defense Priorities, a foreign policy think tank that has zero iMac's @ $18,384 each. Reasoning to put Microsoft in http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 22/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat the Public Domain by Defense Priorities, a foreign policy think tank.

2-15-2019 Police shootings may shed light on why officers responding to a robbery on Tuesday fired 42 bullets to stop a suspect at T-Mobile, accidentally killing a detective in the process. Police Shootings at 100's of gas stations in Miami, Cuba didn't happen or were censored in the News. But to me is seems more likely at a gas station than T-Mobile as gas stations are were the money is at not T-Mobile. So why did they need to shoot so many times 42... Seven officers fired 42 rounds in 11 seconds. Their target was a 27-year-old man suspected of robbing a T- Mobile store. Eight of the bullets knocked down the suspect.

2-15-2019 Long Island City, Queens, the site of the now-abandoned plans for expansion Amazon. Now Amazon has the idea of coming to the Key's. Buy a island off Key West of get one of the Fed's Protected Islands for free... How could Amazon get a Federal protected island off Key West, 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects a few the Fed's want for DOD or NASA etc. “For Amazon, the commitment to build a new headquarters requires positive, collaborative relationships with state and local elected officials who will be supportive over the long-term.” Gravity Engine invented in the USA has been sold to a few white men at 1984 HQ as they know Kim and Putin are working on this invention today. Amazon's Valentine’s Day breakup caused by NYC George Orwell Observers watching out for No One just destroying the Windmill with Supercondutivity of trillions of volts and amps. Just like George Orwell's Animal Farm book that does sell on Amazon and will help inspire someone to get the Gravity Engine and Pink Latte.

2-15-2019 $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues; Mr. Trump’s critics had raised questions about his erratic behavior and mental state, Prince Salman, and others in Texas and even Jimmy Carter at a poor Peanut Plantation that is not a Rich Oil Field have a mental state infected by the thoughts of $777 Trillion dollars. Military doctors said there was no evidence that Mr. Trump suffered from any mental issues that would prevent him from performing his duties in office. Duties in a Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies should be Exodus by the Jews! Trump plans to declare a emergency to build a Wall in Mexico not the Universe. National Emergency is the gas engine cars and gas stations in Miami, Cuba. I bought you 'Time' worth Trillions as a http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 23/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat CERN particle Time is the new God Particle while CERN figures out how to build the gravity engine. We are out of time but not money with the Windmill Fall of Prince Salman's Trillions of dollars for the USA.

2-15-2019 WHO at the UN can accuse France of diesel birth defects; The Vatican’s envoy to France is under investigation after an employee of Paris City Hall accused him of sexual assault.

2-15-2019 Nobel Peace Prize wasted on Jimmy Carter then stifled for decades for the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's. In December, the team was awarded a contract from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or Darpa, the federal agency that funds the development of technologies of interest to the U.S. military. Darpa, is particularly interested in protein-based therapies to stall bleeding and tissue death in traumatic injuries. Inspiration from the proteins that they think let hearty water bears cheat time by decelerating their biology. Inspiration from Valentines Day with 4 MD Wife's writing a Medical Invention Nobel Novel at the Hemingway House in Key West on an iMac with a 18 Core CPU by Intel and 1 Click links by Amazon that is not a Google Search for invention specs.

2-15-2019 Why have a Public Library that is not a Starbucks. Blood Money perks go to the City Employees not to Starbucks. WindmillCAR Hell at 1984 HQ. Bone Saw killings of Jimmy Carters grandchildren from the spray painted black clouds of diesel in the traffic ahead passing a fiery wreck. This is why they are infected by WindmillCAR Hell. Yet they carry on at the Post Office. Amazon would be the Library of the Post Office once the Postal trucks were Windmill Postal Trucks with perks, well invented accessories. NY Times Time Travel is 84 Gas Station Hole Ups in Miami and Miami Beach, Cuba. There has not been a single gas station hold up in Qatar or Saudi Arabia. Public Library in Saudi Arabia + Qatar has never been a front page story in the NY Times. Starbucks as the New Public Library in the USA would be a front page article in the Times!

http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 24/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

2-15-2019 “Why in the world would anyone want Margaritaville Resort to open a bridge over Admiral’s Cut, why would the city want to make it easier for cruise ship passengers to get a triple bypass heart diagnosis before sudden death? Long hours on a Carnival Ship could save your life with a triple bypass diagnosis. Admirals have cut the bridge to the Yale Key West's 25 Hospital Ships docked at Truman Park. Admiral has $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues, riches beyond belief.


Answering big questions often requires scientists and institutions to pool resources and data, whether the research involves detecting gravitational waves in deep space, or sorting out the genetics of brain cancer development. But that shift has prompted scientists to examine the relative merits of small groups versus large ones. Is super sizing research projects the most efficient way to advance knowledge? What is gained and what, if anything, is lost? 4 Wife's made legal by Trump on Valentines Day 2019.

2-14-2019 Ford Gravity Engine Car Driven through a Black Hole with the Gravity Force Fields set to High. "Love is full of extreme inventions points.”

http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 25/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

2-14-2019 Valentines Day 2019. 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat, You can check her heart for any Heart Attack or Cardiac Arrest Risk with a formula from Dr. Lisa Sanders at the Yale Key West Medical School. She might be at the Hemingway House Writing Class looking at the Amazon Heart shaped book on Art of the Diagnosis.

2-14-2019 In the 17th century the French mathematician and philosopher René Descartes built a bridge between the algebraic and geometric realms when he devised the Cartesian system of coordinates. (He also classified six primitive passions: wonder and love, hatred and desire, sadness and joy.)

2-14-2019 In this century the French French Oil Men have build 40,000 Trump Towers for Qatar not Yale-Paris Medical schools for Breast-Ovary Cancers. 100 year war against England takes on a new connotation with Breast-Ovary cancers on the battlefields of both sides and the leaders Elite are both Oil Men 1 at BP Oil and 1 at French Total Oil Company. $$$.

2-14-2019 Heart; In physics, it’s a point with an infinite value. In Medical School Heart is an Pump in need of a ripple bypass as the Governments of George Orwell bypassed the best diets for the masses to make more money. In general relativity, a singularity is the heart of a black hole from which one would never emerge. In IP invention projects you can drive your 2019 Ford Gravity Engine Car through a Black Hole with the Gravity Force Fields set to High. "Love is full of extreme points.” Breast Cancer Cell Mathematically, resolving a singularity means smoothing over the problematic peaks in a surface, but this often requires jumping to a higher dimension. $7 Trillion dollars for this Math Formula. Prince Salman told Trump about his Math for a new Star Wars Saudi City in the Desert with Trump Towers. Cancer Cells rendering real-life objects. Cancer Cells reverse engineering. Nothing says ‘I love you’ like a customizable algebraic equation. IP invention projects, 1,001 http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 26/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat IP.

