News Coverage prepared for: The European Union delegation to

. Disclaimer:

“This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of authors of articles and under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of IPSOS or the European Union.”


. Thematic Headlines  Domestic Scene

 Political Powers across Egypt Continue Protests against Declaration  HPEC Postpones Announcement of Election Winner  Tahrir Unified on Rejecting Complementary Declaration  Former MP Files Lawsuit against Tantawi  Morsi Won in Polls with 51.7% - Judges Movement  UN Chief Calls on SCAF to Hand over Power  SCAF Secures Vital Entities  Stuffed Ballot Papers Case  Al-Jamaa Al-Islameya Plans to Spread Chaos  Advisory Council Criticizes MB  MB Secret Meeting  The Phantom of Rigging in the Runoffs  Mubarak’s Funeral  The Administrative Court to Rule in the Case of the Constituent Assembly  The Revolution Coalition Calls for a Mass Demonstration  MB Sources Claim SCAF’s Bargain  Ambiguity Surrounds Presidential Elections  MOI on Alert before Declaring Elections Results  Judges for Egypt Increase Uncertainty of  MB Spokesman: Serious Confrontation Might Occur If Shafiq Was Declared the President  Al-Shater: No Clashes with SCAF  MPs Confirm Dissolving Parliament is Illegal   


Newspapers (21/06/2012)

Pages: 1, 3 Author: Amani Majid and others

The Phantom of Rigging in the Runoffs

The campaigns of the two presidential candidates are exchanging accusations of rigging in the run-off round of the presidential elections. Contestations were filed against irregularities in voting and vote counting in 14 governorates.

A lawyer filed a lawsuit yesterday at the State Council to suspend the declaration of the final results because of allegedly proven rigging committed by the two candidates.

Carter Center in Cairo doubted the decency of the runoffs.

Spokesman of al-Tajammu Party Nabil Zaki accused the Muslim Brotherhood of blocking roads in Upper Egypt and preventing Copts from voting, threatening them with guns.

Meanwhile, there was a division at the Judge Club in Cairo yesterday. While the “Judges for Egypt” movement, headed by Judge Zakaria Abd al-Aziz, former head of the Judge Club declared unofficial results that showed Mursi leading, Judge Ahmad al-Zind, head of the Judge Club asserted that all declared results were not sure.

In as related context, Dr. Mahmoud Ghizlan, spokesman of the Muslim Brotherhood threatened of a “dangerous confrontation between people and the Army” if Shafiq was declared winner.

A number of political players denounced Shizlan’s declarations. Head of al-Tajammu Party Rifaat al-Saeid called on Ghizlan not to speak in the name of the Egyptian people.

In his part, Najih Ibrahim, member of the Shura Council of al-Jamaah al-Islamiya described the declarations as a dangerious implied threat from the Muslim Brotherhood.


Secretary General of the High Presidential Elections Commission Hatim Bagato said the 400 contestations filed by the two candidates cover all the governorates.

The legal team of Mursi’s campaign filed 124 contestations against violations in nine governorates. The violations included bribes, ineligible voters and pulling voters.

On the other hand, Judge Yahya Qadri, Shafiq’s lawyer stated the campaign filed 221 contestations, in addition to the calims against the forgery of printing ballots at al-Amiriya Printing House. Rigging took place in 14 governorates. Qadri referred to alleged one million forged ballots that were printed at al-Amirya Printing House in favor of Mursi.

Qadri added that the number of voters declared by the Freedom and Justice Party was one million and 400 thousand more than the number of eligible voters who signed on the voting lists.

Similar news was reported in al-Shurouk, p. 1


Page: 4 Author: Wael Mohamed, Ahmed Youssef and Islam Diab

Tahrir Unified on Rejecting Complementary Declaration

Protesters in the iconic were unified once again, this time against the Complementary Constitutional Declaration issued by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces.

On a million-man protest on Tuesday, the demonstrators chanted anti-SCAF slogans.

The protesters closed Downtown Cairo’s streets leading to and from the square.

At 10:45 pm, a march led by disqualified presidential candidate Hazem Salah Abu- Ismail arrived in Tahrir Square coming from the Giza neighborhood of Dokki.

