Young Israel Shomrai Emunah


May 31, 2010 18 Sivan 5770 Young Israel Shomrai Emunah

Annual Banquet

Honoring Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum celebrating five years with YISE

and Michael and Sharon Shimoff Young Leadership Award

Youth Honorees

Tova Hillman Sarit Klugerman Adam Paisley Jeremy Rosenthal

Our congregation and community mourn the loss of our rabbi and teacher

HaRav Gedaliah Anemer z"l

His presence and leadership will be greatly missed by our community and everyone who knew him.

His wisdom and teachings continue to be sources of inspiration.

May his memory be a blessing and comfort for us, our families and all of K'lal Yisroel.


6:00 PM Buffet Dinner 7:45 PM Testimonials

Master of Ceremonies Mr. David Hornestay

Appreciation and Presentation to Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum Dr. David Mazel

Acceptance Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum

Appreciation and Presentation to Michael and Sharon Shimoff Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum

Acceptance Mr. Michael Shimoff

Presentation of Youth Honoree Awards Miss Aviva Khaldar Rabbi Tzvi Klugerman Mrs. Evelyn Davis Mrs. Lee Oppenheim Mrs. Barbara Price

Remarks Mrs. Nancy James Mrs. Barbara Price Banquet Co-Chairs


Birkat Hamazon


Committee Chairs

Nancy James Barbara Price

Committee Members

Vicki Binstock Jay Marcus Rosalyn Bramson Jules Meisler Josh Breitstein Lee Oppenheim Aliza Chlewicki Donna Rosenbloom Evelyn Davis Deborah Rudmann Gloria Feldman Elise Saks Celia Finkel Adam Segal Simi Franco Becky Simkovich Seth Green Rachelli Simon Mordechai Litwack Jason Unger Allison Marcus Alan Zimmerman

Journal Committee

Jules Meisler, Chairman Rosalyn Bramson Mordechai Litwack Bobbi Meisler Elise Saks

Catering by Signature Caterers

Photography by Ron Sheinson and a special thank you to all the respective spouses who allowed us to work on this event Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum

abbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum are both local products. Both attended the Hebrew Academy of Greater Washington and the Yeshiva Rof Greater Washington. Both studied at the University of Maryland. Finally, both are very proud to be associated with Young Israel Shomrai Emunah.

Rabbi Rosenbaum’s parents, Rabbi Roy and Judy Rosenbaum, brought their family to the Kemp Mill community from St. Louis in 1985. They were members of our shul, where Rabbi Rosenbaum’s bar mitzvah took place. (Little did they know that it was an audition!). He attended the Hebrew Academy from grades four through eight, then transferred to the Yeshiva for high school. After graduation, Rabbi Rosenbaum attended Yeshiva Lev Avrohom in Yerushalayim. After spending one year in Israel, he returned to Silver Spring to be part of the first class of the Yeshiva Gedolah, the Yeshiva’s post-high school division. He was a student at the Yeshiva Gedolah for the next five years, joining the inaugural group of Zichron Amram, dedicated in memory of Amram Feldman, a”h, and eventually receiving yoreh yoreh Semichah from Rabbi Anemer zt”l. He also studied accounting at the University of Maryland University College during that period. tara, daughter of Emil and Sarah Braun, was a member of the Woodside community from birth until her marriage. She attended the Hebrew AAcademy through sixth grade, then the Yeshiva from seventh grade through high school. She spent one year in Israel at Bnos Chava Seminary before returning to the Washington area where she studied history at the University of Maryland College Park while working as a teacher’s aide at the Torah School of Greater Washington. She ultimately became the morah for sixth grade girls, working a total of eight years at the school.

The Rosenbaums married on August 13, 1998 and were honored to have Rabbi Anemer as mesader kiddushin. They spent the first two years of their marriage living in Kemp Mill as members of YISE. Atara was a Judaic studies teacher at the girls division of the Yeshiva, teaching both middle school and high school students, and has been teaching there ever since. Though Rabbi Rosenbaum was primarily a kollel fellow at the time, he did give occasional shiurim in the shul, sometimes teaching the Shabbos afternoon parsha class, both at Arcola and University. For a few summers, he also taught the gemora class for the Senior Kollel program organized by Rabbi Hirsh Mendlowitz. Atara taught a Shabbos afternoon navi class for the women of Forest Knolls. In August of 2000, the Rosenbaums moved to Bethesda, where Rabbi Rosenbaum served for five years as spiritual leader of the Am Hatorah Congregation. In addition to developing warm relationships with the members of their close-knit congregation, they also acquired a love for the rabbinate and serving community. Rabbi Rosenbaum became a at the Yeshiva of Greater Washington in 2001. He continues to work there, having taught boys and girls at the middle and high school levels as well as a beginners’ gemora shiur in the Yeshiva’s Foundations Program for college-aged baalei teshuvah.

The Rosenbaums moved back to Kemp Mill in August of 2005 when Rabbi Rosenbaum assumed the position of Assistant Rabbi at YISE. Atara has given a number of shiurim and lectures for women over this period. Most notable has been her opportunity to resume her shiur in Forest Knolls. They have enjoyed the opportunity to serve the community from which they themselves benefited at earlier points in their lives. It has been a special privilege to live together with so many contemporaries and family friends whom they have known for years. There have been many wonderful experiences in their YISE years, but the clear highlight was the birth of their son Yosef on Purim day, 2009. Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum feel very privileged to live among and serve the YISE community and hope to do so for many years to come. Michael and Sharon Shimoff

haron and Michael Shimoff met in Washington, DC in November 2000 when Sharon was pursuing her Bachelors degree in Human Services at SGeorge Washington University and Michael was working for the Air Force. Exactly nine months to the day after their first date, they were married in Philadelphia. They have lived in Kemp Mill and have been members of YISE since they were married in 2001.

Sharon was born in Philadelphia, PA where her family has a long history of service to the Jewish community. Her parents, June and Peter Olster, raised their family in Wynnewood, PA where they continue to reside. Sharon’s mother is an early childhood educator, and her father owns a kosher catering company started by his parents over 50 years ago. Sharon graduated from Lower Merion High School in 1997.

In college, she served as both secretary of the Hillel Board and as president of EMES, the Orthodox Jewish student group on campus. After graduating, she worked for the United Jewish Communities Washington Action Office until 2003 when their first child, Dovie, was born.

