Stellenbosch Filatelistevereniging Stellenbosch Philatelic Society Posbus/P.O
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Stellenbosch Filatelistevereniging Stellenbosch Philatelic Society Posbus/P.O. Box 3950 SOMERSET-WES/SOMERSET WEST 7129 Telephone : 083-289-1825 (Niel) E-pos/mail : [email protected] Webwerf : Klubaand : 1ste Dins van mnd om 19:00 Club night : 1st Tues of month at 19:00 Jaargang/Volume: 40 No/Nr: 3 Venue: Die biblioteek, Klubhuis, La Clémence, Webersvallei Road, Stellenbosch NUUSBRIEF NOVEMBER 2018 VORIGE BYEENKOMS 2 OKTOBER Bywoning: Die Voorsitter en bywonende lede spreek hul verbasing uit oor die klein bywoning. Die Voorsitter (NM) verwelkom Robert Harm (RH), Pieter Jolie (PJ), Hugh Mulder (HM), Pieter Maritz (PM), Siv Borgin (SB), Günter Wossler (GW), Wilhelm Verwoerd (WV) en Wim van Zyl (WZ). Verskonings is deur die volgende lede aangebied: Anton Putter (AP), Ida Potgieter (IP), Claude Mathey (CM), Marlies Stephan (MSt) en Malcolm Suttill (MSu). Daar was geen besoekers teenwoordig nie. Weens die afwesigheid op sake van die Sekretaris besluit die Voorsitter om self nota’s van die byeenkoms te hou. Lief en Leed: Die volgende lede word met hul verjaarsdae geluk gewens: David Wolpe (5 Okt), Kraai van Niekerk (7 Okt) en Guy Morris (13 Okt). Vorige notule: Aangesien dit ʼn gesamentlike byeenkoms van die seëlklubs in die noordelike gebiede was, is geen notule gehou nie. ʼn Kort verslag oor die byeenkoms het in die nuusbrief van Sep 2018 verskyn. Korrespondensie: Die Voorsitter vestig almal teenwoordig se aandag dat JUNASS 2018 tans aan die gang is in die Atenaeum in Claremont, waar dit deur die Royal Philatelic Society aangebied word. Die prysuitdeling sal om 15:30 op die volgende dag (3 Oktober) gehou word. Club matters: The Chairman expresses his satisfaction with our approach to give members an opportunity to display their collections. He refers specifically to Anton Putter, who dazzled us at the August meeting with his two exhibits. He was awarded the trophy for the best exhibit with his Cape Colony exhibit at the InterKlub in September. He thanks Wim for exhibiting his single frame exhibit in Bellville. Kongres 2018: Die Voorsitter maak bekend dat Werner Barnard van Bellville ook ons klub by Kongres 2018 sal verteenwoordig. Die nodige volmagvorm is reeds voltooi, onderteken en ingedien. Durbanville Stamp Fair: Robert reports that the hall being used has grown too small due to increasing attendance (sometimes as many as 120 people). The decision has been made to move the Stamp Fair from 12 Jan 2019 to the church hall, DR Church Bellville-Vallei, corner of Postma and Andrews Street, Oakdale. Robert will provide more detail, as well as a map how to get there. Yearend function: The yearend function is discussed shortly. The members request that the function be held again at La Clémence, and that use is made of their catering, cost permitting. “Show, Tell and Ask”/Wys, Vra en Vertel: Die volgende word vertoon: RH vertoon twee vlugkoeverte ter herdenking van die eerste vlug tussen Australië en Suid-Afrika in 1957. Hy vertoon ook die beplande seëluitgiftes vir Namibië wat nog voorlê, en hy wees daarop dat die land hoofsaaklik dier op hul seëls vir 2019 beplan. WV wys twee seëls wat PJ hom gevra het om uit te ken. PJ kon dit nie self eien nie. WV verduidelik die proses wat hy gevolg het, en kon vasstel dat die seël van Toskana, ‘n Italiaanse staat, afkomstig is. Dit is ‘n taamlike skaars seël, maar die swaar afstempeling maak dit ongedaan. WV wys ook ‘n baie ou katalogus van die vroeë1900s WZ vertoon ‘n aantal bladsye van sy nuwe projek oor seëls van die Kongo. Tema vir die aand/Theme of the evening: Die tema vir die aand is Perskes/Peaches. Nadat die lede gekla het oor die tema, wat hulle self voorgestel het, is dit duidelik dat daar weinig seëls beskikbaar is. Sbvertoon haar navorsing oor hoe om iets oor perskes te vertoon. Dit word ʼn baie interessante verteling, waarvoor Siv die beker vir die aand toegeken word. Verversings. Die lede geniet verversings terwyl die uitstalling vir die aand voorberei word. Uitstalling vir die aand: Die aand behoort aan Robert met seëls en materiaal oor die ontwikkeling van die vliegdekskip sedert die eerste vlug van dieWright broeres in 1903. Hy vertoon die seëls met illustrasies, sodat die skepe gesien kan word. Hy wys veral op die tegnologiese ontwikkeling wat die bou van sulke groot skepe moontlik gemaak het. Hy verduidelik ook die verskil tussen skepe en bote, waar skepe bote (veral reddinsbote) dra, terwyl bote nie skepe kan dra. Die enigste uitsondering is duikbote. Wilhelm sê dankie namens die lede, veral die tegniese verduideliking wat verstaanbaar gemaak is. Volgende vergadering: Die volgende vergadering is op 6 November, met as tema Water/Drought. Piter Maritz wys ons sy versameling van Jan van Riebeeck. FACTS AND FEATS: THE POSTAL SERVICES Advertising through the post was first used in 