Addressing the crowds, Abu-Ismail urged SCAF to hand over power without manipulating the results of the presidential elections.


Page: 5 Author: Mohsen Samika

Former MP Files Lawsuit against Tantawi

MP of the dissolved People’s Assembly Essam Sultan filed a lawsuit with the Administrative Court against head of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi, Prime Minister Kamal el-Ganzouri, Shura Council Speaker Ahmed Fahmi and Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim for preventing him from entering the premises of the dissolved parliament.

Sultan said he headed to the premises to attend a general meeting pre-called for by the parliament’s speaker but was prevented from entering by guards, who told him they had orders to prevent any MP from accessing the building.


Page: 6 Author: Mohamed el-Sanhouri, Mahmoud Ramzi and Ghada Mohamed el-Sherif

HPEC Postpones Announcement of Election Winner

The High Presidential Elections Commission (HPEC) announced postponing the results of the presidential elections to an indefinite date, saying it needs more time to examine 400 challenges lodged by runoff candidates Ahmed Shafiq and .

In a statement issued Tuesday, the HPEC said it is still looking into the field challenges.


Pages: 3 Author: Hicham Abd al-Hafiz

Mubarak’s Funeral

A judicial military source stated that Mubarak would not have a military funeral because he had lost his military rank and all his medals and merits when he was proved guilty and sentenced by the court.


Page: 3. Author: Not mentioned.

MB Spokesman: Serious Confrontation Might Occur If Shafiq Was Declared the President

Dr. Mahmoud Ghazlan, spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood, warned against what he described as “a serious confrontation” that might happen between the people and the army if the Presidential Elections Commission declared Lieutenant General Ahmed Shafiq as Egypt’s new president.

Ghazlan confirmed that the rumors spread by Shafiq’s campaign claiming that he won the presidential elections prove that SCAF and the Presidential Elections Commission might be preparing the public opinion for elections fraud. He also stated that if Shafiq was declared the new president, this would mean that SCAF succeeded in making a coup d’état, which might result in a dangerous confrontation between the people and the army.

“I hope that SCAF generals submit to the will of the people,” said Ghazlan. He also denied any ongoing negotiations between the MB and SCAF.


Page: 1, 4 Author: not mentioned MB Secret Meeting

Al-Dostour newspaper said the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) political arm, held a secret meeting headed by Khairat El-Shater and Essam Al-Erian in one of the party’s premises to review the plan that will be executed if presidential candidate Ahmed Shafq wins in the polls.

Al-Dostour allocated Page 1 and 4 to explain this MB plan as follows:

In case Shafiq wins, military groups will incite the youth to organize marches. During these marches, snipers in Mostafa Mahmoud, Abbasseya, Tahrir, and Dokki areas will shoot the protesters.

In addition to this, groups will attack security forces at checkpoints in Sinai to facilitate the Palestinian Hamas movement’s entrance to Egypt to implement the plan to overthrow military forces.

As many as 300 public figures will be assassinated at the same time in several governorates to terrorize the citizens and make them surrender to the MB oppressive plans, the newspaper claimed.

In Cairo, they will attack Tora Prison, even if Mohamed Morsi wins, to kill Gamal and Alaa Mubarak, and all the figures that have critical information about the MB. Former President Mubarak was to be killed but he has been transferred to the hospital.

Second: They will attack the protesters and leave behind military and police weapons to show that they are responsible for killing the protesters to in order to make the martyrs’ families attack the police and the Armed Forces.


Third: They will open Rafah border crossing and launch missiles towards Israel so that the international community gets busy with Israel’s responsive attacks on Gaza, while the MB kills all the opposition parties in Egypt.

Forming groups that will be responsible for protecting and killing anyone who gets near to MB premises.

Holding deals with criminals and thugs to attack police stations, sabotage them and vandalize some of the houses of security figures homes.

Attacking and sabotaging the premises of civil defense forces.

MB women will try to convince the people to not allow their children to go out in protests in order not to be killed by former regime members’ forces and that MB will do this on their behalf.


Page: 3 Author: Ahmed Gamal El-Din

Advisory Council Criticizes MB

The Advisory Council issued a statement in which it strongly criticized the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), accusing it of exploiting the revolution.

