


New South Wales Government Railways and Tramways.




30TH JUNE, 1930.

Ordered by the Legislative Assembly to be printed, 3 December, 1930.


1930. *46420 19—a [5*. 3d.] 1930.




Office of the Railway Commissioners for New South Wales, , 25th November, 1930.

To THE HONORABLE THE PREMIER AND COLONIAL TREASURER. Sir, In accordance with the provisions of Section 40 of the Government Railways Act of 1912, as amended by the Government Railways (Amendment) Act of 1916, and as subsequently amended, we have the honor to submit, for the information of Parliament, our report upon the working of the Railways and Tramways for the year ended 30th June, 1930.

The financial results for the Railways compared with the previous year are as follow :—

Year ended 30th June.

i ....

1930. 1929.

£ £ £ EAfffilMS 17,826,692 19,615,616 1,786,924 decrease WORKING EXPENSES 14,962,423 14,978,050 15,627

BALAOTfi—NET EARNINGS kIl ... £ 2,864,269 4,637,566 1,773>297 „

CAPITAL.—The total capital expenditure on Railway lines opened for traffic on 30th June, 1930, was £126,318,236 (see Appendix VIII), of which £1,988,814 was added during the year under reviews

PROFIT ON CAPITAL.—The Het earnings show a profit of 2.28 per cent, on mean capital for the year, which amounted to £125,352,630.

RATIO OF WORKING EXPENSES TO EARNINGS.—The ratio of working expenses to earnings for the year was 83.93 fret cent., as against 76.36 per cent, the previous year. The result of working the Railways, after providing for all statutory obligations, was as follows :— £ Net Earnings 2,864,269 Contributions from Government towards losses on Working of Country Developmental Lines 800,000

£3,664,269 Interest 6,420,643

Loss on Year's Working £2,756,374


EARNINGS.—At the commencement of the financial year it was estimated that the earnings would amount to £18,564,072, or £1,051,544 less than in the previous year. This estimate, however, was upset by the decline in business which set in soon afterwards, and developed at an increasing rate throughout the year. Thus, in July, 1929, the revenue was £78,626 above July, 1928, but August showed a drop of £41,106, September a drop of £87,772, making a decline for the first quarter of £50,252. The decline for the second quarter was £455,277, for the third quarter £563,421, and for the last quarter £719,974.

The decline in revenue is obviously an indirect result of the depression, which has affected practically the whole of the State, and which has, in particular, touched Railway earnings in the following ways :~ 1. Goods Traffic.—Transportation of goods has been restricted by :— (a) The bad season (reflected mainly in a decline of wheat traffic); (b) The dislocation of the coal industry ; , (c) Reduced trading in ordinary commodities ; and (d) Reduced capital expenditure by both Governmental and private enterprises.

The total net decrease in goods tonnage was 2,365,679 tons, the outstanding freight groups affected being: — tons. (i) Wheat, &c 557,000 (ii) Coal and Coke ... 1,040,000 (iii) Gravel, Metal, &c. 377,000 (iv) Miscellaneous Group 245,000 (v) Ores 51,000

In all the groups abovementioned the rates are relatively low ; in the higher rated groups, viz., " A," " B," " C," " 1st" and " 2nd," the decline in tonnage was 107,084 tons, but this affected the revenue more adversely than a much greater decline of tonnage in some other groups. Thus, the desline in the Miscellaneous group above referred to, viz., 245,000 tons, meant a loss of £172,300 in revenue, while the decline of 107,000 tons in the groups from " A " rate to " 2nd " class, meant a loss of £282,000.

2. PASSENGER TRAFFIC—Unemployment, intermittent employment, and reduced spending capacity from other causes, all a natural corollary of the general trade depression, had an increasingly unfavourable effect on passenger revenue during the course of the year, the position reached being there­ fore better indicated by the figures of the last quarter than those for the full year. The two main features were :— (a) General falling off in passenger journeys during the last quarter of 1929-30 from 37,943,293 passengers in 1928-29 to 34,830,244 passengers in 1929-30, or 8.20 per cent. (b) Diversion from 1st to 2nd class travel; the decline in 1st class passenger journeys was 11.72 per cent., and in 2nd class 7.77 per cent.

The issue of first-class ordinary tickets for the year was the lowest for ten years, the decline having been partisularly sharp during the past four years. Apart from inroads made by motor bus and motor coach competition, first-class train travel has been reduced by the growth in the number of private motor cars.

There has also been a serious diversion from first-class to second-class train travel due in a great measure, no doubt, to the unfavourable industria conditions. The issue of first-class season tickets during the last quarter fell from 22,768 in 1928-29 to 18,286 in 1929-30. This is partly explained by transfers from first to second class, as with ordinary tickets; but there is also evidence that owing to the trade depression many business firms did not renew season tickets for their representatives, and this in turn contributed to a decline in sleeping-berth revenue, which fell during the year from £224,000 to £197,000, a decrease of £27,000.

The number of second-class season tickets issued during the last quarter of this year was not quite one-half of 1 per cent, less than for the corresponding quarter of the previous year, but the revenue from such tickets decreased by 8| per cent., showing that the average length of travel was considerably less this year. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS. 3

The number of workmen's weekly tickets issued for the last quarter of this year was 206,159 Iei« than in the same period of last year. For the twelve months ended 30th June, 1930, 394,000 less were issued than in the previous year, when there were 438,000 less than in the year before; so-that a sharp decline has taken place over three years. While some, such tickets may have been replaced by periodical weekly tickets (which are classified as second-class season tickets), the unsettled industrial and financial position has certainly affected very seriously this class of business.

WORKING EXPENSES.—The working expenses amounted to £14,962,423, which is £15,627 below the previous year's total. Rolling stock was written down by £162,658. The Commissioners were involved in increased expenditure from causes beyond their control as follows :— £ Increases in Wages and Salaries under Commonwealth and State Awards, and consequential adjustments approved by the Commissioners 238,731 Increased Contribution to the Government Railways Superannuation Account ... 74,200 Increase in Amount of Family Endowment Tax 74,503

£387,434 *

NET EARNINGS.—The net earnings for the year (that is, gross revenue less expenditure, but without charging interest) amounted to £2,864,269, as compared with £4,637,566 in the previous year, a decrease of £1,773,297. These earnings represent a return of £2 5s. 8d. per cent, on the mean capital, as compared with £3 16s. 5d. per cent, in the previous year.

INTEREST.—Interest on capital amounted to £5,420,643, as compared with £6,150,000 for the previous year; an increase of £270,643. Of the total, £1,800,444 is on account of capital expended on certain non-paying lines, listed on page 9.

DEVELOPMENTAL LINES.—The Commissioners again draw attention to the substantial losses incurred on a number of branch lines, some of which, although described as "developmental lines," have not only proved a burden on the Railway accounts but have failed to bring about any material increase in production. •

The railway accounts are credited with a Government contribution of £800,000 per annum for the losses on those lines; but during the period of twelve months covered by this report such losses totalled approximately £1,950,000.

The -Dorrigo line is a striking example not only of over-capitalisation and loss but also of non-realisation of the development which was expected. This line was opened for traffic on the 23rd December, 1924, and the revenue during the five complete years of operation has been :—

Year ended 31st December. Revenue.

1925 11,838 1926 12,843 1927 14,480 1928 11,029 1929 10,742

The capital cost of the line at the 31st December, 1929, was £1,381,187. For the year ended on that date the interest was £71,001, and working expenses £27,381, making a total debit of £98,382. As the revenue was only £10,742 there was a loss after charging working expenses alone of £16,639, and including interest a total loss of £87,640.

Extensions from Uranquinty to Kywong and from TJngarie to Naradhan were completed during 1929. The losses on these lines, including interest on capital, amounted to £15,711 and £18,029 respectively for the twelve months ended 30th June, 1930.

The line from Booyong to Ballina is almost complete : the capital cost is approximately £400,000, Involving an annual interest charge of about £22,000. The estimated working expenditure is £2,880, and the estimated revenue £3,000 per annum, so that the total annual loss will be approximately £22,000. 4 NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS AND TRAMWAYS.

The following are the latest estimates of the extensions in course of construction :—

Estimated Anticipated net T:n- ! Estimated Estimated loss including Line* ! Cost. Revenue. Annual interest at Expenditure. 5£ per cent. 1

£ £ £ £ Moss Vale-Port Kembla 1,385,221 25,000 25,000 76,187 Camurra-Boggabilla 498,417 14,450 15,940 28,902 Casino-Bonalbo 949,516 7,000 9,520 54,743 Tempe-East Hills 709,908 52,000 75,400 62,444 Guyra-Dorrigo 2,014,496 10,900 28,230 128,127

In some of these cases from six to eight years have elapsed since the Commissioners' Statutory Reports were made ; and, in the interval, prospects of revenue have diminished owing to improvement in roads or to other causes, while the costs of construction and operation have greatly increased. The extension of the New South Wales North Coast line from Kyogle across the Queensland border to South Brisbane was completed, and the line opened for traffic on the 27th September, 1930. This line extends the New South Wales 4 feet 8| inch gauge into Queensland, overcoming the break of gauge between the two States. A line from Hillston to Roto, estimated to cost £176,770, is now under construction, the capital being advanced by the Commonwealth Government under terms of the Migration Agreement at special rates of interest, viz., Ave years at 1 per cent, per annum, five years at one-third of the Commonwealth Loan rate, and thereafter at the Commonwealth Loan rate. Apart from interest charges, the estimated annual working expenses of this line are £5,270, and the estimated annual revenue £3,500. The work on the City Electric Railway (estimated now to cost £6,966,000, excluding the Sydney Harbour Bridge and bridge approaches) has proceeded during the year. The amount expended for the twelve months ended 30th June, 1930, was £683,150, bringing the total expenditure to date up to £5>316,479, and leaving a balance of approximately £1,650,000 to complete the work. In addition to this cost, the railway accounts will bear two-thirds of the cost of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and approaches. LINES AUTHORISED BUT NOT YET COMMENCED. In addition to the abovementioned lines, which are under construction, the following railway lines have been authorised by Parliament but not yet commenced :—

Estimated Estimated Result of Operation. Latest Estimated Interest at Line. Estimate ot Working Revenue. Expenses. 5£ per cent. Cost. Excluding Interest. Including Interest,

£ £ £ £ £ £ 2,832,146 237,685 126,590 155,768 111,095 profit 44,673 loss St. Leonards to Eastwood 929,315 50,000 70,550 51,112 20,550 loss 71,662 loss JeriJderie towards Deniliquin 161,643 5,000 5,650 8,890 650 loss 9,540 loss 175,933 6,000 6,860 9,676 860 Joss 10,536 loss 232,997 5,900 7,400 12,815 1,500 loss 14,315 loss 262,000 5,000 7,670 14,410 2,670 loss 17,080 loss Sandy Hollow to Maryvale 1,431,998 25,000 36,970 78,760 11,970 loss 90,730 loss Bungendore to Captain's Flat 192,362 10,000 6,775 10,580 3,225 profit 7,355 loss Western Suburbs Railway 950,000 155,000 .293,450 52,250 138,450 loss 190,700 loss 153,505 14,000 18,650 8,443 4,650 loss 13,093 loss

A review of the position as regards non-paying lines indicates the advisability and equity of applying the betterment tax principle to future lines. At present its only application is in connection with the reduction of the compensation allowed to owners whose land is traversed by a new line. While this consideration represents an almost negligible relation to the increased value given to the properties in the large area directly benefited by the railway concerned, the obvious injustice of singling out ihese very few owners for the betterment claim invariably evokes strong protests.

MOTOR COMPETITION. Attention has been drawn by the Commissioners in their Annual Reports for some years past to the effect of motor competition on the earning powers of this State's railway system. The loss of passenger business and high-grade freight traffic to motor competition is a serious matter to the Railways, because the industry is one in which the overhead costs bear a very high proportion to the total costs of transport. Railway loan capital is sunk largely in assets more or less ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS. 5

fixed, such as track, bridges, stations, signalling, rolling stock, power houses, workshops and machinery, on which it pays interest and most of which has to be maintained in full working order, despite a shrinkage in business. The phenomenal growth of road motor competition in this State is strikingly illustrated by the following table, which shows the registrations of motor cars and motor lorries in New South Wales each year since 1924:— Year. Motor Cars. Motor Lorries. 1924 62,471 , ...... 11,970^ 1925 82,175 ... 16,276 1926 104,675 ... 22,986 ^ 1927 129,985 ... 30,517 1928 155,403 ... 37,129: 1929 ...... 162,298 ... 39,503 1930 ... 169,495 ... 43,074 The use of private motor cars for excursions, for long distance travel, and even for daily suburban travel, has greatly increased during the last five or six years. In addition to the driver, there is often a full load of friends and relatives, and there is evidence in more recent times that private motor cars are frequently carrying strangers free or for a fare-; so that to-day the private car is the railway's most serious competitor for passenger traffic, although the bus and motor coach are important factors in the situation. While it is impossible to give an authoritative figure showing the effect road transport has had on railway passenger travel, a comparison between the actual number of passengers carried and the number which might have been expected judging by the increase of population, suggests that since 1924 the railways have lost to road motors, private or otherwise, approximately 1,800,000 passengers per annum in the country, and 13,700,000 in the suburban area, or a tptal for the whole State of 15,500,000 per annum. In actual revenue this would be approximately £1,000,000. It may be mentioned that in the case of the new Hawkesbury road, which parallels the Sydney- Newcastle, railway, after a heavy outlay on concrete construction of the road, a State-owned ferry was established for the connection across the Hawkesbury River, and a toll established as a charge on the road users. The minimum toll for buses, exclusive ot passengers, is 15s. per crossing; but a service of public motor cars has been established between Sydney and Newcastle, giving two trips per day each way, for which the toil paid is Is. per crossing. The road vehicles, of course, take only the higher paying passengers, the daily flow of occasional travellers who pay full rates. The railways retain the season ticket, workmen's weekly, school children and other non-paying business; the result of road competition, therefore, being not only fewer passengers hut also lower average payment per passenger. Ji is most necessary that the growing importance of the national investment on account of the metropolitan and suburban railway passenger service should not be overlooked. Since the original decision to electrify the Sydney suburban lines and to connect them with a city underground system, successive Governments have approved the scheme and sanctioned the requisite expenditure. Furthermore, a continuous investigation of the subject, and the gathering of information personally and otherwise from the leading authorities in the chief cities of the world, have entirely confirmed the decision to make the railways the major service for passenger transportation in the city and suburbs. It has to be recognised that they must be allowed to function in that capacity to justify the immense capital expenditure already incurred and contemplated, and to prevent its becoming a serious burden on the State. The capital expenditure already incurred^on these services, together with the definite commit­ ments, includes the original outlay for passenger traffic, the cost of electrification of the existing lines, the City Railway, the Tempe to East Hills and St. Leonards to Epping lines, and the Commissioners' proportion of the Harbour Bridge, the total amounting to £37,000,000. Other lines which are involved in the scheme of metropolitan railways, and on which considerable expenditure has been incurred in anticipation, are the Eastern Suburbs, Western Suburbs, and Manly-Narrabeen railways, the combined cost of which cannot be taken at less than £7,000,000, bringing the total of the expenditure in sight to £44,000,000, with undoubtedly more to follow. In addition to the necessarily heavy capital charges on this sum the working expenses of such a system will represent a very large figure. To prevent this annual expenditure becoming a serious charge on the State, it is necessary that the system shall operate as the major service for the districts and routes it serves, .being itself fed by the minor transport services, whether State or privately owned. 6 NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS AND TRAMWAYS.

Lord Ashfield, who holds a position of unique responsibility in London, bsing Chairman of the five underground railways of London, the London Omnibus Company, and the London United Tramways, selected such a scheme as the only means of meeting the growing requirements of that city in passenger transportation, and of overcoming, at the same time, its serious street congestion. While the Commis­ sioners, therefore, are not questioning the wisdom of the course taken in the ease of Sydney, they feel it their duty to urge that, whenever questions of metropolitan passenger transport are considered by responsible authorities, .the paramount importance of this national investment shall be kept in view, /•HStrfar as competitive services for goods traffic are concerned, the commercial motor truck has extended the radius of delivery by merchants and others, both in the suburban area and in the country, beyond the limited mileage formerly served by horse-drawn vehicles ; and the tonnage of goods traffic diverted to road transport grows each year. Although here, again, it is difficult to arrive at the total freight value of the tonnage so diverted, the loss to the railways is estimated to-day to amount to between £900,000 and £1,000,000 per annum. - This estimate is based on a comparison over a number of years between the actual falling off in the revenue from the highest rated freight (which is most vulnerable to attack by road motors) and the increase which might have been expected judging by the rate of increase in all other classes of freight. The importance of the class of freight thus lost to the Railways may be illustrated in another way : the three highest rated freight groups, viz*, " 1st," " 2nd," and " C " classes, account for less than 2 per cent, of the total tonnage carried, but produce 9 per cent, of the total revenue. Stated briefly, the position is that the railway charges for both freight and passengers have been such that, under normal conditions of prosperity the average charge gave some profit. If the higher- paying items are allowed to be taken by competitors, or may only be retained at a lower profit than hitherto, the average revenue under the best conditions will be reduced below the average cost, and the loss must be met by taxation or by increased charges on the vast low-paying passenger and goods business. The importance of this matter justifies a repetition of the final clause in the Australasian Railway Commissioners* statement q«ete44n-the4ast-repeft-:— " . . . . it is beyond question that the road motor form of freight transport cannot pretend, in the final analysis, to cope with primary production, and as it is upon the-value of such primary production that the foundation of the Commonwealth and the Dominion rests, it is obvious that if the railways are crippled this foundation will be rendered insecure, and in turn the financial stability of Australia and New Zealand will be gravely depreciated." The justification of this warning is now coming home to all Australasia. The first legislative action in this State to enable the Commissioners to meet, to some extent, such competition, was the passing of the Amending Railway Act (No. 39 of 1930), which was assented to on 25th June last. , y—- , - , - Under this Act the Commissioners are authorised to/establish collection and delivery services for the carriage by road to or from a railway, of livestock, goods, parcels, and passengers' luggage; to quote special rates in particular cases for the purpose of securing tho carriage by the railways of consign­ ments which in their opinion might not be so secured if the prescribed rates were charged ; and, where competition with railways by motor traffic exists, to contract for the conveyance of freight for a period at special rates. . Cases in which such powers to quote special rates have been exercised must be reported to the Minister and laid before both Houses of Parliament. Should either House pass a resolution disallowing any special rate, that rate shall cease to have effect. A penalty charge up to one-half of the prescribed charge may, with the approval of the Governor be enforced for breach of such a contract. It is too early to estimate the effect on the revenue of these increased powers; but the Commis­ sioners must point out that, apart from the limitations contained in the reservation to Parliament of the right of annulment of contracts, even an -unfettered power to cut rates amounts to no more than an opportunity to retain or recover at a lower rate of profit that portion of their business upon the return from which they depend to support the unprofitable portion. They still have to carry the millions o* tons for which the rates are below cost, and which are entirely avoided by their competitors; and they must still allow rebates to, and even carry stock free of charge for those owners and traders who give their paying business to the competitors of the railways. A system of collection of goods from wharves, business premises, and private residences, for transport by rail and delivery-from railroad to destination, has already been introduced, and in this way some traffic which would otherwise have gone to road transport has been recovered. The handling .furniture and effects from house to rail, and from rail to house, under this system has brought some new business, which promises to increase. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS 7

" CASH-ON-DELIVERY " PARCELS SYSTEM. The amending Railway Act also authorised the Commissioners to introduce a " Cash-on- delivery " parcels system whereby the consignor's charges, as well as the freight, can be collected, and • a valid receipt given. With the introduction of this system, provision was made, with Executive approval, for the introduction of a special schedule of rates for small parcels from 1 to 14 lb.—the previous charges being only for up to 3 lb., 7 lb., and 14 lb. respectively—whieh has resulted in an increase in the parcels traffic, notwithstanding the prevailing depression, and there is every indication of a large increase in this business. The Cash-on-delivery system has been applied to parcels forwarded by passenger train, and for a charge of 4d. in the £, with a minimum of 6d., the value of the parcel is collected and remitted to the consignors. This system is an advantage to manufacturers, traders and primary producers, and is expected to develop.

REDUCTION OF SERVICES. As a means of improving the financial results, the Commissioners have carefully considered the question of curtailment of services ; but in most cases it has been found that the net result would be disadvantageous. The keeping of the lines open at all involves almost the full cost of what may be termed the fixed services, and all the equipment has been provided for the existing traffic, so that the actual saving effected by a reduction in the movements of the rolling stock is in many cases relatively small, and in some cases would not justify the resulting inconvenience to the public. Consideration has also been given to the closing down of some of the non-paying lines. In that case the proportionate saving would be greater than by reduction of services, because the whole of the direct wages and salaries costs on the line would be saved. There would still remain, however, the indirect cost of the general administration, and, of course, the interest on the capital cost, while the whole of the revenue from the closed line would be lost, as against a possible partial loss only if" services were curtailed, but not entirely discontinued. Moreover, in some cases industrial communities have been established along the railway lines in districts where the road pro­ vision is so poor that there would almost certainly be much loss and hardship among such communities if railway facilities were withdrawn.

RATIONING OF WORK AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO RETRENCHMENT. Owing to the falling off in both goods and passenger business, the number of railway employees on working expenses was reduced by the retrenchment of 1,600 men between January, 1929, and March, 1930, when the Commissioners directed, in view of the economic position of the State and the extent of unemployment, that further retrenchment was to be avoided, as far as possible, by rationing the available work among the staff. When the Forty-four Hours Week Act, 1925 (State), became operative in January, 1926, railway employees who were covered by the Federal forty-eight hour award were allowed to work on a forty- four hours week (for forty-eight hours' pay), but from 13th April, 1930, the hours of approximately 22,000 railway employees, covered by the Federal awards for locomotive engine-men, electrical trades, stationary engine-drivers, enginemen in power stations, and the A.R.U. Federal award, were extended to forty-eight per week. The Forty-four Hours Week Act was repealed by the passage of the Industrial Arbitration (Eight Hours) Amending Act, 1930, and from 29th June, 1930, the hours of approximately 8,650 employees covered by State awards were extended to forty-eight per week. The majority of the wages staff in all branches of the Railway Service have had their hours of duty increased from forty-four to forty-eight per week, and are being rationed to the extent that is necessary to absorb the surplus staff. Some sections of the salaried staff also, such as station- masters, night officers, foremen, sub-foremen, &c., have had their hours of duty increased to forty-eight per week, and this surplus staff also is being absorbed by rationing. The rationing of work has been arranged in three ways, viz., (1) one weelf off periodically, (2) one or more days off each fortnight, or (3) four hours off each week by the continued working of the forty-four hours week with the loss of four hours' pay. Because of the provisions of the A.R.U. Federal award, it was not permissible to ration employees in the Railway Permanent Way and Signalling Branches unless a majority of the men agreed to go on reduced time rather than that the services of any of their number should be terminated, but ballots which were taken resulted in a majority of the men in both branches voting in favour of working reduced time, and these men are being booked off for a week periodically. Under several Federal awards (e.g., Electrical Trades, Timber Workers, and certain sections of the A.R.U. award), it is not permissible to book employees off duty without pay for less than one week at a time, but applications have been made to the Federal Arbitration Court with a view to obtaining greater freedom in regulating the sharing of work. 8 NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS AND TRAMWAYS.

The Public Service (Salaries Reduction) Act, 1930, provides for a deduction of 8J per cent, from the 1st July, 1930, to the 30th June, 1931, inclusive, from the salaries and wages of employees (including a large number of salaried officers) who are not covered by Federal awards and whose hours have not been extended to forty-eight per week. The only salaried officers who have not been affected by the increase of hours, reduction of salaries, or rationing of work, are those who are covered by the Professional Officers' Federal Award, (approximately 500 men), to whom the provisions of the State Act cannot be applied. Application has, however, been made to the Federal Court for a variation In the Award covering such officers.

NEW MILEAGE. DuriDg the year the following extension was opened for traffic, viz. Datc opened. nils. chs. West Wyalong to Euglo ...... 16th December, 1929 34 3J The number of miles of line ppe.n to traffic on the 30t]i June, 1930, was (see Appendix XIV)*

TRAFFIC. The year's work involved the operation (gross) of:—• Passenger ton miles , 3,833,599,731 Goods ton mte 4,252,228,511 Total 8,085,828,242 The earnings p.er 1,000 ton miles were . £ s. d. Passenger 2 4 2

Qpods t 2 5 0 Compined • ... £2 4 7 a decrease of 4s. Id. as compared with the previous year. The increases and decreases from t£be various sources of earnings as compared with the previous, year are as follow:—


Increase. Decrease. Increase. Decrease. 1930. 1929. £ Toqs. Tons. Passengers, No- 147,892,548 151,116,0 627,378 Parcels, &c 57,322 Refreshment-rooms ,.... 84,928 CJeneral Merchandise , 612,734 398,476 Hay, Straw and Chaff 3,261 12,467 Grain, Flour, &c 469,940 556,555 Wool '36,414 9,076 Live Stock 138,896 54,018 Coal and Coke 69,087 1,040,247 Minerals (other than Coal and Coke) 110,959 427,81Q Miscellaneous '6,029

Total. 1,788,924 2,365,679

Direct losses of revenue to the extent of £186,100 were incurred in. the transport, at reduced rates; of store stock and starving stock travelling for feed, and the free return to their original pastures of a large, number of stock; in the carriage of fodder and water to drought-stricken districts; and in concessions in fares to returned wounded soldiers; while rebates amounting to £146,304 were allowed to consignees on flour, pig-iron, wire rods, coal, &c, &c, during the year. RAIL MOTORS. The rail motor services were extended during the year to the following sections;— Clyde to Carlingford. Clyde Sidings to Canterbury. Service was discontinued on the Dunedoo-Craboon-Coonabarabran section as from 25th May, 1930, TRAIN MILEAGE. , The mileage results are—Of passenger trains 16,537,678; of mixed trvins 1,440,068; of goods trains 8,736,205; the total being 26,713,951, a decrease of 668,173, as compared w.th the previou/year*. PASSENGERS CARRIED. The passengers carried during the year numbered 147,892,548, a decrease of 3,223,538. Suburban passengers decreased by 2,610,357 and country passengers by 613,181. . First-class passengers in the suburban and country areas decreased by 1,068,065 and 314,610 respecr tiyely, whilst second-class passengers decreased by 1,542,292 and 298,571 respectively. The Commissioners regret that two employees—a driver and a fireman—lost their lives as the result of the derailment of an engine at Warrimoo on the 27th January, 1930. There were no fatalities to passengers as a result of accidents to trains during the year. REFRESHMENT ROOMS OPERATION. The business of the Railway Refreshment Rooms after providing for all contingencies, depreciation on plant, interest, &c, resulted in a loss of £516 2s. 9d. as compared with a profit of £11,048 9s. 4d. in the previous year. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS. 9

THE following Statement shows the results of working in connection with a number of lines :-

Year ended SlBt December.

Loss after providing Line. Interest Working Expenses. Total Earnings. for Working Expenses Length,. Capital on and Interest. Cost. Capital. - 1929. 1628. 1929. 1928. 1929. | 1928.

nils. ch. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Clyde to Carlingford 4 41| 73,760 3,792 22,374 23,092 10.249 8,838 15,917 17,630 411,295 21,143 31,456 36,007 25,549 24,685 27,050 32,132 Kiama to Nowra ...... 22 m West-rrjeqd to Rogan's Hill.... 162.371 8,347 24,202 25,430 6,748 7,326 25,801 26,099 1.45* 182,850 9,400 21,091 21,210 16,134 17,546 14,357 12,92L Goulburn £p Crook well 35 43 ftoslyn to Taralga 174,320 8,961 6,596 6,093 2,064 2,705 13,493 12,269 15 62 2,340,193 120,300 183,395 192,391 170,336 179,112 133,359 132,275 Joppa Junction to Bombala 189 15£ Galpng to Bporowa 17 68£ 130,947 6,731 6,972 6,323 4,281 4,193 9,422 8,733 Demorjdrille to Blayney 110 47 1,466,237 75,374 194,141 176,956 135,453 142,471 134,062 108,220 Koprawatha to Grenfell 32 23 130,467 6,707 14,700 14,891 10,174 11,362 li,233 10,212 Cowra to Eugowra 49 71| 371,068 19,075 20,292 18,936 16,100 16,702 23,267 21,075 Cootamundra to Tumut ...... 64 76 624,7^4 32,116. 45,472 51,538 34,895 40,210 42,693 43,481 Gilmore to Kunama 21 44£ 279,736 14,380 5,967 6,318 1,796 2,275. 18,551 18,373

Barmedman to Rankin's Springs ... 71 50£ 396,549 20,385 16,606 16,909 12,806 12,613 24,185 24,464 Stockinbingal to Forbes ... 88 fi8i 565,087 29,049 44,183 49,636 64,772 77,161 8,460 1,915 Wyalong to CargeUigp 70 36} 344,245 17,696 25,478 29,869 22,541 27,272 20,633 20,096 Temora to Hillston l60 55i 769,425 39,553 70,622 77,177 88,072 91,204 22,103 24,385 Yanco to Griffith 33 53i 173,495 8,919 14,539 16,223 14,331 14,918 9,127 10,099 Wagga Wagga to Tumbarumba ... 80 42 750,704 38,591 37,859 33,521 22,738 23,553 53,712 48,508

77 29i 320,813 16,492 29,195 29,133 21,517 22,126 24,170 23,309 The Rock to Oaklands l The Rock to Westby /5 59| 184,232 9,471 4,596 4,638 2,008 2,216 12,059 11,787 Henty to Rand 32 fiftj 194,542 10,001 S,177 9,094 5,'402 6,592 12,776 12,333 Culcairn to Corowa ... 47 66 262,685 13,504 21,776 22,357 14,375 15,536 20,905 20,243 Cidcairn, to Holbrook 16 61 65,436 3,364 5,324 9,970 3,293 3,183 5,395 10,114 Narrandera to Tocumwal 112 Z\ 658,601 33,856 84,917 84,795 85,474 89,184 33,299 29,185

Narrandera to Hay 107 32J 678,437 34,876 69,155 74,396 51,994 56,976 52,037 52,065 Black^wn to Richmond .., 16 19| 277,527 14,267 51,735 51,007 55,6S7 51,328 10,315 12,799 7,752 13,128 12,862 4,358 16,573 Richmond to Kurrajong ... 6 m 150, $02 3,877 16,522 2,498,664 128,447 241,111 250,484 304,780 333,558 64,778 42,942 Wallerawang to Gwabegar 268 34| Binnaway to 749,175 38,512 50,491 47,564 74,179 67,812 14,824 17,453 91 52£ Tarana to Oberon ... 167,877 8,630 4,749 4,648 2,099 2,432 11,280 10,996 15 7 Craboon to Coolab 23 592 141,534 7,276 7,878 7,528 4,385 4,009 10,769 10,668 Condobolin to Broken Hill 359 12 2,079,959 10.6,923 111,352 107,466 134,513 107,685 83,762 104,775 Matakana to Mount Hope 10 32 31,203 1,604 Closed. Closed. Closed. Closed. 1,604 1,598 Bogan Gate to Tottenham 71 47 310,828 15,978 26,133 28,012 17,830 20,120 24,2£1 23,870 Tottenham to the Mines 6 32£ 15,623 803 34 30 88 749 829 Troy Junction to Merrygoen 59 36 38S,731 19,983 33,561 31,768 49,612 42,607 3,932 8,553

Ne.vertire tp Warren 12 49 50,924 2,618 8,234 7,609 3,874 4,016 6,978 6,133 Dubbo to Coonamble 05 56 356,869 18,345 45,830 1 Details 58,156 \Details 6,019 •(Details Nyngan to Cobar 81 29 341,886 17,575 18,914 J not kept. 13,732 Jnot kept. 22,757 [not kept, Cobar to C.S.A. Mines 7 llf 27,886 1,434 40 118 1,474 1,546 Nypgan to Bourke...... 126 43£ 760,704 39,105 64,097 87,855 46,265 57,527 -56,937 69,607 Byrpck tp Brewarrina. 58 15£ 182,369 9,375 20,169 18,915 11,961 12,496 17,583 15,635

Tamworfch to Wallangarra ... 211 274 3,473,340 178,551 374,674 386,797 513,826 523,290 39,399 36,801 Fassifern to Toronto... 2 55 ' 45,938 2,361 8,711 7,93; 3,226 3,209 7,846 6,447 Muawellbrook to Merriwa 50 72 340,827 17,521 20,265 19,812 17,712 18,410 20,074 18,724 West Tamworth to Barraba 61 3S£ 303,108 15,582 30.S91 31,687 27,797 25,961 1S,676 21,082 Burren Junction to Walgett 55 \{ 200,800 10,322 16,882 16,338 19,666 15,670 7,£3$ 10,587 Burren Junction to Pokataroo 42 43 132,509 6,812 13,157 11,790 12,242 8,479 7,727 9,702

Moree to .,, 95 5?$ 430,094 22,109 64,389 52,893 60,968 54,291 25,530 19,857 Moree to Mungipdi 77 2$ 399,893 20,557 24,568 23;487 27,018 24,395 18,107 19,280 WeBt Maitland toMurwillumbah ... 461 61? 7,310,285 375,794 617,825 591,267 682,991 713,811 310,628 244,386 Glenreagh to Dorrigo 43 16£ 1,381,167 71,001 27,381 33,592 10,742 11,029 87,640 93,345 Casino to Kyogle 17 694 101,569 5,221 9,694 9,553 10,846 10,434 4,069 4,119 Tarrawingee Line 39 41 34,272 1,762 6,973 7,457 3,630 5,444 5.105 3,768

3,967 67$ 34,398,612 1,768,303 2,921,951 2,SS5,573 3,015,285 3,021,804 1,674,960 1,563,998

Year ended 30th June. New Lines. 1930. 1929. 1930. 1929. 1930. 1929.

UranquJnty to Kywong 33 39$ 240,089 12,417 6.4S3 4,746 3,1S9 10,964 (Opened, to Kywpngr 23rd April, 1929.) 1,117 15,711

Ungarie to Naradhan 37 44J 254,741 13,175 7,354 2,953 2,500 571 18,029 6,885 (Opened 11th February, 1929 )

West Wyalong to Buglo 35 16 234,601 6,549 3,310 1,302 8,557 (Opened 16th December, 1929.)

106 20± 729,431 32,141 17,147 • 7,699 6,991 1,688 42,287 17,849

Total ... ' 4,074 8 35,128,043 i,S0U,4« 2,939,098 2,893,27^ 3,022,276 3,023,492 1,717,200 1, SSI, 847 10 NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS AND TRAMWAYS.

CONDITION OF WAY, WORKS, AND BUILDINGS. The length of line wholly or partially renewed by relaying, rcrailing, and resleepering was 223 miles 32 chains; and 840 miles 68 chains have been reballasted, making a total of 1,064 miles 20 chains of line either partially or completely renewed. 10,199 tons of rails, 896,999 si eepers, and 308,367 cubic yards of ballast were used in maintaining the lines during the year. In addition, 22,515 sleepers were used in additional sidings and extensions, and 8,918 cubic yards of ballast (blue metal) were used for electrification of lines, making a gross total of 919,514 sleepers and 317,285 cubic yards of ballast used during the year. To provide adequate facilities for dealing with increase of business, additional siding accommodation has been provided at forty-two places, and improvements have been made in a large number of station yards. Improvements and additions have been made to station buildings, platforms, trucking yards, loading banks, weighing machines, water supplies, workshops, turntables, ash pits, engine sheds, bridges, culverts, refreshments rooms, etc., at various points throughout the system where necessary, the most important of which were :— Station buildings Sydney, Darling Harbour, Redferil, Macdonaldtown, Lidcombe, Granville, Chullora, Colo Vale. Bowenfels, Binnaway, Boomley, Mortdale, Punchbowl, Campsie, Bankstown, Lindfield, Roseville, Carrathool, Widgiewa, Whitton, Parkes, Newcastle, Fassifern, Tamworth, Taree, Coff's Harbour, Moree, Arthurville, Wyanga, Ivanhoe, and Dungog. Trucking Yards :— Mirrool, Yiddah, Molong; Broken Hill, Merriwa, Booyong. Improvements to bridges, waterways, etc. : Footbridges :—Punchbowl, Nor man hurst, and Fassifern. Overbridges :—Regent's Park; 80 miles 63 chains South (near Bowral); and Orange Triangle. Underbridges, culverts, etc. :—Sydney-Lithgow, 142 miles 19 chains South; Albury, 338 miles 29 chains and 338 miles 57 chains between South Wyalong and Yiddah; 398 miles 16 chains and 398 miles 23 chains Corowa line; Quirindi, 257 miles 40 chains North; 302 miles 38 chains North; Moorland, 260 miles 24| chains North. Subways :—Auburn, Granville, Parramatta, Eastwood, Bowenfels. Weighbridges :—Auburn, Lithgow, Narriah, Collimgullie, Gogeldrie. Cranes :—Auburr, Coonabarabran. Refreshment Rooms":—Penrith, Harden, Cootamundra, Cootamundra West, Albury, Blayney, Parkes, Taree, Moree. Additional level crossings :—Jerilderie, Greenethorpe. Additional locomotive accomodation, water supplies, etc. :•—Eveleigh, Enfield, Moss Vale, Lithgow, Thirroul, Goulburn, Ungaric, Narrandera, Hay, Orange, Molong, Cardiff, Moree, Kendall, Boggabri, and Garah. Turntables :—A 75-feet turntable has been installed at Moss Vale; and 90-feet turntables have been provided at Thirroul, Enfield, and Lithgow-. The foregoing and many minor improvements have materially accelerated the traffic working. The Permanent Way workshops at Honeysuckle and Chullora have been fully engaged, the output for the year being 6,075 tons. The output of the Auburn concrete works has been satisfactorily maintained during the year. The Grafton train ferry service has satisfactorily carried the traffic during the year, the total tonnage handled being 339,782 tons. ELECTRIC LIGHT. During the year fifty-one electric light installations were completed in station buildings, station- masters and night officers' residences, staff quarters, refreshment rooms, &c. and a number are in hand. Alterations were made to more than sixty installations. As far as the financial position admits, the . Commissioners are anxious to provide electric lighting for the staff, where current is available at a satisfac­ tory price, particularly in the warmer areas.

SYSTEMS OF COMMUNICATION. Alterations and additions have been made to the departmental systems ol communication, including sixty-two public and departmental telephone connections, and a number of telephonettes. The No. 5 North telephone circuit (Gosford-Hornsby) was extended to Sydney, and the No. 30 North circuit (West Maitlar.d-Singleton) to Newcastle.

SIGNALLING, SAFETY APPLIANCES, &C. The programme of signalling work consequent on the electrification of the suburban lines has progressed during the year. The automatic signalling system has been extended from Granville to Liverpool, Lidcombe to Cabramatta, and Warwick Farm Junction to Warwick Farm Racecourse. The whole of the area covered by the suburban electrification scheme has now been equipped with automatic signalling, electric train stops, and the usual track-locking at inter lockings. Automatic signalling sections have also been brought into use between Hornsby and Cowan. New sidings to the number of forty-seven have been interlocked. The following is a statement showing the number of places where protection is provided for track junctions and crossings :—

1930. 1929. Increase. Decrease. Number completely interlocked 5,819 5,746 73 Number secured for through running only 3 3 Number not interlocked 251 252


SAFE-WORKING SYSTEMS. The following are the particulars oi the various safe-working systems now in use :—-

Double Track— Miles. Chains. By automatic or track block system i 388 16 By absolute manual block system 321 36 By permissive manual block system 4 60

Total 714 32

Single Track— By automatic or track block system 82 28 By electric train staff 2.814 11 By electric train tablet 177 55 By train staff and ticket without line clear reports 867 29 By train staff and ticket with line clear reports ... 1,361 29 By train staft and one engine only o 72

Total 5,305

ROLLING STOCK. New rolling-stock has been provided as under :—

Additions to Renewals. 1U marks Stock.

Locomotives— " D 57 :: Mountain type engine;; Built by local contractors.


Coaching Stock— Electric suburban cars 93 Built by local contractors. Main line carriages 6 do do Sleeping cars 4 do do Rail motors 4 Built in railway workshops. Rf.il motor trailers 5 do do


Goods and Departmental Stock " K " wagons 120 Built by loco,! contractors. Louvrcd vans 7 Purchased from Farmers and Dairy- men's Milk Co.


The cost of additional rolling stock charged to capital was £710,768 as con pared with £3,127,586 in the previous year, and the amount debited to working expenses on account of replacements, renewals and repairs of rolling stock was £3,835,613 as compared with £3,594,444 for the previous year.

LOCOMOTIVES. Fifteen engines of the " D 57 " class were built by the Clyde Engineering Company, and twenty-five " I) 57 " class tenders were built by Mort's Dock and Engineering Company. The Railway shops converted sixteen " C 30 " class engines to tender type. Twenty-three engines were rebuilt in the workshops (20 at Eveleigh and 3 at Cardiff) and fitted with new boilers, viz. :— 3 passenger tender engines. 20 goods tender engines. One thousand five hundred and one engines have had general repairs during the year, 538 of them at Eveleigh, 234 at Cardiff, and the remaining 729 at smaller depots; 375 engines had heavy repairs, and of these 24 were reconstructed and equipped with superheaters. Four hundred and sixteen engines had medium repairs and the remaining 710 engines had general repairs of a lighter nature. " One thousand four hundred and fifty-five boilers were overhauled during the year, 531 of them at Eveleigh, 226 at Cardiff, and 698 at smaller depots; 317 boilers were internally examined, heavily repaired, refitted with tubes and returned to locomotives, 204 of them at Eveleigh and 113 at Cardiff.