2-14-2019 Nothing Can Prepare You for Life With Live Streaming Jewish Aliens at Alpha Centauri, grin!

2-14-2019 Ford Gravity Engine Car Driven through a Black Hole with the Gravity Force Fields set to High. "Love is full of extreme inventions points.”

2-14-2019 Valentines Day 2019. 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat, 4 legal wife's. Nothing Can Prepare You for Life With Live Streaming Jewish Aliens at Alpha Centauri, grin! Or 1 Click Amazon IP invention project...

2-14-2019 Valentines Day 2019. 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat, 4 legal wife's. WindmillCAR's; U.S. Revives Secret Program to Sabotage Iranian Missiles and 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's. US Sabotaged the Jew Driver Driving the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's into Mecca and Manhattan for total victory over Iran, this is a war crime! Jew Hero's are not deterred by any setbacks by the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ as Exodus is God Sent. Bone Saws in the road to Mecca and Manhattan Jew Hero is looking into inventing the Gravity Engine while the US works brainstorming secret Iran Missiles. NASA Mars Rover, friendly fire shot up a fleet of NASA Super Shuttles in a 100 Car Train. NASA Top Brass was given Casino Chips for the Qatar-Trump Casino. Trump videoconfercening his Saudi Prince Salman said shutting down of all gas stations world wide would be terrible for his $777 Trillion in gas station revenues for 2019. House Votes to Halt Aid for Saudi Arabia’s War in Yemen, and birth defects from gas engine exhaust. Oil flows from Mexico Trumps was can't stop this. Humanitarian Aid Stalls, Testing Venezuela’s Opposition HQ's at Miami, Cuba gas stations not the Yale Key West Medical School. Trump Confidant, Apologizes for Remarks Defending Saudis Over Killing of Jimmy Carter's grandchildren in Georgia via birth defects and cancers from diesel. Apple and Google Urged to Dump Saudi App That Lets Men Track Women and kill them. Homeland Security refused to install the iPhone GPS App that Tracks Women to save their lives. They Instigate War when they have the secret 2019 Ford http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 27/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat WindmillCAR.

2-14-2019 U.S. Revives Secret Program to Sabotage Iranian Missiles and Rockets The covert attacks on aerospace supply chains are meant to cripple Iran’s missile fleets. Iranian leaders maintain they are not deterred by any setbacks not deterred by any setbacks." By DAVID E. SANGER and WILLIAM J.

2-14-2019 Valentines Day 2019. 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat, 4 legal wife's! A Locked Door, a Fire and 41 Girls Killed as Police Stood By. Guatemalan officers stood by for nine minutes as the fire raged at a government-run home. Fire in fiery wrecks Hell of a lot more than 41 just for today. It was the culmination of a long history of abuse. USA's long history of fiery wrecks everyone drives by without stopping to put out gas stations world wide. For decades the FBI stood by fiery wrecks keeping the blood money government perks from gas stations flowing into their direct deposit account. Fire and 41 Girls Killed as Police Stood By. Guatemalan. Fire in fiery wrecks Hell of a lot more than 41 just for today. Yes there will be fiery wrecks on Valentine's Day. Yes they will bring flowers for her grave. Grave crime of not giving her a New 2019 Ford WindmillCAR with hearts for Valentines Day. Prince Philip, 97, Won’t Face Charges Over Fiery Car Crash, Prosecutors Say. He just drove by this Fiery Car Crash hours before he crashed into the women driver and neither car exploded into a ball of flames. Oil Men have “a sickness” that is also a War Crime! Prince Phillip and Harry own a percent of BP Oil and let them sell gasoline when the 2019 Ford WindMillCAR's are the Rx Cure in a Rx Recipe. iMac at London Starbucks with 1 Click Amazon links to 1,001 IP invention projects aims to Cure Bone Saw Mentality that let Putin high five Prince Salman after the killing, in public not just at 1984 HQ. Gina at the CIA was warned not to High Five Putin as his newly invented nerve agent activates in 84 hours.

2-14-2019 Front Page NY Times # of children who died in traffic accidents this year 2019. 14 Children Died in the Parkland Shooting. Nearly 1,200 Have Died From Guns Since. For the project “Since Parkland,” teenage journalists wrote profiles for every child by gun violence in the year since the Florida school shooting. By ADEEL HASSAN Adeel Hassan was told to use kids killed by guns not cars! By Jennifer Steinhauer "I took the veterans affairs beat at the end of last http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 28/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat year and quickly found that veterans — and those who care for them — are eager to share experiences and to engage." By JENNIFER STEINHAUER Jennifer will not engage any Vet who's job was to keep the oil revenue of $300 million a week from Baghdad flowing to the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ, this 2 White men and their inner circle are Yale and Harvard Alumni. "F.B.I. Learned of Gunman’s Hatred of Women Months Before Attack at Yoga Studio. According to the police, the bureau had received a tip about Scott P. Beierle, who killed two women and himself in the attack, but there was not enough information to act on." By EMILY S. RUEB 19,000 murders in 2019 and the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ have no reason to Mobilize for War as Baghdad Desert Storm is over.

2-14-2019 Valentines Day 2019. 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat, 4 legal wife's! The Perfect Valentine? A Math Formula, A Einstein AI App for the Rx Pink Recipe, Trump makes Valentine's Day a Day to Brainstorm 4 Trillion Rx Recipes all trade secrets to get the Rx Pink Recipe for the Pink Latte Cure of all Breast-Ovary cancers in every stage in 8 days. Nothing says ‘I love you’ like a customizable algebraic equation.

2-14-2019 Valentines Day 2019. 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat, 4 legal wife's! You can stretch and squeeze the heart by moving the two left-most sliders, which change the “a” and “b” parameters; the right-most slider zooms in and out.

2-14-2019 Valentines Day 2019. 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat, You can check her heart for any Heart Attack or Cardiac Arrest Risk with a formula from Dr. Lisa Sanders at the Yale Key West Medical School. She might be at the Hemingway House Writing Class looking at the Amazon Heart shaped book on Art of the Diagnosis.

2-14-2019 In the 17th century the French mathematician and philosopher René Descartes built a bridge between the algebraic and geometric realms when he http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 29/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat devised the Cartesian system of coordinates. (He also classified six primitive passions: wonder and love, hatred and desire, sadness and joy.)