The Council urged all the citizens to support the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) after Israel started to take steps for military plans.

The Council said the MB forged 780 votes and has threatened the High Presidential Elections Commission (HPEC) in order to disregard MB violations and announce Mohamed Morsi as president even if he has not won.


Page: 3 Author: Abdel-Rahman Abu Ouf

Al-Jamaa Al-Islameya Plans to Spread Chaos

The Al-Jamaa Al-Islameya (Islamic Group) spokesman said the group will spread chaos and cross all the red lines in order to pressure the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF).

The group is mulling a suggestion by disqualified presidential candidate Hazem Abu Ismail to start an open-ended sit-in in Tahrir Square, the spokesman said.


Page: 3 Author: Nada Hamdy

Stuffed Ballot Papers Case

Security Forces in Giza said that a team has been formed to investigate, in coordination with the National Security Agency, the case of stuffing ballot papers in favor of presidential candidate Mohamed Morsi.

This team found out that one of the employees at the printing houses that printed the ballot papers has been bribed to smuggle two million ballot forms in order to be forged.


Page: 1. Authors: Mohamed Abd Al-Gelil, Hoda Abu Bakr (and others).

Ambiguity Surrounds Presidential Elections

The crisis of presidential elections is not coming to an end today; this is the conclusion of the statement issued by the Presidential Elections Commission yesterday. The commission’s judges indicated that it would be impossible to declare the name of the presidential candidate who has won the elections according to the timeline previously set.

Throughout the past two days, the Presidential Elections Commission was examining nearly 400 appeals filed by the two presidential candidates, according to the statement. The commission’s judges also listened to arguments of the lawyers of the two candidates.

The appeals focused on violations allegedly committed by the two candidates including pre-filled ballot papers, rigging votes of the deceased, double voting, and influencing voters inside polling stations.

The statement said the commission will continue to investigate and scrutinize all the appeals filed by the two contenders, which requires additional time before the commission is able to declare the final results of elections.

Informed sources told Al-Tahrir newspaper that the Presidential Elections Commission is likely to cancel the results of some of the polling stations in a number of governorates in Upper Egypt after proving that supporters of one of the candidates tampered with ballot boxes.


Page: 1. Author: Mohamed Abd Al-Gelil.

MOI on Alert before Declaring Elections Results

A state of alert spread in the various sectors of the Ministry of Interior as the Minister gave his orders to all security forces to take tighter measures to secure state buildings and institutions. He also gave his orders for security forces to secure banks, ministries and embassies, with the results of presidential elections drawing near.

Orders from top officials were given to policemen to carry their personal weapons, along with their assigned weapons, and respond violently to anyone who tries to attack or burn down police stations.

Special sources told Al-Tahrir newspaper that a curfew might be imposed when the results of presidential elections are declared in anticipation of possible clashes that could occur between supporters of the two presidential candidates.


Page: 2. Authors: Hoda Abu Bakr and Raba Nour Al-Din.

Judges for Egypt Increase Uncertainty of Egyptians

The uncertainty of Egyptians increases every passing hour with the campaigns of the two candidates declaring their victories and with some newspaper publishing the victory of one of the two contenders.

Judges for Egypt, a group of reformist judges who monitored the elections, declared that the Muslim Brotherhood’s presidential candidate Dr. Mohamed Morsi has won the presidential elections with 51.73% of the votes, while his opponent Lieutenant General Ahmed Shafiq obtained 48.27% of the votes.

Senior Judge Walid Sharabi, spokesman for the group, said these results are not yet final because the Presidential Elections Commission is still examining the appeals filed by the two candidates. Sharabi explained that the numbers they provided represent the results of vote counting of all the polling stations around the country, including the votes of Egyptian expatriates. He also denied that there were stuffed ballot papers, confirming that judges prevented any attempts of rigging in the polling sub-stations and they only counted valid votes.


Pages: 3 Author: Samir al-Jamal

MB Sources Claim SCAF’s Bargain

No for the completer constitutional declaration, no for the interference in the tasks of the Constituent Assembly and no for dissolving the People’s Assembly; these are the three “Nos” of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Sources from the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party said Mursi’s three “Nos” were to protest against limiting the authorities of the president before the constitution is drafted.