Sharon has served the community at the Mikvah Emunah Society and the Chevra Kadisha. She has also served the YISE community as a member of the Nursery School Board and as a member of the search committee for a Youth Director in 2008.

ichael was born in Baltimore, where his parents were college professors at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. MAfter graduating from Talmudical Academy of Baltimore in 1994, he spent two years in Israel, one of which as the gabbai (assistant) to the Bostoner Rebbe ZT”L. After Israel, Michael attended UMBC where he served as treasurer, vice-president, and president of the Jewish Student Union and as a member of the Hillel of Greater Baltimore Board. He has worked for the federal government in acquisitions since earning his Bachelors degree in Political Science from UMBC in 1999. He is expected to graduate in July with a Masters of Science of Strategic Intelligence from the National Defense Intelligence College.

Michael has served on the YISE Board as a trustee and vice president. During his tenure, he has served on the Kiddush, Youth, and Nursery School committees. He helps run the Dor L’Dor and Torah, Tefilah, and Tofutti children’s educational programs with YISE Youth Director Scott Miller.

Both Sharon and Michael have strong ties to community service instilled in them by their parents, grandparents and great grandparents. Sharon’s family has been active members of Hadassah, the Jewish National Fund, and the Jewish Federation of Philadelphia for over four generations. Michael’s family has been active in Yeshiva University, Israel Bonds, and Congregation Shomrei Emunah of Baltimore. Sharon and Michael strongly feel that family and community service are important in raising their own children.

The Shimoffs are blessed with four children: Dovie (6), Eli (5), Noa (3), and Yonah (7 months). Dovie and Eli have been integral members of the chair moving squad for Dor L’Dor and other shul functions! Builder

We are so happy with Sharon and Michael Shimoff and their involvement in the Jewish community, and especially of Young Israel Shomrai Emunah, and the Jewish values they continue to teach our children and grandchildren.

Love, June, Peter, and Scott Olster Benefactor

To Sharon and Michael,

Mazel Tov on being recognized for the work that you do for your community. I am so happy and proud of you and your achievements. My hope and prayer is that you continue to grow and contribute to your community.

I feel blessed to be your mother and the grandmother of your wonderful and beau- tiful children - Dovie, Eli, Noa and Yonah

Love, Dr. Sandra Shimoff (Mom) Benefactor Benefactor


We appreciate the honorees' hard work for our shul and community.

Aaron and Rona Lerner

 Benefactor


Mazel Tov and Best Wishes to Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum, Michael and Sharon Shimoff and the Youth Honorees

Marina, Gregory, Michael and Esther Shmunis

 Benefactor

Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenbaum on tonight’s honor. Your dedication to the Shul and Torah learning is heartwarming and inspirational.

Mazel Tov to Michael and Sharon Shimoff and the youth honorees. Your energy and dedication to the YISE are greatly appreciated.

Alan and Fran Broder and Family Guardian

vbuntc rucmc jryha hn kf" "ofra ovk okah ’v For the quiet, cheerful kindness even in small things. Thank you.

Elisheva Bresler Patron In appreciation of the officers and board members, the office staff, and all those who have helped to create and sustain this beau- tiful institution. We are honored to be a part of and to serve such a special commu- nity.

In honor of our good friends Michael and Sharon Shimoff, whose selfless dedication to community, while remaining in good humor, is a model for baalei batim of all ages.

In recognition of the beautiful paths begun by Tova, Sarit, Adam, and Jeremy. May you all continue to be a source of nachas to your parents and the entire community.

In gratitude to our Rav and Rebbe, z”l, and, tibadel lechayim tovim, his esteemed Rebbetzin, for their devotion to our tzibbur for so many years. We are awed by their actions and accomplishments.

Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum Thank you Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenbaum for your joyful and inspirational leadership of our community

Congratulations to Sharon and Michael on this well-deserved honor. We appreciate your commitment to our community.

Pamela and Michael Pelcovits and Family In appreciation to the Banquet Committee, Shul staff, our friends & family, and the YISE community as a whole.

Sharon and Michael Shimoff

cuy kzn to Rabbi Dovid and Atara RosenbaumRosenbaum. We are ecstatic and honored to share this evening with you.

Also, to the Youth Honorees, we wish you much vjkmj in your future endeavors. Sharon and Michael Shimoff We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenbaum and to Michael and Sharon Shimoff for all that they give to Shomrai Emunah and the wider community.

Faith and Gil Ginsburg To our dear Atara and Dovid - You exemplify the maxim of Shimon HaTzadik: “The world stands on three things - Torah, Avoda and Gemilus Chasadim.” Love, Abba and Mom Rivka and Doniel Morty   Heartiest Mazel Tov on this well- deserved honor Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum 5 years with Y.I.S.E. Looking forward to have you with us for many years to come. Your friends forever Fred and Gerda Blumenthal   

We are so proud of our parents and we love them very much.

Mazel Tov!

Love, Dovie, Eli, Noa, and Yonah Shimoff

  

We join the entire community in honoring Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum Mazel tov and best wishes Sue and Jacques Gorlin

  To Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum:

It would be hard to over-estimate the degree to which you enhance the lives of individual YISE members.

It would be impossible to describe what a vital force for the whole YISE community you are.

Thank you, Thank you for all that you do.

Mazel Tov on achieving this 5 year mile- stone. With Hashem’s help, may you con- tinue from strength to strength.

Debbie and Marc Katz and family Mazel Tov Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum on being honored by Young Israel Shomrai Emunah for your 5 years of devotion to our Shul. May you be blessed with good health as you each fulfill your po- tential and inspire us with your continued efforts on behalf of our community.

Thank you Michael and Sharon Shimoff for your service to our Shul and community. As recipients of the Young Leadership award, you are such wonder- ful role models.

Congratulations Tova, Sarit, Adam and Jeremy, our youth honorees. Keep up the good work.

With our best wishes to all the honorees,

Marilyn and Don Schwartz

 

Mazel Tov to all of the honorees. We have been fortunate to be the recipients of your hard work and dedication, both personally and as a community.

Evelyn and Joel Davis

  To our dear sister and brother-in-law,

Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum

Your faithful commitment to your shul and community, your constant devotion to Torah and Mitvos and your unwavering trust in Hashem continuously serve as a tremendous example to us all.