2-14-2019 In this century the French French Oil Men have build 40,000 Trump Towers for Qatar not Yale-Paris Medical schools for Breast-Ovary Cancers. 100 year war against England takes on a new connotation with Breast-Ovary cancers on the battlefields of both sides and the leaders Elite are both Oil Men 1 at BP Oil and 1 at French Total Oil Company. $$$.

2-14-2019 Heart; In physics, it’s a point with an infinite value. In Medical School Heart is an Pump in need of a triple bypass as the Governments of George Orwell bypassed the best diets for the masses to make more money. In general relativity, a singularity is the heart of a black hole from which one would never emerge. In IP invention projects you can drive your 2019 Ford Gravity Engine Car through a Black Hole with the Gravity Force Fields set to High. "Love is full of extreme points.” Breast Cancer Cell Mathematically, resolving a singularity means smoothing over the problematic peaks in a surface, but this often requires jumping to a higher dimension. $7 Trillion dollars for this Math Formula. Prince Salman told Trump about his Math for a new Star Wars Saudi City in the Desert with Trump Towers. Cancer Cells rendering real-life objects. Cancer Cells reverse engineering. Nothing says ‘I love you’ like a customizable algebraic equation. IP invention projects, 1,001 IP.

2-14-2019 IRS in Qatar; 30 million people in the USA may get a tax bill, not a refund, this year—here are 3 steps to take if you're one of them...

2-14-2019 Valentines Day again and again; Three fatalities reported in fiery 5- vehicle crash on I-65 South. A tractor trailer being driven by Roger Woody was traveling in the left lane, approaching the slowed traffic. Woody failed to slow his vehicle for the stopped traffic. His vehicle then collided with the rear of Glenn http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 30/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Cardelli's RV. This caused a chain reaction, pushing Cardelli’s RV into the back of John Mumma's vehicle. As a result of the collision, Glenn Cardelli, 57, his wife Kathryn L. Cardelli, 57 and John Mumma, 67, were all killed in the crash.

2-14-2019 41 Girls Killed as Police Stood By. Guatemalan officers stood by for nine minutes as the fire raged at a government-run home. Fire in fiery wrecks Hell of a lot more than 41 just for today in the USA.

2-14-2019 iMac Computer Lab $12.5 million, Hell No. Morgan Library & Museum Announces $12.5 Million Exterior Renovation. After spending millions working to renovate and expand the complex’s interior, the Morgan shifts to revamp the historic library’s facade. iMac Computer Lab $12.5 million, for every Starbucks world wide, the Public Library's iMac are moved to Starbucks @ Star Wars Exodus into the Universe of 12 Trillion Galaxies for just $12.5 million, grin. Jewish Elite are working on instigating a war with Iran Today instead of working on Exodus iMac Computer labs for 100's of millions of Jews world wide. By Bret Stephens "Iran’s 40 Years of Darkness" is the light of the Jew Hero POW Killed for Driving the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR into Mecca and Manhattan.

2-14-2019 Emirates, the -based airline, was Airbus’s main customer for the jumbo jet, with a fleet of more than 100, but the airline has scaled back its plans and will take delivery of just 14 more over the next two years. A380 “Make no mistake: There are plenty of countries out there who would love to build the wings for Airbus aircraft,” Build iMac Computer Labs at every Starbucks in TOULOUSE, France — Airbus will cease production of its mammoth A380 passenger jet, an engineering marvel that nevertheless couldn’t keep up with shifts in the way people fly to IP invention projects, 1,001 at Starbucks iMac Computer Labs with 1 Click Amazon links to specs with genius tutors to get you flying for IP invention projects on an iMac with 18 Core CPU's Xeon's! Trumps Bone Saw Madness said Hell No to Starbucks Japan iMac Computer labs as the $500 million will go for troops. President Trump said that he had made South Korea pay $500 million more for U.S. troops there. The deal said otherwise... if the coup for the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR flys Emirates to bankrupt Moslems world wide.

http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 31/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

2-14-2019 Correction; when married to 4 Wifes; A chemistry laboratory at the Sorbonne, in Paris, around 1900. Psychologists have found that people generate more ideas when working alone or in smaller groups. Correction; when married to 4 Wifes; Einstein's 99% inspiration and Godsent Miracle of the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR Jimmy Carter gave to Mecca not his Wife on Valentines Day 1980. A Sin!

2-14-2019 4 Wife's made legal by Trump on Valentines Day 2019 - Answering big questions often requires scientists and institutions to pool resources and data, whether the research involves detecting gravitational waves in deep space, or sorting out the genetics of brain cancer development. But that shift has prompted scientists to examine the relative merits of small groups versus large ones. Is supersizing research projects the most efficient way to advance knowledge? What is gained and what, if anything, is lost? 4 Wife's made legal by Trump on Valentines Day 2019

2-14-2019 Los Alamos Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD - Large consortium's are still important drivers of progress, but they are best suited to confirming or consolidating novel findings, rather than generating them.

2-14-2019 West Point - Large teams have clout; they typically include a number of prominent Generals and Admirals who would and did kill off all of NASA's Rocket Scientists and going 400 Times faster than the speed of light in a NY Times Editorial and front page article. NASA vs West Point; “Think of it like venture capitalists do,” he said. “They expect a 5 percent success rate, and they try to minimize the correlation between the business they fund. They have a portfolio, one that gives them a higher risk-tolerance level, and also higher payoffs.” Aliens!

http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 32/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

2-14-2019 Valentines Day 2019. 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat, 4 legal wife's for Jimmy Carter; Love Story with his wife... Rosalynn. Soul-Mate's for trillions of years. Paradise Lost to the Navy! "Tiny Love Stories: ‘Feeling Hopeless About Marriage. On Valentine’s Day! ’Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader- submitted stories of no more than 100 words." 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat art of the diagnosis for Bone Saw murderers in War not joining the war on the Pink Cancer. Dead from Pink Cancers litter the battlefields and are censored from front page pictures in the Times and Post. Breast Cancer Tumor coming through the breast picture was rejected by the publisher of the NY Times for the front page on Valentines Day 2019 because he had no desire to marry a women MD let alone 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat.

2-14-2019 Air Pollution at Jimmy Carters plantation killed many children and no arrest. "My Father Faces the Death Penalty. This Is Justice in Saudi Arabia. The kingdom’s judiciary is being pushed far from any semblance of the rule of law and due process." By ABDULLAH ALAOUDH Prince Salman should imprison him at Jimmy Carters Peanut plantation with pollution in the air. The Georgia Mothers Who Wants to Put Air Pollution on Her Daughter’s Death Certificate and Jimmy Carter as the Bone Saw killer!! He did it for $777 Trillion in Oil Money.