Another source at the Shura Council of the Muslim Brotherhood claimed that SCAF was bartering with Muslim Bartering Mursi’s victory with the Complementary Constitutional Declaration. The source expressed concerns about forging the results in favor of Shafiq, reiterating its confidence of Mursi’s proven lead.


Pages: 3 Author: Muhammad Bassal

The Administrative Court to Rule in the Case of the Constituent Assembly

The Administrative Court will consider the 10 cases filed against the Speaker of the dissolved People’s Assembly, the head of the Shura Council and the Minister of Legislative Councils concerning the formation of the Constituent Assembly.


Pages: 5 Author: Riham Suoud

The Revolution Coalition Calls for a Mass Demonstration

The Revolution Coalition called for a mass demonstrating in Tahrir Square on Friday to protest the Complementary Constitutional Declaration issued by SCAF.

Member of the Coalition Executive Office Muhammad al-Qassad stated that the demonstration was to reject what he called “SCAF’s attempts to impose its custody” on the state.

Al-Qassas voiced his concern at a possible failure of the demonstration if the political players did not reach an agreement.


Page: 1. Authors: Iman Ali, Ahmed Hamada (and others).

Al-Shater: No Clashes with SCAF

Dozens of protesters gathered in Tahrir Square to express their refusal of the constitutional addendum and what they described as “SCAF’s domination of the president’s powers.” Supporters of Dr. Mohamed Morsi prepare for his arrival to Tahrir Square on Friday to take his oath before the people.

Several marches arrived to Tahrir Square yesterday demanding that SCAF hands over power immediately to the elected president and denouncing the false victory claimed by Ahmed Shafiq’s campaign.

During one of the talk shows, Khairat Al-Shater said that a referendum should be held on the decision to dissolve the parliament and on the supplemental Constitutional Declaration. He confirmed that the MB will not go into a clash with the Armed Forces because they represent a national institution that protects the country internally and externally.


Page: 4. Author: Noura Fakhri.

MPs Confirm Dissolving Parliament is Illegal

The majority of Members of the dissolved People’s Assembly confirmed that the Supreme Constitutional Court does not have the power to issue a decision to dissolve the parliament, and its jurisdiction lies only within the legal and constitutional aspects. A number of MPs said they will escalate their position, if security forces continued to refuse to allow them to enter the parliament.

They also said they might hold parliamentary sessions in a different place to confirm that the dissolution of the elected parliament is illegal.

MP Mohamed Al-Soghair told Youm 7 newspaper that the MPs do not recognize the Supreme Constitutional Court’s decision to dissolve the parliament. He also said that MPs are completely against the constitutional addendum and that “Morsi can only take the oath before the People’s Assembly because taking an oath before the Supreme Constitutional Court means that he approves the supplemental Constitutional Declaration.”


Page: 5 Author: Hoda Mohamed

Morsi Won in Polls with 51.7% - Judges Movement

An independent movement called “judges for Egypt” announced that Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi has won in the runoff of the presidential elections after garnering 51.7% of the vote.

During a press conference held at the Syndicate of Journalists, the movement said Morsi had gained 13,238,335 votes in the runoff, while Shafiq got 12,351,310 votes.


Page: 11 Author: Not mentioned

UN Chief Calls on SCAF to Hand over Power

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday evening said he hopes Egypt’s military will hand over power to a civilian government in the near future.

The comments came after last weekend’s second round of its presidential election, a key element of the transition to greater democracy that began in January 2011 when a popular uprising overthrew the long-standing regime of .

“The Secretary-General continues to follow events in Egypt closely,” the Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Oscar Fernandez-Taranco, told the Security Council, as he briefed the 15-member body on the latest developments in the Middle East.

“He looks forward to the early handover of full authority to a civilian government.”

Ban “underscores his concern that the country’s transition should meet the legitimate aspirations of the Egyptian people and of the international community for the establishment of strong, representative, democratic institutions and for the popular will to be respected – both in the elections and in the drafting of a new Constitution,” Fernandez-Taranco added.