Mazel Tov on this very well-deserved honor!

With love and admiration from your siblings, Tzvi and Ilana Michoel and Maya Dovie and Ranya Ari and Esther Rafi and Devorah Chana and families Kol hakavod to our dear son/brother and gabbai extraordinaire Jeremy Rosenthal

We’re so proud of you! May you go from strength to strength

Love, Mom, Dad and Tova בס "ד

We are honored to honor Rabbi and Atara Rosenbaum for their leadership and learning their chesed and charm their availability and affability

and to give tribute to Michael and Sharon Shimoff for their wit and wisdom inspiration and involvement accessibility and activity

and to applaud our young leadership Jeremy, Sarit, Adam, and Tova for their contributions to our community

Thank you and כל הכבוד

Aryeh & Debi Furst & family   In Honor of Sharon Shimoff

You came to our aid at a critical time and have been a help and support for the Chevra. Thank you.

Devorah Grayson and Linda Rishe for the Women’s Chevra Kadisha     Congratulations to Michael and Sharon

Grandaddy and Ilene

Cary - Colby - Logan and A.B    

Mazel Tov to Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum Thank you both for all that you do for our community, for our shul, and for our schools.

Marsha and Yitzchak Kasdan and Shana

  The Administration, Rabbeim, teachers and support staff of the Yeshiva of Greater Washington proudly salute our most esteemed colleagues, Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenbaum, who so successfully bear the double yoke of rabbanus and chinuch.

The passion, energy and clear exposition of Rav Dovid, the calm, empathy and selflessness of Rebbetzin Atara have made them a team uniquely suited to such an enormous task.

May HKB”H continue to shower His blessings upon you so that you may lead the community to continue its remarkable growth, and provide counsel and inspiration to generations of congregants and talmidim. Mazel Tov to

Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenbaum and Michael and Sharon Shimoff

on their well-deserved recognition tonight. We appreciate your tireless efforts on behalf of YISE and the community at large.

Your dedication is something to which we all should aspire. May you go from strength to strength!

Melissa and Chad Miller Harriet and Ernie Brodsky We would like to extend a hearty mazel tov and yasher koach to Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum on the occasion of their fifth anniversary with YISE. We appreciate all your efforts on behalf of our shul and the community.

To our good friends, the Shimoffs, thanks for the many visible and invisible contributions to our shul. Your commitment makes a real difference.

To our Youth Honorees, thanks for your involvement and support.

THE ZWANY FAMILY (To the tune of “Moshiach”) The Rosenbaums you are number one, Thank you for all that you’ve done. Sha’alos and Shiurs, these past five years, Teaching us to love everyone.

The Rosenbaums kept our sodas cold, For our date ‘leven years ago. Both being friends, one invite we sent, You saved our parents some dough.

Rosenbaums Rosenbaums Rosenbaums, Thankful to have you as friends. Rosenbaums Rosenbaums Rosenbaums, Forced us to this banquet attend. Rosenbaums Rosenbaums Rosenbaums, If we cook it then you won’t eat. Rosenbaums Rosenbaums Rosenbaums, So you’re stuck with wraps and sushi.

Play super friends, have sleepovers, Get Bat Mitzva, then it’s over, Become friends with your brother. Dovid defects from HA, Love the , hate Champagne, Both our wives are in the same plays, in the same plays, in the same plays, same plays , oy vey.

The Rosenbaums work at Yeshiva, Became leaders in Bethesda. We pulled some strings, in order to bring, You back to Shomrei Emunah.

The Rosenbaums our kvater were you, Back in two thousand and two. Together we prayed, and then one day, We kvatered a megilla for you.

Rosenbaums Rosenbaums Rosenbaums, Honored to have you as friends. Rosenbaums Rosenbaums Rosenbaums, Happy to this banquet attend. Rosenbaums Rosenbaums Rosenbaums, We hope we can do this again. Rosenbaums Rosenbaums Rosenbaums, When you’re honored after year ten. ouka cvut ,irvt ka uhshnk,n huv :rnut kkv

.vru,k icrenu ,uhrcv ,t cvut ,ouka ;suru

(ch wt ,uct) Thank you Rabbi Rosenbaum for your moving lectures, your shiurim on so many interesting topics, your warmth and caring for all our congregants and for your inspiring leadership. Mazel Tov on this wonderful occasion.

Baruch and Rochelle Wertenteil


congratulates the honorees of the 2010 YISE ANNUAL BANQUET

Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum Celebrating five years with YISE

Michael and Sharon Shimoff Young Leadership Award

Tova Hillman, Sarit Klugerman, Adam Paisley and Jeremy Rosenthal Youth Honorees

On behalf of the YISE Sisterhood, we thank you for your past, present, and future service to the YISE community.

Yasher Koach to you and your families!

YISE Sisterhood Membership and Board Presidents: Vicki Binstock and Esther Goldfeiz Vice Presidents and Event Committee Chairs: Aliza Chlewicki and Stephanie Frumkin Treasurer: Hedy Bauman 

In honor of our nephew and niece, Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum With love and admiration

Aunt Sharon and Uncle Burton Judah, Carolyn, Kayla and Marc Leora and Chaim and Elijah and Yoni

 To Sharon and Michael ShimoffShimoff:

You both care deeply about the YISE community.

You know how to turn that concern into a tangible and meaningful contribution.

You are making a difference for all of us.

Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor.

Debbie and Marc Katz and family The Rosenbaums have been with us: the years now number five It seems that wherever that they go the place just comes alive So if we've not made it clear so far we welcome you with glee We're just delighted that you've joined the Shomrai family

If it seems the Shimoffs have a finger is every chesed pie It's probably not because they really have to try They just have a real tendency to help out all their friends And being super friendly types, that circle never ends!

The youth of Shomrai are so great it must have been a chore To narrow down the list to just "The Super Greats" of four to Adam, Jeremy, Sarit and Tova, our future lies with you We’re proud of what you've done so far: YOU are tomorrow's Jew!

Young Israel has been here now for over fifty years Each year there are accomplishments: we all deserve the cheers! Remember how we started small: now minyanim abound When each one shares the burden here can Ahavas Yisroel be found.