COACHING STOCK. Five thousand three hundred and eighty-six carriages received general repairs during the year, 324 of which were heavily repaired. Four thousand and fifty-two were dealt with at Eveleigh, 25 at Clyde, 16 at Enfield, and 1,293 at Honeysuckle. Thirty-nine coaching vehicles were heavily repaired by contractors, consisting of 8 first-class lavatory express cars, 10 composite lavatory express cars, 12 second-class lavatory express cars, 4 express brake- vans, and 5 four-wheel horse-boxes. In addition to the above, 2,374 electric carriages were repaired at Chullora electric car repair shop. 12 NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS AND TRAMWAYS.

GOODS STOCK. Forty-four thousand six hundred and fifty-one wagons and vans passed through the workshops, including 2,751 which were heavily repaired. Fifteen thousand one hundred and sixty-three of those passing through the shops were dealt with at Clyde repair siding, 13,400 at Enfield, 2,605 at Flemington, 8,594 at White Bay, 59 at Abattoirs siding, 1,249 at Eveleigh, and 3,581 at Honeysuckle. Twenty-one sheep vans and 30 open goods 16-ton wagons were heavily repaired by contractors.

REPAIRS OF PLANT AND EQUIPMENT GENERALLY. Fifty-six stationary boilers were overhauled, 43 of which received heavy rejjairs. For workshop, crane and excavator services, 3 repaired locomotive boilers replaced worn-out boilers, and 4 new boilers were placed in service. OTHER ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS. To neet the requirements of the electric railways, and to cheapen and facilitate repairs generally, additional machinery and plant, &c, have been installed, including the following:—

Eveleigh Workshops. Locomotive Shops.—A power-operated hardness testing machine in spring shop; 1 hydraulic jack and 50 steel lockers for enginemen's clothes. Carriage and Wagon Shops.—One " Gisholt" tool grinder; one 2-ton industrial truck; and 8 hydraulic jacks. Chullora Workshops. Electric Car Repar Shop.—One wheel press, 1 motor driven re-metalling machine; 7 jib cranes, 2 industrial trucks, 1 electric traverser, and 1 magnetic frame for axle testing. Locomotive Shops.—One electric traverser, 1 locomotive weighbridge, and 9 electric overhead travelling cranes of from 10 to 75 tons capacity each.

Cardiff Workshops. Four pneumatic drills, 8 pneumatic hammers two 2-ton petrol-driven industrial trucks; 2 large milling machines, 7 heavy duty high-speed lathes; one 28 in. crank shaper in loco, shops; 1 motor-driven horizontal plain milling machine, 2 drilling and tapping machines, and 700 steel lockers.

Enfield LoeO. Depot. One 75-ton screw jack, drop pit equipment for " D 57 " class locomotives, one 70-ton wrecking crane with match truck, electric lighting, lifting beams, &c.

General. Among other machinery, &c, the following were installed throughout the system :—One hydraulic jack in Running Shed, Harden; two 100-h.p. motors substituted for two 85-h.p. motors at Cunningham Creek weir in connection with supply of current by Murrumburrah Council; 1 " Pearn " pump with boiler and piping, &c„ for the 35,000,000 gallon excavated tank and reservoir at Cootamundra I one 70-ton wrecking crane with match truck, electric lighting, lifting beams, &c, at Broadmeadow; 20,000-gallon single-tiered tank with jib; water columns, mains, &c, at Casino; oil engine pumping plant for water supply at The Risk; 3 inch bulldozer pump and connections for water supply at Narrabri; and 1 screw-cutting lathe with necessary equipment in new machine shop, Moree. Additions and improvements to water supplies are now in hand for Ballina. Additional machinery for workshops is now in course of erection or on order for Eveleigh, Clyde, Chullora, Lithgow, Dubbo, Carrington, and Cardiff.


WHITE BAY AND ULTIMO POWER STATIONS. The extension of the White Bay Power Station was completed during the year. In regard to the reconstruction of Ultimo Power Station, all work in cpnnection with the circulating water conduits has been completed except valve-operating gears and screens. The work generally has kept pace with the installation of machinery, and it is anticipated that part of the new equipment will be put in service during the ensuing year. The reconstruction of the boiler-house and turbine-house is now approaching completion. Progress has been made with the excavation for foundations for the coal storage bin and siding, and with the erection of the pneumatic coal-handling plant and ash-handling plant. The construction of three of the six new boilers for Ultimo Power Station is now well advanced- Each boiler will have a maximum capacity of£0,000 lb. of steam per hour, and will be fitted with equipment for burning pulverised fuel. Four of the old boilers (in addition to 30 already removed) have been sold and dismantled during the year. An, additional 60-ton crane has been erected in the turbine house. - The construction of the tVo new locally constructed 20,000 kilowatt turbo-alternators is well advanced, and the erection ot the equipment for the first unit is well in hand at the Ultimo Power Station. In connection with the new plant, orders have been placed for dow-tension switchgear, pneumatic coal"haadling plant, a 750-kilowatt emergency turbine, and indicating and recording instruments; ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONED. 13

The total electrical energy generated at Ultimo and White Bay Power Stations for the year under review was 372,894,110 kilowatt-hours, as compared with 420,708,460 kilowatt-hours during the preceding year; 15,463,680 kiloWatt-hours were generated at Ultimo, and 357,430,430 kilowatt-hours at White Bay. 156,418,073 kilowatt-hours were supplied to the electric railway system and 55,341,277 kilowatt- hours to outside bodies. . The reduction in the energy generated during the year ended 30th June, 1930, is due to the fact that the cancellation of the agreement providing for the supply of energy by the Commissioners to the Sydney Municipal Council took effect on the 30th September, 1929.

ZARRA STREET POWER STATION. The installation of the additional water tube boiler having a maximum capacity of 45,000 lb. of steam per hour, was completed during the year. An electrically-driven boiler feed pump has been transferred from Ultimo Power Station. During the past year the electrical energy generated was 56,691,814 kilowatt-hours, compared with 55,976,614 kilowatt-hours during the previous year. Of the electrical energy generated during the year 41,315,416 kilowatt-hours were supplied to outside bodies, the balance, viz., 15,376,398 kilowatt-hours being used for departmental purposes, including 6,260,910 kilowatt-hours for tram traction.

LITHGOW POWER STATION. An ash plant of the sluicing type has been installed, and work has been commenced bri the extension of the power station buildings to provide for an additional boiler, turbine, and Switchgear necessitated by the supply of energy to Lithgow, Bathurst and Orange Councils* and the Blaxland and Blue Mountains Shire Councils. The order has been placed for the switchgear and for the additional boiler which will have a maximum capacity ot 31,250 lb. of steam per hour. An outdoor switchyard and a 2,000-kVA bank ot step-up transformers lot transmission of electrical energy at 60,000 volts' for the Lithgow-Orange transmission line have been completed at the power station; The first section of the Lithgow-Orange transmission line has been completed, and substations erected at Wallerawang and Bathurst, to admit of service to the local Councils during the present winter. A further bank of step-up tf ansforfners has been installed at the power station for the supply of energy, at 10,000 volts to the Comfhonwealth Small Arms Factory. During the past year the electrical energy generated was 2,751,319 kilowatt-hours, of which 2,032*084 kilowatt-hours were supplied for industrial purposes, the greatef proportion being utilised by the Railway Coal Mirte. The balance of 719,235 kilowatt-hours was used for lighting the Lithgow railway yards, etc.j and for power station purposes.

SUBSTATIONS, &C. Two 1,500 kilowatt fotary converter units purchased from the City Council are being installed at Carrington. The following new equipment has been put into service Two 500 kVA transformers in the new transformer substation at Chullora. Two 1,500 kilowatt mercury arc rectifier units, one at Gordon substation and one at Granville. Two 3,000 kilowatt rotary converter's ; one at Hurstville and one at Lewisham. At Prince Alfred substation the fourth 4,500 kilowatt rotary converter was put into operation. The Cabramatia and Sefton £ark substations were Completed during the year, and brought into service. The building of Argyle substation was commenced and almost completed during the year, and two of the three 4,500 kilowatt fotary converters were delivered. An additional transformer of 1,000 kVA capacity has been installed at Sutherland to meet the increased demand of the Sutherland Shire. Five transformers'of 250 kVA capacity were installed in connec­ tion with supply to the Lake Macquarie Shire, Erina Shire and Woy Woy Shire Councils. * The automatic sectioning equipments at Lidcombe huts, both on the Western and Southern line, nave been put into service.

TRANSMISSION. During the past twelve months the following construction and maintenance works in connection with the transmission and distributing systems, which are used for the purposes of the supply of electrical energy in bulk to the various consumers and to the electric tramways and railways, have been carried out in the Metropolitan and Newcastle areas :—41 chains of 2,000 volt transmission line erected, Sydney; 1 mile 55 chains of 6,000 volt transmission line, Sydney; 4 miles 40 chains of 10,000 volt transmission line, Sydney; 23 miles of 30,000 volt transmission line, Sydney; and 5 miles at Newcastle; 4 miles 40 chains of 2,000 volt signalling cable erected in wooden boxing on pegs, Sydney; 2 miles of 6,000 volt higjh tension underground cables, Sydney; 1 mile of low tension cable (submarine), Sydney. 14 NEW" SOUTH WALKS G )VERNMENT RAILWAYS AND TRAMWAYS.

RAILWAY OVERHEAD WIRING. The following sections of railway track have been equipped with overhead wiring :— Route Length. Track Length. Miles. Chains. Miles. Chains. Granville-Cabramatta , 6 19 12 7G Lidcombe-Cabramatta ... 6 73 14 14 Cabramatta-Liverpool 2 73 6 60 Warwick Farm i ... 2 41 Track to 12 and 13 platforms 40 1

Totals 17 45 37 31

ELECTRIFICATION OF THE RAILWAYS. All works in connection with electrification, with the exception of some small details, have been completed. The last sections between Sydney and Liverpool were completed and brought into operation on the following dates :— Granville to Liverpool—23rd September, 1929. Lidcombe to Cabramatta—2nd December, 1929.

CITY AND SUBURBAN ELECTRIC RAILWAY. Construction Work has proceeded on the western side of the city, the tunnelling operations from Goulburn-street to Wynyard and construction of the underground stations at the Town Hall and Wynyard being well advanced during the year.. On the section from Goulburn-street to the Town Hall, the construction of the four tunnels involved a considerable amount of underpinning of the city buildings. Between George and Goulburn streets the flat-top steel construction of the four tunnels has been completed, with the exception of short lengths under the Supply Stores and Wills' Building, now in progress. '

The driving of the four tunnels under George-street, with the consequent underpinning of buildings, was pushed forward, and at the end of the year, of the section between the Town Hall and Central the following lengths remained to complete :—

Up Shore 3J chains. Down Shore' ...... 2J chains. City Inner 4 chains. City Outer Nil.

At Town Hall Station one line of pedestrian, vehicular and tram traffic was diverted to the completed' western section of the station roof in George-street in January, and the centre section was fenced off on 28th January, 1930. In this section the erection of the main steel framing has been completed, and practically the whole of the concreting of station roof and street surface. Detail plans of station finish, tiling, ventilation, water supply and escalators have been made. A tender has been accepted for erection of two escalators. Provision has been made for future subways at each end of the station. In the northern section the lower platform tunnels have been completed and the driving of the Up and Down Shore tunnels pushed forward. The diversion of all the underground services in the eastern footpath of George-street to clear construction work was completed. From the Town Hall to Wynyard Station the four tunnels have now been completed and concreted. At Wynyard Station all excavation in the area has practically been completed. The concrete work in the main station building has also been completed, and is now in progress for the cafeteria, restaurant and western entrance buildings. Plans in connection with station detailing have been well advanced. The whole of the steel work up to the ground floor in the western entrance has been erected. On the eastern side of the city the construction of the two tunnels, temporarily stopped in March, was recommenced during May. At the end of the year there remained 3 chains of driving and concreting to complete the City Inner tunnel, and 12 chains to complete the City Outer tunnel. The work of terracing the Botanic Gardens over the tunnel near the Conservatorium has been Completed and the grounds handed over to the authorities concerned. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS. 15

RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION GENERALLY. The following new lines were under construction during the year :— Miles. Chains. Booyong to Ballina 12 56 Kyogle to Richmond Gap 26 53 Moss Vale to Port Kembla ...... 38' 60 Grafton to South Grafton 1 50 Tempe to East Hills 10 39 Camurra to Boggabilla 73 78 Casino to Bonalbo 38 — Guyra to Dorrigo 89 — Hillston.to Roto 30 32 The line from Booyong to Ballina is almost complete, and wall be opened for traffic shortly. The construction of the line from Kyogle to Richmond Gap is practically complete as far as the original contract is concerned,, the rails being laid to connect with Queensland. The continued wet weather has necessitated a certain amount of additional earthwork, which will take some two or three months to finish. The construction of the line from Moss Vale to Port Kembla has been completed to 19 miles 30 chains from Moss Vale; and from the Port Kembla end 61 cuttings out of 91 have been completed; and the remainder, namely 30, are in progress. Satisfactory progress has been made in connection with the excavation for the tunnels, waterways, &c. In connection with the Clarence River Bridge connecting Grafton to South Grafton, five main piers have been completed, the remaining two are sunk to 23 and 48 feet below high water respectively. The first span has been floated into position, and the second span well advanced into position ready for floating. Good progress is being made in connection with the embankments, 60,000 cubic yards having been placed in position and pile driving commenced for the viaducts. The earthworks, bridge and culverts on the line from Tempe to East Hills are nearing completion; the platforms and station buildings are well in hand. The construction of the line from Camurra to Boggabilla wras closed down during the year but re­ opened in May. Earthworks are now completed for 50 miles. Rails are laid and the line earth-ballasted to Croppa, a distance of 35| miles; the station yards and buildings are in progress. Work in connection with the construction of the line from Casino to Bonalbo was closed down during the year and re-opened in May last. Earthworks, bridges and culverts are in hand for a length of ten miles. Woik in connection with the construction of the lir.e from Guyra to Dorrigo was started during the year, and earthworks had proceeded for 9 miles when the works were closed during the month of February. The construction of the line from Hillston to Roto was started during the year, and earthworks completed for 22 miles and minor waterways for 14 miles. Satisfactory progress has been made with the bridge over the Lachlan River. RAILWAY COAL MINE, LITHGOW. The total output of the Railway Coal Mine for the year was 527,293 tons, and good progress was made on developmental work. The main endless haulage rope was .extended 20 chains beyond No."6 East district, making the total distance from the shaft bottom to the return wheel 2 miles 42 chains. As No. 1 East district is almost worked out, the auxiliary haulage was removed to No. 4 East district and that in No. 2 East re-arranged to work both Nos. 1 and 2 East districts. A new auxiliary haulage was installed in No. 2 North-west district, a new sot is now being installed in No. 5 East district, and a further set is being manufactured at Chullora workshops for installation in No. 6 East, district. The auxiliary haulage in No. 4 East which was previously worked by direct haulage, was converted to the main and, tail system. There has been extensive renewal of timbering in the main intakes (haulage and travelling" roads), and also in the main, return airways. New overcasts have been constructed, in Nos. 2 and 3 North-west and Nos. 5 and 6 East districts. Shunts and flat ends were completed in No. 3 North-west and No. 6 East districts, and new horse fiats made in Nos. 4, 5 and 6 East, and No. 2 North-west districts. Two electrically-driven air-compressors have been installed in-bye, in place of the two small electrical compressors on the surface and the steam-driven compressors. A 3-core high tension cable was laid from the pit bottom to No. 4 sub-station, a distance of about 2£ miles. A commencement was made last October for the sinking of an additional ventilating shaft at a point about 3 miles north of the existing shafts. A portion of the cliff has been excavated and concreted to a height of 64 feet. An electric winding engine and an electric compressor have been installed. Actual sinking operations were commenced on the 30th of April, and good progress has been maintained. At the end of June the shaft had reached a total depth of 154 feet from pit head, being 90 feet of actual sinking.

STORES AND MATERIALS. The value of the stock of stores and materials at the 30th June, 1930, as per certificate of Comptroller of Stores (see page 26) was £1,499,547 10s. lid., being an increase of £312,544 12s. 7d., as compared with the value of the stock on the 30th June, 1929. NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS AND TRAMWAYS.


RAILWAYS. YEAR ended 30th June, 1930, compared with 1929, 1907, and 188S.

Year ended 30fch June.

1930. 1929. j 1907. 1888.

Amount expended on construction and equipment of lines open for traffic •£126,318,236 £124,329,422 £44,700,230 £27,722,748 Cost per mile open for traffic (including Workshops Rolling Stock, .fee.) £21,144 £20,930 £12,946 £13,114

Total miles open for traffic ...... 5S974J 5j940J 3>452f 2,114

Average miles open for the year 5,958J 5,903£ 3S427£ 2;044

Earnings il4 iti £17,826,692 £19^615,616 £4,709,406 £2,295,124

Working Expenses £14,962,423 £14,978,050 £2,499,741 £1,630,151

BALANtS £2,864,26§ £4,637,566 £2,209,665 £?64,573 (After paying Working Expenses.)

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. PERCENTAGE OF PROFIT TO CAPITAL INVESTED 2 5 8 3 16 5 4 19 2 2 17 0


Earnings pet average mile open £2,992 £3,323 £1,374 £1,123

Working expenses per average mile open ... £2,511 £2,537 £7&9 £?49

RETURN PER AVERAGE MILE OPEN • £481 $1*6 £645 £374 (AfteT paying Working Expenses.)

S. d; St d. s. d. 8. 4. Earnings per train mile ...... 14 4 7 3J 13 4J 6 10} Working expenses per train mile ...... 10 11J 3 10* 11 21 4 6f RETURN PER TRAIN MILE 3 4! 3 5 2 U (After paying Working Expenses.) 2 3i

Number of passenger journeys 147,892,548' 151,116,086 41,413,084 15,174,115

Goods tonnage 6,605,732 7,985,182 2,872,388 1,226,525

Coal and Coke tonnage ... 4,761,633 5,801,880 5,670,463 2,105,146

Live-stock tonnage 783,599 729,581 250,981 68,101

Passenger train miles—Suburban 7,887,943 7,498,306 1,868,683

Do do Country 8,649,735 8,821,313 3,266,481 Particulars not Mixed train miles 1,440,068 1,381,673 1,589,218 available.

Goods do .;. ... 8,736,205 '9,680,832 6,234,686

.Total Train miles 26,713,951 j 27,382,124 12,949,068 6,689,313

* Of this Bum £659,930 was paid from the Consolidated Revenue and no interest is payable thereon. ANNUAL REPORT OE THE COMMISSIONERS. 17

RETURN showing Mileage per Ton and Earnings per Ton per Mile of Goods Traffic carried during the following years:—


December. June. December. June.

1883. 1891. 1907. 1929. 1080. 1883. 1891. 1907. 1929. 1980.

1,596,408 2,673,378 5,348,643 5,592,216 4,471,966 160,662 176,790 238,963 93,807 S 3,574

25,363,800 46,882,655 115,260,967 233,141,269 272,976,579 4,349,344 4,734,019 6,273,598 3,065,757 3,306,843

Average miles per IB'88 1753 21-55 41*69 . 61'04 27-07 26-77 26-25 32-68 39-57 ton. Gross Earnings. .. £ 125,730 215,133 400,730 1,419,794 1,487,956 22,617 26,129 26,210 24,428 24,130 d. d. d. d. d. a. d. d. d. d Earnings per ton per mile. ri9 no '83 1*46 1*31 1*25 1*32 TOO I'9I l'75


December. June. December. June.

1883. 1891. 1907. 1929. 1980. 1883. 1891. "1907. 1929. 1980-

65,736 198,491 569,302 1,767,585 1,211,030 35,119 64,967 174,142 285,097 297,564

7,756,369 22,130,334 137,776,777 457)379,146 281,104,394 2,712,396 10,024,149 35,205,182 77,169,223 77,979,077

Average miles per 117-99 111-49 242-01 258-76 232-12 7723 154-29 202-16 270-68 262-06 ton. Gross Earnings... £ 31,971 78,062 267,141 1,208,050 738,110 14,666 25,211 69,885 263,817 260,556 d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. Earnings per ton per mile. "99 '85 "47 '63 "63 129 '60 '48 '82 "80


December. June. December. June.

1883. 1891. 1907. 1929. 1930. 1883. 1891. 1907. 1929. 1930.

63,887 111,797 131,292 179,960 170,884 68,059 128,211 250,981 729,581 783,5^9

16,184,040 30,282,222 37,483,100 66,048,949 53,000,400 13,224,154 34,650,831 66,060,315 168,244,931 191,371,991

Average miles per 237-67 270-86 285-49 311-45 310-15 194*30 270-26 263-21 230-60 244-22 ton. 156,763 342,100 348,454 804,064 154,960 473,355 1,316,552 1,454,448 GroBB Earnings... £ 767,650 274,071 d. d. d. d. d. d. ' d. d. d. d. Earnings per ton per mile. 2 "48 2"7I 2'23 3'44 3'48 2*81 I'90 172 1.88 ('82

General Merchandise, including" all other goods.

December. June.

1883. 1891. 1907. 1929. 1930-

682,067 1,008,599 1,758,689 6,65P,733 4,84?, mo

67,991,304 92,087,454 166,648,834 695,510,949 618,984,023

99'68 91-30 94-76 122 PI 12782

734,323 866,394 1,303,881 5,211,693 4,518,671 d. d. d. d. d- 2"59 2"26 1*88 1*80 I'75


Summary of Ton Mileage for the Year ended 30th June, 1930.

Percentage Average Earnings of each Class Total Tons Ton Miles Earnings. per Ton Description. Carried. Miles. to Total per Ton. per Mile. Weight.

tons. miles. miles. £ d. per cent. Coal, Coke, and Shale .;. 4,471,966 272,976,579 61 04 1,487,956 1-31 37-70 Minerals (other than Coal, Coke, and Shale, and Crude Ores).... 1,629,323 9S,204,457 60-27 392,144 •96 13-74 Crude Ores 348,590 52,901,926 151-76 133,150 •60 2-94 Miscellaneous 1,209,942 152,607,645 126*13 884,735 1 39 10-20 Firewood... 83,574 3,306,843 39-57 24,130 1-75 •70 Fruit 153,567 55,782,038 363 24 251,380 1-08 1-29 Grain, Elou r, tfcc.... 1,211,030 281,104,394 232-12 738,110 •63 10-21 Hay, Straw and Chaff ... 297,564 77,979,077 262-06 260,556 •so 2-51 Frozen and Fresh Meat... 110,298 6,747,470 61-17 54,571 1-94 •93 Wool 170,384 53,000,400 310-15 767,650 3-48 1-44 Manures ... 185,696 48,014,808 258-57 83,974 •42 1-57 Milk and Cream in Owners' Vans 96,3S5 7,913,355 82-10 50,074 1-52 •81 A Class ... 278,326 43,661,073 156-87 386,204 2-12 2-35 B „ 265,858 53,429,376 200-97 699,843 3-14 2-24 0 „ 58,058 11,705,997 201-63 200,350 4-11 •49 1st „ 89,940 12,398,602 137-85 276,154 5-35 •76 2nd „ 67,295 14,030,662 208-49 350,967 6-00 •57 Live Stock 783,599 191,371,991 244-22 1,454,448 1-82 6-60 Other Traffic—(Maximum Ton­ nage Rates, Minimum Charges, &c.) 349,402 61,586,614 176-26 755,125 2-94 2-95

Totals 11,861,297 1,498,723,307 126-35 9,251,521 1-48 100-00

liemarka ,* This statement does not include 289,607 tons of coal on which only wayleave oharges are collected, nor does it include £125,982 for Wayleavc, Shunting, Demurrage, &c.

Summary of the Mileage of Suburban Passengers on All Lines during the Year ended 30th June, 1930.

Description. First Class. Second Class. Total.

3,295,007 49,755,460 53,050,467

9,937,332 44,235,662 54,172,994

30,324,420 30,324,420 * 13,232,339 124,315,542 137,547,881

103,531,555 914,660,430 1,018,191,985

7-82 7-36 7-40

322,782 2,582,380 2,905,162

•75 •68 •68

N.B.—Suburban Lines include distances within 34 miles of Sydney and Newcastle, and to Richmond.

Summary of the Mileage of Country Passengers on All Lines during the Year ended 30th June, 1930.

Description, First Class. Second Class. Total.

947,133 5,090,349 6,037,482

1,335,593 1,954,244 3,289,837

1,017,348 1,017,348

2,282,726 8,061,941 10,344,667

232,882,547 479,998,870 712,881,417

102-02 59*54 . 68*91

1,582,908 2,122,881 3,705,789


TRAMWAYS. The financial results for the Tramways, compared with the previous year, are as follow :—

Year ended 30th June. 3

- 1930. 1929.

£ £

Earnings 3,903,470 4,457,890 554,420 Dec.

Working Expenses 3,625,564 3,835,644 210,080 „

BALANCE—NET EARNINGS ... £ 277,906 622,246 344,340 „

RATIO OF WORKING EXPENSES TO EARNINGS.—The ratio of working expenses to earnings for the year was 92-88 per cent., or 6*84 per cent, higher than the previous year. The result of working of the Tramways after providing for all statutory obligations, was as follows :— £ £ Net earnings . 277,906 Interest 630,150 " Sinking Fund charges 33,000 : 663,150

Loss on year's working £385,244

EARNINGS.—The earnings show a decrease of £554,420 compared with the previous year, of which £207,823 was due to practical cessation of supply of electricity to the Civic Commissioners as from September, 1929, while the continued depression for practically the whole of the year in addition to competition of motor buses, charabancs, motor cars utilised as taxi buses, and motor lorries used for conveyance ot workmen and picnic parties, accounted for the balance, viz., £346,597. WORKING EXPENSES.—The working expenses for the year amounted to £3,625,564, or a decrease of £210,080, compared with the previous year, notwithstanding the following increased expenditure incurred during the year beyond the Commissioners' control Increased payments in wages and salaries under Commonwealth and State . £ awards and consequential adjustments approved by the Commissioners ... 83,919 Contribution to the Family Endowment Fund 16,057 Contribution to the Government Railways and Tramways Superannuation Account 2,300


CAPITAL. The net expenditure charged to Capital Account on lines opened for traffic during the year was £21,789. The total capital expenditure on lines opened to traffic on the 30th June, 1930, was £11,764,978 (see Appendix XXXI). PASSENGERS CARRIED. The passengers carried during the year numbered 307,789,621, as compared with 333,476,019 for the previous year, a decrease of 25,686,428. During the year adjustments were made in time-tables of various lines with a view to effecting economy in working, which it is anticipated will result in a saving of £97,000 per annum. No passengers or employees were fatally injured by accidents to trams during the year.

TRANSFER OF GOVERNMENT TRAMWAYS FROM THE CONTROL OF THE RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS TO THE TRUSTS CONSTITUTED UNDER THE TRANSPORT ACT, 1930. The Transport Act, 1930, which was absented to on 4th June, 1930, came into operation,' by proclamation, on and from 5th August, 1930. Under this Act the New South Wales Government Tramways and the property, equipment, &c, associated with them, with the exception of the power stations, sub­ stations and high tension cables used in. the transmission of power from the power stations to the sub-stations were vested in the Trusts created under the Transport Act, 1930, in Sydney and Newcastle. The Act pro­ vided that all officers who were wholly or mainly npon tramway work were to be transferred to the service of the Trusts, taking with them the privileges they held as railway officers. The Act further prescribed that, in certain instances, where it was not competent for the new authority to take over at once a particular branch or activity, or portion of a particular branch, arrangements could be made with the Railway Com­ missioners for the rendering of services as heretofore, pending the completion of the staff arrangements in connection with the tramways. 20 NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS AND TRAMWAYS.

On and from 5th August, 1930, the whole of the Tramway Traffic Branch, the Tramway Permanent- Way Branch, and the Randwick Tramway Workshops, as well" as the Rolling-stock Superintendent and associated staff, were transferred to the control of the Metropolitan Transport Trust. The approximate number of officers so transferred was :—

Salaried Staff. Wages Staff. Total.

Tramway Traffic Branch 460 4,755 5,215 Tramway Permanent-Way Branch 55 1,533 1,588 Randwick Workshops 75 874 949 Car Sheds (Rolling Stock) 32 712 744

622 7,874 8,496

The overhead line maintenance and emergency work for the tramways, both in the Metropolitan, and Newcastle districts, is for the present being carried out under the control of the Chief Electrical Engineer of the Railway Department, the cost of the services rendered being kept separate and debited against the Transport Trust with other similar charges. In other branches of the Railway Service where staffs were engaged only partly on tramway work, such work is being carried on by them until such time as the Transport Trust can take it over.

ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAFFIC AND CONDITION OF THE LINES AND ROLLING STOCK. In connection with the relaying and maintenance works, alterations to levels and alignment were effected to suit reconstruction and widening of roadways by the Main Roads Board on the Cook's River and Ryde lines. During the year the following buildings were painted and renovated, viz.:—41 waiting rooms 2 meal rooms, 7 starters' boxes, 4 substations, 3 offices, 1 car shed, 1 transfer punt, and 4 cabins'. Eleven miles seventeen chains of single track were relaid during the year. Curves to a length of 2 miles 67 chains single track were renewed; 11J miles of track reconditioned; and junctions totalling 76 chains of track were relaid. An extension was made to the chemical manufacturing plant at Wolli Creek depot to cope with increased departmental demands; this plant is being operated in conjunction with the tar distillery. Seventy-seven thousand nine hundred and forty tons of metal were used during the year on the maintenance of tracks, and 911 tons on capital works. Two hundred and forty-two thousand and sixty-four gallons of distilled tar were used for mixing with metal and 111,247 gallons used for top-dressing; 85,148 square yards of wood-paved track and 242,465 square yards of macadamised track were top-dressed with tar, a total of 327,613 square yards being treated. At the tar distillery, Wolli Creek depot, 227,393 gallons of crude tar were treated, producing 201,467 gallons of distilled tar. In addition 24,627 gallons of tar oils have been extracted and the following items manufactured from the by-products :— Gallons. Fluid disinfectant 16,241 Rail paint 6,086 Wood-preserving oil 4,256 Enamel paints ... 9,264

Total 35,847

The adoption of bitumen-penetrated macadam in lieu of premixed tarred macadam ori relaying works has resulted in improved road surface and in marked economy in surface maintenance. New steel was electrically deposited in situ on 6,274 worn crossings and 43,821 feet of rail. During the year the rack treating plant was increased by three scrubber rail grinders, mounted on obsolete tram-cars. The equipment treated 115J miles of corrugated track, thus materially reducing this troublesome cause of noise. OVERHEAD WIRING. The following works have been carried out in connection with the overhead wiring and supporting structures used for the electric tramway system:—3 chains of overhead wiring erected on duplication of existing tram lines, Sydney; 2 miles 49 chains of overhead wiring erected on account of tram tracks being relaid, Sydney; and 28 miles 9 chains of tramway trolley wire renewed, Sydney. One hundred and seventy-one defective poles have been replaced at Sydney and 20 at Newcastle; and 50 Lewis bolts erected in lieu of poles at Sydney. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS. 21

. ROLLING STOCK. The following repairs and alterations were effected at the Randwick workshops :— Electric tramcars.—167 " A " overhauls, 364 repainted, and 2,157 received repairs of a minor character. Two hundred and eighty-seven electric car trucks.—" A " overhaul and general repairs. Thirty-four " L " type cars converted to " LP " type. Armatures.—818 rewound, 2,933 repaired. Steam motors.'—Sis general overhaul, 21 repaired, and 9 repainted. Ten steam cars overhauled and repainted. Road motor vehicles.—Fourteen overhauled, 122 repaired, and 7 repainted. *

AT NEWCASTLE WORKSHOPS*. Steam motors.—One " A " overhaul, and 28 lesser overhauls and repairs. Twenty-four steam motors were dismantled. Electric cars.—Seventy-four " B " overhauls and 72 minor repairs. Steam trail cars.—Twenty-6even were dismantled.

RANDWICK WORKSHOPS. The Workshop equipment generally has been improved by the installation of further modern machines and improvements to plant. During the year the following were manufactured:—119,000 fittings for the suburban electric railways; 128,000 fittings for tramway overhead wiring and high-tension transmission lines; 424,000 non~ ferrous castings, and 230 tons of ingots from scrap material.

TESTING LABORATORY AND RESEARCH SECTION. Much useful research work has been carried out during the year; among the more valuable developments were the following :—• A low carbon 3£ per cent, nickel steel has been introduced for electrically building up worn carbon steel tramway rails, the increased resisting properties of which are expected to reduce the cost of tramway track maintenance. An important modification to electric arc welding shields, as a result of laboratory experiments, has completely eliminated light reflection from their glasses. An exhaustive investigation of tramway rail corrugation was made, and a comprehensive report presented. Certain types of railway axle fractures have been investigated and shown to be due to bearing metal embrittlement. A special apparatus has been developed for the testing of turbine oil and a section installed for the repairing and testing of instruments. Considerable work has been performed for other public bodies, including investigations into the characteristics of liquid fuses, and steel cable for transmission lines, for the Public Works Department. 22 NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS AND TRAMWAYS.


TRAMWAYS—ALL LINES. Year ended 30th June, 1930, compared with 1929,1907, and 1888.

Year ended 30 June— PARTICULARS. 1930. 1929. 190T. 1&88.

Amount expended on construction and equipment of lines open for traffic *£11,764,978 £11,743,189 £3,669,524 £877,244 Cost per mile open (including Workshops and Rolling- stock) ...... - £55,909 £55,801 £28,518 £22,786

Total miles open for traffic 210} 210} 128f 38}

Average miles open for the year 2101 209| 127J 38

Earnings £3,903.470 £4,457,890 £908,701 £236,519

Working expenses £3,625,564 £3,835,644 £727,947 £219,196

BALANCE (after paying Working Expenses) £277,906 £622,246 £180,754 £17,323

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. PERCENTAGE OF PROFIT TO CAPITAL INVESTED 2 7 3 5 6 7 4 18 8 119 7


Earnings per average mile open £18,550 £21,246 £7,141 £6,224

Working expenses per average mile open ... £17,229 £18,280 £5,721 £5,768

RETURN PER AVERAGE MILE OPEN (after paying Working Expenses) £1,321 £2,966 £1,420 £456

s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Earnings per tram mile ...... 2 4i 2 7£ 1 1 3 4f

Working expenses per tram mile 2 2} 2 3 0 10} 3 If RETURN PER TRAM MILE (after paying Working Expenses) 2 4i 2i 3

Number of passengers carried 307,789,621 333,476,049 155,017,982 Not obtainable

Tram mileage... 32,862,532 34,081,498 16,620,434 1,388,786

• £47»45? ?f this was paid from the Consolidated Revenue and no interest is payable thereon. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS, 33


STAFF. The average number of staff employed throughout the year, not including those engaged in the construction of new lines of railway and tramway, was 51,835—railways, 41,342; tramways, 10,493, as compared with 55,093—railways, 43,972; tramways, 11,121, for the previous year, or a total decrease of 3,258 for the year ended on the 30th June, 1930. The average staff employed throughout the vear on the construction of new lines of railway and tramway was 3,023. By amending legislation the tax on wages and salaries as contribution to the Eamily Endowment Fund was limited, from 20th December, 1929, to the wages and salaries paid under Awards of the State Arbitration Court, and from 1st January, 1930, the rate of tax was reduced from 2 per cent, to 1 per cent.

RAILWAY AND TRAMWAY INSTITUTE. The membership oi the Institute at the close of the year was 26,467, of whom 12,389 belonged to the metropolitan branches, 8,245 to country centres, and 5,833 to sectional libraries at distant centres of employment. The expenditure for the year was £55,177, and the revenue, from subscriptions and other sources, £20,942. Sectional libraries were established in connection with the construction of the lines from Hillston to Roto, Port Kembla to Moss Vale, and City Railway {Wynyard Station). In addition to the main library, which contains 113,726 volumes, there are 45 sectional libraries and 57 offices regularly supplied with books from the main library. The number of class enrolments for the year totalled 5,437. During the year 945 students of the trades classes sat for the annual Technical College examinations, of which 836 passed, representing a percentage of 88. In commercial and vocational subjects, of 2,420 students examined, 1,902 (79 per cent.) were successful. Five students sat for the University Matriculation examination and were successful, Mr. G. A. Peterson, 3rd class draftsman of the Locomotive Branch, being awarded both a " P. N. Russell " and the " Eddy Memorial " Scholarship. Five thousand three hundred and ninety-six traffic and 1,649 locomotive employees sat for Institute examinations. A record number of staff, viz., 14,211, took advantage of the instruction given by moans of tho locomotive and safe-working instruction, cars.

SUGGESTIONS AND INVENTIONS. During the year 3,906 suggestions were received from the staff, and of this number 668, representing 17*1 per cent., have been adopted. The circulation of suggestions adopted in this State to the other States' Railways and New Zealand has been continued with satisfactory results. Some of the more important suggestions adopted during the year are as follow :— A device for holding wheel-tyre rivets; a jig for holding axle-box brasses; an improved design of brake-van door runner; the introduction of cast-iron rotary brake valves; improvements to " Pylc headlighting equipment; a method of fencing platforms on single lines; tool for handling rails; a welded type of barrow wheel; alterations to the windows of steel electric cars; an insulated rail gauge; a method of manufacturing cotters; an improved gutter joint; the use of thermionic valve rectifiers for telegraph circuits; and a door-runner for sheep-vans.

Other adopted suggestions have reference to station buildings and yards; additional signals; telephone arrangements; safety guards on machines; rosters for railway and tramway working; improve­ ments to locomotives and coaching stock (steam and electric); jigs for various purposes; the composition of trains; power station equipment; and various alterations to books, forms, &c. Many devices are at present undergoing trial with a view to determining their suitability. Over 600 employees have been seen by the Suggestions and Investions Officer and given opportunities of explaining and demonstrating their ideas, a pleasing feature being the excellence of the drawings and models submitted.

RAILWAY AND TUAMWAY AMBULANCE COKPS. The activities of the Railway and Tramway Ambulance Corps have been well sustained. The interest in first-aid work resulted in the record number of 4,619 employees passing examinations. The effective membership of the corps now numbers 14.293, an increase of 1,178 over tho previous year. During the year there were many instances of practical first-aid rendered by members of the corps both to employees and civilians, evoking commendation by the medical practitioners who subsequently handled the cases. The equipment, which has been maintained in good order and condition, now consists of 1,275 ambulance boxes, 294 first-aid chests, 1,003 stretchers, and 2 surgeons'first-aid chests. 24 NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS AND TRAMWAYS.

" SAFETY-FIRST." Interest in the Safety-First movement was sustained throughout the year by means of meetings of the Safety Council, periodical conferences of representatives of the various branches, industrial films, literature, bulletins, and other means. The Safe Working moving pictures are appreciated by the staff, no less than 500 students witnessing the screening of the " Single Line Automatic " picture. Representatives have been appointed at each large centre, and no opportunity is lost to impress upon the members of the staff the importance of the movement. Eight-hundred safety suggestions were submitted by employees during the year.

GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS SUPERANNUATION ACCOUNT, The retrenchment and retirement of officers caused a fall of 2,088 in the number of contributors to the Superannuation Account, the figures being 50,244 at 30th June, 1929, and 48,156 at 30th June, 1930, As a consequence the receipts from the 1J per cent, superannuation deductions made from the salaries and wages of the officers were reduced by £8,232 9s. 2d., bringing the total to £206,938 17s. 5d. On the other hand the expenditure was increased by the abnormal number of retirements on pension, viz., 726, compared with 322 in the previous year; and by the payment of gratuities to retrenched officers whose length of service was not sufficient to entitle them to pensions. The rate of gratuity paid was two weeks' salary or wage for each year of service to officers of less than ten years' service retrenched from the permanent staff and one week's salary or wage for each year of service to those retrenched from the temporary staff. The total amount of gratuities paid to these classes of officers was £46,070 as compared with £5,535 in the previous year. The sum of £206,938 17s. 5d., received from the officers' contributions was therefore not sufficient to meet the expenditure on pensions &c, and it was necessary to obtain a subsidy from the Railways and Tramways Fund of £136,500 or an increase of £76,500 over the subsidy received in the previous year. The cash balance on the Superannuation Account at 30th June, was £13 6s. 8d. The total amount of subsidy received into the Superannuation Account since its inception on 1st October, 1910, is £599,150 of this £402,650 was paid from Consolidated Revenue Account of the State and the balance of £196,500 from the Government Railways and Tramways Fund. The number of pensions in force at 30th June was 3,604 aggregating £298,669 16s. per annum. The Government Railways Superannuation Fund was created by Statute on the 1st October, 1910* The employees contribute 1J per cent, of their salaries and wages. No fixed subsidy by the State was provided for, but the Act empowers Parliament to appropriate in any one year the difference between the employees' contributions and the amount required to pay the benefits. The original Act confined the scheme of superannuation to the permanent staff employees; but, by an amending Act, temporary staff also, with the exception of workman employed temporarily on railway construction duplication and deviation works, and in refresnment rooms, were brought into the scheme from the 1st January, 1917. The principal benefit is the allowance of pensions to employees who retire after ten years1 service, provided they have reached the age of 60 years, or upon compulsory retirement at an earlier age due to ill- health. Gratuities not exceeding one month's pay tor each year of service may be allowed to those who leave the service owing to ill-health or retirement after less than 10 years' service; refunds of contributions are made in cases of decease, resignation after fifteen years' service with a good conduct record, and dis­ missals for offences not of a serious character. The scheme was on an unsound basis from the commencement. The rate of contribution of 1J per cent, on an employee's wages throughout his active service is inadequate to crea,te a fund sufficient to pay his pension during retirement. The liability was further increased by the fact that the older men in the Department at the time the Act was passed were allowed pensions on retirement based on the whole of their service although they contributed only 1J Per cen* °f their wages for short periods ranging from a few weeks to a few years. For example, an employee, who retired a few weeks after the Act commenced contributed the sum of 3s. to the Superannuation Account and retired on the 1st November, 1910, since which date he has been drawing a pension of £132 per annum. There are many similar cases. For the first few years the contributions received from the employees were sufficient to pay the benefits, but in the year 1917 it was necessary to obtain a subsidy of £7,000 from Consolidated Revenue. The amount of subsidy received each year has been as follows:—• Year. Amount. £ 1917 7,000 1918 30,000 1919 ...... 41,000 1920 ...... 48,750 1921 *•• ...... 1922 ...... 1923 19,100 1924 40,000 1925 66,000 1926 64,600 , 1927 ...... 46,200 1928 50,000 1929 ...... 60,000 1930 136,500 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS. 25

The reason why no subsidy was required in the years 1921 and 1922 was that a*considerable addition in revenue was received from employees' contributions in consequence of the very substantial increase in the basic wage from £3 to £3 17s. per week. Prior to 1929 the subsidies were paid from Consolidated Revenue of the State, but since 1929 the subsidies have been a charge against Railway and Tramway "Working Expenses. The large increase in the amount of subsidy for the year 1930 over the previous year is due to the increased number of pensioners and to gratuities granted to employees who have been retrenched. The amount of subsidy will continue to grow and in a few years the liability on the Government Railways Fund to make up the amount required to meet the benefits will be very great.