TV Coverage (20/6/2012)

Program: Al-Hayat Al-Yoom Channel: Al-Hayat Host: Sherief Amer

Judges for the Sake of Egypt Movement announces that documents show that Mohamed Morsi heads the polls by 910 thousand votes more than his rival Shafiq.

Program: Al-Hayat Al-An Channel: Al-Hayat Host: Maha Bahnasy

MENA: Mubarak has been declared clinically dead by his doctors after arriving in Maadi Military Hospital.

. Similar news was reported in: . Program: 24 Hours News, Channel 1” TV”

Prison’s Institute prevents Mubarak sons to go with Mubarak to Maadi Military Hospital.

. Similar news was reported in: . Program: 24 Hours News, Channel 1”State TV”

Program: Masr Al-Gadeeda Channel: Al-Hayat 2 Host: Moataz Al-Demerdash

Conflicting reports about Former President Mubarak’s Health conditions after transferring him to Maadi Military Hospital.

. Similar news was reported in: . Program: Akhbar Masr, Channel 1”State TV”

MB gathers a lot of people to start a sit-in in the squares.

Program: Sabah Al-Kheir Ya Masr Channel 1”State TV”


MB delays the clash with SCAF until the presidential race ends.

Program: Akhbar Masr Channel 1”State TV”

Judge Hatem Begato HPEC Secretary-General said we delayed the declaration of the results as 440 contestations were submitted in one day.

. Similar news was reported in: . Program: 24 Hours News, Channel 1”State TV”

Calm in Tahrir Square after the million-man-march against the Complementary Constitutional Declaration ended.

. Similar news was reported in: . Program: Al-Hayat Al-An, Channel: Al-Hayat, Host: Maha Bahnasy

News Channel 2”State TV” Time: 26:00:00

Demonstrations in Tahrir Square to denounce the Complementary Constitutional Declaration.

. Similar news was reported in: . Program: Misr Tantakheb Al-Raees, Channel: CBC, Host: Khairy Ramadan . Program: Al-Hayat Al-Yoom, Channel: Al-Hayat, Host: Sherief Amer . Program: Masr Al-Gadeda, Channel: Al-Hayat 2, Host: Moataz Al-Demerdash . Program: Akher Al-Nahar, Channel: Al-Nahar, Host: Mahmoud Saad . Program: Maweed Maa Al-Raees, Channel: Al-Nahar, Host: Reham Ibrahim

6 of April Movement, Revolution Communist, and Revolution Protestors announce their sit-in in Tahrir Square until their demands are fulfilled.

Speaker of the dissolved people’s Assembly Saad al-Katatny expressed his respect to the judicial authority, adding that they filed a contestation against the decision of dissolving the People’s Assembly.

The High Presidential Elections Commission (HPEC) postponed the declaration of the elections results as the contestations needed more time for reviewing.


. Similar news was reported in: . Program: Misr Tantakheb Al-Raees, Channel: CBC, Host: Khairy Ramadan . Program: Al-Hayat Al-Yoom, Channel: Al-Hayat, Host: Sherief Amer . Program: Akhbar Masr, Channel 1”State TV” . Program: 24 Hours News, Channel 1”State TV”

Program: Yesed Sabahak Channel 2”State TV” Host: Hend Rashad and Yasser Abdel-Hakim HPEC demands not to announce any results until the official results are declared.

HPEC considers the contestations.

Program: Maweed Maa Al-Raees Channel: Al-Nahar Host: Reham Ibrahim

Judges For the Sake of Egypt Movement announced that Mohamed Morsi won the elections.


Radio Coverage (20/6/2012

News Channel: Al-Shabab w Al-Reyada Time: 23:15:00

High Presidential Elections Commission (HPEC) delays the declaration of the elections results as considering the contestations need more time.

. Similar news was reported in: . Channel: Radio Masr, Time: 23:00:00 . Channel” State Radio , Time: 23:00:00

Conflicting reports about Former President Mubarak Health Conditions after transferring him to Maadi Military Hospital.

. Similar news was reported in: . Channel: Radio Masr, Time: 23:00:00

HPEC said we heard for the lawyers of both candidates for the contestations for 5 hours.