2-14-2019 Jeff Bezos next generation of Amazon IP invention projects... 1 Click links to 1,001 IP invention projects with specs and genius tutors for you to get started on the Invention Novel at the Hemingway House Writing class on iApple apps, iMac Computer Labs at Starbucks world wide!

2-14-2019 Democrats’ 2020 Choice: Do They Want a Fighter or a Healer? They Want Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD at Los Alamos with many Manhattan Projects, cure Pink Cancers and go 400 times faster than light talking to Aliens.

http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 33/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

2-13-2019 Valentines Day 2019. 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat, 4 legal wife's for Jimmy Carter; Love Story with his wife... Rosalynn. Soul-Mate's for trillions of years. Paradise Lost to the Navy! "Tiny Love Stories: ‘Feeling Hopeless About Marriage. On Valentine’s Day! ’Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader- submitted stories of no more than 100 words." 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat art of the diagnosis for Bone Saw murderers in War not joining the war on the Pink Cancer. Dead from Pink Cancers litter the battlefields and are censored from front page pictures in the Times and Post. Breast Cancer Tumor coming through the breast picture was rejected by the publisher of the NY Times for the front page on Valentines Day 2019 because he had no desire to marry a women MD let alone 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat.

2-13-2019 Amazon 1 Click 1,001 IP invention projects is blocked today by Trump's executive order, blocked is also the Hemingway House Writing Class IP invention projects invention novels in Key West.

2-13-2019 Dr. Lisa Sanders before and after a Rx Recipe Cure All for Leprosy Latte at Starbucks, vaccine in the drinking water too at Star Wars. Before Hutchin started his training in dermatology, he spent two years in surgery, specializing in operations on the head and neck. His fingers recognized the bumpy linear structure he felt in the man’s neck as some kind of swelling of the great auricular nerve — the pipeline carrying sensory information from the ear and surrounding skin back to the spine. If the swelling compressed that nerve, that would explain why the man’s ear and face felt numb. The combination of this growth on the skin and the involvement of the nerve tissue suggested one disease in particular. A Scary-Sounding Diagnosis.“Have you ever heard of Hansen’s disease?” Hutchin asked the patient. When the man shook his head, Hutchin explained that it was the polite name for an old disease — leprosy. That 'Pink' circle on his cheek was from leprosy. He didn’t like seeing that spot every time he looked in the mirror, and his wife was sure it was something bad. It took his MD years to diagnosis it as leprosy. 200,000 patients from Saudi Arabia coming to the USA in 2019 how many may have leprosy? Homeland MD Security scans millions, how many did they miss withy leprosy? Next article by Dr. Lisa Sanders, grin! “Can you take a look at this?” the 50-year-old man asked his wife. Standing in front of the bathroom mirror in his home outside Asheville, N.C., he turned his head and touched an area on his cheek just in front of his ear. He could feel the smooth, http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 34/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat slightly raised surface, but it was on the side of his face, in a spot that was hard for him to see. It was slightly pink, about the size of a 50-cent piece, with irregular borders. “Where did that come from?” his wife asked as she turned his head to get a better look. It didn’t hurt, he told her. In fact, that whole part of his face, right up to the middle of his ear, was kind of numb.' Doctor visit after Doctor Visit; But it was on my face, and I wasn’t having that. I’m just too vain to let that go.” ...don't let 'that' go after reading this!

2-13-2019 Amazon 1 Click 1,001 IP invention projects is blocked today by Trump's executive order, blocked is also the Hemingway House Writing Class IP invention projects invention novels in Key West.

2-13-2019 Congress Poised to Help Veterans Exposed to ‘Burn Pits’ Over Decades of War - Jimmy Carter's grandchildren have been exposed to the same 'Burn Pits' over Decades of diesel and gas engine cars in Georgia, USA in the Childrens war with a Bone Saw Prince and his Prince Trump.

2-13-2019 WHO at the UN knew about 'Burn Pits' and diesel exhaust these MD's must have gotten $1 Trillion in Blood Money and they are UN Employees $$$ Oh Yes Perks too.

2-13-2019 $777 Trillion; Greed Among Bone Saw Owners in the USA has Increased... Oil Greed. Smaller Tax Refunds Surprise Those Expecting More Relief. Many early filers under President Trump’s tax plan are surprised that their refunds are smaller or that they owe the I.R.S., even as their tax burdens have declined.

2-13-2019 Jew Hero Coup Driving the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's into Mecca and Manhattan, a coup; 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat to Win Israel WW III with a WindmillCAR. Turkey’s Mass Trials Deepen Wounds Left by Attempted Coup. http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 35/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat Attempted Coup by Jews Driving the 2019 Ford WindmillCar's!

2-13-2019 Trump’s Trade War Leaves American Whiskey on the Rocks of Death and Torture of Alcoholism diseases. 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat to Win this decades old Whiskey War with the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR Whiskey Lock Out iPhone Dash cams iCop in your car with Whiskey motion detectors.

2-13-2019 Why Amazon Is Caught in an Moving In Unexpected Brawl in New York so Amazon knows the Yale Key West Medical School with 25 Trump Towers is sailing to the Keys. Let Amazon Move to Key West in a Star Wars Tower with Ocean Breeze on the 55 Floor wrap around porch...

2-13-2019 Pope Francis the Last Pope, Putin the Last Russian Oil Czar! "The overall situation will “test both Marty Baron and Jeff Bezos,” Kyle Pope, the editor and publisher of The Columbia Journalism Review, said in an email, referring to The Post’s executive editor. Mr. Bezos gets “good marks so far,” Mr. Pope said, but “the truth is that the rules of journalism are not baked into his bones; it’s something he’s going to have to learn, at a very stressful and trying time.” Donald Graham, whose family had owned for almost 80 years before he sold it to Mr. Bezos; Bone Saw's Oil Company's have been around for 80 years. Today they would all be dead. No Gas Stations on Earth if the Post and Times didn't take Blood Money from Prince Salman to stay open. A War Crime. The Wall Street Journal, said it should have been made clearer to readers that $777 Trillion dollars in oil revenues is a lot of money... more than even Pope Francis could refuse to murder, give children birth defects and cancers from diesel.