Yitz and Ruth Rochel Stokes and family

Mazel Tov to All YISE Honorees

Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid Rosenbaum

Michael & Sharon Shimoff

Tova Hillman, Sarit Klugerman Adam Paisley & Jeremy Rosenthal

May You Go From Chayil to Chayil

Barbara & Mel Ciment Achieving universal acclaim is indeed a rarity. Yet, Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid Rosenbaum have won the hearts of an entire community by virtue of their dedication, hard work and genuine love of people.

We have no doubt that the Rabbi's immense success is attributable to his having married an outstanding young lady who was reared in Woodside.

We are proud to be part of their lives and wish them continued hatzlacha in all their noble endeavors on behalf of Klal Yisroel.

Chana and Ben Zion Berliant Sue and Leonard Dickstein Betty and Gus Goldberger Sara Silver and Ron Kates Judy and Alan Kermaier Betty and Harvey Kramer Sarah and Avrom Landesman Karen and Bernard Lipman Joan and Ernst Neugroschl Brenda and Zev Pieprz Miriam and Allen Schick It’s not only "Local boy makes good" And it’s not only "Local girl makes good" But rather "Local couple does good"

Mazel Tov to Rabbi Dovid and Mrs. Atara Rosenbaum, with sincere appreciation of the examples you have provided in living a life of Torah and Derech Eretz, for the teaching and friendship you have given, and with fond hopes that you and our community may grow together for many years.

Bev Morris and Art Boyars

  Mazel Tov Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenbaum on this well-deserved honor. May you continue to teach and serve as excellent role models for many years to come.

Raph Ginsburg  

The Shul is Blessed Rabbi Rosenbaum and his Rebbetzin are the Best They give wonderful shiurim, divrei Torah and so much more

Rabbi Rosenbaum even answers our kids’ questions at “Dor L’Dor”

Congratulations to our Dear Friends Michael and Sharon Shimoff for their model of Young Leadership

Mazel Tov and Best Wishes to our youth honorees Tova Hillman, Sarit Klugerman, Adam Paisley and Jeremy Rosenthal for their service to our children

Thank you, Lynn and Stephen Deutsch Dovid and Dani Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach to our wonderful leaders and role models -

Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenbaum Michael and Sharon and all the Youth Honorees! Judy and Sheldon Klein and Family In Tribute to Rabbi Dovid & Atara Rosenbaum So modest in your ways So dynamic in your deeds

With deep respect for your outstanding and inspiring leadership Shonny Kugler ~ ~ ~ In Honor of my friends

Michael & Sharon Shimoff

on this special honor In appreciation for your dedicated service to our community ~ ~ ~ WARMEST WISHES TO OUR YOUTH HONOREES

Tova Hillman, Sarit Klugerman, Adam Paisley, and Jeremy Rosenthal In Honor of Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum For their dedication and inspired commitment to the furtherance of Torah and for their devotion and efforts on behalf of the YISE community

Many Thanks to Michael and Sharon Shimoff Recipients of the Young Leadership Award

Mazel Tov to Our Youth Honorees Tova Hillman Sarit Klugerman Adam Paisley Jeremy Rosenthal

Gloria and Arnie Sherman

 

Mazel Tov to the wonderful Rabbi and Rebbetzin Rosenbaum who contribute so much at every level to all of the Silver Spring Jewish communities

Ita and Jimmy Mond and Family

  Mazel Tov to R’ Dovid and Atara You are wonderful role models and we thank you for all you do for the community.

Fondly your Woodside Fans, Barbie and Yitzchak Siegel Jackie and Bruria Russie and Jeffrey To our dear Rabbi and Rebbetzin Rosenbaum Our shul is so fortunate to have you!

to Michael and Sharon Shimoff

and to this year’s youth honorees, Tova, Sarit, Adam and Jeremy

with appreciation for your service and congratulations on honors well deserved!

Stuart and Judy Rosenthal

Mazel Tov to our dear children


This evening as all wish you well We can’t help but smile and qvell. An unbeatable pair You’d succeed anywhere But we’re so glad you’re here in Kemp Mill!

May Hashem continue to bless you with the wisdom and strength to guide and inspire your students and congregants, your community, and k’lal Yisroel.

With much love and appreciation for all you do for our family, as well. Abba & Imma (Emil & Sarah Braun)

OUR BEST WISHES AND MAZEL TOV TO RABBI AND MRS. DOVID ROSENBAUM AND TO MICHAEL AND SHARON SHIMOFF Mazel Tov to our Honorees Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum Thanks for five years of service to Young Israel Shomrai Emunah

Mazel Tov to Jeremy Rosenthal For all your work for the Youth

Melanie and Sandy Karlin, Matthew and Sarah, Raphael and Benjy

In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenbaum For all you have given and done, For all you will (IY”H) continue to give and do, And for all you help us be…

“Asay l’cha Rav ..” (Pirkay Avot 1, 16) We are fortunate to have been blessed with you. Rabbi Saul and Susan Koss and Bertha Blumenthal CONGRATULATIONS MICHAEL and SHARON

Uncle Norman and Aunt Karen

Thank you to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Rosenbaum for the personal warmth and intellectual stimulation you have provided to all of us. You have strengthened and enhanced the Kemp Mill Jewish community and beyond.

Congratulations to all the honorees. Tizku L'mitzvot.

Irving and Ellen Haber In honor of Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum Michael and Sharon Shimoff All Youth Honorees


Rosalyn and Arnold Bramson

Kol Hakavod To the deserving honorees

Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum and Michael and Sharon Shimoff

With much admiration Lewis Sosnowik Mazel Tov to Michael and Sharon on this well-deserved honor!

Love, your cousins,

Ari and Debby Zevi and Yoni Bruce and Aliza

We congratulate the honorees for their well-deserved recognition for their contributions to the community


Rabbi Dovid & Atara Rosenbaum Michael & Sharon Shimoff Tova, Sarit, Adam, & Jeremy

YISE and the greater community are fortunate to have you.

Judy and David Marwick

Torah School of Greater Washington Congratulates Rabbi Dovid and Mrs. Atara Rosenbaum Michael and Sharon Shimoff Tova Hillman upon their being recognized for their work for the Tzibbur.