News Channel: State Radio Time: 23:00:00

Demonstrations took place in Tahrir Square to condemn the Complementary Constitutional Declaration.


Internet Coverage (21/6/2012)

We Are All Khaled Saeed:

We have to learn not to spread rumors as many were abound in the last few days, such as:

Khayrat el-Shater and Mohamed el-Beltagy were arrested.

Two million ballot papers were stuffed for Mohamed Morsi in the Amiriya publishing house.

Ahmed Shafiq fled outside Egypt.

Mubarak has died clinically. (Many people believe he did actually die).

The Army will impose a curfew on Thursday.

I will stop presenting my show – TV presenter Yousri Fouda. 4.104224996294040&type=1

The Muslim Brotherhood

Freedom and Justice Party Pledges Participation in All Popular Actions to Achieve Revolution Goals

The Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) expresses its sincere thanks and deep appreciation to the great Egyptian people for their massive response and powerful, positive participation in the million-man marches and demonstrations on Tuesday 19 June 2012 rejecting the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF)’s so-called constitutional supplement and its decision to dissolve the People’s Assembly.

The FJP’s Executive Office, at the conclusion of its meeting, today Wednesday June 20, affirms that it will join the Egyptian people and all political and revolutionary parties, groups and movements, in all public actions and events, until the demands of Tuesday’s million-man demonstration – under the banner ‘In liberty square, until parliament returns’ – are met, so as to achieve the following objectives:

The return of the elected parliament to its legislative and oversight duties.


Cancellation of the complementary constitutional declaration that reduced the powers of the President of the Republic and created a justification for SCAF to stay on and not to hand over power in full, in accordance with the agreed timetable.

Cancellation of the decision to grant military police and intelligence officers powers to arrest and detain civilians.

Allowing the elected Constituent Assembly to carry out its mission of drafting the new constitution, in order for that to be expressive of all the Egyptian people, and not to disrupt the work of the Assembly or to establish another Assembly not based on the legitimacy of the March 2011 referendum.

The FJP calls its members in provinces across Egypt to join all citizens in the pursuit of these demands by the peaceful means guaranteed by the law, and affirmed by the blessed January revolution.

Morsi Campaign’s Legal Team Submits 134 Electoral Complaints to Presidential Elections Committee

The lawyer Abdel-Moneim Abdel-Maksoud, Chairman of the Legal Committee of presidential candidate Dr. Mohamed Morsi’s campaign, confirmed that the campaign’s legal team discussed, on Wednesday 20 June, 134 electoral complaints it made to the Supreme Presidential Elections Committee (SPEC). Abdel-Maksoud pointed out that all complaints discussed by the campaign’s legal team were related to irregularities and violations that marred the electoral process and reported by Dr. Morsi’s delegates and legal team, most notably:

1 - Voting by certain factions not allowed doing so by law (such as army recruits and some police and army officers).

2 - Vote-rigging multi-ballot registry papers, which were witnessed and reported in some polling stations.

3 - Directing citizens to vote for the rival candidate.

4 – Vote buying.

5 - Mismatches between numbers of the cards inside ballot-boxes and the actual number of voters.

6 - Voting by polling stations' employees on behalf of citizens unable to use the ballots, against their choice (for Shafiq instead of Morsi).


There were even more irregularities and violations reported, which marred the voting process.

Abdel-Maksoud added that the discussion of the campaign’s legal team lasted for two and a half hours, and was attended by more than 30 lawyers from the campaign’s legal team.

The campaign’s legal team affirmed that, according to the rules governing the electoral appeals procedures, it is not permissible for anyone to lodge or discuss a complaint with SPEC, unless that complaint had been previously submitted to the relevant polling station’s General Committee.

The other candidate's campaign made a number of complaints amounting to a total of 8, made before the General Committee.


To contact members of the campaign’s legal team, please call the following campaign officials:

1 - Abdel-Moneim Abdel-Maksoud, 01222161050

2 - Nasser Al-Hafi, 01001118744

3 - Mohamed Damati, 01005113586

4 - Dr. Kamel Mandour, 01227538758



Does anyone have any confirmed news about a curfew that will be imposed tomorrow?