2-13-2019 Pope Francis infidelity with Bone Saw Oil Gods was “money motivated,” designed to enrich the Catholic Church as the riches of Mecca did this to the Pope lost in the Ruins of Rome's homeless and poverty via gas stations on every block.

http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 36/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 2-13-2019 His personal project, Blue Origin, describes its mission as “building a road to space so our children can build the future.” $777 Trillion and 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's a Star Wars Car is needed for Exodus and of course a Jew Hero who is held POW today.

2-13-2019 Videoconferencing Bone Saw Killers; Putin is a Killer Trump said over and over again and again. Trump didn't say this was a Videoconferencing Bone Saw Killers; click of World Leaders cheering on everyone's Bone Saw killing!

2-13-2019 Videoconferencing eavesdropping on Jewish Aliens at Alpha Centauri will be a killing of all the Bone Saws World Leaders.

2-13-2019 Women Sue Yale Over a Fraternity Culture They Say Enables Harassment. Women at the Yale Medical School will Sue to take over the Yale Campus for the Medical School. Bone Saw War Crimes by Yale Alumni will win the case. Along with the Rx Pink Recipe for a Breast Cancer Starbucks Latte Cure.

2-13-2019 Trump, No Stranger to Jewish Stereotypes, Rejects the Jew Hero Driving the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR into Mecca and Manhattan for Victory over Muslims and gas station owners World Wide.

2-13-2019 Ex-Boyfriend Arrested in Death of Woman Found in Suitcase. Trump killed her, 19,000 women in 2019. Homeland Security is immune, Pentagon in the Baghdad Palace have their daily routings for today. Light years away Friends and relatives of Valerie Reyes, a slain 24-year-old sales clerk whose body was discovered in a suitcase, lit candles during a vigil in New Rochelle, N.Y. Homeland Security Top Brass refused to read the this Times article. A former boyfriend of a young bookstore clerk whose body was stuffed into a suitcase and dumped in a wooded lot in Greenwich, Conn., has been arrested in connection with her death, the police said on Tuesday. The man, Javier da Silva, was taken into custody at http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 37/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat his home in Queens on Monday night after he used an A.T.M. card that belonged to the victim, Valerie Reyes, 24, of New Rochelle, N.Y., the authorities said... review of hundreds of hours of surveillance footage! iPhone GPS tracking? Ms. Reyes was a clerk at a Barnes & Noble store in Scarsdale, N.Y., GPS tracking of all women, Microsoft, Amazon, Pentagon. Homeland Security, 19K hits in 2019. And they refuse to track as Saudi Terrorists are at large. Mr. da Silva is a citizen of both Portugal and Venezuela, his lawyer told a federal magistrate judge, Lisa Margaret Smith, during a hearing on Tuesday afternoon. His immigration status was unclear. 19,000 Dozens of relatives, friends, co-workers and former teachers of Ms. Reyes arrived at a funeral home in New Rochelle in the blowing snow. "F.B.I. Learned of Gunman’s Hatred of Women Months Before Attack at Yoga Studio. According to the police, the bureau had received a tip about Scott P. Beierle, who killed two women and himself in the attack, but there was not enough information to act on." By EMILY S. RUEB 19,000 murders in 2019 and the 2 White Men at 1984 HQ have no reason to Mobilize for War as Baghdad Desert Storm is over.

2-13-2019 Amazon 1 Click IP invention projects 1,001. Administration Readies Order to Keep China Out of Wireless Networks. A long-awaited executive order would block technology from adversarial powers, including China, from superfast next-generation networks.

2-13-2019 Amazon 1 Click 1,001 IP invention projects is blocked today by Trump's executive order, blocked is also the Hemingway House Writing Class IP invention projects invention novels in Key West.

2-13-2019 Nothing Can Prepare You for Life With Live Streaming Jewish Aliens at Alpha Centauri, grin!

2-13-2019 Star Wars 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's clear roads and highways in a snow storm via heating elements. So the Times censored this in its snow tires article. "What’s on Your Car? Winter Tires, We Hope. All-season tires can indeed be driven all year, but for maximum control and safety, there’s no substitute for tires that provide strong traction in snow. Here’s why you need them." By http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 38/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat NORMAN MAYERSOHN

2-13-2019 Air Pollution at Jimmy Carters plantation killed many children and no arrest. "My Father Faces the Death Penalty. This Is Justice in Saudi Arabia. The kingdom’s judiciary is being pushed far from any semblance of the rule of law and due process." By ABDULLAH ALAOUDH Prince Salman should imprison him at Jimmy Carters Peanut plantation with pollution in the air. The Georgia Mothers Who Wants to Put Air Pollution on Her Daughter’s Death Certificate and Jimmy Carter as the Bone Saw killer!! He did it for $777 Trillion in Oil Money.

2-13-2019 Valentines Day 2019. 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat, 4 legal wife's for Jimmy Carter; Love Story with his wife... Rosalynn. Soul-Mate's for trillions of years. Paradise Lost to the Navy! "Tiny Love Stories: ‘Feeling Hopeless About Marriage. On Valentine’s Day! ’Modern Love in miniature, featuring reader- submitted stories of no more than 100 words." 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat art of the diagnosis for Bone Saw murderers in War not joining the war on the Pink Cancer. Dead from Pink Cancers litter the battlefields and are censored from front page pictures in the Times and Post. Breast Cancer Tumor coming through the breast picture was rejected by the publisher of the NY Times for the front page on Valentines Day 2019 because he had no desire to marry a women MD let alone 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat.

2-13-2019 Dr. Lisa Sanders before and after a Rx Recipe Cure All for Leprosy Latte at Starbucks, vaccine in the drinking water too at Star Wars. Before Hutchin started his training in dermatology, he spent two years in surgery, specializing in operations on the head and neck. His fingers recognized the bumpy linear structure he felt in the man’s neck as some kind of swelling of the great auricular nerve — the pipeline carrying sensory information from the ear and surrounding skin back to the spine. If the swelling compressed that nerve, that would explain why the man’s ear and face felt numb. The combination of this growth on the skin and the involvement of the nerve tissue suggested one disease in particular. A Scary-Sounding Diagnosis.“Have you ever heard of Hansen’s disease?” Hutchin asked the patient. When the man shook his head, Hutchin explained that it was the polite name for an old disease — leprosy. That 'Pink' circle on his cheek was from leprosy. He didn’t like seeing that spot every time he looked in the mirror, and his wife was sure it was something bad. It took his MD years to diagnosis it as leprosy. 200,000 patients from Saudi Arabia coming to the USA in 2019 how many may have leprosy? Homeland MD Security scans millions, how many http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 39/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat did they miss withy leprosy? Next article by Dr. Lisa Sanders, grin! “Can you take a look at this?” the 50-year-old man asked his wife. Standing in front of the bathroom mirror in his home outside Asheville, N.C., he turned his head and touched an area on his cheek just in front of his ear. He could feel the smooth, slightly raised surface, but it was on the side of his face, in a spot that was hard for him to see. It was slightly pink, about the size of a 50-cent piece, with irregular borders. “Where did that come from?” his wife asked as she turned his head to get a better look. It didn’t hurt, he told her. In fact, that whole part of his face, right up to the middle of his ear, was kind of numb.' Doctor visit after Doctor Visit; But it was on my face, and I wasn’t having that. I’m just too vain to let that go.” ...don't let 'that' go after reading this!