“Man was created to help others in any way he can.” Rabbi Chaim Volozhin, zt’l

Rabbi Yitzchak Charner Zev Teichman Raanan Shames Headmaster Executive Director President Mazel Tov to our cousins Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum

Thank you for doing so much to welcome us to the community Judah, Carolyn, Jonathan and Rafi Kaplan

Dick and Harriette Weinstein add their congratulations and Hakoras Hatov

- to Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid Rosenbaum for their commitment and contributions to the YISE community

-to our neighbors Michael and Sharon Shimoff for their volunteer activities and ever present willingness to help

-to our Youth Honorees for their dedication to building the YISE community. Mazel Tov

Sharon and Michael....

Love Suzie, Eddie, Danny, Evan and Alec Weiss

The difference between the possible and the impossible lies in a man's determination. -Tommy Lasorda -

Thank you to all the honorees for your hard work, time and determination you have put towards the success of our Shul.

THE BROTH FAMILY Sharon and Michael -

We are very proud of you and all that have done for your shul and community. May you continue to be an inspiration to your family and friends. Love, Gayle, Danny, Tani and Hillel Shimoff (Your family in Israel)

Our rabbis, members, and staff make our shul extraordinary

Mazel Tov and best wishes to

Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum

and to

Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Sharon Shimoff

May we continue to go from strength to strength

Jodi and David Mazel Mazel Tov to Youth Honorees Jeremy Rosenthal and Sarit Klugerman

We join in honoring you for all your hard work and dedication. May you go from strength to strength!

Mindy Horowitz, Mark Mellman, Yadeed, Aryeh, and Mira

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ROSENBAUMS AND THE SHIMOFFS! ENVIRONMENTAL & TURF SERVICES, INC. Wheaton, MD Providing water quality risk assessment, risk management,monitoring, and expert testimony services, including toxic torts. Regulatory assistance with EPA compliance (FIFRA and TSCA). Focusing on pesticides and fertilizers for golf courses and agriculture, lead and arsenic on shooting ranges, and TSCA risk assessments. Staff expertise in environmental chemistry and toxicology, agronomy hydrogeology, hydrology, and soil physics.

Stuart Z. Cohen, Ph.D., CGWP 301-933-4700 [email protected] We are honored to have the privilege

of being able to thank

our dedicated and esteemed honorees.

Bobbi and Jules Meisler

Mazel Tov to Michael and Sharon Shimoff and to all the Youth Honorees on this well-deserved honor.

Simi and Sammy Franco

With Hakarat HaTov and much gratitude, we thank Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenbaum for their dedicated service to our shul and to the Yeshiva. We feel so fortunate to have them in our kehilla and hope we can continue to be blessed by their leadership!

Simi and Sammy Franco To Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenbaum, a well-deserved Mazel Tov for 5 years of service to YISE. May you continue your commitment to the members of our community for many years to come.

Harry and Marion Felsen

Mazel Tov to the Honorees

Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum Michael and Sharon Shimoff Tova Hillman Sarit Klugerman Adam Paisley Jeremy Rosenthal

HOWARD KATZ Mazel Tov! Rabbi Dovid & Atara Rosenbaum Michael & Sharon Shimoff and the Youth Honorees Tova, Sarit, Adam & Jeremy for your well-deserved honors Eddie Snyder

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Mazel Tov Rabbi and Rebbetzin Rosenbaum and Michael and Sharon Shimoff

Thanks for all you do for our community!

Also, a special note of appreciation to Morah Raysal Kotz for being such a warm and loving teacher and special person.

Stephanie, Dan, Uri, and Ruthie Frumkin Mazel Tov, Sharon and Michael! Thank you for all that you do for your community and for the Jewish community as a whole. Thank you for being you! Love, Paige, Aron and Hailey Kramer

To Rabbi Rosenbaum, Atara and all the honorees We wish to express our cuyv ,rfv for all you have done until now and may you go khj kt khjn from hereon.

We wish you our very best! Rabbi William and Elaine Millen Mazel Tov to all the honorees tonight and a special Yasher Koach to Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum on their five years with YISE. May you continue to inspire and lead us from strength to strength. May Hashem grant you two and Yosef only years of good health and much naches. Sincerely,

Charles Blum

Mazel Tov to Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum Michael and Sharon Shimoff and this year's youth honorees: Tova Hillman, Sarit Klugerman, Adam Paisley & Jeremy Rosenthal

May you go from strength to strength!

Bill and Ruthie Konick Our profound appreciation to the honorees for their diverse efforts in building our Shul and community. May your work be crowned with success.

Debi and Max Rudmann and Family

In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Rosenbaum We are so fortunate to have you.

David and Nancy Finkelstein Our very best wishes of Mazel Tov to Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum As both leaders and role models, you have enriched the YISE community. May you be blessed with many years of health, happiness, and nachas from your family. Joelle and Bill Zimbalist

While I am unable to attend the event, please accept my warmest congratulations to the worthy honorees. Mazel Tov!

Hannah Gershon Mazel Tov to

Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum on a well-deserved honor.

Rabbi Yaakov and Dr. Joan Bieler

To Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum

With gratitude for your very valuable contributions to this community over the last five years. May you go from strength to strength. Rita and Kheder Shukur To our Youth Honorees:

Tova Hillman, Sarit Klugerman Adam Paisley and Jeremy Rosenthal

Your examples of endurance and dedication are inspiring to adults as well as other young people.

Thank you so much for the talents you have contributed over the years.

May you always be leaders in Klal Yisroel.

Debbie and Marc Katz

Mazel Tov

Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum: Your caring, teaching, guidance and humor are a blessing to our community

Michael and Sharon Shimoff: Your efforts for our youth and the community have been inspiring and appreciated

To the Youth Honorees: We appreciate your leadership and activities for the youth of our community.

May all the Honorees continue to go from Strength to Strength Karen and Howie Schulman and Family Mazel Tov to all the honorees for your commitment and service to the community

...And A special Thank You to Rabbi Rosenbaum For your guidance, patience, and enthusiasm As you appear here, there, and everywhere.

Esther and Alan Baldinger

In honor of Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum May Hashem bless you with continued strength in all that you do. Thank you!

Mazel Tov to Michael and Sharon Shimoff upon receiving the Young Leadership Award.

Hakaras Hatov to Tova Hillman, Sarit Klugerman, Adam Paisley and Jeremy Rosenthal as Youth Honorees.