ADMINISTRATION. Mr. James Fraser, C.M.G., who was appointed to the Board of Railway Commissioners for New South Wales on the 4th April, 1914, and who held office as Chief Railway Commissioner from 1st January, 1917, requested the Government, owing to continued ill-health, to relieve him of the duties of Chief Railway Commissioner as from 1st December, 1929. Mr. W. J. Cleary, B.Ec, was appointed Chief Railway Com­ missioner on the 1st December last for the unexpired portion of Mr. Fraser's term and for a further term of 7 years thereafter. Mr. James Eraser had a record of 51 year's continuous service for the railways of this State. His work during his long period of administrative responsibility was of great value, not only to New South Wales, but also to the railways of Australia generally. Mr. A. D. J. Forster, Assistant Railway Commissioner, left Australia in March last for the purpose of attending, as the New South Wales Government representative, the International Congress held in Madrid in May, 1930. During his absence he is also visiting England and America, where he is studying the latest developments in railway operation. We desire to place on record our appreciation of the good work done by the staff as a whole, and we - commend especially those who have by care, thought, and suggestion helped to minimise expenditure and improve the working generally. The great faUing-ofi in revenue and the severe curtailment of loan money not only called for economies on financial grounds, but very materially reduced the amount of work to be done and so unfortunately but inevitably led to decreased earnings by the staff; we are, however, glad to acknowlege the high degree of restraint and public spirit shown during what has been for everybody a period of strain, and, for very many, of real hardship.

We have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servants, 26

RAILWAYS AND TRAMWAYS. Chief Mechanical Engineer's Office, Sir, Eveleigh, 24th July, 1930. I have to report for the information of the Commissioners that the rolling-stock, pumping plant, machinery and water supplies of the railways have been maintained in efficient order during the year ended 30th June, 1930. E. E. LUCY, Chief Mechanical Engineer. The Secretary to the Railway Commissioners.

Office of the Chief Civil Engineer, Sir, Sydney, 29th July, 1930. I hereby certify that the permanent-way, bridges, buildings, fences, wharves, and other works have been maintained in good order during the past twelve months. R. L. RANKEN, Chief Civil Engineer. The Secretary to the Railway Commissioners.

Comptroller of Stores' Office, Sir, Newtown, 29th July, 1930. I hereby certify that the stock of stores has been carefully and systematically inspected during the year and that its value, as at 30th June, 1930, was £1,499,547 10s. lid. F. C. GARSIDE, Comptroller of Store?. The Secretary to the Railway Commissioners.

Office of the Chief Electrical Engineer, Sir, Sydney, 22nd July, 1930. I have to report for the information of the Commissioners that the power stations, generating plant, distributing system, tramway rolling-stock, and workshops of the Electrical Branch of the Railways and Tramways have been maintained in good order and repair during the past twelve months. W. H. MYERS, Chief Electrical Engineer. The Secretary to the Railway Commissioners.

Office of the Engineer for Tramways, Sir, Sydney, 16th July, 1930. I have to report, for the information of the Commissioners, that the permanent-way, buildings, and other works under my charge have been maintained in good working condition during the past twelve months. A. G. WRAY, Engineer for Tramways. The Secretary to the Railway Commissioners, 27


RAILWAYS. fl*0. PAGK. 1. Capital Account " ...... 28 lA. General Balance Sheet 29 2. Income and Expenditure Account and Net Revenue Account, Traffic Services 30 2A. Trading and Profit and LOBS Account and Net Revenue Account, Refreshment Rooms 31 2B. Revenue Appropriation Account, Traffic Services Railways and Refreshment Rooms ... 31 3. Working expenses abstracts...... 32 4. Comparative analysis of Earnings and Expenditure ...... 33 5. Statement of results from 1855 to 1930 inclusive 34 6. Total salaries and wages paid 36 7. Return of Staff employed—Railways and Tramways ... 36 8. Statement showing capital cost of various sections 37 9. Return of train, locomotive, and vehicle mileage 38 10. Return of Rolling-stock 39 11. Return of persons killed or injured during the year 39 12. Statistical statement 40 13. Additions to Capital during the year ... 40 14. Dates of opening of the various sections of the lines 41 15. Statement of wool traffic 44 16. Statement of live stock traffic 45 17. Statement of wheat traffic ...... 46 18. Statement of coal, coke, and shale , ... 47 19. Statement of coal exported from Newcastle 49 20. Return of receipts and expenditure of each station 50


21. Capital Account ...... 61 21A. General Balance Sheet 62 22. Income and Expenditure Account, Net Revenue Account and Revenue Appropriation Account 63 23. Working Expenses and Earnings Account ...... • •• , 64 24. Working expenses abstracts—City and Suburban Electric Lines, Sydney ... 68 25. Working expenses abstracts—North Sydney Electric Lines 69 26. Working expenses abstracts—City and Suburban Lites, Newcastle ,» 70 27. The working of the Tramways in sections 71 28. Summary of the working of City and Suburban Lines, Sydney - 73 29. Return of Rolling-stock ... .„ 73 30. Dates of opening of the various sections of the Tramways 74 31. Statemsnt showing capital cost of various sections .. 79 32. Additions to Capital during the year » 79

Diagrams, Railways, operating results. Haps showing Railway systems and li&es. APPENDIX I. •



To 30th Jane, Daring year ended To SOth June, During year ended 30th June, PARTTEOLARBJ Total. Particulars. Total. 1920. 80th June. 1930. 1929. 1930.

£ s.

£ s. d. Rolling Stock— Motive Stock- Steam locomotives 9,008,005 1 11 CO 238,819 19 4 Electrical Equip­

ment of Electric , , . n Coaching Stock... 1,420,824 0 0 260,311 0 8 Motor Equipment of Rail Motor * Stock 79,182 14 7 8,381 18 0 Coaching Stock- Steam 4,015,961 12 Cr.33,778 0 0 Electric 4 162,907 1 5 297,346 14 2 Rail Motor 110,355 5 5,550 4 Wagons 5,843,224 2 tfr.50,056 0 4 Sendee Vehicles... 384,091 2 Cr.15,807 17 2 25,024,551 13 10 710,767 19 4 25,735.319 13 Workshops—Buildings 2,386,849 16 2 172,099 6 0 2,558,949 2 Plant and Machinery 2,583,267 6 4 228,745 19 9 2,812,013 6 Electric Power Stations 3,604,824 13 6 431,625 14 7 4,036,450 8 Refreshment Room Equipment . 102,188 0 3 2,733 18 10 104,921 19 Railway Coal Mine 606,780 13 10 Cr. 4,034 15 10 602,745 18 Lines under Construction (to be 6,868,149 3 4 1,438,589 11 3 8,306,738 14 apportioned on completion). Balance carried to General 1,951,676 18 0 Balance Sheet.

3,427,403 10 0 134,813,651 7 11 131,086,527 8 1 3,727,124 4 10 134,813,651 7 11 £ 129,434,570 19 11



£ s. d. £ 8.. d. Balance from Capital Account 1,951,676 18 0 Stores and Materials on Hand— £ s. d. £ s. d. Stores Branch 1,263,207 19 11 Moneys held in Trust— Refreshment Rooms ... 64,440 8 4 Guarantees for Freight Payments and Contracts 117,506 3 0 In Process of Manufacture 101,123 2 8 1,428,771 10 11 Sundry Creditors—• Sundry Debtors—• Deposits on Tenders 48,380 0 0 Public Departments and Contractors 18,572 1 11 Stores and Materials Account 31,165 6 1 Unclaimed Wages and Moneys 1,131 18 11 Miscellaneous ... 424 13 0 Payments in Advance ... 123,242 1 9 Prepaid Wages and Accounts 4,862 16 3 Electricity Sales 879 3 0 Accrued Wages 269,821 12 7 55,904 0 3 327,129 0 0 Suspense Account 1,968 3 1 Sinking Fund Trust Funds- Stores and Materials 239,973 17 7 Fixed Deposits and Commonwealth Bonds ... 117,506 3 0

Outstanding Accounts , 316,871 10 8 Floating Advances 23,026' 6 7 Colonial Treasurer 2,558,915 11 4 3,560,304 15 11 Cash in Hand and in Transit 207,101 6 3 Reserves— Outstanding at Stations—* Sinking Fund Reserve 327,129 0 0 Sundry Debtors for Freight, &c. 406,987 12 8 Eire Insurance Fund 42,850 1 11 Revenue Appropriation Account 3,468,807 15 10 General Reserve—Refreshment Rooms . 51,848 4. 3 Depreciation Reserve—Refreshment Room Railways and Tramways Fund 112,056 10 1 Equipment ... 9,416 13 3 Less Overdraft at Bank 86,558 9 3 431,243 19 5 25,498 0 10

£ 6,060,731 16 4 £ o,060,731 16. 4

T. J. HARTIGAN, Comptroller of Accounts and Audit. APPENDIX II.




YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE. YEAR ENDED 30TK JUNE. U u < u tr. 0) inh a 930, 1929. 1930. 1929. <

£ S. D. £ S. £ S. D. £ S. D. 426.557 16 II 390,511 0 BY PASSENGERS To ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL CHARGES IV 6,610,951 7 71 7,238,329 0 2 2,583,895 16 8 2,538,981 3 PARCELS MAINTENANCE OF WAY AND WORKS 601,186 17 1 657,704 18 Sh ROLLING STOCK- HORSES, CARRIAGES. &C. 44,204 16 5£ 51,455 19 2 118,546 5 GENERAL SUPERVISION 134,197 1 MAILS 183,673 8 9 177.226 9 7 MAINTENANCE 3,676.728 1 3,448,215 6 MOTIVE POWER 3,033,922 13 3,354,736 4 TOTAL COACHING 7,440,016 9 11 8,124,716 7 4i EXAMINATION AND LUBRICATION OF COACHING GO AND GOODS VEHICLES 81,448 8 81,966 12 O TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC 3,703,106 3 3,848.525 5 GOODS AND LIVE STOCK 9,353,866 13 Hi 10,379,191 18 » ELECTRICAL 405.939 14 292,175 9 RENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS 372,667 7 II 366,637 14 9£ STORES BRANCH 127,125 3 115,581 15

CONTRIBUTION TO GOVERNMENT RAILWAY SUP­ ERANNUATION FUND 134,200 0 0 60,000 0 0 SURPLUS ON WORKING CARRIED TO NET REVENUE ACCOUNT 2,859,429 13 11J 4.621,306 17 10 GRAND TOTAL £ 17,166,550 11 9 18,870,546 0 11 GRAND TOTAL £ 17,166,550 11 9j 18,870,546 0 11



£ S. D. £ S. D. £ S. D. £ S. D. TO INTEREST ON LOAN CAPITAL 6,415,287 6 1 6.144,789 8 2 BY SURPLUS ON WORKING BROUGHT DOWN 2,859,429 13 111 4,621,306 17 10 CONTRIBUTION FROM THE GOVERNMENT FROM SPECIAL PURPOSES (REVENUE) FUND TOWARDS MEETING LOSSES ON WORKING DEVELOPMENTAL LINES 800,000 0 0 800,000 0 0 NET DEFICIT TRANSFERRED TO REVENUE APPROPRIA­ TION ACCOUNT 2,755,857 12 1J 723,482 10 4 6,415,287 6 1 6,144,789 8 2 GRAND TOTAL 6,415,287 6 1 6,144,789 8 2




Trading and Profit and Loss Account and Net Revenue Account for the year ended 30th June, 1930, showing also the corresponding figures for the previous year. Dr. Cr.

Year ended 30th June. Year ended 30th June.

1930. 1929.

£ s. d. £ s. d. To Administrative Expenses- By Sales of provisions, liquors, &c, Salaries and Wages 11,842 16 7 14,389 1 9 in Refreshment Rooms and General 3,482 10 11 2,817 12 9 cars ... „ Salaries and Wages (in Refresh­ ,, Discounts ment Rooms) 151,532 13 4 160,062 16 9 Provisions, liquors, &c 391,220 9 8 449,999 11 5 Liquor and tobacco licenses' 1,796 2 8 1,256 6 8 ,, Ullages and breakages 86 9 7 219 7 7 ,, Rents , 25,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 ,, Rates and taxes 109 0 7 138 3 30 Insurance 249 10 5 328 4 3 Printing and stationery 860 17 8 945 9 11 „ PoWer, light and Water 9,722 16 5 9,697 9 5 Laundry Expenses 4,376 17 11 6,302 9 4 Maintenance of equipment 20,585 7 4 30,736 3 2 Motor vehicle expenses 340 5 4 • 141 18 4 ,, Postages, freight and other miscellaneous expenses.. 29,740 19 11 21,714 15 2 ,, Depreciation 4,355 10 0 5,061 3 3 Profit on working carried doWn to Net Revenue Account ... 4,839 15 4 16,259 1 2

£ 660,142 3 8 745,069 14 0


Year ended 30th June. Year ended 30th June.

1930. 1929. 1930. 1929. i £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. 5,355 18 1 By profit on Working brought down ,, Net profit transferred to Appropri- 5,210 11 10 [ from Trading and Profit and 4,839 15 4 16,259 1 2 11,048 9 4 i ,, Net Loss transferred to Appropri- 516 2 9

£ 5,355 18 1 16,259 1 2 5,355 18 1 16,259 1 2 ! NOTE —The figures for the year ended 30th June, 1929, have been adjusted owing to the refund by tho Treasury of tfie Sinking Fund contribution paid for that year.


REVENUE APPROPRIATION ACCOUNT, Traffic Services, Railways, and Refreshment Rooms, for the year ended 30th June, 1930.


£;3,468,807 15 10 3,468,807 15 10



ABSTRACT of WORKING EXPENSES for the years ended 30 June, 1930, and 1929.

Year ended 30th June- Year ended 30th June—

1930. 1929.

-MAINTENANCE OF WAY E.—EXAMINATION AND £ £ AND WORKS. LUBRICATION OF COACH ING AND GOODS VEHICLES 81,448 81,967 Superintendence 211,813 200,762 Stationery, printing and advertising 3,465 4,167 Maintenance and renewals of the permanent way 1,547,238 1,454,893 F.—TRANSPORTATION Fences, gates, cattle guards, road AND TRAFFIC. ways, crossings, signs, etc. .. 29,794 38,061 Slips and flood repairs 29,642 24,124 General superintendence 228,632 230,540 Bridges, tunnels, culverts, retaining Stationery, printing and advertising 73,261 80,351 walls, and drains 154,231 133,711 Station, yard and signal service— Signals and interlocking signal boxes Salaries, Wages, etc., of staff .. 2,218,568 2,283,197 and track bonds 218,880 208,240 Fuel and light 47,277 49,180 Telegraph and telephone lines and Uniforms for staff 25,443 37,190 instruments 42,704 46,271 Other supplies 55,907 63,760 Piers and wharves 5,462 10,619 Other expenses 23,726 21,229 Weighbridges, scales, lifting cranes, Gatekeeping 57,858 60,209 etc 64,052 113,102 Guards and conductors— Electric power station and sub­ Wages and expenses 481,615 503,920 station buildings Uniforms 11,658 13,538 Other buildings, platforms and fix­ Cleaning, icing, etc., of carriages .. 180,905 169,865 tures, masts and structures ... 128,976 151,624 Supplies, etc., for carriages 41,456 42,659 Stock yards 8,224 8,003 Light for carriages 56,677 59,445 Water services 23,552 19,041 Repairs and renewals of tarpaulins Machinery, tools, and supplies 60,646 58,231 and lashings 23,080 41,129 Injuries to employees or others 13,987 17,142 Operation of grain elevators and Botterments 32,582 37,574 grain conveyors 2,618 6,619 Other expenses 8,648 13,416 Operation of coal shipping plants 42,710 66,674 Average miles of single track open, Injuries to employees 18,627 21,447 including sidings Loss and damage to property and 1930 1929 goods 17,647 16,925 7,951£ 7,924£ Compensation, personal 6,606 6,928 Other expenses 88,835 73,72,* 2,583,896 2,538,981 3,703,106 3,848,525

ROLLING STOCK. G.—ELECTRICAL. B.—GENERAL SUPERINTEN­ DENCE, ETC. General superintendence 1,547 1,795 Stationery, printing and advertising 56 77 General superintendence 127,868 111,926 Power stations ; 12,596 11,673 Stationery, printing and advertising 6,329 6,620 Transmission and distribution sys^ terns and sub-stations 61,836 31,850 134,197 118,546 Electric energy purchased , 335,194 249,612 Other operations (credit) Cr. 5,289 Cr. 3,681 C—MAINTENANCE OF Injuries to employees or others .., 850 ROLLING STOCK. Other expenses

Motive Stock—• 405,940 292,176 Steam Locomotives 1,970,189 2,034,534 Electrical equipment of electric coaching stock 140,551 116,831 H.—MISCELLANEOUS Motor equipment of rail motor OPERATIONS. stock 16,785 16,807 Refreshment-rooms service 655,302 728,811 2,127,525 2,168,172 Coaching stock 935,038 738,092 Goods stock .. 614,165 541,951 I.—STORES BRANCH .. 127,125 115,582

3,676,728 3,448,215 J.—GENERAL CHARGES.

D.—MOTIVE POWER. Commissioners' and Secretary's offices 34,678 30,953 Superintendence 147,832 150,088 Accounts and Audit Branch 88,051 85,457 Running sheds, labour and supplies 480,704 626,819 Legal and medical expenses 18,152 16,089 Drivers, firemen and motormen .. 1,157,546 1,241,440 r 10,532 11,774 Coal, wood, and kindlers for loco Municipal and shire rates 97,894 59,074 motives, and fuel for rail Sundry other general charges 177,251 187,164 motors, including handling, inspections, etc 1,009,554 1,151,235 426,558 390,511 Water 155,846 157,590 Oil, tallow, waste, and other running supplies 37,586 41,042 K.—OTHER EXPENDITURE, Other expenses 32,881 74,753 Injuries to employees or others 11,974 11,769 Contribution to Railway Super annuation Fund 134,200 60,000 3,033,923 3,354,736 £ 14,962,423 14,978,050

NOTE.—For the purpose of comparison the distribution of working expenses for the year ended 30th June, 1929, has been adjusted in accordance with the new classification of working expenses which came into force on the 1st July, 1929. 33

APPENDIX IV. COMPARATIVE Analysis of Earnings and Working Expenses for the years ended 30th June, 1930 and 19 29.

Year ended 30th June.

1980. 1929.

Miles. Miles Average Miles Open for Traffic ...... 5,958J Average Miles Open for Traffic ... 5,9034 Train Mileage— Train Mileage— Passenger - Tassenger— Particulars. Country ... 9,057,784 Country 9,239,269 Suburban ...... 7,894,369 Suburban ...... 7,498,306 Goods 9,761,798 Goods 10,644,549 26,713,951 27,382.124 Per Per Per Journeys average Journeys average Per train Earnings. or Earnings. mile or mile train mile. Tonnage. open. Tonnage. open. mile. EARN 1NGS. COUNTRY. Journeys. £ £ d. Journeys. £ £ d. First-Class Passengers 947,133 1,261,335 215-01 33-42 1,145,647 1,497,604 25779 38-90 Second-Class Passengers 5,090,349 1,874,791 319-58 49-67 5,457,333 2,098,631 361'25 54-51 Season Tickets— First-Class 1,335,593 321,573 54*82 8-52 1,451,689 370,545 63-79 9-63 Second-Class 1,954,244 232,333 39*61 6-16 1,890,283 220,728 39-55 5-97 Workmen's Weekly Tickets—Second-Class. 1,017,348 15,757 2'68 •42 1,012,896 15,£02 2-72 •41

Total Country 10,344,667 3,705,789 631-70 98-19 10,957,848 4,212,310 • 726-10 1CKN2 SUBURBAN. First-Class Passengers 3,295,007 141,083 502-43 4-29 3,852,206 165,305 601-54 5'29 Second-Class Passengers 49,755,460 1,398,360 4,979-92 42-51 49,949,349 1,430,142 5,204-30 . 45-77 Season Tickets-j- First-Class 9,937,332 181,699 647-08 5-52 10,448,108 194,959 709-46 6-24 Second-Class 44,235,662 626,934 2,232-67 19-06 40,852,309 594,453 2,163-22 1903 "Workmen's Weekly Tickets—Second-Class. 30,324,420 557,086 1.V83-92 16-94 35,056,176 641,160 2,333-19 20'52

Total Suburban 137,547,881 2,905,162 10,346-02 88-32 140,158,238 3,026,019 11,01171 96-85

Total Passenger 147,892,548 6,610,951 1,111-62 93-59 151,116,086 7,238,329 1,230-15 103-79

Parcels .... 601,187 100-89 8-51 657,705 111-41 943 Horses, Carriages, &c 44,205 7-42 •63 51,456 872 •74 183,673 30-83 2-60 177,226 30-02 2-54 Mails 829,065 139-14 11-74 886,387 150-15 12*71 Total Parcels, &c 7,440,016 1,248-63 105*33 8,124,716 1,376 26 116-50 Total Coaching Tons. Tons. General Merchandise 4,456,935 5,110,608 858-59 125-65 5,399,499 6,196,543 1,050 76 139-71 Wool 170,8S4 767,650 128-97 18*87 179,960 804,064 fc 136-34 18-13 Live Stock 783,599 1,454,448 244-35 3576 729,581 1,315,552 223*08 29-66 Minerals— • Coal, Coke, and Shale 4,761,633 1,495,867 251*31 5,801,880 1,426,780 241-94 32-17 Other than Coal and Cote 1,977,913 525,294 88-25 12-91 2,405,723 636,263 107-89 14-35

Total Goods 12,150,964 9,353,867 1,571-47 . 229-97 14,516,643 10,379,192 1,760-00 234-02

Bents ...... 225,472 37-84 2'03 221,088 37-45 1'94 147,195 2-1-70 1*32 145,550 24-65 1-27 Miscellaneous 372,667 62*54 3-35 366,038 6210 3-21 Total Rents and Miscellaneous ... 660,142 111-00 9-35 745,070 126-62 10-68 Refreshment Rooms ... 17,826,692 2,991-78 160-16 19,615,616 3,322-70 171-93 Total Earnings ; WORKING EXPENSES.

Per Per Per cent, Per Per cent, Per average average Expenditure. to train Expenditure. to train mile mile Earnings. mile. mile. open. Earnings. open. WORKING EXPENSES. £ % £ d. £ % £ d. Maintenance of Way and Works 2,583,896 14-49 433-64 23-21 2,538,981 12-94 430-08 22-26 Rolling Stock- General Superintendence, &c 134,197 •75 22-52 1-20 118,546 •60 20-08 1-04 Maintenance of Rolling Stock 3,676,728 20*63 617-05 33 03 3,448,2i5 17-58 584-10 30-22 Motive Power 3,033,923 17-02 509'17 27-26 3,354,736 17*10 568-26 29-41

and Goods Vehicles 81,448 -46 1367 •73 81,967 •42 13-89 •72 Transportation and Traffic 3,703,106 20-77 621-48 33-27 3,848,525 19-62 651-90 3373 Electrical 405,940 2-28 6813 3-65 292,176 1-49 49-49 2*5fl Refreshment Rooms Service 655,302 3-68 109-98 5-89 728,811 3-72 123-45 6-39 Stores Branch 127,125 •71 21-33 114 115,582 •69 19-58 1-01 General Charges 426,558 2-39 71-59 3-83 390,511 1*99 66-15 842 Contribution to Superannuation Fund 134,200 •75 22-62 1'21 60,000 •31 10-16 '53

Total Working Expenses ... 14,962,423 83'93 2,511-08 134*42 14,978,050 76-36 2,537-14 131-28


Year ended 30th June. Divisions of Expenditure. 1930. 1929. % Maintenance of Way and Works 16-95 Rolling-Btock—General Superintendence, &c -79 Maintenance of Rolling-stock 23-02 Motive Power 22-40 Examination and Lubrication of Coaching and Goods Vehicles -50 Transportation and Traffic 25-69 Electrical 1-96 Refreshment Rooms Service 4-S7 Stores Branch -• •77 261 General Charges , •40 Contribution to Superannuation Fund 100-00

Nom-For the purpose of comparison the distribution of working expenses for th3 year ended 30th June, 1929, has been adjusted in accordance with the new classification of working expenses which came into force on the 1st July, 1929. APPENDIX V.

STATEMENT showing the Number of Passengers, Tonnage of Goods, Earnings, Working Expenses, Train Mileage, Percentage oE Working Expenses to Gross Earnings, Net Earnings, Capital spent on Lines open, and Interest on Capital Invested each year, from 1855 to 1930 inclusive.

Percentag Earnings from Percentage Earnings, Tonnage of Earnings Working of Working after Total Capital . of Profit Mi Irs of Number of Goods and Live Total Working Train Earnings per Expenses per Expenses Paying to Total Tear. Goods and Live from Coaching, Train Mife. Expended on Li nt>,. Passengers. Stock. Rents, &c. Stock Traffic, Earning?. Expenses. Mileage. Train Mile. to Gruta WorkLug Lines Open. Capital Earnings. ExpenseB. Invested.

Miles. No. Tons. £ £ £ £ No. d. d. /o £ £ /o 1855 14 98,846 140 9,093 156 9,249 5,959 14,107 157-34 101-37 64-43 3,290 515,347 •63 1856 23 350,724 2,469 29,526 2,757 32,283 21,788 68,371 113-32 76-48 67-49 10,495 683,217 1-53 1857 40 329,019 20,847 34,970 8,417 43,387 31,337 107,822 96-58 69-75 72-23 12,050 1,023,838 1-17 1858 55 376,492 33,385 45,858 16,451 62,309 43,928 141,495 105-69 74-51 70-50 18,381 1,231,867 1-49 1859 55 425,877 43,020 46,502 15,258 61,760 47,598 147,618 100-41 77-38 77-07 14,162 1,278,416 1-10 1860 70 551,044 55,394 45,428 16,841 62,269 50,427 174,249 83-37 67-52 80-98 11,842 1,422,672 •S3 1861 73 595,591 101,130 49,637 25,367 75,004 61,187 214,881 83-77 68-34 81-58 13,817 1,536,032 -89 1862 97 642,431 205,139 62,096 41,775 103,871 68,725 274,565 90-79 60 07 66-16 35,146 1,907,807 1-84 1863 124 627,164 218,535 71,297 52,644 123,941 96,867 315,177 94-38 73-76 78-16 27,074 2,466,950 1-09 1864 143 693,174 379,661 81,487 66,167 147,654 103,715 415,422 85-30 59-92 70-24 43,939 2,631,790 1-66 1865 143 751,587 416,707 92,984 73,048 166,032 108,926 483,446 82-42 54-07 65-60 57,106 2,746,373 2-07 1866 143 66S,330 500.937 35,636 82,899 168,535 106,230 490,475 82-49 51-99 63-64 62,305 2,786,094 2-23 1867 204 616,375 517,022 S7,564 101,508 189,072 117,324 600,751 82-02 46-87 62-08 71,748 3,282,320 2-18 1868 247 714,563 596,514 99,408 124,951 224,359 144,201 768,529 70-06 45-03 64-29 80,158 4,060,950 1-97 CO 1869 318 759,635 714.113 109,427 155,548 264,975 176,362 S93.552 71-17 47-37 66-57 88,613 4,681,329 1-89 1870 339 776,707 766,523 117,854 189,288 307,142 206,003 901,139 81-81 54-86 67-08 101,139 5,566,092 1-81 1871 358 759,062 741,986 129,496 225,826 355,322 197,065 931,333 91-57 50-79 55-46 158,257 5,887,258 2-68 .1872 398 753,910 ' 825,360 164,862 260,127 424,989 207,918 1,036,255 98-43 48-15 48-92 217,071 6,388,727 3-39 1873 403 875,602 923,788 17S,216 306,020 484,236 238,035 1,109,879 104-71 51-47 49-16 246,201 6,739,918 3-65 1874 403 1,0S5,501 1.070.93S 18S.595 347,980 536,575 257,703 1,249,233 103-09 49-51 48-03 278,872 6,844,546 4-07 1875 437 l,ii88,225 1,171,354 205,941 408,707 614.648 296,174 1,472,204 100-20 48-28 48-18 • 318,474 7,245,379 4-39 1876 509 1,727,730 1,244,131 233.870 459,355 693,225 339,406 1,688,964 98-50 48-22 48-96 353,819 7,990,601 4-42 1877 598 2,957,144 1,430,041 271,588 544,332 815,920 418,985 2,106,802 92-95 47-73 51-35 396,935 8,883,177 4-46 1878 688 3,705,733 1,625,8S6 306,308 596,681 902,989 536,988 2,655,176 81-62 48-54 59-47 366,001 9,784,645 3-74 1879 734 4,317,864 1,720,815 319,950 632,416 952,366 604,721 • 2,932,463 77-94 49-49 63-49 347-645 10,406,495 3-34 1880 849 5,440,138 1,712,971 390,149 770,868 1,161,017 647,719 3,239,462 86-02 47-99 55-79 513,298 11,778,819 4-35 1881 995 6,907,312 2,033.850 4S8,675 955,551 1,444,226 738,334 3,923,929 88-33 45-16 51-12 705,892 13,301,597 5-30 1882 1,268 8,984,313 2,619,427 587,825 1,111,038 1,698,863 934,635 4,S51,157 84-05 46-24 55-02 764,228 15,843,616 5-13 1883 1,320 10,272,037 2,864,566 661,751 1,269,713 1,931,464 1,177,788 5,937,261 78-07 47-61 60-97 753,676 16,905,014 4-48 1884 1,618 11,253.109 3,124,425 745,665 1,340,572 2,086,237 1,301^259 6,403,041 78-19 48-77 62-37 784,978 20,080,138 4-20 1885 1,732 13,506,346 3,273,004 830,904 1,343,464 2,174,368 1,458,153 6,638,399 78-61 52-72 67-06 716,215 21,831,276 3-37' 1886 1,889 14,881,604 3,218,582 ' 849,253 1,310,817 2,160,070 1,492,992 6,479,265 80-01 55-30 69-12 667,078 24,071,454 2-90 1S87 2,036 14,451,303 3,339,253 850,499 1,357,796 2,208,295 1,457,760 6,472,107 81-88 54-05 6601 750,535 26,532,122 2-96 1887-88 ... 2,114 15,174,115 3,399,772 918,975 1,376,149 2,295,124 1,530,551 6,689,313 82-34 54-91 66-69 764,573 27,722,748 2-85 1888-89 ... 2,171 16,086,223 3,485,839 1,025,601 1,512,876 2,538,477 1,634,602 7,641,769 79-72 51-34 64-39 903,875 29,839,167 3-14 1889-90 ... 2,182 17,071,945 3,788,950 1,059,791 1,573,295 2,633,086 1,665,835 8,008,826 78-90 49-91 63-26 967,251 30,555,123 3-17 1S90-91 ... 2,182 19,037,760 3,802,849 1,177,037 1,797,384 2,974,421 1,831,371 8,410,421 84-88 ' 52-26 61-57 1,143,050 31,768,617 3-59 1891-92 ... 2,185 19,918,916 4,296,713 1,189.231 1,918,065 3,107,296 1,989,252 8,356,096 89-25 57-13 64-02 1,118,044 33,312,608 3-36 1S92-93 ... 2,351 19,932,703 3,773.843 1,115.042 1,812,014 2,927,056 1,813.516 7,505,310 93-60 57-99 61-96 1,113,540 34,657,571 3-26, 1893-94 , 2,50 U 19,265,732 3,493,919 1,047,029 1,766,512 2,813,541 1,666,842 7,169,785 94-18 55-80' 59-24 1,146,699 35,855,271 3-25 APPENDIX V—continued.

STATEMENT showing the number of Passengers, Tonnage of Goods, &c.—continued.

Earnings from Percentage Earnings, Percentage Working Year. Miles of Number of Tonnage of "Earnings Goods and Live Total Working Train Earnings per of Working after Total Capital of Profit line. Passengers. Goods and Live from Coaching, Stock Traffic, Earnings. Expenses. Mileage. Train Mile- Expenses per Expenses Paying Expended on to Total Stock. Rents, Ac. Train Mile. to Gross Working Lines Open. Capita 1 Earnings. Expenses. Invested.

Miles. No. Tons. £ £ £ £ No. d. d. % £ £ /o 2,5314; 19.725.41S 4,075,093 1,022,901 1,855,303 2,878,204 1,642,589 7,594,281 90-96 51-91 57-07 1,235,615 36,611,366 3-31 1S95-96 2,531* 21,006,048 3,953,575 1,043,922 1,776,495 2,820,417 1,626,888 7,719,618 87-68 50-58 57-68 1,193,529 36,852,194 3-24 1896-97 . 2,639| 22,672,924 4,567,041 1,098,096 1,916,046 3,014,742 1,676,218 8,130,405 88-99 49-48 55-60 1,338,524 37,369,205 3-59 1897-98 2,691* 23,233,206 4,630,564 1,126,257 1,903,491 3,026,748 1,689,605 8,340,338 87-10 48-6/2 55-82 1,337,143 37,719,402 3-54 1S9S-99 2,706.i 24,726,067 5,248,320 1,158,198 1,987,075 3,145,273 1,765,442 8,806,647 85-72 48-11 56-13 1,379,831 37,992,276 3-63 1899-1900 ... 2,811* • 26,486,873 5,531,511 1,227,355 1,936,217 3,163,572 1,844,520 8,894,352 85-36 49-77 58-30 1,319,052 38,477,269 3-43 1900-1901 ... 2,S45£ 29,261,324 6,398,227 1,370,530 2,203,249 3,573,779 2,118,201 10,763,697 79-68 47-23 59-27 1,455,578 38,932,781 3-78 1901-1902 ... 3,0254 30,885,214 6,467,552 1,403,744 2,264,942 3,668,686 2,342,369 11,649,059 75-58 48-26 63-85 1,326,317 40,565,073 3-29 1902-1903 ... 3,138$ 32,384,138 6,596,241 1,405,888 1,909,005 3,314,893 2,341,299 11,548,338 68-89 48-66 70-63 973,594 41,654,977 2-35 1903-1904 ... 3,280| 33,792.6S9 6,656,759 1,442,733 1,993,680 3,436,413 2,333,940 10,400,503 79-30 53-86 67-92 1,102,473 42,288,517 2-62 1904-1905 ... 3,2804 35,158,150 6,724,215 1,469,018 2,214,998 3,684,016 2,216,442 10,467,886 84-46 50-82 60-16 1,467,574 43,062,550 3-40 1905-1903 ... 3,390 37,500,531 7,629,492 1,604,349 2,630,442 4,234,791 2,308,384 11,863,682 85-67 46-70 54-51 1,926,407 43,626,063 4-42 1906-1907 ... 3,4524 41,413,084 8,793,832 1,782,907 2,926,499 4,709,406 2,499,741 12,949,068 87-28 46-33 53-08 2,209,665 44,700,230 4-96 1907-19CS ... 3,472$ 47,487,030 10,175,389 1,896,720 3,047,414 4,944,134 2,714,839 14,251,052 83-26 45-72 54-91 2,229,295 45,683,484 4-88 1908-1909 ... 3,623* 52,051,556 9,298,929 2,059,050 2,969,400 5,028,450 2,952,824 15,074,144 80-06 47-01 58-72 2,075,626 47,612,666 4-45 1909-1910 ... 3,643 53,644,271 CO 8,393,03S 2,189,767 3,295,948 5,485,715 3,276,409 15,468,026 85-12 50-84 59-73 . 2,209,306 - 48,925,348 4-58 OX 1910-1911 ... 3,7604 60,919,628 10,355,565 2,451,976 3,590,229 6,042,205 3,691,061 17,006;697 85-27 52-09 61-09 2,351,144 50,971,894 4-67 1911-1912 ... .3,8314 70,706,728 10,910,553 2,772,676 3,718,797 6,491,473 4,169,591 18,521,320 84-12 54-03 64-23 2,321,882 53,514,903 4-41 1912-1913 ... 3,930 79,490,012 11,666,250 3,038,771 3,710,214 6,748,985 4,644,881 19,184,247 84-43 58-11 68-82 2,104,104 57,653,778 3-76 1913-1914 ... 3,967$ 86,328,421 13,245,842 3,338,481 4,403,760 7,742,241 5,409,820 20,549,695 90-42 • 63-18 69-87 2,332,421 61,264,869 3-87 1914-1915 ... 4,134* 88,774,451 11,920,881 3,401,944 4,214,567 7,616,511 5,311,162 20,420,023 89-52 62-42 69-73 2,305,349 65,583,274 3-60 1915-1916 ... 4,188 92,850,838 11,915,500 3,666,972. 4,339,106 8,006,078 5,661,168 21,556,034 89-14 63-03 70-71 2,344,910 68,825,592 3-45 1916-1917 ... 4,437 96,709,846 11,732,864 3,829,127 4,550,958 8,3S0,085 5,915,360 20,300,717 99-07 69-93 70-59 2,464,725 72,006,621 3-50 1917-1918 ... 4,679* 94,304,516 11,293,060 4,294,146 4,660,734 8,954,880 5,940,447 18,143,267 118-46 78-58 66-34 3,014,433 75,050,450 4-10 1918-1919 ... 4,8244 98,56S,768 12,714,012 4,355,539 5,602,634 9,958,173 6,904,450 19,935,202 119-88 83-12 69-33 3,053,723 76,601,591 4-03 1919-1920 ... 5,015* 114,654,660 13,293,528 6,244,381 6,839,466 13,083,847 9,570,984 22,834,889 137-51 100-59 73-15 3,512,863 79,318,917 4-48 1920-1921 ... 5,042f 120,735,140 15,563,131 6,958,278 7,308,927 14,267,205 11,032,677 22,792,053 150-23 116-17 77-33 3,234,528 S2,304,194 401 1921-1922 ... 5,116 121,298,861 14,532,811 7,231,553 7,981,466 15,213,019 11,116,302 21,887,065 .166-82 121-89t 73-07 4,096,717 85,552,871 4-8S 1922-J923 ... 5,3174 123,714,639 13,801,310 7,325,846 7,895,487 15,221,333 10,649,974 21,693,861 168-39 117-82 69-97 4,571,359 89,276,871 5-22 1923-1924 ... 5,5224 128,101,184 15,693,127 7,490,470 8,126,107 15,616,577 10,917,491 21,582,779 173-66 121-40 69-91 4,699,086 93,355,167 5-13. 1924-1925 ... 5,6554 128,532,038 16,203,476 7,732,642 9,036,810 16,769,452 11,939,686 23,304,916 172-70 122-96 71-20 4,829,766 99,623,216 5-01 1925-1926 ... 5,7414 130,725,581 15,032,811 7,975,538 8,963,494 16,939,032 12,519,993 24,624,995 165-09 122-02 73-91 4,419,039 105,237,668 4-30 1926-1927 ... 5,750 141,615,806 17,224,894 8,386,612 10,519,931 18,906,543 13,795,853 26,325,847 172-36 125-77 72-97 5,110,690 112,789,149 4-69 1927-192S ... 5,867 148,046,8S1 15,433,033 8,776,308 10,253,204 19,029,512 14,756,327 26,896.580 169-80 131-67 77-54 4,273,185 117,984,374 3-70 1928-1929... 5,940* 151,116,086 14,516,643 9.205,820 10,409,796 19,615,616 14,978,050 27,382,124 171-93 131-28 76-36 4,637,566 124,329,422 3-82 1929-1930 ... 5,974j- 147,892,548 12,160,961 8,449, ISO 9,377,503 17,826,692 14,962,423 26,713,951 160-16 134-42 83-93 2,864,269 126,318,236 2-28

The accounts were made up to the 31st December in each, year up to 18S7, since that time up to the 30th June in each year. From the 1st July, 1900, to the 30th June, 1923, assisting miles have been calculated train miles; since then they have been excluded. The Sans Souci and Ashfield-Enfield Tramways—7 miles—previously incorporated with Railways, were transferred to Tramways mi'eaee, 1st July, 1901. 36

APPENDIX. VI. RETURN of the Total Amount paid for Salaries and Wages of Staff employed in the various branches on existing lines of Railways and Tramways during the years ended 30th June, 1930 and 1929.