What makes me angry the most is that Tahrir Square began a pressure tool in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood leaders through which they can negotiate with SCAF. If the MB did have any real will to change, we would have seen that long time ago.

I wonder if MB members can pressure the Guidance Office to pursue the goals of the revolution. Or is it now an impossible dream after MB leaders fired the young free members?

I believe that appeals are just a pressure tool and elections results were delayed until Saturday because negotiations are still ongoing between the MB and SCAF.



“ I wouldn't say that Egypt is in a particularly traditional democratic transition at the moment. # 4m2012”

Bloggers, socialists, Nasserists, liberals, April 6 members, Youth For Change, all those chanted against Mubarak when he was in power, the MB and Salafis never did this.

The Muslim Brotherhood never chanted against SCAF except after their parliament was dissolved.

Do you remember the disagreement between the MB and the Ministry of Interior I was telling you about earlier? It was all about the ballot papers stuffed in favor of Morsi, they were printed by orders from the MOI.

This is why the Public Prosecution did not summon the Government Printing Offices employees because they did not print anything and they have to summon senior security officials.

Directors of Government Printing Offices are lying. SCAF put pressure on them to claim that Al-Shater bribed some of the workers to print additional ballot papers, while actually the police ordered printing the ballot papers!


As long as we participate in spreading rumors to defend someone we support or attack someone we are against, then we are no different from the corrupt media channels we make fun of.


“Freedom and Justice Party Rejects SCAF's Coup D'état against Democracy - Ikhwanweb: “

“People overthink this conspiracy stuff.”

“The Troubled Revolutionary Path in Egypt: A Return to the Basics: Hamalawy.”

“New on Arabist: No matter which way you look at it, trouble ahead”

“Some say Morsi was SCAF's secret candidate. Others worried Shafiq is SCAF's candidate. But SCAF's candidate is SCAF.”


“New on Arabist: SCAF to Egypt: Relax “

“People are rushing to assume its Morsi, but there are more than enough votes still in play for that to change. Not to mention shenanigans.”

“New on Arabist: President Morsi? “


“In case some fear a Syrian scenario in Egypt, simply remember that we're 85 million. This bunch of virginity tests cowards won't dare.”

“All attempts to create blocks were sabotaged by SCAF. SCAF is weak & busy now. It's time for all secular parties & forces to unite.”

“Egyptians assimilated to remnants of the old regime because they didn't want MB won't fight for Shafik if they see a solid block fiercely opposing SCAF & MB.”

“And seculars who voted for MB because they obviously couldn't vote for Shafik will join the same block. That's a lot of people.”

“What if SCAF was trying to put Mubarak on plane so they don't leave him... behind? SS in Uruguay Airlines? 20 seats please. First class.”

“Lawyer meant to say Mubarak still reigns in stable confusion RT@arabist Lawyer says Mubarak in stable condition, but confusion still reigns”

“REEEEEEAD!!!!!!!!! >>> The Future Direction of Egypt’s Revolution » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names: “

“"The Muslim Brotherhood needs the support of revolutionaries as it braces for a fresh confrontation with Egypt’s ruling military" # GoFish”

“Classic scenario in Egypt right now. MB fascists screw democrats and democrats don't screw them back because "they're fair and democratic".”

“Yes hello I'd like to reserve 19 airline tickets to Uruguay.. Yes, I''l hold... Ok, So let me spell the names. T-A-N-...”

“We're now beyond the era of "let's all hold hands and fight SCAF" (Baradei stance that had meaning b4 MB double-crossed revolutionaries).”

“Over 16 months SCAF sabotaged every single secular force with high potential to guarantee polarized elections. Ask Baradei.”


“Secular block is bigger than Islamists'. Elections confirm that, especially if you take out from Morsi's score all non-MB anti-SCAF votes.”

“A comfortable majority is now anti-SCAF & wants the end of military rule. New situation. SCAF cornered. SCAF to surrender or to strike hard.”


“To really kill an idea you need to allow it to run its full course to failure. If you try to stop it in the middle, it will still live on.”

“In other words, it's far better to let a bad idea die than to kill it. For if you kill it, it'll still live on in someone's imagination.”


