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Outside Front Cover Inside Front Cover what is a wading bird? Selecting the most graceful bird group To be sure, other bird groups possess within the entire class (Aves) of birds – similar combinations of long legs, arguably the most graceful of all animal long necks, and long bills. Both classes – is a difficult task. By the same the cranes (order Gruiformes) and token, however, it is equally difficult certain shorebirds (i.e. stilts, curlews, to deny the top spot to the exquisitely- godwits, and some sandpipers; order sculpted, long-legged, long-necked, Charadriiformes) are prime examples. long-billed wading birds. But the cranes are more genetically allied with the rails, and the shorebirds possess Biologically, the bird group known bloodlines which are closer to the gulls Ronnie Gaubert, Photographer_Tricolored Heron as the “wading birds” is comprised and terns. David Chauvin, Photographer_Cattle Egret of those species belonging to the families Ardeidae (bitterns, herons, Seventeen species of wading birds egrets), Threskiornithidae (ibises and regularly occur in Louisiana. These spoonbills), Ciconiidae (Wood Stork), include the American Bittern, Least and Phoenicopteridae (flamingoes), all Bittern, Great Blue Heron, Great Egret, of which possess proportionately long Snowy Egret, Reddish Egret, Tricolored legs, long necks, and long bills adapted Heron, Little Blue Heron, Cattle Egret, for wading and feeding in relatively Green Heron, Black-crowned Night- shallow water; and all of which belong Heron, Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, to the
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