Year ended 30th June-


Railways— £ £ Maintenance Branch 3,117,726 3,570,775 Rolling Stock Branch , 4,838,224 6,000,887 Transportation and Traffic Branch ; , 3,110,823 3,261,076 Other Branches ; : : • 589,369 589,560

Total , 11,656,142 12,422,298

Tramways- maintenance Branch ; ; •> 447,553 467,246 Electrical Branch 966,539 1,009,224 Traffic Branch 1,591,789 1,644,987

Total 3,005,881 3,121,457 * QBAKD TOTAL, RAILWAYS AND TKAMWAJS - £ 14,662,023 15,543,755

APPENDIX VII. STATEMENT of average number of Staff employed on the Railways and Tramways of New South "Wales (exclusive of Construction Branch) during the years ended 30th June, 1930 and 1929 respectively.

Year ended 30th June— 1930. • 1929. Branch. No. of No. of Salaried No. of . Total Staff. Salaried No. of ToUil Staff. Staff. Wages Staff. Staff. Wages Staff.

RAILWAYS. 76 32 108 78 32 110 348 17 365 232 12 244 170 305 475 161 293 454 460 8,181 8,641 466 9,633 10,099 173 1,447 1,620 175 1,702 1,877 1,0S4 16,067 17,151 1,075 16,477 17,552 3,157 7,827 10,984 3,301 8,173 11,474 105 515 620 102 508 610 296 1,082 1,378 421 1,131 1,552 43,972 TRAMWAYS. 5,869 35,473 41,342 6,011 37,961 60 1,610 1,670 62 1,726 1,788 Traffic 477 4,822 5,299 486 5,141 5,627 414 3,040 3,454 411 3,217 3,628 21 49 70 23 55 78 972 9,521 10,493 982 10,139 11,121 TOTAL, RAILWAYS AND TEAMWAYS ... 6,841 44,994 51,835 6,993 48,100 55,093

NOTE :—The Statistical Bureau was placed under the control of the Comptroller of Accounts and Audit, on the 1st October, 1929.


Years ended 30th June, 1930 and 1929.

« 1930. 1929.

No. of Salaried Staff. No. Of Wages Staff. Total Staff. No. of Salaried Staff. No. of Wages Staff. Total Staff.

157 2,866 3,023 164 3,268 3,432

AVERAGE number of Staff employed on the Railways and Tramways (exclusive of Construction Branch) during the year3 ended 30th June, 1930 and 1929 respectively.

Year ended 30th June— How Employed. 1930. 1929.

RAILWAYS. 36,937 37,361 4,405 6,611

43,972 TRAMWAYS. 41,342 9,707 10,060 786 1,061 10,493 11,121 37

APPENDIX VIII. STATEMENT showing the Capital Cost of the various sections of the Railways on the 30th June, 1930. Average Lines opened for Traffic. Length. Total Cost. Cost per Mile. m. ch. 1 38| 991,529 667,977 Barling Harbour Branch. 1,943,469 Sydney Central to St. Jamee 1 19* 2,417,190 15 37* 7,213,128 466,397 Sydney to Granville 47,183 2 13 102,033 Flemington to Homebush Bay, Abattoirs Branch Line 281,489 13 32| 3,774,596 Flemington to Belmore, and DulwichHill to Glebe and Darling Islands 89,828 3 66* 343,874 Chullora to Sefton Park 99,783 2 213,286 Lidcombe to Regent's Park • 11 98,593 * 2 21* 223,990 Sefton Park to Bankstown 604,596 11K,830 Regent's Park to Cabramatta 5 14- 8,380 4 41| 37,895 Clyde to Carlingford 5,002,105 33,137 150 76* Granville to Goulburn • 4,069,766 22,110 184 Goulburn to Wagga Wagga 5* 1,028,493 •12,987 79 Wagga Wagga to River Murray 15* 47,940 6,059 7 73 Campbelltown to Camden ; 160,356 4,513 Goulburn to Crookwell 35 42| 167,980 10,643 Roelyn to Taralga 15 62 2,098,706 11,093 Joppa Junction to Bombala 189 15* 29,230 10,290 Yass Tramway 2 67* 125,009 7,001 Galon g to Boorowa • 17 68* 1,212,640 10,965 Murrumburrah to Blayney • 110 47 119,087 3,683 Koorawatha to Grenfell 32 23 188,178 5,834 Cowra to Canowindra 23 54$ 213,727 8,154 Canowindra to Eugowra. • 26 17 545,759 8,403 Cootamundra to Tumut 64 76 276,254 12,814 Gilmore to Kunama 21 44| 257,044 6,663 Cootamundra to Temora • 38 46* 234,699 3,813 Temora to Barellan 61 41* 132,644 4,086 4,242 Barellan to Griffith 32 37* , 282,923 66 66* 137,399 3,325 Griffith to Hilleton : 4,369 Temora to Wyalong 41 26 307,806 70 364 231,739 6,808 Wyalong to Lake Cargelligo 6,619 West Wyalong to Euglo 34 248,570 37 44H | 288,959 5,670 TJngarie to Naradhan 5,211 50 77* 196,798 Stockinbingal to Caragabal 5,257 37 61J 376,582 Caragabal to Forbes 6,281 Barmedman to Rankin's Springs 71 50* 1,058,261 157,096 4,666 Junee to Hay 168 39* 512,882 5,084 Yanco to Griffith 33 63* 44,833 4,016 Narrandera to Finley 100 70* 720,864 8,964 Fjnley tp Tocumwal 11 13 3,740 80 33* 289,362 Wagga Wagga to Tumbarumba 179,376 6,969 77 29* The Rock to Oaklands 233,670 6,976 25 59* The Rock to Westby • 186,150 5,672 39* TJranquinty to Kywong .. * ...... 33 239,632 5.G11 Henty to Rand 32 65* 61,124 3,645; Culcairn to Corowa 47 66 7,505,164 76,248 Culcairn to Holbrook 16 61* 52,352 12,749 Sydney to Nowra • 93 34* 770,391 91,509 Wollongong to Port Kembla ...... 4 8* 381,177 71,2(6 Sydenham to Bankstown • 8 33* 940,180 44,978 Sydenham to Botany 5 28* 5,205,475 45,333 Granville to Penrith 20 72* 1,668,757 12,092 Penrith to Bathurst 114 66* 1,403,137 6,218 Bathurst to Dnbbo *. 138 Of 126,293 16.693 Dubbo to Bourke 225 61* 189,324 11,655 Westmead to Rogan's Hill 7 45* 130,714 18,732 Blacktown to Richmond 16 19* 1,262,315 9,374 Richmond to Kurrajone .• 6 78* 385.386 5,160 8,094 Wallerawang to Dunedoo 134 63 478,227 5,668 Dunedoo to Coonabarabran . . 74 55 134,607 10,831 Coonabarabran to Gwabegar 59 6* 163,419 7,845 Oraboon to Coolah 23 59* 757,151 14,679 Tarana to Oberon '. 15 7 1,173,601 2,334 96 4,0* 146,205 Orange to Forbes 4,687 79 76* 606,910 Molong to Dubbo...... 5,161 Parkes to Condobolin 62 52* 804,999 468,818 6,365 Condobolin to Tridd! 129 40 133,101 4,250 Trida to Menindee 155 •78 31,203 3,000 Menindee to Broken Hill 73 52 127,790 " 3,380 Parkes to Peak Hill 31 25* 159,964 4,736 Matakana to Mount Hope 10 32 15,623 2,438 37 «5 Bogan -Gate to Tullamore 281,965 2,937 33 62 Tullainore to Tottenham 327,90G 5,617 6 32* Tottenham to The Mines ,656,693 7,161 96 0* Dubbo to Coonamble 124,464 3,384 59 36 Troy Junction to Merrygoen ' 40,574 3,217 52| Binnaway to Werris Creek 91 323,257 3,801 Narromine to Peak Hill 36 62* ' 27,886 3,902 Nevertire to Warren 12 49 162,688 2,795 Nyngan to Cobar and The Peak 85 n 4,586,890 47,892 Cobar to C.S.A. Mine 7 H* 1,694,606 •14,677 Byrock to Brewarriria 58 «* 566,805 11,941 Homebush to Waratah 95 62 461,779 15,066 West Maitland to Taree , 115 86* 449,122 14,915 Taree to Wauchope 47 37* 431,558 20,873 Wauchope to Kempsey 30 52 237,071 17,829 - Kempsey to Macksville 30 9 765,4SJL 27,535 Macksville to Raleigh 20 54 310,004 Ui3S7 Raleigh to Coff's Harbour • . 13 23* 1,361,754 31,513 Coff'.s Harbour to Glenreagh..„ 27 64 1,785,577 135,399 Glerireagh. to South Grafton 27 18 15.717 12,733 Glenreagh to Dorrigo 43 16* Horn soy to Milson's Point 13 15 Gosford to Racecourse 1 18*

w ?.» nr L 38 APPENDIX VIII—continued. STATEMENT showing the Capital Cost of the various sections of the Railways on the 30th June, 1930.

Lines opened for Traffic. Length. Total Cost. Average Cost per Mile. ch. & £ Fassifern to Toronto 55 22,069 8,212 Newcastle to Wallangarra 393 £0* 6,427,861 16,330 Bullock Island Branch 3 74* 973,690 247,483 Morpeth Branch 3 47* 61,756 17,169 Muswellbrook to Merriwa 50 72 319,201 6,271 Werris Creek to Narrabri West 96 25* •653,849 6,789 Narrabri Junction to Inverell 158 71* 637,264 3,381 Narrabri West to Walgett 106 9 338,733 3,192 Moree to Mungindi 77 368,105 4,779 Burren Junction to Pokataroo 42 43 110,740 2,603 West Tamworth to Barraba 61 38* 260,493 4,237 Murwillumbah to Grafton 149 7 1,456,348 9,768 Casino to Kyogle 17 69* 90,324 5,055 Tarrawingce Tramway 39 41 34,272 867

Total mileage and cost, 5,974 18* 89,024,513 14,902 £ Railway Coal Mine Lithgow 602,746 Rolling-stock 25,735,320 Power-stations, Substations and Plant 4,036,450 Machinery 2,587,222 37,293,723 6,242 Workshops 2,558,949 Furniture 10,036 Store Advance Account 1,763,000J Total and average cost, all charges 5,974 18£ 126,318,236 21,144

APPENDIX IX. STATEMENT of Train, Locomotive, and Vehicle Mileag e. Year ended 30th June. Particulars. 1930. | 1929.

TRAFFIC TRAIN MILEAGE— Passenger— Country, Steam 7,904,676 8,068,299 „ Rail Motor . 745,059 753,014 Suburban, Steam 2,013,286 3,493,768 „ Electric .... 5,682,421 3,885,308 ., Rail Motor. 162,236 119,230 Total Passenger Train Miles 16,537,678 16,319,619 Mixed 1,440,068 1,381,673 Goods 8,736,205 9,680,832 Total Traffic Train Miles 26,713,951 27,382,124 ASSISTANT MILES— Passenger 369.011 405,711 Mixed 16,120 29,453 Goods 638,442 629,047 Total Assistant Miles 1,023,573 1,055,211 LIGHT MJLEAGE- Passenger . 286,989 378,638 Mixed 11,812 13,570 Goods 1,125,892 1,285,972 Total Light Miles. 1,424,693 1,678,180 DEPARTMENTAL MILEAGE— Light 400,811 453,169 Ballast 2/2,860 303,498 Inspection, Special 20,345 23,932 Water 133,981 114,498 Loco., Coal 439,057 493,541 Casualty and Doubling 21,225 23,093 Miscellaneous..,. 72,186 100,835 Total Departmental Mileage- -Steam 1,360,465 1,512,566 Electric ... 4,486 1,946 Rail Motor 20,237 18,299 Shunting—Steam 3,666,065 4,057,OSO „ Electric .... Rail Motor 10,422 6,073 Total Locomotive Mileage (Steam) 27,569,031 30,927,609 ,, Electric Mileage 5,686,907 3,337,254 ,, Rail Motor Mileage 967,954 896,616 VEHICLE MILEAGE— Passenger— Country, Steam 54,577,053 57,953,114 ,, Petrol Rail Motor 1,009,855 897,934 Suburban, Steam 13,759,337 25,903,411 Electric 39,663,506 28,102,483 Petrol Rail Motor, 203,781 119,230 Total 109,213,532 112,976,172 Goods- Loaded 187,179,443 199,565,863 Empty 95,325,S67 100,086,470 Total 282,505,310 299,652,333 Total Vehicle Mileage 391,718,842 412,628,505 GROSS TON MILEAGE— Passenger Trains, Steam .. 1,998,959,911 2,187,753,909 ,, ,, Electric, ' 1,723,830,599 1,183,877,181 Mixed Trains 312,779,141 290,830,677 Goods Trains 3,939,353,945 4,293,462,761 Departmental Trains •92,928,167 •93,417,352 Petrol Rail Motors 17,976,479 * 15,558,136 Total S,0S5,828,242 8,064,900,016 NOTE—1930—'Includes, Steam 61,505,963. Electric 1,227,407. Rail Motor 194,797. J929— „ , 92,748,481. „ 512,667. - ,. 156,204. 39



Tractive Power. Capacity.

Vehicles, Number. Vehicles. Number. Average per Average per Total. Loco. Vehicle.

LOCOMOTIVES. lb. lb. GOODS STOCK. tons. tons.

Steam 1,423 26'OIS Box Goods Wagons Open Goods Wagons 15,111 238,414 15-78 Cattle Wagons 1,208 7,928 656 Capacity (Passengers). Sheep Wagons 1,832 11,340 6-19 Coal Wagons 1,543 20,152 1306 Vehicles. 15-89 Average per Louvred Vans 1,027 16,324 Vehicle. Refrigerator Vans 237 3,432 14-48 Powder Var.s 55 520 9-45 Flat Wagons 122 1,396 1144 COACHING STOCK Holster Wagons 705 26,611 37-75 Brake Vans 707 Passenger Cars— Other Vehicles 10 255 25-50 1st Class 838 54,886 G5 2nd Class 1,220 76,499 63 Total 22,557 326,372 *14-94 Composite 185 10,401 56 Sleeping Cars— * Brake vans excluded. 1st Class 110 2,707 25 SERVICE STOCK. 2nd Class Number. Special Cars 13 28 2 Casualty or Break-down Vans 39 Parlour Cars AArater Trucks 261 Dining Cars o. 6S 34 Loco. Coal Trucks 237 Mail Vans 22 Ballast Wagons 436 Luggage Vans Gas Vehicles 28 Carriage Trucks 53 Workmen's Vans 66 Horse Boxes 137 Store Vans 32 Hearaes 4 Cranes (not Locomotive) Motor Passenger Vehicles .. 36 1,872 52 Plough Vans B«ake Vans 156 7S Motor Inspection Cars Other Vehicles 24 373 16 Pay Cars Other Vehicles 371

Total* 2,800 146,912 52 Total 1,492

APPENDIX XL RETURN of Persons killed or injured during the year ended 30th June, 1930.

Train Accidents— Passengers • Employees Number of passengers killed or injured per million carried

Accidents on Line (other than train aecidents)— Passengers Employees Other persons

Shunting Accidents- Passengers Employees • Other persons

Employees proceeding to or from duty within the railway boundary Persons killed or injured at crossings Trespassers • Miscellaneous •

Total 64

NOTE.—This return OBIV includes Casualties in connection with Train Working and the movement of Rolling Stock) 40

APPENDIX XII. STATISTICAL STATEMENT.—Year ended 30th* June, 1930, and 1929.

Particulars. 1930. 1929.

Mis. Chs. Mis. Chs. 1. Average mileage of Railways open for traffic ... 5,958 45 5,903 «4 PASSENGER TRAFFIC. Country 9,057,784 9,239,269 2. Passenger train mileage Suburban 7,894,369 7,498,306 \ Country 3,705,789 4,212,310 .3. Passenger earnings '" I Suburban 2,905,162 3,026,019 S Country 10,344,667 10,957,848 4. Number of Passengers carried "' } Suburban 137,547,881 140,158,238 | Country 712,881,417 774,S47,448 Number of Passengers carried 1 mile 5. "' \ Suburban 1,018,191,985 1,045,853,792 68-91 70-71 6. Average miles each Passenger was carried... ^guJJurban 7-40 7'46 13 14 7. Average number of Passengers per car mile | suburban 22 22 85-9S 92-26 8. Average earnings from each Passenger ... {guj^i^n 5 07 5-18 , . \ Country 1-25 1-30 9. Average earnings per passenger mile ... j guburban •68 •69 Per Average Mile of Railway Open. ("Country 1.763 1,886 Number of Passengers carried 10, \ Suburban 489,843 510,037 / Country 121,520 133,385 Number of Passengers carried 1 mile - \ Suburban 3,626,040 3,805,872 ( Country 1,544 1,590 12. Passenger train mileage \ Suburban 28,114 27,286 ( Country 632 725 13, Passenger, earnings \ Suburban 10,340 11,012 Per Passenger Train Mile. /Country 79 84 14. Average number of Passengers \ Suburban 129 139 (Country 5-82 6-65 15. Average number of Cars "' \ Suburban , 67S 7-30 98-19 109-42 16. Average Passenger earnings (suburban .'.*.' 88-32 96-85 GOODS TRAFFIC—PAYING. 17. Goods Train mileage 9,761,798 10,644,549 18. Goods earnings 9,353,867 10,379,192 19. Number of tons carried •11,861,297 *14,306,979 20. Number of tons carried 1 mile 1,498,723,307 1,690,560,224 21. Average haul per ton of goods (miles) 126-35 . 118-16 22. Average tonnage per loaded truck (paying and free)... . 9-78 ' 9-65 23. Average train load (paying and free, tons)—(Goods and mixed trains) 177-06 18317 24. Average earnings per ton .... 189-26 174-11 25. Average earnings per ton mile ... 1-48 1-45 GOODS TRAFFIC—GROSS. 26. Average tonnage per loaded truck (paying and free) 18-30 17-98 27. Average train load (paying and free, tons)—(Goods trains only) ... 429 422 28. Average number of vehicles per Goods train—loaded 18-74 18-18 29. Average number of vehicles per Goods train—empty 9-73 9-31 Per Average Mile of Railway Open. 30. Number of tons carried {paying traffic)... 1,993 2,423 31. Number of tons carried 1 mile (paying traffic}... 251,778 286,376 32 Goods Train mileage 1,640 1,803 33. -Goods earnings 1,571 1,760 Per Goods Train Mile. 34. Average earnings ... 229-97 234*02 Does not include the following tonnage of coal on which only Wayleave charges were collected :—1930, 289,667; 1929, 209,664.

APPENDIX XIII. DETAILS OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURE for the Year ended 30th June, 1930. Construct-on of Land and Permanent Way Total. Particulars. Compensation. and Stations. Engineering, AC

Existing Lines- £ B. d. £ 3. £ B. d. Additions to and widening of Lines, Stations, &c , Cr. 14,460 8 7 31,913 12 17,453 3 II Duplications and Deviations of Lines , Cr. 3,807 17 8 3,893 2 85 4 5 Electrification of Railway Lines • 767 2 10 152,363 1 153,130 4 6 New Railway Construction , 113,366 18 5 1,601,429 16 1,714,796 14 6 Rolling Stock— Motive Stock— £ Steam Locomotives 238,819 19' Electrical Equipment of Electric Coaching Stock 260,311 0 Motor Equipment of Rait Motor Stock 8,381 18 Coaching Stock— . Steam Cr. 33,778 0 Electric 297,346 14 Rail Motor 5,550 4 Wagons Cr. 50,056 0 Service Vehicles Cr. 15,807 17 710,767 19 710,767 19 Workshops 172,099 6 172,099 6 Machinery and Plant 228,745 19 228,745 19 Refreshment Room Equipment. 2,733 18 2,733 18 Railway Coal Mine Cr. 4,034 15 10 Cr. 4,034 15 Electric Pcwer Stations 479 6 11 431,146 7 8 431,625 14

Total £ 96,345 1 11 3,331,058 8 1 3,427,403 10 0 41

APPENDIX XIV. STATEMENT showing the dates of opening and length of line of the various sections of the Railways to the 30th June, 1930.

Double Total Quadruple Treble Line. Single Line. Date of opening. From where opened. To where opened. Line. Line. Distance.

m. c. m. c. m. c. 26 Sept., 1855 Sydney Parramatta Jet. (Granville) 10 40* 1 01 1 674; 26 „ 1855 Redfern Tunnel Darling Harbour . 1 38g 26 ,, 1856 Granville Liverpool 7 55| 5 April, 1857 Near Newcastle East Maitland , 14 24| 2 64 9 Mar. 1858. Near Newcastle Newcastle 1 0 17 May. J858. Liverpool Campbell town 11 67| 27 July 1858. East Maitland ... West Maitland 2 164 2 „ 1860. West Maitland Lochinvar 0 39| 5 454 4 „ 1860. Parramatta Junction. Blacktown 8 224 12 Dec., 1861. Blacktown Rooty Hill 3 64£

24 Mar., 1862. Lochinvar Branxton 8 23f 1 May, 1862 Rooty Hill .... South Creek (St. Mary's). 4 4S 7 July, 1S62 South Creek . Penrith 4 604 1 Sept., 1862 Carapbelltown. Menangle 6 m 7 May, 1863 Branxton Singleton 14 25 1 July 1863. Menangle Pictou ,. 12 40 2 May 1864. East Maitland. Morpeth 3 47| 16 194 1 Dec.; 1864. Blacktown .... Richmond 1 Mar. 1867. Picton Mittagong 0 75 24 454 Weatherboard (Wentworth 29 38| 11 July: 1867. Penrith Falls). 2 Dec, 1867. Mittagong Sutton Forest (Moss Vale) 8 634. 1 May, 1868 Weatherboard... Mount Victoria 15 04 6 Aug., 1868. Sutton Forest... Marulan 29 27| 19 May, 1869. Singleton Muswellbrook > 31 04 1869. Marulan Goulburn 0 724 18 78 8 Oct., 1869. Mount Victoria Bowenfels 19 524 1 Mar., 1870. Bowenfels Wallerawang 8 34 1 July, 1870. Wallerawang ... Rydal 6 22| 20 Oct., 1870. Muswellbrook... Aberdeen 7 37| 17 April, 1871.. Aberdeen Scone 8 504

1 Aug., 1871.. Scone Wingen .... 10 35| 5 April, 1872.. Wingen Murrurundi. 12 78 22 „ 1872.. Rydal Locke's Platform (Locksley) 20 64 1 July, 1872.. Locke's Platform Macquarie Pins. (Brewongle) 7 3 4 Mar., 1873.. Macquarie Plains Raglan 4 77# 4 Feb., 1875.. Raglan Kelso 2 684 Rookwood Cemetery Branch 0 45| 9 Nov., 1875.. Goulburn Gunning 33 304 4 April, 1876.. Kelso Bathurst 14J 1 ^194 3 July, 1876.. Gunning Bowning 31 404

1 Nov., 1876.. Bowning Binalong .' 15 254 1 „ 1876.. Bathurst Blayney 12 59J 18 23| 12 Mar., 1877.. Bin along Murrumburrah 21 544 19 April, 1877.. Blayney Orange iif 56 12 294 13 Aug., 1877.. Murrurundi Quirindi 25 04 1 Nov., 1877.. Murrumburrah Cootamundra 24 444 0 634 2 April, 1878.. Cootamundra .. Bethungra 16 314 6 July, 1878.. Bethungra Junee 18 303 3 Sept., 1878.. Junee Nth. WaggaWagga (Bomen^ 17 36 14 Oct., 1878.. Quirhjdi West Tamworth .,. 37 264

25 Mar., 1879.. Werris Creek Breeza 14 354 1 Sept., 1879.. North Wagga Wagga Wagga Wagga 4 494 11 ,, 1879.. Breeza Gunnedah 26 44 1 June, 1880.. Orange Wellington ... 55 33 1 Sept., 1880.. Wagga Wagga Gerogery 59 154 Sandgate Cemetery Branch 0 1 Feb. 1881. Wellington Dubbo 31 394 3 „ 1881. Gerogery Albury 18 394 23 „ 1881. Junfee Narrandera 60 534 28 1881. Junee Triangle Loop 0 33f

1 Sept., 1881. Narrandera Darlington (Willbriggie) 38 16 9 Jan.. 1882. West Tamworth. Moonbi (KootingaJ) 12 14 1 Mar., 1882. Darlington Carrathool 34 8 ! 10 „ 1882. Campbell to wn Camden 7 73 15 May, 1882. Wallerawang .... Capertee 22 74 4 July, 1882. Carrathool ...... Hay 35 U ,> 1882. Gunnedah Boggabri 24 35j 46g 2 Aug., 1882. Moonbi Uralla 51 1 Oct., 1882. Narrabri West 31 304 20 „ 1882. Dubbo Nevertire 63 61 63 6| 3 Feb., 1883. Uralla Armidale • 14 644 14 644 9 June, 1883. Nevertire %ngan ; 36 If 36 If 14 „ 1883. Albury River Murray, 1 40|t 1 4

7 milea 33 chains of this is six lines, and 0 miles 47 ehains is «ight iines. \ One of these lines 'it 5 ft. 3 in. jrauge. 42

APPENDIX XIV—continued.

Double Sinple Total Date of opening. Quadruple Treble From where opened. To where opened. Line. Line Line. Line. Dietance.

m. c. m. c. 16 Sept. 1884... Narrandera. Jerilderie.... 65 04 65 04 15 Oct., 1884.. Sydney Hurstville , 9 27| 9 27! 4 Mar. 1885.. Tarago Bungendore, 19 20f 19 20| 26 „ 1885.. Demondrille Young 17 38| 17 38! 3 Sept. 1885.. Byrock Bourke 48 30| 48 30£ 21 Dec., 1885.. Orange Molong 23 25| 23 25! 21 „ 1885.. Orange fork. 0 28| 0 2S| 26 „ 1885.. Hurstville . Sutherland 6 04 6 04 9 Mar. 1886.. Sutherland . Waterfall,., 8 634 8 634

9 „ 1886.. Loftns Junction National Park 1 14| 1 14! 1 June 1886.. Cootamundra ...... Gundagai 33 414 33 414 1 Sept. 1886 . Glen Imies Tenterfield 57 414 57 414 17 „ 1886.. Strathfield Hornsby 1 28J 2 642 9 32^ 0 134 13 64! 1 Nov. 1886.. Young Cowra , 46 254 7 April, 18S7 Hornsby Hawkesbury River ii" 524 46 254 14 524 21 June, 1887 Clifton Wollongong 13 274 13 634 15 Aug., 1887 Gosford Hamilton 0 654 2 28| 48 51 "6"'35£ 51 654 15 „ 1887 Woodville Junction Islington Junction. 0 18J 0 54 0 23! 8 Sept., 1887 Bungendore Queanbeyan 17 28 17 28

9 Nov,, 1887. Wollongong North Kiama (Bombo) 20 63 20 63 7 Dec., 1887. Queanbeyan ...... Miehelago 30 IJ 30 H 16 Jan., 1888. Mullet Creek Gosford 9 64 9 64 16 „ 1888. Tenterfield Wallangarra rr'EU 11 614 13 Feb., 1S88. Cowra Blayney 46 621 46 62! 3 Oct., 1888. Waterfall Clifton 13 64 1 6 14 124 1 May, 1889. Hawkesbury River Mullet Creek 4 67| 4 67! 31 „ 1889. Miehelago .* Cooma 46" 434 40 434 1 Jan., 1890. Hornsby St. Leonards 10 4of 10 45! 1 July, 1890. Mt. Keira Junction Wollongong Harbour "i'""k 1 84

1891. Homebush North Strathfield 0 444 444 20 April 1892. Yass Junction Yass Town 2 674 674 1 July, 1892. Nyngan Junction Cobar 81 29 81 29 3 Oct., 1892. Culcairn Corowa 47 66 47 66 1 May, 1893. St. Leonards Milson's Point 2 494 2 494 2 June, 1893. North Kiama Nowra 22f 594 22 594 1 Sept., 1893. Cootamundra Temora 38 2| 38 2! 18 Dec, 1893. Molong Forbes 72 664 72 664 15 May, 1894. Lismore' Mullumbimby 38 67 38 67 24 Dec, 1894. Mullumbimby Mu.rwillum.bah and Condong 25 14 9.5 14

lFeb., 1895. Sydenham Belmore ... 4 *i 0 78| 5 3 14 Oct., 1896. Jerilderie Berrigan .... 21 664 21 664 15 Dec, 1896. Parkes Bogan Gate. 23 17! 23 17| 1 April, 1S97. Narrabri Junction.... Moree 62 47! 62 47! 1 1897. Narrabri Loop 0 39! 0 39! 26 May, 1897. Rookwood Cemetery- -First extension 0 72f 0 72! 1 Jan., 1898. Nevertire Warren 12 49 12 49 1 Mar., 1898. Bogan Gate Condobolin ., 39 34£ 39 344 16 Sept., 1898. Berrigan Finley 14 4 14 4 39 41 39 41* 7 „ 1899. Broken Hill Tarrawingee

15 „ 1899. West Tamworth. Manilla 29 484 29 484 1 Feb., 1900. Moree Gravesend 34 37 34 37 30 June, 1900. Sutherland Woronora Cemetery ... . 0 41! 0 41! 7 May, 1901. Koorawatha Grenfell 32 23 32 23 S July, 1901. The Rock Lockhart 24 59 24 59 1 Aug., 1901. Clyde Carlingford 1 22 3 19! 4 41! 2 Sept., 1901. Byrock Brewarrina 58 15! 58 15| 25 Nov., 1901. Gravesend Reedy Creek (Delungra) 36 324 36 324 26 „ 1901. Cobar Occidental Mine 3 544 3 544 10 Mar., 1902. Reedy Creek ... Inverell... 24 63 24 63

22 April, 1902. Goulburn Crook well , 35 42! 35 42! 18 Sept., 1902. Culcairn German ton, (Holbrobk), 16 614 16 614 18 Feb., 1903. Dubbo Triangle loop 0 24| 0 24! 5 „ 1903. Dubbo Coonamble 95 56 95 56 12 Oct.. 1903. Gundagai Mount Horeb 14 484 14 484 9 „ 1903. Lismore Casino 18 14! 18 14! 2 Dec, 1903. Mount Horeb Tumut 16 66 16 66 2 „ 1903. Temora Wyalong( Wyalong Central) 41 26 41 26 9 „ 1903. Narrabri West Burren Junction 51 7! 51 7! 3 July, 1905. Burren Junction Cryon 22 684 22 684 6 Nov., 1905. Grafton... :. Casino 67 4 07 4

5 ,, 1906, Temora Ariah Park 20 244 20 244 3 Dec, 1906, Burren Junction.... Coliarcnenri East (Pokatarool 42 43 42 43 6 Aug., 1907. Bogan Gate Trundle 15 444 15 444 10 April, 1908, Waratah New Line to Bullock Island 3 514 3 514 10 „ 1908 Islington Junction Scholey-street Junction .. 0 234 0 234 15 June, 1908 Rookwood Cemetery—Second extension 0 50! 21 Sept., 1908 Manilla...... riarraba .. 31 704 7 Nov. 1908. Cryon Walgett ... 32 13 IS „ 1908. Ariah Park Barellan ... 41 174 15 Dec. 1908. Trundle ... Tullamore 22 204 4 April, 1909 Mudgee ... Gulgong .., 20 1? Belmore ... 3 304 1909 Banks town 3 304

» 3 ft. 6 in. gauge. 43

APPENDIX XIV—continued.

Quadrupli Treble Double Single Line. Total] Date o opening. From where opened. To where opened. Line. Line. Line. Distance. m. c m. c. 25 June, 1910.. Casino Kyogle 17 694 17 694 19 Sept., 1910. Cowra Canowindra 23 54| 23 54? 28 Nov 1910... GulgODg Dunedoo 29 444 29 444 12 Dec, 1910... Lockhart Mucra (Yulnma) .. 21 74* 21 744 12 „ 1910... Narromine Peak Hill 36 62* 36 624 22 Mar. 1911... Cootamundra North Junct Cootamundra West 0 28 0 154 0 434 28 May, 1911... Fassifern Toronto 2 55 55 31 July, 1911... Flemington State Brick Works.. "2" 13 13 14 Aug. 1911... West Maitland , Dungog 32 414 32 414 9 Dec., 1911... Mucra Urana 14 15 14 15 20 April, 1912.. Cooma Nimmitabel 24 26 24 26 11 Nov., 1912.. Lidcombe Regent's Park 1 75! 1 75! 23 Dec, 1912.. C-rana Oaklands 16 40! 16 40| 4 Feb., 1913.. Dungog Taree 82 754 82 754 29 Sept., 1913 . Moree Garah 36 42 36 42 28 July, 1914.. Finley Tocumwal 11 13 11 13 30 Sept., 1914.. Goobang Junction.., Peak Hill 31 254 31 254 7 Dec, 1914.. Garah Mungindi 40 514 40 514 12 Feb., 1915.. Galong Boorowa 17 684 17 684 12 April, 1915.. Taree Wauchope 47 374 47 374 26 ,, 1915.. Muswellbrook Denman 15 66 15 66 30 Aug., 1915.. Raleigh Coil's Harbour 13 23f 13 23| 12 Oct., 1915... Glenreagh South Grafton 27 IS 27 18 11 April, 1916.. Campsie Lidcombe 5 9| 5 9| 11 ,, 1916.. Flemington Goods loops .. 0 77 ... 0 77 29 May, 1916.. Rozelle Wardell Road 3 71 3 71 3 July, 1916.. Barellan , Griffith 32 374 32 374 31 „ 1916.. Wollongong Port Kembla 4 84 4 84 14Aug., 1916.. Stockinbingal Caragabal 50 774 50 774 17 Oct., 1916.. Tullamore Tottenham 33 62 33 62 7 Dec. 1916. Gosford Gosford Racecourse 1 18! 1 18| 2 Apr. 1917. Dunedoo Binnaway 44 00 44 00 14 May, 1917. Wagga Wagga Humula 52 n 52 9! 11 June, 1917. Binnaway Coonabarabran ..... 30 55 30 55 1 July, 1917. WardellRoad Triangle loop 0 324 0 324 29 Oct., 1917. Denmau Merriwa 35 6 35 6 13 Nov., 1917. Wyalong .Central Lake Cargelligo 70 364 70 364 27 „ 1917. Wauchope Kempsey 30 52 30 52 7 Jan 1918. Cobar C.S.A. Mine ... 7 11! 7 HI 1 Feb 1918. Meeks' Road Goods loops 0 454 0 454 8 April, 1918 Troy Junction Merrygoen 59 36 59 36 8 „ 1918 Caragabal.. Forbes 37 614 37 614 18 Sept 1918... Caroline Mine Branch 3 354 3 354 18 „ 1918... Tottenham ML. Royal Smelters 0 30 0 30 31 Oct. 1918.. Albert Iron Duke Mine 2 474 2 4?4 10 Feb. 1919.., Condobolin near Trida 129 40 129 40 10 1919.. Matakana Mt. Hope 10 32 10 32 1 July, 1919.. Kempsey Macksville 30 9 30 9 1 1919... Pieton-Mittagong Deviation 27 55J 27 554 15 „ 1919... Menindee Broken Hill 73 52 73 52 30 Mar. 1920... Craboon Coolah 23 59! 23 59! 17 May 1920.. Henty • Rand 32 654 32 65* 9 „ 1921.. Humula Tumbarumba 28 24 28 24 21 Nov. 1921.. Nimmitabel Bombala 37 414 37 414 23 Jan., 1922 . Rozelle Bay Darling Hand 2 374 2 374 6 Mar. 1922.. Yanro . ... Griffith 33 534 33 534 17 July 1922.. CofPs Harbour Glenreagh 27 64 27 64 11 Dec 1922.. Canowindra Eugowra 26 17 26 17 8 Jan., 1923.. Barmedman R,ankin's Springs 71 504 71 504 28 „ 1923.. Westmead Castle Hiir 6 58 6 58 19 Mar. 1923.. TJrunga Raleigh 3 34 3 34 18 June, 1923.. Griffith Hillston 66 564 66 564 10 Sept., 1923,. Coonabarabran Gwabegar 59 6! 59 6! 3 Oct., 1923.. Tarana Oberon 15 7 15 7 29 „ 1923.. Binnaway Werris Creek 91 52! 91 52! 3 Dec, 1923.. Mucksville Urunga 17 20 17 20 17 „ 1923.. Gilmore Kunama 21 44! 21 44! 19 Oct., 1924.. Regent's Park Cabramatta 5 14 5 14 19 „ 1924.. Chullora Sefton Park 3 184 3 184 19 „ 1924.. Chullora Triangle Loop 0 174 0 174 19 „ 1924.. Sefton Park Triangle Loop 0 30g 24 Nov. 1924. Castle Hill Bogan's Hill 0 674 0 30! 23 Dec, 1924.. Glenreagh Dorrigo 43 164 0 674 19 Jan., 1925.. Molong Yeoval 34 22 43 I64 :.10 Mar. 1925.. Lidcombe Triangle Loop 0 154 34 22 31 May, 1925.. Yeoval Dubbo 45 544 0 154 5 Aug. 1925.. The Rock Wesby 25 594 45 544 19 » 1925.. near Trida Ivanhoe .... 39' 134 25 594 14 Oct., 1925.. Sydenham Botany .... 0 264 5 2 39 134 23 Feb., 1926.. Roslyn Taralga .... 15 62 5 284 8 Nov. 1926.. Richmond Kurrajong . 784 15 62 20 Dec, 1926.. Sydney (Central) St. James.... 0 3i 1 "m 6 784 7 Nov. 1927.. Ivanhoe Menindee.... 116 64? 1 194 16 July, 1928. Bankstown Sefton Park. "'2*215 116 64| 30 Oct., 1928, Uranquinty Galore 28 48 2 21! 11 Feb., 1929. Ungarie Narad han . 37 444 28 48 23 April, 1929. Galore Kywong .... ' 4 71! 37 44714! 16 Dec, 1929. West Wyalong Euglo 34 34 4 34 34 Total .- •43 10 8 374 610 704 5,311 604 5,974 184 Sidings and Crossovers 1,218 50 Total miles of single track, including sidings and crossovers 7,967 18

* 7 miles 33 chains of this is six lines, and 0 miles 47 chains is eight lines. 44 APPENDIX XV. STATEMENT of the number of Bales of WOOL forwarded from each Station for years ended 30th June, 1930 and 1929.