1840 when many of the Mulready wrappers and envelopes bore advertisements and were sold at a discount on packs of twelve. Advertising agencies, insurance companies and even the Inland Revenue tax offices used this medium, but the Mulready design was unpopular and was soon discontinued. In 1857 the Post Office offered companies and advertising ring round the embossed stamp on postal stationary. Only 9 companies used this facility before it was discontinued in 1893. Some other companies had these advertising rings applied privately. The first attempt to put commercial advertising on stamps occurred in 1862, when an American local postal service issued 1c stamps inscribed: Wedding Cards, Notices and Letters delivered by the California City Letter Express Co Office at Hoogs & Madison’s Real Estate, House Brokers & Rent Collectors, 418 Montgomery Street. The first attempt to transmit advertising on stamps issued by a government postal administration took place in 1887 when Pears Soup had their name printed in double-lined capitals on top of the gum on the back of British ½d and 1d stamps. This was only an experiment and never secured official sanction. The first country to permit commercial advertising on the back of its stamps was New Zealand whose definitive series of 1893 has been nicknamed Adsons by collectors. A different advertisement appeared on the back of each stamp in a sheet and it is therefore possible to reconstruct the entire sheet. Names such as Beecham’s Pills, Sunlight Soap and Cadbury’s Chocolate appeared. The overprint was applied to the stamps prior to gumming, but the public objected to the stamps on the grounds that they would be liable to lick of the ink. The campaign was discontinued within 2 years. Advertising on the back of stamps was revived by Sierra Leone in 1964 when the Butterfly brand logotype of Samuel Jones Ltd appeared on the backing paper of the self-adhesive stamps. This privilege was extended to other firms in 1965 but discontinued in 1972 when Sierra Leone reverted to stamps of more orthodox appearance. Usually a separate advertisement appeared on the back of each stamp. A loophole in Swiss Postal regulations enabled A Kocher et Fils of La Chaux de Fonds and Vevey to have private postal stationary franked with impressions of contemporary postage in 1909. By exploiting the letter, if not the spirit, of the regulation, this company had gummed advertising labels prepared with the stamps printed within a frame. When the Swiss postal authorities tumbled to this ruse they promptly withdrew the privilege of stamping private stationary, but not before some 16 000 of these unique stamps on stickers were issued. Facts and feats come from: Mackay, James, The Guinness book of Stamps, Guinness Publishing Ltd, Enfield, 1988 Please note that the information used for this article has in many cases been overtaken by events – Ed THE EVOLUTION OF MAIL AND POSTAGE STAMPS (8) Grills sample reverse front view Stamp re-use has always been a problem, as people tried to wash cancellation ink to make them appear unused. Some U.S. stamps from 1867-1871 were impressed with a small square waffle iron type pattern of parallel rows. This broke the fibers of the stamp enough to allow the ink to penetrate thoroughly through the paper, creating a blotched, more blackened cancel. This is the most expensive U.S. stamp, known as the 1867 "Z" Grill. One of two known, it was most recently auctioned off by Robert Siegel Auctions (lot #226 of Sale #804) in November of 2005 and sold for a record- breaking $935,000. The other known copy is held by the New York Public Library as part of the MillerCollection of 19th century stamps and can never be sold. magnified reverse view Ultraviolet Coatings Stamp producers began experimenting with near-invisible band of phosphor and fluorescent ink coatings on stamps in the late 1950's. These stamps "glowed" when exposed to UV light. Mail bearing these stamps could be sorted from the rest by running it through machines which look for these UV tags and orient letters properly for high- speed cancellation. Different tagging types developed through the years and eventually evolved into a security feature to detect counterfeits. Microprinting Printing technology has enabled stamp printers to insert "secret" words in various places in a design to prevent illegal reproduction. Designs have also incorporated these finely printed letters in other ways. 2001 British T.S. Eliot stamp with the entire "The Addressing of Cats" poem in readable To be continued… COUNTERFEIT OR BOGUS STAMPS Albanian Mirdita stamps The Republic of Mirdita (Republika e Mirditës) was a short-lived unrecognized republic declared in northern Albania by Marka Gjoni and his followers. It existed between 17 July and 20 November 1921. Gjoni led his Roman Catholic Mirdita tribesmen in a rebellion against the Albanian regency and parliament established after the World War I.