Bellingen Shire Employment Lands Strategy FINAL DRAFT REPORT PUBLIC EXHIBITION VERSION PREPARED FOR Bellingen Shire Council April 2012 Hill PDA ABN 52 003 963 755 3rd Floor 234 George Street Sydney GPO Box 2748 Sydney NSW 2001 t. +61 2 9252 8777 f. +61 2 9252 6077 e.
[email protected] w. Ref: C11058 Final Draft P a g e | 1 Hill PDA Bellingen Shire Employment Lands Strategy ABN 52 003 963 755 Sydney Office 3rd Floor 234 George Street Sydney GPO Box 2748 Sydney NSW 2001 t. +61 2 9252 8777 f. +61 2 9252 6077 e.
[email protected] Melbourne Office Level 9, 365 Little Collins St Melbourne GPO Box 3424 Melbourne VIC 3001 t. +61 3 9642 2449 f. +61 3 9642 2459 e.
[email protected] w. Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation Ref: C11058 Final Draft P a g e | 2 Hill PDA QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORT CONTACT: Nicholas Hill Consultant QUALITY CONTROL This document is for discussion purposes only unless signed and dated by a Principal of Hill PDA. REVIEWED BY Dated Sarah Hill Director and Principal Planner REPORT DETAILS: Job Ref No: C11072 Version: Final Draft Date Printed: 29/03/2012 11:55:00 AM File Name: C11072 - Draft Bellingen Employment Lands Strategy March 8 2012 Ref: C11058 Final Draft P a g e | 3 Hill PDA Bellingen Shire Employment Lands Strategy CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................11 1.1 Contextual Analysis ..................................................................................................... 11 1.2 Forecasting Demand for Floorspace and Land ............................................................ 12 1.3 Supply versus Demand ...............................................................................................