Number of Bales. Number of Bales. Stations. Number of Bales. 1930. 19*9. Stations. Stations. 1930. 1929. 1930. Darling Harbour 2,234 2,175 Urana 614 556 Elong Elong ... 1,793 Darling Island 3,923 5,335 Oaklands 652 1,876 Baltimore Petersham toTowrang 5,916 7,337 Yerong Creek 1,286 1,246 Mendooran ...... 2,442 Goulburn 7,584 8,135 Henty 4,553 5,450 Narromine 6,996 Roslyn 1,041 954 Culcairn 3,160 3,281 Wynnga 4,575 3,849 3,) 43 Taralga Walla Walla 320 77 Peak Hill 3,563 Crookwell 13,599 14,116 Burrumbuttock ...... 122 Trangie 8,471 Tarago 4,278 3,8n5 Brocklesby 16S 353 Nevertire 5,544 Bungendore 5,160 5,946 Balldale 469 527 Warren 11,483 Queanbeyan 4,892 9,501 Holbrook 4,047 6,199 Nyngan 8,672 Miehelago 3,471 3,364 Oerogery 406 502 Hermidale 4,478 Cooma 19,663 19,052 Table Top 134 25 Boppy Mountain ... 2,471 Nimmitabel 6,779 6,375 Albury 2,176 3,154 Cobar 8,438 Bombala 9,081 9,468 Alexandria 33 33 Girilambone 2,862 Yarra 310 395 Botany 144 Coolabah •• 2,292 Breadalbaue 2,421 3,301 Dapto to Nowra 22 17 Byrock 2,561 Gunning 6,960 8,769 P;matta to Wal'wang 912 551 Brewarrina 11,872 Jerrawa 547 623 Piper's Flat 172 175 Bourke 19,533 Yass Junction 541 718 Portland 18 20 NararatoMuswellb'k 5,493 9,106 375 Yass Town 8,138 CullenBullen 125 151 Paterson to Glenreagh Bowning 4,401 4,405 1 Capertee 631 767 Dorrigo Goondah 1,041 Clandulla 590 395 Den man 597 Binalong : 3,212 3,884 44 Kandos 11 Sandy Hollow 12 Galong 2,405 3,227 3,732 Rylstone 3,697 Merriwa 11,900 Boorowa 10,732 11,713 Lue 1,359 1,520 Aberdeen 1,781 Cunningar ... 533 722 Mudgee 10,872 11,458 Scone 12,015 Harden 5,400 6,487 Gulgong 6,963 7,589 Parkville 367 Murrumburrah 135 322 Craboon 369 440 Wingen 662 Nubba 505 570 Leadville 1,996 2,213 Blandford 3,320 Wallendbeen 3,552 2,877 Coolah 5,654 5,633 Murrurundi 466 Cootamundra 3,845 4.801 Dunedoo 2,692 2,213 Ardglen 242 Coolac 6,512 6,078 Merrygoen 2,638 2,961 Willow Tree 7,293 Gundagai 6,048 7,114 Binnaway 5,489 5,335 Hraefield 12 Tumblong 117 Prcmer 1,037 5,889 1 Quirindi Mount Horeb 2,840 3,134 Spring Ridge 8,946 9,133 QUIPOLLY 118 Gilmore 769 Coonabarabran 5,543 5,281 Werris Creek 1,251 Batlow , 243 40 Baradine 2,132 2,022 Breeza 3,468 Tumut 2,464 1,940 Gwabegar 2,003 1,966 Curlewis 2,954 Stockinbingal 3,311 3,927 Rydal to Raglan 4,621 4,312 Gunnedah 11,128 Milvale 2,955 4,612 Kelso ... 3,254 3,472 Emerald Hjll 1,603 Bribbaree 1,468 2,034 Bathurst I 1,517 2,172 Boggabri 6,483 Quandialla 2,436 2,694 Perth ville - 3,771 3,795 Baan Baa ... 1,784 Caragabal 2,103 2,059 George's Plains •290 450 Turrawan 584 Wirrinya 3,006 Wimbledon i 258 367 Narrabri West ... 1,745 Temora 4J050 5,035 Gresham 6 1 Wee Waa 6,860 Barmeilma.n 3,003 2,917 Newbridge 2,661 2,S70 Merah North 4,579 Talliniba 1,577 2,774 Blayney 2,027 2,059 Burren Junction... 4,452 Weethalle 499 52 Carcoar 2,290 1,628 Cryon , 2,346 Rankin Springs 905 89 Mandurama 2,536 3,170 Walgett 13,908 Wyalong 6,103 5,939 Lyndhurst 1,741 1,580 Rowena 7,338 Ungarie 3,140 2,326 Woodstock 3,895 4,565 Ppkataroo 9,548 Tullibigeal 998 881 Cowra 6,654 7,418 Narrabri 5,456 2,194 Lake Cargelligo 2,969 3,797 Canowindra 6,6S4 6,993 Edgeroi 6,115 Ariah Park 1.265 1,396 Eugoflra 3,678 3,348 Bellata 6,742 Mirrool 556 649 Wattamondara 1,831 2,228 Gurley -31,127 Beckom 422 418 Koorawatha 924 1,347 Moree 12,162 Ardlethan 1,815 2,512 Greenethorpe . ... .J 1,837 1,917 Garah 10,105 Barellan 1,143 659 Grenfell I 8,265 9,268 VY eemelab 5.198 Binya 442 692 Bendick Murrell 1,509 1,732 Mungiudi , 2,6.03 Yenda 389 Monteagle I 1,189 1,521 Biniguy 2,840 Griffith 1,885 1,392 6,750 9,016 Gravesend Young i 18,310 Goolgowi 1,018 S81 345 39S Warialda... Kingsvale 5,234 Merriwagga 1,520 1,2-78 770 1,014 Delungra MilHhorpe 553 Hillston 5,348 2.178 1 291 Mt. Russell Springbill 653 17,339 Frampton 734 996 2,195 Orange 2,167 Inverell 1,303 Bethungra .. 2,497 3,749 1,478 Borenore ...... 1,544 Currabubula 3,760 Ulabo 1,990 2,116 1 2,656 Molong 2,776 Dim •• 2,454 Marinna 4 196 1,347 Larras Lee ..; 1,394 West Tamworth .. 2,231 Junee 3,151 3,775 3,505 Cumnock 3,S16 Attunga 9,355 Old Junee 714 870 Yeoval 3,809 3,470 Manilla fl 19,228 Marrar 831 722 1,069 Artburvrlle 424 Barraba • 3,640 Coolamun 1.345 1,925 Toongi 2,180 2,4S3 Tamworth 4,493 Ganmain... 1,049 830 Manildra. 5,327 4,542 Nem. ingha 3,765 Matong 793 983 Parkes 6,779 7,661 I$oot.ingal 220 Grong Grong 1,334 1,726 Bogan Gate 4,028 4,798 Danglemah -2,01.6 Narrandera 4,904 6,064 Condobolin •• 22,938 26,233 Woolbrouk 13,906 Morundah 4,573 3,764 Ivanhoe 6,993 5,170 Walcha Road 1,390 Widgiewa 2,787 1.835 Menindie • 4,783 1,893 Kentucky • 15,935 Bundure 4,694 6,399 Broken Hill 35 .6 Uralla 11,236 Jerilderie 7,177 8,141 Trundle 3,407 3,548 Armidale 1,821 Berrigan - 1,732 3.020 Tullamore • 4,283 5,558 Dumaresq 829 Finley 1,799 2,926 Albert 2,363 3,622 Black Mountain.. 8,328 Yanco oiS 9=i Tottenham 6,196 6,783 Guyra 246 Leeton 957 895 Forbes 15,857 12,837 Llangothlin.. 1,966 Whitton 3,973 3,263 Mullion Creek i,68S J.546 Ben Lomond ..... 1,045 Wilbriggie 7,969 8,535 Euchareena -. 2,218 2,299 Glencoe 996 Carrathool 7,880 7,379 Stuart Town 688 690 Stonehenge 10,312 Hay 7.904 8,293 Mumbil 1,753 2,192 Glen Innes 4,353 Harefield 735 808 Dripstone 483 493 Deepwater 576 Bomen 749 859 Wellington 5,2*7 6,016 Bolivia 3,880 Wagga 4,224 4,987 Maryvale 542 330 Tenterfield , 336 Ladysmith 2,2ii4 2,995 Geurie i,4Si 1,660 Wailangarra Tarcntta 1,506 " 1,767 Wongarbon 560 • 378 Rapp ville Humula 2,062 2,021 Dubbo 4,237 3,935 Casino 1 Tumbarumba 652 749 Eumungerie 2,192 2,243 Xarrawingee 1,373 Uranquinty .... 2,564 1,819 Gilgandra 6,042 6,990 Victoria 10 The Rock «... 4,152 5,073 Curban 2,248 2,695 COMMONWEALTH .. L793 Lockhart 3,008 3,812 Armatree* ..... 1,854 2,003 Boree Creek 1,879 2,035 Gular 7,645 9,125 Yuluma l 534 Coonamble 16,2o3 22,409 Grand Total 1,110,745 | X) 45 APPENDIX XVI. RETURN of Number of LIVE STOCK forwarded from each Station for the year ended 30th June, 1930.

Number forwarded. Number forwarded. Stations. Stations. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Jorses. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Pigs. Horses. Pigs.

3 47 1 16,899 bailing Harbour 1,918 874 S 73,212 34,311 Toongi 44 647 33,678 Flemington and Abattoirs. 532 29,216 3,089 755,372 6,266 Manildra 432 380 " '35 49,832 1 Ashtield to Goulburn 1,185 19,398 15,930 274,064 5,267 Parkes 482 986 3 96,025 276 RoSlyn 24 615 21 30,577 8 Bogan Gate 195 4,744 108 253,484 48 Taralga 28 1,013 116 29,728 314 Condobolin 92 • 1,960 25 . 42,472 39 Ivanhoe 86 485 30 73,611 Crookwell 10 Tarago. 37 1,694 • 1 76,-507 Broken Hill ""4 " 117 "526 64,756 Bungendore 33 1,151 226 55,162 Menindie 70 1,127 289 30,409 186 Trundle 50 33 13,413 " '35 Queanbeyan 14 25 14,977 Miehelago • 14 38S 26 31.776 28 Tullamore 109 38,893 Cooma 31 1,S01 146 150,561 151 Albert .... " "5 454 17,126 Nimmitabel 39 3,681 188 44,450 1,047 Tottenham 1,799 7,45S 189,521 "455 Bombala 12 4S9 169 13,386 Forbes 'i',073 51 616 17 26,959 47 Yarra to Yass 288 3,375 251 129,410 Mullion Greek to Dripstone Vio 344 964 14 21,379 Bowning to Galong 153 1.161 309 79,959 15 Wellington 33 3 15 9,851 Boorowa 68 706 29,197 Maryvale - 92 1,334 "l74 69,152 "387 Geurie 63 "358 25,055 "212 Harden 1 2 I 1,343 Nubba 2 Wontrarbon 237 2,884 207 60,309 "'40 Wallendbeen 3 1,010 45,050 180 Dubbo 69 419 21,751 Cootamundra 277 2,720 "il5 62,259 411 Elong Elong 28 60 2,931 Coolac 24 1,678 25 68,105 39 liendooran 19 4 12,671 Gundasrai 172 2,711 81 47,773 1,715 Eumungeric 9 80 8,561 "'52 Tumblong 1 437 1,500 524 Gilgandra 589 12,973 20 Mount Horeb 33 1,319 344 17,807 230 Ciirban ""l 785 "21 9,346 Batlow 1 66 1.1S5 22 Arniatree 20 1,479 95 75,9(13 Tumut 102 2,136 • 1,116 123,295 3,600 Gutar 82 1,754 203 111,202 StockinbingaJ 16 130 20,992 64 Coonanible 266 1,471 15 77,650 Milvale . Y 3i 1,122 27,424 Narromine 29 52 1 Bribbaree 56 734 32.K44 Wyanga 37,762 " '65 42 446 7,563 I'eak Hill 269 225 24,205 447 Quandialla "34 Caragabal 74 1,259 39,055 Tiangie 178 3,378 104,647 46 " "s 32 317 61,095 Temora 175 56 7 23,709 265 Nevertire 111 570 "46 Ariah Park 23 1 0,005 37 Warren 93,773 no 43 438 3 "20 Mirrool 33 276 19 9,631 Nyngan 69,147 Beckom to Hillston 174 2,570 162 139,01 S 77 Hermidale 9 549 56,728 Barmedman to Lake Oar 369 3,636 105 160,301 201 Boppy Mountain '. 30 59 13,385 gelligo. Cobar 10 • 4,777 Frampton to Junee 158 1,219 105 78,040 41 Girilaiiibone 2 " ' 1 1 25,803 Old Junee 10 30 5,054 Coolabah 35 100 29 3,160 Marrar 4 8 2,519 Byrock 57 236 93 24,506 14 Coolamon 14 19 10,045 BreA'arrina 36 422 24,009 Ganmain 5 13 15,150 Bourke 10 2,015 9,675 Matong 4 304 7,345 "300 Rhodes to Morpeth 424 2,884 3,206 16,079 4',247 Grong Grong 11 1,097 14,939 191 West Maitland 77 52 Narrandera 221 2,282 "209 77,775 Telarah 2,038 13,7H1 11,174 42,051 19,414 Morundah 3C 3, OSS 31,196 "36 Paterson to South Grafton. 1,320 70,003 28,131 9,180 106,723 Widgiewa 42 1,614 " 448 50,003 Graf£on to Murwillumbah. 1,545 25,725 lj428 2,812 122,503 Buridure 15 445 36 60,447 Farley to Singleton 1,059 15,327 23,870 23,237 15,261 Jerilderie 120 880 67,220 Ravens worth 64 2,332 132 8,343 Berrigan 20 257 12,040 Muswellbrook 971 7,595 717 10.748 1,038 Finley 20 107 "'67 2,720 Penman 84 1,748 3,931 5,050 3,499 Tocumwal 103 315 9 0,570 " 27 Sandy Hollow 313 1,336 1 980 42 Yanco 32 237 8,917 164 Merriwa 87 9,483 156 106.996 31 Leeton 2fi 1,009 '"as 23,049 Aberdeen 339 5,613 249 14,386 292 Whitton 4 214 55 27.8i>9 frconc li27S 11,598 1,941 43,423 2,505 Wilbriggie 69 1,197 32 99,85;* Parkville t.o Murrurumii... 237 2,443 176 16,390 Carrathool 08 0i4 6b 110,974 Willow Tree 114 5.008 767 62,682 112 t Quirindi 426 4.394 1,216 53,064 2,351 Hay 149 290 54 101,773 2 Harefield 7 405 JO 19.290 Quipolly Bomen T 28 1,172 11 7,889 ""5 Werris Creek "' '62 1,416 33 2o',340 "l80 Wagga Wagga 515 8,516 1,211 82,939 5,042 Breeza 112 3,527 193 27,743 Ladysmith 69 1,730 20 30,222 170 Curlewis 117 1,798 968 61,676 "45I Tarcutta 11 1,810 117 14,384 139 Gunnedah 90 4,8Jt 418 110,746 50 Huninbi 35 4,108 125 81,481 54 Emerald Hill 39 1,281 ' 28 43,649 68 Tnmbarumlm 61 4,378 347 35,0S6 102 Boggabri 69 2,104 177 88,072 365 Uranquinty 27 420 64 32,950 Baan Baa 3 144 133 9,622 The Hook 100 894 0 47,50S "49 Turrawan 3 1,038 34 11,776 Lockhart 42 184 12 32,704 Narrabri West 88 635 45,362 Boree Creek SO 123 00,246 Wee Waa 191 3,894 "l42 199,498 Urana 62 55 13.325 Merah North 96 1,492 57 127,776 Oaklands 14 3,208 Burren Junction 61 1,255 68,986 Yerong Creek 24 "]34 16. OS 4 ""51 Cryon 07 757 ' "'68 51,767 Hentv 2-5 015 " "3 47,300 Walgeit 327 1,038 IS 99,477 Culcairn 126 309 0 25,024 "'15 Rowena 32 2,S37 20 150,069 Holbrook 69 1,184 105 90,538 39 Pockataroo 114 3,384 30 95,906 Walla Walla 7 0 256 Narrabri 289 3,565 72,148 ""76 Burrumbutlock 13 1,935 Edgeroi 159,475 85 Brocklesby " "a 4,243 Bellata "'35 3,632 "'99 123,394 234 Gurley 33 1,889 123,477 123 Balldale , 8 1^455 Moree 540 27,728 "271 257,773 420 Corowa 21 " "2 " "2 G erogery 15 3,739 Garah 101 6,629 4 98,272 Table Top 1 "*56 "l77 15,063 Weemelah 91 2,182 77,881 ""9 Albury 55 104 65 10,883 "'33 Mungiadi 94 6,255 27,247 Alexandria 318 517 Biniguy J ... 50 1,829 " "2 39,751 Canterbury 249 272 '"24 '"is " '90 Gravesend 86 3,669 65 28,599 lllawarra Line , 456 0,753 15,877 559 11,569 Warialrla 66 18,013 271 89,862 Parramutta to BathurBt .. 1,209 11,071 2,380 252,261 1,414 Dclimgra 45 3,410 183 57,27S "76 Kurrajong Line. 244 1,198 371 1,702 255 Mount Rusiiell 1,508 7 Gwabegar Line 847 13,777 1,289 354,425 665 Invcrell "'79 1,105 "ii 17,209 335 Perthville to Blayney 184 2,935 336 105,347 201 Currahubula 3* 930 115 16,296 Carcoar 22 1,369 31 26,066 Puri 6 116 2 28,356 *"l2 Mandurama 10 West Tamworth G57 4,233 1,037 41,954 5,843 Lyndhuist 16 ' £41 27,509 Attunga 9 926 248 20.446 Woodstock 103 923 " "l 64,604 Manilla 282 1,219 25 30,129 "ioe Cowra 414 3,419 306 99.646 "l67 Barraba 127 3,439 18 01,744 20 Canowindra 347 1,484 19 50,781 1,048 Nemingha to Uralla 216 7,134 826 98,767 Eugowra 20 186 12 22,776 109 Armidale S8 4,862 71 12,851 "s Wattamondara 2 20,114 Dumaresq 20 89 700 Koorawatha 38 '532 13,749 "l29 Black Mountain 42 927 Greenethorpe 22 210 17,324 Guyra 114 5,502 ""so 27,901 "'36 Grenfell 46 307 35 32,001 "l41 Llangothlin 6 12 Bendick Murrel) 25 5,548 127 Ben Lomond "io 792 " 44 10,738 61 Monteagle 6 "l07 6,095 Glencoe 863 24 9,801 Young 238 1,386 307 28,430 '"eo Stonehenge 153 Kingsvale 2,327 Glen Iniios 526 7,522 "75 34,952 1 Millthorpe "26 ' '233 28,031 " '55 JJeepwater 27 433 9,489 Spring Hill 3 1 '""l 0,931 Bolivia 9 624 81 . 3,103 "'30 Orange 280 11,705 1,0(16 212,023 "737 Tenterfield 110 35,731 2,998 7.631 333 Borenore 2 34 1,154 Wallangaira 164 48,598 676 5,078 13,225 Molong 135 476 0 3S.8S6 ""7 Tarrawingec Line • 20 1,431 4,694 I .arras Lee 62 257 34 13,386 Victoria 391 1.163 "94 22,563 "566 Cumnock 27 497 32,t'S5 Yeoval 33 686' 20,796 Grand Total 35,S91 647,278 138,580 10,909,403 381,112 Arthnrvuie 33 94 9,624 46 APPENDIX XVII. STATEMENT of Number of Bags of WHEAT forwarded from each Statiou for years ended 30th June, 1930 and 1929.

Number of Number of bags. Number of bags Station. Station. Station. 1930. 1930. 1929. 1930. 1929.

Darling Harbour ... 264,450 219,797 Walla Walla .. 49,905 73,873 Euchareena...... 2,068 3,850 Newtown 4,971 2,278 Burrumbuttock ., 66,682 85,303 Stuart Town 343 Petersham 200 Brocklesby 83,409 110,693 Mumbil *2,019 5,400 Ash Held 305 Balldale 131,123 225,817 Dripstone ...... 381 8,790 Homebuah...... 4,967 934 Corowa 1,225 12,954 Wellington 18,611 42,458 Auburn 375 Hoi brook 9,661 40,916 Mary A7ale 5,275 39,618 Clyde 9,787 3.3CS Gerogery 22,649 18,357 Geurie 14,847 59,306 Bydalmere 312 Table Top 5,177 7,613 W ongarbon 21,094 15,350 Carlingford 275 392 Albury 188 141 Dubbo 11,081 76,780 Granville to Towrang 3,867 2,229 Alexandria , 31,335 68,085 Eumungerie 55,606 81,897 5,314 Goulburn to Cooma 546 2,401 Dulwich Hill 15,745 Gilgandra 42,109 26,565 188 Gunning 1,471 Punchbowl . 191 Cur ban 16,271 28,360 3,184 Yass Town 364 Bankstown 188 Armatree 9,fe82 152 Bowning 619 Rockdale lo Albion Gular , 2,701 54 Bin along 5,362 3,! 57 Park. 8,398 Coonamble 535 036 36,878 Galon g 13,569 40,218 Parramatta 3,238 373 Elong Elong 24,970 23,220 Boorowa 3,050 45,546 Baulkham Hills.. 296 196 Baltimore 8,291 1,765 Cunuingar 22,368 Wentworthville .., 525 722 Mendooran 11,011 137,780 Harden 8,201 13,406 Seven Hills 88 Narromine 19,4C6 122,023 Murrumburrah 150 4,240 Blacktown 190 Wjanga 16,296 10,970 134,296 Nubba ,8227 Riverstone 197 Peak Hill 9,270 44,793 437 11,777 Wallendbeen 20,214 Kurrujong 180 Trangie £03 14,283 119 Cootamundra 3,799 Rooty Hill 522 Nevertire 100 1,799 Coolac 2,003 Mount Druitt... . 592 Girilambone 5,653 196 Gundagai 1,497 St. Marys 298 159 North Strathfield to Mount Horeb Penrith 4,472 50 592 Hornsby 7,173 Gilmore Lithgow 575 210 Pymble to St. Tumut 343 Bowenfels 288 1 70,973 171 Leonards 605 Stoekinbingal 44,584 108,924 Portland 197 Hawkesbury River to 36,944 Milvale 100,697 Kandos 197 Honeysuckle...... 7,525 4,667 Bribbaree : 13,801 77,482 "Ry la tone 106 Newcastle 237 S80 Quandialla 12,161 74,980 Lue 336 Branxton 12 Caragabal 27,738 411,740 Mudgee 6,928 15,045 Whittingham 196 Temora 147,996 312,531 Gulgong ],265 3,259 Singleton 375 Barmedman 78,486 282,805 Craboon 12,392 25,834 Muswellbrook 141 Tallimba 85,517 47,132 Leadville 6,417 16,815 Scone 181 203 Weethalle 33,367 30,S35 Coolah 858 4,145 Parkville 2,858 1,703 13,648 Rankin's Springs 6,886 140,201 Dunedoo 13,733 Willow Tree 11,542 18,854 20,605 Wyalong 273,902 294,588 Merrygoen 16,448 Quirindi 24,168 41,244 57,095 TTngarie 251,490 241,548 Binnaway 44,264 Quipolly 2,990 19,998 Tullibigeal 124,571 90,880 Premer 9,180 1,513 14,514 9,119 20,245 Werris Creek Lake Cargcllico 23,071 194,746 Springridge 5,308 48,067 81,325 10,393 Breeza Ariah Park 122,179 84,205 Coonabarabran ... 11,970 42,872 60,204 9,814 Curlewis Ttlirrooi 42,366 126,101 Baradine ,... 3,997 Gunnedah 52,550 91,963 * 494 82,695 Beckom 77,55° 231,039 Wambool Emerald Hill 68,414 7,835 135,899 Ardlcthan 262,817 190,325 Bre\vongle 5,370 Boggabri 108,561 9,433 48,424 Barellan 124,124 66,009 Raglan , 6,801 Bann Baa 56,703 15,867 13,876 Binya 22,447 32,049 Kelso 3,970 Turrawan 27,007 45,604 3,826 2,199 ' 12,890 4,284 Yenda 19,331 Bathurst , Narrabri West 12,805 1,468 3,147 8,915 14,013 Griffith 60,896 Pertliville Wee Waa 33,168 188 123 Guolgowi 10,354 George's Plains ... Cryon 34,519 3,760 24,477 Merriwagga 20,789 Wimbledon 1,494 Narrabri 50,219 961 17,059 9,903 Ilillston 7,080 Newbridge 11,668 11,741 10,564 Edgeroi 17,049 2,422 Erampton Blayney 8,847 55,156 1,871 Bellata 3,518 4,209 Bethungra 6,881 Carcoar 1,251 58,704 4,507 Moree 21,528 38,559 62,750 7,264 IUabo 1,985 Mandmama 3,064 Ashley 27,478 31,648 6,231 Marinna 144,843 Lyndhuret , 27,705 Garah 121 4,849 57,759 Junee 163,130 Woodstock , 49,180 Bhiiguy 24,878 1,538 115,720 122,022 Old Junee 273,623 Cowra .., 90,076 Gravesend 45,0-il 29,678 129,732 209,640 Marrar 94,692 Canowindra 27.573 Warialda... 45,546 65,627 180,131 110,610 Coolamon 93,695 Eugowra 20,767 Delungra... 111,148 69.S67 71,959 113,272 Ganmain 76,346 Wattamondara .., 14,094 Mount Russell 61,372 35,853 11,151 26,699 Matong 61,806 Koorawatha 51,945 Inverell 40,094 48,741 52,737 105,728 Grong Grong 17,665 Greenetborpe 32,774 Currabubula 19,828 124,738 35.610 216/67 Narrandera 70,394 Grenfell 2,633 Duri 81,1£3 190,901 29,192 25,848 Morundah 130,576 Bendick Murrell 26,725 West Tamworth 68,047 110,509 47,146 34,470 Jerilderie 162,902 Monteagle 25,774 58,962 186.33S 112,361 93,624 Attunga Berrigan 4,179 Young 6,935 81,702 11,384 L 13,70 i 21,701 Manilla Finley 54,810 Kings vale 7,744 15,511 369 18,380 8,079 Barraba * Yanco 4,298 Millthorpe U09 187 66,039 58,713 2,400 Tamworth 1,500 110 32,913 12,024 Leetou 13,675 Spring Hill 2,270 Neiuingha 281 5,941 Whitton 4,263 Orange 2,658 Koofingal 3,909 Wilbriggie 1,710 Borenore 56,604 Danglemah to Glen 7,120 Carrathool 182 Molong 17,742 Iunes. 1,128 1,445 43,601 Hay 31,207 Larras Lee 87,649 Wallangarra 551 16,063 36,8&3 Harefkld 23,471 111,178 Cumnock 91,971 Casino 152 36,007 Bomen 31,892 37,785 Yeoval 57,919 Mullumbimby 57 8,581 Wagga 33,400 41,629 Ai-thurville 31,735 Victoria 137 291 51,110 Ladysmith 3,747 46,665 Toongi 132,512 Canberra 4,219 145,669 Tarcutta 14,679 3,345 Manildra 503,302 59,813 Hnmula 9,090 9,318 Parkes 221,978 Grand Total. 19,498 7,003,011 15,712,772 Tumbarumba 135 907 8,374 Rogan Gate 50,733 5b8 Uranquinty 162,011 213,591 Condobolin 170 The Bock 54,150 295,265 Ivanhoe 49,660 Lockhart 80,786 130,278 Broken 11 ill 3,4S0 Boree Creek 6,129 104,703 Trundle 285,544 406 Yuluma 2o,653 IS, 148 Tullamore 70,754 Tirana 18,530 63,909 Albert 8,445 Oaklands 51,895 103,190 Tottenham 4,951 94,829 Yerong Creek 320,381 Forbes 69,497 271,158 406,990 Henty , 75,941 Wirrinya.... 54,722 59,076 Culcairn Mullion Creek .., '"Si 47

- APPENDIX XVIII. STATEMENT of COAL, COKE, and SHALE forwarded from^ the various Collieries during the year ended 30th June, 1930 and 1929. ._ Decrease. Year ended 30th June. Increase.

Collieries. 1920- 1930. 1929.

Tons. £ Tons. £ Tons. £ NORTHERN. Tons. £ I 565,413 93,159 101,712 35,637 8,553 601,050 292 259 Aberdare 292 259 Aberdare Central... 14,952 14,759 627 15,918 15,386 Aberdare Extended 966 251,536 41,288 4,024 271,287 45,312 Abermain 19,751 5,354 6,383 6,315 . 1,029 41,205 Ashtonfields 47,520 20,059 288 14,855 59,214 14,567 Ayrfield .... 79,273 27,132 4,937 5,415 1,227 478 Awaba 28,359 4,072 1,321 1,321 Bayswater 4,072 83,238 8,672 13,654 34,107 4,982 Belmont 117,345 259,520 47,681 1 3,389 276,242 51,070 Bellbird ... 16,722 20,670 17,845 16,901 9,884 37.571 27,729 ' 79,241 4,797 Black Jack 81,995 5,180 Borehole 2,754. 333 108,934 14,263 1,342 117,822 15,605 Burwood No. 3 8,888 275 127 290 132 15 5 Caledonia 76,905 10,611 11,058 1,454 Cardiff Borehole 87,963 12,065 88 11 328 52 Cambrian 240 41 53,061 9,987 1,016 57,865 11,003 Cessnock...... 4,804 164,557 11,776 22,053 76,564 10,277 Dudley 241,121 2,856 1 3,435 615 17,999 21,434 3,471 291 "*20 East Maitland 291 20 Elrinaton 2,826 482 2,826 482 Greta Borehole 14,136 2,274 16,309 2,665 2,173 391 Greta West 18,652 3,889 ... 18,652 3,889 Greta Central No. 1 631 140 649 142 18 2 Greta Central No, 2 3,778 503 3,778 503 Glebe Hill 1,202 162 1,677 4,391 1,515 Glen Ayr 5,593 1,192 184 4,633 715 Glen Vale (Metford) 5,825 899 25 "'lO 25 10 Greta East 17,323 2,456 1,315 24,777 3,771 Greta Main 7,454 111,822 25,635 7,074 2,890 Greta New 118,896 28,531 32,526 5,528 38,303 6,774 70,829 12,302 Greta Main (Cessnock) now Maitland Main 3,638 485 Happy Valley 3,638 485 168,107 27,999 2,160 177,043 30,159 Hebburn 8,936 1,565 267 89 2,087 356 Hilldale 522 5,157 759 651 9,009 1,410 Hill End 3,852 1,658 3,444 13,027 1,786 13,496 Hillside 26,523 575 575 3,933 Hartley 3,933 1,177 3,104 14,439 1,927 9,843 Jesmond 24,282 37,305 2,780 5,062 575 42,367 3,355 John Darlings 2,725 469 Louth Park .. 2,725 469 7 47 14 15 01 8' ... Lambton 33,895 1,700 70,716 6,154 36,821 4,454 Lambton New .. 1,531 1,280 7,720 41,194 6,440 Lambton Old .. 1 42,725 2,420 350 Linton Borehole 2,420 350 7,655 1,020 35,132 4,342 Mereweather 42,787 5,362 15,278 15,851 3,357 573 83,839 Millfield Greta (South Maitland Line) 87,196 137 264 j 867 127 949 Mountain Borehole 1 186 ... 372 50 55S 49 Murphy's Hill 35,918 68,580 26,579 113,408 62,497 j 44,828 Muswellbrook 2,645 6,092 1,082 Myall 14.430 3,727 8,338 279 279 1,331 Mindaribba 1,331 28,757 7,606 2,881 1,310 31,638 8,876 Neath " 4 5,787 4,170 2.170 9,957 2,166 Newcastle ... 128 3,061 419 3,990 547 929 New Evolein 6,984 944 1,827 180 New Tunnel 8,S11 1,124 37,202 16,424 1,625 43,106 18,049 Northern Extended 5,844 12,283 4,49G 3.244 865 15,527 5,361 Northumberland ... 797 424 797 424 Nundah 4,929 901 19,867 3,162 24,796 4,063 15,081 Ols tan 48,910 15,604 43,967 Pacific 4,943 1,523 1,196 6,535 871 2,437 325 Peattio and Cramp 8,972 212,458 29,'il6 3,675 239,432 32,791 Pelaw Main 26,974 50,270 8,544 6,717 1,147 56,987 9,691 Pelton 8,701 4,881 40,863 27,020 48,564 31,901 "697 Preston (Curiewis) 9,023 1,368 6,310 Purified 2,713 671 8,443 15,907 8,443 Ravens worth 15,967 11 '" 1 11 1 Bedhead 13,78C 2,049 14 13,903 2,063 Rhordda 12^ 86S 145 326 44 1,18E 18$ ... Rathbubra (East Maitland) r 74,691 9,899 11,961 1,008 86,652 ll,50 Richmond Main j 48


Year ended 30th June. 1930. Decrease. Collieries. 1930. 1929. Increase.

NORTHERN—continued. Tons. £ Tons. £ Tons. £ Tons. £ Rosedale 5,303 2,081 62 21 5,241 Rothbury 40,249 8,380 40,249 8',380 2,060 Ralstons 18 3 18 3 Slater's Colly 2,726 574 2,726 Seaham 14,980 1,846 172,850 15,683 157,870 13,837 574 Shortland 1,461 192 18,420 2,494 16,959 2,302 . Singleton Collories 7,026 2,654 7,026 2,654 South Pacific (lato South. Taralba) 50,355 14,281 34,655 13,492 15,700 789 South Maitland 462 74 462 "*74 St. Heliers 92,693 55,340 41,386 20,859 50,307 34,481

Stanford-Merthyr 4,747 1,220 113,102 16,178. 108,355 14,958 Summer Hill 25,087 3,157 19,752 2,589 5,335 568 South Borehole , . 1,802 240 1,802 240 Stanford Greta 1,389 237 1,389 237 Wallsend C 2,781 325 80,040 7,403 77,259 6,078

Wallsend West 326 45 96,682 9,588 96,356 9,643 Wallsend 40,401 5,365 20,576 2,680 19,825 2,685 Waratah 3,982 529 54,308 6,502 50,326 0,973 Whitburn ...... 14,143 2,976 2,248 477 11,895 2,499 Werris Creek 6,046 2,325 6,046 2,325

Wyndham Greta 4,172 878 4,172 878 ... Sundry Consignors foi 1,000 tons each .. 28,339 7,134 28,339 7,134 ...

Totals, North. 1,919,235 450,850 3,597,642 661,809 951,454 210,230 2,629,861 421,189

WESTERN. Bowenfels 35,449 16,704 8,762 5,584 26,687 11,120 Coomba (Charbon) 1,979 2,361 1,979 2,361 Haystack 7,789 4,168 7,789 4,168 Invincible 94,173 58,243 70,538 40,868 23,635 17,375 .... Irondale • 67,886 42,030 45,906 27,700 21,980 14,330

N.S.W.C.L. and C. Co., Kandos 3,940 1,191 10,476 4,352 6,536 3,161 Katoomba 6,479 2,365 1,659 592 4,820 1,773 Lithgow 8,859 4,676 Oakey Park Colliery 97,751 45,689 Vale of Clwydd Colliery 78,606 36,504

Zig Zag Colliery 71,748 36,675 Railway Coal Mine 158,570 71,604 1467,670 242,032 37S.046 181,164 Hoskins Colliery 173,146 94,923 Hoskins Blast Coke Ovens 12,264 6,705 Lithgow Colliery 147,197 77,491

Hermitage Colliery 97,675 48,929 Renown (Cullen Bullen) 24,059 13,651 21,581 12,951 2,478 700 Tyldesley 80,345 44,869 102,942 61,561 22,597 16,692 Wallerawang 240,696 145,302 169,952 98,337 70,744 46,965

Totals, West 1,408,511 754,080 899,486 493,977 538,158 279,956 29,133 19,853

SOUTH AND ILLAWARRA. Berrima Junction 242 76 172 47 70 29 Bellambi 81 877 21,006 77,558 19,004 4,319 2,002 BulU 61,982 16,545 89,947 24,143 27,965 7,598 Coalcliff . 138,112 38,656 102,666 38,512 35,446 144 Corrimal 187 208 35,290 209,566 29,235 6,055 22,358

Kirtons 114 199 28,577 91,207 22,779 22,992 5,798 Metropolitan 174,708 41,325 128,572 31,799 46,136 9,526 Mount Kembla 97,641 1,217 43,796 557 ' 53,845 660 ... Mount Kiera 141,241 28,257 83,811 15,823 57,430 12,434 Mount Pleasant 124,129 17,308 85,117 16,040 39,012 1,268

South Bulli 37 105 3,890 55,276 5,334 18,171 1,444 Scarborough 9 983 9,933 10,153 2,942 6,991 170 Tunnel (Scarborough) 126 018 27,693 132,412 36,573 6,394 8,880 Wongawilli 74 283 3,982 77,720 2,694 1,288 3,437

Totals, South and Illawarra . 1,368,728 273,755 1,187,973 245,482 259,250 46,195 78,495 17,922

1 4,696,474 1,478,685 5,685,101 1,401,268 1,748,862 536,381 2,737,489 458,964 Totals Reconsigned 1 65 159 17,183 116,779 25,513 51,620 8,330

4,761,633 1,495,868 J5,801,880 1,426,781 1,748,862 536,381 2,789,109 467,294 49

APPENDIX XIX. Port of Newcastle. EbtHJRN of the Quantity of Coal Exported from Newcastle to Interstate arid Foreign Potts for tne years ended 30th June, 1930 and 1929.

Tear ended 30th June— Countries; Increase. Decrease. 1930. 1929.

Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. 285,829 931,828 645,999

175*644 593,500 417,856 ,

26,769 49,667 22,8:98

22,246 72,859 60,6i3

Tasmania i •....<: ;.. 43,4id 87*193 43,779

39,807 168,288 128,481

Fiii;:;.: - 1,410 31,502 30,092

905 7,277 6,3l2"

596,029 1,942,119 l;346t(Wb


1,574 8,664 7,090

17,304 17,304

17,970 17,970

26,352 29,678 3,326

801 1,448 647

32,167 32,167

Chili :

22 22

1,708 12*366 10,658

2,603 8,438 5,835

12,198 12,198

49,855 206",836 156,981

Total Foreign 82,893 347,091 264,198

Grand Total (Interstate and Foreign) 678,922 2,289,210 1,610,288

NUMBER of Tons and Value of Coal Exported to Interstate and Foreign Ports.

Year ended 30th June— Decrease, 1930. 1929.

Tons. Valiie. Tons. Value. Tons. Value. 678,922 £663,165 2,289,210 £2,686,343 1,610,288 £2,023,175

INTERSTATE and Foreign Shipping out of Newcastle.

Year ended 30th June— Decrease. 19S0. 1929.

Number of Vessels. Tonnage. Number of Vessels. Tonnajre. Number of Vessels. Tonnage.

813 1,937,242 1,294 2,784,346 381 847,104

46420—D AFPENDIX XX. RETURN of EARNINGS and EXPENDITURE at each Station for the year ended 30th June, 1930.

HAY,STRAW, Earnings Earn In ? s GOODS. COAL. Other Minerals. rt'OOL. AND CHAFF. from Total Earnings. from Tickets Goods and and Coach- I Live Stock Increase. Stations. in^ Tratiic. Traffic. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. 1930. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. ,Tons. Tons. Bales. Bales- Trucks. Trucks. 1930. 1929. 1930.

£ £ £ City 26 828,167 955,530 127,413 City. St, James 35 42,434 43,S77 1,443 St. James. Museum 36 20,023 21,523 1,500 MuBeum. Central 1,214 1,680,742 1 866,574 185,S32 Central. 700 43,749 253,131 2,146,079 2,146,679 2,599,933 453.259 Darling Harbour. Darling Harbour 1,9-26 l,139,90ii 6,157 ( 980,956 72 502 Redfern 31 322 654 133 1,584 30,641 30,230 405 Red fern. Macdoiialdtowit 2.390 2,036 360 Macdonaldtown. Newtown ... 4,761 1,050,749 19,2*5 0,050 4 I 44 62,7yi 71,«t5 Newtown. Sta'nmore ... 2.79(5 1,290,W44 20,350 19.910 440 S lan in ore. Petersham 5.665 1,869,830 ' 9,547 2l', 748 9 ! "l50 42,923 43,762 Petersham. Lewisham ... 3,122 1,197,532 19,553 Lewisham. Summer Hill. 3,281 2,148,707 32,728 33,593 870 Summer Hill. Ashfield 7.71S 3,064.251 4.051 33,163 63 8^.500 99.746 13,136 Ashfield. Croydon 4,710 2,327,621 39,847 39, al7~ 4U.U23 1,070 Croydon. 97,201 Bur wood 6,702 4,202,919 83,lf»L 12,530 18,341 6,014 6,313 227 103 14,110 100,380 3,119 Bur wood. Strathfield . 10,107 3,334,843 , t) 14 a 3,607 12 25,»0.'f 17,901 4 152,269 102,091 15U.105 11,936 Clyde. Camellia 1,105 100,215 2,769 13,430 17.198 163 14,570 I 17,26S 15 27,454 30,223 36,151 5,928 Camellia. Rydalmerts . 256 73,157 1,342 393' 1,915 722 2,794 18 1,963 3,S05 1,007 ' 2'. 798 Rydal mere. C'lrlingford . 79 L 88,-289 2,149 109 6,035 224 ' 638 56 1,999 4.14S 4,413 265 Carlingford Granville 7,08L 1,910,446 46,158 2,118 14,753 1,203 582 12,565 207 5,577 51,735 56,010 4,875 Granville. Merrjlands... 2,082 990,75>8 23,249 2.804 9.959 7,171 ! 487 5,594 32 0,861 33,110 34.S73 1,763 Merry lands. Guildford .. 2,024 915,638 22,047 ' 97 1.651 840 32 4,029 19 S53 23,500 24,350 850 Guildford. Yennora 408 100,251 2,412 2,412 2,383 Yennora. Fairfield ... 2,487 791,002 21,477 6,230 2,214 50,003 3,699 2,270 10,134 I 31,611 35,427 3,816 Fairfield. Canley Vale 1,072 285,872 7,423 128 3,041 303 2,942 6,388 20 1,150 I 8,573 9,185 612 Canley Vale. Cabramatta 2,141 511,327 13,904 270 3,548 270 34 2,022 60 1,659 j 15,503 15,951 Cabramatta. Liverpool . 6,181 528,426 20,560 ,853 13,005 3,597 37,346 6,080 ,329 148 13,803 j 34,369 39,040 4,671 Liverpool. Olenfield... 886 03,648 2.02S 2,028 2,097 Glenfleld. Ingleburn . 1,577 113.176 3,516 ,102 43 is 414 ' 1.188 I 4,704 4.62S Ingleburn. Mi 11 to 1,059 49,029 1,651 83 845 515 311 1.962 2,257 Minto. Campbelltown 4,353 172,780 9,415 5,785 4,725 16S 2,322 5,209 14,624 13,824 800 Campbelltown Narellan 558 14,613 752 5,719 4,529 56 32 14,163 4,134 4,8S6 2,963 1,923 Narellan. Camden 1,328 30,581 2,657 14,103 8,141 931 649 5,696 9,028 11,685 14,154 2,469 Camden. Menangle .... 1,226 12,611 1.284 3,979 2,244 1,079 7,775 528 4,598 5,382 6,299 417 Menangle. Douglas Park 1,192 5.897 894 1,585 545 78 30 380 1,274 1,631 357 Douglas Park Maldon 103 816 167 107 148 Maldon. Pictou 4,012 20,448 2,994 3,375 2,659 1,415 2,730 5,724 5,765 Picton. Thirlmere 483 8,919 8S9 7,597 2,187 7 2,028 2,917 2,916 Thirlmere, Colo Vale .... 151 609 63 63 53 Colo Vale. Braemar 96 534 37 37 35 Braemar. Tahmoor 297 473 2,957 171 776 904 128 Tahmoor. Bargo 1,310 13,533 ,246 1,872 12,882 19 4,631 5,767 1,136 Bargo. Yerrinbool 672 2,034 177 122 186 4 386 423 37 Yerrinbool. Aylmcrton 211 2,802 176 210 162 4 110 286 315 29 Aylmerton. Mittagong-. 2,539 44,311 ,653 7,049 9,390 961 233 1,847 267 40 9,889 14,542 15,745 1,203 Mittagong. Bowral ... 3,165 40,732 ,937 13,595 9,991 4,013 ,047 201 217 104 15,391 25,328 32,554 7,226 Bowral. Burradoo . 455 4,300 491 479 Burradoo.