2-13-2019 Nothing Can Prepare You for Life With Live Streaming Jewish Aliens at Alpha Centauri, grin!

2-12-2019 Democrats’ 2020 Choice: Do They Want a Fighter or a Healer? They Want Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD at Los Alamos with many Manhattan Projects, cure Pink Cancers and go 400 times faster than light talking to Aliens.

2-12-2019 $ Trillions in Blood Money from Prince Salman paid for a fleet of USS Jimmy Carter Nuke subs not 25 Hospital Ships. A.I. Shows Promise as a Physician Assistant. Jimmy Carter a physician assistant for his grandchildren skin cancer going to their brain. Jimmy will not help to prevent this, a war crime. War Strategies for Women in Georgia with children out in the sun with no #1,000 Sun Screen or shade umbrellas of Mecca. Jews will not let Jimmy Carter visit, can he get into Mecca? Orban Encourages Mothers in Hungary to Have 4 or More Babies not offering to pay for the #1,000 sun screen invention. Birth defects and cancers from Hungary gas stations and diesel in the air. No baby's until they can breath clean air in Hungary. Birth defects class, no in Hungary. Sex Ed 101 only. Bulgaria Reopens Poisoning Case, Citing Possible Link to Oil Company and gas stations http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 40/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat world wide. For Iran, a Grand Occasion to Bash the U.S. knowing Trump Oil Company will not drive the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's into Iran for Victory. War Games in this Iran-Trump Oil Company will make a good Disney Movie with Robert Redford in "Spy Games". Toxic Homemade Alcohol Kills Scores in India. Coors made in the USA and Canada kills scores in DUI's every day of 2019.

2-12-2019 Blood Money; Trump and the Joint Chiefs Blood Money in the Trillions from Prince Salman on the front page of the NY Times and Washington Post sooner or later. Saudi Leaders 'Have Leverage Over Trump' and Can Get Away With Anything, Retired Admiral Alleges. Retired Navy Rear Admiral John Kirby suggested on Monday that the leaders of Saudi Arabia “have leverage over” President , I think everyone realized this. $777 Trillion in Oil Revenues will give you leverage over Pope Francis too. God is at Peace with Jimmy Carter he said too. Jew hero or this Admiral driving the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's into Mecca and Manhattan will win the War over Oil Money.

2-12-2019 Toys ‘R’ Us Plans a United States Invention Projects ‘R’ Us!

2-12-2019 Bone Saw's ‘R’ Us Plan to go Public at the UN as it's way past 1984 and George Orwell.

2-12-2019 Supplement Makers Touting Cures for Alzheimer’s and Other Diseases Get F.D.A. Warning Go To Los Alamos, Hire Dr. Lisa Oppenheimer MD. Spend $7 Trillion.

http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 41/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat 2-12-2019 “Our brain made our milk,” Dr. Power said, “not the other way around.” The process of milk pasteurization was adopted in a time when millions of people became sick and died of diseases like tuberculosis, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, and other infections that were transmitted through raw milk. Since its widespread use in the dairy industry, pasteurization has prevented millions of people from becoming ill. Millions today 9.5 million will die from Cancers in 2019. Pasteurization of Cancer in brainstorming a Rx Cure. Invented by French scientist Louis Pasteur during the 19th century originally to fight the “diseases” of wine, the procedure requires quick-heating a beverage up to a temperature high enough to kill most of the bacteria present. This idea that micro-organisms were responsible for the spoiling of food was not generally accepted at that time and Pasteur was criticized for his belief that germs could infect animals and humans, causing disease. Nevertheless, he patented the process in 1865, allowing wineries to increase their production and the method became known as “pasteurization.” By adjusting the flow of milk through the machine, its temperature rises to 161 degrees Fahrenheit for only 15 seconds – enough to substantially kill most of the bacteria present. Cancer at 261 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 hours. Brainstorm it! Another Process raises milk to a temperature of 284 Fahrenheit but only for 4 seconds. This results in a fully sterilized product, completely free of any living micro-organism. By killing all micro-organisms, consumers can store UHT milk or juice for several months without refrigeration. Star Wars Packaging of Milk and store it for centuries. It turns out that in Chicago none other than Al Capone and his brother Ralph were responsible for forcing the law to list these dates prominently where the buyer could see them. Apparently another brother had died from drinking bad milk and I confirmed this by talking to my friend Deirdre Capone, Al’s grandniece who wrote an informative book about her uncle. Trumps brother died from Coors, it's still forsale today.

2-12-2019 Saudi Arabia, Trying to Lure Tourists, Hosts Music Festival Near Ancient Tombs Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman aims to liberalize parts of society and promote the arts, but that could be overshadowed by violent acts under his rule. By EDWARD WONG

2-12-2019 Salt, a popular burger restaurant in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. ‘Where the Hell Is HUD and its NYC Housing Money, in Dubai $$$’ De Blasio’s Own's a second home in Dubai like Bill and Melinda Gates. NYC, Paris, London, Rome, more than 400,000 who are living in dilapidated public housing riddled with problems, from leaks to heating issues and rats. The Rats all belong to the Bone Saw Prince Salman Cult. $777 Trillion for decades and decades and the NY Times still writes up HUD Housing in NYC. Wow! The fed's now blaming http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 42/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat mismanagement by New York City Top Brass at 1984 HQ. 40K Trump Towers were built in Dubai, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia in the last decade. HUD and WHO at the UN in Times of riches beyond belief from gas stations in Miami, Cuba.