Geoffrey and Donna Rosenbloom and Family To my dear grandchildren, Dovid and Atara, who have been such guiding lights to community and family. Love, Bubi

Mazel Tov to our Youth Honorees and Michael and Sharon Shimoff on their Young Leadership Award and a Special Yasher Koach to Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum

Thank you all for your service to the community Steve and Esther Bender and Family

Mazel Tov To Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum celebrating five years at YISE Michael and Sharon Shimoff Young Leadership Awardees Tova Hillman, Sarit Klugerman, Adam Paisley, and Jeremy Rosenthal Youth Honorees Your recognition is richly deserved. Gigi and Jerry Kaminetzky Boca Raton, Florida

Mazel Tov from Audrey and Steve Siesser to the Shimoff and Rosenbaum Families and all the youth honorees. YISE has greatly benefited from your service to our Shul Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenbaum Michael and Sharon Shimoff and Tova Hillman

Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchak Charner

Best Wishes to the Honorees

Rosa, Elliott and Joshua Greher

Joey and Tali say Mazel Tov to our classmate’s parents! Keep up the good work!

(Ruthie, Julie and Dan Vogel send their best wishes too)

To Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum ofjuf rah on being honored by your congregation for the second time in three years. (They must be on to something)

Michael Richman Mazel Tov to Dovid and Atara I love you and I am very proud of you both!

All my love, Grandma

In honor and appreciation of Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid Rosenbaum Michael and Sharon Shimoff and all the youth honorees from Ira Brandriss

Mazel Tov to Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum and Michael and Sharon Shimoff.

We appreciate all of your contributions to the Greater Washington Jewish Community.

Menachem and Miri Gottlieb Shira, Avraham and Moshe

In honor of Rabbi Rosenbaum

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron I. Feder Congratulations

to the honorees on their well-deserved honors Carol and Tuvia Lazar

Mazel Tov Sarit To our dearest niece, a dinner honoree, Honored at such a young age, now isn't that SWEET!! She's hip, she's cool, on ice she's a rockstar, You always make us proud, (nothing cool rhymes with rockstar)

We all wish we could be there, to tell you in person, How much we love you. (...nothing cool rhymes with person either.)

Mazel tov.

Now don't get cocky. :o)

Love always, your crazy aunts, and uncles and cousins.

PS- It's TOO LATE for Matzah Brie.... It's TOO LATE... Your SHOE-LACES are untied... Your SHOE-LACE.... (Whoa-oh Whoah....) We are proud to join those who honor our nephew and niece Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum - An outstanding couple – May they continue their good work in good health with much Yiddishe nachas

Aunt Susan and Shia

Kol hakavod to Jeremy and Sarit from the


With much appreciation, heartiest Mazel Tov wishes to Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum for their dedicated community leadership and Michael and Sharon Shimoff for their devoted service to the community

Gita and Charles Siegman Mazel Tov to our honorees Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum, Michael and Sharon Shimoff and The Youth Honorees

Thank you for all you do for our community. Yitzhak and Jennifer Cohen, Nisan, Rachel, Sam and Max In honor of our wonderful cousins, Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum

Rachel Levine and Aryeh Feder and Family

Mazel Tov to Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum We greatly value your friendship and your dedication to the shul.

Mazel Tov to wonderful friends and neighbors, Sharon and Michael Shimoff. This honor is very well deserved! Rabbi Amram and Arona Hes

Thank you Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenbaum for 5 great years. Hope there are many more great years to come. Sahra, Yale and the boys

To Jeremy -- Mazel Tov to our terrific nephew on well-deserved recognition!

With love, Uncle Motty and Tante Bayla Berger Mazel Tov to Youth Honorees Tova Hillman, Sarit Klugerman, Adam Paisley, Jeremy Rosenthal

Thank you for your devoted efforts to the future of our community. Bev Morris and Art Boyars

In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenbaum's outstanding service to the klall. May you be zoche to go machayil el chayil.

Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchak Breitowitz Mazel Tov to our wonderful Sarit We are so proud of you! Thanks for making the Youth Minyan Ezrat Nashim a more welcoming place.

With Love from Daddy, Ema, Hillel, Noam, Avichai, Meir, Grandma, Saba and Savta ------Yasher Koach to all the honorees and a special thanks to Jeremy - the keeper of the Tin Rabbi Tzvi and Yaffa Klugerman and family.

Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor Thank you for being such great role models for our children From The Sragg Family

Hakarat Hatov

We are greatly thankful for all Rabbi Dovid and Mrs Atara Rosenbaum contribute both to Shomrai Emunah and to the entire Jewish Community of Silver Spring. While they are exemplary leaders, both scholarly and skilled teachers of Torah, living its values in the most elevated way possible, their sensitive, personal devotion to us as "down to earth" friends is always heartfelt. Much Love, The Engel Family (Chuck, Ahuva, Shmuel and Alix)

Mazel tov to

Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum Robert and Hannah Klein Thanks to the honorees for all you do.

Masha and Seth Katz

Mazel Tov to Michael and Sharon Shimoff on being recognized for your contributions to our community.

Bev Morris and Art Boyars Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov!!!! Rabbi Dovid and Atara!

May your smiles continue to warm our hearts and souls.

Judy. Jeff and Aliza Graber Shira and Jonathan Spielman and Family Talya and Dave Weinberg and Family In honor of our dear friends Sharon and Michael Shimoff and in honor of their commitment to their family, friends and the community.

The Unells

Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenbaum on the completion of 5 years of service.

Mazel Tov to all the other honorees. May you all go khj kt khj

Rabbi Sam and Tzivia Bramson Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenbaum and the other honorees. Thank you for all you do for our community.

Ken and Cheryl Jacobson and Family Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenbaum,

Mazel tov on such a wonderful honor

Naomi and Jan Meisler

Mazel Tov Michael and Sharon L’chaim,

Maurie and Susan Rosenberg

Congratulations to Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum on this well-deserved honor khjk khjn

Rabbi Yosef and Miriam Singer

Mazel Tov Michael and Sharon! Regards

Joey and Michelle cuy kzn In Honor of Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenbaum

With deep admiration for all you Thank you for your contributions accomplish for YISE to the Synagogue and the and the entire community. community. Fondly, Daniel and Sima Jacoby Elaine and Alan Breitler

Mazel Tov Michael and Sharon on this well-deserved honor. Mazel Tov to the honorees May Hashem give you strength to continue in your holy work as your Cary and Karen Presser father A”H, our good friend, did for his Shul and community.