NOTK.—The tonnage of bales of wool and trucks of hay, straw, and chaff is included in the Goods Tonnage. APPENDIX XX—continued.

Total No. of HAY" STRAW, Earnings Earnings GOODS. COAL. Other Minerals. WOOL. AND CBAFF. Total Earnings. Salaries and Passen­ from Tickets from Stations, Wages Ex­ Goods and gers' and Coach­ Increase. Decrease. Stations. penditure. journeye. ing Traffic. Live Stock Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Traffic. 1930. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tona. Tons. Bales. Bales. Trucks. Trucks. 1930. 1930. 1929. 1333. .1930.

£ Berrima Junction & £ £ £ 773 56,457 2,144 242 27,142 150,674 82,156 122,080 122,080 57,760 Berrima Jnnction. Moss Vale 6,159 59,295 12,165 0,130 8,852 64,320 Exeter 45 1,060 90 3,934 469 10,704 22,869 29,845 6,976 Moss Vale. 1,153 9,823 1,097 SSI 924 181 Bundanoon 24 1,130 2,227 •2,24-3 10 Exeter. 1.177 14,986 2,652 548 1,854 128 80 Penrose 2,09S 4,750 5,037 337 Bundanoon. 977 6,189 820 1,620 1,713 15 Wingello 1,699 2,519 2.436 Penrose. 1,137 6.631 659 2.S16 317 46 £33 79 368 1,027 1,033 Wingello. Tallong 1,029 4,715 580 1,038 376 Marulan 12 457 1,037 1,217 180 Tallong. 1,280 7,109 1,103 2,026 485 16,086 "172 1,894 2,834 3,997 9,541 5,544 Marulan. Med way 285 137 806 Towrang 97,428 2,084 I 2,084 Med way. 1,031 4,273 311 294 03 52 North Goulburn 241 112 ! 423 537 114 Tow rang. 969 2,531 522 160 2,191 876 4,583 1.343 I 1,865 17,840 15,975 North Goulburn.— Goulburn 25,880 82,360 42.704 17,791 30,486 11,606 1,535 ftoslyn V, 584 302 07,550 110,254 122,638 12,384 Goulburn. 654 1.S4S 235 1,358 379 72 1,041 3 501 736 669 Roslyn. Taralga 351 1,521 570 1,953 2,035 Crookwell 3,849- 5,109 5,679 3,849 Tarnlga. 1.563 9,032 I 3,921 7.555 6,095 13,699 9,634 13,555 15,562 Crookwell Tarago 2,007 1,433 2,638 1,498 2,905 2,269 Bungendore .... 4,278 5 3 5,144 6,642 7,2% 658 Tarago. 1,433 5,336 2,813 1,273 2,579 Queanbeyan 10 5,160 5 43 4,684 7,497 11,086 3,589 Bungendore, 3,962 13,574 10,573 3,186 11,809 Miehelago 346 28 3,415 4,892 2 120 17,080 27,653 30,856 3,203 Queanbeyan. 1,509 817 833 2,136 957 Cooma 351 3,471 18S 13 1,376 2,214 3,702 1,488 Miehelago. 2,577 12,478 15,488 5,123 10,768 311 339 19,663 5 101 20,907 36,395 41,050 4,661 Cooma. Nimmitabel 495 1,901 1,30» 2,39a Bombala ... 1,572 6,779 3,488 4,797 3,90* Nimmitabel. 1,108 3,505 5,406 3,656 4,829 9,081 10,350 15,756 17,607 1,851 Bombala. Yarra 875 952 113 81 133 310 119 232 246 14 Yarra. Breadalbane 1,318 2,317 578 1,093 1,351 7,379 910 2,421 3,669 4,247 3,483 761 Breadalbane. Fish River .. 980 1,835 178 2 Gunning .. 28 13 191 199 Fish River. 1,404 8,578 2,510 1,713 3,112 31 4.390 6,960 6,594 9,104 8,555 Gunning. Oolong "549 156 375 73 73 •75 2 Oolong. Jerrawa 651 1,130 275 OX Coolalie 312 171 446 523 77 Jerrawa. 108 1,447 109 158 Yass Junction 2,165 109 49 Coolalie. 8,535 4,974 "252 1,276 7,305 541 Yass Town 1.673 20,537 821 5,795 8,166 2,371 Yass Junction. 4,995 2,346 8,771 6,329 8,138 Bowning 1.435 5,468 1,622 12,940 17,935 19,064 1,129 Yas^ Town. J^575_ 2,062 4,684 4,401 4,931 4,659 Bowning. Goondah 160 1,289 223 413 31 Binalong 100 333 2,402 2,019 Goondah. 1,328 5,639 1,934 1.330 1,637 Galong .L341 3,212 3,243 5,177 5,897 720 Binalong. 1,480 6,199 1,459 2,953 1.561 Boorowa 2,405 2,101 3,560 4,185 625 Galong. 876 3,517 3,662 2,730 5,259 "l47 227 10,732 16,178 Cunningar .. 10,500 14,162 2,016 Boorowa 1,056 1,428 245 933 381 533 32U 574 941 367 Cunningar. Harden 12,373 17,097 9,080 2,129 3,399 5,400 7,507 17,187 19,5? 9 Harden. Mnrrumhnrrah 1,057 5,025 2,372 1,116 7,120 8,438 135 11,815 12,931 11,530 Murrumburrah. Demondrille Jet. 1,728 4,460 • 73 1 123 20 93 182 ""so Demondrille Jet Nubba 805 2,144 155 S26 113 "565 102 257 538 231 Nubba. Wallendbeen 1,207 2,951 927 2,291 1,453 Cootamundra .. 2,877 12 3,161 4,083 8,328 4,240 Wallendbeen. 13,939 28,899 18,128 20,319 28,406 3,845 189 44.702 62.830 68,1SS 5,358 Cootamundra. Cootamundra West 1,159 4,496 2,267 2,267 2,849 582 Oo ota m u n d ra West. Brawlin 135 143 33 33 52 '9 Brawlin. Muttama 114 475 178 178 190 12 Muttama. Coolac 500 1,603 1,087 1,503 3.671 106 6,n7S 3.204 4,291 5,136 815 Coolac. Gundagai 1,026 12,026 5,087 2,344 0,580 14 6,043 8,578 13,665 18,133 4,463 Gundagai. Tumblong 174 573 315 18 21 117 17 332 360 28 Tuinblong. ML Horeb 482 1,420 1.361 315 1,405 2,810 3,445 5,306 5,861 555 Mt. Horeb. Gilmore 164 84 276 50 46 130 615 485 Gilmore. Batlow 1,060 1,745 4,710 2,509 63 230 243 6 6,849 S,594 9,320 726 Batlow. Tumut 5,265 5,609 3,230 5,532 233 34 2,464 33 15,090 20,699 21,722 1,023 Tumut. Stockinbingal 2,786 1,403 5,310 2,789 357 3,311 30 2,757 4,160 4,454 294 Stockinbingal. Milvale 1,999 365 336 3,753 2,939 2,955 156 2,971 3,307 1,923 Milvale. Bribbaree 521 1,384 359 384 1,720 1,986 1,468 104 3,071 3.455 2,597 Bribbaree. Qnandialla 665 858 571 1,946 3,303 2,436 135 2,473 3,044 3,608 564 Quandialla. Caragabal 344 357 313 2,751 2,387 2,103 82 1,669 1,982 3,593 1,616 Caragabal.

NOTE.—The tonnage of bales of wool, and trucks of hay, straw, and chaff is included in the Goods Tonnage APPENDIX XX—continued.

HAT.-STRAW Earnings •a o> COAL. Other MirjemJa. Totiil Earnings. Total No., of Earnings GOODS. WOOL. ANWCHAFP from J.2 S Salaries and Passen­ from Tiakets Goods-and Stations. Wages Ex­ gers' and Coach­ Livestock Decrease. Stations. penditure. JoutnejB. ing Traffic. Out. •-In. Out. ;in. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Traffic. * 43 1930. Tons. Twos. TOTS. Tons. Tons. Tons. Bales. Trucks. Trasfas. 1930, 1930. 1929. 1930.

M £ TVirrmya... 363 108 673 .'515 1,246 1,354 961 393 Wirrinya. tfpringdale .737 £84 331 .131 .171 40 Springdale. femora 123^430 12,418 '25/151 !17J822 976 ,4,050 150 304 23^53 .36^71 41,826 5,955 Temora. Ariah Park. 3,444 1,550 11 ,'716 ?,909 ,1,265 20 1 3,959 5,539 8,766 3,227 Ariah Park Mirrool ... >.46B 3,727 1,595 "38 .556 23 1,231 1,968 737 Mirrool. Beckom 323 545 .1,767 .4,474 422 2,392 2,937 4,072 1,135 Beckom. -6,127 264 1,815 5,709 7.9S2 10;754 -Ardletnan .. *S57 -2r485 .2,273 2,772 Ardlethan. Barellan ;8J3 •1347 2,029 1L.Q90 .6,962 JA2 1,143 5,266 7,295 8,859 1,564 Barellan. Binya 273 '362 280 2,160 1,500 442 ,981 1,261 2,300 1,039 Binya. Yenda 773 3,032 2,949 10,322 4,466 1,281 389 7 6,387 9,336 13,323 3,987 Yenda. Griffith .... 2,916 11,761 11,709 28,051 20,492 4,64? 1,885 62 .28,517 40,226 46,424 6,198 Griffith. Ooolgowi .. 318 363 ,2,376 2,948 1,018 100 2,405 2,899 3,102 203 Goolgowi. •Memwstgga 2B3 '790 2,467 .3,632 1,520 23 117 2,641 3,307 4,740 1,433 Herriwagga. Hillston , S47 2,270 3,206 2;373 11,339 1,349 5,348 159 13,127 16,333 17,306 973 .Hillaton. Barmedman 957 3,S21 2,277 7,937 51713 3,003 60 4,698 6,975 9,130 2,155 Barmedman. Tallimba 654 518 7,835 13 1,073 1,577 12 2.184 2;702 3,936 1,234 Tallimba. Weethalle 306 553 3,152 499 2,434 2,987 1,520 1,467 Weethalle. Erigolift 32 72 72 Erigolia. Rankin's Springs 212 372 1^70 "905 34 2,218 2,538 786 1,758 Rankin's Springs. 6,073 217 6,103 38,685 Wyalong 2t460 7,198 7,926 31,076 16,781 '10' "" "OTS 187 30,759 4i;046 2,861 Wyalong. Unirarie ,1,089 1,747 li869 22,277 3,-468 21 157 3; 140 61 6,535 8,401 10,930 2,576 Ungarie. Tullibigeal 386 j636 ,584 11,100 4,966 998 55 2,977 3,561 5,032 1,471 Tullibigeal. Lake Cargelligo . 818 2,956 2,862 4,155 6,102 10 2,969 107 .11,507 14,369 18,625 4,256 Lake Cargelligo. Frampton 941 1,935 205 125 140 734 106 311 337 26 Frampton. .1,347 •4,729 1,182 ,1,585 1,-639 ,2,467 2.155 3.337 -3;233 Bethungra. Bethungra 1.535 lllabo 1,317 ,6,003 524 '5,856 782 -22 1,990 1.5U 2,065 | 2,526 461 lllabo. ' Mariana .. • 995 1;763 ,3;42X ..'518 102 200 296 710 414 Marinna, Junee 18,713 11,669 14,788 4,810 9,626 171 2,033 3,151 125 16;095 30,683 37,676 6,693 Junee. Old Junee ;673 .2,134 269 12,541 .1*867 714 309 l-,086 1,355 2,168 813 Old Junee. Marrar .746 3,247 • 726 37,649 :2,6Q9 " lb •831 ,850 :3,732 4,-453 4,952 494 Matrar. Coolamon 2,149 6,580 .3,106 S0.071 5,689 1,345 1,542 :il,657 14;763 •18,977 4,214 Coolamon. Ganmain . 1,466 3,725 2,020 38,325 4,329 1,049 1,418 ;6,729 8,749 13,756 5,007 Ganmain.

Matong .1,963 .644 5,534 ltS40 793 604 28 2,051 2,695 4,392 1,697 Matong. Grong Grong. 611 3,051 685 5,058 2„073 .1,334 •3 .28 1,633 2,318 4,072 11754 Grong .Grong. "Narrandera . ,966 39.379 13,204 18,087 ,21;9ff0 4;904 M 262 34\Q03 47,207 52,626 5,419 Narrandera. •Morundah ,.. 578 :992 .'550 3;443 . .2,023 4,673 ,4 ,98 2.756 3,306 4,014 708 Morundah. Widgiewa 267 •423 .587 3,467 2,787 7 87 1'.910 : 2,333 3,857 1,524 Widgiewa. 'Bundnre ... ,325 .626 ,976 1,412 -4,694 • 11 119 '915 U324 1,646 322 Bundure. Jerilderie ... 864 .3.E 5;646 .7.784 )110 7,177 7 .338 70513 10^821 | ;14,509 3;6BB Jerilderie. Berrigan . •'2,385 1,203 10,239 4,467 1,732 3 1,751 2,954 '6,184 3*230 Berrigan. Finley ',822 .2;564 1,448 ld;252 4,317 i;799 1 1,964 3,412 5,586 2,174 Finley. Tocumwal .502 4,608 1,764 4,272 .9.069 28 17,S28 .19,390 .22,902 3,312 Tocumwal. Yanco 3;014 2,331 4,734 2.118 "648 24 •8,742 11,073 9.991 Yanco. Leeton 2,185 10,399 9,427 33,374 20,573 676 957 163 26,647 36,074 39,894 3,8?0 Leeton. Whitton .. .985 819 5,443 2.263 3,973 47 4,561 6.3S0 6,287 907 Whitton. Wilbriggie *8 *683 ,li560 1,5£8 ;i,-862 •4;436. 7,969 6 186 6I7S7 8;-:t46 2,663 Wilbriggie. ' Carrathool i579 ; 3)629 . 3.585 1,750 ,2,351, :201 4601 7,880 5 5;105 6,428 262 Carrathool. Hay ,1;342 /4;320 • 7*430 .2,727 1352 546] 7,904 11 158 35,629 ,28;259 5,200 Hay. Harefield li3B3 ;2,418 :266 .5,066 ;i,207 12 159I 735 2S2 1 • 985 1,251 1,541 •290 Harefield. Bomen 1,031 •4,397 173 .4,337 .20 749 254 3 1,492 1,665 2;245 5S0 Bomen. Wagga Wagga ;9,013 64,802 40,760 33,254 ,501 *,316 *704' 4,224 613 116 81,573 122,331 143,440 21,109 Wagga Wagga. Ladysmith ... 268 .353 ,160 5,759 1,749 74 2,204 305 1.205 1,365 2,108 743 Ladysmith. Tarcutta ,273 J;338 - 480 ,2,376 ,1,343 1,506 90 1,693 2,173 2,473 305 Tarcutta. Humula 404 751 350 4,346 .1,147 2,062 252 2,148 2,498 2,948 450 Humula. Tumbarumba 690 .2.649 1,697 .2,521 2,182 652 34 ;8,713 10,410 8,745 1,665 Tumbarumba. Uranquinty . V493 --5i533 .592 21.380 4,145 60 2,564 1,121 4J559 5J51 4,077 1,074 Uranquinty. The Rock ... .3,087, 3?,878 30,732 6,531 »;358 4,152 1,488 4,835 7,227 10,010 2,783 The Rock. Milbrulong... •366. :524 .155 155 212 57 Milbrulong

"NOTE,—Thehmna^'dfbale9fdt^o6l;antI^trucks of hay, straw and chaff is included in fthe'CoodsTonnage. APPENDIX XX—continued.

HAV, STRAW, No. of •COAL. : Earnings Total lEarnings. •3*1 Total Earnings 'GOODS. Other. Minerals. WOOL, from Passen- from Tickets AND CHAFF. Salaries and gera' Goods and Increase. Decrease. Stations. Wages Ex-; and Coach­ Live Stock "If Journeys. ing Traffic. penditure. ( Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Traffic 0.S3 » a 1930. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Bales. Bales. Trucks. Trucks. 1930- 1929. 1930.

£ £ £ £ £ Lockhart ,1,106 6,637 2,496 7,917 6,798 53 5,043 3,008 104 12,149 14;723 2,574 Lockhart. Boree Creek .. 605 936 513 6,121 2,623 43 1,879 3 2,568 3,081 4,149 1,068 Boree Creek, Yuluma .. 236 113 48 2,629 1,002 " "2 411 459 573 114 Yuluma. Urana 457 1,623 980 2,421 2,488 133 "614 2,649 3,629 4,380 751 Urana. Oaklands 488 672 558 1,860 1,602 '658 15 652 1,793 2,351 3,637 1,2S6 Oaklands. Yerong Creek 1,322 7,858 836 8,297 2,015 1,286 411 1,665 2,501 3,189 688 Yerong Creek. Henty 2,612 14,589 4,307 47,025 9.913 70 146 4,553 1,961 8,306 12,613 14,147 1,534 Henty. Culcairn 3,515 11,469 3,922 18,943 4,695 5,548 237 3,160 1,200 4,361 8,283 11,643 3,360 Culcairn. Holbrook .... 672 2,056 1.062 3.005 3.Z39 91 4,047 5,058 6,120 6,965 845 Holbrook. Walla Walla ... 565 1,211 j626 1«,060 2,455 149 193 320 1,688 3,771 4,397 4,618 221 Walla Walla. Bummi buttock 403 278 .206 9,437 i;si8 265 122 448 1,193 1,399 1,443 •44 Burrumbuttock. Broeklesby 596 1,557 .528 10,96.4 1,539 220 168 474 1,716 2,244 2,398 154 Brocklesby, Balldale ,388 .1,175 .605 11,496 1,45,0 474 469 36 1,133 1,738 2,235 497 Balldale. Corowa • . 813 .5,195 2,438 12.197 14,'O06 521 127 190 9,956 12,394 9,025 3,369 Corowa. Gerogery. !925 2,101 ;330 5,156 ,790 12 "406 374 496 826 1,209 333 Gerogerv. Table Top ,555 • 834 189 1,253 . 353 42 134 70 763 .952 1,660 708 Table Top, Albury 23,061 56.233 84,058 35,593 5,991 257 2,176 34,265 1,311 53,717 83.570 81.276 2,294 Albury. Alexandria.. . 20,883 61,923 217,402 47.4 53,571 151,884 33 39 2,131 ,331 224,Oi7 224,027 269,892 45,865 .Alexandria. Erskineville . 3,884 655.634 12,240 12,240 12,805 565 [Erskineville, St. Peters .. 2,745 1,116,367 22,196 22,196 23,804 1,608 St. Peters. Sydenham ... 7,508 1,927,828 34,074 12,875 '231 4 L754 27,209 29,094 63,168 77,305 14,137 .Sydenham. Marrtckville . 2,385 1,799.500 31,815 68 12 123 31,938 33(611 1,673 Marrickville. Botany 575 2,464 22,580 299,336 20,199 33,633 100,510 100,510 40,977 59,533 • Botany, Dulwich Hill 4,638 1,148,870 21,396 52,844 72,126 27 915 .16 392 70,083 91,479 89,926 1,553 Xulwich.HIU. Rozelle . 2,165 Rozelle.

Hurlstone'Park 2,363 1,460,504 27t099 1 7 27,106 27^652 546 Hurlstone Park. Canterbury ... 4,911 2,157,841 41,911 252 .4,998 1,884 22,559 59 8,588 50,499 50,397 Canterbury. Campsie 3,229 3,632,484 68,975 3,353 1,765 13,329 67 1,168 70,143 73,185 3,042 Campsie. Enfield 58,880 ,983 12,256 5,781 8,365 2,809 41,871 201 7,386 7;386 8,739 1,353 Enfield. Belmore 2,890 2,761.141 55,675 309 13,146 15 4.952 97 37,229 182 6,310 61,985 4,816 Belmore. Lakemba 2,401 2,830,899 61,367 160 48 9 1 61,368 62,362 994 Lakemba. Punchbowl 3,478 2,500(573 53,607 266 7,640 4,938 13,793 116 4,317 57,924 59,219 1,294 Punchbowl. Bankstown 2,877 2,500,556 64,755 4C3 13,459 3,859 20,155 190 5,424 70,179 74,700 4,521 Bankstown. Yagoona... 518 169,211 3,057 3,057 2,717 340 Yagoona. Birrong .... 301 20,283 387 387 .348 39 Birrong. Tempe 1,929 731,371 11,990 5,218 S,901 7,492 73,125 7,307 19,297 20,136 Tempe. Arncliffe... 3,278 2,985,051 53,709 118 4,325 1,041 3,267 1,186 54,895 57,813 2,918 Arncliffe. Bankaia ... 1,936 1.420,100 26.985 26,985 27,152 167 Banksia. Rockdale 6,824 5,718,249 109,877 11,139 1,386 143 25,558 4,802 114,679 120,194 5,515 Rockdale. Koerarah 4,698 4; 350,647 90,802 1,028 10,980 96,978 Carlton ... 12,994 5,090 181 275 6,176 101,486 4,508 Kogarah, 2,738 2,280,578 47,014 47,014 49,485 2,471 Carlton. Allawah ... 1,944 1,191,055 24,619 24,619 Hurstville . 24,508 Allawah. 6,262 4,312,470 101,542 7,320 29,999 216 9,035 110,577 116,491 5,914 Hurstville. Fenshurst - 1,607 1,349,164 29,066 Mortdale 29,066 29,308 242 Penshurst. 3,570 1,224,681 25,784 256 1,223 2,928 '2,082 'ii 1,714 27,498 29,293 1,795 Mortdale. Oatley 1,682 815,891 17,453 3 485 159 382 1 224 17,677 18,286 Oatley. Como 1,516 193,381 4,834 74 2,550 122 16 31 71 4,905 4,936 31 Como. Sutherland 4,106 804;iS3 27,206 1,789 9,115 ,307 4,983 5,736 123 6,595 33,801 36,380 2,579 Sutherland. Heathcote .. 1,061 19,923 663 146 246. 76 1,196 4,394 1,124 1,787 1,919 132 Heathcote. Waterfall .. 4,936 51,144 2,837 180 7,318 20 15,435 .1,073 3,910 2,957 953 Waterfall. Helensbuigh 1,359 95,221 4,123 651 6,914 174,708 10,712 14,835 13,048 1,787 Helensburgh. Otford 1,181 15,473 597 334 73 15 67 664 611 53 Otford. Stanwell Park 347 12.656 631 20 44 12 19 650 660 10 Stanwell Park. Coalclift 1,447 300 4,590 138,112 20,701 419 13,287 11,287 10,877 410 Coalcliff, Scarborough .. 3,205 1,258 226 4,020 136.011 15 27,527 28,785 30,131 1,346 Scarborough. Worn bar ra -538 61,423 1,139 1,139 1,270 131 Wotubfttra. Coledale 1,117 115,722 2,421 342 746 " "395 2,816 2,974 158 Coledale. Auslinmer 792 87,635 2,961 1 656 307 2,955 3,359 3,762 403 Austinruer. Thirroul 179,466 ;5,8Q5 9,743 9,472 4,188 116,545 652 1,048 36,783 .28,873 7,910 Thirroul.

NOTE.—The tonnage of bales of wool and trucks of hay, straw and chaff is included.in the Goods Toon ago. APPENDIX XX—continued.

H A. Y, STRAW, Earnings Total Earnings. Other Minerals. Total No. of Earnings GOODS. COAL. ANB CHAFF. from • Passen­ from Tickets Salaries and Goods and Decrease. Stations. .c-g g Wages Ex­ gers' and Coach- , Live Stock penditure . journ«ys. ing Traffic. Traffic Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Trucks 1930. 1930. 1929. 1930. 1930. 1930. 1930. 1930. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Bales. Bales. iTrucks.

£ £ £ £ £ Bulli. 5.643 364 94 20,346 25,989 33,167 7,178 Bulli .... 2,447 153,050 Woonona. 1,709 1,709 1,935 226 Woonona 649 64.874 Bellambi. 2,339 26,662 9,319 118,982 18,712 3,219 467 28,404 30,743 30,034 Bellambi.. 1,617 Corrimal. 4,270 492 7,321 187,208 272 144 214 12,633 16,953 19,653 2,700 Corrimal.. 1,719 134,675 6,024 8,027 7,991 Balgownie. Balgownie 884 81.035 2,003 361 7,430 149.340 94 59 152 2.452 1 2,519 67 N. Wollongong. 264 86,599 2,452 North Wollongong 14,037 41,193 42,690 1,497 Wollongong. 7,708 544,677 27,156 3,180 20,590 118,131 27,846 1,102 37S Wollongong 64,135 05,588 44,494 Port Kembla. 1,511 35,876 1,453 54,447 20,017 219 5S5,777 26,006 8,082 26 21,094 Port Kembla 100,556 101,034 89,638 Unanderra. 2,S76 11,851 1,128 93,251 •11,424 104,72S 122,333 4,709 48,470 12,046 Uaanderra 342 477 Kembla Grange. 222 3,862 342 135 Kembla Grange .. 2,800 4,631 5,078 Dapto. Dapto 1,294 20,283 1,831 ' 2,093 44 184 447 138 162 24 Yallah. 91 1,267 138 Yallah 4,945 6,150 1,205 Albion Park. 1,058 17,802 1,775 6,467 4.0P6 218 702 26 1,954 3,170 Albion Park . 80,395 86,024 Shellharbour. 1,693 15,946 1,606 2,427 1,956 26 3,255 279,899 15 84.789 Shellharbour. 48,914 90,412 41,498 Bombo. 1,351 5,958 427 205 507 631 179,761 43,487 Bombo 16 '04 21,481 5,377 Kiama. Kiama 1,613 36,330 4,620 6.S02 4,407 I 2,535 37,570 11.484 1,082 2,797 Gerringong. Gerringong 650 14,484 1,186 3,407 846 607 47 2,752 5,346 6,176 830 Berry. 1,071 23,342 2,594 7,952 2,082 553 1,963 Berry 21,969 21,897 Nowra. 1,878 24,743 11,737 32,352 6,513 2,748 3,880 10,232 Nowra 18,335 18.5S0 Harris Park. 1,377 735,422 18,335 Harris Park 85,297 91,266 Parramatta. . Parramatta 8,101 1,900,086 61,645 13,608 31,149 11,065 :3,652 7,125 7,248 123 Westmead. 1,153 346,146 7,125 Westmead 3,483. 5,133 7,908 2,775 Baulkham Hills. 728 108,039 1,650 1,600 7,830 1,544 5,432 Baulkham Hills 3,510 16.979 17,902 923 Wentworthville. 1,335 586,810 13,469 788 4,685 2,849 3,084 Wentworthville 6,364 6,175 189 Pendle Hill. 408 281,029 6,364 PendleHill .... 5,S52 6,237 385 Toongabbie. 569 254,039 5,852 Toongabbie 13,425 15.858 17,019 1,161 Seven Hills. Seven Hills 1,841 99,636 2,433 4,307 2,392 3,563 Blacktown. 353,912 10,403 2,390 3,4-W 13,902 15,194 1,292 Blacktown ., 3,078 1,424 1,683 259 Quaker's Hill. 48,667 1,424 Quaker's Hill 209 1,389 1,514 125 S=hoSelds. Schofields ... 189 39,675 1,389 48 55,118 60,128 45,846 14.2S2 Riverstone. Riverstone 1,718 131,052 5,010 33,006 6,206 11,469 7S 151 7 327 1,090 1,615 Mulgrave. Mulgr&ve ... 682 15,506 763 2,831 635 90 113 123 4,354 9.597 10,969 Windsor. Windsor 1,641 114,510 5,243 14,694 8,684 " 1,062 105 27 488 548 Clarendon. 169 11,238 488 Clarendon ... 74,194 62,246 Richmond. 2,593 102,386 6,474 9,024 6,250 5,057 280,142 21 67,720 Richmond ... 2,271 2,747 476 Kurrajong. 18,351 1,432 3,210 1,594 16 109 Kurrajong... 547 689 753 64 Doonside. Doonside ... 370 27,166 689 2,170 6,286 6,664 378 Rooty Hill. Rooty Hill .. 1,917 123,136 4,116 1,529 4,058 270 191 1,096 1,90S 4,084 4,065 Mount Druitt. Mount Druitt 638 67,766 2,476 735 3,368 158 24 2,601 6,675 6,850 St. Mary's. St. Mary's.... 2,049 117,536 4,074 5,285 2,283 326 1,617 107 1,623 2,821 3,172 Kingswood. 1,439 26,731 1,198 9,904 555 1,145 3,990 Kings wood ,.. 5,454 20,495 20,029 Penrith. 13,735 279,564 15,041 8,214 8,987 1,397 5,297 4,441 466 Penrith 17,126 18,487 29,325 10,838 Emu Plains. 1,515 27,617 1,361 494 793 826 89,656 1,469 Emu Plains ... 447 3,375 3,662 287 Glenbrook. 1,171 45,561 2,928 214 1,349 18 120 7,710 Glenbrook .... 180 762 718 Valley Heights. 2,430 17,784 582 3 279 305 4,784 ' 44 Valley Heights 32 426 1.232 6,218 6,711 493 Springwood. Spring-wood ... 1,506 | 69,049 4,986 455 1,772 123 L, 20 160 245 85 Linden. 1,138 3,096 140 52 117 nden 143 1,233 1,526 293 Woodford. 1,073 17,727 1,090 13 176 361 Woodford 352 1,859 2,142 283 Hazelbrook. 601 27,615 1,507 487 72 237 azelbrook 645 2,819 3,504 685 Laws«n. 1,640 26,390 2,174 702 206 188 Lawson 951 4,495 5.371 876 Wentworth Falls. Wentworth Falls 1,624 42,406 3,544 1,158 317 2,179 7,368 8,445 1,077 Leura. 2,050 56,564 5,189 152 3,282 600 1,758 41 Leura 11,420 29,095 33,864 4,769 Katoomba. 6,059 89,265 17,675 1,138 11,643 6,479 ,965 2,509 159 Katoomba 426 1.459 J,607 148 Medlow Bath. 843 10,132 1,033 46 938 31 92 10 116 Medlow Bath ... 82 2,615 7,662 8,503 941 Blackheath. 2,365 41,583 4,947 271 3,101 891 136 565 Blackheath. 1,228 4,346 4,641 295 Mount Victoria. 3,990 19,895 3,118 937 1,075 258 197 Mount Victoria . 258 607 580 Bell. 960 1,782 349 580 192 10 Bell 26 248 236 Newnes Junction. 1,073 4,740 222 109 209 706 Newnea Junction 267,166 287,757 270,809 Lithgow. Lithgow 26,931 61,422 20,591 50,770 61,064 845,716 228 ,006 13,860

NOTE.—The tonnage of bales of wool and trucks of hay, straw, and chaff, ia included in the Goods Tonnage. .APPENDIX XX—continued.

Total HAY, STRAW, Earnings No. of Earnings GOODS. COAL. Other Minerals. WOOL. Total Earnings. Salaries and Passen­ 1 loin Tickets AK1> CHAFF. from Goods and Stations. hands , Wages Ex­ gers' and Coach­ Increase. Decrease. Stations. penditure. journeys. ing Traffic. Live Stock o f Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. includin g In. Out. In. Traffic.

No . 1930. 1930. 1930. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Bales. Bales. Trucks. Trucks. Station-masters . 1930. 1930. 1929. 1930. 1930.

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ 6 1,210 3.25G 491 923 6,975 35,471 262 563 3,856 23 307 34 5,081 5,572 6,095 Bowenfels. Wallerawang 33 9,422 111.544 4,043 811 3,270 240,658 2 523 " 37 465 235 138 23 39,876 43,919 47,012 Wallerawang. 963 263 180 236 67,886 3,093 785 172 8 26,232 26,495 16,403 10,092 Pipers Flat. S 1,984 11,048 3,276 118,522 5,382 29,554 2,229 221 5.564 18 56 115,226 118,502 153,014 34,512 Portland. Cullen Butlen 4 1,231 4,407 986 191 1,124 174,582 25 16 125 21 39,509 40,495 50,317 9,822 Cullen Bullen. ' 4 1.088 6.40:! 1,219 2,822 805 292 6,759 57 631 "l 6 1,922 3,141 3,747 606 Capertee. 7 1,305 3,305 500 77,964 2,529 9,768 105 3,762 590 7 94,166 94,666 93,460 1,206 (Jlandulia. Kandos 8 1,940 12,26') 100,121 4,056 5,044 3,952 60S 924 4,109 44 70 -108,374 112,450 163,463 51,038 Kandos. Rylstone 8 • 1,240 5,944 2,071 1,135 1,789 50 1,338 3,732 29 4,062 6,733 7,465 Lue 3 669 732 Rylstone. 1,319 392 7,276 855 15 5,392 15,851 10 1,359 96 2 6S9 1,081 1,512 431 Lue, 21 5,044 22,618 13,609 11,839 11,415 1,181 1,704 10,872 205 "*3l 733 96 20,057 33,666 43,141 9,475 Mudgee. 5 1,356 8.090 3,179 10,458 13,006 292 283 6,963 18,227 42 12 76 21,406 23,299 1,893 Gulgong. 1 333 705 1,109 304 369 1,024 1,789 2,339 550 Craboon. 1 271 637 288 1,033 846 1,996 ""is 1,254 1,542 1,611 Leadville. 2 598 1,74* 1,431 1,334 2,232 16 5,654 69 10 41 5,008 0,439 9,583 3,144 Coolah. 3 758 1,772 1,546 2,194 2,575 24 2,692 29 4,015 5,561 7,194 Dunedoo. 3 882 1,633 973 922 2,089 1,339 2,638 24 2 288 3 106 2,362 1,366 Me rry goe n. 2,708 •-i.OOL 6,335 3,092 1,385 5,489 1 22 7.361 8.192 831 251 5.300 Binnaway. i 213 171 2,012 1,246 8,946 39 1,358 2,201 1 254 1,187 843 Spring Ridge. 4!>0 452 2,520 661 1,037 5 1,4£6 397 " " i',089 1 184 496 352 1,034 Premer 2* 352 423 71 Ulamambri. 3 708 2,534 3,095 4,074 5,786 1,032 71 5,543 2 1 '"31 11,715 14,810 16,123 1,313 Coonabarabran. 622 1.078 1,000 9,589 1,764 2,132 1 36 12,904 13,904 19,434 5,530 Baradine. 2 466 427 527 8,320 1,069 1 2,003 19 7,323 7,850 13,975 6,125 Gwabegar. Rydal 6 1,249 1,583 457 1,130 390 85 32 30 183 562 1,019 1,262 243 Rydal. 2 634 4,265 295 ' 15^041 91 Tarana 437 121! 6,041 6,336 13,749 7,413 Sod walls. 5 1,529 15,627 1,494 1,292 502 4,197 7!2 i "ii ""5 2,040 3,634 3,775 241 Tarana. 3 877 2,646 1,0S2 3,190 1,900 56 10 15 Locksley ...... 2,801 76 3,383 4,465 4,853 388 Oberon. 4 1,045 3,769 261 270 62 12 10,862 97 3 1,352 1,013 2,147 534 Lockslej-. Wambool 3 773 1,720 225 276 302 28 30 263 12 567 792 903 111 Wambool. 4 1,242 773 148 1,374 210 38 28 419 108 779 927 1 075 3 966 2,038 153 Brewongle. 699 497 12 12 195 55 15 124 277 '288 148 0 1,509 1,058 552 3,679 Kaglan. 1,132 150 3,181 79 3,254 151 1 6,481 7,033 7,082 49 53 17,188 Kelso. 15,313 48,887 23,942 27,998 12 11,642 1,321 2,887 1,517 "247 40 74 43,000 66,942 77,163 10,221 Pertbviile 7 3,92* Bathurst, 1,093 5,341 535 684 15 44 7.S06 3,771 154 1,187 1,722 2,048 926 George's Plains 6 1,023 Perthville. 1,539 5,101 353 171 3,482 290 108 330 683 741 58 Wimbledon 1,031 1 274 191 George's Plains. 772 152 258 218 409 719 Wimbledon. 3 '963 l|l23 25 47 I 310 19 14 14 6 2 27 34 Gresham. 5 1,493 3,485 906 7 4,813 822 601 15 2,661 2,013 2,919 3,017 Newbridge.. Blavney 36 8,391 21,593 6,264 "308 1 93 12,205 5,lfil 1,343 15 237 2,027 "121 731 6 11,679 17,943 5 1,338 3,665 1,199 1 18,673 730 Blayney. 1,162 711 2,290 01 2 1,660 2,859 3,311 Mandurama 3 626 5,201 939 452 Carcoar. ~ 1,782 703 12 2,530 107 1,156 2,095 2,552 457 Mand urama. 5 1,252 8,145 682 3,826 852 162 1,741 463 1 1,259 5 1,410 - 9,200 2,897 1,941 2,190 249 Lynd hurst. 3,631 5,953 621 612 3,895 17 79 6,048 8,945 Cowra 30 7,251 30,285 16,225 6,832 2,113 Woodstock. 12,291 16,063 68 4,615 6,654 3 353 210 30,995 47,220 5 1,34S 6,098 2,931 16 183 50,153 2,933 Cowra. 22,283 9,327 69 264 0,684 3 932 90 15,248 18,179 602 4,352 879 16 24,682 6,503 Canowindra. 9, 3,559 2,670 3,678 11 33 3,986 4,865 6,317 1,452 635 4,163 407 2,123 1,165 5 1,831 Eugowra. 5 8 25 1,299 1,706 1,521 185 Koorawatha 6 1,391 6.024 992 1,763 1,046 14 924 Wattamondara. 28 16 2,349 3,341 3,455 114 K 00 ra wath a 2 589 3,664 553 5,275 2,183 —T 8 1,837 48 43 1,289 1,842 2,862 Grenfell :. 6 1,047 8,635 2,409 7,338 10,045 8 1,020 Greenethorpe. 432 140 8,265 1 3 201 15,791 3 447 1,122 405 776 799 18,200 21,894 3,694 Grenfell. 1,509 10 27 842 Monteagle 4 482 1,340 225 2,630 1,247 1,843 596 Bendick Murrell. •596 1,189 5 13 435 Maimuru 166 160 660 809 149 Monteagle,. 160 232 72 15 2,997 24,161 13,101 18,451 22,448 Maimuru. 403 81 110 6,750 22 21 171 38,835 51,936 66,192 3 689 5,879 404 1,097 517 4,256 Young. 345 7 2 844 1,248 1,492 8 2,004 14,076 2,170 6,124 244 Kingsvale. 21,781 560 181 770 1,903 9 9,759 11,929 15,363 11 2,002 10,440 690 3,478 3,434 .Millthorpe. 9 283 1,078 37 2,316 291 29 2,191 Orange 64 15,748 83,929 37,330 25*196 34,676 59 12,250 1,052 2,881 2,936 55 SprinybiP. 2,827 6,619 2,195 '"so 524 345 79,580 116,910 148,459 31,549 Orange. NOTH.—The tonnage of bales of wool and trucks of hay, straw, and chaff is included in the Goods Tonnaee. APPENDIX XX—continued.

- E GOODS. COAL. Other Minerals. WOOL. Earnings' Total No. of Earnings from Total.Earnings. Salaries and Pas­ from Tickets sengers' Goods-and Decrease. Stations. Stations. Wages Ex­ and Coach­ Live Stock Increase. penditure. Journeys. ing Traffic. Out. In. Out; In. Out. In.. Out Out. In. Traffic.. 1930. 1930. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Dales: Trucks. Trucks1. 1930. 1930: 1930.

