Congressional Record—Senate S14419
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November 14, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S14419 The preamble was agreed to. and Ita Ford, Ursuline Sister Dorothy worth dying for . something that ener- The resolution, with its preamble, Kazel, and Cleveland Team lay mis- gizes you, enthuses you, enables you to keep reads as follows: sionary Jean Donovan were brutally moving ahead. I can’t tell you what it might be—that’s for you to find, to choose, to love. S. RES. 380 violated and murdered by members of I can just encourage you to start looking, Whereas travel promotes awareness and the Salvadoran National Guard. We do and support you in the search. Maybe this knowledge of peoples, places, and cultures; not wish to revisit the events of those sounds weird and off-the-wall, and maybe, no Whereas hostelling is educational travel, difficult times in Central America with one else will talk to you like this, but then, local and global, using hostels and other pro- this resolution. We wish to remember too, I’m seeing and living things that others grams to facilitate interaction among trav- and honor the love and dedication around you aren’t. I want to say to you: elers and with local communities; these women of faith showed to those don’t waste the gifts and opportunities you Whereas hostels are simple, safe, shared have to make yourself and other people accommodations that promote community they came to serve. Two years ago, on the December 2 an- happy. I hope this doesn’t sound like and cooperation among users and introduce some kind of a sermon because I don’t mean young people of limited means to travel; niversary of the brutal deaths of these four American women, several 25th an- it that way. Rather, it’s something you learn Whereas Hostelling International USA (HI- here, and I want to share it with you. In fact, USA) is a nonprofit educational organization niversary events were held in the it’s my birthday present to you. If it doesn’t established in 1934 as American Youth Hos- United States including one at Milwau- make sense right at this moment, keep this tels to promote hostelling in the United kee’s Saint Therese Church in my and read it sometime from now. Maybe it States; home State of Wisconsin. I was pleased will be clearer . Whereas, since its founding, HI-USA has that the House passed a resolution hon- A very happy birthday to you and much, provided in its hostels more than 22,000,000 oring the lives of the four missionaries much love, overnight stays to visitors from the United ITA. States and more than 150 countries world- in the year of the 25th anniversary. Un- wide; fortunately, one or more members of From that one letter alone, I am sure Whereas today HI-USA has a network of 70 this body anonymously blocked the that others will understand the kind of hostels in areas of cultural, historic, and rec- Senate from passing a similar resolu- people these women were, and the im- reational interest, often in partnership with tion to commemorate the 25th anniver- pact they continue to have on us all. public, private, and other nonprofit organiza- sary of the murder of these nuns. Along I also want to thank, in particular, tions, that annually hosts nearly 1,000,000 with my cosponsors, I am pleased that my friend from Massachusetts Con- overnights stays by both domestic and for- the Senate is now appropriately hon- gressman JIM MCGOVERN and his staff eign travelers; oring these women with the passage of who have led the efforts in Congress to Whereas HI-USA today offers programs appropriately remember these four through its hostels and local chapters that this resolution. promote the appreciation of local culture Mr. President, remembering these courageous American women who dedi- and environment, while facilitating the dis- women is a very personal and moving cated their lives to their faith and to covery of both world and self, to more than thing for those who actually knew the service of others. 