Chaim and Shulamit Gartenhaus

Mazel Tov to Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum and to Michael and Sharon Shimoff. Yashar Koach to Your dedication and leadership to our Shul Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum continually go above and beyond. on a well-deserved honor. Thank you so much for all that you do to make our community May you both be a the wonderful place that it is. continuing source of nachas to your family, friends and community. Congratulations!

Serena Prager, Rysel House Lucy and Bernie Blitzstein and Ethan Cohen Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenbaum Mazel Tov Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum Congratulations on 5 wonderful years on a well earned and well-deserved honor. Mazel Tov also to all of the other honorees

Florence and Larry THE OPPENHEIM FAMILY Radkowsky Thank you Mazel Tov to Rabbi Dovid and Atara Michael and Sharon Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum for everything on this wonderful honor

Ellen and Larry Korb Aaron and Susan Weinberg

Mazel Tov Dovid and Atara Congratulations to the honorees We are very proud of you Barbara and Elliott Schulder Aunt Sally and Uncle Arthur Dorde

Mazel Tov to all the honorees, and for Mazel Tov Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenbaum, Michael and Sharon thank you for all you do for our Youth and our community. Aunt Barbara, Uncle David and family THE SHAMES FAMILY

cuy kzn Rabbi and Rebbetzin Rosenbaum Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor. Dovid and Atara! Thank you for all that you do and We are always so proud of you! for being the role models you are for us personally and the entire Love, community as well. THE FREITAGS Matt and Tova Welik JOSEPH J. MATELIS, CPA CHARTERED FINANCIAL CONSULTANT Congratulations 966 HUNGERFORD DRIVE, SUITE 30B to ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 20850 Sarit Klugerman (301) 424-1799 With love FAX (301) 424-1616 Securities and Investment Advisory Services, and admiration offered through H. Beck, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC Walter and Tova Reich 11140 Rockville Pike, 4th Floor, Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 468-0100 Mazel Tov to all of To all the honorees: the honorees Thank you for all you do May you go from for our community. khj kt khj We especially appreciate Dor l’ Dor! Sincerely, Rene and Rami Isser Neil and Audrey Siegel and Family and Family

Mazel Tov cuy kzn to the Rosenbaums and Shimoffs! To all the honorees You do an incredible amount for our community, and ,uumnk ufz, we can’t thank you enough! Barry and Debby THE SCHOENBRUNS Greengart

Mazel Tov to Michael and Sharon Shimoff Thank you in recognition of their Yosef dedication to the Shul for sharing your and to the community parents with us. Leonard and Leah Schuman Mazel Tov to Congratulations Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenbaum, to all the honorees. Michael and Sharon Shimoff Thank you and all of the Youth Honorees for all you do on a well-deserved honor. for our community. Joseph and Chana Hollander and Family. Michael and Zehava Atlas

Mazel Tov Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum Mazel Tov Michael and Sharon Shimoff to all the honorees and the Youth Honorees.

Abe and Shirley Sperling Vicki Binstock Jay Pollack

Mazel tov to Rabbi and Atara Rosenbaum, Michael and Sharon Shimoff, the Youth Honorees and their families From Richard, Barbara, Jay and Allison Marcus

Mazel tov to Mazel Tov to Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenbaum for a well-deserved honor. on a well-deserved honor. You are a very special couple, You deserve much hakaras hatov and we value your friendship. for all you have done Roslyn and Norman Joffe for the community. Benjy and Chavi Markowitz SPONSORS

Mazel Tov! Success in all you do. Sara Barach, Great Aunt of Dovid Rosenbaum

Thank you and Mazel Tov to all the honorees, Barbara and Michael Blaustein

Mazel Tov to all the honorees - Rochelle Dimont

Ezra H. Friedman

In honor of Jeremy Rosenthal - Dr. and Mrs. Michael Gelfand

Mazel Tov to all the honorees - Mike and Linda Kaiser

Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenbaum - Werner and Inge Katzenstein

Mazel Tov! Love, Barbara and Gary Libbin

Thank you to Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum and all honorees for all that you do in our community. Ari and Yocheved Mizel

In honor of Michael and Sharon - Marc Needleman

To Michael & Sharon - Yashar Koach on all your great work! Tammy and Yehudah Schmidt

Mazel Tov to all the honorees! The Shinensky Family

Mazel Tov to all the honorees - from the Tabin Family

Rinny and Len Yourman

Mazel Tov to Michael and Sharon Shimoff and to all the honorees. Alan and Holly Zimmerman YOUNG ISRAEL SHOMRAI EMUNAH

mourns the loss of our devoted, beloved members who passed away this year

Frances Bebchick Bernard Katz Donal M. Billig Blanka Rosenberg Rivkah Ehrenfeld Katherine Schechter Henry Greenbaum Helen Spector Helen Kasdan Joseph Weidenfeld

Remembered by

Charles Blum Esther L. and Jacob S. Edeson Brenda Eisenberg Harry and Marion Felsen Gigi and Jerry Kaminetzky Howard Katz Hannah and Robert Klein Jules and Bobbi Meisler Delia and George Weiss IN HONOR OF OUR MOST PRECIOUS JEWELS

Akiva Dovid Berliant Avi DuBois Jeremy DuBois Chaim Yosef Diamond Faith Talia Edeson Helene Beth Edeson Ian Hillel Edeson Max Ezra Edeson Nathan Edeson Sammy Hirsch Edeson Edan Friedman Merav Friedman Matan Friedman Akiva Garfinkel Bailey Garfinkel Coby Garfinkel Dovi Garfinkel Chaya Malka Meisler Devorah Leah Meisler Esther Miriam Meisler Esther Yehudis Meisler Nechama Elisheva Meisler IN HONOR OF OUR MOST PRECIOUS JEWELS

Nosson Yitzchok Meisler Shoshana Bracha Meisler Yosef Rosenbaum Barry Rosenblum Ben Rosenblum Morrie Rosenblum Sarah Rosenblum Bayla Simon Zahava Simon Shayna Leba Slatkin Yosef Dovid Slatkin Dovid Levy Stern Raizel Stern Tommy Stern Hannah Weinstein Lily Weinstein Ari Weiss Ben Weiss Jake Weiss Noah Weiss Amir Wertheimer Ari Wertheimer Iris Wertheimer Participants