£ £ £ £ £ £ Borenore . 1,399 3,446 391 2,622 32 1,478 179 1,621 2,012 2,130 118 Borenore. Molong ... 3,106 7,142 4.279 3,768 5,024 493 419 2,656 30 7,880 12,159 15,330 3,171 Molong. Larras Lee . 321 327 102 877 525 1,347 3 576 678 927 249 Larras Lee, Cumnock . 680 1,404 1,043 4,313 2,085 3,505 2,310. 3,353 4,537 1,184 Cumnock. Yeoval 1,427 2,164 1,013 3,809 2,214 "iL 3,809. 2,686 3,699 4,641 942 Yeoval.. Arthurville. 447 301 229 3,160 405 722 347 576 1,116 540 Arthurville. Toongi 287 750 212 1,195 643 2,180 373: 585 374 Toongi. Manildra 1,106 4,143 1,351 7,477- 2,808 5,327* ,750 5,101 5,885 784 Manildra: Cookamidgera .. 266 2,310 128' 128 191. 63 Cookamidgera. Parkes 9,250 26,783 17,507 26,168 3,616 249 6,779 31,912 49,419' 58,725 9,306 Parkes. Bogan Gate 907 1,620 1,110 4,791 11 49 4,028 2,532 3,642 5,569 1,927 Bogan Gate. Condobolin 2,026 6,466 8,626 7,597 13,202 63 "is 595 363 21,923 30,549 34,524 3,975 ' Condobolin. Euabalong West 292 452 763 763 728 40 Euabalong West. Ivanhoe 1,053 1,047 1,533 11,740 ,148 6,993 "88 4,567 6.100 5.955 145 Ivanhoe. Menindee . 1,289 1,245 1,364 3,834 2,817 16 4,783 157 3,822 5,067 4,639 428 Menindee. Broken Hill 2,823 15,622 19,863 2,709 16,409 4,761 19,383 35 4,717 181 76,419 96,287 68,237 3,050 Broken Hill. Trundle ... 611 1,260 1,490 5,161 5,852 216 3,407' 119 5,763" 7,253 10,073 2,820 Trundle. Tullamore 614 697 772 2,056 3,937 4,069 4,283 183 3,199 3,971 5,717 1,746 Tullamore Albert 261' 998 245 1,786 1,957 30 2,363' 138 3,580' 3,825 3,313 Albert. Tottenham 671 1,23ft 1,184 5,792 3,055 48. 6,196 67 5,238 6,422 6.994 572 Tottenham. Forbes 3,076 15,718 11,295 17.178 19.683 2,243 15,857 314 34,171 45,466 45,661 195 Forbes. Mit] lion Creek 355 2,355 231 518 454 1,638 210 441 641 200 Mu] lion Creek. Kerr's Creek ., 53 Kerr's Creek. Crr Euchareena .. 529 4,857 038 ,619 536 "14. 2,218 828' 1,510 1,745 229 Euchareena. O Stuart Town .. 744 5,103 1,038 317 600 870 1,908 2,710 802 Stuart Town. Mumbil ... 789 2,275 666 623 452 1,753 1,010. 1,675 2,027 Mumbil. Dripstone . 307 709 128 220 1,207 483 300: 434 459- Dripstone. Wellington. 3,770 30.201 13,129 12,344 17,278 5,237 171 28,717 41,816 48,334 6,488 Wellington. Maryvale..., 607 2,3:8 255 634 500 542; 16 675 930 736 Maryvale. Geurie 793 10,6:t5' 1,401 2,030 1,151* 1,481' 20 2,067* 3,471. 4,464 Geurie.. Wongarbon 683 10,030 022- 2.737- 576 560 10 407. 1,029 1,717 Wongarbo . Eulomogo .. 45 Eulomogo: Dubbo 16,216 49,343 29,227 15,876' 25,846 1,901 2,011 4,237' 729 220 46,996^ 76,223-, 87,850 11,627. Dubbo. Bum lingerie 4,363 432 6,116 1,652 15 2,192 27; 1,5m 1,965 2,009 44 Eumungerie. Balladoran.. 521 67 67 251. 184. Balladoran. Gilgandra .. 1,244 7,012 4,733 6,617 " "l 121 $042'. 162 13,510 1S;243, 22,022 3,779, Gilgandra. Curban 566 270 1,870 1,800. 1.197 2,248! 77- l;571' 11841' 11471 Curban. Armatrte .. 273 614 1,139 1,026 1,354- 65 1,578.. 2,170 3,566 1,394' Armatree. Gular 687 2,930 2,385 2,627' 7,645 79 6,531' 8,966 12,705 3,739, Gular. Coonamble.. ,168 6,333 8,431. 3,794 10,468 16,253! 205' 25,996 34,427 38,278'' 3,851! Coonamble. Baltimore .. 147 123 74 1,603 334'. 240? 314. 358; 44 Baltimore.. Elong Elong 349 210 105 2,041 1,793' ' "21. l*,l6Sf! )',25S 228 Elong. Elong. Mendooran . 264 462 411 2,834 1.515 2,442; 20* 3,46r 3,872 i;*se 1.137 Mendooran. 5.009 Mioore .., 208 231 54 54* 65i 11 Minaret Narr online 2,675 13,111 6,861' 7,264 9,052- 4,924' 308. 16,896: 22,767. 23;371 614 Narromirre; Wyanga .,. 276 361 181 2,864 2,51'5i 4,575 119. liOOl 1,182, 1,297. 115 Wvanga. Peak Hill .. 780 2,613. 1,777' 2,251' 5,988. "137. 3,563 21i: 7,928; 9,705: 10,402. Peak Hill. Trangie ... 1,228 5,235^ 4,076 2,078 5,940 5,686- 8,471 216 13,961 18,037* 17,969 Trangie. Nevertire . 769 3,871 1,455 1,491 2,290 101" 1,744 5,544 5,205 6,660 5,684 976 Nevertire. Warren .. 912 5,634 4,646 2.6S8 12.988 29 2,403 11,483 21.243 25.889 24,142 1.747 Warren. Mullengudgery.. 216 330 290 290 354 64 Mullengudgery. Nyngan 8,414 9,269 7,581 3,021 9,377 3,816 1,564 8,672 263 15,065 22,646 28,479 5,833 Nyngan. Hermidale 291 570 669 877 1,056 81 4,478 20 3,567 3,171 Hermidale.. Boppy Mountain 352 354 397 472 611 1,671 2,471 10. 6 '990: L.3ST 1,599 209 Boppy Mountain. Oobar 64S 1,647 2,917 1,743 3,487 46 8,438 91 7",QS1! 9,998 10,916 918 Cobar. Girilarabone 377 455 452 692 1,183 2,862 18 2,032. 2,484 3,272 788 Girilambona. Ooolabah 280 403 446 457 1,313 2,292 19 1:233" 1,679 2,212 533 Coolabah.

NOTE.—The tonnage of bales of wool and trucks of hay, straw, and chaff is included in the Goods Tonnage. APPENDIX XX—continued.

RAY, BTKAW, Earnings Total No. of Earnings GOODS. COAL. Other Minerals. WOOL. Total Earnings. Salaries and Passen­ from Tickets AND CLIAYF, from Stations. •*=•§ 2 Wages Ex­ gers' and Coach Goods an d Increase. Live Stock 0-3 a penditure. Journeys. ing Traffic. 0^ —a. 23 Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Traffic. 1330. 1930. 1920. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Bales. Bales. Trucks. Trucks. 1930- 1930. 1930. 1930.

£ £ £ £ £ Byrock 768 669 830 1,317 1,038 25 59 1,030 1,926 2,303 Byrock. Brewarrina 783 1,507 3,768 2,422 9,697 12 421 14,827 18,595 19,250 655 Brewarrina. Bourke 1,385 4,028 6.798 3,756 8,559 16 24 229 17,372 24,170 30,649 6,479 Bourke. North Strathfield.. 1,701 852,067 16,492 14,332 33,055 .169 ,543 33 4S,05C> 65,148 04,878 270 North Strathfield. Concord West .... 2,15 4 753,043 10,345 3,838 9,50S S3 48 22 6,932 23,277 28.280 5,003 Concord West. Rhodes 2,0510 275,882 6,503 56,288 65,547 5,709 1,516 07,997 74,500 86,730 12,230 Rhodes. Meadow Bank 1,128 652,015 14,290 168 54 112 48 261 14,551 16.S75 2,324 Meadow Bank. Ryde 3,920 1,279,414 30,796 11,211 20,018 35,315 4 4,153 149 62,066 92,862 J 16,104 23,242 Ryde. Eastwood 1,987 1,615,711 40,323 117 9,316 2,813 4,854 65 4,080 44,403 45,322 919 Eastwood. Epping 3,542 1,284,003 35,556 145 7,991 230 3,781 67 3,121 38,977 39,172 195 Epping. Cheltenham 545 233,680 5,663 6,191 528 Cheltenham. Beecroft 1,150 450,586 12,662 17 1,254 24 1,473 248 12,910 12,«42 32 Ueecroft. Pennant Hills 1,267 373,700 11,209 307 4,901 217 274 6,413 1,464 12,673 12,339 334 Pennant Hills. Thorn leigh 1,250 304,691 7,978 1,355 2,759 2,849 317 3,666 11,644 13,041 1,397 Thorn leigh. Normanliurst 433 201,798 4,764 4,764 4,006 153 Norman hurst. Hornsby 10,990 947,701 33.377 2,669 i' 140 13,419 42,117 40,957 1,160 Hornsby. Waitara 724 411,609 9,192 9,193 11,707 2,514 Waitara, Wahroonga 1,385 597,412 15,337 3,455 324 16,131 16,246 115 Wahroonga, Warrawee 808 334,904 8,312 7 4 8,316 8,000 284 Warrawee. Turramurra 1,352 805,908 19,520 65 4,177 330 65 2,347 64 1,588 21,103 21,298 190 Turramurra. Pymble 1,345 632,332 15,057 18,_794_ 114 9,732 1,539 549 34,690 100 5,315 _201372_ 1,678 Pymble. Gordon 2,339 869,778 19,326 211 j 6,875 15 44 j 11,110 13 749 m,075 "21,022 947 Gordon, 16,029 Killara 1,343 771,509 16,016 3 13 16,459 430 Killara. 28,773 Lind field 3,073 1,380,808 27,646 "53 3.474 126 !!! j ""482 "75 1,127 29,537 764 Lindfield. 31,144 Roseville 1,822 1,622.487 31,128 16 32,137 993 Roseville, 61-.522 Chatswood 4,594 2,500,941 48,404 L475 "lb! 731 101 I "45,45s '338 13,118 67,141 5,619 Chatswood. Artarmon 1,845 1,620,211 24,781 59 5 LL 24,792 25,259 467 Artarmon. St. Leonards 2,533 '880,832 15,894 3,015 31,189 237 32,501 19,333 "32 42,877 16,607 36,995 4,494 St. Leonards. Wollstonecraft ... 1,220 451,093 5,985 5,985 6,152 167 Wollstonecraft. Waver ton 1,088 507,050 5,749 I 5,756 6,392 636 Waverton. Milson's Point 10,957 1,076,241 33,991 159 0.940 61,379 32 19,959 28,894 62,885 39,329 23,556 Milson's Point. Syd n ey Ferries 685,901 20,338 20,338 20,783 445 Sydney Ferries. Kuring-gai 982 20,336 479 5,190 447 1,485 1,964 1,081 883 Kuring-gai. Berowra 414 45,555 1,923 144 16 1,939 1,715 224 Berowra. Cowan 1,157 8,918 414 5,922 "55 17,104 2,854 3.263 982 2,2S6 Cowan. Hawkesbury River 2,456 44,834 5,425 2,015 1,734 ,926 32S 4,858 10,283 11,193 910 Hawkesbury River. Woy Woy 2,056 84,912 9,484 3,786 179 162 1S8 1,847 11,331 12,632 1,351 Woy Woy. Point Clare 291 11,404 531 53 L 642 111 Point Clare. Gosford 4,648 82,532 16,608 12,438 13,640 1,315 1,704 5,739 151 8,75)7 25,405 28,577 Gosford. Narara 1,145 9,590 417 1,119 886 11 85 11 456 873 1,019 Narara. Lisarow 1,037 7,887 802 1,681 1,303 168 19 6-JO 1,402 1,701 Lisa row. Ourimbah 1,554 16,767 1,339 4,693 2,463 464 37 1,531 2,970 4,417 Ourimbah. Tuggerah 7,477 837 1,522 1,673 693 9 1.094 1,931 1,706 Tuggerah. Wyong • 48,523 8,753 5,986 6,633 284 3,141 55 15,620 17,749 Wyong. Warnervale 309 229 265 67 279 503 522 Warnerrale, Wyee 1,117 10,011 951 1,677 1,212 75 691 9,227 3,428 4,379 1,433 Wyee. Morisset 1,519 26,257 2,711 2,543 1,398 430 535 1,385 4,096 4,643 547 Morisset. DoraCrsek 1,522 30,747 2,640 3,516 3,253 14 437 6,172 8,812 10,188 1,376 Dora Creek Awaba 1,062 12,501 983 2,654 288 12,253 102 352 544 1,527 2,460 933 Awaba. Fassifern 1,805 108,391 3,549 323 186 42,724 15 ,424 24 2,046 5,595 4,475 1,120 Fassifern. Toronto 1,317 201,447 7,250 159 E6 745 7,995 9,237 1,242 Toronto, Teralba 2,482 120,326 3,550 225 6,650 44,862 13,612 17,162 20,608 3,446 Teralba. Cockle Creek 4,063 242,743 7,438 82,226 8,908 15,699 16,369 15,362 100, 91,117 98,555 104,125 5,570 Cockle Creek. Cardiff 1,706 308,695 7,019 105 705 11,057 87 3,499 10,518 10,368 150 Cardiff. Adamstown 3,744 310,744 4,260 257 4,274 300,202 1,864 2,231 767 5,027 6,857 1,830 Adamstown. Kahibah 38,679 432 432 48 L 49 Kahibah. 45,113 528 Whitebridge 528 852 324 Whitebridge., 4,358 63 Jewells 63 49 Jewells, 28,761 475 Redhead 102 2,638 637 533 768 Redhead.

Nora.—The tonnage of bales of wool and trucks of hay, straw, and chaff is included in the Goods Tonnatre. APPENDIX XX—continued.

01 OO

XOTK.—The tonnage of hales of wool and trucks of hay, straw, and chaff is included in the Goods Tonnage. APPENDIX XX—continued.

„- t Earnings Total No. of HAY. STRAW Earnings GOODS. COAL. Other Minerals. WOOL AND CHAFK. from Tota Earnings. Salaries and Pas­ from Tickets Goods and uc l Stations. -11 1 Wages Ex­ sengers' and Coach­ Live Stock Increase. Decrease. penditure. Journeys. ing Traffic. Traffic. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In Out. In. Tons. r/3 1930. 1930. 1930. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Bales. Bales. Trucks. Trucks. 1930. 1930. 1929. 1930- 1930.

£ £ £ £ £ £ Bangalow 1,180 33,483 3,129 2,676 3.306 10 175 1,891 5,020 5,304 284 Bangalow. Byron Bay 2,390 33,661 4,537 .10,356 19.270 475 10,338 192 11,970 16,557 14,566 1,991 Byron Bay. Mullumbimby 1,11-1 26,245 3,345 7,575 3,612 164 1,703 5,043 5,044 Mullumbimby. Billinudgel 270 6,384 478 100 384 173 051 091 Billinudyel. Burringbar .. 376 8,626 513 765 434 183 696 733 Burrinirbar. Stoker'3 Siding. 45 835 I 72 235 Stoker's Sidinif. Murwillumbah . 2,736 39,287 18,044 3,939 15,070 2,004 18 11,615 29,059 1 29,024 Murwillumbah. Farley , 1,463 5,264 377 171 98 6.191 2L,4:74 21,351 24,111 2,3fi0 Farley. Lochinvar ...., 1,026 3,519 ! 374 00 317 " "72 2,904 93 467 , G02 135 Lochinvar. Allandale ... , 352 395 5,549 ! 378 1,385 7.445 760 _ 1>10'2 i 477 Allandale, Greta 1,130 50.367 i 1,986 187 1.757 21,957 H5 2,99S 1 5,314 330 Greta. Branxton 4,931 I 1,612 38,640 3,739 ,389 3,773 509 0,449 10,188 9,153 1,035 Branxton. Belford 292 2,208 212 202 10 Belford. Minimbah 1,053 612 | 53 1 55 1 Minimbah. Whittingham . 1,074 1,944 I 421 135 302 2 SO 693 1,114 S90 224 Whittingham. Singleton 9,637 46,732 ; 14,324 11,753 13,218 12,320 1,312 22,795 37,119 37,803 684 Singleton. Padulla 746 Padulla. Nundah 1,006 "' '487 "797 100 Nundah. Glennie's Creek 163 480 • 67 83 16 I Glennie's Creek. Ravens worth 1,151 2,577 452 41H 16,711 1,252 7H4 1,246 1,333 117 Ravensworth, Antienne ... 1,022 239 S3 090 101 26 114 137 23 Antienne. Muswellbrook 7,623 30,735 13,473 3,840 13,516 111.003 1,837 57,245 70,718 50,S07 13.911 Muswellbrook. Denman .... 662 3,421 1.097 2.1S4 2,890 Dennian. Sandy Hollow 214 597 3,539 4,636 5,798 1,162 152 809 271 60S 454 3 12 337 608 1,330 722 Sandv Hollow. Merriwa .., 3 779 2,378 j 2,205 2,612 4,495 186 11,900 I 7,873 10,078 11,651 1,573 Merriwa. Aberdeen . 12 2,609 14,563 4,998 1 11,664 3,536 82 0,199 1.781 220 28,801 33,799 24,191 9,603 Aberdeen •Scone 14 3,105 17,935 10,097 ' 4,426 8,903 444 12,015 124 17,593 27,690 31,380 3,690 Scone. iParkville... 7 1,325 3,564 213 ; 457 103 367 430 643 1,321 678 Parkville. 1 11 Wingen ... 7 1,106 2,449 432 | 176 263 154 12 662 6 470 902 1,214 312 Wingen. Blandford . 5 1,077 2,619 | 454 652 546 3,320 1 1,414 1,868 2,971 1,103 Blandford. ;Murrnrnndi 19 4.214 7.670 1 4,064 I 945 2.569 98 406 3,870 7,940 8,921 MSI Murrurundi. .Ardglen 1,352 2,21)0 US 42 242 18 136 158 Ardglen. Willow-tree . 1,863 3,475 1,230 2,276 1,723 7,293 2,654 3,884 5,011 1,127 Willow-tree. Braefield ... 1,094 207 45 o 29 12 0 51 55 4 Braefield. .Quirindi 3,621 20,734 12,120 5,228 8,903 413 193 0,889 15,159 27,309 32,193 4,S34 Quirindi. tjuipolly 836 122 266 86 1,298 118 547 669 219 Quipolly. Wen-is Creek. 20,762 10,167 2,718 P23 0,787 6,046 55 GJ9 1,251 10.899 21,OHO 21,194 123 Werris Creek Breeza 2,709 659 4.735 464 3.468 832 1.491 2.3P0 869 Breeza. -Curlewis 1,339 8,705 1,M53 4,416 1,74b 12,189 5.S78 7,631 8,lz7 Curlewis. •Gunnedah ... 3,768 19,914 u,a5* 4»t> 12,52S 24,2:45 17,747 35.212 2,444 11,123 42,716 55,244 56,613 Gunnedah. Emerald Hill. 1,078 930 413 5,903 1,170 2,359 1,063 1,476 1,588 1,369 Emerald Hill Boggabri 1.603 1,838 7,351 4,340 11,277 3,015 277 6.483 9,212 13,552 14,609 112 Boggabri. Baan Baa S04 2,242 959 5.795 828 1,784 2,202 3,161 3,027 134 1,057 Baan Baa. Turrawan ... 500 577 249 2,618 177 58* 750 999 657 342 Turrawan. Narrabri West ., 4,981 2,567 1,245 4,258 5ju 2,850 4,095 4,377 2a 2 Narrabri West. Wee Waa 718 3,425 3,032 4,131 2,144 6,860 8,960 11,992 13,432 1,440 Wee Waa. Merah North ,. 301 2,671 553 749 333 .4,579 6 1,162 1,715 2,580 865 Merah North. Burren Junction 900 1,923 2,261 1,126 1,665 4,452 27 4,854 7,115 6,404 711 Burren Junction. •Cryon - 354 320 306 391 510 2,346 14 988 1,294 1,394 100 Crvon. Waleretfc 1.120 2.715 5.494 2.690 7.863 13.908 280 20,053 25,547 2fi,035 2,512 Walgett. •Rowena 36/ o91 1,1 «5> 662 7,33s 1,787 2,5S4 3,440 846 Rowena. Pokataroo ... . 630 1,533 3,135 1,776 2,077 9,548 8 6,188 9,323 13,336 4,013 Pokataroo. Narrabri 2,749 IT),019 12,465 10,631 7,878 29 5,456 311 22,456 34,921 32,828 2,093 Narrabri. Edgeroi 295 419 244 2,292 446 2,194 - 1,015 1,259 899 360 Edgeroi. Bcllata 5S5 1,993 1,450 1,905 733 ' 16 5,115 3,361 4,811 4,929 lis Bellata. Gurley 410 1,647 S74 1,105 425 0,742 2,048 2 92'"' 1,654 1,268 Gurley. Ttfnree 5,010 2 !,041 26,079 9,546 30,699 2,170 244 31,127 38,444 64)523 62,694 1,829 Moree. AshUy 20 60 26 26 156 130 Ashley. Garah 711 1,244 1,361 ,152 "i',303 12,16-2 4,038 5,459 7,*93 1,9'U Garah.

Nois.—The tonnage of bale3 of wool and trucks of hay, straw, &ud chaff is included in the Goods Tonnage. APPENDIX XX—continued.

DAY, STRAW, Earnings Total No. of Earnings GOODS. COAL. Other Minerals. WOOL. AND CHAPT. from Total Earnings. eS." « Salaries and Passen­ from Tickets Goods and Stations. Wages Ex­ gers' and Coach­ Live Stock Increase. Decrease. Stations. pend! tore. journeys. ing Traffic.. Traffic. Oo C Out. In. Out. In. Out. In Out. In. Out. In. • c .2 1930. 1930. 1930. Tons. Tons. TonB. Tons. Tons. Tons. Bales. Bales. Trucks. Trucks. 1930. 3. 193C 1923. 1930.

£ £ £ £ Weemelah 412 1,035 1,011 1,696 977 10,105 2,780 3,791 4,851 1,060 Weemelah. Mungindi 630 2,245 3,774 1,131 2,696 139 5,198 6,331 10,105 12,298 2,193 Mungindi. Biniguy.. 390 927 4S1 2,523 688 2,603 1,467 1,898 2,139 241 Biniguy. G ravcsend 517 1,177 1,102 5,005 2,077 2,840 5,407 6,509 5,032 1,477 Gravesend. Warialda 1,233 3,926 | 2,704 7,779 5,705_ 18,319 14,625 18,329 21,615 Warialda. Delungra ... 587 1,491 1,141 11,405 " 1,609 5,234 3,882 5,023 5,132 Delungra. Mount Russell 302 318 364 5,704 525 553 1,138 1,502 1,280 Mount Russell. i nverell 2.126 5,269 5,642 15,888 13,451 ,005 17,339 42,717 48,359 51,536 3,177 Inverell. Currabubula .. 1,191 6,294 799 2,510 709 16 1,303 1,163 1,962 2,876 914 Currabubula. Duri 947 2,929 572 7,424 649 3,760 1,041 1,613 1^919 306 Duri. 31,702 West Tamworth 4,036 6,411 2,686 20,467 11,957 16 2,454 163 22,898 25,584 6,118 West Tamworth. 1,050 Attunga 703 2,997 373 8,093 797 71,676 2,231 81 1,037 1,410 240 Attunga. 17,793 Manilla 1,111 2,414 2,724 9,923 5,397 9,355 4 11,438 17,162 631 Manilla. 16,491 Barraba 924 3,721 4,459 4,806 5,150 12 I 19,223 3 11,695 16,154 337 Barraba. S4,554 Tamworth 5,910 56,358 34,598 6,536 24,116 9,419 111 1,640 67 42,364 76,762 7,792 Tamworth, 1,726 Nemingha 498 262 146 10,713 433 24 4,493 903 1,445 1,591 135 Nemingha. 3,220 Kootingal 1,360 1,928 771 3,301 912 3,765 229 1,750 2,521 699 Kootingal. 159 Danglemah 1,019 282 101 51 73 220 67 16S Danglemah. Woolbrook 1,540 643 910 827 2,016 1,430 2.U73 2,044 29 Wootbrook. Walcha Road.... 1,579 4,219 5,025 2,550 5,101 2S 13,906 11,463 16,488 20,321 3,833 Walcha Road a* Wollun 155 505 152 152 183 31 Wollun. © Kentucky South 73 241 629 1,424 239 151 780 67 '713 Kentucky South. Kentucky 1,038 1.321 746 770 367 12 1,390 2 403 1,149 1,623 474 Kentucky. Uralla 2,249 5,902 5,261 4,428 4,152 22 1,453 15,935 30 9,293 14,559 18,060 3,501 Uralla. Armidale 6,968 25,362 25,075 7,401 16,178 1,744 79 1,300 11,238 199 35,672 60,747 67,966 7,219 Armidale. Dumaresq 752 524 217 351 72 1,S21 125 342 672 330 Dumaresq. Black Mountain 761 1,190 278 489 105 829 149 427 724 297 Black Mountain. Guyra 1,601 8,685 5,950 5,579 3,855 39 8,323 11,669 17,619 17,208 411 Guyra. Llangothlin 433 1,235 1,223 1,435 243 246 301 1,529 1,460 69 Llangothlin. Ben Lomond.... 746 3,869 1,580 1,064 424 1,966 887 2,467 2,307 100 Ben Lomond. Gleneoc 856 1,322 391 705 209 1.045 782 1,173 1,710 537 Glencoe. Ston ehenge 271 775 138 2,922 573 996 243 336 474 269 Ston ehenge. Glen Innes . 3,939 21,315 23,368 10,185 11, 867 15 10,312 460 27,640 51,008 55,914 4,906 Glen Innes Dundee 33 519 103 I0S IS! 73 Dundee. Deepwater .. 1,320 3,667 2,665 V,S85 2,559 355 4,353 5,323 7,988 11,133 3,145 Deepwater. Bolivia 546 985 340 385 224 149 576 198 53S 642 104 Bolivia. Tenterfield 3,465 13,164 10,181 3,060 7,955 22 3,880 54 19,498 29,679 27,373 Tenterfield. Wallangarra 701 5,180 5,882 68,084 42,779 7 148 386 72 1,610 47,918 53,800 07,361 __13,561_ Wallangarra. Tarrawingce Line 9,622 165 1,210 1,216 4,58 < 4,583 1,373 1,373 10 1,812 1,977 4,427 2,450 Tarrawlngee Line. Victoria 152,492 242,413 72,064 51,501 207 392 17 10 30,045 505 107,712 350,125 463,324 113,199 Victoria. Queensland 55,924 132,926 38,658 5,666 11,910 144,836 174,115 29,279 Queensland. South Australia . 9,709 21,098 591 194 1,205 22,303 27,223 4,920 South Australia. 46 West' Australia... 2,159 4,534 1 157 4.691 6,591 1,900 West Australia. Commonwealth .. 15,049 23,991 1,060 13,526 4,202 24.740 43,721 44,900 8,755 Commorttvealth. Cook and Sons 890 3,403 Cook and Sons. Mails, Rents, &c 335,130 Mails,P.ents,&c. f^efi-eshmcnt Rooms 660,142 Refreshment Rooms. Railway and Tramway 20,942 Railway* Tram­ Institute. way Institute.

1 GRAND TOTAL... 7,443 1,966,151 147,892,548 8,449,189 4,627,819 4,627,819 4,761,' 4,761 ,t 1,977,913 1,977,913 ,110,745 •1.110,745 37.194 37,194 | 9,724,425 2,369.696 GRAND TOTAL. Less special credits, Ac.


NOTK.—The tonnage of bales of wool and trucks of hay, straw, and chaff is included in the Goods Tonnage. APPENDIX XXI.




During Year Doric? Year Particulars. To 30th June, 1929 ended Total. Particulars. To 30th June, 1929. ended Total. 30th June, 1930. 30th June, 1930.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Capital provided by the Government. 11,708,718 17 6 11,708,718 17 6 By Land 347,361 17 3 Cr. 1,090 8 5 346,271 8 10

„ Loans raised after 1st July, .,, Permanent Way 3,212,652 15 3 1,428 10 4 33214,0S1 5 7 1929. 26,700 7 8 26,700 7 8 „ Buildings 748,579 7 1 Cr. 1,231 11 6 . 747,347 15 7

„ Capital Reserve (contribu­ F tions by the Government ,,, Signals and Interlocking 28,644 4 4 2,S07 14 0 31,451 18 4 from Consolidated i Revenue Fund). 47,454 18 0 47,454 18 0 18,104 7 9 712 13 9 18,817 1 6 .,, Water Supply Works 359,221 13 9 Cr. 8,886 17 10 350,334 15 11 ,, Overhead Wiring

„ Rolling Stock- Steam Stock . 7,817 0 0 7,817 0 0

Electric Stock 2,517,541 7 7 Cr. 1,384 3 1 2,516,157 4 6

Workshop Buildings 261,455 15 3 261,455 15 3

Plant and Machinery 288,868 10 8 6,594 14 10 295,463 5 6

'„ Electric Power System 3,665,942 7 2 22,838 6 10 3,688,780 14 0

„ Lines not yet opened 16,963 16 9 16,963 16 9

Balance carried to General £ Balance Sheet. 287,932 1 5

11,756,173 15 6 26,700 7 8 11,782,874 3 2 !l • ' £ 11,473,153 2 10 21,738 18 11 11,782,874 3 2

T. J. HARTIGAN, Comptroller of Accounts and Audit. APPENDIX XXIA.




£ s. d. £ s. d. Balance from Capital Account 287,932 1 5 Stores and Materials on Hand- Stores Branch 236,339 11 0 In process of Manufacture 18,385 9 0 Moneys held in Trust- 254.725 0 0 Guarantees for Freight Payments and Contracts 30 0 0 Sundry Debtors—• Public Departments and Contractors 1,282 11 3 Sundry Creditors— £ s. d. Miscellaneous 94 15 11 Unclaimed Wages 94 15 9 Electricity Sales 42,746 5 3 Payments in Advance 1,812 16 7 Prepaid Wages 481 17 10 Accrued Wages ... 64,092 12 0 Outstanding Fares, &c. 3,091 4 1 Outstanding Accounts 33,237 11 10 47,696 14 4 Colonial Treasurer 207,154 12 4 306,392 8 6 Sinking Fund ... 64,589 0 0

Reserves—• Sinking Fund Reserve 64,589 0 0 Trust Funds— Eire Insurance Fund 23,015 14 0 30 0 0 87,604 14 0 • Fixed Deposits and Commonwealth Bonds 3,715 0 0 Floating Advances ... Railways and Tramways Fund 93,044 6 9 14,511 13 9 Add Overdraft at Bank 4,851 6 3 Cash in Hand and in Transit 97,895 13 0 394,587 8 10 Revenue Appropriation Account £779,854 16 11 £779,854 16 11

T. J. HARTIGAN. Comptroller of Accounts and Audit. APPENDIX XXII.


INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT AND NET REVENUE ACCOUNT, 30ih JUfoE, 1930, showing also the corresponding figures DR. for the previous year. Cr.


1930. 1929. 1930. (929.

£ S. D. £ 3. D £ S. D. £ S. D. To ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL. CHARGES 66.745 10 7 BY PASSENGERS 3,911,618 17 8 53,408 18 6 3,563,022 3 2 MAINTENANCE AND RENEWALS OF WAY AND STRUCT- ,, SALES OF ELECTRICITY 338,447 11 4 546,270 14 8 TURES 725.975 1 7 703,470 2 9

MAINTENANCE AND RENEWALS OF PLANT 670.269 0 10 751.612 16 4

POWER EXPENSES 195,196 0 0 296,270 5 10

TRAFFIC BRANCH 1,964,578 0 8 2.030,381 18 7

FIRE INSURANCE FUND 500 0 0 500 0 0


GRAND TOTAL. £ 3,903,469 14 6 4.457,889 12 4 GRAND TOTAL 3,903,469 14 6 4,457,889 12 4


£ S. D. £ S. D. £ S. D. £ S. D.

To INTEREST ON LOAN CAPITAL 630,150 0 0 600,000 0 0 BY SURPLUS ON WORKING BROUGHT DOWN 277,906 0 10 622,245 10 4


GRAND TOTAL. £ 663,150 0 0 631,589 0 0 GRAND TOTAL 663.150 0 0 631,589 0 0


£ S. D. £ S. D.



GRAND TOTAL £ 334.587 8 10 GRAND TOTAL £ 394,587 8 10 64






To MAINTENANCE OF WAY AND STRUCTURES- 567.696 10 7 565,597 19 MAINTENANCE AND RENEWALS OF PLANT- 575.048 9 9 656,779 11 POWER EXPENSES 105,126 2 7 211,999 10 TRAFFIC EXPENSES 1.521.807 8 8 1,562,312 8 COMPENSATION 17,646 13 5 14,408 13 GENERAL CHARGES 55.921 15 11 42,879 5 10 2,843,447 0 11 3,053,977 .9 4 NORTH SYDNEY; (ELECTRIC).

To MAINTENANCE OF WAY AND STRUCTURES- 58,128 13 1 62,222 IT 4 MAINTENANCE AND RENEWALS OF PLANT 28,668 14 9 30,465 12 4 POWER EXPENSES 18.739 II 11 18,838 4 4 TRAFFIC EXPENSES ' 137.547 17 6 152,545 16 2 GENERAL CHARGES(incIudingCompQnsation) .... 4.329 10 10 4,352 18 10 247,414 8 1 268,425 9 0


To MAINTENANCE OF WAY AND STRUCTURES- 20,711 9 8 11,092 18 3 MAINTENANCE AND RENEWALS OF PLANT 6,064 6 11 7,036 9 1 POWER EXPENSES 6.218 10 2 6,629 0 4 TRAFFIC EXPENSES 30.962 0 0 32,524 15 11 GENERAL CHARGES (including Compensation) 2,012 17 1 1,140 7 4 65,969 3 10 58,423 10 It ASHFIELD TO MORTLAKE AND CABARITA (ELECTRIC). fo MAINTENANCE OF WAY AND STRUCTURES 46,682 11 0 21,958 8 0 MAINTENANCE AND RENEWALS OF PLANT. 7,092 2 9 7,093 14 10 POWER EXPENSES 6,551 0 3 6,444 11 1 TRAFFIC EXPENSES 41.186 14 5 42,240 15 1 GENERAL CHARGES (includingcompensation).... 1,856 15 6 1,126 3 0 103,369 3 11 78 863 12 O


ro MAINTENANCE OF WAY AND STRUCTURES 847 4 5 2,291 4 T MAINTENANCE AND RENEWALS OF PLANT 1,043 11 10 1,588 5 7 POWER EXPENSES 1.046 5 11 888 10 1 TRAFFIC EXPENSES 8,386 1 9 6,783 2 6 GENERAL CHARGES (including Compensation) 412 4 0 153 O 10 11.735 7 u 11,704 3 7 NEWCASTLE CITY AND SUBURBAN (STEAM 4, ELECTRIC).

fo MAINTENANCE OF WAY, WORKS, AND STATIONS 26,196 19 10 33,068 6 5 POWER EXPENSES 65.359 15 7 59,661 2 10 MAINTENANCE AND RENEWALS OF PLANT 58.358 13 9 53,488 10 6 TRAFFIC EXPENSES 138,307 16 6 149,536 1 10 GENERAL CHARGES (including Compensation) 5.595 14 1 5,823 2 10 293,818 19 9 301.577 4 5 KOGARAH TO SANS SOUCI (STEAM).

fo MAINTENANCE OF WAY, WORKS, AND STATIONS 3,182 10 7 3,110 19 4 LOCOMOTIVE POWER 19.927 17 5 21,109 3 11 REPAIRS AND RENEWALS OF CAHS 2,225 9 3 2,337 15 9 TRAFFIC EXPENSES 9.675 19 6 9,419 6 10 GENERAL CHARGES (includingcompensation) 631 14 10 655 15 1 35.643 11 7 36,633 0 11

CARRIED FORWARD & 3.601,397 16 0 3,804),604 tO Z 65





& m. D* £ •. 0.


1930. 1929. No. No. 3.151,082 9 11 3,621,441' 1 2


253,193 12 8 278,188 6 8



52,216 18 7 61,196 7 4


75,999 4 3 81,416 0 2

, i J


19,452 4 6 19,217 3 4


312,298 18 5 351,363 4 10


24,190 10 4 27,286 8 10

3,888,433 18 5 4,440,107 11 4 , 66





£ S. _D.

BROUGHT FORWARD & 3.601,397 16 0 3.C09.604 10 2


To MAINTENANCE OF WAY, WORKS, AND STATIONS 2,101 18 4 2,422 10 6 LOCOMOTIVE POWER 14,266 4 10 14.075 5 3 REPAIRS AND RENEWALS OF CARS 639 2 11 E27 16 0 TRAFFIC EXPENSES 6,490 7 6 6,773 0 0 GENERAL CHARGES (includingCompensation) 421 0 0 536 1 1 23.938 13 7 24,334 12 10

PARRAMATTA TO NORTH M EAD-WOO LLE N MILLS (STEAM) (?ervice discontinued as from 1st January, 1927.)


ARNCLIFFE TO BEXLEY (STEAM). (Service discontinued as from 1st January, 1927.)


EAST TO WEST MAITLAND (STEAM). (Service discontinued as from 1st January, 1927.)


56 1 0

BROKEN HILL (STEAM). (Service discontinued as from 1st Jannary, 1927.)



BALANCE. > £ 277,906 0 10 622,245 10 4 AFTER PAYING WORKING EXPENSES. '

4,457,889 12 4 GRAND TOTAL 3,903,469 14 6

I J C7





1930. 1929. £ S. Di £ 6. D.

No. No. 4,440,107 11 4 BROUGHT FORWARD 306,967,362 332,539,667 3,668.433 18 5


15.035 16 1 17,782 1 0

PARRAMATTA TO NORTHMEAD-WOOLLEN MILLS (STEAM). (Service discontinued as from 1st January, 1927.


ARNCLIFFE TO BEXLEY (STEAM). {Service discontinued as from 1st January, 1927.)


EAST TO WEST MAITLAND (STEAM), (Service discontinued as from 1st January, 1927.)


BROKEN HILL (STEAM). (Service discontinued as from 1st January, 1927.)


3,903,469 14 6 4,457,889 12 4 68


ABSTRACT of Working Expenses for the years ended 30th June, 1930 and 1929. CITY AND SUBURBAN ELECTRIC LINES.

Year ended 30th June. Particulars. 1930. 1929.

Maintenance of Way and Structures.

Proportion of Salaries and Expenses of Engineer and Staff 19,072 17.235 Repairs aad renewals of Permanent-war 474,929 468,770 , „ Electrical-way Appliances 60,035 68,848 „ Buildings and Improvements 20,745

567,897 565,593

Maintenance and Renewals of Plant.

Proportion of Salaries and Expenses of Chief Electrical Engineer and Staff. 30,471 32,794 Repairs to Power Plant 144,tS92 132,460, „ », Buildings 7,265 6,545 ,, and renewals of Electric Oars 392,620 484,98 L

575,048 656,780

Power Expenses.

Proportion of Salaries and Expenses of Chief Electrical Engineer and Staff. 20,350 16,939 "Wages of Power-house employees, &c 117,601 115,4)4 Coal, Coke, and "Wood 400,183 426,246 Water 2,457 2,531 Lubricants and Waste 5,907 4,525 Miscellaneous Supplies, Power House , 10,636 8,579

557,134 574,234 Ltss credits for Power supplied for other services 452,008 352,235

105,126 211,999

Traffic Expenses.

Proportion of Salaries and Expenses of Tramway Traffic Manager and Staff, 53,590 52,054 Wages of Conductors and Motormen 1,095,308 1,130,324 „ other Traffic Employees 122,187 116,767 Cleaning and Oiling Cars 76,162 71,517 Stationery, Tickets, Uniforms, Stores, &c , 66,268 74,900 Watering and Sanding Way 28,087 33,733 Ticket Check 80,205 83,017

1,521,807 1,562,312


Personal injuries, including legal and medical expenses 13,937 11,293 Damage to vehicles and other property, including legal expenses 3,710 3,116

17,647 14,409

General Charges.

Proportion of Head Office charges and sundries. 53,122 42,379 Eire Insurance Fund 500 500 Contribution to Railway Superannuation Fund 2,300

55,922 42,879

Total. 2,843,447 3»053,977 69


ABSTRACT of Working Expenses for the years ended 30th June, 1930 and 1929.


Year ended 30th June. Particulars. 1930. j 1929.

£ £ Maintenance of Way and Structures.

Proportion of Salaries and Expenses of Engineer and Office Staff 1,751 1,846 Repairs and Renewals of Permanent-way 47,647 52,085 „ to Electrical Way Appliances 7,751 7,087 „ to Buildings and Improvements 980 1,205

58,129 62,223

Maintenance and Renewals of Plant.

Proportion of Salaries and Expenses of Chief Electrical Engineer and Staff. 1,060 1,062 Repairs to Power-plant 1,105 959 Cars... 26,504 28,445

28,669 30,466

Power Expenses.

Proportion of Salaries and Expenses of Chief Electrical Engineer and Staff. 349 304 Wages of Power-house Employees 2,947 2,660 Lubricants and other Stores 328 332 Power supplied from Power-house, Ultimo 15,115 15,542

18,739 18,838

Traffic Expenses.

Proportion of Salaries and Expenses of Tramway Traffic Manager and Staff 8,568 9,012 Wages of Conductors and Motor men 99,518 112,158 Wages of other Traffic Employees ,.. 7,548 8,295 Cleaning and Oiling Cars 7,740 7,183' Stationery, Tickets, Uniforms, &c 5,084 4,843 Cleaning, Watering, and Sanding Track 3,656 3,692 Ticket Check * 5,434 7,363

137,548 152,546


Personal injuries, damage to vehicles, &c, including legal and medical expenses 436 624

General Charges.

Proportion of Head Office Charges 3,893 3,728

Total £ 247,414 268,425 70




ABSTKACT of Working Expenses for the Years ended 30th June, 1930 and 1929.

Year ended 30th June. Particulars. mo. 1929.

Maintenance of Way and Structures. £ £

769 879 25,428 3?,1S9

26,197 35,068

Maintenance and Benewah of Plant.

8,481 7,569 22,554 26,026 5,794 4,616 20,784 11,759 745 519

58,358 53,459

Power Expenses.

Proportion of Salaries and Expenses of Chief Electrical Engineer, Tramway Traffic Manager, 2,942 2.368 5,120 5,419 2,547 2,565 17,888 J8,5C8 51,887 4C.904

80,384 75,764 15,024 16,103

65,300 5P,C61

Traffic Expenses.

Proportion of Salaries and Expenses of Tramway Traffic Manager and Office Staff 8,206 8,918 110,405 118,741 4,654 4,546 2,550 3,311 7.581 8,619 4,852 5,401

138,308 149,536


466 3,695

General Charges.