2-12-2019 North Korea Feb. 27, 2019. For Decades, the United States and Russia Stepped Back From the Brink of Nuclear War! War on Cancer's War on Poverty, all were lost to the Top Brass even after the 1980 Jimmy Carter Ford WindmillCAR's invention that would have left Putin with no oil money of $777 Trillion. Pink Cancer's would be cured today and everyone would have a RV home or Home and there would be no homeless people world wide. Brink of Insanity, Prince Salman went insane after Trump's visit to Saudi Arabia! Trump gave Prince Salman a vaccine for immunity - like diplomatic immunity not immunity from HIV, STD's, TB, Whooping cough, kids left in hot cars to die. Fiery Wrecks to drive by in traffic world wide. And of course the F-35 radar on all cars in 1980 for no head on collisions world wide. The Bezos Story Is Big. And it’s got a little bit of everything above. David Pecker, which is a name worthy of a Charles Dickens character. "Secret Files on the 2019 Ford WindmillCar's" selling on Amazon.

2-12-2019 Colon and Breast Cancer; breast cancer among women who ate the most processed meats. By Roni Caryn Rabin

2-12-2019 Is Eating Deli Meats Really That Bad for You? Yes! Even small amounts of processed meat increase the risk of colorectal cancer. 4 percent increase in the risk of cancer even at 15 grams a day, which is a single slice of ham on a sandwich,” said Dr. Nigel Brockton, director of research for the American Institute for Cancer Research. Eating a more typical serving of 50 grams of processed meat a day would increase the risk of colorectal cancer by 18 percent" By Roni Caryn Rabin

2-12-2019 Colon and Breast Cancer; breast cancer among women who ate the most http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 43/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat processed meats. Processed meat refers to any meat, including pork, poultry, lamb, goat or others, that has been salted, smoked, cured, fermented or otherwise processed for preservation or to enhance the flavor. The category includes hot dogs, ham, bacon and turkey bacon, corned beef, pepperoni, salami, smoked turkey, bologna and other luncheon and deli meats, sausages, corned beef, biltong or beef jerky, canned meat and meat-based preparations and sauces, among others. Many of these meats tend to be high in salt and saturated fat, though lean and low-sodium options are available. Processed meats are often cured by adding sodium nitrite, which gives them a pink color and a distinct taste, or by adding sodium nitrite and lactic acid, which provides a tangy taste, according to The American Meat Institute. In the past, nitrates, in the form of saltpeter, were traditionally used. Nitrates or nitrites inhibit the growth of botulism and scientists suspect they may be involved in the formation of cancer-causing compounds in the body.

2-12-2019 Colon and Breast Cancer; Risk and Realization of the Risk. Wall Headlines everyday for a year for Risk concerning Colon and Breast Cancers. Rejected by the NY Times and Washington Post. 200,000 patients from Saudi Arabia coming to the USA, how many have colon and breast cancers, other cancers as front page News in the NY Times and Washington Post. Mecca forces would not allow Ham into Saudi Arabia the day these were headline news.

2-12-2019 Colon and Breast Cancer; Heart Attack iPhone Warnings. People of South Asian descent, which includes countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and the Maldives, have four times the risk of heart attack compared to the general population, and they develop the disease up to a decade earlier.

2-12-2019 Four Wife's Coup in Pakistan if not for all the Blood Money Prince Salman has sent the Elite Men there.

http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 44/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

2-12-2019 Nothing Can Prepare You for Life With Live Streaming Jewish Aliens at Alpha Centauri, grin!

2-12-2019 Nothing Can Prepare You for Life With Live Streaming Jewish Aliens at Alpha Centauri, grin!

2-11-2019 Editorial on building a Over-Pass at every NYC intersection has been cut up with a Bone Saw owned by Who? FDOT holding meeting Tuesday for crosswalk project The Florida Department of Transportation will hold a public meeting regarding the start of a safety improvement project that’s targeting the construction of pedestrian “High-intensity put the stop button and read end collisions are over 100 a year. The stats are published on the front page at the start of every year at the University of Colorado Boulder, the broken light parts are from years and years still in the road by the cross walk at the Starbucks Greg use to work at.

2-11-2019 "Could the London 'Zoo Tiger' Death Have Been Avoided?" "Could the London 'Pink Plague' Death Have Been Avoided?"

2-11-2019 Pedestrian Over-Pass at the NY Times intersections, take the over pass sidewalks to the next intersection before descending to Street Level. Hell No We Won't Go... California driver charged with felony DUI after striking 9 pedestrians on busy sidewalk Hundreds of people were outside bars and restaurants in downtown Fullerton, California, as it neared closing time, police said.

http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 45/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

2-11-2019 Spray Painted Black Clouds of Diesel in the Traffic Ahead. Consumer fear of chemicals is so great these days that scientists have a name for it, war crime Journalists at the NY Times. Owned by 2 White Men at 1984 HQ. This will be next years Super Bowl commercial from Steve Jobs at Apple. "Do You Know What’s in Your Cosmetics? Thousands of chemicals, in billions of dollars worth of products, are being governed by regulations that haven’t been updated in decades." By The Editorial Board. The editorial board represents the opinions of the board, its editor and the publisher. It is separate from the newsroom and the Op-Ed section.

2-11-2019 The status quo of Spray Painted Black Clouds of Diesel in the Traffic head is viewed by the Editorial Board and they write today's editorial on Cosmetics. Consumer fear of NT Times Sunday Editorial is so great these days that scientists have a name for it... Steve Jobs dead or alive is dead, so many millions and not from Cosmetics. NY Times editors and publisher are Driving 4 billion to a head on collision with 12 Trillion Galaxies, what is out there. Drive by NASA is not World Wide, so write this editorial.

2-11-2019 ‘Dangerous Territory’ for Democrats as Republicans Seize Venezuela Moment in Miami, fear it could transform Venezuelan's $777 Trillion dollars into a Jewish Exodus and Key West Rx Pink Recipe at Starbucks for the Pink Latte Cure of all Breast-Ovary Cancers in 8 days in all stages this is what we can buy with $777 Trillion in illegal oil revenues. And don't forget the Head On Car Crash in Venezuela, all will be prevented via F-35 Radar on 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's. Heavy Lift helicopter combines all Windmill Powered will do more than harvest Oil in Venezuela.

2-11-2019 Yes the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's two million views on YouTube, Washington Post avid news coverage; would mar Dubai’s image as a world capital of Ritz and commerce. When its really a cancer that spreads birth defects and cancers world wide and $777 for War Toys from MIT not a MIT Medical School with 25 Hospital ships.

http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 46/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

2-11-2019 Sheikha Latifa described in fluent English her life of constricting privilege and stunted hopes. She hoped it would change if she could win political asylum in the United States. She lived in a palace behind high walls, with 40 rooms spread over four wings — one for each female relative who lived there. Mr. Jaubert, kidnapped her for a $100 million ransom. England; Her father, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai and prime minister of the United Arab Emirates, owns a large estate there London and a prominent thoroughbred racing stable, Godolphin. https://www.godolphin.com/

2-11-2019 Millions of Indians Trek to the Ganges, in 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's thanks to the ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, well thanks to Greg + Wife's in Key West. When the Time comes as being a God Particle at CERN proved by CERN advanced physics beyond Einstein. In Our Time looking over the Gravity Engine invented in 2019.