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Akman Mrs. Miriam Friedman Mr. Michael Atlas Mr. and Mrs. Marc Gartenberg Dr. Alan Baldinger Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ginsburg Mrs. Pearl Bassan Mr. Raphael Ginsburg Mr. and Mrs. Joel Becker Rabbi and Mrs. Barry Greengart Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Becker Mrs. Arlene Groner Mr. Michael Belgrade Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Hawk Ms. Vicki Binstock & Mr. Jay Pollack Mrs. Liane Heller Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Blech Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hillman Mrs. Bertha Blumenthal Drs. Harold and Sabine Himmelfarb Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blumenthal Mr. and Mrs. David Hornestay Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bramson Ms. Rysel House Rabbi and Mrs. Samuel Bramson Rabbi and Mrs. David Hyatt Rabbi Ira Brandriss Mrs. Rene Isser Mr. and Mrs. Emil Braun Mr. and Mrs. Bruce James Ms. Elisheva Bresler Mr. and Mrs. Judah Kaplan Mrs. Leah Bresler Dr. and Mrs. Abraham Karkowsky Mr. and Mrs. Alan Broder Mrs. Fay Kasser Dr. and Mrs. Richard Broth Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Kasser Mrs. Norma Burdett Mr. Howard Katz Mr. Milton Cahn Mr. Manasseh Katz Rabbi Yitzchak Charner Mr. Seth Katz Dr. and Mrs. Melvyn Ciment Mr. Shlomo Katz Mr. Ethan Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kern Drs. Stuart and Laurie Cohen Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Kirshenbaum Dr. Yitzhak Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Klein Mr. and Mrs. Joel Davis Mrs. Francine Klugerman Mrs. Rochelle Dimont Ms. Sarit Klugerman Dr. and Mrs. Fred Dziadek Rabbi and Mrs. Tzvi Klugerman Mr. Yaakov Feit Mr. Marvin Konick Mrs. Gloria Feldman Mr. and Mrs. William Konick Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Fine Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Korb Mrs. Ceil Finkel Rabbi and Mrs. Saul Koss Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Franco Mrs. Shoshana Kugler Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Franco Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kwiat Participants

Miss Sara Lamar Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchak Scher Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lamberg Mr. Jason Schoenbrun Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lazar Dr. and Mrs. Howard Schulman Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Lerner Dr. and Mrs. Don Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Levi Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Judah Lifschitz Mr. Adam Segal Mr. and Mrs. Yaakov Lipman Mr. Elliot Shaller and Dr. Ellen Werner Mr. and Mrs. David Lisitza Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Sheinson Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai Litwack Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Sherman Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky Master Dovie Shimoff Mrs. Sherrie Ludwick Master Eli Shimoff Mr. and Mrs. Jay Marcus Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shimoff Dr. and Mrs. David Maslow Miss Noa Shimoff Dr. and Mrs. David Mazel Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Shmunis Mr. and Mrs. Jules Meisler Dr. and Mrs. Louis Shotkin Ms. Betty Milgram Mr. and Mrs. Craig Simon Mrs. Edith Milgram Mr. and Mrs. Richard Soskin Mrs. Elaine Millen Mr. Lewis Sosnowik Mr. and Mrs. Louis Morris Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Sperling Ms. Beverly Mowery Mrs. Bertha Spiro Mr. Joshua Obstfeld Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Taragin Mr. and Mrs. Peter Olster Mr. and Mrs. Martin Teichman Mr. and Mrs. Craig Oppenheim Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel Tolchinsky Mr. Adam Paisley Mr. and Mrs. Chaim Tor Dr. and Mrs. Clifton Price Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weinstein Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Radkowsky Mrs. Delia Weiss Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid Rosenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weiss Rabbi and Mrs. Roy Rosenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Pinchas Werner Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Rosenbloom Mr. and Mrs. Baruch Wertenteil Mr. Jeremy Rosenthal Mrs. Kitty Wertheimer Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. Noah Wolfe Miss Tova Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Zeltser Mr. and Mrs. Max Rudmann Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Zimbalist Mr. and Mrs. Ken Saks Mr. Ira Zimmerman Supplement to Young Israel Shomrai Emunah Banquet Journal

A Special Thank You to –

- Donna Rosenbloom for coordinating the floral arrangements at the last minute. She and her committee deserve a special Yasher Koach: Vicki Binstock Rosalyn Bramson Evelyn Davis Faye Kasser Lee Oppenheim Deborah Rudmann

- Howard Katz for obtaining the liquor.

- Rachelli Simon for the Invitation Design and for being the Banquet Secretary.

- Our Shul Administrative Staff (Esther Edeson, Simi Franco, Alan Zimmerman) for their extra time and effort.

- Thomas Flack and the maintenance staff for their help in setting up the facilities. Mazel Tov to The Rosenbaums, The Shimoffs, and The Youth Honorees for this well-deserved honor in recognition of their contributions to our community.

Laura and Yossi Goldman

Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Rosenbaum on your well-deserved honor. You have inspired us in many different ways. Yehei Ratzon that you continue to teach and inspire students of all ages for many, many more years to come. From your first high school class :

Mr. and Mrs. Dov Freidman Mr. and Mrs. Baruch Dollman Mr. and Mrs. Yitzi Katz Mr. and Mrs. Elan Sassoon Mr. and Mrs. Zev Pensak

Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach to our esteemed and dear Rabbi Dovid and Rebbetzin Atara Rosenbaum. Mazel tov to the other wonderful honorees. May you go from strength to strength!

Fondly, Allen and Sheila Gaisin and family

Mazel Tov to Rabbi Dovid and Atara Rosenbaum and Sharon and Michael Shimoff and congratulations to the Youth Honorees. May they go from strength to strength.

Marion Krakow and Bette Ellen Weigert Participants

Mrs. Yocheved Anemer Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky Dr. and Mrs. Joel Avigan Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchok Merkin Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Edeson Mr. Scott Olster Dr. Theo Heller Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Spool Mr. and Mrs. Neil Israel Ms. Ellyn Tanenberg Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Litwack Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Taragin Ms. Bette Weigert