“In "democracy" nothing adds up”

“My full support and solidarity with Sudanese revolution, may your revolution prevail... power to the people # SudanRevolts # Sudan”

“Postponing election results and surrounding Cairo with tanks is SCAF's way of probably saying Shafiq won..hope I'm wrong”

“At @RevSocMe for a panel on the presidency and the future of the Egyptian revolution, Sameh Naguib “


. Publication overview

 Al-Ahram: Egyptian state-run official daily newspaper

Founded in 1875, is the most widely circulating Egyptian daily newspaper, and the second oldest after al-Waqa'i`al-Masriya (English: The Egyptian Events, founded 1828). It is majority owned by the Egyptian government.

 Al-Akhbar: Egyptian state-owned semi-official daily newspaper

It was founded in May 1952 as a part of Akhbar El Yom.

 Al-Gomhoria: Egyptian state-owned daily newspaper

An influential state-owned Egyptian Arabic language daily newspaper. It was established in 1954.

 Al-Shorouk: Egyptian daily independent newspaper

Are a prominent Arabic newspaper published in Egypt [1] and several other Arabic nations It is a daily independent newspaper, covering mainly politics, militant affairs and sport.

 Al-Masry al-Yom: Independent daily newspaper

On 7 June 2004, it published its first edition. The paper initially circulated primarily amongst Cairo’s intellectual elite, providing objective news coverage in the belief that good news would beat sensationalist reporting found in other Egyptian print media. After 3 years, it was challenging Al-Ahram for the status of being the national paper of record. Though

 Tahrir: Daily independent newspaper

 Dostor: Daily independent newspaper

 Yom 7: Daily independent newspaper


Table of Content: Newspapers ………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………3-26 Al Ahram Newspaper The Phantom of Rigging in the Runoffs…………………………………………….…………………………………………3-4 Al masry al youm Newspaper Tahrir Unified on Rejecting Complementary Declaration…………………………………………………………………….5 Former MP Files Lawsuit against Tantawi…………………………………………………………………………………….6 HPEC Postpones Announcement of Election Winner…………………………………………………………………………7 AL Gomhoria newspaper Mubarak’s Funeral………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8 MB Spokesman: Serious Confrontation Might Occur If Shafiq Was Declared the President…………………………….9 Al dostour Newspaper MB Secret Meeting………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………10-11 Advisory Council Criticizes MB……………………………………………………………………………………………….12 Al-Jamaa Al-Islameya Plans to Spread Chaos………………………………………………………………………………..13 Stuffed Ballot Papers Case……………………………………………………………………………………………………….14 Al Tahrir Newspaper… Ambiguity Surrounds Presidential Elections …………………………………………………………………………………15 MOI on Alert before Declaring Elections Results…………………………………………………………………………….16 Judges for Egypt Increase Uncertainty of Egyptians…………………………………………………………………………17 Al Sherouk Newspaper.. MB Sources Claim SCAF’s Bargain……………………………………………………………………………………………18 The Administrative Court to Rule in the Case of the Constituent Assembly………………………………………………19 The Revolution Coalition Calls for a Mass Demonstration………………………………………………………………….20 Al youm al 7 newspaper Al-Shater: No Clashes with SCAF…………………………………………………………………………………………….21 MPs Confirm Dissolving Parliament is Illegal………………………………………………………………………………22 Al Akhbar Newspaper Morsi Won in Polls with 51.7% - Judges Movement………………………………………………………………………….23 UN Chief Calls on SCAF to Hand over Power………………………………………………………………………………24 TV Coverage…………………………………………………………..………...……...………...….………..…25 Al-Hayat 2…………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………..27 CBC ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………27 Channel 1………………………………………………………………………………….…………….….………….….…27-28 Channel 2……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………28 Radio Coverage…………………………………………………………………..………..……….…………….…..………..29 Radio Masr …………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………….29 Al-Shark Al-Awsat ………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………….29 Mega fm……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………29 Internet coverage……………………………………………………………………….……...... ……….…....……..…… 30-33 Facebook……………………………………………………………….…………………………………...…….……………..30 Muslim brotherhood...... 33