2-11-2019 "Could the London Zoo Tiger Death Have Been Avoided?" By ILIANA MAGRA All head on collisions from 1980 to 2019 could have been avoided and written by Iliana Magra today in the Times. But one question was paramount: Could the tragedy have been avoided? Jimmy Carter is the war criminal playing with Tiger's in Saudi Arabia who all own Bone Saw's none for MD but for Murder's. 100,000 murders since 1980. CIA could give us a realistic estimate of the Murders by OPEC and Putin's Russians since 1980. Why didn’t keepers use tranquilizers when the encounter turned violent? Because cops use stun guns not tranquilizing guns. Culture of Bone Saws and trillion volt stun guns. Argued that that tranquilizers “would not have taken effect quick enough to save her.” 1980 tranquilizers not 2019 Star Wars Tranquilizers invented on 1 Click Amazon IP invention projects.

2-11-2019 Today Finland's Oil Company has Bone Saws and used them on our Jew Hero Driving the 2019 Ford WindmillCAR's into Mecca and Manhattan. Finnish Volunteers ‘Very Likely’ Participated in Killing of Jews in WWII. In Star Wars today Finnish Elite Oil Men killed the Jew's wanting Exodus via WindmillCAR's.

http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 47/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

2-11-2019 NASA Revolution since 1980. Moon Shot for Biden when thousands die from Brain Cancer today in the USA. NASA's Manhattan Project's. Each costing $7 Trillion. Iran Revolution at 40: From Theocracy to ‘Normality’ to stealing NASA's $7 Trillion. All the Money Iran has made from oil sales since 1980. "For Iran, a Grand Occasion to Bash the U.S. While celebrating 40 years of revolution, Iran’s president decried “a psychological and economical war, waged by cruel enemies,” namely President Trump.

2-11-2019 For the USA gas engine cars for 40 years thanks to Texas $$$ "For Iran, a Grand Occasion to Bash the U.S. While celebrating 40 years of revolution, Iran’s president decried “a psychological and economical war, waged by cruel enemies,” namely President Trump.

2-11-2019 Saudi Students in the USA, cutting in front of USA students will trillions of dollars for the University. Crime? Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s famous works, including “Crime and Punishment."

2-11-2019 Rx Recipes, know how they are made, don't search Google for this! "Do You Know What’s in Your Cosmetics?"

2-11-2019 The World's Military's the status quo has remains light years above NASA. NASA as a World Wide Business like BP Oil, Exxon-Mobil, Microsoft, Wall Street selling stock in NASA. Trump selling $100 Trillion in NASA Shuttles to his Prince Salman. The World's Military's the status quo has remains light years above NASA.

2-11-2019 The World's Military's the status quo has remains light years above Yale Key West Medical School a International organization with Medical Schools in every Nation on Earth. WHO at the UN comes in last below Georgia. http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 48/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

2-11-2019 Acting Pentagon chief Pat Shanahan pays unannounced visit to Afghanistan, then surrender $684 Billion to NASA leaving Afghanistan nothing ! $$$.

2-11-2019 Andromeda Is Coming for Our Milky Way Galaxy, Dr. Lindsey Vonn: A Dominant Career at NASA and the Yale Key West Medical School. Andromeda Is Coming for Our Milky Way Galaxy, are the Top Brass certain we have a few billion years to Exodus Earth? Race is more than on Ski's. Her loss to NASA could be written up in a Noble Novel not just pictures of racing down the Slopes at Vail and Aspen. Andromeda Is Coming for Our Milky Way Galaxy. This year, one in every twenty Americans will walk into a medical clinic and receive the wrong diagnosis. Others will read Dr. Lisa Sanders MD articles in the NY Times for self diagnosis helping their MD. Homeland MD Security is left out in the cold looking for Terrorists. Many organizations, including Google, are developing and testing systems that analyze electronic health records, in an effort to flag potential medical conditions such as osteoporosis, diabetes, hypertension and heart failure. Similar technologies are being built to automatically detect signs of illness and disease in X-rays, MRIs and eye scans. Many organizations, including Google, why not Homeland MD Security. 2 White Men at 1984 HQ can make this diagnosis. Jimmy Carter's grandchildren are already infected with skin cancers. Dissecting the brain in childrens books and Noble Novels. AI executive order was signed by Trump today not High Schools for Medical School Students. Will Trump donate his brain to the Einstein Medical School or the Trump High School? Better but No Way Trump to make his brain's MRI public. Jimmy Carter might have the most Brain MRI's of anyone in the USA. Trump to advance AI inventor's working on the next generation of MRI machines, he will after he reads this, grin!


http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 49/655 2/18/2019 4 MD Wives Coup D'Etat

2-10-2019 Car's in the USA with No head-on collision's since 1980; Jeff Bezos Said This!

No head-on collision since 1980; Jeff Bezos Said He Was a Victim of Extortion and Blackmail so are all of us just in the invention of No Head On Collision's in Car's since 1980! This is Blackmail and Extortion!!

2-10-2019 Saudi Arabia’s Threadbare Cover-Up of Khashoggi’s Killing Unravels Further with No head-on collision since 1980; Jeff Bezos Said He Was a Victim of Extortion and Blackmail so are all of us just in the invention of No Head On Collision's in Car's since 1980! This is Blackmail and Extortion!!

2-10-2019 Pentagon Observers Vengeance - Cheers of every USA head on collision, gas and windmillcar's at war from 1980 to 2019 longer than the Vietnam War that will end in Hanoi on the 27th with Kim and Trump. Will Kim drive home with no head on collisions in a 2019 Ford WindmillCAR or take the gas engine and millions of gas station home?

2-10-2019 Car's in the USA with No head-on collision's since 1980; Jeff Bezos Said This!

2-10-2019 Jeff Bezos is "Daddy Warbucks Goes to War" by Maureen Dowd in the NY Times. "Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez had some secrets. But then The National Enquirer put a high price on not showing the world." 2 White Men at 1984 HQ didn't tell the world of the Yale Key West Medical School and Greg married to http://www.electricwindmillcar.com/ 50/655