TERTIARY ACETYLENIC ALCOHOLS Compound, Ethchlorvynol (S 94) Is
36 H. ISBELL & T. L. CHRUSCIEL TERTIARY ACETYLENIC ALCOHOLS Only two compounds are listed (Table IV). Of 152. Csarza-Perez, J., Lal, S. & Lopez, E. (1967) Med. these, methylpentynol (S 95) is a weak, short-acting Serv. J. Can., 23, No. 5, 775-778 (Addiction to hypnotic. Sales have been low and few instances chlorvynol) of abuse have been reported.155' 157 The other 153. Essig, C. F. (1964) Clin. Pharmacol., 5, 334 (Addic- compound, ethchlorvynol (S 94) is more potent and tion to sedatives and tranquilizers) instances of abuse are more frequent. There is 154. Government of the United States of America, stiong clinical documentation for abrupt withdrawal US Food and Drug Administration (1965) Back- of ethchlorvynol being followed by convulsions and ground material supplied to Advisory Committee delirium.151-154, 156 Accordingly, ethchlorvynol must on Abuse of Stimulant and Depressant Drugs, be judged to have moderate abuse potential and 27 December 1965, Washington, D.C. 155. Hitsche, B. & Herbst, A. (1967) Psychiat. et methylpentynol must, by analogy, be regarded as Neurol. (Basel), 153, 308-318 (Beobachtungen having dependence potential equivalent to that of bei Missbrauch von Methylpentinol) ethchlorvynol. 156. Hudson, H. S. & Walker, H. I. (1961) Amer. J. Psychiat., 118, 361 (Withdrawal symptoms REFERENCES following ethchlorvynol (Placidyl) dependence) 157. Marley, E. & Bartholomew, A. A. (1958) J. Neurol. 151. Cohn, C. H. (1959) Canad. med. Ass. J., 81, 733 Neurosurg. Psychiat., 21, 129-140 (Clinical (Intoxication by ethchlorvynol-Placidyl) aspects of susceptibility of methylpentol) CYCLIC ETHERS The only compound in this group is paraldehyde dogs physically dependent on barbital.
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