65,000 participants annually; them, but it is also truly powerful for Mr. DURBIN. I ask unanimous con- Whereas HI-USA has made a unique and those who have only learned of them sent that the resolution be agreed to, notable contribution to intercultural under- after their deaths. I had the oppor- the preamble be agreed to, the motions standing in the United States and worldwide, tunity several years ago to meet many to reconsider be laid upon the table en especially among youth: Now, therefore, be bloc, and that any statements relating it of their family members and have be- Resolved, That the Senate— come well aware of one of the church- thereto be printed in the RECORD. (1) congratulates Hostelling International women, Sister Ita Ford, through my The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without USA on its 75 years of service; and chief of staff and her aunt, Jean objection, it is so ordered. (2) commends Hostelling International Reardon Baumann, who was a dear The resolution (S. Res. 381) was USA for its contributions to intercultural friend of Ita’s from their childhood to- agreed to. exchange and its leadership in the field of gether in Brooklyn, New York. The preamble was agreed to. youth travel. I would like to share with my col- The resolution, with its preamble, f leagues a letter Sister Ita Ford wrote reads as follows: COMMEMORATING THE LIVES OF to her niece in August of 1980: S. RES. 381 THE MARYKNOLL SISTERS Dear Jennifer, the odds that this note will Whereas on December 2, 1980, four church- women from the United States, Maryknoll Mr. DURBIN. I ask unanimous con- arrive for your birthday are poor, but know I’m with you in spirit as you celebrate 16 big Sisters Maura Clarke and Ita Ford, Ursuline sent that the Senate proceed to the im- ones. I hope it’s a special day for you. I want Sister Dorothy Kazel, and Cleveland Lay mediate consideration of S. Res. 381 to say something to you and I wish I were Mission Team Member Jean Donovan, were submitted earlier today. there to talk to you because sometimes let- violated and executed by members of the Na- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ters don’t get across all the meaning and tional Guard of El Salvador; clerk will report the resolution by feeling. But, I’ll give it a try anyway. Whereas in 1980, Maryknoll Sisters Maura title. First of all, I love you and care about you Clarke and Ita Ford were working in the par- The legislative clerk read as follows: and how you are. I’m sure you know that. ish of the Church of San Juan Bautista in Chalatenango, El Salvador, providing food, A resolution (S. Res. 381) remembering and That holds if you’re an angel or a goof-off, a commemorating the lives and work of genius or a jerk. A lot of that is up to you, transportation, and other assistance to refu- Maryknoll Sisters Maura Clarke and Ita and what you decide to do with your life. gees, and Ursuline Sister Dorothy Kazel and Ford, Ursuline Sister Dorothy Kazel, and What I want to say . some of it isn’t too Cleveland Lay Mission Team Member Jean Cleveland Lay Mission Team Member Jean jolly birthday talk, but it’s real. Yester- Donovan were working in the parish of the Donovan, who were executed by members of day I stood looking down at a 16-year-old Church of the Immaculate Conception in La the Armed Forces of El Salvador on Decem- who had been killed a few hours earlier. I Libertad, El Salvador, providing assistance ber 2, 1980. know a lot of kids even younger who are and support to refugees and other victims of dead. This is a terrible time in El Salvador violence; There being no objection, the Senate for youth. A lot of idealism and commitment Whereas these four churchwomen from the proceeded to consider the resolution. is getting snuffed out here now. The reasons United States dedicated their lives to work- Mr. DURBIN. I ask unanimous con- why so many people are being killed are ing with the poor of El Salvador, especially sent to be added as a cosponsor of this quite complicated, yet there are some clear, women and children left homeless, displaced, measure. simple strands. One is that many people have and destitute by the civil war in El Salvador; The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without found a meaning to life, to sacrifice, to Whereas these four churchwomen from the objection, it is so ordered. struggle, and even to death. And whether United States were among the more than Mr. FEINGOLD. Mr. President, I am their life span is 16 years, 60 or 90, for them, 70,000 civilians who were murdered during grateful to my colleagues for joining their life has had a purpose. In many ways, the course of the civil war in El Salvador; me in passing a resolution which re- they are fortunate people. Whereas on May 23 and May 24, 1984, five Brooklyn is not passing through the drama members of the National Guard of El Sal- members the lives of four American of El Salvador, but some things hold true vador, Subsergeant Luis Antonio Colindres women who continue to be a source of wherever one is, and at whatever age. What Aleman, Daniel Canales Ramirez, Carlos great inspiration. I’m saying is, I hope you come to find that Joaquin Contreras Palacios, Francisco Or- Mr.