The London Gazette, ?Th October 1966 10913
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THE LONDON GAZETTE, ?TH OCTOBER 1966 10913 ESHER URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL Grammar School Walk, Hitchin, between 9 a.m. to SUBMISSION OF A PUBLIC PATH ORDER 12.45 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. from Monday to Friday on weekdays (Saturdays 9 a.m. to 12 noon). Esher Urban District Council Footpath No. 5 West The Order becomes operative as from the 7th day Molesey Public Path Diversion Order, 1966 of October 1966, but if any person aggrieved by the Notice is hereby given that the above Order made Order desires to question the validity thereof or of on the 25th day of July 1966, is about to be sub- any provision contained therein on the grounds that mitted to the Minister of Housing and Local Govern- it is not within the powers of the Highways Act ment for confirmation. Its effect will be to divert part 1959 or on the grounds that any requirement of the of the public right of way between the Dead River Act or any regulation made thereunder has not been and Field Common Lane (O.S. Parcel 1174) West complied with in relation to the approval of the Molesey. The path proposed to be extinguished runs Order he may within six weeks from the date of from a point about 230 yards south of the foot- publication of this notice, make application to the bridge over the Dead River at the junction with High Court. a path from Green Lane to Pool Road southwards Dated this 6th day of October 1966. over the former gravel pits and what now is the Wm. E. Potter, Clerk to the Council. Urban District Council's Refuse Tip for about 300 Council Offices, yards to a point about 110 yards north of Field Grammar School Walk, Common Lane (O.S. 1174). The path proposed to Hitchin, Herts. be created lies between the same points but runs near the western boundary of the Council's Refuse Tip (194) • close to the ditch or stream. A copy of the Order and the map contained in the above Order has been deposited at and may KENT COUNTY COUNCIL be inspected free of charge at Council Offices, Ports- Application for Stopping Up of Length of Road mouth Road, Esher, between 9 o'clock in the fore- and Footpath at Kingsnorth Refinery, Hoo Street, noon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon from Monday Werburgh. to Friday inclusive after the date of publication of this notice. Notice is hereby given that the Kent County Council Any objection or representation concerning the in pursuance of their powers under section 108 of Order may be sent in writing to the Ministry of the Highways Act, 1959, intend to make an applica- Housing and Local Government, Whitehall, London tion to the North Aylesford Magistrates' Court sitting S.W.I, before the 12th day of November 1966, and at The Court House, Chatham, on Wednesday, the should state the grounds on which it is made. 23rd day of November 1966, at 10.30 a.m. for an Order for the stopping up for the purposes of all Dated this 30th day of September 1966. traffic of a length of road and footpath at Kingsnorth A. G. Chamberlin, Clerk of the Council. Refinery in the Parish of Hoo St. Werburgh in the (335) Rural District of Strood in the County of Kent. A plan indicating in blue colour the length of road and in red colour the length of footpath proposed to HARTLEPOOL BOROUGH COUNCIL be stopped up may be inspected at County Hall (Room 272), Maidstone, and at the Office of the Highways Act, 1959 Section 108 Strood Rural District Council, Frindsbury Hill, Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Strood. Borough of Hartlepool in the County of Durham, The application is made on the ground that the being the highway authority for the highway here- said lengths of road and footpath are unnecessary inafter mentioned, intend to apply to the Magistrates and the effect of the making of the Order by Court sitting at Borough Buildings, Middlegate in the Magistrates will be to stop up the said lengths the said Borough, on Wednesday the 9th day of of road and footpath for the purpose of all vehicular November 1966, at the hour of 10 in the forenoon and pedestrian traffic. for an Order under section 108 of the Highways On the hearing of the application any person who Act 1959, authorising part of the highway known as uses the said lengths of road and footpath and Farwell Place to be stopped-up as unnecessary. any other person who will be aggrieved by the The effect of the proposed Order is shown by making of the Order applied for has a right to be hatching on the plan deposited at the offices of the heard. Council at Borough Buildings, Hartlepool, where it Any such person who intends to make representa- may be inspected free of charge between the hours tions to the Magistrates should inform the under- of 9 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. on week days (excluding signed indicating the nature of his representations, Saturdays).' quoting ref. D7/R 14/16(PP). Dated the 3rd day of October 1966. Dated this 30th day of September 1966. L. O. Williams, Town Clerk. G. T. Heckels, Clerk of the County Council. Borough Buildings, County Hall, Hartlepool. Maidstone. (228) (469) HITCHIN RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL LANCASHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL Hitchin Rural District Council (Footpath No. 10 Diversion of a Length of Footpath No. 1 at Woolston- Parish of Pirton) Public Path Diversion Order, 1966 with-Martinscroft—Warington Rural District Notice is hereby given that on the 26th day of Septem- Notice is hereby given that the Lancashire County ber 1966, the Minister of Housing and Local Govern- Council, being the Highway Authority for the length ment confirmed the above Order. of highway hereinafter mentioned, intend to apply to The effect of the Order is to divert that part of the the Magistrates' Court sitting at the County Court public right of way which runs from Priors Hill to Buildings, Palmyra Square, Warrington, on Wednes- Great Green commencing at a point at the rear day, the 16th November 1966, at 10 a.m. for an Order of the property known as No. 12 Danefield Road under section 108 of the Highway Act, 1959, authoris- and running generally east for a distance of approx- ing the diversion of the length of Footpath No. 1 at imately 40 yards to the north-western corner of Great Woolston-with-Martihscro'ft from the existing route Green to a route running north-east for a distance from a point approximately 670 yards north of of approximately 27 yards along the rear boundaries Hillock Lane, Woolston, in a northerly direction for of properties facing Danefield Road to the eastern approximately 80 yards then in an easterly direction corner of property No. 18, and then proceeding for approximately 253 yards to a new route from a generally south-east for a distance of approximately point 670 yards from its junction with Hillock Lane 30 yards to the north-western corner of Great Green. in an easterly direction for approximately 280 yards The part of the footpath No. 10 to be diverted will then in a northerly direction for approximately 47 be closed from 25th October 1966. yards to join up with the existing footpath. A copy of the confirmed Order and the map con- A copy of the plan showing the extent of the tained in it has been deposited at and may be proposal may be inspected free of charge at all inspected free of charge at the Council Offices, reasonable hours at these offices and at the Warrington For any late Notices see Contents list on last page.