5,130 ' 4,128

293,819 801,577 71

APPENDIX XXVII. Tlie working of the Tramways in sections for the years ended 30th June, 1930 and 1920:—


1930. 1929.

CITY AND SUBURBAN—ELECTRIC LINES. Lengthy 118 miles 35 chains.

Length of single track, 217 miles 29 chains. £ 1930. 1929. Tola] Cost of Construction and Equipment 5,3 40,227 8,325,838 51,082 Gross Earnings ...... 3,1 3,621,441 13,447 Working Expenses ...... 2,8 3,053,977 46,732 425,138 Interest on Capital invested 4 23,395 22,383 Sinking Fund 62,492 19,943 Gain Loss ...... ••• *•• 1 Tram Miles 25,882,590 26,6: '0,031

NORTH SYDNEY—ELECTRIC. Length, 22 miles 61 chains. Length of single track, 41 miles 9 chains. Total Cost of Construction and Equipment 1,081,556 1,082,705 Gross Earnings ...... ,. 253,-194 278,188 Working Expenses 247,414 268,425 Interest on Capital invested 57,923 55,S09 Sinking Fund 3,033 2,938 Loss 55,176 48,984 Tram Miles 2,946,861 3,175,191

THE SPIT TO MANLY, IIARBORD AND NARRABEEN— ELECTRIC. I Length, 11 miles 48 chains. Length of single track, 16 miles 36 chains. Total Cost of Construction and Equipment 376,500 366,532 Gross Earnings ...... 52,217 61,197 Working Expenses 65,969 58,424 Interest on Capital invested ...... 20,016 18,927 Sinking Fund 1,048 996 Loss 34,816 17,150 Tram Miles 522,072 558,935

ASHFIELD TO MORTLAKE AND CABARITA PARK—ELECTRIC Length, S miles 38 chains. Length of single track, 15 miles 9 chains. Total Cost of Construction and Equipment 243,761 240,525 Gross Earnings ... , 75,999 81,416 Working Expenses ...... 103,369 78,864 Interest on Capital invested 13,104 12,389 Sinking Fund 686 652 Loss 41,160 10,489 Tram Miles 678,532 704,355

ROCKDALE TO BRIGHTON-LE-SANDS—ELECTRIC. Length, 1 mile 49 chains. Length of single track, 1 mile 49 chains. Total Cost of Construction and Equipment 52,846 45,222 Gross Earnings 19,452 19,217 Working Expenses 11,736 11,704 Interest on Capital invested 2,790 2,215 Sinking Fund 146 117 Gain 4,780 5,181 Tram Miles 171,918 150,124 72


YEAH ENDED 80TH JUNE. KOGARAH TO SANS SOUCI—STEAM. Length, 5 miles 45 chains. 1930. 1929. Length of single track, 6 miles 79 chains. 1930. 1929. £ £ Total Cost of Construction and Equipment ...... 59,060 54,523 Gross Earnings ... 24,191 27,286 "Working Expenses ...... 35,644 36,633 Interest on Capital invested 3,105 2,842 Sinking Fund 163 150 JLi09S a a * • * * ••• a * * a • • a a + » * • a** * • 14,721 12,339 Tram Miles ... 176,132 173,493 SUTHERLAND TO CRONULLA—STEAM. Length, 7 miles 32 chains. Length of single track, 7 miles 32 chains. Total Cost of Construction and Equipment 48,900 47,012 Gross Earnings ... 15,036 17,782 Working Expenses 23,939 24,335 Interest on Capital invested 2,621 2,426 Sinking Fund 137 128 Loss ...... 11,661 9,107 Tram Miles 141,377 143,264

NEWCASTLE CITY AND SUBURBAN—STEAM AND ELECTRIC. Length, 34 miles 45 chains. Length of single track, 52 miles 38 chains. Total Cost of Construction and Equipment 1,562,128 1,580,832 Gross Earnings 312,299 351,363 Working Expenses 293,819 301,577 Interest on Capital invested 83,859 80,254 Sinking Fund 4,392 4,225 69,771 34,693

Tram Miles" Z ... .*..' "2,343,350 23505,805

PARRAMATTA TO NORTH MEAD (WOOLLEN MILLS)—STEAM. Services discontinued as from 1st January, 1927. Total Cost of Construction and Equipment (written off to working expenses) Gross Earnings ... Working Expenses Interest on Capital invested XjOSS »«• ••• *•• * a a • • a a a * a* Tram Miles Nil. Nil.

ARNCLIFFE TO BEXLEY—STEAM. Length, 2 miles 50 chains. Length of single track, 2 miles 50 chains. Services discontinued as from 1st January, 1927. Total Cost of Construction and Equipment (written off to working expenses) Gross Earnings ... Working Expenses 236 138 Interest on Capital invested XjOSS **• # t • * • a * • * • via >•> 236 138 Tram Miles Nil. Nil.

EAST TO WEST MAITLAND—STEAM. Services discontinued as from 1st January, 1927. Total Cost of Construction and Equipment (written off to working expenses) Gross Earnings ... Working Expenses 56 Interest on Capital Invested Loss ...... i>. ••• ... 56 Tram Miles Nil. Nil.

BROKEN HILL—STEAM. Services discontinued as from 1st January, 1927. Total Cost of Construction and Equipment (written off to working expenses) Gross Earnings ... Working Expenses (Credit) 9 1,508 Interest on Capital invested ......

ILOSS a a t HI at* at* • • • •>»*• » • a • • • • * * *1 (Gain) 9 1,508 Tram Miles Nil, Nil. 16

RETtJftN showing the Number of City and Suburban Passenger Fares cpfteotedj Tram Mileage, Earnings, Working Expenses, Percentage of Working Cost to Earnings, Capital Spent on lines open, and Interest on Capital Invested for each year from 1879 to 1930 inclusive. CITY AND SUBURBAN LINES, SYDNEY.

Percentage Capital Number Working of Length of Passenger Tram Working Earnings Working Net spent of Total per Tram Cost per Fares mileage. Earnings. Expenses. • Cost Earnings. on Jipjis Line. collected. Mile. Tram Mile. to Gross oper£ Earnings.

Miles. £ £ d. d. % £ £ 443,341 13,270 4,416 2,278 79-87 41-19 51*59 2,138 22,269 2,086,897 84,074 18,980 13,444 54-18 3838 70*83 5,536 60,218 9* 7,090,125 296,906 62,549 52,107 50-56 42-12 83*31 10,442 169,450 22' 15,269,100 670,649 126,202 103,136 45-16 36-91 81-72 23,066 412,561 25 25,684,285 1,076,096 190,699 178,877 4253 39*89 93-80 11,822 544,105 m 30,202,303 1,242,491 219,942 215,167 42'48 41-56 97-83 4,775 643,111 t39;594,753 1,220,50Q 223,340 207,995 43-91 40-9p 93*13 708,109 27* 15,345 52,977,578 1,222,943 226>67 201,737 44-42 39-59 89-12 742,113 27* 24,630 50,108,256 1,220,026 214,125 201,468 42-12 3963 9408 731,582 29* 12,657 51,563,197 1,246,543 221,060 2Q4,227 42-56 39-32 92-38 16,833 742,655 29* 52,810,026 40-49 1,338,386 225,833 206,092 3695 91-25, 19,741 771,255 29* 57,463,650 1,474,646 40-60 249,508 207,517 36-^6 83-17 41,991 790,555 30* 62,676,636 3,553,048 270,365 221,505 41-78 34:23 81-92 48,$60 8571455 33* 65,299,063 1,613,443 279,321 229,145 41-55 3409 82-04 50,176 932;907 37 '• 63,588,885 1,681,232 271,041 214,824 38-69 30-67 79-26 56,217 947;775 38 58,773,094 250,809 206,554 34-64 82-35 28-53 44,255 954,035 54,173,917 230,583 188;081 31-8*0 80-70 1,740,23^5 25-66 44,502 962,037 m 53;317,979 227,525 187,811 2959 82-54 1,845,626 24-42 39,714 96i;778 55,859,740 238,023 195,142 26-93 8198 2,121,017 22-08 9681925 56,319,743 239,858 201,904 26-18 84-18 42,881 o* 2,198,351 973,4,19 61,568,035 262,045 220,193 26-99 22-04 84-03 37,954 0* 2,329,751 2268 41,852 977,107 4o* No. of 40^ Passengers. 43* 53,470,533 3,106,185 315,930 268,504 24*41 20-75 84:99 47,426 1,338,006 74,665,744 5,208,510 438,668 366," 18 20-21 16'86 83-44 72,650, 1,535,958 58 84,654,971 7,203,600 495,538 429,0t»3 16-51 14-30 86*59 66,445 2,0S9;515 66* 102;837,118 11,115,765 593,306 5U.878 12*81 11-05 86-28 81,428 2,442;V91 1081559,785 13,280,587 633,477 521,896 11*45 943 82-39 111,581 2,507,540 73* 120,973,93,4 14,413,273 69,7,971 533,360 11-62 9-71 83-58 114,611 2,93i;583 73$ 125,756,6§0 14,246,845 730,508 552,723 12-31 9-3i 75-66 177,785 2,966,704 75* 134,088,696 14,516,536 777,140 607,381 12-85 1004 78l6 169,759; 2,968,560 78' 148,729,916 15,329,695 865,632 687,843 13'-55 10-77 79-46 177,789 2,98^931 161,289,058 16,411,533 941,612 732,080 13-77 10-71 77-75 209,532 3,401,667 94* 173,897,034 17,743,868 1,018,836 831,299 13-78 11:24 81-59 187,537 3,881,392 97* 197,871,083 j 9,} 0,7,41,9 1,16,1,184 946,671 14-5,9 li:&9 81^3 214,513 4,029,389 9,8' 227,668,638 20,293,800 i;329,862 1,083,483 15-73 12-82 81-47 246,379 f,37'9,866 1Q4* 148,720,735 22,338,080 1,458,088 1,284,674 I5'6G 13-80 83-11 173,414 5,233,774 K)5* 260,696,720 23,685,660 1,603,532 1,349,428 16*25 13 67 84-15 254,104 5,966,961 110* 240,545,317 22,242,010 1,651 #85 l,'30i;9§6 17:82 14-05 78-83 349,599 6,176,905 242,686,337 21,937,619 1,656,585 1,301,531 18-12 14-24 78:57 355,054^ 6,332,434 HI* 20,884,254 1,665,663 1,376;993 19-14 15 "82" 82-67 288,370 6,390,688 112* 244;712,191 212,372,470 17,65Q,438 1.643,604 1,290,547 22*35 17-§5 £8'£2 853.Q57 6,445,501 U2f 20 094;'l67 1,832;,9H 1,381,382 21:89 17-69 80-82 351,5^9 6,478,340 113 222,111,451 J 269,255 935 21,811,695 2,370,309 1,990,070 26-08 21-90 83-^6 380.239 6,501,865 113 23,272,165 2,831,072 2,316,023 29-19 23-89 81-81 615,049; 6,624,821 1H* 277,687,03 3 271,384,691 23,784,739 2,938,230 2,314,185 29*6,5 23:35 78-76 6,24.(351 6,858,972 H5i 272,938,712 £4,261.186 2,945;634 2,380,485 2J-14 23-55 80-8$ 565,, 149 7,116,222 115* 2S0;312,845 25,768,606 2,969,698 2;404,5^5 27-66 22-40, 80-97 565; 133 7\h7i\Z%0 IIP! 276;800,3I2 26,524,531 2,923;615 2; 41,6,772 26-45 21-$7 82-66 506^43 7,718;l43 H7| 273,503,883 26,345,721 2,9Q0,406 2,480,587 26-42 22-59 85-52 419,819 7,918:905 117| 279,671,372 •26,462,405 3,030,973 2,627,045 27-49 23-83 86-67 403.928 8.110,571 118 279,910,753 26,815,216 3,674,124 3 005,564 32-88 26-90 8180 668,560 8,179,291 118 27i;715,054 26,670,031 3,621,441 3,053,977 32 59 27-48, 84-33 f67,464 8,325,838 1184 252,449,735 25,882,590 3,151,082 2,843,447 29-22 26-37 90-24 307,635 8,340,227 1181 * The line was opened for three and a half months only in 1879, and for part of this period was worked' with"horse-power. " t Up to the year 1885, 3d. cash fares and 2d. tickets were counted as single fares ; from 1886 to 1899, inclusive, all tickets issued were"at Id. values, - • • •and cash fares paid are in thia Return calculated at same rate.' *' " " " *" APPENDIX XXIX. TRAMWAY Boiling Stock, years ended 30th June, 1930 and 1929.

-• .«>.... -«•.-.---• — Jr^ - ---- Steam Steam Electric. Service Motors. Cars. Motor and other Total. Cars. Trailers. Vehicles.

4 1,418 106 1,522 4 1,423 97

Eighteen 8-wljeeled electric cars on the duplicate stock have been converted to L.P. type and transferred to tfye capital stock. Pour electric cars on the duplicate qtock have been converted to fail grinding cars anjj restored to the capital stock. One electric water sprinkler has been condemned an

STATEMENT showing the dates of opening and length of line of the various sections of the New South Wales Tramways,-to 30th June, 1930.

Lines Open for Traffic. BRIDGE-STREET TO CENTRAL SQUARE WAITING Length Street Miles. of Singl< SHED (FORMERLY RAILWAY), via ELIZABETH- Track. STREET, EDDY-AVENUE AND PITT-STREET. m. c. 1. m. c. 1. 15 Sept., 1882 Bridge-street to Hunter-street 0 19 0 0 38 0 15 „ 1879 Hunter-street to Hay-street 0 79 0 1 78 0 15 Aug., 1882 Pitt-street and Eddy-avenue Junction to Central Square Wait­ ing Shed 0 11 0 0 22 0 2 Nov., 1902 Hay-street to Pitt-street and Eddy-avenue Junction (via Eliza­ beth-street and Eddy-avenue) 0 28 0 0 56 0 24 Dec, 1908 Rawson Place from Eddy-avenue to George-street 0 8 0 0 8 0

1 65 0 3 42 0 RANDWICK, COOGEE AND CLOVELLY. 1880 Liverpool-street Junction to Darlinghurst Junction 0 42 75 1 5 50 1880 Darlinghurst Junction to Randwick Racecourse 2 5 50 4 11 0 1881 Randwick Racecourse to High-street 1 6 0 2 12 0 1883 High-street to Coogee 1 37 50 2 75 0 1881 Cricket Ground Loop 0 24 0 0 48 0 1906 Sports Ground Loop 0 40 25 1 0 50 1909 Connection from Waverley Line to Park-road, via Green's-road 0 22 0 0 44 0 1912 Darley-road to Carrington-road ... 1 37 0 2 74 0 1913 Carrington-road to Clovelly 1 7 0 2 14 0 1916 Extension to Military Hospital, Randwick 0 14 0 0 21 0

8 76 0 17 65 0 WAVERLEY, BONDI AND BRONTE. 1881 Darlinghurst Junction to Ocean-street ... 1 47 0 3 14 0 1881 Ocean-street to'Waverley old Terminus ... 1 25 10 2 50 20 1887 Waverley old Terminus to Macpherson-street Junction 0 12 0 0 24 0 1890 Macpherson-street Junction to Waverley Cemetery 0 49 0 1 18 0 1884 Bondi Junction to Fletcher-street 1 12 0 2 24 0 1887 Eletcher-street to Bondi Aquarium Junction 0 24 75 0 49 50 1894 Bondi Aquarium Junction to Bondi Beach 0 48 50 1 17 0 1911 Waverley Cemetery to Bronte 0 49 0 1 18 0 1929 Bondi Beach (Curlewis-street) to Hastings-parade, North Bondi 0 43 75 1 7 50

6 71 10 13 62 20 WAVERLEY TO RANDWICK. 1887 MacphersoR-atreet Junction to Allison-road Junction ... 1 18 0 1 18 0 OXFORD-STREET TO DACEY-AVENUE, via CROWN- STREET AND BAPTIST-STREET. 1881 Oxford-street to Cleveland-street... 0 66 0 0 1908 Dowling-street (Dacey-avenue to Todman-avenue) 0 20 0 0 1909 Cleveland-street to Phillip-street, via Baptist-street 31 50 0 1911 Baptist-street to Dowling-street (Dacey-avenue) 0 39 0 1927 Dowling-street and Todman-avenue to Carminga-street 0 12 25

4 16 25 RAILWAY STATION TO GLEBE AND FOREST LODGE. 15 Aug., 1882 East side Terminus-street to Forest Lodge Junction 0 48 87 1 17 74 15 „ 1882 Forest Lodge Junction to St. John's road 0 31 75 0 63 50 15 „ 1882 St John's road to Pyrmont Bridge road (Forest Lodge) 0 25 25 0 50 50 15 „ 1882 Glebe Junction to Glebe Point (old Terminus) ... 0 77 60 1 75 20 12 Dec, 1896 Glebe Point old Terminus to Leichhardt-street ... 0 4 19 0 8 38

FOREST LODGE TO LILYPIELD, BALMAIN AND 2 27 66 4 55 32 BIRCHGROVE. 2 May, 1892 Forest Lodge, Pyrmont Bridge road to Barnes-street Junction. 1 40 0 3 0 0 and Evans-street to Merton-street. 24 Oct., 1892 Merton-street to Gladstone Park (Balmain) 1 8 2 16 0 24 Nov., 1902 Gladstone Park to Nicholson-street (Balmain) ... 0 48 1 16 0 14 Sept., 1903 Nicholson street to Darling-street Wharf (Balmain) ... 0 7 0 7 0 28 Jan., 1908 Annandale (Booth-street)... 0 48 1 16 0 10 April, 1909 Lilyfield (Johnson-street to Piper-street) 0 46 25 1 12 50 14 Nov. 1910 Union-street (Pyrmont) to Evans-street, Balmain 1 39 75 2 79 50 8 Aug. 1917 Darling-street, Balmain, to Wharf-road, Snail's Bay 0 49 0 1 18 0 22 Jan 1924 Lilyfield (Piper-street to Brennan street) 0 7 50 0 15 0 15 Aug., 1925 Lilyfield (Btennan-street to Abattoirs-road) 0 9 50 0 19 0

6 63 0 13 39 0 75

APPENDIX XXX—continued.

Linea Open for Traffic. Length Street Miles. of Single DRUMMOYNE AND RYDE. Track. m. c. 1. m. c. 1, 29 Dec, 1902 Darling street Junction to Parramatta River (Drummoyne) .. 2 12 0 4 4 0 13 June, 1910 Drummoyne to Hatton's Flat (Ryde) 3 51 0 5 66 25 7 Sept., 1914 Ryde to Ryde Railway Station ... 1 25 0 1 25 0 7 8 0 11 15 25 newtown to dulwich hill, earlwood, summer hill, hurlstone park, petersham and Canterbury. 2 Oct., 1882 City-road (late Newtown-road) Junction to Newtown Bridge .. 1 27 0 2 54 0 31 Dec, 1881 Newtown Bridge to Marrickville (Illawarra-road) 1 69 0 3 58 0 14 Aug., 1889 Marrickville to Dulwich Hill 0 74 75 1 69 50 25 Jan., 1909 Addison-road 2 0 0 4 0 0 9 Nov., 1912 Marrickville to UnderclitTe 1 13 0 2 26 0 15 Mar., 1913 Livingstone road to Petersham Station 0 30 50 . 0 61 0 21 Junej 1913 Dulwich Hill to Hurlstone Park 0 70 50 1 61 0 11 Jan., 1915 Hurlstone Park to Summer Hill... 1 40 0 1 40 0 28 Sept., 1914 Petersham Station to Norton-street, Leichhardt 0 60 0 1 3 50 4 July, 1921 Hurlstone Park to Canterbury Station ... 0 77 0 1 62 0 18 Feb., 1924 UnderclitTe to Earlwood ... t 19 25 1 21 2&

FOREST LODGE JUNCTION TO LEICHHARDT, 13 1 0 22 56 25 BALMAIN, FIVE DOCK AND ABBOTSFORD. 18. June, 1883 Forest Lodge Junction to Johnson-street 1 33 0 2 66 0 1 May, 1884 Johnson-street to Short-street 1 1 50 2 3 0 10 Dec, 1887 Short-street to Leichhardt Terminus 0 38 70 0 77 40 14 Oct., 1890 Marion-street Junction to Five Dock 2 39 0 4 78 0 1 Aug., 1893 Five Dock to Abbotsford... 1 30 50 2 61 0 6 May, 1912 Leichhardt to Balmain (1st Section) 0 39 0 0 78 0 23 Dec, 1912 ,, „ ,, (2nd Section) 0 61- 50 1 43 0 8 3 20 16 6 40 ERSKINEVILLE. •25 Jan., 1909 George-street, Sydney, to Erskineville Station ... 2 16 50 ' 3 72 50

NEWTOWN BRIDGE TO COOK'S RIVER AND MARRICKVILLE TO COOK'S RIVER. • Dec, 1891 Newtown Bridge to St. Peters 0 63 0 1 46 0 6 Aug., 1900 St. Peters to Cook's River 1 76 0 3 70 0 1 Jan., 1917 Victoria-road, Marrickville, to King-street, St. Peters... 0 66 0 1 52 0 3 45 0 7 8 0 ZETLAND JUNCTION TO BOTANY. 17 May, 1882 Zetland Junction to Botany Terminus ... ' ... 6 46 75 13 13 50 7 April, 1906 Lord's-road Junction to Ascot Racecourse 0 16 90 0 33 80 20 Nov., 1906 Extension of Ascot Racecourse Line 0 22 10 0 44 20 22 Mar., 1913 Cleveland-street to Redfern-street, via Regent-street ... CR 20 0 0 40 0 22 Mar., 1913 Castlereagh-street to Elizabeth -street, via Redfern-street 0 11 0 0 22 0

BOTANY CEMETERY. 7 36 75 14 73 50 11 Aug., 1902 Botany Terminus Junction (Springvale) to Yarra Junction 2 46 50 2 46 50 ZETLAND, ROSEBERY, AND DOWLING-STREET CAR SHED. 22 Dec, 1902 Foveaux-street Junction to Bourke-street, Waterloo 1 45 0 3 10 0 28 Aug., 1908 Zetland Terminus to Todman-avenue and Dowling-street 0 43 50 0 43 50 1 Mar., 1909 Zetland Terminus to Botany Line, via Bourke-street ... 0 20 0 0 20 0 22 Mar., 1913 Baptist-street to Elizabeth-street, ma Phillip-street 0 25 0 0 50 0 15 Sept., 1924 Bourke-street, Waterloo to Crewe Place, Rosebery 0 61 25 0 79 75

MITCHELL-ROAD. 3 34 75 5 43 25 22 Jan., 1902 Raglan-street (Botany Line) to St. Peters Railway Bridge 1 34 0 2 68 0

WOOLLOOMOOLOO. 9 Aug., 1915 College-street Junction to Woolloomooloo Bay ... 0 42 0 1 4 0 17 April, 1916 Extension, Woolloomooloo to McQuade's Point... , 0 22 75 0 45 50 18 Aug.. 1918 Further extension to No. 2 Shed on No. 1 Wharf 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 79 75 1 64 50 COLLEGE STREET. 28 Sept., . 192' Boomerang-street to Oxford-street 0 30 50 0 61 0 76


Lines Open for traffic. Length Street Miles. of Single Track. HENDERSON-ROAD. m. c 1. m. , c. 1. 25 Mar., 1907 Mifcchell-road to Erskineville-road ;., 0 31 75 0 31 75 3 May, 1909 Erskineville-road to Railway Station 0 16 0" 0 ie 0

0 47 75 0 47 75 REDFERN TO MOORE PARK.

25 Aug., 1891 Castlereagh-street to Junction with Randwick Line 1 6 0 2 12 0 25 a 1891 Cricket Grotirid Loop ...... :. 0 20 0 b 40 0 3 IE)ct., 1909 Castlereagh-street to City-road ...... •. 0 64 5() 1 29 0 15 Dec., 1S09 Regent-street connection (Cleveland to Meagher streets)' 0 10 b b§6: 0

2 20 50 4 ii 0 CLEVELAND-STREET TO LITTLE BAY, MAROUBRA BAY AND RACECOURSE LOOP. 1900 Cleveland-street to Kensington Racecourse 1 30 0 2 60 0 1900 Kensington Racecourse to Rifle Range Junction 1 0 0 2 0 0 19Q0 Bunnerong-road to Randwick Racecourse 6 52 0 1 24 0 1^01 !ttifle Range Junction to Little Bay 3 65 6 7 50 0 1907 Cleveland-street to Ascot-street (third road in Moore Park) 0 70 0 0 70 0 1907 Dacey-avenue (Raridwick-ro&d to Dowling-street) ... 0 35 0 0 70 0 1921 Maroubra Junction to Maroubra Bay ... 1 37 0 2 45 0

9 49 0' 17 ?9 0 LA PEROUSE.

11 Aug., 1902 Little Bay to La Perouse 1 1 50 0 l£ 31 Jan., 1916 Extension to Coast Hospital (Flowers' loop) 0 13 50 0 27 0 1 15 0 2 30 0 GEORGE-STREET AND PYRMONT.

8 Sept., 1899 Circular Quay to John-street (Pyrmont)... 3 18 0 6 36 0 27 Mar., 1911 Quay-st. Junction to Harris-st., via Quay-st. and Ultimo rd. ... 0 24 0 0 48 0 4 Sept., 1922 York-street Loop (from Druitt and George Streets to Market and George Streets via York-street 0 lfe 50 0 16 50

3 58 5b' '1 2"0" 50 MILLER'S POINT.

19 Aug., i$6l Fire Station (Circular Quay) to Miller's Point ..." 0 52 75 1 25 50

DACEYVILLE: 17 Jan, 1910 Botany-road to Rosebery Park Racecourse 0 72 6' i §i 6 16 Nov., 1910 Rosebery Park Racecourse Extension 0 20 0 b 46 0 18 Au&., 1913 Bunnerong-road to Rosebery Park Racecourse 0 66 50' i S3 0

1 7$ 50 3 77 0 EXTENSION FROM BRIDGE AND' PHILLIP STREETS TO CIRCULAR QUAY. 1902 From and to Phillip and Bridge Streets Junction, vid Bridge, and Young Streets, Circular Quay, and Phillip Street 0 26 0 0 25 0

PITT AND CASfLEREAGH STREETS AND CENTRAL RAILWAY STATlbN. 18 Dec, 1901 Castlereagh and Hay Streets to Pitt and Hay Streets (vid Castlereagh-street, Circular Quay and Pitt-street) ... 2 4§ 50 2 49 50 0 30 0 1 Mar., 1902 Balloon Loop, Circular Quay to Fort Macquarie 0 60 0 4 Aug, 1906 Pitt and Hay Streets" to Castlereagh and Hay Streets (i Central Station)' 0 35 50 0 35 50

'3 35 0 3 65 0 BELLETUFC HILL. 7 34 0 1 Eeb., 1909 Elizabeth-street to Bellevue Hill 3 57 0 26 Feb.,- 1909 Bcllevue Hill Line to Waverley Line, via Ocean-street 0 14 0 0 28 0 21 Dec, 1914 Bellevue Hill to Bondi Beach' 1 28 0 2 56 0

| 5 19 0: i6 3$ 0 APPENDIX %±±—mWktiM

Lines Open for Traffic. Length of Street Miles, Single CONNECTING LINES—LIVERPOOL, ELIZABETH, Track. CASTLEREAGH, PITT AND GEORGE STREETS. m. c. i m. c. 1 30 jfllft 1905 Eliz&beth-street into Castlereagh-street, via Hay-street... 0 5 0 0 5 0 18 feift; 1906 Connecting line—Elizabeth and Pitt Streets, via Bathurst-street 0 § 25 0 9 25 18 „ 1906 Connecting line—Liverpool-street to Castlereagh-street, vid Liverpool-street ...... „ ...... « ., ... 0 0 50 18 „ 1906 Double junction; Livergbbi-ei; ifjtd Eli&l&fcsfe (t3 Jfflffl$ 50 0 7 0 18 Deo:; iloi Casffcle'reagh street to Gippa-etreet, via Hay^street and Pitt-street 0 20 50 0 30 50 6 ffSfcj 1916 Bent-street to Pitt-street, via Spring-street ::.* 0 IO b It) 25 ,6 Sept., 1§2"6 £riillip-strcet to Bligh-atreet via BerifcStreet ..: ::: d 5 0 5 i 10 ifati.j 1927 George-street to Pitt-street via Hay-street ... B 9 B 0 9 tl 0 67 50 1 1 0 CAMPBELL-STREET LINE. 12 April; ikll Castlereagh-street to Flinders-street ...... 0 53 0 1 21 0

OCEAN-STREET. Erskirfe-streefc to Ocean-street §§ 50 S Foot or Erskine-stree't' to Day-street ...... :.. 6.7o 2 45 25 5 10 50 ROSE BAY. 4 Oct., i§98 Ocearifstreet to Rose Bay Wharf ...... 1 24 0 2 46 25 10 Sept, 1900 Rose Bay Wharf to Dorgf-rb^ ;:; :.'.* ::.» 1 3. 0 2 6 0 2 27 0 4 52 25 SOUTH HEAD: 11 May- 1 Ddver-road to Watson's Bay Signal Sta^Ioi* lit ill 1 11 3 6? ffl 18 Jan., 1 Signal Station to Watson's Bay Wharf 0 65 0 65 0 2 56 0 4 42 25

, ; NORTH SYDNEY. ft,§ wm 22 May, 1886 Dind-ltreet Milson's Point to junction ajja, 3Hf$ jfcrefcts . . 8 37 50 0 75 22 Sept., 1909 Junction and Blue St..to Miller St. (via Walter and Mount Sts.) 0 25 0 0 50 22 May, 1§86 Mojmt and Miller streets to Ridge-street .«J 8? ..ft 0 189^ Rid^e^Itreet to Lane Cove Road ...... 2','. tit 59 60 1 39 2 25 Afril, 1&3 Lane Cove Road to Wiljoughby ... . .;. ... :u 44 5 J7 20 Sept-j" FalcoJistreet junction to Spit-road Junction ... .*:; 50 i 11 & _ 7.1 18*97 Spit-road Junction to Mosman ... ^ , ...^ u lit • 21 Oct, itfbb Militafy-road (Spit-road Junction) to The Spit ..; :a 75 Z 23 50 24 July, 1«(08 "VVUloughby to Chatswood...... ;. '0 70 B vis I 17, May, 1909 Falco'ri.:street Junction to Suspension Bridge 0 70 25 1 60 5C 27 Sept.; 196S McManon's Point to Blue and Miller Streets 0 60 0 1 40 C 22 May, 1^86 Blue-street to Mountnstreet (via Miller-street) ...... ; .8 50 0 17 ( 27 Sept., 1009 Mount and Miller Streets to Crow's Nest (via Lerm Cove Road) 71 0 1 62 * C 7 Feb., 1914 Suspension Bridge to Northbridge (Section 1) : 0 24 „0 0 24 C 21 Mar., 1914 » »., (Section.2), .V^. 0 59 76 0 *R It S Oct., 1916 Tarbnga Park (Avenue-road to New Zoological Gardens) 2 0 5{ 27 Oct., 1917 „ „ (New Zoological Gardens to Wharf) ^ 50 7£ o 6c| if 13 A£g-i 1919 Raglari-street Junction to Military-road and Gordon-street 28 " ' t) 57 60 1922 l 50 26 May, Gordon-street and Military-road..td Balmoral Beajsn\k 2 6 8 20 Nov.; 1923 Connection, Chatswood and Mbsman Lines at Mlc'oli and 0 ,5 .0 ,. .Miller-streets ... , ...... , ... _ . "v<

ROCKDALE TO BRIGHTON-LE-SAN DS. 7 Jiine, 1914 Rockdale Station to Brighton-le-Sands (Bay St. and Esplanade) 1 20 0 1 20 0 28 Maf., 1929 Bay-street to Teralba Avenue, Brighton-le-Sands 0 29 ()0 0 29 50 1 49 50 1 49 50 SUTHERLAND TO CRO'NULLA: 12 June. 1911 Sutherland Railway Station to Cronulla ...... ,7 32 0 7 S2_0 78

APPENDIX XXX—continued.

Lines Open for Traffic.

Length Street Miles, of Single Track.

ASHFIELD TO MORTLAKE AND CABARITA PARK. m, c. 1. ra. c. 1. 3 Sept., 1891 Liverpool-road to Enfield ...... , 1 78 0 3 76 0 15 „ 1899 Ashfield Station to Liverpool-road 0 12 50 0 IS 0 16 „ 1901 Enfield to Mortlake 5 30 0 9 69 0 31 July, 1907 Burwood-road to Cabarita Park ...... :.. 0 77 25 1 6 25

8 37 75 15 9 25


10 Sept., 1887 Kogarah to Sans Souci 4 71 0 6 25 0 24 Dec., 1908 Kogarah Loop 0 54 0 0 54 0

5 45 0 6 79 0

ARNCLIFFE TO BEXLEY. Services discontinued as from 1st January, 1927. Tracks not yet removed. 1909 Arncliffe Railway Station to Bexley 2 50 0 2 50 0


1903 East Esplanade, Manly, towards Pittwater 1 7 0 2 6 0 1910 Curl Curl to Brookvale ... 2 9 0 4 16 0 1911 The Spit to Manly 2 77 0 4 50 50 1912 Brookvale to Collaroy Beach 3 21 0 3 21 0 1913 Collaroy Beach to Narrabeen 1 27 0 1 27 0 1925 Harbord Junction (Queenscliff-road) to Harbord 0 67 25 0 75 25

11 48 25 16 35 75


Perkins-street to Plattsburg 1887 J8 5, $ 15 44 50 1893 Perkins-street to Parnell-place ... 1894 Union-street to Merewether (Glebe.) 1 70 78 3 60 0 1894 Hannell-street Junction to Hannell and Albert streets 0 45 35 0 79 35 1894 Albert-street and Maitland-road to Tighe's Hill 0 71 50 1 63 0 1900 Belford-road to Glebe-road, Adamstown... 1 3 0 2 1 0 1901 Tighe's Hill to Mayfield 0 76 69 1 71 80 1902 Darby and Hunter Streets Junction to Patrick street, Mere wether ...... 1 11 24 2 22 48 1903 Mitchell-street to Merewether Beach, Newcastle 1 13 41 2 24 82 1907 Adamstown Junction to the Newcastle Racecourse 1 16 0 1 56 0 1910 Plattsburg to West Wallsend 7 40 0 7 40 0 1912 Wallsend to Speers1 Point 3 25 50 3 25 50 1912 Hannell-street and Albert-street to Carrington 1 18 0 1 65 50 1914 Wickham to Maryville 0 60 0 0 71 50 1915 Broadmeadow to Waratah 2 23 75 3 9 25 1916 Maryville to Steelworks ... 1 20 0 1 55 0 1923 Tudor-street to Ivy-strcet, via Maitland-road _ 0 43 0 1 6 0 1923 Scott-street to Crown-street via Telford and Hunter-streets .. 0 49 0 0 49 0 1924 Parnell Place to Telford-street via Shortland Park 0 13 0 0 13 0

34 45 30 52 37 70

TOTAL 213 4 45 361 11 2

Sidings, Loops, and Cross-overs., 58 11 50 79


STATEMENT showing the Capital Cost of the various sections of the Tramways on the 30th June, 1930.

Lines opened for Traffic. Length. Total Cost.

m. ch. £ Railway to Bridge-street 1 65 118,880 Bridge-street to Circular Quay 0 25 7,277 Randwick, Coogee and Little Coogee 8 76 210,602 Waverley, Bondi and Bronte • 6 71 10 211,854 Elizabeth-street to Bellevue Hill and Bondi Beach ... 5 19 0 122,779 Waverley to Randwick 1 18 0 9.463 Oxford-street to Dacey-avenue, via Crown-street and Baptist-street 2 9 0 63,058 Railway to Glebe and Forest Lodge 2 27 66 53,049 Forest Lodge to Balmain, Lilyfield and Birchgrove 6 GS 0 212,121 Glebe Junction to Newtown, Dulwich Hill, Eailwood, Summer Hill, Hurlstone Park, Petersham and Canterbury 13 1 0 278,332 Forest Lodge Junction to Leichhardt, Balmain, Five Dock and Abbotsford 8 3 20 220,014 94,387 Balmain to Drummoyne and Ryde Railway Station I 7 8 0 Zetland Junction to Botany, Rosebery Park Racecourse and Dacey ville 9 35 25 179,740 Newtown to St. Peters and Cook's River and Marrickville to Cook's River 3 45 0 192,275 George-street to Erskineville Station 2 16 50 C6,640 Castlereagh-street to Flinders-street 0 53 0 27,694 Redfem to Moore Park • 2 20 50 46,276 College-street to Woolloomooloo Bay and McQuade's Point 0 79 75 19,190 Zetland, Rosebery and Dowling-street Car-shed 3 34 75 125,307 Ocean-street to Day-street 2 45 25 135,824 Rose Bay, Dover Road and Watson's Bay 5 3 0 82,765 George and Harris Streets 58 50 1S4,837 Kensington Line to Little Bay, Maroubra Bay and Racecourse Loop 9 49 0 115,833 George-street to Miller's Point 0 52 75 14,935 Pitt and Castlereagh Streets and Central Station 4 22 50 168,073 Botany Road to St. Peters Bridge and Erskineville Station 2 * 1 75 32,597 Little Bay to La Perouse, Springvale and Yarra Junction 3 61 50 39,100 783,669 North Sydney Lines 22 61 19 296,763 The Spit to Manly and Manly to Harbord and Narrabeen 11 43 25 142,303 Ashfield to Mortlake and Cabarita 8 37 75 1,381,608 Newcastle City and Suburban 34 45 30 Arncliffe to Bexley Kogarah to Sans Souci ••• 5 45 0 53,643 Sutherland Railway Station to CronMlla 7 32 0 44,464 Brighton-le-Sands 1 49 50 23,271 College-street Line — 0 30 50 34,545

Total mileage and cost 210 34 45 5,793,218

Rolling-stock , 2,523,974^) Ultimo and White Bay Power-stations, Sub-stations and Plant 2,625,385 Machinery... 271,705 5,971,760 Workshops 261,304 Furniture 2,392 Store Advance Account 287,000J

Total and average cost, all charges 210 34 45 11,764,978 55,909

Arncliffe to Bcxlay—2 miles 50 chains. Services discontinued but track not yet removed. Capibal Cost written off to Working Expenses.

APPENDIX XXXII. STATEMENT showing Additions" to Tramway Capital during the year ended 30th June, 1930.

Construction of Permanent Way, Land. Stations, Total. Engineering,&c.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Additions to Lines, Buildings, &c Cr. 1,090 8 5 Cr. 5,169 11 3 Cr. 6,259 19 8 Rolling Stock, Electric Or. 1,384 3 1 Cr. 1,384 3 1 Workshop Buildings Plant and Machinery 6,594 14 10 6,594 14 10

Electric Power System 22; 838 6 10 22,838 6 10 New Tramway Construction

Gr. 1,090 8 5 22,879 7 4 21,788 18 11 RAILWAYS. CAPITAL AND INTEREST. 1908 09 10 II 12 li 14 IS 16 17 18 19 10 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 uo 130 120 110 ^100 z | 90 o d 80 4 ^ c 70 AM( LUNL EX >ENC 1 ED DN < 60 CON STR UCTI ON AND EQU IPMI :NT. S3 rr | 60 °40 C_CL5 2 = 30 20

to • 0 1906 09 10 11 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

PROFIT TO CAPITAL AN0 INTEREST PAYABLE. 1908 09 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 11 11 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 67.

p T T 0 5% \?n AL 1NV ID.

\ 4% 4V. \

RAT E 01' IN' E.RE .ST >AYA BLE. 3% \ 3% \ \ 17. 2%


1908 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

46420—H RAILWAYS EARNINGS AND WORKING EXPENSES 1908 09 K> II 12 13 14 IS. 16 17 18 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 .

1908 09 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 RAILWAYS TOTAL WORKING EXPENSES % OF GROSS EARNINGS J908 09 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 |7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 100%

96 96

92 92

88 88

84 84

80 80

76 76

72 72

68 68

64 64

60 60

56 56

52 52

46 46

44 44 * 40 40

36 36

32 32

26 28

24 24 .

20 20

16 16 12 12 8 8 *

4 4 o n 1906 09 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

46420—1 RAILWAYS. JC MILES OPEN AND AVERAGE COST PER MILE. 1908 09 10 II II 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 ZO 71 22 11 24 IS 26 27 28 29 30

!^ !/ ———

13*001 1000 •


.HO 0? WW

1908 00 10 II IZ 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 ZO 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

GROSS AND NET EARNINGS PER TRAIN MILE. 19OS 09 10 II 17 13 U 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 15/- 14/ 14/- 13/ 13/- 12/ 12/- II/- II/- 10/ 10/ 9/ 9/ «/" 8/ QRC SS EAR NIN DS. 7/ V- 6/ 6/ 5^ • 5/- PI* 5/ 4/- 4/ 3/- NET E ARH INC S. 3/-

2/ V- I/- I/- 0 0 1908 09 1 0 II 12 13 11 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 11 29 30 AVERAGE DRIVERS RUN PER DAY OF 8 HOURS*.

1920-21 1921-22 1922-23 1923-24 1924-25 1925-26 1926-27 1927-28 1928-29 1929-30 74


1920-ZI 1921-22 1922-23 1923-24 1924-25 1925-26 1926-27 1927-28 1928-29 1929-30 430

420 to 410


390 /is from A/premier /&23 load of L/resfock tra/ris mdvced 4 speed increased.

Sydney: Alfred James Kent, I.S.O., Government Printer—1930.